. - 21 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 13, 1921 M , 1 J . i J .1 1 TOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Fml'r, WEST SIDE. Pretty front room, vacant. Newly furnished. All white and rose. Nice cretonne hangings. Modern conven iences. Beautiful mountain view. $12 a mont h. ,V.4 Market st. drive. LAKiK front sleeping room, beautifully furnished, large closet, toilet, bath, phone; suitable for one or two business people; 'centrally located to many east side Industries: walking distance to west ;de. 431 E. Everett st. near 8th. FINE large front room, furnished, attrac tive, modern new house; piano, fine lo cation, lu-mlnute ride, Hawthorne car. Call today, 34 East 2 2d, near Haw thorn. Phone East fW3i. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW HAS BEAU TIFUL FURNISHEO ROOM WITH KITt'HEV AXU LAt'NDRT PRIVI LEGES FOR LADT EMPLOYED. EAST 407". WALKING distance, west side, a nicely furnished room, hot and cold running water, laaies or gentlemen. iou u at home here. Phone Main 4S6. Sbl 12th st.. rer. Montgomery. 2 OR :; nii-eSy furnished front rooms in r fined nrivate hom'. no children, one block from Broadway car; also walking distance; no otlier roomers; light, pnone, and heat; reasonable. Phone K. MODERN, attractive rooms in priv, home; 2 people; new rugs and furniture throughout; running water in rooms; ex clusive ue of kitchen ir aesirea. tan id person at i) Lucretia place. LA ROE, c!n, oomfortaoie room, with connecting bat h, lower floor, modern convenience; walking distance, handy to -a r ; no other roomers. 4iw college st. Main Lii. FURNISHED room in private fumiiy, suit able for - young ladles; nice, quiet place, with phone and piano: breakfast if de sired. Sfilwf(wl 5i7, forenoon.-. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room modern, private home. 2 blocks from Rose City carline; gentleman preferred. 34 K. 43th st. N. Automatic 317-K4. WELL furninhtd pieasant front room, in private family, sing.e or double; gentle men; ha.f block car line; also walking ujt;inptj. . loth X. East 22itt FRONT parlor mom. modern conveniences, congenial people, $ltt per month: it de sirwd rwm and 2 meals. $0 per week. Bti7 Olisan st. Phone Bdwy 24S. A'J'TKACTIVfci light room, furnished in ivory, n-xt to bathroom ; home priv ileges; in high-class apt.; close in. Broadway 2''i7. FURNISHED front room in modern home, large enough for 2 persons; large closet. Reasonable rent. 120 E. 1-th st. East 1S44. Telephone. A LA KG 12. desirable, clean room, hot and cold water in room. Has every conve nience. In a nice homo; 1 or 2 gents. Reasonable. East 221. SilCELY furnished front room with or without breakfast, Suitable for one or two pent: em en t. Irving ton district. Phone E. 4.v::;. 7aRGE woil-furnihf'd front room in new bouse In Laurelhurst for gentleman or couple- working, $25. Breakfasts if de-ir-d Trthnr 0:'.2Q. X"4.R RENT Nicely furnished room in modern, private home. - blocks rrom Jj y Rose City car line; gentl f y K. 4.Vh ft. N. Atnom tieman prererrea. nmalic 3 1 -M. TH REE furnished rooms, with garden, to fanutv of adults; no dogs; JJo. Knowlcs. St. Johns car. Can keep chick en.. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in Glen Court apt., near Hciliff theater. Private entrance to room. Call after 9:30 Sun dny or Phone Main r.J-'t. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM IN ATTRACTIVE MODERN HOME: MKN ONLY. REFERENCES REQUIRED. MAIN 4711. riJiSK in f,,r inn. a desirabie room Wit connecting bath ; breakfast served ; all comforts of a real home. 409 Clay. Main "J -2 S. a i tifi'L larce front room, elegantly furnished, in swell private home, auit sble for - young men. close in. 71 Trinity Pla.-e. F'l.lOASANT corner room in ciose-in apt house, west side; private entrance to room and to bath, SJ" inontn. iMaiu '44 Sunday. F-R RENT in private faintly, cozy living room and sleeping porcn witn twin was, close in; a modern home; suitable xor r 3 gentlemen. East 70fi'. 2s ICE L Y furnished bedroom in private family, with sleeping porch, suitable for two; convenient tor nurses, .uar. oj.i 21 1 N. L'rtd st. BEAUTII'lL slet-nlng room, well heated, suitable for 1 or '-I gentlemen, 773 Mar shall st. Main r.rj.i. IxKSlKABLE front nnn in Irving ton bmno, 1 block from irvlnpton car. h,, HAVE a fine, clean, front room suitable for professional gentleman or student. Reasonable. East L'-l. BLEEPING rooin, heat, light and batii. accommodations; with or without break fast. Main M. Thurman. JV1 'ELY furnished room in modern pri- ate lionie, suit ante ror young gentle man ; west side ; references. Bd w y. 14'JlI. COZY front room, lady: reasonable, or (.all Mar. '77 home privllt-ges, for otG loth st., weaL aide. L 1 ) V and Renticman to rent a nloe room in a lovely new home in Rose City Park. Breakfast If desired. Auto. :;j.".-.r.4. MCE rooia lor one or two gentlemen with sleeping porch and all conveniences, west side. Kef. Broadway 43J!I. 1'E cozy furnished rooms, H. K. If de sired. Reasonable. "Ol H . Iloyt st M.trshnM :!4i'J. L.A KfiE Ri oM All conveniences, iu home, fine location, for 1 or people. Tabor HnlO. i'L'RNISH ED room, suitable for one or two gins, clean and reasonable. -uti 11th. A LARGE pleasant room with cliseta and bath, $14 a month. Tabor 1!U7 Glenn ave. FL KN ISH EI s let' pin g room with private bath, gentleman preferred, 916. Main I 47il. NP'ELY furnished sleeping room for rent. I Five minutes' walk from postoffice. 404 I'lny street. 1'L KN 1SHED room for business man or woman; references. Call evenings or Su n day, fll'fi1 1 0th at., near C 1 a y. KK'LT furnished nom. private fnmily ; girl employed preferred. I'Om N. 23d St., near Kearney. Marshall 2133. BLEEPING room for 1 or 2 people In modern home, board if desired. Tabor 522 tf. WALK TNG distance, large room, 2 beds, sleeping porch. 655 Everett. Broadway 3501; reasonable. 1AKGE well furnished room, first floor with kitchen privileges. 23d st. near hospital. Main rtfwi. ROOM for gentleman or lady in strictly private Jewi.ih family ; references. B roa dway 172. KICELY furnished room, close in. west side ; gen ttemen only ; references. Mar shal! 3tMV ATTRACTIVE front room with porch, suitable for two; every convenience; walking distance. 304 Eugene st. KEA TLY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2: walking distance; use of piano and pnone. -.t iiarriyon st. Ft" RN ISH ED room with kitchenette near Broadway bridge. 434 Larrabee. East 5014. NICELY furnished front alcove room, run ning water, porch; young men or cou ple employed. 570 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 1955. St'RNISHEO rooms, quiet, plenty heat. close In, 39 12th st. S,. west side. Phone Marshall 2024. NICELY furnished room, two blocks from Broadway bridge, reasonable; gentleman preferred. 300 Crosby pt. FURNISHED room in small private fam i:y, within walking distance. Furnace heat. Reference. Phone E. 155. FURNISHED room, close In. bath and phone. $3.50 per week; very desirable. 1 1th. Auto. 521-64. YOUNG man to share room. $3 per week; walking distance; reference Main 4254. BIG FRONT room, partly furnished, for rent. 612 H E. Morrison. NICELY" furnished room with kitchenette. 4tl Rodney ave. LARGE front room for young men. N. -.st st. Broadway 208 7. 160 PLEASANT front room within distance at 443 11th st. walking FURNISHED room. Ladd addition, rea sonable rent: references. East 1096. 1 ROOM with sleeping porch, home priv rt e g es. 700 4 Hoyt st. FURNISHED room. Rose City Park. Tabor !. A LARGE room suitable for 2 gentlemen; every convenience. 366 B d w y . 854 CLAY jwei'erred. Furnished room, gentleman Call today or mornings. LARGE light floor. $5 wk. front sleeping 4o-S Main St. room; 1st LEAN", small single sleeping room, $2.25 wk. Close in. 454 Taylor st. LA ROE, clean front housekeeping room, ?5 .V wk. C!o?e in. 4s Main. GOOD room, furnace heat, with or with out meals, walking distance. 471 6th at. FRONT sleeping room for rent. 87 North 14th street. CLEAN, light sleeping room, furnished ; hreakfnst if desired; phone. 253 N. 21st FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in. Heat, light, phone, bath. 2ss 14th st. 6TEAM heated, well furnished front room. Ciose In. 105 12th. apt. 1. IRVINGTON room and breakfast for $22 50 per month: home privileges. East 3tHl. 1 NICELY furnished sleeping rooms with furnace heat and telephone. 135 13th st. LARGS, pleasant room for two gentlemen, cioea in, 341 Holiaday ave. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. ROOMS, housekeeping; close in east side; good car service, nice neighbor hood; $5 per week. 355 Hancock. St., near Union ave. hunt K40. HAVE a couple of furnished sleeping housekeeping rooms. private family, close in. reasonable. AddIv today. 51 E. Grant, cor. 11th, Woodstock, Sell- woon. Kirn mono cars. NICE front room, employed couple' or gentlemen; $; walking distance: free heat, light, baths and phone. Auto mntic nui.w4: 3i 14th. NICELY furnished large room, private lamuy. nome privileges. Auto. Z.U-tu, FURNISHED rooms, piano. Call E. 317. with or without VERY nice room, fine location, 7bl Hoy Mun 2V4i. NICE, large, front room, with kitchen sink, hat, private entrance. 404 Taylor, Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL ' 23 D AND HOTT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential botels cn the Pacific Coast. American nlwn with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. -ueais served to transients. NORTON HOTEL, Twelfth and Morrison, residential hotel, under new manage ment; convenient to theater and shop- pin- district; newly decorated through out: rooms en suite or single; ainin room in charge of an experienced chef. we cater to business men and women rates $."7. no per month and up. Includ ing brt-akfnst and dinner. NOKTON1A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home, reasonable rates. JEANNE D'AHC Furnished rooms with or without board for business girls and lady tourists. permanent or transient. Special features within the limitatxo of the m in '.mum wage earner; $2 per week and -ip. 2 14th st. Main 4110 COUPLE vacancies in exclusive family hotel to couples desiring unusual home all modern conveniences, beautiful grounds, porches, fireplaces, shower very well furnished, excellent table. Show by appointment onl. East boy, WOl'I-D like small child to board; large house and fenced-in yard; will give best of care; reasonable. Phone Automatic 010-77. ROOM, board or room only; reasonable. gentlemen or man ana wire, ootn em ployed; private family. 82 East 44th at. .ortn Aut. -..i-tHi. WILL BOARD boys of svhooi age or men who will appreciate real cooking, witn home privileges and garage. Sell wood Mi,:. 4740 rid st S.. E. HE ARCADIA APTS.. TWO Everett fct. One 3-room f urn imbed, apartment, mod ern. Marshall 5220. PLEASANT rooms, hot and cold water. steam heat, dose In ; good table board. Main 631. 333.10th at. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance; f5 per week. Auto, 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. Poll RENT A nice comfortable room and board, suitable for 2 gentlemen or couple I'tnpiovcn. f.. Hroadway. POIl KENT A nice coinfortaole room and board suitable for two gentlemen couple employed. rS2 E. Broadway. -.s loTH ST. Setond floor front rooms. Home -conked men's. Water In rooms. Room s Witn Hoard m Private j-a tiuly. WANTED Lady of good character who works to share apartment with gentle man and daughter; walking distance. When answering give references. An il.'i. O re g o n i a n . LOA KD and room in widow's family, single or double room, all home com forts, walking distance; reasonable rates. 227 Halaey near Larrabee. B. T. car. East 20K2. CLEAN, neat room; bath, home privileges, . ue of piano and telephone, three good meals; no small children; $3H per month. 604 Roily, near 14th. one block south of Hawthorne. ROSE CITY PARK home, fireplace, piano, room for 1 or 2 gentlemen who appre ciate good cooking. 1 block from Sandy blvd. 2 E. rttth st. North. LARGE front room, suitable lor two, and boa rd . A 1 so single room . 15 m i n u t es" walk from Meier & Frank's store. 375 Chapman st. ROOM, board, 2 gentlemen, man and wife employed. Private family, large front room, separate beds if desired. Home privileges. Modern conveniences. VEK Y comfortable double or single room for young men; nice home, with all com-, forts, excellent board, reasonable. Ta bor H7."i. 214 East 33d. FRONT room, all modern private home, no other roomers; gentleman preferred; meals if desired; references. East 84tJ. 2!l East lhth N. NICELY furnished large front room, suit able for young couple or two young men; home privilege; with or without board. Phone East ST2. CLEAN room and bath, good board, U per week. E. 12th near v ashington. E s t 1 W. Oarage: re ason 'a b ' e. LARGE, sunny room; me a is If desired; In loveiy nome; xor i or . ii lvok ave. 323-10. MAN TO room and boa.rd in private fam ily, $7 a week or 3o a month. L. t4ia or call 411 E. Anaeny. ROOM and board for working man, $0 per week, home privileges. 804 Com- merclal st. ROOM and board suitable for 2 men Home privileges. W alking distance. Phone Ant. 22.".-. 4. NICELY furnished room, mod'-rn home : young people, for 1 or 2 refined people breakfast, use of piano. Marsh. l.Go. NICE room. lady or gentleman employed $4 per week; or will give board, $10 per week. 173 East 33d st. labor 3310. CHOICE room with board, walking diS' tauce, west side, for gentleman. Auto, 519-36. BOARD and room, 1 or 2 gentlemen, Sun nyside just off car line. Large, clean room. 16t Cj. 42U St. LADY with good home desires to care for one or two children, place where father can board. . :,wJla:n -'.' 1. NEATLY furnished room, with board; gen tleman, walking distance; private. 564 Hoyt st. Broadway kmi ROOM and board, walking distance; terms reasonable. 706 1st sU. or pnone Main 4300. EXCELLENT board, good room, private family: $10 a week, 2 meals. 268 Ivy St. Woodlawn 10O-. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen or couple employed In Laurel hurst home. 1 W2 E. Kiaml ers. A u t ROOM and board, if desired, for work ing girl or lady; walking distance. 3o7 Benton St. Phone East 764.. BEFORE you settle down to room and board, call E. 861S; home privileges prices are right. NICE front room, home cooking, all home conveniences. East 2. th and lay lor, East 5i2. NICE room In private family, furnace heat, phone, breakfast and dinner 11 ae sired. East 2799. ROOM and board in nrlvate family, mod ern conveniences; couple employed or single person, pnone fc.. iciJ. LAD Y having large home, handsomely furnished rooms, would like 1 or 2 people to room and board, wain ao-ii. GOOD home and careful training for 1 or 2 small children; references exenangea. Marshall 2203. HnARD. room and home privileges for voung man in private family, on East 24th st. Garage if desired. Call E. 8237. NICELY furnished, large, front room, close In. 325 Broadway. BOARD and room. 15 E. &th and Ash or Tel. EastSWO. PLEASANT front room and board. 63 East 11th North. East 7419. LARGE sunny room, 2 meals, home priv ileges. walking distance. East 8362. CLEAN, heated room, 2 meads daily, for business girl. Tabor i.i.-. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms at 181 Rus sell st. East S24S. ROOM and board in private home. 23d St. East 8300. ROOM, board, private home. St.. Lndd's Add. E. 5002. 371 Larch WIDOW lady would like one or two small children. Good care. rnon ojo-h. NICE home near Multnomah club; vacancy for gentleman. 1 wo meals. .Main -Jitf. WANTED Two refined people to room and board. East 41 1 . LADY wishes couple children to board and room, sen wood o-'. COMFORTABLE home for working man; $ a week. Wdln. 632ft ROOM and board very reasonable. N. 16th. Broadway 4403. 153 CHILDREN cared for in my home by the hour, dav. week or montn. ast 00. WANTED To board boy between 8 and 10 years. Broadway 5447. PRIVATE home for children by the day or month. 714 Everett st. Marshall 2162. ROOM with breakfast and dinner In pleas ant home. 455 East 14th st. N. ROOM AND BOARD for employed couple, h o me privileges Aut. 332-18. WIDOW lady would like one or two small children; good care. Phone 625-50. ROOM and board, 574 Ladd ave., near E. 12th snd Hawthorne. East 5145. WILL give room and board for light s r vi c es.' Sell ood 182. WANTED 2 refied people to room and board. E. 417. LARGE light room with or without break fast. In private home. East 3151. LARGS room with board. 701 Irvine U FOB BENT. Rooms With Board in I'rirate Family. LARGE front room suitably furnished In strictly modern house. Excellent meals served and no other boarders. All home privileges given boarders. This is an ideal room for two persons. If inter ested call at 941 E. Broadway at. or pnone iast 43. BOARD and room, home privileges, pri vate home In central Albina, Large I unny bedroom or inclosed sleeping I porch. ?! a week. wdln. 3337. Furnished Apartments. SOO BEAUTIFUL, nicely furnished steam heated bungalow apartment, 4 rooms I and bath, all outside rooms, light and I airy. unusual, homelike atmospnere; rent Includes telephone, abundance ot hot water and steam heat. THE WEDA ARTS.. 377 Vancouver ave . V blk. north of East Broadway, Just across the I bridge. Immediate possession; adults I only. Will only rent under lease lot one year. PORTLAND heights residential apartment. desirable lor two. Three rooms tone ai sleeping porch), kitchenette and bath, clean, light and cosv. Hardwood floors. Inlaid linoleum. French doors, old ivory I iinisn, it replace. Garage accomoaa- tions. Main S.V42. TH E CROM W ELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod- ern, 2 and 3-roor- furnished apts., out- tide, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. WILL lease apts.. J 4.1 and up. 2 and 3 rooms, to responsible business couple, 6 montns. white pressed brick, thorougn- ly renovated. Including teleohone. Man ager, Paige apts., E. 8th and Burnslde. East 3.tiH. 5-KOOM beautifully furnished apartment in New Gordon Court apartments: avail- able for 4 months account wife gain east. Sen Mr. Vaughan. 204 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 41&5 for de tails or appointment. KINGSBURY. 186 Vista ave., 3-room fur nished apt., in mahogany furniture, one built-in bed ; also one bedroom win oe vacant on March 15; adults only; $75 up. tan Main o3. sr.NNYSiDE apts Fine furnished three- room apt. Iarge rooms, all outside. Modern building, steam heat, Oanitor service. Ready Tuesday. Call after 9 A. M. Tabor 300. ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room apartment. .Baby Grand mahogany piano; other ma- i bogany furniture and oriental rugs, for I i.'.uu cash. Apt. rented to aauns. i Phone Marshall 1025. KINGSBURY. 186 Vista ave., 3-room fur nished apt.. In mahoghany furniture, one I built-in bed; also one bedroom will be 1 vacant on March 10; adults only; ssu up. Call Main 3S3. 2 BEAUTIFULLY furnished apts. for rent; twin beds and all home conveniences; parlor, fireplace and piano: alo con genial young man washes roommate. 61 itn. ''LAT of 4 rooms and sleeping porch; ne children: complete furnishings, like new. for sale. f4 2 E. 14th at. N. Phone E. 1RK1. LI BERT Y a oar i men Is 2-room apartment stove heat, electric lights, water in rooms, walking distance, $5 per week. Phone East 22!fl, 372 K. Clay. ROOM steam-heated apartment with lara-e front sleeoinc Dorrh. west side, on csr line; furniture for sale cheap. Main 344ft. COSY 3-room aDt.. orivatc bath, all out side rooms, steam heat. 4j per inontn. Todd Apt.. Cor. East 12th and Stark. Take Minnysiae car WILL sublet 3-room apt.. Trinity place. Apr. 1; mahogany furniture; sleeping porch; references, xq see, ca.ii joar. t oniy. DESIRABLE 3-room apartment, large. light rooms, fine view, usua I conven iences; no children. The Jeffersonian, 16th and Jefferson. NE 3-KOO.VI ant., furnisned. witb private bath, S.VJ.&U. and 1 targe ironi corner apt., $42.50, furnished, with private batn. Jackson apt.. nlS Cnion w. fa. ICELY furnished 3-room. private phone and hath, all outside rooms. Bdwy lin, Marshall Apta., under new manage ment. room furnished apartment, gas. heat and light Included, $25 per month: sin gle h. k. room, everything furnished, $22 per month. 60 Belmont st. PARK APTS Front corner apt., facing park; four rooms and bath; $. kJ Harrison t. Marshall 133. USINESS woman will share apartment with another business woman; o biocks from library ; references exchanged, x 41::, Oregonlan. " JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASHINGTON. One 3-room Furnished Apartment. COLLEGE 3 rooms, modern, steam heat. free phone, new furniture, close in. f4H .0 3d and College. Mar. SSflo. AM) 4-ROOM furnished modern apart ment, suitable for adults: close In. 02 East flth North. East 11.10. MODERN 3-rooin apt.. 301 W. Park. Cum berland apt., cor. Columbia, fo. can al ter 10 o'clock. Main IHtH. ROOM, clean, pleasant, front corner apt. Suitable for 2 or 3 adults. $25. 1623 Ma cadam, hast .2o.. 1 FURNISHED 1-room apartment. Neat and clean. Adults preferred. Call 242 KiHingsworth. Phone Woodlawn 5SQ2. PLEASANT sunny 2-room apartment. Walking distance. Yard, porches, etc. East 7014. PLEASANT furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. Steam heat. 381 Yam hill st. Main 1 030. ALL NEW furniture for sale at sacrifice. Modern apartment for rent to party buying furniture. Main 4901. 257 12TH ST. One room and kitchenette. strictly modern, walking distance, every thing furnl?nen: FURNISHED apts. and sleeping rooms, $20 to $37 per month. 389 6th st. Phone Main 0529. MOREDN 3-room apartment, private bath, S40. Clinton apartment, d-3 J., mtn. SeMwood 3168. KING ALBERT APTS. Three rooms, strictly modern, elevator. tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. -ROOM apt., steam heat. $40 per month; also 1 room ana Kitcnenei. warning ais- tance. Hyland Apt., 490 Morrison. WILL share my modern 3-room apart ment with girl of agreeable disposition. Phone Main 61-. 3-ROOM modern apartment, large sun porch, breakfast room and bath; Irving- ton, on the car line, rast -mm. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. 2-room apt., suitable for 2 women. Main o4j. Ft K A TIT I FULLY furnished 1-room apt., $20; also one 2-room apt.; $26 per mo. 492 Market St. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly first class. 2 and 3-room apts . $00. $i5; aouits. 4ir nun st. 31 a in ttw, CLEAN, cosy 2 and 3-room apts., bache Tors or couples; infants welcome, $12.50 to $24. 412 North 19th. PORTNOM AH I rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, clean, well furnisned. walking distance; adults, -oo asi utn. TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, ground floor, completely furnished, - hot water heat; $18.50 per montn. auiq. ai pleasant furnished apartments, sleep- ng rooms, steam heat. 381 Yanh.ll at, Main J i3w. 2 ROOMS, nlcft. clean turn, apt, $35 a mo. Electric lights and heat. o4o lammiL Mar. HM7. 2 ROOMS, private bath and dressing room, $35 a monui. nv jc. A-tn si., cor. Btark. THREE-ROOM ground floor apt., private entrance. 730 Hoyt. M. i.vrj. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Zumbro apt. 20th and wash. 4-ROOM apartment for rent, furniture for sale. Terms. 410 26tn N. FURNISHED 3-ROOM front apt, 183 N. :d street, war. -.n'. FAIRMONT apartment, 2 rooms and bath. iKA nth irtreet. EXTRA well furnished 5-rm. apt., perma nent tenants desired. Call E. 3862. 2-ROOM apt., nicely furnished, with pri vate front entrance Marsnaii FOR rteii r umisnea o-room apt, on first rioor, ironi rooms. ai rial! 8t. FURNISHED apt., steam heat. private patn. p-wfr atissiBcippi ave. UNiON AV and Ki.linsswortn. $j all complete concrete building. WES" ONIA APTS. 666 Glisan St.; 2-room apu: private uam; ntnctiy moaerp; $50. NEW yukk Ariz., iin and Belmont, 1 ana a rooms. &aat ..ta. COSY 3-room furnished apL Heat, light. g8B aim fnuiic, v.an main MODERN furnished three-room apartment. 3io Kusseii street. ast 4847. 4-ROOM furnished corner apartment, $65. uci:ie Loun apartments. FOR RENT Small apartment. Conven ient and reasonable. 281 17th st. TWO ROOMS $2U; three. $25. Clean. well located. Call Sunday. Tabor 7220. EXTRA well furnished 2-room apartment. gooa neat, auuns. o unsan. 2-ROOM apt, also garage:' fine location. f5 .ast jwtn. near Harrison. 3-ROOM, steam heat, partly or unfur. bae- ment. aiar. , ipu Kearney st 4-ROOM furnished apartment for rent. $ 50. Taoor ROOM FOR RENT, walking distance. 3064 .vonigomy st. LOVELY front suite for 2 or 3 people. Hereford Hotel. Main 3305. DENNISON APTS.. 1027 Vi Belmont One 3-room apt., furnished. FURNISHED 3-room apt., 2 adults. 1157 Wi lama , WooUiawa 4Ui FOR RENT. Furnished Apartment. 3-ROOM apartment, furnished. In Peninsula district,, about 1 block to car line and convenient to school; not modern, but very neat and clean and rooms are large and light; rent $25. Pacific Agency, 614 Swetland bldg., corner Fifth and Washington streets. Phone Marshall 1205. HIGH CLASS. 8 and 5-room apartments, beautifully furnished In wicker and mahogany, all outside rooms, very light and airy, available at once; also suite with bath for 2 gentlemen or ladies; refernce re quired. Marshall 2S30. SHEFFIELD APARTMENT. 272 Broadway. 4 -room furnished corner, modem, cen tral, vacant 15th, $75; also 4-room un fumJshed. $70. THE LEOXCE APTS. Furnished 3-room apt., 22d near John son st. Marshall 2250. 3-ROOM furnished apt., very reasonable; also single sleeping room. Call from 12 to 2. loi N. 18th. 2-ROOM apt. with fireplace, sleeping porch. $4."i; couple employed. 402 Clark. FURNISHED apartment for rent- The Munsey, 3H0 Clay st. 8 LIGHT corner room apts., free phone; 4: patn in ns.ii. Marshall i&4. 3-ROOM apartment, modern, furnished. The Grandesta. 68 Grand ave. 4-ROOM furnished apt.. Julian Apts., 45 Trinity Place. Mar. 9S3. m ATTRACTIVE 3-room apartment, 515 Morrison st. 3-ROOM apt. and sleeping porch, com pletely furnished. 388 11th. FURNISHED 4-room apartment for rent. Highland court. DESIRABLE, 2, 3. or 4-room furnished apta Mo nday. Reasona b le. Mar. 1204. TWO-ROOM apt. Room 3, 1434 Htli BL Bdwy. 2!14. 2 NICE 2-room apartments. 745 H o y t. 2-ROUM apt., 265 13th st. Mar. 141 3 . Unfurnlhhert Auaitments. GORDON COURT APARTMENTS. 530 Montgomery Drive. Very attractive, new 5-roora apart ment. 2 bedrooms, living room, d ining room, kitchen and bath, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, French doors. These apartments have high elevation and view of mountains and city. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 4-room apt. Opens onto a veranda beautifully papered. with hardwood floors throughout, $80. Call Main 2506, FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment, 3 rooms -and bath, close to car. No chil dren, $20 per month. Lights, water and phone privileges. Wdln. o4i. WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett, 5-rooni unfurnished apt., $u0, including phone. THE IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch sts. 4-room modern front apartment, la. 50 adults; references. Phone Bdwy. 27l. THE MORDAUNT, 18th and Everett, Large 4-R. modern unfurn. apt., children taken. Ant. .127-10. DUKFEY apts. One 3-room modern apt. Steam heat, telephone, '.U. East side. Auto. 22S-..S. LORENZO- APARTMENTS, 427 Salmon et. Phone Main 8rt8. Unfurnished 2-room apts. Water, light, phone. Adults. 1 5-ROOM unfurnished apartment. Well ington Court apt. Broadway 421S. GARFIELD 4 rooms, nardwood floors. 361 East Falling, blk. west Union. S-RV. APT., private balcony, fine view. $6.i. Hanoverapts. Mar.2009. THREE-ROOM apartment and private bath. H4S'j Thurm an st. Marshall 4il. Flats. FOR RENT 6-room steam-heated flat. within five mm. of Meyer & Franks; furniture for sale, $1500: 3 rooms rented which covers rent of flat. Auto. 524-40. $35 UPPER or lower unfurnished 4-room flat and garage, kitchen furniture lor pale in upper flat: adults. W din. 2626. TODAY. 6-rm. flat, 5;7 Everett St.. rent $40, if vou buy the furniture. Show to day 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Main 6127 $22.M 3-ROOM flat, water, gas for bath. 621 Overton; walking distance. rcasti;n. FLAT FOR RENT, furniture for sale. 36i Pacific st.. near Union ave. UPPER flat, 4 rooms, no children. $22.50. 341 E. 3d st. N., cor, wetflier. Sli-ROOM modern uppor flat. Inquire Geo. P Lent. Sell. 28i.t. 4-ROOM modern flat at 341 Ross, comer of Cherry. UNFURNISHED flat for rent. 487 E. 18th st., corner Division. Apply evenings. 6 ROOMS, CU7 Hood st. Mar. 4313. Famished Flats. FURNISHED FLAT. 6-room heated flat: 3 bedrooms. large porch, entire floor, heat, water and jani tor service. Aice nome witn apartmeni- house service. Rent $75. Phone Tabor rlS8 or call today at 126 E. 34th st. FOR SALE OR RENT Very desirable 3 room flat, walking distance. Full par ticulars after 10 A. M. Sunday. 44a East Couch st. East "598. FURNISHED flat, $4u: adults; furnished except bedding and linen, 4 rooms, first floor; electricity and gas; east side, 20th Call Main 8156. on Monday. 5-ROOM upper flat, private home, partly furnished: good location : 6 montns to year lea.-e; nice lawn, garden space, lots fruit. 1261 E. Yamhill st. Tel.. Main tftKS FOUR room a modern, new, nicely fur nished, walking distance; good location; vacant Mar. xo. .all Automatic id-uv. Rent $50. A FURNISHED modern 6-room flat In first-class condition; furniture for sale reasonable. Main 5473 before 9 In the morning and after 5:30 in the evening. IN NOB HILL $1000 will buy a complete furnished 7-room flat; rooms more than pay expenses. Call Main 4848, or tw v Everett. LIGHT, airy 5-room flat for rent In good west side location to party buying iur niture; rent reasonable. Auto. 524-66. WIDOW wishes to share her 5-room fur nished flat, with congenial couple; 92: month. 265 Mi Larrabee st. BEAUTIFUL 5-room lower flat for rent. walking distance, Nob Hill. 784 GUsan Tint C. 2 CLEAN, well furnished flats for rent at 19 Buchtel ave. J? or information call Main 1148. FOUR or 5 nice furnished rooms, modem. walking distance. 481 Chapman, corner Clifton. Council Crest car. 2 blks. E. WANT 4 or 5-room unfurnished flat; will pay anyone $5 finding me desirable one. Main H7.8 weekdays. IN NOB H ILL, $450 will buy complete 6- room flat; rent reasonable. 711 ivearney. Key 713. near 22d. MODERN 2 and 3-room furnished flats. $17.50 and $30; walking distance. Chapman, cor. Mill st. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished 6-room steam-heated flat, adults only. 662 lan ders st. Phone Broadway osil. 6 EXTRA-NICE furnished downstairs H. K. rooms, furnace, fireplace, piano, in beautiful home. 1305 E8th at. North. THREE-ROOM furnished flat. 401 E. 50th at.; no children; $25 per month. W -ice field -Fries & Co., 85 Fourth St. 4-ROOM furnished flat. 2C3 Hooker st. South Portland. PLAYER piano for sale, furniture of a lower five-room fiat. iqwy z.so. 4-ROOM furnished, bath, phone, janitor. 616 Commercial st. Phone sitf-oi. 3 AND 4 ROOMS, sleeping porch, private bath, garage. H.4 1st. near curry. H onsekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with runnintr wate-. 200 14lh st. -ROOM H. K- La. I, $3.50 per week. 342 Front st. $3.50 WEEK up, single furnished H. K. rooms. 2.-3i nsningmn. corner da. LARGE ROOM for light housekeeping. I1"l Minnesota ave. Wdln. nw. LAhGE front housekeeping room at 17th st. FOR RENT 1 large, light basement H. K. room. $4.50 per ween. 3i'q nail at. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, rent $25. 515 Vista ave. Main 7017. NICELY furnished housekeeping room, close in. 325 Broadway. 1 SUITE 3 rooms, housekeeping. 563 Irv ing. Broadway 30b2. MANOR HOTEL, 271 Morrison, cor. 4th., H. K. and si., clean, quiet, nometiKe ONE ROOM, light H. K people working. 403 Broadway, rnone Marsnaii 7b0. FOR RENT 1-room housekeeping apt. 10 inn st. LIGHT, airy h. k. room, large closet, electricity, phoae. bath. 306 12th st. CLEAN 11. K. rooms, close In; babies al lowed. Jt Montgomery st. FURNISHED h. k. rooms for rent. 323 4th st. FOR RENT 2-room housekeeping suite; walking distance. Phone Broadway 3060. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent it 171 N. I7tn. Bdwy. 0710. FRONT 2-room apt- and single h. k. room. 8056 Jefferson St., cor. 5th st. SINGLE housekeeping room, suitable for bachelor. 104 N. 17th. FOR RENT 2 light H. K. rooms. !0th. 62 E. Ash st.. cor. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. price $6. 221 W. Park. 2 FINE h. k. rooms, 414 Mill st. PLEASANT H. K. rooms at 264 12th st. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooma. 982 E. Main. PIAsi AN X U. room. -o JUt m, FOR RENT. Houweaeeping Rooms. NEWLY remodeled single and double H. K. rooms. Running water, electricity. Furnished and unfurnished. S70 hk Pine st. LARGE room and kitchenette, also single rooms, hot water always for bath and laundry; very reasonable. 655 Flanders. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Trunks, baggage delivered downtown qistrict. oq sun, service. Bdwy. 2440. FOR RENT Furnished 2-room house keeping apartment, 5 and up. 461 K. .Morrison, cor, or 8th. 2 LARGS single housekeeping rooms, close in; Northwest heat, phone, gas, electric ngnta. patn. 3S5 Yamhill su THREE furnished housekeenlna- rooms. gas. light and water furnished. Tabor 1407. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, S 15. 3-room flat and kitchenette, newly fin- ished, close In. Call 844 Benton. E. 2724, THREE large housekeeping rooms, private oatn ana toilet, an on first rioor; rea sonable; adults on 1 y 127 5 East Taylor. SINGLE furnished housekeeping room, all conveniences. 748 h Thurman St.. near FORWENT 3 furnished H. K. rooms, 325 per mo., no children. Call before 4 P. M. E. 2322 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 227 N. 17th. Broadway ly'JJ. Walking dis tance. FURNISHED, very desirable front H. K. suite, o large windows, running water and furnace heat. 128 N. 18th st. FOR RENT 3 or 4-room unfurnished housekeeping apartment, all conven lencea. Adults. 566 Rodney ave. PLEASANT, clean, furnished H. K. rooms, 1 and 2-room suites. 508 Alder. 857 12TH ST. Large single H. K. room. Marsnaii 4280. FURNISHED housekeeping room for rent. $10 and up. 795 1st at: CLEAN H. K. rooms, walking distance. 410 2d St., near Harrison. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 364 4 East Morrison. LARGE front furnished h. k. room. 167 North 22d. or Main 3771. 2 WELL-FURNISHED front h. k. rooms. East 2743. FURNISHED H. K. room for rent, $18 per month. 120 N. 18th st. TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 140 EAST 34TH STREET. 1 H. K. ROOM for rent, light and com fortable. Broadway 5770. TWO H. K. rooms, modern, nicely fur nished, gas range, running water. 163 1st. NICE house kepeing room with sleeping porch! 309 11th st. NICE, clean H. K, rooms, suitable for working people. East 8331. 2-ROOM APT., kitchenette. $25 month; single n. a., .-5 week. 6311 Hood. TWO large front houseKeeping rooma. Den ver rooming house. 208 Washington. CLEAN, single sleeping H. K. rooms, men or women, IS to $12. 412 North 19th BAGGAGE and furniture moved, reason able rates. Phone Last 64o4. HOUSEKEEPING room, everything fur nished. $5 a week. Main 366. FURNISH ED housekeeping reji.sonnh'e. 400 Chy st. ELi. FURNISHED front room and kitch enette. 233 5th st. Main 1032. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family, PURE and clean, newly tinted and painted. beautiful big yard across st. c. s. churcn, also neat, comfortable basement apt. for bachelor: 10 minutes from business center. 694 Everett st. Broadway 866. FOR RENT In old - fashioned private home, 3 large housekeeping rooms, fur nlshcd: bath, pantry, basement, porches $35 CflU Tubor MM. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room with kitchen privileges. Lights and bath for one or two adults who are em ployed during day. $15. 1005 Seneca st H. K. ROOMS, connected; well fuir nished, also 2 front rooms with kitchen etfe; light, phon; close In. 424 Jeffer son st. LARGE, pleasant, furnished housekeeping room with gas, ignis ana oam. i.e Alberta car. i8 E. 10th st. N. Call before 2 P. M. HOUSEKEEPING room, suitable for work ingman, few blocks from wain. st. Broadway 1432, Sunday 11 to 5 P. M.; week davs 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. TWO MODERN furnished H. K. rooms. walking distance, $30 per montn. 228 Larrabee st. HAVE 2 large H. K. rooms, light, water. wood and phone rree. via rxiiygrove LARGE, cozy room with kitchenette; hot and cold water; private entrance; newiy papered. 414 Market and 11th st. 6524 THURMAN Look them over. 2 clean, well xurnisnea xor nouseaaeping; reasonable. ONH LARGE furnished h. k. room, heat. light, phone and gas for cooking tur- nished. 343 Tenth St.. corner Market. BEAUTIFUL furnished room and kitchen ette, fine location, electricity, gas and heat. $25. Aut. 624-61. 4 NEW H. K. rooms UDStalra. bath. Phone, lights, plenty garden room; 30 minutes out: 25. Phnne hia-A2. WELL furnished and newly decorated modem housekeeping apartment, 507 Clay st., near 15th. Mar. 30O2. NICE housekeeping rooms, walking dis tance: references. 360 Benton St., near Broadway. Phone East 70S1. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in pri vate family with either 1 or 2 bedrooms, E. 30th St. Automatic 232-09. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. $30. S47 Grand ave., near Broadway. East 6741. . TO YOUNG lady Housekeeping privileges. Rent two dollars. Phone Marshall 3516. 58 Lucretia st. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, private family; first floor, near car. Phone, water, light, heat. Sellwood 2768. IN NICE HOME 2 suites of 3 rooms each, h. k. rooms, furnished, reasonable; worth seeing. 1305 E. 8th st. N. TWO LARGE H. K. rooms, neatly fur nished, central. 187 Chapman, near Mult nomah club. Main L'lm LARGE front room and small kitchen Tor housekeeping. Call after 10 o'clock. 294 14th st.. comer Columbia. TWO FURNISHED H. K. rooms, steam heat, warning aistancc. oji uuiuHtwu t.. apt. B NEAT single h. k. room. $8 per month. 206 13th st. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms for re fined couple, wooniawn tya ONE LA RGE H. K. room , pnone, oain, electricity. rj. womwn FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms: adults, iuo rtarnson - 4 FURNISHED H. K. rooms to rent. E. 24th st. in. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance, cnnaren. Mrs Wilcox, mast oiwi. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, all conven iences; annus, i.t e. im c- $15 FOR 4 H. K. ROOMS, private family 860 orana avenue 1, ft COZY H K. rooms, couple or club, S or 4 Z?J- ILn.nVmA Auto 233-40. 265 E. 32d st. NICE, sunny two-room apt-, ju. 614 4th t. 2 H. K- ROOMS. $16 II month; gas, Sf? 4th st. elw . phne nnn ntn. NICE room for two girls working In day; home privileges. morin .11. LOVELY furnished housekeeping suite; gas, bath, pwh r-eitygrovc FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 269 N. 21st. 6-ROOM and sleeping porch, Cit; adults: no agents; w. aui. o-o-j, FURNISHED outside H. K. rooms, private family, walking distance. 46 Union av. N. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close n. Heat. Ilgru, pnone. umn. in" GOOD. clen housekeeping rooms. J" Pri vate family, m ;ist. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms for rent. SS0 E. Pine M TWO large, clean rooms and kitchenette, furnished, v. isi TWO NEAT furnished housekeeping rooms. 75 . --'Utn St. cor, r.vprcu. CLEAN 3-room housekeeping apartment. 890 Salmon. 2 H. K. ROOMS, clean, fine location. Clay st. 475 BETWEEN 1st and 10th of April, nice 10-room home, first-class location, at $65 per month. AP 451. Oregonlan. Tnint hnnsfi $25: newly cleaned. 264 u Porter st., near 4th, west side. Call 266 Porter for key. Main 7nj. PORTSMOUTH 834 Strong st, 7 rooms, large lot, fruit trees, chicken yards. $30 per month. Key at 837: see it. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. WHEN moving, city or country; get, the best at lowest price. Green Trana Co., Main 1261. 2021 Alder st 7-ROOM house. $25; newly cleaned. 264 H Porter st,, near 4th, west side. Call 26tf porter for key. Main 7452. FOR RENT 7-room modern house, 7006 Wood stock ave. 325 Washington bldg. 5-ROOM unfurnished house, gas and gas radiator. Auto. 624-84. 7-ROOM house, open Monday morning 10 to 12. 88 N. 22d. NEW MODERN 7-room house, $65. East 4464. FOR RENT 5-room house, three lots and fruit trees. 1061 E. 7th North. MODERN 5-room house, walking distance, near shipyards. 228 Meade. FURNISHED 6-room cottage Xor rent. Call Tabor 5713. FOB RENT. Houses. RENTAL DEPT. If yon are looking for a house, flat or apartment phone our rental dept.: we can save you time and trouble; money loaned on goods placed in storage with ua PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth St.. Op p. Multnomah HoteL pnone Broadway ai 10. MIDDLE-AGED widower, alone, will share with family 6-room furnished Rose city bungalow: want breakfast and dinner. Call Sunday second house south of Knott street on Marguerite ave., or can iiroaa way 4133 aionaay. S-KOOM house for rent with 2 acres of ground, barn, chicken house, orchard, suitable for chicken run, on Canyon road, 10 minutes' walk from the 8-cent street car line. Inquire at Mrs. W. F. Dun can s, io wiinams ave. FOR RENT $45 per month, with 2-year lease; 8-room suburban home, electric iignta, buu rtun water; located Ji-rroi station, about 9 acres, barn, small or chard. WHITMER-KELLY CO., 414 Pittock blk. MODE RN 6-room bungalow and garage. Freshly painted and tinted, furnace. Im mediate possession. Gas range and one bedroom furnished. (Will give lease). Rent $45. 801 Francis ave. Sell. 3262. FOR RENT A 7-room house near O. W. R. & N. shops; fruit trees, barn, chicken house, walking distance, business section. Open 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. Sunday. Btfl Borthwlck. Marshall 3100. MODERN 5-room house, 4 blocks S. from Woodlawn car. at 614 Highland st., be tween l&th and 17th sL Will be there . between 10 and 12 o'clock today or write route A, box 606. city. -ROOM HOUSE, 434 East 11th St., cor ner Sherman ; just renovated, ready to move in; owner on premises today, 12 to 4. SeMwood 31. WEST SIDE 6-room hoube, sleeping porcn and garage, at 312 Sherman sU, near 6th. partly furnished if desired. Phone Main 5565. BEAUTIFUL SITE, near river, mile south .Miiwaukie; 2 acres, chicken yards, fruit trees, etc; fine modern 8-room hout.e, sleeping porch: 850. M 463. Oregonian 6-ROOM house, partially furnibhed, not modern; two-lot yard for garden; rea sonable rent to right party. Inquire 201 Third st. 8-ROOM house, rent $30, furniture for sale $675, west side. Some rooms rentftd. Ta bor 5786 Sunday, Broadway 2872 Mon day. 8-ROOM house In good district on east side; everything first-cass; corner lot; $.75 per month. Call Tabor 9432 today or Broadway 5081 Monday. 10-ROOM house, unfurnished. No. 7 82d st. S. E. ; $40 a month rent. Will be at house all day Sunday. Phone Auto matic 612-31. IRVINGTON, close in. 7-roum modern, $65, or would sell very reasonably; small down payment and $50 per month. Phone 319-95. b-rtoOM house In good district, on east side, everything firat-class, corner lot, $75 per month. Call Tabor 9432 today or Broadway .i8i Monday. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO.. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 1QTH STREKT. PIANO and furniture moving, experienced men ; local and long-distance hauling; aut os, horses, Miers-Bockenfeld, Main 5843. 6-ROOM strictly modern bungalow. All large sunny rooms, $55 per month. Might consider leasin g. M a rsha 1139 03. $12 OLD-STYLE 6-room house, must buy furniture. $75. 16th st. car; today. 493 Blackstone. Furnished House. NICELY furnished 6-room house ; clean, sanitary; gas, electricity, furnace; also gas plate and laundry trays in basement; large supply of table and bed linen; cooking utensils; very desirable location, walking distance, ntar 2 car lines: $75 a month; adults only; must give refrr encee.. 716 EaM Davis. Tabor 1205. Owner home Sunday. 10:30 A. M. A NEAT 3-room house, toilet an dbath, electric lights, gas, hot, cold water; will rent completely furniehed or unfurn., ga rage, garden, fine view of river and business section of ctiy, close to car; rent reasonable 776 Melrose drive. Over look add., Russel-Shaver car to Colonial ave., go south 2 blocks. Call today be tween A. M. and 4 P. M. ONE OF the finest homes in the city of Portland located on the ML Tabor slope, completely furnished in every detail : Persian rug. Ha vi land, silverware. In fact all needs for immediate housekeep ing. The home is most modern, contain ing hardwood floors and beautiful fix tures and finishings. F 461. Oregonlan. FURNISHED FLAT. 6-room heated flat, 3 bedrooms, large porch, entire floor, heat, water and jan itor, service ; nice home with apt. house service; rent $75. Phone Tabor 5188 or call tnriav at' 126 East 34th st. OPEN 1 TO 3 SUNDAY. 60S LADD AVE., LADD'S ADD. Modern, well-f urnlshed home, 7 rooms, Hwd. floors, funaee, fireplace, garage. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR, 301 Panama Building. LOVELY' 7-room home for rent to pur chaser of now up-to-date furniture, price on v $900. part cash: house is in excel lent condition and in located in best part of Hawthorne dist. Phone Bdwy 4S35 or Man-hall 17HS. COMFORTABLE modern 4-room furnished house, no bath, patent toilet, sink, elec trie lights, paved street, 25 minutes out on Woodstock car. ample garaen spot, fruit. Sellwood 1080. 5-ROOM HOUSE .for rent; furniture for sale; electricity, gas, bath, garden spot; cheapest place in the city; o mi nut walk from 5th and Wash. sts. Marshall RENT FOR SUMMER, modern, comlorta ble, furnished 7-room home to respecta ble adults, with or without help; care considered more than rent. C 4ii, ore gonial 9-ROOM modern house, white enamel, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, new furnace, garage, near school and car; walking distance. 529 E. Ash FURNISHINGS for sale today of small house, west side, phone, water, gas, low rent, scenic and camplike. Main 3465 at noon. FOR RENT To responsible adults for 3 or 4 months, furnished 5-room bungalow, with or without garage. 5006 52d S. E.( cor. 50th ave. . 2 GOuD. clean, furnished h. k. rooms, in private home; aJso 1 nice, furnished sleeping room, at 36 E. Couch. E. 608. FOR RENT A 6-room well furnished house and sleeping porch; al" drive and garden space. 188 East lltth st. NICELY' furnished 5-room modern house, cheap to couple without children. B 400, Oregoniam BOAT HOUSE on land, partly furnished, in Fulton, newly papered and painted, and garden space. 120 Broadway. MODERN, 4 rooms, with sleeping porch. $40 a month, Vi block to car. Woodlawn 4618. 4 ROOMS and bath, clean house, partly furnished, fruit trees, garden. St. Johns rar. 45. Woodlawn 18n5. FOR RENT 6-room completely "furnished bungalow, Including piano and Grafonola, Hawthorne district, can Tapor 8 is. FOR RENT tt-room house, furniture for sale. Call Monday afternoon 747 ver- ett st. near 23d FOUR ROOMS, modern; panto", bath, gas range, good neighborhood, $2300. Ga rage. 184 N. 17th st. $35 LOWER floor, convenient for two adults: garage, water, ngnts ana gar bage included. 405 E. 44th st. TO RENT Furnished home to one couple fine location and good car service; fine home. Call Tnbnr 6-ROOM furnished houae., player piano, sewing machine, garage, $65; adults. References. 125 E. 30th st. South. MODERN furnished 6-room bungalow. $ per month. 433 B. 42d North, Just north nf Snndy blvd. Tabor 5H4. 6-ROOM house for rent and furniture for sale. 440 Broadway. NEAT 4-room furnished modern bungalow cheap for cash; garage, cnicken nouse. ,t!H ;wtn ave. r. c. 7 ROOMS by April 1; nice place tor chil dren ; close in : $4-. cast 7 ROOMS, modern; wood In basement. Call Sell. 4H4 sun, ana monaay, iu to FURNISHED 4-room house. Inquire 4-2 Vi Morrison, R. 5-ROOM furnished house. 826 Gantenbein ave. 5-ROOM houseboat, partly furnished, all built-Ins. I, Willamette moorage. MODERN furnished cottage. East 15o2 Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. FOR RENT S-room commodious house, on Z lots, plenty 01 iruit, in ursi-ciass neighborhood, 2 blocks of Division st. Rent very low to a good tenant. Furni ture for sale. Phone Sellwood 3121. MODERN, 7 rooms, furnished, close in; will rent or se4l furniture cne&p; nice ror family; near school; rent $20, with lease. 630 Miiwaukie st. 7-ROOM for rent, furniture for saie; nice clean place, d-minute waia irom otn and Washington. Main 1722. FURNITURE of 5 rooms, house for sale. house for rent; nice Data ana yara. Petty erove street. FURNITURE for sale, 5-room house for rent. 703 Hood st. Store and Business Places. FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof ware house, phone Bdwy. Silo. Security Stor age A Transfer Co., 53 4th St.. cor. Pine. ABOUT 900 square feet space, close In, fireproof garage. AF 4M. Oregonian. FOR RENT Store. 228 Burnside st. Oven in rear lr wanted. CORNER STORE, 54 Firai st. Apply at FOR RENT. Stores and Business risers. MCE light, steam-heated basement space In Hotel Clifford with entrance casi Morrison St., su'.table for printing, bil liards, bowling, storage, baths, etc. Rent $25. Inouire Fxed H, Strong. Hotel Clifford. FOR RENT One-story frame building. 25 x50 ft.. No. 549 Vancouver ave., Detween Russell and Knott sis.; open space to rear 25x40 ft.; very suitable for small manufacturing or storage. Inquire 503 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn una. STORE for rent -onnectins llv-ng rooms, . good bus ness center, suitable for dru store, licht grocery or coniectionery. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5429. GOOD vacant corner store. 50x75, close-in east side location, suitable for wholesale. SEE MR. M1LNER, with THUilSOW, 620 HENRY BLDG. BASEMENT Center, west side, 8000 so,. ft., suitable for manufacturing, auto storage, billiards and pool; reasonable rent. East S433. STOREROOM and basement, large steam heated bldg, front and back entrance, $40. Col. 44. OFFICE space and store room; telephone and stenographic service, very reasona ble. Broadway 5079. Offices. PRIVATE office with telephone, also use or reception room and able service in suite of effices in bank building; must be seen to appreciate. AK 451, Orego nian. ONE OF THE most complete and beauti fully mahogany furnished offices in city for rent, furniture for sale, big bar gain. Excellent location. A 4.83, Ore gonian DESK room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3716. Se curity Storage & Transfer Co., 53 4th St.. cor. Pine. OFFICE space and store room; telephone and stenographic service, very reasona ble. Broadway 5079. TO RENT Small office suitable for sal s agenL Call 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PUACTii ING dentist wouid like 10 com municate with physician or dentist with available office space. Phone Aut. 314-11. DESK room with desk and half of stenog rapher's time in one of best offices in citv. Main 6362 DESK room with phone, $ 10 per month. Koom 3U. zit 'v snington. WILL share ofLce with responsible party. 13 courn biflg. OF V ICE for rent and furniture for 230 Cham, of Com. Main 8194. DESK room and phone service. 626 Cham ber of Commerce. OUTSIDE offices for rent. Filed nerbldg. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Lodge hall, steam heat, hard wood floor. Phone Woodln. o93f. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. i IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL a business of any kind, anywhere, see us, we will give you satisfactory serv ice. The following is a partial list of what we have: $2000 stock of groceries including fix tures. $4000 stock of groceries Including fix tures. $5000 stock of groceries including fix tures. $5500 bakery stock and fixtures. $6000 stock of groceries including fix tures. $7000 stock of groceries and market. $7500 stock of groceries including fix tures. $750 stock wholesale and retail fruit and produce commission. Every one of the above list Is a well located established and profitable busi ness with sales 75 per cent to 100 per cent cash and averaging $50 to $150 per dav, expenses very light. See Mr. Shefler. with Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. of Com. A SUCCESSFUL selling organization wants the exclusive representation of a product of merit to sell In Wash., D. C. and nearby territory, Virginia and Maryland. References furnished. Address T. J. Mehlman. suite 404, Continental Trust Bldg., Wash., D. C. GILT-EDGE PROPOSITION. QUICK RETURNS ON YOUR MONEY. A man with $7000 to buy this 8,000.000 feet fine old-growth timber: I will con tract to cut it and pay $1.25 per M. A profit of $3000: will stand investigation; quick action. AV 239, Oregonian. OLD ESTABLISHED GARAGE. EAST SIDE. Fully equipped, 50xo. long lease, rent $50 a month; price $2500; $1200 down, balance monthly. We have several real buys In garages, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 dak St. FOR SALE ROADHOrSB OS HIGH WAY. CALL AT LEROY HOTEL SUN- DAY BETWEEN O A- o. GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN New, clean stock and good fixtures; doing a good cah and carry business; apartment house district; brick build ing; long lease: 4 living rooms and bath; easily worth $1800, a snap for only $115. Peters. 15 N. Fifth St. . $ 1 600 G ROC E R Y $ 1 00. A nice, clean little store in hiph class neighborhood ; sales average 3.. : all cash, no delivery; 2 living rooms; rent only $18 for all. SIMMS-KEITH Co. 610 Henry bldg CLASSY grocerv. good close In corner, doing over $100 day. fine 3-room f.ai adjoining; $42oo buys fine, clean stock and fixtures; rent $4rt. K1MMS-KEITH CO.. 010 Henry bldg. BAKERY ON 23D STREET. Well equipped, cheap rent, good trade, n250; small stock of invoice. , ...... I." I J UCC TU OUT '". " a w ESTKS. REALTOR nnx oh'amber of Com. Auto. 514-63. FOR SALE The finest electrical store in the state of Oregon, doing a large elec trical and contracting business; also several good agencies; long lease, well established. For runner iniurmsuwu, - dress AV 2So, oregonian CONFECTIONERY, bakery and luncti llshed place, present owner has had it for years, made money and want to retire; $;: rem, t.. i U SIM MS-KErtn ' CANDY and confectionery, near west side ntrr 11 m nnnw: uuiiik. wv wro a rood place to make some mnnev business can be doubled; $uoo S I Mw"-K EITH CO.. 610 Henry bl d if ip ppnPERi.r organize you prepare bond issues, negonaiw pectuses. furnisn stoca "V-. -t satisfied Investors. Booklet f ree N AT L ( KdAMAllU t-V., - St.. Chicago, DENTIST WANTED To buy up-to-date Ofrice in wuiaraeuc lished and run for 12 years by one man; .aaAn fr.r- iiin-: $300 cash, bal ance terms. Mrs. T. H. Richmond, Hub bard, Or. A r.lRAf.R 100x100 building, good lease, full of steady storage ana gwu Vf-" " am called away, will sell this profitable business, some term i w Room 511 Railway r.xcnannq ""fiitur. V. PARTNER WAN TED. A big paying garage, west loca, . . wants mechanic if reliable, . nurtner: $1750 required. Room 611 Railway Excnange. ALASKA. Cannery with up-to-date equipment offers wonderful opportunity for profits to investor. co j 2 os ureRonoiuB. i t d t v P R COUNTRY GARAGE. Excellent town right on the highway; good car agency. Partner wanted to sell the gas, oils, tires, etc. $92 handles it. Room 401 Pekum bldg A - PARTNER w a.n i cv. Wood and coal business: will sell equal half Interest to steady man for $750- have 2 auto trucks; profits are good' Room 401 Pekum Building. W 1?TA 1IRAXT. $1600; on Sixth street, doing a good business: can be increased. Se this at once and get Into good paying businesa Weston & Co.. 1200 N. W. Bank bldg. A LADY desires to become associated with someone In the real estate and business chance businesses. Call or address 20 East 14th Nortn. WI.-.ST SIDE GARAGE. Close in, stand full investigation; price $2800, some terms. Room 611 Railway Excnange. GARAGE and oil station doing a big busi ness, owner muoi i " j . vm in voice price. It's a money maker. 4ol stftrlc Exchange bldg. Main 53S5. AUTO TIRE STORE. Auto accessories, tires, vulcanizing, etc. Can clear $250 to $300 month. Call room 4tH Pekum blag. RAKRER SHOP. Shop well located, good fixtures, real Income producer. Call 513 Artisans bldg. PARTNER wanted; some cash needed. Auto Radiator onop, ivw j.ilu l, -ori-1 an d. , DRUG store for sale In Sellwood. Invoice $S000 some terma; reason tor sening, retiring from business. Auto. 210-70. STAGE RUN with 2 7-pass. cars, should clear $aou a monm, iuuu nanuies. phone East 7240. CONFECTIONERY for sale, good location for a fruit stana or any Dusiness; inven tory price. 430 Washington st. BAKERY Fully equipped, at sacrifice. AiroQway 4-00, BUSTNFS OPPORTUNITIES. THOMSON & THOMSON. GROCERY STORES FROM $1000 UP TO $3000. CONFECTIONERIES FROM $1500 UP TO $6000. CIGAR AND FRUIT STANDS FROM $1050 LP TO $5500. RESTAURANTS FROM $550 UP TO , $10,000. BAKERIES FROM $20,000. $3000 UP TO TAILOR SHOPS FROM $1000 UP TO $2000. - SHOE SHINE AND HAT CLEANING FROM 1200 LP TO $2000. ALL GOOD LOCATIONS, MOSTLY DOWNTOWN. SEE MR. MILNE R, with THOMSON, 620 HENRY BLDG. ARE YOU A LIVE SALESMAN? Are you interested In building up a business of your own? A permanent money-making business? If so and you have a little capital to back yourself with, see us for our proposition. Excellent territory in slate of Oregon now open In leading towns and county seats for handling OXO GAS HEATING APPLIANCES. "THE WORLD'S STANDARD." Perfect gas generated from common coat oil. A special burner for every pur pose, easily installed In city or country homes. OIL, the efficient fuel for battleships, railroads and factories. Why not the home? We mean business. Do you ? If so, call at our office and see each of the 11 different appliances in actual opera tion. This will bear closest investigation. OXO GAS HEATING CO.. 337 Couit St., SALEM, OR. ATTENTION GRO C E R Y M A X . $950 grocery, rent $30, living room: doing $20 to $30. $1000 grocerv, rent $25, living room. doing $30 10 $35. $1200 grocery, rent $10, living room doing 35 to $40. $1550 grocery, rent $30; no fixtures l buy. $40 to $45. $2000 grocery, rent $25, living rooms, $40 to $50. $35no grocery, rent $40. $70 to $100 45iiO grocery, rent $50. $100 to $175. $2700 restaurant, rent $50, fine place. $40 to $75. BUSH UE. 51S Cham, of Com. COUNTRY STORE STOCK, FI X TURKS 3Oo0. Located 2S miles from Portland, fare couniy road and station ; store room 24x3o; 2 back rooms and upstairs, ware house and barn 40x45; H acre ground, water piped to buildings; slock valued at $800. Everything for $300O; terms half cash. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce, HOTEL RESTAURANT YES, A REAL PLACE. BRICK BLDG. Very nice and clean, doing a fine busi ness; "marble-top tables, 35-foot counter. In fact, a fully equipped place. Rent $75 per month. Good lease. Going at tin price of on'y $1S50 J lino m handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. RELIABLE, experienred ln.suranco man wanted to solicit general fire and auto mobile Insurance. The right party with some cah will reeei ve substantial In terest in local general agency. Reply in writ ing for appointment, giving ex perience and references. E 4isi, Orego nlnn. OLD ESTABLISHED GARAGE, EAST SIDE. Fully equipped, 50x80. long lease, retit $50 a month, price $2500; $12W down, balance monthly. We have several real buys In garages. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., :iM5 Oak St reet. A MODERN GARAGE. A large concrete garage. Extra good lo.-atlou. fuil of storage, big sale gas, oils, tires, etc. Established a long time and making money. Will stand the closest investigation. $2750 will handle It. A real bargain. Room 41 Dekum bid". i'UOL HALL. Clearing over $300 per month, rent $20. free heat and water, brick building, 4 pool tublos. back and front bar, fully equipped; $2000 ; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. A SNAP. For sale, well located store building; can be used as restaurant, bakery or si ore ; furnisher! apart ment a upstairs. Price for all $6000. For particulars ad dress Millie Arronvsmith, box 104, Ceu trnlia. Wash. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. 1 dresser. 1 davenport, 1 stove, rug. tables, chairs, folding bed, all dishes, buck boards, sewing machines. Irons, rent $25 per month. Quirk pule $650. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3' 1 5 Oak S t reet. SHOE REPAIRING PLANT. Fully equipped with best cf machinery and doing good business ; need a live wire capable to handle business end; $3ooo required. SEE .MR. M1LNER, with THOMSON, 620 HENRY BLDG. t cT'LVR STORE LARGE OFFICE 11 L" IL DING. ..tiler of city, west side; rent $50 per ,;i n.ifi. l.-.tse, average business daily $10. i'r,' S'.'ioo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3(5 Oak Street. DRY GOODS STORE FOR SALE. $4n00 will handle well established dry goods, furnishings and shoe business; cheap rent in modern brick building, in cluding steam heat and fixtures. Must sell at once on account of sicknesa O 453. Oreironinn. mL'UL r ha n r est a l r a n t. Fully equipped, doing a good business. In a live little city, close to Portland, on corner, good lease; $2300 for all. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 Oak Street. STOCK in going lumber mill for sale; $."oO cash will handle; with this goes perma nent position, dividends and wages; would trade for Portland property. 2 N. Union ave., room 401, hours H-lo A. M. and 4- P. M. Phone East 7HS2. CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS. Hoffman press, 2 machines, 1 Singer and 1 White, fully equipped place, 2 living rooms. Price $2.'.00. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oa k St re et. IN LOWER ALBINA. 2 R. R. FRONTAGE. 1imx100 each; also Improved business property ou Mississippi for sale, at right price. ALBERT HARALA. 703 i Mississippi Ave. tU BURBA N R ES T A L" It A N T . Fully equipped, doing a good business, rn a I ve I ttle city, close to Portland, on corner, good lease. $J:omi for all. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. . FURNITURE REPAIRING SHOP. Equipped and stocked, good paying proposition for cabinet or furniture man. Clears over $l.0oo annually. Only $20OO cash required. Call at 612 Ar tisans bldg. PARTNER wanted in established auto mobile storage, batter business; man who has sales ability and wide acquaintance in Portland and can invest some capital. AM 407. Oregonian. BUSINESS PLACES. 1 store mom with 3 unfurnished rooms In connection. Will rent separate. Call at 242 KMllngsworth. phone Wdln. 6H02. WILL SELL a interest in blacksmith shop to a good norsesnoer; mop uum iiou business. H, W. Scherman, Granite Falls, Washington. BLACKSMITH shop for sale in White River valley, in nines irom oeamo. for particulars address 415 Harrison at., Kent. Wash. n Si;,uu GROCERY, corner location, fur- nisnea living nB business. Good soda fountain. See Mor ris with Interstate l and Co.. 248 Stork. FOR SALE 31 of light mfg. plant in cluding macnine snop mm luunuiy. .nu- dreas for particulars. Motor A., box 34. Eugene, Or. I100 RESTAURANT, west side location. UOing gOOU IUBIIIW, - Ui CVIMIjilliriii, $S0O cash, bal. easy terms. See Morris with Interstate Land Co.. 24H Stark st. BARG A 1 N. Complete set soft drink, lunch and cardroom fixtures. Phone Broadway AN OLD eatabl lulled millinery si ore on easy terms, oee rs. x usnue, uio uam. WELL ESTABLISHED tailor shop doing good business. a snap kt quiv mjb, atvs Union ave. X. near Bdwy. POOL room for sale, clears jou per month; will sacrifice iur ouv casn. room la bor 7.77 . FOR RENT Corner store, ..4 rirst U SUitSOie I or pool nan ur uluci uuiuici. Apply 2 Ptarg st. HAIRDRESSERS' and manicures' book of formulas pertaining to nair conic, race creams, etc Reasonable. East 324. PARTNER wanted to go in the automo- rile ouainess. it win pay io inv igate at once. IO North Broadway. MEAT market, good location, close in. price reasonaoie. ooi c. union su near 19th. SUBURBAN hardware, doing good each business; can be bought right. Phone Automatic 013-57. MEAT MARKET, good locaLon, close In, price reasonable. Obi E. Clinton St., nr. 10th. FOR SALE Four theaters. For further partlcnla rs write AV 2 ."2, O re go nja n . FOR SALE Grocery, $100 at Invoice, rent, $10. IQ couipetiiloo d23 AnUau's bldg. 1. v i