TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 6, 1921 20 HKIP WAVTEIV-FEMAT.E. Wanted I Himrtic. V'ANTET A woman to cook and keep fcouse for four echoolboya. 8 to 1 years of age; mother dead, father tav at work; plain and economical cook; state wages: must be what a wrkinff man can alTord. W. D. Lain hart, Golden riale. Wah. .VOJIAN to cook and help with general housework in farm home that i elec trically equipped. Don't object to woman with 1 girl. Have only 1 little girl ray eif. Address Mr. G. S. Zimmerman, yam hill. Or. References. phone EaM 37 12. WANTED Middle-age woman to do housework in 5 -room cottage; also a ist in care of two children; no wash ing, private room, good home to right party. Call Sunday bet. 10 and 12; ref erencea til H. 47th at. N.. near Siskiyou at. Beaumont car. i "WOMAN" to assist with general housework on ranch; munt be a good plain cook ana rona ot children ; mouera conven iences and reasonable wages. Box 40. HHNboro, Or., R. 1. BRIGHT young lady to answer phone and operate typewriter; one with pome ex perience in real ehtate office preferred. See Mr. Comte. -OS Chamber of Com me rc e bldg. WANT KD A GIRL FOR GKXKRAL HOl'SEWOKK; NEW BUNGALOW AND SMALL FA M I L Y ; ALL. EL EOT RICA L CO N V K N I E N C ES. CALL EAST 3547. ADDRKSS tit" K. 1"TH ST. N. v A N T E D G i r i or woman for general hou.tr work in easte rn Oregon, 3 or 4 adults, modern bouse, Swis or Swede preferred, must like country. Auto, j 331 -j5 GIRL or young women to assist at house work in return good home and $20 wagon; no washing. East 0578. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Solicitors, good pay. $5 to $3 per day and percentage; man or woman. Call at Hi7Vs First st. U N D Bit N E W MANAGEMENT. WANTED Amateur performers forjnonth ly programmes, private club; state spe cialty and give full details. X 400, Ore gonian. WANTED An experienced milker and wire, without children. Address L. box ltt, Umatlila, Or. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. W A N T E D 50 PER CENT BRAINS. 25 per cent musrle, 25 per cent invest ment in pood and substantial manu facturing box and caw mill: 2 bead .sawyers, 2 ratchet tenders. 2 deck men, 2 edger men, 1 trimmer man. 2 cut-off eaw men. planer men. H donkey engineers, 2 atationery en gineers. 1 rmg man. " chockcr men. 1 chaser. 1 whistle punk. 1 blacksmith, an all rounder. 4 off-ben rers. 1 pad shingle saw man. 5 common laborers. Call for Jacob, at Imperial hotel, March 7 and from 2 P. M. to i P. AL 1 am sure wc can interest you. &ST A B LIST! ED corporation covering northwest requires at once services of ambitious young man for assistant man ager. Seatt lo office, dignified executive position Most be able to Handle cor respondence and typewriter. Investment In corporation required. Strictly a bu. ness proposition. Excellent opportunity for young man of ability. Permanent position with reliable company. Good salary to start. Bank and business ref erences furnished. State age. qualifi cations, references and investment that ran be made in first letter. Box bl, S ttl. Wash. $1"0 INVESTMENT Clears fJOO monthly; business men need it; weekly repeater. Particulars. 32J Fliedner bldg., Portland, BUILDER to build house on lot in Lau- rHhurst. Call Auto. 230-11. AUToMoHILE man in manufacturing and jobbing business -investment required; automobile and cash considered. un day. 42 Columbia st. Apt. 22. LADV to collect accounts; investment re quired; drawing account and the profits in the, business. Write BF 4i:. Oregonian. WANTED Live man with $."oo for manu facturing and contracting company; gilt fU'". G 4M, Oregonian. Al CARPENTER with Jiooo to build in Laurelhurst. Auto. 230-11. SITf ATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED IVMU in as lnii-kit-per, in spector or cost accountant with contract ing and construction company; have had large experience in this line in the east. Young man, can go anywhere. Address AV, 23."i, Oregonian. HARRIED man w ants steady work on ranch, have children that go to school, handle big team, truck or tractor; for experience, raised on grain ranch. In reply state salary and conditions. W. F. Warmnth, 375 Cable st.. Portland. COST. PAYROLL and pricing; have had charge of this work in a large manu facturing concern ; can furnish best of references ; If i-nterested I want inter view. T a bor 711 H. ( EXPERIENCED dance saxophone and clarinet player wishes to locate with an organized orchestra; capable of direc tion and instrumentation. L 4.r6, Ore gonian. Voi'NG man! radio "operator, with "some drafting ability, desires employment; will go anywhere. N. T. Peterson, 40o4i Brooklyn ave , Seattle. Wash. PLOWING contracted by t he acre ; have two-plow tractor and plows; anything, ten acres or more. Main 7UVJ. Mr. Shepanl. TOt'NG MAN. age 2", single, capable of filling position of confidence and trust, willing to take temporary place; excel etu references. N 4s oregonian. POSITION as billing clerk with whole sale, retail or manufacturing concern by experienced clerk and typist. K 456, Oregon tan. BA LESM AN Marrid, well acquainted in northwest territory, wants position with reliable firm ; very best reference. S 4.F2. Oregonian. WANT lumber hauling contract for new live-ton long wheelbase trurk: will han dle 16 to 20-foot stuff without trailer. Main 79if. Mr. Shepard. SUNSHINE PAINT CO.. reliable houe painting, tinting, reflnishing. 273 1st. Durability guaranteed. Main 8024 or Aut. til4-43. SARM and dairy hand, young and single, w ishes job. Address, Mr. Freeman. 105 E. 11th street, Portland, Or. Phone East 17S. I'OI'NO MAN. high school graduate, do sires position general "office work and stenography. Phone E. 3740. CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR, day or job, new or alteration, estimates cheerfully fnrnNhed. Sell wood 2703. 1- ARM work, near Portland by experi enced nuirried ma n ; prefer separate house. Box 116. Wilsonville. Or. W A N T E D farm married man. Sheridan. Or. work by experienced G. C Minsker, Rt. 2. Vv ANTED job in battery ship, will work cheap to start; can do all kinds of work. BD J 2, Oregnnian. lJI.DERLY man to do light Janitor work in hotel or rooming house. X 456, Ore gontan. CARPENTER contracts building or al terations; save you money. Manny, Sell. 2421. V A N. EXPERIENCED restaurant, hotel Stewart; take charge of dining room. B 427. Oregonian. ANYONE wanting a first-class truck driver on any make call Main 461) 7, room 3. Will do anything else. MAN WORKING at night in garage would like afternoon driving job. Call Thomp son, at Covey's Garage, after 6 P. M. EXPERIENCED hardware clerk and sales man wants position with chance of ad vancement. AK 47Q. Oregonian. GET YOUR painting, kalsominlng and - signs done before the spring rush; 20 years experience. Tabor 266. EXPERIENCED man and wife want posi tion as clerk and housekeeper in hotel, best of references. AL 46, Oregonian. MARRIED man, experienced driver, truck or delivery car, wants employment, in or out of city. Address n6 E. 16th st. N. WANTS work w itu 2 n-ton truck. East 4H13. FAINTING or tinting in the best of shape. Sell wood 2775. HANDYMAN, not afraid of work, painting preferred. East 7!7. MACHINIST, good all-around active and rHnh'e. desires work. J 473. Oregonian. FOR PLOWING AND TEAM WORK CALL TABOR 64. FOR FILER or sawyer w ence. Bdwy. 3502, room ith A-l 18. 48 N. re fer 9th. CARPENTER, new or repair, by day or job contract. Telephone 227-16. 1KY 17 EXPERIENCED in would like work. 1:130; E. I arm Main work st. GARDENING, trim roses, any 'odd Jobs, painting. Call 622-31. PRINTER, two-thirder, wants position. Call East 7I47. ANYONE wanting trees cut down call Auto. 524-4$. JAPANESE boy wants position as a school boy. A L 4s2. Oregonian. JANITOR of experience and good refer ences. K 457, Oregonian. MAN AND wife want general farm work. AP 477. Oregonian. PAINTING. tinting, good work, woodwork. Phone Woodlawn 3471. EXPERT tree and rose pruning. i62. PLUMBING done very reasonable by the .iob or by the hour. Aut. 235-51. EXPERIENCED concrete man wants work. 41, Oregoniao. SriTATIONS WANTED MALE. AVAILABLE immediately, part-time services for the present of qualified business correspondent in purchasing, sales, technique of export, import and transportation ; am familiar with law work and procedure, abstracting, under writing, etc.; highest Portland refer ences. Talk with me. AP 463, Orego- nian. EXPERIENCED TRAFFIC MANAGER DESIRES POSITION WITH LOCAL CONCERN; LUMBER OR AUTOMO BILE ACCESSORIES FIRM PRE FERRED. FOUR YEARS WITH PORT LAND WHOLESALE HOUSE. PER SONAL INTERVIEW DESIRED. N 418, OREGON IAN. WANTED Position by young man. 28, at present employed,- but permanency of position doubtful, account business con ditions; six years' general office, book keeping, accounting and auditing expe rience; would consider position out of city; good references. BJ 447, Ore gon ian. WANTED Work bv young man with scientific turn of mind who has training as watchmaker, machinist an-d in fine musical instrument repairing: would like to get in with some scientific, artistic or electrical work. Howard W. Miller, 122f East 12th st. North. IF YOU want a man that Is not afraid to work, one who will work for your own interest, who la ambitious, reliable and honest, I am a married ex-service man 2tf years, call and let's talk it over; references. Woodlawn 4Nrt. . VERNON CONTRACTING CO. New buildings, job and day work; wooden and iron fire escapes; enclosing stairways and elevator shafts as per fire ordinance. Phone Woodlawn 772. Rea., 1040 E. ISth st. North. BOOKKEEPER. cot accountant and office manaeer with executive ability and un excelled references, familiar with lum ber, merchandising and manufacturing. Phone Broadway 2. room 30ti. or AE 4to Oregon ian. MA RRIED man with family desires po- ' sition in wholesale or retail hardware store; have five years experience; can do nltimhfnc and tinntn: can furnish be-t of references. Address S. R. H. K37 y. r2d St.. N. Tel. Tahor 84fift. MAKRI KD farmer, capable, experienced, age 3K two children, desires pen eral farming, fruit or berries; separate, house, furnished if possible; have furniture; wife do own housework. Brown, 42 Buchtel five.. Port land. Or. CHEMIST. years' experience in chemical and engineering lines, desires work for part or full time. Research or processes preferred; references. li 4j, urego YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED IN CROC FRIES AND GENERAL MERCHAN DISE, GOOD WORKER. REFERENCE LAST EMPLOYER, BROAD WAV 3783. AL 44. OREGONIAN. WANTED Position in an up-to-date bat tery shop. Have taken Adcox battery course; 410 per week to Mart with; view permanent position. E. Doherty, 220 loth. Portland. CARPENTER with wife wants steady work on large farm, building and re pairing; also painting, wife good cook and clean. A 471. regonlan. Ft til D ROOK K EE'PER. trained in econom ic and efficiency, can help the business to a better paying basis. Answers con fidential. N 4 so. Ore-son Jan. YOUNG man, 20 years of age. desires po sition as assistant bookkeeper or any other office work, with large corpora tion. W 4!'ft, Oregonian. WANTED By young colored man. a posi tion taking care bachelor's apartment; also a good cook; best of references fur nished. Address AP 4tVT. Oregonian VI U'AMZKR Experienced youns ma wants work; will take charge of shop if required; will go anywhere, refer ences. K 4 7't. Orgn p la n. CA It PENT EH and cement w ork reason able, remodeling, repairing; residence builriiTig; mv own architectural design ing. Call Main "Sor, jt',4 MiH stret EXPERT LA NLSCA PE gardener; wants lawns to take care of for summer; lawns put in. pruning, spraying, etc., 'Phone East 1!2. CEMENT FINISHER. All kinds of cement and concrete; first-chiss workmanship guaranteed. Ta bor 1320. PR I NTER Do you want a good partner who can do fine job work, good ads. press work and has fair knowledge of machine? AV 24. Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter work; get your car penter work and repairing done now be fore the spring ruslu Main 4122 eve nings. COMBINATION MAN. WINDOW TRIM MER, CARD WRITER AND SALES MAN DESIRES POSITION; REFER ENCES. AC 4ir. OREGONIAN. MECHANICAL engineer, broad business experience, estimating, superintending, shop practices. Can invest. T 477, Ore gonian. JOB HAULING for a 2H-ton truck and trailer or contract for same. Call Aut. A2A-65 or write J. W. Robbins, 610 Water Ft., Portia nd. WOULD like to connect with company do ing business in Old Mexico or other Lat in-American countries. Will go any place or do anything. V 45ft, Oregonian. TRA DE school boy wishes work after school and Saturdays. Have bicycle, gro cery experience and references. W ood lawn 2326. A YOUNG MAN, colored, experienced in housework, desires work by day or week: also very good plain cook. Address AJ 476, Oregonian. POSITION as janitor or watchman, expe rienced painter, paperhanger; best of references. AH 473, Oregonian. L C. S. SURVEY student wants field ex perience in survey crew. Go anywhere. Reasonable salary. Tabor 7307. PAINTING. PAPERHANGTNG AND KAL SOMINING. ALL WORK GUARAN TEED. EAST 11H. ELDERLY man wants steady elevator or janitor work: reliable; lives at home. 327 E. 11th st. S. ELDERLY man wants janitor or chore work; home more than wages; best ref erences. K 461. Oregonian BY MILLWRIGHT and filer: can keep up engine in a small mm. Address X, Mil waukie, R. 2. box 127. I TINT YOUR rooms for S3 and $4. Now Is the time for outside painting. I am reasonable. Marshall 5167. HAULING wanted for 2Va-ton truck with covered body by hour or contract. Broad w ay 2127. JANITOR. hdnest young man. wishes work; night preferred. D 480, Orego nian. TWO M EN wit h dra-gsjiw want contract cutting cord wood. Tabor 27.V.. T. G. Edgington. ft.o E. Goth N.. city. WINDOW SCREENS and screen doors; all kinds of cabinet work made to order, 100 N. 3rd. corner of Flanders. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT with IS years ex perience, open for employment. AL 401. Oreennian. GENERAL house painting and tinting; good, neat work, reasonable. Broadway 41S2. YOUNG man with some experience, wants work as salesman, wholesale or retail; references. AJ 474. Oregonian. PAINTING and tinting; interior work a specialty: by ex-service men. Phone Main 379ft. JAPANESE boy wants situation, house work and any kind job. George M, 41 De 1 a y St., city. BAKER wants position as dough mixer. Will go anywhere. Answer to Baker, 793 Northrup st. - MAN AND wife, good camp cooks, eco nomical, clean, efficient. D 455, Ore- gonian. YOUNG man wants a position in meat market ; some experience. Phone CoL 127. PAPERHANGING. 30 CENTS A ROLL; PAINTING AND TINTING CHEAP. GUARANTEED WORK. MAR. 2413. WANT job as watchman or handy man around place; references. AG 472. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED farmer and wife with no children, wants work on a farm. D 483. Oregonian. GOOD carpenter wants contract for labor to build house, or day work, reasonable. M 4!'I. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS meat cutter, age 22. wants work in or out of town; references. Call Main 7259 Sunoay or Monday. PAINTING and tinting done reasonable. Woodlawn 4703. EXPERIENCED bench hand and baker's helper wants work. Main 4254. MAN WANTS painting, tinting: do kind of work. Main 1058, room 5 any ELDERLY man will work for board and room, small wages. BC -452. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants situation as house work or hotel porter. N 47t. Oregonian. MAN AND wife wish place In private fitmily or apartment. K 463, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE. A-l hotel cooks; reference. D 460. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS colored chef cook, position hotel, club or restaurant. East 8581. PAPERHANGING Painting and tintinir; paperhanging 30 cents a roll. Mar. 2413. WANTED Wood or logging contract. W 411. Oregonian. PA I NT I NO. pa pering and kalsominlng, pre-war prices. Tabor 2325. COMPETENT male stenographer wishes sp itre-time work. L 421. Oregonian. WANTED Faperhangin Aubry. Main as.ifl or painting. H A NDV man wants work of any kind. Ca: 1 Wright. 7257. 410.4th st. YOUNG colored man wishes janitor job, night or day. Woodlawn 8.". ANY KIND of roof repairing and ahin gllng. Alfred Muller. East 23H. CARPENTER wants all kinds of repair ing and remodel ing. Phone Auu, el-& PIT CATIONS WANTED MALE, WANTED Man. 34 years, of good educa tion wflnti nnmtlnn as farm manager Is experienced orchardlst and baa had two years of practical experience Du retired Hn Intel n raiHin. 6 months charge of test barn and la now taking three months O. A. C. enort course tractor and motor work; would con aid partnership; position wanted lor April Write AV 13S. Oregonian. YOU WILL MAKE A GOOD INVEST ME NT and sive me a start If you w finance me: I have the ability, educa tion. nractical experience, technical training, pep and nerve to successfully manage a paying ranch, but lacs mo financial equipment to get started; best of references. H. O. McBntire, Forest tirove, or. YOUNG married man, accountant and gen eral office man wishes position witl concern, where energy and ability to produce results are appreciated ; have executive ability and have bad tne ex Derience to take chance of office : an also experienced traffic matters. T 453, GRAIN man. experienced in flat ware house or elevator, would like oermanen connection with grain company, view of talcing some country plant later; win go any place or do anything at present. a nu, uregonian. TRAINED man of 39, with wide business and professional experience in law an accounting, desire a position of trus and responsibility, some caDital: high' est references; available April X. AV 18f. Oregonian. YOUNG man with 4 years business expe rience desires position witn promisin concern, either in automotive or electri cal concern ; resident of Portland; best of references. X 412, Oregonian, or call EXPERIENCED TRAFFIC MANAGER 1 ES 1 R EH POSITION WITH LOt A CONCERN; 4 YEARS WITH PORT LAND WHOLESALE HOUSE. PER SONAL INTERVIEW DESIRED. N 41tt, O R EGON I A N. POSITION desired at suburban home by reliable American who has had experi ence at lawn work, stock, shrubbery and gardening. Phone Broadway 2806, room 12. iOUNG man with truck and motor car experience wishes position with promis ing concern: best or references as ability; resident of Portland: ex-service man. W 432. Oregonian. or call E. 1612. RETAIL lumberman, 10 years' experlenC' in general building materials, wishes em ployment with either mill or line yard. If you need a live salesman answer this best, of references. T 464. Oregonian. HAVE the trucks and int to get touch w'th responsible lumber company to do their logging and hj-ulinr the lum ber. 30.1 Cherry st., Portland, Or. Phone after 5:30 P. m. East 74?.( WA XTED Position in country, man and wite with 14-year-old boy; wife to cook, an an to do chores ajtd bov to assist. Bd wy. 16W. Automatic 074-26. l'.o Burnside st. AN INTELLIGENT American. 40 yean old, has had 20 years' practical experi ence In mechanical, electrical and cler leal lines, will accept position of any kind. AC 433. Oregonian. WANTED Position by first-class waiter, either counter or tables. Also capable of taking over management with oppor tunity of buying interest if satisfactory w Oregonian. HONEST and energetic young man wants work in a progressive hardware or iur- niture store: can meet the public; willing to begin with low wages and go any where. A 463. Oregonian. A-l FARM HAND wishes position, good. teady. reliable man ; understand farm ing in all lines; good hand with young horses; will go anywhere: must be st ea d y pos I tion. T 48. Oregonian. COMPETENT acetylene welder with some years shop experience, wants work; can do all kinds welding and brazing. X 424, Oregonian. ROOFS repaired at any um. rain shine; ail work guaranteed: eave trough cleaoed and repaired. Portland Roof Repair A Paint Co. Main 6520. EXPERIENCED fireman or watchman. not afraid of work, would like respect able job. A. Klett, 3SU North IDth st. I'hone Broadway 1556. HON EST, reliable man wants position a Janitor or similar work, night or day references if desired. AJ 402. Orego nian, MARRIED man, experienced with gas and steam engines, wants work on ranch ; good general farmer; prefer separate bouse. M . M. Abbott, North Plains, Or. PRUNING of trees ana snruos. garden work of all kinds; fertilizing; now is the proper time to do it. Call up Woodlawn EXPERT batteryman and auto electrician. 7 vear experience; willing to leave cuty. Address W. G., 2W4 E. Broadway, Port land. LATHE machinist wants work, anywhere ; oversize gas engine experience. R. C, Robertson, care Geo. Cluff. Knappa. Or, HAVE your garden work done by expe rienced men : no joo too smau. no joo too large Phone M. !Mi.. Mr. Baldwin PHOTO colorist desires work, part whole time : satistaction guaranteed, u 407. Uregonian. MAN, 34. CAPABLE, good salesman, wants work mornings or evenings. Phone Marshall 404. A-l CARPENTER, day oj character and reliable. gonian. contract; real AH 441, Ore- GARDNER. LAWNS LEVELED. SEED ED AND ROLLED. PHONE EAST 62J6. HAVE your ostrich plumes cleaned, dyed and repaired; work guaranteed. Tabor 7469. ATTENTION. Early pruning the best. I prune fruit Trees, snruoDery, etc. rnone laooroo. GARDENER wants to spade gardens, etc. Address Kail Lfc id. 401 1st at. Phone Main 7.M6. GROCERY clerk, 8 years' experience, mar ried, wants position; references. j 4, Or.1 iron i a n PA RM EKS Two men want job on farm where gas tractor is used. L. Wilsoa, 528 Irving St.. Portland. Or. GARDENER. experienced. wants work (landscape, greenhouse or private place). T 4!0. Oregonian. FILIPINO wants worK on a modern poul try farm lor board ana room. v 441, uregonian. I WILL do your carpenter work cheaper than you can do it yourself. Mr. Camp bell. Marshall llHr. GENERAL CLEANING, WINDOWS. PAINT, ETC.; FLOOR WAXING. EX PERTS. MAIN 1420. YOUNG man wants work in garage or driving car; can furnish good reference. Phone Aut. 523-10, GARDENER wan La to take care of private place trom April 1; -bach., handy man arouna me piuce, win uaicii. o u Oregon ian. FIRST-CLASS pastry baker's helper would like to have position as 2d baker. A-N 403. Oregon ia-m TIMEKEEPER, married, log. camp pre ferred; go right out. W. A. Hill, 925 Kerby sL MN WORKING nights in garage would like atternoon driving job. Call Thomp son at Covey's garage. YOUNG man, neat and intelligent, desires selling position. X 442, Oregonian. ELECTRICIAN. 12 years' experience, main tenance work and installing. East 74. EXCAVATING and grading; contract or dav work; teama rented. East 343. HOUSEHJLEAN-1NG and window washing. 287 X. loth st. Broadway 1402. WANT to work for the pleasure of work ing. Mar. 4r2S, room 51. WORK wanted for two-ton truck; reason able rate. Wdln. 4709. CESSPOOL and sewer connection; cement work. Call Miller. Main 1818. POSITION as washman in laundry. Phone W. G. Macdonald. Main 1625. PAPERING, painting. For first -class work at reasonable prices. Call Main 6136. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting, war is over; work guaranteed. Main 7771. EXPERIENCED pruning of all kinds; landscaping. Main 1602. Main 6J3. POSITION by experienced man, janitor or watchman. middle-aged Tabor S77U. CEMENT work contracted; first-class work guaranteed. Main 7S1MJ. BRICKLAYER, buildings, boilers, fire- placesanything In brickwork. East 6282. WH DO IT RIGHT Painting and tinting; est imatea iurnisnea. rnone wain. 5354. FIRST-CLASS electrician wants a job in or out of town. AP 444, Oregonian. ROOFS For shingling or roof repair ser vice call Woodlawn 3508. CARPENTER and bullaer, jobbing and interior work, built-in. Aut. 520-81. K.ALSOMINING, 60c HOUR, YOU FUR N1SH. PHONE EAST 2034. CARPENTER-EXPERT. DO IT NOW. AUTO 641-55. THRBB young Filipinos, willing to work, any kind. Call Main 6119. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman. AN 415. Oregonle n. COOKS' HEADQUARTERS AND KITCH EN HELP. 293 STARK ST. M. 1548. CLEAN-UP kal.omine. MONTH We paper, paint. Try us. Walker. Main 4 697. ANY KIND of roof repairing and shingling Alfred Muller. E. 2,'.9. PLUMBING done very reasoaable by the job or by the hour. Auto. 235-51. EXPERT pruner, Jerry Hubert, 27 years experience Phone Main 1060. HIGH school boy wants work afternoons and Saturday. East 7454. CARPENTER wants work by day or con t ract. F. West. Marshall 3086. CARPENTER work wanted by day or con tract; first-class work. Bdwy. 2390. PAINTING, kalsominlng, $3 room up. G. Fprague. Marshall 4286. CliiLLNT work, of fcU kind Tabor 6&S8. SITUATIONS W AN TED MALE.. MANAGER Ambitious young executive of experience in general mercantile stores with town and country trade. One who has complete grasp of merchandising and its principles. Reference from pres ent employers and others. I know my business thoroughly, and if I undertake to direct vour store. I will make it successful. AV 201. Oregonian. REPAIR AND PAINT YOUR ROOF BE- Jf'OKK YOU PAINT YOUR HOUSE. SPRING RUSH COMING, BEST PRICES. WORK GUARANTEED. ROOF SE CURITY INC. MFG. WEBPOOT PAINT. OFFICE MAIN 571. RES. COL. 865. CONTRACT for any kind of pick and ehovel work. Main 2931, room 20. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. YOU CAN use a man with my expereince; many years office manager and corre spondent, also wholesale and retail sales manship, newspaper work, advertising and news and special writer. Are you planning for greatest business In history of city during world's fair? You need me; let us get together. Call East 706$, or aaaresa Y Oregonian. lOLNG MAN, bookkeeper and stenogra pher, wants position with reliable firm; experienced in insurance work. Was supply sergeant with regiment of engi neers two years during war; one year's service in Europe. Address AV 234, Ore gonian. CAP.VBLR ACCOUNTANT. For permanent or temporai-v position, familiar with all kinds of office- worK. S 404, Oregonian. NOW. Paymaster, experienced In public util ity office, banking experience North western National. Minneaoolis. desirei position; college education; age 29. BC uregonian. COMPETENT office man and purchasln agent possessing initiative and executiv ability, experienced in the machine shop and foundry line, also iron and steel and dairy supplies: desires position single man can go any where; best of references. Y 477. Oregonian. Al ACCOUNTANT desires extra work will close books, audit and make oui tax returns; will also keep set of books evenings; work guaranteed charges reasonable; 10 years' experi enre. It 414. fregonnm. iui-.m. man. years' old. with 8 years experience as general office clerk, wants position witn good firm where there is chance for advancement. Can furnish nest of references. C .VP. Oregonian. YOUNG man lumber stenographer, time keeper, comptometer operator, car and cargo experience, wishes position In or near j-oruana. 444 .Rodney ave.. Port- in mi, jr. BUSINESS MANAGER. Young man, experienced all lines, re tan Dusiness, desires connection as man ager or asst. manager retail business nest of references. Tabor 7C72. LEGAL EDUCATION, some knowledge o bookkeeping aud office work: under stand logging and log scaling; want something where pop and results in sure future. J 4HS. Oregonian MARRIED man. 37. bookkeeper and gen erai on ice man ; good experience; Pest oi reierencs; conscientious and Indus trlous; must have work. T 4io. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED A No. 1 bookkeeper wants permanent position with reliable com pany; local references ; young, married. r r tot, uregonian. W A NTED -Clerical work for evenings or Saturday afternoons; have had eight years general office experience. E -too. yjregoni an. HIGH SCHOOL graduate from commercial course desires bookkeeping position; can type, fjast auiu. YOUNG man stenographer desires a per- manent situation. AP 442. oregonian. SMALL set books by competent account ant ; pest services. Broadway 2r3. YOUNG man, stenographer, desires a per manent situation, r 4w, oregonian. Salesmen. AJ1 FURNITURE salesman desires posi tion; live wire and can de iver tne goods1: willing to go aoiywhere; rcferencea. X 4M. Oregonian. SALESMAN with car wishes position as salesman or collector where he can use car to advaintage; now employed. AJ 4 tit, Oregonian. A-l G ROCERY salesman wants position, wnoiesaie or retail, uaii .. a4j. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. TWO EXPERIENCED women want cafe teria or restaurant, chamber work or janitress. W 435. Oregonian. YOUNG woman wants position of trust, any kind of work, all day or half days. tie 40, uregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Sellwood 1932. LADY, past middle age, w ants house keeping, with little daughter. AP 452, oregonian. KHLibi nurse cares for the sick, conva lescent, aged, through the day, children ovenings. aiar. a-io. EXPERI E NX ED demonstrator of food products deires position either in or out of caty : best references. East 1223, LADY wants work by day. can do most a nyt n in g; can give best of ref erences. w oooiawn 4ir4. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work, washing and Ironing; references. Fhone Marshall 3039. SCANDINAVIAN woman wants day work. au cents nour, cooking, laundry, house cleaning. East 64S. SITUATION In millinery shop bv girl graduate Girls' Polytechnic school. LADY wants work evenings, wait table or run elevator: handy at most anything. Marshall 1 after 2 P. M. OLORED w oman can do your washing and ironing in a few hours. Phone 525-28. NEAT, refined young lady would like car ing for home while couple are employed. A E 452. Oregonian. Vt OMAN wants to help with housework Tor room, board and small wages. Ad dress D 456. Oregonian. THOROUGH LY experienced wants pantry worn, cai e ten a or bakery, afternoon or nignt. .cast l'jmh. WANTED A position as cook in hospital or institution; can take full charge. K 4uH, Oregonian. WIDOW, with daughter 13, would like cooking lor 3 or 4 men. T 403, Ore go nian. WANTED Position as manager of aoart ment house or hotel, by capable woman. fhone East 4103, Mrs. Taylor. STOUT hearty woman, housecieaning. washin, ironing, 40c hour; not less than 5 hours; good reference. Mar. 890. HOUSEKEEPER, capable, hotel, apart ment or rooming nou.ie; country pre fer ren. i i.i.i. ore com an. RESPONSIBLE woman wishes position as cook for gentlemen ; west side. Miss Clapp, Marshall 707. POSITION, waitress or second maid, ex perienced, best references. AH 475, Oregonian. RELIABLE woman would like to care for children during day or would do bouse work; can give references. AuL 526-22. TWO YEARS experienced elevator oper ator, aiarsnan oi. WOMAN wishes day work of any kind wooaiawn 14. RESPONSIBLE child's nurse' will care for children after noon. Aut 233-11. EXPERIENCED private exchange girl wants position. Phone Sell. 3295. GOOD capable cook, out of city preferred; reierence. v uregoni a n . FEW HOURS work daily except Saturday ana gunaay. cciireq woman. tat 13a. GIRL wishes place to stay with children evenings, call Kast 7347 mornings. RELIABLE middle-aged lady will care for hildren py -nour. att cents. Bdwy. 260!. WOMAN wants wont, caii evenings alter if. yt. wooaiawn nofjs. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work with nouseKeepmg rooms. East 6022. WANTED Position as housekeeper, widow with one enna. Phone Mar. 1955. PIPE organist wishes position in small theater nights. V 446, Oreaonian. CALL Main 68. room 12 for a chamber- maid. QUICK, willing, intelligent woman wishes nan aay worn. a ioj. uregonian. DAY WORK, washing, ironing and clean ing. Monday. Call East 2964 at 2:30. PRACTICAL nurse ready for position; erence. woodlawn 1241. EXPERIENCED lady elevator operator Call Mar. 3559. wants position. ORK wanted by hour. Bdwy. 2937, room 20. COMPETENT woman wants day work; references. Woodlawn 2328. OM AN WANTS DAY WORK. MAIN 5849. LAUNDRY done beautifully at my home; p r ices very reasonable. Main 9132. EXPERIENCED woman wants work clean ing, etc. Mam ot, apt, a. COLORED girl, general work, part days or work by hour, cast Pi'M. WILL cook and serve dinners, luncheons. teas; splendid references. Tabor 152W. EXPERIENCED woman cook, small res- taurant or cafeteria. Marshall n'j. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, -74. washing and cleaning, can a. LACE curtains, all kinds, hand laundered; 11 years' experience. fc.ast oi:m. OMAN 626-36. wishes day work. Automatic TWO housemaids, experienced. Oregonian. WOM.AN wauU day wurk. Call -st iS13. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG lady employed in office, would tike to make change; would assist io country store, or would care for children in a nice home; references If desired. M 456. Oregonian. . YOUNG lady wishes housework small, neat family; am neat with self; worn, goo a, plain, economical cook; can tane cnarge will go to beach for summer; $50; ref- erences. v 4;4 Oregoniaii LET US give you estimates on your house cleaning, woodwork, windows ana nam wood floors cleaned by resDOneibi ladies: satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 20 ;,t . WOMAN, experienced, reliable, wants po sition as companion for widow, house keeper for elderly couple or widower with child. Congenial home more than wages, ak 4ti, uregonian. BUSINESS college girl wishes work in refined family for room and board an small wages: experienced. W 420, Ore gonian. ELDERLY lady would like cooking on farm .or tamo: neat, saving, witn . perience; reasonable wage. Phone Mar shall i98 WANTED By experienced bookkeeper, set of books to keen evenings; also steno graphic work or typewriting. Main 712! after . ELDERLY woman wants lieht housekeep ing or oosition as mother's helper; will accept out-of-town position. Phone Taboi M13. E 4.i8, Oregonian. SEVEN years' experience In general office work, typing, some stenography, half or all day; references; reasonable. Phone K. 7044. YOUNG business woman wants to manage apartment house, salary and furnished apartment; husband bond salesman. 434, Oregonian EXPERIENCED demonstrator in food products wishes work in town or trave best references. Call E. 4116 Sunday A. M. or evening, after 6 o'clock. YOUNG lady with 6 years' experience wishes position on switchboard; doctor office or general office work; references. .Marshall 53JS7. CAPABLE woman wants housekeeping or managing apartment house or roomin house in this city; reference; C. S. em p 1 o yer preferred. BC 4. uregonian. EXPRRTEXCED e aa ii i e r in hotel d i n i n room wishes position; have had experi ence In seating oooule. etc. Y4s7,Ore gnnlan. WANTED Job as cook or helpor in cam or ranch by strong, middle-aged woman good work for good wages. A 44a, Ore- gonian. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR- QUISETTE .CURTAINS done up like new W : : call East s.iio WILL CARE for children by day. after noons or evenings; regular prices. Call Miss Glasspool, East 5."36. LADY wants housecleanlnh, ot her work ; good work Woodlawn 6305. washing guaranteed. LAUNDRESS wishes bundle wash, worn en's clothes and men's; special on silks and silk shirts. Phone Bdwy. 1916. FIRST-CLASS cook, colored, wants 4 hrs. work every day except Sunday. Phone East 8n98. MEN'S and family washing, dered, moderate charges. Marshall 6059. hand laun 402 4th at. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires per manent position; A-l references. Mar shall 1413. WANTED By a woman, care of children evenings or other work alter 4 o cioca, Phone Woodlawn 969. ALL-AROUND beauty parlor operator. Will accept out-of-town position. Phone Main 1N1S. Miss Milne, apt, o. ELDERLY woman will do light housework in small plain fajmly; 3 a week, it o EX I'KHI K N ' t: I laundress wishes to take work home; fine work a specially; will call for and deliver. Sellwood 366. EXPERIENCED lady wants washing, iron Ing and cleaning; city reference, wooa lawn 4S05. MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for children afternoons and evenings while motner is absent; best references. Taoor iju. vvpkh IKX'CEI) n f l' i ti e e i r 1 and switch board opr. desires position ; best ref. Main 5613. c i P nr seininir cround iob wanted by mother and daughter, -o to u men. ajj 4S4. Oregonian. VERY experienced woman wants allround flttv work: expert aunnrp-w. r-asi v.- Bookkeepers, Menugrapuera, Office. WANTED POSITION" BY YOUNG LADY AS ASSISTANT BOOKKBKl'KK, T I f- INO AND GENERAL OFFICE WORK. FOUR Y-BARS' EXPERIENCE. CALL TABOR 25ti. W 43L OREGONIAN. YOUNG lady stenographer, four years' ex perience, desires responsible clerical po sition, general oft ice work or assistant bookkeeper: can operate Elliott-Fisher billing machine and private switchboard reierence. East 6702. Call Monday. STENOGRAPHER WITH 5 YEARS' EX PERIENCE. DESIRES r u s ri' i u ; BANK WORK PREFERRED: WILL CONSIDER POSITION OUT OF THE CITY. A 454. OREGONIAN BOOKKEEPER Have made a specialty for four years oi Keeping dookb ior nnm who require part time only. Can audit. open and close books, install systems, revenue statements, aroauway , io-. BoOKK KEPKR capable or handling full ut nr hmtkn rtesirM permanent doswuu does typing: best of references. Cail Wdln. T012. vnri: indv living at home desires gen eral office worn ior avnceuie.ni. sLeno. and typist; $50 per mo Phone 8 A. M. to 1 P. M Automatic 522-33 POSITION wanted by stenographer; have had 5 years lumner. insurance aim legal experience; local references. Phone Marshall SKl EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typist, wishes position, good penman; win consiaer out of town position. Wdln. 12S5. W. 418, Oregonian COMPETENT bookkeeper, stenog., at "res ent employed, desires to secure where there is chance for advancement; will start at moderate salary. Tabor 1150. ix: u-iciA- rw-i.:lon m stenographer 15 years expenen , pi-iei -mw where but one stenographer is necessary, A J 46, r.gonian. WANTED Position by young lady, experi enced in general omce wuin. -eeuKtomed to meeting public. Phone East 2323. YOUNG lady with 3 years' experience as stenographer, bookkeeper and billing clerk, wants position : goou cnjr enees. Phone East 7056. THOROUGHLY competent stenographer and office woman uesn- Dorarv or permanent, not afraid of any line of work. Tabor 2253, STENOGRAPHER Have had little ex perience. Willing iu tion desired. V 442. Oregonian EXPERIENCED stenog. wants position, 67S before 2 P. M. Sunday. WOMAN, experienced, desires position- clerical, asst. DOOKKcepinK ur Hi-nust"- ic; eHnratofi and responMum. oo7. RtTivBD voung lady typist with expe- rience WOUIQ liae uiiiv;- wwi. - , , ri ST A AH Oregon ian EXPERT typist and stenographer, witl 5 years experience, uwuw H47.V COMPETENT. capable stenograpner- bookkeeper aesirea East 3357. nit k flnifv honk keener desires per .u. w - , A n,un,.nt nosition: lumucr uibichcu. 486. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and DOg- rapher desires pooiuuu - Oregonian YOUNG lady, college education. 4 years experience as nenum-pi r,, tary, desires position Woodlawn 6244. KXPBRI-NOED bookkeeper and typist desires powiuoa; oi 4o. Oregonian. WANTED Clerical position by girl 'no has had yearn 1CI11-0 Woodlawn 63SL WHAT sort of a position nave you iwr stenograjwier-oooKner . j - n a mo. : o n. YOUNG ladyvwith experience wants work as assistant uuun , , " fice work: references, wdln. 921. EXPERIENCED stenograpner oesires posi tion, nan u j - Oregonian YOUNG LADY wants positiou, ledger post ing, iaing, genenu -v.. 258. LET ME type your plays, stories, etc., at home evenings. " 1 " ' ' BEGINNER wlsnes sienuRi dymu jjuniuuu. Please can i-asi oow. COMPETENT stenographer desires posi tion, rnone m-m LADY wishes bookkeeping and office work. expert enreo. rAi nnt. l'oUNG lady desires position, experienced In "general office work. Selrwood 2471. YOUNG lady desires office position; good references. aui""i COMPETENT experienced bookkeeper- ti.nnerDner rei cni.es. .iawi oon-i. PcSITION as hrst-class Diner or typing an clerical w'. K-" E Vp ER1ENCED stenographer wishes po sition. Mam jmt. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion ; moderate amai j. u.uvi vt. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. At 61S-7. PLAIN sewing and- children s clothes neclaitv. can wuumwn oio. PLAIN SEWING WANTED. Main 3259. 305 12th st. PRACTICAL dressmaking. 715 Everett t. Phono iin xu-o. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmaker. DRESSMA KING, alterations, remodeling. children' sewing. reasonable prices. Mae be He. apt.. Jefferson and 11th. apt. 36 Marshall 5714. DOLLAR dresses for children a specialty: unllned coats. S3, lined S5: ffood work 980 E. 20th North. AB or Irv. car. 11 to 5 week days. MODISTE, recently from New York, will develop your sorlne frocks most dis tinctively at reasonable prices. Phone Main 3164. ENGAGEMENTS by day experienced dressmaker; remodeling, reasonable, teed. Broadway 1567. bv thoroughly designing and work guaran- GOWN'S and suits designed and made or remodeled at your home, $7 per day. Miss Cottretl, Hotel Caples. 330 Taylor st. Marsnaii :juu. PLAIN SEWING wanted, children's dresses a specialty. 670 Belmont st. Take S. S. car. EXPERIENCED seamstress wishes dress making and plain sewing. East 173-t, Mrs. Craig. I WiLL d-eaign or make attractive dresses ror nttie girls up to the age of 10 years. Phone mornings. East 20.19. EXPERIENCED dressmaker or tailoress will sew at home or by the day. Tele phone East 777S. DRESSMAKING; prices moderate; work guaranteed. 311 Central bldg. 10th L Main 3408. GOWNS, cbats. made, remodeled, in homes. exclusive designing, embroidering. Tabor IMUO. SEW I NG by day, children's clothes also. Sellwood 35tf6.Mrs. Burrows. GOWNS, suits, coats made to order. Lelah Batchinson. 827 Morgan bldg. COMPETENT dressmaker will sew in your nome.. .viar. aitt. , PLAIN sewing, underwear and children'' clothes. Automatic 517-28. Nurses. EXPERT infant nurse, with long experi ence; best of reference, wants perma nent position to care for one baby. H 430. Oregonian. CAREFUL, experienced, practical nurse desires position, children preferred; best physician's references; would leave city if nece.tsary. T 463, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse, hospital experience, wishes case; references. Woodlawn 5224. Call after 11 A. M. COMPETENT nurse desires employment and engagements; reasonable. S 449, Oregon I an. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse desires cases for March; maternity cases given special attention. Woodlawn 2732. GRADUATE nurse, ina-sseuse. wants case or institutional position. East 3&51. REFINED girl would like position nurse. AH 474. Oregonian. FRENCH gov best referenn mess to smalt childre 324 North 23d st. NURSE Practical, short or' long engage ments; best reference. Broadway 723. PRACTICAL nurse ready for case at once; women and children only. Main 4.4b. IURSES, efficient and trained, by day or week; old rates. Mar. 349. Housekeepers. COMPETENT, respectable widow lady with one small child, good cook and house keeper, fond of children, wishes a posi tion as housekeeper for respectable widower, preferably one who has one child; city or country; reasonable wages. Cottage Grove. Or.. P. O. Box 612. AMERICAN refined woman wishes house keeping for elderly man; have no in cumbrance; middle-aged; country or city ; good home preferred. Nellie Will tains, Aberdeen, Wash. 'INCUMBERED, refined lady house keeper wishes position In widower's or bachelor's home ; will do washing and tewing. No objection to one child. AH 469, Oregontan. WIDOW, unincumbered, wishes housekeep ing plain home, good cook, neat and clean; more for home than wages; must have work. Broadway Hotel, 22 North Broadway. CAPABLE WOMAN WiTHOlT CHIL DREN, GOOD COOK. WANTS POSI TION AS HOUSEKEEPER. A 473, OREGONIAN. YOUNG woman of experience wnU house keeping in widower's home; no objection to one or two children ; references e c banged. Marshall 360. LADY with small child, neat, econamical. good housekeeper, wants position, east ern Oregon preferred ; references ex changed. Mrs. H. C. Bailie, Oswego, Or. YOUNG woman with small child wishes position as housekeeper in nice family; good home more than wages considered; references exchanged. Y 4.")6. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper, lady a years, witn Doy or o years; country preferred; no triflers need answer. C 460, Oregon i a n. WANTED Position as nousekeeper for gentleman or couple employed by young woman with -y ear-old girl. 4712 E, 6."th st. S. E. Mt. Scott car. EASTERN lady wants housekeeping ; go anywhere, city or ranch, i 44'J, Orego nian. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BV WO MAN WITH SCHOOL GIRL, 10 YEARS. B 464. OREGONIAN. REFINED young lady, alone, would like position housekeeper lor widower. AL 470, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AG ED lady wants housekeeping. adults; good cook ; country preferred. Phone Marshall 4436. WIDOW, child 6 months old, wants house keeping ; ranch preferred. A 448. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED woman with two smail children wants position as nouscaeeper. M 4 2S, Q-eKonian. WIDOW with baby wants housekeeping work. Call 4303 91st St. S. E. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing hv day. Auto. 223-oH. LADY wishes a position as housekeeper. 262 Clay st., room 1. Marshall 1336. Dome tics. YOUNG woman with baby wants position In private home; good cook; capable of taking full charge; city references. Ap ply 514 Worcester bldg. EXPERIENCED cook wishes position in nice family; can furnish best of ref erences. O 443, Oregonian TYPEWRITING done at my home; dicta tion. but no shorthand. Marshall 9H1. . HouHecleaning. HOUSECLEANING. House cleaning, window washing, carpet cleaning by expert workmen, lioors waxed, furniture polished. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICB. 188 Chapman st Phone Main 1157. RUGS and carpets hand cleaned, color re stored, made to look like new. J. .Lam bert, Marshall 44H5. ANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED Mother and daughter wiMi fur nished or unfurnished home, apartment, or flat, by March 1j. Best care. L 461. OregoniaiK WANTED To rent by April 1. small fur nished nouae, aesiraoie neignoornooa, hv wmns- counle. no children: best ref- erences: will lease. T 4oS, Oregonian. RESPONSI BLE business man wants to lease a 6 or 7-room modern tinu.se ror 1 or 2 years, preferably 2. Phone E 6619. WANTED Modern 6 or 7-room house by reliable party, permanently located in business. Taoor '.mi. ' WILL give 3 months' rent in advance for small partly iurnisnea nous iiv ju on la villa district. Tabor 2617. WANTED To buy or rent, by responsible party; no cniidren, in ioo run aistrict, a small house or fiat. B 433, Oregonian. WANTED to rent modern 6-room home. nice location, by responsible party. Mar shall 5709. WANTED To lease a houseboat for six months or a year; mouern. caai 410 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WISH to rent a house, lower flat or a part of modern home in good district. T 460, Oregonian. HOUSE of 9 rooms or more, would buy some furniture, not to exceea siu, west side preferred. E 432, Oregonian. ISH to lease for 2 years or longer, mod ern 6-room bungalow or house, not over $30. East 6S0JK OR 6-ROOM modern, well-furnished bungalow, garage. Rose City district preferred; 2 or 3 months. Main 2160. WANTED, house at Gearhart, Seaside or Cannon Beach, lor part or wxioie or summer. P 411, Oregonian. BOUT April 1. house near D-M car line. 3 or 4 bedrooms; no cniiaren. x Oregonian. ANTED House at Gearhart. Seaside or Cannon beach for part or whole of sum mer. P 411, Oregonian. WANTED A small house, furnished or unfurnished, wimam uuner, rnone rasi 841. OR 6-ROOM modern furnished; would lease for year; references furnished. Phone Main 1334 or 4916. OR 7-ROOM modern uniurnlshed house, east side, no children. Col. 521. OUR or five room oungalow, no chil dren; referenced. Automatic s.'ft-na. ANTED 3-room furnished house, no children. Phone Sellwood 3717. ANTED To rent, 5-room house. upper Albina. AK 42, Oregonian. BY RESPONSIBLE couple, small house. by Marcn 1. 1 anor 1 . ANTED Small house, reasonable rent; Sunnvside preferred. Call Tabor 6,). WANTED A house to rent. Phone Wood lawn 3:y2. . UNFURNISHED modern house. 5 or 6 rooms, win tease, rnone cot, q-j. WANTED To ren t furnished hou. or six jroomjb oe lauor b'JJJ. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER A FRANK'S In formation an d Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date llsta of desirable scant houses, apartments and Lata witl definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Sixth Floor. FAMILY of 2 will lease for year modem 5 or 6-room bungalow with garage, lo cated on paved street. Wyi pay 40 or $45 per month if suitable. Must be in good condition. Piedmont or Rose City preferred. Will give best references. Room 20. Multnomah hotel. WANT TO RENT 5 OR tf-ROOM MOD ERN HOUSE. WITHIN REASONABLE DISTANCE OF GOOD GRADE SCHOOL; WILL CONSIDER EITHER FUR NISHED OR UNFURNISHED; REF ERENCES. CALL LUVETT, BENSON HOTEL. PHYSICIAN and wife want to lease for 6 . months or year 5 or 6-room strictly modern furnished (bungalow preferred) with garage, by April 1, Portland His., Irvington, Laurelhurst or Rose City Park.- Best of references and care. BC 465. Orejjonian. WANT to rent, for 2 aduita, good rast side dwelling of 5 or G rooms; jnust be thoroughly clean and sanitary, with full basement, some ground and garage; will pay $35 monthly; Sellwood dis trict preferred ; take possession April 15. AN 426. Oregonian. . WANT to rent by April 1, o or 6-room. well furnished home in good district; can partly furnish if necessary; young couple, no children; best references. C 405. Oregonian. . WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4-room unfur nished modern bungalow with or near garage, by March 15; permanent tenants; no children; references given; state rent first letter. P. O. Box 2059. . WANT to lease for 1 year or lontjer mod ern unfurnished 8 to 10-roorn home; will pay $75 to $125 per month; $10"0 In advance. Phone Broadway 411, room 70S. WANTED To lease for year or more, by responsible young couple, 4 or 5-room unfurnished house; will take best of care and can furnish references. Auto. BY RELIABLE couple. 6-room house or 6 and sleeping porch, not too far out; Rose City preferred; will pay 6 months in adv.; rent not to exceed $40 per mo. Phone Mam 5NJ8. COUPLE want to lease, year or more, 3 to 5-room modern bungalow, close in. by April or May. References. Sunday Call Sell. 2604; Monday Bdwy. 143H. WANTED Nicely furnished 7 or a-room house for summer months, June, July and August. Phone Main 1497 or ad dress 612 Morgan bldg. WANT MoDERN house, acre or t-o, near school, car, 30 min. center Portland; will take good care; give particulars. F. Moore, 440 olh St., A.torla, Or. WANTED I OR 6-ROOM HOUSE O FLAT. REASONABLE; WILL, Bl SO. VI E FURNITURE. M 442r ORE GONTAN. WANTED fo rent and lease o-room un furnished house, east side, by April 10, by absolutely responsible party. Tabor :ts4r.. WANTED TO RENT Permanently. 7 8-room modern bouse by April l; waiK ing distance of St. Vincent' s hospital adults otilv; best of references. E. 4.VMI, WANT ED To rent, unfurnished o-i'oom house, would like furnace and sleep' inc porch ; best references. Phone E 4123. WANTED By April 1, 5 or 6-ruom fur nished house, with rruit trees ana garuen space, best references. i'hone Tabor WANTED to rent, furnished, a modern 2 room buncalow wanted by March L" Rose City or Irvington preferred. 2S E, S'.'rt sf. N. CoUI'LE would like to care for a honn Home one contemplating a 3 months' trip or longer; can give Petit ot reicrences. Sellwood 104O. WANTED 3-room furnished house, three adults: long time or lease; best c and references. Call AuL 320-11, or Mr. Clark. Bread way WANTED To rent by March 20. small furnished or unfurnished house with fruit and garden, by 2 adults; might buy If priced right. X 4-6. Oregonian W A : T E D For rent by March 1 3. 5 6-room furnished or unfurnished house with garage a nd garden space; small family, two girls. East S06O.1 WAN T ED TO R E N T 2 to 5-room fur ni.-med or unfurnished house or tlat by reliable couple, one small baby. Call Main 4t3I. WANT ED Small furnished hue or flat - by responsible couple, no children, who will take best of rare of place; refer ences. AG 4 i !, Oregonian. WANTED RENT HOUSED. SEND IN YOUR LISTINGS. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KXTff. WANTED To rent, near school, a snmll place, modern, where renter can have chickens, cow and garden. Phone Bdwy, 5610. Call room 21. FAMILY of three want to rent, base, 5 ti-room unfurnished modern bungalow any time before -May 1. Best care guar anteed. Tabor 1772. WANTED Unfurnished house, modern, or 6 rooms, siorago space in basement or garage, references furnished. East i m. RESPONSIBLE business man wants lease a 6 or 7-room modern house for 1 or 2 years. Preferably two. I'hone East Will. WANTED To rent small suburban home furnished or unfurnished, close to elec tric line. April 1. by ou ng couple, no children, will lease. T 4.V2. Oreontan WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room bungalow, modern and in a good location; wanted by March l.V V 4IS. Oregonian. Apiirtnieni WANTED 3 or 4-room unfuruishod apt. or fiat by March 15, man and wife; best references. P. (. box 262. UNFURNISHED 1-ruom apartment with private bath by 2oth of March; must be close in on west sine. Auto, nin-.t.l. UNFURNISHED apt., Irvington or Wusl Side; about $50. Auto. 312-43. ; .ooms. ELDERLY lady wanis a good unfurnishet room, house keeoinic privileges, good lo cation, private family preferred, B 448, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished room, close in. f workinif man: phone privileges; I get mv work over phone; stale price. C 442. Orecontftn, Rooms Witn Boar a. vi 11 : N.t : married woman w ill Kive board and room to 1 or 2 girls for 4 or 6 weeks, for company evenings, while hus band is away; prefer some one who is engaged during day; close-in; references exchanged. 1 0.:, orvguniau wiM'Kij A auiet place, homelike, for lady slowly recovering from sickness, as yet not aoie 10 oe up. ciusr-iu. nw. Salmon st. Phone Main 7927. call W. J Conrad. W A NTED Refined home for two children, aged 7 and 9 years, where mother can also room and board; preferably In walk ing distance of U. S. custom house or near ood modern school. Call Col. 414. WANTED A responsible party to take care of gin ana ooy, o anu 1, Biaiw pm-a wanted; prefer place with no other chil dren. F 434. uregonian. WANTED Room with private family for lady and boy. 4 years, wanting boy taken care of days; will pay liberal. Phone room 415 Caples hotel. J-YE AR-OLD girl and father want room and board, reflnd home, good dis trict. A J 490, Oregonian. WANTED Business girl wishes room and board in private family. L 467, Orego nian. ROOM or small apt. and care of girl of 6 while mother works. N 463, Oregonian. BY BUSINESS woman In congenial home, west side. B 461. Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED In private family, west side, nicely furnished room. for light house keeping or room and kitchenette for one employed; must be clean and com for tab le. BF 476, Oregonian. WANTED by young lady, employed, one light housekeeping room, light and well ventilated; walking distance, not over $10 a month. Phone Sunday. Auto. 521-73. WORKING mother with boy, 9 years, wants to rent housekeeping rooms, west side preferred; state terms. AE 4ol, Oregonian PLEASANT furnished housekeeping room wanted by single lady, Portland Heights, or on outskirts of city preferred. E 476, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPING room where lady will take care of girl of 4 years; mother works ; Wfest Side. Main 7751. Business Places. WANTED A small building in or near Portland, to hold 4 or 5 cars for auto repairing; give particulars in first letter. AC 43H, oregoni-n WANTED To rent, in lawyer s offices, room with phone privileges; references given. AP 4i2. Oregonian. WANTED To delicatessen. rent Call a place suitable for Main 1520. FURNISHED flat for 3 adults, by March 15; will buy furniture if reasonable. Bast 2326. " , Miscellaneous. WASTED 5 or 6 aerea for potatoes closa to city. iol, Orcgoniao. FOR KENT. NICELY furnl&hed room, private bitth. close In, west side; I6 per mouth; otnee man only. Main 4 7 i I . SO.M E good, tiean sleeping room housekeeping; no chlidren. 655 tngton st. 1. lil-O Wash- I'uriiUhrd Rooms. BEAUTIFULLY situated new country home, open May 1 to select few, people wishing to recuperate, convn lescenccs taaen also, maid in attendance ; f ur nished tents and beautiful oak grove, suitable for families wuli children if de sired; make reservations now for spring or summer months; price reasonable and accordingly. I'hone Bdwy. S-'u 1, or address 2"2 Fliedner bldg., Portland. HOTEL TAIT. Corner 12th nd Stark sts. Modern, all outside rooms. Per week without bth. $5, $6. fT; private baths, $8 50. $10. 12 per week. People of good character 0e sired. AUGELA HOTEL 625 Washington st.. large lobby, automatic elevator, free phones and running water earn room: roooiM with or without ba t ha $5.50 wk. up. Excellent home cooked meals next door SELECT FAMTLY HOT EI HOTEL LENOX. Corner Third and Main eta. Lttractive rnU-n to dls-i lininatlng permanent gu-sis. MAN OR WOMAN employed; a targe, com fortable furni-hed room; all conven iences; break tj-t homo privilege; ref erenees. Main 5739. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st., at East Sixth. The principal east aide hot, digni fied and refined: $1.22 per day and up; n per wcck anl up. HOTEL. HARK. 112 N. Si-th. 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day. $5 per wek aud up. Hot and cold water, kteam heat. Free phone anabath. FOR RENT A nice. larRe. bright and sun ny front room in congenial pnvate haunt suitable for 1 or 2 young ladies; Irving ton district; reference required. Auto, 3'.f-4 FLKNISHKD htcain-heaU'd tlrefuiK room, suitable lor 1 person; outside entrance, close in, walking dtance. i'hone Ea-t S172 SAVON HOTEL, 131 11TU ST. For rent, rooms; clean and homelike, with, or without bath. Transient, $L per day and up. Rates to permanent frirtt. SHEFFIELD A PTS. One single room beautifully furnished; private entrance, clone In. west side lo cat ion : rent $2.V Call Broadway 407; strictly modern rooms, To $5 WEEK. TRANSIENTS, hoc AND UP, N E W I Y FURNISHED. CM .1 ) AN THE NEW AMERICAN. 02 N 3D. HOTEL KLICKITAT, 32S Hollaaay av. Modern sleeping rooms, steam hr.L phone service, hot and cold water, wall ing distance, rent rar-naMe. MUSIC teacher will sriaro Mat with girl employed; music leon. u.e of piano? and homo privileges; reasonable: walk ing distance, references. Main 301 8. GRAND UNION HOTEU 3S K. Burn side; modern sleeping rooms, Meam bout ed, phone service, hot and cold water; $4 per week and up. FOUR lower furnished rooms, f rch iy painted and kalsoinlned; piaJio, garden space, fruit. 120 East 26th fit. E-&1 2011. Aduita. RITZ HOTEU Morrtso n and Pa r k st ret . New. fireproof and modern. Teclal rates to permanent giifwrs. STAND1SH hotel; hot nd cold water, steam heated, for steady roomers. oLV 1 7 1 h. a.shtng t o n st , PLEASANT, convenient, clean room in very desirablo location; gentleman pre ferred. 3'2' 12th st. HAVE 3 b.MutH'ul mode City; gent lemon only c;ir. Call Tabor 753!) rooms in Rosa ,a block from FOR RENT, single sleeping room, heMt, bath and phone, walking dist., west sidu, call .Marshall 370. ST PAUL HOTEL 130 Fourth st. Cea respectable, modern; transient. SI up. Rates to permanent guests NICELY furuifehed sleeping room in mod ern prlvaie home; uul'ahle for 2 gen tlemen; west side. Marshall 3't'". FOR RENT Fine h k. ou front room, $20, use of pool tahle. LCt tpartunnt, $2250; nodern. with fr-n :id st. M.tin 3513. SUNNY, modern room, easy tance. Hotel Royal, corue son and East Th Ird. waikinir dis East Morri- HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at Tenth Rates $1 day up; weekly 15 50 up; free phone a nd baths; wtpa pi h eat. FURNISHED rooms, suilaMe for house keeping. 310 Crosby st. E. 7014. Walk ing distance. SMALL sloeplng room. he;tt. light ami bath. $16. Ankeny court. 935 East Auk eny st. LARGE room and ki ti-hene tte, ujso singli rooms, hot water always for buh and laundry ; very reasonable. 65 KUn 1 r. NTcE FRONT ROOM in private home, suitable for one or two smsle people Call at 845 Union ave. North. VERY neat front pd rlor. reasonable to inswer phone, ln- someone who will quire 206 13th. FoR RENT 2 large furnished downstair us to man aud wilu. 1'liune vvuin. 4984. DEMKABLE furnished ro for rent, 470 Columbia st. LARGE furnishe with ail homo conveniences. FOR C!r RENT Nic. se in. at 5!! front furnished E. Ash sf. STEAM hfi 1 ted rooms, r in rooms. '1 a week: hot and 4?hi M orriMin. m old wati LA RGE ROOM, nice! furnished, suitable for 2 gen tie men. 4 '.m 1 nriniii st. 1 1 DAY. $ 2 50 W E E K up: c . ean . bat free. Hotel : ami lac, .lu near jeiieico ZORN HOTEL. 5TH AND MORRISON Nice H. K.. most entra'ly located. CLEAN sleeping rooms, $2 to $2 50; bath and lobby privileges. 414 in. imn si, LAMGE front two-mom apt rent $5 Marshall 4744 or Marshall M'V TWO-ROOM kitchenette bath ; nice! v fur 140 North 2ld. ntshed; vacant today. 2-ROO.M apartment with sleeping pun-11, new ly tinted. 3'.4 121 h St., cor, iia rni-o" 1 UNFURNISHED room with kitchenette for rent. Hd Gllsan. NICE ctean Too 11 fo wr Working liiai k. 5Mi ('ouch , clo.se st In; rent 3 pe LARGE furnished room. Main 3166. 346 'ollege st., near nroan t'nf urnl-hed R FOR RENT 1 store room v. itii 3 livm 242 Killingbwortn. rooms In conn tion, ondlawn Sl) FurnisluMiRMniH in Prlxalc I mnilr. ROOM for gentleman or ladv with a strictly private jew isn mmiiy ; rei er ences. Broadway 172. SLEEl'l NG porch and healed room, mod ern resilience in j.anu s Aoniuon, warn ing d i s t a n cc. i'hone E. 143 .Monti a y. LOVELY unnv room, fine resident. al di- trict; woman. 3J!4 References. Marshall NICELY lurniued ci un rouina , rca.-on- ,ble; close in. ol v Hoyt street. Mar hall 34 62. . F O R RE N T Nice room 1 u private home for married with home privileges, couple. Tahor S!'24. SMALL room to young woman cmp;oyed. all privileges allowed; rent J. Mi Lucretia street. Marshall 3516. FOR SALE Oakland SIX, $5. Broadway ((. TWO UNFURNISHED room, in fiat Willi kitchen. Hroadway 12;. GOOD clean sleeping room, v. aiking iiia Automnlir J2-7i. t ane. reason a Me. FOR RENT 2 large mild be useii tor h. K. 21'! N. 211 ft. URN ISHED ROOM. uilab. fo private family in irvington. r.M WANTED- -Lady M ain. orur Jefu-r- son and FURNISHED 3 rooms ami bath; close in. I IK. Phone wcim. FRONT ROOM FOU toLEEPING, 254 ADAMS ST. NICELY furnished room for one or twj gentlemen. he;it arm nam. .thiii q-i CLEAN, comfortable 30 11th. room, huiiablo fur two. NICE! clean steamheated room, w ulh ing distance, 9 blocks rrom center. 31 a r. 1 i.n. NICELY furnished rogra with luatory, in beautiful home, cio.-e in. -1 1 01. ROOM with sleeping porch, uso of living room and piano. ouv no 1. COMFORTABLE, clean room in apt. 351 Wash. st . Apt. C. Hilwv, K k at. 1:0ml or tan ie t rout room In p homo; re I erences regimen. r.HM on:. LOVELY furnished front sleeping room for one or two: reasonanie. 1 1 . MODERN rom and kitchenette, gak, liAt and telephone, y 1 ft. r.iist n.v.m. LOVELY sunny room, fin re-ideiitial di Marshall 32: trlct; woman : rei erences. STEAM-HEATED, nice! furnished front !5 12th, apt. 1. room next to pain . WELL furnished r. In pleasant home; gen tlemen preferred: referenee. Tannf fi'-lT. FURNISHED loom Mississippi ave. ior reiu. Jii-u $3 PER WEEK Small room, private 257 12TH ST., large front room, atricily modern, tor two; men oniy. FRONT room, all convenience, west mdc, ntleman oniy. t .ist. FOR KENT Couch st. -Large sleeping ro S L E IC P I NG room; gentl tUIALL xuuUi Ciuao u taatbim. Lul ot