; - v'ro' . 15 TTTE SUNDAY .' OREGOXIAN, ' PORTLAND. MARCH 20, 1931 REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -UoUKN. Tor hale Houses. For Sa 1 e H o ilhcs. lor u I e Houses, For Hale J louses. For Sale Houses. For Sale -Houses. ROSE C1TV 1 I s V t '. . APARTMENT SITE. 100x100 on Williams ave.; 8 houses; income $990. can be increased; price $13,500. Larfr 4 house nwr Piedmont barns, suitable lor a families; $1000. One on Vancouver avenue, rear Broad way; housekeeping suites ; $6000. Beautiful 7 -room bungalow in Haw thorne. $5000. Will build bungalow In Laurelhurst. R 473. Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK. $47410 Unusual bargain: a bun galow of 6 room 8 on one floor; Thin bungalow is modem with the exception of a furnace, is located 100 feet south of Handy, near our branch office. This bungalow was built bpforu the war and has been occupied by the owners, and they are now loaving the city, which 'xpl in t h low price. You will bo surprised when you see this. Terms.' HILLER BROS., 614 Railway Ex change Bldg. Auto. 52H-63. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Open Siindtiya and Mvenings. PHONE TABOR, MS0. JUST THINK STHIS OVER. A modem ronin, 6-room house on wet slope of ML Tabor. No. 332 East 5,th st., asphalt avd street; splendid home environment. 1 block to Hawthorne car; 3 splen.di1 lots. 150x100 It., just loaded with many biff bearing cherry trees, etc.; furnace, fireplace, 3 nice bed rooms, etc. The ground alone is worth T"")ce asked for the place. Here one can have fine, garden, loads of fruit and raise poultry. Price only $0500, half cash. S'ft .1. AV. Crossley, manager High-Class llumo Dept., with Fit A NK I.. MfOriRB, TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ahingfnn Bldg. Main IOCS. ROSE CITY PARK. Stir.oo. TERMS. On 50th st.. large rooms and aleeping porch, reception hall, Dutch kitchen, fine basement and furnace, hardwood floors. 3 bed rooms, garage, paved street; house in perfect condition. Owner must soil ; about $2000 required to handle. Shown by appointment only. East 4001. NBA R PENINSULA PARK, T have one of the greatest surprises for you in a six-room home I have run across in Portland; rooms all on one f Inor, large floored attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, rooms all finished in old ivory, full conete haspment, furnace, best of hardware and lighting1 fixtures throughout, grounds 80x147 ; first per son with $1000 cash can have this for $."000; someone is going to get a bar gain, so don't he too late. PRANK MA HONEY, COE A. McKENNA CO.. H2 Fourth st. Main 4522. Ml'RRAYMEAD. Strictly modern 7-room house, large living, dining room and den, good hard wood floors, fireplace, breakfast room, built-in refrigerator, Dutch kitchen. 3 attractive bedrooms, each with cosy dressing room, hath and double sleep ing porch upstairs, full concrete base ment, furnace, garage. 50x100 lot, ex cellent view ; $1000 cash, balance good terms. S--e RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR, HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. 6 LC "SL ROOMS $500 DOWN. Hardwood floors, pipeless furnace, full cement basement. laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, lots of built-ins, 50x100 lot, fruit, ropes, paved stree. sewer in, all paid. This Is truly a charming home in abso lutely perfect order, and you can buy it on your own terms. The way others ftsk u s worth 5.1000. but it's yours lor $1250 your terms. 8fi4 R 7th st. N. HEAL'TlFrL M IKR. HUME, BY OWNER. $0500. $1500 -CASH. BALANCE TERMS. S rooms with sleeping porch, 2 white enameled Dutch kitchens. hardwood fioors. all usual built-ins. fireplace, hot-wat'-r heating system, full cement base ment, laundry trays, on car line, near best grade school, near Keed college. Address 511 41st 8t. S. E. Phone Sell- Wriod 2S50. 1RVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW $0500. Central entrance, all ivory, hardwood floors. 4 sets of bookcases, beautiful buf f't, Dutch kitchen, full basement, fur nace and fireplace, 1 block to Irvington car; $1500 cash handles this. EAST 410. I" OR SALE Two houses, on 50x100 lot; lo-room house, full basement, modern, fireplace; 7-room house has toilet, elec tricity and gas: both well-built, plastered houses, two blocks from Oregon City car. ti-cent fare, three blocks from Sell wood car; $4000, terms. Phone owner, Sellwood 3437. IRVINOTON 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Near Brazee and 17th: large rooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, brenkiast room; full lot and ga rage; $0500. EAST 419. HOME WITH INCOME. 9 rooms, furnished, oak floors, full cement basement, double garage; 0x lot); H bedrooms; rent them and place will pay for itself; J500O, $1000 cash, bul. monthly. Located near S. P. R. R. sti ops. Phone owner, East 3225. FOR SALE BY OWNER Large home in Kenton, modern lOOx 1(H) lot, large garage, some fruit, 7 rooms, . linoleum, extra kitchen and aining room, furnace and cement base ment, near car and school; terms. East R747. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. New 5-room bungalow, hard floors, ce ment basement, all built-ins, lot 50x100, paved street, close to Franklin high and car: if you want a nice home, see this t I0OO will handle. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak St. HOUSE PLANS. " "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints, $10. 024 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW among fine trees lot loOxlOU; garage, one block to car and school. $4250; $2500 cash, balance terms. St. Johns car to Peninsula scnooi. i-Kio tvnowies ave. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY' Homes built and financed, repairing and jobbing: homes and homesitea for sale. A. R. Rice. Mgr.. phone Automatic 320-85. R. B. Rice, agent. East 2432. WAVER LY HEIGHTS! '' 6-room corner bungalow, xull base ment, furnace, finished attic; furnished or unfurnished; $1500 caah. terms. &ell w 00 d 7 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW" All modern. 6 rooms; including velour draperies and linoleum; garage. $5S5o' terms. Fast fi431. ' LAURELHURST. New colonial, 8 rooms, breakfast nook, reception hall, double plumbing, garage. 1185 E. Davis t. INSIST upon a tile bath-room floor and tile mantel In your new home. Oregon Art Tile Co. 4U Alder St IF YOU have money to lend, write us. We pay 10 per cent Interest. Ford Jersey Dairy, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE By owner, 7-room house, sleeping porch, near good school and car. No agents. Tabor 1020. MODERN C-room house on Mississippi ave. near Morris, $3000; small payment down! balance like rent. Now vacant. M. 7314 Ul V '(UV FROM I'llVVl'ii Fine 7 rooms, hardwood floors, all mod ern. lot 50 x 123: garage; $6500. East 7154 FOR SALE by owner, five-room cottage, mod., two lots, in Alberta. Phone Wood lawn 2241. IN CITY VIEW PARK, from owner 6 room mod fern home with ga.rage.i 15"S Efu-t 11th st. Take Sellwood car. BEFORE you buy see this new Alameda bungalow at SD2 E. 30tb st. N. For salt IW KUliuer itnu ovn BY OWNER 4 -room bungalow on 100x110 corner lot. E. tiSth N.. Rose City Park. 1 a nor irjog. 5-ROOM house. 5 minutes' walk from city hall. lot 50x50 feet; $5800. Blaes Ing Orantte o,7. Third street. SNAP Modern 6-room" plastered house, full basement, $2075; $175 down, balance monthly. 6 per cent. 5012 77th st. S. E IRVINGTON HOMES. McDONELL East 419. 500 E. 14TH ST. N. IRVINGTON. 5 and 6-room bungalow for sale by owner. East 22. 5 6-ROOM modern houses In Gresham for particulars address owne.r. 227 Mill. MODERN 6-room bungalow, enameled woodwork, E. CSth. Woodlawn 006. IR VINGTO N 7 large rooms, oid Ivory. worm auu rrice uwnr. tt. mm 5. 1 R VINGTON 7 -rom modern h ongalow, I 7604. 1 ffarage. $5500; no agents. East $300 cash, balance $10 per month, in cluding int., buys a modern new bungalow in Roue City Park ; a beautiful little home; has perfectly modern kitchen with breakfast nook adjoining; fireplace, hardwood floors and cement basement with laundry tubs; a real bargain at $3025. $750 cash, balanco $50 per month. In cluding int., buys a modern new bungalow In Rose City district; inspect this construction; has the most wonderful arrangement, with a beautiful kitchen, tapestry pa pered breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood floors, fujl cement base ment, garage, cement driveway: ouyer can select elec. fixtures and have choice of tapestry paper in living and dining room; one of the dsi ouys in tne city; 54Tio. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 47.".!. 410 Henry hldg. 14500 If you want one of those real beautiful little bungalow with combination living and din ing rooms, see this. The entire house is finished in while and ivory enamel, living room and dining room papered in tapestry paper, oak floors, beautiful fire place, a wonderful kitchen and breakfast nook, has full cement basement. This house is now completed and you can move right in; $r.no cash and $50 a mouth Including interest. If you are looking for ' a real cosy lit tle home, be sure to see this. HILLER BROS., 514 Railway Exchange- Hldg. Auto. 52K-63. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Upen Sundays and Evenings. PHONE TABOR 8185. M RS. Gt i( H t-M A N AOKR: Meres your gulden opportunity; a fine home, walking distance and steady in come combined, h-room house, close in on east side, modern in every sense, and will pay for itself, by making your first payment down. Separate 3-room apart ment upstairs, new linoleum on Kiicnen and pantry. 2 gas stoves, all the drap eries, several chairs, 2 tables, pictures ana stair ana upper nail carpets go wun house; furnace, fireplace, concrete fruit room, wash trays, many line roses; nign-r-Iass surroundings: Dart of house now rented for $5o per month; first pay ment only siidKi. .MR. VAN ANTWERP. Main 4522. House phone, Sellwood 7UJ. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. ' 82 Fourth St. ROSE CITY PARK. $2S50 6-room house. $3050 (-room bungalow. $;t25 M od ern bungalow. S41 50 5-room bungalow and garage. $4200 5-room modern bungalow. $40 6-rm. mod. house, sleep, porch. 35000 8-rm. house, close to car. $5250 5-rm. modern bunga :ow. jttooo 5-rm. modern-bungalow, garage. $12.0oO S-room modern house. A. N. MTKKELSEN CO., 52d and Sandv Blvd Tabor 20. A DESIRABLE IRV'INOTON HOME. A strictly modern 8-room residence, fireplace, hardwood floors, large, well arranged rooms, very convenient built in features, breakfast room, gas range, 3 sunny bedrooms with remarkably large closets, well arranged with bat h and large sleeping porch upstairs, grounds 100x100 with modern garage with con crete floor and driveway. Drive out and see this. 5.17 East ISth North. RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Tr;ide Bldg. fSlVE ME $500 CASH and I will put you right into a 6-room house, 3 nice bedrooms and bath, living and dining rooms and nice kitchen, full basement with trays, paved street, alley anil garage, all for $2050 and you can pay the balance like rent. Prentiss, tilo Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEFORE BI'YlNi A HOCSE TIIHOIV.H A BROKER ASK HIM TO SHOW YOT HIS MEMBERSHIP CARD. IF HE HASN'T A CARD HE ISN'T A REAL TOR. REALTORS PROTECT BFYERS AND SELLERS OF PROPERTY AO A INST TRICKERY. PORTLAND REALTY BOARD. IRVINGTON HOME. ONE BLOCK FROM BROADWAY. Beautiful corner. 100x125. all kinds of high-grade shrubbery and trees, extra well constructed, colonial type house, containing 8 large rooms; will be sold at a great sacrifice price; come out and look it over. 332 East 21st St. N. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. Leaving town, must sell my 7-room. strictly modern Dutch colonial home. 2 fireplaces, sun parlor. French doors, cor ner lot, 50x100; 1 block from car. A real buv for $7700, easv terms. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak st. REAL SNAP I For sale. 5-room house, modern plumbing, gas. electric light, concrete basement, garage, berry bushes, nice lawn. 50x100 lot; fine condition: Vz block from pavement. Real bargain ; $2200. Terms. HI 12 37th ave. S. E. Come and investigate. BV OWNER. Modem attractive bungalow. com pletely furnished, fireplace, built-ins. ba.sement. roses, fruit trees, garden space, chicken run and garage. For terms, see owner today, 5017 Woodstock ave. WHEN you buy a house or sell one through , a realtor you can count on a clean trans action. Realtors protect the buying and selling public against trickery. All real estate men are not or cannot be real tors. Portland Realty Board. LOVEJOY. BET. 23D AND 24 TH. 60x100, $0000. There is a common 6-room house on this lot: can arranee easy terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOUR-ROOM cottage, corner lot 25:;Hm"; electric lights, bath and gas. East Stark st.; price $1750. $300 down, balance $22.50 per month. Including interest. 01 704 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Ask for M r. G ra uer. RIGHT IN THE CITY. 5-room modern home. Vz or 1 acre, all In cultivation, all kinds of fruit, close to car. on hard street. This is an extra good buy find $750 will handle. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak st. $4500 CASH. bal. very eav terms: beau tiful home with income $110 clear month besides 5 rooms for owner; $1200. Al furniture ; separate entrance; baths, heat, beautiful lawn, flowers Cnme see the place. 100QU Belmont. 4-ROOM modern bungalow and attic, all built-ins, gas range and heater, paved street, close to school and car; $3500, terms. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. BY OWNER 5-room celled house, bath, laundry tray, cement basement, lot 102x 100, large garage with full cement floor, fruit trees and berries. Alberta car. W'oodlawn 781. FOR SALE 8-room house, equipped with electric lights, gas and pipes for fur nace; garage, chicken house and lots of frdit. Terms if necessary. Wdln. 3537. FOR SALE 5-Yoom house and furniture complete, $2300. $t00 down, balance 525 per month ; owner leaving city: must see to appreciate. Call 632 Oswego st., St. Johns. TABOR district, fine view property. 7 , room house with Bleeping porch, double constructed and modern conveniences: full cement basement, 2 lots, fruit and ornamental trees. Tabor 57t. C-KOOM house, 50x100 lot. improvements in and paid; full basement, garage, close in, 2 blocks Sunny side car, near 35th st. $3350, terms. See owner, 1071 E. Alder. FOR SALE by owner, completely furmsued modern 5-room 'bungalow in Rose City Park on carline; fine location: furnace, fireplace. 5oxRo lot, fine garden. Taoor 72o6 or East 423. HOMES designed, bum and remodeled; satisfaction is our'aim; prices reasona ble. WOOD & COLE. Woodlawn 5348. ALBERTA DISTRICT 6-room modern house, 50x100 lot. com pletely furnished; a snap for quick eale; $3200. Phone Main 4379. IRVINOTON bungalow. 7 rooms, strictly modern. I am going to sell this bunga low. Look at it today. 678-E. !4th st .V, and then aee owner. 670 E. 15th at. N. J. W. McFADDEN BLDG. CO. BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES. 35 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 268 STARK ST. MARSHALL 12. THREE-ROOM cottage for sale, at 221 Dekum avenue; price unfurnished $13ot, furnished $1500; $500 down, balance like rent. Call Woodlawn 6136. 2-ROOM, house for sale, plastered, full ce ment basement, gas, water. 3 blocks from car. Price $800: terms. 5018 72d st. S. E. Phone Aut. 624-34. FOR SALE Modern bungalow at 1383 Cleveland avenue. For information, call Woodlawn 6136. I will show the house Sunday, from 10 A. M. to 5:3Q p. M WEST SIDE. $ 4 500 : 7 ROO M S. BAT H GAS. ELECTRICITY. 2 FIREPLACES CEMENT BASEMENT. FULL LOT OWNER. 467 TENTH ST. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW Will sacrifice $700; has to be sold Im mediately. By owner. Tabor 7069 in evenings or Sundays. 6-ROOM bungalow und garage. Sunnyside district; must sell; $3500: all Improve- . ments in and paid for. Call owner. Tabor 3355. Possession at once: no agents. 6-ROOM modern bungalow on paved St.. Sellwood district,; ail improvements paid, owner leaving city. 638 Maiden ave. Phone Sellwood 1149. DEKUM. & JORDAN. SEE US TO BUY YOUR HOME. $15,000 Laurelhurst. Beautiful, modern 8-room home, overlooking the park. 75x100 lot. Terms. JS000 Laurelhurst. Modern, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. 50x100 loi, 2 blocks from park and club house, terms. 13730 Rose City Park district. S-room modern bungalow. 50x100 lot, H block north of Sandy blvd. and , car. Terms. $2504) Myrtle- Park. 5 rooms, toil ft.-, etc.. corner lot, bath, block to car; $tt)0 cash. $2500 St Johns. 7-room house, bath, toilet, etc, 91x110 lot, 1 block to car. DEKCM & JORDAN, 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 1th and Stark Sts. Main ROSE CITY PARK. $,-.750 One of those classy Cal ifornia bungalows; ft large rooms, cement basement, gas heat, garage. rII improvements in. one block from Rose City clubhouse; this bungalow was bui!t about one year ago and its condition will speak for its construction. Now, if you want a real cosy at the same time substantial home, drive out Sun day and look this over; can ar range terms. HTLLKR BROS., 514 Railway Ex change Bldg. Auto. 528-63- Branch office, SOth and Sandy. Open Sundavs and Evenings. PHONE TABOR S485. YOUNG MAN, if you are planning to get married and start a home for yourself why not start out right? Let us build you a 4 or 6-room bungalow with small payment down and small monthly pay ments: the thought of having a home of your own adds so much happiness and peace of mind to young couples an ticipating marriage. This opportunity should encourage you to make the su preme effort to eliminate the landlord. We are planning to build 4 to 5-room modern bungalows to suit purchaser. We have blue prints and plans of a number of California bungalows that will please you. We are open from 7 to 9 evenings; drop in. look over our plans: our prices are right; our terms are right. Associ ated Trades Building Co., 414 East Stark, corner Sixth st. EAST TAYLOR AND 40TH STS. SUN NYSIDE. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. MUST SELL AND OWNER HAS SET A PRICE OF $3500 WITH A DOWN PAYMENT OF ONLY $1000. 4 ROOMS AND BATH ON FIRST FLOOR WITH 2 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH ON SECOND, CONCRETE GAR ACE. LOT 43x143 WITH LOTS OF BERRIES. SOME FRU IT. Y OU CAN MAKE A NICE HOME OF THIS PLACE AND AT THIS PRICE YOU CAN WELL AFFORD TO CHANGE IT TO SUIT YOU. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. BROADWAY 043. 2H4 OAK ST. . w .wct-ia DtDU' niUTR 1PT Olmstead Park 7-room bungalow, nearly new; reception hall, large living room with fireplace, dining room, two bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, hard wood floor, bath, kitchen first floor; second floor has two bedrooms with closets, lavatory, trunkroom. All - rooms except one bedroom finished in - ivory and white; 4 newly papered. Large cement basement; Royal furnace, laun drv trays, garage, lot 5oxl05; price $8000, Including nearly new gas range and water heater. See owner, S33 Glenn ave. North, between Bryce and Shaver. $150 DOWN. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 6-room house with a lot 100x150; only $1800. $150 down, balance $30 a month, including 6 per cent. ASK R. C. OEDER. Main 7487. WE START In the basement and finish with the chimney; ready to move in when we move out. We handle all details and save you 20 per cent by our special unit system. Fancher-McLean Co., building contractors, 308-9-10 Lewis bldg. Phone Broad way 3652. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow style home. best eastern hardwood fioors In 3 rooms, fine fireplace, large view windows, full beveled plate glass in door, pofch ex tends across entire front, enclosed back porch, large full cement basement, house piped for furnace, large grounds, lOOx 100; 2 good chicken houses, lawn, fruit and flowers: owner says cut price to $3500 cash for quick sale. If you want a real home see this. Royal. 72d and Sandy blvd. CLOSE-IN HOME. One-half block from Hawthorne car, 6-room house, 3 bedrooms and bath up stairs, full concrete basement, Boynton furnace. Ruud automatic water heater. 1 gas range, 1 coal and wood range and all carpeta, linoleum and fixtures in cluded, paved streets and alley; easy terms; price $6500. RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. ON 25TH, NEAR BRAZEE. $8250- Charming home; artistic liv ing room, French doors to sun room. 3 fine bedrooms and large sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout: ivory woodwork and art paper: full lot and garage; immediate possession. East JUST THE PLACE FOR THE KIDDIES. Five nice, modern rooms and sleep ing porch, unfinished attic, full cement basement with trays, on lOOxlj0 lot with lots of fruit and berries, rabbit house, chicken house and runs, place for cow, block to car, all for $5250, some cash, balance terms. Prentiss, 615 Chamber of Commerce, bldg. $4200HAWTHORNFJ $4200. LISTEN, FOLKS. K real bungalow of 5 rooms, oak floors throughout, all Improvements in and paid, fireplace, all built-ins, 50x100 lot, close to car and school ; price $4200, $1000 cash. Ask for Mr. Larson, C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Broadway 2245. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build' apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 year. We off r SECURITY. SERVICE, SAT- 'ACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. WAVERLEY HEIGHTS. " Art bungalow. 5 rooms, finished In oid vory and tapestry paper. White enam eled Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, 1. trays, fireplace, furnace. 50x100 lot. improved street: K blk. to Richmond car: $4ooo, $1750 cash. 504 Marguerite ave. Phone 232-36. H A W THORNE B UN OA LOW. FOR SALE BY OWNER, new 6-room bungalow, finished in ivory enamel; all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, attic, , full basement; corner lot 45x100. garage, paved street Phone Auto. 225-65. No Sunday calls. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. r 6-ROOM MODERN HOME. $4200 Finished in ivory; pass pantry; full basement, furnace; 1 block car; ex cellent buy; $1500 down bal. like rent. Mr. Johnson, Marshall 1022. Tabor 4704 evening. ' BY OWNER 1st floor, 3 large rooms, built ins: 2d floor, 3 rooms, 6 closets, bath, sleeping porch ; basement, trays, hot water heating system; improvements In and paid : terms or discount for cash. 50ft E..35th st. S. R. M. caf Tabor 1928. $2300 NEW 4-room house with pantry and bath, basement, garage, cement floor; Estacada car and 3 blocks south of Ken dall station. See between 9 and 5 Sun day or call 6714 88th st S. E. week d a ys; terms. $950 HOUSE and lot; 3,-rooms and attic, electric lights and gas. hot water; large garage. block from Powell Valley road and school. $550 cash, balance $10 . a month. 6 per cent interest. Phone Auto. 024-74. Address 3526 6fHh S E. FOR SALE By owner, $5500, 7-room mod ern Hawthorne bungalow, , all built-ins; hardwood floors, fireplace, living room. 14x20; 50x100 lot. garage; possession at once; $BKH down. 346 E. 43d st. South. Auto. 236-22. ROSE CITY Below hill, strictly modern , 5-room bungalow, practically new; has garage, breakfast nook furnace, fire place, etc. $5250, terms. Tabor 696,6, 2io aficnu. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD ! FOR HOME SELLING ! LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1100 Photographs of Homee For Sale. See FRANK L. McOUIRE FRANK L. McGUIRS FR.ANK L. McOUIRE To Buy Your Home, I OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY I 10O SERVICE! EFFICIENCY! THE GREATEST. MOST VARIED SELECTION OF HOME BARGAINS 1-V THE ENTIRE WEST! Eveiy type of home in every district in t.ie city, at every price! EVERY ONE PERSON ALLY 1N1SPFJOTED AND APPRAISED BY OUR EXPERT APPRAISER. If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment OPEN ALL DAY and evening Sunda. Open Every Evening Until 0:00. 25 Courteous Salesmen at Your Service. ROSE CITY. $6300 B U N O A L O W BEAUTIFUL! Your every wih Is anticipated h e re ! IT WO N'T KA1N A L WA YS! E. 51st st., 0 rooms; COME TODAY. $5250 WISTERIA AVENUFl HOME! 6 room unusually homelike ROSE CITY HOME, nothing lacking to provide for your tomfort and please your artistic sense. Ideally located. SEE THIS! Terms. $4750 LOW AND RAMBLING S-room ROSE CITY, that just the one to win vour approval! GREGORY HEIGHTS. E. 80th st. Terms. ! READ ABOUT THIS ROSE CITY ! $1KK) IT'S A RAROA1N YOU WON'T VERY O FT EN R TJ N A C RO. S ! 6- room SPECIAL bungalow. 1M M ACL LATE ! TK R MS. E. 7tilh St. ASiC AJ30XJT IT TODAY" 1 I MARGUERITE AVE. BUNGALOW ! $2aj0 A CUNNING LITTLE ROSE CITY: f. rooms. PX'RNISHED! Beautifully situated in a natural grove of trees, with the sun- ahlne filtering through! , CON VENIENT TERMS! ! HEART OF IRVINGTON ! $6990 DISTINCTIVE 8-ROOM IRVING TON HOME; every modern con venience. Clackamas st. Terms. H OLLADAY-IRViNGTON. $5250 READ THIS! THIS IS UN DUPLICATED VALUE in a strictly modern. CLOSE IN! Holladay home: 7 rooms, fire place, furnace. HARDWOOD ' FLOORS, splendid construction. OWNER MUST SACRIFICE FOR A QUICK SALE. 8 Grand ave. North. $4750 IRVINGTON! CLOSE IN! 6 room, artistic typical bungalow; living room .with fireplace, pan eled dining room, massive bufiet white Dutch kitchen, furnace; corner lot with liens paid. Han oivk st !CT,OSE IN! WALKING DISTAJvCK! $M0l DAINTY IVY ST. B I' NO A LOW! 5 rooms, furnace, built-in laoor savinj? conveniences; EXCEP TIONAL BARGAIN! Terms SU X N Y SI D E - H A W T H O R N E . BUILT FOR SOLID COMFORT! 7- room very modern HAW THORNE HOME. 1 block to car; all assegmnts paid in full. E. f.ifth st. A HOME WITH PLENTY OF ROOM! $4000 THIS IS THE WONDER BUNG ALOW we'll never tirt, of tel'inj? about! 0 rooms with everything just as yoa'd want it! BEAU TIFUL MASSIVE BUFFET, etc. hardwood fioors. Ras radiators. E. 4'.);h st. TERMS. J4300 HERE'S A REAL HAWTHOI NE BARGAIN in an 8-room modern. substantial home. h.. Salmon st. Terms. ! HERE'S YOUR HAWTHORNE ! BUNGALOW ! J4200 TN'DI PLICATED HAWTHORNE HOME BAKOAIN! It'll BO to day! 5 cheery rooms, built-in ' bookcases, fireplace, white Ditch kitch-en, furnace, full attic: paved street paid. SEJi THIS! E. olst St. 13073 A VERY POPULAR KIND OF HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW is this, on Grant st. ; 5 rooms. built-in labor-saving conveniences; full attic. Terms. $3400 ONE OF THE MOST ARTISTIC BUNGALOWS IN HAWTHORNE! 3 rooms., full attic built-ins. TERMS YOU CAN MEET! E. 45th St. $3200 THE BUDS ARE BEGINNING TO. BURST! Here's a homelike HAWTHORNE HOME! 7 rooms, convenient to car and school. E. Pine st. THIS IS GOOD VALUE! TERMS OA X BE ARRANGED! $2090 FURNISHED! Neat, modern 5 room HAWTHORNE cottage; clear of al! incumbrance. E. Salmon st. J2SO0 SHINING LITTLE HAW THORNE of 4 rooms, built-in buffet. E. Grant st. GOOD VALUE. $2225 NEAT AND COMFORTABLE 4 room HAWTHORNE COTTAGE; white enamel plumbing, electri city, gas. E. Salmon at. Eajsy terms. ! MASSIVE BCNCALOW LINES ! $4200 A BEAUTIFUL SHELTERING ALBERTA! That's this! 5 rooms, every convenience, un usually artistic and practical. E. lfth st.. block to car. CAN ARRANGE TERMS. $i&90 THE CHEERIEST ALBERTA you've seen for months! 5 romi. P1PEL-ESS FURNACE, hardivood floors, built-ins. only 1 block to car. on E. itith St.. TEJtMS. NEW! NEW! NEW! $3S0 DEAR TO A WOMAN'S HEART is the convenience and dainti ness of this little bungalow; you'll enjoy "dressing" it up! rooms. HARDWOOO FLOORS, fireplace, art bookcases, clean Dutch kitchen with sunny break fast nook. E. 2S'.h st. TERMS. $3500 jIO DOWN! HERE'S FINE VALUE in an artistic ALBERTA bunxalow; 3 rooms: close to car: nice garden and fruit. E. 2itth st. JUST THE ONE TO MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY! ! HOM El EST ALBERTA ! $2930 RADIATES COMFORT! An honest little 4-room GREEN SHINGLED ALBERTA! Com bination living; and dining room, built-in labor-savers. LET US SHOW YOU THIS! Going St. Terms. !SCNNY ALBERTA! ."iO0 DOWN! $-TK0 A BUNGALOW YOU'LL LIKE! 3 airy rooms, built-in conven iences; ciose to car and school. E. 23th st. ONLY $300 down and it's YOURS! !WE PUT A STAR ON THIS! $2S;o A CUNNING QUEEN ANNE TYPE OF ALBERTA BUNGA LOW ! THE VALUE. IS ALL HERE! Best plumbing, furnace; 78xll0 lot with fruit, garden. A REAL SNAP. E. lt.tli st. $2630 JUST "MY" BUNGALOW, you'll say! You can't help liking this delightful 4-room ALBERTA bungalow: ail modern conven iences, sleeping poroh. E. 31st St. REASONABLE TERMS. $.".00 DOWN! 15300 DOWN! $2330 4: DOWN! Neat little 3-room ALBERTA BUNGALOW In best of condition; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. fruit, garden. Only $JOO down! Grajid ave. N. ' ALBERTA! ALBERTA! ' $2100 $30t) down! $300 down! Close jo ALBERTA car on good corner; 0-room bungalow cottage, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. E. 23th st. $3O0 down! ! A CONGENIAL BUNGALOW ! .44230 "LITTLE HOME BUNGALOW!" Every feature makes you love it! In planning a home vou desire above all. simplicity and art, combined with coanfort! 'N'UF SED! REASON A WHILE! Franklin st. Terms. $3300 SUNLIGHT ALL DAY LONG! WAVERLY-RICH'MONDS SPE CIAL BARGAIN ! 6-room bunga low. IVi-story; 3 airy sleeping rooms with exceptionally large, roomy closets: fireplace, bullt-lns. garage. Francis ave. EASY TERMS! ! RADIANT PENINSULA BUNGALOW ! t30i0 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BUNG ALOW IN ALL PENINSULA! 6 rooms with every wlshed-for convenience. 1 block to car. W. Church st. $2990 30x130 lot! with fmlt! DE LIGHTFUL 6-room PENINSULA BUNGALOW! 1 block to car. Fowler st. $225 Down! $225 Down! LOOK! 1920 $225 down! A PENINSULA SNAP THAT YOU'LL TAKE RIGHT OFF! VACANT! 1 block to car. Cozy, comfortable 4-room PEN INSULA COTTAGE. COME TO DAY! Leonard st. ! LITTLEST COLONIAL ! $o990 STURDY, yet very d&lnty and inviting is this 6-room DUTCH COLONIAL home: French doors. HARDWOOD FLOORS, fireplace, tapestry paper, Ivorv finish, sleeping porch. THE NEATEST THING! RIGHT ON ANK.ENY CAR! Close In! Terms. ! WERT SIDE BUNGALOW ! $3160 BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF RrVETt AND MOUNTAINS is obtained from this 6-room Bancrol't-st. bungalow! TERMS! J 2 SELLWOOD BARGAINS ! IMPORTANT. It's Impossible to advertise all of the splendid BARGAINS WE HAVE FOR SALE. A visit to our great office will convince you where the biggest values in the city are. See FRANK L. McGUntE ' To Buy Your Hojue . Abington bldg. Main 106. Tiara sU bot. Washington and Stark. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD ! FOR HOME SELLING ! LARGEST HUME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST 1104 Photographs of Homes For Sale, FRANK L. McGUIRE FRANK L. McGUIRE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. ! OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY ! 10ft SERVICE! EFFICIENCY! Til E GREATEST MOST - VARIED SELECTION OF HOME BARGAINS IN THE ENTIRE WEST! Every type of home in every district in the city, at every price! EVERT ONE PERSON ALLY' INSPECTED AND APPRAISED BY OUR EXPERT APPRAISER. If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment. OPEN ALL DAY and Evening Sunday. Open Everv Evening Until I:o0. 25 Courteous Salesmen at Vour Service. J4200 VERY ARTISTfC 5-room SELL WOOD HL'NGA LOW on-Sherritt st.. every convenience, turn ace, etc.. paved street in and paid! $2500 $-"00 down! CLOSE TO SELL WOOD CAR; o-room modern cottage; OW.VBR LEAVING THE CITY! $."m down. Spokane ave. PIED A! ON T-J EFF KKriOX HIGH. EASY TEIU1S! 1 block to Will lama ave. car. CONVENIENT TO JEFFERSON HIGH. PARK AND LIBRARY ! 4-room very comforuible. artistic bunjralw on Cleveland ave. Bfttt white enamel plumbing, electricity. paved street paid. ! 1OOK AT THIS! VACANT ! $-700 i0 down! Exceptional value In a 0-room modern MT. SCOTT BUNG A LOW -T YFE 1 IOM K ; tKx 14A with fruit. Vacant. V40U down ! $500 DOWN! $000 DOWN! 42600 A REGULAR LITTLE "GEM" .BUNGALOW, situated in a wil derness of fruit, flowers, prape arbor, etc.. IuOxIjO. THINK! Only $500 down' jr.OO DOWN! $300 DOWN! $2100 $300 down! S:ix200 with FRUIT GALORE! Cozy .".-room 1T. SCOTT BUNGALOW; Outh st. $:100 down! JO 00 DOWN! REAL MT. SCOTT BARGAIN! fvrt.vi tm v. rnTT a no LOOK AT THIS Mt. Scott BUNGALOW BARGAIN! 5 rooms. white j enamel plumbing, electricity, ca.-. 37th ave. Only $jU0 down! REST LIKE RENT! $1375T HIS IS C07,I EST COT T A G E ! Situated on almost acre, with fruit and chicken house; a rooms, ever so neat and cieun. E AS V TERMS. Will sell furnished if desired! Will sell chickens! LOOK THIS OVER! 2 MONTA VILLA'S! $1000 $400 down! WILL TAKE A CAR AS PART PAYMENT! 5-room modern MONTA VILLA BUNGA IvOW COTTAGE; full lot with fruit. E. 6od st. UIOO $300 down ! Close to MV car: 4--oom MONTA VILLA COZY COTTAGE. $300 down! E. SGta et. IMPORTANT. It's impossible to advertise all of the splendid BARGAINS WE HAVE FOR SALE. A viait to our great office will convince you where the bisest values in the citv are. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Mam 1008. Third st.. bet. Washington and Stark. . , $4400 $RO0 cash and balance like rent will buy a beautiful 4-room bungalow, large living and din ing room combined, kitchen, breakfast nook, 'J bedrooms, ce ment basement, and attic. This bungalow was built last year. On account of change in business the owner must sell. Located north of Sandy blvd. If you want to see this and other, good buys, get in touch with us. HILLER BROS., 514 Railway Ex change Bldg. Auto. 52S-03. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. PHONE TABOR 8483. IRVINGTON HOME. On the N. W. corned of 22d and Weidler sts., large living room, with Radiant fire fireplace, music room, sun room, dining room with built-in buffet, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, tile drains, gas range, Ruud water heater and inlaid linoleum; lnrge screened-in back porch, hardwood floors and enam eled woodwork throughout; four large, sunny bedrooms, large closets, with bevel plate mirrors on doora; sleeping porch and splendid bath; lot -75x100. modern garage; $ 14,000 for immediate sale, $h500 cash. House open for inspection. Call Enst 0103. . DEAL WITH OWNERS. I hav three homes for sale. 1 4-room house with attic, bath, 'pantry, chicken house and park, good garden; $1SOO. 1 5-room cottage, bath, pantry, attic, 2 lot. 0 largn fruit trees and berries; $2700. 1 3-room cottage, new, large bathroom, woodshed and small cement basement, shop bldg., chicken house and run; about acre at Lake Grove, $3000. Also 320 acres good timber and stock farm, all one-half mile White Salmon. Wash., and a 40 place, near Marshfield on Coos bay; good fruit land. Phone af tr 7 P M . 413! 4fh ave. G. E. Mickey. DURING MY MANAGEMENT OF PORT LAND'S NOTABLE HOUSING -CAMPAIGN I had personal interviews with several thousand people regarding their housing needs and problems. I am bet ter equipped than ever to advise and help those contemplating the building of homes or the investment In residen tial properties. Will fee pleased to have you call at my office, or over the phone Main 1575. O. H. SKOTHEIM, 408-411 Couch bldg., Fourth, between Washington and Stark. IRVINGTON HOME. LARGE GROUNDS. One block from Broadway, on E. 21st, beautiful large colonial type house, extra well constructed and 8 well-arranged large rooms, all kinds of high-class shrubbery. This is a real place for some one who appreciates a home free from congestion, with beautiful landscaped plot of ground. Come and look it over, 332 E. 21st sL North. Real snap price. S4S50. SEE THIS ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Sunny northeast corner, on paved st., neat 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, etc., breakfast nook, full concrete basement. Gasco furnace, double garage; $4850, good terms; must sell before April 1. See this. RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg-. ti-KOOM modern bungalow, all built-in conveniences, every room white enam eled, hardwood floors in living and din ing room, cement basement, lot 50x120, fine neighborhood, right near Alameda school; for sale by owner; price $5750; $2500 cash, balance terms. Phone East 7020. SACRIFICE $2500 for my equity in cozy 4-R. bungalow, bal. small, with easy terms; comp. fur., ail built-is 100x100; hedge, lawn, flowers, berries, garage, playhouse ; 100 ft. from paved carline; no doolers. Owner. Wdln. 4. SUNNYSIDE If you wish to buy good 7 room bouse and lot 48x100 in heart of Sunnyside and car lines, and more than worth the money asked for It, please see this; $3000 will take it. See H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Tabor 2 1 9. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Richmond ; 6-room bungalow ; good condition; owner going to California: $3HiO; $1000 cash. JSAr. 1022. Sellwood 2700. evenings. BUY THIS WEST WIDE BARGAIN. T o modern cottuges, 5 and 6 rooms, bathrooms, toilets, basements, lot 50k 100; walking distance: $5500; terms. See TA OPART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Pldt;. HAVE $4500 equity in my 7-room modern house, close in on E. Taylor st. Must sell ,or will trade for a mercantile business. This Is a good home with a good income. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak St. A SPLENDID, well-built 8-room house. 2 lots, on corner: all improvements in and paid for: 75 rose bushes, 11 bearing fruit trees, lots of berry bushes; 7 blks. from Jefferson high. Phone Woodlawn 23H2. BY OWNER. For salo, 8 rooms, modern house. lot 60x100, garage, fruit and berries; close to school. If you are looking for a good houne, call Tabor 2750. BY OWNER. 4902 72D ST. Good 6-room house, lot 65x100; $500 down, balance on easy terms. Some fur niture togo. AIOuriiiN it-room bungalow, full corner lot, built-ins, fireplace, cemented basement; $750 cash, - balance terms; no agents. Hawthorne district, 1124 E. Harrison st. HOUSE in Rose City Park. 49th at., south of Sandy ; 8 rooms and lodge sleeping porch; too large for owner; price rea- " onable. Owner. Tabor P655. ' FOR SALE by owner, fl-room modern Irv ington house, walking distance, terms. " Phone Tabor S273. BY OWNER, modern bungalow, built-ins, fireplace, hardwood floors, 964 Brook lyn st. NEW STRICTLY modern 5-room bunga low, furnished. 4612 - 26th ave. S. E. Call 10 to 5 Sunday. Owner. Terms. ALAMEDA. New modern house, 7 rooms, bath, breakfast nook: price bargain. 313-60. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern residence, $500 down, balance $75 monthly. Owner, Mam BY OWNER Six-room bungalow, Webt morclaud, 2 blks. Xrom car. Woodlawn isa7. $4900 ROSE CITY PARK CAR. Nver before advertised ; finest grade hardwood floors throughout, flre - place, furnace, etc Located near Sandy, street paved. See this, $4500 ROPE CITY PARK. Here posi tively is one of the best buys In all of Rose City Park. Located near Alameda drive, faces east: 6 large rooms, splendid furnace xruiy your opportunity. 1950 ROSE CITY CAR. Here truly is a niftv riUT.fra.Inw with HOT WA TER HEATING PLANT, hard wood floors, fireplace,. Duiiei Dutch kitchen, full basement, etc. oarage. Let us show you. $3650 ROSE CITY CAR. 6-room bun galow, newly decorated and paint ed. good furnace, full lot. garage terms. $5950 ROSE CTTY PARK. 6-room bun galow. . Here is one of those super-attractive bungalows you have so often admired. Built along real classy lines and mod ern to the last detail. We know - you have seen nothing like it in JKose City for t he money : hard wood floors, ft replace, massive buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, etc Very reasonable payments. $5500 ROSE CITY PARK. First time advertised. An especially at tractive bungalow, located below the hill. 100 feet from Sandy; hardwood floors, fireplace, fur- nace. etc. 5 rooms and sleeping r porch. Terms. f 52u0 ROSE CTTY PARK. Now. folks. jr you want a real homo, see this. Located 100 feet from San dy, facing east, 30-foot living m. room, j re n en doors between liV' Ing and dining rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch Kiicnen, garage, etc. Terms, $C250 ROSE CTTY PARK" 7-room bun galow and garage. Folks, for i real class and distinction you will look a long while to see anvthlng better. It really is Impossible to (.ascribe the beauties of this at tractive home. Modern to th last detail. 'Built bv one of Port land's best builders. By all means see in is. REMEMBER. WF OTVW MOST OF OUR TIME AND ATTENTION TOWARD THE SALE OF ROSE CITY PARK AND 1AI KtJLHI RST PRnPERTT TVV! ARM NOW BUILDING OUR OWN BRANCH urHJE AT 40TH AND SANDY. ?6250 LAURELHURST. New. nifty oungaiow, thoroughly douhle con strueted. For oualitv of work manship and material nothing oener at tne nric is offered Hardwood floors, even in bed rooms; nrepiaee, iutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, etc. lerms, too. $0950 LAURELHURST. A real bom Built by one of Portland's best builders, ideally located, hard wood floors. fireplace;, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash travs. furnace. Really a home you'll be croud to own. Expensive tapestry pa per, etc. TF YOU WANT A REAL HOME TN PO?E CITY PARK OR LAURELHURST A. a. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near Fourth. Ground Floor Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 3092. Office Open Sunday. ONE-HALF ACRE. New 5-room modem bungalow, electric lights, gas, modern plumb ing, full cement basement and breakfast nook ; garage, chicken house; 10 full bearing fruit trees, also berries and roses: full half acre ail in cultivation near 52d st. S. E. Price only $4000, $1000 cash or might consider a good Jot in Groveland Park or Hawthorne dis trict as first payment. See N. I. Farnsworth. with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN.' 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081. ROSE CITY PARK. $5950 Ou Alameda drive, a beautiful 5-room bungalow, mod ern to the last detail, breakfast nook, large attic, heavy oak floors throughout, fine basement with furnace, construction far above the average, one block from car. Terms $1000. cash and balance to suit. HILLER BROS., 514 Railway Ex change Bldg. Auto. 528-6.1. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sundavs and Evenings. PHONE TABOR 8485. S100 CASH, balance $30 per month, i eluding int., buys a dandy S-room house. 50x100 lot. in good district, close to school and car; a real buy at S1S00; $100 cash. S250 cash, balance $40 per month. In eluding int., buys a real 5-room bunffalow: has floored attic, ga rge, 50x100 lot and fruit : close to school and car; satisfy yourself and inspect at once: only S3. 50. $500 cash, balance $50 per month, in cluding int.. buys this 5-room new modern bungalow, complete wun swell buffet and breakfast nook. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751 . 410 Henry hldg. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME CLOSE IN 7 Hero it is on East 24th street. beau tiful -semi-bungalow with 8 rooms, in eluding 1 bedroom and bath down and 2 large bedrooms on tne upper rioor; j big fireplace, built-in book cases, hand some built-in buffet, wonderful Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement, wash trays, 50x100 corner lot. Street paved. The m-ice is $4450. with $1200 catth down. We know there's no better close in buv in Portland. See ur at nce. COMTB & KOHLMAN, Main 6550.. - 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Open tnday (Sunday). COLONIAL HEIGHTS MODERN HOME. 22d. near Hawthorne; 6 rooms and sleeping porch; the highest class proper ty on the east side close in; living room overlooks the entire city; carpeted with fine velvet carpets; tapestry curtains and shades all go: finished In white enamel: everything complete to make a beautiful modern home; look for another in Colonial heights and you won r. rind it. Price only $7200; easy terms and payments. O. W. TARR, EAST 691S. 407 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. WEST SIDE HOME BARGAIN. Lovely home in choicest section of Nob Hill district, consisting ot large living room, library, dining room, kitch en. 3 be-drooms, bath, full cement base ment, furnace, etc. Price $10,000; terms $2000 down. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chqmher of Commerce. Main 6!7. VIEW HOME. We are offering a big bargain In that 10-room house. No. 395 16th st., between Montgomery and Hall.- H la modern, in a sightly location and wltihn 15 minutes' walk of the business center. If you ap preciate those things and want to buy a good home CHEAP you will see us at once. STRONG A CO.. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WAVFRLEY HEIGHTS BUNTS A LOW, MODERN- $4150: GOOD TERMS: 5 LARGE, 'BRIGHT. ATRY ROOMS, DUTCH KITCHEN. WITH BREAK FAST NOOK. RECEPTION ROOM, LA RGB ATTIC, FULL CEMENT BASE- " MENT. GARAGE. FRUIT. BERRIES; ONE BLOCK FROM DIVISION; RICH MOND CAR. V6 CRMENWQOT. 6-ROOM HOUSE. $2500. $500 cash, $25 per month with Interest at 6 per cent; a 6-room house, 1 bed room downstairs, 2 upstairs; Kenton dis trict. RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STRICTLY MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. By owner, new j6-room. hardwood floors, fireplace, attic, garage, full base ment, ivory enamel woodwork, nil built in conveniences; corner lot, 45x100: near school: terms. Call after Sunday. Phone Auto. 225-65. 1212 MLxter st, cor. East 4lst sL MODERN cozy bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, full cement basement, laundry tubs, floored attic, fruit and shade trees, berries, roses, chicken house, yard; gar den space and lawn, 100x100. Fine soil; 3 blocks to car. Will sacrifice for quick deal. $3650. Terms. 1169 E. 16th sL N. Woodlawn 6120. $3475 TERMS. Modern 6-room house, bath and toilet. In good condition, full basement, street made, near S. P. shops ; owner leaving city, has priced for quick sale. See TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. NEAT 4-room furnished modem bungalow, oheap for cash; garage, chicken house. 5909 39th ave. S. E. 7-ROOM house with garage, furniture for fctle. .East J.ilh, L East 3 7 Go. LOTS OF GROUND WITH THESE. $2500 5-room shingled cottage, with , acre of ground, assorted bearing fruit trees. native shrubbery, chicken house and rabbit hutches. u, block outside city limits; $500 cash, $25 monthly. $2650 Brand new 4-room plastered bun galow, concrete foundation, basement, bath, toilet, wired for lights, close to Woodstock school. Tot 100x100; $300 cash. $20 mo. $2700 Neat 5-room plastered cottage, concrete foundation, basement, bath, toilet, electric lights ind gas, near University Park;, $900 cash. $20 monthly. $2S00 A new fi-room unfinished house concrete foundation, studdings all se, siding on, 3 large lts 50x 300 each. 9 bearing fruit trees, on the hill, close to new medical school and county hosoital; $200 cash. $15 monthlv. Here is a chance for Mr. Handyman. $2S50 Another brand new 4-rSom plas tered cottage, with 100x100 lot, bath, toilet, wired for lights, close to Woodstock school; $300 cash, $20 monthly. $3000 4-room ceiled and papered cot tage, full plumbing, concrete founds tlon, basement. 1 acre of ground, apples, cherries, beaches, strawberries and rasnnerries: also grapes; $500 cash. $25 monthly. . $3300 A brand new 4-rom plastered bungalow, barn 12x20. chicken house 10x14, hath, toilet, gas. 40 high-grade chickens. 2 cords of wood and Ruud water heater, completely furnished, value of furniture $600; good acre of ground, all kinds or fruit and berries; $1550 rash. $200 yearly. $3S00 Vry neat and well-built 4-room plastered modern bungalow, ground 100x15, near the indus trial district of Kenton ; $2000 cash, $20 monthly. $4000 A 5-room plastered cottn ire. basement, complete plumbing, on paved street, in close-in district, ground 100x100, 7 large bearing fruit trees, plenty of roses and .flowers; $600 cash, $30 monthly. $4200 Nearly 2 acres of ground wit h one 3-room and one 4-room frame cottage, ground all In cultiva tion, in Montavllla: $1000 cash, balance monthly. A very decided - snan with a good future. $4300 A 2-story 7-room house, concrete foundation. modern plumbing, electric lights and gas. t. base ment, j acre of ground. 3 larce rherrv trees: near Mvrtle Park. Mt. Scott line; $500 cash, $20 monthly. A good buy. $4800 A four-room plastered bungalow. with concrete foundation, modern plumbing, electric lights and gas. hardwood floors, large barn and chicken coop, large creek runs through the place, about 50 fruit trees, some of which are in benr- lne. all kinds of berries, 10 Wiite Leghorn chickens: 2U acres of ground, near Stanley sta tion, Etsacada Une; $2100 cash. a reai Dargain. We have photographs of these and hundreds of other places. We have autos at your servire onrt six keen snlesmey to show you these places. Give us a call FRFD W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. REAL VALUES TN ROSE CITY PARK. $5300 5-room bungalow, has attic with large . windows, good for two more rooms : large living room with f irenlace and bookcases; hardwood floors, dining room witn nunet. wntte enamel kitchen, with breakfast nook, inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bath: two bedrooms with bath between, full cement basement with furnace and laundrv tubs: house built by day labor. If you realize what this means and will take Into consideration all that we have enumerated above you will acree with us that It Is a real barsraln. Fact Is, the owner Is leaving town, wnicn accounts ror our less-than cost price. $6500 A beautiful coiner with shade trees and nice garage, five splendid rooms, all In old ivory; fireplace. French doors to dining room, a sleeping pnrrh and large attic. This Is In a choice location on the hill. Phone u for a pointment to pee these and other ennd buys. Main !5S7. Sunday, Main 3592 STRONG & CO., rtOfj Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CTTY PARK. Here Is chance of a lifetime: J5500. a new. 6-room bungnlow in the heart of Rose rjty that wo can sell you for $500 cash. $55 a month, indu-Hner interest. Here is a bargain in both price and terms. If you want something new and modern and one of the best con structed bungalows In Rose City, be sure to see this Sunday. HILLER BROS., 514 Railway Ex change Bldg. Auto. 52S-63. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sundavs and Evenings. PHONE TABOR 8485. - QUARTER BLOCK. lOOxlOO-ft. lot and well built 7 room modern home. hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, full cement basement, furnace, chicken house, fruit trees; 3 blocks from car. Price on I v $5000. terms if desired. See N. I. Farnsworth, with TI. A. DRTER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 50S1. A DESIRABLE PIEDMONT HOME. 65 AO. Strictly modern 7-room house on Mal lory avenue; every built-in convenience, music room or den, living room 24x16, large dining room, all hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement, furnace, garace with paved driveway and floor and al ley, 3 sunny bedrooms, hath and pewtnft room on second floor., large attic, down stairs toilet. See RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A LITTLE CIT FARM' AND AN TNCOME. 1 acres at Mt. Tabor, clone to school; 10-room douhle bungalow, new. modern; 130 or more fruit trees, 1000 Everbearing stra wherry plants. 200 improved Mar shall raspberries, loganberries, blackber ries; chicken house for 250 chickens: the richest kind of land : properly worked, should produce over $1000 a year; price $S500. $3500 cash, balance to suit: value over $10,000. Call owner. Tabor 8473. for appointment. EAST BURNSIDE CLOSE in. Here Is a well-built 2-story bouse that is large enough for two families. There are 8 rooms and bath, ff replace, full concrete basement, high-grade furnaco. No street Mens to assume. The price is $5000. with $1000 down. This is a low price for a close In home of this sort. Call us today. COMTB A KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Open all dav Surdny. PRICE $1500. 2-room house, ceiled Inside; nice va riety of fruit and room for garden: ce ment walk, 4H blocks from Woodstock carline; no incumbrance; any reasonable terms At home after 6 P. M. Sunday. 5403 64th nve. S. E.,- Just off 52d st. Mrs. O. H noo- PARK ROSE, cioae to city limits, nice suburban home, modern 4-room bunga low, 1 acre finest black soil, about 45 finest fruit trees, 7 years old : berries of all kinds, grapes, etc.; nice barn and chicken hour.e; only 1 block from car line and Sandy road, $5000. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Tabor 219. FOR SALE 100x100 corner on car lin. with double constructed, plastered house; also variety of large fruit trees and fine garden spot and chicken house; side walks all In and paid for. The best buy In the city at $2100, on terms. Lo cated at 643 Dekum ave., cor. 17th. IN WOODLAWN SPECIAL PARGAIN. 5-room house, lot 50x1041, cement base ment, bath, toilet, cement walk and curb, plenty fruit and berries; 4 biks. car- $2000. $250 cawh. bal. $20 month. SEE J. H. RICHARDS. 34)8 McKay bldg.. Ad and Stark sis. LA ROE HOUSE of 12 rooms, in telect resiience section or city wnich 1 will sell for $7500. and take rood piece of vacant property or smaller house as part pavment. For part culars call at 404 PL ATT BLDG.. 127 Fnrk Street. -ROOM modern house, looated 1321 Cor bett st., Portland; full lot. paved street, paid; price $2750 and a real snap; $500 cash will handle. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. 4 BLOCK FROM KILLINGSWORTH AVE 4-room nouse, gas. oatn, louet, plenty fruit, basement, close to school, good district; price $1400. or will trade for one acre up to $3000. See this at once. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak St. NOB HILL DISTRICT $0500, Good 6-room house with full basement and good furnace, near 25th on Mar shall : good lot. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 STARK ST. EOR SALE Modern cottage, 5 rooms and oath; cement ounaation. Dasement. iruit trees and chicken house. St. Johns. R10 8. LMi3on fft. between Polk aid Tyler. SOME OF OUR i HOME BARGAINS. OWNER LEAVING THE CITY, MUST SELL, BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. . BEAUTIFUL IRVINOTON HOME. WORTH $12,000: WILL SACR1FCE FOR $$000. 7-room house, has hardwood floors throughout, splendid fireplace and beau tilul buffet, Dutch kitchen, tile bain, recess tub, pedestal wash stand, all love ly, large, light bedrooms with full-length beveled plate mirror in each; glassed-in sleeping porch, full cement basemen t, hot water heat ins plant, vegetable and fruit closets, nice lawn and shrubbery, garage; Immediate possession. Call Broadway -i54. IRVINOTON. $63iK. Six-room bungalow, hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace, beamed ceiling, built- in buffet. Dutch kitchen, giassed-in sleeping porch, 50x100 lot, garage, shrub bery and Ihhd; good terms. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $5950 5 rooms and sun porch, located on a beautiful corner lot; finished In white enamel, with fireplace, bookcases, hard wood floor-n, ce ment basement and good furnace. Priced for quick tale. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500 Strict I y modern 6-room home; has all the latest built-in con veniences, hardwood floors, good furnace, cement basement, ga rage, nice idrubbcry and some fruit; Located on East 60th sL Korth. Terms. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $3750 Lovely modern 5-room bungalow, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, firepiace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement and laundry trays, large floored attic, 50x100 lot, all in nice lawn and shrubbery; $1700 cash, bal ance liko rent. REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO., 210 Lewis Bids. Broadway 2954. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. S. W. CORNER 20TH AND BRYCI3. New 6-room bungalow, living room 30x10; tile fireplace, book cases, mahogany mantel. French doors to dining room; buffet; these rooms are f inished in old ivory and tapwstry paper; hardwood floors throughout; cabinet kitchen, tile sink and breakfast nook; the bathroom, block tub and shower, pedestal lavatory, 3 very fine bed rooms with large closets and hard wood floors; large deep cement basement, furnace, fruit room, ce ment porch, corner lot, lawn seed ed. Large garagu. This is an ex ceptionally well built bungalow with will arranged rooms. Will make the price very attractive for quick sale. For sale by owner, open for inspection today between .1 and 5 P. M. Corner 20th and Bryce streets. LADD AVE. HOME. OWNER. This In a bargain, 2 H -story houM, built 7 years ago; lot 40xU'-S; street im provements paid ; line strawberry bed a ml garden, houe 2Sx4s. full cement basement, furnace and laundry, recep tion hail, living room, firv place, paneled dining room, music room; all oak Hurra, white enameled kitchen and pantry with new inlaid linoleum, also toiiet and 2 porches on first floor. 3 larg-i bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on 2d lloor. 3d Hour unfnished. but high and ligiu; house contains over 50 windows, in terior decorated last year; better in everv wav than new except that outside needs paint; leaving city, will sell for $1750. which is way below value. See this at once. You cannot do better. Best of t'rms Phone Sellwood STiTH SPECIAL IRVINGTON BARGAIN. 630 East 17th N. : 100x100. beau tiful tr"s; wide streets; 9 rooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, autornatio Ruud heater, screens, awnings; beautiful paper; attractive and modorn inside and out; built in 1919 before big rise ; unusual op portunity on account of owner leaving city; better value than new house present prices; closest in spection invited. K. J. MauLz, East 5031 or Broadway 5512. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $350 cash, balance to suit, buys a beau tiful little 4-room bungalow; has a dandy kitchen and built-in cabinet; nice lot, 3 blocks to K. C. P. car; only $2100. $500 cash, balance Ilka rent, buys a 3 room bungalow; dandy modern kitchen; 3 blocks to It. C. P. car; a real bargain at $1400. 4-room modern bungalow in Rose City Park district, looxloo lot; has furnace, built-in buffot, garage and cement base ment; a really beautiful home; an im mense bargain. $3700; very easy terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry bldg. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAIN $6750. Non-resident owner gives us new low price for immediate sale of this fine corner residence on 19th st., consisting of 6 rooms, sun porch, bath, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays; 2 toilets, fruit room, fine concrete garage; former price was $8500; going now for $0750 ; reasonable terms; no mortgage or street liens to assume. Im mediato possession. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. HERB'S WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WATCH ING FOR. Put up your money and step right into a homey. 2-story place; the fixin's range from a most satisfying Edison phono graph to an electric washing machine, furnace system and elegant wood and gas combination range; and, oh! such good beds. There are 0 rooms; 2 are only partially furnished; $5500 cash takes it. I gather u my personal belongings ' and step out and you can step in. Don't offer me any trades; 1 want the cash or I'd keep my home. Come out and lurk it over. 1328 Burruge st. Wdln. 6117, HUME $7500. 7 rooms, modern, well constructed, modest home; full cement basement, ex cellent hot-air furnace; it floor, living room with fireplace, dining room, small den and kitchen. 2d floor has 4 sleeping rooms and bath; full attic, with maul's room finished ; In good central east side neighborhood, within walking distance, near urade and high schools, between Rose city and Montavllla car Jne. oiwier leaving city, wants to get in touch with buyer who can pay cash up to $3Mi0 mortgage; price $7500. Address R 509, Orggonlan S4 200 HAWTHORNE $4200. You'll not find a better buy in Haw thorne than this bungalow of 5 rooms, bath, big attic, fireplace, built-in book casss, full cement basement, furnace, paved street, one block to car. Have you set n anything In Hawthorne as described above for $4200? We know you haven't. If you can pay $1700 down, see us today. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 0550. 208 Chamber of Commerce. Open all dav Sunday. $000 AND A ROSE CITY HOME. Full price $440U, with $600 cash for this marvel of a small bungalow home, 2 bedrooms, bath, breakfast nook, buf fet, fireplace, laundry trays, etc. ; fine topestry pwper; paved street ; a value unsurpassable. Call Main 1 575. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 40S-411 Couch bldg. "CITY VIEW PARK." Six-room strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, nice built-ins; elennt view of river, mountains, overlooking the Oaks, close to park ; one block to car; paved street, concrete garage. 50x100; price $4700; half cash. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1654 Fourth Street. 100x100 AND 5 ROOMS. llMtuO I00fl CASH. HOUSE LOCATED ON PENINSULA. Kitchen, bath, toilet, living room, din ing room, two bedrooms; houee has fur nishings ready to move into; plenty of fruit, etc. SMITH-WAGONER. STOCK ENCH. NEAR REED COLLEGE $2500. Very neat well-built cottage of 5 large rooms and sleeping porch, sink, hot and cold water, corner lot, 100x100, every thing In pink of condition, 1 block to car, a truly beautiful place, $500 cash, $20 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber 'f Commerce. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1 850. An extra well-built plastered cottage, concrete foundation, electric lights, gas. patent toilet, 3 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries and grapes, good chick en house and woodshed, on paved street, near Kenton; $200 cash, $20 mon'nly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $20iM $150 CASH. Cor.y S-rm. bungalow cottage, fur nished; lovely lot. 12 bearing fruit trees, berries, rosea, garden space, near car and school; easy terms. 110 E. 24th N. "Woodlawn lli-'.S. No agents. HOLLA DAY S ADDITION. . Good 8-room house with full base ment, arranged for two families, corner lot lOOxino; Third and Weidler. HENRY W. GODDARD. 213 Stark St. FURNISHED house for fiule. 408 E. Broadway. s ; t T ft ' ! . . ! ; . ! I 1 V: .