THE SUNDAY OJtEGOXTAX, PORTLAND, FEUKUART 20, 1921 BRITAIN TO KEEP' ISLANDS Foreign Office Reasserts Xo In tention to Sell West Indies. LONDON. Feb. 10. The foretell of fice today announced that the atti tude of the government regarding KUKKestions that Oreat Britain turn ovir the Ilritlsh West Indies to the United States In return for cancella tion of war debts had not changed from that of a year aso. Premier Lloyd George then declared Great I'.ritain had not the slightest intention of bartering or selling the eat Indies. I Johann Van Albert, of Holland. Is feet 5 inches tall. He plans to make capital of his size by Joining a circus. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .hilly or unliy. Onr time 1 2c per line nm ad t. lue rnf- ntlvr lime tte per line but iif altt. 3 ffliiM-fti- tie littiM 50r per line Kihi .. or run- Meuii.e lime :tr rwr line One month $i..Vt line Six mnth-. .$2.?5 a line p-r mnnth ( liuner ut k:'Aupil niiut bl-. Thr iltoip rale wpplie tn ailver (iscniriilN uniler nil rlaMfientiina rvt-riitim; ilil:ition anted Mule" anil "it nation Wtinfnl l-rrtialr." w hirli is Uc per line lr earn insert ion. No ail taken for irn than two line. CiMint ! avrrnur wortl tn the line. .ilertisetnent (eirepl Vr muuiN" mill "il nation Wanted" I mil lie takrn our r telephone If the ailtrrtiM-r i a MJUM-riber to either phone. The Orrxnnian will rrrr-lvr ropy hj mail in ilet .urTiei-nt irimf tii nrr for definite mini her of ..Mir K Mnt. Ark now lament will be I urn unletl promptly. No prier wilt' If (tinted over Ihe phune, hut pttntemrntn will lie ren dered the followinc day. .der tirmeiit are lukrn fur The I tail tirecoitian until 7:.0 I. .t lor The Mi tula Urecuuian until J. M. Stat-urL.r. MfCKTINO NOTICES. HARD TIM KS v DANCE. For public, memhers and friend. We a r your old clothe. Come for the time of your life. Darnlr prizes, m u I c, largest crowds. bt time for all given by the lived Council in the Ute. Anchor Council. No. '4fi. Se curity Benefit aso Utinn. at the W. O. VV. hall. llth ft. Vahlntnn'fl birthday. February '22. Ail, Z cents. Come and eve what a ral hard time dance ia. FREE MEETING FOR THE I'CBLIC. Kirkpatrick Council. 2227. Security Benefit aworla (lon. Special free meet in, next Friday. 8wIm hall. .Id and Jefferson. Cards. 'W)." dancing. Hoch'tf famous union music 4 pieces . good prizes. Come and en Joy yourselves when conditions are favor- food time and the bis crowds iiei. , GRAY ' drvw I able lor a II NOTICE. Anchor Councl! members please meet at Flnley's tu ner! p.irlr. Ff:h an! Morrison street. Monday. February 21. at 2 P. M.. to attend the funeral of our late ifter. Anna M. Hawley. IANCB MrNIAT EVENING, I rVb. 2T, Kast Side W. O. W. hall. Eut 6ih and AIdr, by Eureka Coun-1 ell 204. Security Benefit Aciatlon. Fin? union music. Admlntion 35c. I-rce floor committee to weu-oine all. M. U J1.HINSON. Sec'y. IAUJ TIMES PAHTT and dance, civ.-n bv Lib erty Ai-M-mMy Vnited Artisan;". Wednesday eve nliiB. February 23. W. it. . nan, r.aM th and Ah! vtreetf. Member and friend Invited. Come in your-hard-lurk co(utne. I'rlze will ! aturdfri mift comically drt-med lady and j;e title juuii. union muic. umiKMnn s.ic In Antorla. Or.. Feb. IS. 1021, An J. G ra y Sr.. a a-e 78 veara. re- ceaHea ia survived by his son. Andrew J. (iray Jr.. of Mil city, mlso tltree brotluT. s. b. and W. D. Omy of Port land and W. S. (IrHV of Oakland. Cal.. nnd one at flier. Mrs. A. E. Day of this city. He was a memtier of the Port land volunteer fire department. Notice of funeral later. GREK In this city, Feb. IS. Anton Grek, aged H3 years. Remains are at the resi dential funeral parmr of Dunnlne ft 31 c En tee, Morrison street at 12th. Fu neral notice later. BAMBERGER In San Francisco, Feb. IS, Herman Bamberger, formerly of Port land, husband of Julia Bamberger and lather of Carlton Bamberger. FTNF.RAI. DIRECTORS. iJiby.wuwi.inu..i Tail i I I I 11 II liS HI TUT mir"'"""" VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Phone Sellwood 967 Portland Crematorium East 14th and Bybee Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manufac turers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be ob tained by calling Main 7070, House 40. NW TODAY. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor. Income tax service. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark, t'bone Main 7413. ALTERATIONS. LANDSCAl'K GARDENKKS. ON TUESDAY NEXT !AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE NEW T0l AY. NEW TOOAT. LADIES tailoring, perfect ' fining; work guar. 1. Keubin. 4K iiuaa & Lane plug. A BMV GOODS. J. S. ARMY UUOU3 for sale, wnolelal. and retail; price, reduced. H. Horen tein. lioU id .1., or "iU4 1st L Alain 7573 ANSAVKKS AND ANALYSTS. I "MONT AS A AMAT OKK1CK. 142 Second f ioM. gilvr and pttlnuin bought. ATTOK.Mi.VS. E. W. EASTJiAN. lr n.1 nol.rr pub- lir '.14 Cham, of Com blrl A I TO TIK At.K. Al'TuMulill.t: iorkt. per rnontn. fireproof bu?!litis. ".'til ll'th. near Main. IIAT1IS. SJR, McMAf ION'S bath, Portland. Steam .bowers, piunifes, tuba all for 33c. Tell your friemt. i'ourth and Wa-nhington. CHI ItDl'UACTie. steam baths and maj sags, ililll floor. Ifroadway bldg. Mar. silail 3m;. Ur. Laure K. Downing. ' hoxiNti and snn-piiiu. MILLER & TKACEY Perfect r'uneral Servtt-f tor Iesa, iiuh'pendt-nt Funeral Liir-e-clor. WiujiniiK in Htrt-'ft, butwern 2uth and 21l reti. W et tidc Lady .f -tistaiiU aVlain 2otil. Auto. i7-?4. t.PiiiT boilnff and Kh.ppmjc automooilei. J am en I. Jlnrha.i MfK- Co.. 42 iioyt t. C LEA N E US A N U l Eita. WE" WILL DYE FUR YOU 1W Park t Main 41S2.' 2d fimir Kiis.-; hldsr lover the "Lion" entrance 11 , 4:h st . cf, of Mor:imn 1. CA ltlt-ul-t. 1JA V leather of p.uoo vntrt rtroad w ay 2.VV. i4H l.tth sr. - Ml Sit :AU INSTHl t flPN, lOLIN, piano hrtrmotiy. mandolin, ffultur, banjo in?L Koi Ke;ibcck. 4r Yamhill. TOO LATE Ti CLASSIFY. it: viS'.v i.n. 71 EAST -1"T ST. N. Htin-a :-. 1 rrnt, on first floor, 2 fir. p::.. furnace h. at, 1 extra Urg : hardwood floors in ail room du nMaln: enamel finish w.N.d work : Kra .'. This i. really a verv fine huv t the pnt-e arked. liou.-e two years old. Would eo-c a t prep-tit pri-.-a to but Id J1ihi more. MwnT at !'J4 N. W. Hank hMg. T.-.'i-phone Marsh.nlJ t'NE 'K THE J (EST. morn and 3 r-Uepint- porchen. all h. k. apifr ; furnace h:t. ;. Tlii if "v-ry p i furniture, and hou.- In up-to-date nnd el'-an. ownr rji-TV.;t lovelv apt. and has .pl-ndid inoitine; beautiful N"h Hill loeat.on. Tt rma. See Mrs. "VVhonn. O. A. PEAIU'E i:o.. THE FEHRfART dance of the Travelers Protec tive Association trill he h"ld In th; MultnoTRah Hotol, Saturday event nie, Krbruary I'l;. All mem bers of the T. P. A. and fnrnN Invited. ri.VI'K EVANS, 5cy. WASHf.WJTo.V (V)MMAX I'EICV N. I.'.. K. T. A for mal meet in ft will be held Tue5day e en in jr. Fetiruury 1'-. HCt. for Ihe buronAe t,t r hfuriiitf ihe mW of Malta. i. P. E ISM AN, Recorder. I? AW. HOLMAN & SON Walter J. Iloltnan) FVSt;H.l. DIliKCTultS. Third and Salmon tits. McENTEE & EILEES Funeral parlors witn all the privacy o a hti-a, lt.ih and Everett street. Phooe ilrouiiw ay 1'13.'(. AutomatJC a21-.ta. UUW1MMG & MciNEMAK The UeidentitU too em I Home. 4 11 iiultio. muli .-.I.. Irviiijjioii dit. .4 I ! THR inui J sSt aihincton CKLI.fl.OlD ISITTONS. N-UODtfON COMPANY. Hroadway 434. T. 1234. CIIIKOrRACTXC. 1-liNLiiY 6 MUK1 UAK V M'JXTliQllBllV .T KlhrH. MAIN . I'K. Mi.MAHO.V3 Itself. I'.irtland DR. MARCARET HAYNIE rhlmpntrtor and DfHgn'Mit IrlHn All druwlef; method? Ooiire Cured. ti ."wetliiml Klilg. Main J7B3. cb'roiracllc speuk.. for 1 It a ear. i uun'-a. ATTENTION - er are back "n Portland' fo? business i 'L'illr.;, V:i" i ETV l.11?A. ;J Present address 1!U4 Columbia St. Ptlona ...." i. r. 11 i i r.i. Slain 79)0 THKSK (i II O II S TO-OI R S A I.KS- "TaDSCAPING. PRUNING. GARDEN ; " " " M S FJn COJVESIKXCK Of WORK ,SAI.K. comprlslnor three very choice Now is the time to get lawn In shape, i Navajo runs, overstuffed llvinp-room All work guaranteed. By the hour ur "'lite of three pieces, mahosrany and contract. Phone East 4311. jOak library tables. Spanish leather Ati vix rocker, three-piece sunroom suite. vl.. I settee, rocker and chair upholstered OilEUON Conservatory i school! of Music, i In cretonne, oak rockers with leather ir.iia. r.ittan cnairs, electric iior Iarn;. Otieen Anne 5inlnr-riKni suite ! a follow s: table, buffet and settee nnd chAlrs with blue leather seats, irate- t let? breakfast tiAbie in mahogany: chairs, drophead s e w I n r machine, i'uomm uavenport in genuine leatncr, i massive colonial mahtt?any bea ana dresser Ivnrv bedroom suite, vlx.. bed. dresser and dressinc table. Ivory steel beds, dressers and chiffoniers. ! (all heiLs are complete with best, cnriniis. silk floss and felt mattresses. pillows), a lot of nearly new -window 1 1 shades and other household effects. i Also the followlnir office outfit: Ismail roll-top desk, round table 1 1 rockers, arm chairs, etc. ALL this AIIOIK t.OOliS AUK MIW ON V1KV j I -A.lf AMA1T 1 ,1M b.t I lll.i -I'll-. MOKIIOXY AM. IIAV. Al t'TKIV O.V , TIKS1IAY .K.T AT JU A. St. OITOMKTKISTS AND OITH I.WS. ULASKS AT A SAVING. T solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will Convince you. Ciiurles VV. Good man, optnmetriitt. LHifl .Morrison. Mr. 124. GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION 100x100 Xirrtfiesiv Csrnsr ef Twenty sixth and Overton Thts Is one of the finest home sites on the west side of the city. If you are looking for an Invest ment or contemplate bulliline. would advise vour looking at this location. Addition Is re. strlcted, but these lots have no restrictions. lMeP WW OAK ST. HiilllllllllllliliiiiinitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiilllU E 110 Truth St. nraadwsr 110 E l BEAUTIFUL I I WE STOVER I I TERRACES I OPTOMCTKISTS. BVKS SCIENTIKICALLY TKSTEIl with modern Instruments: rlasse fitted at a savint,-; satisfaction guaranteed. Out of the hiKh-rent dlstrU-l: no overhead exp. A. K. llt:rtWITg. uptomeirist. i'L'.l 1st st. PAIXTlNti AM) l)K OHATINM. Roof Protected ' 1 .Oar Guarantee Iis-H-Roof Painters EXPERT ROOFEFtS It ICMIIM.LIMi AND ICl-JI'Allll.NU 1445 1- Clisoa St. I'hone Tabor 01)s7. Itealdcace Phone 'I'alior 7514. C. H. TERRII.L. house and sign painter. paperiiiK. tint n;, 47 K. 37 Ih. Tab. Still. r.U.Tli AM) TlXTlXi. ClItlHIPODISTS. EAST SIDE KI NEItAL DIKECTOltS K. S. DuniunK. Inc.) Th- funnly .-rt.- price." 414 E. Alder. P JUTLAND .V. A. V. AND rimmuniratlin afternoon, 1 LODGE. NO. A. M. Special this (Sunday) 1'ythlan b.ds WHY PAY $.1 TO Jin per we k whi n yiu can jrt-t as pod f-T to Jil p.-r w-ek nt Ihe New Amerl. cn h':rl. nj N.,rlh Third Newiv furiiL-Ji. .!. h--:it ar.d uiuu, rn. No Jjps lure. Amer.eau. SEE TIII- jn-r,.m h. k.. Seated In the Wh.te T. mj.:.- il. strict. This pl:ire has r. ,-ently I ii r., ,1. and the fur- ni:ur.. iricindin p:an.. ;s verv c.,.,1- li:.. ri. .-.. has a lUnily net'e Atcltisitn. -Mttr., rlhw.' inronie. M r.. . A. :i" Whi.nn. PKAKi E CO.. '"1 nr-tt.-n JtMir. ilea r C....I V AN I Kl i r:i t,i r, ... land. f..r e..i si.l.-r . I I i ior,. t'ni.ii . 41S. i r. WANTED Some li'lit work l.y ;"" im ii.i -man. can Handle any i.-ntilli- turn of mind: would like 'i . v. .'uiiiu. iio.i;; a. r,s 1J i rom All.any, r.N .-ry or m.;ii market: would ir:.u. Sumy ioam. ail in cm- i el'.'t.l a. a n.iv.,1 streel- no i-ioe- i li.-ol and depot, c all- ntif!,-. artistic 1:il. I Ireic-illlall. h iv to L'.'t :m with bottle . or I.-e t ri i a lw or It . A I I.N INM-i n Tiii.X a few st. khol.l ers. . p. r , -n:; all coiiiiiion el. , k. It o.i hake from ,l' up it p-iy you : lnx.f titat,-. of -'" '' " r r e.-nt. i 414. On -...ii an appearing young I'atlio ih more Itofklione thin a ish- wiih wie-auke firm. .M., 4 to 1'. M.. 4P.I WANTED: ile men w bon -. to c J:e:u.-en Sp.-iMInc I' nneet : A. If. ITS aone Ki:h a tie...l tli,'. ousin-ws. sprais hats. cms. fulls. Jre-s,.,. fancy braiding, beadine and em Pr..... ry. Appointment Ly plion- Autu. i"'IC SALE iiwn,.r in navy; fine Ini onie property. i:,n month; :l furtnshe.t flats stor. ... estr.i lot. carat-.-; aws r. nted-' earlin... paved strwt; all it".-s for II'I.:.iiii. half cafhiwnjljjuj CANDY STOISK'dolnB splendid I.iiflnes7 luny e.impped: low r-nt: will irli anu maKins:: hmie terms. See lith Thompson. Lee ft Swan VT.Kh. Funeral services of our late brother, W. ;. Mcpherson. Visiting brethren welcome. Ii3 order V. M. H. J. HOUGHTON. See. MAS . Ii EM ri.i I Y.VENT HUItEAU. Employers needine help of any descr.ption telephone Main .MI'S, only Masonic help furnished from this office No implo.ter or emplois. N. II. 4 in Ale.iiftton building Cor.r.MHIA lilniK NO. 1. DEGREE Ilii.Niill PItiiTECTIVE ASSOCIATION w.ll a .,rt business n ting In their hail. East Side lousiness Men's ciub. .lon j.ay e,ninK, February '.'1. Committee will be appointed to ariance for the slate con vention. KvelllliK llieetlnu, April 4, will be rendered In honor of Washineton's and Lincoln's btrtilduis. Members wh.... Kleih. rt.iys are in Kebruary will be honored Kuests. Itelre.vhments will be served MARGARET K. RECK ER, Sec. CARD PARTY AND DANCE Portland Teni, No I. The Maccabees, will rive ,i,.i. recular monthly card party and dance on Thursday evening. Kebruary ill. at their hail. L'ii.t Washington street. AI; are In-v:t-d. A g 1 time assured. Splendid prizes anu special music i. time and enjoy your self. Admission cents P. C ANDERSON. Chairman Entertainment Committee. PORTLAND ST A It HOMESTEAD NO 1": Km 'TllEItlli i)D OK A.VI EKICAN Eo.MAN lluslness meeilng ThursdH; ':ih5A. February 1:4. In Turn Verein hall, ruth street. Social dance and aner io,igr Ior memners and their friends No admiri-lon will be charged. DANCING AND CARDS. !:4.". VKTTA HAINES, Correspondent. to. A.isay uiog. j-none .Muin LEUCii. CNDERTAKER. East Eleventh and lis H.lnul ne. Phonc E11.-.I 7M. A. R. ZELLER CO. jii Williams Ave. i'liune Kast 1095. EWtS LNDKKTAKINU CO. Third nnd Clay. Mam 4132. BKELZE&SiNiOOK 104 7 HelmonL 'labor I Sis. A. D. KKNVYORTIlr 5S02-U4 Hid st.. Lents. S CO.. Tabor illoT Come to L)r. Gamier, foot arches made 10 order. 311 Swetl-ind dg.. Fifth and Washington. Main lusl. FEET HURT Ult. O U. KLETCHEK root troubled acl entifieRlly corrected. Lady aasilttaat. M:; Morgan bldg. Main H?ilj. r 1 m t o v o in sjs . itc a j i kvi a lists. WILLIAM. Eatelle and Klorello Ue'Veny. The only yciftiiii'ic chiropodiL.- and arch (.fcialiM in ihe city. lrlur 3U- Gcr linger bldu. S. W. corner fiiccoud and Ajder. i'liorir Main 13U1. CLEAN I Mi AN II PRESSING. WILL iuve y(4j money on your inside pa. mime and ttnwUK' before trie outside t uh. I a 11 Johnn. Ma i n J T 7 1 . CiMT VOt'H iiaiiuiiitf dune before the Hiring rubh; !& years t--.p,Tlence. i'hona Tabor ON THURSDAY NEXT at 10 A. M. AFTKR THE RVIMitlif! AITTIO A IIVKHTISKII llF.f.OW. WK SH ALL SEI.I, Fill NIT IKK. ni'liS. KTC. SALK AT 10 A. M. I MARCH 1ST WK Wll.I. HAlb A A I LA 111. K $10,000 to Loan on Income City Property at 7 Will Make Thin tn Onr or Two Loans. SAO OAK ST. IIDWY. 8335 ON PAl.NT.v WAI.I. l-APKK. ETC. FLORISTS. REGAL CLEANERS and t .eaninjf North tih TAlLOKfij ANI H ATTKUS ieinir a apec.alty. l- lor::and. Or. COA LAN IIJIVOtllL SyL'AliEtfT KIM E A jLAitE UEAL SLA It WOOD CO Mill to coiitfurner; iiu middlemen: heavy couiiLry f.atiMutiil our specia.ty; hpecia price on arse order. We guarantee aati.-fat.-lion ; no deliveries be for. .March. HEYtiKit tmiS., TAlXJlt 7743. ;kt THAT SMALL AMoCNT OK KCEL To CAltltY Vol' OV Elt THIS CoLl WALl PAfhR, PAINTS, ETC. S30 Second St. . UHL BROS., INC. PATENT ATTORNEYS. WEDNESDAY-NEXT AT THR W.4ni:il(ll'SE IIP THE HI NT Til 4. NSFi:ll CO., 345 WILL- illllS AI':.N1K, WK Sill I.I. FOR l-RF.IGIIT c: II A li li K. A N l iri-iii':n j, i'iik lu.i.o v 42 S ! II A V ITMI'S IV IIHK.INAI. IVCI i:K.S. IllltSCH CKI.KIIIIATF.H IMIIVIIMAI, KOI' II -HOW Sl'IIAV. liHS, IIAIIKKI.S. TANKS, i:SOI.IK KMil.VF.S. KT;., ALSO A SII.L ULAX'ITTV OK IHI.G A (ii:, AC 10 . A. .11. i'ATKNT.1 our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; piuinpt, effi cient, conscientious bervise: handbook free on reuui.-l. lll'.VN & CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco offices, liobart bldg.. 5N'J .Market st.; Chicago office, room s Hi Tower lildg.; WashMigton of fice, room 10.1, K st.; New Vork office. tVoolWorth bldg. Smith's Flower Shop fortianuft pmsri'Miiic' fbirist. We !rt.. ctilizo in fun ral desiRns. Ml Vi Sixth, oppii.Uf A- SrankV. Main "213. SI'ELL WIIEUK YOl I'AN MOST Ilt Woiil ;U COAL MONEY. A I "To. .2-"i;. olt ET TIIK Eolt THE EAST V'oy. lAih.NTr Send z-kftch or model Tor pre liminary examination. Jtooklet free. Liu hen references. bet resul i. prompt ness assured. Watson E. Ci:eman i'at ent Lawyt-r. f24 K St.. WaHliiiiKtou, L C ON THURSDAY NEXT AT THR RIKKII A1CTIOX HOI'SK I CI.AIMEI) SITT CASKS. VAI.ISF.S, III NTH. KS, TVPK.WRITKIU TOOL IIO.V, KT(' Flllt THK I'Alil'KI. ROOM AT THK I'NION STATION. Vl.KCV. OK AI CTIOV YAMIIII.I. A NT W KS V I'AIIK STllliKTS. SAI.K AT 10 A. M. FOR SALE 100x100 Building Site East side factory or mercantile location, opposite It. H. freiirht depot on I nion. between liel mont and Kast 1'amhlll. Owned by non-reslilent. No reasonable offer will be refused. This Is the Time of I i AH Times When a I WESTOVER Home Is Truly i 1 Delightful! 1 Whle the ow clmM, ee.m to t-f A..t!.-,s o il k rr.-j, .-! ;.c,:-. - In? r.iln over the whole cllv. residents of Wcxlover are In a S position to see every simheam thut breaks Ihrouch the clouds ZZ and reaches the e.irth nnvwhere wllhln a vast empire of wonder- S land. In (ruth, "the world Is st n Its feet " snd whenever a sun- beam strikes any spot In the vast empire before vou. it is like a S smile on the other fellow's face, IT which you cannot help but Iml- S tste. Indeed. Westover Is the sunshine property of Portland. Zi At the present time th. rlnrlous sunrises nre being vied with by the wonderful comlnir up of the monn. In fact, th wonders of earth and the mar- vels of Ihe heavens nre vours on S Westover. and greater than s these there are none. T" U - -. i. . ... .oeinir, n vou are see Kin? S a home that offeri the greatest possible ndvnnt.iKes and Ihe createst Inspiration to the hlit- Kest life, or a home site rather ZZ than Just "a lot." which offers irreatest possibilities, you n : the : can find It on W'estov. : Withoirt fear of contradiction. : : we can say that anv other sec- . tlon of l'ortland can be found : duplicated in many cities : throuKhoiit the country, but no- C I where can you find a Westover, ' It is the property unique, the s : opportunity of the moment, nnd ! commands a vista of an empire that hundreds of peopie would travel thousands of miles and climb hluh mountains to see. The time to secure vour bomo- site on Westover Is Now. while S choice is lamest and prices are lowest. For pints, literature or anv oilier Information, you may phone, call on or write HAROLD JI XIJCK. 2R0 OAK ST. IIDWV. KISS I MAM I IN & FORBES CO. Klow-rs for Wa.hlnton. all iirc.tninns arranged. Main 205 ariiHticaliy CLA RK K ltr;oS.. tlorixtct 27 Murrixun bL Main 77(it Kin fin. vers and floral de -K . No brunch s'tnr'?. Noll HILL FL iHISTS tEmale Alfred Hurkhardtt, .N'. K. Corner r:id and Glij-an Main Ll.".y. mKR huv Mr. Korn. V.m-iirr. ATTENTli 'N. IT TEL AND A I'A ItT.M ENT OWNKltS Ton may ol.t;Un y..ur fire rn:ij:et5 .as re-qu:r-i by fire ordinance from us. Cail I'.i.M-r 7o7. CLAN MACI.KAY No. OK SCOTTISH va Thfl funeral of our late l'ait I'hlef W t) Met h.-rston wlil he h Id from the Scottish Lite cathedral, Morrison and Lowuilal 5tr-,.t.s. at 2 1'. M. Sunday. Kebruary 2U. All clunnien earnestly requeued to attend- Itrim; auttiji. A. W. 1IL TC1IE..N. , J. LA I N1. lbl'-f. Secretary. ST AXDUKW's SOCIETY OK o;;EiON Vttneral service li.r our ex-preident W UiTtiir.!!. will be hld at Ihe Sc.ttUil Lite catlo-dr.-il. lMnda.e and .Morr.s.ui rtieetn. on Sunday. Kebruary at 2 '...ok i'. M. Members are earnest y re yut'Med to attend. PEOPLE'S FLoUAL SHOP Alder. W2. COtU WO" U KIral-roth fir; guaran tee! exce' lent iju.ilicy ; 1! 4 -cord iota, ln.uo per cord, west S'd cash on de livery; attractive price on larger order. I'hone Itdwy. GUICKN ctumtry niab wood, firat cfowth: extra thick. J !;.. per cord, wed side. I viifh on tie. l very ; attractl e prices on laricer order.. I'hone Hdwy. 4S0. MON'itJOMEiii WoOl CO.. COHUWl'DU SLAB A .Ml COAU Larp; and Sniail guantitles. Tard llth and Everett a. a Aut. 522-S a.i1 emu, n Fuel Co t pecla: Wdln. LLoCK or go UI,Ot.'K and s.auwood. two-load tional Kuel Co.. East -2"H1. in 2-ioid 4102. lots. lot. Na- JOOl War lii ns tun coai. $li a ton. deliv ered. N:itnlia: Kuel Co.. EaBt 2o4L TtNSETII Kl.oitAL CO.. 2i7 Wahint;ton L. bet 4th and 6th Main altrj; a 1101. MONt'MENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 3C6 Ith St.. opp. City Hull. NF.t' 1IROS. BLAESINQ GRANITE CO. THIRD AT MADISON STREET t'OI.I.KCTIONS. NKTI1 & CO.. Worcester bids. Main li'JH. No collections, no ciiurKes. 1-stab. lllml DANCING. SUMMERS' DANCING ACADEMY Private lesson.-, day and evening; all the latest Mteps taught by priferdina.l tearherj. Club dance every Tuday. A public dance every Saturday. Stage dune liiif and choruj nlpA tauirht. Manrheste-r hall. h-'Mi Fifth, near Stark. Hdwy. a M o. i. C. UHUJII.. 22 year experience U. 2. anrt foriKQ p.itent-. i.ol lkuni bldfc ?K5ik(TNIJ'KE 1 WANT TO SEND Kit EE TO EVEKY chronic pipe smoker in the country a Kood bin, ffeniTou.s maniple- of my pure, sun-cured, nature flavored Hd Creen Liver pipe tobacco. No money to pay. If you are a tobacco crank, all the better. Try the pure Muff. No yrup. flavorinK or dope. After you try it FLEE. I'll p how you how to cut your smoking bill one-half and get more pipe Joy. Jiwt send name and addre.s.s, ami nay whether you want mild, med ium or Mronu. I'ETE MoUKJtLY. box S.'.Q, t Uvensboro, K en t Uc k y . ON FRIDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. 1'NCI.AIMKn KRKHMIT ;.i: .41.1.: koii thf. s. A M) O. K. II V. CO. HANK STATION A NO H A5 I S. Ill, AT THK SOUTH KI.KVKNTll ANU IMH Sit TANM. DR. R A. I'HII.I.ll-S. llroudway huildlnif. Rheumutism. stomac'h. bowel, luns. liver kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin uffection. blood pressure,. enlargefl tonsils, moles, birthmarks. DR. DM MI'RAIr. 1147 llorcm bldif. Gustav JIaar's former associate. Dr. I'lANOTCN 1 N SATlSFAi.'TloN Kiiaranted. uorkman: rates reasuiable.. ajs-:tt. experienced I'hone Auto. 11.1 .Mill M. SI ITI.IKM. IIOYT STRKKTS. The followlntj to be sold for freljrht charire.s storage and other liens, as follows: Vanned milk, bundle mats, stationery, airto Jacks. power at tachments, toilet powders, stock medi cine, domestic ginghams, counter, hardware, books, lil cases of con demned salmon unfit for human con sumption, trunk, ttrlps. valises and other eflects. Kale Friday next at 10 A. M. ni" OrtDKK HOIIKKT citosniK. CO.HI'THOI.I.KU S., I". S. Ki. ANU o. K. K v. Dated January 3, 1921. r;.i:iini.N'Ll L'l'l'LlKil at wholesale prices Stark-Davis Co.. 1VS Ith St. Alain TyT I'llINTI.MJ. PRINTING n", BALTICS & COMl'A.W and Oak. Main I'V.Till-tiS. GiViD TI.MK DANi'K. Thalena Temple. No. 17. Pythian Sisters M. W. of A. hall, Mj, llth st.. Saturday eveniiie. February SB. Special rpuslc. A Rood time proinieil to all. Come and brlnir your friends. Admission SO cents. Including war lax. Fill: SALE Attractive bum-alow, fi rooms. sleej. inc porch, lols built-ins, near hii;li e oooi , j.-, minutes out: pn.e s.'lomi. lniKt down. Woodlawn alii "VVA.rt:ii Kind wtniian, Hlio cleans or does other work, forenoons, to do ' irht dull, s later in the day for icood home , -Hid bo:;rd. IibJK l ireu-onlaiu J.KAVING cuv. IViii seii onT.""of" tl.e Wi paying little roomingr housej in the citv at a sacrifice. Call Sunday. Mar. 3:wti"; weekdays. Main jlilO. W A NT ED A f, E NTS to sell hlgb-dass western products and household articles 1? ,urown '""rltory. all or part time. m C 41.. Oregontan. JACK'SON VLIl'PIN DANCING ACAD-i-MY Ballroom, ataee dancing, any style. Open dally. 7j Miss. ave. Wdln. TOUR REST BIB and tucker Ith the boys In the white uni- Boou times nance given i. Woodmen of the FOUNDATION'S, floors, porches, walks: also plasterlna;. Work guaranteed. East 4f!2. ReasnTlable prices. SKILLED NL'RSK will give you electric treatments at your home for grip rheu matism. asthma. Main ols.. roorri 1:11. S'S. oS , L h r -"' cash. Ford tour., new "ov ana lenaers in A-l condition. . fs'T ungngp, urana ave. N. HALL'S Jap Evergreen Honeysuckles. Bud h c V,mme.r nice plants. 50c .-.ui3er. z ara nose. a. ted Mve-room hous. not over $-3 not too tar out. Auto. EXCELLENT board modern home. 9 Mast Fi1f,hSAL'.t: ,!1.';,0,n?a,'y GranQ Chevrolet. with extras; 1100 cash or terma Tabor ri'T ON and dance forms at 1 l'ortland Co, No. world. February .'.C W . o. W. Tempie. j-- inn si. i-rize .;if.i. Union music Gentietnen. 6Pc; ladles. 4ic. IVANIIOE IIOMKSTEAD. NO. 5038 Card party and dance Wednesday, Feb. l'.t i"-'. b:jo; uanctlig 10 W.-O . hall. Tenth and Taylor, , PEARL t. wens. Correspondent. Telephone East TCI 7. DANCE. DANCE. DAfTCE Given by the Court of Honor VlC As"n Friday evening. February 8a, at W o W Temple. J2S llth st. Active committee to see that you have good time. Splendid music. Public invited. iuiu MASK BALL by Cadet Club of Fram I Assembly, United Artisans. Tuesday eve- Mng, reoruary ri. Maccabee Hall, I A viowh luusic Aumiasion UV CCI1LS. OHhGON HUMANE SOClEf K Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Offices, room lit courthouse. Phone Main 378 from i A. M. to 5 P. M. , The society has full charge of the city pound at Its home. &3J Columbia bou levard Phune any time. Wood lawn 764. Dogs for bale. Horse ambulance (or sick or disabled borses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted wbere necessary, and stray animals caret! by for. All dead animais. cows, borses. tic. picket up rree of cnarga. NEW- TODAY. PKUF. PATTERSON DOWNtY'S DANCE STUDIO SSfiVj TVahii.Ktoii si., over HazHwood. 1 tall room, Htcp and various branches of BiatKe dancing taugnt. Ai atn 0058. illrirf DOltOTllY KASMUSfiEN Ballroom and ftaj; danclni;. 010 Ellen, bulldtnit, VVayh.. between 4(h and .'ith. MainllL'3. KE(.1STKK. Mci'oSKEY creilit retrlsters, new and sec ond hand. II. ( E. Stemler. salea ai,t tit, MH Clackamas st i'ortland. Or. J'hona East 7154. SANlTAUir.M. V'.tVSsi.-;'..-.; DENTLSTKV. DR. B. E. WRIGHT, Bd Floor Ralelch bldg.. cor. Ctrl and Washington els. Main I'lia. A. 2119. Mrs MOST BKAirTlFXI. AMERICA. STOVE isl and front room In E. 12th st. I'hone OK SALE 191! Case touring, extras cord tires. WiU aocrlfice for $1460 cash or terms. Phone Tabor 4K74 "WANTED Position near city. Phone hotH. is housekeeper in or room 3J7. Cornelius O.AKAI.E FOH RENT. 412T Oith St. S. K corner SO,), Bdwy. lLvao. local lsi or li' I LV'QO. niit l,i.i!.A.. cunvenieJt 2-room housekeeping UpeM ETerett .L Ji. Main 4.S10 to 8-PLATE gas stove. 22 5rt; one white ...... o.. springs and tress. $J0. Woodiawn 2212. Tl" I VT t: . . ! ' ...o..-.. ew.jw. gaj, oouoie oven naker. oven cneap. call Monday, East mat- ALU KAII.WAl" EMPLOYES ARE cordially Invited to attend nn.e ....i of The United Association of Railway Em- v. -. ... ue.ii. i.n r.ieventn si. AT ARLETA W. O. W. HALL. Nelgh- "v'b wi uuui . u.i i , mi, w ill give a oOO cai yriy anu uance Wednesday eve eo. ii. Kohwer's orchestra. Admission 25 (iuuu.DiR'S for lodge emblems, class pins and medals 810 Washington at. EMBLEM Jewelr. uuttona. charms, plus. --UV.IH1II 4cr xros.. ISi-tf SlxtD St. WANT combination malleable double oven. d7 b"s1 S.o. v- w,u Moa VOU. SALB Mortgage. tSii.ooii, 7 per cent value of property monthly In come Jin.,0. v T!. Oi-eo-nnlan 4-ROu.M furnished modern house, no bath. I hloek from Woodstoek car. Sell, losn' hour; li' woman wants work by r -ferences. Marshall 061. FH-i.- ,S.ALK -srbide welding generator. t.l,4 Dwiaht st. Col. .'71. P.'vi.TV or dinner work hour, 50c Mar- shall .122. REASONABLE board and room for two I2) Broadway S. Main .inoi. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2-'.-i Sheridan st. GIRL WANTED for general housework; wages $50 per month. Main 28G2. AUCTION 8AI.ES. PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at auction sale en his farm. 1 mile east of Beaverton. and 7 miles west of Portland, on the Canyon road, on Wednesday. Feb. 2d. at 1 P M the following property, to-wlt: 10 head extra high-graded Holsteln cows, and 1 registered Holsteln bull. 8 of these cows are fresh, one Jersey will be fresh In A week. Terms of sale. 6 months time at 8 per cent bankable note. FRED STRICKER. Owner. J. C. Kuratll, Hillsboro, Or., Auctioneer. J. J. Wlamer, Clerk. FrSEBAl NOTICES. McPHERSON At the residence, 412 North o-u aiieei, r eoruary li, lil. William G. .Mci-nerson. agea on years, beloved hus- nana ot Marie McPherson. father of vnsnea j. ana r red J. AlcFherson. Fu neral cortege will leave Holman s chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 1:45 p m today (Sunday), Feb. 20. 121, thence to ovomBn jviie vsmearai, Lavwnsdale and Morrison streets, where services will be held at 2 P. M. Friends Invited to at- lenu. v.onciuaing services at the Port land crematorium. YOUNG At the home of her deh, 128 East 18th street, Feb. 17. Mrs. Lucy Caroline Young, aged 8 years 1 month o aays; mother of F. P. Young. Mrs .O. P. Graham and Mrs. H. S. Burdln The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street at 2:3u P. M. Monday. Feb. 21. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. BROWN At Ihe residence. 619 Overton St., Feb. 19, Ella May Brown, aged 49 years, beloved wife of George Brown and daughter of Henrietta Beard and mother of Mrs. Charles Fox; also sur vived by one brother. H. C. Chaney Fu neral services will be held Monday, Feb. 21, at 10 A. M. from the above resi dence under the direction of Miller & Tracey. Interment Multnomah cemetery. HAWLET In this city. Feb. 19. Anna Maritaiet Hawley, aged 43 rears, wife of W. J. Hawley of 444 llth St., and mother of Mrs. A. E. Kelly Irene and Leona Hawley of Portland. The funeral services will be held Monday. Feb "1 at 2 o'clock P. M. at Flnley's. Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Con eluding service Rlvervlew cemetery. JUMNSUN in this city. Feb. 15. Georr. ; ?. son- aged 48 er- The remains C . u -Minneapolis. Minn., by A. D. Kenworthy 4k Co., 4802-04 sad st. s. i. In Lenta. ALCAZAR Combination Range Z m i Mmm3SJp iSi flFNTITRY DR A- w- KEKNE- ULIIilOini Washington st. Wltnout r.:i in. I.ntes nerve blocking system. UKNTISTUV-br. Harry Semler, 24 Alls- ky bldg.. Third and Morrison. Main 857tJ U -ft ; if r iff 'f. ni'Y Hoi SKiioi.i) cnons Fon CASH 1)11 WILL SKI. I, KOII YOl' l) I COMMISSION AT VOI It HOIK, IK CI) KMK.T, OH VOI l A V 11 A VK ! 1'IIK ISK OK Dili CK.VTII ALI.V l.O- ,' CVl'KI) S A I.K.SHOOMS. ('I).SI XT 1 ! IK VOI' WANT TO SKI.l. OH AIIK MAIvl.Mi CHA.VI.KS. 1'IKINK MAI.V XlllZ. W. C. BAKER & W. H. DEAN Aurtifinern. rvTiiiA m iLii.. Varahlll and Went Park Street, For merljr .Muwuule Temple Hulldlaic. V Kl'LLESy V11 1(1. SH. PR. G. KING treats Indigestion. trouble, nervousness, all kinds of sick n ens and diseases, men. women and children; acute and chronic; hemorr hoids (pllea) without Operation. 3o-9 AJisriy diqk., x mru ana jaorriaon. Main aztt. v a. at 10 o f. m. and by apoL GI.KN HAVEN 11 EST 1IOMK! Diet and Itest Cure! fc-lectrioity. Hydro - Therapy, r, - Battle Creek methods applied as your phy- . .u alcian directs. Outside patients treated also. An ideal Home. Beautiful grounds. li xl,. xoui st tor. Alder, rhone K. 422 SHOK KEPAfKINO. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS Chronic diseases a ADA N. SCOTT specialty. 188 13th. DENTISTS (PAINLESS.) PEERLESS DENTISTS DR FEESE. OPEN NIGHTS DR GREER. Out of the high-rent district. Sav. money. Cor. 2d and Burnstde. Aut, 511-5!) ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, Phone 527-27. 226 Main St. MnncDn eunc dcoaidhup uuar. IIIUULIIII UIIW!. III.. nillillU A NT K ED BSVt Mroanway. bet, oak and Pine. STOVE KEPAIKING. WHY BUY a new stove? we repair kinds ot stoves, gas ranges, furnaces. B. fc;. punn. e;ast o'j.11. SEWEK CONNECTIONS. COLUMBIA CONSTRUCTION CO., Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 11C5. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TMAUH..UAKK BUREAU. C01 jjCKum oius u. o. foreign trademarks TRANSFER. AND STOKAGeT" H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO. 1 N. 1st at-. Portland. Or. Re. Winding and electric repairing a specialty, rsew or used mo tors. Broadway 1045. A, 1046. No Parts Removed Bakes, cooks, and burns gas, coal ana wood. See them In onr dlsptnvy room Reasonable Prices FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 174 FIRST STREET FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service JONES AUTO LIVEI T MARSHALL 114 Phono your want ada to The Oro jfonian. Main 7070, slutomatlc 660-95. FOR SALE HI OH -GRADE APARTMENT HOISE A modern six-story building on west side. All oc cupied with best class of ten ants. An excellent Income. Property is not tied up with speculative lease. The price is based on old valuations and is not prohibitive. A splendid in vestment for the living and a good place for trust funds. K. H. BLOSSOM", 10 Chamber of Commerce Bids. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnalda. corner Tenth St. Bdwy. 5674. INCOME TAX. FORMS properly prepared by Internal rev enue expert. 205 Artisans bldg.. Bdwy. 5oU4. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL HAULING. Ten thousand square feet warehouse borage l-kj uuw avauaoie. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO Packing Moving Storage. Reduced Freight Rates. Honey Loaned on Warehouse RecelDta. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY 53 FOURTH ST., COR. OF PiNB.' PHONE BROADWAY 37lf IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IKON WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, boiler makers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of fice and works. Hawthorne ave. and East Third st- LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. CALL SELLWUOD 10U5. PACIFIC LANDSCAPE I GARDENERS. Experts In creating and planning of new lawns and parks: furnish all plants and material; take care of your lawns and gardens. A. Meyer, proix. 4503 45tb ave. S. E. OREGON TRANSFER CO 474 Gllsan Street. FIVE WAREHOUSES. STORAGE. CARTAGE, PHONE BROADWAY 1281 UMBRELLAS. REPAIRING AND RECOVERED " acute Alder St. The Surety Shop ' VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL c... , . - via,.,, om. xom pnones; "j mu. g. me. o vetennarlana WATCH KEPAIRINO. WATCHES Repaired, any kind. (L50. Standard .leeiry v-o., idj mrai. WHOLESALERS. AND MANUFACTURERS ENGINEERS AND MILL SUPPLIES' KLINE CO.. 84-S6-S7-SS Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. I PACIFIC GRAIr. CO., Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front at PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison KAsMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAKA BARK. IvAHN BROTHERS. 195 Front at. ' HOPE AND HINDER TWINE. Portland Corqam Co.. llth and Northrup. I'LUMBINO SUPPLIES AND PIPE?" THE M. L. KLINE CO. 84-86-87-89 Front! fKODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. F. ERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front St. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER CO . Front and Morrison. Auction Sales At Wilson's Auction House 109-171 SICCO.M) STHEET, YEAR MORRISON, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND" FRIDAY AT I OA. M. THREE BIG SALES THIS WEEK FOR ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUM, RANGES, ETC. ATTEND OUR SALES AND BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE Income Property 50x100 on North Sixth Two Mocks from T'nlon Pepot. I his property w ill be sold hel.iw present values. Leased nt good rentals. A ffint' Investment. Secretary, International 5 Realty Associates 1 10 Tenth S IMttnek Block. 5 Broadway 111). .nmiiiiimiimmiimtiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiir. 200 OAK ST. IUVV. MM -.yy1eJ1ive..e.wii For Sale, Lease or Exchange A fiKMIXH S1TK KOR FAC TOR V l'l HPOSKS. Trackage, 1,10x1 On, on i.lnnton road, clfse In. ATIOT'T SKVKVTY ROOMS, rlitht In center of business dis trict; hot. nnd cold water In every room, steam heat and con necting baths; k o o d furniture and lunir lease. J20.H0O cash for this place. Income better than J1000 per month. MO OAK ST. IIDWV. 635S APARTMENT SITE S. K. CORNER Yamhill and Chapman Sts. Size 100x128 Ft. Present Improvements yield ing approximately ,200 per month. Price $32 ,000 This Beautiful Home for Sale by Owner at a Sacrifice I Flv Inrre room arid nlfeplnp porch. ' rhfrk.ii-houf; 1 fruit treei ' I) e r r I e h, rst r: lot li Kfixlrtn; full , c e m e n t h:iTiient, 1 utoh k It r hen. I I " 11 I in rinuiMi u.n ill f. I il .1 14-11 H . I! till t.',. t'r.l...l..a VT-.-aa. a.. .... j i .1 1 riri i mi i) 'iiiki mnii, iiei WPriii KlUJntfHvvorrh ami Krnerson sireets. i I'hone autonwiMc otrtrk dun- I fifsxtitn. $1 2.'il tMHh will hand If 30 Net West Side Brick rApartment House Ki 1 RTCEI-LICXT I.OCATTO". Pays 30 Net on A monn t or Ijtsh la. vented and ao Net on Total . Purchase Price. I TERMS. OKE-KOtfRTIT CASH A TO S.MALI, ANNUAL PAYMKXT FOH ENTTRJbl B ALANCE. ' 0. W.Bryan) BO CnAMBFR OF COMMFItCE. visit ovn PRIM SALE DEPT In Thts Department We Sell Goods aut Any Time, Including; UPRIGHT PIANOS AND ORGANS. PHONOGRAPHS OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORTS AND EASY ROCKERS, BED DAVENPORTS, LEATHER' ROCKERS AND CHAIRS WICKER FURNITURE, ALL STYLES IN BOOKCASES Wakefield, Fries & Co. 8S FOIRTH ST. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE MODERN THREE - STORT BRICK APARTMENT - HO USE, SOxlOO. J4 apartments. Nob Hllf district. This apartment-hoiyse is one of the few bargains left. Let us show you this, then compare 't with anything of fered at the price, terms and income. Price $42,500 Term. In Mhogany and Golden Oak. NEW TODAY. CLAY S. MORSE, INC. Draymen and Warehousemen. Broadway 3170 FOR MORTGAGE LOANS. Baa Oregon Investment & Mortgage r. 222 Chamber ot Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS LflWMt Interest i steal lnatallaneat r payments: If dealred. Bnlldinsr loimi made. Ke delay tn .eloalnaj. - A. H. CO, Formerly A. H. Btnrell Ca. ' CIC-XLS Aortbweaten Bank "'"''I amsvakaU 4VU4k - NEWTODAY. Fluff Rugs mad from worn-oat carpets at 90 aav ingn. Woven to order; guaranteed. ferl2 run steam cleaned for $ 1.5ft. Ws clean, refit and Irt carpets. Phone liaast 3&8Q. 188 East Ela-hth sr. NORTHWEST RUG CO. In Mahogany, Old Ivory, BIrdseye Maple and Oak. ROOM-SIZE RUGS AND CARPETS, GAS RANGES, STEEL RANGES, WATER HEATERS IF FTRMSHIflG, WE SOLICIT TOl'R IlfSPECTIO" OF OUR STOCK. GOODS OFFERED AT PRIVATE SALE ARE STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS AND OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST O. W. BRYAN BOO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Water Frontage FOR Manufacturing Sites Deep Water and TRACKAGES f40 PER FRONT FOOT. See Owner, 10413 ?lorthwetem Hank HI dir. J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. Cash Paid for Used Furniture, tfala 1626. Call WANTED 2S0,0O0 CASH to Inrest tn property between Yamhill and Stark sts-, east of 19th or between Stark and Glisan sta- eaat of llth at. Clear exchange In part for larg er aeai. nenry ouuning-. -"S, v WANTED THREE IRVINGTOK DUPLEX RESIDENCES Grounds 100x150 Each residence aubdlvlded Into two apartments of five rooms and sleeping porch. Double construction throughout. Thor oughly modern. Will sell at less than pre-war value. Price $27,000 Good Terms. Jt G. Gustaff 420 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 6349. OTHER GOOD FLATS AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE OK F.XCHAM.K. I AM HERE TO BUY APARTMENT-HOUSE, HOTEL CR OTHER INCOME-PRODUCING REAL ESTATE " Will mt cash, but must be reason. ably priced. Write me full particu lars. Owners only need reply. F 402. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE APARTMENT Walking; distance. Nets 11 per cent on total Investment. Will carrr It self and pay 20 per cent on amount Invested. 18000 cash will handle. AJ 415. Oregonlan. Phone ro-nr want ada to The Ore- g-onlan, Alain 7070, Automatic S60-5,