- 1 1 23 TIIE SUNDAY OltEGOXIAN, PORTLAND. MAKCII 13, 1921 .i V1 .-( " . i - '-5 ". .I BUSINESS oppoktun 1TIES. Hotel and Rooming Muimw. MARY E. LhNT ,CO. Hotels, Rooming Houbos, Apartment Houses. 523-4-5 Northwest Bank Bldg. I'hone Main So for appointment. Fourteen years In this business In Portland gives us the best opportunity to locate you right. Places listed exclusively with this of fice with the leas 1 trouble. 84-ROOM HWTE1 One of the best located In the city, large lobby, while pressed brick build ing, very low rent to right party, mak ing a net profit of over $1000 per month. If you have $15, 000 cash, balance can be paid as you mako it. S-K(M)M HOTEL. Located on a close-in corner, 40 baths, ground floor lobby, elegantly furnished, long lease at reasonable rental ; you can't make a mistake on thin: nettln over $l::oo per month. Price $24,000; re quires about $1.1,000 cash to hanuie, 40-ROOM BEAUTY. . Corner white pressed brick, nicest fur nished house or its size in me city, ca ters to the best patronage, monthly profit over $550, plenty of private baths. ait outside rooms; price si-t.uou, reas onable terms to responsible party. S4-R( iOV HilM KLIKE. Rent $200, clears over $400 per month. on two floors. .asv place to manage, price $7230, liberal terms; can have long loaae. ROOMS AXD APARTMENTS. 48 rooms, very low rent, close In, west id, clearing $600 per month, always rtntea; price xil.0011, terms 10 suit. 16 APARTMENTS. Beautiful place, rent $-'75. clearing S4O0 per month. 3 blocks from Wash in k' ton Kir. 't-t; price $11,500. about $8000 cash required. 30 APARTMENTS. Net tins now- over $850 per month rental very low, steam heat, hot and cold water and Dhones In each apart ment Included in rental, which Is only $5-5; very easy place to manage for latiy alone. h'rice $10.000. 52 APARTMENTS. This Is close-in west side corner loca tion, bultd In a- white nressed brick, al 2 and 3 -room, apartments with bath. Price $30,0o, good income on invest ment. over $1200 clear every month. PER MRS. MH'LAIN. WITH lfARV E. LENT. .114 N. W. Bank Bldg.( FOR SNAPPY BARGAINS IN, SMALLER PLACES. til ROOMS. ants., all have running water. Rent nly $55. Halls and building in fine shape. Steam heat, a place that ran Ihj improved and sold at a profit. Now Clearing $l.r0. $275 on easy terms. AH-ROOM HOTEL. White nressed brick, all light rooms: exceptional value in every way. Good a.e Can clt-ar S.V'O per month. Price $7500. About $3500 cash will bundle tnis. 10 ROOMS. Clean h. k. rooms, dandy furniture and a fine house Clears $133. Price $1 10O. Term. sacrifice for cask. A small place, clearing nearly $100 a mom h. Beautiful furniture, rine car pets snd rues. Cheap rent. A safe In vestment and a bargain at the price of SI 350. WEST SIDE INVESTMENTS. $7010 5ooo rowv. SO rooms, brick building, running water, steam heat, clear profit over $300 per month. $sinK MSnfl DOWN. 52 rooms, part housekeeping apart' tnents, running water, steam, heat. Clear profit over $450 per month. JOOOO $5500 DlWX. 40 rooms, brick building. A-l west Side transient location. Ft earn heat, running wafer, lfne at nominal rent. $14.000 $7HA DOWN. 4 apartments, mostly private baths easy walking distance, wst side. Long lease at low rental. Exceptional net Income. $70on $4500 DOWM. Large working-man's hotel. Long lense, very low rental. Gross Income over $1200. BRITE HOT. MAN, Realtor. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. 3d and Wash. CLOSE TV ON FIFTH. Owner reduced this to $1750. This ts a Tery prnhtable, well-furnished i4-room house, all h. k.. modern home; reason able rent; stove heat: no junk: a real value; a hom and an Investment. See it. Cail M;iin 1575. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. Let's lo Your Business. 4i-411 Couch HMg. i ROOMS H. K.. $soo; $000 cash; close In, west side location. 10 rooms, $1000, terms. Brick build ing netting $123 above all expenses. 12 rooms H. K., $1200; good terms, electric litrhts. good furnishings and Clearing1 $10 above everything; close In. 15 rooms, $isoo; $1000 cash; low rent with good income; electric lights, good furnishings, nice and clean, close In. 24 rooms, part H. K.. cheap rent with lease and good income: electric lights; nice and clean ; north end location, for $3000. Good terms. 2' rooms H. K., White Tempi dig.: excellent furniture and clearing $175 a month. You cannot beat this for $3850. $jono cash. 23 rooms. $2000; $1300 cash : cheap rent, good furniture, mostly new car pet; clearing $150 above expenses. Nice little modern brick apt. house of 10 apts.; good lease and nice net income; fine, clean homelike place for $4800. Some terms. 75-room modern brick hotel on Wash ington St.; ft-years' lease, for $1100. One ' of the best hotel buys in Portland today. ! ft rooms of good furniture, partly liousekeeping; White Temple district, for $150; u. cash. TRY-US REALTY CO., 169 W. Park St. Auto. M3-43. " AN A-l INVESTMENT. $12.000 $10,000 DOWN. I M rooms close in, west side, brick. Running water, steam heat. Clears over . $700 month. Building and furnishings In excellent condition. 1 BRUCE HOLM AN, REALTOR, S22-3-4 Failing Bldff. 3d and Wash. I W HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEPING ROOMS; CLOSE IN. White Temple district. 2-year lease, rent $223 per month; steam heat, hot nd coid water; clearing $5O0 per month. Price J75W. $4000 casfi win hanaie. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. AVOTHER HOTEL SNAP. A veritable diamond mine of profits: 21 rooms; rent $140; large net: $2v.K) lira payment, hou.se pays the rest in shor time .Main i..-v O H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, Real Estate in All Branches. 4QN-411 Couch Bidg. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. 4o rooms, transient : perfect location irreut producer; lease; you will never .pass this up if you have $10,000. Main l0,6. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. Everything in Real Estate. Couch Bldg, Fourth St. SEE THIS: 20 housekeeping rooms. cated 2 blocks from Portland hotel; Northwestern heat, electric lights, gas, ht and cold water; good furniture and carpet: a little money-maker; nets $1 per month over and above all expense; good jt-rms; lease 1 year. Owner. Mar shall 1321'. ' ONE WORTH WHILE. Modern corner brick building, all 5 and 3-room ants., extra well furnished very clean; lease, low rent, clears over $500; well located. PRICED RIGHT. GOOD TERMS. MRS. THOMSON. 20 HENRY BLDG. 1U-ROOM transient hotel; close in on west side; running water in part of the rooms; extra good furniture; rent $75 a month; will clear better than $175 a month: full price S26.W. gome terms. Call Simms. 141 Lownsdale. Broadway 2!:?T. 10 ROOMS. Frame building, furnace heat, excel lent furniture, nice home. $1000 cash Will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 OAK ST. CONFECTIONERY, cigars and groceries; good cloe in ea-st slue location, no com petition; doing $4 1 ash daily, rent oniy :; price xi'no. ioi cash win handle. SI M ms-KEITH CO.. kip Henry biig. A 32-ROOM transient brick hotei, the best location on the west side; hot and cold watr In all the rooms. North western heat: practically all brand new furniture; some buy at $500. Call Slinms. 141 I.ownsdale. Broadway 2937. 0 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Dandy west side location; all outside rooms: all freshly retlnted and papered on the In side; Income $540: full price $400; some terms. Call Slmm. 141 Lownsdale. 87-ROOM transient hotel; extra good loca tion on the west side; good furniture; good lease at $175 per month: full price $H700: some terms. Call Simma, 141 Lownsdale. Broadway 2937. " A MONEY MAKER. 36 rooms H. K. Steam heat, rent $.10, leaie, nets $2'J5. Price $2600. terms. M A GOON & SPENCER, 517 Cham of Com, bldg. 18-ROOM HOTEL. Good location. 2-year ' lease, brick building; $1200 cash, will handle. See RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. FURNISHED apartments on second floor, brick building; have rent of first floor; also 5 garages In rear. Phone East 2108. WANTED 10 or L price and terms. Oregonlan. H, K. rooms; rig-ht No agents, f 4U2, $454 CASH or terms. Well-furnished fiat. Walking distance. Call today. Marshall :;w3. fRIVATE party wishes 15 to 30 H. K. rooms; must be real bargain. G 452, Ore son ian. WANT 10 to 20 H. K. apts. Have aash. W est side. N 4!S, Qregonian. 14 ROOMS If. K. Rent $36.20. Nell $100. Pru $iuuO. Xorwa, Ataia 01-t, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 614-520 Swetland Bid J, Corner Washington and Fifth SU. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS. APARTMENT HOUSE with 21 apts.; very best location; rent $1'0. Nets $354. Clean, light, airy rooms. Price is $7500. Some terms allowed responsible parties. io shoppers. APARTMENT HOUSE with 17 rooms and 4 kitchenette. White Temple district, close In; nets $180 a month. Steam heated; 8 sleeping rooms, balance house keeping; good furniture. Price $3000. Cash $1600. APARTMENT HOUSE ; 36 rooms; rent $50; fair furniture; room for 3 machines, fine garden, chicken house for 100 hens. Renis only $50. but income is $345. Price $2600; cash $1500. APARTMENT HOUSE with T rooms; Nob Hill district; good house. Llg-ht, airy rooms Price $625. Terms. HOTEL with 75 rooms. Ground floor lobby. Hot and cold water; steam heated; long lease; income $1400 a month ; $12,000 will handle. Bal. your own terms. HOTEL: corner brick; 30 rooms, modern, well furnished ; rent $150. with good lease. Full price $7000. TRANSIENT HOUSE with 10 rooms, well furnished, neat and clean ; good transient location. Cash $Soo and small balance on . easy terms. A BARGAIN APARTMENT HOUSE, well furnished, modern In every way. Furniture worth $70oo. Will sell property and furniutre at a bargain price of $10,000; balance $225 a month. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 614-620 Swetland Bldg. Corner Fifth and Washington THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. MODERN BRICK BLDG. Over 30 apts. (nearly 100 rooms): all! strictly modern, long lease, rent $500; extra good hardwood furniture; nets I over $70o. $10,000 WILL HANDLE. OVER 50 ROOMS. Some apts., lease, rent $225; steam 1 heat, hot and cold water in all, best I location; nets $500 and nine apartment; $0000, easy terms on balance. BRICK HOTEL. Nearly 40 rooms, modern, hot and cold I water In all rooms, extra good rugs I and furniture; nets over $450, lease, $275 1 rent; xaooo win, handle. 70-ROOM HOTEL. Modern brick buildings, nice lobby, lease, rent s.rioo, in is proposition win clear you about $1500; price $16,000, part terms. BO ROOMS. Good transient location, brick build ing, lease, rent $150, net over $400; $4000, terms. 25 ROOMS. AH H. K., rent $tio, hot water heat and stoves; not a swell place, but a real money-maker: over $275 clear and nice front apt.; $3i50, part terms. 8 APARTMENTS. 12 rooms, rent $50, good furnace, elec. rice nome with income; $20U0, terms. 20 ROOMS. H. K., rent $50, furnace and stove I heat, elec., water In nearly all; clears I 220 and allows 2 apts. lor owner and janitor; $350O, terms. 25 ROOMS. All apts., stove heat, elec., lease, rent $100; well located, clears $200; $3500, terms. 20 TRANSIENT ROOMS. Best location, rent $80, lease; nets over! 10; a good ouy at 3.oo, part terms. We have many others, all sizes, prices I and locations., if what we have adver tised does not meet your requirements, I can ana iook over our lists. MRS. THOMSON, R20 HENRY BLDG. MAGOON & SPENCER. 517-lft Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6127. WOULD CONSIDER MODERN HOME in exchange for modern furnished apart ment house showing over $bOO net per month. $6.ooo will give you DEED to modern apartment house and furniture, income thereof will pay balance of total price. 1 (fay tne rent to yourself) . $10,5i Best apartment house for the I price shows a NET income of $600 per month. Has over AO rooms. Clean as I a pin and well furnished. $5000 and a small mortgage will give I 50 rooms. Steam heat, hot and cold I water all apartments and rooms. Show ing NET Income over $4.0 per month. $3350 more or less and small mortgage! and this modern, flreproor apartment house. lease and furnishings are yours. I a monern nome ana good income, HOTELS. ANY KIND. SIZE OR PRICE. We have two out-of-town, with NET Income 3-too per month. Price of each under $5500. 43 rooms. 18 apartments, of which 6 nave private baths. Steam heat. 3 pub lic baths, central. Price and rent right. Lease. 22 rooms all H. K. Close In, well fur- j nished. NET income 1M per month. 10 rooms, good income, good home. Rent $60. Near Heilig theater. Price $isoo. Income $140 and 3 rooms for e:r. TODAY 6-room flat, f.67 Everett st. Rent $40. Price $600. Show 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. fOl'R AUTOS AT YOUR SERVICE). OLD-TIME PRICE. $100 a ROOM. TERMS. I Large h. k. establishment. 2. rooms, netting over $ld; modern house, with eiectncrty ana gas. stove neat, west sine. walking- distance: kitchenettes in neirlj ail apartments and water in nearly ah. I rooms; rent o; income can oe in creased; good buy. First on to ee It I will buv it. .Main J.ti.t. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 40S-4I1 Couch Bldg. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES. If you want to buy an apartment I nouse; 11 you want rocK oottom invest ment values; ir you want a leane anartment houses or hotels, let us serve I you. A phone call will bring our cars! to show you the town or the bargains I we control, tan .Main i.7a. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. We Serve and Satisfy. 4Q8-411 Couch Bldg. SPLENDID HOTEL Cream of downtown locations, B0 rooms, well furnished, hot and cold water in all rooms. Northwestern heat, I private baths, fine supply linens, clear ing net profit over $00 month; price lo.ovo; mi.wu nown. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOOR K CO.. 1007 YBOV BLDG. 126 ROOM APARTMNTS. This is one of the best buys In Port land, consisting of 42 3-room apartments. Mrictly moaern, -year lease, rent 1WO. Net income $1100 per month. $1500 cash win nanale this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. 44 H. K., $2200 cash. bal. terms, nets $250. 30 H. K.. $2000 cash. Heart of the city. $200. 11 H. K.. $S50 cash. bal. good terms, good Income. 10 H. K., $100 casn, easy terms, nets mo. WE HAVE OTHERS. WEST SIDE REALTY CO., 104 West Park St. FOR SALE. A clean, handsomely-furnished five- room flat: best of furniture, Brunswick phonograph, mahogany and oak furni ture, leatner coucnes. oet or rugs. must. be seen to be appreciated. Close in west side. Phone Automatic 523-80. 252 Broadway. GROCERY AXD MEAT MARKET. Doing $100 cash and carry daily., very clean stock at invoice; rent $45. in- j clufles light, heat and water; about! $32.t for all. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. 610 Henry bidfr OS-ROOM HOTEL, EAST SIDE. Brick building, steam heat, s.eep- lnr rooms, rest housekeeping apart ments; 5-year lease; clearing $450 per month. $4000 each win handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., S05 OAK ST. 75-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. Good building. 4-year lease, private phones, bath, lobby and elevator. Clear ing $1000 a montn. 910,000 handles It. " A. J. DEFOREST A CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. 10 ROOMS. Frame building, furnace heat, excel lent furniture, nice home. $1000 cash will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. I HAVE some fine buys In apartment and I rooming houses, both large and small; also flats. Call and see me. Barney Johnson, 170 lOifa sU 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel and Rooming Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-520 Swetland Bldg. Corner 5th and Washington St a, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. APARTMENT HOUSES We have the cream of the west aide. Net Income over $1100 a month. If you have $1S.W0 cash, come in and we will go into details with you. Long lease. Price $22,500. APARTMENT HOUSE AND GROUND. If you want all there Is in the business and can handle on the same terms as lease and furniture would require, I would like to show you some real buys in apartment buildings and grounds. We have one at $25,0410; $6000 will handle this. We have another one at $40,000; $15,000 will handle. An other one at $63,000 includes furniture, modern brick build ing; Nob Hill district, -est lo cation; one-half cash will handle It. It is just as easy to be your own landlord as to he working for a landlord, THINK IT OVER! PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 614-520 Swetland Bldg.. Corner 5th and Washington Sta. THE BEST TIME TO BUY to K-I-J flMV'T WAIT. 65 rooms. Brick. Long lease. Clears over $300 month. $.Vi00 is price, on easy terms. Here is a wonderrui opporiumij. 16 rooms on one floor, iiww, naii cn Rent $35. Brick bldg. This is goou iu- $400 down and the balance out of the earnings of the house will buy you a nice little residential apartment house, close to Lincoln high school. 12 nice rooms. 1350. term. Clears $90 month. Ctean, new. . 10 irr,. vh Hill d strict. $1Sj0. Large yard'. Rent $35. Clear better than $100 per month. $20,000 will buy one of the best fur nished large apartment houses in Port land; long lease at low rent. ears. $S50 month above all expenses. $10,000 will handle this excellent place. piv. i-if- nf th hst business Port hind ever enioved Is ahead of U. Get your share. Buy now. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE AND LET ME SHOW YOU. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 I'Ol'CH BLDG. ROOMING HOUSE 15 ROOMS. $1000. 6 2-room apartments; 1 3-room apart ment. All on one floor. OWNER MUST MOVE. $1050. TERMS. Another large one $1673. Term. ACT QUICKLY. NEILAM & PARKHILI. 2 1 It Lumhermens bldg. DON'T MISS THIS Hotel Apartment AA r-nnmu rent 2.0. 12 Aptfl.. 19 Sleep !ng rooms. 6 offices, hot and cold water in alt rooms, steam heat, fine white pressed brick building, net profit about $000 month, trice i ..". See Mrs. Keller GEO. T. MOORE CO. 107 Yeon BMg. TlVtJITT "HOTEL. 54 moms, fine corner brick bldg., troam nf Irwations heaUtlfUUV furnished, ground floor lobby, elevator, 5-year lease, clears over all expenses about $b00, For further particulars kv.vi Mns KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDG. RWRT.I. WEST SIDE LOCATION fU-ronm anartment house. 21 3-room Apts., 7 4-room Apts., all with private baths and phones; 3 1-room Apts., cor ner brick bldg.. full 4-year lease clears over all expenses about $TOO, io,ouv wax give you possession. See Mrs. Keller GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1QQ7 Teon Bldg. THE FINEST PLACE IN CITY. it Kir TnmiBoif Anincr rooms, electricity, atove heat, old ivory and birdseye make furniture, fine rugs, everything new a years ago; house finished inside in black walnut and manogany, ciean a i" all through, fine west side location, a fine home and big income, for 3300, terms. Call at 3S'l Yamniu. I.TTTI.E PALACE 43-Room Apt. house, private baths to all Apts.. furniture and rugs orano f.m i-.ni v si 00 with 2-vear lease. n.t 'nrofit J250. Fine 5-room Apt. for own use. Price $0000. $3000 down. See Mrs. Keller GEO T MOORE CO. 1Q07 Yeon Bldg. p r a 1 . fI.A SSY n rooms. beautifully furnished throughout. 4 bathrooms, running water in most rooms, all in houseKeeping Ants. This place makes a net profit of $250 month. WZ.n win naiiuiw. See Mrs. Keller GEO. T. MOORE CO. 107 Yeon Bldg. v-w-i u TU w IT ST CRY HEAT 30-room hotel, right In the heart of the cttv; fine corner, orica uuimin n L-ith lease: nets $7O0 a month good furnishings, hot and cold water in all the rooms: u'nm in.ni m SEE MRS. H AUG. 51? Henry hi rig. Broadway GOOD BUY. m.rAAtn house. comD Iptely furnlshfd for housekeeping. riKht downtown, clears over ull expenses J126; 11150 caBh will srlve you possession. SEE MRS. KEI.I.ER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1 007 T BON BT.DO. ANOTHER ONE in. room hnu.e all In 2-room suites for housekeepin with proper sinks In kitchen, good carpets and gas ranges. Easy terms. See Mrs. Keller r.EO. T. MOORE CO. 10QT Teon Blag. uiunTV IV MODERN HOTEL. Modern hotel, good corner brick. S- year lease, aooul rooms, mubi a account sickness. Special price. List 78. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. BROKERS. 714 Loucn BIO!. GOOD RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. ThU nrnnnsltlnn Will net VOU $400 OVCT all expenses, personal, too; strictly mod ern furniture and furnishings the very best; 3500 will handle. All particulars MRS. THOMSON. 6JO HENRY BLPO. a ruttn INVESTMENT. ttono. i..r. l:?on Der month In a Washlngton-st. rooming house; investi gate at once A. W ESTES. REALTOR. WIS Chamber of Commerce. Auto. M4-Q... A PART M ENT LEASE. With furniture; one of the most ex clusive eat side apartments, o-vear lease; half cash, terms on balance. First time offered. For Information call at 403 Coucn Diag. J B. ROCK- IT! P IT 4 n v to kef.p H O US E a. h.v the dearest 4-room flat, all complete and newly furnished, nvr been usea. rricu "" See Mrs. Keller CEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. to vni! awm in i h ft market ror a notei. ui oerore investing. o the first class propositions In the city. Information cheerfully given. See Mrs. Keller GEO. T. MOORE CO. lo07 Yeon Bldt $7000 WILL SECURE THIS FINE HOTEL. stHetlv modern, west side brick hotel. 34 rooms: long lease; netting over jQ. For appointments. Main 1:"5- Realtors. Couch Bldg. COMB IN and see us In regard to our high-class ipanmem i'r mat. don't advertise; we handle the most ex clusive in the cttv. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 100" YEON BT.DG CONFECTIONERY, grocery and school supplies. near large uiiwul 1 ' ou li say so. ni , rooms: price tJ.o. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. riP" rX Q'"g WEST SIDE apartment house. 50 rooms. corner lot juuxiio u.. nnunn f""" yearly. Price right with terms, or will 11 rurnisnings anu gi agents. Owner. L uregunian. ,C5 ROOMS, brick building, rent io. lease 2 years, net pront over m;.prn; fVOOO, $5000 cash. 805-06 Common , wealth bldg., cor. 6th and Burnside, Aut. 512-41. 12 ROOMS, newly papered, fine location. good income, some terras, 13 rooms, fine furniture and carpets; good location, net Income $115. Some terms, owner im i.'tn bu RESTAUR ANT snap, west side location; doing f50. can te aoumea; rent s-hj. lease; $700 cash will handle SIMMS-KEITH CO.. 610 Henry bldg. IS H. K. ROOMS. $000. terms: cheap rent, near Morrison ; oest pi ace in cuy to fix up and sell again and make $1000. on first floor, stove heat, exclusive list ing. ll rarK. 18 ROOMS, good furniture, electric lights. gas; certainly a nice nome; siouu .who terms. 805-06 Commonwealth bldg., cor. 6th and Burnside. Aut. 512-41. FOR QUICK SALE list your rooming or apartment bouse with the old reliable J. BRUCB GODDARD. MH-J tTouch Bldg. $500 INCOME off 44 H. K. rooms; low rent, long lease, $5000, terms, 401 Stock Exchange bldg. BrSIVESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houttes. HOTELS AND ROOMLVG HOUSES. 61-ROOM HOTEL. 51-room transient hotel, modern brick bulldlnr. rood west side location: steam beat, telephones in most all rooms; 8 private baths; netting $1600 a month. rice fio.uoo, $10,000 cash. 40-ROOM PESIDEVTIAL HOTEL 40-room residential hotel; fine brick building; West Side location; rent $3Hi. rrice $1 4.000, $10,000 cash. 22 ROOMS H. K. 22 rooms H. K. West Side location; electric lights; stove heat; nets $165 a month. Price $2650. $100U ca&n. 15 ROOMS. H. K. 15 rooms H. K. in White Temple dis trict; rent $50; nets $170; furniture very good; price $1(00, terms, A TtARGAIX. S6 rooms H. K. ; rent $50: good furn iture; elec trio lights; steam heat; gas ranees: nets over 1250: fine location; al ways full. Price $2500, $1500 irandlea. 12 ROOMS. H. IC. 12 rooms H. K. ; excellent furniture; eleotric lurhta: frunace heat: makes a lovely home and good income. Price $1600, terms. 9 ROOMS H. K. O mnmi T4 IT ro.nt S.'.O: nlcelV-ftir- nished homelike place; furnace heat and gas. Nob Hill district. uoon income, Price $1500. $800 will do business. a r.nnn titty. M rooms H. K.. 3-year leaae. Very good furniture. -Nets $273. Price $26o0. Easy terms. ft nnnvs it. tc. x 8 rooms H. K.. rent $ 26.50; good fur niture, neat and clean. Tice ao casu. 11 ROOMS H. K, 11 rooms H. K.. rent $40; nicely fur nished, electric lights, furnace heat, large lawn around house. .Nets $130. Price $1600. Terms. 11 ROOMS H. K. 11 rooms H. K.. 3 garages. White Tem ple district, rent $45. Nets over $100 A mo. Price $1300. Terms. 25 ROOMS H. K. 25 rooms H. K.. in Xob Hill district; good furniture, stove or furnace heat Is'ets over $200. Price $3500. Terms. See Mrs. Nicholson with E. M. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Loans and Collections. 3'f Flledner Bldg. Rdwy. 1334. MODERN' apartments. Fine west side corner. Brick b-Jdff. ixmg lease, rea sonable rent. Extra good furniture. Big money maker. Price $17,500 Easy terms. 42 apartments. Modern west sloe brick corner. Autom-atlc elevator, bal conies, oil burmr furnace and all mod ern idess. Completely furnished. Jn wonderful condition. Clears $1300 per mo. Price $25,000. 3-room hotel. Modern brick In best we-st side district. Some private baths. Electric lights, hot and cold water In aH rooms. Steam heated. Clears $500 per mo. Price $K500. Terms. 51-room hotel. In heart of town. Long lease. Many private baths. Good fur niture. Mod or n in every way. C 1 ears $soO and up per mo. Price $15,000. Terms. 24 h. k. rooms. Electric lights, stove heat, water in all suites. Fine close-in west side corner. Clears $170 per mo. Price $3500. Esy terms. 41 modern rooms. In one, two and three-room apartments. Fine brick cor ner. Long lease. Rent $3(70. Free heat and water. Good furniture. Price $7o00. Terms. TATES REALTY CO. 1 245 FOURTH ST. j A FEW GOOU ltUYS. 25 rooms, housekeeping, nets $165; $3750, terms. 24 rooms. $3750, terms. 15 rooms. $2800, terms. 12 rooms, 11(100 tprma. housekeeping, nets $250; housekeeping, nets $150; housekeeping; nets $80 Xine room a housekeeping ; nets $S0 $1350. terms. All .west side locations. Marshall &ro, or can at aui lamnm. on. room hotel, fine location right down town, clearing $200 per mo.; lease. $000 cah. 3S-room h. k.; brick building, good Iphsp: rlRars 1300. S4500. good terms. 20-room apt., steam heat, lease and cl-an as a pin. $4000, good terms; clears $i:uo. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 10th St. COZY APARTMENT HOUSE. 40 rooms, rent onlv $1H5: 18 apart ments, 6 with sleeping porches. This nlace Is clean and well furnished: w derful location on 10th st; price $7500; $5000 down. SEE MRS.. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment and room Ing houses with us; your interests will always be protected; we have cash ouy ers waiting for your propositions. SEE MRS. KELLER. GFTO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON RLDO. SWELL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 45 rooms, 5-year lease, beautiful ground floor lobby: well furnished throughout ; wonderful location; net $800 a month: $HO00 cash. SEE MRS HAUO. 512 Henry bldg. Broadway 5497. DOWNTOWN CAFETERIA. Tn thi heart of the business district doing $-S0. rent $10O. lease. A dandy place. 4 people handle nicely, one shut. l-'nce 9-'". some term. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. 10 Henry bldg. IS ROOMS, good building, rent $75, lease 2 years, net income $150; price FiiOO, west side, 305-Ott Commonwealth bldg., cor. 6th and Burnside. Aut. 512-41. LOST AND FOUND. MODERN BRICK BUILDING. WEST SIDE. -$32,500. . $S0OO CASH. E. 477. OREGONIAN. LADY'S Elgin wrist watch, lost last Thurs day afternoon just outside of or in Aleier & rranKS store; vaiuen an aeepBaae; watch has plain gold filled, attached on black ribbon. Finder please phone East HI 10 and receive reward. LO-T March 12. oblong shaped piece black onyx, with cluster or pearls in center. Part of ring. Lost either In Northwest shipyard or near shipyard. Valued as keepsake. Reward. Main 750S. or 371 Water st., between 8 and 11 A. M, Lost Goodrich tire with rim. sise 37x5, on Pacific highway near castle kock. Reward. Write H. J. Barbey, 377 E. 25th st. N. SMALL White Fox Terrier, strayed or stolen from vicinity or 4-a ana xnomp son streets. Black muzzle. Answers to name of Peggy. Call Tabor wmz. LOST One female terrier, collar and bell on neck. Answers to name or annie. Liberal reward for return to 47 E. Clay. Phone East 3227 LOST Black leather purse, downtown dis trict Saturday afternoon; containing cash and check; notify Mrs, Bender, Broadway 3035. Reward. LOST Between Portland and Gresham, tire carrier, spare tire, tail light and license fflaie 71259, Oregon. Sell wood 304.. - WILL the party who picked up a lady 'a pocketbook in front oi L.aureinurst nans on March 12, please return it to owner at K72 E. '53d st. N. ? Reward. LCXST 10-monihs-old Collie dog. sable and white: return 435 Prescott St., or call Wood lawn 33Q7; reward. LOST Brown cameo brooch with suing cf pearls aroound it; euitabla reward. Call Woodlawn 143. LEFT a gold filagree and pearl pin in fit ting room at Meier Frank's. Phone Main 5111. Reward. LOST Black leather purse near Oregon Electric depot on 4th st. Finder keep money and return purse. Wdln. 2668. PARTY who picked up Persian cat near 408 Nehalem is known; return same and avoid trouble. $5 REWARD for the return of my Persian cat; mixed dark and yellow. Call Auto matic 218-80. WILL party who purchased the pup "Ned" March 10 please send their address to Mrs. Adams. 566 E. Ash. LOST Between S. P. & S. station and Hoyt st.. belt with notes and money in It. Please call East 8139. $100 reward. LOST Female Irish setter; answers to name of Bonnie. Return 1175 Van couver ave. Wdln. 42H8. Reward. LOST Purse, in Yamhill market, or on Third St., containing JlO Dill ana Z sil ver. Automatic 511-41. FOUND A lodge charm or fob; must be fully described by owner. 100 East 61st st North. " LOST BLUE SILK UMBRELLA, ivory handle, amber ring. Reward. Valued as gift. Phone Main 304O, LOST Sigma Nu fraternity pin with In itials "W. S." and chapter on -Daca; re ward. S B3f. Oregonlan. . LOST Pair nose glasses, spring clip; re- w a rd. Ferguson, Alien et bewis. FOUND Two stray cows, one black, one spotted. Stulrer Bros.. Falrview. WANTED Baby carriage, reed or wicker. In good condition, a 46. oregonlan. LOST STRING PINK CORAL BEADS; REWARD. IS AST IQDa. LOST Gold -rimmed spectacles, child's size, near Buckman scnooi. j-jat 7200. LOST Friday night, on west side, cloi of gold bag, green lining. Marsh. 4B7D. LOST Laft Sunday, cameo brooch. Call Wood, o8L, Reward, , LOST AND FOUND. A1RDALE dog lost; $25 reward. Black and tan Airdale terrier; female. Had a spiked collar with name plate attached at time of disappearance. I will pay $25 for her return or will pay an equal sum to anyone furnishing me with in formation that will assist me in recover ing the dog. George H. Ban n on, Ore gon City. SPECIAL NOTICES. OWNER of Bulck No. 18800 No. 2. call and pay storage and for ad before March 15 - or will sell same.- J. ft. Baker, Maple wood, Or., March 2. 1921- Proposals Inv 1 1 ed. KALAMA offers for sale $18,000 general municipal bonds. 6, payable 20 years, with option of payment after 15 years. Bids received up to April 5th, 1021, 7:30 P. M. Miscellaneous. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned. 401 Courthouse, Portland, Or., until 12:00 o'clock noon, March 17. 1021, for clearing and grub bing the site of the new James John high school, Portland, Or. Bids will be onened at a regular meeting of the board, to be held in room 'MM court house, at 4:00 P. M, the same day. Specifications may be obtained at room 401. courthouse, or at the old Falling school. First and Porter streets, Portland, Oregon. A certified check for 10 per cent O0w) of the amount of the proposal must accompany ach proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to divide the award. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated March 12. 102L , SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, Portland. Or., until 12:00 o'clock noon. March 17, 1&21, for clearing and grub bing the site of the Hawthorne-Buckman school, Portland. Or. Bids will be opened at a regular meeting of the board, to be held at room 401 courthouse, or at the old Failing school. First and Porter streets. Portland. Or. A certified check for ten per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to divide the award. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated March 12, 1921. NOTICE TO CREDITORS irvington Park Floral company has sold all of its prop erty of every kind and nature and its entire business to the undersigned, and the sale will be consummated in 6 days at the office of C. A. Appeigren. attor ney, room 701 Chamber of Commerce bldg., .rortlana. uregon. GUST BERGMAN. OSCAR W. NELSON. ALFRED GUSTAFSSON. Dated March 12. 1921. SEALED bids will be received up to 10 o clock A. M., Aiarcn 10. on a siock 01 lewftlrv and fixtures located at Condon, Oregon; dock invoices $3000. fixtures $1150; certified check 10 per cent to ac company bias; ngni to reject dkib re served. G. W. Ingrajn trustee, 641 Pit- tock block. CONTRACTOR wanted for cellar excava tion, different parts 01 city, ajj soi, u egonian. FINANCIAL. SEALED bids will be received until 2 o'clock P. M., on Monday, aiarcn -i, 1021. at the office of H. M. Esterly. 717 Corbett building, Portland, Oregon, for $20,800 par value of bonds of Sylvan Water District in denominations to suit the purchaser, dated the first day of January, 1921, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable January 1 and July 1. both principal and interest being payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Oregon In New York City. These bonds will mature $2C80 par value January 1. 1823. and a ' ' amount annually thereafter on the first day of Januarv to and including January 1, 1932. 'These bonds are issued under Chapter 346, Oregon Laws, 1017. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on some responsible banH in the city of Portland. Oregon, for an amount equal to at least 5 per cent of the face value of the amount of bonds bid for, payable to the order of Ray mond B. White, treasurer cf Sylvan Water district, to be forfeited as liqui dated damages in case the bidder shall fail or neglect to take and pay for said bonds should the same be awarded to him. The commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids should be marked "Bids for Sylvan Water Dis trict Bonds' and addressed to C. B. Duhrkoop, secretary. C. B. DUHRKOOP. Secretary. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. THE FOLLOWING articlts were found on the cars of hte Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., March 11. 1021: 13 um brellas, 2 lunch boxes. 3 purses, 1 pin, ' 1 suit case, 1 hand bag. 4 pair, 1 single glove, 1 book, pants hanger, rule, silver dollar, glasses case, o pacicages, oasKet, bucket. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder station. STOCK SALESMAN. H IGH -GRADE. L UC R A TIVH PLAN. SEE F, A, SMITH, 208 OREGON BLDG. XrOTVFIY TO LOAN. nn Hurnlus stocks of merchandise placed in storage with us. Phone Broadway S715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. 08 4th street, corner or fine. FOR SALE At par and accrued interest, glllt-edge 8 per cent first mortgage notes in amounts $100 and up. If you have idle funds Investigate at once; bank ret erences. AC 451. Oregonlan. fc TAX EXEMPT Short time, high- grade, rirst mortgage oonaa, any aize n wll imnroved f&rmi: bank investigated. trust protection, exceptional quality. AF 468, Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN On Portland Realty at lowest rates. Con sult us about your needs. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., Safety Boxes. 2 84 Oa k St, WILL make loans on cattle, dairy herds. .f to farmers In vicinity of r'ortlana. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210-Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILL DISCOUNT certif icateo. of deposit on Oregon banks bearing 0,0 interest payable In 6 months. E. 1275. D 384, uregonian WANTED First-class, experienced securi ty salesman at once; attractive proposi tion. Inquiries confidential, AG 413. Oregonlan. WILL SACRIFICE $500 PREFERRED stock well estaousnea manuiacturing plant payln-g 8 per cent. Six months' div idend accrued. Phone E. 8643. $800 PREFERRED stock J. L. Hart man Co., paying regular iirr nivinenua, win discount. Call Brodway 2212. Wli-L pay cash lor small mortgage or sellers' real estate contract: quick ac tion. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate, wasnington, ure- gon. H. E. Nob 1 e. 316 Lumbermen's bldg. FOR SALE $2250 mortgage, monthly payments of $35 month at 7 per cent on city property, for $2200. Wdln. 3650. WE LUY first and second mortgages and sell. ' contracts F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 3026. FOR SALE Gilt-edge nrat mongage bonds; bank reference. Venard. ulv Chamber Commerce. WOULD sell 2 mortgages. 8 per cent, $5o0 $700, payments come In monthly; no agents. J 464. Oregonlan. SEE WESTERN BOND AND MORTGAGE CO. for builders' loans. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages, p. H. Lewls, Tis i-ewis Diag.. etn ana uax, Money to Loan on Real Instate. 12500 TO LOAN 3 years, 7; must be ample city security. Geo. E. Englehart, Bd wy. 5173, . $30U TO LEND at 7 per cent on Portland real estate. Beneficiary funds. AJ 4b5, Oregonlan. MONEY to loan on real estate securitv at going rate of Interest. Otto A Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security ts ample. Edw P. Mall, 800 Chamber of Commerce. $300. $400. $500, $750. $1000 AND UP Low ratea quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY TO LOAN from private party on good security. No agents. AM 468, Ore gonlan $2500 TO LOAN ON GOOD -FARM OR $ city security. Peper &, WaJeh, 50S Bu- chan-an bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Saloman A Co.. 307 Ry. Exch. bldg! SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com., 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. SEVEN per cent mortgage money; title ex- pense only, uara. y.u spa.aing Diag $500 $5000 ON IMPROVED city or sub urban property; lowest rates. East 6324. WILL have $10,000 to loan. Will divide. Give location security. J 4t0. Oregonlaa WHEN in need of mortgage loans see C. J. Johaaon, 213 Henry blug. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOAN'S. Seven per cent. 5-vea.r -oerlod. Ton may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and n duce interest on loans under $5000, INSTALLMENT I .OA NS. Will loan 0 pr cent va-ue house and 101 at per cent. You oav half of 1 per cent account principal monthly; for example, $2000 loan you pay $10 month ly and interest; you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. WW tUMMl.SSIO. - BUSINESS pmiPrPT? rriANn Five-year period, 6 per cent; excellent jTiwjfmfni privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the "niimi insurance to. or America. 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 8308. ' CITT LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 30 months, or $21.24 per month for hrt months, or $15.17 per month for 90 months, pays a loan or -1000 and interest. Loan- of other amounts In same pro portions. Repayment Privilege EQUITABLB SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St.. Portland, Or $5000 PRPVATE money. 7 per cent, 3 years on improved Portland real estate. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SEE US TODAY We loan monpv on real estate; 7 and no COMMISSION on cnoice loans, long time, short time; monthly payments; pay as you can ; sums to suit; contracts. 2d mortgages. bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder enars-Murton Co. WE HAVE fuajs avaiiaole for jood resi dence loans, also Insurance money for business property, at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Maln 283L Wilcox bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up. on improved city or farm property THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015- MORTGAGE LOANS. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. n 04 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS 1 to 10 Years. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4TH ST., HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, tn any amounts at lowest rates, on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. MORTGAGE LOANS On farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. I- beral repayment priv iegps. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. ' frO Fourth st.. Portland. Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delaya DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth at.. Portland. Or. $500. $1000, $1500. $2000 AND UP No delays; we are loaning our own money; loans quickly closed. F. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber cf Commerce bldg. Long established, reliable service. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges ; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD.. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privtlegea A. H. BI RR ELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. $300. $400. $500. $000. $1000. $1200. $1500. $2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action, pay off $100 or more at an, trteresf date Gordon Mortgage Co.. 031 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 137o W E HAVE money to loan in amounts to suit on improved farms or city property. Ask for Mr. Sirard, Northwe.st Mortgage Co., S37 Chamber of Commerce. $5oi;o Private money. 7'-. 3 years, on im- yiuveu ronianu real estate RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 iioard of Trade Bldg. $7500 PRIVATE FUNDS In hand for im mediate loans. Will also have $11,000 in a few days. Divide to suit. BECK 525 Henry bldg. Broadway 5W5S. liORTGAG E loans in sunib to suit; city. farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215 Falling bldg. PRIVATE funds to loan on improved city property; lowest rates; quick action. A. K. Hill, 42(1 Lumbfrmens bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Saluries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS, PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN, MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. 50 SAVED YOU BY MINISTER AND WLFE. We are in Portland and are living 50c on dollar less than you. Why ? We watch the bargains. Let wife and I do your shopping and send by parcel po.t or express same day you send order: prunes, 7c. corn beef. 20c; U. can salmon. 1 lc ; when you pay double at nome. vv ue w in snop tor ladies. Send any order from $1 up and sec l". we will no-t save you on everything 50 per cent. I am a minister of good standing and here for summer only. We have lived in Idaho. Washington and Oregon and know how much you could save by being here and tak-ng advantage of these bargains In govern ment, goods and other bargain-day things. Try us for anything- you need. Wife knows the styles in hats, clothes, etc. Rev. Lernv Whitten. 12 N 14th st DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SKRVICBT YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up jnd advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity In your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All businpss serictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 8286. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WB LOAN MONEY. On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments; each transaction strictly conid.'tial. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORRER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc CALL AND INVESTIGATE, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 218 FAILING B LDO. MONEY TO LOAN on goods placed in storage with us. We can save you money; low interest ratea Phone Broadway 3715, Security Storage & Transfer Co., 53 4th St.. corner of Pine. PRIVATE party will advance money on diamonds ; any amount from $50 to $.ooo, at small charge; for appointment address box AH 300, Oregonlan. MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc.. legal rate; articlfs held 1 year. Vines, Jeweler, cor. 3d and Washington. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; strictly confidential service. Zell Broa & Co., bonded brokers. 283 Wash, st. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note ; confidential investigation. 316 Cham, of Com, bldg. Licensed. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry, legal rates; articles held a year; estab lished 1888. Dan Marx & Co.. 815 Wash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture, legal ratea 208 Washington bldg. Loan 4Vanf.0 FIRST mortgages for sale on Improved Portland property. F. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Long es tablished, reliable service. 8 PER CENT farm mortgage security, any amount, ready for delivery now; short or long, time maturities. Full lnforma tlon on reguest. AC 452, Oregonian. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgage bonds In local concerns see Oregon In vestment A Mortgage Co. 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg WOULD like a loan of $2750 on a good 10. room house, value $6HM. loan to run at least 3 years; no commission allowed. Address A 460. Oregonian WANTED $300, 00 days. 12 per cent. $10 bonus. Satisfactory security. B 406, Oreconian. WANTED To borrow $1000, private mon ev, 3 to 5 years, real estate security. A K 454, Orcgontnn. IRVINGTON 3 or 4 best home loans, $3500 to $4500; very conservative; S jts., li. X, Street, Irvington &4Ui. FINANCIAL. Lotins Wanted. LOANS WANTED. $6000 on improved real estate valued owner S25.0OO. $2500 on two-story building. Albina dis trict, valued by owner $6000. $2000 on flat, property valued by owner $5000: income S10 montniy. TJNTON SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO. Safety Boxes. 2S4 Oak St. FRANK L Mrr.iMHE with his years of exnt?rifnft nA m nmrt Icnnwledgs Ol V ues, is in a position to safeguard you everv lnteritf in ioratina your money Hundreds of applications for loana Of- nee or persona service. i-et us i your monev. See J Losie Ricnardsoi manager of loan department. Abimctoo piug. Main lotWj Wanted sioimio tn 1 100.000 to loan real estate in Jordan valley territory, -Malheur county, southeastern uregoi low-priced land, good values; also wa livestock mnnav nnA nnnortunlty V loans or investment at this time. Write at once to JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING & LAND CO.. Jordan Valley. Or. REAL ESTATE CONTRACT FOR SALE ror $16,0. navable S25 per month 7 per cent interest. The security Is gooi ana payments promptly made, no a count. This is extra aood for one w wants a monthly Income and the In teresu j?or investigation see E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal R!dg. Main 2S5 PARTY having large holdings outside ci to value of $y 0,000 desires short-term loan ox 7 5(10; a first mortgage can given; any private Dartv willing to ma this will be amply repaid and secured money needed to complete land and home purchase In Clarke county. Box t-M, Vancouver, Wash. $2000 WANTED modern $5000 home. $2750 wanted ;modern $6250 home. $0000 wanted; close-in $10,000 dairy. $M00 wanted; $30,000 wheat farm, OTIS C. BECK, "12 Years Without a Foreclosure. 525 Henry Bldb. WANT TO BORROW ITftOO FOR TW YEARS. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT. ON HIGHLY IMPROVED PROPERTY. CLOSE IN WEST SIDE. WHICH 13 PAYING 10 PER CENT NET ON $20, 000; NO AGENTS. V 476. OREGONIAN, WANTED $2000 loan on $4500 home 5115 45th ave. S. E. ; no agents. Sta Logie Richardson with FRANK L. McGUIRW. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St. bet. Wash, and Stark. $730 WANTED for 3 vears on half ac and 5-room house few blocks from Mul nomah station: will nav 8 ner cent li terest, payable quarterly; principals only. C 411. Oregonlan 8 TAX EXEMPT Short time, hig grsrde first mortgage bonds, any size on well improved farms, bank investigated, trust protection, exceptional quality. AF ino. oregonian. 36 ACRES platted on boulevard and car line, near Portland. Valued at auu an acre. Want $1500 quick at 8 per cen 3o5 Oak Street. WILL sell two good real estate contracts. SMiu and s.vto. oavao e monthly, witn 1 per cent, will discount 15 per cent. Fred w. German (Jo., ttz (JijaniDer ox com merce omg. WANT $1250 from private party for years on house and lot wortn sjuwu. Will pay 8 per cent interest, but won't pay any agents commission. C 400, Orego n 1 an. $15,000 FIRST mortgage applications on hand for sale. Exceptionally high class. Ore. Inv. rffr Mtge. Co., 221 Chamber of Commerce bMg. WISH to burrow from ltoiucr uirtct $1M0 on bungalow in Irvington; will pay ex amlnation of abstract but no other ex P''nt-s. C 400. Oregonlan. $10i0 WANTED immediately on unuauail good bungalow near Hawthorne avenue o per cent; no agents neea answer. 40s. Oregonlan. HAVE $1000 first mortgage on good Rose City Park bungalow; z years to j S per cent discount for Quick sale. 4f 3. Oregonlan. le VoL waul to invef-i in mortKagt-s that are absolutely ?afe and yield 8 per cent. answer this adv. AG 4Sl, uregonian I WANT to borrow 15000 on wetU 8ld Improved real estate. Rentals $130. AJ it: 2, Oregonian. $5000 AT NOT over 7 per cent; gilt-edg security on Marion County farm; no com mission. Phone Alain 10. 1. WANT $:mioo on west side corner, value at $30,0oo. Want to deal with prin cipnls. No asents. V 4:0, Oregnnlan Wol.l.D sell a lew Al iii'L iuojikhx' o installment basis, $500-$1000; in need of money; no agents. D 4S2. Oregonlan $1000 FOR 3 YEARS, at 7 on Income bearing one acre and store building; in corne $32o per annum. I'hone, jJh-4'J, WANTED From private Prly. $180 loa. on new bungalow. Main 7135. Call Mun day. $1200 for 3 years fur private party on bun galow; will pay 7 per cent; no commis sion. Tabor 1 4b,J. WANTED $1000 to $1200 on close-In property, will pay 8 per cent. Phone Mr. Smith. Main 3S54. WATn'TED Building loan $3oo0 on hurst realty. Aut. 230-1L $1500 ON IMPROVED east side property worth :ttnHi, uregonian. $2;oo, 1 ON CITY prqperty. $75 monthly income; principals. East O-20. c-.oo j ON HOUSE and lot. Woodstocl near car. East 032!t. FIRST mortgage contract. 10 per cent. Call East 7: Will disc oun WANTED $2750 as a loan on good home in Rose City FarK. A 4.', i. uregonian. I WANT a $3500 loan on a good home in Laurelhurst. o 4.1. uregonian. WANT $3000 on new Laurelhurst home 621 Gasco bldg.. Main 66. PERSONAL. WHAT is wealth If you have lost your health? I can demonstrate to you. in Iohh than 10 davs. that drugless healing, the Weltmer Method, will cure l5 per . rent of the so-called lncurame aiseases. Over 5(0,000 cases of so-called incuranble riisfiases have been cured in the last 23 years by this method. 75 per cent of these were given up oy me ueui u. v. w make a specialty of rneumatism stomach, kidney, bladder, nervous and female diseaBo in all Its forms. Am suc cessful on all chronic diseasea. Is It worth trying? Prof. I'easley, 400 Morri son st. Marshall 260. Rooms V ana in, Hyland apts.. Portland. SCENARIOS RECONSTRUCTED. Fvcrv itcrson has one good story. Write yours, if you want money and fame. The movies crave them. Yours may be "a diamond in the rough.' I'll polish, reconstruct It, and supply the kick' for you. Let me help you. I'll show vou how to protect your ideas and turn the .1 into real cash. Positively not a school! I am honest, ainrina jora, Scenario Reconstruction Studios, Holly wood. Cal. SCEN A R I OS R EOON ST R UCT ED. Rvrv nersnn has one good story. Write youors. if you want money and fame. The movies crave them. Yours Ttiav b "a diamond in the rough. I II polish, reconstruct It and supply the kick' for you. Let me help you. 1 li show vou how to protect your ideas and turn them into real cash. Positively not a school: I am honest. Martha Lord, Scenario Reconstruction stuuius, noiiy wood. Cal. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goiter (big neck) can get positive Information on now to cure u at noma withmit thf least trouble or discomfort. There is a pleasant surprise In store for vou if you will write. No charge what soever. Tell others; It will help us all. Dr. Rock. Box X-737, Milwaukee. Wis, itliv VfHTH 1'IIONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S. Remember we sell you any model of Victrola. Edison. Columbia or liruns- it'iir nn to 1125 on payments of $5 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 A liter st DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN. Nervous and' chronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't be come discouraged, but give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott, 136 13th st., bet. Alder and Wash. Broadway 5652. FOR BEAUTY work, call May Coulter, manicuring, hair dressing, shampooing. scalp treatments, facial and care of feet. Apt. 4, Jeffersonian, 512 Jefferson st. Phone Main 5432. MINERAL steam baths, also massage and scalp treatment. Lady assistant. Open 12 to 6 P. M. Sundays 2 to 4 P. M. S22 Flledner bldg., 10th and Wash ington sts. WRITE song poem, love, mother, home, comic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee publication. Send words. Edward Trent, 702 Reaper blk.. Chicago. WILL parties who saw accident between street car and automobile at 15th and Fremont street on evening of July 2. 1 020. please write PJ 407. Oregonlan? BROKER, going east Thursday to return in two weeks, will transact business for you at Omaha or Chicago. A 435, Ore gon ian. FEET SORE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacry, pedicuring and foot massage, 10 A. M., 7 P. M. Marshall 3370. 603 Raleigh bldg. ; WANTED Home for 10-year-old orphan boy on farm, eastern or southern Ore- gon prererrea. av uregumitu, M.iNlCURLNG, treatments. hall 8370. shampoos, face and scaip 605 Raleigh bldg. War- OPALINE Mrs. Summers' remedies for women, positive relief. Main 9470. 246 Lincoln FANNIE HOLT: Children are in hands of court; will be adopted unless you come immediately. ORDERS taken for hair switches; private PERSONAL. GET WELL FREE. FREE. FREE. Every day, from 10 A. M. to S P. M., and evenings from 0 to 8. and Sundays from 10 to 11 THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other wsy are In vited to investigate Chiropractic meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine yon. make a complete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. , CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe. sane. ' sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently Cure t5 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The above service Is all free to you at the college building and may be had In private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had In college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park and YamhllL Tel. Mln 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most 'reason able rate In order to show what Chiro practic can do. DK. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflage and adjuncts foreign to this principle only add time and imme diate expense to later despair.) Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg.. Port land, Is a chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 per cent chiropractic pecfa.ist, with highest testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the best; also from western and local patients having unfortunately had less than 100 per cent chiropractic else where, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 per cent chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill demonstrated In consultation, ex aminations, easy, careful adJujLiuents, raws, and finally results. Eleventh year in this city. Chronic cases, taking time, 31 adjustments. $25. Extended time. 31 adjustments, $15. Acute cases, fever, lumbago, any doubting Thomases, etc.. less time, less expense. Phone, wire, write, come. Main Office. 4th and Wash. New Home. 047 East Salmon St, THE TRAGEDY OF FAT. The misery of rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, colds, etc.; my scientific ap plication of water, light, heat, electric ity and massage, together with a sam and sensible diet, will remove the cauao of these troubles. Treatments are pleas ant and hecltl. building; consultations free Monday, Wednesday and Friday, women only; woman assistant. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday men only. Brown's Hydrophathic Institute. Stevens Bldg., downstairs. Main 8630. Over Six Years Same Location. PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do you know that tartar icaies. lm- Serfect tilting crowns and bridges, over anging tlllings. irritating gums, an contribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums, in flammation of gums, loosening of teetl. and hnally lose of teeth? I specialise 1' first-class dentistry; X-ray examination DK. A. W. KEENE. Majcstlc Theater Bldg,, 35114 Wash. 3 NOTICE. Materials for the home milliner Buck ram, net and wire frames, import braids at 20c yard and up. Ladies' an gents' Panama, straw and felt hat cleaned and blocked. LA FRANCE HAT MFG. CO., 372 W Morrison. MINERAL STEAM baths stop colds, rheu mat ism ana nervous troubles; sclent if J body and scaip massage, violet ray an electric treatments; both sexts treatei Hours 10 to 6. evenings by appolntmen. Nettie Benson, D. P. Main 7780. 3u Dekum bldg. WELTMAN SYSTEM SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS The latest and most up-to-date sclenc practiced II you have failed wit others, try ua Drs. Ayers A Mctvlnstry 715 Dekum bldg Main 2070. CHIROPRACTIC. BEST STEAM HATH, chiropractic, vl bratory and electric massage Dr. Mar garet Haynie. 215 Swetland bldg. Kea snnable prices. IF YOU ARE tired and nervous you can rejuvenate your nervous centers anu poor circulation by having a scientific body massagts. Dr. Ovldia Larsen, 634 Morgan bldg Main liWD, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple needle method, consultation free, 604 tiwetland bid g , 5th at Wa s h st. M a in 13o6. 1AKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a nothing, cleansing, healing germicidal and Invigorating douche, a great aid in female disorders; 5(o and $1 per box. Portland hotel pharmacy. ALL .a teal remedies su.d at tne Cleni- tmoo Drug Co.. zoo Morrison st., at Charles hotel corner. At this drug stor you g have n o substitutes. DO YOU WANT a luxuriant, healthy head of hair? write lor questionnaire to America's premier hair specialist, Pro lessor Malone, 1026 Market st., San Fran- c 1 eo. GALLS' ONES Free, book teila or im proved method ol treating inftamniatiun of gall bladder and bile ducts. Write today Dr Paddock, box Uw2ul. Kansas City. Mo. LET DR. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN, the- veteran optician, oe your optician. He is expert in tilting eyegtasses and his charge are vey reasonable. 226 Morrison st. REi'LACE I he wear and tear on human system witn electric treatments ami body massage. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7570. ALL HOMES may d safeguarded and many lives wvea or ue.n my - jipn theria Preventative and Relief Inquire n ( 305 A tdngto:. "idg.. Port land. Or. BOXING INSTRUCTION Young man de sires to lane Doxing lessons evenings, professional not necessary. AP 488, Or9- gonlan. 1 GETS both feet fixsd up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST ana AiM,ii si'lht. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra here; exam, free. Globe bldg., 11th A Wash. Bdy. 2824. FEBVET A HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, finest siock numan hair goods; permanent and marcel waving: scalp treatment. 84 Alder. Main 540. ' ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS. Scieiiiiiic massage, sun lamps, etc. Dr. ironside. o9-14 Broadway bldg. GraduatenurseESHistant. Main 56, GOOD MUSICAL MUSIC. For your private party. Two, three, four or five piece orchestras furnished. Rates reasonable. Call East 6524, DE LUXB MASSAGES. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN "360. 10 TO P. M. ALSO SUNDAYS. GRADUATE nurse and chiropodist, scien-. tlilC massage, mnnnrin: irtnimt-iuH. rr moved from room 205 '4 to room 21 'f Alisky bldg.. Sd and Morrison sts. BUY A PACK of those wonderful Fortur. .Picture carus; ten your on ioiiuno. oen 1 $1 to Meta ness, oti 10 iiawuiorne ave. Ho! ly w ood. Cal. m GOITRE, enlarged glands; cure yoursel. A. R. Stracnan, rouie o, nuisooro. 01 . No ngents or representatives. ASSAGE and violet ray treatment given at your home, rnone a 01111, ioci 2i22. WHY BALD heads, dandruff, ecxema c falling hair 7 1 ner a reason ana . rmurd y. Try S14 Made ay bldg. LEATHERL1FE w'll mak a Uvin ; wherever tnere is leainer eatneru. Co. 310 Oak at. UrERFLUOUS hair, moles warts, romovt l by 10-neeniea metnoa; iriai ir'e. job, 1 Flnley, 514 Bush A Lane bldg. Main 631 SULPHUR steam bath massage, violet ra t and vibratory treatment. 10 iay. aiai 1 8350, 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. PILES can be permanently cured without operation, uau or write ur. Dean, ec -ond and Morrison. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, t . Hours to o or oy appointment, t'non Main 1040. Office 808-C Third st. MASSAGE BATHS, kidneys, constlpatloi.. rneumailSIll. nuicuam. u 1 u h less phya, 608 Panama bldg. Main fjov . TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no ua. $1 it cured, uemeoy eeni on iriai ou nerba Co. W. 314, Baltimore, Ml. POSTAGE stamps for collectors, bought and sold. Loiumoia ommp io., u 6th st. Hroaaway ai. DR. TURNER, drugless specialist diseast Of WOmen, Will uvu. urws.viii omen one werK iree. intra. OR CORRECT tune call Aiaiu 357U. Fur scientific watcn repairing ium juiuer. next d oor to .viaiesuc inc-ater. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 1 Pi- on. pen. 1 j mornings. DOESN'T Tom Dick or Harry pay you? See VlerecK. coiieftors. I'fKum omg. DR DK MURALT. 647 Morgan bldg., for- r associate hu-mh p. DR ETHEL, GRIFFITH Steam baths, vl. bratlon, scalp treatments. iu rtweuam. ASSAGE and electric cabinet baths, Uu assistant. 711 owtuana niag. .viain 1 THE POWDER PUFF Scalp and fcln treatments, war wrgsn piny. o.jj-. JUNIC1DE will cure rheumatism or mou? back 408 Dekum bldg OFFICE of Prof. H. T. Griffith, vocational character delineator, 60 N, 10th st, DOLLY NORTON, MANICURIST. 4,1.1 BUCHANAN BLDG, 4 ir- ! 1'