TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 20, 1921 19 V WAXTE1 TO RF.ST. Apartu.e nth. iSIRED to rnt modern unfunuaned apt., o or 4 rovna all bed, built-in features, for fami.y of 3, child 2 ar Phone HUy 4HJ.. WANTED To rent 1 or J-room, and kitch enette furnished apt. ; prefer on large room and aieeplng porch. 11 413, Ore- Rooms. lUl'.N(J mn tie-urea rcom in private home where he can uc butment work bench and have privilege of erecting wireless telegraph antenna in back yard: prefer place with few tall trees cloae by; will etay In desirable p ace at lea,t six months, ran Main 7UU after 1 today. Ak for Mr Wy:1-. J.i.i'EItLY busiat man wants as a per manent home, sleeping room, private bat h and kitchenette; furnished or un f'lrnished: in well-heated, auiet house; could ua garage; references exchanged answer with luil particulars ana pnono number, t 4r.!. Oregonian. LALiV vki.-hcs clean, nicely furnished room, reasonable walking distance; would con eidr tu luring children in grade or H. S. subject a part payment. ' 404, Greg-man. OKMl.KMAN uanrs furnished or light hous-ke ping room In private family, no other roomers preferred: state fully; r f. rnres if wanted. J 4-7. Orefonian. KANTK Urge cunfirtAbie room in mod ern home. wst a;de, novate family, must be walking: distance. E. BabiL. liushne!) studio. Columbia bldg. YOUNG man wants comfortable room with good board, walking distance. A" 4nj. rrnn:.in. i'C.m; inn w lares room in private f u m hy, weic ai le ; gi vo pries and par tn uljra. BJ 4 Oregon tan. Idl'NG lady wishes pleasant room with ue of pn.no; C. S. preferred. Address K UrfRonian. liOOM and garage wanted la small pri vate fniul.y Furuary -. A 4", Ore g'niar,. mti With lloard. r.EFTVEn yoi;ng udt. kmpt.oyed, 1KS1KES ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI VATE FAMILY, WITH HOME PRIV ILEGES AND MODERN CONVEN IENCES, CLOSE IN; STATE PK1CK. K 447, OREGON IAN. Tt'CNG man of goud rf fere nee wishes I'oar.i and room in congenial private h'Une with aii home privileges, starting March I. State location and price. U. O. Bi-ir. 7o E 7!'h st. N. KM l'Lii Et youi.g woman aay from home wilt pay liberally for pleasant pia'd to board and room; mu.st be con venient to E. I'd and Alder sts; Catholic family pr-fi-rrrl. 1'hun-i Woixliawn 3Ji4. W AMtli ut tiLt uian and wife want roum and board in private family, room on low er fioor; best of reftreucea. C -1 1 1. Ort-gonmn. WOMAN with one child wishes board and room in refined home w here child can be cari for while mother works. Tahor ;Y.. VAN TED Ro m and board for mother enip.'oed durii.g iav and -year-oM lain v iiot'l boys; relvrencea furnished. A J 4o-. orK"i"an. liAVE i.ict-.y turnislivd room with board in private family; in walking distance; fr 1 or 2 geiiUenieu. Phone Marshall J;uoM and board by eiderly gentleman, willing to pay $35 a month; German fami.y preferred. Centrally located. W -os. orsonian. 'KiiL. V lauv want a comiortaole plaoe where slie can be cared for. Phone A III O. 1 O-.r, OENTLLM AN Want a room and board in private family, wext side, close in, rea- sonabln. HO 3i.. Oregoiilan. UL'SINESd COLLEGE stu for board ar.d room. X o ent wanta aoik Di. Ortgonian Housekeeping Itoinih. WANTED couple employe!, housekeep ing rooms, east snie, aaiking distance to t. Francis ciiurch; must be reasonable. V rz niun. Itumorsa PliM-es. WA NT to rent small private office for headquarters for small manufacturing concern: will only be in a few hours a week. I'hone Mam tW to. TO LEASE Store space, with window Spb-adni location for millinery or small stock gowns. L 44n. oregonian. MNeellaiieout. WILL buy used Ra-Do gas heaters iu good condition. V 311. oregonian WILL buy used Ra-l'o gas healvra in good condition. V 311, Oregonian. WANTED. TO RENT An invalid wheel chair. Tall Auto. 171-41. FLU. WANTED Ntar Gienco school, partly lur nithed lower flat or sniu.l house bv moth er and tw. children; now or March 1. Taho- "7!i:. TW it ADL'LTS aibii to r-nt dejjrable uij ii.fic.1 Hat: itood neighborhood essen AP 4-t, urcgonian. FOR RENT. IoK RENT 2 itreping rooms, furnished or unfurnished, private home; men only, wiilking diataacc. eat side. Phone East 1 NEATLY furniahed II. K. room, kitchen ette, us of phone, bath; walking dis tanne; sun. 4:1 j Market at., near 14th. 1 NEATLY furnished sleeping room, une of phone, bath ; walking distance; $13. Market M.. near 14th. I urniditd iMMtms. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st.. at East Sixth The principal east side hotei. digni fied and refined: $1.23 per day and up; t per week and up TRANSIENT ROOMS TH 0 C E N" T S ! and up at the New American. 12 North Third street; modern in every respect and newiy furnished. F. D, Goddard, manager. ONE NICELY furnished room for H. K. ; hot and cold water in room, furnace nai: a.o one tieeptng room for gen t .-man. Kingsbury Apta., i7 Trinity I 1 at e urtmiuva y 71. HOTEL BAKR, 112 N Sixth 2 blocks of depot $1 per day, $ per week and up. Hot and cold water, at earn beat. Free phone and ba:n. 'VRN'1SHKD sleeping room and living room togetnee ; ciean ana comfortable; fui table for 1 or 2 gentleman; reason able rent. 801 Mississippi ave. Wood It wn r. HOTEL TAIL Corner Twelfth and Sta.-k St a. Modern, clean, all ouiside i-ooms. $ft-$l2 reek Peop.e of good character desired RITZ HOTEL T Morrison and Park street a. New, fireproof and modern. Ppecml rat-s to permanent guests. Cv" front s.eeping room with fireplace. First f.oor. A.ao attic room. Clean and r.eat. La: h and phone on same floor, $:n 74.-. Hovt. IAE Tu modern- tta.-.uiia;n our Quiu. c.aa. repectao. Washiogtoo at.. corner 17th 'oR RENT 2 furnished rooma in pleas ant home near car line; ladies employed preferred : r-f.rence. Auto. 223 -,1 H. .itE. wij i;:rti, tirep ace. cneery. m;t ab!e for 2 tmp.oyed ptrsuus. Main itoO 5i7 Yamh:.;. PLEASANT room in private apartment for 1 or 2 young Udlea employed, weat side, walking dt a nee. M arsha II 139tf. HOTEL GARLAND, 25 TRINITY, COR. WASHINGTON. Clean, modern rooms. KC RN I SHED sieeping room, walking dis tance, every convenience, 401 East Couch, fat B. NICE. large front room. Warm and com fortable, every convenience; rent reaaon- able. East ti.'10, mornings. FOR KENT- Everett sL, nice front room with alcove, suitable for 2; walk Ing distance. 6T. PAUL HOTEL. 130 Fourth st. Clean respectable, modern ; transient. $i u Rates to permanent guests. 2 NICELY furnished, well heated sleeping rooms; walking distance. 715 Everett at., cor. 22d. 2 blocks from Wash in g to n. UuTbL OCKLEY. Morrison at Tentb- Kates $1 day up; weekly $3.60 up; free pnoue and baths, steam heat. FURNISHED room, connecting bath, walk ins distance; suitabie for two men or .ad.es employed. Main SSS5. CICELY frnijhed room in apartment house, cloae in. shall 4i. downtown Call Mar- LALGE room with s.eeping porch in mod ern home. priate family; beat location, ("a T.Kor 3."h!7. NEWLY renovated H. K. rooms, one room with kitchenette and aing. rooms. The Alexander. 131 H 10th st. II DAY $2.5U WEEK up; cieau. baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson DESIRABLE sleeping room, twin beds, fur- l.ace iira;. iiv v-o.umuia 81 NICE fui niched room Iwr rent, lumbia st 4 70 Co- COSY warm mqm for rent, $20 per month. rail Miin 4N4S. FiRNk-HED room for. gentleman. biii Cn . my at. LAKGE sleeping or light housekeeping room-", men only. 521 Johnson at. J-Ko.T bedroom in good location; privi. itre of getting own mral. Kast 3?.S. bLKPINU ruom for renL 07 Johnaon pi. I'h.n ProHdway 344.". OH 4-BOOM modern unfurnished apt. house or fiat, rood district. E. S713. WARM, destrab!. ruoia for rent. 140 Co lumbia st. JjVHiiE. light, coxy room, first Toor. hit k lui r use ot qiJinn. Ynt Mil, FOR REN"! Furnished Kuru. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. 127 NEW ROOMS NOW KKADT. Steara heat and hot and cold water in room , 3 week and up; auttea for two to four men or women at special rates: newly furniahed and clean; splendid lobby and iota of hatha; nice enough for anybody. The New American. 02 North Ttird St. MODERN ROOMS 3 WEEK AND UP- Steam heat and running water; tran sient., 50c and up; newly furniahed and thoroughly Americanised. THK AMERICAN. North Third. SELECT FAMILY HOTEU HOTEL LENOX, Corner Third and Main Btm. Attractive- rales to discriminating per- manent guests Unfurnished Roomn. NICE. clan room, in white enamel. 2 blocks from Montgomery Ward, walking distance; rent S3 par month. Lady pre ferred. Main 4477. NICE 4 room a, water and light, cluse in; adults tiKii t'nlon N. a INKL'RMSHED rooms with bath, walk ing distance. $10. N. 20th at. Furnihbed Kooma In Private Family. LARGE, aunny front room in beautiful home; heat, bath, phone, use of living room, piano: laundry orivllegee; for 1 or ' people. Close In. east aide. Auto. O-3-IO. LIGHT, pleasant room in attic for two gentlemen : aso large, light and clean room on second floor for to gentlemen furnace heat, 1 block from library, x Tnth st. LARGE front room and nice single room with 2 windows in newly furnished flat lO minutpn from Broad wav and V asn ington. Hli Ella st., near Washington s' . or Broadway liMl. Mi "ELY furnished, steam-heated room in private residence. Nob Bill district; business man preferred ; re le re nets ex changed. Marshall 3S3 LIGHT ruum in urivate liuUee. cuinlorl abiy furnisthed, furnace heat and home privileges; breakfast ; man or woman empiojed. Main ."T3'.t. NEAR 1'od and Wash., on Lurretia s:.. modern home, a well-furnished room with large enclosed sleeping porch, con venient! o bath and phone. Mar ATTRACTIVE room ' iu private steam heated apt., for lady employed; walk ing distance, weal aide; references. Marshall -J.W2. WIDOW would share modest home and expense with lady of yuiet tastes; em pioyed or unemployed. AF 440, Oie- . gunian. LADY and young daughter, alone, will share close-in modern home with bus! ne couple or two ladies; references re- quirefi. Automatic ::m-m'. LAittiK frnni room, furnace heat. 2 blks. from Montgomery Ward Co.; warning distance; married couple or luuy pre ferred. Mam 4477. ONE LAKGE. light, airy room, suitable for one or two people, reasonable, j'hone, bath, home privileges, breakfast If do-r:r-f; nice neighborhood. Tabor S417. liLi N ES mail or woman to re ut front bedroom in lovely new home; fast if desired; g.-trsge. Auto, break- SJO-.-.4. FURNISHED room. with or without board; ruiined home. 10 minutes irom center of town. Phone East 4477. NICELY FURNISHED, COM rOllTA LILE SLEEPING ROOMS. H EAT. UATH A.MJ PHONE: CLOSE IN. EAST 44u3. IN MODERN home In Irvuigton. suitable for gemleiuan or lady employed. I'hone East S4I3. Nll'ELY furnished ruuius in invate fam ily. $2.50 to fb a week; uaiking uis tsnce, 4 car lines. 10 E. 10th st. N. huOM with private bath, gentleman only, office man preterreu; $J0 per month. 7 Hoyt street, near 23d. Main 47til. UocM lor a gentleman or ladv in sitictly private Jewl&h lamily; references, lidwy. J7C. FURNISHED front room reasonable, walking distance. 4fl Montgomery, be tween I4th and I5th sts. ELEGANTLY furnished room in a swell private home suitable fur two young men : 71 Trinity Place HANDSOM ELY furnished room In an ex clusive home, men only ; ref. required. T 132. Oregonian. . ONE FURNISHED sleeping room for young lady that will do her own work. Kat 4!is. LARGE, ligtit, well vciitHatea room, pri vate bath, close1 in ; no other roomers. East 8030. forenoons or after d. FOR RENT Room privaie family, gentle man; references required. Ho7 E. Yam hil! st. SLEEPING porch, lieu ted room, mou home. La Wis addition; walking dis tance. Call East Ho Monuay. LOVELY furnished rooms in modern home west side., close to business center. $12 per month up. 407 Harrison, near wtn, ATTRACTIVE room in Irving ion home for gentleman or business woman; break fast if desired. East 4;;;;7. FURNISHED rooms, uutet. plenty heat, cloae in. 3N0 12th st. &o., west siue. Phone Marshall 2024. 1KVINGTON Large furnished ruum. every convenience. 1 piock 10 .uawy. car. J.. r.K.O. PLEASANT room in modern home, near car line: gentlemen preierrea; i-. au matic 321-24. NICELY furnished steam heated room in private family; home privileges; gentle men only. H'lwy. :t2ii. FoR RENT Two bedrooms in -newly fur nished fiat, gentlemen preferred. 02 EHa st. Hroadway .! 1. LARGE well furnished H. K. room, al conveniences. Employed people pre ferred. 74S1 Thurman, near 2-ld. LIGHT, cheerful furnished room in fine residential district for lady, ivelerencea. Marshall 3214 aiEEPlNG rooms, lame, sunny, light anil airy; reasonable. i0i jelieison, auio. 0-0-42. VACANT March 1. comfortable room lad iea privileges, private homu. wedt side, references. $23. Marshall 3 ATTRACTIVELY furniahed room, bath ad joining, furnace heat, home privileges, n"ar Hawthorne car. Tabor 132. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room, warm, homelike, walking distance. 00 Love joy. Marshall ho. Reasonable. FURNISHED sleeping room with bath In apt. with private family, west- aide, g.-ntieman preierren TW LARGE furnished rooms, suitabie for 4 people: west side; walking dis tance. .V.O 4th St. Auto. 327-04. CLOSE in. light." pleasant sleeping room. 1 or 2 people: free phone. 2J3 E. Gth at-, cor. Main. Phone East 2040. IJEAUTIFl'L large front room, private family. Nob Hill district. ti27 Lovttjoy at. Phone Broadway 4423. PLEASANT room In modern, conveniently located apartment; busim-vs woman only, r e f v rences. Telephone Main 412.H. GENTLEMEN, 2 in room. $; single, $10 per month; west side, walking uiaiance; clean, homelike. i7 Sixth st. COMFORTABLY furnished 2 front rooma with or witnoui n. k., in amaii nome, 10 congenial ladles. 535 Madison st. DESIRABLE room. h. k. privileges, walk ing distance; gtrl employed; references- Main ;m.y N1CELY furnished room, everything new. all conveniences, ureas last u desired. gentleman preierrea. i auor moo. NICELY furnished front bedroom for two Catholic gins, $2U per montn. jiuu e- mont st. NICELY furnished rooms. In modern Rose City FarK nome. unor m.v. NICELY furnished room, close in. 545 Gth ;t.. bet. Jackson and iinco.n. NICE, light front room, cloae in, Irving ton. East iin. CLEAN cosy h. k. room. 3tn Williams ave., cor. Broadway. 2t0 14TH -CHOICE room, modern con venience Sjivalkingdistanciiajn ONE nice room with sleeping porch. Use of living room, tw-i hoyt. LARGE room for a gentleman: bath, fur nace heat ; reasonable. 2: 13th st. NICE, clean room, home privileges, west aide, good neighborhood. .Marshall 4ol. CLEAN, nicely furniahed sleeping room. 325 Broadway. FURNISHED room in apartment with k ltchen privileges. Phone Main 223 tt. LARGE pleasant furnished room, heated, $15. 401 Schuyler at. East OQ05. NICE, sunny, clean, furnished rooms, rea aonable. 701 Hoyt sL Marshall 8402. 1 FURNISHED room. 500 4th at. Auto. 527-84. FURNISHED room, with kitchen privi leges if desired. East 333. LARGE room, auitabl. for 2 ffantletnen. west ld 7JO GliMn. Marshall Sll:) NK-'ti H. K. room, waikine daaUiuca. Stil) Uenton. EaJt 701. CLEAN furnished keeping room: running wnter in room. o04 MonLgamarv. A SMALL desirable h. k. room. 110 mo., prefer employed Flanders. FRONT room for 2 geirtlemen; walking distance. East 7W)7. FKO.NT room, furnished light h. k., 15. near shipyards. K7 Kelly st. KuOM in good home, for gentleman. 500 E. Madison st. Phone Auto. l'12-Dti. NICELY furnished room; light, heat and phone: cloae in. East 54Jrt. FLKASANT downstairs room with board. 52d and Hoyt. Call Tabor 431. FURNISHED room in home with mother and daughter. Auto. 2J7-47. CLEAN furnished room for gentleman, 10. Automatic 237-U. LIGHT outside -leeping rooms with bath, for men. ti.SO per week. 031 Hood st. FURNISHED room for rent, close to 2 CAXunes. 10 E, -ilh st. K. Cull h, FOR KENT. Furnished! Konm in 1-r.Tate Family. S NEWLY furnished, light, airy rooms, bath, phone, heat, electric light ; 569 Wain at., 1 block from Multnomah field. 10 minutes' walk from business center. Each room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; 1 front room with small sleeping room, $-; 2 sleeping rooms, $13 and $18 a month. NEWLY furnished room, board If desired. Furnace heat, beautiful view; home privileges; 1 extra large room, S win dows; fireplace, Suitable for 2 men; also unfurnished h. k. room. Walking distance Northwest Steel Co. N. and S. Portland or Fulton car. 40 Corbett st. WEST SIDE. Two newly and very attractive fur nished rooms for rent. All modern con veniences. One suitable for lady, one for gentleman. Beautiful mountain view, walking dltsta-ce. &U4 Market it. Drive above Chapman st. . NT USES wanted at 254 N. 20th. corner Northup; have made rooms for nurses a specialty; nurses rooming here have more calls for work than they can do; modern; housekeeping and homa privl- le gea; walking distance. NOB HILL district, large front room, beautifully furnished for 2, employed; also nice front room for one ; beat. bath and phone. See these today. One block to 23d-at. or DM car. 106 22d I. Main 2860. NEWLY furnlsuvd. large, ngnt, airy front corner room: quiet home; plenty of ateatn heat, 8 nun u tea waiK zrom Busi ness center; gentlemen only; references exchangwd. 54 Flanders. One to pa apt apt. 41. Phone Bdwy. 4040. FOR RENT sieeolns room In steam heat ed apt. with bath and balcony, giving beautiful view of city. 8 minutes walk from heart of c-itv. Call at Apt. Ol Hanover apta., after 7 P. M. week days ana all nay Mine ay. SUNNY outside furniahed room for young ladv emo loved, weat atae. l& minutes walk from business center. private family: $14 per month. I'hone Broad way 3071. FINE larire front room furnished attrac tively ; modern, new house; piano; fine location. 10-mlnute ride Hawthorne car. Call today, 304 East 22d, pear Haw- tnorne. i'hone .East oboo. VERY comfortable bedroom, bath ad- ioining; weat aide, walking distance; reakiaat If desired; suitable man em ployed. 303 lbih at. Auto. 526-oo. 16th and Mo n t gomery. DESIRABLE large room, windows, steam -heated apt., west side, walking distance; references. Marshall 24'2. Kooma IV 1 lb Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 74! WASHINGTON ST. Two of the beat-knowa resident! hotels on the Pacific coast American plan, with or without hath bo a day up; rates by day or month. Mea.'a served to transients. NEWLY furniahed room, board if deeired. furnace heat, beautiful view, tiome privi leges; one extra large room, five win dows and Hreplace. suitable for two men; al.o unfurnished h. k. room ; walking distance front Northwest Steel Co. North and South Portland or Fulton car. U40 Corbet t st. ONE CK TWO vacancies available in ex clusive iamuy notei 10 Giifnmiimung neonle looking for a real home. Good home rooking, delightful surroundings, ail conveniences. Just a little diiferent from the rest. For appointment Call E. WIRO. JEANNE D'ARC Furnished rooms with or without board tor business gins ana lady tourists, permanent or transient. Special (eat urea within the limitation of the minimum wage earner; $2 per week and up. 203 14th st. Main 4119 LIVE at Mllwaukle. 20 minutes from First and Alder, c rare: rooms pei week; steam heat, hot and cold water, restaurant in connection, home cooking; cars stop right at the door. Hotel MiUvnukie. MilwauKle, Or. Nbiau.MA HOTEL, furuanfl s dowciowa high-class family noiei; rooms en aunv or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women We give you all the com tort of a home, "eat on able rates. THE MOST exclusive and finest rooms with board; aso sleeping porcn; quiet and restful neighborhood; faultless cuis ine; everything new; home privileges. 212 N. 20th st., corner Lovejoy. Broad way ;urr. li V.KIDENT1AL HOTEL. Pleasant, airy rooms, with board, in residential hotel; hot and cold water, excellent cooking. 332 10th sL Main GSM. BOARD and room for men employed espe cially, all modern conveniences. 2 blks. from Hroadway bridge; rates $!).50 and up. 870 Ross st. I'hone Kast 2.mu. j.uuii and OoarU lor business girla, all modern conveniences, walking distance; S3 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 K. ithst 432 MORRISON, COK. 13TH Choice rooms and board, modern conveniences, walking distance. . . SUNNY front suite, suitable for 2 or 3 people. Hereford hotel. 735 Hoyt street. Room With Hoard in Private Family. WILL give 2 small children mother's care, on my small farm; plenty of fresh milk, butter and eggs. 2 miles S. of Munta viila. I'hone Tabor 6440 ItooM and board for two refined young gentlemen, large front room, separate beds. In private family, home privileges, walking distance. 710 Eaat Burnside. TWO YOUNG men to room and board; small, congenial family of young people; piano; modern; close in; $1 week. Tele phone Main LARGE front room, well furnished, suit abie for two persons; excellent meals served and all home privileges; no other boarders. 041 E.- Hroadway. East 024:t. WILL room and board and take best of care of 2 little boys or girls in modern private home, near school, weat aide. Main 2iSS ROOM and board in private family, all comfort of home, $33 per month. 62a E. 57th st. N. Phone Woodiawn 2230. 'ROOM and board in private family, 15 nuns, to ceiiter of city; all conveniences. 7m Kfciby Woodlawn 5763. ROOM and board, home privi ledges. $0 a week or $30 a montn. uu am. -oi, S04 Commercial street. NICE clean room suitable for two men will give board, with home privileges. .Marshall ;t.tj;. CORN Eli room aultauie for man and wife ur 2 men; first-class Doara; tots or not water, shower bath. 0M OUsan. WANTED Infanta or small children hoard in private home. I'hone Auto. 020-42. FURNISHED rooms, with or wthout board; -eilnea home, jo minutes xrom center of town. Fhone East 44m, R00M and board for 2 men. Nob Hill dis trict; home privileges and walking dis tance. Marshall 44M(. NICELY" furnished room with board, suit able for one or two gentlemen, mjl Main, corner 15th. i'none East o4iM. PRIVATE home for children by the day ur month. 1 14 r,vereu at. Ala rah all 2102. Mrs. Harkness. WA.VTEU To Ret In touch with party who Hill take a heipieaa woman in her home. Atarnau 1:0, WOULD like 2 or 4 men. with home priv ileges. Close in on east siue. Furnace heat. East 707!t. FltuNT room, suitable for 2 men, excellent meals and home privileges. Call Main 71ii:t. fiL'HL'KBA.V home; will give motherly care to 2 cnnaren. o-l years; plenty ol rresn milk: near wchool. labor f12. NICK fruut room in modern home for Ken tleman or lady employed, with good board ana nome privileges. Kast B1N0. UA.i'JiD-2 or 3 children to care for good references and good home. Wood iawn 414-' Ftjt l..U, responsible, lady would like to keep eiie or two small children; best of relerenres. Automatic m-zv. HooM and board for one employed; "home privileges: Catholic, preferred. East 7 1 ,"0. IW4 Garfield. W ILL board children near Shattuck school very fond of children; good home with best or care, t-none o.-iHi. neasonaoie. UOAKD and room in private home in Laurulhurst for business women; rea- sonallo rates. Tabor 7107. Si'fcX-lAL inrs given to littie boy between 2 and 0 years; nice home; no other chil dren. Alain iwa. ROOM und btaxxl. Kosa City Park. 1 blk. from car line; home privileges; terms reasonable, labor frooi. PLEASANT rooms with board, furnace heated, in quiet home. Marshall 2618. BABY can have best of care In nice mod ern home, reasonable. Woodlawn 1500. CHOICE rooms with board, close in on weat side. Auto. 61U-3tt. PLEASANTLY furnished room with board, No. 11 E. 10th St. S. Phone East 1108. ROOM and board and best of care for children from 6 to 8 years. Sellwood 228 FilitT-Cl.ASjS room and boaru by week in nice, modern home. Call Woodlawn 4087. A PLEASANT room with board. 701 Irving St. ROOM and board for one adult la private family Call ijellwood 2ti6. WILL give best of care to littie girl; can give best references. East 7216. ROOM and board In good locality. Call Woodlawn 3170. BOARD and room, C. S. preferred. Union ave. N. Woodlawn 23a3. "805 BOARD and room for children; reasonable. Auto. 312-08, BOOM and board in very desirable home. reasonable. Tabor 4337. WILL care for baby or two older children, Margnail z-so. ROOM, board private home, 871 Larch i-anq apt. mat out'-. CHILDREN cared for In suburban home by rc-poij-le paw. e.liwood tS3, 'S-. FOR KENT. Hon ma M'Uh Inwri1 in TrTvate Family. A 11 W. k ITT IK III. ROOM overlooking th Willamette river, A wonderful place for th aummpp "Real southern home cook in if mH n;i th rl comDanionsh you find in a genuine southern home Piano and phonograph for fun an music Two young business women wn riflsim hm nni in at a board in place, can make arrangements by call Ing Woodlawn H31. ,. LARGE front room, heater, suitable f two B-pntle-men .ith or without board uIm nri isim-i- i--. uMfh board in real home for boy; walking distance. .S5 mn st.. cor, jeiierson. .uam FOR RENT In private family, nice room with board to two gentlemen who would appreciate a real home; one block south hanav hotivrrt K. cj. car line. r.Hnt n-r n at. ,"ortn CLOSE-IN', cosy, warm room in modern home for one or two persons; use of piano, breakfast if preferred. Marshall iH Sunday and Monday. FURNISHED room with or without board fumacA hm urfthin 10 minutes' walM of business section; men preferred. Mar. 2I3. NICK cUan Himnv ronm with-board for man and wife, or one man omployed nome privileges. Kast jma. Furnished Apartments., THB CROMWELL, vifth biH pniiimhu ctreta Vtv mlnnt.u' malli In Mir A Frank' tore; good surroundings, strictly mod em. 2 and X-rnnm furnished aptS., OUt- side, with French aoora and balcony. Permanent and transient. WANTED- Rv a businea woman, a reli; able, congenial woman to share pleaaant five-room apartment and assist in work. Lower Portland Heights. Wonderful view 01 ciiy anu mountaiim. n - Sunday or evenings. JoO PLEASE investigate this newly fur nfhrf ltlrarllvA 5 -room 8Dt all OUt' aide rooms: walking distance: location not fanhinnflble. but O. K .1 nice place ntca tenants. 504 1st at., Hawthorne apts. Come and see. uivcmki'ii v apt; Ixii VISTA AVE. Well-furnished a-room apartment, old Tos rusra and wicker furniture; 2 dis flnnrinir bdn and an outside balcony; adults only. Call Main ilSbt; prica $73 and up. WANTKD--Refined lady ahare beautiful apt. May nave private room 11 ueneu. Inferences required. Call at 211 Hallway Exchange bldic. after 12. AH 3l)U, Ore gonian. ' 4-KOOM furnished apartment at 21)i Til lamook at.; not water neat; a umi. Inquire janitor, on the premises, or the office of Wakefield,- Fries Ol Co., 83 4th st. Tll'AITTIiriTI.T.Y furnished 6-room flat, close In. Vlctrola. 7t E. Alaaison. Take Hawthorne car to 23d sL Sunday or evenings. Reasonable vh'MV iU.ruhiA :i.r,mm modern aDartineiit, walking dlatance. weat side; must sen furniture; will vacate March 1; price $400; references Hroadway 4Ui COMPLETELY furnished 4-room apart ment, lower floor; large bedroom ana kitchenette; three furnished rooms up- HiairK. j.i 1 i lacKamaa il., ri. ibi h" MODERN 3-room apt., ground floor. adultB. $U3; between Columbia and Clay. 30. 1 14th, west side; 10 minutes' walk to heart of city. 2-ROOM apL and 3 single h. k. rooms; also 1 sleeping room, gas and electric lights furnished; reasonable rent. 107 N. 22d st. 3 VERY large rooms, furnished apartment, dandy place : hot-water heat. Come early; no children. Mti Albina, Missis sippl car. THE PARK. 4-room furnished apt.. hardwood floors, fireplace, etc., $63. 353 Harrieon. Marshall lXi. HEN SON apt., 203 N. 20th st. 3-room furnished apt., including linen and sil ver, $05 per month. Adults only. Man ager. Phone Hroadway 4448. FOR RENT 4-room apartment, ill 4 Co lumbia street, corner 0th; running wa ter and bath; arranged for three or small family. John Hart on, prop. KOSE CITY PARK, attractive 2-roum apt In fine modern home, well furnished well heated, electricity, phone, garace Included: adults; $.'(. O H. Oregotilnn, FURNISHED 3-room apartment, clean and comfortable; working women pre ferred; $25. 861 Mississippi ave. Wood lawn B, CLEAN 1, 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nished and partly furnished; conven iences; reasonable; near S. F shops. Se.ll wood 8103. FOR RENT 2-room furniahed apt., elec tricity, heat and phone furnished. Call East 6430. $35 , CLEAN, deiirable apt., sleeping porch; ga rage, bath, electricity. 854 South 1st, near Curry. FURNISHED 2-room apt.: hardwood floors. The Cheltenham, 253 N. I'Jlh st. Phone Broadway 2333, A THREE-ROOM apartment beautifully furnished, one block from car, $00. S18 Patton ave.. corner Failing. NEWLY furnished apts. for H. K., 2 and 3 rooms, facing street, near Wash. High school. 20 E. 15th st., corner Ash. FURNISHED 2-room front apt.; will be vacant Feb. 22. The Belknap apts,, 187 17th 9t. 4 ROOMS, furnished, private bath, phone, heat, lights furnished ; ideal for two couples. 200 Hall st. Marshall 8410. CLEAN, cosy, 2-room apt., near Willam ette Steel and American Can. Bachelors or couple. $13-$1S 412 N. 19th- st THREE-ROOM furnished apt. with pri vate bath and hem. 304 Guild, bet. 23d and 24-th. off Thurman. FURNISHED apt., 1 3-room apt., with private bath, newly tinted. Woodlawn fb2, 242 Killlngsworth. WANTED Refined lady to share three room apartment, west side, close in, ref er e n c e sex chsuigedAJ4420rc 2 OH 3-ROOM turniahed apt. In modern private home on Portland Heights. Main !I4. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished. March 1. Or monde atNt rtnienu. OoO Flanders. Broad w a v 38 i.l. POKT.N'O.M AH. 3 and 4 rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, adults. 200 East 13th st. TO SUB-RENT 3-room furnished .apt- strictly modern: immediate possession . no children. Phone Marshall 2888. TWO. THREE four and five-room apts furnished and unfurnished: under new management: renovated. Bdwy. 1245 2-ROOM apt., overytning furnished two girls or cduple employed preferred. 427 Main st. Phone Main 4IMIII. j sublet Hill district, strictly modern; piano. Call after 1 a; .Main 4.i7ti. COLLEGE!, 3 rooms, modern, steam heat, free phone, newly furnished .adults only X47 oil, tmrq anq louege. jiar. NICE corner, east front apt., 3 rooms and bath and balcony, on carline; rent 855. East ootl'.i 1 LARGE, attractive, room with kitch enette or a rooms ana Kitcnenette, Main 1131. TWO WARM room, hot and cold water. very convenient; adults. 655 Flanders street. TWO ROOMS, bath, kitchen and diaan pearing bed. two or three months. Royal Arms, api, ti. nun anq i.ovejoy. 4-ROOM corner, furnished apt., 800, Lucile Court apt., --a -utn. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment for rent. sot v est rarK. Main 1842. FOR KENT --room Iurnished II. K apt. St. jonns car. vooaiawn 4-ia. NICELY" furnished housekeeping apt., clean and convenient. i:;ay street. 4 ROOMS, modern, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, parlor ana teiepnone. 561 Ulisan. FURNISHED housekeeping apartments; close in, ai 1 si. SINGLE modern H. K. room, heated, rea sonable. Main ni'-'o. .NloN AVE and Killlngsworth. $23.50; ill complete; concrete puiiaing. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment- 205 14th st.. Apt. 31. r LARGE 2-room modern apt., close in. mone cw. , ..i. VERY desirable 2-room apt., tlons for 3. 325 Broadway. LARGE pleasant room with kitchenette; steam neat, im i-ttt st. aiain 4lo. VACANT March 1, modern 5-room fur nished Main 4124. DENNISON apartments, 1027 Belmont; 1 3-room apartment, lurnisned. 3-ROOM apt. Biel Apta, 700 E. Ankeny t. ; rent ai. Apt. 34. CLEAN housekeeping apartment for rent reasonanie. .uu t-iay st. 4-ROOM apt., $00. Haddon Hall, Marshall 116U. 3 AND 4-ROOM apartment. 1578 E. Gll- pan. tannr i " '. APT. 2 ROOMS and private bath. 147 Kar THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, run. nine water. Mam 0520. FOK RENT Two-room furnished h. k. apt. St. jonns car, wnm. 4210. SUNNY front apt.. reasonable. 547 Mor. rlson. 2-ROOM apartment, also sleeping room. raasonaoi, oawy. onv. po wash, st. Unfurnished Apartments. IONIAN Court, 18th and Couch, 4-room modern xront apt., aoi.ou; aaults; ref. Phone Bdwy. 2701. AMERICAN apartment. A rooms, unfur. nished, every convenience. Broadway 8880 MORTON APT., 3-room furnished. 697 Washington, atain ion.. ROOMS, toilet and bath. 129 20th st. i;ooi ouisiuv, aw a, iuu sh. 117s. FOB RENT. Cnfurniwhed Apartments. HIGH CLASS. Very beautifully furnished apt., all oatslde rooms on top floor, sleeping porch. In the most handsomely furnished apt. in the city:, also 2-room auite and , bath, top floor, ery choice, 6 windows, for refined bachelors; reference required. Var. 2830. WE HAVE for rent one of the finest deco rated apartments In th city; I reran, unfurnished; "rates reasonable; adults only: references required. Main 7387. The Arbor Court. 205 14th St. UNFURNISHED 2-room apartment, cen trally located, cheap rent, contingent upon sale of furniture, nearly new, at great sacrifice: cash only; no dealers. C 4.10. Oregonian. JAEGER APARTMENTS. T01 Washington street; one three-room unfurnished apartment. GORDON COURT APARTMENTS. 630 Montgomery drive; very attract ive unfurnished 5 -room corner apart ment, beautiful view of city and moun tains. B'OR RENT Unfurnished apartment in private home, 2 rooms and kitchenette; also garage. Phone after 1 Sunday or evenings. - Sellwood 3777. WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett One 4-room unfurnished front apt. 1st floor, large sunny airy room. Telephone Included, till). Newly renovated, STRICTLY modern S-room apt. Leeds Apt., 10 Market St. Vacant today. ROOMS, unfurnished, and bath. 857.50. Phone Main 7375. Cor. Park anq nan. ONE LARGE 2-room apt., unfurnished. Ta ke woodlawn car, god xjea u m a ; 2-ROOM apt., with sleeping porch. 12th st., cor. Harrison. 4-KOO.M apartment; water and lights fur- nisnen. i,v ungn. iauor iv-n. 80 ACREM timber, 18 miles Irom Portland. Tualatin valley. D 3SH, uregonian. FumUhed or Vnfurnlshed Apartments. FURNISHED and unfurnished 4-room apt. Highland Court Apta Flats. 5-ROOM HEATED FLAT. UNFURNISHED. Apartment house service, rent 8C0, Including hot-water heal. Janitor serv ice, etc Entire floor, porch, yard; something nice for nice people: rent 815. Prefer to lease. Phone Tabor 6188 or call today at 126 East 34th mu, near h,. Morrison. -ROOM strictly modern flat, svllh sleep ing porch, to Darty buying furniture; practically new; real bargain. 210 Knott st., apt B. Between Williams and Van couver aves. Auto. 317-40. CLKAN, close-in fiat for rent, furniture for sale, cheap. Phone sunuay ana evenings, Marshall 2o77, week days E. 3083. 8-ROOM flat for rent at 820 Vaughn st near Montgomery ward; adults only, Call 74oij Roosevelt, or phone Marshall a i ut . NEWLY tinted 4 rooms, hall, bath, sep arate entrance. 15 minutes from pus! ness center. D78& Commercial St., near Smdmore. Key at OHO. 5-HOOM flat for rent, Sandy blvd. Rent 825. Furniture lur sale. Just like new, except the price. For further informa tlon phone Tabor 01184. MODERN 3-roum flat in private home, separate bath, water, lignt, f-u; witn heat 830; adults. 1085 Williams ave. 4-ROOM Irvington flat for rent; adults only. Call 340 E. 16th st, wortn. 4-ROOM flat. soma furniture for le. 404 Hall. UPSTAIRS, 5-room modern flat, including ga rage. Sellwood 1011. 4-ROOM Irvington flat for rent. 340 K 16th n. FURNITURE of U-room flat for sale. bedrooms. Main J4.4. NICE 5-room flat, 820. 4-room flat 818. 474 E. Yamhill and att NEW 6-ROOM flat, olose in. on car line. 481 East 11th st. Furnished Flat. FOR RENT 4-room furnished flat on paved street and car line. uullt-in cupboards and wash tray, private bath, toilet and hall, all clean; no children. Phone Tabor 208 or call 118 E. 47th SL N., cor. E. Gliaan. 2!)8 TILLAMOOK ST. 4-room furnished riat, modern conveniences, not-water heat, 845. inquire Wakefield, Fries & Co., 85 4th su, or Janitor on the prem ises. OH RENT A furnished 6-room flat. 10 minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's. Will sell furniture if desired. Apply 427 Co lumbia at. FURNISHED FLAT. S rooms, f.10; modern. 1)08 E. Alder, phone 220-45. Punnyside car. ItOOM furnished flat with bath; only. Eaat 3070. adults OR RENT Furnished 4-rooo flat. 1200 E. Main St. URNISHED 4-room flat, adults only, ref erences. 353 Sacramento St. Phone 311-60. FOUR-ROOM furnished flat for rent. Call at 273 V Broadway. -ROOM furnished flat, private bath; re sponsible adult. ,2', E. 8th St. LARGE, light corner room, with kitchen, employed couple onlyj Call 402 Park. Honsckeeplng Rooms. OR RENT Housekeeping rooms: 2 fur nished rooms with kitchenette, furnace heat, hot and cold water in rooms,' ren 835 montn: l nousekeeping room an kitchenette, cooking gas furnished, ren 825 month. 550 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 3011 193 ST. CLAIR. Nicely furnished large clean H. K. rooms, big closets, electric lights, tele phone and good heat. 818. This room has light on two sides and beautiful view. Main 8i6. 85 WEEK UP, completely furnished H. K suites; absolutely ciean: not water all hours; every convenience; save car fare. The Cadillac, Third St., near Jet ferson. LARGE front H. K. room, nicely fur nished. everything clean and new. phone, electricity, gas and heat. Call after 12 Sunday, 084 Thurman street. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, steam heat, running hot and cold water, close in. 141k rsroaaway, notei Stewart, between Morrison and Alder. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms, 815 up, Including not water, electric ngnts. launary room. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Trunks, baggage delivered downtown district. 25c. Sun, service. Bdwy. 2445. ONE LARGE furnished and one unfur nished h. k. room, furnish heat; fire- place 6.11 Hoyt St. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for 2 or working people. 168 N. 18th. Call 1 to 8 P. M. Mrs. Blacky NICE front room, suitable for 2, hot and cold water, also housekeeping room close In. 321 8tn st., cor. Liay. ELDERLY lady wishes to rent part of her home furnished to adults. Tabor 5401, 202O r-ast iayior. at, iaoor car. SINGLE housekeeping room, well fur nished, elec. and gas furnished, reason - able. 652 Thurman at. 1-ROOM kitchenette, sleeping porch walking distance. 59 N. 20th st-, off Washington. COMPLETELY furnished apt., suitable for 4 aaults. close in, 8-4 u. 320 ilont- gomery St. NICE housekeeping room and kitchenette In private home; light and gaa. 071 Rodney ave. East 4144. CHEAP housekeeping room, furnished or unfurnished, corner or Clackamas and Benton sts NEATLY furnished housekeeping and sleeping room, a montn. oo Williams avenue WILL rent nicely furnished 2-room apt. for $r8; party must take care of house while landlady is away. ;t84 park. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms; walk. Inir distance. 384 Park. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam heat. 19th st. west siqe. aqwy. iP48. NICE 2-room h. k. apt., fuel, gas, lights, phone. $;iQ. .ast oa-u. walking distance. TWO NICE warm rooms, hot water always for bath.ano launory. uoo r tanaers. CLEAN H. K. rooms, heated; walking dis tance. 4iu ao st.. near Harrison. 2 HOUSEKEEPING front rooms; no chil dren., loo rvortn ltitn. SINGLE H. K. room, steam heat, 82 Todd apts.. w m. l-tn, cor, atark. NICE housekeeping room. centrally lo- cated. 2H -Morrison. 2 LARGE, nicely furnisneu H. K, rooma 412 l"tn St., weat Biqe. AQUIta only. HOUSEKEEPING or offOica rooms. 107 44 First. 2-ROOM apartments, nicely furnished; reasonanie. oot Ji... Jiorrison. CLEAN, sunny 2-room housekeeping apart- ment. 8-u: aiso narase room, tn st. 2 SINOLE furnished H. K. rooms. , 253 44 W ashington St.. corner i njrq sc. CLEAN H. K, room, no chlldrren. 872 44 Bawtnorne. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms in private family. 710 k. 5urn3iae. FURNISHED housekeeping room. 85 N. lbtn Street, cor. r lanue- SINGLE H. K. room for gentleman. 306 l,!th otreet. ONE LARGE modern h. 1- room with kitcnenette. i..in. TWO LARGE housekeeping rooma. 471 Aider st. TWO H. K. rooms, also single with kitch en eUreasonabJeSSOCoj FURNISHED H. K. room, close in. 4S HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean and light. quiet, very re Monauie, p.a otn s.. FURNISHED H. K. room for oa or Xwo PCOPiO. mtv j.ouiuuivi su FOR KENT. Hoiisekeepblg Rooms. CLEAN, single h. k. rooms for men or women, IS, $12 per mo., suites $lo-i8 Bath and lobby privileges. 412 N. lth street . Housekeeping Koonis in fnvate Family. FURNISHED housekeeping room and kitchenette, suitable for 2 or 3 nurses or working girls; everything furnished. Including use of piano and sewing ma chine; 140 a month. 8 blocks from Wash Ington on 16th St. Broadway 1584. (-ROOM old house, barn, chicken houses, il acrea ground, on good road and high way. 4 miles from courthouse. S mile from car; all cleared and In good neigh borhood; .25 per month. Woodlawn 3.m Hunrtayt or evenings. l.V BEAUTIFUL irvlngton home, large. light, welt-heated room, two exposures. garage, perpetual hot water; one block from Broadway ; adult family. East 1200. AT KENTON. 3 modern housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, heat, light and phone furnished, good location. Vs block to car, references exchanged. iS W. Schof leld street. Woodlawn 812. LARGE, beautifully furnished corner room in Irvlngton home, gas and running water, ror light cooking; auuiu; jo. East 4852. WANT lady employed to share clean, close-In flat with congenial widow. 815 per month, everything furnished. Oregonian. LARGE pretty sleeping porch with two eozy ri. rooms, well rurnisneu, ciean, walking distance; refined couple; 8 -'5. 4liS Hall st. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, private lam ily. up stairs, lights, fuel, use of bath. Adults. Half block of 2 car lines. t)62 Miss, ave. Wdln. 1072. THREE furnished downstairs h. k. rooms In every respect; garage; references; no children. 744 Multnomah. . in private home, Irvington: desirable ATTRACTIVE room for lady employed; cooking and laundry privileges; every thing furnished. Call Sunday or eve nlngs. East 0174. THREE furnished rooms tor liKht house keeping in refined home; water, lights. use of bath and phone, can wai. -u. 2 LARGE front rooms for light house keeping; very desirable; adults only. J4B n. 2th st. FURNISHED outside housekeeping rooms. private family: walking distance. 40 Union ave. N. 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms at 504 East Oak. Call any time Wednesday; rent at 810 per month. East 2536. TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences, private en trance. Hnone .Mar. 84. ONE LARGE room and kitchenette, steam heat, nice location; adults; rent reason- anle. 4I3 4 12th St. NEW 1 or 2 H. K. roo. is. furnished, walk ing distance: adults. 253 Hancock el- Automatic 325-28. 2 LARGE front rooms, gas, phone, hot water, laundry privileges. East 6145. 78H East Salmon St. HOUSEKEEPING room, sultuble for lady employed: modern home; all conven iences; close in. East 37fi3. NICE larce room suitable for housekeep ing or sleeping, water, sink, good bed. clean, at 201 W. Park. 14 ROOMS, h. k.. rent 865: income 8172. Furnace, electrloity. Price 8 00. Own- er. 470 Clay st. NICE front suite by widow: running water. heat, closet. 2 or 3 employed adults only. 4IM Taylor at. 2 SINGLE housekeeping rooms for rent. 328 8th St. Phone Main 0II20! TWO FURNISHED h. k. rooms: adults. All conveniences. 13 E 7th. East 1020. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent and 1 sloeplng room, at 334 Hall st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. Roosevelt. Phone Marshall 4110. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance; take children. East Dil'7. Mrs, wucox. 2 OR 3 CLEAN" furnished housekeeping rooms. 540 E. Stark St., cor. 12th VERY nice suite of 3 h. k. rooms, free phone. 2 beds, laundry prlv. Wdln. 38t3. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. !52 Williams ave. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 266 Cook ave. FOUR nartlv furnished housekeeping mis.. private bath. Main 2302. 4117 Columbia. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; men only. 824 V, First st. TWO FURNI.S11ED H. K. rooms; only. AR ;,74, oregonian. SINGLE furnished light housekeeping room. Modern. 665 Northmp st. CLEAN 2 and 3-room housekeeping apts. 31H) salmon. TWO FRONT H. K. rooms, furnace heat. walking distance; adults. 95 E. 12th S. LARGE, airy II. K. room, small kitch- ette, $5 per week. 206 13th st. 2 FURNISHED family. $22.50. K. rooms, private Tabor 2720 LA RG E front room and kitchen, furnace heat and electric light. 384 Taylor. Houses. NEW 4-KOOM. unfurnished, cement ga rage, basement, high-class bungalow, flat style, with grand pagoda view; East 26th. Usual furnace and lawn work not required of tenant; suitable for family of two only. Careful, permanent, sub. stantlal tenant desired; possession March 1. Call today. Marshall 5404-K or 610-10. (2400 82400 A KNAP. 5-room bungalow, nice lot. 1 block to car. eood condition, easy first pay ment, balance $20 per month, including Interest at 6 per cent; a fine buy. Call Automatic 640-19 for further Informa tion. RENT, sell or trade, dandy 7-room bouse. vacant. Must have money, see It to day, make offer for equity. Walking distance. Take Union avenue car north to Fargo st. West to No. 342: owner . there. $1000 cash will handle. Balance like rent. Sunday liros. ' Transfer & Storage Co. Bdwy. 4220. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING. Long. Distance Hauling. Storage. Packing and Shipping. Sollday Bros. Transfer & Shipping Co. MODERN HOUSE, 6 rooms, now available, or March 1. near O.-W. R. & N. car- shnna $25. and interest, will buy. and price is reasonable. See owner at 606 Mississippi ave.. cor. Knott. 8-ROOM bunaalow. will be finished like new at once. Deautixui rumiture tor saie. in lot or by piece, party renting house doesn't have to buy furniture. Main For RENT Will share furnished bun galow, 2 ladles and young couple; nome den. 1.VI1 E. Everett. I'hone Ta. 1283. FOR RENT Modern 7-room Willamette Heights home, hardwood floors, bulit- lns. sleeping porch, ate Call Sunday. 1005 Vaughn st. FOK RENT Modern 5-room bungalow with earare. located Waldemere addi tion, Ltnnlon. Inqulro Clark ae Wilson uumner to. l $2.50 GROUND rental, modern 4-room cot tage, partly lurnisnea. garage, etc.. tor sale. $750. 21 Mile st. RJvervlew car or fjlton station. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO., LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH STREET. WILL lease for one year, a beautiful 7- room modern nome in irvington; Ameri can Radiator heat. Herlden, 326 Artl- aans bldg. FOR RENT Small house, corner 80x100. fruit, berries, water ana gas. 64ii into. S. E., cor. 64th avenue. 816. Call Sun- da yorevenings. 2tt4fc Porter, near 4th, west side. Call foner ror Key. MODERN tt-room bungalow, 510 E, 4Sth street Iv, best location nose uity, o doors off Pandy; open today, la to 4. 7-ROOM house, 311 Larrabee, 2 months In advance. Aiier seeing it come 10 iwi Fron-t St. SI.!. AO COMFORTABLE 4-room cottage. eiec. itKnciv cut w loi , uoat ui uuiuuiu. Phone Broadway 47118. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, lot 80x100, fruit. Mt. Scott district; rent $30; adults. Phone Automatic oio-wa. for RENT 6-roora houee and iraraKe. s :.-: oatn; rum-cure j.ur wo reason able. Seil. 2sr. mklin'i; Piano, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty, u. & vv. Truck Service Co., 4U aa st. rnone xsavrj. aii. MODERN 8-room house in Overlook, beautiful view; rent six monins or more, unfurmsnea. Auto, sj. -.-; Derore i . ai. OR 8-ROOM house in MontavlUa, rea sonable, near Gliaan ; adults. Tabor 7ti. UNFURNISHED house, 5 rooms. 2 blocks from aumtonum. 31111 sr.. RoOM house for rent 10 party buying furniture, cheap, rnone Main otui. FOR RENT Six-room bungalow, quarter acre of grouna. la dot 1 1. SMALL house for rent, cheap; some Xur- niture ror saie. : wooua at. Furnished Housea. FURNITURE of 5 rooms, almost new, for sale at sacrifice and house for rent 448 E. 8th st. FURNISHED 7-room house on Irving. ntr 23d. Phone Main V.a.V 4-ROOM furnished house, modern. Market, near 16th st. 630 2 HOUSES, furnished; 1 flat, partly fur nished .231HiIorriso n!iro.l81Monday. 4-ROOM modern furnished duplex house. 417 Russell, near Union ave. Eaat 5235. FOUR rooms in a widow's home: adults I only. 539 E. 3Qth t. x tQd uKAxlAJa AVL. lake .VVpoaiawa car I FURNISHED or unfurnished 6-roora house HALF interest cieaniiig.-yeir snop; we i cham. Com. In good condition: fine basement. 1 blk. equipped witn oeiivery cars, w in leacn ;i77Vnu rher sho to car. I. R. G.l.lsan, 805 Oak St. you bj business you - w-.ng. pnc. com. and up 7-room house. handy to shipyards. -eL-,u eoms Xerms. 837 C FOR KEVT. Furnished HttuMie. WILL sell or rent mv nicely furnished R- room nous., with sleeping porco. i,e furnace, white enamel Dutch kitchen, fireplace, French doors, tapestry paper, near car and stheoi, walkuig distance; good terms. Apply 528 Last Ash st. East 7032. . WHY 1'iV ItEXTT A little cash, a few months' rent wl buy & furnished houseboat with Bull Run water, gas and electricity Oregon Yacht club. 12 minutes- ride en o-ceut fare. Sellwood 2141. LARGE -room hous. for rent to party whA .1)1 h.iv furnltiir. for Slo4H) casn. worth I2.MMI. 1131 E. Slst N.. Alberts car to Emerson street. Fhone auio, SI 4 - 88; HERE'S a snap: Free house rent, grocer, les and everything furnished to couple who will look after invalid lady living in tent In yard; husband takes care eve nings. 4025 33d ave.' a. E. Ml. Scott car. FURNISHED sis-room house. Nothing fill borate hut elf.H7i. homelike. Irvillg- ton. on Broadway car line. Two months or possibly elht- Rent 8o5. At" 4U0. Oregonian. PITRMSHKn i-room basement suite; built-in conveniences, sink ana pni entrance, suitable for 2 adults, close in. Inquire Columbia Stamp Co., t4 N. 18th st. open Sundays. 5-RoO.M completely furnished bungalow and garage. Rose city, t mou.- lease, -curlty last 2 mcs." rent; rent 875; imme diate possession. Phone Tabor 741. FOR RENT or sale, pretty S-room modern bunsa ow. all turn i hen. s.w a monm. must be able to furnish references; no umall children. Call Sellwooq -an FURNISHED 6-room modern house; rent S'2a to Dartv buving furniture; waiains distance. 314 Graham. Wllllama-av FIVE-ROOM cottage to parly buying 8-JJ worth of furniture for cash. Rent .u a montn. walking distance. .u- ton street. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow partly fur- nlahe.l- 8 h n.'kl from end or w oou- stock carline; acre ground with fruit and berries, trees. No. HMO O'-d st. S. E. CHEAP rent and 5 furnished rooms to some good people who will lei gin hi 14 and boy of 12 stay with them. Phone Woodlawn 3058. FOR RENT First-class, well furnished - room house. J75; adults only; reierence. 722 E. Davis st. Call Sunday 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. ii. i. ,-i m ,,ne huvina furniture, i-rooill modern house. 5 rooms furnished. GoU Market St. f-ROOM house, furnished, 1 acre, Vi gar den, M orchard, rent or lease. Owner, "Marshal! 1344. Rlv.ttniiM furnished modern house. 407 I Beech st.. near Union ave. Phone East isn. $:t5 .10. FOR RENT Modern furnished six-room house, price 840. 887 E. Franklin su Sellwood 24110. FOR RalNT Furnished house. 2 rooms. Innulre 317 Willamette Blvd., cor. Killlngsworth. FOK RENT 7-roorn nicely furnished bungalow. 1100 per month. Call Auto. 223-118, after 1 o'clock. S ROOMS, garden, garage, some fruit. 2 blocks car, good scnooi. in wm 04th st. RENT 6-room cottage with furniture for sale cheap, close in, near Broadway. East 857d. Nutiimer Kesorts. SEASIDE Attractive 5-room cottase, mod ern. rurnlsnennear ocea2ol Mores and ItUHines. Places. FOR RENT. Storage space. 100x100. with trackage, suitable for canned goods or mechandiae of like nature. TERMINAL ICE COLD STORAGE CO., Third and Hoyt Ptl. NICE light, steam-heated basement siace In Hotel Cllllora witn entrance on caai Morrison St., suitable for printing, bil liards, bowling, storage, baths, etc. Rent 825 Inquire Fred II. Strong. Hotel ciirrora. Kh:vl:ilA. small stores for lease, down town location; prices ranging iruiii i.-i PJ5"m'R. M1I.NER with THOMSON 020 HENRY BI.IlG. HI'WY. 4880. WANT to rent small private office for headquarters for small manuiactuons concern; will only be in a few hours a I week. Phone Main 04,5. FOR RENT or sale, concrete bldg., 2800 square feet floor apace, tor siame. ma chine snop or manuiHi-iui.ns. 31188. bet. 9 and 5 o'clock LARGE basement for rent on Broadway; elevator service, uesa space it ue.ncu. Sunday phone Kast 7346; Monday Broadway 425. Reasonable. HANDSOM ELY furnished reception room. t.hona and private onice, to rename chiropodist. Fine location. P 444, Ore gonian. pull DESIRABLE space n fireproof ware house phone uuwy ooo. oecuinr dwi a8e A Transfer Co., 53 Fourth St.. cor. Pine. STOREROOM fur rent, 2U1 N. 14tU St.. 810 per mo. HITTER, LOWE CO., 201 -:l..-.-7 Board of Trade hldg. A STORE suitable for auto or sign-palnl Ins. Large doors; $10. Wdln. 1103. SMALL store with room at back; rent $20. 324 1st St. SPACB for barber shop. 222 Mnrrlion St. Offices. BUSINESS office for rent; large eastern cornorallon. having branch offices. In Portland, la desirous of reducing Its overhead expense by sub-leasing or rent ing a portion of office space lo reliable firm or Individual. Telephone and ex pert stenographic service Included 1 de sired. Offices are exceptionally larca and exceptionally well lighted, with good service. In reply state definitely nature of your business. References required. A.T 378. Oregonian. TO RENT Splendid large store on Port land s best anopping street. contains 8000 sq. feet floor area, large basement, may be had for 10 years at 8100 per month. Only nign-grane tenant win be considered. J. F. Slaver, Macleay hldg. DENTISTS TAKE NOTICE. Office rooms for rent. 820 per mo. This Is a splendid location for a dentist. Call Tabor 610:1. DESK room, with telephone and st.no- graphrc service, i-non. nuwjr. ouo db curlty Storage A Transfer Co.. 88 .4th street, corner Pine. DESK In finely fitted office with tele phone service. pnone iiroauway oao. 506 Artisans bldg. FitUN l" onice. modern, in italiway a.. change n.dg Apply room oi. FURNISHED small office for rent at cheap rate. 13i'3 N. vt . nana oiug FOR RENT Furnished office room. Call Marshall 4-'-'. OFFICES for rent l-'4iedner bliipr. Miscellaneous. TO RENT Warehouse on track, close In, west side, so enuid tor manutacturing. storage motor cars, machine shopa Staver, Macleay bios. BrsrvKss oproRTrxrTTFa. GROCERY, ice cream, cigars, doing $01) day besides income irom o apartments; TtiMre S5000. Grocery and light lunch, good busi ness, $1850. See Gulbert, 5utf McKay bldg 24 ROOMS, brick apartment bargain; clearing over $iu per montn; s-ouu handles, pay balance out of business; price 84250; no agent- AP 373, Orego man. . A ..-.i-vr. T) VIVll oloa - nnrl fnn f.-ltin. I i.,rf n" h. r f i h CIJ '--' . - 1 and Washington sts.; must sell on ac count of health. Broadway il'Stf. 5:0 Washington st. FOR SAL-E Restaurant and lunch coun ter; good equipmeiu ; live ytrura esiti u lish'ed business; reasonable rent; living room. Rainier, ur.. pox i i.w.ich miIa totiav. 10 A. M.. ctfmolete I nut tit fixture for confectionery store. alsoUv.iTri oil-! Oouoriunity look In for candy - making tools. Central market. 14 4th at. Ashbaugh A Mason. OR BILLIARD, pool taoies, card tables, bar fixtures, showcases, cash registers and store fixtures, see W. J. Quigley, S66 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 1S3. f FOR SALE Cash and carry grocery; 1 jiving room, wu " wmiiu Ing. Deal direct with owner. Save agent f?e. T 4I8, Oregonian. i' a v vaii tmnai. mortgage : .ray me jSO ana i will iv ,uu u,u tut an two houses Owner, phono Tabor 577U after 6:30 P. M. fci.-ioO CASH-AND-CARRY grocery, doing T IO J.W" ""J" -u-i-v--, ,,.n V'UH , rent, including neat, eea iieipper, 410 Rv. Fych. hldg. ivivTK.l) Partner with $3ooo in profiLab.e manuiaciuriiiB iu-iii-w. o -ru ut Trade. WANTED Partner In building bufineas bv experienc-a iumi--8. .iu unuueu. Secured. G 444. Oregonian, STV'LISH confertionery, beat location, val uable lease, uvu, t-mo iciuii. uuv axe Kay bldg. SMALL store with room at back; rent 4!0. s-4 lsi su , VULCANIZING plant, good location, right price, cheap rent, wo ne.n.uni. RESTAURANT cheap if taken at once; owner at - 1 uh-ii. , LADY of good appearance to Join another j in llgnt DUflirirw. " vi --Boiii-ni. XIMBERLAND. $10 acre, or will trade for going business. BARGAIN; laundry route and car tori 3JS, caay icrnuu mourn ; a, 0000, 4 m siNKw.q or rrottT r xitiks. YOUR OPPORTUNITY FoK ESTABLISHED OFFICE BUSINESS AND BIO PROFITS Oolng concern with established clien tele, worth 85"0; EXCLUSIVE) terri tory, Oregon. Washington and I-iaho; fully equipped office suiie in god build ing; Oregon corporation incorporated for 810OO; manufactured stork rea.ly to retail at 8t'0, ALL fur ONLY 827.VI; will accept Portland vacant, acreage or ranch up to 815"". balance cai.h; propo sition handled through branch offices In northwest cities, and trav.-ling salesmen and correspondence. ACT yl'lCKLY. No BROKERS Address E. 8. W, 1'. O. Box M14. Portland. 1 CIGAR STORE. Here are some good ones: A nice little suburban place, doing good: 8850 buys it; worth the money; living rooms. ?20fl Right down town, stock at In voice; fixtures, 5uo; rent, 80, doing 140 dally. ( l2.MKM-.In a large office building lobby. This is a cood one; rent 8-"''1- S1MMS. lll Henry King WOOD CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION We own a basic patent on a power driven hammer for splltttng timber into cordwood. Machine has b-en tested out and la satisfactory. We own the machine shop in which to manufaclur.. Will re duce your cost of splitting conlwond more than half. Want to ell our In terest for money to start manufacture. Chance for big profits. 837 Chamber of Commerce bldir. CAFETERIA. Strictly modern and best ventilated cafeteria In city; best equipped, with Northwestern steam connection and elec tric bake oven; averaging 85 per riav; 83'U0 will handle; good lease. Sue F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U McOfTRK. 205 Ablnston BMg Main loo. Third, bet. Washington and Ktsrk f DOWNTOW X CAFETERIA. One of cleanest anil best equipped little places In downtown district; big noon business, cheap rent, good lease, this Is a little beauty and yu couldn't spend a nlrkel on improvements; it's good for 84011 to Kii'0 net profit month ly. Price $2."0ll. 81;.imi cash will handle. SIMMS. HI Henry Hldg. SOME REAL BUYS. Pool hall, east side I..I1J51 Drug store, suburban corner ;17."0 Machine shop, west side 2.lon Confectionery, west side lltliio Flour and feed, outside town ItTMtl Confectlnnerv, west side 2100 ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405 Pnnnma HMt Main W4"4. 88( 8) t IKOCKKY STOKE 8 00. Free heat and rent $2n per month, good lease, fresh stock, brick building, living room all furnished, stuck and $:') pair of scales, counter, shelves, nil goes for 8806. Good business. Fine fur a man and wife. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 311.1 OAK ST. BEAUTIFUL 8-rooin modern li'ime. all conveniences. 3 greenhouj.es with 8"'l") square feet of glass, anil slock: all ready for business; will work villi buyer two months If Inexperienced In flowers, etc. Real bargain: mu.st sell at once. Call Von Marshall 1H76. DELICATESSEN AND LIGHT LUNCH Good set of fixtures, doing a nice business, living room In the rear. This Place can be made to do considerable more business. Price fnr all flil.sl. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. ,'ln.l OAK ST. GROCERY SACRIFICE This Is best gro cery buy In the city; cash receipts Mono month; stock turned 15 limes last year; rent $65. Including 5 good living rooms; Invoice about $.tsi!0 SIMMS. 61" Henry Ttldg GROCERY Good location, doing $140 day, fixtures under value; Invoice $3ilMl. approximately 84000; 5 living rooms, rent reasonable, with lease. Grocery, no fixtures lo buy, $1.10 Smlthpeter. with INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. W EST SIDE DAIRY LUNCH. Swell up-to-date place, doing a fine business, a swell equipped piacu; 11 year lease; 87h up on lease. All goes for $200(1. A give away. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., .'101 OAK" ST PLUMBING BUSINESS. Located In live valley town of 8500; did 810.1100 last year, $17ou buys stock, tools and Chevrolet car. SIM MS, inn IT.-nrv BMg FlYK-ltooM modern bunsalow. lull aitic. cttinent basement, h w. f'oors. huill-ins. large lot; 2 biks. of car. l7.".o. $.S8) cash, a cosv home. See J P. McKentta, Belmont at 3m Ii. Tabor Hll'.'l BY OWNER Fine location. 10 2 and 3 room furnished spt.: gross Income over $400 a month; ptlce $linl; rent $Mo; lease. Also modern Ill-room furnished ant : rrlei 2immi: rent II"1, M.ir. .'I'.i" WANTED Orocery store. etch! nt lo order tailor-made suit, 8-5 to ''. and pay part In groceries: mall card, will call with samples. Fulton Tailoring Co . 21H1 E. 47th St.. Portland. . LEAVING city, will sell this week, stock groceries, confectmriery ano nousenoin goods: good for $50 a day; living rooms: r.mt $2.1. Only 81100. Hushue, 618 f'hiipi Com. GOOD money-making restaurant. west side. Income i per flay, rent .i--n per month with lease; price $371111 This Is In a good location. 837 Chamber of Comtnei, -e hid s PARTNER VULCANIZING STORK. Sells accessories, tires, etc. owner wants active, reliable man as partner, guarantees good wages and profits. $1500 renulrcd. Room 111 ltnilw;iy Fr'hnng''. POOL room snap. Very busv corner, clearing $500 a month real money; good equipment and plenty of It. $:l.",oo. SIMMS. 810 Henry Hldg. PICTURE and vaudeville theater at great bargain lo energetic and experienced . parties; newest equipment, low rent. Inquire box 03.1, Itoseburg, Or. FOR SA 1. 10 Suburban picture house, very reasonable: good returns: small Invest ment. Owner, Broadway 108M, 8 A. M. to 12 M CAPITAL In substantial amounts desires good Investments outside Europe. BANKEKS' SYNDICATE. 116 Victoria st., London. Kn Kland. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Located where you eaten, the (raffle. A busy piece for only $700. Room 401. llekuni bldg - t THREE-CHA1K barber shoo In good loca tion, with lease; cheap rent ;' stands rl,,est investigation. 80 ttih St., near Slark. FOR SALE Grocery and cunfeetlonery; will sacrifice I.ir casn. oeo inin i-me. for bargain. open sunnily. in xiaw- thorne ave., corn r E. I'th. WANTED Partner Willi $.'toq to Join me in good opportunity lor luncn siaini in neighboring city: a perfectly sule busl ness. A'l 43.1. Oregonian. TIRE SHOP. We have two vulcanizing equipments, will sell one Bt a bargain Weaver Tire Co., East Broadway and Williams ave. DANDY corner gr ;ry, nice business. Must sell this week. Oood for $I0) a day; living rooms! Bushue, 618 Cham. Cnm. - A PARTNER WANTED. Transfer and slorage business. Clesrs $2.10 month for each partner. 81'XX) handles It. Room 4'll Deknm hldg. WEST SIUE GA It AGE. Large steady storage KHis ac-cewnrtes. tires oils, etc. Price JI0. some terms. Room Ml Hallway Exchange. ONB OK the best groceries tn rortland. doing $125 to l-'oO business; Invoice; rent nnlv StiO. Buy corner. ltushue. Mtf o on busy street. In ner day: prire 11075: Chamber of Commerce bid. CASH and carry grocery f HUM) Bin. k, . partment district. Owner, T 4-1. Or- ftonlan. , , CARNIVAL outfit. - rid"; will take part ner that can Invest $250 to ."ou. Ul V. Prfadwav, room 14. affr l A. M. DANDY going grocery store, verv llitlo competition; owner goinjt east, l-uii an- wankle 'J J. man or woman with small capital. Par- tirulnrw by mall. W 4rt. Orfgonlan. j MEONE that will build a medlum-alx Dt house; I can .pas from to 10 years AH S7, irf gnnlan. It" SALE-OooJ going all nwr and paint ouaineiw.f irivuice f iwu. Auurw box 314. The Dulles. Of. ELECTRIC and niarhjne impair liop. worth JS.VV) will st-ll for I-'OOo. cash omy i.v-o. .t v rgorna KCRMTUKK store, doing a b.g business; r"VolCe about $.10.(mu, fine location. K. n Mad i.ton. Oregon City. Or, FIRST-t'LASS location for fruit stand, pool hall, candy maker or drug store; stork inventory. A'MS Was h In gt o n t A RAUIATOU and fender shoo for Profits S-00 month clear of all expenses. Room 4Q1. P'kiim b dg. A. PAINTING and deroratlnr business at invoite. Did $li.7io work last year. r, ood profits. Room ffllIekum b!fl g AUTO repair sliop, clearing f-H'fl month, good district; low rent. Prlr $i'400. T erm s. Room fill Railway Kxhnngw, XHIGH-CLASS going business in a spe- claity line at a bargain; lack of funds to push the buiflnpas C 4Ht. Oregonian. GRtiCERY, confccllonery. 3 living rooms, doing good business; close In wst aids; ir,i0 Mr. liraml. 420 Henry hldg DANDY retail bakery, rent mr for 2 years. Mu.-t be sold this week. Bun hue, MR rhnm. Com. TRADE. SALE. U or half pho(iKt"M.ph gallery; Hi extra rooms iff. Kl'sr. VARTNIbR. an'o radiator shop, 4J0; taa Jcarn. jJi so. vreuoiaa. 4 i