10 TTTE SUNDAY OHEfiOXTAX, . POUTLAXD, FETiTtUARY BUSINESS 1 PPOKT CX ITIKt Hutrk anil KaMtniing Homw. MAhl t. I.K.N T i:iJilt'AN I . Hutetfl, Koominn md Apartment Houses. 51-4-5 N. V. Bank Bids. I'hone Main ferwi for Appointment, if you wish to buy or !!. come tn and tn:k It over; 11 years In this business enables us to give you satisfactory service. ' APARTMEVT HOUSES. it APARTMENTS. Here is your opportunity to pet a p!ace cnpqualed in location, ideally ar ranged for renting to desirable tenants; clotw in on went side; requires $11,000 cuh; price upon application. lltf-KOOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Corner building, hardwood floors, au tomatic elevators; clearing over lti..0 per month: can be had on terms; $10,000 first payment; price $17. two. Small apartment, brick building, close in. wst side: good for l per moniu tne year around: line tor man ami wue special price for ciuirk sale. $10,000. 24 Al-AilTMEXT.-s. TlVO.KIiuv APARTMENTS. Beautifully furnished corner brick, verv clean, clearing f.0O per month JmjuO casn required: price $11,000. B APARTMENTS. Clore In, unite pressed brick, corner building: rent 17'hi per month; long lease; requires $l.VnO cash to handle this place is netting over $12ro per mouth; don't miss this opportunity. S. API RT11EXTS. ttent tlftli- i-'.cine in: automatic e'eTS. tor. clcarinir 1:hhi per month; $l-,000 cash, balance easy terms. -.-!-: . 1 HilTH.. While pressed brick. IS baths, close In. business corner, all ngni, airy roonia income $1000. rent only $400; pries flo.ooa S7-ROOM HOTEL. Rent IL'Tj, west side location, steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms, very clean. It-year lease; some private oat-ns price IS00O. terms. 3S-KOOM HOTEL White pressed briek corner. large light rooms, steam heat, closet tn every room; nettins over $100 per month; can clear over $.".00 with little worn: pr, S700O, requires $tO0 cash to handle. MUliniiU HOTKL. TTet side white nressed brick, large lobby, long lease. Income $230" per month; run by owner; requires $14,000 cub. ltn.T?nof TTOTKT. Large, airy rooms, private bath, ele vator, downstairs lobby. Northwestern heat. long Iei.se: clearing $TO0 per mnnth: price ti,ir.ti.-j r.t- 5M lll.ru PLACES. This department is under the personal management or Mrs. Ji" lain. JO H. K. ROOMS. "ft Tr K rooms arranged In 2 and n room Dts.. sinks and gas ranges lioth nn each floor. eKCeP tionally good dressers and Duofold beds. Kent only " with lease. Price $-'t0. csh down 1."00. 10 H. K. ROOMS. cl K.,t !.n run clear Sn month besides cr.iv 'place to live. Price $1J00. cash down ilXL -jinrc tilon An elegantly furnished home In Nob Hill clearing $40 a month: fine linens h-.nL-fttd' CircasHian walnut and oak furniture; a beautiful place that has lust been put on the market; shown by appointment. Cash to handle. M0. an- iuv.il. HOME. Close In. with garage, very good rugs -..a m. evtra r ne nieces ot lumnuie. J'lnO gles possession. Let the place pay for itself 1- H K" ROOMS. White Temple location: gros Income t 'no r.nt onlv S.10: good-looking ma... "und a fine "home: winter's fuel included. About $1000 cash will handle. full price jo. SNAPPT BARGAINS, it antm nrivit huths. west side, rent 1S0 Income $-7.1 net; owner must leave the city. Price reduced for quliK sale. 11 mnmi and beautiful home In best renting district in city; clears J1H": 3 rami for ownest rent right. Oandy furniture and lots of it. Price $:;:r,0 with terms. 'Jo rooms and two sleeping porches, double garage; rent only 170. West Park location: furniture unusually good, fine ri.es. This can be made Into a wonderful place. Take possession with Ilil'Ml c.ih. balance in payments to suit. s h. k. apts. in Nob Hill: rent 4i, gross income VM per mo.: always full; homelike and attracts desirable people Cash to handle. 12tH. in h k. rooms and 3 kitchenettes, stove heat: rent $:!": clears $M) be sides owner's apt. Price $UOO. cash See Mrs. McCain. M. E. LENT CO.. "21 Northwestern Rank Blrfg BUT TOUR HOTEL NOW. BUT FROM A FIRM WITH A MOST ATTRACTIVE VARIETY I'K LISTINGS. We offer today: 1 100 Brick bldg.. sleajn heat, 30 rooms, fine furniture, leaxe; income $:tS0. Terms. I.1S00 Fine transient, brick, lease. 33 rooms, N. W. heat, income $V0. Part eanh. ' $0000 44 rooms, close In. fine brick, lease, nets $4m). Some terms, g-'r-.-.u -Mi rooms, close In. some H. K lease can be had. Nets $170 terms. t'jaOO Family hotel. 42 rooms, modern bldg.. big money maker, cloee to center or city. About nan casn. $7500 Clean, modern brick hotel, fine income, lease, aft. rooms. Terms. $21.300 Among the great hotels of the ' -I... ....... ?o ...... ..... Kpinl, long leajie and very large net. Terms. WE CAN SI PPI.T EVERT WANT IN HOTELS. APARTMENT A.ND KOOM ISO HOUStiS. Main 1575. Calling this number brings a car Or H. SKIITHE1M CO., 4"S-411 Couch Bldg. Fourth. Between Wash, and Stark. HOTELS AND LOOMING HOUSES MY SPECIALTY. M housekeeping rooms, the best loca tion on west side, hot and cold water in each apt., good furniture, an extra nice appearing place, will clear over $on, good lease; full price $7350, good terms. HERE IS A GOOD LITTLE ONE. IS rooms, part housekeeping, part sleeping rooms, close In on west side, ex tra good furniture, rent only mo.. will clear over $200 mo. Full price $20.o. some terms. Remember, I specialize In hotels and rooming houses and keep the best list ings in the city in all sizes at all times. SIMMS. 141 Lownsdale St. Broadway 2i:!7 U l IU K 1 Nt;il AX'S HOTEL. SI500 DOWN t'likMe- In west aide corner: ciear profit over $175 a month; 30 rooms; price $22110 TRANSIENT PLACE. $2000 CASH. Small transient rooming house, weet side corner; a rU money-maker: niceiy furnished. COOVER HOLMAV. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. 3d and Wash. "We do .no nilreoresenf . 13 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. White Temple district: good furniture, nets $100 per month; will be sold at a bargain. Main 31110. JlO.ixhi Dow.V One of the best-paying residential ho tels in the northwest: an exceptional op portuntty for ao experienced hote man ager, ru.l ceiaus at tnis ottice. COOVER ft HOI. MAX. 22-a-4 Failing Bldg. 3d and Yajn. "We do not n,l.arenre'ent. Wbl MA V hi hotel, modern. 50-room handle. 30- room handle. tlO.fMIO will hotel, modern, $5000 will Also we have others, all sizes. Call 1K3U. West P-rk st Andcr-on Cnrk. Til LEASE. H. K. AI'TS. 30 rooms, frame building. Just being remodeled. repapere and painted: rent $TO. located nenr the Columbia univer sity. Mr. DuChateau. A. J. DeKOREST CO.. 32o Henry Bldg. Broadway 55!M. FINE HOTEL. Oft rooms, good lease, elevator, private baths, beautiful ground, floor lobby, well furnished thruuglioul.Thia is worth investigating. See Mrs. KelVr. OKU T WK1P.K CO.. HHI7 Teon hlilg 1 AM A SPECIALIST IN . HOTELS AND APARTMENTS. DIAGNOSIS FREE. HIGH PULSE. liOOD BUT. LOW PULSE. NO GOOD BUT. 1. KUGKNE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. APAKT.M NT HOUSE. 42 rooms, rent $140. mostly 2-room apts.. making splendid money. Price $44iMi. $2G50 cash will handle. See Mrs. Kelli r. GEO. T MQQ HE CO.. 1 1107 Yon hide 13 rooms 13 Dandy building. located In heart of city. 1 block from Washington St.. clean, neat, all large light rooms, Al furniture. bH for $v5. terms. Peters. J.I N. ath St. tkl-KOOM apartment houte. brick. Tim, is an exceptional buy. clearing $35o a mouth; $5uoo handles It. A.' J. DeFOREST CO., 320 Henry Hldg. Broadway 55110. 70-ROOM HOTEL and apartment, iow rent, lease, attractive income; good bldg.. part modern; $2500 handles; price $ 15c id i I. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 10 IL.iv. llouMS. Mood iui'iiiture. c. earing $7 to $ per month, small payment clown, balance $23 per month. Bushue. .M ChsT of Com, h'dg I-'uli f.V i". d 12 rooms, modern, in the heart of the city. c:earing $110 a month; no ageuts need answer. AR 4iU. Ore gon 'a n. vijANTiJlL io oi 12 hoU4a;e,iiia rooms . for home, cash or terms. a.-- particulars, no areata. N 330. Oregonan. BI'SIXF.NS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Housea. HOTEL OPPORTUNITY One of the most up-to-date transient hotels In Portland, every room facing outside, strictly mod ern In every respect; now doing close to $.1i"to per mo. It requires about !i.lH) cash. For further particulars call aud see me. 3! ROOMS 39. Steam heat, hot and cold water in each room, several private baths, furniture and carpets are good; lease at per room; near ' center of city; $0000 will handle. APARTMENT HOUSE. Beautiful west side brick, strict ly modern, about loaf rooms, 3 and 4-ruom apts.; price 4-7.ooo. terms, long lease; clears $700 per mo. LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE. Over loo rooms, all 'I and 3 room apts.. well furnished and nets nearly $1000 per mo. over all expenses; lease for 5 yrs. at l.mO per mo. Price $20.ono. some terms, or will sell property, fur nishings and all for 5.000, about half cash. Might take a business lot on west aide as part payment. TRANSIENT HOTEL. One of the best locations in the city, fiue coruer brick, modern with good lohhv. long lease. This Is good for $HHi0 per mo. Price $17,500, some terms. UP-TOWN HOTEL Modern 3-story brick bldg.. 74 rooms, completely and well fur nished; located In busiest part of west side business district : good lease at $450 per mo.; fflwaya full. Price $17,000. 5-ROOM FLAT. All neatly and well furnished In the most fashionable part of west side; rent $S5; price $S50. An ele gant buy. . HOUSEKEEPING. 24 well furnished rooms, henuti fut down-town location. lient $123. 12 SLEEPING ROOMS. Close In on west aide, excellent furniture and carpels. Can be handled with $150O. F. RIERDOy, P.ITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. nnvPM APARTMENTS. 14 two and three-room apartments, all with bath, steam heat. White Temple district, high-class furniture, and the price is right; $70110, terms un part, i ..,.. rtiui- rent $175: i-yoar lease. 45 rooms, classy little apartment house with few sleeping rooms, in theater dis trict, nicely furnished: hot and cold urator in ml rooms: steam heat lnclud ed in rent of $3oo; good lease; $S500 terms un part. WCRK'S A BUT. 1H three and four-room strictly mod em exclusive apartments, income over SI.-.7.-, innnlh high-clSSS f UmishlngS, clears over $(150, and the price is only $11,000. White Temple district. 43 three-room apartments. strictly modern, automatic elevator, good furnl ture, very clean. Income over :tw i month, shows 0 per cent net on price $10,000 cash required.. SIMMS. 610 HKNRT BJ.PO. 'IriV l.a htlii-rli CJ.. IKIl W Purl! St. Auto. 513-4S. 141 room.,, nicely furnished, WWW Temple district, clean and homelike f..p 1MK1 A Knoll buv. 12 rooms, nicely rurnlshcd. low rent good income, for $13H, $ casii. 44 rooms, classy little west side hotel, nif-lv furn.shed. strictly modern, clear- ing $500 a month, ail for $W),oo0, some terms. . . o rooms, all II. K., cheap rent, good Income, While Temple district. $'w0, ii "I'ennms s'l II. K.. low rent, good leave, steam tat. nicely furniehed for i37iui mod terms. f rooms, nicely furnished, low rent, good income, at a real bargain lor quick sale. rt TRY US REALTY CO.. 10!) West Pa-kSv Auto. .113-41 SWELL WEST S1LE LOCATION. 414-eoom ant. hou&e. 21 3-room apts. 7 4-rooin apta., all with private baths and phones. 3 1-room apts., corner orica bldg.. full 4-year lease, clears over all expenses about $700; $10,000 will give you possession. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10"7 Teon Mdg. nortrirrrrivr, APARTMENTS. $1300 buys this little dandy In Nob Hill district, clears $S0 besides a nome 17 rooms, theater dlstrlct,""very close In clears $lSo; furniahlngs extra good; a iiud at $3200; $1700 cash will handle SIMMS. BIO HENRT BLDG. -.,u 1411.1. X PA HTM KNTri Swell modern cor., brick bldg.. 30 apts., all with private beths and phones, beautifully furnished Including all gas ranges, automatic elevator, clearing over all .expenses. $750. For further parti culars. See Mrs Keller. GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1QQ Teon Mdg. -.11,1,111 i,ot. house. 44HO; 27oii handles. 23 H. K. rooms, $200U; $1000 handle; clears $1113. .,.,-, 13 H. K. rooms with garage, 2-.i0 12 H. K. rooms, fine furniture and ru s. sl": $loo handles. Have several fine flats close In. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 10TH ST. 24 HOUSEKEEPING KuOMS. Pnm htHe.. furnace heat, on Broad way, close In: one of the best-paying apartment houses for the money in the city For further particulars see us at RELIABLE 1NVKST11E.M CO. SOS OAK ST 44-ROOM hotel, a dandy Utile piace. brick building, west side, some rooms with nrkat. baths, clears $430 a month profit, very easy for a woman to handle; price $'.'300, part time. A. J. DeKOREST CO.. 3ft Henrv Bldg. Broadway 55110. IF YOU ARB I.OOKING FOR BUILDINGS for apartment muse or rooming noun purposes, see us this week. No phone Information. Cull at office. O H. SKOTI1EIM COMPANY. 40S-411 Couch Bldg., Foift St. he'. Wash, tnd Stirlc. THE Fit ED W. G Eli MAN CO. announce that they have established a rooming house, apartment house and hotel de partment, under the management of Mr. George C. Shefler. and solicit listings of this class of property. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. HOTEL PARTNER WANTED. We have an opening for an experienced hotel manager: $S0"0 cash required. Come In and talk it over. COOVER ft HOI.MA.V, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg . 3d and Wash. We do no-' nitrenr-.-en!. "I'KoliAfciLY THIS WILL SUIT YOU. 20 rooms, H. K., low rent and large net. $11125. Terms. Not a pyramid, but a bargain. Main 1573. O 11. SKOTHBIM COM PANT, 40X-411 Couch Bldg., Wtl-t'' St. bet. W-'sh and Stark. FOR U!CK SALE. List vour hotel, apartineut and room ing houses with us. your interests will aiwava be protected. We have cash buyers waiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Kelli r. fjrfi T MOOPF CO.. 1007 Teon Mdg. 10 ROOMS IN v H ITE Tn .lPLK D1ST. Frame building; furnace heat. al! housekeeping: swell location; clearing $1IKI per month: price ll.V'O. $10i cash P. ELI ABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3 V, OAK ST TiiE CLEANEST and best-furnished r'--"!!- in house in roriiano. 10 rooms, en-c-'ricity. gas, furnace, H. and C. water, fine location: rent $55; price $1800; easv terms or $lfi75 cpsh. WOODCOCK. 327 HENRT Bl.P'i. FOUR H. K. suites, income $105; r only $35 besides FREE RENT" for yo rent iy $35 besides fKe.c itc.ni tor your self, located on V. . IMd St.. walking distance. Sell furniture and everything for JllMlO cash. See McCoRMIC, 242 Washington St. Main N220 or Main 931S. 10-ROOM BRICK, steam heat; all full; Incon.e $200 month net besides own liv ing rooms; cheap rent. Price $2100. cash only. Reason for selling, going on farm. Call ow ner, 202 Vi Wash. sL, Vancouver. Wash. ' ; iioi'SEixEEPiN J rooms. NVih Hill d tr'c:; frame building: fur niture In good condition: total price $950, $0st will handle: look this- up. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., Srta OAK T !! ROOMS, downtown, netting about $225; all H. K... average good furniture, al ways full, good for a man. $1HHI down, balance terms: price $2400. Main 7511. Realty Pales Co., 331 Ry. Kxch. bldg. 2 SLEEPING rooms; excellent furniture and runs; nets $so; cW.se in. west side; furnace, elec; price $1S'0; $1150 han dles. C. E. Bowden & Co.. S15 Cham ber of Commerce h:rtf Mnln "t3S U ROOMS 11. In heart of west side on corner: al ways full, clean as a pin, dandy home. Price 70S; easy terms. Peters, 13 North Fifth st. 7 ROOMS, brick, fine lora'ion. all H. K., rent $70, lease; income $317; $2400 han dles It. A. J. Dr FOREST ft CO., M2 Henry Bldg. Broadway 55?0 UUHINESS CHANCE OFFICE with luts of good listings, office fixtures, list of prospective, buyers. 1 have best of rint for ge'l'n- T 414. Oregonian. APARTM EN I tamt a; beacn. i ne busi ness; easy terms. AR 361, Ortrgonlan. WSINESS OPPORTrNlTtKS. Hotels and Rooming House. THOMSON fc THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 HENRT BLDG. 81 MODERN APARTMENTS. 90 rooms, all outside apts, in good re pair; mostly all furnished; good rugs; long lease; rent right. Price $21,000. 34 APARTMENTS. All modem, well furnished and in ex cellent condition; good lease; rent $400; nets $Tto. Price $18,JO0, guod terms. OVER 150 ROOMS. First-class modern apts.. long lease to rood tenant: nil burner: .immense In come; half cash or discount for all cash. ion ROOMS 120. 81 modern arts.. all well furnished and in good condition: 4-yr. lease; rent $soo; gross income $iauu Desio.es z apts. takes $12,000 to n.maie. 120 ROOMS. ' All modern, 3-rm. apts.; long lease, rent $H00. nets $1000 besides 2 apts. everything furnished and in good shape automatic elevator: $15,000 will handle, or will consider good bungalow, business (big grocery), or anything good in part iraue. G-Or PROPOSITION. West aide apartment, lease and fur nishings; clears over $000 per year casn bargain at $io,aoo. B4 ROOMS. 17 strictly modern apts., all well fur nlshed ;' corner brick building: o-yr. lease rent $375. A real buy at $0000, terms. r0 rooms, all In 2 and S-rm. apts. with private baths: long lease, low rent. Priced right at $400U. Terms. MODERN HOTEL. 44 rooms, brick bldg.; steam heat, hot nd cold water, good lease, $325; gross income always over $1000. Price and terms, at office. 74 ROOMS. I Modern brick bldg.; N. W. heat, ground floor lobby; good lease; rent $500; centrally located. Price and terms at office. nvRH nn rooms. Uoiiern bide..- N w. heat: 5-vr. lease rent $400; furniture and carpets in best condition; everytning in nest 01 tuuui tion. $13,000 casn. -an nnntis IfnHern hnt-l automatic elevator. N W. heat, o-yr. lease, low rent, wonderful Income. iverytuing in gooa enapc. noon modern HOTEL. Nearly 70 rooms, .-long lease, $500 rent; splendid bldg., centrally located immense income; cash bargain. STRICTLT TRANSIENT HOTEL. 45 rooms. 3-yr. lease, very low rent clears better than $i00; priced Ilgnu r.2 ROOMS. Modern brick bldg.. N. W. heat, lease, rent $400; furniture and furnishings very good; nets $750; $la,0u0, some terms. 5R ROOMS. TRANSIENT. Brick bldg., one floor, good lease, low rent, steam heat; clears over $500; $5000 cash, , n 65 ROOMS S3. 1:, ,rnur ht,l"- ihm. rent verv low N. W. heat, water in all rooms; grot! Income about $2000. Priced night, some terms. SO ROOMS. Modern brick bldg., lease, very low rent, nets over $t!00; $ooo win nanaie. SO TRANSIENT ROOMS. Modern brick bldg., right central lo cation. N. W. heat, lease, rent $240; al ways clears $500; nice and clean $10, 01K), terms. ONE WORTH WHILE. 20 rooms, H. K., rent $50; lease; all apts. have sinks and H. and C. water; extra well furnished; furnace heat; clears $123 besides apt.; do attic rooms; $3000. 13 rooms, II. K.. rent $45: furniture very good; nice grounds; garage; clears $lsO aud apt. .Price fuu, nan casn. 12 large rooms. 2 kitchenettes and dressing room. Oood cornerhouse; rent $73; very well furnished; always clears $130. Price $.t.0, siaou aown. 12 rooms, .boarding house, lovely east side corner, well furnished; big income for anyone understanding the business; S2i50, part terms. 17 rooms, all II. K., rent $125: 1-yr. lease; water in most of rooms; furnace: gross income over $300 besides apt. Price $3150, good terms. oft rooms, nearly all transient: elec. stov and gas heat; lease; rent $110, nets $173. besides apt.; right central; $2500 will handle. 5-room modern flat: will rent for $25 to party buying furniture; very well furnished and clean; nice location. Price $550; terms If desired. We have many others, all sizes, prices and locations. It wnat.we nave aa sertised does not meet your require nients. call and look over our lists. MRS. THOMSON. ft?0 HENRT BLDG. 4 ROOMS, hotel, transient, ground floor, lobby, fine location, full house every night, $10,000 will handle. 44 H. K. rooms, west side location, lease S yr., rent $100, net income $4O0. $5500, terms. 24 rooms. H. K., west side location, rent only $80; net income $340; lease; $2700 will handle. -' 12 H. K, rooms on Park St., In good condition. Net Income $110. Price $13.iO. Terms. 11 H. K. rooms, $144 Income, near city hall; $1400. terms. 8 II. K. rooms near city hall; good, clean place; nice-house: $1100. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG., 3d and Yamhill St. 1 11. 1., Si LcMJlU location, electricity and gas. ttove heat, a good money-maker, $2''eM) down, balance monthly. 16. H. K. mostly, in heart of city. In come $-250 per month, plenty of good furniture, rent only $'M; a close-in money-maker, $lu) handles. 11 H." K., 3 blocks off Washington at., furniture and rugs fair, fix it up and sell for $120". $." cash. IS H. K.. White Temple, good frirniture and rugs, modern, fine income anti name. $1SIM handles. Cozy 4-room home, close in, low ren good furniture, 2 beds. $275 cash, a bar gain. WE HAVE OTHERS. WEST SIDE REALTY CO.. Wet Park St. ABOUT 70 rooms, right In center of business d'strict; hot and cold w-a-ter in every room, steam heat and connecting baths; good furniture and long lease; $20,000 cash for this place Income better than $1000 per month. METZGER-PARKER CO.. 21)0 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 5355. LITTLE PALACE. 43-room apt. house, private baths to all apts., furniture and rugs brand new, rent only siuu witn z-year lease, net profit $250, fine 5-room apt, for own use; price $550", $3000 down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. HH'7 Teon hldg. $l2ad NET t-KOFlT. 72 rooms, one of the best located tran sient hotels In city, well furnished. Northwestern neat, not ana cola water in all rooms. ' $12.00(1 CASH. 1 SEE MRS. HAL'G. 512 Henry Hide. Broadway 54S7. 12 SLEEPING ROOMS. Nob Hill district. close to hospitals: furnace heat: one of the best little mon ey makers In Portland: don't overlook this as it will go quickly. Only $0500 to har.dle. RELIABLK IN rX3 I .MUjN 1 CO.. '? OAK ST. KOO.ua. 3 kitchenettes, H. K., White Temple district. $3500; rent $50; clears $20 a month; this is good; 1 rooms, 3 kitchenettes, u, part aown; ciose in; 1 1 rooms H. K.. $1 130. "income 120: rent $d, close in, west side; have many other?. Mr?. Morrow. 14i Lnwngcnle. Bdwy. 2n:.T. u4-rtOO.U HOTEL. Located in the heart of the hotel dis trict ; all outside rooms; Northwestern steam heat; automatic elevator; long- term lease; reasonable rent ; clearing $700.- For quick fale; $iftO will handle. - RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., .W. OAK ST" SUBURBAN HOTEL. 28-room hotel wih dining room service for 50 or more, well equipped kitchen. Abundance of good furniture, carpets, bed clothes, etc. Rent $23. Very low price. Mrs. Albaugh with John. Fergu son. Oerllnger bldg. 17 CLEAN h. k. rooms for $1000; terms to suit. 101 Park st. IF YOU want a nice flat inquire 12S 14th st., today. FOR QUTCK sales list your rooming houses with Chandler ft Thompson. 227 Bdwy. lu KOMi?, rent o0. income 105 and ; rooms for self; price $1100. Main 6127 LOST AVT FOCNO. LOST Go.d bracelet watch Tuesday P. M, Keward. East 8:108. LoST Sheet music and cover. Ca'l Tabor 4148. J. L. Brockman. LOST One orange and white Persian cat. Ketura to .'bS Halleck sU T.OST AND FOUND. .VI0 REWARD. The fnllnwlnr described bonds Were stolen from the vault of the North Plains Commercial bank during night 01 t-e-cember 30. 1020: Bonds No. 6 and 8, $500 each, of Idaho Falls local lateral sewer district No. 13. dated April 10. 1820. due April 10. 11)30, bearing Interest at 6 per cent, payable April 1 and October 1. Also bonds Nos. 142. 182 and IBS. $500 each, of Idaho Falls local improvement dis trict No. 13. dated October 1. 1020. due October 1, li)3t), interest 0 4 per cent. payable semi-annuallv. Annl ana Octo ber. Princinnl and interest of the five ' described bonds payable at the office of city treasurer or Idaho Falls, laano, or National City Bank, New lork city. $500 REWARD will be nald for return of the five bonds, unincumbered, and apprehension of the person or persons who stole them. THE FOLLOWING , articles -were found I on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. February 11, 11121:1 6 umbrellas. 2 lunch boxes, & purses. 1 key, 1 suit case, 1 hand bag, 7 pair gloves. 2 single gloves, 5 books, sewing box, doll, police car tickets, street car tickets, tobacco pouch, pipe, 6 pack ages, roll of building plans, cornet In case, coat, 1 pair rubbers. Owners rr.ayV 1 obtain same upon proper identification I at rirst and Alder st. station. JUHJ KEWAKI for recovery or information leading to recovery of lady's handbag. with contents Intact, lout or stolen 5th and I lamhlU Feb. 2. No questions afked. Answer room 807 Congress hotel. Fhoue jviarsnan twmn. LOST A billfold coutaini.it 2 note of $430 and valuable receipts; also receipt of K. P. lodge, yesterday on Mount Scott or Portland Heights car or be tween 'ia and oth on Alder. Call feeu. 12U.' or return to 4016 42d ave. S. E. to c. Jackson. LOST Near Canby, Or., Ches-apeake male dog. big stron? fellow, color light brown with wplte breast; acswars to the name of UuM. Phone A 1- Estes. Canby. Or., or Marshal! Portland. WILL the party who picked up the round I gold -handled umbrella, initials "B. G." I on handle, lost at Yamhill-st. market I Friday, Feb. 1L please return to 24iri Urand ave , room 6? LOST Sunday night, Feb. 6, in Circle theuter t0 downtown somewhere, civet cat brewn and white fur muff. Please return to Multnomah Hotel office, lib era reward. I-cVST Between Hawthorne ae. and Mix- ter. on 42d. wa tch charm. Masonic em blem, on one side and B. of L. F. & E. on- other s;de. Reward. Phone 2i.VM. PARTI" who took cOat Cotillion ball Fridav seen ana recogmneu. i o avoiu trouo.e call Soliwood 1170 and -arrange for re turn. LOST Bunch of keys in black leather case, on Milwaukie ave. Please notify 27U Hawthorne ave. or call. Phone ; iast 3H week days. LOST At (Scottish Rite Cathedral on II .Thursday, platinum bar pin. cluster of u laniunus, mrge ametnyst cen ier. ai Automatic S2D-42 WTILL parties that sent out circular let ter through mail last fall describing female pointer dog please call on or write u.vwego Carrier : LOST Black leather bill caw containing papers of value only to owner. Return w. A. Stevens, Moose club, 4th and Tay lor st. Reward. LuST My gift gold neck chain with 7 pearls; liberal reward. Phone Tabor Si,s4. Lt ST Near 717 Patton road, large tor toise shell back cornb set with green and blue stone. Call Marshall OiMK. LOST Iflgin wrint watch last evening bet. lu ana 11 o ciock; liberal rewaro. Mrs. Clark, Marshall 1254. LOST Between Woodstock and Sell wood. bill purse. Nathan Anderson. Zoin Han son. oo24 iv-th ave. a. a, Kewara, LOST Diamond, between Pittock block I and Front street, near Yamhill. Reward. Main 844 1. LuSl Saturuay, Feb. i, gold bar pin set w'.th diainon.js. call Jenkins, iNortonia notei Kewara, LOST Greenish-blue bracelet handle um- 1 ore 11 a near i83 Commercial st., Friday evening. Reward. M Williams ave. LOST $i0 reward for Information leading tt the recovery of Gruen watch No 4M210. Call East 713. LOST Six-months tan bull pup, vicin ity Albino, and Killingeworth. Wdln. 2164. WILL party wha foupd Pathe records at 74.4 7 Reward. LOST Lady's shrine pin engraved M. O. F, on back; reward. Imperial Hotel, room Li ST English Setter bird dog, white with brown sput on one ear ana tali; rewara. East 7154. KOI C!ark;i mas st. LOST Ring of keys, perhaps in vicinity of the Morgan bldg. Reward to finder. I H 4im. Oregonian. LOS I A iarxe unnd.e 1 em aid dog; an swers to name Betsy. Phone Mil. 61N Rt-warn OftEUONlAN carrier tost $40 near Rusodll street: tinder please return to Henry Gieheier, tit 7 Vancouver, w din. 4.tf LoST Pair of g. asses in case, stamped L. C. Meade, oculist. Fluuer please p n one a u tomatic J-U-U LOST Saturday, Feb. .5, gold bar pin set with diamond. Call Jenkins, Nortonla notei. heuara. LOST One pair gold-rimmed spectacles in case. Lost in or . near x. M. C. A. Return T3.i Yamhill. Lusi -euiuary b pair oi rimless glasses in Staples case. Pbone East 4un. oS 1' i-iricutii class p.n, initials Al. C." on hH. Reva rd. Wdln. 5.S02. JrOuND Two shirts. Tabor 40. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. the 2d day oi March. 1!2 1, by the undersigned, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the county court of Jelfert-on county. Oregon, at tne oiilce or taid court tn the county courthouse In Madras. Ore gon, for the purchase of bonds of said county, issued for the building of per manent roads therein in the sum of $30,000.00, same being a portion of an authorized issue of $100,000, same being denominations of $1000 each, numbered from 1 upward, dated January 1, 1921. and maturing January 1, (without option of prior redemption), paid bonds to bear interest at six () per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on Jan uary and July first, principal and in terest payable in Lnited States gold coin at the fiscal agency of the state oi Oregon in New l ork city. Said bids must be accompanied by a cerimeu cnecK tor o per cent ot the amount bid and must be unconditional. The approving legal opinion ot Messrs. gon. will be furnished thS , auccessiul bidder. The court reserves the right to reject any or an oias. R. D. PERCIVAL. Clerk. NOTACifi To tu.S 1 nA-J'J OKS Bids will be received for clearing right Of ay. excavating and oack filling trenches, and furnishing and laying In place, between city reservoir and bt.ad works at Bear creek, 21,400 lineal feet of 18-inch and 39.200 lineal feet of 22 inch of either rivetted steei. Armco iron or Alatheon joint djp. with mting! complete; bids to be accompanied with cermiea cnecK tor 2U.iHu. as iiumaat- ing damages, aud must oe filed with clerk of tbe water commission, city hall Astoria. Oregon. Deiore o ciock p. m Friday, February 25. 1921, and wili be opened at i :30 p. M. Lha same cay Specifications and blank forms of pro- pohai may be obtained, and drawings ex amined at the officii of Lars Bergsvtk. engineer of tne water commission, As toria, Oregon. ' The right im reserved to reject any and a i bias. THE WATER COMMISSION, isy u. w. i..ouru--Derr. CierK SEALED bids on a complete stoclt of hardware totaling about $40,000, ln - Ventory of which may be inspected at tnis oince, wiii oe received, to be opened February 25. and must be accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. The right is re served to accept or reject any and all bids. Bids in uarcels will also be con sidered. A good business location may be had in con juc tion with tbe sale of this stock. The Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Association or credit Men. 41 Pittock Block. Portland, Or. 1 W ILL deceive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting principally of gents' furnishings, shoes, rubbers, hats, caps and clothing, of the inventory value of $;IS4.63. together withi fixtures amounting to $370,25, total $4270.SS. lo cated at Reedsport, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, February 17, 1021. at my office, 740-74" Morgan building. Terms cash and a certified creek for 10 per cent of amount orrered must accom pany each bid. Right Is reserved to re- ject any and all bids. Inventory may I be seen at this office, and inspection of stocky may be had on application at Reed sport. Oregon. K. L. SABI.T, Miscellaneous. NOTICE is hereby given tnat F. A. We- ner Is In no way connected with the firm of the Yamhill Baking company, having sold his half interest to K. Jensen, still known as the Yamhill Baking com pany. F A. WEGXER. 1. EDWARD H. MfcJTZLEii. w.ij not be responsible for any debts contracted by mv wire. Ida Metz!er, 'na rh:s date on. Fb. 11. 1021. EDWARD H METZLER. ASSIGNED and bankrupt stocks for sale. The Adjustment bureau, ihi Pittoca VMg. - ' PPF.0IAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned directors of thS Willamette-Oakland company. In accordance with resolu tions duly and regularly adopted by the stockholders and board of directors of said corporation, . respectively, have filed with the Corporation Commissioner of the State of Oregon, and with the County Clerk of Multnomah County. Oregon, supplementary articles of Incor poration wherein article I of the origi nal articles ' of incorporation w as changed so as to -read. "The name of this corporation shall be Willamette Motors Company," the object thereof being to change, the name of the Willamette-Oakland Company to the Wil lamette Motors Company. Done and dated at Portland, Oregon, this 15th day of January, A. D.. 1D2L J. W. LEMONS. N. A. ELY. GRACE A. LEMONS. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. George Tillett having failed to meet the conditions oi ns contract to pur chase a one-half interest in the Mult nomah Dyeine and Cleaning works, 732 Sandy blvd. he is no longer connected with said firm and in prohibited from transacting any business lor tne nrm. "eb. 12, liuchler ana itascn, rrop, nXAXCIAi- WANTED EXPANSluN FUNDS. A going Oregon corporation wants additional funds . to take care of growing business. Has a large local and outside clientele. Big returns guaranteed on money invested; mony fully and doubly secured. The bent Investment in the state of Oregon for a limited amount of capital. For appoint ment phone Broadway 47.",; after 4:30 P. M. phone Tabor 2734. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YO0 BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., ZU3 tJUlaiG XiL.UO., 2l FLOOR. liUlNii corporation about to put $ 1om.wki additional capital stock on the market, d-esires to communicate with high-grade sales manager, accustomed to handle stock salesmen. Mr. Meacham, 20M Or- B"" 'H4i:mriK. BONOS FOR SALE Have ;.", IMM) well secured Oregon bonds: will sell all "or part: liberal dis count for cash. J. L. Farley, Board of rraoe mug., Portland. Or. PKlVAib. party w.n pay sput c-su lor monthly payment contracts on city dtod erty; givniescnption, discount, etc. Ad- oreas tr. o. oox city. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed in storage with us. Phone Broadway 8715. Security Storage & Transfer Co 58 4th street, corner of Pine. CONTRACT. $22."i0. well secured, no mort gage, will discount liberally. C. Klein- ester, 440 E. 52d st. South. vv ill pa cash tor sellers R. E. con tract; quick action. A. K. Hill, 426 I umiKvmsin'. K. rl tr - A ... : - vah paiu ior mortgages ana sei.rs con- tracts on real estate, wasnington. ore- ton, n. ts .NoDie. am Lum&ermena mag. NEED cash, will discount builder's con- trr.ct 15 per cent AN 373. Oregonian. BY OWNER, contract for sale, close in residence. Main i-i40. BUI NOltS, contracts, mortgages, F. U. Le-vis, lis Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. Money to Loan on Kal KMate. $."0,00 to loan on warehouse property or apt. house. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE CO.. Title, & Trust Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. On residences and Improved farms at lowest rales of Interest. WH1TMER, KELLY CO., 411 Pittock Block. &1SK US TOUAV W loun money on real estate; 7 and no COMMISSION on choice loans. Ions time, short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages, bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. Cellars-M urton Co. MORTGAGE LOANS. ' FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. fi AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. No commission. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4th ST.. HBNRY BLDG. m MORTGAGE LOANS in any amounts, at lowest rates. on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. 622 Corbett Bldg. Main C230. MORTGAGE LOANS- On farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth st.. Portland, Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates, on Willamette vai ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland, Or. WE HAVE funds available for gocd resi dence loans, also Insurance money for business property, at lowest available ra U a MORTGAGE BOND CO.. -Main 2SS1. Wlicox Bldg $500. $1000. $1300, $2000 AND UP No delays: we are loaning our own money loans quickly closed. F. H. Deshon, 015 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . Long estubl shed, reliable service. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property ; favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 500 Piatt bldg. .Main 5371. PRIVATE MONEY. DIVIDE TO SLIT; NO DELAY. OTIS C. BECK 525 HENnr BLDG. BDWY. f83S. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, iow rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, I AM MAKING a utility tractor for farmers. would like to meel; a party with money to take half interest; $1000 is required to complete tne ti actor, is 8.SJ, Oregonian. ?o0-jl3UO'I ,a0V $?HH)' i1' $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action; pay off $ 100 or more at any Interest date. Gordon mortgage to., unara her of Commerce bldg. M.-iin 1370. ! MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city. farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215 Failing bldg. iUORTGAGiti loans made on Improved city property. See Mr. Lewis, with J. A. WltjaAlA .. "24 Stark st. Alain 1U!4 and SS3, $2500, $3000, $3500 TO LEND on residence property, t per cent.. jri. x. iooney. M c K a V bldg, - HAVE .')UU. $10i)0 and JjHoOO to loan on good real estate security. A. P. Adams, ;7 lunioermens oing. iOO. 40U. JfoiM. ..0, $1U00 A.NU CP Low rates, ou:ck action, r rea w. tier- mn Co.. 72 Chm. of Com. Main 6445. I HAVE $10,0(10; will lend on first-class real estate, 7 par cent. Address J 40 Oregoninn. MORTGAGE money through my office. Title expense only. Ward, 407 bpald ing hldg ,,O0 AT i PER CENT on improved See H. E. Mooney, McKay property. Mdg. - pj-.E.Vl'i ot money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security is ample, bdw. p. .i ail, fl'ia tnamptr or commerce. TO LOAN $400; no brokerage fees; state what security you have. Address c d2b. Oregonian. AlOsNcii to Iuhu ou real esitiil security at going rate of interest, otto narkson Keairy un., ia unamper oi tommerce. HAVE 5000 and $3000 to loan on Inside improved property, nenry ,v. Goaaara, 243 Stark k.u.mio AT 7 PER CENT to lend on in come property; win uiviue. n. Hi. Mooney. McKay rung. I HAVE a mortgage of $1400 paying 7 per cent: will discount same at 1" per rent. Best of security. Main 3H0. jsIO.000 TO LOAN on Portland income prop erty o new resiaence; private party. B 32'-i. -oregonian $niu PKIVATE lund to loan at once; low. et rates. b!dr. jkiOH'l'G.Gi3i i.tJA... tt and 7 per cent. Paloman & io.. au ny. Kxcn. bldg. $4000 TO LOAN at 7 Per cent in suras to suit. G 441. Oregonian. MONEtf to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. P. l.ent. tl( tjorpett Dtdg. SEW OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chnm. ot fom . tn ana rtnrK. WILL have $10,000 to loan in few days. Divide, can t:. n..ti4 FOR MORTGAGE loans see C. J. Johnson, -S1- "enrv Pmg - $0U0 $ouou o.-n i.m rnu v tu uity ana hud- urban property; current rates. East C329. Money to Loan on Real Hastate. i i-'i nwr T.- TO VI T n 7 U. ner cent. 5-vear oerlod. Too may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account orinciDa.! semi-annuaiiy ana reduce Interest on loans under $3000, . T VsiT A 1 .T 1 r.VT LOANS Wilt loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 7 nr Vnt. You oav of 1 per cent account principal monthly For example. SUOim loan you pay $10 monihlv and inrfr-st: vou have pnv tlegw of payinR HMt or any multiple inereor monthiy. interest rcaucea w cord inly . N O COM M 1 SS U2. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 6 to per tent excellent repayment privileges. BRICK MORTGAGE CO.. Portland Mortgage correspondent the -ruaentiai insurance Co, oi Araenn 1L'10-17 Veon bldg. Main b30tl CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On improved property o.' for improve Th best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment p-an $32.28 Der month for 3d montlis. or $2124 Der mrnih for Bu months, or $15.17 per month for months, pays loan Of IIOOO anil Interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOKN ASSN 242 Stark St.. Portlaud, or. $100,000 to loan on improved business property ULAKA.MEB CO., Tiue & Trust Bldg. MORTGAGE LOAN'S On real estate aernrltv. anv amnunt from $500 up on Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Coroett bldg. Main 6f15. Money to Lonn CrmtTdH and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS, PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO VOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. yUJCK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. . LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS, VICT KOLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money u neeaeo. we matte a sm cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us in small mourn iy payments, WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 308-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 3250. S. W. Cor. Third ana Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY! On short notice to salaried or working me i. on tneir own notes: weemy, semi monthly or monthly payments; each transaction strict.y coniiden tial NO MORTGAGE. NO INHORSER. 1 ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods. pianos, etc CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 218 FAILING BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN on aoodr piaced in storage with us. W can jav you money. Lov Interest rates Phone Broadway 3713. Security Storage & Tranfcfe. Co.. 53 4th sc., corner gf Pltie. MONEY TO LOAN on diamond, jewelry, legal rates; articles held a year; estab iished 18S8 Dan Marx L- Co . 315 Wash HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furnl ture; letru! rates 20 ahington blag, lxans Waiiifd. KELlALtLi- business man wouui like borrow from $3400. to $10, vk) from pri vate party at 8 per cent interest, se cured by stock in the corporation whfc is capitalized at $23,000, fully paid; will furnish financial statement and bank reference.i. N 3 i . Drunn'an. $1250 LOAN WANTED. For 3 years. lc0 Interest, on 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout ; 5ix 100 lot : garage ; located near Lnion avenue, and Amiswortn. HEXDEHSON-BANKUS CO.. 420 Henry Bldg. Bdwy 47M GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS. JOHt BAIN. 507 Spalding Bldg., Portland. iirxk) WANTED. 7 Per cent, brand new 4 room modern bungalow, .urdwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffi', toll cement basement; lot lOOxloO. S. E. corner 40th street and 50th ave. S. E. Jjst sold for f 32.v0. Marshall 740. forenoons. $10 SALARIES contract, payable $20 pe month at 7 per cent interest; also $.'50 contract, payable 10 uer month at per cent. Will discount either or both 15 per cent. Fred W. German Co., 732 hnmher of Commerce. WE HAVE some Kuod reai estate con tracts and mortgages in amounts of $5iK) and above, payaole in monthly Insraii menrs and bearing 7 per cent interest. which we will discount it per cent, r . . E. Bowman ft Co . 21 i Cham of Com bldg NOTICE If you have any amount $10,00 to loan on gilt-edge first mort gairea, see A. ti.. Hill. 42b Lumbermen b.dg. Strictly confidential; re.lable service. Vffkii-i lu.OOu.iHM) leet oi I ir.st-quaillv ooucias fir timner in uiacKamas county as security on 15O0 loan. Want to deai direct with private party. Owner, 313 Lumbermen? lung., citv. U ii NEED mortgage ioaiLs In financing sales made bj us; let us know when yo ftant an 41 first mortgage. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 204 Stark st. Main 10114 and CR3 V an I mortgage loan, $2000, at 7 per cent, on suouruan tarm, 4v minutes out property valued at $5i00. Fred VV. Ger man Co., id2 Chamber of Commerce WANTED $500 for improving property worth .50uo; present mortgage SlGoO will rent for over $100 monthly. AJ 304. Oregonian. MJ50 WANTED, S per cent. 4-room house electric lights, gas. 40x100 lot. garage. 1 block to Mt. iM-ott car and Arleta sta tion. 4S04 65th st. S. E. riLST mortgages tor sale on improved Portland property F. H. Deshon. til Chan of Com. b.dg Long established. reliable service. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and Srt mortgage Donni in local concerns see Oregon in vestment & Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber of commerce bldg. $W 00 3 To 5 YKrtKij. 7 per cent. cured by fine Laurelhurst home, market value, it 7.000. VV r.le oter. J 351, Ore gimian WANT $750 first mortgage loan for 3 years, o per cent, from a private indi vidual. Security 5-room modern bun galow. C 801, Oregonian. WANT loan to construct home; able to make good monthly payments; private pwrtv prererreft. ti.t -4 in. f irgonlan NEED loan of $2100 by Marrh 1. to take up present loan on lrvington home. No agents. Al a'.tn, Uregonian. WANT to borrow $1000 for one year. 7 per cent interest, payable quarterly. Am- pie security. A.N 444. Oregonian. $10tH) WANTED irorn principal direct on ti-room nouse ciose. in on east side. C 300, Oregonian. WANT 300 for 6 months at 12 per cent: security, mortgage ana 'ouu policy on lunmurtv Art .m, urcgnman. loOOO LOAN wanted ; income property, west siae. worm tnree limes loan. Ad dress J 305, Oregonian. uou WAN 1'ED on tjibt-ciahs security, 3 nouses ana- large lot; i per cent. C. A Wagner Co.. 230 Stark ft. WANTED to borrow, $1000 at 7 per cent. on choice loo acres irrigable land. Grant county. Wash, Ad dregs E. 21st st. WA.T Sound irom private pa.rty on my p-room 11 l. x ttuor uuuie. rnons Smith, Main 3854. I WANT to borrow $30,000; will pay 7 per cent and give mortgage on brick build ing valuL $WO,000. AN 81, Oregoninn. LAURELHURST loan of $1500 wanted from private party, win pay 8 percent for quick action. C 808, Oregonian. $3000 ON NEW Laurelhurst home, 1, ti'Jl oasco nine. 3inin f". $looo '? ON lMPROVfiu acre, value WANT to boirow $4i)00 on first mortgage on $lo,ooo tarm; Ai security, vsdin. 700. $1700 ' ONT NEW 5-room bungalow; K"fo t;iif. Bajt 0320. SEE OREGCN IN v . & MORTGAGE CO. 222 Cr.nm. o .om - r'oiinn and Htark $4000 b'to ON J..U PROVED half block, FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. $000 7r'r ON businuss property. $12007 on dwelling near Williams ave. $17oo 7' on west side dwelling. 2iHH) 7v on dwelling. Hlliilay ave. ii-OiMi on dwelling, Halladay Add. $12000 7',o on dwelling, 7th and Ore gon sts. $2.Mi0 "'c on dwelling. Halladay Add. $ j.-tiMi 7'"i on dwelling. Rose ity Ik. . $25tMt 'c on dwelling, I'iedmout. $3tMHr-r7 on dwelling, Alameda Pk. 8.-tfo 7' on dwelling. Mt. Tabor. $5500 7 on 2-story 'brick Grand ave.' F. H. DESHON. 615 Chamber of Commerce Tldg. B. LEE PAGET. $000 at 7 U per centFine Clarke county farm, conservatively worth 3 times amount of loan. Good buiblmgn with fire Insutance protection; fine moral risk. kvm) at 7 per cent Dairy farm, east of Cresham; SO acres; owner's value $1 A. mm; good buildings, fine soil; occupied by owner. These loans will stand rigid Investi gation. B. LEE PAGET. 22 Cnrhert Bltftr. Main f.?30. VV AM fc.u iu.uuo io $luo,miu to loan on reai estate in Jordan Vahey territory, ilalheur county, southeastern Oregon. L-rf-priced ind, good values; alo want livestock money. Good opportunity for loans or Investment at this time. Write at once to JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING ft LAND CO.. Jord:in Valley. Or. FRANK U McGUlRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues. Is in a position to safeguard your every interest in locating your money. Hundreds of anolicatinnn for loans, of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. te J. Lngie li4ch;nlson, manager of lonn department, Abington nuig. .Main 10. S. $10,000 WANTED, first mortgage aecvriij on power site noon h. p.), and mill conwTvative value $30.0i0; thriving com munity and will bear closest investiga lion. Full particulars on application to W. R. MACKENZIE ft SON, li2 Wilcox Bldg.. rORTLAXl. (MtECOX. LOA NS WANTED. $3000 ON . MT. TAH0R HOME. $NiM0 ON $25.IH0 P.RIClv. $12..'tnt O.N $."0,0im V HEAT RANCH, f 3iMM ON $ I Oi'.tNiu BR ICK. GILT-EDGE Molt A L R1Sa.S. OTIS C liEVK. 525 TfENRY P.Llni BDWY. WANTED To borrow $75oo for 3 years, 7 per cent, on the finest home in Laurel- hurst. Two-story, hot-wuter heating sys tem, hardwood floors on but h rioors. plate-glass windows, three f ireplae.-s. 75x100 lot, garage, cement runway, street improvements all paid; valued over $13 ooo. AL 3!tn. Oregonian. WANTED The foi;ow ing amounts; $:.5Mt on Dullness property W)id lor iihhmi $3'K0 on new Kon) City i'ark bungalow; $:;tKo on new Laureihurttt bungalow; $200 on new Laurelhur.t bungalow $2oim) on new Ln u re 1 hurst bungtiiuw. C. J. .1 o nnson. li.'nvv oitic. WANTED To borrow direct from pnvat party $5ooo for 3 years at 7 p-r c-nt on modern home. Has hut water heating system. Over three full lots, garage, Valued over $12,000. Located in fine res idence district on east side. AC 304, Ore gonian. ,A.T $-ot at N per cent on 2 Portia id lots; $3Mi at S per cent on 2 Portland lots: $4iio at 8 per cent on home, 2 lots; $.oo at 8 per t ent on house and lot ; $050 at 8 per cent n acre, houe and barn. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. $810 REAL estate contra t, pa able 20 per month and i per cent interest, alo $550 contract, payable $10 per mouth and 7 ptr cent; will discount 15 per cent, Fred W, German Co., 732 Chain, of Com. hldg. PERSONAL. WHAT MAGNETIC OR DitUGLl-fi HEALING WILL DO. Four weeks sgo I was called to treat Mr. Meeker, 12s 13th St., for lumbago and rheiiinatini, could not get up with out pulling himself up, cured in tour weeks. Also by permission refer anyone wanting to get well to Mrs. Meeker as to what I can do. I cured her brother-in-law, Mr. Do nylon, of rheumatism ; bis son of stomach trouble and his BiMter, M rs. Peck, of female trouble and nerv ous prostration boidering on insanity. All residents of Kaii;.s over 2d years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Meeker have been rusidents of Portland 7 or H years. Their phone number is Broadway 3.'24. I treat ail chronic diseases and pract ire t lie Weltmer method of healing. Can also refer to other Portland people. Apt. G 810 Hvland apts., 401 -Morrison st. Marshall 2o. pnrtland. 'n-f. I'enlev. STl'DY LAW. CLIMB! CLIMfft! CLIMB! Don't be content to stay where you are. anyone can do that. I'.-e your extra time and CLIMB. If you are an ambi tious young man, employed ti uring the day and are v 11 Mug to spend a few dollars and some of your spare time, you can be a lawyer aril not work for the other fellow all your life. If you will write and make appointment for inter view, I have a proposition of great In terest to you. Gi e phone if possible. AP !I7S. Oregonian. THE TRAGEDY OF FAT. The misery of rheumatism, neurit In, neuralgia, colds, etc.: my sel.-ntli'iC ap plication of water, light, heat, electric ity and massage, together with a sane iind sensible diet, wlil remove the cause of these troubles. Treatments are pleas ant and health building; consolation free Monday. Wednesday and Friday for women only; woman assistant. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, nie-n only. Brown's Hy dropha t hie Institute Stevens Blii.tr., downstairs. Main Mil'O. liver Sir Yc-ars Same Location, DR. JOS. .-Mll'll, urug r-.'S physician No m tter what your ailment is. do not think your ease is hopeless- until you have t-led my treatment. What it h.i done for other it will do for on, 2MT Allsky bid?. Phone Auto. 524-0". Of fice hours 8 to 12, 1 to 5, evenings by appointment. I'YuhKllKA and al'i;ees are ani Ut he the cause of many ailment. Ihousund? of pailonts have been cured. We will demonst rate the work to your Fat is fac tion. You may be agreeably surprised at the cost. CoiiMiJtatinu without obli gation. C. S. Long., D. M. D. ; J. K. Stevem-on. D D. S WORLD'S greatest auto invention. Have taken nfiuncy for state of Oregon : got stock on hand ; have other business to attend to only reason for giving up aKency. Like to sell stock on hand ; very little money required and easy seller with bit; profit. O .'10H. Oregonian, ' JAMES FLA H HUT Y. who was on the PtlUuKuamfsh river. Wash., in the early 'iais. H is postoff ice address is d-'sired by his friend. Austin Dnn worth, 3- North ii St., Tacuma. "Wash. BL'Y iOLHt PilOMJUKAl'H AT H V ATT'ri. Reme in ner. we sell you any model or Virtroia. Kdiron, Columbia, or Bruns wick, up to $li'5, on payments of t5 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., :i."0 A !!er ptreet. PAINLK.S DLNTLSi'lt Y with nerve- blockinK method at a saving of almost half ma do possible by our location out of tho hiKh rent district; open nlchts. Peerless I ent isls, N. K. corner ijucond and Dnmpide. Auto. .rill-.V.. uIIAIHj'ATW nui'sie and cn.ropodist. scien tific innssaK Hr,d niafrnelie treatments, manicurist, superfluous hair permanently removed; ladies nd gentlemen. 1'Oii Altfk-v blHr. S.l and Morrison sts. WANTKD (."ustoiners for beauty treat ment in their own homes, marceltne', facials, ncnlp treatments and manlcui ine. by experienced operator. Phone Mrs. Balnl. Main 2:l.V). K YES SCI EXT I K IC A LL Y T EST ED with modern instruments; Klasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction KUaranteed. Out of the' hiKh-rent ilistrict; no overhead ex p. A. K. Hl'UWITZ, Oi'tometrist. 1st st. Tlili SIGN OP THi: SON OK MAN now revealed In the. licht of Lsotenc hns tology ; a postal notice will bring it to you. Hi 7 ithode Island St.. San Fran cisco. C i. irOiv iUKAa d'hotopiay plots accept ed, any lonn; revipcu, puousneu, copy righted, froM. Advice free. I'nlversal Scenario Corp., l.'ttf Western Mutual Life hid sr.. Los Angeles. LET C.EOKGE Hl'BKNSTEIN. the veteran fptician. oe your optician, rte in expert In fitting eyeglasses and his charges are very r-asonahle. UL'O Morrison st. NEKVoL'ri and clironic diseases a spe cialty. If ot neia nave iuiihu nn t be discouraged. Sive me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott, 130 l.'lth. het. Wash, and Alder. Ui'EN Sundays, 11 A. M. to a V. M. Steam baths ana massage; lauy assistant in attendance. 407 Washington St., room A KI DJEKICKX. at W Kourth street. Automatic 5---0S, will trim your hats for $1.00 and make your dresses for H and up , . UK. W. L. iHSHOP, chiropractor, dieti tian, cabinet oatns, massage, diagnosis by the eye; open evenings 6 to K. 312 Swetland hide. Phone .Main ti'.t'.m. LE.ViKS'iKY It. Harry Semier. zi Alisky bid., l tura ana .Morrison. Main o:.7o. ALL KINDS of aprons made to order, with tne new uure mi-pochei. o.- JionawK building. EYES examined, la3ea rated and guar antee d. ata nuara .n-weiry ;o., jtw i s t . DR. DE MCRALT. 047 Morgan bldg. Dr. (j u sta v Baar g lormer associate MASSAGE by gentleman or lady operator. " 1 g w e 1 1 a n u u i i . i n i i 'u. VIT-O-NET ' electro magnetic sweat. Morgan oiog. -nam oa. SL'PEHFLL'OCS hair removed forever by ut :pig-neede nietnoa oo wetisnn npig lOLET ray scalp treatment, shampoo fa cial massage, nairuressina. iau .ui-it. I'KRSOVAT.. GET WELL. FREE. Fit KE. FREW. Every dav. from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.. and eenln;t from 0 to 8, and fiundtt from lo to 12. THOUSANDS OF SCFFF.RERS "WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other wst are In vited to investigate Chiropractic rnetn ods, which are permanently curiutr hundreds every dav. THE BEST OK CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIAN'S w1il thoroughly examine you, make complete disenostK of your case and direct your m-atmr n:n WITH OCT A N V COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure a ml modern science of curing an J prevent l ng d iseate. CHI RoPRACTlC will permanently cure i. per cent of all dfeat-s. . CHI Itol'lt ACT1C removes the- cause. health returns. The h bctve service Is all free to you at the college building and may bo had in piiv.-ne ir n- fired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may al; be had In college building by memo-i of the faculty, by either lady or meu pract iiioin-rs. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main i"14, HOSPITAL In connection wi'.-h col Itge. Will hanL'er ont-oi-tortn p.ttHMtr at a mt reason able rate in order to fchow what Chiro practic run do. DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. ltn4. CHIli( P1; ACTIO SSTK.I. (Camouflage and adjuncts foreign this principle only add tune and immo utattj expense t later despair. l I r. McM.ilion, Mad. ay bldg.. Port land, Is a chiropractor of experience. pant amateur, a loo per cent chiropracttu specialist, wun mmiest tcHiimuiua in iro patient A from eastern sta left, familiar with the best: also front western nl local patients ha ing unfortunately hai less than umi per cent chiropractic; pl.xe w h-r. with, of course, correspond in j disappointment in delayed relief. Mt u and n omen re full y Mitisf le-l with my But per cent chlroirructui Idiilosophy, ituig experience and superior skin demonstrated In consultation, ex aminations, easy, canful adjusmienia. rates, aim una uy results, Flevcnth year in I his city. Chrotiic cases, taking time, o 1 n dj Uit men t s. 25. Extended time, a I adjust ment n, $15. Acute cases. fever. lu in l.:t un. doubting Thomas s, etc., less time. expense. l'honc, wire, write, como. Main Office. 4th and Wash. New Hoine. H7Kast Salmon St. TUB TKAOKHY OR FAT. The misery tf rheum attain, neurit li. neurit Ik la, colds, etc. ; my cienlif ic m p- piicaiiot oi water. liht, beat, electric uy and masane, together it rt a sana and sensioie diet, will remove the cau; of thes,; ttcubles. 1'rcHtmenta are plns snt and health buildiiik'; conriuItatiMui rree .Monday, rd rie.vla v and I-'riday, women i-iily; woman assistant. Tut-sday, Thursday n-I Sat urdn y men only. Browns Hydrophathlc Institute. m Stevens Btdj,'.. downstairs. Main h".:i0. Q er Six Years Same Location. IT IS vour duly as ar.-m to know vour chililreii that yoti uiuv r.p.-t I y rai. mem to p t the mxt itut of thmr !;Vi t. I am a st ud'-m f I'rou sor Pi a nk S. t.riitjs and will come to our lionio by appointment and make (human analyst-) ui any eiiim over .1 years' o,,l u nnro- once mv w.irK. 1 huu made- a sn-.-ia I price of f.r a limited time Write or phono Harold M. Petzol-I, H V.V A., car lew iiouse, iventou. or, Phunu ud.tu hi ; FliKVKNT DISKA.NK OK UL.M.S. Do you kno that lurier males. Im perfect fitting crown nivl bridwe. over hand Inff filhnps. irritating' ft'iina, all rontributH to pyorrhea, pus of sunn. In f.Hiiitn.it .on oi Kum. NnieninK of (et ti and finally loss- of teeth? 1 specialize in first-oluas den miry; N-rnv examinatlona. I'll. a. W. KKKNK. Majestic Theater i:hln .".51 'fr Wash St. AN'Y L K DKK of i hi.- paper sufferTiMr from tcitre (bir n-sl can Ket p'itH information on how to cure it at homo without U Rt trouble or 0 Ih' oiii lot t. There 1,- a pleasant surpne in storf f.r you If you will rite ; no cha re w hat soever. Tell others, it will help us nil. Address Dr. Kock, boa X-737, Ml.wau Kee. Wis. iil.r.JlAl SIKaM BATHa, soirutlfiO mas.ae, violet ray and electric treat ments beautify the complexion and hui.tt up the svstem. NKKVol S and C 11 K O N -BJ d.wM.'-M a JMecial ty. J.oth sexes treated. Uoue 10 to 0. evening by p pointment NKTT1K BKNSuN, l. P., .Main 7Tsf. Sol Dekum hl.ii;. I N F ) K M A I 1 0 N W A N T E L or the w to- rea bouts of Ai.drew a nl Michael Heildin. mih.lnn hei; of Joseph, Hi'iiiljn. Rose licohey, 1J0 CuMer ave.. Billings. MonL I'tioenlx papers pUa copy. IF VOL" A Kb, lin-d aiol nervous jnu can rejttenate uur ncrvouit centers arid poor circulation by having a sclent: f :n body nia.HSo. Dr. Ovid.a Larun, tia-4 Mi'tcan Mils Main l'litit. CH I Jtol i-t ACTIO. BEST STKAM BATH, chiropraotlc. vi bratory and eJocine in a: hk.-i e. Dr. .Mar nret Ilaynle. J1A iSwetiund bldg. Hea Minnbie priced. KX-HuLDI Kit wants new Mart; lost ami left every thlnn ; preparatory educs tion, willing ly do un) thinn ; t ravel, compan ion; niirn up lor any length of time. Ml 4 ! 7. ' "retrorlan. lAlv.VHA A -N I 1 S i -I'TIC PO WDLIt is a soothihtf. cleanninrf. heniing germicidal and lov iKoialinu douche, a Kreat sh! In female d.soiderH; buc and 11 per box, Wrtland Bote; pharmacy. DH. E. B. ANOKLL, chiropractor, iiiuvtul to .0J-O3 Dekum b.d(f. Kiectrjc llsht baths, mineral baths, mataKe and elec trical treatment: lady aitenuaut. Tempo rarv resilience M ir. 'Js 1 H. ALL the latest retiicdi so,d at the Clem enson Druff Co., iioo Morrison St., St, Charles hotel corner. At this drug store, vou net just v hat oU call for. W have no Fubf tltutes. GA LLSTONfcS1 Free book teiis oi im proved method of treuiinjf intiammaiion of sail bladder and bilu d ucib. Writ today. Dr. Paddock, box uwul, Kansas City. Mj, $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Katon's) the ClIIKOl'oDLST ami AKCJI SPLST.. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free Globe bid g.. 11th Wah. B ily. 1' I Si"SK UA L s tea 'ii baths and masatfe, practlca! nurse assistant. Hours 2 P M. to lu P. M. ilooms JJJ-SJ. 407 Wash ington L WANTKD John Grinder, by former em ployer, at once, phone or call Pioneer Employment Co., 14 N. -'d ut. Phone Broadway l'-78. i'LUVEr Ac IIANEBL'T. leading wis ami toupe makers; ft neb t stock human hair Koods, permanent and marcel waving; ca 1 p trt a tment. 3 t' A ! d -t. M am M0. VlT-O-NET sweat baths for coldi; violet ray treat men : ftr neurit Is, body mas sare: 10 A. M. to 6 P. Al. dally. 4o Morsan bltijr. Main 7.170. ULKCTK1C CABINET BATHS. Scientific ninss.te, gun lamps, etc. Dr. Ironside, .toll-14 Broadway bldtf. Graduate nurs assistant. .Main r,. WHITK sons poem, love, mother, home, comic or any subject; 1 compose musia and guarantee publication. Semi words. Kdwa'rd Trent, 70- Iteaper hlk., Clitcngo. Ln. r-i Kt-L .Kir Pi'i'li, D P. jbiprrC niatiseufie. steam bat ha, v I brat Ion. lac. a I and scalp treatments; ladies' patron, preferred. 4 1 7-4 1 Swetland btdg. MANlcTiUXG, treatments ior dandruff and falling hair. Hours 11 to 8, Sunday 1- to .1 017 Swetland hldg. Tul-JACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay. $1 if cured. Bemcdy sent on trial, bu perba Co. W. 314. Baltimore. Md Pu"4TAG E si amps for cohsctors, bought and sold. Columbia Stamp Co., y-4 N, Jtith it. Broadway I'olO. OPALINE, fr Ureases of won.iii; posit. v re del, consul tat ion fr. Mia J uiigea, "40 Lincoln. -Main HIT" mIIS. C E. BoBE KTS Vour inli-ret l correapond Willi posioffice box -Oi. i'ort lond. ..... m FA 'E. scalp l real men Is. manicuring, su perfluous hair. Murribou, room tt. Main 4i:;o. . GOiTKE. ei.iai'frel giardu; cure jnui.f. A. It. St ra;han. route ,i, ILl.suoro, Oa, No a nts er rep resentativ W! LL an one know ing address of Mr. K. D. Blrkland. formerly of ate art hotel.' not ,fy AH TJi. (treponian. L M M A P L L M A M . m . n e r a 1 1 1 u rn b j 1 1 1 s, scientific massage, electric treatments. . 417 Svve'land bldg. CHILBLAINS or insrowinn tm.l curd without knife or pa;n; quick relief Write EOr?ene Eaton, dept. Ha "(jon.Qr. MAi1 AGE FOIl HHECMAT1SM. ETC. 415 HLTHANAN BLDG MAIN Ki'iQ. OPEN SC.VBAVS AND EYEM.VGS SL'I'EH h'LL'oUS hair, nioic., waru. rcmovvj by 10-needles method , tr:al free. Jo"ie Kinlev. ft I 4 Bush & Lane h dg Main B.yr.s, GET VOL K COPY of new walt oiita; ' Alone Wifh Thee," 3ao at all mut I f tores. 1 SL'Ll'lnL'H uteam batu maetai;.!, vu.rt rH and vibratory treatment. 42ti Clay. 11i.q h;C..t. 1 A. M to P M. I'iLES can be permanency cured v. ithout operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morripon. M ASSA G E B A T H S, k id ncys. con.ttipa t ion, rheumatism. Dr. EIna Sore risen, d ru-r-less phvs. ftdS Panama h'dg. Main t'l GKADL'ATE nurse trtais lumbago, eto. Hours 2 to 0 or by appointment. Phone Main 1040. Office 3dS-CThird t, vThY FALL1NO hair and ba!d heads? e -Sanation free, cure guaranteed; mi a n d women. Room HI 4 M a clew y b 1 1 1 g. VHIMEDA "BALM, formerly called Balm oT KlgB. M4 E. 'S-Ui. Sell. I'-.'lS mornings. LhUCSN'T Tom, Dii k or Harry pay mi ? VI erect collections. Dckuiu U-'d.