13 REAL ESTATE. RFA4. ESTATK. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. . REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATK. For hale Farms. For Pale Farms. For bale Farms. For 8ale Farms. For Sale Farms. I or Sale TTTTC SUNDAY. OKEGOXTAX. PORTLAND, MAKCIT 20, 1921 STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 20 acre. 13' miles Lrom, center of Portland, west. 4 milea from Orenco, 1 4 mi if a from electric station, 1 mile to school, macadamized road; black loam soil. 17 acres under high atate of culti vation and in crop. 3 acres timber and Easture; ti bearing fruit tree. 4 acre ernes: good 4-room cottage, oaxn 30x32, new large chicken bouse; 1 cow. 1 heifer. IS pitfs and eh oats. 2oo chicKena, gaso Jine feed chopper, tractor, bay cu-ter, power spray pump, etc.. private water system, with water piped to house and barn; price for everything 6o00. $4000 c-uiii. A weil-kept-up place.. 89 acres, located 22 miles from cen ter of Portland, east of Greaham, on main roads, as the placs Is i corner; 33 acres under cultivation, part in crop, all can be cultivated; the land not un der cultivation bein In pasture, nlco level land, best of loam soli; house, barn. silo, chicken nous, granary and machine shed, small bearing orchard. Included with place 2 good cos, 1 team. 5o chickens and large line of good ma chinery; also seed and feed; 4 nlte 10 school, 4 mile to electric station ana email town. 45 minutea out from Port land offered at a rouargain; no trades considered on this p. ace, FINE GOING DAIRY RANCH. 47 acres in Washington county. Ore gcn, at station; o acres unCer cultiva tion; 40 acres can be cultivated; large bearing orchard; mile to school. -room houe. barn 50x00. machine ned. h rtrx, iniich cnwi eood team, a hogs, 1 K ii M ...ban rnmnlftA line Of ma chinery, teed, seed, furniture. Price $7500 for everything. $4)00 cah; o:;iy 40 miles from center or roruanu. xim from tale of milk lor u-u was -ovu. WEIJ(.I(TATED SMMX FARM. LTiwu- v i a v r Villi IPPKD. ata- . i ii t nr Croatia lion a"U biuail v w , J. 10 miles lrom center of Portland, nne macadamized road; ..v acres uuun v liviiiion, oaiance in wu. "-- farmed: beat of eoil: new 8-room house. good barn, garage ana emend acre stiawbcrriea. other berries and 6 bearing fruit trees; free bus to bresh am high school. The place Is wel stocked and equipped, which is incluaei m the price of lo.0o0 with equipment or yj'M) without, ciear of incumbrance i I . rrU farm in west will turn L11IB (II -"- r.- - --- - ern ureguu, auuaoie ior auiua. 10 $L,0V0. 40 acres CO miles north of Portland 24 milea from siatlon and high school 10 acr.: undt-r cultivation; some timber Lowiiiz river oy room house. 2 small barns ch.cken houe. machine shed. inciuaea u place; one young team. 2 milch cows, i hogs. 00 chickens, wagon, buggy, p.ow, liarrow, seeder, cultivator. l'rlce for everything $4000. $20uo cash. Or wnl rent the farm for $70 per year, which can be worked out. and sell stock and machinery for $000. bee Malone. A HIGH-CLASS PLACE. ji nrrpn incatttd nn main highway. 24 miles from good town In Clackamas county; 30 acres under cultivation; all i.T u fino onrinir 1U0 hfar- -i u i uin ' ing prune trees, hi a. strnUrnes, s.mie loganberries and fine family orchard; jrood is-rooin liou.o. b;trn. garage, chick en houne, ranary. storehouse with the place are '1 cows. 1 heifer, chickens, hog and complete line of machinery, feed, etc. Price vU0, $:Kmmj cash, balance at b.c. A very well improved place. Per sonally inspected by kelson. CONSIDER PORTLAND HOUSE UK St'HL'UBAN HOMIi. 80 acres. L'7 miles woutheast Portland, 7 miles from Heaver Creek, on good road. I1 miles to school; 0 acres under cul tivation. 10 acres more can be culti vated; 5 acres commercial orchard, lots of berries: spring on place; S-room plas tered house, bungalow style, large brn and other buildings. The place is stocked and oquiptM-d. Pricft 10.ou0 for every thing. $4u'0 cash, balance 5 years, 6'"i. V ill conquer Portland house on good carline or suburban home to $4000. lliouka. ONLY $1?r0 CASH 60 acres on main macadamized road f;-om Canbv to Alullno. '1 miles from town 1 mile to school, nice level land, well drained: silt loam soil; 25 miles pouth Portland: all can b cultlva:ed: 10 acres in commercial apple orchaid. 7 vears oid, 2it acres more can be cleared for $J"0 all can be fanned : "J-room bouse burn. Price $47."0. $1100 cah, cr consider house In Portland up to $3000; will assume. $.W0 CASH 2O00 CORDS WOOD. 40 acres. 27 miles south Portland. miles from town and Oregon Electric Ftation. best of black loam doll ; creek by plne; all lev-! land, weil drained; ail vin be cultivated when cleared : over K0M cords wood on this place. This has well-lmpruved farms on 2 sdd sud 1 In a district of high-priced and productive land; price $:lTHrt). $000 cash, balance on easy terms at 0. WANT PORTLAND HOME. 120 acre alfalfa land; paid-up Ter petual water right for all, 80 acres under cultivation, al can be cultivated; 40 acrea ot Rood alfsilfa; H mile to fcnool; pood county road, house, barn, chicken house, wire fencing ; consider Portland house up to $3000 or $4U00 and small amount of cash, give easy terms on bal ance, located In alfalfa sertton, co'ith ast Pedmond, Oregon. Personally in spected, 12 ftrea. 3 miles from town. 4 mile to school ; good county road ; all fenced and under cultivation, small orchard, creek on boundary: 4-room house, barn, il.icken houtw and hoghouse. Included with place - cows, good heavy team, 31 chickens. 4 hogs, 4 tons hav. all neces sary machinery and complete household furniture. Price $-700. $1J."0 cah. bal ance $!-. year, O'e. la LewU county, Washington. 42 MTLFS SOUTH PORTLAND. 80 acre". H acres under cultivation. 40 can be cultivated; lots of good flr tim ber: hotif. barn, chicken house; 10 mile from Molalla. 6 miles lrom good town with bank and store; price $0f') cash, with horse, chickens, pig. some machinery and furniture. This la a re IlnqiilisV.ment and SO acres voinlng can be had. Inspected by Brooks. 40 acres. 2 miles west Sherwood, all can be cultivated when cleared ; now In fir timber, 10 miles from center of Port land, 1 'a miles from Capital highway, close to school :-good soil, f re -from rock or gravel : priTe $ 1 S7.1. on verv eay terms. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Cerllnger lildg. Over 500 smn!l places near Portland. Uet our extensive classified lisus. Alder St. 74-ACRE FARM. A'. ACHKS IN CULTIVATION ALL STuCKKD A NU EQL1PPED. Pulldlns A No. 1. Will take city ics dence HP to JTjOOO as tiart payment. Price for quick fate $14,.V. It's near Hlllsboro. t;ond road. l'rlce $14,000. NE1I.AN A PAR KHILL. 210 Lumbermens Tldg.. fith and Staxk t& 67 ACRES. $7(WW. 60 acres under cultivation. Valance pasture and timber; good 9-room house, large barn and all necewary outbuild ings, plenty of water, family orchard and berries. 20 acres in fall crop at this time; located 7 miles east of Albany. This 9 a good buy at the price asked, one-half cosh will handle. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 403 1ST NATL. BAVK BLDO., A LP ANT. OR. COM E to Florida. Farms along the sea board which return the most dollars per acre. Crops every month. Vegetables net growers big money. Orang and grapefruit groves pay handsome profits. Cattle and hogs make cheap gains on abundant rich feeds grown. Write J. M. Jones, general development agent. Sea board Air Line, room 570, Royaler bldg., Norfolk. Vn. "WHEAT RANCH." 127ft acres. 1 100 acres In crop. 176 scri buneh grans, good buildings of all kinds; situated Sutler Flats 12 miles Arlington. Gilliam Co.. Or.. 4 m les Py. Price $27 per acre: $34 4.12; terms, $t;4M cash. $0000 two years-. $22,Pt in 4 vears. This is a going ranch and is a bareain. It. M. HATRWOOP A CO.. lfiS 4th St IN YAMHILL county. 00 arrej 20 under plow. 2 acres of good orchard. 400 cords of oak timber. 4-room house and barn, 2 good sprinKs. VA mile to electric sta tion; hnrd-aurfaced road, near school; price $0000, $U00 cash .easy payments on balance. 701-704 Chamber of iom m f Te bldg. Ayk for Mr. (irtuer. FA Ft MS. 20 acres, improved, on rockei road. 2 miles from 13eaverton ; ga pump for water system, good house, bath, barn, chickens. hore. cow and names with place. Broadway JS0S0. K. W. NEWFLL. t 4T Henry Bldg. ICR SALB 100 aqres, Carrolls, Wash., 40 under plow and fence, 34 miles to dpot, fl-room house, large barn, root cellar, 4 cows, new wagon, 2 acts of new harness, all small tools and household goods, $1000; take $2000 cash. Call Sun !y 12 to 3 P. M. 301 East 67th SL N. Rose City enr, NEAR Portland. $o down, balance ia years; 100 acres rich soil; will divide; rock road. Morgan, 212'FirBt. 1MPKOV EI and unimproved farms for sale from 8 to So acres, near Tualatin. Or. John Wesch. FARMS FOR SALE. If you are in the market for a farm of from 10 to 2500 acres, see us before buying, as we have many, good buys to choose lrom, f or example: 10 ACRES $3000. This 10 acres is located at Santa Rosa station on Oregon Electric, all level and in crop; no buildings out lines t soil. Prlca $3000; good terms. 10 ACRES REX $3500. 10 acres, all under cultivation, 4-room new house, fruit treea, Price $joo, $1000 cash, 10 ACRES ORENCO $4800. EQUIPPED. This 10 acres has 2 a. loganberries. 1 a. strawberries, family orchard. 6- roora nouse, barn 3ux40, plow, cuiuva ,tors, etc Price $400, $2boO cash. 11 ACRES ELMONICA. Located 1 miles from station; 6 room house, barn 40x40; family orchard and berries; crop of oats, wheat and cheat in ground; 3 a. bottom land; good value here at only $7875, half cash, 16 ACRES REAVERTON. MUST HE 80L1. This 16 acres has 11 a. fine swale soil, all tiled and drained; 1 a. now in parsnips growing for seed; good gravel road; city gas, weil. Certainly cannot be duplicated for only $30ib. $1000 caah. 19 ACRES FOREST GROVE. Here we have 19 a, with 16 a. under plow, 8 a. now In oats; family orchard, berries, fine loam soil, rocked road, 4 room plastered house, barn 24x40, good chicken hous. etc. Price $4100, $10M cash, or will sell 4 a. with buildings for $1000, $000 cash. 20 ACRES $5500. -Located near Tigard, all under plow and in crop; y a. family orchard, extra we.l built 3-room house barn with new cow barn, milk house with cement floor. A pi 'tee that shows fine value at $5500, $20U0 cash. 20 ACRES CANBT. Located east of Canby in fine farming district; 17 a. under cultivation, ber ries of all kinds; family orchard, fine road, 6-room house, large barn, three chicken houses, cow, farm toots, some furniture, H a. wheat planted. Price only $0500, $3500 cash. 20 ACRES CORNELIUS. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. A going 'JO a. farm completely stocked with 3 cows, horse, pigs, chickens, farm tools; 4 a. strawberries, raspberries and blackberries; some fruit; finest loam soil. 5-room house, 2 barns, hen house, etc. Only half mile off paved highway; 17 a. now in grain; IVa a. ready for logan berries. Price only $7500. 23 ACRES BARGAIN. This is located this side of Sherwood and 21 a. lies In the famous onion flats; family orchard; o-room house in ex cellent condition; barn 42x48. This place must be seen to appreciate its true value and you certainly will agree that it is a bargain at only $hUU0; about half cash. 30 Af!RER DAYTON $0.F00. 80 acres located on main road between Payton and Salem; all under cultivation. Finewt loam soil; 9 a. now planted: 6 room house, barn and, new silo, chicken honxe, etc. With lhi goes 2 cowa, ehickens, about 15 tons ensilage and some hay. Price has been cut for quick sale to $0500, $3500 cash. 82 ACRES EQUIPPED $0500. This place consists of 32 a. with 22 a, under cultivation; 7 a. now in crop; 10 a, bottom land ; family orchard, H acre strawberries; fine soil, fenced and cross fenced ; fine road will soon be paved ; new 4-room house, barn 4000, garage, hen house 10x87; mower, rake, plow, harrow and all farm tools; 6 head cows and young stock, team, LMiO White Leg horn hens. Price only $0500, $5500 cash. SOVi ACRES MAKE OFFER. 50 xk a.f nearly all under plow; ft a.' apples 10 vears old; orchard planted to clover; there are nd buildings on this place, which in only 3 miles from Esta. cada; owner wants $5500, but will con sider any offer within reason; good terms. 62 ACRES MOLALLA. 52 acres, with 16 a. under plow; 23 a. good saw timber; berries for family use; 1 a. family orchard, 2 wells, 3-room house, barn 20x30; full set farm tools; 33 a, wheat, 2 a. clover of which 1-3 goes with place. Price only $3700, $1500 F. L. EDDY. REALTOR, RITTBR. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. WJfl WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. A FINE EQUIPPED CHICKEN RANCH. Vt mile to highway and near Hllls boro; 5 acres, all in cult., all new build lugs; 5-room house with built-lns; good barn, chicken house 20x86 feet, brooder hou&e, with brooder stove; gas engine and other smalt tools; 500 White Leg horn hens, 1 good Jersey cow. Furni ture, and possession at once. Price $0000, with terms. if ou are looking lora fine home and a money maker you can't beat this one. A CITY HOME IN THE COUNTRY. 40 acres, 35 In cult, and crops in; 7 room modern home, finest kind of fur niture, 0 good cows, 2 horstjs, chickens, new wagon, new mower and rake, plows, harrows and lots of small tools, buggy and new harness, Overland touring car; barn for 18 cows, milk cans and cooler. Everything goes for $15,000. If you want to be fixed comfortably for life, this Is the place for you. Near town, on good gravel road, which will be paved1 milk and mail route and telephone. WASHINGTON COUNTY REALTY CO. Hillbboro, Oregon. . SNAP AN IDEAL HOME FOR SALE Owner obliged to -leave Alberta, Can ada, owing to his interests In B. O. Will sell his beautiful dairy ranch, consist ing of 30 acres, fenced, cross-fenced; 30 acres broken, 120 acres more can be broken, rest in fine pasture and timber which can be easily cleared; 4 miles to four coal mines; frame house, lumber barn holding 8 head stock, abundance of finest weil water, rich soil, especially adapted for mixed farming; good main road; 3 miles to one R. R. town, 5 to another; no crop failures known; prof itable markets, friendly American neigh bors; garden, lawn and buildings; beau tiful groves surround buildings, garden and lawn, low taxes, consolidated schools In both towns; school van goes by place Include 10 horses, implements and 1-3 share threshing machine at sacrifice price of $44 an acre; $4.10 in 16 yearly payments, rest cash. Will consider 10 to 20 acres in trade on paved road Ed win Strome, 1513 E. Stark., Portland Or. Phone Tabor 8S67. 40 ACRES. 82 in cultivation, bal ance wood and pasture, mile from paved road to Portland. 20 miles out, all good land; 6-room house, large barn; family or chard. Personal, team, 4 cowa, wagon, plow, harrow, mower, rake, disc, and all small tools. Price complete only $0000. $3500 cash, balance to suit. L Faraa worth, with H. A. DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN." B08-0 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081. ACROSS FROM HOOD RIVER. 80-acre fruit ranch, 50 acres of which are In Spitz, Yellow Newtown, Rome Beauty, King, Winter Banana and De licious apples, from 6 to 16 years old; also d'Anjou and Bartlett pears, a reg ular beauty of a C-room bungalow, plas tered, with bath and toilet, 2500-box apple house and all other outbuildings, including apple packing shed; 3 miles from White Salmon. This is a positive show place with a view of all creation. It is not an abandoned rundown place, but i a thoroughly up-to-date well kept paying fruit ranch. The total price is $20,000. $8000 cash, balance easy terms. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. 6 ACRES NEAR CITY. All cultivated. Good h jo use and outbuildings Price $0500. We have several other pieces, from 8 to 20 acres. Ail within 12 miles of center of Portland. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermens Bldg . 5th and Stark Stn 00 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 8o acres under cultivation, balance pasture; fair house, large- barn and all necessary outbuildings; plenty of water, family orchard, woven wire fences. 1 horse. 2 cowa. 2 heifers and 50 chickens, binder. dLsc. fanning mill and walking plow; 4.Vacrea in clover; located 5 miles from Albany, on Lebanon and Albany road. This is mnatlv wheat land and la a real buy at $13,500 terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 403 1ST NATL. BANK BLDG. ALBANY. OR. BY OWNER 5500-acre stock And grain ranch; 1500 acres wheat land. 800 fall wheat. 150 Irrigated, everyhlng goes with the place at $1-3 acre; if in:erested write for particulars to W. JC, France, Rock Creek, Or. FOR SALE. 49 acres, loam soil. 39 acrea in cultivation. 20 In crop 1 acre peaches, 2 acrea apples, excellent garden ground; creek along one side of place; good, clear water all year. G-roora house with city water piped in, good barn, place all fenced, on a good road all year; IK miles from high school and college, small town ard R. R. Good team, new harness. S young cows, 4 freah. others freak, soon. 2 hogs, about 50 chickens, aome feed. 100 lbs. clover seed, all the ' furniture in house, nearly new. new cream separator, two-thirds of crop goes with place. Price for all $6500. this is an ideal farm home and a bargain if taken soon. Owner leav ing state. FOR SALE. Dairy supply business In Cor vallis, Oregon. A small amount of capital will handle; milking, machines. silos, electric light plants, gas englnea. ensilage cut ters, water ays t ems and ail dairy supplies. HUGHSON TAYLOR. 132 S 2d St.. CorvalHs. UTegon. FOR SALE- WHEAT RANCH, 6fW3 acres of the best wheat land in Klickitat county. Washington, rich soil, slightly rolling, excellent large barn, good house, plenty ot good water, all enclosed with good fence, on good road and easily accessi ble to tiret-class market: 100 acres of this farm is in fall crop of wheat and 310 acrea are ready for 192i crop. This farm Is furnished with 20 head of well-bred Percheron horses, two good wagona. one 8-foot cut away, one grain dnii. four-section harrow, one 14-inch gane plow, one 17-foot weeder. two walking plows and numerous other small farming tools: in fact this farm is equipped with everything necej- , aary for farming operation All the above property may bfl had for $i0 per acre upon easy terms. ADDRESS R. B. DOVE.' Real Estate Agent, Albany. Oregon. $90db 30-ACRE highly Improved farm, hours drive from Portland by auto. This place has a good 6-room house, fine frame barn, good well to house and piped to barn; 2 acres in logan berries, good family orchard, about one acre; 15 acres in clover with good stand, nice lot or grapes, very pretty small oak grove; daily mall delivery to house and auto comes after milk and cream every morn ing; during berry season auto calls twice a day alter berries and leaves picking crates. This place has the z best of soil, the ground is level and well drained. We are H rnlle to store and school, 1 miles to two churches; the best of locations, fine neighbors, most desirable, and all of them own their own homes; 35 mile road to Portland is paved nearlv all way, balance being hard surfaced; $2300 cash, satisiactory terms. Will trade for city house and lot up to $5000. See 1. R. Gil lihan, with J.A. WICK MAN CO., 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1004. CHICKEN RANCH. If you are looking for a good chicken ranch. I have 18 acres 3 miles out of Lebanon. Or., on good graveled road. H. F. D.. telephone, cream route ; good new house, beaver boarded and tinted, roof ' stained green, side bnwn and trimmed in white; two porches, good drilled weil on back porch 50 ft. deep; good land. 12 in crop; price $:it)uo; $loo will handle this. I am the owner. 47 acres, stock, tools and chick ens; 15 acres in cult., balance tim ber: gas woodsaw. house, two barns, silo and garage, r team, wagon, harness, cow, 60 chickens, sow. everything; five milea out. school mile, telephone. R. F. D.. cream route ; price $4300: $1500 will handle this, come and see this if you are interested. We have several other places. M. L. SOUTHARD. Lebanon, Or. , iWO ACRES tOO HEAD CATTLE. SOME TRADE. On Pacific highway. 1 V miles good ' town, near Cottage Grove; owner says. 4I have the best farm between Cottage Grove and Yoncalla and my personal property is worth $13,000.' There are 12 good buildings on the place. 8 milea of good fencing, plenty good water, the main residence is a aplendid structure of S rooms, hot and cold water, bath; there are 300 acres, 200 acre In cultivation, all plowed and seeding soon be done. PERSONAL: 100 head splendid cattle. 4 good horses, hogs, turkeys, full outfit lirst-clasa machinery. 3 cream feparaturs. hay. grain, etc.; owner wishes to ret. re. does not need any money on this deal; will take a good home near Christian Brothers school, good mtgs. or other se curities. If you want to see the cattle you will have to go soon, as all but the dairy cows will shortly be turned on the outrange, they always turn uo in the fall rolling fat. Price for every thing $30.0O0. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 1 22 Norh 6- h ?t. Broadway 4M. HOOD RIVER farm and orchard combina tion, 160 acres; $20,000; 08 acrea in cul tivation; irrigated 45 acres in bearing orchard. 20 acrea in wheat, vetch and timothy, buildings, team, tractor and full equipment; nothing; to buy; cost present owner $53,000. must sell for family reasons. Sounda too good to be true. See It and be convinced. Write S. S. SMITH. Hood River. Or. GOOD WHEAT RANCH. 130 acres, all In cultivation good set of buildings of all kinds; 40 acres In fall grain; family oi chard, berriaa for family use; this place Is out 3'i miles and is a fine place; this place Is priced at $00 per acre; aome terms. DAVIS & SOTJLE. Lebanon. Oregon. 230 ACRES NEAR McMINNVILLB, One of the best farms In Yamhill county. A-l large 2 -s lory wnite hojse, large red barn, alio, feed aheda. garage and all necessary outbldgs.; aplendid or chard for family use. water system: lo cated on main county road 2 miles from Bellvue: rock bottom price for quick aale. $125 per acre; easy terms to the right party at 6. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 403 1st National Bank Bldg., Albany.' Oregon. 60 ACRES, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 15 acrea under cultivation, balanoe stump pasture; creek through place; pood new 6-room house, fair barn, or chard. 5 milch cows. 2 heifers. 2 calves, 1 horse, wagon, harrow, plow, other tools; cream separator; on county road, H mile to school 2 miles from Maygers. R, R. and Columbia river. 54 miles from Portland (down). Price only $4500, half rash, balance years at 6 per cent. ALBERT HARALA. f 01 Mississippi ave. 1240-ACRE WHEAT- FARM. In Eastern Oregon, near town, 1100 acres in cultivation, half will be in crop this year; good farm buildings, horses, farm machinery and equipment Included; price low at $45,006. Will con sider income property any good town, or valley farm to $30,000, balance long time mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. P RODUCI NO FARMS. Fully equipped, highly improved, Irri gated, near 1.000.000 population, rail, electric and water transportation; good market, climate, schools, highways; free farm list, terms like rent. PAUL ROS SIER. STOCKTON: CAL. 84 ACRES, 10 acres hops, 35 more In cul tivation, balance mostly beaverdam when cleared; no buildings; mile from S. P. R. R- 23 milea south of Portland. $150 per acre. Terms. Tull. 374 East 30t h N. . 1K0 ACRES. EQUIPPED. $3250 Forced Sal $3250. Forty acres cultivated, buildings, tools and everything goes; fine land. 3 miles from town. B. F. Kelly, 715 Swe-tla-nd bldg. " 21 ACRES NEAR ORCHARDS. WASH. All In cultivation, near school and 1H mile to atreot car line; only $3150, half cash. STEWART A JOHNSON, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE OR RENT. 0-acre farm lo miles out: house, barn, chicken house, all kinds of fruit, Ad dx&gj &9 iLxIaey at, . BECKE & HENDRICKS, 205 U. S. National Bank Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. ( WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. 15 acrea fine onion land near Hubbard, Oregon; fair set of build ings, gravel road, close to Pacific highway. Price $S000. . 63 acres cloee to Oregon electric station, north of Salem; 10 acres wheat, 5 acres evergreen black-, berries, balance clover, wire fences. 5-room house, pressure water sys tem, hot and cold water, bath, large barn. 2 poultry houses 50 feet long, 6 colony houses and hog houses; . 40V) thoroughbred White Leghorn- chickens, 3 good horses, 7 Qt t C hogs. 2 Jersey cowa. 15 sheep, new binder, mower, rake, -drill, roller and 2 wagons. Price $10,000. ISO acres ft miles northwest of Salem; 110 ciear, balance timber and pasture? 1 2-room houses spring water piped to house and born; price $10,000. 233 acrea, 6 miles from Salem on gravel road, mile from pave ment; 160 acres clear. 20 acres bearing prunes, modern 8-room hoiwe. cement basement, furnace, fireplace, electric lights, nice bath, hot watery water system, large modern barn, large aiio half full of ensilage, a large supply of hay and grain, grain chopper, com plete set of farm Implements and harvesting machinery. 23 cowa and heifers. 70 goats, several thor oughbred brood sows. 6 horses; price $iS0 per acre, easy terms. This fully-equipped farm is cheap er than the unimproved farms sur rounding it. 80 acres mile from Salem lim its: 10 acres loganberries. 5 acres strawberries, balance grain and clover land; large modern dairy barn with stanchions for 24 cows, nice new and modern 5-room bun galow. Price $20.ou0. easy terms. If ln4ereeted fn Willamette val ley farma write us for information. BECKE & HENDRICKS. ' 200 U. S. National Baoik Bldg., Salem, Or. FRUIT AND POULTRY. 5 acre tract, joins the pretty town of Creswell. 3 blocks of high school; has a small box house; 2 acres In 8-year-old assorted fruit, 2 acres in oats, balance potatoes and truck ; the hens alone, say nothing about the fruit, bring in from $100 to $150 per month, you can live In town and yet enjoy the farm life. The aoil is the best. Owner want to go back to his old home In the east; price is $1600, only $600 cash, balance at 6 per cent straight mortgage or any way to suit the buyer. For sale exclusively by sINNEY St HYDE REALTY CO.. EUGENE. OREGON. 50-ACRE FARM. ALL IN CULTIVATION. Good buildings and fences. Only mile off highway, 28 miles to Po'r.Lland. V mile from electric. Nothing like it offered today for the money, $0000. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 210' Lumbermens Bldg.. 0th and Stark Sta. SO ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 2 acres ot pasture ana umDer, parince under cultivation. A-l soil; s"ood 9-room house with bath, hot and told water, acetylene lighis. etc.. pressure water system, family orchard and 1 acre of loganberries, targe barn, garage and all recestu.ry outbuildings, lights in barn; 3 hordes. 2 cows and heifer, drill, mower, rake. 2 plows, disc. 2 harrows. 2 culti vators, fanning mill, wagon, hack, bugsy. work harness and buggy harness; lo cated 6 miles from Albany on the best graveled road in Linn County. Price $13,000. terms. WILLAMETTE" VALLEY LAND CO.. 403 1ST NATL. BANK BLDG.. ALBANY. OR. DANDY SMALL FARM. 25 acrea. ell In cultlvatmn; this place is close to town, on good road, small house, chicken house, etc.; furniture goes with place; the owner has been holding thU place at $3000. but he wishes to sell and leave the valley; this is priced for quick sale at $2600, some terms. DAVIS & SOULE. Lebanon. Oregon. MIGHTY GOOD 20 ACKLS AT FOREST GROVE FOR $0000. You can't, for the money, duplicate this 20-acre tract In this splendid farm ing section, ail in cultivation: lies line; no rock; good practically new 5-rcom bungalow, splendid barn 40x50. ailo and numerous outbuildings. There is a nice lot of fruit and berries; owner been car rying 12 cows on- this place and the land is exceptionally well fertilized. It is all now In crop except corn land for Bl'-age. It is on rock road, milk and mall rovte, etc. Price $5000. No one can duplicate our list of around 20 acres. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North rh Ft. Broadwa 4331. 10 ACRES OUT ON THE BIG RED ELECTRIC LINE. WELL IMPROVED. 1 BLOCK TO STATION. Road now being paved past the place, house, barn and outbuildings nearly new, finest kind of good black soil for gar den or berries. . With this go Jersey cow, heifer, good horse, harness, wagon, buggy, all small tools, for $4500. $2000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent int. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NEWBERG FARM. 70 acres, 40 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture and timber; has fam ily orchard; 1 acre strawberries, 5-room house. 2 barns, hop house, 3 chicken houses: right at boat landing; well and running water. 50 acres of this farm rich bottom land. Price includes stock and machinery. A real bargain, $0500. Very good terms given. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IRRIGATED FARM. 160 acres near Bend, paid-up watet right for 135 acres, all in cultivation, 65 acres In alfalfa; good house, 2 barns, granary and other buildings; fine or chard, berries, etc., full equipment farm tools. This Is one of best places in that district. Price $16,500, easy terms, or will consider valley farm for part. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $&5 PER ACRE-600 ACRES. Some 200 acres of plow land, balance A-l pasture, good barn, family orchard, no house, good fences, many good springs on the place, also all-year creek, making this a very good stock ranch: located near Alrlie; can be bought on very easy terms by the right party at 6. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 403 1st National Bank Bldg.. Albany. Oregon. FARM FOR SALE. T acres, moat all level land; fruit trees, large house, barn, chicken sheds; fine chicken ranch; creek runs through place: 5 miles to town; good soil. 10 mnute walk to school ; $O0 down and $160 per vear until $450 is paid. MRS. E. STEWART. Kalama. Wash. - FOR SALE OR FOR RENT. 60-acre farm, a acres cleared, 8 acres In fall oats; plenty good pasture; good 4-room furnished house; plumbing in; good outbuildings. Terms. W M. P. DOYLE. EDDYVILLE. OR. ONLY $1650. Less than homestead cost. You can't Improve this land for the price; all good land, on Oregon aide, 4 miles Payette, Idaho; Ilea well and ready to plow. My equity $1050. Must have some cash, bal ance on terms or trade. F. McElroy, 7003 57th ave. S. E. M. S. car. 6 ACRES on paved road, 12 miles from heart of Portland, lies level; 4 acrea in . cultivation, 2, in pasture; 3-room house nearly new, good barn, chicken house, SO fruit trees? price $4000, $2500 cash. 2 years on $1500 at 6 per cent. B. F. Koyer, owner, Clackamas. Oregon. FOR SALE S6 acres: 78 cleared; choco late loam soli; fine spring, good 5-room . house, suitable for walnuts, filberts, prunes, berries; price $100 per acre; will divide or take in partner. 140 Eaat 3-d at reet. YAMHILL farm, $500 cash, $1500 at 6 per cemt; about 10 acres, half cultivated; fair buildings, good family orchard, cow and chickens; 1 mile from highway and Wapato. Write box 78. R. 2, Oaston. Or. 74 ACRES. A GOOD CHEAP RANCH. About 25 acres in cultivation, fgood soil, land all lies well, all fenced: price $35 per acre, $250 down. DRAPER, 307 M c Kay bldg.. Third and Stark. S OR 10 ACRES near Wiiiainina; level cleared fenced: 8-rm, house, baro. well gliw down Jesse w anarp. 3d t 21-ACRE chicken and berry ranch. A bar gain If taken at once. B. F, I. Moore, owner. Elma. WTash. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up: running water, good soil, M- tillable; school, easy Ulcus. J. R. fihaxpft, 64 Third at. DO YOU GET IT WHEN YOU WANT ITT WATER. RAIN. Does your land get as much as U needs during a HOT DRY SUMMER? YAKIMA VALLEY IRRIGATED TRACTS. under V. 3. Government ditch and watr B;iiarantd by the' U S. Government, does. O. F. Sawdy on ltt acrea egg plant got $1730. Castor & Maxwell got approxi mately $1700 on acre with onions. William Hanson averaged 19 '4 tons potatoes to acre on 30 acrea. J. F. Stockdale raised 101 bush els corn to acre. YOU CAN DO THE SAME. WHY WORRY about the H. C. L ? Yakima valley farmers don't. They raie nearly everything they need and with a crop guar anteed by water when It's needed fnd accumulate a nice bank --account besides. ALL IRRIGATED. LOOK HERE P-6-T 254 acrea nice 8-room house, chicken house, good well. Royal Anne cherries, family orchard, balance of 23 a. all in fine stand alfalfa. Only $2500 cash and might con sider trade in Portland or vicinity nn balance. ANOTHER GOOD ONE P-lfi 104. acres fronting on Yakima river, 3 miles from good town. Neat 8-room cottage and sleeping porch, 2 good wells, silo,- chicken house and other buildings; fruit, berriesand alfalfa. A real home and a bargain if taken at once. Price $3500, cash $1500. balance easy. Buildings are worth $2000, leaving land dirt cheap. P-13 20 arros. 2 miles to gcod town, county seat. Nice 4 room house, shed. barn, root cel lar and other buildings. . Good family orchard; about 10 acres v alfalfa, balance for corn and root crops; mile to school. Paid-up . water right. A real buy at $0500; aome cash and terms on balance. We have many other places of various sizes and prices to select from. Excursions each wfck, Including a sightseeing automobile trip over miles of beautiful irrigated land. Send for our free colored book let; it tells you and we can show you. WEST COAST INVESTMENT COMPANY. 418 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. PORTLAND. Phone Main 7534. AGS-NTS YAKIMA RANCHES CO. 73 ACRES, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. $13,000. Sixty acres in cultivation. 15 acres good pasture, with extra fine flowing spring; fenced with woven wire; good six-room house, fuir barn, silo and other buildings; three horses, seven cows, two heifers, three calves, one bull, wagon, buggy, mower, rake, disc, harrow, roller, two plows, potato digger, cream separator and other tools; $6000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. 40 ACRES $5700. 28 acres In cultivation, 12 acres good pasture, all good land, no rock or gravel; five-room house, good barn, plenty of fine water, orchard and small fruit ; on good road, one mile from school, three mites railroad station; 93000 cash, balance 34 years at 6 per cent. We have farms all sizes and price grain, alfalfa, stock or dairy. Why not try us? ATKINSON & PORTER. 703 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. VERY PROFITABLE 35 ACRES AT HILLSBORO. Move right on. everything goes: 35 acres. 4 milea Hillsboro. rocked road, in best farming district there: all very best land, lies perfectly ; around 30 acres in cultivation; 5-room plastered bungaiow, hot and cold water, bath, good large barn, numerous good outbuildings, large silo, plenty fruit and berries. 9 splendid cows. 3 heifers. 75 hens, binder, drlil, mower, spring-tooth. 2 cult, harrows, rake. team, harness, wagon, disc, 20 tons hay. ensilage, etc. Price $10,000. If it is around 40 acrea you want, our list Is un excelled. Can show you one dozen or more in this splendid farming district, as well as in any of the other good farming sections. ( HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North ftth ft. Broadway 43S1. 04 ACHES 0 miles from Hillsbo-o. 14 miles from Portland, on goodk rock road; 52 acres In high state of cultivation, good water tower, wa ter piped into house : good 8-room house, good barn, 3 good homes. 3 cows, chickens and well equipped with farm tools, all for $:J00. will take good home In Portland up to $0000, balance In federal farm loan. This is an excellent buy and If you are' look ing for something good It w:ll pay you to Investigate. We have other good places at all prices and all sizes. HILLS BORO LAND AND REALTY COM PAY, England & Mellar. managers. Hillsboro, Or. GENTLEMEN'S FINE COUNTRY " HOME. Twenty-two acres adjoining the city limits. Has a large up-to-date S-room bungalow, good small barn, 2 large chicken houses; will accommodate sev eral thousand birds. All of thla place la In fruit and grapes with the exception of amall amount; alt In full bearing and will produce a good Income on the in vestment. Will consider residence prop erty or an apartment house in Port land In exchange. STEW A RT & JOHNSON, 815 Northwestern Rnnk Bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 103 acres, 60 acres in cultivation, 43 acres timber and pasture, rolling land : running water, nice family orchard, 4 acre prunes, 6-room house, barn and outbuild ings; 3 lots, 3 cowa. 2 heifer calves, 7 aheep, 19 hoga, 50 chickens, 6 stands of bees, 400 bushels oats. 80 bushels., wheat, potatoes, wagon, buggy, all farm toola and machinery; 28 milea Portland, & mile to at or a, church, school, R. F. D. Price $12,000, $4500 cash, $7500 mortgage, 6 per cent on or before 8 years. R, M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165H 4th at. TALK ABOUT CHEAP LAND. J 1 1ST IX)OK AT THIS. MR. RANCHER. 40 acre's of rich shot and loam soil, in Washington county, part In cultiva tion and timber, nice family orchard of peara, cherries, apples and prunes; nice 4-room cottage, barn, chicken and hog houses, and with tht&goes 2 cows. 2 heifers, 1 horse, 30 Chickens, all farm Implements and the growing crops on the place, for only $4ou0. I have many other farms for $50 to $150 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama bldg. 400 ACRES AT $S0 PER ACRE. Nearly all under cultivation; some 100 acrea of river bottom land, balance all tine, slightly rolling, well-drained soil, some fall crop: all crop goes with farm, large 2-story white house, large oarn and feed sheda. also tenant house; build ings are located in a maple grove, lo cated right at the R. R. sta.. in the Wil lamotte valley. Terms at 6. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO 403 1st National Bank Bldg.. Albany. Oregon. WANTED good man to join me and take charge of farm, $3000 to $5000 required. 140 E. 32d at. CALIFORNIA farms naer Sacramento for sale, easy term a Write for list. E. R. Waite, Shawnee, Oklahoma. FOR S A L E 40 acres ; 20 under plow, large house and bam. good spring, price $ fl 00. 140 East 32d st. HOOD RIVER, apple ranch for sal for cash or exchange for home ia Portland, t il Orttconlfro. REAL FARMS. 132 4 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. This farm ia located near Kelso and has 40 acres under cultivation, amall family orchard, 8-room house, only one year old. barn 70x80, will hold 25 cows. 6 horses and 100 tons hay; binder, mower rake, plows, harrows and other farm tools, 3 horses. 9 cows, 1 bull. 5 year lings, 4 hogs, 18 acres in oats, 10 acres clover, 5 acrea wheat; price $10,000, $5000 cash. 152 LINN COUNTY. 152 acrea, all level, 132 acres under plow, 3 acres family orchard. 5-room house, barn 40x60, hog shed 30x40. gran ary 30x40, silo; this place ia fully equipped with farm- implements, four horses, 4 cows, 4 heifers, 15 hoga, chick ens, geese, even household furniture: SO acres planted to oats, 15 acres cheat, 6 acres clover. 6 acres vetch. 15 tons hay in barn; price $16,000. with $3000 caah. 157 ACRES FOREST GROVE. 157 acrea with 30 acrea bottom land. 115 acrea under plow, berriea and family orchard, 20 acres cedar and fir timber, crops partly in, bal. will aoon be: 7-room house, extra Urge barn 42x.O; haa stanchions for 16 cows, alalia for aix horses, room for more; hay loft will hold 140 tons of hay, -70 tons silo, complete set of farm equipments, also ensilage cutter and 6 H. P. engine. 8 cows. 5 horses, hoga and chickens: everything goea to close an estate at $19,000. $U, 000 cash, 197 ACRES. , STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. This farm consists of 197 acres or which 118 acres are under plow; fully stocked with 4 draft horsea, 20 head of cattle, including 8 milch cowa good 7 room house, barn, granary, also new 100 ton silo, family orchard, berriea tor home use; good road, only 1 mile to town; equipment of farm machinery complete for a place of this size; place fenced Into 6 fields, having running water In each. If you want a real farm, investi gate thia at once; price only $16,000, 4 cash. 215 ACRES. DAYTON DISTRICT. This farm la located on the Willamette river, aouth of Dayton, about 100 acres under cultivation: thia is finest silt oil, 3 acres peachea in first-class con dition, over 1 acre of aasorted fruit, such as applea, cherries, plums, etc.; good 8-room bouse, running water, gas engine and tank, large barn with room for 10 cows, 6 horses, double hay loft, ailo. hog house, garage, large hen house. 44 acres in crop, balance being put In, which all goes at price of only $25,800, $; 0.000 cash. F L. EDDY. REALTOR. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. THIS HIGH-CLASS FARM OK '116 ACRES ADJOINS SMALL TOWN -SHORT WAY FROM PORTLAND. 96 acres In high state of cultivation, balance in good pasture with a few big oak and ash trees. The land la prac tically level and tiled where needed. Highway runs right Jn front of the ple; only 300 feet from postofflce; car station: has all city conveniences good 7-room house, complete set of nlnmhfne. hardwood floors. electric lio-hta fin lawn and shrubbery, large roomy barn, implement shed, hog house 24x102, having IS pns; large xeea rm-rr. large granary. There la over SoOOd worth of personal property consisting of stock, machinery, etc. Everything com plete for $275 por acre. Don't forget this is an up-to-date place in every particular and will bear inspection from any angle. STEWART & JOHNSON, R15 Northwestern Bank Pldg. 39 ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE FOR 157DO This Is a good farm, right on electric line. 22 miles south. It is stocked and equipped, everything goes for $5700 30 acres, -o ciearec n acres oe.i uunuiu land, with spienaia peacn orcnaru; ior der larffA flphlnr utream: 8-room house, barn, outbuildings; all In crop except bottom. 12 acres in crop on rented ground also goes; family orchard and berries. 3 horses, sow. 4 shoata. 2 cows, chickens, harness, wagon, ;mplemnts, feed and aeed. Remember this la in good farming section ana rignt at eiec trie station. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th Ft. Brondwnv 4?t1 78 ACRES 35 in culL. large family or chard, balance timber and pasture; 15 of It slashed, burned and seeded to clover, well watered, lies nice, no rock or gravel; good 6-room plastered house, tnre-A barn, silo and other outbuildings; stock and equipment goes with this place. 10 milk cow. 1 heifer. 1 bull, hoes, chickens, good team of horses and full equipment of tools and imple ments; on good auto road 3 miles from Castle Rock, Wash. $8500; easy terms. Many other bargains in stocked and equipped farma, all sizes, both for sale and exchange. Tail ma age iteaity to. 010 Henry Bldg. DAIRY RANCH SPECIAL. 21 graded cows, 1 registered bull, 3 heifers, milking machine and separator with gas engine; large barn and silo, 3 horses, wagons, binder, mower, disc drill ; in 'act, every conceivable farm Implement. One acre of prunes. Al fain ily orchard, all kinds of berries, good B-room nouse. on Portland milk route, 16 miles from city; present Income over $400 per month; $7500 handles, or will take a modern nungaiow as part pay ment. MR. HARE, A. J. DeFOREST ft CO., . S20 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. 00 ACRES ON THE WEST SIDE CLOSE IN. All under cultivation and very fine imiiu. uwuri win Rivo ri'ineunw a goon chance on this place. Will take $2000 down and give long term of years on the balance. Has a fair set of buildings, 4 -acre prune orchard, diversified or chard ior nome use; l acre in grapes closo to good automobile road. Will consider house and lot in Portland as part payment. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwewtern Bank Bldg. A 20-ACRE RANCH In the prune section of Clarke countv: eight acres cleared, balance timber and pasture; eight-room, two-story house, barn, garage and dairy, family orchard. small fruita, two good wells; place well fenced : team of horses, one cow. two yearling heifers, farming tools, wagon, cream separator, aome household furni ture: only eight miles from Vancouver. Wash., on good road ; must sell ranch on account or lit neaitn ; price 37o0. Box 214, R. 5. Vancouver. Wash. CLOSB-IN VALLEY FARM. 80 acres of extra choice fancy land; 5o acres in cultivation. 30 acrea pas ture and timber.! running water, lota of fruit and berries,1 o acrea young prunes. 8-room house. 2 barna, other out build in srs: 19 milea Portland. 6 miles New- berg, Vz mile railway station, 4 mile off pavement ; price $ 16.000, half cash, balance to suit. Thla ia one of the very best farms In the valley. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 165 4 4th at. A GENUINE BARGAIN. BEAUTIFUL SCENERY. 40 seres. IS acres plow land, rood oll 2 living springs, southern slope: wood. orchard, good, oarn, ha oi table nouse R. F. D.. 34 miles to Woodland, Wash., about 1 mils .to Columbia river: out .range; n-ar school, federal farm loan, $1000 at 6 per cent, balance cash, $1400. D. W. M A H ON. R. 1. Box 25. Woodland. Wash ' 18 2-5 ACRES, ALMOST IN THE CITY. On 2d street and Powell Valley road; excellent soli, all fenced, cultivated, amall orchard, good well and two chick en houses; land has a frontage of 1135 feet on 92d street and would aubdivlde Into small tracts nicely; price $ 12,500, easy terms. Thla land should be worth $1000 per acre by reason of Its location. BROWN & GRANT, 201 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. 15 ACRES, all in cultivation: ail seeded to crop but about 1 acre: all nice and level. 8-room house, good barn, good span of horses. 8 head of caule, chick ens and all farm implements, for the sum of $0000: $2500 caah. balance on easy terms. HILISBORO LAND AND REALTY COMPANY. England & Mellar, managers. H lllsboro. Or. I AI HERE TO SACRIFICE THIS FARM. The best value possible An a dairy farm of 270 acres with 70 acrea rich Columbia bottom lands; fine bldga.. on paved highway, near Portland; if a farmer, let me meet you. May take some trade, a little cash. bal. terms to suit. Mr. Holmen. 400-410 Couch bldg.. Fourth net. Wash, and Stark. fOR SALE BY OWNER. 107 acres. 14 miles from Portland ho tel, 3 miles off paved highway, lmlle to good school; 170 acres in cultivation, 27 acres In good timber; deep rich soil, alt tiled and drained: two good barns, some Btock and Implements. Phone Main 6252 or write V 514, Oregonlan. 20 ACRES, all improved, 5 miles from city liml ts ; good 6-room house, excel lent outbuildings; all stock and equip ment, up-to-date farm: pay $3000 cash and take immediate possession, balance easy. MR. HARE, A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. 3(0 PER ACRE Not cheap, but good buy; half my 20-acre farm near Fishery good community; fine soil, well adapted to berries or other Intensive farming; convenient to rail, water or auto transit to Portland. L. N. Phelps, R, 1, Van couver. Wash. 200 ACRES, suitable for goats, milch goats, sheep, poultry, berriea, fruit, plenty wood, tie timber, good markets, pretty place, nice home for retiring man, cheap. Fred Wambach, Dlxonville. Or. FOR SALE 40 acres or more raw land, best of soli, good .water, on main high way, 57 miles from Portland, $25 pr acre. Box 63, rout , Vancouver, Wash. NO. 243 BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FARM HOME. . 20 acrea, all tillable, almost level; 16 acres In high state of cultivation; 24-acre beautiful fir grove on back side of piace with abundance of timber for domestic use; balance ready for the plow. Exceptionally fine loam soil; large family orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing; strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, grapea, flowers of all kinds; 4-room cot tage with large cellar; 3-room bungalow; housea are almost new; barn 40x40 and all necessary Out buildings: 1 cow, chickens, some amall tools; few rods off paved highway facing on macadam road; close to school, store, railroad sta tion, electric carline. 20 minutes drive from Vancouver on paved highway. Will accept residence up to $3500; price $6000, half cash. NO. 74. BEAUTIFUL FARM HOME FULLY EQUIPPED. 40 acres, almost level, all till able; 25 acres' cropped; almost new buildings consisting of 6 room house, barn 5x54 with sheds, granary, large potato house, garage, modern chicken house ajid park; buildings all painted; large family orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing; 4 dairy cows, good farm team, 4 hogs, 50 rhickena, disc, plow, harrow, cultivator, new cream separator, mower, rake, wa gons, harnesses and all necessary small tools: implements are most all new. In center of one of the beat farming districts, near Ridge field ; has all rural advantages; on good automobile road 2 14 miles from good railroad town. It is a fine home and a money-maker. Price $0000, half cash. NO. 105 EXCEPTIONALLY FINE MODERN FARM HOME FULLi . STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. S6 acres of excellent soil, al most level, all tillable; 32 acres In crop, abundance of timber for domestic use on back side of place; family orchard of assort ed fruits and berries of all kinds; exceptionally fine 8-room plas tered house with full set of white porcelain plumbing, full concrete basement, fine dairy barn, new modern chicken house and park, large store room, fine pressure water system, water piped to all buildings; buildings all painted and In good repair; 10 head full blood Jersey dairy cows, 3 year ling calves, good farm team, brood sow, chickens, 2 wagons, harness, buggy, mower, rake, disc, 2 cultivators, plow, harrow, cream separator, hay and grain and -ell amall tools. This farm land is in excellent condition, beautiful shade trees and shrubbery around the house; short distance from railroad station and paved high way close to large general store and elec. carline; 20 minutes' drive from Vancouver; paved within a short distance of house. Unusual bargain at $13,000; half cash. NO. 4 BEAUTIFUL, LEVEL 100-ACRE DAIRY FARM, FULLY EQUIPPED. 100 acres of the very best soil, all In high state of cultl ratio ; 45 acres now seeded to fall wheat, oats and vetch; farm almost level, fenced and cross fenced; excellent water, windmill and tank, water piped to all buildings; a large orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing; 8-room house with fire place, in good repair; large dairy barn fully equipped with modern conveniences, chicken house, park, hog house and lot, granary, ga rage, dairy; 8 dairy cows, heavy work team, harness, wagons. 100 chickens, mower, rake, binder, drill, manure spreader, buggy, alt feed and seed now on hand; all necessary small tools to run an up-to-date farm: adjoining high ly Improved farms ; has all rural advantages; half mile from larce general store, school, grange, 2 V miles from railroad station, 4 4 miles from electric carline, on good automobile road; has all rural advantages such as stage, cream route, telephone line. This -is a farm that would suit a man from the middle west, as It is in a beautiful tittle valley. Will stand the strictest investigation. Price,! including stock and equipment. $17,500. This is $3500 less than we have been able to offer this farm for. Only 0 miles from Van couver. Might consider some trade. THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE, Third and Main Sta., Vancouver, Wash. COMBINATION prune and sheep ranch to trade for income property; 988 acres, 30 acres bearing prunes, 2 acres 1-year-old prunes, 5 acres Bartlett pears, 5 acres family orchard. 80 acres plow land; 10-room house, 4-room house, 2 small houses, horse barn, dairy barn for 16 cows, apple packing plant, chicken houses, hog pens, fruit dryer, new Ford son tractor and all Implements to run a ranch, 267 head of sheep, hogs, chlcK ens; 6 miles from Roseburg, U mile from Pacific highway, on graveled road. Price $40,000. R. F. Casey. M. E. LENT, Main H560. 524 N. W. Bank bldg. SOU-ACRE STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. ON HIGHWAY. 80 acres in crop, 70 acres river bot tom land, balance pasture: 200 acres more can be cultivated, some timber, 3 residences, 4 large barns and outbuild ings, fine orchard of Royal Ann cher ries, good water system, over 100 head of well-bred Shorthorn stock, 22 fat steers, 12 hogs, turkeys and chickens, 4 good mork horses, splendid line of farm Implements; price $100 per acre for everything, easy terms. A. E. Rith erdon. Alder hotel. Main 5275. 9 ACRES, all cult., very best of sandy loam soil, faces on paved highway, near Canby; 8-room plastered house, barn, chicken houses, etc. ; 2 acres In berriea and other fruit; you will look a ' long time to beat this at $5.a)0. Terms. F. R. Jesse, 627 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. BY OWNER bO acres, 70 acres lies level; 35 In cultivation, fenced and crow-fenced with woven wire and cedar pouts. On market road, R. F. D., crta.m route, telephone, spring water and creek, 7- ' room bungalow with furnace; good well, barn 42x30, concrete floor with jatent stanchions for 7 cows; hog house. -2x:ih, 2 poultry houses; young bearing orchard and berries, school half mile. 7uOO, $30K oas'h, terms on balance. Near Es tacada. Write Earl J. Bailey, R. F. D. 2. Oregon City, Or. 160 ACRES, hO in cultivation, balunce good pasture and timber, fenced and cross fenced, creek on place, good 7-room " house, water convenient, barn and out buildings, 2 good family orchards,' 11 milch cowa, fresh; 1 Shorthorn bull, 16 months old; 2 good horses, double and single harness, 6 shoats, 100 lbs apiece; poultry, all farm machinery, wagon, hack and buggy, hay, grain, 170 sacks po tatoes, 1 cream separator. 2 4 horse power engine; price $22,500, terms. C. W. Mlllership, Alder hotel. Main 6275. RICH AS HORSE MANURE. 120 acres, half alder creek bottom, balance gently sloping, 40 easily put in cultivation ; excellent for celery and truck gardens; abundance of running watcr; right on county road, close to school, good town. r. r., Columbia river and highway; $30 per acre, part cash, terms and some trade. Get busy, won't last long. J. B. Laber, 705 Bdwy. bldg. Main 700 . TWO ALFALFA RANCHES SOR SALE. BARGAINS. 160 acres. 100 Improved. 50 In alfalfa, -volcanic ash soil; good water right; 3 miles from railroad, school and postof flce. 160 ars. 00 improved. 30 In aifaifa; good aoll. good water right. 4 mites from railroad, school and post office. Address owner, box 5 R4 Herm iston. Ore r o n. IDEAL DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. $40 PER ACRE. 860 acres, 100 alder creek bottom,' 50 acres cultivated, house, barn, orchard living streams and springs, all good soil; plenty out range; no rock, no waste: close to good school, high school, town, r. r., Columbia river and highway; only 2 hours drive from city. Part ("ash, terms and trade. J. B. Laber, 705 Bdwy. bldg. Main 79. 10 1-5 ACRES joining city limits of Hiils- boro; all in cultivation : gooa B-room house, good barn, gas and city water run by door, but not put In yet: good family orchard, 1 good span of mares, 3 cows, chickens and well equipped with farm toola. all for the aum of $7500. part cash, balance term. HILLSBORO LAND AND REALTY COMPANY. Eng land & Mellar. managers. HHIsboro. Or. BY OWNER Five acres, all under culti vation; modern o-room oungaiow, con crete basement, driven well, good bam, chicken houte, etc.. Near sehool and high achool, sir milea from Vancouver, WashV, on paved road except 1 miles of gravel road. Let me show you this place. Mrs. R. N. Gordon, 422 Shaver street, city, 6 ACRES, all Improved, modern house with fireplace, cnicKen nouse ior sou nens, abundance of fruit and berries, on paved road, 2 4 miles from city; $2300 handles. MR. HARE, . A. J. DeFOREST ft CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. 40-ACRE farm for rent. Phone Sell wood 2748 lrom 12 until 1. 1-1 f uiuasione ave. CLARKE COUNTY FARMS. 434 ACRES $15,000. Storked and equipped farm on hard-surface road, 34 miles from Vancouver; seven-room plastered house, large barn 45x05, garage, all in fine condition, 6 acres liu-ear-old Italian prunes, 2 4 acrea loganberries, balance ot land 4 Ft cultivation except one acre, subur ban car station on place. With this place go large team, wagon and harness, three cows, two heifers, 30 tons hay, drag -tooth harrow, disc, cultivator, mower. rake, cream separator, prune boxes, also, brood sow and about 15 chickens; excellent land and well located ; two wells and spring f urnisu plenty of water; 4 cash, balance mortgage. 79 ACRES, $15,000. 12 miles from Vancouver, 1 mils from Brush Prairie, first 12 miles hard -surface road, balance good gravel; county ruads on two side; 40 acres cleared, fenced and cross fenced; some cord wood and cedar; 6-room house, barn Snx.'.O; family orchard, strawberries, loganberries, raspberries, gooseberries; 00-foot well with gasoline engine; water piped to house, barn and chicken yard; 1 registered Jersey bull, 8 milch cows, 3 yearling heifers, team, harness, 2 hos's, about 300 hens, new drill, harrow. 2 plow, spring-tooth harrow, rake, hand cultivator, old wagon, hack, new cream separator, hay fork, corru gated roller and mower. This is only one mile from school, church, good stores and postoft'ice, on cream route and R. F. D. The spring work Is well under way and ready for you to move In. One-half cash, balance mortgage, 5 years, 6 per cent. 41'ACRFS, $7500. 25 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, 5-room house, barn 00x78. 01 her outbuildings, fenced and cross-fenced, black loam soil, extra good team and harness, two cows. 3 yearling heifers, 1 2-year-old heifer, plow, spring-tooth harrow, aome chickens, all small tools. This place is all seeded to grass. Lo cated l'i miles-from paved road and good town, with high school and bank. $1500 cash will handle: eight years on balance, Interest 67. 20 ACRES, $7500. All In cultivation, 7-mom plas tered house, well and gasoline pump, water piped to house and barn, house has fireplace, bath, gasoline lights, equipment of cream separator, milk cans, mower, rake. disc. 2 plows, harrow, cul tivator, roller, potato planter, team, harness, wagon, buggy, pony, seven Jersey sows, Hoistein bull, brood sow, 0 pigs. 24 chick ens. 50x54 barn, woodshed, black smith shop and tools, concrete po tato house, chicken and hog houses, wagon shed, small tools, hay fork and ropes included; good family orchard, besides 1 acres young prunes and berries of all kinds; three acrea beaver dam, balance clay Inam, no gravel; sit uated on gravel road three miles from good town and hard-surface pavement; $3000 cash, balance 4 4 years, 6 per cent. 79 ACRES, $tl,500. On hard-surface road, 14 miles from Vancouver; 30 acres in culti vation, running water, 8-room house, barn 00 SO. silo, other out buildings, large chicken nous, family orchard, road on two sides, 5 cows, 2 heifers, 1 bull, team, wagon and harness, about loo chickens, disc, spike-tooth harrow, cultivator, two plows, drag saw, cream separator, milk cans, afl small tools, some feed and po tatoes, excellent clay loam soil; $4fioo cash, balance on good terms; will consider some trade ELWFLL. WATTS A: PERCIVAL, Eighth and Washington Sis., Vancouver. Wash. Phone 236. ALBERT MILLER, , Manager Farm Department. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FARM BU3TS. NO. 22S. 20 acrea, all the verv finest of soil; all level; all well fenced and cross-fenced; 15 acres In cultiva tion; 1 acre timber, balance pas ture and practically ready to cul tivate; large assorted hearing -orchard, berries, etc.; extra good 7 room house, good large barn, hog house, chicken houso, fine well and all outbuildings; the personal property consists of a very fine young team, for which the owner will allow $500 if the purchaser does not want them; new wagon, new harness, extra good cow, 2 plows, potato plow, shovel plow, cultivator, Bteel harrow, bupgy. chickens, hay, oats, wheat, vetch and all small tools. This place is only 6 miles from Vancouver, In good community, near school. It will pay you to Investigate this; price $6500; goud terms. NO. 236. 80 acres, all level and fine soil, 30 acres of which Is real beaver dam; about 30 acres In cultivation, several acres timber, balance pas ture; place ia ail well fenced and cross-fenced ; nlcs 6-room bunga low, almost new; very laxue mod ern Lowden barn, silo, dniry house, hog house, etc. Personal property consists of fine large young team, wagon, harness, 0 gooa cow s. 7 heifors, 8 hogs, chickens, hay, en silage, plows, harrows, cultivators, cream separator and . all small tools; located near a small town and 12 miles from Vancouver. This is a real bargain ; price $3500, terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON COMPANY. 410 Washington Street, Vancouver, Washington. Phone 251. EQUIPPED GOlXd FARM. 39 acres, east of Woodland, Wash. ; IS acres in cultivation, 6 acres in fine atand of clover, laree orchard of all kinds of fruit, a number of English walnuts Just coming into bearing, 8 chestnut trees producing heavily, good 7-Toom house, n-wly papered and double constructed, nice porcelain bath with hot and cold water, large barn, outbuild Inga, two springs and fine creek, three extra fine cowa, three horsed, two pigs, 60 chick ens, cider press, cream separator, full line of farm implements, extra fine aoll. Price only $sooo. will exchange for a small place close to Portland or a home in Forest Grove, McMlnn villa Oregon City, Newberg or Vancouver up to $0000. JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Chamber of Pomitti frce. 50 ACRES, all cult.: 38 acres grain; house, barn, chicken house, cow, chickens. Im plements; fenced; rocked road; 1 mil to town: price for everything $6000. 25 acres; 5 acres cult.; 70 fruit trees. 5 years old ; 3-room house, barn, small creek on the corner; near Eugene; $J.i0. Want a bungalow In exchange and as sume $5000. 00 acres; 65 cult.; 30 In grain; orchard. 7-room house, barn, otber buildings; 3 horses, 4 cows, chlckensj all Implements: 4 mile highway; feed and seed all for $0iM0; 400O terms. FRED LAWSON CO., 416 C. of C. Pldg. A NON-RESIDENT of this 160 acres writes us to sell it and has made a price that the first person who investigates it should buy. The properly la near Silverton on a rock road, also on railroad. This property is unimproved, but lies good and can all be cultivated, easily cleared; the soil is red shot. This la not logged-off la nd. The price of $20 per acre is a real bar Sa ee MARIELS ft WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Com. Bldg 81 ACRES, stocked and equipped, .one of the finest farms In Clackamas county, M acres in cultivation, 25 acres seeded, grain to seed balance; plenty feed for stock ; running water, fine buildings; 20 -milea from Portland, 3 miles to electric line, 2 blocka to church, school and atore, on rock road; price $167 per acre, 4 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Coms In and let us show you this farm. 613 Chamher of Commerce bldg. GOOD farm home with splendid hunting and fishing, an extraordinary location of 160 acres, much Improved, for resort or road house, on Rose burg-Coast high way. A place well worth Investigation. For sale by owner. Address AV 331, Oregonian. 40 ACRES nilO0. 12 acrea in cul tivs tlon ; house, barn, fruit, spring water; 30 miles from Port land; $1200 cash, balance 3 years. 6 per cent 61t Chamber of Couuuerca bldj. ( 1. . 1 t:-' V 6 ft'