T1TE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MARCn 13, 1921 9 RKAT. KSTATK. For Sale Hotl, ROSE CITY REALTY CO. 28iu and Sandy Blvd. East 661. Evenings, Tabor 6442. A REAL BUNGALOW. 16000 6-room strictly modern bunga low, hardwood floors, all late built-ins, Dutch kitchen. fireplace, fine cement tnmement, furnace, wash tray a, parage; corner lot 5oxloo; improvements in and paid. Terms. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, f 5ooo H-rwm modern bungalow, 2 sleeping porohes, hardwood f ioors, fire place. Dutch kitchen, all built-in conven ience, full bawment, furnace, wash trays, good garage; lot 5oxloo; 1 block Rose City car; only $1000 down, with terms. Don't fail to see this beautiful home. $4725 New 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, all bullt-ins, cement basement; ft blocks to Rose Citv car; $050 down. NEW FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $45oo Why pay rent when you can uy a completely furnished 6-roora bun sralow, sleeping porch, ciose to Rose City car, only $7uo down, balance terms to 2500 5-room Dlastered cot tare and bath, full basement: lot 100x100; some fruit and berries; $00 down, with easy terms. MONT A VILLA DISTRICT. . yiHOo 5-room house, lot 75x100, chick en house, new garare; .K down. Term: NEARLY ACRE. $10OO cash, balance to suit at Be buys 5-room bungalow on E. 61st St., and nearly h acre. Street paved, sewer in, all assessments paid, lots ,of fruit and berries, hou.sn has furnace, full cement basement, all nice large rooms. This ts a rood buy at $6500. bee Mr. Farns worth, with H. A. DRYER, TUB ACREAGE MAN," 08-9 Lewis bids. Broadway S031. ROSE CITY PARK. OK X3E 1 block north of Sandy blvd., blow the hill: exceptionally well constructed, full cement base ment, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, living room and Dutf h kitchen ; $2450 down, bal. $40 per month and int. J. I. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. ON WISTERIA AVE., THE CHARMI NO S POT O V KOS 13 CITY PARK. BELOW THE HILL. Delightful 5-room bungalow that's right up to the minute in every respect; corner lot, too. This place is not ordinary. IT H A3 REAL CLASS and in very trim condition. $5950 and less than half cash will handle. See owner after today. 553 E. 46th N. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $500. Jut finished several well-built, double constructed bungalows on paved etieet; every convenience, price while they Inst $4noo. $5oo down and $-5 a month. Some discount for cash or half cash. 1 hi se homes are In a select district. "nl Main ljiii. pre-war prices and construction. Costs you nothing to in vestigate. O. XI. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 4o-4M f'ourh Hldg. LUVBLY WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. A 6-room bungalow with ft view un surpassed, nice fireplace and fine built in feat ures. full cement basement with furnace; street paved and all paid; no mortgage. Price $5250, with$l000 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., !16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. HAWTlloKNK DISTRICT Splendid 6 r')om bungalow with floored attic and full cement basement, situated between Sunnyside and Hawthorne car line; best service in city. Strictly modern to the dot. with new pipe less furnace. Price $4."o. fi.VHi rash will handle. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY. Main t;.s29. 606 Couch Bldg. $:;o WILL HANDLE. 5-room bumralow. gas. electric lights, basement, house is neat and clean; Soyino lot; good chicken house. A won derful buy. Price $!050. $:;o0 cash, bal ance $35 per month and interest. JOUXSON-DODSON co 33 N. W. Bank Hldg. Main 37R7. FOR SALE BY OWNER 8-room house, 6 finished ; good basement, modern ex c'Pt furnace, 2 nice porches, lots of fruit, berries and flowers, also lovely lawn, block from Woodlawn car, 2 blocks from Vancouver car, 2 blocks from school and torns, nice neighbor hood, lot 50tO0; I'jKiio, terms. 321-04. CLASSY 5-room bungalow, old Ivory, tap er! rv paper, hardwood floors, all 1 he up-to-date features; close In on corner lot. Must realize some cash, balance $0 and Interest. Wou.d take high-class furni ture, piano or auto as no me. trade. Call Sunday. 517 East 11th st. N. Phone Knst .vi H. MoDERN 5-room house, gas, electricity, bath, deep basement ; big attic; big enough for two bedrooms; btg lot, half of which Is already planted; close to car and school. Price $2300. $ 1000 dow n, w ill take Ford as part of first payment. 04 E. 61st st. North. Take MV car. CUT-OVEK LAND ON COLUMBIA RIVER. Convenient to transportalinn, church and school; deep, rich soli; only $30 per acre on easy payment plan. A rare op-, portunitv to gt a horne. JOIINSON-DODSON CO., fi"3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3797. "A BKACT1KUL HOME." 5-room modern bungalow, furnace, fire plar, nice built-ins, fine view of moun tains and river; lot 50x100 feet; cement garage : paved street. 1 block carline. close to park ; price $4700, good terms; this is a choice location. It. M. O ATK WOOD & CO.. 165U ;th st. VANCOUVER. WASH., strictly modern 5 room bungalow, excepting hardwood floors, on !oxlo0-ft. lot, 1 block from car; also garage. Price $3250, $1500 cash will handle. Main N2fl. ERNEST W ELLS CO.. 606 Couch Bldg. WEST SIDE. Modern 6-room house on Park street, rlot-e in and a very line location; price $6000. JOHN" SINGER, 4?o Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. Eight-room house, corner lot. 100x100. en carline; street improvements in and paid ; garage, fruit trees: near high school. Call after 5 o clock, Wdln. 576. $3oo0 I'.EAUTIFL'L 6-room modern home at 4M2 60th St., S. K. Four blocks south Stewart station, Mt. Scott carline, on paved street. Lot W3xl50. Fruits and berries. Terms. Inquire owner, 110 K. th. corner r.. J ay lor st. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW $3500. 4 rooms and breakfast room, fire place, furnace, wash trays and bullt-ins; fine view, full lot; 4Sth st. and 20th a ve. K isv terms. E. Mo7. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3750. By owner, 5-room modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, built-ins. full cement basement; wash trays; $2250 cash. 431 K. 37th sr ONLY $2000 buys Irom owner a 5-room house, large sleeping porch, paved streets and sidewalk in good district : trv and see this before buying. Alain 7135. EAST UTH STREET NORTH. ' Modern 7-room house, close to car line; hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace; doitffle garage: price $7350. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. BUY THIS WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Two modern cottages. 5 and 6 rooms, bathrooms, toilets, basements, lot BOx 100. walking distance. $5500. terms. See T A GGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding bldg. 8-ROOM modern house for sale, cheap, Portland Heights; wonderful view, sleep ing porch, large grounds, garage; $500 down, balance $75 monthly. Morgan, 212 4 First. 7-ROOM residence, large lot, choice fruit, paved streets, fine garage, at 55th and East Taylor, $5500; terms. Owner, Mr. Smith. Main 35. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house. 2 lots with berries and fruit trees, garage and chicken house, 2 blocks from Franklin high school. Automatic 227-33. W A V ERLY-RICH M ON D. Corner bungalow, 6 rooms, finished at tic, full basement; also furniture; no agents; $1500 cash. Sellwood 760. A REAL HOME. FURNISHED, 3 ACRES, CULTIVATORS. AND CHICKENS. 657 E. 3!TH ST $5000 FIRST PAYMENT. PHONE MARSH. 16H4. MRS. BERRY. 7-ROOM house, N W. " corner East Pins and Hth; fine future apt. site, near new Buckman-Hawthorne school and high. Terms. Apply 613 E. Couch. HOUSE for sale, owner leaving city; A rooms, bath, electricity, gas, furniture, $2400; terms, At 308 Halsey, near Will iams avenue. VRST SIDE. $4500; 7 ROOMS. BATH, OAS. ELECTRICITY. 2 FIREPLACES. CEMENT BASEMENT; FULL LOT. O w N ER 467 TENTH ST. l,f000 -LAURELHUKST MODERN HOME. Sleeping porch. 4 bedrooms, tile hath, library, breakfast room, garage, fine lo cation. Tabor 2032. AN ARTISTIC 5-room bungalow, modem, on car line: adults only. Owner will be at houe Sunday morning. 1224 Glad stone avenue. REAL ESTATE. BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. ROSE CITY PARK, Very attractive and complete; price includes a number of extras, range, water heater, .radio gas beater, draperies. This place built and occupied less than 1 year, own er moving outside of city; 50x1 oo foot corner lot, paved street, im provements in and paid; price only $6750, half cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6624. WE URGE YOU TO BOOST FOR THE 3 925 FAIR. Own your home in the meantime. Portland is in for the big gest period of prosperity ever. Get on the wave and ride with the crowd. This company has listed over 100 new bargains in medlum-pricea homes mat can be handled with small payments down. "We can show you. If you want courteous, efficient serv ice when you go to look at your home see Ufa. We pay careful attention to all I details when closing a sale. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624.1 ROSE CITY PARK 15000. Modern bungalow, suitable for large I or small family: five rooms on lower) floor; 2 small plastered rooms in attic; I hardwood floors in living rooms, furnace, I fireplace, etc; good location, fine view,) lot 50x100: choice roses, fruit trees, ber ries and garden plot. Telephone, after Sunday, Tabor 9280. wonderful buy Elegant 5-room bungalow, strictly modern in every re spect, with huge bul fe. beautiful fire place, built-ins of ail kinds and near Foster road, soon to be paved. Price onlv S350O. and STOOO will handle. This has an elegant floored attic bultabte lor billiard room. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY, Main 6829. Couch Bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Elegant eight-room home, everything moo em. in apple-pie order, east lacing. alirhtly elevated ibove street: remarn- able panoramic view of five mountain pfaks; on Thurman street; convenient 6toi to cars. Price $10,ooo. Terms. FRED W. NEWELL, 408 HENRY BUILDING BROADWAY 5o30. ALBERTA. 6 Rooms $2950. I have for sale an exceptional bargain In Alberta, for downright honest con struction, there is probably nothing bet ter in the district for the money. If you will phone me, I will be glad to show you this property; very easy terms. Phone Tabor 2549. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE HOME. 7 large, sunny rooms, ivory finish. tapestry paper, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, beautiful corner lot, I 55x100; abundance of roses; garage; fine location, 2 blocks from car; price $5500, J 10H0 down. Mo agents. Owner, I Auto. 2.10-33. ALBERTA. $.'1200 $50 down, balance like rent; 5-room house, all nice rooms, good plumbing; has water, electricity and gas, white enamel finish, full basement, I close to cur line, all liens paid. JOIINSON-DODSON CO., 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. M a i n 37 ST FOR SALE Strictly modern 7-room Haw thorne bungalow, beautifully finished Inside ; h. w. floors, fireplace, f urnac. 2 bedrooms and bath downstairs, large living room across front of house ; breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, large cement basement, 50x100 lot. garage; easy terms. Owner, $5500. Auto. 236-22, 34H 43d st. MO Dr. K.N bungalow, o rooms, sleeping porch, firepiace, furnace, full basement, street Improvements in and paid, one block from M. A. cars, two blocks from Jefferson high; good location and com munity; $4000 net. or half can ; by owner, no agent. 155 Alberta st. Wood- lawn W4 WiiB.N ou BUY a house you wilJ be pro- J tectcd again.st sharp practices by dealing I witn a realtor. iso real estate ma entitled to use the name naltor unless he is a member of a realty board and is I pledged to high standards of business I practice. Look for -his membership card. Portland Realty Hoard, Oregon building. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. FOR SALE BY OWNER, new 6-room bungalow, finished in ivory enamel; all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, attic, full basement; corn lot 43x1 o0. garage, paved street. Phone I Auto. 225-65. No Sunday calls. FURNISHED home in Rose City Park K large rooms, lots of built-ins, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, laundry travs living room furnished in wicker: full lot. plenty of roses and shrubbery. Price $7000, about $3'KH cash. V 46S, Orego- nian. VOUU OWN TERMS. A nifty 5-room cottage with full basement, on two lots 40x100 each and on hard macadam street. This Is dandy buy st $3250. Your own terms. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY, Main HS20. 606 Co U ch Bldg. WEST SIDE MODERN FLATS. Close in on Jackson and Park streets 2-f lat building, 5 rooms each. 2 fur naces. 2 fireplaces, wash trays; the building looks like new: price $io00. JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 6 LARGE ROOMS. $1650. TERMS. Large closets, pantry, garaue, lights. gas, water, chicken house. This is well-built house and a real home at price. Address owner, 6343 87lh sL S. E. Mount Scott car. 1 O lv SA I .fcj Modern 4 -room 110 use, some furniture, cement basement, fireplace, 15 minutes from heart of city, with good car service, wui sen ror reasonable price on good terms. $3o0 to $500 as first payment will handle this. Call owner. nn. null. 6 LARGE ROOMS $1050. TERMS. Large closets, pantry, garage, lights. gas, WHter. chicken house. 1 his is well-built house and a real home at price. Address owner, 6343 S7tli st. S. E. Mt. Scott car. 60 FRUIT TREES on near acre tract of ground. In good residence section of tli city ; 5-room house. I wish to sell the property this week. Will not refuse any reasonnnie otter. ror particulars see OWNER at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. WOODLA WN $3500. Splendid 8-room house with stone foundation, good basement, fireplace, conveniences; ground 05x100, with full oearing rrult. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. VACANT lot 5000 square feet, facing riv er at bast tun ana lirnoklyn streets. also 6-room house. East 7th and Brook lyn. A snap or will trade one or both on larger house and lot. Phone Sell- wood 1 in. $4450 ROSE CITY PARK $4450 5-room modern bungalow; fireplace, I outlet, imen ciose.t. oreaKiast nook, hard wood floors, garage. .ox 100 lot ; terms Jl-'OO cash. $40 Per month, including In terest at per cent. Owner. Tabor Hill. BUY THIS SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. Eight-room modern residence, fire place, furnace, cement basement, streets! made and paid, $1000 cash, balance ilka I rent. ree TAGG ART BROS.. 1102 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE Piedmont S-room house, $4050. 2 fireplaces, rurnace, garage, fruit trees, paved streets; all recently papered ; handy to school and car lines; must sell Sunday ay; $025 cash, balance $40 monthly. merest. Phone owner. Wdln. 256Q. low CLOSE-IN HOME. Six-room modern house in first-class condition, furnace, Iireplace. paved st ;. , lot 50x100 feet, west of E. 30th st. Price, $4500, $1000 cash, balance to suit. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 Vz 4th st COZY JV-room bungalow cottage, corner lot with garage, in good district on paved st. and oar line; a bargain at $35.0: terms. E. J, GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. KENTON- For s-a.e, good 4-room houe. be moved in one year; electricity, toilet. near paved street. Possession within 30 days. Price $i50. John W. S-nith, 1663 (mans ave. $2700 MODERN house, 6 rooms and bath. close to car nne anu scnooi, gooa plump ing and electrical fixtures; $600 will handle. Seaman, 410 Railway Exchange bldg. r'none Main fno. 7-ROOM modern house, corner 2 lots (85x I 110), fruit ana oerrtes, paved street. near ntgn scnooi, oy owner. u ti. oath. Tabor 108.1. LAURELHURST. New colonial, 8 rooms, breakfast nook, 1 reception hall, double plumbing, garage. ; 110 c.. Davis st. A NEW 4-room house, partly modern woodnaw on ton truck: lots of tools. Sell together or separate. 6211 .N. Central ave - St. Johns. STRICTLY modern 8-room house, garage, driveway; an ideal home; small caan pa y ment. terms. Jis Piatt bldg. BUNG A LOW, 6 rooms, hardwood floors and garage: pay half caBh. Mr. Edwards, AK 476. uregoman. 7-ROOM house in Laurelhorst. modern and sleeping porch, $oMHi. laoor out. RE All ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 12500 ROSE CITY A 3-room bungalow, -with bath, gas, lights, etc., 50xU corner, garage, 5 fruit trees, and berries. Dandy lawn, sidewalks in and paid. House is only 2 years old, FURNISHED COMPLETE for $2500 with 4000 down, balance like rent. $6300 ROSE CITY A 5-room bungalow, north of Sandy blvd., furnace, fireplace, oak floors, all built-ins. Ivory finish, cement basement and wash trays, city improvements i and paid. $9oo down, balance like rent. if vou are looking for a mity niu home m best part Rose City let us snow you this. ROSE CITY PARK 15750. A 6 -room bunralow. hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins. cement basement, wash trays, etc.. on 49th st. just south of Sandy blvd., city improve ments in ana paid. Terms. - 16300 ROSE CITY PARK. A 7-room strictly modern house, with every imaginable built-in convenience oak floors, furnace, fireplace, etc., full cement basement and laundry trays, 50x loo lot garage, hard surface St., and suffer la and paid. Terms, on 4btn St. N. ROSE CITY $6000. Another real buv is this 5-room bun galow. with furnace, fireplace, ail built- ins. breakfast nook. Diate Klaus windows. oak floors, cement basement and wash trays, 50x100 lot, city Improvements in and paid. On 41th St., N. of Sandy blvd., terms. MULTNOMAH ST. S3SO0. A 6 -room house, with cement base ment, laundry trays, etc., furnace; good pjunxoing; aoxioo lot hard suriace st and sewer in and paid, in Holiday add Any reasonable terms acceptable, lou can t beat this. X.AUR ELH UR ST $ 6500. A new and up-to-the-minute bunga low in x-aureinurst ohk noors, every built-in feature, furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook ivory finish throughout. cabinet kitchen; 50x128 ft. lot; garage improvementa all paid. Terms to suit purchaser. $7300 LAtRKLHTRST. Here is one of the classiest bunga lows, 6 rooms, with oak floors, through out, every built-in convenience, break fast nook, tiled bath, Roman tub. ped estal laator etc., furnace, beautiful fireplace, cahi-net kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays. 50x100 lot, ga rage. Terms easy. $S500 laVIXGTOX. A 6-room strictly modern Bungalow, all on one floor; oak floors throughout, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins. cabinet kitchen, full cement basement. wash trays. Breakfast nook, finished in Ivory and white enamel. 50x100 lot. Garage and runway; cement porches; plate glass windows, lerms to suit. $12,500 IRVINGTON. A 11-room house in very best of con dition; strictly modern and up to the minute. All oak floors, plate glass windows, double French doors, etc.; loox jw ground; garage; all kinds fruit and berries and roses. City Improvements paid, 'i erms. RUMMELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark St. Sunday Tabor 37tf. Auto 222-) Tabor 4030 ROSE CITY PARK. $1000 CASH $45 MO., INC. INT. Modern B-room bungalow, locat ed below the hill, 2 blocks from Sandy; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet, bookcahes, Dutch kitchen, cloak closet with full length mirror door; wall hung with tapestry paper; 2 bedrooms first floor. 1 large bedroom above; 50x100 lot, street imps, paid; vel vet lawn, fruit and flowers; only $1000 cash. Immediate possession. Price $5250. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 426 Henry Bldg. BdWy. 4754. LOOKING FOR A HOUSE? Look at this one and your looking will stop. Good four-room house on corner lot. Yours for $2250. It is worth $3000. See it Monday. N EI LAN & PARKHILL, 2 ltf Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark Sis. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE, $7500. Desirable and strictly modern 7-room residence in highly restricted district, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ins, 3 sunny bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstair.x; fnll concrete basement, Royal Furnace: 50x100 lot, garage, on paved alley. This is a well-constructed an desirable home that is fully worth Hi price asked, which we are always pieasea to snow. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RICHMOND FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. New hardwood floors; all built-in ef fects, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, win dow . seat, Dutch kitchen, new linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors, large noorea attic, iuu Dasement, witn laun dry trays and wood range. House painted inside and out year ago; corne; lot: across street from Richmond school, walking distance of Franklin high; price xtaou. OWNER. Tnbor 546. 441 E. 41st St. FJ VE-ROOM modern bungalow, Al condi tion, double constructed. live years old east front, buffet, bath, Dutch kitchen, hall, large sitting and dining room, two bedrooms, clothes closets, electricity, gas. fine fixtures, large attic, large Iron porch, full cement basement, laundry travs. cement sidewalks, graveled street, garage, chicken house: lot 50x100; price $4 lout, or 100x100 460O; terms; two blocks Alberta car; owner. 1121 E. 24th sr. N. Phone Wood invn 3Wii. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $5750. Modern 5 rooms. 2 bedrooms Rnd sleep Ing porch, living room 12x24, fireplace, built-in bookcases, concrete basement Quaker furnace; garage with concrete driveway. This homey little bungalow can be purchased completely furnished if desired. RICHARD W. M AST. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hldg. MOVE RIGHT INTO THIS ONE. 7-room modern bungalow, near Mfss, car, on paved street; newly decorated inside and in Tine condition; iuii Dase ment, lot 50x100. A snappy buy for $3150, terms reasonable. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624 SACRIFICE. $2500 for my equity In cosy little country home in city; Daiance small; terms easy; completely furnished modern : built-ins : 4 25x100) lots; cor ner; hedge, lawn, flowers, berries, ga rage, playhouse; 100 feet from pave ment and streetcar; no dealers. Owner, Woodlawn 4ou. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. Six-room modern house, full cement basement, double constructed, garage, plenty fruit and berries, 50x117. A snap at $4500, terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. $700 CASH. BALANCE EASY. SDlendid 6-room house, modern with exception of hdw. floors: linoleum and light fixtures included in price; rose hedge, fruit, chicken house, streets paved and paid; price $4000. 1RviNGTON HOME BARGAIN A1MMM. ,arge Uving room, tinpl. $7850, ace, din ing room, library, kitchen first floor; large bedrooms, sleeping porch second floor; finished attic; double garage; near 17th and Knott. Neuhausen, East 304, Main H07S. BUY THIS 748 E. 27TH ST. SOUTH. Modern 6-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, open today. Woodstock car. Rhone st. Terms. See TAGG ART BROS. 1102 Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. TODAY ONLY $7000; near 22d and Thompson; 6 lovely rooms. 2 fireplaces, oak floors; garage; choice surroundings. Neuhausen, East 304, Main 8078. WEST SIDE. 5-room and bath, 50x125 lot, on car. paved street, sewer paid ; $2750, $350 cash, bal. terms. Jones, with Interstate .and Co., 248 stark st. Main 5420. Fi VE-ROOM HOUSE Strictly modern, at tic floored; 1 hi lots, paved streets, fruit trees, garage; Richmond district; price $4200; terms. H. Hatfield, 231 Vi Morrison st ALAMEDA PARK COLONIAL HOME, 75x 10O lot; large living room, oak floors. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, maid's room, garage. SOMETHING CHOICE. Neu hausen. East 31)4, Main 8078. RICHMOND DISTRICT. 6 rooms, full basement, double garage. corner lot, hard street. $3250, $500 down. Marshall 3003. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN $3000 Good 5- room cottage, one diock ueimont car line; furniture included. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont. , MUST BE SOLD TODAY Fine home in W estmoreiana ; owner uyuitf in. home, SelL 2445. Price $4500. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Hou 110 Tenth SL Broadway 110. SUPERB WESTOVER TERRACES. If It's a distinctive and beauti ful "home" In the .midst of others renowned for their Individuality you want and not just a "house," then let us show you the new home just being completed on Westover . now. We will gladly help you build an artistic home to meet your desires. For house numbers or other information you may phone, call ou or write HAROLD JUXQCK, Secretary INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. 110 Tenth St, Pittock Block. Broadway 110. CORNER 26TH AND BRYCE. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. 6-room bungalow, living room 16x30. fireplace bookcase, mahogany mantel, French doors to dining room, buffet, cab inet kitchen with tile sink, canopy over range, breakfast nook, tile bathroom with pedestal lavatory and shower, two large Deo: rooms on nrst Tioor, one above; hardwood floors throughout, deep ce ment Dasement, lurnacc ana rruit room; 50x100 corner lot. large garage ; terms. For sale by owner. Open for Inspection irom x to d today. ALAMEDA PARK. BUNGALOW $6500. Buy from owner, new six-room, largo living room, with hardwood floors, fireplace, Gasco furnace, 1 block from car line; will give reasonable terms. Call Sunday 2 to 4:30 P. M. 86 E. 30th. st. N. Phone Wdln. 1154, ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW NEAR PENINSULA PARK. $5700. Strictly modern 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, every built-in convenience, cozy breakfast nook, full concrete basement, either Gasco or Boy n ton furnace; fruit room, etc., garage with concrete floor; sunny south exposure; terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. S01-3-5-7 Board Of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT HOME. Ideally located, tt rooms, modern, roses and shrubbery. This Is indeed a com fortable home at a right price, $6000. Some terms. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. "We have 5 of 'em, 1 is new. Various modern conveniences. Priced from $3200 to $4500 with $500 down. Let us show you by appointment. COOVER & HOLMAN, Realtors. 322 Failing Bldg., 3d and Wn. St. LARGE house, west side, near 16th and Jefferson; $6500. convenient terms, if sold this week. Just the place for roomers and boarders or h. k. rooms. See E. E. Cumpston, Sell wood 1422 Monday, or Sell wood 3033 Sunday. Also fine bungalow in Sell wood. SIX-LOT BUNG A LOW HOM.E. Ground all in cultivation and set out to fruit and berries; good 6-room bunga low, full basement with large porches, linen closets; all kinds of built-ins, good wood lift ; splendid view, on macadam ized street. A real bargain. $500 cash, $20 monthly. Total price $2000. FRED W. GERMAN, 732 Cham, of Com. SMALL RANCH IN CITT. 7 lots, excellent garden soli, fruit trees, 7-room house, just renovated, 4 blocks to car, good chicken house, $500 cash and move In today, or will rent, lease or trade for small ranch up to $000. Mr. Hare. A. J. DeFORREST & CO., 20 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. HERE IS YOUR CHICKEN FARM. ONLY $100 CASH DOWN. A nice little three-room bungalow, with electricity, gas, water and half acre ground, ready right now to put in gar den; big chicken house; good car serv ice; price $2500. COME IN AND SEE A BOUT IT. SMITH - WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. MR. HANDY MAN. 4-room plastered bungalow, cement basement, cement sidewalks, close to car and school, lot 80x125. A small amount of work yet to do on house. Price $2300, $250 cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. $1500 BUY'S good, homey, 4-room cottage, half block east of Union ave.; gas, elec tricity and basement. $1750 buys 93x100 corner, covered with fruit, good substantial 4-room cottage, good cellar, bath and toilet; $250 cash, balance like rent. CHARLES HOITK. 032 Cham, of Com. BUILDERS, ATTENTION! We own many cheap lots located in different sections of city; would bc-very glad to figure with builders and might arrange second mortgage privileges to suit the buver. Main 6H20. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY, 6o Couch Bldg. 5-ROOM modern house, acre of land, fruit and outbuildings, just outside of city limits, 2 blocks from car; $500 cash handles, or will take one or two acres close to car line as first payment. Mr Hare. A. J. DEFOREST ft CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590 FOR SALE BY OWNER. Strictly modern bungalow, 6 rooms and den. hdw. floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, dandy garage with cement runway, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, lot 50x108 ft., improvements all In and paid. Restricted district. Aut. 318-12. IRVINGTON CHOICE BUY, NEAR 21ST AND BRAZEE Center hall, French doors to large living room, fireplace, small bedroom or den down, 3 and sleep, ing porch up; ivory finish. $7500, $1500 cash, bal. time. Neuhausen, East 394, Main 807. BUILDERS, ATTENTION Unfinished house located at the northwest corner of 31st and East Lincoln. Will make a very attractive price to anyone inter ested. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY, Mnln 6S20. 606 Couch Bldg. NEW KOUR-KOO.U BUNGALOW On Kil- lingsworth ave., between Vernon and 13th st.; 50x150 lot; cement front porch and basement : front room and dining room comoinea, with fireplace, Dutch kitchen with nook and pantry; $500 oown. m mont n. owner. FIVE-ROOM BUXGAtOW. Modern five-room bungalow, one-half diock irom Mississippi ave. car line good garage, cement floor and drive' way; for sale by owner; 152 E. Stafford st. "You will like it." IRVINGTON ENGLISH COLONIAL, lat lice rente. garage; mignty pretty SOMETHING CHOICE FOR PARTICU LAR PEOPLE; near 21st and Knott large living room, oak floors, fireplace ivory finish. East 304, Main 8078. $500 DOWN and move in; good house with some lurniture ana garage, corner East 13th and Rosela wn. Key at office. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. 7-ROOM modern house, large corner lot. on paved street and car line; $3000, $500 cash, bal. terms. Jones, with In terstate Land Co., 248 Stark su Alain 5420. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE with sleeping porcn, rirepiace. Dunt-ins, jjutcn kitch en, hardwood floors, lot 50x150, one block from Mt. Tabor car. A bargain. Call Tabor 2054.- FOR SALE On small lot, furnished mod ern five-room bungalow; fireplace, hard wood floors, built-ins, cement basement and furnace; $3500. Phone Sellwood 2665. SIX-ROOM HOUSE Bath, gas. electricity, hot water, .plumbing, basement, sewer, paved streets; E. 20th, Clinton st cars; $2150, snap. H. Hatfield. 231 , Mor rison st. T A CO MA PROPERTY Five-room house, bath; walking distance: . paved street; $2000 only: one of best locations in city. Address F. O., 1920 S. Yakima, Tacoma. A DANDY 4-room bungalow, close to 3 car lines, all furnished. Fay S7oO down and move In. Mr. Hare. A. J. DeFORREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. 8-ROOM bungalow, 2 sets of plumbing, hot-water heat, large garage, cement driveway, full cement basement, trays, lots of roses, small payment. By owner, no agents. AE 465. Oregonlan. 7-ROOM ALBERTA BUNGALOW. In good condition, close to car, nicely located; $450 down, balance to suit you. This one is a dandy. Marshall 3003. UODERN 5-room bungalow, built-ins, fur nace, fireplace, corner 101 ouxiou reet. Improved street. Phone 642-40. 7704 63d avenue S. E. NEW 3-ROOM house, nearly completed. large attic, hardwood floors, garage. 2611 49th, near Franklin high school, one block south of Division. Owner. $3750. 5-room modern house In heart of Sua-t nyside. By owner. Automatic 230-11, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honet. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. $1300 3-room plastered house, almost modern, furnished, Mt. Scott; $300 down. $1800 6-room modern, except bathtub. fine fruit, garage, walks, 63d and Gliaan: $300 down. $2525 5 rooms, completely modern, full Dasement, a nne nouse ana 10 1 with walks; $525 down. $2600 5 rooms, completely modern, full basement; an excelent buy; on W. Prescott; walks and lawn; $$00 down. $3250 7-room modern home on W. Pres cott; full concrete basement, dou ble lot, walks and fruit; $500 down. $4100 4 brand-new homes, 5 rooms each, thoroughly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, concrete base . ment, paved street, best of dis tricts, extra fine finish, finish ings to suit. $3900 Alberta; modern 5-room bunga low ; H block from car on E. 28th; $1000 cash, balance on easy terms. $2300 Woodlawn; complete furnished cottage, 50x100 lot, 3 blocks from car, fruit trees and berries, im provements in. gas and electric lights; also lot of canned fruit; $030 will handle this, balance on easy terms. $5000 Piedmont; 8-room, two-story, about 7 years old, good repair, 50x100 lot, hard-surfaced street, near two carlineS and close to Jefferson high and public library, 5 bedrooms, hot water heat, gas and electric lights; will give lib eral terms. 1 "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. REED COLLEGE DISTRICT. $6300. Eight rooms and sleeping porch. All modern. $6300. Price cut for quick sale. See it at once. Terms If desired. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark Sts. pa 1.1 wo n vi a m:r.ALOW. ROSE CiTV Jf you want a large living room wim a real fireplace, a bright dining room with a beautirul butret, a nanay mien on with rtienrv of closets, a sunny break fast room, 2 good-sized, well-lighted bedrooms, a convenient bathroom with shower, full cement basement with fur nace ana trays, you win una. uicm m this artistic bungalow built for a home from orleinal clans, from class A ma terial and workmanship. You must see this to appreciate the simplicity and ar tistic quality of this home. You will get big value for $0000. terms $2000 cash and $50 per month. Call Tabor 4502 for ap pojntment. IRVINGTON. Beautiful, modern colonial home. Just completed; large living room, bookcases, dining room, buffet, breakfast room, lovely Dutch kitchen. Inclosed back porch. Inlaid linoleum, two sets plumb ing, four fine bedrooms, small sewing room, tile bathroom, hardwood floors throughout, ivory enamel finish, beauti ful wall papers. An Ideal home, hon estly built by best skilled day labor; unsurpassed location, amidst beautiful home surroundings. 505 East 17th N., near Brazee. Price cut to $11,500, lib eral terms If desired. East 1S75. Owner, ROBERT B. BEAT, BUILDER, A DESIRABLE PIEDMONT HOME. $6500. Strictly modern 7-room house on Mal lory ave., every built-in convenience, mu sic room or den, living room 24x16, large dining room, all hardwood floors, fire place, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement, furnace, garage with paved driveway and floor and al ley; 3 sunny bedrooms, bath and sewing room on second floor; large attic, down stairs toilet. See RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful new two-story home, built by day labor, thoroughly double con structed, hardwood floors, ivory wood work. miDered. artistic fixtures, fire place, full cement basement, all wiring in conduit. Deal direct with owner on premises, 1752 Siskiyou. Rose City car to 68th. one block south. Telephone Main 8205. LOVELY WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. A 6-room bungalow with a view un surpassed, nice fireplace and fine built in features; full cement basement .with furnace; street paved and all paid; no mortgage; price $5250, with $1000 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. ROSE CITY. 5-room modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement floors in base ment, garage, cement run. Lot 50x100, near school; $4500, $500 cash, $25 per month and interest. Michael with In terstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5420. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW TYPK HOME. Buy direct from owner; best part of Irving ton. center entrance; seven rooms and sleeping porch, large closets, with built-in dressers; two fireplaces, eastern oak floors; over-sized lot ; garage; this house was built for an owner's home; fine condition. East 4021. ALAMEDA PARK Wonderful 9-room house, finished throughout in old ivory. 4 bedrooms, bath and toilet, both up stairs and down, and a splendid home for the money at which it is being of fered. Price $0000, half cash to handle. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY, Main 6N20. 606 Couch Bldg. RIGHT IN THE CITY. 6-room plastered house and 1 acre, all In cultivation, 20 bearing fruit trees, close to car, on hard street; $1200 cash will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. FOK SALE BY OWNER 5-room modern house, old ivory finish, hardwood floors, full cement basement; has all of the modern built-ins ; will take good auto mobile up to $600; price $4750, some cash, balance terms. Phone Automatic 523-80. 252 Broadway. FINE Irvington corner home, seven rooms, den. garage, cement drive, hardwood floors: all modern; billiard and draperies included ; owner going California, act quick: $5800; cheapest buy in Portland. East 5006. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL. $7500, terms ; built for home ; extra large liv- i ing room, fireplace, one bedroom down. 2 up ; oak floors ; garage ; ivory finish. Neuhausen, East 304, Main 8078. 7-ROOM modern home, 100x100 lot, all kinds fruit and shrubbery, 3 blocks to car, $4000. $1000 cash, bal. terms. Jones, with Interstate Land Co., 248 'Stark st. Main 5420. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. $4000 $600 down. 5-room modern bungalow in fine dis trict. Full lot, old ivory finish inside. Marshall 31)03. 6-ROOM house, lot 120x100, all plumbing In. electric lights, gas, no furnace, five minutes from Hawthorne car; price $2600, $500 down. WOODCOCK, 327 HENRY BLDG. IRVINGTON HOME, HOT-WATER HEAT. $0000, terms; near Knott; beautiful large living room, ivory finish; well built, oak floors; garage. Neuhausen, East 304, Main 8078. FOR SALE $800 buys a small cottage, lot 50x100 feet, 2 blocks from carline; big value, some terms. 1026 E. 3oth st South. Sellwood 2089. W W car. 12850 MT. TABOR, restricted district; will build modern 4 large rooms, bath, dining nook; all conveniences. 531 Lum ber Exchange SUNNYSIDE, $4200. very good modern 5 room bungalow, new concrete garage, lot 50x100. fruit, close In. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont, week phone Tabor 219. MODERN 6-room bungalow with good furniture; well Improved; lot 50x100; 5 fruit trees, shrubbery. 153 E. 69th st. N., near Glisan. Tabor 6720, 10 to 3. OWNER has 5-room modern bungalow for sale; Hawthorne district, near car ana Richmond school. Some terms. Tabor R324. . NEW MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. 6 rooms absolutely modern, pleasant view near car, all complete, easy terma Marshal! 3P03. BY O W N ER Eight rooms, vacan t ; good location; price right if sold now; north of Broadway, near Larrabee. "Wood lawn 6191. IRVINGTON PULLMAN BUNGALOW, 5750 Large living room, oak floors. 1 fireplace, ivory fmlsh. gas furnace. NEUHAUSEN. East 394. Main 8078. 50x100 LOT WITH modern six-room house, gas, electricity and furnace; rented at $40 a month; good Investment. East 2097. . 5-ROOM mod. bungalow, Richmond dtst.; 100x110, fruit and berries; garage; $5500; consider trade 2 or 4-family flat. Owner. Sellwood 2839. $9000 LAURELHURST MODERN HOME! Sleeping porch, four bed room a tile bath, library, blk. room, garage; fine location. Tabor 2952. NEAT 5-room house, Sunnyside, lot 66 2-3x 100; lawn, shade, fruit, fenced: $3000. Must sell, consider reasonable or: Tfer. H. Hatfield. 231 Morrison st. $1100 NEW California bungalow, 4 rooms. I Set owner At place, Sa2i 61th mu s. a, j REAL ESTATE. BIHR-CAREY. Main 74S7. OPEN SUNDAY. In point of size and variety our listing is second to none in the city. Considering its great size and variety, we claim that its general quality is higher than that of any other large listing in the city. We want you to be the judge. See us before you buy your home. NEW LAURELHURST. BUNGA LOW. $35 per month, including interest. New, hardwood floors, fireplace, Gasco furnace, garage, six rooms, including two bedrooms and don, room upstairs for three more bed rooms. This bungalow is new, two blocks from the park, pavement and sewer In and paid. The price Is $6800; $2500 necessary to han dle. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 6 rooms $5500. v Not old. hardwood floors, fire place, large living room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, two bed rooms, paved street, sewer, garage, excellent neighborhood; $1000 down. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $5000. Hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, ivory woodwork, bullt-ins unlimited, pavement, sewer, two large bedrooms and floored attic, very well constructed and of rich appearance; convenient terms. STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW. JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT $4200. Hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, pavement, sewer, two large bedrooms, full cement basement, laundry trays, excellent neighbor hood; convenient terms. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and den $4000. On a full lot two blocks from car, with three large bedrooms and dtn, hardwood floors, furnace, two fireplaces, abundance of trees and shrubbery, billiard room in base ment, garage; the price is only $4000. A real buy. HAIGHT NKAR SKIDMORE. 7 rooms $500 down. Paved street, sewer, four large upstairs bedrooms, not far from Jefferson high, cement basement, laundry trays, best of modern plumbing. This house is unusually well built and is a real bargain at the price asked $3750. NEW KENTON BUNGALOW. $500 DOWN. Hot water heating system, fire place, paved street, sewer. This bungalow Is double constructed, has large rooms, all kinds of built-ins, close to Peninsula park and within walking distance of Jefferson high school. Price is $3675. It is new. RICHMOND BUNGALOW. A rooms $500 DOWN. Typical bungalow, of soundest construction, on a paved street, with sewer, garage, well and ex cellently arranged. good-sized rooms with its share of built-ins, fireplace, one-half block from car - line. The total price is only $3500. NEW BUNG ALO W. . $350 DOWN. This bungalow has four rooms, of which one is a bedroom, the others being a living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, paved street with sewer. This little bungalow speaks for itself. See it. Price $3500. KENTON BUNGALOW, 5 rooms $500 down. Near Peninsula park, and not far from Jefferson high school, of . satisfactory construction, five rooms, of which two are airy bed rooms; cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, one block from car. Price $3275. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 rooms $3500. Paved street, sewer, two bed rooms, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. Ivory woodwork, tapestry paper, fireplace. This bungalow is of a vory popular type and, in con struction, will pass the closest inspection. Very convenient terms. ROSE CITY PARK. 4 rooms and sleeping porch. $300o. This bungalow has four rooms and sleeping porch. It is on a full lot, one and one-half blocks from car. It is attractive, of sound construction and well arranged. All kinds of built-ins. It may bo had on a down payment of $700. 9-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. $2900 $300 down. On a lot 95 by 100. three upstairs bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitachen, den, best of mod ern plumbing. This house is well worth the money. TENTH NEAR SHAVER. 6 rooms $650 down. Full lot. pavement, sewer, three bedrooms, one being downstairs, six fruit trees, cement basement, laundry trays, full plumbing, gas and electricity. The price is only $2950. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 rooms $300 down. Five large rooms, full lot, one and one-half blocks from car. Best of modern plumbing, gas and elec tricity. The total price is only $2750 NEW 50TH-AVE. BUNGALOW.. $2680 $500. down. This new bungalow is one block from the carline. It is very good looking, has built-in buffet and lots of other built-ins, two bed rooms, most excellent plumbing, gas and electricity. Very good value. WINCH ELL NEAR MISSISSIPPI 4-room bungalow $300 down. Neat-appearing, well-built bun galow of four rooms, two of them being bedrooms, full lot and mod ern plumbing, fruit trees. Price $2200. KENTON BUNGALOW. S19O0. This bungalow is very trim in appearance. In an excellent neigh borhood. It is plastered and has gas and electricity. It may be had on convenient monthly terms. 150 BY 100. 6-room house $150 down. Three blocks from car, three bedrooms, two of them upstairs. At the price of $1750 it is a real snap. 100 BY 150 18 fruit trees. Shingled bungalow $200 down. This little bungalow is very good looking. It is on a large piece of rround. on which there are 18 bearing fruit trees. Several arti cles of furniture included. The price is only $1750. 4 ROOMS AND GARAGE. $1400. One-half block from car: two bedrooms, full plumbing, double garage; easy terms. 4 ROOMS and SLEEPING PORCH. $1200 $300 down. Less than two blocks from car, with full plumbing, gas and elec tricity, two bedrooms and sleeping porch. It Is on 58th avenue. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third St a. Mala 7487. OPEN SUNDAY. A BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. $5500. 674x100 corner, fronting 100 feet on paved street, this is a very attractive bungalow of 5 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full conorete basement, splendid hot-water heating plant, garage, old ivory woodwork, tap estry paper, etc. ; convenient to Irving- ton car and adjoining Alameda Park district. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN Corner lot, near 2 car lines; MUST BE SOLD; owner leav ing April ; 6 rooms, sleeping porch, at tic, garage, oak floors, fireplace. Neu hausen, East 394. Main 807H. THREE-ROOM modern furnished house at foot of Miles st. on river front; price $800; call Monday. Take ruiton car. 2500 BUYS modern three-room bungalow on $62 St., Rose City Park; terms; see owner. Phone Aut. 318-16. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE NEUHAUSEN CO., N. W. BANK BLDG FOR SALE 5-room bungalow. Rose City Par, .fnce right, .fiiune 'labor RFAL ESTATE. J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." OPEN SUNDAY. SEE OUR PHOTOS. Hundreds of homes for sale. Many are real bargains. Terms as low as $506 down, some for less. Autos at your service. Let us show you. it places you under no obligations. WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS DISTRICT. $2500 Just think, a 5-room bungalow home for so little money! Close- in, paved st. pd., garage, nice lot with shrubbery, roses and fruit. Requires hall cagn, ONLY 1500 CASH. $2650 buys corner home of 4 rooms and bath down, 2 rooms up; full basement, wash trays; newly painted and decorated through out; 1 blk. to car, convenient to grade school; a short distance east of Laurelhurst; graded st. and sewer in and pd. NEAR LADD ADDITION. $3500 buys two-story home of 6 rooms and reception hall: bath, gas and electric lights, plastered ; sub stantial, good looking home on . oaved st.: lot 50x100: snruooery roses and fruit. Imp. pd. Terms. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $3S50 buys 5 rooms and bath, also attic A nice appearing home, in good condition with building suitable for garage: y0x2uo lot running from st. to st. Terms can be arranged. 100x100 BARGAIN. $1100 buys beautiful home of 6 rooms and attic, fl.-e place. bullt-ins, full basement, wash trays. This is an exceptionally attractive home and included in this price is a street assessment of $675. . Someone is going to get a bar gain. Why not you? HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $4200 buys bungalow home, newly painted and decorated and first-class condition; 5 rooms and bath with full basement, wash trays, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, st. imp. in and pd. 1 erms. ANOTHER H A WT HORXE B U N G A LOW. $4o00 New attractive double-constructed substantial home of 5 rooms and attic; full cement basement, ' wash trays, fine hdwd. floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, tiled bath with recess tub; fin ished In enamel and tapestry paper; st. imp. in and pd. Terms. Don't let this go by. Shown by appointment only. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500 Must be sold at once. 5 rooms and bath with fireplace, plpeless furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen with, breakfast nook, hdwd. firs., full ct ment basement, wash trays; garage, st. Imp. in and pd. KENTON KENTON KENTON. $6500 buys one of the best homes In this desirable district. Colonial home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch, also attic. Reception hall, large living room, (lining room. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook down, 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch second floor. Ex tra toilet and lavatory first floor. Full cement basement, wash trays, furnace. This home is strictly modern, fireplace, pan eled dining, bookcases, in fact everything you might desire you will find here. Garage, st. Imp., including sewer, in and pd. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. $5500 Let us show you this attractive corner new bungalow home. 4 rooms and bath first floor, 1 bed room and sleeping porch up: living room 18x28. French doors to dining room. Dutch kitchen, hdwd. floors, fireplace, buffet, ; full cement basement, furnace; double-constructed. Built by a young couple, both artistic and practical for a home, but change of business connections make it necessary that this be sold at once. $500 cash will handle. N E W N E W N EW. Our building company is able to build for you Just the home that you desire, either on a lot of yours or one of our own. Come in. bring a pencil sketch of the floor plan that you desire and we will tell you what we can build and finance this home for, These are only a very few of the many attractive propositions we can offer Always seo us before buying or building a borne. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS, "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark lit. Main 1094 and 583. Open Sunday. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3500 5-room California bungalow, all bull t-f lis, very nesrt, excellent basement. Hplendid surroundings, $3750 5-room bungalow, just a few- steps from ave., facing east; has fireplace, buffet and Dutch kitchen, in Al condition. Garage. $4100 This is a real homo, located west of 34th st., near car line; 50x 100 lot, furnace, excellent cement garage, fine shrubbery. $4250 We have a large 8-room bun pa low that Is suitable for large family, right up to the minute In every detail. Garage, near tar. $4750 Just listed with us, one of the neatest bungalows with every conceivable built-in; excellent surroundings. Get busy. $4500 This 5-room bungalow, finished In old Ivory throughout, will surely appeal to you; artistically finished throughout : fine garage. 750 cash win handle. $4500 This splendid home Is located on west plope of Mt. Tabor, sur rounded by beautiful homes, ex cellent view of city and moun tains. A pleasure to show you this Ideally kept home. $5000 This 5-rooin bungalow must he sold at once, h.-w. floors, all built-in features, cement garage; $750 cash payment. We have a splendid listing of new bungalows moderately priced that can be handled on liberal terms. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7163. WESTOVER TERRACE. Westover road, fine view, stru tlv mod ern residence ; six rooms and sleeping porch, very large living room, three bed rooms, hardwood floors, white enamel tiled bath and shower, fireplace, furnace, garage. Cnll Mnvson. with POTNDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE. TABOR 0401. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 0-room modern house and garage, on Prospect drive, near Montgomery drive. Property was appraised at $14,000. For quick sale price reduced to $7900. Rea sonable terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201 Fentnn Bldg. Broadway 3222. A REAL HOME. R2x240 modern bunga low with sewer and streets paid. Variety of bearing fruit trees. Chicken house and run. Bungalow has fireplace, furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, bath and ull modern conveniences. Close In. near car. A real garden home for $4S50. Terms. Cleveland, Bdwy. 11 50. " IRVINGTON HOME $6850. Fine corner lot, 6 rooms, sun porch, fireplace, full cement basement, fur nace, wash trays, concrete garage; no street liens or mortgage to assume. A bargain. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME. ONE BLOCK FROM BROADWAY. Beautiful corner, 100x125, all kinds of high grade shrubbery and trees, extra well constructed colonial type house, containing 8 large rooms. Will be sold at a great sacrifice price. Come out 1 and look it over. 332 E 21st st. N. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Five rooms with extra large lot; full 1 basement, large attic, plenty of win dows; yes, it faces the south and near Rose City car; 1047 Multnomah Owner and builder, GEORGE E. WELLER. Knot 6372. Main 5231. BY OWNER 1st floor, 3 large rooms, bullt ins; 2d floor. 3 rooms. 6 closets, bath, sleeping porch; basement, trays, hot water heating system; improvements in and paid; terms or discount for cash 566 E. 35th st. S. R. M. car. Tabor 102a $3650 5ROOM bungalow, Sunnyside; white enamel plumbing, fireplace, elec trics, gas, Lui It-ins. cement basement, garage, streets paved; lot 50x100. ,1131 Belmont st. Automatic 223-39. A 7-ROOM strictly modern bungalow; 2 sleeping porches, garage; WILLAM ETTE HEIGHTS ; for 6 months, $85 per month. RUM M ELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. $25 per month. Five-room house on 58th st. S. E., close to car. Not strictly modern, but a good houge. Phone 315-50. i FINELY built modern home, all kinds of fruit; lot iuoxiuu, terms. wain. xv. KKAL F TATE. MULTNOMAH CASH BARGAIN. Best location in Multnomah, right on highway, extra good dou ble constructed cottage bungalow with tt rooms, all on ground lloor, with every modern convenience, gas electricity, toiet and bath, built-in bookcases, buffet and Dutch kitchen, a dandy fireplace, full basement, garage and barn combined. This is a full acre and all set out to bearing fruit and berries. You can raise chickens and make this an Income place. Priced for quick sale at $5250, $3000 cash down and balance mort gage at 6 por ceriu J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. IRVINGTON HOME. LARGE GROUNDS. 1 Beautifully landscaped and all kinds or fine shrubbery and trees, S. E. cr. E. 21st and Weidler s's. Toe surround ing homes are in keeping with this most attractive one. The house itself is built along colonial lines and is of the very best construction; living, dining room on left of central hall and music or party room to right, nice kitchen. Above stairs there are 3 Urg airy bedrooms and bath. This house will bo sold at a real bargain pric If you don't want all the ground will keep any part you dont want. Drive by today and look it over, then call at house and inspect it. feomeone Is going to get a bargain. Owner, 332 E. 2UI at. N. Phono Main RTTTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hldg. HOLLADAY HOME. On quarter block; large central hall, living room, very beautiful dining room, music room, library, butter's pantry and kitchen, six large sleeping rooms, sleeping porch for eight beds, two baths and view balcony on second floor; four sleeping rooms third floor; hot water heat: excelent condi tion; garage for several cars; Ideal for exclusive family hot at. maternity home or baby hom full particulars gladly given. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7970. KINGS HEIGHTS. FIno view, strictly modern rrsldenee, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace; $S5no. terms. ARLINGTON H EIGHTS. Fine view, strict ly mod rn, eight rooms, large living room, four bedrooms, besides tmi id's room ; hardwood floors; fine bath. Gasco furnnce. fireplace, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful grounds, over quarter bloek: strictly modern W-rnorn residence ; has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; lot level, on paved street, two Mocks to car, five blocks to Atnswortli school. PO l N DEXTER, HTGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALIST, 20 SELLING BLDG. MAIN lw). RESIDENCE. TABOR 9401. EAST 6771. BEFORE buying or building, In vestigate "Aladdin" ready -cut house. W'e are factory repre sentatives selling at factory prices, and will t-Ip you finance and construct. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St. Main 6871. LARGE HOUSE ON LOVEJOY ST., BETWEEN 23L AND 24TH. Large living room, hardwood floors, two ((replaces, old ivory finish ;. of fercd at a sacrifice price. MRS. HARRY PRH"R PALMER, East 7976. ALL READY FOR YOU. Big 3-room cottage on 2 nice lots, only 2 blocks to car. Is very nicely fur nished and all ready for you to move into. Haa some truit, good garden Hpot and a big combined woodshed and chick en house. Only tlMOo. just as it Is; $500 down. We handle only good buys. Open every day. CABLE REALTY CO., 520 72d St. S. E. Automatic 613-33. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Owner has instructed us to sell this property within the next fow days; 6 splendid rooms, spick and span Inside anil out. excellent lot with splendid bearing fruit trees. This is a pickup: no Inflated value placed upon t Ins home. A pleasure to show you. $1300. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7163. IRVINGTON. Fine corner lot. loox ion. 2-story mod ern residence, entrance hall, double pr lors, dining room, kitchen, four large bedrooms, fine a tl !c and basement, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, hot-water heat. POINDE.VTER, 20S SELLING BLDG., HIGII-CI. SS HMMKS SI 'EC I A LISTS. MAIN IOO. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Fine 7-room modern hou.-e, lot SOs loo, on East loth st., near Prescott; large parlor, dining room, den and kit hen on first f lour, 3 large bedrooms anil bath on second floor; full basement, furnace; whole place in excellent condi tion; price J05OO; about $2500 cash. STU R M - K E E F E R 'O. 21 1 5th st., opposite Courthouse "IRVINGTON HOME. BEAUTIFUL 100x125 CORNER. One block from Broadway. This Is a well-built colonial type home. 8 larg rooms, largo porches, all kinds of high grade, shrubs a:.d trees, if you want a real homey home at a real bargafi? price, come and lock this place over. 33J E. 21st st. N. T'hone East 3274. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Five large rooms, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, beautiful decora tions and fixtures ; garage ; Just com pleted. Easy term if desired. Come out today to 256 Hazelfern St., between 2 and 6. N. O. KKLUND. Owner n nd Builder. Tithor 60 1 RVINGT N. Strictly modern residence ; five bed rooms, besides maid's room, one bed room first floor, praet ieally two tiled bat brooms, furnace, ha rd wood floors, fireplace, garage. Might consider some trade. PofNPEXTER. 2os SELLING BLDG., MAIN INQO. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. EXCELLENT 5-room ho me 011 pa ved st., in Rich 1 ootid ; very cent ral ; block lo car, splendid lot with many choice roses; good basement : big at tic ; not a fancy house, but very neat ami In good condition; fine neighborhood and big va lue for $3500 ; cash t H00, with easy payments. Sellwood 716. BR1 SNAP 8-nuuu modern house, $1000, term j $1000 cash. Fine restricted dis trict, near Hawthorne-Waverly, hard surface streets, etc., in and paid; a well made double-constructed house, fireplace, furnace heat, built-ins, cement basement, wash travs, etc. H. W. GARLAND. 2U 3d st. lit OWNER, STRICTLY MODERN HOME 6 rooms, sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, pass pantry, large bathroom, 2 toilets, hard surface st. and sewer in and paid for. East front ; block from car. Price $5000. 1030 E. 15th st. N. Wdln. 3IM1. ROUE CJTY PARK BUNG A LO W $4200. Five rooms and den, fireplace, book cases, butfet, built-in kitchen, full ce ment basement, new furnace, wc.rh trays 5oxloo lot; this Is below (he hil, and a good buy. See Mr King at 3oiVa Oak st. ProndWHV 266 Mondnv. FOR SALE MODERN 0-UOOM BUNGALOW. Hawthorne district, with massive buf fet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement with furnace and wash travs. Paved street. Price $55U, terms. 1062 East Madison. POR SALE by owner, account going to country, 6-room modern house, full ce ment basement, 50x100 lot. close in. 3 blocks to two car lines, paved streets ; $4000, $1000 down, or will consider snuiili car as part payment. Phone Sell. 25U3- 60x7oo6n "lTJvejoy. NEAR 23 D ST. $6000. Improved with old 7-room house. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. I 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hldg. 1 ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Two-family house, only $2500; corner lot, good house, with garago. Btf SURE TO SEE THIS. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Nor t h w est ern Bank Bldg. $2000 4-ROOM bungalow", electrics, ga, built-ins, white enamel plumbing, base ment. Small can, payment. 1 131 Bel mont. Automatic 223 -39. ROSE CITY PARK 7 rooms and denT. fine condition; large lot 100x123, lots of fruit. Strictly modern. Garage. $6200. Terms. Tabor 2329. $5O0O 5-ROOM modern bungalow. Sleep ing porch, garage. East Irvington. East ;i29. WILL build and sell on easy terms, n.-dium-price home. Lots in all sections of city. Box E 467, Oregonian. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park. Tabor 6142. Owner. $1500. $300 CASH, puts you in a 5-room home; lot 5oxlo0. close to car. J 131 Belmont Automatic 223-30. CLOSE-IN lot, two houses, garage, $350tf terms. AK 478, Oregoman.