1 10 TTIE SUNDAY OliEGOXIAX, TORTLAXD, MARCH 0, 1021 " . j '"I ' . 9 1 V .4 ... BltAL ESTATB. far bal. -Ilnnsr. MODERN' HOME BARGAINS. Good Bungalows In Good District. LOOK AT THESE TODAY. H WTHORN E Good -room modern cottage-style home with full ce - ment baiifment, paved street; lot 43 xlOO; m re I snap, only $3200, $1000 cash. Located at No. 1140 E. Mad ison street. BOSB CITY Large 8 room and bath: hardwood floors, furnace, full ea aoent bAimnt, laundry tray a, ga rage, chicken house; looxloO; price in a bargain, $o400, $1000 cash; lo cated 6 blocks north of Sandy at No. 1535 Harriiton av., block north of Fremont, between 67th and 66th. rENINSVLA PARK Strfrtly modern 5- Toom bungalow ; hardwood floors, full finished basement, garage; 50x 100. $4uoO; with 102x100, $4500; macadam street; 2 blocks from car and paving; biggest snap in city, located at No. 1 sl Morgan street, 2 blocks from park. NEAR LAURBLHURST PARK Good 6 - room, 2-story horns, lot 60x111; bearing fruit trees; paved, street; full cement basement; fares ea-M : a real bargain and only $4000, $1000 rash. Located at No. 65 E. 81st t, be-twea Stark and Oak. Go look today. WOOPLAWN 4 -room cottar and corner lot; price only $2000, S 750 cash; will sell furninhd If desired; located at 606 Morgan at., corner 15th. forty-second and jreett Half aero with full bearing fruit trees and brrles; 5-room plastered huie. not quite finished; good chicken house, garage. A real snap for only $"1900. half cash. w Located at E. 42d and Jessup. O. O. McCORMTC CO. 242 Washington Street, Near 2d, Main 220 or Main 0318. ROSfS CITY REALTY CO., 2Sth and Sandy Blvd. Bast CGI. Evening, Tabor 6442 6 -room house, lot HOxlOO. Improve mnta in and paid, close in on Sandy; 93MH, $1000 down, terms. House, 6 rooms and bath, lot 83 l-8x loo. sidewalk, gas, light, water. 2 blocks to Sunnyslde car; $4000, $500 down. XRW VTHNMSHED BUNGALOW. Beaut if ul 5-room modern bungalow and attic, hardwood floors, all late bullt- 1ns, This place is completely furnished, cement basement, lot 60x100, close to R. C. car: onlv $5500. $1000 down, terma. ROSB CITY BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, bath, lights, water, white enamel kitchen, all improvements in and paid, full basement with furnace, on R. . C. car line. 4 nkw hawtttornb bungalows. All have 5 rooms and attic, modern, finished In Ivory, hardwood floors, fire place,, improvements in and paid: lot 60x100; all for $4250. with tonus. Don't fail to see these bungalows. Phone or se us about the.se homes: $4726 $50 down. $4250 $7O0 down. $3100 $800 down. ROSE CITY REALTY CO., East Gfil. Evening. Tabor 6442. LAURELH I'RST BUNGALOW. Wonderful fl-room Bungalow, garage. Worth $10.500 Price $S5fiO. Here, folks. Is one of the most modem and up-to-the-minute bungalows In Lau rr'hurst: 8 large rooms, all on one floor; full finiFhed basement with fine furnace, best buffet in Portland, nice fireplace, concrete porches, fine large garage t match house: only 3 blocks from Laurel hurst park In the choicest part of this hleh-class district, surrounded by beau tiful homes, still this is one of the best of them all : beautiful built-in ward robes, with bevel plate mirrors ideal kitchen: shout 5 years old: not a dollar need be spent on this place; worth easily $10 5O0; owner will sacrifice for $S500, ha!f cash. Let us show you the best bungalow in Laurelhurst today. O O. McCORMIC CO., 2-12 Washington st.. near 2d. Main 220 or Ms In 03 18. ROSE CITY PARK ADDITION IS BOOMING. Buy In the fastest-growing district in Portland; more new homes under con at ruction In Rom City than any othe district In the city. Come out and see our photos of classy, distinctive, up-to- the-minute homes. We sure are selling Beads of them.. Our salesmen and autos are at your service. Opon Sundays. A. N. MTrTKELPEN A CO.. 62d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 20S0. FRANK L. McGUTRE SPECIAL! COUNTRY HOME TV THH HEART OF THE CITY! Paved street, cement walk snd sewer all In and paid for! HERE'S SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to own your OWN HOME AND CROW ALL OF your own vegeta bles and fruit! 7-room very at tractive modern home; E. Glisan. Price only $5750 THIS IS A SNAP! Se FRANK L. McGU IR E, To Buv Your Home, Abington Bldg. Main IOCS. ROSE CITY PARK. $ S750 $1000 CASH. Very attractive five-room bungalow, below the hill and only a block from Sandy blvd. This has a very attractive floor plan and all the built-in features; buffet, all hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, con crete basement. House is now under construction. Let us show you this today. R. SOMERVTLLE, 409 U. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. BDWY. 8838. ROSE CITY PARK. BARGAIN. Sir large rooms and sleeping porch, reception hall, fireplace, fine furnace and basement; Dutch Kitchen, large enclosed uacK porcn. narawood no ore. bedrooms, garage. 50x1 oO lot. This home must be sold within the next few days. Good tfrms to reliable parties. For further Information and appointment, call .East 4091. ! T?ETtE'R A CHOICE BUT ! If you're looking for a real value in a comfortable, attractive, modern ROSE CITY bungalow THAT'S a genuine sacrifice. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS! 5 moms, every convenience; nicely located, on E. 76th. This is abso lutely a bottom price. Call Tabor 731 mornings and evenings. IKViNGTuN 7-Koo.M AluDERN. BY OWNER. Modern In every way, hardwood floors. fireplace, furnace, built-lns. breakfast room, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs. kitchen and breakfast room, all done in white, every room In the house papered. Thin place is vacant and in the best of condition and a decided bargain at the price of JtiJMi; terms. See the owner at p;-tr 37fn st. i ROOMS. MODERN Br NG ALOW LA KGB GROUNDS, ACRE. .For 4tKn. Has hardwood floors, book coses, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement bnwment. A real modern attract iv nome, with large grounds. It cannot help but appeal to you. J. A. HUBBELL. 10S9 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S92 "STUCCO OFFICE." UPPER AM1INA. NEAR SHAVER AND WILLTAMS. 7-room, 2-story, 4 bedrooms, full base ment, furnace, good condition, nice corner lot, price right, hurry, hurry, aek. for Mr. Larson, with C. M. PERU, 121 N. W. Rank Bldg., Mar. 2245. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORN B HOME. 7 large, sunny rooms. Ivory finish, tapestry paper, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, beautiful corner lot. .vixlim: abundance ot rosea, garage. fine location, 2 blocks from car; price vtu. t hhhi aown. jso agents, owner, Auto, zu-a.i. FOUR rooms Failing street, floOO. 4 rooms, Alberta, 1S(K. 8 rooms. University Park, 14200. 8 rooms, B. Madison st., $500. 10 rooms. Piedmont. $7000. j. J. McCarthy. 517 Abington BMg. SACRIFICE. Good bungalow on 71st St.. st Haw thorne car, near etoae. school and Franklin high. Cement basement, was-h trays; on wide graveled street: 5 rooms and room in attic for 2 more. Any reasonable offer will take It. Wdln. 2:1 0 IF $iJ."u 6-ROOM mod. bung.. Pipeleaa fur nace; lot 80s 100, garage, sewer, street Imp. paid, fruit, berries; bargain. See Jackson, with J. P. McKenoa, Belmont at 3th. Tabor ft4!3. $2500 1J.0 t-R(XM. very good cottage. 100xK0 lot. chick run. fruit trees; $100 cash. Hurry, and beat the rent man. Se Jackson, with J. P. MclCenna. Bel mont at 3th. Tabor Wf3. FOR Iisooj--BARGAIN', by owner; 4-room Sell w cod bungnlow, bath. Jiglits snd gas: Paving and sewer paid;' lot ."VflxUMi. fruit j and terries; ciose to car. Cell, 10-s, i HEAL ESTATE. Fur Kale Hmtea. $7500 TERMS. HOUSE AND FURNITURE. Traveling salesman's territory has been enlarged, must move nearer center, cannot take house and furniture; lot 40x I-, garden and strawberry bed; 2-story '-year-old house, better than new larire cheerful room. besides recent lo hall, nantrv. hath and sleeping porch attic, over whole house: very light, full cement basement, furnace, laundry, fire Place. oaK floor, built-in nurret. 3 ioi lets: interior decorated last year, wit washahle wall paint: more sanitary an durable than wall Daoer: furnished ne last year, mahneanv and cane livinir room set: $200 dining room set, A. comhination ranee, worth $105: blrdsev maple bedroom set. mahogany 4-pos b4room set. French china dinner s' other articles, all for I7VH: easy terms, or will discount 5 for cash: house alone $6750; terms, or SftflOO cash, phon owner after 1 clock today'or any tim tomorrow. You will pay more If thl goes into an agent's hands. Sell woo fmno $1000 HAWTHORNE COLONIAL BUNGALOW. FINK FIVE-ROOM COLONIAL BUN OA LOW WITH ALT " HARDWOOD FLOORS. ALL THE BUIT-T-TN FBA TURFS. LARGE LIVfNO ROOM WITH FIREPLACE. FINE BUILT-IN BUFFET JN GOOD-SIZED TUNING ROOM; WON PERFUL DUTCH KITCHEN; FC CONCRETE BASEMENT WITH TRAYS ATTIC; FINISHED IN OLD IVORY AND BEAUTIFUL TAPESTRY PAPER PAVED STREET AND EVERYTHING PAID: NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. YOU WILL LIKE THIS. CALL US AT ONCE. R. SOMERVTLLE. U. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. BDWT. 8S38. ONLY $450 CASH. DOVT HESITATE. FOLKfl! GO AT ONCE TO 41 R TILLAMOOK. A BARGAIN AWAITS YOTJ. Five large rooms. standard plumbing, electric lights, gas, fine lot, hard-surface streets, sewer. PRTCB $2430. Vacant; move In, Just walk over to Union ave. and Tilla mook and see It. Newly patnted and In good condition. Must be sold at once. Owner. MAIN 4803 TABOR 8104. TRVINGTON BARGAIN". ROOM BUNGALOW. GARAGE, ONLY S7.Vt0. Here's one of the best built 2-stor? bungalows in Irvington ; large living room, fireplace, biillt-fn bookcases and chfna closets, fine full cement basement with large new furnace, large sleeping ponch. fine large garsre with extra good cment -floor and drive: located on East 12th. near Knott: positively one of the best bargains In Irvington. Lt show yoy this home: trice only $7500. half cash, batance $7.ft0 per month, includ Ing 6 per cent intcrot. O G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington st.. near 2d. Main S220 or Mi In Pqij THE GREATEST BARGAIN WE HAVE HAD TV MONTHS. MUST BE SOLD. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME, "-room bungalow type, 1 more room could he used: 6 rooms first floor, fine large basement, furnace, laundry trays, all kinds of built-lns. wonderful kitchen, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, fine piumbfng; near park, nil Improvements paid. This Is worth $S250. owners are leaving and the price is ?fl050, terms. See it NOW ns It won't last. MART ELS & WILLIAMS, 820 Chamber of Commerce BMg. M. 70R7. Pun.. Mar. 5063. Weekdays Main 7007. $473 SMALL PAYMENT DOWN $2475. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW TYPE. 6 rooms, 4 rooms first floor, one bed room and ha th downstails; good base ment, plumbing, electric lights, gas; . house In fine condition; comer, 50x100. pnr ear; a real buy at less thpn house wou'o: cost to build. Sundny, Marshall 6'3; week days. Main 70(17. Mar'eU A ctn '-n o fiiornot. rf C-m bMc. $2050 M ODE R V BUNG A LOW $2050. AN OLD-TTME BARGAIN. SEE THIS TODAY. 7 rooms. 5 rooms first floor, fine base ment, good plumbing, electric lights, gas, fireplace, built-lns, east front, fine 50x100 let: only $500 down and It is cer tainly a bargain. Sundav Mar. fSOflS, weekdavs Main 707. Marlels & Will lams. 820 Ch am. of Com. Bid g. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW" ft rooms, nice living room, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen. 3 sleeping munis, cemeni nasement; Tine furnace, nice level full-size lot. bearing fruit irees, nn Ktnns of flowers and roses price $3650; $.V)0 down, balance easv; here's a real home In first-class condi tion inside and outside. See Royal, t - w mm i'iv nivn . nor i 174. TWO-FLAT I!I-" Pivi; OR DUPLEX HOUSE. Five rooms and bath In each flat: cement basement, two laundry trays and two fruit rooms, large floored nMlo, RflxlOO lot: alley In rear: price $3250. about half enwh. balance on time. BROWN & GRANT. 201 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. ROSE CITT DISTRICT. Here's a nice little bungalow needing a little tinkering: no bath, but room for one: 5 good room, buflt-ln kitchen, water, lights and gas are in: French windows and doors; a real cute looking little place, full-size east front lot, fruit pnd roses: $1700 tnkes It. Pee Royal, 72'l and Smdv blvd. Tabor 7174. west park home. Only $6000 for a nice home on beau tiful West Pnrk at. Address Inquiries to P. O. Box 377. WEST SIDE FLAT BARGAIN'. Modern flat building, consisting of -two flats, five rooma each, two fur naces, two fireplaces and built-in, on Jackson, near Park St.: rtrice $7500. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce BM,r. 5-ROOM large bungalow. Rose Cltv; built-ins, buffet, bonkc,nes. oak floors fireplace. gas heat. French windows, enamel and ivory finish, full basement, east front, paved, garage, 60x100. $4-730. Terms J. C. CORBTN CO.. 3rtS-ft-7 T.wH Tlde. TRVINGTON BUNGALOW. R500 fo ra fine modern up-ot-date 7-room bungalow with garage, near Knott St.: never offered for sale be fore; seen by appointment only; terms. IT. Ij. HLA.MHAHli, 401-5 Pwc (land bid. Marshall 82ft. $LT.r.O ROSE CITY TARE DISTRICT. Nifty modern 4-room bungalow. A full plumbing and fixtures, electricity, gas. nice Dutch kitchen, two good bed rooms, fine basement, wash trays, kitch en range inclunpn ; nlc lawn, shrubbery, fruit: terms. Tabor $.1000. Owner must sell; no agents; two houses, n and 3 rooms. East Portland, two earllnes. live in one, rent the other. Phone Sunday Sellwood 613; weekdays Main is:. $52.'4t 0 rooms, modern, furnace, fire p'nee. laundry trays, lot 10x03, earn ire 87JW) cash. 60 fet from Laurelhurst streets, sewer paid. This Is a snap. See J I'. McKenna, Belmont at 3'Jth. Tab. WEST SIDE FLAT BUILDING. Modern four flats of four rooms each: on College and 12tb sts. : rented for $110.50 per montn: price 10. 000. JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerce "PMg. HAVE two-story orlcK building, corner Russell and Borthwlck streets, 7 rooms, housekeeping, on second floor: first floor rented: ft garages in rear, all occu pied; net income $66; price $1000; terms. s:4 BortnwicK st. $4000 HOUSE for $2.i:0; terms $flr0 cash, Dig lot, a nice-iooKing. weti-ouiit place, nicely located : full cement basement, buitt-fns, etc. ; fruit, several other good bargains In IS to 8-mom modern places. n. - . nnnr.M'. ."i .in sr. $JJ(V BUYS 4-room cottage, with bath. close in, 1 diock rrom canine, school and library; small payment down, bai. per month. including Interest Bushue. 513 Cham. Com. $A00 COZY 5-room cottage, some built Ins. plenty room for garage and garden would like Il'.I cash, but will take Tes See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 89th. l anor h-iim ijiMHt 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Fine condition, full basement, 60x200 lot. truit and perries; 1 o;ks. to pave ment: 7 "blks. to car. $500 down. PMTTH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. 6-ROOM bungalow, full basement, built-lns. 1 rays, goou conamon, location, splendid view, paved, near car, school, close in. J. C. CORBIN CO.. flOB-6-7 Iwl BTfle-. ROSK CITY CORNER $110O. Below Hill. S. W. cor. 53d and Tilla mook: paving" and sewen paid. Owner. Main 534, YOU like the convenience of an apart ment, see this apartment bungalow; brand new, all modern. 5337 67th st. S. E. . DANDY fl-room bungalow, bath and garage, one diock imm canine; small payment down. balance like rent. Bimhue, 51 Cham. Com. $2850 6-ROOM bungalow, sightly lot. 1 erms. Keasonale homes at all prices. Claude W Kem-n. Mu'fnomah. Mifn '14?M. SALE 8-room house and 3 lots In Bostrom, Clinton, Kan. Mrs. Gus E. Oftk Point, Wash. Si X FOR SALE bv own-r, moiiern H-room tLOUe. hot water iu;a.L Halh.t &Vo, REAL F. STATE. For hale House. "35 Years in Portland" "35 Years in Portland" $3350 Hawthorne dist.; 7 r., sleeping porch, fireplace; bungalow; cor - ner; $850 cash. $4000 Margaret ave.; 7 r.; double fur nace, two sets plumbing. conserV atory; AOxlOO; $1000 cash. $3SO0 Alberta; new 5-r. bungalew: fire place, hardwood floors, built-ins; full lot; paved; haif block to car. $2450 1A Tillamook; great buy; 5-r. plastered bouse; paved streets.; near Union; $450 cash; vacant. I31S0 St. Johns; 10-r. plastered; porce lain plunrbing; looxloO: fruit; neatly painted; 375 cash. 4800 Rom -City 7-r. bungalow type, like new; furnace, fireplace, all conveniences; paved; $1000 cash. J 7000 Nob Hill 8-r.; furnace, fireplace. breakfast room, attic, maid's room, garage; terms. $7500 Two flats. . Live in one, other will pay for property; near Burn side bridge;' JJOOO mortgage placed on eame terms. i $18,000 Haw thorne ave.; four flats. I two furnished complete; ow cash. Tabor 8101. G. C. GOLDENBISRt, REALTOR Abington Building; Main 4803. HOUSES FOR SALE. ' Vaneouver-Woodlawn Cars. Open Sunday 14U3 Union Ave. $3500 Small payment down and will take two or three-room house or good lot or auto for part pay ment; house Is clean, ready to oicupy and a choice corner where a store or delicatessen can be added if desired and pluutably conducted; both streets paved and paid. VVOOIJLAWN CAR. Open Sunday. 1432 E. 27th St. N. $2500 Easy terms; bungalow like new. ready to occupy; fruit trees, ber ries, garden, chicken house, ce ment walks; among neatly kept homes. ALBKRTA, NEAR WILLIAMS. $3000 Very good six-room house, base ment, vacant, fractional lot; about one-fourth cash. GEO. E. ENOLEHART CO.. Pros d way 8173. H24 Henry Bldr. $350f) MODERN six-room bunga low, double construction, half block from car; street paved; $11'00 cash; Immediate, possession; snap. J3100 Seven rooms, full basement, cement garage; Kelly St., near Gibbs, west side; 11600 cash, $3200 Plx-room house, well fur nished; three lots. 100 feet from car; 12 fruit trees, ML Scott dis trlcL Select list of houses from $1600 to $10,000; none but bargains listed. A. W. LAMBERT ON-, 120 Grand Ave. i-st 6m KINGS HEIGHTS. Fine view, strictly modern residence, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace: S.00; terms. Fine view, strictly modern, eight rooms. large living room, four bedrooms, besides maid's room; hardwood floors; fine bath, Gasco furnace, fireplace. PfiRTI.AVn HEIGHTS. TteAiitiful errounda. over Quarter block; strictly modern H-roora residence; has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; lot level, on paved street, two blocks to car, five blocks to Atnswnrth school. POINDEXTER. HIGH-CLASS HOME EPECTALTST, 2S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. TABOR P40I. EAST 6771. MR. AND MRS. BARGAIN HUNTER, STOP! LOOK ! READ ! THEN SEE BEAUTIFUL ROSE CI TV BUNGALOW. REALLV A DREAM PLACE. 5 rooms one floor, large floored attic. fine cement basement, laundry trays. furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, very large living room across en tire front of house; nice view; 50x100 lot, garage; all bond liens paid; near car. This is certainly a snap at $5750, on terms. MARIELS A WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. M. 7A67. Sun.. Mar. 5f)B3. Weekdays Main 71)67. $500 IS ALL YOU NEED $500. $3250 MODERN HAWTHORN E $3250. ARB YOU STILL RENTING ? 6-room bungalow type. 4 rooms and bath first floor, 2 bedrooms upstairs, good basement, plumbing, electric lights gas. lot 40x100, hard-surfaced street and sewer bonded, almost all paid; this is a well-constructed house, nicoly arranged and la considerably below value; easy terms. Sunday. Marshall 50ti3; week days, Main 7007. Mariels & Williams, S20 Chamber of Commerce 1 'UK XL A.N D lii-lUHlS ijACKl KICK .Modern home on Prospect drive; nine rooms and reception hall, splendid base ment, good furnace, laundry and fruit rooms, fireplace In living room and a number of built-in features; this prop erty was appraised at $14,000 for a loan and Is now offered for JSO0O; lot is Irregular in shape, contains over 5,"00 square feet, has a frontage of over 120 feet, and a garage: llberul terms. BROWN & GRANT, 201 Fenton Bldg. Broadway S222. IRVlNliTON. 718 E. 21 ST ST. N. Seven rooms and parage, center en tir.nce, large living- room and dining roup, on front, two bedrooms, one very large one, wiin rirepiace downstairs, two extra rooms upstairs, hardwood floors ln all rooms downstairs, enamel woodwork, walls papered; really a gem of a place." a wide street; AOxlOO lot; low price for quick sale. Call L. R. 1 .alley, owner, Alarshall 646 or Tabor BEAUTIFUL I R V I N ti TO N H OM E. $1100 VACANT VACANT $0100. 7 rooms, strictly modern and in finest condition, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ins and breakfast nook, near school. Why should you pay rent when you can own a home like this on easy terms ? Sunday, Marshall 61163; week days. Main 7067. MARIELS & WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. M. 7067. NEW HAWTHORNE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4000 $600 DOWN. Hardwood floors, all the built-in fea tures, buffet, fireplace, dandy Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; beautiful tapestry paper; concrete basement -paved street; everything paid. R. SOMERVILLE, U. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. BDWY. 3S3S. $3000 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH JSOOo" AUREAL BARGAIN EASY TERMS. - room, well-constructed house, bath and one bedroom first floor; 3 bedrooms second floor; good basement; plumbing electric lights. gs, hard-surfaced street paid, near car. This Is a bargain. Loca tion i fine and terms easy. Sunday. Mar. 6063. week riav uu roar " MARIELS & WILLIAMS. 820 Chamhpr of Commnr'-e B !dir. $5250 ROSE CITY $1000 CASH "-"UUM BUNGALOW; FINISHED ; l "L'OU FLOORS, FIRE PLACE. FURNACE, BUFFET BOOK CASES; FULL LOT: PAVBH STfiwirc SEWERS; 114 BJvOCKS 'TO CAR: IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. tLKV ELAND. BDWY. H50. 308 BOARD OF TRADE. LAURELHURST. $2ro. iteautitui rive-room bungalow, with large living room, fireplace, built-in 000 k cases, hardwood floors and large iwiniicii. oreaaiast room, built-in wardrobes in bedrooms, full ce- mni oascmeni, witn lurnace either wood, coal or eas. using J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 313 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675. IRVINGTON. Strictly modern residence; five bed rooms, Dcaiuea mam s room, one bed room rirst noor, practically two tiled bathrooms, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, illght consider some iraae. Call Mayson, with POTNDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG MAIN 1300. RESIDENCE TABOR 0401 $ iloOO LA U R L LH UJt S T Ho M E y j0t. Moaern cnoice location, garage; four nrurwuis, me cam, sleeping porch, , ut 0.1 , wi tan.ci.nl 1 UVUI, Tiin8 pail I Fy. $1800 Laurelhurst home; beautiful grounds. $7950 Laurelhurst colonial, seven rooms. $7MH) ml Tabor view home. $3500 A real home, CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 23 Henry Bldg. S WEST SIDE INVESTMENT. 2.1x50 lot, with an old seven-room house, renting for $35 per month, on Jefferson st.. near 5th, and less than two blocks from the corner of 4tth and Madison, where the finest apartment building !n the city Is to be erected; price $42M). which is $000 less than tax assessor's valuation; mortgage demands sale: easy terms can be arranged. BROWN & GRANT, 201 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. IRVINGTON. Best pnrt. E. 23d st. N. six rooms, strictly modern, central entrance hall, French doors, living room l".x33, hard wood floors, white enamel, three large bedrooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fir place, garage. POINDEXTER. 20 SELLING BLDG., HUIH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS. M A IN TOO". RESIDENCE EAST fl 7 7 1 - UOOM HOL'Si: loi ."Oxloo. thicken FOR house, garage, fruit trees; 12th and lieacca, Washington, room 312 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ALASIEDA PARK. New modern bungalow of five rooms uu sleeping porcn, nrep:ace, narawoou rioors. finish of white enamel, all built in features, Dutch kitchen, concrete base ment, garage. Thia properly was built by owner tor his home, but changed con ditions for a sale. Price JiOOO. JluuO casn, uajance easy terms. New. nifty, modern bungalow of five rooms; fireiace, furnace, all built-ins. uum i.uun, uuicii aiLCuen. tvunci. basement, complete in every detail; paved street, garage. Price $4750, JluoO, balance easy terms. Modern bungalow of five rooms and breakfast nook, sleeping porch, hardwood floors; cream enamel finish, tapestry pa per, furnace, concrete basement; price $4100, $looo cash, balance i-i a month and interest. Modern bungalow of five rooms, fur nace, fireplace, 60x100 corner; $350). $50 down, balance easy terms. J. E. Rans burg, 5"W Chamber of Commerce. Main lflli.1. resilience. Marshall 2S31. K AST M O HK LA X L). 7-KOOM KESIDKNCE. ts.'.uu. "We offer you an exceptionally fine buy In a 7-room. double-constructed residence rn this beautiful district of distinctive homes; large living-room. Jircolace. hardwood floors throuxhou first floor, large dining-room with hand some buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, j bedrooms, main room, fine bath, full cement basement. $12O0 hot water neatmg plant, ?5xloo east Iront lot, beautiful trees and expensive shrubbery. large garage, paved sts. and sewer, biks. car. close school. We don't know of a better home in the city for so little money. Some terms. Inspection by ap pointment only. Ask for Mr. Mack. Iet us show 'ou. fiEO. T. MLH'Kli CO- K'O Term Bldg. FOR SALE Broadway, N W. cor. of 17tn K the heart of Irvington; modern 7-rm. house and corner lot..$ 8,500 Inside lot 3.000 Total $11,500 Terms, half cash, balance month ly payments. R. J. CNEIL 717 Board of Trade BuUdlnf LADD ADDITION BARGAIN. 10 minutes' walk from west side busi ness center. One of the very best constructed ponies in the city. 10 large rooms with, every con ven ente you could w iU for besides S finished rooms in attic. Extra rooms always in demand at good rental; large lot, taring Mulberry stree-t, two blocks to Hawthorne and 12th street cars. Price only ;moo, haif cash. Building alone coum not oe Dunt tor $S5V0. lou will have lu act Quickly. O. B. RIPPET, 610-11 McKay Bldg. Main 8229. ROSE CITY PARK. sy owner, 2-story residence, near boulevard; stucco exterior, 2 Iota on cor ner; shrubbery; large living room, fire place, dining room, built-in buffet, plate glass biirror; iront porch off living and dining room, handsome hail and stair way, den with fireplace, kitchen, break fast nook, complete bulit-in conveniences, oak floors; all woodwork white enam eled finish, 4 bedrooms, built-in ward rooe, sleeping porch, cedar closet, bath, cement basement, laundry, Kudd hot water system. Tabor 554S. iyN.U EAST IRVINGTON. Unusually beautiful lot. 00x100 feet with shade and shrubbery; a splendid 2-tory house of 7 rooms and Bleeping porch, large living and dining rooms, 1 rench doors, large porch. -Of course, this house is all modern, with fireplace, oak floors, furnace, etc. We haven't seen a liner home in the Irvington sec tion for ftWK). You'll say so, too, when you v. seen it. Call us for appointment, COMTK & KOHLMAN. Main (AV.0. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . trppn hundny HOME AND A LIVING. BIG ACRE. , FIGHT IN CITY. Just think! Only $500 cash required, balance very easy terms, 6 per cent In terest. Fine location, near car line and walking distance to Franklin High school; excellent soil, fruit, berries, gar den: modern 7-room house, concrete Mams. uon i miss this great oppor tunity. See me Monday. A. K. Hill. 420 Lumbermen's bldg. Open today 11 BEAUTIFUL W EST AI OR ELAND FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. BLILT BY CARPENTER FOR HOME. narawooa i.oors; large living room, with fireplace; furniture in Ivory; handy uuicn Kitcnen, large attic with sleeuina porch, cement basement, furnace; house one year old; best material. Owner must sell; $500; some terms. See this won derful bargain; one block to car; three scnools: east front. Mr. Johnston, Mar- snail 1022. Tabor 4708 evenings. jjjihj nils attractive bunaiow style I nome, o rooms ana batn, paved street; iirtp:ace, Du:it-ins, laundry trays Dearoomp; 4bxiU0 lot with alley, garage; I ntwiy painted and decorated through out. Convenient to Williams ave. and Mississippi ave. cars. Near Jefferson high school. Can arrange terms. Quick iruatiwion. upen c-unaay. J. A. WICKMAN. Realtors. "Shortest Way Home." ?H Siark Sireet. Main ,V3 and SUBURB A N $300. 100x125 Lot. ery attractive, well built. 5-room bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, 2 Tine bedrooms, good bath, basement. large attic, 300x125 lot, 16 bearing fruit irees ana small rruits. chicken house, garage, near E. S2d st. 4UC00 handles. Asa zor Mr. Mack. - Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10O7 Yeon BMg. WESTOVER TERRACE. Wertover road, fine view, strictly mod ern residence; six rooms and sleeping J porcn, very large living room, three bed rooms, hardwood floors, white enamel I tiled bath and shower, fireplace, furnace. garage. ' , Ca!l Mayson. with POINDEXTER. 208 SPELLING BLDfl. MAIN IMHI. R I PENCE. TABOR JMOl. t ROOMS AND BATH $500 CASH - -iose in east side, fractional corner. r.ard surface paid; big basement. 3 nice btdrooms. with best Dlumbfng. Bal ance $3000, payable like rent. No. 775 sAnKcny st., cor. E. 24th. See SIDNEY G. LATH R OP, 516 Abington Bldg. 4-ROO.M house on 5oxlOO lot (terraced); 2 cherry trees. IS years old; 2 apple trees ; 1 room 1 wm. e I ec trlcl t v. eas. patent toilet, good woodshed and closed shed for car: block from St. Johns car ime; cement sidewalks; house in good shape. 11SS Detroit ave. See owner at cnetopa apts., 8D N. ISth st. .1. H. era ham. Broadway 40V 1. BUY -FROM owner, save commia-sion. Ft. quick pale, $3300 takes my 5-room bungalow ana tour lots on 53d ave. S. B. v Dearing iruit trees and lots of berries, fine chicken house and barn. This can not be duplicated for $4oo0, and is near! ecnooi. casn, month, Includ- I ing interest. Kast -itw.u oungaiow with 2 large rooms and hall, finished In attfc. full plumb ing, firep'ace. bookcases, buffet; 2 large porches, back " porch screened in; large garage. $3800. $1000 cash, terms. If you want a gooa nome at a bargain. see tnis. rj. 2vn st. N. near ;nerta. more omi lawn :it. GARDEN FANS. ATTENTION. Choice 100x100; fruit, shade trees, ber ries, chicjfren yard, roses, excellent soir; fine bungalow, full cement basement. stationary tubs, floored attic: 3 blocks to car: terms. Phone Wdin. 6120. 1100 rj. ihtn Ft. :. SWELL HOME. West of E. 20th St.. central atf "Pnr. land; new modern 7-room house, hard- I woou on uoin iioors; rurnace, garage; vur. luuiiw , lenccu. rric $ 12,000. J. J. OEDER, 4 GRAND AVE. N., NR. ANKENY. jt on r ive-room bungalow; attic floored; fireplace, Dutch kfhen. hard wood floors, built-lns; Groveland ark. close to cars and Franklin high; $4300; fliOO cash, balance easy terms. Tabor, oiqt or r 4 so, oregonian. oAKiiAi. in east s-ae corner. 3 stores witn o apartments overhead, furnished;; punning ana rurniture. $.i4,0O0. terms $iO0O cash. $200 per month; leased for 4 year for over $4000 per year. East 1 m . BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, furnace. fireplace, built-lns. beautiful paneled j aining room, Deamed ceiling, swell light ing fxtures, exceptionally nice place; Improved street: $4700. Wdln. 3114. CAN YOU BEAT THIS FOR $3500? $500 down and' terms; 4 rooms, mod ern with a Rector gas heating plant: 1 all Improvements ln and paid. 326 Artisans oiag. awy. 3S7. FuR SALE 7-room house, full basement. I lurnace, gas, electricity; 1 block to car and Shaver school; $aOv first pay ment. Auto. 331-04. CALL today at 472 Sumner St.. from 11 A. M. to 4 P. M.. I will give you the best buy In the city In a 5-room house. now vacant. I need the money. WEST side residence ; of 8 rooms and sleeping porch ; in perfect condition; easy temrs. Main 7440. THREE rooms, 2 lots. fruit trees. $1000: A 9400 down, flo per Payne Co.. Main 9012. month. John M. HOUSE And lot. corner Holman and Greeiey; Dargain. a:'7H Washington, room 311. 5 ALBERTA DISTRICT 7-room house and lot, 50x100; $2000, cash or terms. Wdln. 14S0. BARGAIN'S ln Linn ton real estate write to or see J. B. Schaefer at Linntofi. Or. Phone Coi. 403. REAL ESTATE. For Pale llou. ROPE CITT PARK BUNGALOW Six Rooms Strictly Modern Fine Garage Lot 50x100; Hard-Surfaced Street Near Rose City Park Club $5000. Half Cash. Balance MortgMe An Exceptionally Good Buy SALOMON A CO. , Established 1S88. SOT Railway Kxchango Building. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Five-room bungalow; corner lot. rbod .ui.uuuuuiKs; paved street In and paid saiMKe. ne bungalow has an attrac- i.ve exterior, built-in buffet. Dutch kit- cnen, full. cement basement. Yoa will nave to hurry; terms. J- A- HUBBELL 1O90 Hawthorne Tabor 8802 Stucco Office" RflT.r.iniT Fine corner lot, looxlOO, 2-story mod ern residence, entrance hall, double par lors, dining room, kitchen, four large bedrooms, fine attic and basement. 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, hot-water iteL. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG., HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. MODERN 7-ROOM IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Four large rooms and reception hall downstairs, 3 bodrooms and bath up; built-in kitchen, hardwood floors, ce ment basement, furnace, laundry trays, east front, city improvements all In and Paid; price $52.'0; terms. See the owner on the nr. mises u't a.lrt v.,. urth .1t ; south of Hawthorne car. ioou BASf TERM.' $2000. SEE THIS TODAY. r"rns. 4 rooms first floor, 2 rooms UP.'.fath f rst foor; good basement, plumbing electric lights, gas, large lot, some irult. near car, east of Laurel- tUM.fnMM: Mar"haU 5963- week n.AR,'3U WILLIAMS, hamper of Commerce Bldg. IJITDl'l Ul'DCT Strictly modern bungalow, with Uvln m; dining room, musio room, kitchen. LiS droom a"d bath first floor. 3 bed room, eecond floor; hardwood floors, ?,.",', enm,el; '""ace, 2 fireplaces. Price Mr- Mayaon. with VSS1''' 20S SELLING BLDG.. Main liQ0. Residence. Tahor ujni j. -r?on?. bungalow, California type; ou? e constructed, white K?tcmei P Umbln nd wa911 trays; Dutch 2 large" drE?n -"2t .din,'n "'" in,".1".',, ' f?J grooms;, good tin i ri , ,7J terms. Sunda Wnrti;- ;,..o ,veDter. cor. Mom SEVSN-ROOM BUNGALOW $3000. ... . ."In ,ave- ln 'he Woodstock dls- J' t r Dlotks from car and close uwi, ownea by non-resident am . . .cry anxious to sell it; reasonabl iVT . . oa"ice 35, includini on. BROWN A GRANT, 201 Fenton Bldg. Broadway .1222. Rosk pttv DtiL. Modern 6-room bungalow; hardwood mrnace. Dutch kitchen, Ivory woodwork, large dressing room, !, iT" V""' Pal"s. corner lot. You'll il-i. ...-!!m9.out Monday or Tuesday. Tct 2S 'll handle. Owner, ' " tnLn ST. iN. YOLK AUTO AND A LITTLE CASH WILL BUY THIS BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. e., r"om.s- strictly modern, basement h trays, fireplace, hard be?t of c,.,bUl,t-'ns; v"tant and " nric. L,nd"Lon.,:'.near car and chool r y 1 uregonlan. 4l00T-iiAC,RE: MODERN Tl!TT.il.mr 7 ni.n'AV" TREES. BERRIES SEWERS; BUlVruN WATER; ffi BDWY: ncous Soar 1 . 308 BOARD OF TRADE. K' -'H Ai OA D- VV A V Ell L Y HEHi HTs7" lvorv ' V,V "vr" rooms, finished In nnWi, ..k" "ulcn Kiicnen, breakfast nook; double constructed . .,n i attic- .,. ......7. . u" "noeiiiem. io.v.'" ' mioo cash: owner !!,a.'.lsc", J'r. Johnston. Marshall 10: Tabor i",t evenings. "EST Sinn rnpvirii Modern six-room house nn he at I ark and .Inrlrmn ,i . reolrfee 7T . " ."'" t"1 unesi 'wanou in tne city; price JOHN fiTx-niro 420 Chamber of Commerce TtM fi'TL8-1- CIT7 PARK CAR, "ungaiow; a nice rooms r. uurun; aoume constructed very convenient; hardwood floors: fire wish fr ' . t""!?: cenent basement. 'lUOUU KIL1P. 'IK nnP K.i.Mi . $900 FURNISHED HOMK-i!)li(l. Coay five-room houseboat on garden I?V .Yfr!ooks river; largo porches, west CHAR. RI.VGI.ER & CO., 2J5 Henry K 1 d g. WAVRRLY HEIGHTS. o rooms; 4(mk. 5 rooms, new. a beautv; $4950 6 rooms; Woodstock; $14tJO AIAIN OAS, OR SELL. 2704 Mr. Sadler. SIX ROOMS WESTMORELAND. ' $4200; hardwood floors, large roor lurnace, iun cement basement, wash na a. t-xccneni ouy; i juu cash. Mr. j onnston, Marshall 1022. Tabor 4708 $4850 Beautiful Hawthorne lungalow: strictly modern; five rooms and one attfc room; new pipeless fur ' nace; $1500 to handle. See ERNEST WELLS, 606 Couch Bldg. $3000 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE"! Well built and shaped, full concrete basement; 100x100 lot with chicken ?,u,s?; 2 bIkR- to Pavement: $1000 down. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 7rROOM house, Irvington, first-class, fur- , ------ --" fill II, 1UI1 UU.'H- ment. built-in, navwl. 2 hlofir ins. paved. 2 blocks car; E. O. . FflSV term J. C. CPRBIN CO., 30!S-fi-7 Lewis BMg. 3ii0 1. Ox loo, with a large ten-room house In Hawthorne district: fine for rooming house; recently acquired loan of $5000. Owner Ernest Wells, 606 Couch bldir ' $1300 SIX-ROOM HOUSE $11KK) On paved street, close to car 'line Easy terms. 615 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG K OH E CITY strictlv niWn wl 5 rooms and sleeping porch. lot 7")xloO. somebody gets bargain. Owner. 470 E ,54th t. N. Tabor ffi70 $3150 Dandy five-room bungalow; two lots; macadam st. ; verv prettv Owner, Krnest Wells. tiOfl Couch bid 1?. $S50. TDKMdGtMJd small hom fTT. csh PYi-X ma: bJ rtiwount for .. ........ 1 . j, rili,p i.OOO VVonderfud new Mount Tabor nome; beautiful jrround- thing different; cost $40000. See ut?t,i n pup. wr) (,'ouch bldg. 2100 SIX-ROOM modem TTTT- class condition, near Powell Aalley road six blocks from Hawthorne v $400 down. balance easy. 3fi23 68th. ' Suburban Homes. 1 1-5 ACRES. PAYING POULTRY RANCH $4750 $1750 CASH. Gilbert Road, at l02d St City Limits S.'gn at Cornec Splendid house. 7 rooms hath n gas (elec. lights near), basement' ware house, 6 poultry houses, barn, concrete garage, garden, berries fruit lected roses and shrubbery. Close to city school. This Is a sightly location. M-oi for a home, and a money maker with poultry. miles from conrr hnuu t3i ance small payment monthly, quarteriy GEO. ENGLEHART CO, Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henrv "RTde- - ...t uo. 1 1 t Aim j iirr iTni. jw. t-ruom nouse, city water, gas oou siieu. garage, modern poultry house for 2o0 bird. feed house breeding house, young fruit trees, ber ries and "asparagus bed, buildings new last summer, walking distance to three car lines, on road to b Imnmi 0.1. summer, two blocks from hard-surface uuu , xxv tsii, or iouu) part cash balance at 6 per cent. See owner 1020 Bd. of Trade bldg. ' ' $10 CASH, $10 per month on i and acres, near q at. s. K. Bull Run water gas, low taxes. Sellwood owner. SUBURBAN home, poultry ranch, near city car. gas. electric Ifchru vm might divide; dandy for old people, good for children; something good; investl gate If Interested. G 40. Oregonian CHICKENS-BERRIES 2 acres for oi0 in iuaiann vancy; pari line garden soil; only $30 down; owner. N 813, Ore gon la m WELL-IMPROVED five-acre home, near Oregon City car line; price $4500; will consider $2000 in trade; give full par- MODERN 3-room bungalow, bath elec. phone, water, gas, some furnishings, close rn, west side, $1800; easy terms. Come today. Main BS08. YOUR CHANCE Five acres for $800 in side etght-miie circie, near station and rock road ; only $50 down; write the owner this week. A 805. Oregonian. REAL HOME. FURNISHED, 3 ACRES. CULTlVATUiva, A.NU CHICKENS. 6"7 E. 39TH ST. $5000 FIRST PAYMENT. PHONE MARSH. I0S4. MRS. BERRY. A. TIGARD. house, barn, hennery, fruit. perries, cmcaens, cow, tools, etc.. 5000. McFarland. Failing bldg. M. St!72. CHOICE view corner homesite, 150x188, at Oswego lake; 12Hc fare: price only $500; your terms: owner. B 324, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL Lake Grove acre. $500. $23 cua. AlcFarTaniL laiUne bids. RKAT. FSTATK. Suburban Homes. S-AORE MODERN HOME . Only Miles From Portland, Near Electric Station, $5500. Modern 6 rooms and den with base ment. Fox furnace, all built-lns, large chicken house, fine full bearing fruit trees, automatic water system. House plastered and modern in every way. Lo cated opposite Oregon Electric station. Just a few feet off good auto road. A real bargain for quick action. Let us drive you to it today. Haif cash will handle. Might consider trade for strict ly modern bungalow In Hawthorne or Roee City on cash basis. MONT A VILLA BARGAIN. jOOd 6-room modern bungAlow an 62xl."Hj; good chicken house, garage, all kinds of bearing lrult and berries; ment walks around house; 1 block from car; there's also a good 3-room house suitable for small family. This is oandy home for two families; owne going east, will sacrifice for. $4000 iwu cua. Garden Home half acre, srood 7 room celled and papered house," small barn and chicken houses; full bearing ramiiy orchard and berries; close station; price only $2100, easy terms nas gas and water. Metzger station Acre.' well Improved good 6-room plastered house, good out Dunaings: 5 minute to station; only ovuv; tiuuu cash. Durham station, on Oregon Electri . . " "n cultivation and crop good four-room house, completely fur- nisnea; Hearing fruit trees and berries some stock and equipment: on hard surraced road, .close to station; price " fwwv, a real, oargain. Garden Home, on the Oregon Elec- - " an in cultivation; modern rooms and Oath; large barn, chicken nouse, garage; on hard-surfaced road; price lor quick, sale $7000; good terms. bt. Mary, station On the Red Elec tric, ciose 10 catcoile school and church; e, an in cultivation: modern room house, large new barn, chicken house, garage; genuine snap tor only . G. G. McCORMIC CO, 242 Washington St,, Near Id, Main 8220 or Main 318. ON'B ACRE. Sfx-room Tnodern house; gn modern plumbing,' built-in buf fet, linen closets, modern kitch en, garage, chicken house, wood shed, root house; an abund ance of fruit, berries; three blocks from city limits; a good buy at $1.")00; 11000 cash will handle, bal ance to suit. Bee Mr. Farnsworth, wltb. H. DHYER, "THE ACREAUB MAN." 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway SOSL OREGON CITY CAR LINE. IH-acre home. 4 rooma and bath. Variety bearing fruit and berries, BU-ft. chicken house. Well fenced. Choice soil, abundance of water. Four blocks to car. Choice neighborhood. Furnished completely. $4-00; f juou cash. Pretty B-room. plastered bungalow. ileam celling, built-ins, stone fireplace; jwu cuuice iota, itarage and fruit. Improved streets. iNear car. Only $3000. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow. llasement, built-lns, large garage. Choice acre, lovely grove, some fruit. Right at station. Price H750, terms. Neat 4-room, plastered house, Fireplace, Dutch kitchen and built-lns. Two nice lots. Improved street, a tree blocks to car. $1800, terms. Well-Improved B-acre home. Plenty fruit and berries. Large spring. Ten minutes' walk to station. Best of soil. $4U0, easy terms. Choice acre tract, near Courtney Improved street. Only tern sta. m tun Dearing fruit. Block to station. Only $1230, terms. Well-improved 2 2-3-acre tmrt. I Irn- lr . . oiotiun. i-rice tnrma in cultivation. -.wvb. Biniiun, improved streeL Phnna Ifl.U' -j00. C E. APPLE, oak OROVF OR iljAM.Tt.R ACRE Four-room plastered house, wood shed, chicken house; near Mult noman station; $1050; $75 cash. -:' Pr nionth. QUARTER ACRE Nearly new three-room shingled , cnickrn house, aier, gas, electricity; $S)00; $100 QUARTER ACRE "1UUtU ijanoy four - room bungalow. -ti.. Alburn, wuwusnea. ciik-k en nouse, water, gas. electricity near car: $1360; $i'50 cash, $L'3 ONE ACRE Aiodern tin .to . a bunJalow frult- ali inds. woo.i- eitcu, tuicKen pouse, water electric; three minutes to $4000: easv tcm. gas, car; TEN ACRES Very good three-room rnHnrA store house, with basement, ga- mouern cnicxtm houses; 3 u acres prunes; five acres seeded to rye and vetch near school, ons mii n r-n eled road to car and psvd road inrar Vancouver; $30Uu; easy AI.L BARGAINS. SUKEN PETERSON. 1102 N. W. BANK PMJti. MAIN 3731. FANiS SUaURBA.N Hu3Ik5! $4000. 14 acres, with five-room house, hen house, also garage, electric lights, gus. on. paved road. $2300. Three lots with live rooms, electric lights, gas, also garage; near school and station; $500 down and $25 a month. $5500. . One acre with all 'kinds of fruit modern bungalow, including Bull Run water. $7000. 2 acres, fine soil; an abundance of fruit; seven-roont house, ai modern ex cept furnace. 0 FIVB ACRES. This Js a beautiful home with natural trees, also an abundance of fruit trees; good 7-room, all modern; paved road. Inquire Mrs. F. M. Young, third house north Risley station. Oregon City car line. Phone Oak Grrrve 1I5-J. Not home on Thursday. Sundays after 1. MODERN HOME, WITH PLUMUING. Iwo acres, 11 miles from center of Portland, one-fourth mile from Red Electric station. West Beaverton: all under cultivation; 19 fruit trees; five- room bungalow, with white enamel piumnmg-i good large chicken house, woodshed ; macadamized road in front or place; one-nair mile to school, one fourth mile to paved highway: price .iju, nair casn. inspectea ry Maione, with John Ferguson, fieri inger bldg. MULTNOMAH. Beautiful 5-rm. bungalow, bath, fire place, basement, almost . hi acre, near station, $4000. Terms. 3-rm. bung., V acre, fine, $1230; $300 down. acre, 3 rms., chlx house, fruit, all conveniences. $2500; $000 down. Dandy Vi-aere with 6-rm, new bung., bath, $28.10; $500 down. See Ned Burke, Multnomah Sta. Main 1103, Sunday or Week-day. BY OWNER, my equity ln a $4300 home; 5-room bungalow and large attic, gas, electric lights, water In house, woodshed, wash house with stove, chicken house and 35 B. R. chicks and extras; 3 large lots with lots of berries and fruit trees and large shade trees. Everything In fine shape. It will pay you to Investigate this. On Oregon City line at Evergreen sta. Cash, $20o5. . A. Taw, Milwau kle. route 1. PRICE $0000. $2r.00 WILL HANDLE. Classy bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen and all built-ins. located on 2 acres, fresh Jersey cow and calf, 40 chickens. Derries,- good barn, chicken house, hog house and garage, fn fact everything tnat wi;i make you indepen dent as a producer. Call Tabor .71. "9 Sunday for appointment, or Broadway 08. ween oayg. SPECIAL BARGAIN. $1100, $200 cash, 3-room house, hen house and runs, 1 acre, fruit and ber ries. 2 blocks to car. Just this side of Hillsboro. Mr. Hare. A. J. TXeFOKEST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5.100. 1 ACRE, 0-room house and furniture; ga rage, on paved road, 3 blocks frotn Ouk Grove station. Price $30o0, $1000 cash, balance $25 per month and Interest. See JOHN BROWN & CO. Realtors. 322 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE Just relefised. block 2 Lakeview Villas, at $1600; If you have been waiting for a choice view acre at Oswego lake here is your chance; $200 will handle. Call Main 85 at 0u0 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. RAISE chickens. 1 acre at Kenton with cheap house, poultry house and other outbuildings, city water, level land, good soil. Price $2100; $450 cah, balance $15 per month, 810 Washington st-, Van couver, Wash. 5 ACRES on Base Line, large house, good orchard, outbuildings, near electric car; about 8 miles from court house, $6:o0; terms if desired. Rodabaugh. Tabor 4200. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Four acres, all in cult., on paved high way; plenty of fruit; modern 7-room house with furnace and fireplace; near Rothe station. Price $1)000. HENRY W. QOVUXRD,, 243 Stark St. RFAL FSTATle. Suburban Homes. $lii0 BEAVERTON STATION. 2 Urc tive acres and a new 8 -room house with gas, city water, only 8 mllea from Portland, public hie-h and SI Mary's boarding school, all within near walk ing ditHnce: cash $joo, balance i.O per month. $3500 BEAVERTON DISTRICT. tw acres. 6-room bungalow, an on one lloor. alint new. big living room, screened -In front porch 10x114, gas. running water In the house, big barn, good chicken house, woodshed, splendid fa.ni 1 y orchard, full bearing. 10 dif- ferent varieties of berrle and niany kinds of flowers. The hmie Is on a ged gravel road, only lo minutes' walk to station; cash $10o0.' balance ay term $ M rL TNOM AH STA TION. ft room 1-storr houe; Dutch kitchsn. built-lns. plastered, fu'l cement basement, elec., gas. city water, city car fare, screened chicken house. i acre, family orchard, full bearing, berrit-s and grapes, on a good road close to station; cash $1000. balance $o0 per month. It is a good buy. $4200 ALOHA STATION $4200. Fruit and poultry ranch, almost foirr acres. 6-room house. i-tory, coilt-d ana papered; gas. garage, barn, chicken house; in-eluded In the purchase price are a number of cmcKena ana juu of Dotatoes: located on a good grave. road, onlv 3 minutes' walk to station; catth $luu0. balance $35 per month. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. 11 TO 2 P. M. V have a well-cho?en list of suburban hrnnes. some excellent values, oe before you buy. M E. DC JOICT? COMPANY. C21 ITpnry Rldg. Broadway UVl. ft-ROOM CETXaETD $2C0 DOWN1 $25 PER MONTH, Houm Is built on a good rook founds- I tlon; 10 large fruit trees (l years oiu. all kinds of berrlo; house is connected with gas. bath and toilet; garage (cost $'JOO) .chicken hou $S50). SO pure bred white Leghorns that can be bought for $1.50 each; good roads. 2 blocks W ML Hood carllne. 6 blocks to city cars. I Tills won't last long, so act Quick, j Tctal price $H.m J. U HARTMAN COMTANT, Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1H)S. BI'IT.nTNO STTES. Tn and about Multnomah, on the Ore gon Electric. All sIes. ranging from one lot to an aero. Property nas an miima In the eround. in ready to be built upon and can be purcha"d on terms of 10 down and $10 a month. This is the tune to get out in the country and start your home. If you are tired of paying the fancy rents exacted at this time and wish to establish your own fireside, be sure to call on me. lem in the business of start ing people In homes and can make you building loans and In many ways assist you ln estn blinhing your independence. HEN R1EBLAM'. 404 Piatt Bldg. 17 Park St. Main 8S0. CHOICE BUY. Business man wishes to sell at once I his suburban home of 2 acres, mostly in bearing fruit and berries; large gar-1 den space, rich loam soli; place lor ow and poultry: splendid location, con venient drive on level, hard-surfaced j roads; garage snd good 7-room house j wit h all city conveniences; real buy at I SiiTiOO; some terms; exactly as repre sented: a olensure to show you this. A. K. Hill, 42rt Lumbermen's bldg-.; pho- tocTTipiis at office. SUBURBAN HOME. 17 nrres of richest land, highest state of cultivation, all under plow but couple of acres, good home and out- I building. 8 miles from Portland paved highway, close to electric station. In1 nw ritr h ;t n htc-nin rich rf nr t n is land growing horse radish and will prove to you that average yearly production of this land will pay for Itself inside of I 3 years. Price $ir.000. tf rms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. I04 Mh strpet. Mn'n Ot'.O. fi- A I'll K SN-AP! ON C01 HHH WAY. Few blocks from slatKm. 17 rsllc from Portland; 2 acres n.sorted bear-I lng f rutt trees; good substantial build -1 lns. trout st ream runs t lirougti plat e, j no waste land. Mut be seen to appreciated. Come let us SHOW Yul. Price $;ummi. 1 C. Marshall, with easy terms, Se FRANK L. McCriRE, 20 Abington hMg Auto. 512-07. Third ff . bet jihlneton and Stark FOR SALE by owner, one acre cultivate ready for planting; modern house, all 1 large rooms, fireplace, bath, electric light, bnst plumbing and fixtures: auto matic presnure water system; lartre ga rage and pump house: all buildings prac tically new; yuuiig family orchard, be tlful lawn, etc., Just off Powell valley I road, near Buckley ave. This is a real 1 home at a bargain; price $.r0o0, some I terms if desired. Cull owner. T. A. Flnischhaucr. Phone fltll-11. nsk for M'21. .V A CKK SUBURHAN HOME. All fine black loam soil. 3l,i acres un der cultivation. 1 "4 acres pasture, near ly all level, jfiod 6-room bungalow; large water tank and ena entftne. k;is and ele trie lights available small burn, wood shed and 2 chicken houses; fine family orchard all bearing; 1 mile east of Mil- waukie. on lake road: hitrh-cla!"s sur roundings : price $4.o0. $ l.loo cash, bul- nnce as long as you like it at 6 pr cent. Fred W. c.ermnn t o.. 7:12 1 fliim, or i nm. CnOlCEST UOilKS ON HILLSiiOUO HIGHWAY C1.OP0 IN. Ten beautiful, sightly acre with modern bungalow, very choice fruit, I Ir.cludln'T arahfS. berri-s of all kinds chicken hnus for 40 hen. cottage for hired help: all eouipmn iiicliweil. eve to a cood aiitomobile. At only $L4.Ow0, on terms. Ak for K C. Marshall, with FRANK" L ilcGL'IHK. 205 Abington bldg. Auto. 512-07. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. 1 ACRE COUNTRY HOMIS. Beautiful acre, with young fruit and I shade trees, modem bungitlow, with city conveniences, electricity, hot and cold water, full plumbing, lots of built-in f'renlace. within 8 miles of courthous If you sua it you will buy. Price $5uuo; terms. R. H. CONTRET, RITTKR. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. M ULTNOM AH HOM KS. We have choice selections of homes at Multnomah from one acre With room bungalow at $2400 to the higher TnH hitine. Com in and let show these to you. See F. C. M.ashaU, PRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington bldg. Auto. 512-07. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. VERY SIGHTLY. Buv from owner. 1 1-3 acres. 10 min utes' drive from court house overlook ln" Beaverton Valley. It's the only place of ad that can be bought for less than $1000 an acre in that vicinity; act quicklv if you want this bargain; only $870 tor alL Address V. I. Poster. Aloha, Or. 7. CASH. $25 PER MONTH. W!1-constructed new ft-room bunga- low, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, breakfast room, all built-in conveniences, 50x100 lot, near Hawthorne car; prica $4300. Tt. H. COXPRET, RITTER, LOWE & CO, 201-S-5-7 Board of TradeBldff SUBURBANITES: We have hundreds of personally In snected suburban homes In every outly ing district !n Portland. We re open vrv evening and Sunday. It you wi a suburban nome. see F. C. Marshall. with FRANK Abington B'dg. McCUIRB. Main 10fl 2iA ACRES of 15-year-old assorted chrd dundv cottage with fireplace and built-lns. barn and chicken house, berries and asparagus, hm acres in an, on river bank and highway, 6 Mocks from carline- $4200; sunup ensn. nir. j-iare. A J. DeFOREST & CO.. 820 Henry Bldg Broadway POOP. FOR OUTCK SALE FRUIT. GARDEN. CHICKEN. RANCHES, 3 -room house, barn, fruit, 3 '4 acres. $1200. fl-room hmiN.v barn, fruit. 3 acres. $1800. 7- room house, barn, fruit, 5 acres, $2Ti00. Auto road, school. Owner, Main 673. Residue, East 7SS. OUT POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Suburban homesite. 1 acre, covered i with beautiful grove of trees. Just think, 1 acre lor $350, and only $30 cash, R. H. CONFREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. vrcw MODERN 5-room bungalow, bath. pantry and concrete basement. 1 H acres I In clover, -o iruu iret-n m ucurmg, on country rond. 2 miles west of Beaver-1 ton, near Huber Station J. A. Erick son. 3H ACRES, PALATINE HILL. Well located for chicken ranch and small fruits. In cultivation; 40 bearing fruit trees, three-room house, chicken house, near Pacific highway; $2b00, terms. TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spalding bldg. $4000 $500 CASH. Modern 5-room house, BUY acre, uiut-iva w tai , um ukd 1 or 2 acres of vacant land on or near Oregon City carline as first payment. Mr. Hare. A. J. TWOREST & CO., 820 Henry Bldg Broadway 8390. FINE LITTLE SUBURBAN HOME. Four-room cottage, nearlv half aci r land: lots jot fruit, berries, etc.. close to Hawthorne car and Franklin high ; ail for 5205O. terms. 015 C. of C. blug I? CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreflce well located, near carline, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north f Kiley Aia uon, oa Oregon City cariiu. RFAT.JKSTATr-. jubtirhtui IloiiifK. FTOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 5 acres, mile from electric station, 3 acres undr cultivation, all ca.n be cultivated, U.U.iice grubbed and tn pas ture; goud young ben ring ot chard; g'd 4 -room attractive cottage., small barn, chicken houte for over Uk chlckini . gas in houue, city water available. 15 mil' from courthouse ; low com muta tion fare, Incmdod with piace: 1 cow. I hog. 50 Chickens. 1 Ma nd of be- fcd cuiie-r, etc. 1'rice $,;uu0, $140 cah. lubpected by M raters. MODERN PUPURRAN HOME. CLOSU IN. 2 acTes, 8 miles west from Portland; i mile to electric Motion and school; 6'0 feet from Capital highway; good macadamised road by piHce ; Hi urrvi under cultivation all can be cuiilwtwd ; 40 assorted fruitf treen; attractive CsH fornia. nungaiow. with large living roin 14x.4 feel; brcakfaat rim. aieeping porch; garage with cement floor; lrKa chicken houe; best of white enamel plumbing; or will tll the buildings, or chard and 12 acres of the land. Offered at a real bargain. -H acres. 11 miles west Portland; all under cultivation ; macadamised rowd ; near highway; i acre air wberriea, 6 rows loganberries, some raspberries; aluo apple, cherries and pruoca, all tKmrlng; good 3-room howe, barn, gu.ro go. chii-k- en nouse. Included with place; 1 cow, J hog, LJ clilckens. gus stove and ffd; Portland gos in house, ot her city con veniences can be hod; pnre fjluo, $1100 cah. Inspected by Malono. 5 acres, 1 block from city limits; on fine macadamized road; all under cul tivation; loia of biaring fruit; city wa ter; all other city conveniences can be had; 2 houses on the placs, nearly new; barn 14x18, chicken houae 10x18. Mt. Hcott car; 20 minutes by machine. Pnoa $4200, $1750 cash, balanoa $li0 semi annually, d per cent. 2 acre. 11 mile west Portland. 1 mile to Red Electric rtathn; ail under cultivation; good wlr fences; .mail bearing orchard ; good 5-room house; bam. garage chicken houee; Portland ra Included with place: Jersey cow, 12 chicken. Prlca $Jik0, $000 Property inspected by Maione. Kaarly 2 acres. 2H block from ra tion; west of Beaverton; 1 aore under cultivation; all can be cultivated; bUick Joam coll; few young fruit tree; 4-room house, barn, garage, chicken hous woodshed, Portland gas. I'rlce $J.in, $r0) cash, balance esy monthly pay ment. iioue ha ftreplaco and bujH los. CITY WATER, GAS AND LIGHTS. H acre, 4 blocks out of city limits. 3 block to car; good 4-room plastered hungaJow. modern; 3 chicken houses. Price $2800, $1000 cash; Inspected by Nelson. Over an acre, en graveled road, haif mile from city limits. Capital Hill. Lots of bearing fruit tres; 6-room bungalow, gar-age, chicken house, email barn. 1'rue $2600, $U09 uuh. lnptcted by Maaone, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerljnger Bldg. Over COO Small PUcoa ea Tortland. ' PR1MROSK PLACK. Beautiful, sightiy U acres on the boulevard, with all utilities In th ground Just the place for your bunga low. This Is the only restricted district aronnd Multnomah. The estate of George H. Primrose has now been closed, and the heirs have de cided to open this tract and sell off the remaining 2H building sites this summer. Lo not fail to look this property up. e will be glad to take you out over the boulevard or show the property on Sunday. Terms 10 down and $10 a month with 6vo interest on deferred payments. UKN RIKSLAND, Exclusive tiaies Agent. 404 Piatto Bldg. 1-7 Park St. To see the property on Sundays call Mr. Newman at Multnomah. Main VI 2. OSWEGO LAKE HOMES. Now is the time t aecure your sub urban home at beautiful Osw ego lane; we have a number of particularly find buvs on easy terms. $lou0 for three-fourths acre and small bungalow. $1200 f(r 1 u acres and small bungalow. $13.-o for acre and three-room bungalow. $2700 fur three lots and live-room mod ern bungalow, $riOO0 for acre and modern bungalow. Call .too Concord bldg.. 2d anil Stark. TEN AC K ES I Mi' KOV E IX Only 12 miles from courthouse, ma cadam road; ix-room house, barn, g;i rage. eic. ; beautllul river bank home; family orchurd, two seres berries, 4."oi) strawberry plants, horse, cow. imple ments, tools, cider pr'Hs, potatoes. h y snd straw; price $.iAoo; terms; liberal discount fur cash; call and see photo graphs. O. B. RTPFEY. ClO-ll McKay Blt'g.. 3d and Siark. .Main i:V.'. BL'lH'KBAN home and chicken r.unh com bined. A modern st-mi-buiiKalow 7-room and s'feplng porch, hardwood floors downstaira, hennery for il'to fowls, choirs family orchard in full bearing, ideal gar den soil. You can buy one acre or more. Faces on paved road, 2', miles from Portland Every city convenience except gas. A snap at. $."600; $2iUl down. Mr. liare. A. J. PeFORUST A CO.. 320 Henry Bldj. - Broadway ftriPO b)li yi'iCK KALK RE)LCl-;i TO fUT.X 100x100 with KMiiA fruit trpes- S-rno.m hoUfe with water, gas and electricity. chicken house and run; close to school and 1 block to car: $ l-'-O down will put you In possesion. ialunce like rent, bee K. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 2f. Abington bldg. Auto. M2-07. Third at.. Itct. Washington and Sark. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOMESITE. 10 acres of high-class land, all under cultivation, lies ideal, with gentle slope to the north, faces Section Line road. with wonderful unobstructed view. In order to get iufck action this land is placed below actual value; $2o0. K. M. H N Hit x, RITTKR. LOWE & CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COSY LITTLE ilU.UK COST. Three rooms and screened torr Ji buti t -ins, sink in kitchen, w ell at door. good water: large barn for cows and chickens: all cultivated; two acres; fre use of ground ail joining; fenced ; few fruit treis; only sx miles from court house, Cornell road: $1000: rock road: $000 down. .1. EUGENE HKPOFS, ?01 W. PARK". UNUSUAL oFFKKlNG. 11 acrej on Powell Valley road, with full chicken eq uipmcnt. at onlv f '-'.'o. ArT QUICKLY: IF YOU WANT THU SNAP. S-e F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U MvOUIRE. ?0fl Abington bldg. Auto- 012-OT. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. FINE rich 5-acre home, 5-room houe with all conveniences. lull attic and bwee nient, barn and chicken houses; fruit-bearing trees and many other kinds; lots of flowers and shrubbery; 6 mites from city on Capital highway. 1 mile from station. $immh cash. Call Auto. 225-22. Mr. Schultx. $2500 $1000 CASH. 2 acres of excellent ion. running stream uiroucn piace. v blocks to Oregon City car, 7-room houss and garage, with 3 living rooms up stairs. MR. HARK. A. J. DeFOREST ft CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5390. $1375 BUYS NEW HOUSE and 2 large quarter acres, 2 diockb rrom iwuitnnman station; gas, water and electricity In the house; very easy terms. For partic ulars call on II EN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. N E W BUNG ALO W 41400. Fine corner one, with new three-room bungalow, electric lights, fishing and boating; very easy terms; save, your rent. Owner, oOO Concord bldg, 2d and Stark. $7"0 BU VS half-acre home in M ult n-- man; warning distance irorn station; just off Capital highway; 5 rooms and bath with all conveniewea: a rood ouy arid worth Investigation. Call Auto. M r. Fchuttr.. BY OWNER 3-room bunvalow at Mult nomah, on Oregon Electric railway ; tract 80x150. morn land if desired; Bull run water, gas, electricity, phnne; noun ly painted, commands line view: 3250, terms. Main 1607. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE. ONLY $500. Magnificent view overlook Ing Oswego lake; maple and dogwood; water. Iighi.i, rock cpad. See owner. Row Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark: $50 down. PORTLAND ;OLF LINKS. Six-room house, finished In old Ivorv, gas, water, Datu. tnree acres atrawoer rlca. frutt trees, running stream all year; $4100; $1000 cash paymcuL Main 0406. 1125 'ttnsco tiig. EXCEPTIONALLY nice big home in For est Grove, 2U acres, psvea siren. Dig bouse, barn, etc., fine land, i 8,000, or exchange. A. B. Caplea, Forest Grovs. Or. t THIS TWO-ACRE TRACT of owner bedrock price, .(2.u. otie-na if cash. and save commission; modern bungalow; gas. bath, toilet, etc; nix blocks south H uber stntlon. J. A. Davis, on placf. THOROUGHLY MODERN, fully furnishe.l bungalow, with large tract of ground, in the Multnomah district; $2250. For de tails call on BUN RIESLAND, 40i Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st UK SALE' 10 '3 at.re.-4 laud, ne home, on main traveled road, one-half mile town. 2200 population, Willamette ev, sandy soil; will sell or trade cheap. AF 4T4, Oregonian. 5 '