TIIE SUNDAY OltEGOXIAN, . PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 27, 1921 CHURCHES TO INAUGURATE STATE-WIDE RELIEF CAMPAIGN TODAY Sunday Schools and Christian Endeavor Societies to Participate in Raising of Funds for China and Near East Fifty Speakers Will Make Addresses to Bible Students. STATE -WIDE Campaign In i Sunday, a meeting at S P. M. at First A A which all Oregon Sunday schools and Christian Endeavor societies will participate, to enlist sacrificial offering's between now and Easter, thereby raising funds with which to end food to the starving millions of north China and the near east, will bs launched today. More than 50 speakers will address Portland Sun day schools today, telling the story of the famine sufferers in north China, and that of the destitute war victims In the near cast. Because practically all the Eunday schools in the state have already re sponded liberally toward the near east fund, the appeal of the pre Easter sacrificial campaign will be centered upon the great need of the Chinese famine sufferers. The per manent organization of the near east relief organization is being utilized Oregon school of social work for the China famine tuna tnrougnout Methodist Episcopal church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, marking the clos ing of this Institute. Bishop W. O. Sbepard of t'he Portland area will be present to give the address on this occasion. A large attendance is ex pected at the afternoon meeting, as a silver loving cop is to be presented by Dr. Youngson to the league having had the largest per cent of attendance out to the institute during the six weeks. Certificates will-also be given out for the class work completed. Much of the success of the institutt is to be attributed to the excellent work of the district president, Mrs. Delia MiHlgan Miller, and to Miss Frances Johnson, registrar. the state, and Sunday school and Christian endeavor workers will also be active in procuring and assembling wheat and other Oregon foodstuffs suitable for shipment to China. Campaign Is Indorsed. At the recent annual convention of the western division of the State Christian Endeavor asaooiation at Corvallia, this body gave its cordial Indorsement to the combined cam paign and pledged Itself to energetic efforts In the raising of funds. Vari ous activities are now under way in Christian Endeavor circles. with bright prospects for liberal contribu tions toward the joint fund. There are 45,000,000 people menaced by starvation in tho five famine stricken provinces of north China, and 10,000.000 of these are children. As 2 cents will provide enough rice or other food to keep one of these alive tnr ana dav. the personal sacrifices of Oregon's Sunday school pupils are oe lng visualized to them in terms of hu man lives. The China famine fund management plans to not only obtain donations of wheat, salmon, dried fruit and other surplus Oregon foodstuffs suitable for shipment to China, but to use me money raised for this fund for the purchase of Oregon foods to be shipped to the famine districts im mediately. J. J. Handsaker. 0S Stock Exchange building. Tortland, is in charge of the executive work of the state-wide campaign, and money sent to him will be used for the purchase of Oregon foods for shipment at the earliest possible dae, direct to the famine sufferers. Through previous appeals, a con siderable part of the near east quota already baa been raised, and as soon as its quota nas oeen compie.icu ntri)iiit tn the loint iuna m Public Koran Held at Library. The public forum to be held In room A of the public library Sunday night at 8 o'clock will be addressed by Dr. Philip S. Parsons of New York city, recently elected head of the The subject of the address will be "The Growing Tower of Public Opinion In Settling Industrial Disputes." Follow ing the address the audience will be free to ask any questions It may de sire to ask. Those who are interested in the solution of the industrial prob lems of today In the light of the teachings of Jesus will be welcome. Calgary Pastor to Preach at White Temple. . Sunday School Will Celebrate Kate Fielding Anniversary. be given over to the China fami funrL That munitions in north China ar d- the urgency of M from the United States the utmos M a attested bv Thomas W. T.amont. national chairman of th China famine fund. In recent mes sages to K. B. Piper and A. L. Mills, snnnlnfed bv President Wilson to iaa charge of the China fund In Oregon, Mr Lament says that cable advlcei heinsr received regularly confirm th most extreme press reports from th t-mna districts, where 15,000 are itvinr dailv of starvation. "There are uncounted millions of men, women and children subsisting nnnn mixiure of cround-up leaves. rxnti unrl ftass." the national chair man writes, "and the suffering is be yond description. Suicide is common. and desperate parents are drowning their little children in- the wells and rlv.ra because they cannot endure Inntrnr to witness their pitiable suf fering, killing themselves when they have endsd the agonies of their chil dren. The soup kitchens and relief stations established by the Chinese benevolent societies, the American Red Cross and the missions of various denominations are making a brave fight against appalling odds and doing their best to save those that can be reached with the limited supplies. The country is now being opened up and erganizat'on is being perfected for vBtrmatLe handling of the situation but the great crying need is for food supplies. In tremenaous quauimts Tn usnni of drought in this dense ly populated section of north China has brought about a tragedy the hor nr nnr extent of which can hardly be grasped by comfortable, well-fed. warmly-clad Americans, ins uimosi that we can do In the way of sending tnnnev and foodstuffs is needed, and what we send is the only hope the famine sufferers have against aeats b stsrvation." Diocesan Missionaries Here. Ttev. A. W. Doran and Rev. E. J. McGulnness.t diocesan missionaries from Philadelphia, will open a Lenten mission at St. Lawrence'! church. Third and Sherman streets this morn ing at 10:30 o'clock. The missionaries. rho at present are engaged in the chapel car work in the northwest, are eloquent speakers and have made a notable record in church extension activities. Lectures will be held very evening at 7:45 o'clock. Revival Meetings Attract Crowds. Revival meetings under auspices of the united Xazarene churches of Port land, which have been in progress for one week in the municipal audi torium, have been attracting unusu ally large crowds, nearly 2000 people having, been in attendance at the nlebt meetings from the beginning lost Monday. The afternoon services have also been well attended. Beginning at 7:15 tonight with a song service, there will be meetings si the auditorium at 2:30 and 7:30 every day this week, with the excep tion of Friday, when the two regular services of the day will be held in the White Temple. Twelfth and Tay lor streets. There will be no Satur day afternoon meeting. At J o'clock this afternoon Rev. Eona Fleming of the preaching staff will preach in the White Temple, his subject being "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit." Professor and Mrs. R. A. Shank, members of the singing staff, will render a duet, "There's No Kame Like Jesus." At J o'clock this afternoon Rev. U. E. Harding, also of the' preaching staff, will preach at the Y. M. C. A. to men only on "Why I Am a Christian." E. M. Cornelius, O. B. Myers and James Campbell, singing evangelists, will rendr selestions. The meeting tonight at 7:15 o'clock will be In A he auditorium, with Rev. Mr. Harding as the preacher, his sub ject being "Our Hand on God's Clock," or "When Will Jesus Come?" The trained choir of 159 voices will give one special selection, accompanied by the pipe organ, played by Dr.- C. L. Haynes. Profesor and Mrs. Shank and Messrs. Cornelius, Myers and Camp bell will also sing. There is no ad mission charge. Meetings close at 9:30 sharp. Kpworth League Holds Institute. The Portland District Epworth league has just completed a success ful new adventure In Epworth league work by holing its first mid-winter institute. The sessions were held on six con secutive Friday evenings at the First Mclhoiist church, beginning January 21. and wers well attended by the leaguers of the city. 150 to 200 being present each evening. Today is to be observed as institute fV R. H. H. BINGHAM, pastor of ths XJ First Baptist church of Calgary, Alta., preaches at the First Baptist church (White Temple) today. The Temple quartet will give music at both services and a cordial invitation Is extended to the general public to attend. The Sunday school session at 9:45 o'clock this morning promises to be an interesting occasion. It will be known as the "Kate Failing anniver sary," being the second anniversary of Miss Falling's departure for her missionary field In Ongole, South In dia. A special programme has been prepared, during which a number of missionaries will appear In the cos tume of the country in which they have labored, and will speak of their work there. Members of the primary department will dramatize "The Three Hebrews in the Fiery Furnace," the Filipino young men's class will give special music, and the Sunday school orchestra will render selections. All members of the church and friends are cordially invited to be present. The Sunday school of the First Bap tist church of Seattle has challenged the White Temple Sunday school in an attendance contest running until Easter, and the award, a silver cup about 20 inches high, valued at $50 is now in Portland awaiting the win ner of the contest. It is presented by the Seattle church. i Rev. Bruce Evans of Long Beach Cal., will occupy the pulpit of Arleta Baptist church at the evening serv ices next Sunday. He is planning to preach a series of sermons during his stay here. The Arleta men's club held a special programme appropri ate for Washington's birthday, last Tuesday evening in the church parlors. r ...........-........... .... ......? CjXVir.Tr;. vk, ; - ' ) ;x - 4 U i 4f?r - it J .: - -fiil T ilaniMnTsslslMilnainf nffci -- -,. -- f, ttf-tf& ff -' 1r -fT tfm ,tfrnl rtTT'lT- fT'-"! "''-if t-f-i--.-' JvAAW.A..w..a J will be observed by the congregation. The pastor will preach a sermon on the significance of the ordinance in the life of the Christian. A "father and sons" banquetwas given in this ohurch Friday evening. The boys and young men . of the church entertained the fathers and furnished the entire programme for the evening, including toasts anil special features. The cradle roll mothers have equipped a room in the church build ing for a nursery. The room is pret tily decorated and supplied with con veniences and toys for children. Competent mothers of the congrega tion will have charge of the nursery during the hours of church service. Sermon to Treat of Doubts and Perplexities of Today. Dlscoarae- to Be Delivered This Morning at the Chorea of Our Father, I nltarian, by William G. Eliot Jr. Photo by Davies. Faculty of th mld-wl titer Institute of Portland district, Epworth leagae, which closes a successful aeries of sessions today! Left to rlgfct (I pper row) V. J. Koenlg, recreation and culture) Dr. Joshua Stansfield, Old Testament stodlesj Dr. George B. Pratt evangelism. (Center) Dr. 8. Darlotv Johnson, Ken Testament studies) Dr. William Wallace Youngson, dean of the Institute) Lawrence Snyder, junior league work. (Lower) Miss Mildrd Bartholomew, social sen lie ( Mrs. Delia Mllligaa Miller, preslinVnt of the league, and Miss Frances Johnson, registrar. Dr. Edward Laird Stills, Kev. K. R. Sibley and Mrs. C. M. Williamson, who are mem brrs of the faculty, do not appear la the photograph. Special Musical Service at First Presbyterian Organ Rroltal and Song Numbers Will Feature Programme. "Respectable Sin" Is the theme from which Rev. R. E. Close will speak this evening at the Third Bap tist church. The ordinance of bap tism will be administered at this service. Mrs. Lou Gray, assisted by the choir and orchestra, will lead the congregation in a gospel song serv ice. "Uod s Insistence on Sincerity" will be the theme of the morning sermon. Friday evening, March A, "the lit tle ladies from the land of the cherry blossoms" will entertain in the church parlors. Miss Mabel Hines, who was one of the Portland delegates to the international Sunday school conven tion, held In Tokio, Japan, will be present and speak of her experiences in Japan. An interesting programme will be given and all are invited to attend. At Glencos Baptist church. East Forty-fifth and Main streets. Rev. Myron W. Haynes of McMlnnville col lege will speak both morning and evening. His sermons will be on fundamentals of Christian education. a In the East Side Baptist church this morning Dr. S. J. Reid, superin tendent of evangelism for the Bap- t:sts or Oregon, will psach at 11 o'clock, taking for his subject "A Dead K.ing and a Living King," and in the evening Dr. Reid's theme will be "Do We Give God a Chancer This will be the last Sunday for Dr. Reid. who has been supplying the pulpit of this church during the month of February on account or the Illness of the pas tor, Dr. W. B. Hinson. It is expected hat Dr. Hinson will again occupy his pulpit the first Sunday of March, ine loung people s society of this church will hold a religious service ac the Mann home this afternoon at 3 o'clock. On Thursday, March 3. the women's society will hold Its regular all-day meeting In the church, com mencing at 10 o'clock in the morning. Sewing for the needy and white cross work will be the work of the day. Luncheon will be served at the noon hour by the west side circle. Rev. D. A. Thompson, pastor of the Mizpah Presbyterian church, corner East Nineteenth and Division streets, will speak at both services today. His morning theme at 11 o clock, will be The Great Task of a Great Church" his evening theme at 7:45, "Unde eloped Power." The Intermediate Christian En- eavor, composed of high school stu dents, meets at 6:4a P. M. in the lec ure room of the church. The topic for the Thursday evening niDie stuay is ine fnarisee and the Publican Humility in Prayer." The Scotch concert, given Friday evening, under the auspices of the pastors' high school Bible class, was delightful occasion. The concert was given for the benefit of near east relief. The talent was all Scotch and the best in the city. At the close of he programme the Scotch women of the church served refreshments in the parlors of the church. The refresh ments consisted of scones, Short bread, oat cake and . tea. The pro ceeds were gratifying. The talent was given free and all proceeds went for the cause of relief. Tuesday evening. Washington's birthday, the men s club of the church met at a father-and-son dinner. There was a large attendance of boys and men. Conrad P. Olson and J. W: Palmer of the Young Men's -Christian association, were the speakers of the evening. The- regular Sunday night meeting of the Independent Bible Spiritualistio sr.ciety and church will be held at 441 East Twelfth street, corner of Sher man, at 8 o'clock. The lecture topic will be "The Road That Loads on to Peace and Light." Success and Health ciub week Tuesday night at S and a public demonstration is held Thurs day, J P. SI. T3E First Presbyterian church, cor ner of Twelfth and Alder streets, will have a special musical service this evening beginning at 7:30 o'clock. As a prelude to this service, from 7:15 to 7:30 o'clock, E. E. Courscn will give an organ recital with following programme: ."Offertory in G" (Wely); "Communion" (Devred). At the beginning of the regular service there will be a brfcf song service led by Walter Jenkins. The special musical number of the evening will be Stainer's sacred cantata, "The Daughter of Jairus." This will be given by the quartet, assisted by a chorus of mixed voices. The quartet consists of Mrs. Blanche Williams Se gersten, 'soprano; Mrs. Virginia Spen cer Hutchinson, contralto; John D. Treharne, tenor, and Otto Wedemeyer, bass and conductor. The chorus which will assist consists t of: So pranos, Evelyn Drewery, Agnes Torg ler, Olga Johnson. Marguerite Rus sell; altos. Glenda Sumerlin, Enid Kimball, Mrs. B. U. Skulason; tenors, G. H. Charters, Walter Rose, E. C Jackson; bassos, F. T. Richards, W. A. Stebbins, H. S. Saunders. There win be a brief sermon by the pastor. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman, on the sub ject, "The Dawn of Joy." . At the morning service Dr. Bowman will preach on "Beauty and the Beast" The quartet will give two anthems. This church is making plans for the annual Easter in-gathering of new members. The pastor will begin this week a communicants' class for the young folk In the Sunday school who have this step in mind. The arren vesper service will Be gin promptly rUday at 4:15 P. M. Clin ton O. Bay will conduct a song service leading more than 100 members. The subject of the address to be given by George A. Morgan will be "F.arly Bible Characters." Katherine Kiem will sing twice and the orchestra, di rected by Bettle Wells, will render two overtures. All young folk are cordially invited to attend this serv ice. Friendship circles wiil be open to receive all strangers. Entrance at 434 Alder street, room E. Rev. Walter M. Irwin, New Era sec retarv of the Presbyterian church for the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, has returned to his office in the Central bluildlng from extended trips in Willamette valley, to Seattle and the Grays Harbor sections. He reports a very hopeful spirit manifest ed by the) pastors and .the churches and definite activities carried on to make Easfer a Sunday of large in gathering of members Into the church. He reports that the foreign board has prepared a very effective programme for the use of the Sunday schools Easter Sunday. March 27. The pastors are emphasizing stew ardship today. The effort will be to get an enrollment In the "Fellowship of Stewardship" by all of those who recognize the principles of steward ship in the terms of setting, apart a certain proportion of their income for the development of religious and phi lanthropic efforts. Definite plans are being made also by all of the.churches in preparation nf the every member, canvass on March . The executive commission has recommended this date tor ail or the churches of the denomination, it has also set 112.000,000 as the budget to be sought from the churches by the boards and agencies for the year beginning April 1, 1921. this total hudsret has been distributed to the synods, presbyteries and churches by the New Era committees. The total quota to te Portland presbytery is I65.785. The presbyterial part of this Is 115.136. Part of this money will oe spent for the support of the student pastors at Eugens ana uorvains. There is also an item in it for the San Francisco Theological seminary, and 122,000 is the amount to be used by the church extension "board of Port land presbytery, which serves the churches in and near Portland. Canvass material has been distrib uted to all the churches and the New Era. committees of the presbyteries are expecting that the churches will fully raise their quotas ior ine com ing year on March 6. w w At Central Presbyterian church, East Thirteenth and Pine streets. Dr. W. H. Nugent will preach this morn ing from the topic, "The Controlling Motive Selfishness or Unselfishness"; tn the evening. "The Anger of Jonah." ftrhe chorus choir will sing two num bers in the morning, "Hold Thou My Hand" by Gounod, and "O. Be Joyful in the Lord" by Housley. Mr. Belcher, the director, will conduct a song serv ice in the evening and there will be a selection by the chorus. The woman s society held its month- tea last Wednesday at the home xr of Jtre R.! D. Hewitt. There was a large . attendance, and a good pro gramme. Refreshments were served. ,The Sunday school held a "fun night". Friday night. Games were en Joyed by all. The officers of the school plan to hold these frolics each' month if possible. The men of Central who will con duce ths financial canvass Sunday. March 6, will meet tomorrow evening for a dinner in the club rooms of the church. An outline of the work ex pected of each man wiil be presented at this meeting. The women's missionary society of Central will hold ' its -monthly mis sionary meeting Wednesday afternoon In the church parlors. The monthly business meeting of the Christian society of Central will be held next Friday evening. Elec tion of officers will be held. Westminster Presbyterian church will hear Dr. Pence this morning on the theme: "A Faith Worth Contend ing for Earnestly." He will also give a sermonette to Ine children: "The Coming of the Birds." In the evening he will continue his evan gelistic talks with the theme: "Is Jesus, God's Last Word About Human Nature?" The music for the day will be un der the direction of Mr. J. Hutchison assisted by the quartet: Mrs. J. E. Ettinger, Mrs. F. Beagles, J. P. Mul- der and Com Zan. In the morning: Anthem, "Blest Are They That Mourn" (Johannes Brahms); offertory, "Traum erei" (Robert Schumann); contralto and baritone duet, "He Uiveth His Beloved Sleep" (Franz Abt). The morning music is af fectlonate lv dedicated to the memory of Albert Brix. In the evening: Quartet, "O Bavtnr Victim" (O. Rossini); offertory, "Lenta ta D Flat" (Cyril Scott) ; baritone eolo, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" (Bruno Huhn). Dr. Estelle Ford Warner will speak to the Young people at 6:30 on "Russia." She has a thrilling mes sage to give, following her war ex periences in Siberia. The Men's club is happy to again greet their president, C. E. Cochran, who has been ill for some time. He will give his lecture entitled: "George Washington.'.' At the annual meeting of the Woman's association the regular re ports were most gratifying. The past year has been one of the most Suc cessful along every line. Mission study, industrial work, money col lected for foreign, home missions and j social service. The following offi cers 'and committee chairmen werer selected: President. Mm. Charles T. Chamberlain; vice-president. Mrs. A. F. Bittner; secre tary. Mrs. Hugh Henry; treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Carrlco; financial secretary, Mrs. J. C. Mann: secretary of mission study, Mra. George Flchtncr: secretary of young wo men and girls' work, Mra. Neal Crounse I secretary of social service, Mra -A. G. Lewis; secretary of Hospitality, Mrs. F. O. Felter; secretary of literature, Mrs. Ralph H Burnside; secretary or missionaries, Mrs. V. W. Paris; secretary .of publicity, Mrs. J. P. Mulder; chairman of pro gramme committee, Mrs. Sidney Smyth; chairman of membership committee, Mrs. A F. Bittner; chairman of calling com mittee. Mrs. C. H. Chenoweth; chairman of music committee. Mrs J. L. Bowman; chairman of decorations committee. Mra W H. Cullers; chairman of sewing com mittee. Mrs. George Black; chairman of social service calling committee, Mrs. E. G. Titus. s Services this evening In the Fourth Presbyterian church will be of spe cial interest. Mrs. nowaro n. will give an illustrated lecture on Persia, followed by a dialogue, "Start ing Right," to be given by Mr. and Mrs Floyd" Hallock. Mrs. Clark had Just finished leading a study class ... , . rtil.. X-nn TTsut throiin tne dook j.u the Cross Roads of the-World." . s v s ' Dr. Norman F. Coleman was the speaker at the men's supper at the Fourth Presbyterian church last Tuesday evening. The men of this en mm tin Itv have organized a club which is oPen to all men who are in terested in the discussion of religious, political, social, economic. Industrial and other questions of general inter est. The officers are: President, A. H. McGowan; vice-president, P. B. Mcduire; secretary, Thomas Chris tiansen; treasurer, A. E. Koessell. The meetings are held the last Tues day evening In each month. Dr. Harold L. Bowman, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will be the speaker at the Men's Resort meet ing at 4 P. M. today.. Ray McAuley and Miss Gidrap will be soloists. Then orchestra and men will Join in mass singing. Wednesday night at S o'clock the San Grael society of First Presbyter ian church will hold its monthly meeting. "Is Tour Child a 'Dew-Drier'?" Is the topic of Rev. Donald MacCluer's sermon at Rose City Park Presbyter ian church this morning. In the eve ning he will discuss the subject of divorce. Christian Science Lesson Topic Is Christ Jesus. Three Lectures Will Be Given Dur ing Current Week. "1 HRTST JESUS" is the subject J of the lesson sermon in the Churches of Christ, Scientist, today. Regular services are held in all Christian Science churches this morn ing at 11 o'clock and In all churches this evening at 8 o'clock, except Fifth and Seventh. Sunday school is maintained for children up to the age of 20 years. and the sessions in all churches, ex cept Third and Fifth churches, are held at 9:45 and 11; in the other twro at 9:30 and 11. Wednesday evening meetings are held in all churches at 8 o'clock, these meetings include testimonies of Christian Science healing. The churches are located as follows: First, Nineteenth and Everett streets. Second, blast Sixth and Holladay avenue. Third, East Twelfth and Salmon streets. Fourth, Vanoouvsr avenue and Emerson street. Fifth, Sixty-Second avenue and Forty second street Southeast. Sixth, Pythian Temple, 383 Yamhill street. Seventh, 403 Smith avenue. Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist, of this city announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by Mary G. Ewing, C. S. B., of Chicago, mem ber of the board of lectureship of the mother church, the First Church ol Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass., Friday, March 4, in the municipal auditorium at 8 o'clock; doors open at 7:30. Fifth church also announces that Professor Hermann S. Herlng, C. S.J3., of Concord, N. H., will lecture for them In their church ed'fice Tues day evening. March 1, and Judge i Samuel W. Greene, C. S., of Louisville. Ky., will lecture for First church in their edifice Sunday afternoon, March 6, and Monday and Tuesday evenings, March 7 and 8. The public is welcome to these lec tures. The spiritual development set-Vices will be held at 1:45 P. M. in the Chris tian Spiritualist church at Alisky hall, Morrison street, between Third ard Fourth streets. These services will be conducted by Rev. Charles K. Miller. Twenty minutes of this serv ice will be. devoted to healing the sick. At 3 P. M. the scriptural lesson will be delivered by Rev. Jack Wilson. At 5 P. M. "Mother" Sherwood and other message-bearers will hold test circles for the benefit of the church. Mrs. Maria Jensen will hold her usual question circle. The evening services will be held at 8 P. M., at which Rev. P. M. Singleton will deliver a sermon on "The Soul and Spirit." Spirit mes sages will be delivered by the message-bearers at ach service. Visit ing spiritualist mediums are cordially invited to attend aad participate in our services. THE sermon at the Church of Our Father, Unitarian, Broadway at Yamhill street, this morning at 10:30 o'clock, by the pastor, William G. Eliot Jr., will treat of present-day doubts and perplexities concerning the fundamental realities of religion with the text "We Piped Unto You and Ye Did Not Dance." The church school will meet at r.oon in accordance with the recently announced change of time. At 6:30 P. M. Mr. Eliot will give an irformal lecture on "The Glories and Failures of tho Thirteenth Century, in the church parlor In connection with the regular Sunday evening wor- rhip and study hour of the Young Feoole's fraternitv. This course of informal Sunday evening talks will follow in outline the history of west ern Christianity. The treatment of the subject is concrete and much photographic and biographical illus tration is used. Tomorrow evening will be held the regular monthly meeting of the pas toral council. The Women's" alliance will hold its regular monthly social and literary meeting on Wednesday, March 2, at 3 P. M. following the business meeting at 2 P. M. The literary feature of the programme will be an address by A. G. Clark, representing the Associated Indus tries of Oregon. The regular meeting of the Chris ten union will be held Thursday in the reading room at 3 P. M. Th choir is preparing a fine programme to be given at the regular monthly Sunday afternoon social musicals to be held on the first Sunday in March, s The vesper services at the Y. W. C A. today will be addressed by Mrs. Aionzo M. Petty. Her subject will be "Burning Hearts and Heartburn." Miss Adele Malshaw of Spokane will be soloist The following Sundays "forward step" meetings will be held looking toward Easter services. A business women's Bible class will h, nranl7fl Wednesday at 6:30 P. M. This class" will have one hour of study on the Book of Mark for six consecutive Wednesday rights. Miss M A. Rockwell will be the leader. W. W. Aber, pastor of the First Church of Psychic Science. Eleventh and Alder streets, will deliver a lec ture tonight at 8 o'clock on the sub ject "The Laws Governning Independ ent Manifestations." After the lecture there will be messages delivered. Service of Questions Answers Planned. ant Current Event Topics to Be Taken In at First Congregational Church Tonight. the Senior Endeavor society and meets every Tuesday at 7:45 P. M. in the church parlors. The interdenominational Bible class will study the fourth chapter of Daniel next Wednesday evening. The keenest interest is displayed in these prophetic studies. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid society will be held in the churoh parlors Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A mother and daughter banquet is anticipated in the near future. .Rev. E. E. Flint, pastor of Atkinson Memorial Congregational church, is giving a series of pre-Easter ser mons Sunday mornings on the gen eral theme, "Looking Chlstward. The topics are as follows: Today "Christ at Prayer, or "Th Call to the Knees." March 6 "The Empty Tomb," or "A Christless World." March 13 "Christ in the Hands of Friends," or "Winning by Love." March 207-'Spiritual Identifica tion," or "The Cure for Doubts."' March 27 "Christ Enthroned," ol "The Conquest of Two Worlds." A plea for world disarmament. Tonight the sermon on "The Child hood Scenes of Jesus" will be illus trated by lantern slides and moving pictures. t "Angels at the Crossroads of Life" is to be the subject of tho sermon of Rev. Edward Constant at the High land Congregational church this morning. At the evening service he is to give an address based on the recently-written drama entitled "The Light of the World," which set forth the character of Christ in a unique form. s s An inspirational springtime sermon will be given at the morning service in the Waverly Heights church this morning by the pastor. Rev. Oliver Perry Avery. The subject will be "The Language of the Soul." At the evening service the newly organized churus choir will slnj. In engaging Professor Day as director the pur pose of -the church has been to offer tne community a orivileee In train ing for chorus singing. The subjecf. oi ine evening discourse by the pas tor will be "Using Our Greatest Spiritual Forces." Plans are being formulated in both the senior and intermediate Chris tian Endeavor societies for summer outing activities. Whitney Boys' chorus will give a sacred concert at the church. "Conflict Between Two Kingdoms" will be the subject of ths sermon by Rev. William E. Brinkman at the St. Jrfmes English Lutheran church at 11 A. M. today. "Let Him That Is Athlrst Come Unto Me" will be the evening sermon a. 7:45. The Sunday school holds its ses sion each Sunday in the church chap4 at 9:50; Miss Celeste Albin, superin tendent. An Illustrated mission study will bs conducted by the pastor for the Sunday school with the use of the lantern for a half-hour period on the last Sunday of each month. The Young People's Luther league will hold Its devotional meeting Sun day evening at :45 in ths church c?.apel. "A Study in Missions: The Mission Study of the New Testament." A special series of Lenten sermons and addresses is being given by ths pastor each Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock In the church chapel. These addresses are given on the sacrificiat lifo and sufferings of Christ for ths deepening of the believer's faith and dovotion in the Savior of the world. Next Thursday Rev. Brinkman will speak on the Lenten subject, "Ths Broken and Contrite Heart." Discourses Leading Up to Revival in March. "The Beat Securities" Morula Topic at First Lulled Bmhrea Church Today by Dr. II. J. Clark. Lenten Services at Trinity Episcopal Announced. Dr. Morrison to Preach Today on Secret of Beauty. A T 1 iTX ne T Trinity Episcopal church, cor- Sermon Sleeping, (Topic of Rev. Harold Griffis. Youths of Today Fallins; From Third Story of Opportunity to He Described at First Christian Church. . ,,QJ LEEPIXG THROUGH THE SER O MON will be the theme oi Rev. Harold H. Griffis at the First Christian church today at 11 o'clock. The discussion will be based on the ncldent of the young man who slept ANOTHER '"question and answer service" ts planned for the First Congregational church this evening. The questions to be answered are: Did the "movie interests" deliberate ly lie in giving to the .press the untruth that the Lord's day alliance united the reformers to bring back the "blue laws" of the Puritan bun- day? Has Judge Landis the right to receiv two salaries, one or siduu as a Judge and one of 142.500 as a base ball arbiter? How about the ethics of Judge Landis excusing the thiev ing bank clerk because men higher up have stolen more and remained unpunished? and if God suffers con scious loss when men are "lost" is God unhappy? This question and answer service ft preceded by a brief organ recital by Miss Ethel Lynn Ross- and a song service led by Joseph A. Finley. The chorus choir of 35 selected voices has within its membership a male quartet and a women's quartet, as well as a mixed quartet, and gives a programme of music in connection with the service. Floyd McKalsom will be the leader of the Senior Endeavor society and Louise Green is the leader of the In termediate Endeavor society at their meetings this evening at 6:30 o'clock. The seniors have organized a "round table" with Mrs. H. A. Roberts as leader for the discussion of mission ary problems. The church school has voted unanimously to adopt a theo logical student at the Mindanao training school for ministers. The Alumni Christian Endeavor council is planning a banquet. Mrs. Harold G. Rice and Miss Mattie Cle land will have charge of the dinner and W. D. Scott and Walter Hunting ton will direct the entertainment. The Young People's associations plan to hold an Informal social meet ing every Sunday afternoon at E o'clock with light refreshments served at 6:15 o'clock. Miss Oril Elsie Henthorne, the new director of religious education, will give a brief address introducing some timely topic that will be followed by discussion. On Wednesday the Women's asso- streets, the services for Lent are as follows: Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4:30 o'clock P. M., evening prayer and a short talk by the rector. Sun days the services are as follows: Early communion at 8'clock: morn ing' prayer and sermon by the rector a: 11, and evening prayer at 8 o'clock. Dr. Morrisons subject today will be "The Secret of Personal Beauty An Analysis of the Creative Genius of the Soul." Trinity Mission guild meets at 1 o'clock every Monday in the parish house and sews for the different charitable organizations in the city. The Women's guild meets every Wednesday In an all-day session and sews for the Good Samaritan hospital. Women Interested In work of this kind are cordially invited to attend these meetings. Last Monday W. H. C. Bowen, colonel, U. S. A., gave an Interesting Illustrated lecture on "Indians of the Frontier Days" to a large group of young folk. Colonel Bowen spent many years on the Indian frontier, so his talk was replete with his own I personal experiences. On March 18 at 7:30 P. M. Colonel Bowen will lec ture for the benefit of Trinity Sun day school on 'XJuster's Massacre." Colonel Bowen's Information is first hand on this subject, as he was sta tioned in the vicinity and visited the battlefield shortly after the massacre. Visitors and strangers are always cordially Invited to Trinity and any of Trinity's doings. f.-TIHB BEST SECURITIES" Is the J- theme for discussion by Dr. B. J. Clark at the First United Brethren church, East Fifteenth and Morrison streets this morning. "To VVhom Shall We Go?" u the evening tcplc. These are discourses leading up to the revival which will begin Aiarcn 6. Preparation, is now under way by both pastor and people. Ths services will be featured by ipoclal music. Rev. Ira Hawlev. niatnr th. -...,LEU -urciuren cnuron, 1 wenty-seventh and Sumner streets, will speak this morning on "Gods Showers Shall Come Down." The evening service will be conducted by Rev. E. O. Shepherd, who Is assisting the pastor In a series of evangellstin cervices. The public is invited. Local talent furnishes special music every evening. Regular Services will be held both morning and evening In the Third United Brethren church. Sixty seventh and Thirty-second avenue Southeast. The pastor, Itev. E. O. Shepherd, will conduct the morning service, and in the evening the pulpit will be supplied. At Fourth United Brethren church. Treinont station, the pantor, l!ev. Leila Luckey, will speak In the morn ing on "Progressive Christians" and in the evening on "The Word ths Tower of God Unto Salvation." The choir will assist by giving special music. "The Symbolic Meaning of Moes" Vision In the Mount," by Itev. Wm, R.eece, will be the subject tor this evening's lecture at Theoophlcal hall, 301 Central building. The lec ture will be a continuation of a series explaining the meaning of the sym bols used In the Christian Bible. Be ginning Sunday evening, March 6, Mr. L. W. Rodgers of Chicago, noted lecturer and author, president of th American section of the Theosophlcal society, will give three lectures to the Portland public in the assembly room of the Multnomah hotel. The Young Peoples ' society of St. Stephen's (Episcopal) pro-cathedral will hold Its regular meeting today at 6:30 P. M. in the parish house at the corner of Thirteenth and Clay streets. The address, "South America, the Land of Golden Opportunity," fully illustrated by 75 slides, will be given by W. A. Moore, assisted by Stephen D. Claghorn. Dr. Slansfield to Preach on Virtuous Anger. Men of First Methodist KpltH-npal Church to Organise Wednesday, T THE First Methodist Episcopal Trinity Lutheran Church Is Holding Lenten Services. Morning Sermon In German and livening In English. With For mer at 10:30 A. .11. aad Latter at 7i30 P. M. will be baptized. The tonic for the during the preaching of the apostle. ' elation will hold a mother's and sermon Is 'Two Things Necessary Paul and fell finally from the third- ! children's day from 10 until 4 olclock. Unto a Walk in the Light." Sunday story window, the scene being held A proiessionai Kinaerganner will school with all classes meets at 9:30 typical of certain modern youths who e.ery neuues- a. m. lienien service is neia Tnurs- are falling from the third story of I day from 11 o'clock until the conclu- day at 8 P.M., and the choirs rehearse opportunity. sion oi ine meeting. mere will be I Wednesday and Friday at 8 P. M. TF.INITY LUTHERAN CHURCH is holding Lenten services every Sunday morning-and evening at its church parlors on Rodney avenue and Ivy street. The morning service be gins at iu:ij o clock and is con conducted in German. The evening service, which begins at 7:30 o clock, is conducted in English. Topic of the evening sermon Is "Woman, Be hold Thy Son Behold Ty Mother." All the usual servces will be held ir. St. Paul's Lutheran church. East Twelfth and Clinton streets, and the pastor. Rev. A. Krause, will be in his pulpit morning and evening. At 10:30 A. M. he will preach a sermon on the gospel of the day, his subject being "Every Man Is Either a Citizen of Christ's or a Subject of Satan's Kingdom." Bible study and devo tional services are at 5 P. M. At the evening service, 7:30 o'clock, an adult In the evening at 7:45 the pastor aewing ior cnaruy at ootn tne morn- will sneak on the Christian' ttit,irt ing ana aiternoon sessions, with the propaganda repre- i toward current sented by the book, "The Interna tional Jew," the sermon subject being "The World's Indebtedness to the Jew A Reply to Henry Ford." Carefully prepared music will bo provided at both of these services by the church quartet, the musical re sponses Including the baritone solo, "Stilling the Tempest" (Watson) by W. G. Mannan and the contralto se lection, "Resignation" (Roma) by Miss Beatrice Palmer. regular monthly business meeting at 2 o'clock. The association plans a reception to the group of new mem bers who are to join the church on the first Sunday in March, on Friday evening, March 11. Mrs. C. H. Johns is the chairman of this reception committee. , The chorus choir is to give Bal lard's arrangement of the 91st Psalm at a musical service planned for Sun ! day night, March 6. On that same I evening the new electric sign that is Rev. Thure Moberg of Idaho Falls, Idaho, will preach In the Swedish Tabernacle, Glisan and North Sev enteenth streets, at 11 o'clock' A. M. The revival meetings of the last three weeks will close next Sunday night. Rev. Frank Lindblad will preach in English In the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock on "Separation From the World," and In the evening at 7:30 o'clock the subject will be "The Blind Beggar by the Wayside." s - The Sunday school of the Clay Street Evangelical church. Tenth and Clay streets, west side, will com-' mence at 9:30 and will be in charge' of the superintendent, E. J. Keller. At 10:45 the pastor, Jacob Stocker, will continue his series of sermons on the letter of Paul to the Ephesians and will speak on "The Inheritance of the Believer." In the afternoon at 8 8'clock he will preach in thu Evangelloal church at Carson Heights. The Young People's alliance will meet at 6:30 and will be in charge of Harry service will center around -the com-j is being made of the cardinal doc-1 Bischof f, who wiil leave for eastern munlon service. The Lord's supper trine. This class is carried on by Oregon until winter. At 7:30 the being installed is tq. be dedicated by a special service. As a special feature of the drive being made in the Sunday school of interests of China relief an address The serIes, of pre-Easter Sunday will be given this morning at 10:30 evening services opened a week ago n'clnck hv R F TrvlneHitr. i at bunnyside Congregational church Oregon Journal. This school has ob- Promises to surpass all expectations, ligated itself for $500 by Easter in j Dr- J- J' staUD Preaches a short ser- behalf of the starving Chinese, and t mon at every service on some out- the message oT Mr. Irvine will bear stanaing event or cnrist s life. on the worthiness of this cause. lne new'y organized class on fun damentals is growing in numbers and At Church of Christ the morning interest. . A thorough scriptural study will speak on "Fundamentals of Pros perity," as set forth by Roger W. Babson. Mr. Babson Is perhaps the ablest statistician of America today, but he gives something far moro vital than statistics ai the fundamentals of prosperity, declaring they are honesty and faith and Industry and co-operation and such. In the morning at the 10:30 serv ice Dr. Stansfleld will preach on "Virtuous Anger." and will seek to dispel super-pious notions of some extreme religionists. The finest pss sions of the soul may be expressed anJ should be against the wonst things of life, he holds. The outstanding event of the week I for the First church this week will be the men s organization dinner on Wednesday night at 6:30. One hun drei men are expected to be present at this dinner, and a permanent or ganization of the men of First church is to be perfected. All brothers-in-law to the church are also urged to be on hand for this event. The community night will be on Friday at 7 o'clock. The programme will Include motion pictures and Edna Ferber's splendid story, "The Gay Old Dog." Dr. Clarence True Wilson of Wash ington. D. C, secretary of the board of temperance of the Methodist Epis copal church. Is paying a brief visit to Portland and will preach at Centenary-Wilbur church this morning. A "one win one" movement Is un der way at Centenary-Wilbur church. The object of the movement Is to enlist a large number of persons in the winning of others to the Chris tian standard during the- lentri period. A group of some 25 young persons who during recent months have dedicated themselves to life service, are leading the movement on behalf of the young people of th congregation. It is expected that many enlistments to the covenant will be received today, when special em phasis will be placed upon persona) evangelism. Last Wednesday night the voile ball team of this church met a similar team from Central Methodist church and carried off th. laurels. A lum' number of enthusiastic supporters of the contestants were present to glvf support to their respective teams. Dr. Frank Llewellyn Wemett, the pastor, has been delivering a series of evangelistic messages on Sunday night. At nearly every service there 1 ihe Oregon Book and Tract Depot Now Located at 266 5 i Alder St. BIBLES, TRACTS AND CHRIS TIAN LITERATURE ON SALE FREE READING ROOM Just Received New Shipment of Chafera Works Phone Aut. 520-43 J