The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 13, 1921, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 62

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' Representatives of Churches Throughout Northern Part of Oregon Will Invade Portland for Missionary Council Meetings Arranged by Revs. 0. C. Wright and J. C. Austin.
churches throughout the north
ern part of Oregon will .mass on
Monday and Tuesday. In this city, for
what promises to be one of the most
Important missionary conference ever
held in this part of Oregon. Tne
meetings will be but one link In a
great chain of regional missionary
gatherings in which the 10,664
churches in 35 northern states are co
operating under the auspices of the
northern Baptist convention. The
meetings will be continued in other
sections of the country. The aim is a
revival of missionary spirit.
Dr, O. C. Wright, state promotion
director, ajid Rev. J. C. Austin, field
promotion director, are arranging the
meetings, and they are oems iuu
ky W. O. Sims of Portland, who last j
ipring served as state director In tbe(
drive of the Baptist churches of this
tate to help finance the new world
movement plana of the northern
Baptists, calling for 1100,000.000 be
fore 124. ,
Three Baptist leaders of national
eminence are to take part in tne rori
land sessions, in addition to local
leaders. They are: Ur. C. A. Brooks
of New York, of the American Baptist
Home Mission society. Mrs. H. W.
Peabody of Massachusetts, vice-president
of the Woman's American Bap
tist Foreign Mission society, and Rev.
W. H. Bowler, field representative of
the northern Baptist convention. -
ject."The Church." Mrs. H. T. Cash
will 'lead the meeting from 1:30 to 3.
her subject being, "World Missions":
and Mrs. Harold F. Gilbert will lead
the meeting from S to 4, the Bubject
being "The Young Leaders."
The programme 'is not one of ad
dresses, but will consist largely, in
prayer. The call for this day of
prayer has been issued by the follow
ing committee. .Mrs. u. c wnsni.
Baptist; Mrs. A. J. Sullens. Congrega
tional: Mrs. C. F. Swander. Disciple;
Mrs. W. E. Brinkman, English Lu-1
theran; Mrs. James Muckle, Episco
pal; Mrs. M. S. Hughes. Methodist;
Mrs. J. W. McMichael, Presbyterian;
Mrs. K. O. Shepherd, United Brethren;
Mrs- Nellie Roberts, United Evangel
ical; Mrs. S. fcarl DuBots, United
Presbyterian, and Mrs. E. M. Runyan
Jr.. Y. W. C. A.
Monday was a busy day and one
long to be remembered by Christian
endeavorers of Portland. At noon a
lunrheon was held, at which were
present representative business men
of this city, wno are
anxious to back Portland in obtaining
the international convention in 1923.
v. P Cat ft a of Boston, secretary of
the United Society of Christian En
deavor, convinced those present that
the convention wouid be a wonderful
thing for,tbe Rose City.
At 6:30 a large and enthusiastic
ercwd of Intermediates gathered at a
banquet at Westminster church, where
the principal speaker was P-ul Brown,
same hour, the alumni members en
lutermediate superintendent. At the
joyed a banquet at the First Con
gregational church, where Ir. Delia
Ford Warner presided. Mr. Gates told
of tbe wonderful growth of Christian
endeavor in the Dixie territory,
through which he has Just made an
extended trip.
"When I was In Louisville about four
years ago." said Mr. Gates, '1 spote
at a rally, where all seven or eight
of those present sat in the front row.
This time, when I addressed a rally
at that point there were 1000 en
deavorers present and Louisville has
14 societies."
Alva Patton told briefly of the La
Grande convention, the first of Ore
gon's twin conventions, held last week
end where there were 105 reentered
delegates. Rev. W. G. McElveen.
pastor of the First Congregational
church, spoke of the splendid work
being done by Ned Irwin of Portland
la training young endeavorers for
service. Twenty-five registration
Portland's quota were obtained for
the international convention at New
York this July, and a challenge was
sent to Des Moines, la. which city
also Intends to have the 1923 con
vention to secure more alumni mem
bers before July.
Following these banquets, a monster
rally was held at the Westminster
church, where Roland Davis, president
of the Multnomah county union.
presided, and there was much pep.
music and speech. Miss Alice Price
Moore sang a delightful solo, "Friend
' Mine." Paul Brown spoke of the
wonderful four-day session of en
deavor field secretaries in Detroit
recently, at which Rev. Francis E.
Clark, founder of Christian Endeavor,
told of its spread in Europe, and in
the new countries which have come
Into beini? since the war.
"Christian Endeavor has grown at
home. too. as the movement has
grown in California more in the past
ix months than in the past three
years, said Mr. Erown. and it is a
great mistake to thlink that endeavor
13 losing its grip, lor mere are more
and greater conventions held and
more accomplished than ever before.'
Mr. Gates gave a formula for true
Success in endeavor: "Trust plus
strive equals do." and said that the
great need at present is for more peo
Pie who will do things and not Just
made a noise.
"Noise will not bring the 1923 con
vention to Portland; It will take work
and prayer back of the noise to bring
success," he said. "We need leaders,
but we also need followers to back
these leaders, and we need people who
are not afraid to stand on the plat
form of Christian Endeavor and stand
The rally terminated with the pre
sentation of banners to the Monta
.Tilla Christian Intermediate society.
fr'rderatiom Mreta Monday Night.
The Portland Federation of
Churches will hold its 1921 winter
meeting in the First Methodist Epis
copal churoh. Twelfth and Taylor
.streets, Monday, February 14, at 7:45
o'clock. At this meeting the execu
tive council will present a chart of
4he organization and activities of the
federation to all those attending and
will furnish a report for the past six
months. The churches of the city
have been invited and have been
called upon to be represented by their
ministers and officially elected dele
gates at this meeting.
The federation counts itself quite
fortunate In having as a special guest
of honor for this occasion the Rev.
Herbert I Willett, D. D., of Chicago,
jwho was for 6ome years executive
president of the Chicago Federation
of Churches and is now the western
representative of the 32 denomina
tions of American churches which are
working through the federal council
of churches of Christ in America
Bishop Waiter Taylor Sumner of the
Episcopal church is a very good friend
of Doctor Willett and Bishop W. O.
Shepard of the Methodist Episcopal
church states that Dr. Willett Is one
of the most eloquent men on the
American platform today. Dr. Will
ett is known throughout the country
as one of the outstanding religious
scholars of the day, having been for
some tiijje professor of theology in
the University of Chicago. Because
of the special character of tbis'iiieet
Ing, all those who are interested in
the cause of Christian co-operation
will be welcome at this meeting.
The forum in room A of the public
library will be addressed at 8 o'clock
in the evening by Richard W. Mon
tague, whose subject will be "The
Kansas Industrial Court." Mr. Mon
tague will discuss the right of law to
require labor to continue at work in
stead of striking, and also the right
of the law to force business Interests
to provide regular employment to
their employes. After the address
the speaker will answer questions
from the floor.
Friday to Be Day of Prayer.
A committee of 11 women repre
senting the Portland Federation of
Churche have called a day of prayer
for missions to be held at the Y. W.
C. A. from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. on
Friday, February 18. The leader from
10 to 11 will be Mrs. J. W. McMlchael,
and the subject will be "Praise and
Devotion." The leader from 10 to 12
will be Mrs. Ji. F. Given, and the sub-
Rev. C. A. Brooks to Speak
at White Temple Today.
Clergyman. Just Back From Eu
rope, to Deliver Morninc Sermon.
SPEAKERS from the Baptist mis
sionary conference which will meet
at the First Baptist church ("White
Temple). February 14-15, will occupy
the pulpit of this "church today. In
ths morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. C. A.
Brooks. D. D.. who has Just returned
from a -year in Europe among the
war-striken countries, will present a
message, and at 7:45 P. M. Mrs. H. W.
Peabody, vice-president of the wom
en's Baptist foreign mission society
will give the .address. The Temple
quartet will furnish music at both
services. A cordial invitation Is ex
tended to all to be present both at
these services and also at the con
ference sessions on Monday and Tues
"Dissolving Difficulties" will be the
theme of the morning sermon which
Kev. R, E. Close will deliver at the
Third Baptist church today. A etere
opticon lecture, "Here and There In
Old China" will be given at night.
This will be the first of two Sunday
night illustrated discourses on China.
The chorus choir and orchestra wiil
lead the congregation in a gospel
song service.
At the Glencoe Baptist church. East
Forty-fifth and East Main streets.
Dr. Charles R. Sneppards, superin
tendent of Chinese work on the Pa
cific coast, and of the Baptist home
mission society will speak this morn
ing. Dr. Sheppards is one of the prin-
clral speakers at the Baptist conven
tion now being held In this city. The
pastor. Rev. W. B. Stewart, will
preach at night on, "The Moralist
and the Sinner."
The Baptist Bible school superin
tendents and workers' union will hold
their regular monthly meeting In the
Swedish Baptist church, February
15, at 7:30 P. M.
The Interest in Bible subjects, as
presented by Dr. F. W. Thompson,
Tuesday nights in the church parlors
at the W hite Temple, is steadily grow
ing. The subject to be presented next
Tuesday is "God, the Holy Spirit"
Mrs. H. W. Peabody, first vice-president
of the Women's Baptist Foreign
Mission society, will epeak In the
East Side Baptist church this morn
ing at 11 o'clock, and at 3 o'clock
there will be a mass meeting of all
the Baptist churches in the city, when
Dr. C. A. Brooks. D. D., of New York
city will speak.
This evening Dr. S. J. Reid, Baptist
superintendent of Evangelism will
preach at 7:30 from the question
"What Kind of Company Do You
The prayer meeting on Wednesday
night will be in charge of the dea
cons and Dr. Reid will speak from
the theme "God's Heavenly Ladder."
On Thursday the women's mission
circles will meet in the different
Domes or mission study.
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man, will be "The Reaping and the
Reward of the Right Way." Midweek
I meetings are held Tuesday and
Thursday at 8 o'clock in the evening.
The success -and health club meets
Tuesdays and a public demonstration
meetins is held Thursday. Rev. J. C
and. Ida M.. Schorl are the pastors.
The society for spreading the
knowledge of true prayer will meet
in the blue room of the Hotel Port
land tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.
All are welcome.
The First Spiritual Science church
will hold special Lincoln birthday
services today in Manchester hall,
8514 Fifth street. There will be lec
tures by the pastor. Rev. Max Hoff
man, and L. E. Philips at 3 P. M. and
8 P. M. The subject will be "Lincoln.
la Seer." All are cordially invited to
Baptlnt leaders In regional mlmilonar y conference at White Templet Left Mrs, H. V. Peabody of Sfasaaehn
ett, vice-president of the Woma n'a American Baptist Foreign Mission society. Right Dr.O. C.Wright, state
promotion-director, In charge of ar raagements for the meeting.
Visitors to Occupy Pulpit of
First Presbyterian Church.
Rev. I Myron Boomer to Speak
This Morning nnd Sam IllKKin
bottom of India This Evening.
Episcopal Young People to
- Honor Lincoln.
Society of Pro-Cathedral Will Hepr
Speclut KarrclNes.
THE Young People's
Stephens' uro-cath
s society of St.
hedral (EplscO'
Pal) will hold its regular weekly
meeting today at 6:3u P". JI. in the
parish house, at the corner of Thir
teenth and Clay streets. The meeting
will be of a patriotic nature in com
memoration of the anniversary of the
birth of Abraham Lincoln. R. H.
Hayes will lead and also will give
the talk of the evening, his-subject
being "The Spirit of Lincoln." All
members having tickets outstanding
for the play are urged to bring them
to this meeting, as the treasurer
wants to make a final accounting.
The regular monthly meeting of
St. Stephens pro-cathedral chapter
will be held in the parish house today
at 8 P. M. sharp. All members are
urged to be present on account of im
portant business. ,
This morning at 7:30 o'clock a cor
porate communion service will be
held for the Girls Friendly society
of St. David's church. Later break
fast will be served in the parish
house. At the meeting next Wednes
day there will be a class in millinery
under the direction of the industrial
At St. Michael and All Angels'
church, Rose City Park, Rev. T. F.
Bowen has announced a course of
sermons for the Sunday mornings of
Lent on "Some GrSat Hymns of the
Christian Faith," beginning today
with a sermon on John Henry New
man's hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light."
The Young People's society will
meet at 6:30 P. M. Rose Roberts
will lead and Edward Kittoe will be
the speaker. Other parts will be
taken by Mildred Melville and Marvin
The additional services., during
Lent will be the holy communion
Wednesdays at 10 o'clock. Devotions
and address Thursdays at 3:45.
The mission study class will meet
Thursdays at 2:30, with Mrs. George
W. Perrins as class leader. All meet
ings will be held at the church. East
Forty-third and Broadway.
The Sunday school meets at 9:45
A. M.. the Junior league at 3 P. M.
and the Epworta league at 6:30 P.M.
This service includes studies in for
eign lands, led by Mrs. Alice Alex
ander. The official board meeting last
week showed a good financial con
dition, and H. W. Polen and N. R.
Graves were added to the board. The
church, is located at East Fifteenth
street and Tacoma avenue, one block
east of. the Sellwood carline.
"Mistakes of Sincere Seekers After
God" is the morning subject at
WoodHawn Methodist church. "Lin
colnlike Men" will be the evening
theme. A marked increase in con
gregations, both morning and eve
ning, and a growing Sunday school,
overcrowding all space, and a large
choir, directed by Professor A. U.
Davis, are ths features of .this
church. " ' i
THE First Presbyterian church,
corner of Twelfth and Alder
streets, will have visitors In Us pul
pit both morning and evening. The
regular pastor. Rev. Harold Leonard
Bowman. D. D., is absent from the
city but will be back for Sunday,
February 20. At the morning service
today a sermon will be given by Rev.
L. Myron Boozer, student-pastor at
the Oregon Agricultural college at
Corvallis. Mr. Boozer was formerly
a pastor In rortland and wiil be wel
comed back to the city by his many
At the evening service the church
will have the pleasure of hearing
Sam Higginbottom from Allahabad.
India. Mr.JHgginbottom Is principal
of the Allahabad Agricultural Insti
tute in India and Is well known for
his work in that country in teaching
scientific agriculture. One of the
most hopeful signs in the foreign
mission work is this attempt to teach
to the people of India improved
methods of agriculture and the use
of American machinery. By these
means It has been shown that the
yield or sugar cane, cotton ana wnet
can be doubled and India can be rid
of the terror of hunger and famine.
Mr.- Higginbottom is an inspiring
speaker and has a message of great
There will be special music at" the
evening service consisting of a bari
tone solo, Tennyson's "Crossing the
Bar" by Otto Wedemeyer. As a pre
lude to the' evening sesvice from 7:15
o'clock to 7:30 o'clock Mr. Coursen
will give an organ recital with the
following programme:
(al "Concert Piece No. 2" (ParkerV,
b "Andante From the Fifth Symphony"
Rev. F. H. MixselU pastor of Anabel
Presbyterian church, will be the
speaker at the Men's Resort neet!ng
this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss
Onetta Webb will be soloist. Singing
will be led by K. Desmond and or
chestra At 7:30 o'clock Rev. Levi
Johnson will continue his Bible lec
tures, and on Wednesday night at
8 o'clock the young people from First
Unite'd Brethren church will hold
their monthly meeting. "
Dr. Walter Henry Nugent, pastor
of Central Tresbyterian church. East
Thirteenth and Pine streets, will give
a "Father and Son" sermon this
morning and in the evening, "Retri
butive Justice" will be the topic of
the fifth sermon in a series on the
book of Jonah.
The chorus choir, 'William Belcher,
director, will sing at the morning
service, "Blessed Jesus" by Dvorak
and Arthur G. Harbaugh will sing
"If With All Y'our Hearts" from Eli
jah by Mendelssohn. Mr. Belcher will
lead the- song service at the evening
The Woman's society served a
dinner Thursday evening in the club
rooms of the church. After the din
ner a short devotional service was
held, then a programme of music and
reading was given in the church par
lors, after which a social hour was
Rev. Henry White, pastor-elect of
the Millard avenue Presbyterian
church, will speak this morning at
11 o'clock on "A Famine of JJearing
the Word of God," and at the evening
service will speak on the subject,
"Seeking and Finding." Rev. Mr.
White will be Installed as pastor
Tuesday evening; February 15.
' -
This morning at Rose City Park
Presbyterian church. Rev. Donald
MacCluer will preach on "Being; Rec
onciled to God." In the evening he
will preach the first of a series of
sermons on the family. The first
will be "The Choice of a Wife";
second, "The Training of a Husband";
third. "Divorce." '
The Men's club dinner will be to
morrow evening at 6:30 o'clock.
District Attorney Evans will address
the meeting and Walter Jenkins will
lead the singing. A large attendance
Is expected.
Rev. D. A. Thompson will preach
at both morning and evening service,
11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M., at the Mizpah'
Presbyterian church, corner East
Nineteenth and Division streets. His
morning theme will be "Christ, the
Only . Hope for a Confused and Be
wildered World Today." His evening
theme will be "Undeveloped Power."
The Sabbath school meets at 10
A. M. There are classes for all; the
men's class meeting at 10:15 o'clock
in the main auditorium.
The Intermediate' Endeavor meets
at 6:45 o'clock In the lecture room
of the church and is composed of
high school students. This society
is preparing a Japanese operetta
which wiil be given some time in
March. -
The subject for the Thursday even
ing Bible study Is "The Wicked Hus
bandman." the topic for discussion
"The World's Rejection of Christ."
On Friday evening a Scotclf con
cert will be given at the church under
the auspices of the Senior High
School Bible class, for the benefit
of near east relief. x This class sup
ports a child, providing food and
clothing for the year. It is hoped
to do even better this year. The
talent participating is the very best
in the city and all Scotch artists.
The Misses Helen and Jean Harper
are arranging the programme. Re
freshments provided by the Scotch
women of the church will be served
in- the church parlors at the conclu
sion of the programme. The refresh
ments will consist of scones, short
bread, oat cake and tea.
This Is a day of Jubilee in Mount
Tabor Presbyterian church celebrat
ing the fourth anniversary of the
minister. Ward W. MacHenry, the
close and last assembly of the suc
cessful school of missions and spe
cial father and son service.
During the four years the church
has received 256 new members, sub
scribed in full for a large debt and
expects to burn the last mortgage
within a year.
Friday night a large number
attended the father and son banquet
and this morning fathers and their
boys attended church together for a
special service. The Mount Tabor
male quartet will sing; Robert Stites
will sing "The Shadows Lengthen,"
by Henrick; sermon. "Biblical Ideals
and Present Practices in Relations
of Father and Son."
The evening service will feature a
platform meeting of the five classes
of the school of missions. ,
The Westminster guild will meet
at the home of Mrs. G. C. Blohm
Friday evening. Mrs. Fletcher Linn
will be present In the interest of the
national movement.
At the Unity Presbyterian church
the pastor. Rev. S. W. Seemann. will
preach in the morning on "What
Christ Called the More Blessed." In
the evening the service will be
opened with a 20-minute song service
led by C. S. Porter. The sermon will
be on Abraham Lincoln, in which
lessons will be drawn from his life
and career for the deepest needs of
today and the people of today.
Christian Science Lesson
Subject to Be"Soul."
Regular Services Will Be Held in
Portland Churches.
Christian Churches Plan to
Begin Campaign.
Preliminary Meeting W III Be Held
Tuesday, February 15.
tx all the Christian churches in the
city will bo held at Church of Christ,
at Rodney avenue and Knott street,
Tuesday, February 15. This union
meeting of all the members of the
eight Christian churches is prepara
tory to a united campaign which will
be conducted in the months of March
and April.
The campaign will consist of a se
ries of evangelistic meetings and a
"go-to-church" appeal. A committee
from the Christian Ministerial asso
ciation will present the Campaign
plans in full Tuesday flight. A lay
man . from each congregation will
speak on various phases of church
work among the Christian churches.
The city missionary. Rev. Joseph
Boyd, will give a short address on
The American City: A Great Mission
Dr. Herbert L. Willett. western sec
retary for the Federal Council of
Churches of Christ in America, will
occupy the Pulpit at the First Chris
tian church this morning at 11
o'clock. Dr. Willett. who holds also
the position of professor of Semitic
languages at Chicago university, is a
speaker of unusual grace and charm.
His message this morning will have
to do with the growing unity and
co-operation of the Protestant forces
of America, a cause to which the
speaker himself in his own life has
made no slight contribution through
his personal influence in interde
nominational circles.
The ordinance of baptism (immer
sion) will be administered at the
service which begins at 7:45 P. M.
.Following a special praise service
the pastor, the Rev. Harold H. Grif
fis, will speak on the subject, "Facts
for Faith." The music offering for
these services by the church quartet
will include the soprano and con
tralto duet, "Whispering Hope," by
Mrs. O. B. Riddle and Miss Beatrice
Palmer; also the quartet, "Savior,
Breathe an Evening Blessing"
(Thomas), with contralto obligato by
Miss Palmer.
The Ministerial association of the
Christian church will meet Monday
morning at 10:30 in the office of the
Oregon Christian Missionary society.
The Rev. Herbert L. Willett. western
secretary of the Federal Council of
Churches of Christ," will speak.
Rev. William R. Reece of the New
Christian church (Swedenborgian)
will speak today at the Portland hotel
assembly-room on "The Bible: The
Truth of God Through Man," at 11
o'clock. There will be special music
by Mr. and Mrs. William Holmes.
QOUL" will be the subject of the
O lesson-sermon In . churches of
Christ. Scientist, today. Regular
services are held in all Christian
Science churches today at 11 o'clock
In all this evening, except Fifth and
Seventh churches, at 8 o clock.
The Wednesday evening meetings
are held at 8 o clock in all the
churches. A part of these meetings
is devoted to testimonies of healings
in Christian Science.
Public reading rooms are main
talned at 1133 Northwestern Bank
buildinsr and 266 Burnside street.
Sunday school is held in all the
churches for children to the age of
20 years. In all except Third and
Fifth churches ths sessions are at
9:45 and 11, in the other two at 9:30
and 11.
The churches are located as fol
First Nineteenth and Everett streeta
Second East Sixth ajid Holladay avenue.
I hird East Twelfth and Salmon streets.
Fourth Vancouver avnue and Emer
son street.
Fifth Sixty-Second avenue and Forty
second street Southeast.
Sixth Pythian Temple, SSS Yamhill
Seventh 103 Smith avenue, St. Johns.
"The Builders," by Emma Strick
land, will be the subject tonight of
the regular Sunday evening lecture
at Theosophical hall, 301 Central
The Psychical Research Center will
meet today at 7:45 P. M. in the Hotel
Portland assembly room. Lecture
and demonstration wHl be by Robert
Schmus and others. All are welcome,
The First Spiritualist church will
hold regular services today at 3 and
8 P. M. A short address by Mr.
Shaw will be followed by messages
by Mrs. Downes and Mr. Shaw. There
will be solos by Miss Easton and
Mrs. Schneider.
The' Sunday school of the Clay
street Evangelical church will begin
at 9:30 A. M. and will be In charge
of K. J. Keller, superintendent. At
10:45 A. M. the pastor. Jacob Stocker,
will continue his series of sermons
on the letter of Paul to the Ephes
lans, and his subject this morning
will be "Adoption in Redemption."
The Young People's alliance will meet
at 6:30 P. M. and J. C. Luckel, who
Just has returned from the east, where
he attended a meeting of the com
mission on reunion of the Evangelical
association and of the United Evan
gelical church, will give his experi
ence and impressions of the meeting
and of the trip. At 7:30 P. M. the
pastor will give another sermon in
the series on the letter of Paul to
the Romans, and the subject will be
"Law and Grace." . The two Bible
classes, where a systematic course of
Bible study is given, are increasing
in attendance.
W. W. Aber, pastor of the First
Church of Psychic Science, which is
located at Eleventh and Alder streets,
will lecture tonight at 8 o'clock on
the subject of "HarmQny and Love."
and messages will follow. Everybody
is welcome.
"Abraham Lincoln," Theme
at Congregational Church.
Moie to Be ol Patriotic Nature.
Leaders in Women's Work in the
Kast to Give Addresses This
"Church's Greatest Need,'
Dr. Clark's Topic. ,
Pastor at Evening Service Will
Speak on "Sin, Like Fire."
the theme for the 11 o'clock
service at First United Brethren
church. Fifteenth and East Morrison
streets, by Dr. Byron J. Clark this
morning. In the evening the pastor
will speak on ,'Sln, Like Fire."
Rev. Ira Hawley, pastor of the Sec
ond United Brethren church. Twenty
seventh and Sumner streets, will
speak in the morning ch "Lincoln."
In the evening Rev. E. O. Shepherd,
who is assisting the pastor in a series
of special meetings, will hold an
evangelistic service. These meetings
have been in progress for a week,
interest has increased and the indica
tions are for a splendid meeting. The
public is invited.
At Third United Brethren church,
Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-second
avenue S. E., the pastor. Rev.
E. O. Shepherd, will speak on "Cling
ing to the Rock." The evening serv
ice will be in charge of John David
son. Special music will be rendered
at both services by the chorus in the
morning . and by a young woman solo
ist in the evening.
Services at Fourth United Brethren
church, Tremont station, both morn
ing and evening will be under the
direction of the pastor, Rev. Leila
The lecture topic for tonight at 8
o'clock at the Independent Bible
UIITHAT AVould Abraham Lincoln
W s-i7 This Generation?" Is
Dr. McElveen's sermon-topic thi
morning at the First Congregational
church. The music is to be of a pa
triotic nature. .The Congregational
minister addressed the Creston school
on Friday and the Lincoln celebration
at the library yesterday afternoon on
"The Life and Services of Abraham
Four leaders in women's work from
the east will give eight-minute talks
at the First Congregational cnurcu
this evening. Mrs. Culla J. Vayhin
gtr, from Indiana, will speak on
"Americanization"; Mrs. Elizabeth O.
Middleton, from Missouri, will talk on
"Scientific Temperance Education";
Dr. Valeria H. Parker, from Illinois,
will speak on "Social Hygiene." and
Mrs. Frances P. Parks, from West
Virginia, will epeak on "Other Fea
tures of Our National Wrork." . Dr. .
T. McElveen will preside. Joseph
Fir.iey and the chorus of 35 selected
voices and the male quartet have pre
pared an extra musical programme to
accompany these addresses.
The Women's association of the
TTiiot fhnrph is 'steadily growing. A
large assembly of women enjoyed the
luncheon Wednesday, ana remameu i
heir Dr. McElveen talk on Dante s
"Inferno." Next Wednesday both the
association and the Women's Mission
ary society are to meet. The asso
ciation will meet in the morning to
sew for the Waverly home and enjoy
a luncheon at 12:30 o'clock. The Mis
sionary society will meet at 2 o clock
with Mrs. D. L. Brace in the chair.
Mrs. H. M. Morse will conduct the de
votionals. Miss Nana Dressel will give
a programme of vocal music, and a
grup of the women will be guides on
a make-believe tour to the G1
kindergarten in Kobe. Japan. Mrs. H. ,
A Roberts is conducting a largely at
t.nH.l miaainn Rtudv class on the'
near east on Wednesday morning
from 11 to 12 o'clock. A course in
domestic science is being given by the
association on Tuesday afternoons
from 2 to 4 o'clock. The association
has installed a new gas range in the
kitchen and has made other changes
in the gastronomic department oi
the church that will make these do
mestic scienca lessons possible and
popular. The women plan to give oc
casional Wednesday noon luncheons
to the men of the church.
Twelve of the members of the three
Christian Endeavor societies of the
church are passing tne
attendance upon the state Christian
Erdeavor convention at VrVaJ, "
These delegates are: Caroline Mc
Ewen. Elizabeth Dycke. Josephine
Woolery, Gertrude Lanning, l-lma
R-hwalt, Alva Tatton. Auyn f"
Roderick O'Connor. Lawrence R'aule.
H. J. Heavey, C. Jay Walker. Donald
Robertson and Fred Nelson.
Eloise Howell win oe tne in
the senior Christian Endeavor soi.i
ety this evening and Margaret Har
vey will be tne leader of the Inter
mediate society at the same time.
Mis E. B. McNaughtons ciass win
A K. Vi n r T.ln-
conduct an apprupi mi ' r ',
coin exercise at tne cnurcu
Sunday morning. Mrs. n. A.
class for business youns ure..
a dinner party last Wednesday at the
hurch. Covers were laia lor ou.
On Friday evening, February 18.
Portland alumni of Pacific university
wiil hold a "get-together meeting in
.he parlors of the First Congrega
tional church. The glee club of the
university and the band will give a
n a ll'ltUnm fhailTI1!in fit
concert. . a. vit", "
the committed, announces that l&o
students are coming by special train
to this rally. ,
Judge Rossman, the president of
the Men's Brotherhood of the First
Congregational church. has an
nounced an attractive programme for
. ,r .tniTiir. Charles Diamond
nroeramme on his steel
guitar: Joseph Finley will lead the
i.rnthprhood in community singing;
Professor Bassett, the new professor
of psychology at Keea coueKe. w.n
Fpeak on "The Man in Business ;
George Gratke. secretary of the 1925
exnosition. will talk on the fair. The
r, of the First Congregational
rhnrch also enjoy a weekly fellowship
ii,r,,.h together at the Y. M. C. A.
Dr. Herman Swartz. the executive
secretary of the Congregational world
movement, will pay the Congrega
tional churches of Portland and vi-
rinitv a hurried visit on vt eanesaay
He will address a conference of the
Congregational ministers at the First
Congregational church on Wednesday
afternoon on the task of raising J5.
000. 000 for the work of the denomina
tion. In the evening a reception win
be given Jn his honor in the parlors
of the First church.
ohurcli activities In the world's lifr. p
The gospel of Christ the sovereign remedy.
On Wednesday morning the topic
to be discussed Is "Plans for the Fu
ture." The programme fpllows:
0 A. M.t Bible study and prayer. J. H.
S:3n X. M. "My plans for myflf": (1)
"Keeplm Spiritually at My Beat." H. C.
A. M. (2) "Orsanlsini Myself,"' K.
K. Clark.
3 0 A. M. Discussion.
10:30 A. M. ".My Plans for My Work";
(1) "la General Pastoral Stivlce." i') "In
Uettlns New Members," (3) Getting- Life
Recruits." H. A. Deck. '
1I:4S A. M. "My Pulpit Work"; (1)
"Making Effective the Preaching," (-)
"Making Effective the Worship." (:i)
"Making Effective the Passion for Service."
P. D. Holfinan.
11 A. M.--General discussion.
11:30 A. M Bible study, J. C. Hall.
It :." a. Af. Closing prayer service led
by H. Hagelgans. ,
3- M. Adjournment.
The members of the conference will
be the guests of the women's asso
ciation of the first church at lunch.
At this lunch Dr. Swarta will speak.
Beginning at 2 o'clock. Rev. A. M.
Spangler of Eugene, Rev. H.- S. Wiley
of Beaverton, Rev. Edward Goudge
of The. Dalles, Rev. E. E. Flint of
Portland, Rev. J. J. Staub of Portland
and Rev. W. C. Kantncr of Salem
will discuss different aspects of the
work planned for the coming nWths.
Attractive services are to be held In
the Atkinson Kt morial Congregational
church today. The church Is located
at East Everett and Twenty-ninth
street North. The pastor. Rev. E. E.
Flint, announces for the theme of his
sermon this morning "Double Prof
its." Tonight will be held one of the
popular Sunday evening fireside-at-church
gatherings. The time is from
6:30 to 8 P. M. The light lunch served
enables the families of the community
to pass the Sunday night home hour
at home in the church. A fine pro
gramme Is prepared. Mrs. Sims will
give a solo. Other numbers will con
stitute the programme for the eve
ning. The Sunday school meets at
:4o A. M.
This evening the service at Hinh
land Congregational church, Frescott
and East Sixth streets, will take the
form of a meeting in the interest of
juvenile welfare. The address will
be given by J. E. Brockway. executive
of the Boy Scout organization of
Portland, his topic being "The Prob
lem of Young America." The morn
ing sermon by the pastor. Rev. Ed
ward Constant, will havo for its sub
ject, "God's Messenger of Hope."
Rov. A. B. Snider will be the speak,
er-at both morning and evening serv
ices at Laureihurst Congregational
church today. At the morning hour
he will give a story-sermon entitled
"A Ticker in the Sky." This will be
addressed particularly to the pupils
of the Sunday school. The story Is
located in one of the quaint old vil
lages 'of Europe.
Evening sermon topic is. "Come,
Come, Come." Much Interest Is being
shown in these special meetings Mr.
Snider is conducting.
In presenting Christian truth from
a new angle. Rev. Oliver Perry Avery
will speak in the Waverly Heights
Congregational church on "Subcon
scious Power and How to Use It." The
significance of hypnotism will be dis
cussed. The use of the subconscious
powers for the highest ends is a de
mand of Christian psychology. Uod
used the psychological method of
"suggestion" in his. dealings with Is
rael and in the coining of Christ. The
divine spirit Is trying to release our
subconscious powers for the greater
life. We must let God have "right of
of song service. The grot v.irl. ty of
talent to be found In this congrrK.t
tion enables the leader to make It
very effective.
The following series of special Len
ten sermons' and address will be
given by Rev. William K. lirinknun
at the bt. James' English Lutheran
"l.y Is the lill.ij .sPl.
tat ion.
I-J!;ULiay',F"fruar'' ""The True Way
t nlo Stuvallon.'
Sunday, February
. A M "A Woman',
al tilon-
Wondorful Faith." 1'.' M "Mum.
Iicaiion at Chrmt."
' """Vf '. February t4 "The
Which the l!uli,ler injected"
nni"y',-1'1eb""lr' -7- A '.f-"C,nfilct
Man Tlitnta. Let Hun rem.-
-.,inV.U,,'"":y' Mr-' S "The Broken
r'l'l' Ur'' . M "Jems. .,he
m VaTU" L P .-"Sco Ucvelv.d
Thursday March la "W'innlnc Soul."
Sunday, March 1.1. A. M "The. Hu
mility of Christ.- P. M.-"lb. jl"
If Any
Dry Bo
March 17. 'The Va::ey f
p.i o ,,ny week.
..a lnmtfnHar'.'":"h -"' -""
Chrtlt." U'ht." i'. M.-Loju.ij, t.
ComS'n''-' MarCh :3
lnH?i;encUn,day' 3''lC,, S4 "Scoring
Good Friday. March Ii "And Ther
Crucined Him There" 1
Eafereil'dUy',March A M. "The
wmli W",'" ",e Krreoiion." Holy
communion and offering
rtTl Sunday evening Easter pm
gramme by the Sunday chool. spcoal
V.OMCT offering.
Grace Church to Observe
Lenten Season.
Period of Inereaned Devotional Ac
tivity In Predicted.
Dr. Stansfield to Preach on
First Mrlhodiat Church GTI.. i.n,
ernlly to ltcliet Fund.
AT THE First Methodist church
this morning the pastor, Dr.
Stansfield, will speak again on
"Stewardship." th i r..-
Iv:l, 2: "Stewards of the mysteries of
God. It is required of a steward that
he be faithful."
More than 1 100 was the completed
Sunday school offering f,ir the China
famine sufferers nt Finn church last
Sunday, and JlL'Gli for the European
and near east sufferers six weeks
At the evening- service at :i
o'clock, under the auspices of Hie
church federation, lr. Herbert l
Willett of Chicago will be the speak
er. Dr. Willett, of the faculty of the
University of Chicago, is now the,
western representative of the Federal
Council of Churches of America, ami
is visiting Portland In that capacity.
For many years Dr. Willett was ex
ecutive secretary of the Chicago Fed
eration of Churches, and is spoken of
as one of the ablest public speakers
on the continent. There will be music
by the large choral choir. .
The Sunday school meets at 12:15
o'clock P. M. The Intermediate Kp
worth league meets at 6:3(1 p. M. n
the Oxford parlors, and the Senior
Kpwortn league at 6:30 In the Sun
day school temple. There will be two
special musical numbers tonight a
vocal solo by C. D. Norhlnd and a
vocal duet by Misses Marie and ilay
ciK lesiau.
The community nlnht Dicture show.
with high-grade reels and educational
films, Is doiiiir a fine nervlcu for chil
dren and others, and is being woll
attended. Next Friday uikIU at 7
o'clock "Sherry," the successful strug
gle of a fallen youth, will bu given.
Lincoln's birthday will be observed
at the Epworth Methodist Episcopal
church this evening. Mrs. E. D. Can-
nady, SHsociate editor of the Advo
cate, and a real friend of nejjro wel-
tare In the city, will sneak on tha
changing condition of the American
negro. 1 he music will In furnished
by the chorus choir under Mr. lierso.
At the morning service at the Ros
City Park Methodist Episcopal church
RACE LUTHBUAN CHURCH will collection will be taken for China
VJT observe the Lenten season
appropriate services. This season is
ri will " luii'-touu ni oe lancn lor China
with' rclicf' at which time it I
- hoped that tho community will Join
Spiritualistic Church and Society, 441 J "(Ve
East Twelfth street, corner of Sher- reB
Tuesday and Wednesday will wit
ness the gathering , of tne Oregon
clan of the Congregationalists In
Portland. All the Congregational
ministers of' the state and many of
the prominent Congregational laymen
have been summoned to an important
fellowship informational meeting at
the First Congregational church,
Park and Madison streets.
This conference will open at 9:30
o'clock to consider the general topic
of "The Minister Himself." Rev. C.
H. Ne'.lor, Rev. C. H. Johnston, Rev.
J. P.' Clyde, Rev. A. B. Snyder and
Rev. R. O. Schuetze will discuss dif
ferent phases of this topic, tne men
will then enjoy a luncheon together
at the Y. W. C. A. In the afternoon
Rev. Edward Constant will give a
message from "Thomas a'Kem.pis" for
the minister of today and Rev. W. W.
Blair of Forest Grove will speak on
"Early and Present Ideals of the
Ministry." Other speakers are: Mrs.
Handsaker. Rev. O. P. Avery and Rev.
F C. Butler.
On Tuesday evening the topic to be
considered is "The Minister in the
World's Life." The following will be
the programme:
Bble study and prayer: world conditions
which confront us and make our task espe
cially difficult, by Rev. W. T. McElveen.
(a) Difficult conditions resulting from the
war, including economic disturbance, de
terioration of morals, bitterness of spirit,
etc (b) Difficult problems In America's
c) Tne spirit ot our cnurcnes m
always attended with increased devo
tional activity. The pastor. Rev. C. H.
Lernhard, is preaching a series of
sermons on texts taken from the his
tory of Ci.rlst's last days. The sub
ject of the morning sermon Is "Jour
neying With Jesus to Calvary." The
evening subject is "VVhy Christ was
Crucified." These old gospel themes
have swakeued interest and greater
The pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran
church. East Twelfth and Clinton
streets. Rev. A. Krause, will speak
this morning in German and In Eng
lish in the evening. At 10 A. M. he
will preach the confessional sermon
and will speak on the gospel of the
day at 10:30. His subject will be
"Christ in the Wilderness." In con
nection with the morning service
there will be holy communion. De
votional service and Bible study take
place at P. M. The topic for the
7:30 P. ir. sermon is "Jesus Christ,
the High Priest Whose Compassion
We Can Cheerfully Trust." The choir
sings morning and evening. Sunday
school meets at 9:30 A. M. On Thurs
day at 8 P. M. Lenten service will be
held, and the choir rehearses Wednes
day and Friday at 8 P. M.
A special concert will be given by
the Whitney boys' chorus this even
ing at 8 o'clock at Immanuel Swedish
Lutheran church. Nineteenth and Irv
ing street3.
Our Savior's Lutheran church will
have a special Lenten service this
morning. Rev. M. A. Christensen will
preach the sermon in Norwegian. Miss
Mvrtle Anderson, lyric soprano, will
sing, assisted by the cho.r of the
Churcn. in tne evening at me
Luther league convenes lor Bible
study, with Miss Rose Hesgard as
with the membership of the church.
and the offering will be a verv swh
suntial one. Rev. C. W. llue'tt. tha
pastor, will speak both morning and
evening, taking u a theme In the
morning "Footmen and Horses," and
elucidating the theme so often ex
pressed in the language of the times.
"Cheer up: tho worst Is yet to come."
In the evening the themo will bi
"The New Road." and the boy scouts
will have a part In the service.
The first midwinter institute of tho
Tortiand district Epworth league,
which has been in session every Fri
day evening since February 21, has
proved to be such a success that tho
district cabinet decided to make) It
an annual affair. Two hundred
leaguers have registered to date and
the registrar reports "the IT.O mark
Will hA reached hefore tha inulitur..
closes." Great Interest and enthu
siasm are being displayed in all c la sit
es and fun. fellowship, frolic and
f-v wuin. iihj nuuii na.i Hour
which is between the first and sec
ond period, in charge of the fourth
The leagues are runnlnir In stronir
competition with each other, trying,
to win the silver loving cup which"
Dr. Youngson is giving to the league
having the iargest attendance, ac
cording to membership, during thu
entire six weeks. February :1ft will
be the lust session of the institute,
and February 27 will be observed as
institute Sunday, special service be
ing held in the afternoon at 3 o'clock
at First church.
"How May a Christian Stand Firm
In Temptttions?" will be the theme of
the sermon for the deaf in Trinity
Lutheran church, corner Rodney ave
nue. and Ivy street, this afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Beyer invites
all who are deaf to attend.
Lenten services will be held at
Trinity Lutheran church, Rodney ave
nue and Ivy street, sunaay morning
and during the season of Lent. To
day's services will be as follows:
German, 10:15; English, 7:30; evening
topic, "Father, Forgive Them, for
They Know Not What They Do."
Everybody is cordially Invited.
In Temptation" will be the subject
of the sermon by. Rev. W. E. Brink-
man at St. James' English Lutheran
church at 11 A. M. At 7:45 P. M. the
subject of the sermon will be in the
nature of the answer to the much-
mooted question of the day, "Is the
Bible Necessary?"
The Luther League Young People s
society will meet for devotional exer
cises this evening at :4o. The Sunday-
school session is held at 9-o0 A. .M.
The music at the evening services
at the First United Brethren church
is attracting much attention. They
are introducing a method of Bong I
service known as echo singing. The
old and familiar hymns lend them-1
gard to world conditions, (d) Organized selves very appropriately to this form
"Lincoln's Christianity" Is
Unitarian Sermon Topic.
DiMfonrMe Tula lornlnir nt Church
ot Our Father by (llimii ..
Fliot Jr.
( "T' HE Christianity of Abraham
J Lincoln" will be the s'lliject of
the sermon by William G. Eiiot Jr.
this morning at 10:30 o'clock at tho
Church of Our Father. P.roadwav
and Yamhill street. At 6:30 I'. M
Mr. Eliot will give the first of a
series of talks on religious topics,
"Three Young Men Contend for a
These Informal lectures are open to
the public and will be given In tho
church parlors, entrance at the read
ing room entrance, 34 5 Yamhill street.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Portland chapter of the Unitarian
Laymen's league will be held tomor
row at 8 P. M. at the residence nf
Captain Georga l'ope. East Thirty
ninth and Woodstock avenue.
The Church ot Divine Truth will
hold services in room 412 Central
building today at 11 A. SL and
P. M. Nettie Taylor Kloh will pre
side. The services which have hereto
fore been held at 11 A. M., will be
v..u n, 1 jr. r xr a tu., , v. .. I .,:....
Spiritualist church at Alisky hail n
Morrison street, between Third1 and
Fourth streets. These services will
be conducted by Associate Pastor
Charles It. Miller, for the purpose tf
teaching miiritual development uni
iCunciudtd on l'dn tt.)