THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. FORTLAND, FEBRUARY 20. 1921 FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs ami Musii-nl lntrnmcnt. iAC'DjKY KJ-IULILT A.VJJ LSliU PIANOS Original Price- . . Sale Price. IIihju ateinwar & Son I 35 I.V25 Vow A Sons, mahogany ...I2G.1 uo Sieger A Son, mahogany .".33 t'.vo Conover oak - 131-1 f.i75 Kimball. mahAgany... .... I2.1 S.174 Hailet & Davis $313 $1050 Singer player pianos. .$rtP5 $'.."0 Thompson flayer piano. ...... .Y. $ 115 to 150 ca-h. to. Ill) to $18 mcntnly. 8CHWAN m.Q CO.. 1C1 TENTH ST. SECURITY STORAGE CO. Closing OnL 7 octave, piano case, organ IJ 2 small upright piaro $65 and $70 l-au pianola piayr, walnut. ......... 14.1 $Jv!U Steinway A. Sons, upright ..... .I2f0 42J J. P. Halo upright piano $' 7.o pianl.jia player piano $iS5 Pianos stored, 75e monthly Pianos bought and sold tjr cash only. . Corner teiark and Tenth Streets. BIQ PIANO SALS. Positively every piano now In ioc. new or used, has oeen re duced to prices unneard oX sinca the war. tur new pianos include KIMBALL, "HADDORFF. HINZE. C1.AKEXDOV. PLAYERS. GRAXDi UPRIGHTS. Shop srronnd. then see oar blf piano bargains; you wlil then bo convinced both as to quality rand to pries. Terms arranged. EEIBERLIXG-LUCAS MUSIC CO, 125 4th st. near Washington. TTOO WANTS A P.EAL. SNAP? $120 Columbia Grafonola. used about 3 months, and 100 aelec-, tlons. Wo offer the whole 'business for $i.&0 nd easy terms If desired. MISH FURNITURE CO.. ISS-1'JO FIRST ST. 1 PIANOS NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS AT INVITING PRICES AND ON CON VENIENT TERMS. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO, SEVENTH FLOOR. REMOVAL PALE. LOOK AT THE BARGAINS. $!n Cremona, sale price I 34. .10 $1.10 Stradivara. sale price 100 00 Jim Cremona, sale price 4i.r' $!.".0 Vtctrola 12.100 $110 Telatone 73 ,J0 2u0 Edison 175 OO $!-0 Columnl 75.00 , i. coiumno fls.ju CONVENIENT TERMS. i'ehiiy music co, 4-7 Washington St TRADE your oM piano for a bmnd new phonograph. Call Piuno De partment. Marshall 0000. UPMAN, OI.FE A fee vent h Floor. FHOXOGRAPH FOR SALE. Owner leaving city will sacrifice oeati liful ma hog any elm: trie phonograph a less than ha f- price; all metal parta fuiiy gold trimmed and entire instru ment lik? new; hpre is a real snap, B H. Corbt-tt. room 2'.0 Portland Hotel . lrV b WILL. st:i your piano-player or phori ofrraph. tur you: we charge you 5- p" cent for our services; no storage chanrva Piano tfr Phoninrraph Kxch. Co.., Koom 500. 27u i Wash, at., open till 7 o'clock. WE WILL, allow you $1H on your $100 (Interim certificat-1) towards purchase price or a new Jim 5tranivara. colum b:a or Ht-ywood-Wakeficlil phonopraph. lialance on easy terms. Hyatt Talking jw.icnine ro ; amt pi. i.ij Vii,TiiOL- ouiflt t lo rccur. i.a: . $73 Peloubet organ (walnut). 123: 1100 Kimball organ (oak), cine ah ape. 1 1-5 Brunswick phonograph oak). $75; JMi Kdison outfit, like new oak, $150; Harold S Gilliert. Yamhill at. FOK 8 A LK 18-foot awninc, good as new; window trlmmlntrs, curtains, etc., double flat -top oak record shelves aud booths. PKRRT MUSIC CO., 411 Washington St. WII.T. TRADE PHONOGRAPH. Beautiful large size cabinet machine nd records tvt piano. Piano 4 Phono graph Kxch. Co., upstairs. Room 50. '7' 4 Wash. St.. open till 1 o'clock. NtW COLUMBIA RECORDS. 5c. A large lot of the3 nw $1 records, ')c;' all new, late papular selections, by Art Hickman, Al Jolson, Nora Boyes, late Hawaiian, etc. Kelstcr'a 233 Mor rison St. liL'Y YUL'K PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S. Remember, we sell you any model of" Ictrola, h.dison, Columbia or Bruns wick up to $1-0 on payments of $5 nmth. Hyatt Taikmtf Machine Co. t.'.o Alder st. PLAYfcsii PIANO, walnut case, beat buy in - town. $3S5 takes It. PIANO & PHONOGRAPH EXCH. CO.. Koom 500. 27U Hi Washington St., cor. 1th. Qpti cvenincs ti'1 7 o'clock. i-IKST-CLASS BASS AND SNARE PHL'M. Cost $65. price $37. :n); $10 down. $5 B month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., a.'.o Alder st. tVIAAU It'MMi A.NL. hti-AiKiMi. Kaf onabie. guaranteed ork. bjr ex perts. SKinERT.TVG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. l-.-J7 4th St. Tall Main 834 BRUNSWICK. Fln fl"' Brunswick and IftO fine records, used It'.ss th.n a month; cost -'50, price $lfir. Call K. Kth st. n:ir Itivision. I'lANuS and phonttm i pits buuht, sold and exchantzed. See us before buying or filing, liano & Phonograph Exch. Co., upstairs. Koom 500, HXj Wash SL. op-n till 7 o'clock. 1KI."N W U'K phonograph. $115 machine. with $150 motor and lo aVctixda. buuglit tt4t r. a bargaffr fr $75 cash. C'I4 Sell. -VKi Sunday. Monday and Tuesday - t-N uT E PL. A YKK WANTED. I nave cash for a good make In a player piano; mu.t be a bargain; own ers only. AF 374. Or'-gonian lthi LATEST Kruiine Bush & Lane. - large, plain mahogany, almost new; only j;i:m on ttfrms. Brokerage ( Co., 311 AVorr-'-'tfr b!dg. XE A u'i ir'L-i-s pla.vtf iiuiio, golden oak fc c.W, also .ir,o ' records and rack; some thing nite. 1 1M E. Pine Ft., or tele. Ta bor tiss?; co,n or terms: sacrifice. Jr'IRST -CLASS Kdison cylinder horn ma chine nd loo recorda, JlG.oM; $7.50 rtovrn. ?.i per month. Hyatt Talking M:u-hin' Co.. 3"u Alder st. fcUNt-KA lHON-tGi;APH. lie w, pcrtect condition ; In lutilul tone, with 47 very .hoice sfJectiona.- Kinishtd in weathered oak; $HMl vhU. Phone .Marshall HI3K. STUAU I VARA I'-llUN'OGRA PH. Itt-t type ftno Stradivara phonograph just like n-w; price $115; 4it S K. Both st.. near li vision t. YOU SALE I;ano plajt r. beau tiful ton-i and case, like new. Call Sunday r eve innss brtwr.n 5:30 and 7, room 617 M ti . t n man hotel. L fhL OG KA P K iiEPAliil.XG. Any make; guaranteed work. , SSltiERLI.tG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., U5--'7 4ti at. Call Main Sisa. ti ISON cylinder hornless machine "ami im) indestructible records, $75; yjn down. M a month. Hyatt Talking Ma. hin- Co.. 't Ald'T .t. J7J?i GEN L INK Kimball, latest pUin caie. wonderful tone; only UtHi on Urnu. all Wore sT r hide FiXE upright piano, will se.I for casH or trade toward '.ale model Ford or Chev rolet li:l.T apt 17 i iA.'.iJ v ..'.'i -u 101 iiitUcc tiwin pri vate parlies: pay cua Call aiarsaall 1 .'..i'J. K'l! SALE r.ush , good new priri C.,li c,.himbi 1 'J""v .me p.ayer piano; $uuo. terms or civil. jj7 j cab: .E .1 ! Nii-SUN piano, i-'autirul new. Uiu, terms. 311 Worr-sler bid. NEW biirh-gradc 1'ruicess phonographs, luiiv guaranteed. 1-3 retail price. Sua them at -114 Hawthorne ave. liitL'N.SVV lCtv graiono.a sad records, just like pew; con me J'-'-'.'j: will tnke ll.'iO c.ish. T. McIXin.tld. ."-'4 4th st. Main !lli FuR iALE i:-iauu:ul phonograph for x:ij. Ei ereit ?:-ee:. room 21 flTO maho'anv Clirs. Milne. BS.I iv ny o. A lLi.lNGTO.N. tan t teil irum new. real chtap on terms. 311 Worcester bldg. VICTOR phonograph, mahogany horn and mahogany cabinet. Woodin. l.',4. i'Urt SALE Schuman piano, perfect con dition. In private home. Fast S4'i c! KV BYRNE cabinet grand piano. $i'75 cqh; Al ronditior. Aufo. "lo-S'J. IA.MI for rent, Vose upr.i;lil. in excellent condition K ist 7Q1. 1NJ vio.ia Ivr saie. Cull Auto. J41&. FOR SALR l'mooa. Organs unci Musical Instruments. EDISON' Diamond I!sc Phono graph In mahogany, has been used but it's In A-l shape. A . value you'll appreciate at $70. BRUNSWICK . WTTII 12 NEW RECORDS. $75. This machine has been used but little, was exchanged as part payment on larger model: guar anteed In tip top condition. Re member, you get 12 NEW REC ORDS of your own choice with this Brunswick and the price Is only $75. EDWARDS FURNITURE. Fifth and Oak. A Good Place to Trade. " Phonographs and Records on Easy Terms No Interest. COLUMBIA ORAFANOLA AND TEN NEW BRUNSWICK REC ORDS A HEAL BARGAIN AT s $08.50.' Edison with oak cabinet fo match: also 50 records: If new. this outfit would cost you $07. M): 'now It Is a genuine bargain for someone at 127.50. TERMS TO PLEASE TOUR , REQUIREMENT NO INTEREST. EDWARDS FURNITURE. Filth and Oak. USED PHONOC.RAPHS PD rem t- OCTCTC" $ 0 Rex. plays' all records I 27 .50 $ 75 Mandel. oak f? 0 $125 Pathe. oak &5.00 I1.VJ Stradivara 'I0'?? $150 Pathe. oak 120.00 $200 Stradivara 145.40 171 di,. .t.,n 14S.00 $200 Mandel. walnut 155.00 See FOLEY & VAN DTKE'S Phonograph Department. 106 Fifth St. SAVE ON RELIABLE USSD PIANOS. t50 Rerrvwood. oak. sale Price. .. .$250 Gilmore. sale price .1 C7.-.0 ISmnhm hnn'. sa 1a Orlce... $4S5 Lexington, like new. sale price 3-). $.-..-fl Hoffman, mahogany, sale price 4.5 xtuut I.e.inir. oak. sale price....... 4oU FOLET & VAN DYKE. Piano Dept.. 10(! 5th St.. Just Off Washington l'K 1UVK a fine line of good used phonographs at greatly reduced price. v. eo-o Mhtn.i leotrle Driced Yt ...... ........ ....... .......... Pnlnnliil 85 7!i Lorophone $33 Columbia - and -rminv others. Term. G. F. JOHNSON' PIANO CO., 147-... Sixtn m. -. vT.ti a? .'tt a en tin a vn PIANO. Equal to new. wonderfully toned and a beautiful ca-e. not a scratch on IL Sell at about one-half the price of a new nn See this instrument, reasonable tsS!BEROS-CT.reAS MUSIC "CO., 1J5 Fourth St. . .r .llifhtlv used pho noe'ranhs of stSndard makes: Vlctroiaa. Columblas. Brunswlcks. etr.. at a Krt vir, m nric: all nstruments fully puaranteed. Soule Bros.. 1(10 lmta St. nMr Murrifon. A li. CHASE piano, mahnsany ca",5c""'e'! . Just a short time: sold new at 1ST, our nrire liiju. Be sure ana see uiu Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO,. 1 7-14 KIXIII ni. EDISON diamond disc phonograph and ,1.. marhln.s on special sa,e this d machines on special eek. Terms I down. Jl per week and p. Reeil-Krench J'iano MfS. Co.. 1-tD up. Ree and Warh!nc:on. I?Jirv. 7M. Luivkuv i.ixno nlaln walnut, ca.e. . l,.ned and artistic piano. fin- mint see this piano to appreciate It Let us show you. terms arranged clH.i-Mnr.l.iiras Music Co.. 12 J rnurth WEBEH GRAND. p:ayer piano, eplemhd condition: on sale at less than ooe-h"" original price: a wonderful buy Rd-S-renrh Piano llfR Co., Kth and Wash- In g t o nBdwyT5lL BEAfTIFUk Steinway uprleht. ' Vnnrt new: retail tlO. Priced to' sell at $(17.Y terms. G. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 1 4-14it sixtn .--i GENUINE Knabe piano, beautiiuj case, equal to new. al about half the co.t of a new one. See this wonderful barr in Soule Bros., lb.i lUto st near Morrison FINE OAK (" A HI N KT l.u.ioii. .. PHONOGRAPH. Includlnir R selections only nT.S0. rail 12 First, bet. Alder and ash. COLfMBIA phonograph, oak- case. If-rge cabinet machine with records !5 terms giveiv Seiberlins-l-ucas Music Co.. 1-0 Fourth st 600 new 10 and lli-inch Double u.w. Victor and Columbia records. S0cA - ..VSuav'o TtKi'DKU EXCHANGE. 1 r . . . ni.ih In.inn 12S First, bet. Aiuer h,i .. KIMBAIj PIANO, mahogany- case, priced at -- to sen quick. ......... G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. t 147-149 Sixtn '. rivr ion rolumhla grafonola with fS0 worth of splendid records: price I1 '0 down. $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co . S.10 Alder St. ...... .v. tt a unvn nisr! anrt So'selecHons. only M Must be sold Newman's Exchange. lS Flrtt street. near Ainer. ... a Marr-hanii baritone and r tirice f2S. Jin down, !" a month. "Hyatt Talking- Co.. 3S0 Alder st. STRADIVARA phonograpli. obk . ni. new and large assort- St of records: 1R0 value: only 1115 Soule Broa. IOC 10thst nearIorrlson. KIMBALL.' second-hand piano for sal i on nrlce very reasonable. Reed- French Piano Mfe. Co.. li'th and W ah Inslon. n.lwv 7:,0. SECO.l-HANl. u.,i .-ly.r practice I--t'c- terms S", per month, l.eett-t, rentn Piano Jlf. Co.. 12jth and Washington. Ttdwy. SS-NOTE play. r Il mo in excellent condi tion, with S'l rolls of music for .t... rash. This is lefs than half Its real w.lne. A'ttematlc ?T'--.t.". - HAiiDMAN scon, I-han,i plann for ta!e on env terms; price ,.rj French Piano Mfg.-Co.. .'Jth and -Rash- Insren. if"' VAI.l.KV GEM piano i oak case. Just - like new - 431.Y terms. ... (3 F JOHNSON PIANO CO.. H7-14H Sixth St. K1NGER piano, upright cabinet grand, plain marmuany case, at a real bargain: terms. Selberling-Luias Music Co.. US Foirth st. S4ul CVdII ul- buy a a. j. a.o..c ' pian-o practically new. Call owner. bor M"i. iEE IS for bargains in new and slightly " used p'nver plnnos of standard makes. Soii'e Bros.. ir,i; lillh St.. near Morrison. Ll:GK cabinet grand Emerson p no no gralih. mnliocany: nlmost new, $5,0. t hone ,M:iln .i"-, ' " WiLI. tidy casn tor a bimmi ugu i.,aUV or player If Price la right. Address K H7. OreFonlan, L'AVIS & SON piano, used a short time. plain manngany -s.-itHTling-l.ncas Music Co.. 1J5 Fourth. LARGE mahogany cabinet phonograph, VM worth of records: Plays all make: t.'S. ii? Broadwav. FOR SALE Buth & iJine player piano, poo.l as new; rnc . . Call Columbia KI.iBAI.l. piano, plain oaK case, at amui half Price. Bee II. lerme b.rlir.-l ""s'.c Co.. P.' Fourth st. M-liT CASH" run TjED PHONOGRAPH HKCORDS. Viin 44!":.. First. Aut. B27-4H P. S. WICK piano, nae m-. L-nui.,u case: real o;ii?s;". - Tlh St.. near .Morrison TJCFSHFU snxophone.-Nf'. melody "C." tri'p:e nickel-piated. gold beil. Phone E. l.v.'l. M A.HOGANY cabinet phonograph: plays ' all makes of records: Marshall 47.10. KINC.SUL'RY piano, oak case, less than half price, terms. Seiberllng-Lucas Music- Co.. l''S Fourth st. FXCF.I.l.EXT care and storage given "piano In cx" 4iibc 1,-r ue - of same. East 4.V1. ' a 1 tit. UL-v S -' Wagn.r nun,., ma- h"g.iny. terms 311 Worcester bldg. KIMftAl'L piano. Sou'e Br"S.. l'"' mahogany-case:, a snap. HTh st.. nenr Morrison. fjiKl McCAMON piano, upright; oniy 311 11 QrCrsiei imH. RENT a phor.osrapn; beat juakes. HarolU S Gilbert. SS Yamhill st. (74d I.CDW1G, just new, cheap on terma. 311 Worcester bldg. JACOB DOLL, fine condition, ouly J-J73. terms. 311 Worcester bldg. l. :o NEW Columbia- grafunol. an(i - cash for used piano. .Main 4424. s PHONOGRAPH OR RECORDS WANTED , Main 4435 1-3 Flrst. near Alder. W ANTE P G ,od Mnrshall S7"!. toned piano for cash. FATHE phonograph. Al shape. Hi rec- ordsjOj- T;ibor 7SSB. SMALL vfbirola for sale, tio. East 1Si'.2. Furniture for rials. 1 WICKER chair and rocker, beautiful gilt framed French beveled plate mirror. lx-W lo., 31M SaJnjon, . - FOR PAI.K. Furniture for tale. yOW TS THE TTMR TO USED FURNITURE. BUT BUGS. STOVES. ETC. WM. GADSBT & E0XS. First and Morrison Sta. A EETTEK PLACE TO TRADE. Oak dining; chairs with -new : seats, each 2.00 High back -rocker, rood as new. ralue J15 1 SS Library tables with maga xine rack ends T.95 Hall rack with bevel plate mirror and brass hooks.. 4.S5 Sanitary steel couch In good condition 7-63 Reliable gas water heater. slightly used 1T.50 Large kitchen cablnet. In good condition .......... 22.50 Good quality Inlaid linoleum. " per yard .75 Heavy oak dining table, ex tends 6 feet 11-73 Good ail-steel good as new , bed springs, . 8.3 Colonial oak dresser, heavy plate mirror 36. SO Large administer rug, ll-3x 12. value t95 33 50 Steel ranges for wood or coal, guaranteed 19.50 Iron beds, large assortment as low as 2.7S TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD, WM, GADSBT A SONS. First and Washington Sti. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOB. LESS. ' Iron Beds Chairs f 1 75 .... 1.2.1 . . . . 2.50 .... 1.50 Rockers Bed Springs Extension. Ta.ble Mattress Kitchen Treasure ,. Solid oak Dinins- Chairs, with 7.50 2. 50 4.00 leather seat 4.50 Four-burner gas stove 12.n0 Dresser 12.00 Small-sized library table. ... - 6 50 Coal or wood Range... 37.50 9x12 Grass Rug . .. . . . '. 6 00 OWL FURNITURE, CO. PELLS FOR LESS. e- 18C-18S First SL 75 Feet South of Morrison. SALE OF RUGS. . SALE OF RUGS. Don't fall to see our window display of rugs, the prices will surely astonish you. Here are two examples: 84xlOi4 Wilton rag. a beauti ful pattern, with old nose predom inating. $125 value for $72.50. 27x50-inch all-wool velvet rugs, B neat designs to choose from, re duced to $2.75' each. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-180 FIRST ST. OAK chiffonier with five good sized drawers. Special price $14.75. Ivory trlpple-mlrror dressing table. Special price $17.50. Good-sixed buffet with . large beveled mirror 10x38 Inches. Spe cial price. $1:0.50. - Oak library table, small size, special price- $10.50. - STAR FURNITURE CO., 100-162 1st St.. Corner Morrison. BARGAINS IN DAVENPORTS. Unlfold bed davenport with oak frame and genuine Spanish leather back and seat: the kind that will fold with a full thickness mat tress and necessary bedding: cost $135 2 months ago, now $09.50; also a mission davenport with massive oak frame and 3 loose Chase leather cushions, $75 value for $37.50. Terms to suit. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-190 FIRST ST. IVORY BEDROOM SET, consisting or a handsome Bed, treseing Ta ble with 3 Plate Glass Mirrors and a Chiffonier. All are orna mented and this Is a regular $110 set r only $no...0. Easy terma. We charye no Interest. GEVURTZ Fl'R.VITT'RE CO., THE DIG STOKE. All Under One Roof. No Branch v St-treF. IS.". FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Duuia Frum YamhllL SPECAI sale on brass beds, sprinjrs and mattresses; bit? assortment to choose from; ail reduced for this week. Druss bedi am cheap as STAR FURNITURE CO., 1G0-102 1st St., Corner Morrison. BUV FURNITURE- DIRECT FROM FACTORY. Dressing table, top lf.::3. center French mirror lL'x-0. side mirrors TxJO. ivory or oak finish. Price ltl.7.". Drenst-r 16xlS. mirror 16x24. $17.7."i. Combination chair and table. Trioe $.VJo. English breakfast table. $1.25. Kitvli?n treasure -'Sx4.'. $.."( UNIVERSAL WOODWORKING CO.. . UK) N. Thjrd.- corner Flanders. LARGE selection of new and used hlsh-jrrade rues In all sizes and beautiful patterns. Priced as low . as $15. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 3 GO-III- 1st St., .Corner Morrison. MODERN" style dresser with two large and two small drawers; has a jFmd -sized mirror. Special price $17.50. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 1G0-1&! lst St., Corner Morrison. WONDERFUL overstuffed davt-nitort, up holstered in riuh ux . velour. springs everywhere, including cushions, big pil low arm. new camel back desljrn ; also Pathe ActuMle phonograph, niahofra,ny case, the $000 sire, and pood st-lectio, of records, practically new; must sacri fice at once. Phone Sellwood U7t2. STEEL RANGE. $15; heater. $ S ; gas nnc butr1. i . ; rounn oak fiininti table, dinins chairs. kitchen rhatrs. $1.25; washstand, fl.f.0; bed, springs and mattr-i. $5; rockers. t' ', couch. $10; rufts and enrpet cheap. East n".7. 11 Grand a'-e. N. DON T sitof ii ynur lurnuur if 'mic east or .to CaJilornia. We can av you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. -.C. M. OUtui Tran'fT -Se tivri;! Co., 24 Pine )t. FOR SALE BY OWNER New and used furniture business, esiaousnea J years, e pi en did location, clean stock, no junk, $ 1 .'.mi. AP IS. Oregonian. WILLIAM AND MAR V design buffet. Jacobean oaK ; aso com htnatlon wood and coal heater. 645 E. 47th st. N. L'RNITUKE of 4 rooms for sale, reason able; apartment lor rent, cheap. 185 Caruthers street. Mrs. Walsh. BLUE and tan 0x12 Brussels rug; good con- WILTON maroon rug. sice Ixl2. sliirhtly OAK BUFFET. xceilent condition, $20 Wdln. vins. ACCOUNT ot leaving city wait to stll lurnuure. i none iiaranaJi s.ui. FOIt SALE. Furniture fifr Sale. OWL FURNITURE CO. Special sale prices for this week. 18 yards extra heavy Axmlnster stair carpet, a beautiful green shade, J1S. , - New ;otton' felt 4o'lb. mattress, fancy art ticking, rolled edge; a Teal 16 mattress for $0.50. Dining set. mission weathered oak. massive; round table, large ped . estal, 4 chairs, genuine leather seats, one a carver. Buffet to match; all for $40.50. Drop-head Singer sewing ma- . chine, JVi.SU. Bed spring and mattress, steel . spring, heavy iron .bed. new 45 pound cotton felt mattress, fancy ticking, rolled edge, complete for $17.50. Beautiful Kimball organ." walnut case with mirror. It Is Impos sible to describe the beauty oX -this organ, and the price Is only $39. 43-In. William and Mary dining table, mahogany finish, genuine leather seat chairs to match, will sell at a bargain price. $68.75. Monday only. Library table, magazine racks on ends. $11.50. A B gas range, canopy top. four burners, self-lighter, glass doors. , nicely enameled, aj good as new. connected for 37.50; this is a snap. Genuine leafher davenport which has been Used somewhat, but as good as new and all- worth what we are asking. $44.00. Drop-head shewing machine, two drawers, $9.50. 6 golden oak dining chairs, gen . ulne leather seals, French less, at $4 65 each. Solid oak dresser, large mirror. for $16.50. OWL FURNITURE CO.! SELLS "FOR, LESS. 1SW6S FIRST ST. 75 Feet south of Morrison. WHT PAT MORE? THIS WEEK WE OFFER 9 xl2 Gold Seal cnngoleum art caroets for. .. .'.$10.80 I10V4 Gold Seal congoleum art carpets" for 9.45 9 x 0 Gold Seal congoleum art carpets for 8.40 74x 9 Gold Seal congoleum art carpets for 6.75 o x u t.oid Sea congoleum art carpets for 5.40 We absolutely guaranfee these carpets to be the genuine Gold Seal congoleum. every one sold under a money-back guarantee If not sat isfactory. SIISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 FIRST ST. LARGEST STOCK "OF USED FUR NITURE on the Pacific coast. 50.0,0 square feet of floor space devoted to bargains In new and used Furnftwre at prices so much lower than the big uptown stores that you - will be-amazed. .Easy: terms; we charge no interest. GEVURT55 FURNITURE CO., THE BIG STORE. , All Under -One Roof. - No Branch Ptores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill. ; WHO "WANTS A REAL SN'APT $120 Columbia Grafonola. used ahout 3 months, and 100 selec tion's. We offer the whole busfnej-rs for $99.50 and easy terms if desired. ' MISH FTTRVTTFRE CO., .. 188-90 .FIRST ST. SPECIAL SALE ON" BEDS. Two-inrh continuous post bun - palow beds, finished In white. Ivory or Vernis Martin. Special pricj, while they last, $0.85. STAR FURNITURE CO-1G0-162 1st SL. Corner Morrison. JEWEL pas ranee with ilirh oven and broiler; has four burners and a simmerer. Special price $1!).75. r STAR FURNITURE CO., 1C0-1G2 1st St,, Corner Morrison. Z-A RCE overstuffed rocker finished in imitation Spanish leather. Spe cial price $17.50. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 1C0-1G2 1st St., Corner Morrison. LKS ti)an one-naif original cust. two Simmons steel twin beds in walnut fin Irth: springs and mattres. for name, wal nut chiiTonler. two blronm chairs, bid side table, three Indian rujra; all 0 ne w; muK be seen, to bt apprctateil ; price fr entire lot $215. For particulars pnone Aiiiip ti,'.i. room r.'. FURNITURE for sale, walnut bedroom set and bookcase ; Iron bedstead and two springs; cak dlninsr table; chairs and other bousehold goods: terms cash. 17."'A East 3-".th t. Tabor 724. OVERSTUFFED davenport with 3 large genuine jjoose-feather cushions and best tempered steel springs; a bargain:' also ftimed oak dining room suite, cheap. East R?.?A. PARTY Raving city, will sell cheap, dav enport, piano, two rockers of oak, hall rack, dish, chair, -bookcase, mirror on mission stuntf, mahogany table. 4S5Ji Ofith st. S. tz. ni.i-J.4. I' ARTY going east will sell Steinway grand piano; mahogany case. In ex cellent condition ; also Japanese print by Helen Hyde for sale. D 40. Ore gnnian. LEAVING town, will sell fumed oak din ing room table, dining room rug. con goleum rug. baby bugey, " bassinet, oak rockr. slop jar. Marshall 34GS. 01)8 Thurman st. - ' AM LEAVING city, .will aeil my brand new furniture of C rooms? at biir sricrtrice for cash; house for rent, all modern conveniences..'' Williams ave.. near Ooinr st 1 MAHOGANY square center .table, 1 onyx -stand, 1 4-hurner gas stove. 1 oak dresser and other household goods. Call N. '17 Tr-nfno nvp f 1 Hi COLON 1 A L sideuuid. lf-s than half price: J!on Gravity washer, very cheap: new Internarional dictlonarj at sacrifice. Ea5t 1440. - r 1 NO. S RANGE. 'good as new; 3 Charter Oak neater, cneap; i nox coucn. aji ror sale at a bargain. Phone E. 3782. Etna apt.. E. Rnrnslde. NEW.ALCAZAR combination range; also dining table and six leather-seated chairs, for sale reasonable, 472". Union ave. N. MOliKF! N' 1 4-rcmm upper flat lor rent: furnliuie for sale; inuimie $:::.n fcr mo., befides your own classy ".-room apt. Male 4 s I s. ?'! Vt Everett st. FOR SAI-E A tripb- mirror, can be at- lacntii to tame or nresser, or nang; price $2. 242 Ttrowdway. Al'iUKTKU furniture, golden wax finish oak dining tame, manogany uavenport. orioie gocart. gas range, ;ji Jefferson. TWO D! -S S E RS. hedf, din:ng table and chairs. Morris chair, rugs, heating stove. East Ut"". or call ii-' bast Taylor. FUR SALE Child's. Vernis Martin bed an4 mitttress like new: sidebcnrrl un,l table. .-.(W)'A Park gt. Mar. SI 5. GOOD furniture in six-room flat, flat for rvnt reasonable; 5 minutes' walk, Owner. 2')a I4tn st. FUR MTU RE for sale, house for rent. 4i)2 Inouf 100 yards Axmlnster carpet. Call . , . . srA TT r lOtifl FOR SALE Golden .ik dining room se-. g leather chairs. 4S-in. table. Main BOSS. LIKE NEW tapestry overstuffed set; bar gaJn. H E. 44th st. N. FOR SALE Furniture S-room apartment; $200; leaving city. Call Main. 7 S01. FOR SALE. rurofiiire for Sale. A place where you can buy your household necessities for less. Make your dollars count. Come down and glance through our large stock- of new and used furniture and hardware.- -WORDS ARE ONLY WORDS. BUT PRICES SPEAK: FOR THEM SELVES. We are offering a carload of bargains this week, but can only mention a few. - - FOR THE KITCHEN,, Odd cup each 5 cents. Odd plates, each lo cents. Odd bowls, each 10. cents. Granite diFhpans. each 55 cent. Blue and hite teapots (granite). each fiO cents. Alumfnum perculators. reg. $2.75.- each $1.85. Triple-coated teakettles only $t.!5 each. Hundred of other articles for the home at prices that are-right. BOW-BACK CHAIRS. While they last: brand-new bpw back chairs only $i-.S5 each. TCTJFOLD parenplrt. genuine SDanlsh leather, golden oak, reg. $C5. now $5.1 50. Davenport. craftsman Ieatner, golden oak. reg. $55. now $43 50 We have purchased this week a Tot of ranges through an Irregu lar source which enables us to offer ranges at about half price. Our line pf new and used ranges Is surely worthy of your In spection. Here are just a few of the tnapy bargains. Peninsula range. B-hole, guaran teed; special. JlS.fWV Fee this in our window. Charter Onk range, a dandy; spe cial. $2250 Brand new Windsor range, regu lar $63. special $.17.00. Brand new Windsor range, reiru lar $so. with reservoir; .special, 47.00' Brand new Kitchen Maid, fill nickle trlrbmed, regular -.$5: special $48.50. Polished top range. 6-hole. full white enameled; regular $00.00; Hperlal. $09,50. Malleable No. 9 brand new. 20-ln. oven; on'v one left; reg. $115; special, $72 50. FLOOR COVERING. All patterns of floor covering special this week, only 55 cents square yard. ' COTTON OR FELT MATTRESSES. WTiIle thev last; special this week only $B50. These mattresses are mattresses that were selling for twice this amount and are first-class mer chandise and ought to be investi gated. , Yum Yum sprlncs, brand new; special this week, only $3.75. Coil springs, brand new ; special this week, only $12.50. Pee bur ad of specials In hard ware. In the For Sale Miscellan eous column. And -don't forget. A Levin guarantee with evry purchase. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NEW RUG? We have a line of new and used rues that may be what you are 1 looking for. We have several cheap rugs that would be suitable for rooming houses-that won't cot a fortune. These rugs are In all sizes and will cost from $5 up. We also have many of the better rugs that we can save you some money on. 27x54 Smyrna rugs, fine pattern, new; reg. $8; special. $5.75. 8-3xJn-n Axmlnster seamless rue. In dandy pattern: special. $3!. 50. Some real large rugs that we are offering at about price. DRESSERS. DRESSERS. A beautiful dresser with 10x24 plate mirror; special. $10 00. A dandy solid oak dresser. ?2t2S French mirror: special. $29.00; Many others from $12 p. These are just a few of the many bargains that we have to offer, but we would consider It a pleasure to uhow you through our stores. Wheather you are In the market for your goods now or -later It will be to your benefit to aee us before you purchase your household goods. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE COMPANY. 221 -3-B Front St Main f)072. Cor. Salmon. Credit if desired. WE HAVE PURCHASED THE CON TEXTS OF A FIXE LAUR EL HURST HOME, consisting of fhe mahogany furniture. It is all just like new and we list below a few of the bargains with the selling price now and the price they cost a few weeks ago: FINE MAHOGANY NAPOLEON BED. cost $85, for :!0...0 BIG SOLID MAHOGANY DAV ENPORT TABLE, cost $S5. now for $50. riO SOLID MAHOGANY WILLIAM AND MARY LIBRARY TABLE. cost $05. for . ?2.0 3-PIECE CANE PARLOR SUITE, upholstered' in bavy figured velour. cost $273, and just like new for $107.50 MAHOGANY FINISH CHIFFON IER. Adam design, cost $'', " for $:t!.oo MAHOGANY ROCKER covered in tapestry for $27.50 MAHOGANY TEA WAGON f c . r only $22.50 And many other good bargnins in slightly used up-to-date furni ture. You can buy all or part and we shall be glad to give you easy terms without Interest if it is not convenient to pay cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. THE BIG STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill. MOVING -MUST i;8l.L. Clendale rng. 012. never used. Beau tiful $To lady o:tk wrtttn desk. $"o. Hffndsome electric table lamp. 2 pair or rim curtains, fir cns- of .T drawers. $5. ' rope portieres, fllk portieres, brass can- n fa lira ana in isrfiiH iihuh nrunfR. .tinr. .Vil. FOR SALE Wood -and coal range.. $40 ; liiburuer feriecuon on cook siove, .; bed - and springs. $12; box couch. $lu: new Perfection firelets cooker. $15: all od condition: no. neaiers. voin. tiii.i. FuK SALE I Folham seamless velvet rug, size n ' u , iiiviiuio, fut. oifi Glenwood avenue. Sellwood car. EAUTIEUL furniture like new. reason able; have what you want, sell by piece. Main 71 "". HOUSEHOLD furniture, also piano, type writer- BHU tainoiu. v-r' iui uppuiui ment. No second-hand dealers. DINING room set for sale, five chairs. carver ana cum i-numi-i u waxea oak. . East 443L , FOR SAl.K or trade, combination range, A-l condition. Phone East - n230. FURNITURE of living room and dining . room. CU Tabor ySO after Sunday, FOR- SAT.E. Furniture fur Sale. COME TO MISH FURNITURE CO. IT PAYS OTHERS IT WILL PAY YOU. Whether you wlh to purchase an entire outffty or a sin pie ar ticle," you'll fd that you can always do "better here and you may settle the hill In small weekly or monthly payments without an extra penny charge. Of course we cannot tell you of all our bargains, but the follow ing will give you a pretty fair Idea of our exceptionally great values. . $21.0f Simmons' steel beds. 2-inch continuous post beds. -Inch fillers $10.75 Interlink "De Luxe springs. (full size) r. .. ; 9.S5 Iron beds from $4.00 to 10.00 $10.00 high drop-side steel cribs now " "9.75 Square dining tables low as. 4.50 Square dinnlg tables low as. 4.50, Solid oak dresser (new) at.. 23.50 Ivory dresser as low as.... 22.50 $225.00 overstuffed daven- port, upholstered In high grxd mulberry velour. re duced to 125.00 $100 tapestry davenport . . overstuffed - 57.50 -piece fiber suite, compris ing chai-Be-lounire and two : chairs with spring seats and cretonne upholstering, worth $150. now 75.00 Solid mahogany davenport table. Queen Anne design, regular, $100. for u 73.00 Genuine mahogany spinet desk, colonial design, fin ish antique brown. This beautiful piece Is- slightly used, cost $125. now only. 55.00 New 4-hole "Dangler" gas ranges, price instatled for this week only 87.50 ."Windsor" -hoIe steel ranges, brand new. re " duced to 5"-50 MISH FURNITURE CO.,. 1SS-190 FIRST ST. . FIRE SALE, MEIER & RANK STOCK of hlgh-rrade Furniture and Dra peries, slightly damaged In ware holso and removed to 349-351 OAK ST. i Between- Broadway and Park (across from the telephone com pany). Now being closed out at practically your own price. Extension tables, values up to $150, now $1 Oup. Buffets ' to match, now $25 up. Chairs (walnut and man.,) half price. Iron beds, now $2 up. De Luxe springs, reg. $20.50, now $5. Matresses (cotton), now $5 up. Day bed springs, now $7.50. Reed chairs and rockers, now $5 each. . Dressing tables (triple mirrors) $15. Davenport tables, (mah.), $15 up. 5f0 French plate mirrors (all sizes), $1 up. DRAPERIES. Mohair plush, reg. $12, now $3 yard. fifl-In. tapestry, reg. $5, now $1.50 yard. RfS-in. tnpestry reg. $1.75, now 75c yard. BO-In. velour, reg. $7,-now $3.50 yard. Art tickings, reg. 00c, now 30c yard. . Linings, assorted, 15c. Remnants at your own price. S49-351 OAK ST. 'FURNITURE SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-3-piece Ivory enameled bedroom suite, dressing table with tripli cate mirrors, chiffonier with mir ror and bed to match, all hard wood, ruflnlshed and a good bar i .gain for $5: Urge size sHd oak ctri-sacF, $27.50: ash chiffonier with mirror. $24.50; Ivory enam eled dressing table with triplicate mirrors. $22.5"; old ivory enam eled chiflvnler, -22.5u; 5-plece parlor suite, mahogany finished frame, green velour upholstering, in good condition, $;l"; 3-piece hardwood bedroom suite, dresser, bed- and wad stand. $25; arm rockwis, $2.5"; common chairs, $1 5"; bed . davenport. $40; cook stoves. $10; ran-,'.'?.' $2u up; gas ranges. $12. All our stovus and rnnses guaranteed. Kitchen treas ure. $4; baby beis, $2.50 up; ronm-vtza rugs and carpets, 5"c yard up; electric plate. $4; 40 lb genuine felt mattiysses (new.), special $7.50; beds, any size, $2.50 up; bed springs, $1.50 up; and a verv complete line of house fur nishings at new low prices. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. com plete furnishers. New and used furniture sold- on easy pay ments. No Interest and free de livery in city or surrounding coun try. For out-of-town customers we pack, crate and deliver to wharves or depots free of charge. We are the original WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY of 15 continuousOears In business. No connection wTth other salvage and junk dealers. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY. 191 2d St., bet. Tamhill and Taylor. . Don't Mistake the Address. PHONE MAIN 3751. FOR SALE Mattresses 1 He A. & W. New-I'rocess nianresars, uest in urejjnn, 4u pounds, nil cotton. $7.50. Fifty pounds, nil cotton, for $S.,S5; best Java silk floss A. it W. mattress for $18.75. Fiftv pounds wool mattress, made by A. & W . , for $ I f.25. T hese n re all b f snaps at special prices. None to deal ers. Not over st' to a customer. PEARLMAN BROS.. YELLOW FRONT. S4 and fi Grand five. FOR SALE "GOLD SKAL CONGOLEUM." every yard guaranteed. This Is riot tar paper made by a roofing company, but genuine "Gold Seal Congoleum." Ucguiar price $1.25 per yard, big special at 75c. Nine by 12 "Gold Seal" for $11 0x0 "Gold Seal Congoleum" for $S; 6x'j "Gold Seal" for $4. Mi. I'K A IlI.MAN Bl.TtS . x Yellow Kront Kurnit tire .Store. M and '' Grand ave. A DTNTNG room suite, snlfd oak (mission itvieV buffet, dining table, 6 chairs. Call Tabur r,0M". U N E OVERSTUFFED davenport and overstufid chair to match; 1 ivory bed. springs, matt reK. and canned fruit. Leaving town, t ail Mo no: ay. h.. .Mil. LEAL'TIFL'L Louis XVI dining suite, old ivory enamel on mahogany, with de p cardinal velvet hangings and carpet to nmtchj also oriental ruga. Main 2U7C. HOUSE for rent, furnishings of 4-room cottage for sale; income pays rent; walking distance. :- FIN EST made overstuffed brown, leather davtenport for sale at bargain. Plione ONK OVERSTUFFED upholstered tapestry nUnlr a r, . 1 rnri;r for raIp f-'n a n ''-'"i Mill.' FOR SALE Doicesllc sewing machine in snort condition. Anto. 21:1-44. ACORN RANGE, coiled; a real bargain, . jaO. 10 45. -tl st. S. Cull Tabor f. FOR SAl.K Furniture for Snle. USED MAHOGANY DIXINCt ROOM - SET. 'S-lnch Dlnln Table f mahncany. hsnrtsome Buffet and 4 hif:h-harlc i.a!rs to match, up holstered in penulne blue leather, all In-the handsome William and Mary deslpn. This Is a reRUlar M0 set and just like new. $14,7 ..O buys the set. Easy tetma; no In terest. GEVVRTZ FrRNTTT-RB CO.. the ma STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. '18.7 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 Doors From Tamnlll. FOIl SALE Complete iron bed. Yum Vum .nHn. n n .t jil.iviiinH A - A all cotton mattress. The whole out'it for $14. Two-inch continuous post steel .bed. with a coll steel spring, guaranteed for 2.T years, and a 4o-pourid all-cotton a. ec w. ninttrt-ss. complete outin. PEARLMAN IIKOS., Yellow Front Furniture Store. S4 and s Grand v. FOR SALE, cheap, one I-lnch post brass bed and springs; one double bed. coll springs; Rood Acorn oak heater, electric healer, ivory enamel wood bed. nano somely decorated: new lawn mower, fn ft. pardon hose and connections; parden implements, etc. Must sacrince ioaa Call East R21 T. kot: sai.k. TtRASB tin- RSTI.Y WORTH MORE. Bt'T HAVE NO ROOM. FIRST CUiIIS GETS JT. 115S E. YAMHILIj. COB STH. FOK SAIE t.'ne quarter-sawed oHk din Ina room suite, also combination book case, both colonial deslpn and almost cw. ' Inauire Sunday after 4 P. M- at 10O Enst 15th st. Phone East 7T14. FOK SALE 1 3-burner cas range with oven; good condition; i Phone Auto S2R-0V - Office FMrniture. OFFICE EQUIPMENT. 1 yo. 3 Underwood typewriter with stand. I 1 onk swivel chair and three , straight back office chairs. 1 heating- stove. 1 Shaw & Walker filing cabinet 1 Trlpllsraph autograjphlo ag ister. , . PACIFIC ENC.TNEFRTXa AND EOL'ir.VENT CO.. 3. FIRST. ST PORTLAND OR. KDWY. 2000. , PRACTICALLY new mahogany flat top desk. 5 chairs, including swivel to match: typewriter, stand and green vel vet rug. Main 412a. WP1 HAVE made a big price reduction on our entire stock luf new and used orrice egu ir.ii uipment. Wax Office Equipment 31 N. run. KOwy. FOK SALE CIIKAP Roll ton desk. ch.-VIrs. heater, gas lamp; office rent paid until ilarcn l: open unnay. .-u Hurnslde st. CHEAP for cash, one roll top desk, one Itemnlgton No. 11 typewriter and cabi net. One letter file. "3 Title fr itiihi Hid?. Phone Tabor 1H13, or Tlilwy. 32.iS ROLL-TOP ile?k. 7 fist top desks. S typewriter desks. L stocks 1i . ec r.. ;nes, S' safes. 7 bookkeepers' desks. 12 chairs. TtiiFhopir Co.. ni t-arn st. SA1-'K. roll-top desk, revolving chair, flat table' with 6 drawers. Main S201 or East ?1fi5. -. ' , FOK SALE" to private parties, office fur niture. 3 do'ka and 0 chairs 314 Abintt ton bldff. Main S24. ROI.LTOP tlESK. good condition, cheap for Lash. 4.10(4 Alder st DESK chair and files, 'also safes. St.. bet. Oak find Pine. 70 fith ROLL-TOP resk. Jjo. 71S Il.kum lililn. Typewriter.. UNDERWOODS FROM J35 UP. OLIVERS. J.1S. T.. C. SMITH. J10 MACHINES FROM 1.1 UP. LARGE1T RRVilXSTKrCTRP ASSORT MENT IN NORTHWEST. YEAR'S (IT'A R ANTEE ON ALL. WE CAN FURNISH THE MACHINK YOU WANT AT THE RI'JHT PRICE. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 WASHINGTON ST. ' PRICE LIST ON REQUEST. DUA.N fci IIAHS.VTKKU T V I'K VV HITItll SERVICE. All maVes overhauled. Experts RE PAID. ESTIMATES' ON REQI'EST. fluv. sell, rent and exchange. Supplies. Auto matic r.jn-MI. Vain :I!I7. 124 4th st. het. Wa5h. and Alder. Over Circle theater P.EF1UILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairing supplies Distributors COROVA portable SUNDSTUAND adding ma chines. Main 22.S5. E. W. Pease Co.. no Sixth st WILL exchange new. phonograph for type. writer. Hyatt talking aiacnine ua, sr.d Alder st. . FOR SALE Oliver No. 9 typewriter, only used a few times. -o. f.nili union ave. N Phone East a24". REPAIRS. rent. buy, sell; siippltea Typewriter Inspection Co.. 312 Stark st. Main .V4l' NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at rut rates. P. If. to., vl gtara si. main m.ii. UNDERWOOD portable with case, condition. ill- arara St. ALL MAKtiS renlecl and repaired. Oregon TYPKWKI in . Vi oin fl main n"o NEW ROYAL No. 1U, little ued: sell cheap. 4311 Nonrswesicrn nana piug. CASH for used No. in Remington, In good condition W 4r.i. reconian FOR SALE New .Oliver r.o. MO. Wood lawn ftisl Poult ry. 'Ml W. L. I'i'I.I.KTS, English strain, good ones; now laying fin p-r cent: for sale. $1..( each. C. O. Matlock. Clacka mas. Or. ' WHITE Plymouth Rock egus for haieh- lnir from pen headed by 2ii7-egg male. T. I. Kirkpiitrlek, 7."i2ll ti.til ave. S. E. Auto. filS-.-.l. S. C. fc.s'cll.loM y. i,,ili L.1A. tiun.v oani chicks and setting eggs; iiiciinwuir -ois specialty. Joe Saunders. Portland, Or. poyte i. PARTRIDGE Wyandotte settings, no pul let eggs, old. mallireil siock. won nrsi prir.e nil shows this yi nr. Tabor WANT TO UUl . one t.nlden-crvssei! cockerel. ror saiq, v Diiniams. t,an Woodlnwn i!:ii4. WHITE LECHORN males, O. A. C. di rect, or liunson eirnin, j-o eacn. ii bor 7."ia. EXCHANtjE 2 Toulouse geese. Plymouth roclt rooster, i puiieis lor large incu-bato- 1203 E. 0th St.. N. .Tessup st. BABY CHICKS Six varieties. best stock. prices reasonsoie; corrLwooouenvw in vited. C N Needhnm. Sslem.-Or TRY' ANOELO S It. 1. It., four pens niated for niiTcning egss. cockerels and pul- ,.ts for sale. 700 .dilwaukle. Sell. 312 (4 FOR 2 THOROUOHRRED While Lei- horn roosters. j.i v vun. w J.. i.ji- rigon lUTOll.VG EGOS FOB SALE. George's poultry farm. R. No. 1, Hills dale. Oregon. Main TfllEI UltO WN Leghorn hens and cocks. White - Legliorn pullets and cockerel. Ii. Madi son and sts.. I aoor car. THtlKOUtSH ORED While Leghorn hatch ing eggs iih sale. n. .veis. auiu. (Mil -11. 201 2. ; COCKERELS Tancred Spi-ciar trap- nested stoc.K, M eiicn. e.i.oo pair. I.illinn M. Thompson, R. .1. Estacada. t ir. FOR SALE One Queen Incubator. J-'l .-egg slse n.'i-a oiic. " i'e, wnumvit, price 12-1- f.12:i S.'.th jiveS. E. TWENTY thoroughbred hlte Leghorn pullets, a lew iieno, n rifii. Lents Auto r.11. 40 FINE T.incria puiieis. an laying, .i.i.i each. .M. Iieaains. I mi. e. oi ci.icaa mas. R I. RED SETII.Mi eggs. i.. per sel- ting. rrani '' .--.,. 1VIHTI-; Holland turkey torn for sale or exchange. at. lriua. iv. v;. i oriianu. FOR SALE Yearling Leghorn hens cheap. STiis st. "IIIOICB Rhode Island Red eggs, l.,v per setting. iiuiaj CHEAP If taken quick. 3U. laying V. L. hens, .vain "--- r,i-F.' Hock" i Incuhatur and eoioplete. Tal'or br e OPf.S. used once, e- WHITE Leghorn pullets, all laving. OJ24 strh I on rt i" . oe-. -n.i e i". ---.i ii WANTED Chicken ranch, close to Port land: owners on.y. - wrvgonian. I R. HATCHI.Mi eggs, choice strain. hoganixed and trapneste.l Tabor i ;:ri. PHKIN DUCKS and"Ancona egg for set tins. Columbia 1170. 72S E. Charleston st. I. R. ROOSTER for .'ale. 430 Marguer ite avenue. Tabor S342. FOR SALE loulouse ganotr or trade for INK PEN of 1" m. bl. -Minorca?. Savier st. Mar. MK. vvhitE LEGHORN laying pulieta. J fi"l-ri4. ti-i-t M'n si. e.. THOHOUGHHKEP O. A. C. Darre.l Rock hatching eggs: imai. :aie;t.. i.inor o..:,:i. FRY reasonable, 21 White Leghorn hens. Just tarting to lay. Main 40. FOH SAl I". I'vultry . MA0UIRFS dsv-old chicks. R. T. Reds. Brown Leghorns. O. A. C. Hiirrrd l:ok and White t.-ghorns; all our tL.cks te celv.) the same Intelligent handling that has produced the hsu whieli at tl.e northwest egg-Ia.vlnr contest are nik!ti.t such enviable rt-cords: for Janum) we have a hen tied for first place wilh :U e"gs. as well as Xd place for blshest mar. ketuble valiie of eggs produced. For de pendable laying stock get our clucks Egcs for hatching. Agents for Pioneer electric incubator J. R Magulre, I7 Or.Ht.m st. Phone East l"y MAGUIRE'S day-old chicks. R. I. Pert Hrown Leghorns. O. A. C. Ilarred lioclt and White Leghorns, all our fiocki re ceive the snme Intelligent handling that has. produced -the hen which at the northwest egg-laying contest are mak ing anich enviable records: for -l.muar have a hen lied for first place r. h .11 eggs as nc:i as lid place for highest maiketab'.e value of eggs produced Kor dependable Hiring ..lock get our chicKS Eggs for hatching. Agents f"r Pioneer electric Incul.aiors. .1. it. Magulie, Ti Oregon st Phone Enst Iso'i ELECTRIC ll.U'tllai BAH Y CHIX. Whits Leghorn baby ch:T from FRFK RANOB HOOANl.ED STOCK. We C.UARANTKE safe .rrlvnl of full count, stromr live chlx Price list and Interest ing literature sent upon application. THE POEMI.MANN IIATCHEKT. PETA1CMA. CAU PET ALUM A'S I.EAPINil ttl.ECTRIC PMTCHKUY. BARY chleks and hatching epits. M.-Kentia Park Poultry farm Importers and breeders of English and American slrs'n: S C. White L.-rlinrns. trapuesled. M" egg producer, flock average, we g-:r.r. antes chicks to arrive in good condition and full count Place your order ear'y and avoid disappointment. Price reason able McKeona Park Poultry farm. Mr. Kenna ave and Lombard at., Portland. -Or Col sm HATCHING tggs and bnl.y chicks from .my new quality strain Rose Comb R I. neda: first prise at poultry shew. lli'Jb; eggs from thl mating .." per 1: Pn 2, line breil. direct Tutle irsln. .1; pen S. 2-year-nld hens'muled with fine young cockerel. 2; baby chick, a.'-e nnd 2'.c each; one fine cockerel bird. $". Mr. A. Breck-. roule box 12. Mllw-nikle. i 'r. on.-,-! n Bit 1 Reduction of J-' each on cockerel and a few choice cock birds from continuous ly trapnested pure-blooded While born stock. Come and see our trspne-.t records. 30 minutes from renter of Portland" Urorge' poultry farm. li. No. 1 Hillsdale Oregon M-iln 7IU1.I 11A13Y CHlCIvS Foil SALE. From S C. White Leghorn high lay ing strain: price -' per UM: hook our ordure now. Prospect Poultry rarm. M. H. Mv.-rs. Oregon City. K. 2, box li II. Phone 21 Ft. FOIt SALE Hatching eggs from Tncred and O. A. c. White Leghorns. Ilarre.l Rocks. Rhode Island Reds. IS for II: 100. IS. Duck eggs 11 for 11.2.1. Mrs. C. C Anderson. C.resham. Or. First place south of Ureshain depot on E."ta- ca d a c.a r line. . HAVEN'T Till-: TIME to properly attend chickens, wife hasn't the Incllnatloa; so wlnh to sell mv choice Rhode ls.and Reds, mostlv pu'.iets. now laying: thenf sre from the famous llardcsiy traln. Main !:!.-.. WHITE LEGHORN bahy chicks from heavy laying Hogsnl7.ed stock. Cafe ar rival of full count live, strong chick guaranteed. Price list and Interesting literature on application. Th Pioneer Hatchery 4 jlliih st.. ,P';t"jjmia' c'i" ha n v chicks . , from heavy-l.ivlr.r tTancredl S. C. pU Leghorns' V.tnf worlh ow egir sold In fix monlhs from .'"o hens: orders sio now booked until March .". 1dln. 401!. 1J F.ast Wlnchell st.. citv . FINiJ Uiu f Leghorns and Ilarre.l Itorki, tnte fair winners; cockerel 1: egg: circular free. Hush Farm, route 3. Portland. At Ramapo station, Oreshnm llne) - TlliiROl'UHHRED W. L. bahv chicks from heavy-laying trap-nested iock; also batch'ng cgirs. . PARKVIEW POULTRY FAftM MRwiiikl-. Or. It. 2. I'"X 4,2. , FOIt AI E 2.iO (mo H C. White Leghorn rhlrks from Hoganlr.ed stock. We ship COD 32 vears experience tel s u February Is best time. Truby llatcliery. Petsluma. Cal. BAnTTHICKS. will have hatch of chirks from fine pn of Rhode Island Reds ready for delivery Thursday: 13.1 per 1IMV (ivnorne on r. . i on .. e . . TAVCRKU White Leghorn chirks, '." per 100- M'ad Red 121 Per 100. Fertile egg's Tabor ,",S22. Tsrk Rose Hatchery. Pnrt'.nd, Or. WHITIC LEilHi'RN Orecon am! K. I. hens nnd pullets, ri .2.1 each : portable chicken house and wire. Um E. Stark. Tabor ltd. DECOY duck eggs for hntrhlng. M per 12: Pekln duck ogrs. 2 per 1 J. A. Tlreck. Aroenwain, juiwauaio. v.., 12. FOR s LI'- 'V. U eggs. l .. for soiling, silver Cnmnlne egm. I2..10 per setting ln 1 I! 1. nnd 11. M chrwp. Phone w.'ln 1211 2.-.Q .'re-vlc. WILL sM-hange grey g'"fe. vear-old. for another, same breed. PneK e-res for setting for sale. Phone Tabor 3 .".oy iTVvk few more Silver Camplne cork ere s for sale or will trade or eame breed Fred Teuwher Jr.. Ill.lsiiale, Or Mnln W GFM-JNE Kellerstra.s Willie . .r,..o........ Poultry' Yard. 4219 4Mh ave. S. E.. Wood. stock car Pi,,.. li.hbit. Ilird and Pet Stock. jBET.fin'M'nolIre dor for ale. Tabor 3111. ZIIM C. flimi.e.'", WHY INTERIIREEK when you can breed to champion prlje Pei-slsns for same price? Silver, red or black: s II eastern cats Portland Caf.erv. Pboee nH.e4. LLEWELLYN setters at siild: Count Mor- Ine No. 4itr.;i snn iniia'ii" - Sum. P. R. Whliesldo. lllllsdnle. Or. Ms'n 1i. DR. M. HOWES, veterinarian: dog and ret hnspl'sl: lany airenoani. u.,vp - -e..-.. and dry cleaned: Mankct.' m-lc to order. Phoee Tiber fieflrt . I'.I'CK'S, doe and d.o-s with lll-ers. .rv Zealand, flernisn ..Hint a ii.i .o reasonable. 4.':.0 f.Slh iv. S. E. 2l'.d FOR SALE Fine s.naer. sweet low vol.". beautiful raiiarv venow. F e on wlnir.- ." with cage; alter II A. ... Mala D'eVl. fl-M . : l: i:i-T Aledii'e piii. prainnr.-.l t Tln'irn Tip i op. .a"-v nn. '",'" slock. 2 femabs al 12... !i reer.ess plare. Tal'nr S.,12 m WHITE coi'le pup.. t sill'le.' lo re -lifter; dam Tonka s'red ,by Mollollgai s I ri.i Wli'le' Rose; r.-aonable T.rlees Phone Wa ! t e r Hans en Se' J; It 12 A r. I ens aid ONE male and I female thoroughbred Police llog puppies li.r erne. niy e. Pporting noods Store, Cih floor, .Meier s Frank t o. , AT T. GREEN females. Imported roller Mork eo.irantied to mate right away. Fast '"74, IT Ell E is vour chance Female Airedale. 3 vears fine condition: sire by Druid's Stenn'ey; 0am by Toby. 12.1. Call Tabor r, io2 , 1 1 . ) 1 1 ' !; range and yellow and mix.-.l s'ngers for sale reasonable. Res. f.130 st s. E. rhone nto. r,23-2 1. FOR SLE V.iuiig siii::ers. an. I so; ulo femnlrs clieap: e. slock, come out n n,1 yeo them. Q''.l Unl'-ii ave N W A NT l-'.I i n.T.lon setter male puppy, cl've full information nnd priie. X 423. tiregonl.i n. FINE strain Airedales. .1 mos: old., -male and female. 110 each; m use-TV II both. TCs We.t Lorn ba rd. vp5 KDISON' 11 H- Union ave. 2 collies. ' n Panama and a yellow Mexican, for sale. 4NPl:ESUT'Rii roller finger and fe male" readv for mating. 227'-i Washing ton st. Main 0221 FOR SALE Elcht pair of guinea pi--. . T... . , .r-,,n rnnerr. Call 1 R 1 also E Stth Mt Tabor car. IMPORTED and tr.nned A n-Irea nerg rollers singers. S40 Union ave N. Wood linn 3H"-2. HKtl.THV Intelllsenl. pin j.e.II greed male collie. Sunday only or wnlie lir'.n Kenogg. .-i. FOR SALE. This Is your chance to kitten cheap. Call S-llwr ret a Persian ..I 1C.14. I' t llllll'S A moriran - Spot led Giants an New '.oa III nil Re'N Sell. 2'.'Mi. LI.KWl-lt.V.N rettcr d.'K cli.-op. ,iol sel S.-ll. 3','S.'.. llllll'S. male and lefi ual- : etre FLEMISH. Zealand doe., burkf. blr nriees. 7u K. 1Mb N. Kn i-iiiiii e si .;': l - ' FEMALE" .MAIN 4i". CALL THE STUDIO. llEAL'TlFt'L femal,- '-oil niuliiix cage lo pale Wood la wo 1 '.'UT FOIt SALE Velio, or. Maishnll l1-! St. Andreafl-clg .iiifc,- b'oR SALE Several pair.- Carneau and White Kinn p'geons, East IIH2S. FOR SALE English bulldog, 4 month old, fl-1. Autoinatio 23.1-ld. FOR SALE High-class 11" sirrd l.v Wheatland .Ta.hle. flon puppi. Fan 3210. 41 thoROU ;hhi:ei S 'to . A . T. Van odl Cariiiaux pigeo c-.t ta ge Groi e. FINE California singers. Just received, deep yellow color. Tabor 1 ''.31 . t-l.l! SU.E Pol g .l-.g I a 1 Sunda.y between 0 and 1 ST ANDKEASHEIIC. ro' fonnb's. Auto 2'-i-1 er f.I.gelH. I'e.i- CtAUTlFU L lniier lor ale. Wdin. 12oi. I