TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH C, 1921 BCSINES3 OPrORTtXITIES. fid. OtynH OT Eli 1 1 . 000. Centwr of biuinetv district, mod uli brick bulidliig. nlc. lobby. levator, tevtral irlvate baihs, furniture and carpet, are kooi: this hotel la pood for about f'.KiO por month over all expenaea. ha. a Ioiik lease. This will bear ln-eUg-.itioii. 70-ROOT Honrr, 70. Fine corner brick building, larr !obby. elevator. This cannot bs beat for a transient location:., 5 rar lease. This will net you Jli.iO per month; can do buainee ith Jl-'.tWO. APARTMENT HOUSE. 2ft apartment. 3 and 4 -rooms each; modern brick building, ele gant location. west side; very nicely furnished, tone lease; now jriakinff over $7H) per month over au expenses; l::.tKM handles. FOR A WOMAN ALiONK. Beautiful little brick, a minutes from the burlnem district on th. west side, cheap rent. lontc iese, heat furnUhed with rent; novr clearing- s.hjo per monlh; $imw can do business. 40 ROOMS to. Several private hatha rood leaae. fine lucatlon. well furnlnhed; good for 47o per month alter ail expJises are paid; price iovX. 52 ROOMS 22. Nice lltt.e dntown. brick, city nt. hot and cold water, strictly transient house; price $."3o0. about half cash, ba.ance llH per mo. 1! APARTMENTS. MODSRN. H rJHfci is the beat 0O"O buy In Portland; no furnace to fire, lease, e:l furnished; pels you tA per zuoath. F.TTTKR. I.OWB CO . 201-:;-0-7 Hoard of Trade bldf. Wil WWTB ALL. KiNlAS Of LNSUKA.VCB. i nntc TVhlt. Temole district, Rood frn,..',ri" lonir lease and a money maker for 4-(0. with terms. 1U rooms, good west siue . cheap rent and s-ood income for UuU, " r..1!- w K- A nice little home place with a good income for lauU Weal side location. i.i ,j .leeninBT. OOd location V!,.!, furnished bricK building, netting 1...- :. . v. ..... ci'ino: cood terms. . S rooms north end location, cheap T-nt. with lease and good Income. I rice .IO"0; terms. . , . ,,riv ;.,,. work n k man's hotel, fairly furnished, iow rent, long lease and good .,... I,, lll.ur:,! terms. income lor S rooms of exceptionally good furni ture, reasonable rent and a Booo in i..,L fr xiiLiui with terms. This Is an xc.-ptionally clean and home-like P': real bargain and has not changed bands ln .yelir9 c t." t rv rn III l -to T. It P;trk .St. Aiii. ARE WORTH THE MONEY. g rooms, partly furnished $400. 9 rooms, rent ' handles. rooms, flrst-ciass. tllMJO. ,, wlm llat. central location price right 11 rooms, very low rent; '" 11 ioom. nets VM: t-0 handles. 11 rooms, n-ts . 1.5 rooms, liels li: HKil hand.es. i-J rooms, not modern, iltwo .,,,, We have many apartments hoiela roominc and b..ardin houes-ll price sizes and locations. Mrs. A baugll. witn John t'ersuson. tierllnKer bldg. TWO HOUSES. "NJ. One is U-room. -1 JPlng porcnes nd basement, etc.. with 4 apts. f-ir-iis-hed for liKht houHekeepiner; remain fi.i 4 rooms furnished with Ka., range, wood ranite and xas water healer; bath room., closet., kitchenette. t.orches; ..mall house. 3 room., tile ga race, sewer and hrd-surface street in anU paid. A good "m' VL ?, per month net income,; -) " min-lit consider 4 or -room,b"Bla' at cash value as "rst payment balance very easy navroents. Owner. otSl Neha- lem ae. 1'none -u- ' WHAT 1U.IIUU Willi- tJO- Buy one of the best money makers on Pacific coast among transient hole 1.. Here Is one that net. close to n t oo month and ran bo handled with f lO.UOU balance. iUlJ. to suit. Main lJU. oee Mr. Howe, with O. 11. SKOT1IEIM COMPANY. 4MH-41 I ourn num. SMALL. APABTMENT HOlsK 10 apart mtn'J. is and 3s with Individual baths in each; nicely furnished, lease, good . . .-.nil. I location: brick build- iii iuu :l(Miu cash. IIJOO on terms. Call -Main 1."7S. O H fKl'THBUI COMPANY, 4UV411 Couch Hldy. " II K APT. hl- outside" rooms ln 2 and 8-room .ee In all SPtS.. eieCt r.?v;.i v. . -nd wood lockers ln bisement for each apt. Finest W hit. n iA.utinn npt hrome SlGo and 2-room apt. for ndf. $370; terms. r.-.:tl or rail 301 Yamhill. Mar. .... 1.-1 .lonm hpa.t. hot ami i-o.d in i rooms. Phones, elevator; K.v.var leas: net more than f IOW l":..(M0 handle Mrn. Albaugb. with John Ferguson. Oninger uiQ-K. Ti" KOUMS. ALL, HOrSKkfcbriNV OS BROADWAY. Rent $0, net income 235. fairly fur nished and alwaya iuli. Vrce 3.j0 terKELIABT.E INVESTMENT CO.. ;tu,", Oak Street. , ri iKK.l'.' Hltk'K TRANSIENT HUT E L. fvM SO room: leaae at 4 a room; II K rnnniH'. nets over J00; ,.it nr.- i'-.uoo. terms: income ran b increased Kro atly. Call Main 1575. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 4HH-411 Couch Ultig liHlCK blJg., over 100 rooiua (some apta ). cood lea, rent loss than 3 per room; t"am heat, very good furniture; car peta almost n-w; in good repair; splen did income;- $14,500. terms. MKS THOMSON. 6L'0 HENRY BT.DO. $HW0 CASH. Strictly modern brick hotel, located in bet hotel district. Very well furnished, pood lease, net income $750 per month. Prie lJO00; MHW will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3i3 Oak Street. 44-ROOM WASH. ST. HOTEL. "B'-t buy in town, It's a modern bnck building- with lense. clera over $000 a mon'h profit. $mmm cash handles. A. J. Deb'OKEbT & CO., 3C0 Henry BldfC. proadway fiSftO. Jw'OB HiLL HOMfc: 11 rooina. excellent furniture ; nts over $75, may be in creased; reasonable rent; modern home; $100 a room. Main 1575. O H. SKOTHK1M COMPANY. 408-411 Couch Bldg. 13 ROOMS, 4 2 -room apLa., with ainka, 5 insle room; fine carpets and furnltude. tine location. R-ood Income; some terms. 12 rooms, mostly housekeeping, newly Ta pared tine location; good Income; some terms 11 T-'th st. J. W. Graham. WHY NOT INVESTIGATE! Small apartment house eatit side mak ing lots of money. Mu?t sell; some cash. Terms on balance. Would take some trade. See owner, save broker's com- mi(?sion: M4W' Oreponian. t " BLOC;. AND STOCK FOR SALE 1 4 rooms. S and 4-room apts.. new 1,1,1k.. strictly modern; store, including Krocery stock ; rent brines $ 1 60 per month or 8 per cent on money Invested. T 4 0 5. Oregonia n. 13 ROOMS NOB HILL DISTRICT. All housekeeping, frame building-, fur n.tce heat, clearing $135; $J0U0 cash mill handle. .RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3n5 Oak Street. 7H-KOOM MODERN HOTEL. Central location 4-year lease, $.".50 rent, clearing $1000 to $I'Jmi a month profit. A. J. DeFOKEST & CO.. "L'ft Henry Bldg. Broadway P-'OO. llY OWNER 3S h. k. rooms, rent J75; vear lease; Income $-74. Expenses less than $uh per month; 4 rooms for land lady V E HAVE BL'YE R-S WA I TING. BRING OR PHONE YOUR LISTINGS; WE WILL SELL THEM. TRY US REALTY CO 16fl WEST PARK ST.. AUTO 513-49 17 APARTMENTS, hot and cold water in all rooms, reasonable rent with U-aet nets $250; very close In. Mrs. Albuugn, with John Ferguwn. Gerlinger bldg. jf VKTV with good hotel proposition, brick building, long lease, west aide, will take mailer place and some cah in trade. M 445. Oregonian. FOR BEST bargain m apartment houee see members of the Kealty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 Fourth st. 14 H. K. ROOMS- Rent $65 Income $172: furnace; electricity er 475 Clay Street. price $'2200. Own- FOR SALE. AT PENDLETON. OR, Apartment house, furnished, 14 rooms, always occupied. For Information, write AG 4 1 1. Oregnn Ian. LONG LEASE on brick hotel, good loca tinn. went side; Japanese considered. O 445. Oreconlan. 4H-ROOM brick hotel, lewe, Yakima, Wash., Income about $1500 per month. Cash, terms. 313 Piatt bldg.. Por t j and. FOR SALE Hotel, everything furnished ; grocery store, meat msrket: on account of sickness. Box 75 Timber. Or. For sale 12 h. callty, west side. Imnbla st. rooms; owner. good lo 312 Co- . HAVE just sold my rooming house in Seattle; want a good one in Portland; prttXor housekeeping;. M 441, Oruonuin, BfSINBSS OPPORTUNITIES. HotH. and Rooming llou.c. PACIFIC AGENCT, INC., S14-S20 Swetland Bldf-. Corner Washington and 8th St. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES. Hotel of 75 rooms, brick bids:., ben north end location: five year lease; Income over 11000 a nionth; 1 10. Oik) cash and balanc. may be arranged. Hotel on Wa.hlngton rtreet. SO room., modern, long lease; rent ISO a month: place I. netting over S300; price I70U0. may arrange for ora. terms. Apartment house. 40 room well furnished. 6-year lease with good rental; thl. 1. a modern house, pri vate baths, etc; net Income $35; price ttlouO. Rooming house of 20 room clow ln, on west side; rent $"0: lease. Place netting $175; $300 will handle. Apartment houe of 44 rooms; 2-room, 3-room and 4 -room apart ments; rent $100: stove beat and water In all apartments: insured; for $3000; price $400, with term Apartment house of 160 room S-roora, 4 -room and 5-room apart ment all modern; 5-ory brick building; net. over $' month, $30,000 cash will han .his. Apartment house; an elegant lit tle apartme..t house; 21 apt. White Temple district; emaculately clean; a real homey place; If you are looking for a real home with a good income, don't fail to call and get details of this place; $6000 cash will handle. Mo .hopper Rooming house, housekeeping. 7 rooms; Nob Hill district: good re pair, neat and clean. llKht and airy; nice yard; price $026. Boathouse of 5 room, at Kenton; furnished; $050; unfurnished $1100. Fret wood and garden. PACIFIC AGENCT, INC,' 614-520 Swetland bids'. Corner 6th and Washington St ATTENTION HOTEL. MAN. Downtown hotel, large lobby, clear profit over $on month; $10,000 cash will handle. Full price only $14,uu0 foe quick sale. COOVER ft HOI-MAN, 322-3-4 Falling bldg.. .'Id and Wash. "WE DO NOT MISREPRESENT." 0 3-ROOM modern. Nob Hill district apartment; a llttl beauty; the rooms are large, finely furnished and strictly fine: wonderful heating plant; Income $!oo. Price $11,500, terms on part. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. BIO Henry Bids. LOOK AT THIS. 1 ten. mom house 1 ft -room house, lo cated in South Portland, near shipyards. over $100 per month net income. $1100 1 will take furniture and lease on these places. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., :!.- OAK ST. N. 6TH STREET. TRANSIENT houses are hard to buy at any price, I but we' have one of 10 room dandy fur niture, well arranged house, worth more. but will sell for only $1350 and $400 cash: also 26 rooms of good furniture; good one for $4270 on term Peter 15 N. Bth st. 14 LARGE housekeeping rooms, very close ( in; clean as a pin; good furniture; net. $175 month. Price only $2100. SIMMS-KEITH CO., U10 Henry Bldg. FIRST-CLASS hotel, 70 room., .team heat, phone, hot and cold running wa ter in ail room.; clear. ji-iu nionwi. rent I47.V lone lease. Price I10.0IHI; ini.OtHI cash. See Mr. Rahoutls, b37 Chamber of Commerce bids. 40-ROOM 1IOTF3L Steam heat, hot and cold water, brick bldg., well furnished; always full and a watting list, long lease at me o.a-nm rent: $75; big income and only $6500. Peters. 15 N. 5th st 2-CHAIR barber shop and bath withsmall stock of cigars and tobacco, doing good business; nicely furnished living rooms In rear; a real buy lor some one who wants a good start. bee owner. 1004 E. Stark st. Phone Auto. 219-91. " 1'5 ROOMS H. K. "Well located on west side, rent $t0. extra well furnished, clean, easily man aged; clears over $1175 and own apt.; $1750 canh required. MRS. THOMSON. HENRY BT.DO. KXCEULENT business opportunity to right party as silent partner who can invest $25,000 in a going business with splen- riidd returns; such an investment at this time will give Interest In nearly double the amount. M 4i, oregonian. 9 ROOMS, west side, rent $45,. close-in home and income, $?50 handles. la rooms, west side, rent only $33; In come $150. $1oo hand.es. A. J. DeFOKEST & CO., T20 HenryBldg Bdwy. 5500. 13 ROOMS, $050 CASH. 13 housekeeping rooms. Nob Hill, ex cellent condition, steam heat; a nice home, f 13.10. $fr,n cash. HENDKRSON-BANKUS CO., 426 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT. 17 three- room and bath; brick building, very I close in. White Temple district; nets I over St..o month; $I.ono, terms. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. 1.10 Henry Bldg. 2 HOUSES NEXT DOOR 8 and 7 rooms each, furnishings above average, walking distance, rent $70; 2- year lease: both go for s.mhh), terms. HENDKRSON-BANKUS CO., 423 Henry Bldg, Broadway 4754. $250 PER MONTH IS BIG and easily made with this 3S-room boarding house; low rent, long lease. large dining room and kitchen for 100; ttjiHi nanujes. J, EUGENE HEDGES. 201 VT. PARK. $5500 HOTEL. 60 ROOMS 15500. Brick bldg.. 3-story. 2 stores, rent $175 Trio. ; clears over $400 mo. Stores pay part of rent; 4-year lease, furniture nearly new. Chas. Rlngler it Co., 2a5 Henry bldg. TRANSIENT LOCATION. 72 rooms, N. W. heat, lease, right rent; some private oaths: rurnlture and carpets very good; big income; $12,000 I down, balance easy terms. MRS. THOMSON. 020 HENRY BLDQ. $250 DOWN, 10 ROOMS. $250. Whole price only $845. right down town, where rooms are always full, very fair furniture; Just the place to buy and fix up and sell again. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. $3850 WILL BUY, $270 net profits per per month, with a whole lot of fine furniture in a 26 -room house, besides your own apartments. J. 13. Hunt, 626 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. IS S3 A SNAP FOR CASH. Furniture of 20-room brick rooming houne U full, cheap rent, good income, steam heftt: will sacrifice: must be nn farm by Mar. 15; cash only $2100. Owner, 202 j Wash, st.. Vancouver. Wash MODERN apartment house that can be bought with, a rtrat cash payment of from $5000 to sooo; must be well lo cated and making money; no agents. Phone asi tava. uaii ounaay or eve nings. 65 ROOMS steam heat, running water, very well furnished, all light outside rooms, rent only $-t25, lease, clears about $500 A. J. De FOREST A CO., r:0 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5S0. 67 ROOMS. All modem apts., long lease, rent $300, nets suuu over an expenses; $7000 will namnc mm iimney-maner. MRS. THOMSON, 620 HENRY BLDO. WILL TAKE SMALL PLACE as part down paym't on this Mob Hill, 14 rooms, housekeeping; price $2800, or terms on whole; clean, attractive. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W, PARK CLASSY APARTMENT HOITHR 18 rooms, six 3-room suites, 6 private Datns, steam neci, electricity ana gas. splendid net Income price $2100. $15110 will handle Call Monday. Main 7511. 10 ROOMS. RENT $20. FOR $745 snd easy terms; one floor, all h. k a good income, close in, west side. Petera 15 N. 5th st. WHITE TEMPLE district, 10 rms., house keeping, strictly modern. $1600, $1200 handles. MCHOLFEN". 527 Cham, of Com, bldg. K U M BEK small rooming houses up To 15O0 that small payments will han dle. Johnson St Bach, 400 Broadway bldsr. FOR SALE By owner. 10 housekeeping apartments; good furniture and rugs; clean, with good Income. AG 460, Ore go nlan. AUTO SERVICE STATION. Fine country town on highway; prof Its average $750 month; for sale, invoice pries, iiooia 4.01 Uckum bid.. BfElXKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel, and Rooming House.. 40 ROOMS, residential hotel, fine br ROOMS, residential hotel, fine bldg., good west side location, rent $300, lease; good Income; price $14,000, iu, 000 handles. 71 rooms, tran.ient hotel, beautifully furnished, downtown brick hotel, moa- erate rent, large lobby, always full; Dig money-maker. The price l. rlgnu APARTMENT HOI!KH. 19 apartment, and kitchenette nicely furnished; steam heat, water In all rooms, west side location: always full net. $230; price $4200. term Will trad. lor home. 25 ROOMS. H. K. 25 room all h. k.. cood furniture, Move, or furnac. heat, water ln all back room.; nets over $200; Kob Hill district -ouv nanaie B ROOMS 0 room h. k.. rent 160! electric light furnace heat, very good furniture and rugs; maaes a lovely home ana goou income; ISuO will handle. A bargain for cash; 8 room house keeping; rent $2(3.50; west side location nic home and good Income; $sd caan. 9 ROOMS. H. K. room h. k.. nicely furnished homey piace, vv nite Temple district; gooa ur come; price $1000. Term A OOOD BUY. 12 room h. k., and 8 garage.; fine lo cation, alway. full; nominal rent; net. over 10O: price $1300. Term 10 ROOMS. H. K. 10 room., h. k.. White Tempi, district rood location, electric Hehla. furnaci heat, furniture very srood; net. $1U0 $1100 handle A HOME.' B-room cottage ln ahlpyard district can raise chicken.: plenty of berrle. for your own use; good garden spot; price $000, terms, or will trad, for good used car. See Mr.. Nicholson with E. M. Robert real estate and collections. lUtti anc Wash. Broadway 1034. For quick re suits list with u DON'T MISS THIS Hotel Anartment. 66 rooms, rent $260. 12 apt. 19 sleep Ing rooms. 6 offices, hot and cold water in all rooms, steam neat, xine wmie pressed brick building, net profit about tttotl month, price xio.aou. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yean Bldg. SWELL, WEST SIDE LOCATION. 94-room apartment house, 21 3-room apts., 7 4-room apta., all with private baths and nhones: a 1-room apts.. cor ner brick bldg.. full 4-year lease, clears over all expenses about $700; $10,000 will give you possession. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. SEE THIS ONE. 41-room auartment house. 11 apt all with private bath well furnished throughout fine location. Kent no" month. Three-year lease. Net $24 month. Price, $..-00. Cash, $.2000. SEE MRS. HAUll. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5437, 8-room commercial hotel, good live town an hlrhwav. hulldlna and furni ture nearly new, good business. This property complete, $18,000; one-third cash, balance 5 per cent. List 100. HOTEL NEWS. Brokerage Dept 714 Couch Bldg; A GOOD BUY. 143 rooms. 48 bdis. all with privat bath, fine corner, brick building, well furnished, good location: rent $500. wit 3-year lease; net profit $675, $10,000 caah. SEE MRS. HACO. 612 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. B4S7. LOVELY HOTEL 54 rooms, fine corner brick bldg., cream of locations, beautifully turn., ground floor lobby, elevator, 6-year lease, clears over all expenses about aauu. for iur ther particulars See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1QQ7 Teon Bldg. 11200 NET PROFIT. 70-room hotel, one of the best located transient hotels in the city, wen tut nished. Hot and cold water; tioou (7000 cash. SEE MRS. HACO. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 547. Mitt HILL DISTRICT. 12 lovelv larae rooms, completely fur nished for housekeeping, mahogany and oak furniture, rent i-nce aiuuu liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE COj 1007 Yeon Bldg. FINE BUY. 44-room hotel, white pressed brick but dine, steam heat, all outside rooms. completely furnished, clearing net profit S4.IUU month; soiinu will nanaie. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. REAL CLASSY. 20 rooms, beautifully furn. through nut. 4 bathrooms, running- water in most rooms, all ln housekeeping apts. This place makes a net profit of $250 month $1'50U will handle. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment and room Ins house with ur. vour interests wil always be protected. "We have cash buyers awaiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. GOOD BUY. 10-room house, completely furnished for housekeeping, right downtown, clears over all expenses $120. $1150 cash will give you poHsession. S.e Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. SWELL RES1 DENTAL HOTEL. 45 rooms, 5-year lease. beautiful ground floor lobby; well furnished, throughout. Wonderful location nut sou & montn; Hru casn. SKE MRS. HALT,. SI 2 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5487, IF YOU want an apartment house with good lease, making big money and can invest $ti500 cash, J can satisfy you; sponsible parties only considered and no agents; deal direct with owner of building; for Interview write AE 409, Oregonian. ANOTHER ONE. 10-room house, all in 2-room suites for housekeeping, with proper sinks in kitchens, good carpets and gas ranges. J'rice $1600. Some terms. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. looT Yeon Bldg. LOVELY HOME. 9 rooms, good location. Pent $50. Net $60 a month, reserve two rooms for self. SEE MRS. HAUO. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 54P7. FOR QUICK PALE. List your hotels, apartments snd room ing houses with us. We have cadh buyers waltfng. SEE MRS. HAUO, 512 Henry bldg. Frtwy. f4S7 ALL READY TO KEEP HOUSE. We have the dearest 4-room flat, all complete and newly furnished, never been used. Price $500; flat rents $30. See Mrs. Keller, G EO. T. MOORE CO, 1007 Yeon Bldg. COME IN and see us in regard to our high- claHH apartment houses that we don t advertise. We handle the most exclu sive in the city. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOO RE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. SPLENDID 9-ROOM HOUSE. Close in, clears $60 a month, mostly housekeeping fine place for man and wife. Price $1000. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. Id-ROOM transient hotel, close in. on the west side. Rent $1 5. Running water ln part of rooms. All good furniture, neAt and clean. Full price.-$2650. Some terms. Call Simms, 141 Lownsdale. Bdwv. 2917. . i IF YOU are in the market for a hotel, see us before investing. We hand re ail the first-class propositions ln the city. In formation cheerfully given. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 1 0f-ROOM hotel and housekeeping suites. brick building, good lease, over $i0U month net; $7000 cash will handle. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. 610 Henry Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER 9 -room house, all H. K., well fur nished, lovely home and income nets $M a month ; 2 rooms for self. Price $12.70. Main 5372, or Bdwy. 0487. all day Sunday. 38 H. K. ROOMS, brick building. 2-year lease, clearing $300 per mo. Kight down town. $4500, $3500 handles. 1 2 rooms, very close in, good furni turrt, $1100 cash. BARNEY JOHNSON, 170 10th ST. ROOMING HOUSE 12 rooms housekeep ing, walking distance. Nob Hill; running water in several rooms, rent $50. Pries $1000. part terms. HENDERSON-BANTC17S CO., 426 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. ' 37-ROOM transient hotel. Best location on the west side. Rent $175 per month, with good lease. For further informa tion, call Simms, 141 Lownsdale. Bdwy. 2937. 11 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Close ln. In the White Temple dis trict. Will clear $-S6 per month above apartment for landlady. Call Simms. 141 Lownsdale. Bdwy. 2037. BY OWNER 11 H. K rooms. 8 sleeping porches, clears $!5, besides lovely 4 room apartment for self; good furni ture; electric lights. 472 Mai n . I HAVE several cash buyers for rooming houses, 12 to 25 rooms. Phone Main OtiOlf. H. W. Garland, 201 3d. 3S-ROOM hotel, unfurnished, good coast town, building and ground $3350. Terms $500 cash, balance 6 per cent. List 40. -ROOM flat; rent $40; excellent furni ture and rugs, nets $00; $1250, $800 handles. Main SfttS. 20 ROOMS BY OWNER. 56 AL D E R. SMALL residential hotel. 15 boarders. Deal with owner. 335 Multnomah. E. 8589. H AVE cash for roo m i n g h u use. What avc oux mm. to. BFSIVESS OPPORTWITTES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. FEW OF OUR SPECIALS. SI -room brick hotel, $5500, terms. List 6S. 35-room hotel, modern brick, special pries account sickness. .List 73. 42 rooms, brick. $4000, terms. transfer to Japanese. List 00. 44 rooms, housekeeping, $1300 casn nanaies. iisl ii'j. 48-room modern brick hotel. rood corner, 5-year lease, big snap, quick, action, forced sale. .List lis. 54-room fine modern brick. beautiful home, $10,000 handles. J-.1SI to. 70-room fine corner brick, good lease, large business, forced sale, particulars this office. List 60. 78 rooms, fine corner brick, biff money-maker, 5-year lease, priced to sell. List y. 39 rooms, housekeeping, swell location, $7000, terms. List 117. Apartment hotel, nice modern place, well furnished, fine home. good coast city 600O people, 5-year lease, private and public baths, oi rooms and apartments fire-proof building. $5500, terms. List 116 Two nice beach hotels, open year round, ao good business, attractive price and terms, 30 rooms each. List 40 and 50. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS CO.. Inc.. 714 COUCH BLDG. MAGOO.V & SPENCER. Hotel and Apt. House Brokers. CORNER BRICK APT. HOUSE. $10,600. rent $250: over 60 rooms, st moderate rates, clears over jw; well furnished and clean. FOR A HOME AND INCOME. 40 rooms (15 apts., modern ). rent $200, lease, heat and water included; tne price comparatively low. HERE IS ONE WORTH WHILE. $40,000; net Income around $154)0. TRANSIENT HOTEL. 80 rooms: rent $050: lease S15.00O. 50 rooms: rent 1425: lease 7.500 30 rooms; rent $li5; lease S.250 H. K. APTS. AND ROOMS. 42 rooms, H. K., rent $200: has 6 pri vate baths. 3 public baths, steam heat; net Income 1300. 26 rooms. H. K., rent $100: more than good furniture: net hi come S200. 6 apts., well furnished, steam heat. nice and clean: renr S45. 13 rooms, sip. porch, furnace: rent S60. Pr cn S1350: S7O0 cash. 6-room flat, rent $40; partly fur- nisnea. 517-19 CHAM. OF -COM. BUILDING. 8 MODERN apartments, fine Nob Hill district, corner brick, long lea.e, low rent; ln splendid shape throughout. I Price $17,500, terms. 30-room brick hotel, modern In every way, rent $150, leafe, fine west side lo cation; extra well furnished; big money- maker. Price JioOO. terms. 72-room hotel, modern brick corner. In heart of town; long lea?e, reasonable J rent, is private baths; unusually wen lurnisnea. Tn is wui stand investiga tion, price $20,000. 58-room hotel, one of the best west side brick corners, low rent lease, many 1 private baths, extra good furniture, all light, airy rooms; & fine money-maker. price J2O.0OO. terms. 42-room modern brick hotel, down town corner, several private baths, rent ii,o, lease; one ot. the cleanest and best furnished houses in town ; clears over $1000 per month. Special price on ap plication. See us for the best hotels and apart- I ment houses. We handle only places of j merit. YATES REALTY CO., 245 Fourth st. ttB-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. For sale, up-to-date apartment, mod ern in every way; corner building; 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; best west side apartment house location; elevator, good f urn It ure ; reasonable rent ; lease ; $HOO0 i will handle. See Mr. Stokke, with J. O. Gray Co.. 718 Dekum bldg. Auto. 5C1-44. ROOMS, nicely furnished, with eood in come, walking distance, very reasonable. inquire st 01 a. 17th after 2 P. M. TOST AVD TOVXT. LOST Ladies' purse between Third and Fifth on Washington. Liberty bonds No. K0132353if0-l-2. War savings stamps. currency ana receipts, till m L. ergu- son, 702 Alblna ave. Wdln. 5175. $50 re warn. REWARD for return of my Parisian cat. mottled gray ana yellow; black stripes on face and feet; disappeared in bell- wooa March z. call bellwood liiu Automatic 218-89. PA RT1ES who got tan traveling bag by mistaKe in taxi cab Thurs. nitfht at 10:30 with Initials A. L. W. In gold please re turn to 502 Clay at, or phone Automatic j Oi ( -10. LOST Monday night at Peonies theater. a silk plush throw with blue silk lining and double balls at each end. Call ajt Covey Motor Car Co. and receive reward. LOST Purple silk umbrella, yellow han dle and ring, at Meier A Frank's or Lip- man. Wolfe A Cn.'s, Friday. Finder plese call Wdln 5560. LOST At Meier & Frank or Lipman, j Wolfe & Co., chain of red bakellte beads. Finder please return to Mrs, Euster, shoe dept.. Olds. Wortman & King. LOST Discharge papers between loth and Jefferson and library Wednesday morn ing, -oj. join sc. jnone Main ztu, re- warn. U-s a, bi--, 1 chains lor trur-K on or near Burnside bridge. Return to Pettit leather & Bedding; Co. and receive re- wa rd . LOST Beads. Will the person who found string of amber beads New Year's day pleate phone Mrs. Kells, Auto. 619-18? Generous re wa rd. REWARD for pink pearl beads lost on Going st. or Williams ave. bet. Going and Fargo sts. ; information rewarded. 083 Cleveland ave., Woodlawn 6001. OUND A lodge charm or fob; must be fully described by owner. 100 East 81st st. North. LOST A draft for $50 between Hawthorne and Belmont on 30th sU Phone Tabor 7743; . LOST Half grown male collie pup: an swers to the name of "Happy." Please can Tabor wn7. LOST iMiisil white fox terrier, one ear black; answers to name of Peggy. Re ward. Marshall 5S. LOST Bank book, with $15 currency and $50 check for Mrs. N. J. Wood. Phone A n nie Nut ting. Marshall 3604. Reward. LOST Black fur neckpiece near Davis nd Grand, about 1 o clock W ednesday night. Auto. 22S-1H after 5. Reward. LOST POCK ETBOOK WITH PAPERS AND B A DG E N O. 20S. AND S M ALL BLACK BOOK. MARSHA LL 5040. LOST Sand colored silk umbrella, amber I ring handle, in gas office Friday P. M. rte warn Tabor 1444. LOST One Diamond Tread tire, painted white on one side- about 3lst and Di- vlsion; liberal reward. Phone Bdwy. 4005. LOST Pair of pearl opera glasses. Finder please address this orrice and state re ward. ox av ito, oregonian. LOST Cameo, part of old-fashioned lock-1 et. valued as keepeake. Leon Cass Baer-I hicks, oregonian editorial dept. R e w a r d. LOST Airedale dog on Portland Heights. Had spiKed collar and license No. 12S3. S3 reward, t.aii ,nar. -jnt-t. LOST 'Mtlwaukie ave., or Eastmoreland, gray jersey sweater. Please call bell- wood 1:707. LOST Cameo brooch, between Marshall and Kearney or 20th and 21st. Reward. Bdwy. 54M3. AVE several small contracts payable at 7 7 interest on new irvinarton home: will sel 1 at dlBcoun t 7. X 97 Ore on La 11. LOST Sardonyx ring, last Wednesday. In or nar Baker theater; suitable re ward. Call 041-47. LOST A pair of glasses, with S. V. Brown written in case, between Glisan and Salmon, on Park. Wrdln. 2077. LOST Brooch, saphire, pearls, between Kenton and Benson hotel; finder call , Woodlawn W9.. suitable reward. LOST 1 package papers marked "Author ization." Finder please return to tele- phone company. 344 vanconver ave.. city. : LOST Black fur beit Wednesday. C Sellwood 2064. LOST Masonic background. pin. Col. light 379. blue enamel LOST Elk's pin, small diamond setting. Reward, Phone 312-63. CUFF link, reddish yellow agate with en- graved mounting, lall Tabor Olol. LARGE cameo pin, night of March 2. on Hroaaway, a uregonian. PAKT1 finding Boston buii terrier, mother of puns, ca M tiro-ad wav 1 403. Reward. LOST Wednesday, string of pink coral beads; liberal rewards fc-aBt 4055. LOST Brown male Airedale dog; license No. 23S0. Reward. Tel. Tabor 1951. LOST Kappa Sigina fraternity pin; leave at Oregonian. CHAIN pendant with jade green bead at tached. Tabor 9292. LOST Black dog. on leather collai name W. : reward. R. McDonald Auto. 210-4:i. LOST Wrist watch In Columbia theater Saturday afternoon. Call Main 3J0. CHAIN pendant with jade green bead at tached. Tabor 9292. FOUND Fur 4123. miouiubiiu mitten. Alar. LOST AND FOrXD. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Ligh & Power Co.. March 4. 11)21: 12 uin brellaH, 1 lunch box, 2 purses. 1 pin, 1 suitcase, I handbag. 5 pairs gloves. 1 sgl. glove, 1 book, 4 keys, 2 buncnes keys. curr button, watch, compass, 72c iu money. 1 nair rubbers, bottle hair tonic, 7 packages. 1 pair overalls. Owners may ootain same upon proper ldentiiicauon tt rirsi ana Aicier street station. LOST Tuesday. March 1. young female oog. part spttx. color black and white. oiacg spot on back: tall curls over: s swera to name of Fluff. Had a harness on. Kewaxd for return; children a pec 7 Bth. SPECIAL NOTICES. OWNER of Buick No. 18&00 No. 2, call and pay storage and for ad before Marcn 15 or will sell same. J. A. Baker, Maplewood. Or.. March 2. 1921. Miscellaneous. CIRCULAR NO. 4H4 Sealed propobals will be received at office ot general purchas ing agent, Alaskan Engineering commis sion, room 422 Bell street terminal. Se attle. Wash., not later than 11 A. M.. March 9, 1021, for furnishing clothing. Copies of this circular may be obtained upon application at this office and from Alaskan engineering commission, 301 Postoffice building, Portland, Or. C. E. Iole, General Purchasing Agent. WE WILL accept bids up to 10 o'clock A. M., March 10, on stocs: general mer chandise and fixtures located Lexington, Oregon; invoice stock $0300. fixtures $3850; certified check 10 per cent to ac company bid; right reserved to reject any and all bids. The Adjustment Bu reau, 641 Pittock blk. HAVING bought the business of H. J. Carter. 555 Union ave.. 1 will not be re sponsible for bills contracted by him before March a, 192L (signed) G. C. Cochran. , CLARK & CHANCELLOR have purchased the tie li wood restaurant. Una1 Hi. Utn st. All bills must be presented In 10 days. March 4, 1021. FINANCIAL. sealed bids will be received until o'clock P. M., on Monday, Marcn -'i, 1021. at the office of H. M. Esterly. 717 Corbett building, Portland, Oregon, for SJH.fiOO par value of bonds or t-yivan Water Ttittlrint In denominat onS to SUlt the purchaser, dated the first day of January, 1021, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable January 1 ana juiy l, ootn prinuipu-i mm Interest being payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Oregon in New York Citv. These bonds will mature $26R0 par value January 1, 1U23, and a r'-e amount annually thereafter on the first day of .TiimiArv tn ami including January 1 1032. These bonds are issued under fhanfer 34H1. Oregon Laws. Ill 17. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on some responsible Dans: in ih ritv nf Portland. Oreiton. for an amount eaual to at least 5 per cent of the face value of the amount of bonds bid for, payable to the order or Kay mond B. White, treasurer of Sylvan Water district, to be forfeited as liqui dated damages in case the bidder shall fail or neirlect to taK.e and pay for said bonds should the same be awarded to him. The commission reserves the right to re ect anv and all bids. 5108 snotlia be marked "Bids for Sylvan Water Dis trict Bonds and addressed to C J. Duhrkoop, secretary. C. B. DUHRKOOP. Secretary. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLU.ASK 1UO. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. WE ARE in position to immediately undertake the further financing or an established manufacturing business or industry where increased working capital will add substantially to profits and output; co rti pa ny must be at least two years old, past experimental stage ; financial statement. references re quired. S 4'.2, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED security salesman, with automobile, who is willing to nave car equipped with new automatic electric braking devloe. We are about to place a limited block of stock of our com pany on the market and offer attrac tive contract to reliable salesman. F 407. Oregonian. MERITORIOUS enterprises developed and promoted, stock and bona issues under written, consolidation efiected. suitable corporations organized to meet your financial requirements. Address -jihi, Oregonian. WILL sacrifice $1300; pref. stock of J. L. Hartman Co. for $1250, paying regular 10 per cent dlv. ; company is in splendid financial condition; over two months dividend accrued: I need the money. Call Broadway 2202. EX PERJ ENCED loan agents can place $100,000 in A-l Tarm loans in from $1000 to $15,000 loans at S per cent without cost to the lender. Can close leans quickly. Write to Box 34, Wallowa, Or. C a n give references. I THOROUGHLY experienced stock and bond salesman capable of taking full charge of promotion campaign and organizing selling agents win consider rioatins u sirable -local issue. A 45:i, Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN. on surplus stocks of merchandise placed ln storago witn us. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage A Trausfer Co., 58 4th -street, corner of Pine. WILL make loans on cattle, dairy herds. etc., to farmers in vicinty of Portland. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber Commerce bldg. WANTED Party to advance iiO per cent or value on car or lumber coming Portland; cash deal; good re-turn to re- sponsible party. BJ 454, Oregon lan. CONTRACT of sate, $300U on Improved Portland property, payable $.i0 monthly will give reasonable discount fur cash. Main 5H3M. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co., iu cnam. ot torn. Did g. aiain a 0 2s. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington, Ore- gon. H. E. Noble. 310 Lumbermens bldg . YOU WANT full retuins on your money? Then let us show the clean, sale way to do it. AH 442, Oregonian. WILL seil few thousand gilt edge per cent mortgage bonds, venard, y Cham ber of Commerce. SEE WESTERN BOND AND MORTGAGE CO. for builders' loans. BUf NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg , 4th and Oak SELLER'S contract, lit tie discount, ciose- in property. Phone owner, Alain 1 040. Money to Loan on Real Lntate. MORTGAGE LuA.Ns In any amounts, at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpfu: service. . B. LEE PAGET. 622 Corbett Bidg. Main 6230. MORTGAGE LOANS. On farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. eO Fourth bl, Portland, Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DBVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, aixth st., Portland, or. WE HAVE funds avallaote for good resi dence loans, also insurance money for business property, at lowest available raus. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2S31. Wilcox Bldg- 1 $600. $1000. $1500. $2UOO AND UP No delays; we are loaning our own money; loajis Quickly closed. F. H. Deshon. 015 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Long established, reliable service. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or aeiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., BOO Piatt bldg. Mam 537L MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., J17 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. $300. $400, $500. $000, $1000, $1200, 1500, 000 ana up, lowest rates, quick action, pay off 100 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., t31 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Alain 13(0. MORTGAGE loans In sums to suit; city. farm ana suouroan property. BllLOlWU LOAJN3 A KPHJCJALTT. WILLIAM Q. BECK, 215 Failing bldg $2000 TO LOAN on real estate, 3 years. o. mention security. Aiv d, orego nian. HAVE $3500, will lend on a mortgage at 7 per cent, w nat is your security 7 AM 4 SO, Oregonian. PLENTY of money to loan on real estaie at 7 per cent u security is ample. Law. r. Mail, juj tnair.or or lonimerce. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rata 01 .ereuu into & harksoo Realty Co.. 41? Chamber of Commerce. $300. $400, $500. $750, $1000 AND UP IX) w rates, quic action, r rea vv . uer man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 and t per cent. Kaioman at v-o.. jqi ny. nxcn. oiag. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 22J Cham, ot worn., nzn ana a tar it. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent Oeo. 1- ient. 111 tonwu mag. I MONEY on Improved city and suburban property. a. s oiiiespie, du oekurn bldg. 7 PER CENT mortgage money. Title ex- pense only. ward, -to paining Ding. oo0 - $.000 ON IMPROVED cuy or subur- pau pruperiy, current rates, jnnt uj-yt FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. Seven per cent, 5-year period. "You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually ana dues Interest on loans under $5000, INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loam 60 Der cent value house a lot at 7 per cent. You pay half of per cent account principal monthly; for example. $2000 loan you pay $10 month ly and interest: you nave privilege paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly, jso commission. business property loans, Five-year period, 6 per cent; excellent repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent th Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-17 Yeon bidg. Phone Main 63US. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property o for Improve- men 1 purposes. Thi best and easiest method of paytn a loan is our montaiy oavment dan. $32.20 per month for 36 months, or $2i.24 oer mcntn for ttu months, or $15.17 per month for Of months, pays loan of $1000 and Interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment Prlvlleres. EQUITABLE cA VINOS & LOAN AS3N, 242 stark St., Portland. Or. 6I5HJ US TODAY We loan money on real estate; 7 and no COMMISSION on choice loans, long time, short tim monthly payments; pay as you sums to suit: contracts. 2d mortgages. bought. 725 Gasco bldg.. 6th and Alder sta. Cellars-Murton Cc. MORTGAGE LOANS. F ARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. i4 AND 7 PKR CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS 1 to 10 Years. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. S3 4TH ST.. HENRY BLDG. 5i OR T G AG E LOANS. On real estate Mouritv. anv moun from 5oo up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6913. Money to Loan Chattel una Salarie DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL KATES, QUICK SERVICS XUU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANO VlUiltULAS, KDiA L JboTATiS, BONDS, ETC If your pay menu are too largs on your a u lomooi le or iumi ture con tracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money 11 neeaea. we inane a spe cialty of these loans and leave the curity ln your possession, and you -a; repay us in small monthly payments. v m At.au juA.ii.tt salajkx loans salaried peupie on their own notes. Kates reasonable. Private offices. A.ii business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED.) $06-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 3 28 6. o. w. or. rnird and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIf TROLAS, PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE). $94 STARK ST, NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WB LOAN MONEY i On short notice to salaried or working men on meir own notes; weeKiy, semi monthly or mommy payments; eaci transaction strictly coniiueutlal. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORPER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (LICENSED.) 218 FAILING BLDG. MONiil TO LOAN on good- paed in storage with us Ws can jav you money. Lor Interest rates. phone Broaowa Hi 15. Security Storas A Trabfet Co. 53 4th st.. corner of Pine. Si ONE Y TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelry, legal rates: a.ticjes beta a vear; estaO' lished lShf Dan Marx & Co. 315 Wash MONEY to loan; diamonds. jewelry. etc.. legal rate; articles held 1 year. Vines, Jeweler, cor. 3d and Washington. MONEY to ioan on diamonas. jewelry Mnctlv confidential service Z?ll Bro & ( o. bonofd hroKers Wash. UUli-'K money to salaried people on un secured note; coniideniiai investigation. 31 ti Cliam. of Com blug. Licensed. HATHA V AY Loans on planus and furni- ture. ega rut.'a 20 VV ahinnion bldg T.oan W anteft. B. LEE PAGET. $1500at7Ve. New 5-room bungalo Insurance $3500. $1500 at 7. $2000 at 7 . $2500 at 7 . $2500 at 7 . 6-roum house with three lots. Sfllwood. New Westmoreland real denc.e. Quarter block, large house, insured SoOuO. Fine, new Rose City Park bun-ra ow. THESE ARE ALL ATTRACTIVE LOANS. fl"-'2 Corbett Bid g Main 6230, $0000 RANCH LOAN. I am willing to pay S per cent per annum for a $0000 ranch loan on acres on Summer lake, I-ake county. Or. with 00 head reals tared Short horns, t run IS m;nths; expect to reduce mort' gage $40oo this fall on sale of cattle ranch worth $iri,0oo to $20.uoo; can give best or bank references, write r ido. Oregonian. WANTED $10.0-MJ to $100. OOO to loan on real estate in Jordan Valy territory Malheur c-ountv southeastern Oregon. Low-priced land, good values: also want livestock mnnov ;nod nuoort Unity for loans or investment at this Una. Writ at once to JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING) A LAND CO. Jordan Valley. Or. FRANK L. McOUIRB. with his years of experience and expert knowledge or va ues. is in a position to safeguard your everv tnfrsf in Inratinc vour money Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service Let u loan vour monev. See J Loaie Richardson. manager of loan department. Abington nidg. Alain lOtiM. $3000 WANTED, 87c. Want S.'loou for 5 vears. on highly Im proved suburban home, within 1 mile of Hillsboro. The , property is selling for 0.i0U and is a real bargain, uona moral riik. Nelson, with John Ferguson, Ger linger hldg. Main S.'iJO. AM COMPLETING home on Sunnyside car line and want to borrow H0u. Money to be turned over wln-n ail bills are paid and house completed. Will pay 8 p-r cent but no commission. AN 400, Oregonian. WANTED iJ.'.oO. 3 vears. 0 or 7 per cent 0 rooms, modern, garage, Hawthorne district, lot and one-balf. paved streets, all paid; house under construction a 458 E. 58th st. H. Phillips. 157 Di vision st. Tabor !24fl. $-J'ko 3 VRS., 7 per cent, corner lot and rine modern two-story e-room resiaencu on Alameda drive, hardwood floor, fur nace, etc., .value llo.Ooo. insurance to cover. Call Mr. Peek. Broadway 4'JA. S3 4th M. KESL'ONSl BLE young married man in ur gent need of $300 loan. iave goon po sit ion. Kood references. Am able t make payments of $10 per ek or belter until paid. G 471. Oregonian. WANT loan of $12o0 at i per cent on nice suburban place of three acres, cleared, with small house, modern conveniences; owner's value $3500. Fred W. German Co., 732 ChitmbT of Commerce G00D iirst uiui'igiigeB about 40 per cent basis of value to net per cent inter est; any size; high grade and conserva tive; If you have Idle mortgage funds will give you details. P 45s. Oregonian. WANTED Farm mortgage loan; will pay 8 per cent interest; A-l security; recom mended by bank; principal. P 451, Ore gnninn. HK GiLT-EDGE and S mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon In vestment A Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED for six months. $500. secured by mortgage; 9 miles from Portland; also adtjniobile; in reply state phone number. P 4S5, Oregonian. WANT $i-00, 3 years, 8 per cent improved suburban home and 8 acres. Wish to deal with principal direct. AN 500. Ore- gonir.n I WILL pay 7 per cent for a ioan of $12. 600 for 3 years and secure with real estate on west side which cost about $50,000. E 454. Oregonian. $j7)00 LOAN wanted on improved farm few miles from Portland. No agents need answer; want to deal with lender only. A N 417. Oregonian. FlKST mortgages lor ta;e on improved Portland property. F. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Long estab lished, reliable service. 750 WANTED on small house and 3 lots in Mt. Scott district. Will pay 8 per cent but no commission. AN 495, Ore gon ian. WISH to borrow $2000 and close loan by 15th on Jrvington home. No agents. AN 4!i9. Oregon liin. W AiN TED 1 -50 from pi i vate close-In quarter block, east Hmith. Mam :js54. party on ilde. Mr. $1000 GOOD security; pay bb. AJ 473. uretfoptau. FINANCIAL, Loan W anteo- $i00 ON WELL improved business prop erty. $1200 on dwelling, near Williams ave. $1500 on weil located modern bunga low. $1700 on close ln modern home. $-'000 on modern home Holladay Ana $-'5iH on dwelling, close In on E. 7th sU $.1000 on modern new Alameda Park home. $3500 on modern home E. 40th st. N. $5500 on 2-story brick Grand ave. F. H. DESHON, First Mortgage Loans, , B15 Chamber of Commerce FMg. LOANS WANTED. , $200, security lot 50x100 Portland .. 10 $400. security lot 60x100 Portland . .10 $1200. security 5-room new home Williams avenue 8 $1250. security 5-room new home near Union $1500. security 7-rm. home C2d st... 8T $1N0, security 5-room new bungs- low R. c. P ""t Many other good loans. See Mr. Graham. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg W A.N r money to loan on Tlrst mortgages on new homes snd buildings ln Portland, $10'H to $50,000.. Best investment on earth. Your Interests thoroughly pro tected. A. K. Hill Co., 4-tl Lumber mens bldg. Long established; reliable service. WANT $::50U for 3 years at legal rate on iMTfee-in property;- no agents, al eaa, Oregonian. ii2u0 FROM private party for three years on 0-room bungalow, 7 per cent, Mar shall ;i!'9.i $3000 3 YEARS from private party, no brokerage; security new $7500 house; 4 lots. Broadway 2K-3. WAN1LD $5000. 8 per cent, first mort gage. Highly improved. P 454, Orego nian. WANTED To borrow $2000 on first mort gage on improved city property. AJ 400, Oregonian. WANT loan of $500 on first mortgage, S years, 1 on 80 acres timber; value MPPP. 1QM K. 27th N. Wdln. 4274. w a N TED $2750 on bungalow lu Rose city park. C. J. Johnson. 313 Henry W 1 1 IK . WANTED $2U00 on Unproved ranch of 3 acres, value $S0OO. Address W. H., Rt Hormg, Or. 2000 ON NEW bungalow, lot 50x100. im provements all in and paid; valued at mw". iv tw. oregoninn. ok hALL b irst-cia.sa rami mortgage paper, 8 per cent; full particulars. Ad- dress owner, care P 460. Oregonian. WANT $1050 from private party on 11 1 -room peninsula Home. Address AV 2iM. Oregonian. DESIRE to borrow $7ou and give first mortgage at 8 per cent, erty. P 453. Oregonian. Improved prop- WAN T to barrow $1000 first mortgage. per cent. Owner. P 452. Oregonian sauuu WANTED Best first mortgage se- cunty. principal. R 497, Oregonian. lAv t lie1 H lUAOli L'O rom fourth rid Stark 22 rn 1 $1200. 7 ON 6-ROOM house. large lot Preston. East 6329. ABOUT $'oou loan wanted on bungalow in riMmont Park Addition. Bdwy. &iij, PERSONAL. WHAT MAGNETIC OR DRUGLES3 HEALING WILL DO. Four weeks aico I was called to treat Mr. Meeker, lUhVj 13th st., for lumbago ana rheumatism; couia not get up with out pulling himself up, cured in four weeks. Also by permission refer anyone wanting to get well to Mrs. Meeker as to what I can do. I cured her brother In-law, Mr. Douglas, of rheumatism; his son 01 stomach trouble and her sister, Mrs. Peck, of female trouble and nerv ous prostration bordering on insanity. All residents of Kansas over 20 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Meeker have been renidents of Portland 7 or 8 years. Their pnone number is Broadway 35J4. 1 treat all chronic diseases and practice the Weltmer method of healing. Can also refer to other Portland people. ApL 9 and 10, Hyland apts., 490 Morrison st. Marshall 200, Portland. Prof. Peasley. ENLARGED PROSTATE. The bane of old age, but no age Is exempt. Symptoms: Pressure, back ache, burning sensation, frequent urina tion, nervousness, pain in groins, heavi ness ln calves of legs, burning in soles of feet. There Is a non-surgical method of treatment "which does not Interfere with one's business or social dutlts. Will be glad to explain to all sufferers. Dr. R. A. Phillips. Broadway Bldg. SCENARIOS RECONSTRUCTED. Every person has one good story. Write yours, if you want money and fame. The movies crave them Yours mav be "a d is mond in the rough." I'll polish, reconstruct It and supply the vkick" for you. Let me help you. I'll show you how to protect your Ideas and turn them Into real cash. Positively not a school ; I sm honest. Martha Lord, Scenario Reconstruction Studios. Holly wood. Cal. DR. KING, drugless physician. Consult me in any case of sickness or disease that seems incurable. Men. women and children. Others have been permanent ly healed, w ny not you ? Tumors, hemorrhoids (piles and cancer; no operations ; skin diseases, etc. Sos-9 Alisky tIdg., 3d and Morrison. Main 377. Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Ap pointments. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goiter (hig neck) can get positive information on how to cure It at home without least trouble or discomfort. There is a pleasant surprise In store for you if you will write. No charge what soever. Tell others. It will help us all. Dr. Rock. Box X-737. Milwaukee, Wis. ilNLKAL ST L AM baths slop cuius, rheu matism and nervous troubles; scientific body and scalp ,nta.ssage, violet ray and electric treatments; both sexes treated. Hours 10 to 0. evenings by appointment. Nettie Benson, D. P. Main 77&9. 304 Dekum bid 17. MRS ARTHUR. KIRKLAND. widow of Alexander w ylle, formerly of Meridian, Sutter county. Cal. Matter of Interest to you Communicate with L. C. Manor, attorney at law, 604 Pacific bldg., ban Francisco, Cal. UY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S Remember we sell you any model or Victrohi, Edison, Columbia or Brunswick u d t $125 on pavments of $5 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. Street. E PROPERLY organize you. prepare bond Issues, negotiate loans, write pros pec t uses, furnish stock salesmen or list of satisfied Investors. Booklet free. National Organization Co., 123 Madison , hirago. ULLY Why don't you et a fur choker wear with your spring suit?. I law some wonderful v.ilus In squirrel, mink, sable, benver and Hudson seal at the HETRIL FUR CO.. on Morrison St., be tween 10th ;md ITth. F. S. ANTED A lady of the highest social stsndinir In this city, who wishes double her presmt Income; no ordinary nosltlon: sdvisory only strictly pn vate. For an appointment address BF 473. Oregonian. ANTED Customers for beauty treat- nt in their own homes; marcelling, f.-i rials, scaln treatments and manlcur- nir. by experienced operator. Phone Mrs. Bnird. Main 2359 liAil baths with shower; also massage a nH Mfn In treatments: la nv assistant open 12 to 8 P. M.. Sundays 11 to 4 m. ir. LnyoKi. i.. r., oi-oi Flledner bldg.. 10th snd Washington. N TONE knowing the address of Mr. Charles O. Loper. wno was in navy serv ice during war. please write 3724 Haw t home ave.. or phone his sister, B. Swain, B. Rl LEATH ERL1FE whs born in and is being reared in Oregon. He is a nuasy youngster and may tnke a trip around the world. Anything that's leather. L K ATHKRMf K l-O.. 1 I'AIV M. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Bv nhonine SnowfJake Wet Wash. Clothes washed snowy white in separate compartments. bervice witn a puncn S4;t:t w i'1'i.: Mi ing. noein. love, nioniir. homo, comic or any subject. I compose music nd guarantee pu hiication. &eno wortix. Eriwsrd Trent. 792 Reaper blk.. rnirnco. UY A PACK of these won der I ui Iwr- tune picture earns; ten your nwn for tune; send $1 to Meta Hesse, 6918 Haw thorne ave., Hollywood. Cal. ORG A NDI E flowers to match any gjwn or street roumc, .nm u i -.. v-imui and see them. The Gird Shop, lOOl B r c a d w nv n:ng .vmm m:iA-i't- I vn iirCAKTY can obtain valuable In formation regarding aaugnier Ionian 'r communicating with routs 1. box 28T, iFWf.ro. or. MASSAGE and violet ray treat nients given at your noma, rnoni a. oui-11. local 2f EAM BATH, scientific Swedish massage, electricity, medical gymnastic. 805 Co u m blab l d g. Mam zz.v: Lauies on iy. AMPOOIXG. pcalp treatments, facial nH body massage at your noma, cat Marshall 812. , ANTED Woman going to Los Angeles to accompany sick girl. W 488. Orego nia n. FOR CORRECT time call Main 35: scientific watch repairing see next door to Majestic theater. 0. For Miller, I WILL dt-aign or make attractive dresses for little girls up to the sge of 10 years. Phone mcrninga. East 2Q-U. FOR CORRECT time call Main Ci570 For scientific watch repairing see Miller, nxt door to Majestic theater. RESPONSIBLE party going south to cars for o-yr.-old girl; references. Auto matic 319-07. MARCEL waving, .u cnta Call Broadway 5712. after :30 P. M. KATHEKINE ALLISON treats for health and prosperity. 223 Fividner bldg. PFRSONAU GET WELL FREE, FREE. FREE. Every dsy, from 10 A. M. to 6 1'. M.. and evenings from 4 to 8, and Sundas from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF Ft'FFKRERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief In any other way are In vited to investigate Chiropractic meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS wlll thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safs, sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently Cure 95 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the causs health returns. The above service U 1t free to you at the college building and may be hAd ln private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park and Yaralull, Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most reason able rate in order to show what Chiro practic can do. DR. O. W, ELLIOTT, President. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflage and adjuncts foreign to this principle only add time snd imme diate expense to later despair.) Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg., Port land. Is a chiropractor of experience, s past amateur, a 100 per cent chiropractic specialist, with highest testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the best; also from western and local patients having unfortunately bad less than 100 per cent chiropractic else where, with, of course, correspond tuff disappointment in delayed relief. Men aud women are fully satisfied with my lOO per cent chlroprai tic philosophy, long experience and superior skill demonstrated in consultation, ex aminations, easy, careful adjustments, rates, and finally results. Eleventh year in this city. Chronic c sites, taking time 81 adjustments, $25. Extended time, 31 adjustments. $13. Acute cases, fever, lumbago, any doubting Thomases, etc, less time, less expense. Phone, wire, write, come. Main Office, 4th and Wash. New Home. 0-47 East Salmon Ft. . THE TRAGEDY OF FAT. The misery of rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, colds, etc.; my scientific ap plication of water, light, heat, electric ity and massage, together with a sane and sensible diet, will remove the cause of these troubles. Treatments are pl-un-ant and health building; consultations free Monday, Wednesday and Friday, women only; woman assistant. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday men only. Brown's Hydrophathlo Instltut. Stevens Bldg., downstairs. Main 8030. Over Years Same Location. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless duntitiry, by the nerve-blocking method, without after effects. I make X-ray examination of teeth. I specialize in first-class dtmtistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3oa. DR. A. W. KEENE, Majestic Theater Bldg. H 1 4 W'afh NOTICE Materials for the home milliner. Buck ram. n and wire frames importer braid st 2oc yard and up. La J leg' and genu' Panama straw and Ult hats cleaned and blocked. LA FRANCE HAT MFQ. CO., S724 Morrison. PALL HOULE. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Paul Houle (dead or alive), formerly ot East Portland, will be reimbursed fo their trouble by communicating wit) Mrs. Geneva Ryan, 14JJ Market St., San Diego. Cal. WELTMEIt SYSTEM SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. The latest and most up-to-date sclenc practiced. If you have fa Led with others, try us Drs. Ayers A McK.instr 715 Dekum bidg Main ii7l. ALL the .iiist remcdiei s,d at the Clem rtiion Drug Co.. -00 Morrison st at Charles hotel corner. At this drug tor you get juit what you call for. Wi nave no substitutes. DO YOU WANT a luxuriant, healthy head of hair? w rite lor questionnaire to America's premier hair spciall--i. Pro toHtor Maloue, 100 Market sU, San Fran cisco. GALLSTON LS Free book te.is ot im proved method of treating Inflammation of gait bladder and bile ducts. Writ today Dr Paddock, boa UW-0l. Kansas City ,M $$5$ FOR IDEAS Photoplay plots accept ed, any lorm; reviscu, putmbhen, copy righted. uld. Advice free. Untver.sa! Scenario Corp., )5tf Western Mutual Lite bldg.. Los Angeler, LHlKui'iiACllu, BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic, vi bratory and lectrlo massage. Dr. Mar gsret Haynta. 215 Swstiaud bldg. Ksa enable prices. H? VOU A RE tired and nervous you can ejuvenate out nervous centers snd poor circulation by having a scientific body massage Dr Ovid la Larseo, Wi 11 o rgar bias Mam 1998 DRUGESS physician, Dr. Joseph Smith. M T. v loiet ray anu cupping oevicvs. treatment for all chronic diseases of men. women and children. 214-21 1 Flledner bldg.. loth and Washington t. GRADUATE nurse and chiropodist. ciei- tiflc massage an1 magnetic treatment, manicurist, superfluous hair permanently removed; ladie. gentlemen. 210 Alioky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sis. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple needln method; consultation free. 504 Swetland bldg.. 5th at Wawh. st. Main 13'S, 1AK.ARA A.V11SKPTIC POWDER Is a soothing cieanhing. nesting germiuids. and Invigorating douche, a great aid ln female d.sorders; 50c and $1 per boa. Portland Hots, pharmacy. REPLACE the wear and tear on human system with electric treatments and body massage 10 A. M. to s p. M. daily 4 :.o Mnre.m bids Main 7579 $1 GsVlS both Utt Iixcd up at Dr. Eaton the CHIROPODIST and ARCH 6PIST who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs here; exam free Globe bldg . llth Wanh BJy 22 1 EMMA PLOWMAN, D. P., mineral steam bath, chronic and nervous diseases treat ed by druggless methoda 417 Swefaud bldg. LET DR. GEORGE RUBENSTK I N, tii. veteran optician, be your optician. Be in expert In lilting eyegiassi-s and his charges an- vrv reasonable. Morrison n;. FEB V ET A HA-nSULT ieadin ;g 4 ml toups makers finest stock human hsi goods permanent and marcti waving scalp treatment. 81 Alder Main ftifl ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS. Scientific mass.-tfie, tun .amps, ete pr. Ironside, 8ou-14 Broadway bldg G r a duate nuris assistant Ms I n 50. LANGDALE'S asthma remedy oivfm QUICK RELIEF IN ALL ASTHMAT1U AND BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS. BROOKS DRUG CO.. 17 N. 3D ST. DE LUXE MASSAGES. 418 BUCHANAN BLLG. .Main W88, O p H N SUNDAYS AND EVKMNG H TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no oy. $1 11" cured. Remedy wnt on trial Su perha Co. W. :t!4. Haltlmore. Md. POSTAGE slam ps for collectors, bought snd so;a. v-iiiuniun oiaiiip co.. b4 IHth st. Broadway 20i0. WANT to adopt baby girl from 1 1 years. muii " 4 irctrnniHii WHY BALU oeBos. aanaiurr. ctmiu or fallng halrT There's a resson and a remedy. Try 814 Miicbay bidg. Gul'i'RE. enlarxed g:and; cure vour.ei;. A. R. Straciian. route 5. Hlllsooru, or. Nn HEniH or iyi FELT sore.' bee Ur. r-ihei A. brfuv. pci,- curing ann "",; 'i "' V',V.' M ' r- 005 Raleigh I'lftf Mar 8.178 MlftS AJA.. manicuring, ire 11 tmen ta f r f danarun imun 11 i 8 Sundnys l'J to 8. 017 Swetland Kdg 6Ul'El.FLLoUS ban, mu.va. wans. rcmov Djr iy-nruir. "" "i irrm j ni Finiey. 514 Bush A Lane b dg Main tt.irt. 6CLPHUR steam bath massaxa, viot r ?3:.9, 10 A . M to H P M WANTED Address of Thomas H. Reilly. H. J- Roii, mwihh; at,, i acorns. Wash. - DRUGLESS I'll VSiOl AN. Rheumatism, stomach, liver snd kid neys. Dr. AdaN. ScotLiaO 15 1 h at. PILES can be permanently cured without pennon- wrm, bso. onA an-' Morrison. GRADUATE nurse tmata lumbago, ete. Hours s i w " "j KKiuiriiviii, rnuu Main 10a Office Sus-C Third st MASSAGE BATHS, kidneys, constipation, rheumaiisiu. 11. tmm oorrnnpn. tirug leas pbys.. 508 Panam t bldg.Ma in 5 1 s d. "e PIERCE hair work. 24 Kllliiitsorta ave. Woodlawn 43M. MRS. FRANKLIN'S WONDERFUL HA1H TON I C, 2 '-'7 SOU T H BROAD W Ay. DR. DE MURALT. 4l Morgan bldg. Dr. Gustav iiasri lormer xior;aia. PRIMEOA BALM, formerly calitd Balm of Figs. 4 ci. jjh. oe u. .ju morntngp DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? Bee vierecs;. onncuuin ur aum o. u g L. O. U. Pleaas writs your OrKon Cuy DR. ETHEL GRIFFITH Stsam baths, vt- bratlon, csip trtatrppnis. in Mvtt;nn, THE POWDi ;H I'Ui'F Scalp snd f.osl 637 Morgan b;u. i-U-J, Usauntuls.