TUT. SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, ' TORTLAXD. FEBRUARY 27, 1021 msiNESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels ami Rooming Hones. 3S-ROOM BRICK HOTEL. Downtown locution, 3-year lease: rnt $1:5 per month; new $500 and better. This is a good placej fur n. things- are good. Price $5i50. 70-ROOM BRICK HOTEL,. Good location, b:g money-maker. Nets around $1Ih: everything In fine condition. Price is right. 621. 16 ROOMS. Kin location, good furniture; has net income of $1-0; rent only $RH). Cash $50. 050. 10 ROOMS. Centrally located in good condi tion, very reasonable rent; nets S75. Cash $lom. C71. 13 ROOMS. A good buy. fine location, nice home and a money -maker; nets $125; furniture ;s A-l. also fine piano, Price $20oo. 67. 12 ROOMS. Knob hotel district, good fur niture, re asonable rent, nets $DnJ hnd better: owner has exceptional ly nice l:vmg quarters; price to handle $louu. 037. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 2" ROOMS. Modern close in, everything In fine condition; nets $1205; price is r.ht on this piace. 13 ROOMS. Clone-in. everything in good con dition: rent only $45; nets $134. Price is light. BTHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg.. 3d and Stark Sts. OFEX Sl'XDAYri. Main 74S7. $.Vm TOTAL PRICE S-ROOM HOUSE. Vp.t side, on Hyt st. Makes Efod CLASSY" APARTMENT HOUSES. 17 strictly modern. 3 rooms and hath; best of furniture, in fine condition; brick hid.; steam heat; White Temple district; close in; income our 1000; 110,500; 5 1 2,500 cash required. 2 pt.: brick bldg.; Nob Hill district; strict I v modern, clean and fine condi tion; over $7oO net income; $10,000 cash wi.I handle. Here's a snap. A LITTLE "BEAUTY". 2fl 1, 2 and 3-ronm elegantly fur nished modern apartments, the finest stc.tm-he.it plant in euy : apts. are large, lik-t.i and fm": shows ?550 net income; 4-w-ar lease: $75oo will handle. 43 3 rooms besides bath and dressing t nomi, automatic e leva tor. brick bide ; 4-ear ims-: 7 minutes' walk from cen ter: good furniture. iro"d runs, many nw; income over $20imi month; $10.0n0 rn.sh will handle or wi.I take on" or two Mii.ill modern homes in good district and i si. me ra-h, SIMMS-KEITH CO.. C10 HENRY RLDG. HOTEL FURNITURE AND LEASE Ft HI SALE. 4T-room three-story b o k b.Og.. !o-rat-d in b-t city in Willamette valley; net income per month $lnoo r etter; this is a money-maker and the income i hii ! Increased it' yon desire to cui down help; by doing some of tlie. work jourytlf payroll can lw reduced t least 15u per month. If you want a i,rod Ko ine proposition with four-vtar lea e. lool this up at once. Par; culars . A. Sarles. -133 N'ori n western Pank h'dg. ATTKNTlOX. MR. HOTEL MAN. $I5.noo cash will handle one of the h st paying residential hotels In the norlhw-st; full details at this office, la VT"V.N IH (TBI Modern brick building', completely fur nished. b.-HUf i) ui lobby, in t he heart of the downtown district; shows (rood net imorne; $12. Hint cash will handle. C '( HR a- H H.M AN. 322-3-4 Failing bldg.. 3d and Wash. 'V do not misrepresent." 5H-KOOM HOTEL. Good cast sid- location, consisting of 31 sleeping rooms. K housekeeping suites consist i n g of Z, 3 and 4 room apart merits, brick building. 5-year lease, rent Sl'oo p.-r mouth, including stores down stnrs; net income ntout $5ihi; 4Ml cash handle; will transfer ihe leas? to a J.t Of, ne-. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3o3 i t, k ST. wDA S ; K KAT AI'AKTM ENT HoUSE LARGAI N. A R HAXCK TO S E E THIS AT OM'E. A fine nearly new unfurnished west side uirniT bro k apartment hous?. No ' use or t urillt lire to be Itought. En tire property can be bandied with $15. im'o. Fully $10.1100 below 01 her listings. i phone I n tormu t ton. O. H. S K TH E ! M COM PAN Y. 40s- II I out h Bide. 5 1 -1 i t 1 M APARTMENT HOUSE. Consisting of 2 4 -room apartments. 4 3-room t pa rt !ii"nt.i and 17 2 -room apartments. 3 single rooms; each apart ment has a la rge kit chn ; 2-year lea si ; rent $J2" per month; i lea ring $450; ftiiHiO W handle RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3i5 1 1. K ST. I-RICK BLD-;.. over loo rooms (some apts. . k-mmI U-ase. rent less than $3 per room ; s ten in Ilea 1 . ery good I urniture ; carpets a i most new ; bldg. in pood re- r : spkndid income. $10,000 will handle. MRS. THOMSON. fi2Q HENRY BLDG. 0- R00M HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. Close in. White Temple dist rict. suit able for a nice home with a small inform-; price $1100. terms. This is a good buy hii viil ko qutcktv. RELIABLE INV ESTMENT CO., 305 A K ST. 1-0 KOu.MS, clos.--in west-ide location; strain heat, running water. private hath, eitra Weil furnished, clears $750 a month anil can be nuide to clear $1oimi. JIO 000 c;,,i handles-. a. .1. ie forest a- co.. 32ft IL-nry bl.lj Broadvay 55M. A SNAP Ff'R CASH. Furniture of 2o-rooin brick rooming luue, ail full, cheap rent, good income, steam heat. Will sacrifice. Must be 011 larm b March 15. Cash only $2 loo. Owner. 2i2 Washington st.. Vancou ver. Wash. APARTMENT houe. good west mJh loca tion, 32 apartments, very well furnished and always full: clears $7mi to $mhi a month. For price and terms see Mrs. McLeod. with a. J. de forest a- co . 32 Henry bldg. Broadway 5-Vnt Modern brick apartment house. Over loo rooms, all 2 and 3-room apts. Long lease, rent $ 4.75 per room ; newly renovated ; good f urniture; big income: sio.mto w ill handle. MRS. THOMSON. 02Q HENRY BLDG. 114 ROOMS, fine corner brick building, steam he.tt. running water, clears bet ter than $."oo a month: price $10. mm. some term. Investigate this; it's a rvul bargain. A. J. DE FOREST A- CO, 720 Henry hldir. Broadway 5V0I. modern brick hotkl 44 rooms, some private bat hs. good (a, iow rent. grs income a; w ays over summi; takes 'joou to liandle. Par ticulars w ith MRS. THOMSON. 020 HENRY BLDG. home and liberal income. Electricity, stove heat. Rent $25. Substantial fur nilure. Main 1575. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY 40N-41 1 1 oueh Bldg. Fourth Bei.Wa--h. and Stark. READ MY BULLETIN BOARDS THEN ASK ME FoR OTHERS I PEKSO.M,y INSPECT PHONE ME YOUR LISTINGS I LL SELL YOU OUT. J EUCKNE HEDGKS. 2Q1 W. PARK u. ke. -plug, rent M40, tiears mouth; price $44oo, some over JOO t-rms. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry bldg. Broadway 5500. $itto.t CASH handles best monev-makin; 7-room hotel jn Portland ; srna.l bai anct tajv. List So PACIFIC H TEL NEWS CO INC 71 1 'oT'l BLDG. AUTt t want d as part payment on good, big hoarding house, west side. Industrial district; for further information call at e:f k e. J KUGENK HE DOES. ?'H W. PARK. 11 Rt hi.msi:e.t ;;o7 " llond furniture., bath, electricity, yard, a Aipie of bioiks from the auditorium. 01 a n't beat this for $1215; terms. IVLr. 15 N. 5th st. A REAL BARGAIN 0 dean. wetlfur nishod rooms in White Temple district: a good home and income. Only $13oo for cufrk sale. Q-. ner. Marshall Irtos. Ki-LlVKN H. K. rooms, nicely furnished, dean. h"t and cojj water in all apart ments, elec. light. Marshall 70. 403 Brosd wa v. itlVfcl.V bouseKe -pn.g room. 3 furr.mhed i5d 2 partly rurr.:sheri; fuii basement; 'ove heat, ee-'tnc lights : rent $22.50 ( $500. terms. 10th s, HA VE 4 -room cottage, electric lights. lot 5 x I ( a. 2 blocks cr and cash d 1 f f e r ence fr good 12 to 20-room housekeep ing 3-ROOM flat, strictly modern. Nob Hill district. $73 it taken Monday. Room 32. 31 Yamhill sr. IDAHO irrigated, value J 12.0 Hi. will trade it as part payment on good hotel or :tprtn-.ewi house. Main 0451. 171 I3th st. IF Vol- wish to buy or sell a hotel, room ing hous or business of any kind, call Barney Johnson. 170 10th st. Main 3100. CLEAR loo to m.im rng house. trade part Payment on O 475. Oregonian. W V NT 15 o in tut ions. jo.r-m house, close An; no K 4;. Oregonian. HI SINKKS OPPORTI NITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514-520 Swetland Bldg., Corner 5th and Washington Sts. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES. APARTMENT HOUSE with 21 apartments; rent only $100; ytcam heated, hot and cold water, electric lights, very best location, very neat and clean: lovely home for owner; price $S500. tome terms. . to good parties. 62 rooms, rent $250 with lease, steam heated, hot and cold water in apartments; nets $350 month ; price $0250. some terms. 44 rooms, rent $100, water in each apartment: 2, 3 and 4 room apartments; price $4200. terms. 7 rooms, housekeeping, rent $35. rooms light and airy. Nob Hill dis trict; price $025. 11 rooms, housekeeping, close in. furniture better than the av erage; price $W00. 70 rooms, west side, large lobby, long lease, moderate rent, large income. Nuff said! 74 rooms, west side, large lobby, transient hotel, always full. If you are looking for a real income, look this place over; price $18,000, some terms. 30 rooms, one of the neatest hotels on the west hide; net in come $325; rent $150; long lease; price $8000. No shoppers! PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514-520 Swetland BIdg., Corner 5th and Washington Sts. 2 G UU D UL'Y S 2. $ -000 $ 4 500 DOW N. 50 ROOMS. Resident iH I hotel, west side, steam heat. running water. closets in all rooms, completely furnished; nominal rent; lease. $MHM $5500 IHVN. Transient hotel, excellent location, lease, brick building, west side, running ' water, steam heat all rooms. Shows la rse net income and is exceptionally clean. COO v E R & HOLM AN. 322-3-4 Failing bidg., 3d and Wash, "We do not misrepresent." 10-ROOM corner house, rent $40; elcc. : J stove heat: gross Income $122: furniture and carpets very good. elcc. washer in- , cludeu; nice yard; $1200 will handle. j 12 rooms, h. k., rent $0: dec. fur- - . rtaip. gruss $185: -very clean: well In- cated ; home with good income; $l20 down. 1 I 12 rooms, dandy corner, rent $50; dec; furnace; 1 lears $130 besides own ; apt., clean and well carpeted; lovely 1 ard; $2200, some terms. j MRS. THOMSON. 2Q HENRY BLDG. -HEADOUARTEKS FOR HOTELS, ROOMING HOfSES AND APARTMENT HOUSES. r.2-room modera brick hotel; $10. 000 1 will handle. J 30-room modern brick hotel; $50O0 1 wi'l handle. j 20-room apartment house, frame; $4500 cash. 15 -room H. K. house; $220 cash 10-room rooming house; 750, terms. We have others, all sizes. Call lt3i West Park st. and talk it over. Ander son & Clark. hotels every size and price. Over 50 Portland hotels listed. We certainly have what you want. Here are some ''leaders" C 225i Brick. W. S., 20 rms. Lease. f.'i.'tOO 27 rms., close in. LtTVe. 3Sno 43 rms., near center. Snap. S.-HM1O 33 rms.. N. W. heat. Nets $4O0. WE HAVE SEVERAL lou,4 INVEST MENTS. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 401-411 Couch Bldg. :;rt-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE J And about is steady boarders; large ' dining room and kitchen; store rooms; I electric light, hath, nil outside rooms; ! some sleeping rooms rented; big lobby. ! stove heat; tlil.t is in shipyard district, on west side; good money maker for j those that want to work such a place: it's a real good buy at $I0no, only $000 ! tlown. Iasc. low rent. ( .1. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. SMALL APARTMENT. 42 rooms. 10 apartments with sink? I and running water in kitchens. 2 baths. :; lavatories on each floor; furnace heat. Easy walking distance to business sec tion; place is clean and well furnished and nets $2o0 per mouth and can be raised. Price $4200 and only $2550 cash handles. C. E. BOWDEN CO.. Sla Chamber of Commerce bldg. 3-S 11. K. Roo.MS, brick bldg.. lease, dose in. clears $300. $1500. $3500 handles. 13 rooms, h. k.. furnace heat, $2O00. $1200 handles, fine furniture. 15 h. k., close in. weal side, clears $115, $20U0: $1400 handles. 10 h. k. rooms, clea rs $75 and n ice home. $1304); $H00 handles. We have several nice flats. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 10TH ST 44- ROOM A PA RT M EN T. $42to buys 44-room apartment. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; water in all rooms: rent $loo, good lease; net in come about $24o a mouth. This place Is on tiie west side and close In; $21hi will handle tiiis. balance easv. See JOHN BROWN CO.. REALTORS. 322 Railway Kxch. .Marshall 3331. HOTELS. We have a listing of the best high class hotels in the city of Portland for sale. We ha mil this lint? exclusively a nd solicit no cheap stuff. If you a re in the market for a first-idass hotel, see Mr. Hicks, at RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. ' 303 1 A K ST. Look ! 11 rooms and garage, lovely Nob Hill location, furnace. electricity, excellent corner makes lovely home and income; could use n few pieces more furniture ; price $12t0. $700 handles. These buys are hard to find. Main 3ti::v. C. E. BOWDEN CO.. M5 Chamber of Commerce bldg. b-RoOM house for rent, funiture tci sal.; located In the best Noo Hill district ; uuper floors arranged In apts.; o ner re serves first flour; this wil, make a tovelv home and a good income ; furniture is exceptionally good, brass beds. f loo lam p. electric sweeper. t hn a etc. Bdwy. 4S35. TWO GOOD BEACH HOTElS. We have two nice hotels on the beach for sr.le. 30 rooms each: open year round: do good business; nice homes. Particu lars this ofi.ee. FACIF1FC HOTEL NEWS CO.M.VC. 714 COUCH BULK. 20 ROOMS AND 2 SLEEPING PORCHES. Close in. White Temple district, frame building, furnace heal, rent $70 per month, very good furniture, income; price $32Hl. terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 OAK ST. 31 APTS.. BRICK building, very ch.se in; steam heat, newly dec -ated ; 4 -year lease; net Income $000 pc- mon-h; $12, OO0 cash handles. See Mrs Whor.n, O. A. PEARCE CON. PAN Y, 201 Oregon Bldg., cor. 3th;:nd Ork Sts. M ROOMS, rent $00. U housekeeping, clears $250 a month; owner sick, leav ing city; $2750 cash to handle. A. J. DE FOREST i CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Broadway 3500. ATTENTION. Hotel and apartment-house 1 wners. you may obtain your fire mallets oh re quired by fire ordinance from us. Call Th lor 7s i7. 1S-ROOM rooming house 01 very fair fur niture, hot and cold water in most, brick building, rent only 35, west side, - always full; nets over $Um; only $1305, on terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. $745 BUYS u ROOMS $745 of good furniture, good house. Nob Hili district; a good Income and free rent for a small investment; easy terms. Pe t e rs. 1 5 N. 5t h s t . lo Rooms, west park m. 9 Modem, clean, dandy furniture: here is a chance to have a nice home and a good income; only $1395, good terms. Peiers. 15 N. 5th sr. HAi E aooul $25otl cash and 300 acres fine timber in Tillamook county ; vnlue $mmh. in exchange for good apartment house or as first payment. ACy 445. Oregon la rK EAST SIDE rooming house. Id rooms, good furniture, always full, rent $i5; $1MM, $1000 cash; clears $141) per month. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5420. 24K Stark St. NICE LITTLE HOME and income besides. clnse-inavest side; good furniture; rent $30; price $1050, J. EUGENE HEDGES. 20l W.'PARK. FIVE large rooms, best of furniture; good home with income; rent $25. 53 Wash ington st. part time. Call at once for this. IHINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. MAGOON & SPENCER, Hotel and Apt. House Brokers. 5I7-D Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6127. SPECIAL MENTION. jn.Vin 41 -nn. apt. houte, rent $200. $11.noo 02-rm. apL house, rent $250. $25,000 2-rm. apt. house, rent $335. TRANSIENT HOTELS. $13.000 14 rms. .1) Ind. bath, rent $300. $1.-,immi 5ti rms., U ind. bath, rent $4oo. $30,000 8: rms., 20P-bath, rent $025. HOUSEKEEPING , ARTS. 22 rms., all h. k. apts., rent $100; lease. Well and complete furnishings, net in come over $2 to. Price $:j:!iH. THE BEST LOCATION. 40 rms. (IS apts.), 1 bath rms., steam heat, should net about $300. 30 ROOMS, all housekeeping, fleam heat ; cheap rent, with lease; gooa net income, for $2750, $15O0 cash. 75-room pressed-bnek hotel ; 'ong lease, good income, olose-in Washington-street location, for $10,500. lo rooms, all housekeeping, good fur niture, for $I00. 23 rooms, good furniture, low ren and good Income; $20nn, some terms. 10 rooms of nice furniture, low rent, good income, for $22io, some term: White Temple district; $120O will handle. TRY US REALTY CO.. lt! W. Park St. Auto. 513-IS. TO BE SOLD BY MONDAY NOON. 13 rooms, all housekeeping, good fur niture, electric lights, furnace. heat, fully equipped; rent $00; house In good con dition and located in finest White Tem ple district; net income $114. and your own apt. ; owner going away will sell for 511700. " with $K50 down, balance monthly payments. ee this Sunday if you want a bargain. Marshall 5504, or call at 301 Y nmhi 1 1 . THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL. Now ready. 12 1 modern rooms, not ior sal, but for ront, a weea aim up. transients 5o. and up. Special rates to parties occupying suites. Newly fur nished and made good enough for any lady. Rooms here are just as nice as you will find in the Imperial hotel or any other uptown place, uj iNorin iniru street. EDWARD F. GODDARD. Proprietor. PORTLANDS BEST. ftO-room hote', 5-year leaf-e, beautiful white pressed brick cor. bldg.. wonder ful ground floor lobby, hath connection to every room. Northwestern heat, ele vator, exceptionally well furnished, net profit about $25oo month. Call at our "office and talk this over. See Mrs. Keller. ' OEO T MOORE '(.. 1QQ7 Yenn Bldg. Al.b RE.vDY TO KEEP HOUSE. We have the dearest 4-room corner flat, elegantly furnished, all new ma hogany furniture, rugs and combination wood und gas range, including fine piano. Partios have left Portland and notified us to dispose- of furniture. Flat rents for $30 month. Price $fc75. See Mrs. Keller. GEO T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg DON'T MISS THIS. Hotel Apartment, fiti rooms, rent $250; 12 apts.. 10 sleep- Ing rooms. B offices, hot and cold water in' all room-, steam heat, fine white pressed brick bldg.: net profit about $000 month. Price $10.50". $mmK will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. M m in K CO.. HMt7 Yeon 'dg. Oti-KOOM APARTMENT HOUSE. ynr an I'p-to-date apartment, mod ern in everv way. Corner building. 2. 3 and 4-rooni apartments. Best west side apartment house location; elevator, good furniture reasonable rent, good lease; priced ripht and will give terms. See Mr. Stokke. at 71 H Dekum bldg. Auto. 511-45 .1. O. Gray Co. SWELL WEST S 1 I E LOCATION. 04-room apt. house. 21 3-room apts., 7 4-rm. apts.. all with -private bath and phones; 3 1-room apts.; cor. brick bldg. Full 4-vcar lease; clears over all ex penses about $7tM; $10,000 will give you possession. ' See Mrs. feiier. GEO T. MOORE CO.. I007 Y i'ron Bidg. $1250 NET PROFIT. 72 rooms; ,ne of the best located transient hotels In city; well furnished. Northwestern heat, hot and cold water in all rooms $10,000 CASH. SEE MRS. HAUG. 512 Henry Bldit. Hdwy. ft4K7. REAL CLASSY. Twenty rooms beautifully furnished throughout. 4 bathrooms, running water In most rooms, all In housekeeping apts. This plae-e makes a net profit of $250 month. $2500 w ill handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 42 ROOMS 12. Brick building, good location, strictly modern, good furniture, reasonable rent and good lease. You will have to see this place to appreciate its value. See A. Stokke. with J. o. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg Auto. 501-45 FINE BUY. 4 1-room hotel, white pressed brick Mdg., steam heat, all outside rooms, completely rurntshod. clearing net profit $450 month: $iMHt0 will handle. See M rs. Keller. ', KQ. T. MOORE CO.. 1Q07 Yeon Bldg. N E A K T HE PARK B Lt CK S. 10 housekeeping rooms. residence, furnace, choice location; rent $50, In come 1 00 and owner keeps 3 rooms price $211011. sinio down. H E N D E R SON -BANK US CO, 420 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. 40-ROOM HOTEL. Steam heat, hot and cold water, brick, close In east side; well furnished, al wavs lull and a waiting list: good lease, and see. the rent only $75; big in come and only S0500; must be mostly cash. Peters. 1 5 N.5t h m A COZY ONE. 57 rooms, 10 3-room apts., 7 4 -room npts., all with private bath; fine corner brick building, well furnished, good loca tion; net $350 a month; $4000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. M 2 I lenry R!d. Brond wpy 5IS7. FOR WUHJK SALE. Li.-t your hotel, apartment and room ins houses with us. Your interests will always be protected. We have cah buy ers w ailing for your propositions.1 See Mrs. Keller. c.KO T MQQPK CO.. 10Q7 Yeon Bid'?. FINE HOTEL. 00 .rooms, good lease. .elevator, private batiis beautiful ground floor lohbv, well lurnished throughout. This Is worth in vestigating. See Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. MOORE CO. 1107 Vein Bld-j. l;i m MING HOUSE 25 rooms housekeep ing walking distance, west side, well furnished, furnace and stove heat : in come $25; price S3500. good terms. HEVDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 420 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. IF YoU ARE in the market for a hotel see Us before investing. We handle all the first-class propositions In the city. Information cheerfully given. See Mrs. Keller. C.FO. T. MOPPE CO.. 1P0" Yeon Bldg. t.OOD BUY. 10-roont house, completely furnished for housekeeping, right downtown, clears over all exptmses $120: $1150 cash will K 011 ncssession. See Mrs. rvei l MOORE CO.. 1QQ7 Yeon Bldg. I i M 1. I . 22 ROOMS, homelike, all h. k.. some have water, newlv paintea. iiiueei msioe; rem $70; nets $L"0; some terms; fine loca tion lso S rooms, h. k. nice home nets $45 1 rents 34; both very central. Call owner Marshall 3507. WE HAVE 300 practical; oew listings of rooming houses, hoteis and -.oar' ment houses. We Siitisfy many prosn-vive buyers eveiT week. We can show you some good buys. ReiLiv S Co . V.1 Rv. EvchJ bldP. ANOTHER ONE. 10-room house, all in 2-rooin suites for housekeeping, with proper sinks In ,kftchen. good carpets and gas ranges: price $1000. some terms. See Mrs. Keller. CEO T MOOR E CO.. 1Q07 Yeon Bldg. FULLY equipped fireproof garage: build ing 4Sx0ii; low rent. 3-year lease; clear ing at present over $400 a month; some terms. TRY US REALTY 4'0.. 100 W. Park St. Auto. 51.1-4-i. BY O W N F R. le-i v i n g town Mi a enu n t sickness. 22 rooms, always full; well fur nished. Northwest heat and hot and cold water in each room. Fine lociGon 00 Vr 5th. nenr Stnrk. ROOMING HOUSE. Nine rooms In White Temple district, rood furniture, nice home and a good income; price $1073. See Mr. Stokke at 71 8 Dekum hltig. Auto, ah 1-4.1. HOTEL S.N A P QUH IK ACTION. 115400 hotel, brick building, long lease. cheap rant. 00 rooms, clears over $4o0 mont h ; fun earn $.oo. CHAS. RING LER & CO.. 223 Henry Bldg 25-ROOM housekeeping, very close in. water In rooms. furnace heat, electric lights; house and furniture In excellent condition: clears $225; $3500. terms. 387 Taylor, near loth. 40 ROOMS H. K. West side, 5-year lease, low rent; It is a money-maker; $35410, terms. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 10-room rooming house, good money maker. Write Landlady Clyde rooms, cor. 0th and Aster st., Astoria. Oregon. BEST buy Jn the city. 27 -room apt. House, ail on 1 fioor: buy direct from owner and save commisicn. For further In formation EaFt 4 "''7. 12 ROOMS and furnished, splendid location --i or board ers, walking dtstp.---.. .-! Income and -tme. Owner. East 7014. 10 ROOMS!. 3 kitchenettes, clone In. rent $35; clears $.": for quick sale, $1150; terms. 317 Taylor. ROOMING HOUSE DOWN TOWN. 0 rooms, transient; rent $45. Income $125 McNeil, 517-10 C. of C. bldg 145 ROOMS. H. K west side, nice clean place, rent S00. income $100 net; $1700, terms. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. 12 ROOMS, h. k., rent $55: steam heat; if aold at once. $1250, term, i.27. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. GET READY FOR THE BIG FAIR. BUY NOW. 22 rooms, west side, transients; $2500, terms; busy district. . 20 rooms. Northwestern heat: $4600; new and clean; clears $230 month above every expense. 22 rooms on 'one floor; $27o0; clean this up and sell for much more; some terms. 12 rooms, hardwood floors, clean and good; clears $00 month besides provid ing good home; $1300. 0 pretty rooms, close to Lincoln high school ; $5(Hl will liandle this; you can have a good home and $50 per month. 127-room apartment house of the high est order, $20,000; $12,000 will hanfile this, long lease; clears $M50 month; new and beautiful; first time of ft red. 1 handle the above on exclusive con tracts and they are right. I lake places to sell only after making thorough in vestigation so I can recommend them. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and I will show you these. BRUCE fiOI)!)AR!i, 5012 COUCH P.LDG. TODAYS GREAT APARTMENT HOUSE BARGAIN. ARRANGE TO SEE THIS AT ONCE. A fine, nearly new, unfurnished, west side corner brick apartment house: no lease or furniture to be bought ; entire property can be handled with $15,000; fully $10.00) below other listings; no phone information. O H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, ' 40S-411 Couch BIdg. I WANT TO SELL YOU OUT. I have clients coming to me from all over the country as I advertise in 42 different papers and magazines. I will be glad to give your place my personal attention. Call me. up and list It. M A I N 4557. J. BRUCE GOD DA R D, 501-2 Couch Rldg. A GOOD BUY. 34-room hotel, brick building, steam heat, fine location ; reasonable rent; good income; $S500; terms. SEE MRS, HAUG. 5T2 Henry Bldg. Hdwy. 547. SPECIAL NOTICES. WE WILL not be responsible for any debts incurred by Henry A. Pi lie after February 10. Bloomberge Bros. 175 N. Twenty-first. Proposals Invited. SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to Presi dent J. H. Ackerman, secretary of the board' of regents of normal schools, of the state of Oregon, will be received by said board of regents at the office of C. L. Starr, 500 Selling bidg.. Ported, Or., until 1:30 o'clock P. M.. March .5. 1021, for the furnishing of all materials and the performance of all labor re quired for the erection and completion 01 the addition to girls' dormitory build ing, for the Oregon Normal school at Monmouth. Or. All bids to be indorsed "PROPOSALS FOR ADDITION TO GIRLS" DORMITORY BUILDING." Said proposals to be opened upon the above date by the said board of re- . gents. All the work and materials must conform to the plans and specifications ' therefor on fi'o at the business office of Oregon Normal school. Monmouth. Or., and at the office of the architect, John V. Bennes, 1040 Chamber of Commeice building. Miscellaneous. IN THE district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of W. H. Wallingford Co., bankrupt. Request for bids. I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing automobiles, cars and trucks formerly the property of the bankrupt above named, situated at the garage and store room of the Apperson Motor tar company. 521 - 52'J Washington street. Portland. Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock noun on March 2. 11J21, at m office. 740-747 Morgan building. Port land, Oregon : 1. One new lA-ton Graham truck. 2. one new -ton Graham truck. 3. One new 3's-ton Parker truck 4. One new Hood tractor. 5. One slightly used Liberty sedan 6. One slightly used Briscoe sedan. 7. One new Biiscoe chassis. The bids may be made upon each of the items, 1 to 7 Inclusive, separately, or may be made for the w hole thereof, or for any two or more Items thereof. The highest bid received for the entire property, either taken separately or as a wnoie. or oy any eommnation mereoi, will be accepted subject, however, to the approval of the courL All bids must be in writing, seated and accompa-nied by a certified check for at least ten 110) per cent of the amount offered. The property may be inspected upon appointment. R. L. SARIN. Trustee. , 740-747 Morgan Building. Portland. Oregon THAT 1. M. O. Oliver, have sold my gro cery store at 113 E. S2d N. and that I am in no way connected. LOST AND FOUND. WILL party having lady's brown handbag lost or stolen. 5th and Yamhill. Feb. 2. please mail travelers checks, which are of no value except to owner, to American Railway Express Co.. 0th and Oak sis. The loss of these checks is causing great trouble and Inconvenience to owner. LOST Small black purso containing $L in currency and some small change; Sunnyside car Wednesday evening. Find er please rwturn to manager's office Telephone Co., Park and Oak sts. Miss Hall. LOST About threa weeks ago, near Ful ton boatyard, city, or between cannery dock and telephone office. Rainier, Or., an open-face ElHln watch, gold cafe, initials F. S. B. on back. Return to 00 1 I ,e w is bid g. Re w a rd . LADY'S Eversharp gold pencil with en graved initials J. M. Thought lost on Washington between 11th and Liberty theater. Keepsake. Small reward will be glvon to anyone returning same to manager of Tait hotel. LOST A Boston brindle bull pup. 7 mos. old; child, 3 years, very much attached to it; anyone bringing It to 347 East Glis-Hii st. or phone East 0N5O will re ceive a liberal re-ward ; license 2025. Mrs. Farrel. LOST On Feb. 111. 1 wire auto wheel 31s 4. between Sheridan and Independence, or., via Dallas. Finder write or ship to Ed Alwick, 555 E. Couch, receive liberal rewurd FOR THE return of my diamond earrings, which were contained in a black seal leather coin purse with $2.S7 in change, I will give a liberal reward ; no n,ues tions asked. AF 441 Oregonian. BILLROOK containing $55 In bills. Van couver car or streets of Portland. Please notify J. H. Brown, St. Francis hotel. Vancouver, Wash., and receive reward. LOST By working woman, in crowd at Wool worth's store, b.ack coin purse. $3 In currency. 4 car tickets. Call Uno'wn -T47N. LOS 'I In W oolwoi'tli'sj new store, a wom an's purple pocket book ; contents wei e a $ 10 bill, sume change and a pair of gold-rim m rtl glasses Ca U Mar. 24S1. lAiST $10 reward. Pair Kryprok glasses in shell frame from office of Dr. Wheat, tve-right pptiidliyt in the Morgan bldg. Ph.-tne M: h 1 it 1 r7 l.vj.s 1 A oiitcn :eatm-r puie con.aiuii.y large check, valuable papers, keyg ana ot her articles; ow ner's name engraved. Finder phone Inn L. Scott. Seilwood 53. LOST Platinum and gold oar pin. dia . nionrt in center. Monday afternoon in downtown district; reward. Call Main 8150. LOST Eye glasses, gold bows, dark rim.. Probably lost in Meier A- Frank's stole. Finder please call cashier's office, Meier & Frank Co. LOST Feb. 21 K on Ma rket St.. between Whitney Apts. and 11th st., small black velvet bag containing over $10; reward. Mrs. S. J. Holmes, Whitney Apts. LOST Lady's pearl brooch, diamond In center; reward. 270 Washington St., room 320. - LOST Fraternity pin. name Harriett Lenox on back. Return 03 Royal Arms apartinents. Reward. IF YOU desire to secure an apartment or rooming house, call Automatic 561-45. 71H Dekum bldg. ' IjO- 1 A gray be 1 led overcoat witu pipe and bunch of keys In pocket in ML Ta bor district. Call Tabor 2020. LOST Case containing glasses and check drawn on Butler Bunking Company, Hood River. Not ifyl'abor 105. LOST Thursda Scotch collie dog w ear ing studded collar; . valuable only to owner; liberal reward. Phone Mar. 4533. LOST Thursday, greyhound with license No. 948. tan colored with white feet - Finder phone East 0:47. Reward. LOST A Spitz pup. Union depot. Finder please return to 44S Marshall st, and receive suitable reward. LOST Saturday In the Meier & Frank shoe department, by working girl, $25 in currency. Reward. Phone Tabor 5053. LOST On Portland Heights . Thursday evening a silver bar pin set with rhine stoues. Phone Marshall 0155; reward. LOST Ber.ver neck far. in t:ie White Temple district. Call uto. 512-00. or 71 N. 2 2d : reward. LOST Wednesday, lavalliere set with five diamonds. Finder tall Broadway 3477, apt. 2. Reward. FOUND 1 Holstein heifer. T. Kearns. Lents station, Portland. Or. Route 3, box 24. Phone Auto. 040-57. CHILD'S kiddie kar. "Liule Led Rider.' Call Tabor 4032. Reward. LOST Little French poo die Reward. LOST Sable fur collar in balcony of Peo ples th"a ter- reward. Ph nne E. 205M. LOST 33x4 Goodrich smooth-tread tire and rim; reward. J 41 1. 0egonian; LOST A small white-faced brindle bull dog. Reward. Main 40O0. LOST Yellow and w bite small dog; eral reward. .East 4282. Jib- LOST Auto spike luck. Call WdL 36UL LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co. February 25: 8 umbrellas, 1 lunch box. 4 purses, doll, 2 suitcases, 1 handbag. 2 prs. gloves, 3 single gloves. 6 books, cap, 6 packages, milk can, 2 boxes. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Aider street station. THE PARTY that took package of lady's clothes from Chevrolet auto in front of Swetland candy store on Morrison sf ., will kindlv return to Miss Holtx, cars Ryan Fruit Co, East First and A lder. N" questions will be asked. f 455, Oregon ian. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SBLL AN AUTOMO BILE. WK FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YoU. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. SALES MANAGER. High-grade business man who has had actual experience in training and handling stock salesmen. Do not apply unless you have had the actual experi ence and can qualify. Permanent and lucrative position to right man. A. o. Meseham. 200 Oregon bldg.. city. , EASTERN client holds tax certificate on over a section of land in Oregdi. which is about to be foreclosed. Land va lue not less than $40.0nn to $5n.omi. This can be had for a few thousand before they begin proceedings. Close to paved highway, railroad and fine- harbor. Act quickly. Y 437. Oregoiiian. MONEY TO LOAN, on surplus stocks of merchandise placed in storage with us. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Trausfer Co., 58 4th street, corner of Pine. $12M) SALES contract, payable $:io per month, including t per cent interest; will discount 20 per" cent- O 11. Oiego nia n. $12mo iS ALES contract, payable $30 per month. Including tt per cent interest: will discount 20 per cent. "O 11, Ore gon ian. , WANTED To communicate with men buy ing real estate contracts and mortgages, $15,000 to $00,000 needed.. Address P. O. box 210. city. bi O vv . u. residence ; Main 7i40. teller a contract on tiose-in reasonable discount. Phone FOR SALE $2250 mortgage. ( per interest, city residence security, $22no. Wood lawn 43ns. ceil t for CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con t racts on real estate. Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 310 Lumb-rmena bldg. BUY NoTES. contracts. mortfiaKes. F. H Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg, 4th and Oak SEE WESTERN BOND AND MORTGAGE CO for builders' loans Money to Loan on Real Estate. resVd knckTlo a ns. Seven per cent, 3-year ' period. You may pay $100 or . any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and re duce Interest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 00 per cent value house 'and lot at 7 per cent. You pay half of 1 per cent account principal monthly; for example, $20110 loan you pay 10 month ly and Interest ; you ha v privilege of paying $100 or any multiple t hereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. Five-year period, 0 per cent; excellent repayment privileges. BR ICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent th Prudential Insurance Co. f America. 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 83H. CITY LOANS. SO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property o.' for improve ment purposes. Tb best and eastea method- of paying a loan is our mon'.iiiy payment nlan. $32.2 per month for 38 months, or $2. 24 per mcntn fur 0v months, or $15.17 per month for 00 mouths, yaia oan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts In same pro oortiona. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St.. x'ortland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. $10,000 to loan on Income City Property at 7 W'llI make this in one or two loans, METZGER-PARKER CO. 200 Oak St. Broadway 5355. SidB US TODAY We loan money on rsai estate; 7 and no COMMISSION on choice loans, long time, short time; montnly payments, pay as you can; sums to suit, contracts, 2d mortgages. Onught. 725 Gasco bidg.. lh and Alder. sts. Ceilars-Murton Co. MORTGAOE LOANS.' FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 'AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. No commission UNION ABSTRACT CO.. - S3 4 th ST., HENRY BLDG. v MORTGAGE LOANS rn any amounts, at lowest rates, on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. fi-'2 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230 MORTGAGE LOANS. On fa rm or ci ty property Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. W ESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO Ho Fourth st.. Portland. Or. M OUTG AG E LO A NS. On real estate security, any amount from $5)0 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY.' 212 Cuibett- Blu Main 0.'15. FARM LOANS. ' Insurance company money to loan a lowest current rates on Willamette val ley fjirnis; no commission, no delays. DEVERBAUX MORTGAGE COMPA.N 1 If St Sixth st., Portland. Or. WE HAVE muds avallaoie for good r-s dence loans, also msuiauce money for bun mess property, at lowest available rat s MORTGAGE BOND CO.. .Main 2bSL Wlicox Bldg $600. $1000. $1500, $2OU0 AND UP No uetays; we are loaning our own money; loans quickly closed. F. H. Desbon, 015 Cham be 1 of Commeice bldg Long esialH.siied, reiiaole serv 1 ce. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and cit property ; favorable repaying privileges, no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE Co.. LTD, 301) Plat; bids- Mam 5371. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount. luv rates, promptly closed AtJ raclive rea meot privileges. A. H. BlRRiuEL-GlLL CO., Vi: S W. Bank Dldg. Marsnall 4114 $3UU. $400, 500. 000. $11100. $1200 $1500 $2000 and up. lowest rules, quick action pay oft $ 100 or more, at any in teres t date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 031 Cham per of Commerce bld&j Alain 1370. $.S0O0 PRIVATE FUNDS in hand for Im mediate -a-i. Will also lia ve $75o0 March 1. W ill divide. BECK 525 Henry b ! C g. Broa d way 5S5S. , cji- 4 t.-i ol itiatis iiiuuc on improved city property. See Mr. Lewis, with J. A. V1CKMAN CO.. 204 Stark st. Main 1QQ4 and fS3 I THIS is to serve notice that I will not be responsible tor any debts contracted bv my wife. Anna Haumann. after this date. Feb. 27. 1021. GEO. HAUMANN. PRIVATE party has money to loan on im proved farm or city properly at 8 per cent. 3 to 5 years, first mortgage. A 4:12. Oregonian. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLI A M G BECK. 215 Failing bldg $5000 TO LO AN, no commission, by pri vate party, first mortgage. O 451, Ore gonian. $1000 TO $2500 ON real estate. 7 per cent, no commission charged ; small expense. Tabor 1350. R 400. Oregonian. $0000 OR PART at 7 per cent, private party. No commission, on improved rHy nrnnerty. P 450. Oregonian. WE BUY lirst and second mortgages and sellers contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 3020.' MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of iterest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co.. 41? Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent If security is ample. Edw. p. Mall. 3uQ Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE money through my office. Title expense only. Ward, 407 Spalding b 1 d gj , ; i -ivi GaGK l,OANSl Sb lom an & Co.. 307 0 and per cent. Ry. Exch. bldg. &i3K OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan on real estate. 7 per cent Geo P- Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. $2000 TO LEND on Portland real estate, 7",. X 302. Oregonian. $1350 to LOAN, 7','c, on residenca property. Baas. Main 0127, East 1304. $050 TO LOAN on good security; A V 223. Oregonian. agents Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; strictly confidential service. Zell Bro & Co. bonded brokera. 283 Wash st. Ol'ICK money to salaried peopie on un secured not3. Confidential investigation. 316 Cham, of Com, bldg. Licensed UATHAiYAY Loans on pianos and furni ture, legal rates. 20b Washington bldg. FINANCIAL. Moiicy to Loan ( hat Us and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT. LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE IUU tA.N UBT IT TO DA X. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, BONDS, ETC If your payments are too large on your automoDiie or iurniture contracts, wd will pay them up and advance you more money n netaeo. we make a spe cmlty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us In small monthly pry meats WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on tneir own notes. Ralvt reusonuble. Private offices, AU buninetta strictly conriaentiai. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (LICENSED.) 808-807 Dekum bldg. Marshall 3286, S. W. Cur. Third and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONlS, WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 804 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY! On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or mont hly payments; each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAOE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goodf . pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 2IS FAILING BLDG. MONEY To LOAN on diamonds, watches, jewelry, fire arms, musical Instruments, etc. Lepal rates. Articles hold a year. Security Loan Office. 90 Third St.. across from Chamber Commerce biug. MONEY To LOAN on good' placed in storage with us We can javr you money. Lov interest rates, hhor.e Broad way 3715. Security Storage & Tracsfdi Co.. 53 4ib it., corner of Pine. MCNEY TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelry, Ugal rates: articles held a vear; etao llshed 18SS Dan Marx A Co.. 313 Wash MONEY to loan ; diamonds, jewelry, etc., legal rate; articles held 1 year. Vines, Jeweler, cor. 3d and Washington. Loans Wanted. FRANK L. M c I L'l RE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues, is '.n a position to safeguard your every interest in locating your money Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let ue loan your money. See J. Logic Richardson, manager of loan department, Abington bldg. Main 1008. W A NTE I $ 1 000 to $25,000 to !oa n on real t-state in Oregon and Washington Some improved, some timber, some city. Interest 7 per cent and better, and good security. . Take your choice. Ten years experience in the business should learn values. T. J. Ba Id w in. realtor, 225 Henry bldg.. Portland. Oregon. LOANS WANTED. $2000, 7'r. 3 years, new 5-room bunga low. .1 1 tn ana ii vision. $25uo, 7'-;, 3 years. Rose City Park. Our valuation $55410. $3000. Tt , 3 years. Laurelhurst, valua tion $7000.' No agents. Main 075. J. L. K.-trnnpp. 310 Ry Exch. hJdg. WHY BE content with 3 per cent interest who-n we get your first mortgage loans o n tea 1 est a t e w i t h out com .to you and earn y-ou 7 and per cent? Have con stant demands for amounts $15o and up. Call on us for particulars. Fred W. Gcrm-an Co.. 732 Cham of Com, bidg. WANT borrow from private party $1SOO at 7 per cent, three or five years, on brand new 5-room double-construe ted bungalow, located on 2 acres valuable ' ground ; total value $5000; pay for ex amination abstract, but no commission. R 4S4, Oregonian. WANT loan of $2250 on 0-room house on Portland Heights near Pat ton road. No commission to agents; want money from private party: will pay H per cent and actual expenses of loan. AR 401, Oregonian. MONEY advanced on automobiles, you keep possession of the car and pay back in monthly payments us you ride; we buv and exchange automobile. A-l AUTO WORKS v WAREHOUSE 1 - Co.. 522 Aider St.. cor. Ittth. $100(1 LOAN WANTED. For 3 years, Ti int., on modern double constructed bungalow on paved street, close to Union ave.. value $3000. H EN I ERSON-BAN K US CO. 42H Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. 10.EY advanced on automobiles; you keep pof-sesisnn of tho car and pay back in monthly payments as you ride. We buy and exchnngo automobiles. A- Auto Works & Warehouse. Co., 522 Alder street, corner 10th. h. HAVE some gooa rea estate con tract and mortgages in amounts uf $500 ard above, payable in monthly install ments and bearing 7 per cent interest, which we wil! discount 3 per cent F E Bowman Co. 2T Cham of Com hirijr WANT to borrow $15oo on Rose City Park bun ga 1 o w worth $4 Ml; will pa y 7 per cent interest; want 3-year loan. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st.. near Fourth. Main 3U2. WANTED $20on for 0 months, will pay 1 per cent' per month, merehandie-e and Inn tit trial t-ecurities. gilt-edge propoai "tion. no agents, will deal with principals only. B.I 410, Oregoni.in. liAY't!; 5-noiu house in Aiberta; want to borrow $000 from a private individual. Want It for 3 yea rs u t N per cent I n- 1 crest every quarter. AN 401, Orego nian. WANT a loan of $3000. 5 to 10 years, on 100 acres with approximately O.OftO.000 feet of fine timber, sawmill and build ings, to spend on improvements. K 432, Oregonian. GOOD REAL ESTATE CONTRACT. .$ll0O payable monthly installments. 7 per cen t interest with discount 5 per cet ; propei lis- clear except con ti act. East 44753. Evans. WB NEED mortgage loans in financing; sales made by us: let us know when you want an Al tlrst mortgage. ' J.- A. WICK MAN CO.. 204 Stark st. Main 1004 and .3. I N V ESTO KS. ATTENTION ! Wanted, for building operations, $30, 000, would make joint account if desired : am a practical builder. Address 1521 Last Ninth st. North. Phone 331-1H. YEN PER CENT Wish to borrow Tor business opportunity $1000 at 10 per cent, three years. $20M interesting-bearing coiluteral. Invite scrutiny. AM 433 Oregonia p I II V" 1 N-G TON. $:i5oo and $45;io loans wanted. 3 years. 7 per cent, on Irving ton home, R. T. Street. Irvington. agent. W ANT $2000 for 3 years T-i, ou 5 acres at Oak fJrove. fronting on paved highway. Good house and ot her improvements. V-Iucd ?'t $7500 hi 300. Oiegenian. W ANT a bout $2(hsl loa n on good 5-room bungalow, full basement: garage and lot. Good location. 3 years. 7 per cent. 024 Henry bldg.. Bdwy. 5173. r'CR GILT-EDGE 7 and mortgage bonds in ipcal concerns see Oregon In vestment i Mortgage Co. 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg WISH to borrow $1250 on home in Sun nyside district for 3 years at 8 per cent, but no agent's commission. AK 408, Oregoninn. I" 1 J ST mortgages lor sale on improved Portland property F H Deshon. fU3 C7an of Com b.Ct Lor.g established, reliable seevice WANT TO BORROW $7500 on my resi dence, which is worth $5,000. This property is choice, and situated on west sfrte. 1) 452. Oregon ian. ' DcvSlK..' to borrow $3 00 on west side residence, value $7500. O 453. Ore gonian. WANTED To borrow $000 from private party on second mortgage; good se curity. L 44H, Oregonian. WANTED $12.50 at once on quarter blk., close in. east side; will pay S per cent. T 4i2, Oregonian. I WANT to borrow $50,000 on my down town brick building: please give rate; value $150,000. L 407. Oregonian. $4000 WANTED on income Ulats on west dde, 7i per cent, no commission. AN 402. Oregonian. 2 LOANS. $1MJ0 and $2000. 7 per cent; no commission. George A. Ross. 404 Geriin ger bldg Marshall S5M. $3500 LOA N" want 1 on a tine, residence with two lots looxlOO. Rose City, value $yQou. K . 4Sti. Oregonian. $1800 LOAN wanted on Alameda Park residence from private party. AR 420, Oregonian. $7000 FROM private party on close-In city income, 3 years. 7 per cenL W M. Oregonian. $15ihi ON .NEW 5-ioom bungalow, location ; responsible borrower. 03 20 good East $3iMm. N PER iE NT. on So acres well im proved. Washington county. East 0320. HL.F. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO 222 Cham o Com.. Fourth and Stark FROM private party, loan $2500, improved property, value $5000. -Tabor 5642. $1350 CONTRACT. 15 discount, good security. AC 410. Oregon'an. WANT $34100 at 7 per cent on new Lau relhurst home. C21 Gaaco Bldg. Mala CO. FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. PATRIOTIC CITIZENS Do not invest in outside bonds or stocks: they lend their money on the best security on earth, vis. PORTLAND and OREGON REALTY. It not only returns as great an in terest rate, but It assists In building up their own state, thereby croating added prosperity and additional wealth . in which they also vhare. But above all else It gives them the greater satisfac tion of knowing that they are a real asset to the community they are pleased to call home. With these facts In mind, will you seize the opportunity and lend $ 2.000 $1 7 on $ 8,000 flats: $ 2,750 k$ t7o on $ O.ooO residence; $ 4,ftoo 6v 7'r on $to.ooo flats; $ H,0o0 fir 8r on $25,000 farm; $ 8. otto it 8"c on $33.5oo farm; $10.0oo tri S on $4.hh farm; $30,000 a t7t on $100,000 west side brick business building? OTIS C. BECK. "12 years without a foreclosure. , 525 Henry Bids. WANTED, ON FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITY. $14,000 on 470-acre valley farm. ISO acres in intense cultivation; splendid improvement s, in excel lent district ; place has sold for $50,000; will pay 8 pr cent. Two or three-year loan ; wMll agree lo reduce $2000 a year if desired. ' See Mr. Blair or Mr. Miller. With THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, 3d and Main Streets. Vancouver, Washington. IS. LEE PAGET. $1500 at 74 per cent; Seilwood resi dence, ft rooms, garage, three full lots, lance value. $1500 at 71. per cent: strictly modern B-room bungalow, corner lot, furnace, fireplace and all conveniences; occupied by owner; insurance $3500. $2500 at 7 4 per cent; modern resi dence, corner. 100x100 ft., insurance $5000; owner's value, $7000. B. LEE PAGMfr. 22 Corbett bldg. Main 0230. $000 ON EAST SIDE business property. $11:110 on mod. nouse. near nnamB mi $15oo on modern house, 2 lots. $1700 on modern house, close in. $2000 on mod. home, Holladay Add. $25oo on mod. home. E. 7th and Oregon. $2soo on mod. home. Alameda Park. $35oo on mod. home and large lot. $5500 pn 2-storv brick, close In. F. H. DESHON. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS MADE AND SOLD. 015 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WAVlED $10,000 n, $100,000 to loan 00 real estate in Jordan v al.ey termor. Malheur county, southeastern Oregon. . Low-priced land, good values; also want livestock mon- Good opportunity for loans or Investment at this time. Write at once to . JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING & LAND CO.. Jordan Valley. Or. . WANT $50. On das. good security; interest. BF 42. Oregon Win. PERSONAL. WHAT MAGNETIC OR DRUGLESS HKALINi; WILL DO. Four we ks ago 1 was called to treat Mr. Meeker. 12su 13th st.. for lumbago , und rheumatism; could not get tip with- out pulling himself up.- cured in four j weeks. Also by permission refer anyon-; J wanting to get well to Mrs. Meeker as to what I can do. I cured her brother-in-law. Mr. Douglas, of rheumatism: his son of stomach trouble and her sister. Mrs. Peck, of female trouble and nerv ous prostration bordering on insanity. AM residents of Kansas over 20 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Meeker have been residents -of Portland 7 or 8 years. Their phone number is Broadway 3524. I 'reHt all chronic diseased and practice th W'eltmer method of hea ling. Can a Iso refer to other Portland people. Apt 0 and 10, Hvland apts.. 400 Morriso-i st Marshall L'On. Portland. Prof Pcas'i y THE TRAGEDY OF FAT. The misery of rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, colds, etc. ; my scientific ap plication of water, light, heat, electric ity and massage. togt her with a sane and sensible diet, will remove the cause of these trouble. Treatments are pleas ant and health building; consultations free Monday, Wednesday and Friday, women only; woman assistant. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday men only. Brown's Hydrophathlc Institute. Stevens Bldg.. dow nstairs. Main 1030. Over Six Years Same Locution. SCENA RlOS RECONSTRUCT El, livery person has one good story. Write yours, if you want money and ,fame The movies crave them. Yours may be "a diamond in the rough." I'll polish, reconstruct it, and supply the "kick" for you. Let me help you. I'll show you how to protect your Ideas and turn them Into real cash. Positively not a school ! I am honest. Martha Lord. Scenario Reconstruction Studios, Holly wood. Cat. , TEETH EXTRACTED. WITH H'T PAIN. "HURTS DON'T PAY ME." All branches of dentistry at price you all can afford. Crowns $5 to $7; extractions $L Bridges $5 to $H. D. Harry Swnler. 204 Alisky Bldg. Main 0570. DR. G.'KING. D. P., treats successfully indigestion. constipation. stomach trouble, nervousness, heart failure, rheu ' mat ism, female disorders, acute and chronic-; men. women and children; tu mors, hemorrhoids piles 1 without op eration. 30S-0 Alisky bldg., 3d ami Morrison. Main 3277. 0 A. M. to 5 P. M. ami by appointment. ANY RE A DER of this paper suffering . from goiter (big neck) can get positive Information on how to cure it at home without the least trouble or discomfort. There is a pleasant surprise In store for you if yu v.ill write. No charge what soever. Tell others, it will help us all. Dr. Rock, box X-737. Milwaukee. Wis. M I N ER A L steam baths for rheumatism ; also massage and -scalp treatment ; lady assistant. Open J to 8 I. M.. Sunday 1 1 to 4 P. M DR. CHYBK'T. D. P. 321-323 Fliedner Bldg.. corner 10th and Washington sU". BUY YOUR. PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S. Remember, we sell j ou any model of Vietrola, Edlsnft, Columbia or Bruns wick up to $125 on payments of-$5 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder street. m B1G-BJ G-BIG surprise for scalp taouhle. just discovered. we guarantee from 1 40 2 applications will do' the work. Samples free. Solicitors wanted ; $3 to $5 Invested will double your money. 473 t Washington st. WRITE song poem love, mother, home, comic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee publication: send words.. Ed w ard Trent, 702 Reaper block, Chi cago. "YORRHEA treatments for abslute cure and prevent ion. Valuable inst ructions given while we work. See Smith Long and J. E. Stevenson, dentist, 310 Bush & I ane bide. 1 Ott BEAUTY WORK tail May Coulter. 1 go to your home; manicuring, hair-, dressing, shampoos, scalp treatments, facia Is, care of feet. Phone Bruad w ay 2005. 155 South 10th St. ANY 1'ERSON having any Information re garding heirs of the late William Fin lay of Chicago kindly communicate with Gordon A. Ramsay, 10 S. La Salle at., Chicago. HI. ' LOOK : Mother do you w bh to h f r country "home for little boy. If eo write Mrs. F. W. Walsh. Beaverton. Or., ii. 3. box 47. EMMA PLOWMAN', D. P.. mineral steam bath, chronic and nervous diseases treat ed by druggless methods. 417 Swetland bldg. . ROBT. Please send for me and 3 nirls. Harry has a piace on farm and F. can take car of himself. Lou H., Kelso, Wash. WILL not te retponsible for any bilts un less contracted by myself in person. FRANK. L. WILLIAMS. MIS3 ADAMS, manicuring, treatments for dandruff and falling hair. Hours 11 to g Sundays 12 to 3. 017 Swetland bldg WOULD ke to know the whereabouts of O. U. Harrington; importanu BC 404, Oregonian. VIOLET-RA V, scalp treatment, shampoo, facial massage, , hair dressing. Auto. 23 4-17. C. E. HOLB. notify Mrs. Kreens of your whereabouts; very important. 131$ Ra.il roa ti ave.. Aberdeen. Wash . FOR CORRECT time call Main 3570. For scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Majestcl theater. MASSAGE BATHS, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. Dr. Elna Sorensen. drug- less phys., 308 Panama bldg. Main 5oh0. WILL THE gentleman who bought the Willard battery of East 1348 please call up STUDY massage. Portland sencoi (inc 1 711 Swetland bldg. M. 77S6. EYES examined, glasses fitted and guar anteed. Standard Jewelry Co.. lfli i.; DR. DE MURALT. 647 Morgan bldg" Dr" Gustav Baar's former associate SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever b PRIM EDA BALM, fortneny called Balm of Figs. 84 . hao. ueii. izis mornings DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? See Vtereck. collections Dekum hide DR. ETHEL GRIFFITH Stam baths, vl bratlon. scalp trearments. 417 Swetland. THE POWDER PUFF Scalp and facial treatments. 637M organ bldg. 520-3S WOULD appreciate the address ofW. M. Ware. E. E. Ware. 815 Halsey St. J Oil N THOMPSON", age IS. or any Infor mation. Please address T 41. Oreyonlan. S T. PIERCE, hair work. Phone Wood lawn 4380, ti KHItngowortfc. PERSONAL. GET WELL. FREE. FREE. FREE. Every day. from JO A. M. to S P. M . and evening!? from 0 to S, and Sunds from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief In any other way are In vited to investigate Chit opr cue met n ods, w hich are permanently curing" hundreds every dav THE BEST OF "CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make & complete d la kiio." is of your cane and direct your trtntments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe. ran. ure and modern science of curing and preventing diwise. CH IRt PR AC TIC will permanently curt ro pr c-n t oj v. nth.-. . CHIROPRACTIC n-mpw-s I tie ihum health returns. The above service Is all f t ee to oi at tiie colit-ge tttiUding and m Or iul In p-lviile If d.-stred ' PRIVATE Tit K A T M E N T S may a,.-' be had in college btuidtug oy mtmti of t he faculty, by eit her !! 01 men pract !t loners PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner nf pMtk and Yamhill. Tel. Main Iol4. HOsplTA L In connection with college. WUI handle out-of-town patients at a i:ut renpoji abie rate in order to thow what Cniro pructlc can do, DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, President. ion CHIROPRACTIC S STEM. Camouflage and adjuncts foreign lo this principle, only adit time and Imme diate expense to Inter oespair.) Dr. McMahon. Maclcay bldg. Port land, Is a chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a loo per cent chiropractic specialist, with highest testimonials trout patients from eastern stales. la nil liar with the best; also from western sn-t local patients having unfortunately had less than lMi per cent chii onract Ic else where, with. 0 course, corresponding disappointment in delayed ndief. Men and w omn are fully satisfied villi my loo per cent liiropract 10 philosophy, long experience him! superior skill demonstrated in imisuf at ion. ex aminations. eny. careful adjuUncnta. rales, and f mal ly results. Ele vent li year 111 t h 8 city. Chronic cases, taking time, 31 adjustments, $25. Extended time. 31 adjustments. $13. Acute canes, fever. lumbago, anf doubting Thomases, etc.. le.s lime, lea expense. Phone, wire, write, come. , Main Office. 4(h and Wash. New Home. 0 4 7 E , 1 tSn 1 1 u o n H t. PR E V E N T I 'I S E A S E oF ;U M S. Do you know that lartur scl.s, im perfect littinK croons und hrhlces. over hanging fiUing, imiatltiK kiiius. ail coiitilbiile to pyorrhea, pus of cuius, In flammation of gums. lioeiiliiK oi teeth and finally loss ot teeth J specialtx in first-class dentlt-.tr;.-; X-rav examinations. DR. A W KEENE, Malestic Thd'T-r Bids... 351 ' Ws-h. St. M I N H R A L ST E A M BAT H.s s7ie n 1 1 ( i 1 massage, violet my Mtid electric treat .incnts le-HUtify the complexion and build up the system. NERVoUS and CHRoN. It' diseases n xpeefa It y. Hot h scxra treated Hours 10 to 0. eventnts bv ap poiniment. NETTIE RKNHox, li. i , Main 77sj ;p 'ekum hb'g IT WILL bo of lnter,.t (n rn sk A. til 9 Me llllams c'immiitiu.tte ' Powers Furniture Notice Materials f,er the home 1111 ra m. r.et h nd u . 1 r.. in hrahl a t 2or a 1 d and gents.' Panama -itra.v and cleaned ai.d biockc.l. LA ERA V E II T MIC 372 ' Mot , ;,) i uer Bin k x imirtd i.mli.V .ind l.alj CO . I H A 1 1 hi 111 111: d Willi Morgan bldg.. to diagnos: (crested (u I he Vlh-o-lleh luvls. 4 17 all people in-I'iiMii'-Ml freft ntpt-r subshli- of charge, p-ebcrilM- ill - aries snd giv this out 11 nd Ceneva Locke. Morgan tdilg on-- fr.-.. t'eainicnt r -. tt to I ir 1 a vis fact 01 y represent a 1 1 I'boTie f H Ml 303. 1 'lit Dr Notice. To th y friends an I . ii-Iiiiiotm thai I f have not mover nor have I sny connec tion with any other optical firm. To con i linue receiving my j; 11. ra 11 1 m -. Kws. I or to have anv erno-s re,tnie.i, (lt nt I tny 11I Bee. CHAS , W. Gi l Ml dA.V j Opt on iet fist. 200 V 1 -oil. Main 2121. ! fr.WE iOl ii .C.Te j SEND YOUR M'KV t.- S W- FLA K E WET W .-H C1J T!I E-4 I WASHED SNOWY WHITE IN SEPA RATE COM PA HTM E STS. COLLECT I TODAY. DELIVER ToMoRRnW. SEl'.V- ! ICE W IT 1 1 A PI X CI I K S T S 4 3.1 j WANTED The address of the" widow an.! j the daughter of the bite Charles, H. Richards ot the Builders Supply Co., reported tu had I.. Graves. K II. S , Iviinlioe lodge, K. P.. 3ss Yamhill at., city. WELTM Fit SYSTEM SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS The latest, and mul up-io-.late sclene practiced. If you liae falied with other?, try us Lis. Ayer- & McKintry, 715 Dekum bldg Main 2070. SEEKING Li ST FRIEND. Would like to find a 1 1 lend, named. Harold Cousins, or hii aunt. .Mrs. Camp bU. former home Portland. Or. A r v Information gratefully recencd. AV 14., t )reniitan. GRADUATE nurse and chiropodist. seiTV t it it- massage a nd magnet Ic 1 1 .'ut men l s. ' manicurist, superfluous hair permanently removed; ladled und gem loiuen. 205lj Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sis. E Y ES Si 1 1 E N T I Fit 'A LL Y T EST ED with modern instruments; glasses fitted at a sa villi;: satisfaction guaranteed. 1 Hit of the hik'h-retir ditrici ; no overhead exp A. E. HURWIT, Optometrist. 225 vt st. ALL the la leal reilletlie n.i.ti m (tie Cieui-t-nton Drug Co.. 20u Morrison it,, St. Charles hotel corner. At this drug store you feet Just what ou call lor. We have no substitutes. GALLSTONES Free book teila ur im proved method of treating inflammation of gall bladder and biJe ductn. Wri today Dr i'addock, box uw-Ul, Kansas Cit yM. $$$ FOR IDEAS Pholopia., plots nccept ed, any lorm; revised, published, copy righted', sold. Ail vice I ree. Utiiver-al Scenario Corp., f50 Ui'di in Mutual LUe bldg.. 1 -os A HUeles. CH i Hot it ACT Id. BEST STEAM UA'i II. chlroprsctlc. vi bratory and electric mi.ssHgo. Dr. Mar garet H a ynle. 215 Swetland bldg. Rea fonah pricey IF YOU ARE tired and nervous you tn ejuvenate your nervous centers nnd poor circulation by ha. !ng a rcjentifte body massage Dr Ovldla Larsen. 034 Morgan bloc Main TAKAHA AN I I SEPTIC P O VV D E K Is a soothing clcan.-luff heiiiing germicidal nd in v Uora tun douche, a threat aid (n female disorders; 50c and $1 per box, Portland Hte. pharmac . IF YOU have More feet" see Dr. Ethel A. Sacry, pedicuring and niM nicurl 1. , 10 a. M. to 0 P. M. Appointment eveningH. M a rh." II 33 iQ. 0"5 Rnleigh hH g. $1 GE1S la.ih leet iixrd up ai Dr. Eaion't the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST . who doesn't hurt you; S yrs. here; exam. free Globe bldg. 11th & Wah. Bdv 221 EXPER1 ENCED salesman making ext pi sive trip of eastern cities will transact business for. reasonable remuneration. Address J 4o7. Precoma n. IF YOU have soie feet see Dr. Ethl A. Sacry, pedicurlnn and manicuring. 10 A. M to 6 P M. AppoinWnents even:njc. Marshall 31470. 0Q5 Bui. ugh bldg. FEB VET & HANK BUT. ieartin wig and toupe makers ; finest stock bums n hair goods, permanent snd marcel wavlnit: fcalotreatinrnt. 3 10 Alder Main 511. ELECT R1C CABINET BATHS Scientific massage, sun .amps, eta Dr. Ironside. 3uh-I4 Broadway bid. Graduate nurse as"i-tant. Main 51 hit W. L. BISHOP, chiropractor, dieiitia cabinet baths, massag". diagnosis by lbs eye. open ev-mns,a. 10 in.- swet land bldg. Phone Main 2!!0. VIT-O-NET sweat baths for colds; violet rav treatments ior neuritis, nmiy nia tae; 10 A M to Jt P M. daily 450 Morgjinb!dgMain 7570. LANGDALFS ASTHMA Ft E .M E D Y G I V E 3 QUICK RELIEF IN ALL ASTHMATIC AND BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS BROOKS DRUG CO.. 07 X. 3D ST. - TO'BAC or snuff habit cured or no pay. $1 If cured. Remedy pent on trial. Su perha 1"o. W. .'Ml. BalMmot-e. Md. POSTAGE stumps for i ol lector, and soid. 4'olum bai Si amp Co. 10th st. Broadway 2"P. bi.UK ht , 04 X. jPALINE. lr diseases tt women; positive relief consultation free. Mrs. Juuges, 24Q Lincoln. .Ma lnIM70. G ET OU H CO P V: of new w a 1 1 a song, "Alone W Ith Thee." :i5c at all rnusii: Ftnres m ii-'A;E FOR RHEUMATISM ETC 415 "BUCHANAN BLDG MAIN VlCrt. (j p E X L 1 - n . 1 ' r.ri.AiiM WHY BALD heads. -Liudruff. eczirra or fallng hair? There's a reason and a ' remedy Try 314 Maclcay bldg SLPfchFLUoUS ha-r. moes. wans, removed by 10-neediea method, trial fre. Jni y j n 1 fcy. 514 Bush A Lane hd M aln OH. EULPBL'R stcHm bath massge, violet ray nd vibratory treatment 420 Clay. Max ":r,P. 10 A M to H P M Gt 'IT RE. enlarged glands : R. Strachan. route 5, X " gen's or ' -''present a 1 1 cure vnurselt HillsboiM. Or. PILES can te perniaiienti cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, bee cm an Mor":son. GRADUATE nurse tra:s lumhago, eto. Hours 2 to 6 or by appointment. Phoo Main 104tf. Office 3ub-C Third sL A A