14 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 27, 1921 FOR SALE. Ftirniinre tor sale. BUT NOW. MEIER & FRANK STOCK of htich-ffrad Furniture and Dra peries, slightly damaged ia ware house and removed to 349-351 OAK ST., Between Broadway and Park Urrofa from tUe telephone com pany . Now being closed out at ' prsUicaliy your own price. Kx tension tables, values up to $150. now $10 ap. Buffets to match, now $J3 up. Chairs (walnut and man.,) half price. Iron beds, now $2 up. Ie T.uxe sprints, . rcj. $19.30, now 1 5. Mattresses (cotton), now $5 up. ray bed and spring-, now $7.59. Feed chairs and rockers, now SS each. Pressing" tafas (triple mirrors) $15. Davenport tables (mah.). $13 up. Mah. piano lamps. $10. 300 French plate mirrors (all sizes). $1 up. DRAPERIES. Mohair plush, req. $12, now $3 yard. !W-ln. tapestry, rep. ?5. now $1.30 yard. 3fl-ln. tapestry, rey. $1.73, "now 73c yard. S0-in. velour, reg. $7, now $3.30 yard. Art tickings, reg. 00c, now 30c yard. Linings, assorted. 15c. Remnants at your own price. 343-351 OAK ST. OWL FURNITURE CO. i Special Sale Prices for This Week. New cotton felt 43-Ih. mat tress, fancy art tit kmc. rolled edge; a real JI mattress fur $J.3o. Bed snrlnjr and mattress. stel snrinir. havy Iron bed. new 45 pound cotto ; f:t mattress, fancy lirkin. rolled edge, complete fur $17. 5U. 43-Inch Wllilam and Mary dinln? tab!1. mahogany finish, genuine leat.ier seat chairs, to match; w t'l se!l at a bargain price. Sua 73. Monday oniy Library table, magazine racks on cns; lloO. A B wan rane. canopy top. four burners, se:f-Iirhter. gias doors, nicely ptiamitd. a good as new. connected for 7.5t). .This is a snap. Genuine leather davenport which has been used somewhat, but as guod as new and well woiLh what we are asking; $44. Drop-head sewing machine, two diawers; f'J.u). 6 gold em oak dining chairs, gen uine leather seats, French legs, at $4.63 each. Solid oak dresser. I t $1o.5o. large mirror. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LS3. FIRST ST. 73 Feet South of Morrison. FURNITURE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK IS. drophead Singer sewing ma chine. In line condition. $3u; dav enport bed, in Spanish brown craft leather, J7.o0; mantle fold ing bed, 7.50; iron beds, any siee, $ 5o up; dressers, small size, 14; large size oak uresert and chif foniers, $i.30; couches. $5; old fashio.ied walnut bedroom suite, three pieces, $40; beautiful period mahogany and vtalnur. dining room mines at bargain prices; Morns chair, $3; urm rockers, $.50 and up; room size rugs and carpels. Sue yard up; guaranteed steel ranges. ; guaranteed gas ranges, $1 50; cook stoves. $10 to $15; parlor and library tables, ' $4-50 up; kitchen treasure. $4; whits enamel kitchen cabinet, $10.50; kitchen tables, $1.50. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., com plete house furnishers; new and used furniture sold on easy pay ments. No interest and free de livery In city or surrounding coun try. For out-of-tou n customers e pack, crate and deliver to wharves or depots free of charge. We are the original WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY of 15 continuous years in business. No connection with other salvage and junk dealers. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY. 101 2d St., Between Yamhill and Taylor. Don't Mistake the Address. PHONE MAIN 375L DINING SET. Beautiful 4f-ineh top, "WiHiam and Mary dining table. ith genuine leather-seated chairs to match. Special price for the set $9U.5u, Tnis ia a very good buy. STAR FURNITURE CO. 160-lt2 Firbt St., Cor. Morrison. LARGE SIZE mahogany library table In William and Mary design. This table was slightly marred in transit. Regular price $50; our special price $32.50. STAR FURNITURE CO. DiO-loU First St., Cor. Morrison. FOUR-BURNER Jewel gas range with elevated oven and broiler. Special price $17.60. STAR FURNITURE CO. 160-lti- First St., Cor. Morrison. A V K K Y h' 1 N I! Eat e y oi aan. cost when new $ 173. This is special model for chapel or church and will close out for $45; also Chicago Cottage organ In very rood condition ; chapel model. $24. See these and everal other good used or gan. -d floor Eilers Music bldg-, en trnnre. nd elevators. 27 Wash. St. ob.MiAK fa.tiion diamond Uiso phono graph, mahogany cabinet, filled with 140 sunerb records; Victor attachment included; all will go for $113, actually lMt tupn hair it real value. Oregon Ktiers Munlr House. 27 S Wash, Jl .i Aii.M KiCr-N A' iuiiony Sunora only U3, with 15 nc rm-ords -fre; terms only :o a. momn. w i-nonojrrapn iepi., 3d door. Eilers Music bid?., 27 Wash ington Street. 1 L" KNITL KE fur aie. 4 .room. s complete, all good stuff. Call at 032 E. l!Kh St., Hirpmni car. U. X tt Li A i " Solid mahoganv. 3o-tn. pedestal dining table. 7 leavfs$5. 5K2 Giisan. REOCHARTBR Oak range with reservoir, also bed complete, both good condition; reasonable. Mar. 3023. lOK SALE l library table. 6 living room chain. I spring; and mattress. I wringer. i) j oo d condition. Phone East 2:42ft. ;.o CASH will buy you $250 worth new furniture for $1.V balance easy terma Bark apt.. HW-a E. Morrison St. FOR SALE I new. solid oak extension table, $30; 4 chairs to match, $16 Joe Rice,21 Hood St. FOR'saLB Quarter-sawed oak extension dining table, chiffonier, folding bed, quarter-sauted oak dj-ejr, sat ZZ'Jl. Furniture for ale. BE THRIFTY. BUY YOUR GOODS WHERE YOUR DOLLARS COUNT. a EVERY STAR ON YOUR DOLLAR TWINKLES HERE. Just a few of this week's specials Brand new 42-In. round dining ta ble, pedestal base, only $13.50 Beautiful new dresser with 10x24 mirror, only 10.56 New bow back chairs, only 1.33 Card Tables We have ail sizes of card tables In or square; 4J inch top. stained, special $ 4 53 WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? A CHARTER OAK RANGE for only $1.V0, and It is absolutely guaranteed. This is only one of the many that we have to show ou. All our used ranges are rebuilt by expert repairmen and we stand behind every one we sell. Jut a limited amount of brand new ranges that would retail for about $S5. We are offering these this week for only $48.50. IF You re In the market for a cook stove, range, oil. gas or gasoline stove it will mean $ $ $ $ in your pocket to see us first. Our line Is complete and we are sure we have what you want. KNIVES AND FORKS. 6 knives and fl forks, regular $4.23 per set, special J2.43 Only 50 sets to be sold at this price, so come early. Iron beds . . . Bed springs Mattresses . . .$3 00 up . 2 00 up . 2.50 up 40-pound pure cotton regular $12, special .. mat tresses. $6.30 VELVET RUG. Slightly used beautiful - design. s:ze 0x12, only $25.00 Many other rugs from $5 up. PERCOLATORS. See these In our window minumj, only . . . falu- $1.43 $1.25 teapots In the blue and white, only .00 Hundreds of other articles for the home at reduced prices. We will con aider It a pleasure to show you through our large display of new and used house hold lurntshings. If It's Hardware -or Furniture WE HAVE IT. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY. Credit If Desired. 221-3-3 Front St. Main 007 OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Tro:. Beds $ 1.73 'hafrs J. ',- Rockers 2.50 , Bed Springs 1.30 Extension Table 7.50 Mattress 2.50 Kitchen Treasure 4.00 Solid oak Dining Chairs with leather seat 4.50 Four-burner aas tove 12.50 Dresser 12 M Small-sized Library Table 6.50 foal or wood Range 3 7.50 Vxl2 Grass Hug 6.00 OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. JGi-36S FIRST ST. 75 Feet South of Morrison. SPECIAL SALE ON BEDS. We have a few 2-inch contin uous post beds left in ivory nd white enamel which we are clos ing out at less man the present wholesale co&l These beds are all new. Our special price $0.85. STAR FURNITURE CO. 160-162 First St., Cor. Morrison. BUY FURNITURE DIRECT FROM FACTORY. Dressing tuule. top 10x33. center French mirror 12x20, side mirrors 7x20, ivory or oak finish. Price $l(i.75. Dresser 16x18. mirror 16x24. $17.73 Combination chair, table, price $5.75. English breakfast table $3.25. Kitchen treasure 2x4H. $7.50. UNIVERSAL WOODWORKING CO. 100 N. Third, Corner Flanders. FOR SALE Fumed oaa dining set consist ing of 45 in. round table with three ex tension leaves, five chairs, genuine leather seats, buffet with mirror and plate glass top. all In bpiendid condi tion at very low price. Ami res 436 East 24 rh street. North. FOR SA LE One quarter-saw ed oak buf fet, one beveled mirror, one Simmons white enameled bed, one 2-burner gas plate, one gas smoothing iron, complete. No dealers. Tabor 7363. BEAUTIFUL almost new Circassian wal nut dresser and bed with springs and mattress; also very good pedestal fumed oak dining table with six leather seated chairs. East 264. GO TO warehouse, 104 Union ave., near Belmont, make an offer for dinner or library table; creditors selling out fac tory line; hundreds of tables for your selection. MUST BE SOLD this morning; ivory bed room set; Axmlnister rug; dining table and chair: wicker rocker and complete kitchen outfit. 1 125 K. Stevens St. CHINESE teakwood altar tables, four small tables, also hand-carved desk and screen at a great reduction. Phone Mi in 2076. ONE Fl LL-SiX.E Osier moor mattress in perfect condition, also one full-size hair mattress, never been used in anv l tics, from private home. Pdwy. 2M7. FO R SA LE Fumed oak buffet, splend id condition; price $25. Call Tabor 4450 or 035 B. 54th at. N. TWO rugs. 8x10. worn, S3 each; iron "bed. spring, silk floss mattress. $10; kitchen table $1.30. 305 'g Wash, st. LIBRA RY table, rockers, icebox, small stand, hose, garden tools, etc. No deal era Call East 50S. FOR SALE Two good rugs, cheap; one new, 8:3x10:6; one used, I'xl2. 636 Har old ave.. corner Milwaukie. LEAVING city, wiii attractive oak dining table; price around $35; phone Marshal 340. OPS Thurman street ou sALfc -urtutur- n housoiioid goods; price reasonable. Wjil also rent house. Inquire at 203 North 16th st. BARGAIN White ga mnge, senora elite overstuffed liyingsuite. 402 B. Ankeny! HAVE 1 mahogany piece andofher fur- ntture for sale. 922 Belmon t t. 6 ROOMS, completely furnished flt. very cheap. 208 14th, at Main 403. UNIVERSAL range, small heater and oak I :lrary tnHe. Antonys Mr tiin. q i . U KN ITU KL. for reasonable price. rooms, ajnioat new. ifj-i K. iiaan st. HOUSEHOLD furniture complete. typewriter, canary, cast 1 no. 7 ROOMS, rent $25; sell furniture $5o0 p-i?h. Broadway 27S. VVA'i secouo-haiid wood iuater ud bed. In ood cfnditfonJ Tabor HVtp. FOR SALE Healing stove and rug JS'73 Tabor DROP-HEAD sewing machine, ro-tn;:. mattress. $in We In. $30; 113ft. LEA-iJi-vi- -pour trai bed with box mar tress. Ied six months. Main 2 1 2 2. WILTON RUG 0x12. Al condition, small paUtrn, $80. Phone Auto. 2 71-la. FOR SALE. Furniture ior ewie. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY FOR SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE. WM. GADS BY Sc. SONS, First and Washington S:s. A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE. Ladles' sewing rocker solid oak. good as new $ 5.75 Colonial library table. In good condition 7.30 Reed baby carriage, slightly usd, value $27.50 33. 45 Hish-back overstuffed com- fort rocker 11.03 Irorv enamel dresser with heavy bevel mirror 24.75. Ivory enamel slightly used . chiffonier. Solid oak dining table 6-ft. extension 11.83 Good oak dining chairs. siightly used 350 Dining table. Is rice round top. pedestal bane 20.75 Wilton velvet rue. Dxl2. discontinued pattern 37.30 Ex t ra A xm inster rug. 0x0, value $03 0. . . . o7.50 Drop-he:! d sewing machine. alue $50 10.30 Convertible bed davenport. slightly used ." 39.50 Wood and coal iras ranges, guaranted. as low as 10.50 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WM. GADSBY & SONS. First and Washington Sts. feUST BE SOLD TODAY 1 6-P1ECE IVORY BEDROOM SUITE. CARVED AND HAND-PAINTED; PERFECT CONDITION; COST $310. WILL SELL FOR $173. ALSO ANGLO-PERSIAN AND FRENCH WILTON RUGS. LI BRARY TABLE. READING LAMP AND SMALL BUREAU LAMP. MUST BE SOLD TODAY OR WILL BE PACKED TO STORE AT ONCE. CALL MAR. 324S OAK CHIFFONIER with B spacious drawers, finished hi light oak. Special price $15.50. Oak telephone stand and chair. Special price $7.50. Ivory dressing table with triple mirrors. Special price $10.50, Solid oak footstools with gen ufne leather" seat. Special $1.05. STAR FURNITURE CO. 100-102 First St., Cor. Morrison. SIX-LI D steel polished top range with good IS-in. oven, all nick I e trimmed and a sanitary base. This range is new and costs you Jess than a second-hand one of its kind. Our special price $40.50. STAR FURNITURE CO. 1 00-1 62 First St., Cur. M orrison. LARGE, massive davenport with two genuine leather detachable cushions, suitable for a reception hall or office. Special price $17.30. STAR FURNITURE CO. 100-162 First St., Cor. Morrison. HIGH -CLASS furniture, rufrs, hangings worth $2320. bought last July; iiiuhI be sold for $1475, terms. If you buy furni ture, can rent flat 5 rooms and 2 sleep ing porches for $50.60 pt-r mouth; ideal location; rent out two rooms and get your rent free. 5744 Salmon, opp. Mult nomah clu't. Call Monday before noon. NEW OVERSTUFFED davenport and chair, latest style, just manufactured and must be sold at once, it will pay you to call us up before purchasing else where. Wdln. 230. STEEL range $15, fine heater $6. gas range $10, chairs $1.25 up. touch $5, baby crib $6. library table $6.50. round oak dining table $13. sideboard $17. wash stund $1.50. Eaat 6057. 113 Grand s ve. bo.v' i bacn.ice uut lurnitur ji going east or to (.atliorr.ia. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars: fireproof storage C. M. Olaou Transfer Storaee Co.. 24S Pine st. LEAV1XG the city, will dispose of hand some mahogany living room table: ma hotcany drtbedntr table; fire screen; gas kitchen stove: gas heaters, gas plate. Ta bor 5 1 50. PRIVATE party has piano, large buffet, beds, library table, sanitary couch, leather couch, rocker and many other articles; no dealers. E. 2700. 31 E. irtth Ft. N. 1 BEAUTIFUL eUctric stove $70 1 oak library table ...$!) 1 irn and brass bed $8 61 1 Hood St.. Marshall 3S04. FOR SALE One Foliiain velvet seamless rug, size $ feet 3 inches by 1 0 feet 6 inches, used 2 months. Price $25. 504 Glen wood ave. Sellwood car. FOR SALE Oood furniture of 2 rooms and kitchenette, apartment for rent very reasonable; near West Park and Tenth sis. Phone Marshall 681. FOR SALE Player piano and 'rolls, flat top oak office dek and chair, light mi--sion cak sideboard, white enamel bed and niattrers. rugs Phone Wdin. 1117 4 OAK dining chairs, like n.'w $12.50; 1 good oak rocker, new. $!.05; 1 Verts Marlill bedstead. $6.00. 240 FiftU st. Phone Main 1523.' MAtiOiiANY bed davenport, walnut drtsj er. stove, all practically new. and other furniture. 671 Glisan st. Phone Broadway 3174. FOR SALE One bed and springs, box couch. Perfection f ireless cooker, wood and coal range; good condition; cheap. W'nftfOswn 6175. FOR SALE Furniture of 5-rooni bunga low at Rose City Park; bungalow may be bought or rented; your opportunity. Tabor 0436. No dealers or agents. COM BINATION range, almost new, and other furniture; fruit, wood, empty cans. 1076 E. 25th st. N. PRACTICALLY new $110 gas range for $60. - Call today only from 10 to 12. Main 1S50. NEW ivory dressing table and chair; cost $34.30, sell $25; one china closet, $15. S.'OI E 3 2d st. Sellwood 1110. OAK BUFFET and china closet; also read ing lamp, cneap. iuu ooia si. xortn, near Glis-in. OR SA LE Six-nole range, pipes and connections and heater and pipes cheap, rail Auto 810-33. 6 SOLID-OAK dining chairs sno china, clostl, good conaiuon. i.u jl . iay lor. 85 YARDS of Axminster carpet; can be seen s t on Aim uerry. iauu auuuion Call after Monday morning. LARGE sized brand new solid mahogany gate-leg table, very cheap. Patterson FoTiture Hospital. 16th and Raleigh. ALlioST new 42-incn Jacobean oak library table with cane Inserts; cost $45, will sell $25. East 07S7. No dealers. 3 ROOMS of furniture, complete, practi cally new; cash. SI W. Alberta st., St. Johns car to Concord st. PRACTICALLY new General Electric four hole range; nearly half price U sold at once. En st, 6i.1 . ELEGANT. o'.d-Iashioned mahogany bed, dresser, chiffonier: splendid condition; reasonable. East272tf. FURNITURE at a very great reduction: dining room suite: also Oriental rug and drareries; must sell at once. Main 2:76. FORD touring, new tires, new top, some extras; a bargain at $230. Inquire Mont pomerv Oararc 36s Front st. $i2 PER MONTH, old-style. 6-room. part ly furnished, furniture $100 cash 403 Bjackatone st.,36th gt. car, today. Office Furniture. WILL sell cheap for cash or trade as fol lows, roll-top oak desk, 12-inch Reming ton No. 11 typewriter, one oak letter file. 603 Titie & Trust bldg., phone Broadwav 325 or Tnbor 1013. LaChu-.M' 5-fooi roll-Lop oak desk, like " n-w. with first class revolving chair. Jim Stock Kxehangw ldg. FOR SALE Uiiice furniture, ieauher couch and chain. East ."I0. SOLI D oak roll Lop dutk, $55. . rup street. 703 orth- FOR SALE. Office Furniture. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES. I C. Smith typewriter. No. 8 53 Underwood typewriter. No. 8. 14 in.. $75 Royal typewriter. No. 10, same as new $75 Burroughs adding machine, 7 bank. 6 "key $S0 Dalton, electric drive. 10 bank, per fect condition $175 Comptometers, 10 bank at $100, S bank at $i3 All overhauled and In perfect condition. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE, 31 N. 5th St. Broadway 2739. pew Titers. UNDERWOODS FROM $35 LP. OLIVERS. $33. L. C. SMITH, $00. MACHINES FROM $13 UP. LARGEST RECONSTRUCTED ASSORT MENT IN NORTHWEST. YEAR'S GUARANTEE ON ALL. WE CAN FURNISH THE MACHINE YOU WANT AT THE RIGHT PRICE. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 WASHINGTON ST. PRICE LIST ON REQUEST. ei3 R VICE. All makes cverhuied. Experts RE PAID. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. selL rent and exchange. Supplies. Auto matic 620-50. Main 637. 124 4th st. bet. Wash, and Ider. Over Circle theater REBUILT typewriters, ail makes, rentals, repairing supplies Distributors CORONA portable. SUN DST RAND adding ma chines. Main 22S5. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth st UN DER WOOD typewriter, latest model, used oniy tour months, $70. Call Main Sunday. i-NUtiKff OD. firHt-cIasa condi reasonabk for cash. 500 Vancou- tion vr e int. is u i exciifn.ae u w puojioRraiMi ior type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 A Ider street. REPAIRS. rent buy, sell; suppllea ipewrlter Inspection Co.. 312 btarw sc Main 5340. NEW. rebuilt, cecond-hand rentals at cut rate? P. Co., 231 Stark st aiain Mi. ALL .haKEo rented and repaired. Oregon TYPEWRITER Co . 94 5th st. Main ttotfa PEM INGTON No. 10, perfect condition; scri fvt cash. 4:to u. Alder. AN ADDKJdSSOGRAPJL almost new, at bargain. Broadway 4.105. NEW ROYAL No. 10 cheap. Phone Main lit) 7 7. A GOOD typewriter for $13. 824 2d st- ami W hitaker. , LATE model Underwood, used very little. elite type. $7. AE 6. Oregonian. TYPEWRITER. Tabor 5266. 1201 E. S.-tlmon Kt. Hofc.H, ttuhbitf, birds and Pet btoek. X THE "PLAYFAIR kennels offer at stud the Boston terriers W alnut Duke A. K. C. 2S1H51, a winner at Worcester, Mass., and Salem, New Hampshire, September, 1020. A wonderful specimen of a Bos ton. Also Wheatland Jackie A. K. C. 21354. sired by Intruder, who.-e owner refused $3000 for him (see February Dogdom, and half brother of the fa mous Champion Ace, of Aces. Compare these dogs and their wins with the rest, then breed to the best. Remember the sweetness at low price never equals the bitterness of poor quality. e have more Bostons with Ringmaster and Champion Peters King blood than any other ken nel in the state. Nottingham ave., Park rnfl Phone Tabor 727't. OK b, W oOD KiiANiii.S. Sensation Pilot II and Ore wood Frank at stud; Huston terriers out of champion stock. See the others-first and compare with mine. Grown drgs and puppies out of Wheatland Jackie for sale. Small dogs boarded. MRS. WM. J. SMITH, 130East 30th St. Tabor 3156. PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES We are headquarters In the N. W. for birds and cages, dogs. cats, rabbits, calves, etc.. food, remedies, etc. Call or write. Pet stock catalog on request. Routledge Seed & F:oral Co.. 143 2d s.. Portland. Or. TWO MALH puppies, little white fluff bulls, mostly spitz, .t eacn: also two females; drive out Powell valley road 3 miles east of S2d St., see sign adver tising puppies at Ritter-Lowe acreage tract. WHY INTERUKWtSD vicn you can breed to champion prize Persians for same price? Silver, red or black; ell eastern cats. Portland Cattery. Phone 614-04. WANTED Pedigreed female Persian cat. age 6 months or over. Write, giving price and description. My rile Nash, Ssip Or.. P O. Roy 315. -.Vvi.i n sviie. at stud. Count Mar Ir.g. No. 46303 and Pallacho Jr., No: 31436. P. R WMtesldo. Hillsdale, Or. Main fi'tHO. R. M. HOWRS, veterinarian; dog and cat hospits I; lady attendant; dogs wasned and dry cleaned: blankets made to order. Phone T.ihor 6S6B. FOR SALE My entire stock of California fur-bearing and Himalayan rabbits, very cheap. 2806 47th st. S. E. Phone Tabor SlXJEl(S and females, good stock, beau tiful plumage; singers, $3 and $0. Come and see them. It 3 4 Union ave. North, near SkMmore. BARGAINS in young singers, one dozen or more at $4.50 each, mixed colors. Res., 6430 06th at. S. E. Phone Auto. 623-24. FoX TERRIER pup, very prtttty pet fo a child, six weeks old, cheap. 346 Tilla mook treet. Kl.l'.MIbii OlANTS. pedigreed, regis tered. 3 does. 2 bucks, chcapv 421u 4Sta ave S. K.. Wocdsiock car. HIGH-GRADE Flemish Giant rabbits, all ages; pr.ced right. Phone Wood law a IMPORTED Andreasberg rollers and trained singers. 3 females. 300 Shaver. Wood l a w n 3052. DOES, bucks, Flemish, New Zealand; prices reasonable. 70 J2. 18th N. East 5700. THOROUGHBRED toy fox terrier puppies, good house dogs. Tabor 060. 1004 K. Wa?hiTi(rton. MALE Fox. Teir.er. 4 months old. $10. Mr. Coy, 3 blocks south of Island station, Oregon C'ty car. ST. ANDREASBURG rollers, canaries. male, female. 227 Washington st. Main 6221. WANTED Breeding sire tor small pure bred Pomeranean dog- Yamhill, Or., route 1. box on. AIRED Li puppies, three months old : pedigreed, healt hy stock. 277 Peeries Place. Tabor G ST. ANDRE AS BERG rollers and three femalou, fullblooded stock. Tabor 678: Also cages. A I HE DALE dog. year Oid. a tare good one. highly bred. H. Rlnghouse, Clack- .rT-' Phone MPwRiikte U-IR. uik-AMjuu toners, imported, high cLis strain songsters. 430 Rodney ave. t'-rti-JbiivE 1 lAT'i'HY ha.s lur tervice registered eastern studs, silver and or-att.-e tahhy. 336 E. 51 pt N. Tabor 7773. PAIR Carneaux breeders to exchange for bees, watch dog. pig, canary or what? Routo 1, box 152, Beaverton. MALE collie-foxhound for sale cheap; good v.atch dog. 380 E. 27th N., near Broadway. CHOICE SINGERS AND FEMALES. CALL THE STUDIO. MAIN 468. ST. ANDREASBURG yellow. Tabor 5266. rollers; imported 1201 E. Salmon- ONE ST. ANDRE AS BERG roller and nice brass cage. 410 Fifth st., apt. 7. PEDIGREED Airedale terrier, price $10. Phone 661-11. ask for C. W. Stewart. CANARY birds lor sale cheap. Sellwood 1241. BLOODHOUND for saie; best tree dog iu the country. Call 215 SweCand bldar. A BEACT1 Fl'L Fox terrier puppy for sale; t'jQ. Cull Sunday morning, E'tst 7626. buy a second -naud coal oil Tabor 63H4. WHITE Persian male, very cheap to cat lover. 7604 57th uve. S. E. Phone 612-37- FOR SALIC -German roller singer and c:i:e. 340 B. Stark, rLLL blooded Australian Shepherd. Hamilton St.. Main SSlft. 2- x Eau-OLD yellow singer, St. Andreas berg stock- fine daddy Mrd. Wdin. 2Q00. 1 PAIR orange birds, ma lee, in full song. 044 petty grove wt- TWO BELGIAN does and hutches for salo c- h ea p. 0- 0 Vernon a ve. FOX TERRIER pup, about 7 months old, $6. Including tax. Woodlawn 3130. NEvV $f0 PARROT tand. Tabor 1816. FOX TERRIER pupp:es. 140 E. 2Sth st N. Poultry. "OLD TRUSTY" incubator, 100-egg, and brooder. $10. Miwshall 1602. 10 WHITE LEGHORN laying hens $1.73 each. Woodlawn 3539. FULL-BLOODED Buff Orpington, a cock erel. $3. 022 East 1st Street, Col. 352. WHITE Leghorn laying hens, a bargain $1 each. 10 E. 72d st. Tabor 4237. FULi--BLoOD R. I. Red crockerel and 3 pullers. I u. v- 'ay st. ain ;.hh. BUFF LEGHORN and White Leghorn la ying hens- $1.25 each. 1401 Boston ave. R 1. I: EDS and Barred Rocks, baby chicks. M'Th 2. Fred Wourms. Tuaiatin. Or. Eiull f good iay ing Wh.te Lthoru hens; reasonable. T.-ihor 1713. SILVER CAM PINE setting eggs, $3 for 13 e gs. Woodlawn 5733. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock hutching eg its. heavy layers. Tabor 6550. GOOD chicken house for sale. Woodlawn 3150 Telephone WHITE Wyandotte eggs, best of stock, $1 5o per 15. Columbia 605. -JdAirfL oil 1ioodtu. 'Ubur bld FOR SALE. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. We can take orders for a small num ber of chicks to come off March 14; also large batches in April. We reed only from matured, full-blooded, con tinuously traD-nested White Leghorn stock. Come and see for yourself. We can show you our trapnest records. Order now. GEORGES POULTRY FARM. Route 1. Hillsdale. Or. Main 700. ROY'AL WING FARMS. Select S. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs airect from our breeding pen- can 81-334 Fargo st. 15. $1.30; 50. $4.50: 100. $S. Eggs testin r 03 per cent fertile in our Incubatcra. Roynl Wing stock, famed for vitality and winter egg production ; built on O. A. C. foundatrn. Baby chick orders. Royal Wing Farms. Gresham. Or., Route A. Box 403. 100. $20; 50. $12.50. Our specialty Is breeding stock. We never force for market eggs. ELECTRIC HATCHED BABY CHIX. White Leghorn babv chix from FREE RANGE HOGAN'iZED STOCK. We GUARANTEE safe arrival of full count, strorg. live chix Price list and interest ing literature sent upon application. THE POEHLMAXN HATCHERY. PETALUMA. CAL PET ALUM A'S LEADING ELECTRIC HATCHERY. BOOSTERS WANTED. Wanted, IS00 people to buy a setting of eggs from my heavy-laying strain of S. C. R. I. Reds; 8 grand pens to select from; a few good breeding cock erels yet for sale. W. V. LOO MIS. 1023 Multnomah st. Phone Tabor 3107. C. RICOS First pen headed by Port land prize winner. 2 pen headed by a son of Chicago-Colieeum prize winner; mated to high -class femaW-3, including fourth prize pullet st Portland; eggs for hatching. Phone Tabor 4000. J. V Kenworthy, 1111 E. Tavlor st.. Portland. BABY CHIX BABY CHIX. Leghorns, Reds, Bamwi Rocks. White Rocks, Anconas. Buttercups. Wyan dottes. Black Minorcas. Partridge Rocks. Postal secures Free catalog. Don't de lay. Write today. C. N. NEED HAM. PALKM. OR- GUARANTEED t OUA1 c LA makes hens lay MORE EGGS; wonderful repeater, big demand, easy to make, cost small; money maker for hustlers; details free; dollar bill brings sample and guaranteed formula E. F. Fisher. 370 E. Morrison st.. Portland, fir. 00 S. C. WHITE Leghorns, Tancred heavy laying strain. 3 roosters; 2 incubators. Or will sell all, 100x100, 4-room house, city water, bath, gas. garage, large chicken house and yards; lots of fruit. L. Wetther, Route 1. Phone Sunday 2 to 3. Tabor 204. BABY CHICKS From the famccs O. A. C. strain: White Leghorns. Rhod i Island Reds and Barred rocks; matings 221-egg hen and cockerels from 300 -egg hens. See them at our store. Portland Seed Co.. lbO Front st. ; FOR SALE Hatching eggs from Tncred and O. A. C. White Leghorns. Barred Rocks. Rhode Island Reds. 13 Tor $1; 100. $3. Duck eggs 11 for $1.25. Mrs. C. C. Anderson, Gresham. Or. First place south of Gresham depot on Esta- cada car line. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks from heavy laying Hoganized stock. Safe ar rival of full count live, strong chicks guaranteed. Price list and interesting literature on application. The Pioneer Ha'.chery. 441 6th st.. Petaiuma. Cat. BABY CHICKS. From the famous O A C strain: White Leghorns. Rhode Hland Reds ana Barred Rocks; matings 221-egg; hen and cockerels from 3ou-egg hens. See them at cur store. Portland feeed Co. ISO Front y.reet . ALL. FOR 30. Anconas, 2a young hens, 1 rooster, quantity of chicken wire, portable coop. Call Sunday or Monday. 140.1 ten wick st.. between Buffalo and Bryant sts. FOH SALE 230,000 S. C. White leghorn chicks from Hoganized stock. We ship C. O. D. 32 years' experience tells us February is best time. Truby Hatchery, Petaluma. Cal. R I. RED cockerels. Rees haB the bis boys; rich dark red, no cotton or smut; bred for the show bench, also laying purposes. J F. Rees. 210 Portland boulevard west. St Johns car 1 VELVET R. I. rooster and 6 pullets, ail laying, reasonable; hatching eggs. $I.3'1 setting: baby chicks, hatch off March 14. 2c each; Mead strain. 6133 85th st. S. E. Mt. Scott car. S, C. RHODE INLAND RED baby chicks for sale, $25 per 100; also esgs for hatching. $0 per 100; also hite fff. norn layiriK uuiieia, li.ov n ij'tlc. Tabor 3213. FLOCK of white Leghorn pullets. 2 roost ers; 1 pair Emden geese, 1 white turkey hen. C. Richardson, Beaverton, Or., R. F. D 1. 30:t BABY CHICKS. Mead strain, S. C. Rhode Island Reds, off March 1: 30 cents each. BltO DWAY 12S3 TANCRED we. -old chix. 25 cents; day old chix, 20 cents; reds. 25c. Tabor 8822. Park Rose Hatchery, Portland, Oregon. MY LOSS, your gain, good chicken coop, wire, 10 feet, 3 cockerels. White Per sian male, at 7004 57th ave. S. E. Phone 612-37. TANCRED baby chicks, just hatched, trap-neted. heavy-laylna: stock, chicks 20 cents; hatching eggs, 7o. W. B. Hoidi man. R. 3. Lents, city Phone 043-24. chicks and retting eggs, j ncu ba lor ots a specialty- Jo ba under, Portland, or . Route 2. ENGLISH, Tancred -and O. A. C. White Leghorn chickens reasonable; also 60 chkk brooder. 243 E. 01st St. N. Tabor 8?32. iA li t L ti iOvi ii red Kox, R. 1. Red. brown and white Leghorns: Hoganized stock. Tobener Hatchery, Route 2, 300 San Jose. Cnl. WHITE Plymouth Rock eggs for hatch ing from pen headed by 207"-egg male. T. D. Klrkpatrick. 7520 63d ave. S. E. Ail'n. 61 N-M. m MAMMOTH Black Minorca hens, pullets and cockerels, also Rock cockerels. Sellwood 3tM. ' EXCEPTIONALLY fine Thompson Ringlet B. R. chickens very cheap. 154 East S7th st. North. YOUNG Barred Rock roosters, $3.50; R. I. R. rooster, $3; R. I. R. pullets, $2. Wdln. 136 1134 Vt 25th tX R. L R. COCKEKEL. uark velet color, 'batched from Mead's prize stock; $2.a0. W ood.aw n 170. wTllTE WYANDOTTE cockerels direct from H. Ringhoitse best strain. 664 Linn Av-nue. S"llwood 1H1S. FOR SAI-E Rhode island Red liens. White Leghorns, 3 cockerels. Phone Oak Grove 4-J. 10 TANCRED White Leghorn and eight Barred Rock laying hens at $1.25 each. Art hur rVhmlct. Met zger. Or. A FEW WHITE Leghorn cockerels, from an excellent laying strain- 6h3 Saratoga street. Wdin. 4202. IS BROWN Leghorn lien.- and 1 cock cheap. E. JJadun and' 76th sts. Mt. Tabor car. THREE S. C. R. I. red cockerels, $3 each. Wanted. 8. C R. I. Red cock bird. B W. Scott. Col. 350. BLACK MINORCA For sale. 6 pullets. 2 cockerels. Inquire 1037 'Clackamas sL Phone East 2200. FOR SALE A mallard drake one year old. ' Frank; X. Green, 1S72 McKenna ave. BABY CHICKS Six varieties, best stock, prices reasonable, correspondence in vited C. N. Needham. Salem Or. SPLENDID White Leghorn breeding males, also choice laying pullets (Tancred). Tabor - 75y 3 HHODE ISLAND RED cockerals, $2 t $... U. vail omiuitya v i evenings- - Wept Terry st.. near Peninsula ave. t. I. R. ROOSTER, $3, or trade for hens, two large or 3 small. 566 Gantenbein avenue. JiAJiiMOI'H white Pekin duck eggs, wnite Leghorn and white Minorca eggs. C. V. Meats, Beaverton. Or.. Route 3. JNCL'BATOK, 163-e-gg St, Helens, good as new, $12. 3838 47th St., near Creston school FULL-BLOOD R. L Red cockerels, Elliott strain; R- L Red eggs for hatching at $1.50 a setting. 754 Borthwick st. LIGHT Brahm- setting eggs. $3.50; also cockerel, pullets from $3 to $7.50. Bylsna strain. 4735 16th. Bdwy. 213. VERY reasonable. 35 White Leghorn hens. Just starting to lay m aj nHUb. O. A. C. BARRED rook, eggs, $i.nu per sett'n. 05 E. 7Sth st., cor. Wash. THRIFTY White Leghorn baby chicks, 5 d a ys old, 20c. Woodlawn 6314. NEW BUCKEYE incubator. 210-egg ca pacity, a bargain. 1207 Borthwick st. R. 1. R. ROOSTERS, hatching eggs. Graham avenue, near Union. THOROUGHBRED R. I. rooster and pedi greed r jftinisn uiani puck. rt.i tiurragfe. BLACK and buff Cochin bantams; 2 Flem ish Giant does. 1770 Courtney. Col. 412. 20 FINE Tancred pullets, all laying, $1.50 each. M Poakins. 1 m s. of Clackamas. 2 WHITE Bantam cockerels, one $5 Phore Sellwood 3277. MAMMOTH Black Minorca and R. I. Ked eecs. Woodlawn 4102. PEKIN duck and Ancona eggs for hatch ing. Col. 3 17072S E. Charleston st. TWO THOROUGHBRED Rhode "island Red hens and 1 rooster. 540 E. Stark. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn and ' Barrel Rock rooster. Phone 623-35. VHltE LEGHORN pullets, all laysfrg. 6424 84th Court st.. bet. 84th and 85tn. PORTABLE chicken liuUie. and 15 Iu of wire. Wdln. 1153. FOR SALE. Poultry. MAGL1RES day-old chicks, R. I. Reds, Brown Leghorns, O. A. C. Barred Rocks and White Leghorns; all our flocka re ceive the same intelligent handling Uiat has produced the hens which at the northwest egg-laying contest are making such enviable records; for January we have a hen tied for first place with 81 eggs, as well as third place for highest marketable value of eggs produced. For dependable laying stock get our chicks. Eggs for hatching. Agents for Pioneer electric incubators. J. R. Maguiro, 7b7 Oregon st. Phone East 1S05. BABV CHICKS from heavy-laying' (Tancred) S. C. White Leghorns: $25uo worth of eggs sold in six months from 550 hens; orders are row booked until March 5. Wdin. 4010. l.t East Wim-hell st., city. BABY chicks, day old; S. C. White Leg horns, California stock, heavy laying strain. $18 per hundred; 100 2-weeks' old, 22 Black man Minorca, two cockerels, cheap. 837 Ochoco ave. Sellwood Gar dens. itATClUAli oOis. Turkey, duck, hen and goose eggs from any breed or strain. Order from us and secure the advantage of expert critical selection. Portland Feed Co., ISO Front st. Main '4040. WHITE HOCK, FiHhel strain, ribbon cock rlrd. $10; fine pullets. $2.50; eggs. $3 for 15. $H fer 50, $13 for 100; pens, trios. C. GusraTson, R. 1 Milwaukee, Or. Loca tion. Coneord. Oree-nn City car. CCJiivKS AND CuCJv B1RUS. From fuil -blooded continuously trap nested "White Leghorn stock. George's Poultry Farm, route 1, Hillsdale, Or. Main 7 ARM. J nuiirau & imperim Hmgiet liarred Rocks and Buff Leghorns, cockerels $5. eggs: circular free, hush Farm. Route 3. Portland, at Ramapo on Gresham line. P.iN'GHOUSel-UHIPFITH strain White Wyandotte cockerels, $1 each; O. A. C. Barred Rocks. $3.50 each. J. R. Ma guire, 7S7 Oregon st. TriOivuL jrtujii.jj rt'nite Wyndotte clcks and cockerels. New York strain from 2S7-egg hens; only five left ; choice, :t n IS17 01 sf s. R E. i'lOXKEK ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. 540-egg size. $S5; investigate. J. R. Maguire, 7S7 Oregon st. THOROUGHBRED cocks; Buff Orpingtons for sale at a bargain. Tabor 105. Write 1120 B. Alder st.. Portland. 130 CHATHAM Incubator $13. 110 Manila Lee $12. fertile eggs. Parkrowe Hatch erv. Portland. Or. Tabor 3-S22. io b i'lvo.W k. I. u. cocKerels lor aie ; a!so pullets : reasonable price; eggs for, hfhina: 7H0 Mihvaukie ave. Sell. 3425. i'Ki i-G v ya tulottu seltluH, oo pul let egy.-. old matured stock, won first nr'T. shows this year. Tabor 2474. 'i iivjitui, Ktii matnmutn black -Minorca cockerels or exchange for hens. Tabor 4005. LIGHT BRAHMA belting e'Ks. fine stock. I ouble harness. Williams ave. LET WALT spray, whitewash that chicken house or trees. Woodlawn 5758. FOR SALE Fancy bronze turkeys; one gobbler, two hens. Phone Main 314. tUK SALE S'. 21st st. lU 1. R. Uyiirg pulieU. 4 13 I KiiODE Island Red cockerel, dark vel vet. Hardesty strain. Main 3556. NEW Q U E EN i ncu ba t or, Lin coin. Auto. 210-43. $20. 1357 Eaat Nursery Stock. FOR SAI E One million or more Etters burg strawberry plants, pronounced free from disease by siute horticulture in spector. Write for attractive prices. M. C. Federspiel, Troutdale, Or. Phone 10 F-3. WE ARE extensive growers of prune and other fruit trees; get our prices before buying elsewhere: or, better still, come to nurseries; In till 3 P. M. Sundays. Co lumbia Nurseries. 1 ! i0 Union ave. N. LOUH-ic.j.h i tipb. i'Ubpucrry ana straw berry plants, gooseberry and currant bushes, trull trees Woodstock Nursery, Seliwood 2332. End Woodstock car line. WALNUT trees, filberts, peaches, cherry, pears, apples Woodstock Nursery, Sell wood 2432. 5803 Woodstock ave., Port land end Woodsrock car line. STRAWBERRY plants, Marshall and New Oregon, $4.50 per 10n0; healthy and well rooted. E. Lander, . Troutd tie, Oi., R. 1, Box i-i- LiUi.u strawberry plants, $1 per lOiKi. r. o. d. cars. t. u. t'ltts. Boring, Or.. R. F. I 1 CL L.uijt i ii ranpuiry pituita; get our prices before you buy and save money. i"n n"o. nox 1 1 't. !-ornai. Loga.MjckU up piain. 25 or mure, 6c eacn, posipaia. Ward iv. Ricnaruson, -' i i Front sr., Salem, Or. LOGANBERRY and plants for sale Pnone Tabor 6014. Cuthbert raspberry reaoonaDie prices. FOR CONCORD GRAPE VINES, a lso Canterbu ry bells, call Wuin. 1343, CHEAP strawberry plants for sale, R. A, Box 587, Section Line road. SMKrUUKHY for sale. 055 Vancouver ave. Bout. Launches aurt aianne r.quipmru t. "MOTORS" FOR SPEED BOATS. We have the following neW and used airplane motors; will sell separately or discount the lot. Cyl. Wt. Hp. Price. . 12 8U2 400 $1750 6 800 850 325 6 505 150 375 4 450 125 473 8 423 210 500 8 50U 210 360 Liberty Fiat Hall Scott Hall Scott , Sturtevant Curtias . We also have a new 8-cylinder Regal auto motor, complete with starling and lighting, for $350. We will accept a good Evinrude motor in trade on any of the above motors, or will trade fur any kind of good automobile. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. Union Ave .and Wasco St. Phone East 7445. BARGAIN IN TROLLING BOAT. Complete and ready to go; would make fine cruiser; this boat trolled out side all last season from Destruction Island north to Cape Lookout south of the Columbia river; a wonderful sea boat. See it at Vonderwert ha, east end Morrison-strent bridge. $ 1600. FOR SALE, LAUNCH. 32x0 FT Exceptionally seaworthy ; hull In first class condition; 14-h. p. heavy-duty en gine with self-starter, fuel cap, 200 gal.; all modem conveniences. V. A. Smith, 441 N. 23d st. Mar. 451. Call 12-3 Sun t'a v. MoTOR canoe for sale ; Evinrude moior. Old Town Sponson canoe, electrically equipped, good paint; this is a classy boat and a wonderful buy. Call Glutch, Main SS00 Sunday, between S A. M. and 3 P. M. : SAVE $10 to $15 on the price of your canoes by ordering now of the Evin rude Motor company. 211 Morrison s:., Portland, Or. Easy payment plan. Non- ulnkable, non-capsizaoie paddling and power canoes. 1I0-H. P. STANDARD EXGIXES, $10. 00o; 1 T ROLLER. COMPLETE. $650; UNION ENGINE. 7 - H . 1. STANDARD GAS MACHINE, $3u; 4 T O0-H. P. HEAVY DUTY, $I0o. FULTON BOAT YARD. FT. VIRGINIA. MAR. 2003. I LOAT 46x80 feet, building 28x60, suita ble for work shop; has living rooms one end, $700. Hinkley Marine Machine Shop, foot Hamilton ave. Phone Main 7030. FOR SALE 26-FOOT fish boat, 4-horse Standard engine; must sell; Standard boat house. Madison street. West side. Phone Main 2201. TOL'RING and p.easure. 42x10 feet. 35-H. P. : 36x7 x'eet. 1 5-H. P. : both Eastern Standard enshies. Merrill's Boathouse. font Ta vlor st rpor. OK SAi-h do-loot 12 to 15-horsepower heavy duty, work or fish boat. A. C. Walking Kalsma. Wash. b'LRXliiED 3-room houseboat and row boat. No. 25, foot of Milwaukie ave. Ask for Hooker. HO USE-fciO AT. 3 rooms, partly furnished; all built-ins. Houseboat Q, Willamette moorago. WILL pay good cash price for good 16 or J 7-foot canoe. Call Glutch, Main 8800, Sunday, between 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. REVERSED gear suitable to four to ten horsepower motor. No. 25, foot of Mil waukie ave. Ask for Hooker. MODERN furn;shed houseboat for sale. cash or terms. iNo. -'u or, racht cluu. CANOE for sale. Call Sunday between 9 Hnd 12 or Mon. eve. f32 Mhwnukte st HOUSEBOAT, No. 22 age, for sale. Willamette moor- HOUSEBOAST. Partly furnished. 11) Wil lamette moorage, or call 237-37. CANOE wanted, Peterboro preferred: must be in good condition. Sellwood 3565. FOR SALE Three room houseboat; com plpfelv furnished. Sellwood 2K22. Machinery. 10-INCH LATHE, $250. 8-CYLINDER AIR COMPRESSOR, $30. 1(H)-LB. GAUGE. $1. CARBONIC ACID TANK", $13. PREST-O-LITE TANK WITH GAUGE. $5. DRILL PRESS. $50. SENSITIVE DRILL. $25. AT 320 EAST WATER STREET. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10-horsepower Stover engine, with rn.pQ- Tiihc-r '..'so. "JNTY White Leghorn roosters lor sale, $3. Sellwood 431. 4614 32d st. S. K. 3 DONKEY engines Phone Main 3500. tor saie or exchange. WANT fc-tun cha n hoist. Phou Jlur. Ubl after 0 A. gutiday. FOR SALE Msshlnrrya M. BARDE & SONS. INC. 240 FRONT ST.. PORTLAND, OREGON. SPECIALS. We have just purchased from the shipping board at Philadelphia a laree suoplv of NEW 6x10 PLOW STEEL WIRE ROPE; slues to 1 Inches. We are selling this material at a BIG DISCOUNT. It will be to your advantage to get our prices before placing your ordera Galvanised corrusrated roofing. NEW and USED. We can supply you at a saving. PIPE. Galvanized, all sizes. Black, ail sizes. VISES. Solid and swivel base. ' CHAIN BLOCKS. One-half to 10-ton; differential, duplex and triplex. HIGH-SPEED DRILLS. HtKh-sneed lathe steel carbon drills straight and taper shank taps and dies, reamers, etc. IRON AND STEEL. Round mill steel bars, to 3 3-16, Flats.- all sizes. Hexagon drill steel. H to 1. Cold rolled, 4 to 8 7-16. Reinforcing bars, H to 1 V. SAWS Falling, bucking and drag saws. LATHES. 1 21x10 LeBlond, $1550 3 24x13 Advance. $1600. 2 26x12 Wolcott. $1500. 1 16x8 Carroll, $050. PUMPS. 10 3x3 Typhoon geared power. 4 3x5 Meyers bulldo-er. 1 3x5 Gould geared power. 1 AHxXttx Worthington duplex. 2 4x3ix5 Knowtes duplex. 4 6x4x6 Knowles duplex. 2 6x4x6 Worthington duplex. I 10x6x6 Marshall single. 3 3x2x3 duplex. 1 8-in. centrifugal. 1 3-in. centrifugal. 5 Marsh boiler feed pumps. 1 8x6x10 Piatt duplex. 2 Bearcat drag saws. 1 small power sheet metal saw. 1 Fairbanks 25-k. w. generator. 1 36-in ship band saw. 2 36-lnch band saws. 1 6x24 Fay Kgan planer. 1 16x0x12 Sullivan compressor. 2 llooaier 20-ihch drill presses. ENGINES. 1 16x22 Atlas twin engine. 2 8x10 vertical engines. 1 0x7 vertical enxine. 1 7x7 vertical engine. 1 4x5 verticaf engine. 1 5x6 vertical engine. 1 14-h. p vertical engine. 1 Lang &. Alstatter horizontal punch. 1 Little Glrht belted hammer. 1 Osier pipe machine, cap, to 4-lnch. 4 electric grinders. 1 Jones Superior combination saw table. 10 Marvel No. 1 power hack saws. 1 Marvel No - 2 power hack saw. 1 4H-lnch Cleveland punch and shear, direct connected to 74 h. p. General Electric motor. 1 Victory No. 1 pipe-threading machine. PULLEYS. Steel spilt, all sizes. Wood pulleys, all sizes. SHAFT hXnGERS. and flat-bottom boxes. BELTING. Rubber and leather. Loggers supplies. Skookum blocks, Mallory blocks, axes, peavies. sledges, wedges, -mat tucks, picks, etc. BARB WIRE. 4-polnt black, 200 tons at a biff aavihg. 1 2-ton Troy trailer a Aerifies. 20-inch riveted pipe at $1 foot. Air tools, anvils, augers, acety lene hose, barbed wire, babbit, choker sockets, cold shuts, clamps, miscellaneous chain, emery grinder heads, grate ba,rs, gears, etc., hack saws, machine hammers, hooka," brush hooks, etc., pipe tongs, wrenches, dies, etc. BARDK & SONS. INC., 240 FRONT ST. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO., 4S-30 First St. Broadway 163, 164. 165. PACIFIC COAST DISTRIBUTORS FOR W1LLIAMSPORT WIRE ROPE CO. NORTHWEST AGENTS FOR Skinner Engine Co. Union Boiler Co. Huyward Bucket Co. Lehman Lathe Co. J. S. Hundy Hoisting Engine Co. Ransome Concrete Maehlnery Co. AGENTS FOR General Electric Co. Smith & Watson donkey engines. Smith & Watson blocks. Climax Locomotive Co. Goulds Mfg. Co. Advance Pump Compressor Co. National Lathe Co. Champion Blower A Forge Co. Curtis Pneumatic Air Compressor Co. Cincinnati Electric Tool Co. H:U'k Mfg. Co. Gilfillan Portable electric tools. SPECIAL LIST ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY FOR SALE OR RENT. USED DONKEY ENGINES. 12x12 Wash. Comp. yarder. 10x12 Wash, half-breed yarder. 04x11 Willamette yarder. 7yixl0 New Mundy hoist. 6xl0 New Mundy hoist. 6x8 Lambert boisL OAS ENGINES. 14-h. p. Stat rite. 24- h. p. International. 44-h. p. Olds. it h. p. Stover. 25- h. p. Fairbanks-Morse. STfJAM ENGINES. 12x13 renter crank Erie City. flx!2 center crank Erie. Two ftx7 vertical. 7x8 vertical. 10x12 Wheland C. C. SHOP TOOLS. 13Ux6 Champion lathe. 18x0 Lebttian lathe. 0x4-foof South Bend lathe. 15 Ux7 South Bend. 15Ux8 South Bend Gap lathe. 11x6 Myers lathe. 154x8 National D. B. O. Q. C. lathe. 20-inch back-geared drilV 4-foot American radial drill. Three sizes power shears. Stock cold-rolled shafting. PUMPS. Duplex, simplex and steam pumps. Triplets, duplex and centrifugal power pumns. Centrifugal pumps, 1-In. to 8-fn. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT. 66x16 horizontal tubular boiler. One 40 h. p. Scotch marine boiler. Nine boilers 72x18 with stack and oreecnings. 20-M sawmill complete. 15-ton F. M. truck scale. Stock of Milburn lights. Machinists' vises. Two portable gasoline air compressors. Ore cars i yard. 20-ton saddle tank locomotive. 5 Std. gai?e fin tears, 150 tons 50 -lb. rails. 2 easollne sneedesrs. 200 tons 56-lb. rails. fop tons 60-lb. rails. 25-ton Baldwin locomotive. 35-ton Std. gauge locomotive. MOTORS. Single phase 4. 1-16, 4, ) 2, 3, 3 and 10-h. p. Three phase 4. 1. 2. . , i, 1. 74. and 10, 13. 20, 40, &0, 75, 100 i 200-h. p. DC4 L. 2. 3, 5. 74", 10. 13, 20-h. n steam and gasoline-driven electric generator seta COAST STEEL A MACHINERY CO., SO First St. Phone Bdwy. 164. FOR PAI.K Machinery. LOGGERS AND CONTRACTORS MACHINERY CO. LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINES. NEW. REBUILT AND USED LOG ING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 4 llxl! Tneoma new compound glared yarders. i 11x13 Tacoma yarder, complete with sled and lines. 1 12x12 Taeoma rot i dor, complete with new sled and lines. 1 12x14 Tncoma reader, 72 Inch Muni boiler. 1 12x12 Washington yarder. 1 loixIO'i Washington yarder and reader, new sled and com plete with lines 1 32x12 Washington yarder with sl d nd lines. 1 104x1014 Washington compound g-aied yarder. 1 11x13 Wii lamette roader. 66-in. round hot lor. I liixri Willamette crack -a - Jack. 1 Hxl3 Willamette road shd arid line. 1 10x13 Mundv roader. 2S4xlO Willamette loaders. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT, 1 ."6-tn Tliay standard gntige lo comotive, splendid 0.0ml it ion. 1 4 5-ton Climax locomotive. 1-42-ton Climax locomotive. 1 :5-ton Climax locomotive. 1 35-ton Baldwin locomotive. 4 st tw trucks w ith iron work tor 50 M. at cars. 3 sets of 7o-M. second-hand log ging trucks. 1 Rodgt-rs standard ba Mast car. 2 20-yd. center dump bnHast tari. 15 tons ."5-it. reiaver r.nl. 1 14-ya.r Bagley grader. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 1 20-ton Brown hoist locomotive crane. 1 -yd. tvpe B Erie steam shovel. 4 No. 4 Rex concrete mtxrra. new. 2 No. 7 )ii x concrete mixers, new. 1 4-yd. Williams Favurite bucket with teeth. 1 llxlS-:nch Jaw rock crusher. LOGGERS AND CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY CO. Office. No. 70 Fourth St. Shop, 17th and Sherlock avenue, PORTLAND, OREGON. Manufacturers of Tups. I! Ail-Steel Logging Tricks. Eagle Brand Wcd.s nd Sledgia. Representatives for Porter Locomotives, Rex Concrete Mixers. Erie Steam Shovels, Will 1..U1B Ch.m.'hell Buckets, Insh y Concrete Equipment. NOW I THE TIME TO BUY YOUR HIGH-PKESSL'RE BOILERS. H P. Lbs. 3 Hein'e code hollers lot 10 i;fti) 6 Sterling boilers 5''0 ttH 2 Sterling boilers 4O0 1n 6 Ii. & W. boilers 6..0 2nil S B. & W. boilers 250 1 0il 2 Erie City boilers :;iid ltw 1 Firebox J 50 lii'i 1 Firebox 45 U.i 1 Firebox 30 3'"t 1 0ti-jn Lyons combination 1 .' 4 72xlS butt-strap 150 2 66x16 butt-strap l'.O 2 0016 butt-strap IJt 4 54x16 lup-scam 125 ENGINES, 1 Sylvester engine, 20x"2. 32x15 Erie center crank engine,, exlO Erie center crank cut mo. MISCELLANEOUS. 2"0ft. 30-ln. stack. 20 valves from 2-iu. to 6-ln. MANY SIZE OF BOILERS AND ENGINES. We do all kinds of brazing and welding. Russell & Co. 1 Nn. 5656 slnirle cylin der loo r. p. m., 73 h p. siesrn en pine. lnip1a lori)i. cj Imder, 14-ln.x o-(n. x'JO-ln. stroke. 1 1"i(it h. p eniflne and conderer. Smith. Morgan Co. 1 turbine water wheel. G. E. Co. 2 transformers, type A. B. 400 k. w. 2250. 2.'0Ml Milt. 00-e.M'le.. 1 800 k. W. G E. gt'ticTJ t4,f belted ex , clter, switch board panel, colli pie IC in every respect. G. K Co. 1 t r:i ns former, form "It." 2200-22'iM, ll'.i. 1050, 275, 15 k. w. sinnie phase. A Ills- "ha liners Co. 1 generator pan ft. INiliO voltK. 75 k. w. Tiiompstin- Houston 1 D. C. generntor. Thompson-Houston, claf D. :iSS. Ttiomps n - IPtiif ton 1 A. C. itenerator, class A-lOil, ho:-.:'nta! InTO r. p 111. single phase, 12S cycieti, 44 volts, 100 k. vv. belted type. G. E. Co. 1 type A. T. H. form M , 4oi k. w. class 20-400. A -350, 2-iOO nil. 101 amperes, 360 r. p. m (j i' 1 tvpe A. T. H , form P.. 2no k. w. cIhss 12-20M. A-liJO. 23IM1 vull. 50 amperes. "0 r. p. m. James Leffell A Co. 1 s.r.e17 A. or H P. vertical. Smri.n water tur bine, 2H-ft. head. 570 r. p 111. Lane & Bod ley Co. 1 123 H. P , K'O r. p. m., 1 2-ln.x36-lu. stroke hunt Corllst enlne. Allls-Chulniers 1 Bullock tvpe, 00-cyHe, 2300 volt. IMS amp, Hot) r. p. in., 3-pbnse generattr. Piatt Iron Wks 1 4-ln. Victor vertical wa ter wheel with vertical bearingx, yokes and gears. ,te Switchboard panels for these generators can be had If so desired. James Leffell Co. 1 56-tn. Sam-ton vertical water wheel with extended wheel and cato shnft. vertical hunnas. vkes sr.d gears. a. j,- (-0. Tvp A. T. P , clafS 12-1""-000 form I 3S ampere. 2300 volt. 6"0 r. p. m.. a. v . ; i-uei ti i "i . Thompson-Houston Eo'c Co. 1 class A loo. 1100 olt, H70 r. p. m., A. C. generator. -. Thompson-Houston Kr. Co. 1 clas D :i.(H. 110 volt, 2U0 r. p. ra A. C. genera tor. S Morgan Smith 1 200 h. p 1-ln Mc ' cormick hortx. tpe w ater wheel. G E Co 1 type A. T. B., class 12-150 A 600, form S. fiOon v.vits. 13 am pere 600 r. p. rn. generator. oa(cver Cree; anchors, complete Dole Co. 1 cru.le oil gas genrattr and superheater, both 4 ft. 5 In. in diameter, 17 fr. 5-ln. high, f.rehox. 4 ft 0 in. diameter. 7 ft. 0 In. lone. 1 Siuri'eant No. 5 blower, belt con nected to 1-GE induction motor. y0.eSwltchboard panels for these cencrators can be had if so desired. 1 sturdevant No. 3 blower, I. nit con nected to 1 vertical 5-in.x7-in. steam 1 stu"d"vant No. 3 blower, belt con nected to l-3-in.x5-in. vertical steam e n k 1 n 0. 1 Peana 7 i -In.xC.t -In.xll-ln fluplcx irm pump. KalrbHnk-M"i One 4i3x4-ln. du- nlx Rteam pump. orlhinKtnn 1 :UJxS-ln. l!uplt boll.r f,od water pump ft-orihlnston ! duplex oil pump. Buf.'alo Meter Co. 2X-ln. oil meter O. & K. MACHINEHV CO.. SOU Ccrllneer PWc. r"rtlanJ. Or. I'hon, Main S-'Ul. FOR EKVT SALB. MOTORS. i j-n-h. p. ii v. l vi-ii. p. n v c. L'-h. p.. 2a v. ic. 1 3-h. p. II V. I'l' 1 5-h. P. 2-" V. DC. 1 ?."-h P. T.1t V. . 1 Kl-h. p. -'-' V. DC. J (l-h. P. V. DC 1 3u-k. w. 115 V. generator. Sin!" Phaa". 1 V, -h. P. II" --" V. AC. Ml Vi-h. P- 110-2-0 V. AC 1-h. P- 110-2'JII V. Al". T p. 110-210 V. AC 1 p. 110-220 V. AC Thre, rha,. S 2-h. p. 2"U V. AC. 3-h. P- -- V S 5-h. P. 220 V. Al . a TM.-h. P- --0 v- AC- 10-h. P. 2-'l V. A.'. 2 IVh. p. 2-0 V. Al . X l!0-h. p. 2-'l J. A( . 2.--h. P- 2-0 V. Al'. 1 40-h. p. 20 Al. 1 DO-h. P- 220 , AO. AIR rn.VPRBSSdRH, OAS UN. U IN ISA CU.NCUBTB MIX12RS. Ppeclallm In molora, motor re pairing, Inalallatloas. B K. P AVIS El.KCTHip CO.. 75 Front S'... Cor. o.k. Ph"ne Auto, ft-ft -4:. '-11 f. i'.-.U. HAS KNUINW 10 1 1 NO. O ilNTEKl'lllKB MEAT ORIN'PKR !1 RIVKTINO MtCIHVB S 1 S-1N. CKNTRIFIHIAI. PC.MP Jui K1SW A.NLl NKCoXl'-HAVLl ilOTUl'.o. 1S blXXil ST.