8 TUB 3IOKJNIJVG OREGOXL&N, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 1921 B-UI. y STATE. A. O. TEEF? CO. REAL BtJTS EVERT ONE. 3300 Hawthorn. Tlfty i-room 1)110. ftlow with hardwood floors, fire ! Dlace. Bffet. Dutch kitchen, re- ' merit basement tc Attractive terms. f 4500 Hawthorn. Splendid five-room bung-alow, hardwood floors, tile bath, tile drain board, tun cemeni basement, wah trays, etc. Tqu'H , want this for your home. 94750 Hawthorne. Six rooms. fireplace, furnace, garage, etc. Tou never would expect to buy a home like this Tor so little money. nom ine; like It In the district for the money. Close In. 13975 7 -room buniralow with hardwood floors In every room on first ' floor, splendid furnace Urge lot. Tou would expect to pay at least $5000. Terms. Someone will get a big bargain and it might as well be you. $4750 Rose City Park. An exceptional buy. Five large rooms, with fire place. Fox furnace, etc. Located 1 near Alameda drive. 1H blocks from Sandy. Full lot, garage r Owner moving from Portland ana must sell. See this. 4550 Rose CityParfc. Nifty new bun iralow. we want you to com pare this with others cost Ins; $tiOOO or more. Five rooms and breakfast nook, hardwood floors, ' ft replace, buffet, cement base- ( ment. wash trays, etc. Ideally located. Verv eaJ'T terms. $4050 Rose City Park. Five rooms and arare, large attic. Tou will ap preciate the value here. Located I below the hill, one short block from Sandy. Hardwood floors, ' , fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen. I cement basement, furnace, etc ' Reasonable terms, too. 5T00 Rose City Park. One of the most beautiful corners In all of this aisinci. A n exccpunnsi i-mum bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage. Owner ' moving: from Portland and roust sell. Tryly a bars-am MOO Rose Citv Park. Five rooms and sleeping; porch, located Just off bandy, raring east, Deiow nm. r Tou cannot Imagine a prettier home. It couldn't he better bunt. Finished In rich old Ivory and white throughout. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, garaee. Almost , any kind of terms will handle. ' ATTENTION". CITT PARK BUYERS. W are the leaders In sales In this I fiopular district. We nave handled prop. ortv there for years. most of te sales men live In Rose City Park, wWrtw the hlstnrv of nearly every house In the I district, and those who want to sell naturally list their property with us. We I are now running our own ouiinmr at 40th and Sandy, to be tiped as a hranch office. We ar NO LONGER located at 50th and Saodv rn nr DOWN TOWN OFFICE, MAIN 8002. $5750 Laurelhurst. A splendid bunt-a low of 5 rooms, with large attic. 2 additional rooms could easily he finished: hardwood floors, even in bedrooms: expensive paper, Thorouchlv double constructed. Large living room extending en tire width or house. cicely lo cated Terms. $6700 Laurelhurst. positively one of the tt-erest bargains in ,aureinursi. Five rooms and den. It Is abo- lvtely Impossible to over-describe the beauties or this sniendiq home. Hardwood floors through out. tile bath, pedestal stand ; everything the very acme of per fection. Harare. Ideal location. If you see this and don't say It's a positive naraain, tnen we i aladly pav you for the time spent in Inspecting it. 17350 Laurelhurst. We want the prlv. liege of showin you this charm ing home. Wonderful, large liv. ing room : everything one could nossib'v exnect. Ree this. $9250 I-aurelhurst One of the verv finest homes in this district. Runt by one of Portland s best builders. To write a proper ad on thti home is beyond our power. Let us he content to say that it Ps sees the rare charm of indi viduality rounled with true t Is tic merit. Its living room is a veritable ballroom. It'll be a downright pleasure to show you. IF TOU ARE OOTN! TO BT'TLD. OHT TN TOlTH WITH THIS OFFICU. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. A. O. TEEPK CO.. 270 Stark 8t.. near 4th. Main 3092. Sunday call Main 3002. IF YOU ARE LOOKING f..r a home Rose City .ark or laurelhurst, ranging in price from J.VMtO to $!0(MO. it will be to your advantage to call us up or Injve out to our branch office on unuay. T"r We will be a:ad to mow you a nun bep of these homes. We have worked 'his territory exclusively for three years I nd are familiar with values. W nave ome rel harKains and our only problem is to ret In touch with you. tome out nd talk It over with us. You have all I gain and nothing to lose. HILLER BROS.. 14 Railwav Kxch. Bldg. Antn. 5 3 Branch office. ftOth and Sandy; Open Sunday? and evenings. Phone Talor HJS.i $375. 6'Larae Rooms. Vacant. To close estate we offer this splendid 1H -story, double-constructed residence. cnsistlns; ft xtra larse rooms recep tion hall, fireplace, paneled dtnlns room. large handy kitchen, full b.tsment laun dry trays, extra toilet, 2 iarei bedrooms and splendid hath: ftOain" cast-riont lot; H block Alberta car. 2 blks. Union-ave, enrs. rltse school. If you are In market for home st reasonable price, see this at once, simut down, rent terms on bal ance. Remember. It's vacant. Let us show vou. CFO. T. MOORE CO.. 10O7 Yeon Bldg. ONE MORE SNAP IN PORTLAND. Fairly good 6-room house. Tt has gas. lights and bath, two fine lots, rich soli for garden. One block to car, handy to school and Reed college and a real pick up for $1750. one-half cash, balance to suit See E. W. HUGHES. 547 Journal bldg. Main 2853. $47ii HAWTHoLN'E BUNGALOW $4700, Modern 5-r'm bungalow. Dutch kitch en. built-in buffet, fireplace, full cement basement, pipeiess furnace, bookcases. every built-in convenience, two more iiiiv iTuiwius wii ue iinwnen upsmira. and Richmond cars, near 3'-Hh and M:xter sts., only 2 blocks to school, cash low. balance easy terma. M. E De JOICE CO- Henrv bMy Bdwr. IQtU PIEDMONT. MOxlOO. WILL TRADE FOR SMALL HOME. ThV 1 one of the most beautiful cor ners in Piedmont with fruit, nut ana shade trees; b rooms, fireplace, furnace. garage. Owner will sell for 10300, with l.'no cah. or will take smaller home up to $40o0 in trade. If you are looking for a home on a big lot, don't fail to see tnis one. COMTE A- KOHLMAN. Main 0550. 'JoK Chamber of f'-nnmerce Bldg. ( Lusk in w. s. ino handles." Weil built, attractive cottage borne of ft rooms: walking distance; $3t5i. $."H I and the bal. 10 years. i es. you will sav "IT IS CERTAINLY UNUSUAL." Call today or Monday. Main laitt. W. C. baunders with O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 408-411 Curb Bldg. 4th. bet. Vahington and Stark. F O U R - R o f y BUNGALOW. KENTON DISTRICT BUFFALO ST. 50x 100 lot. house has living room. aining room. Kitchen and pantrr. bed room, bath and toilet The front room is so arranged that It can niceiy be used for a bedroom. Price $250. $500 CHsn. Da:anre terms. RMITH-WAOOVFR CO. STOCK" FVH. $tioti0 4 ROOMS AND BATH, ON E. 3uTH. New. classy, modern bungalow, right up te the minute: hardwood floors, built- in?, all improvements In and paid; $4000, aioou caan. R H. CONFRET, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-? Board of Trade Bldg. GENUINE BARGAIN. " ft-room modern bungalow in Alberta. Full cement basement, Dutch kitchen. gsrage. double constructed. Only 13250. ,Vo cash, 135 a month, including inter est Mr. Wicker. A. J. De FOREST A CO.. Henry Bldg. Bdwy. SftQQ. " H i M E AND INCSiME. OUR Walnut Park bargain. MxloOand alley. AT modern I O-room residence, hot water h-a ting, fireplace, full cement base ment, large attic, unfurnished rooms FOR rented. $ o monthly; larger income pos sible; $75oO. good terma. 1130 Clevelaqd n-in wan 4-HOOM BUNGALOW. Colonial design, fireplace, built-ins. white enamel plumbing. 2 years oid. no AKTl basement. Sacrifice price, easy terms. Mar. $i33. iil.E fi-room house in good condi tion, near school, on harrturface road; i'"iO- tnail Mvmnl nown. easy terms. ?3 th at., near PoweU Valley. Auto.! NE 6JO-&0. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. ALBERTA HOME. Nice 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, liv ing and dining rooms, pantry, nice built in buffet, full basement, gas, electricity, water, fruit trees and berries; small building, can be used for garage; fur niture almost new; good location; close to 3 schools, 1 block to ear; all for $4000; $1000 down. MODERN. FURNISHED. Lot 2500. oaved street, sewer. 8 bearing fruit trees, S nice rooms and bath; very nicely finished; electricity. stove heat, convenient and well located; DHce i''"iiin- first navment can be sman, balance like rent, $25 per month, 7. Modern 7 -room home; Hawthorne lo cation. 3 blocks to car; fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement, garaga, good floors, all built-ins, large rooms, !nln. nnrh )ars lot with nice lawn, trees and shrubbery; price $5260; good terms, SEE MR. MTLNER, WITH THOMSON, 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4SS0. HAWTHORNE "DISTRICT. 8-ROOM IJOME. This -room horn la located west of 80th st. In fine residence district. Is In the pink of condi tion inside and out; has reception hall, built-in buffet, white enam eled Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, furnace. It also has en closed sleeping porch. Price $4000. Terms. X A. HTTBBELL. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. LOMBARD STREET. Between Peninsula school and Co lumbia Park- 75x1 oflr with fine A-room house. Fruits, berries, chicken house, etc. Street Improvements all paid. 949 Michigan ave., cor. Fresco tt. I-room house, large corner lot. Street Improvements in and paid. $1250, $750 cash. SALOMON A CO., Established 1888. 807 Railway Exchange Blflg. $ti54l EAST IRVINGTON. tTnusually beautiful lot; 00x100 feet with shade and shrubbery; a splendid 2 story house of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, large living and dining rooms, French doors, large -porch. Of course, this house is all modern, with fireplace oak floors, furnace, etc. We haven't seen a finer home In the Trvington sec tion for $00.r0. You'll say so, too, when you've een It. Call us for appointment. tOMTK ft KOHL, 1.T AN. Main ;.!. 2S Chamber of Commerce Bldir CLOSE-IN ROPE CITY. Nothing cheap but the price an Ideal 6-room bungalow home, strictly double- built and high-class from hardware to shingles. Curner lot, everything in ana paid. Fine firenlace and furnace. I'ret tily arranged. Garage. Fully J 1000 nn- aer current prices. rienucea to .i, Terms. Call for appointment Main 1575. Evenings East 2371 O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 403-411 Couch Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. It would require all the pretty phrases In today's paper combined to describe this artustlc home which commands a broad sweep of the river and Is modern to the Nth degree If you are looking for something distinctive for $60OO let us show you this early Monday; splen did terms. RALPH HARRIS CO.. Sift Chamhcr of Commerce WISH to sell fi-room bungalow, furnace. fireplace, built-in buffet. Putch kitchen, laundry trays, cement basement. 0 years' old. nicelv located Kenton district; pries J.Tioe. Have $10o0 equity will sell at $00 Cash or will trade eoultv for a good building lot or automobile. Inspect ! today between 2 and 4:30. Take Ken ton car to Lombard, walk north to 1615 A loins ave. or see O. A. Pearce Co., 211 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 4835. Res. Sell. . IRVINTJTOX. 71S East 21st St. N. Bunealow. 7 rooms, 5 on first floor; two fireplaces, furnace heat one extra large Vdroom. hardwood floors In all rooms downstairs, enamel finish wood work, garage. This Is really a very fine buy st price asked. House 2 years old. Would cost to build on pres ent prices fionn more. Call owner at f24 X. W. Bank hlrig., Marshall ft-tO. BEAUTIFUL modern 0-room 2-story home in Hose tjity Park; furnace, run cement basement, garage, all conveniences and built -ins; lot 7."xf 00 with nice lawn, choice flowers and sh rubber v; R bear ing fruit trees and a variety of select berries; Income of 130 per month; priced for quirk sale at ITriOO; half down and soocj terms on balance. SEE M ft. MTLNER. WITH THOMSON, fijrt HKVRT RLDG. RDWY. 4n. $1050, COZY WEST FIDE HO.(E. 5 large rooms and bath. 2-story house. newly painted and papered Inside and out : 3 fruit trues and lots of berries, fiOxlftO lot. on car line: all street im provements In and paid; with or with out furniture. For-quick sale $050 cash. ha(ance $1 a month and Interest. Call Sunday. 1465 Virginia st Take Ful- n car. TRVINGTON PARK fi ROOMS and 2 glazed sleeping porches; hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet. iMitcn Kitcnen. neauurui sun room. This house Is modern In every respect ; is vacant: lot 50x100: 47."0. $1750 cash. bHlance I.'.O per month, will sell some furniture. JOHNRJN-linnHON ff 1., 33 X. W. H;mk Bkitr. Main 37R7. MODERN 5-rtHiin bungalow in Wavor- leig.i H ts. Full cement basement, laun dry trays, large firepiace, built-in book esses, Dutch kitchen, newly painted, street paved, near car, bouse double constructed and ehingled. $3500. $1000 cas h. Mr. Wicker. A. J. Pe FOR EST & CO., Sf Henry Hide:. Bdvy. 500. $45lH). TERMS ROSE CITY PARK. Little Cream Bunsaiow. 5 rooms, fireplace, buiit-lns. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, cement base ment, laundry trays, oversized lot. paved . cloe to car. COOVEK HOLM AN. REALTORS. 322-2S-S4 Fa i ling HI ilg. H A WTHOR N E BU NG A LOW $3250. large rooms and reception hail in good condition, white enamel plumbing, Sox 100 lot. all st. imp- in and paid; lo cated near 35th and Grant ats. tieason able terms. H BNDERSON-BANKUS CO., 400 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. "CLOSE-IN HOME." A-room modern house, furnace, fire place, cement basement, newly tinted, oaved St.. 50x100 ft., west of 2th at. at Taylor. Price $4700. $1000 cash, bal- nce monthly; will discount for hall cash; this is a good buy. R. M. GATEWOOD CO.. lft 4th St r-room modern square bungalow newly Dutch painted, fine condition, bath kitchen, electricity, gas. fine fixtures. cement basement, laundry trays, cement sidewalks. 80100 lot. one block Alberta car. 25th it: price $3100, easy terms. Smith. Phone Wood lawn 3801. HAWTHORNE CAR LINE. Attractive 5-room modern new bwn- ralow, hardwood floors, built-ins; move in at once: $4150, 750 rash. R. H. CONKREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 20T-3-K-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RICHMOND Very pretty new 5-room bun galow, ivory enamel throughout very rice buffet, Dutch kitchen. built-in dresser, etc.. nice district, paved st: $4000 with $1000 cash. This is reduced price. O. A. Pearce Co.. 201 Oregon bMz Pdwv. 4"!IV Res Sell. 1115. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5-room house, not new. but convenient and light, large kitchen, bath. gas. base ment, rruit trees. lot iuxiott. faulty $rot balance about $1600 on easy terma E 7th sf. north. ROSE CITY PARK. Modem 5-room bungalow, all modern built-ins. all street Improvements In and paid, fine garage, cement runway, fur nished or unfurnished. See owner. 056 East 55d st. North. HAWTHORNE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $1000 will handle this nice $-1500 home, A-l location, on carline; corner 50x100, street improvements in and paid. QTTTW-WAnOVFF? ro . PTO'K FVfw. BUYS fine bungalow, hardwood lioors, lnciuains; uuu lurnnurc. garage. $2000 fi-room house; 4 4-room houses $25oO each. J. E. MIS-GRAVE. Dll MrKAT BLDG MOVE RIGHT IN. $3150 6 rooms, bath, basement. laun dry trays, paved st, $500 cash, $25 (in cluding Interest) per month. Hurry. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CITY BEAUTY. Nifty 5-room bungalow. modern throughout, large lot. very low price for ouick tale. lar. 303, pm-tr on ready cut nouses and com plete house ems cannoi ne neat; terms. t! V' Knv hid 2STH AND E. Broadway, choice lot. r0xT6fe, witn nouse, en easy terma. Owner, Main 1447. SALE The enulty of a 5-room house; will take email oar as part, rest terms. Auto 231-16 MODERN fl-room houe, hardwood floors. full cement basement, noma built-ins. Owner. Tabor 14-VS - TiC Roe City bungalow, modern in every respect paved at, 1 block to car. Mar. 3i'!t 4-H00M Lheap house, afinw lots, $$5j; fi.iu casn. aics ariana, railing oiag. ARLTYcomp'ete. 4-room modern house; terms if aire. 2V a. jiia at Is or t ft. REAL TESTATE. For Sale Houses. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $3000 8-roora bungalow, full base ment. I area lot chicken house and ga rage. This Is a nloe little bungalow in rood condition. Owner is moving to Eugene and will sell It for $500 cash and $40 a month. Including interest. This house is furnished at this price, TTTT .T .VT SPflfl.. B14 Rsilwav Emh. Rids;. Auto. 52 8 -A3. Branch office, 60th and Sandy; open punaays ana evenings. riin i 5-KOOM bungalow. E. 4th. WW Belmont e-room bnngalpw. E. 35th. between Hawthorne. Division: cement basement, large attic, fireplace, paneled dining. room, beam ceiling: $4000. 6-room house in Sunnyslde, paved street. 120(10 fl-room house on 80th. near Belmont ftflOQ; another "corner. two garages $4000. $1000 cash. 5-room furnished cottage, Sunnyslde $3500. M A. RAYMOND, Marshall 2300. ; ROSE CITT PARK. New. modem 5-room buniralow and garage, corner lot, street paved, $750 A. N. Mllf KELSEN CO. 52d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 2580. Open Sunday. LAURELHURST PALATIAL" HOME. DIRECT FROM OWNER. Located on a magnificent corner lot overlooking the city and also Laurel hurst park; New England colonial in design; 10 extra large rooms arranged and decorated by an artist; also large billiard room in basement wun ure place; double garage; hardwood floors throughout. If you want a real good home at a very modest price, come out today and inspect corner of Floral ave nue and East Couch street; open from ? until 4 P. M- WRT II T T A ROR BARGAIN. Good modern well-built 7-room home and large giasaed-ln sleeping porcn, hardwood floors in all rooms; a com plete bathrooms; full basement, furnace, 3 enameled wash trays, large double garage with sprvanU quarters; lot 100X , 100 feet, fine lawn, shrubbery, fruit, etc. inao East Taylor st; vacant: key next dnor west; all Improvements In ana paid: good, desirable home; $7500. terms. L. E. Sternmetx. 400 Gerllnger bldg. Phone Main 6Q01 or Tnbor 3-'J4. d nvn a vn pinK' nnno CASH. In GrovelHnd Park, among the firs, we have a fine fl-room home with three rooms and reception hall down and three beautiful bedrooms and bath on the up per floor, extra lavatory on the lower floor: hardwood floors, fireplace, a won derful concrete basement, furnace heat The price is absolutely right, $5500. Will diem It a pleasure to show you. COMTE A KOHLMAN. Main A5K0. 20S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A BARGAIN Double construciea duu- low of n large, airy roams nu win. combination living and riming room, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, half floored; large floored attic, parage, paved -street, all fe Improvements in and paid for; block and a half to Mon tavllla car. near school and churches. Pri. trtxnn i2r0 cash. $30 a month. Including Interest at 6 per cent AlfO th- furniture for sale. 52 East 71Hh N. WS-Wt.TWFin RTTNGALOW S3S00. R laree rooms, built-in bookcases. hA.mi.H Minira nnneled walls, firenlace. buffet, nass nantry. complete Dutch binKaM nnnrotn foundation and base- mn 'pYccnttanallv large porch. In I Woodstock district" block to car and n.i-.mont ti7!ft m:h. S25 monthly. A real snan. Fred w. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com r-rce. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. S rooms, strictly modern. Full ment basement laundry trays, hard-1 wood floors, firenlace. built-in book- rtutrh kitchen, built-in buffet. double constructed, $4300. Pay $1000 I cash and move in. Mr. Wicker. A. J. DeFOREtfT & CO.. 80 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 5MW. WE W MODERN bungalow. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, cement basement, fur nncA froniflr. find nil built-in features: ground 85x10. feet; 94750. or with i of an acre $5200, or can put in 14 acres I and terms. Corner East ausan ana Craig road. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., 019 Henry Bldg. " UNEXCELLED "V A LL'E. 5-room strictly modern bungalow. hardwood floors, all built-in conven iences. 50x100 lot. improvements In and paid. 2 blocks from car, on 47th street; $4000, $800 cash. R. H. CONFRET. R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. 2m -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1500. 8 ROOMS PLASTERED. East 64th st; electric lights, gas. city I water, toilet: 40x100 lot; woodshed; quick possession. $500 down, balance I like rent Let us show you. GEO. T MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon BldP. A GOOD family home consisting of 5 ronm on cnitd Dtived st reel, well lo cated; chicken houses and runs; good I barn: 1 acre of best and. ail In fruit trees, berries and garden; a snap at I $4200; $1S00 down and very easy terms on balance. SEE MR MILKER, WITH THOMSON, 020 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4s(i. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. A ft-room bungalow of distinction with lovely fireplace and built-in features; full cement basement with excellent ur- nace: street naved and all paid ; mortgage; view la unsurpassed; price $5250, with $1000 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO. P16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5024. "CITY VIEW PARK." Six-room strictly modern bungalow. furnace, fireplace, nice buiit-lns; eie- gHnt view of river, mountains, over looking the Oaks, close to park; one I block to car, paved street, concrete ga rage, hoxi uu price -tuu, nair casn. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO. 105 Fourth St A SLAUGHTER IN ROSE CITY. If you call East 2371 you will leacn I about the greatest home bargain today. one or the sweitest nomes in k.'L... corner, 8 rooms, new. expensively fur nished and built to suit the most exact ing people. Will tell you all. Yes, the! cut for quick sate will interest you. K:St llAWTliOHNE One wf the prettiest 5- room bungalows you ever inspected at I this price; built-ins are the finest and most expensive materials and workman- shin. Fully modern In every way. duced to $4000, half cash. O. A. Pearce Co., 201 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 4H3.; res. Sell. I R VI NGTON H O M E. ONE BLOCK FROM BROADWAY. Beautiful corner. 10oxl20; all kinds of high-grade shrubbery and trees; extra well constructed, colonial type house. 1 containing 6 large rooms. will be sold at a great sacrifice price; come out and look It over. H.VJ E. 2lst st. X. $10O0 DOWN buys a modern home In good residence section of city, with every convenience; hard-surface street, all Im provements In. Am going east in a few days, can give possession immediately. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 1 27 Pa rk Pt. A BARGAIN, if taken at once. 4-room I modern cottage, completely furnished:! also arnraae. with 7 B model, o-pass. Overland. Car In good condition. Lot I 40120, with some fruit; no agents. 60.15 Wood tnck ave. $50O DOWN HAWTHORN E. We have 4 Hawthorne bungalow snaps that can be handled on down payments of $500. COOVER A HOLMTfcN. 322 Falling Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL 7-room home, fine loca tion, well furnished with the best of fur niture and rugs. A good piano and I Vtctrola in mahogany to match furniture. Price with furniture. $6000 ; without fur- nit ure$4oitIownejphoneW l." NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW On lid St.. near Thompson: 5 rooms: breakfast room, garage; everything up I to the minute. For appointment phone I fj. i-ih.. owner ami uwi. uer. LARGE MODERN 13-room house In the heart of Holiaday a addition, on E. 12th I st. In good condition; $7500, easy terms. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. ii rars st. 6-ROuM HOUSE, SPOKANE AVE. Sellwood district; improvements all In and paid lor; garage; semi-basement; will sell for $3u00, some terms. 305 Oak St.. owner. BY OWNER Modern. 8 r6oms. irood con dition: walking distance; 4 bedrooms; north of Buwy.. near Larrabee st; louoo. $1500 rash, balance terms. Fuji inl&rma-I tion Wooniawn riiot. LAURELHURST. lonial Srooma, brei New colonial" o rooms, breakfast nook. reception hall, double plumbing, ga rage. 1135 E- Da v la at PRACTICALLY new 5-room bunaalow. modern and a very pretty place; lpt 120' xl20: niucKs to car; Ait. scoti; price $3150. $500 cash. O. A. Pearce Co.. 201 t0 Oregon bide. Brtwv. 43: res. Sell. 1115. EASY TO BUY new modern home from owner on terms or will take lot small acreage, partly modern house, car or liberty bonds as P3rt pa y men i. uner, 1 a nor $50 $100 DOWN. $25 PER MONTH. 5-room house. 2 lots, bath. gas. ga rage, berries. Price $1600. 1 block to car, two. tn st. FOR ACREAGE at Gre-ham. ftrst-alass ' soil. isuu nun water, conveniently jocated. W. H. CUveland, Gresham. Or. Phone 1 A. 471. . i Bull Run water, conveniently located. REAL ESTATE. fror Sale Houses.' ' PACIFIC AGENCT. INC 514-20 Ewetland Bldg. Marshall 8989 or Marshall 1265. HIGH-CLASS PORTLAND HOMES. RQSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW, p. 406. 8-room bungalow, ffllly modern, hardwood floors, Ipts of built-ins, hot water heat, full concrete basement, garage, lot 125x2UO ft This is the California lPe and considered a good buy at $15,000, part cash and terma on balance. No. 444. 8-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, furnace, full con crete basement. Ipts of built-ins, beautiful corner jot 60x100' feet Price $6500, half, cash, balance terms. No. 460. 5-room modern bungalow, fully furnished, on a beautiful lot 60z 90 fett, with pice garage. Price $6500, terma. HOMES IN LAURELHURST. ' No. 418. A beautiful 8-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, f ulj. concrete basement, garage, lot 53x100; a good buy at S500, $6000 cash, balance can run. 8-room modern bungalow, the last thing in modern conven iences, beautiful 100x100 foot lot with garage. The house cost $ Hi. 000, t say nothing of the work of planting shrubbery, ete. A good buy at $15,000, part cash, balance terms. No. 545. A fully modern 0-room bunga low, with nice sleeping porch, lots of built-ins, garage, 60x100 foot lot. Price $S0uO. $2500 cash, balance tajma. . FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL " DISTRICT. No. 628. A nice 5-room modern bunga low, lot 100x100, large chicken house. Price $2SO0, $000 cash, balance terma. BEVERLY DISTRICT. No. 617. Nice 6-room house, modern, with J00xl50 foot lot, 10 nice - fruit trees, large chicken house and run, garage. This is on the main thoroughfare to Vancouver. Price $6500, or will trade for a bungalow UP to $5000. y GRANDVILLE DISTRICT. No. 435. A nice 8-room house, close to the Piedmont car barns, 50x00 foot lot Price $100 caafa. SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. No. 622. A large 12-room modern home, with a lot 120x131 feet, lots of nice fruit trees, chicken house and garage. Price $12,000, or will trade tor a store building. MONTAVILLA, No. $77. A large 0-room house, fully modern, lot 50x100 feet, on carline. Price $2100, $500 cash, balance terms. ' No. 677. 5-room cottage, modern, nice 50x100 foot lot 4 blocks from car. Price $2100, $500 cash, balance terms. JIT. SCOTT. No. 5S6. 3-room house, modern. 60x100 foot lot. Price $650, $150 cash, balance terma. WOODSTOCK. No. 332. Nice 3-room bungalow, modern, 75x100 foot lot. This Is con sidered a dandy buy at $2000, $0u0 cah. balance terms. WANTED. We have homes in choice loca tions here in the city to trade for good improved farms or business building. apartment buildlngx. in fact, anything that has a good value. We also have fiirms from $3000 to $.'100,000 throughout Oregon and Washington. These ranches are fully stocked and equipped and will stand the strictest investigation. If you have anything to trade It would be advisable to call at our office and talk it oyer. ' PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall S!80 or Marshall 1265. WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY A S-room house, full plumbfng. lights and teas $1000 4 -room house, corner lot, paved sts. 1500 4-room houue. Inside lot, paved sts. 1300 i-room nousa, 14 large bearing fruit trees 14(H 5-room house, lot 100x120, dandy for chickens ifloo some as low as $200 down? It will pay you 10 see . our list oeiore you buv Geo. F. Crow, with ALBERT HARALA, 708 1 MtesisuioDi Ave. Phone Wdln. Iti. Res. Wdln. 27R.V J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY EXCLUSIVE SELLING AGENTS PA.RKROSE ASSOCIATION. Main 20S. $4800 ROSE CITY $4800. New 5-room modern bunaalow. all built-ins, old - Ivory finish, on paved street. Would take In your lot if in good residential district and some cash as part payment. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., auo oak st. FURNISHED HOUSE. $875. You will be astonished when you see this 3-room home, with electricity, gas and running water; 5 blks. to car. COM PLETELY FURNISHED. $S75. terms. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE 205 Abington bldg. Main 1044. Third st.. bpt. Washington and Stnrk. NEW IRVINGTON BARGAIN. 635 E. 18th N.. onen today. 7 rooms: enameled and papered, tile bath, large garage; guaranteed heating plant, oak floors tnrougnouc uxtra lavatory ana toilet. Exceedingly attractive and spe cial value; $10.5i)0, $15o0 cash and $100 monthly, including tnteresL 3. J. Mautz, B. 552g. or E. 5031. $2450 TAKE my home, modern. I don t need it. 4i iiifamook. near Union. Easy terms. Main 4803 or Tabor 3419. fc-ROOM modern house, of an acre, ail In cultivation, cnicaen nouse. all kinds of fruit trees, on hard street and hi block from car, only 30 minutes' car ride from center of city; $750 will handle and it is some snap. RJSUAULK I.NVbSTM.M CO., 305 OAK ST. $3500 $1000 Cash. Artistic Brown Bungalow. 5 rooms, typical, large open porch, all large sunny rooms, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, built-ins. full lot. fruit; two blocks to car. Mar. 3003. TAILOR chop, cleaning and pressing ex cellent location, tow reiu. email casi payment gives Immediate possession. Burnett with Interatate Land Co., 248 Stark st YOU" want to buy a buaine.a grocery. COn iec lion try, uti ui iimo, fiuui nail, hut tel. rooming house, restaurant. Karate. cleaning and pressing or anything? See INTKHp'a 1 a LAiNlM O. y-jM frtarK at DOWN and $2. fintt six months, then f 10 ; or 9 1'w p "r Tin m- u"wii u ya S-room plastered houset good garage. OTPS 53d ave., 76th st SALE 5-room cottage, 3 lota. 30 fruit trees; 4 oioctts irom union y.ve. . - . r WST SIDE hoiue; $2500. F SuO, Ore-$l5o gnnian. I 1204 Kast Yin pi. n. uwner, REAL ESTATE. ' For Sale-a-Hnusps. WEST SIDE HOME. 7 choice rooms with large sleep ing porch, large cheerful living room, 4 bedrooms, full basement, fruit room and laundry; 2 lots: unobstruc:ed view of city and river; fruit and choice shrubs, ap praised at $S)000; forced on the market $5800 buys it Here i a home or investment HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 5 large rooms; oak floors, fire place, ivory finish; very attractive built-jns; best of plumbing and electric fixtures, full basement, 50x90 lot; best part of Hawthorne district Price $4750, $1500 cash. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. T choice rooms, with every con ceivable built-in. interior decora tion, very attractive best grade oak floors, ivory wood work, two fire-places; It's a real home, folks, and tha owner wants to sell. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. 2 FAMILY FLAT. 5 RMS. EACH. Live in one, collect rent for the other; If you know construction you will appreciate this feature, and I know you will like the ar rangement pf wonderful rooms, price $7500. ' . C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg., 2245. Open gunday. Mar- REAL BARGAIN. ST. JOHNS DISTRICT. LOT 100x100- Large 8-room bouse near St. Johns, one block from car, all large rooms, basement; lot lOOx 200; abundance of fruit and gar den space. An opportunity of a lifetime. Price $2500; $500 cash, balance like rent J. F. HILI 606 Wtiljfims Ave. East 263. ' . ROSE CITY PARI. Small, Strictly Modern Bungalow. lQOxlOO. Garage. Only $5400 $1000 Cash. Niftier than any apartment you ever lived In. Three large rooms, strictly modern, wjth hardwood floors, fireplace, pipeless furnace, full finished cement basement. laundry travs. fine buffet Dutch kitchen, ail built-inB and fine bath. Located between 57th and 5Sth about 6 minutes' walk from Sandy House about 3 years old and in fine condition ; living room about 14x20, a beauty with indirect lichtine fixtures. Let us show you; it's just as good as we say u ts. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Near Second. Main 8220 or Main 031 S. $4750. ' ' ' ' $500 $500 $500 $500 THAT IS ALL IT TAKES. BEAUTIFUL MODERN BUNGALOW. VACANT. NEW AND NIFTY. Are you the lucky buyer? We are going to sell this today; one of the nic est 5-room bungalows, full cement base ,ment, fireplace, fine plumbing, " hard- wooq hoofs, ouut-ins and the cutest little breakfast nook: hard -surface St.. paid; large lot, near car, west slope of Ait. Tabor. This is a little darifng of place and win sell today. Sunday, Atar. oOK-t; weekdays. Mam 7!H7. MAR1ELS & WILLIAMS. $20 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 8-ROOM house, lot 73x133; fruit trees and large 'garage, on 6ofh st. near "Ash. Nice view; a bar gain at $4200; $2000, balance terms. " A. W. LAMBERT ft SON. Grand ave. and E. Alder St Phone East 640. $1000 CASH. Borthwlck and Ivv. $4300 Six rooms and sleeping porch. complete piumomg. iuii cemeni oasemeni, iirepiace, large Kitcn en. pantry, four fruit trees, stood bearing; two lots, corner. Eve nings, yeiiwood lytio. Mr. under dahl. GEO. B. ENGLEHART CO.. P24 He n ry Pldtr. Broadway 5173. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. $ ti 1 00 V A CAN T V A C A X T 1 00 7 rooms, strictly modern and in finest condition, full cement basement, furnace. laundry travs. firenlace. hardwood floors. buiit-lns and breakfast nook, near school. Why should you pay rent when you can own a home like this on easy terms? Sunday. Marshall 5003; week days, Main MARIELS & WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bid g. M. 7007. $50 LAURELHURST; rooms, garage. $7500 Hawthorne, near 58th; 7 rooms, modern ; double garage. $4500 Bungalow, with 100x150. $3800 Near Franklin high school : six rooms. 100100, with fruit trees. $2300 E. Alder, pear 3oth; 5 rooms. $4300 Oswego lake bungalow. CHAH. RINGLKR A CO., 225 Henry Bldg. MODERN R. C. BUNGALOW. $53 75 N E W V ACAN T $ 53 75. Five rooms first floor, large attic with snace for 2 rooms; strictly modern ex cepting furnace; fine basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors, fireplace, fine plumbing, all built-ins. double-constructed throughout, will install furnace at added cost, easy terms. Sunday, Mar shal) 5i).i; week davs. Main 7007. .Mar iels & Willlama, S2Q Cham, of Com.' bldg. $3 1 007 -ROOM HO US E. Full cement basement wjth wash trays, cement garage. Kelly st. A. W. LAMBERT SON. Grand Ave. end E. Alder St. East 640. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow. nearly new; full cement basement, laun dry trays, hardwood floors, Universal furnace, fireplace, built-in bookcase. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, liner closet; big garage; paved street; $6000, $1J00 down. MR. WICKER. A. J. DEFOREST 4 CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500. MODERN HOME SNAP Have nearly new 6-room home In choice location, only 1 block to car. House Is complete in every detail; hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, bed rooms and kitchen In white enamel; hard surface street; garage. Price $6000. A. H. BJ RR ELL-GILL CO.. 216 N. W- Bank Bldg., Mar. 4114. 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. This place has 40x100 lot on an im proved street, basement, full set plumb ing, lights and gas; glassed in sun porch. The place is In good condition, is close Jo car and school; price $2450. terms. Phone Sundav, Marshall .Ml 03. See MARIELS & WILLIAMS. 820 Chamher of Commerce Bldg. QOOD four-room house, two lots, 32 fruit ana two nr trees, roses, lawn, garage, chicken houses, pens and woodshed; paved street, near car. stores, school, etc. Must have $500 cash, balance $20 per month, including Interest. 4403 65th st. 6. E. :5O0 $500 CASH, balance like rent: tive-rom semi-modern ; lot 45x100; E. Salmon at 39th; we can show you more bargains in two hours than you will find in two months. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 30th. Tabor 0403. NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, $4750; $iou cash will put you in possession. Also new six-room bungalow, very modern. $6300: $1000 will put you In possession ; full slxe lots. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 89th. Tabor 6403. RA RGAIN from owner; 7-room residence on west slope Mt. Tabor, large lot, love ly surroundings, paved streets; aarasre, fruit, etc. ; $5500, terms. Mr. Smith, phone Main 3S54. $000 HOME, or 30 per cent investment; rent for $25 month, or $300 per year. Furnished five-rooiA cosy houseboat, overlooking river. CHAS. RINGLER ft CO., 225 Henry Bldg. CLASSY RICHMOND BUNGALOW. Five rooms, new. built-in buffet, dresser and breakfast nook, ivory fin ish, tapestry paper; $3.SO0. reasonable terms. Sell. 3234. 101Q Tlbbetta St. FOR SALE by owner. 5-room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished ; acre of ground, some fruit and berries; garage and chicken house new; garden tools. Chickens, fuel included. Call 643-14. " $1800. 4-room. cottage, lot 50x114 H; easy terms. Gresel, 373 Washington. Main 1S IRVINGTON BARGAIN. - $5250. TERMS. A fine 7-room modern, close In. olose to calk 326 Artlgane bldg. Bdwy. 3fr7. ALMOST new live-room furnished to gaiow, $3500; $1200 cash, bala bu fi ance monthly; must sell quickly. Sea J. P. McK enna. weimont at gotn. tabor t4. $3000, ON WELL improved 60 acres, Was hington county- East 6320. WILLIAMS AVE. Two 5-room 'cottages, $ 5400, $1500 down. Owner, East 772. 4-ROOM cpzy bungalow. $2300. $720 cash. $20 mo. Wdln. 3465. OWNER offers cozy bungalow. only"250U;i 141 East outn rvortn. ranor lu.in. ON o-KOOM n; . C Park, principal-. odWn bunyaluiV. East 032V., it i i HEAL ESTATE- For Hale Hniisct. ' ROSE CITY 6-room bungalow, paved street, one block from car. hardwood floors, fire place, nice buffet, Dutch kitchen in white. 3 bedrooms. Corner lot A bar gain for $5750. Terms. HAWTHORNE. 6-room bungalow. Corner lot. Paved street. Hardwood floors. ' two large plate glass windows, fireplace, book cases, very artistic buffet Dutch kitchen In white, 1 bedroom downstairs, 2 up; 1 block from car. House has cedar siding 2 years old. Good basement, cement floor, laundry trays. A bargain for $4750; $1000 will handle. MOUNT TABOR VILLA. Workman's home. 6 rooms, modern; 50x100 lot; 2 blocks from car; $1650. Small cash payment Balance like rent at 6 per cent. C. E. ADAMS. 500 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963, evenings, Wdln. 8433. WALNUT PARK BUNGALOW. Thl$ is a very attractive little, home, having hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast room. Dutch kitchen, splendid basement, attic, garage, etc. If you are looking for a home In this splendid loca tion ask to be shown this one. Price $4700. T.rnis. J. F. HILL, 606 wniinms Ave. East 268. IRVINGTON. 16.0O0. WONDERFUL HOME. 100x100 CORNER. S. AND E. FACING. tR. BRAZFE AND BROADWAY CAR ENGLISH TYPE. Central entrance-, tiled vestibule, bes eastern oak woodwork throughout : liv lng room 33x20. French doors to east Dorch. 3 firentaces. lanre library. 2 ti bathrooms. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, servant's room, 4 lovely airy bed rooms, concrete oorches. beautiful foil age: th corner home could not be duplicated for $25,000. it is so complete, with new Gasen furnace. MRS. McDONELL. EAST 410. FOR SALE. Brdway, N. W. cor. of E. " Ijth st. N., the heart of J!rvJngton, modern 7-rm. louse and corner lot....$ 8.500 Inside lot 3.000 Total .$11,500 Terms, H cah, balance monthly payments - R J O'NETL, 717 Board of Trade Bldg $3000 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH 3000. A REAL BARGAIN EASY TERMS. 7-room. well-constructed house, bath and one bedroom first floor; 3 bedrooms 2d floor: cood basement: plumbing. electric lights, gas. hard-surfaced street paid, near car. Tnis fs a onrgatn. voca tion Is fine and terms easy. Sunday, Mar. 50fi3: weekdays. Mains 7S7. MARIELS & WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Commerce Did?. $2000 EASY TERMS $2000. SEE THIS TODAY. 6 rooms, 4 room? first floor. 2 rooms np. bath first floor, good basement, Dlumbinir. electric liphts. gas. large lot. some fruit near car. east of Laurel- hurft. S'JniJnv Marshall 5003: week days. Main 7007. MURIELS ft WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SACRIFICE OWNER LEAVING. Modern 5-room shincled bungalow : full cement basement; swell ou'it-in otirrec. Dutch kitchen, near car; house double constructed and in very eood condition. SEE IT. Only $2850, $1000 cash. Mr Wicker. A. .T. DEFOREST CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500. $150 CASH. $900 Two-room plastered house, garnre. large lot. In Lents: balance SIB and Interest monthly. Evenings, Sellwood 1905. GEO. F. ENGLEHART CO.. Broadway 5173. 624 Hnry Bldg. MODERN 7-ROOM. IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Four large rooms and reception hall downstairs. 3 bedrooms and bath up; built-in kitchen, hardwood floors, ce ment bosement. furnace, laundry trays, east front, cl- improvements s'l In und paid: price $52-"0. terms. See the owner on the premises at 333 East 87th st, Just south of Hawthorne car. IRVTNGTON HOME. PEAUTTF TL 100x120 CORNER. Orte block from Broadway. This Is a well-built eolonlol-fype home; 8 laree rooms, large porcheH, all kinds of hif?h prade shrubs nnd trees. If you want a real homey home at a real bargain price, come nnd took this pla'-e over. 132 East 21st N. Phone East i3274 $Gnn a WONDERFUL BJJY. Nice H-room nouse, in miss. ave. nisx., south of Shs ver : good basement, moms well nrranced. of good size: good plumb Inc: ful size lot. alley, hd. surf, street, -ewe:, neveral bearing fruit trees. $300 cash down. T-s on balance. A. H. BTRRELL-GTLL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Marshall 4U4. LA URELHURST runga'lo WS. White enamel finish. 5 rooms, break fast nook, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, parage; stoto, terms. iSear La relhurst Park. Another bunftalow In Laurel burst leseer price, strictlv ntodern. Tabor 878 Monday. Main 0012. v 5-ROOM modern cottage. 3 lots, hennery barn, fruit, berries, $.00O. terms. 4-room cottatre. huncalow, on Pa vei street, barn, fruit, grapes, flowers, $3000 terms. 4-room cottage, modern, $2000; $r00 cash McFABLAND. Falling Bldg. Main 307 AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. An orRanizatfon Is being formed for the nurnose of growing loganberries You know that the loganberry industry is one of the coming Industries of Ore gon. We have an exceptional oppor tunity to orrer. am --'Q. uregonian. A REAL HOME. K-room bungalow, full basement lot 86x100, chicken house; price $3650, terms. See J. w. i.ec. with JOHN BROWN A CO., 322 Railway Exchange Bldg. ROPR CITY PARK BARGAIN. MODERN 7 ROOMS. $.".:iO0. Owner leaving, large living room with fireo ace. hardwood floors, furnace, mod ern built-ins; 3 blocks car: some terms. For Inspection Marshall 1022. Pelt. 270fl. HAWTHORNE bunaalnw. bv owner. rooms, double constructed. Dutch kitch en. oak floors, fireplace, buiit-lns, ful cement basement, trays, garage, con " Crete runway and floor, paved stree $1500: IllirtO down. Tabor 6500. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW SNAP. $5750 Hunt tor nome, large living room, nre place, French doore, oak floors. gs fur nace. 3 be i rooms: a little beauty. Net- hausen. .vain hot. i 1)500 LAURELHURST mod-rn home an garage: breukfast room, den, pass pan try, tour oen rooms. :arre sieepin porch, tile bath : 138 Hazclfern, near r-IIsan. Tnbor ?052. WEST SIDE. Six-room bungalow, furnished : $3300, terms. Sunday phone Sellwood weeV davs. Mnln 5456 1125 Gaseo bids IRVINGTON BUNGALOW-STYLE HOME $7000. $1000 cash, balance terms; large living room, fireplace, r rencn doors. 1 bedroom down, three up; a very Rood buy. NMihfuifen. East '4 Mafri HOTS. ROOMING houne, 14 beautifully furnished rooms, bringing in over $rfon a month $3750, terms. Burnett, with Interstate Land Co.. 24H stark st. 4-ROOM modern, plastered cottage, with sieening porcn. on naro-surrce st, near public and hffrh school, $1500; easy terms. 3710 67th st. S. E. Auto. 020-. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, ivory rmisn, oak Honrs, ga rage; Sm-o. terms; n-ear ist enn nr zee. Neuhausen. East 304. Main 8V7R. $3300. TERMS a-room modern bungalow. 1 block to car: good district 320 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. 3S7. SMALL, six-room buniralow. modern. a tractive. Owner, afternoons, 645 East nsth st 7-ROOM modern house, 100x100. fruit trees, parn; Alberta district; f.1200, easy terms. Kosovae, 410 Gerilnger bidg. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING PEE NEUHAUSEN CO.. N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR SALE By owner, modern 7-room house In West Moreland Phone Sell- wood !S4. ACRE AND BUNGALOW Garage, paved road, close In; onlv $3000, termsi Main 0Q12. Sunday. Tabor 873. FOR -SALE A 3-room 'house in Sellwood; price $1000. $250 down, balance easy. Call room 1. 350 Oak st. THREE-ROOM house, furnished, electric ftv, gas. patent toilet garage, $1500. Owner. 1000 East Sftth st. N. UNION AVENUE. . T-room houpe, 50x100 Jot; a bargain, terms. Wdln. 571. BUNNYSIDE Non-resident has 6-room modern hotiFe, hard-surface street. Real snap tor .t,ou. no agents. . 7304 TWO SMALL HOUSES on very easy terms. For particulars, see Mr. Fisher, at- Interstate Land Co.. M8 Ptark st. air LAUiiCi.HURcjT HOME Six-room bungalow, attic; owner; no agents. AJ 300, Oregonian. jni i.'y i-"-' iimiii. u'"jci- price at $5500. No agent. E. 7504. REAL FSTATF. tor fcate ioues. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.'S . CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT. HAWTHORNE RESIDENCE. $3500 $500 CASH. Balance like rent; modern o room residence, $ bedrooms and bath upstairs, large living and din ing rooms, concrete basement, 50 xlOO lot, paved street, close to . school and car line; house is new ly painted and in good repair. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 555 THOMPSON ST. Attractive 7-room bungalow on 75x100 corner; living and dining rooms, kitchen, bath and 2 bed rooms downstairs, 2 bedrooms and sewing room upstairs; hardwood floors, fireplace, full concrete baae mcnt, furnace. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Strictly modern emi-bungalow of 9 rooms, hardwod floors, fire place, every built-in convenience, full concrete basement, furnace, garage, large bedroom and bath downstairs. 1 bedrooms upstairs, grounds either $0x100 or 75100. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. A VIEW HOME. Strictly modern $-room bunga low; S bedrooms, one a combina tion bedroom and sleeping porch, fireplace, large living and dining room, hardwood floors, every con ceivable built-in feature, larfre glas.sed-ln view porch opening In to dining room through French doors, full concrete basement, Gas co furnace ; grounds 60x1 OS; lo cated on E. 47th N-, just under edge Pf hill and co-iiys sheltered, with a magnificent view. BEAUTIFUL SUNNYSIDE HOME. 75x100 CORNER. Thia strictly modern 8-rro. resi dence occupying a sunny southeast corner has large living room run ning full width of building, with fireplace, opening through large French doors into attractive, well lighted dining room, back of which Is a pleasant den or sewing room; large, sunny kitchen, has a cozy breakfast nook, long screened -In back porch with toilet and lava tory ; hardwood floora on entire ground floor; 2d floor has 4 sunny corner bedrooms and a bath, with large double sleeping porch; full concrete basement, furnace, cooler, fruit closet, etc.; modern garage with cement floor and driveway. This houe Is located on the S. E. corner of E. 2Sth and Taylor sts. DESIRABLE IRVINGTON HOME. A strictly modern 8-room resi dence, fireplace, hardwood f loors, large, well-arranged rooms, very convenient built-in features, break , fast room, gas range. 3 sunny bedrooms with remarkably large closets, well -arranged bath and large sleeping porch upstuirs; grounds 100x100 with modern ga rage with concrete floor and drive way. Drive out and see this at 637 East lbth st. North. IRVINGTON. Here Is a strictly modern, well constructed home, built by the present owner and occupied by him continuously, which is offered for sale for the first time. This home was constructed of selected materials at a time when normal prices prevailed and is. offered to day at a lower figure tha n it could possibly be replaced fr; 2 fireplaces, all hardwood floors downstairs, 2 bathrooms. 3 toilets, 4 large wunny bedrooms and sleep ing porch, sewing room, den and many attractive feature., full con crete basement hot water heating system ; an ideal home ; generous terms. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $A'O0. Costv 5-room bungalow on pleas ant 50x100 corner. 1 blks. north of Sandy blvd., below the hill; strictly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful built-in buftet, bookcases, etc.. full concrete base ment. Fox furnace, garage with concrete driveway and floor. This is one of Rose City Park's pretti est little homes, well worth your consideration. ALBERTA HOME. 8 rooms, near Jefferson high, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, large closets with outside windows, 3 rooms and den downstairs, full concrete basement, good furnace, 50x100 corner, concrete garage ; $700 cash, balance like rent. A $$000 BARGAIN. 5-room bungalow with 2 bed rooms and Bleeping porch, full basement, on fine macadamized street, lot 100x100, 6 cherry trees, Bings and Royal Amies, appb s, ra wp berries, gooseberries, shade trees and 1 00 rone bushes, a pleasant home; terms. ROSE CITY BEAUTIFUL 7-RooM HOUSE. On corner 4ot, 50x1 MO. uimlern in every way, with a glassed-in sleep ing porch, 3 bedrooms, toilet and lavatory downstairs, beautiful built-ins, furnace a nd fireplace, hardwood floors in hallway, living and dining room and den. full concrete basement; bargain at $0050. RICHARD W. M AST. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 507. Evenings and Sundays, Woodlawn 4300. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. CENTER OF ROSE CITY PARK. tooon. 150 feet north of Sandy, onl 4Sth street; 6 rooms on one floor, rooms are exceptionally large. This house was I built before the war uy air. wagner ano anyone acquainted in this neighborhood u iU vouch for its con true tion. It is Ktrictlv modern throughout. Can be han dled 011 $1500 ca.h balance to suit. Look I at this, then com pais it with other I $6000 bunsaJows. The owner left town and his furniture ts still in the house, but can be moved out within a few days, so you can have immediate pos titistijon. HILLER BROS.. 514 Railway Kxeh. Bldg. Auto. 52-3. Branch office. fOth and Sandy; one Sundays and evenings. Phone Tabor 845. HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION. Roe Gitv Park. Laurelhurst. Irving- ton. Alameda. Hawthorne, Alberta and I piorimonr districts are where we spe cialize. If you desire a home In any of these sections it win pay you 10 sue u before buying. Remember, If you own a lot we can huitri for vou. We will build on a lot of yours or one of our own on easy terms, tome in and see our plans. Ask for our new home department for best buys in a new , home, J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Stark St. Main 1004 and 583. Sunday ca II Auto 11 1 a ti c3 2 4 -1 4. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW IN ALAMEDA PARK. $0700, $1000 down, balance $50 per month, including Interest. in perfect condition, each room attractively de signed, Includes ail the new features; big living room; the dining room has beautiful Duirei, mim-n 10 venlunt. Fireplace, furnace, big base ment, nice garaee, with cement drive way. on paved street. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 833 N. VV. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ' $500 DO W N . New 4-Room Bungalow. Paved Street $3500. A little beauty, just the place for cou ple; fireplace, built-in buffet, finished old ivory and tapestry paper, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, paved sts., sewer; well located in- fine home d is trie t ; 3 bi ks. car. Pp y $500 down and make your rent money come back to you. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROOM BUNGALOW WITH $400 CASH. We can modestly claim for this home that it offer- unusual value for the money; piastered throughout. newly painted and tinted ; lot 50x108, nice lawn and garden spot; close to car; price $3000 with $400 cash: will con sider trade for suburban home on Ore gon Electric. m RALPH HARRIS CO.. 81H Chamber of Commerce-. ALBERTA. $4400. $750 down, balance like rent; 0-room bungalow In good condition; nice living and dining room, beam ceil ings, good kitchen with ail built-ins, 9 ' nice bedrooms wun nam. Dig uasement good location on paved street JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. .Main 3787. $4500 HOME FOR $3075. fi-room modern English colonial house In Lester Park, corner lot 75x100. Full cement basement laundry trays, large fireplace, built-in bookcases, Dutch kitchen, tapestry papered, garage, Some buy. $000 cash. Mr. Wicker. . A. J- DeFORKST A CO.. 820 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500. WE BUILD, your lot or ours. You pay on easittft terms. See us. 010 McKay bldg. REAL ESTATE. tor -If oiirtt. BIHR -CARET. MAIN 74 n7. OPEN SUNDAY. These houses hs ve been very careiuily chosen with a view to thir value and dtsirabiiity. We can recommend th-in as btfing of very good value. have a iarge select hating of weii-chusen homes at every price In every s.ctton of the city We have on dpiay photographs of evry house that we offer for sale. See us bfure ou buy. IRVINGTON. NEW B LNG A LOW $500. This bungalow Is new, of ex cellent construction, of very a t tracuve a p pea ranee, and strict i y modern. Ii has v-dy ccnceivabie built-in, Indudmg a buffet. Dutch kitchen, French doors, two large 1 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, fml lot, pavement and newer. It may be had on convenient terms. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly Modern Bungalow $4900. Th!s bungalow Is on 45th street, . below the hill, in an exreilent neighborhood. It is strictly up-to-date with ju hardwood floors. Ms furnace. Its fireplace; full lot with pavement and sewer in and paid. Several choice fruit trees; con venient terms. SELLWOOD ATTRACTIVE. MODHTRV BUN GALOW $ Cm M DOWN. This bungalow fs In sn excellent neighborhood, on a full lot with pavement a nd sewer ; fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, two large bedrooms; cement basement, laundry trays. This house Is in A 1 condition and of vrv good value. The price is only $3775. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6 Rooms $3-00. Pavement, sewer. Ivory wood work , taoeetry paper, f Irepiscs, every conceivable kind of built-in; large, well-arranged rooms, exra-l lently built, attractive; these are some of the features of this choice bungalow. It ts three months old. 1n A 1 condition, and may be had on convenient torms. KILLINGSWORTH. NEAR 14TH. New Bungalow $500 Down. Of a most attractive, typically bungalow-type, well-built and un usua i!y well arranged, this new bungalow has five rooms, two of them bedrooms, cement a?nivnt. laundry trays, firepiaee. The lot Is 5xl50: be.t of plumbing. The price is only $30o0. NEW RIPHMOVO RTTCGATyOW. PAVED STREET $350 DOWN. Very attractive bungs low, of sound ennitrucf (on, on a paved street with newer: ons bedroom, built-in buffet. Dutrt kitchen, ce ment basement. laundry trnvs, t fireplace. The price Is only $3750. BUNGALOW SNAP $3.V DOWN. This bunga'ow Is of very charm ing appearance; It has two nmm, one of them upstairs: all kind of built-in, full cemrnt basement: lot, two b'ocks from car: unusual garage. The price at which we are permitted to fell tlrs house makes it a snap. The price Is only $370. ELLTS-A VENUTT BUNG A LOW. PAVED STREET $3150. Five years old hunfra'ow of very sound construction, and of distinc tive a opes rs rjre, -f u U lot with pavement and sewer, one Mock from csr. Two bedrooms of gnr.d size. K cell ftjt f oor plan. Th is is very good value. Reasonable terms. 9UNNTPTDE DISTRICT. CLOE-IN $3801. Suhf tsntfal flveroom house on hard Mirface strit , with sewer; two bedroom. ement hasfuir-nt. laundry travs. firenlace; hst of plumbing. This houe Is close in. being on Ea.st Main Mre,.(. n sr 23d : a very fine neighborhood; easy terms. PKVINfTULA. 6 Rooms $300 Down. Very good-looking, well built, ft room bunsalow-l vpe house on a foil Int. two hlnrks frniu cariine. . two la rjre b'd rooms, all k tnti of built-ins. Fine plumn.ng. This house is very fine value. Price only 112250. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, PAVED STRKET $500. Oond-Iooktnir bunpalow with one bedroom and enclosed sleeping porch; full and modern plumbing; p ved atre-t best car per vice In t he cit y. Thin bungalow Is on Rowela wn avenue. The price le only $J.KI. ALBERTA. , 0 Hooius $le'0. $150 down will take this ft-room houpe. It has t hree bcil room, two of them being upf-talr: graded sfret-t snd newer; a'l kinds of built-ins. This is an extraor dinary buy. STX-ROnv HOT'-PI lOoxl.V) $150 DOWN. $ blocks from Mt. Scot car. on larit piece of uroiind, three b'l ro.Tiii, two of them upstair. The price is onlv $l7t0. The hou.e n''iln some I'ttle attention, but at this price and on then terms it is a real hnap. NORTH MT TAROR Attractive Bungalow $030. Verv well-built bunga!ow en a full lot with paved st-eet and sewer. One bedroom and pleeplng porch. All the u-iiai built - inn. best of piumbiiig; fine neighbor hood. This 1 an excellent buy. $.0 will handle, BIHR -CARET, 211 RitHwnv Exchange, Third an'l Hinrk Sts. Mum 7S7. OPEN SUNDAY. FARGO STREET. $-750. Modern A-room. 2-story house oa Fargo street, near Williams sve nue: small lot ; all large romnn; electric and gas; good basement with .cement floor and wet-h travs. A splendid opportunity for one who is looking for a good home cheap. Price $2750. Easy Terms. J. F. HILL, 604 Williams Ave. East 2'tS. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. $1 !.:" . Owner leaving, must aacrlflee this per fect home, living room, o" -'', 2 tile baths, extra lavatory in guest's room; 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch, sewing or linen nKm, 3 long mirrors, full bese mnt, $--5 Wood wnter heater, ew awn lugs and screens, full lot, concrete ga- rage. MflM. MrPO.NM,!.. MAM' !! CARPENTERS I1UILT F Ht Ho MIS. LEAVING CITY. SO MUST SELL. Wa verity Heights new 5-room cozy butifralow, fin Is tied In Ivory, flreplat e, hardwood floor, nice white Dutch kitch en with breakfast nook, full tut semen t with wash trays. large attic; J'jj dure you to find a hettr-huHt home; bt-suM-ful fixtures'; only $43on, ciet mure, $lon cash, balance U suit; 3 blocks to car, ner 20th st. P. tone Mar. 1C2 or Sell. 27HH evenlnr-. RHIIIT IN THE CITY. One-third acre, 0-room huniculnw, full cement basement, fireplace, 5 minute' walk from carline, bungalow has 3 b'd rooms, all built-in kitchen and dininit room, la Tpe living- room, bathroom. Price $35iiO; $700 cash. E. A. Easley, Aut. 514-71. 205 Montgomery. " OWNER OOINU EAT OFFEItrf 5-KOOM HUNOALOyV, $.:ut. Vacant, Richmond, nice largo llvlns and dining room, beautiful buffit. hamly Dutch kitchen, full basement, large at tic; 3 blo ka car; $1imm cash. Come see this Mir. D'.? Sell 7m! Sunday. "STOP THAT RENT." S-room modern cottage. lot 105x123 ft., lots of fruit, good chicken arranire menrB. sewer and sidewalk in. One blk. car. Price $25M. tood terms ran h made. Bee owner, i0 East 78th st North, Montiu Ills. ALitE li T A BI' N G a LO W. Five rooms, good district, double ga fTage, Dutch kitchen, all newly rlnt4 and tinted, full baeement lot MlH) foi quick action, only !l050, terms. 11 E:iKt 2t North HtVlNUToN H U N A L O VV . (U5H. On 18th, near Knott, 41 rooms and sleeping porch. 2 fireplaces. Universal -furnace, hardwood floors, full lot, ga- rage, terms. Bast 410. ALE, by owmr, modern A-room bungalow near Franklin high school, H'( Esi 43d st Call before 2 P. M. Sunday foi appointment Cail Tabor 6UL i 1 1