TTIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY G, 1921 CHURCHES OF PORTLAND TODAY OBSERVE CHINA FAMINE DAY 14,284,000 Persons Starving in Northern Districts Pastors to Plead for Peoples of Stricken Areas at Morning and Evening Services. CHINA famine day will be observed In many Portland churches today In answer to the appeal for re lief of millions of famine sufferers recently Issued by the local federa tion of churches through the national organization, the Federal Council of Churches. , China Is In the grip of a serious famine. At the present time there are more than J.4,284.000 persons In th famine districts of northern Ohlna who are totally dependent on outside roller. Although February ( was deaig- nated as the special day for response In the churches to the appeal, many congregations are planning- extended work on the matter, or have already been active In support of the fund. As an example of this, the First Methodist Sunday school has "already raised about 82-00 for the fund and earpects to increase this figure to over 11004) today. Many churches are outlining- a campaign which will last until Easter. A number of churches have received messages frcm denominational head quarters In New York expressing- the hope that the work will be success fully carried out la Portland. Pastors of the city will make special an nouncements from the pulpit at morn ing and evening services today urging- support of the cause. The local committee in chare- of the work as representatives of the (month; $5 will save one family one xeaerauon oi enureses Is composed , month. have been made by Vernon Monroe, treasurer of the American Committee for China Famine Fund, to handle a tremendous contribution following Famine Sunday. Perhaps the saddest phase of the suffering in China concerns the chil dren. Ten million of them, according to missionaries' reports, , are facing death. Already harrowing reports have come of the bodies of little ones choking wells and waterways, cast there by parents turned frantic and unable longer to see them suffer In the whole five provinces affected there are 45,000.000 persons in danger. and unless aid comes promptly from the outside world, and particularly from America, at least a third of this number must die. Such a mortality, Charles R. Crane, United States minister to China, says, would be the world's worstdisaster. Less than 9,000,000 died during the black death plague in Europe cen turies ago, which calamity is now list ed as the worst life-taking disaster humanity has suffered. Dr. Bible reports that responses have come from the churches of all denominations which indicate a tre mendous outpouring of substantial sympathy February 6. In particular the young people's organizations are Interested, their imaginations quick ened by the following facts brought to their attention by Dr. Bible: "Three cents will, save one life for I one day; fl will save one -life one r Blsnop Sumner, chairman; Grant rnegley and Robert M. Tuttla. Ministers to Sleet Monday. The Portland Ministerial associa Hon will have an important meeting monaay, eoruary 7, 1921, at 10:30 A. M, in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. The subject of the day will be Evangelism." The conference will turn on the problem of preparation for Easter. There will be three ad dresses; one by Dr. K. P. Gates of Boston, general secretary of the" United Societies of Christian En deavor, who will speak on the sub ject, "Evangelism and the Young people." Dr. Arthur J. Sullens, sup erintendent for Oregon and Idaho of tno t-ongregatipnal churches, will speak upon "The Family Altar," and will make a special appeal for the establishment of family altars In the homes of the city. Dr. O. C Wright. Baptist state secretary, will close the morning- program with an address on "Personal Evangelism." This meeting has been arranged 'In conjunction with the department of Evangelism of the Portland Federa tion of Churches, which will have large supplies of "Family Altar" materials and "Personal Evangelism" pamphlets on hand for the free use of the ministers. Dr. Byron J. Clark, president of the association, will pre side. Sunday Schools Give Liberally. The following Sunday schools of Oregon have contributed $50 or more to near east relief through the Christmas offering: First Christian, Portland First Methodist. Portland Centenary Methodist. Portland First Congregational, Portland. ... First Presbyterian, Portland...... Central Presbyterian, Portland.... Mc Tabor PrtKbyterian, Portland.. Kist Side Baptiet. Portland fcunnyside Congregational. Portland Rose City Park Presbyterian. Port land 2M84 First Friends, Portland I.M.ftO Methodist 31.00 Church of the Stramrers. United Presbyterian, Portland 218. AO Methodist, Portland.... 214. S3 Lincoln Methodist, Portl-and 107.8S Westminster Presbyterian. Portland 1N2.00 Grece Baptist, Portland Anabel Presbyterian. Portland ... Finet Baptist. McMinnvllle Fourth Presbyterian, Portland .... St. Jamei English Lutheran. Port land Central Methodist. Portland First United Presbyterian, Port land Ft. David's Episcopal. Portland.... Rose City Park Methodist. Port land Woodiawn Methodist. Portland ... Beaver-ton Congregational ........ Third Baptist. Portland Calvary Baptist, Portland 113.60 uorcas bocjety, Lnion ecnooi. aie- tohue 11347 Lestine Union Li 2. 73 University Park Methodist, Port land 101.00 fjheridan Method'. 100J3 Hood River Christian and Mission ary Alliance lOO.oo North Bend Christian MOW ..$13KVIS .. 1236 00 .. 810 00 .. 72.05 . . 800.00 .. 820.00 8O0.00 The co-operation of the Catholic 1 churches Is manifested in the an nouncement from Baltimore that Car dinal Gibbons, who was appointed a member of the American Committee for China Famine Fund by President I Wilson, had named Bishop O. B. Corri- gan of Baltimore to represent him actively in the work. EUGENE, Or., Feb. 5. (Special.: Pr. D. IL Leech, pastor of the First Methodist church of this oity, will participate in the dedication of a Wesley foundation at the site of the University of Illinois. He expects to leave Monday for Urbana, I1L. where Csss Ay v4 2 iRj Dr. McEIveen to Answer Questions at Service. Cousin of Robert I Stevenson to Preach in Sunnyside. he will attend a conference of Chris- 'T'HE services which Dr. McEIveen tian workers associated with state I 1 has devised for Sunday evenings universities ana win men atiena ine dedication of the Wesley foundation. at the First Congregational church ere drawing large audiences. He calls At the Methodist Episcopal church. It a question and answer service. South, this morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. I So many questions have been sent him Louis Albert Banks of Boston will deliver his famous address, "World wide Prohibition Coming and Ameri ca Leads the Way." At 7:45 P. M. the pastor will preach, taking for his theme Piloted, a sermon on God s methods of guiding- all who trust In him. The church Is at the corner Union avenue and Multnomah 1 street and is reached by Woodlawn, Alberta and Irvington cars. Rev. Calvin B. Waller Will Speak at White Temple. Pastor Who Oecapled Pulpit for Short Time Is Back Again. 1SO.OO 1SO.00 iu oo 1J2.48 lso.nn 10.00 130 3S 127.31 122 00 120.2S 120.00 Piltrrim Conicreeational. Portland.. I4.t0.00 Calvary Presbyterian. Portland.... 1M0 Mlipah Presbyterian, Portland.... 100.00 Vernon Prbvteriajj. Portland ... liHVOO CorvaiHs Christian K6.81 McMinnvU'.e Christian ." Hope Presbyterian, Portland SS OS Albany United Presbyterian 83.29 Ock -ev Green Lnited Evangelical, Portland Marshall Street Presbyterian, Fort land Glencoe Baptist, Portland ........ Orants Pass Christian University Park Baptist, Portland Fwediah Baptist. Portland ........ Fairmoant Christian. Eugene ..... Kenton United Presbyterian, Port land Forest Orove Christian Waltervilie Sunday school ........ Ontario Congregational .......... Arieta Baptist, Portland ......... Astoria Church of Christ ......... Flret Baptist. Redtnond Mallory Avenue Union of Rodney avenue and Woodlawn) Christian Portland Mt. Tabor Methodist, Portland.... Reformed Presbyterian. Portland.. Hl:l-sda Union Kenllworth Presbyterian. Portland Millard Avenue Presbyterian, Port land Gladstone Christian First Christian, Salem First Baptist, Roaetursr First German Ba&tkst. Portland... sent to- church board to be apportioned between, near east relief and Kuropean oiler. 83.04 83.00 81. 00 8O.40 793 74.84 74.17 72.50 6.VO0 64 75 62 28 eo.oo eo.oo 6U.O0 60 00 eo.oo B0.00 60.0O 67.82 R7.70 (6.80 62.72 S4.4S 50.00 Nation Observes Today as "Famine Sunday." Cbnrrhe I.annrh Greatest Char itable Bffort Ever Undertaken. NO PHILANTHROPIC movement in the history of America can par allel that now under way under aus pices of the church branch of the American Committee for China Fam ine Fund, Bible house, Astor place. New York city, with the Kev. F. W. Bible, veteran missionary of the Pres byterians, actively in charge. China, where millions of the money of Amer ican church members has been in vested In work among the Chinese, is In distress, famine threatening to wipe out the population of the north ern provinces of Shensi, Sbansi, Chihli, Honan and Shantung the greatest agricultural district, where Christian ity has made its greatest headway. The churches purpose to use the emer gency to show China that America's Interest is real and practical; that saving lives goes with saving souls. Today has been designated as "China Famine Sunday" in the churches throughout the nation. Aside from the impetus naturally to ensue for the campaign to aid the Chinese famine victims, the day will be eventful as marking the first real concerted philanthropic effort of American churches. There never has been an occasion when responses have shown so many willing to act simul taneously. China's call for help awakens, as perhaps that of no other nation could do, a spirit of willingness on the part of American churchmen. The need for practical help in China Is regarded as a challenge and February 6 will come as a welcome test of American missionary xeaX All preparations A' T THE First Baptist church (White Temple) the pulpit will be occupied today by Rev. Calvin E. Waller, D. D pastor of the Second Baptist church of Little Rock. Ark. It will be recalled that Dr. Waller was formerly the Pastor of the White Temple for a. short period, being com pelled to leave Portland because of to answer that he has plenty of ma terial for the next half dozen Sun-1 days. The questions he will answer I tonight are: 1. Why do sectarians oppose the! Smith-Towner bill that would create I a needed national department of edu- I cation? 2. Is the supreme court's decision ) in the Duplex case against "secondary boycotts Just? 3. Are Harold Bell Wright's novels antagonistic to Christianity? 4. Is world-wide disarmament poa- I slble? 5. Does God ever violate bis own laws? 6. Would yon declare an actor In eligible to church membership, as thel Methodist bishops recently did? This "question and answer service will be preceded by a brief organ re- I cital at which Ethel Lynn Ross will play the following: "Cavatina (Raff), "Prayer" (Lemaigre), "Eventide" (Freysinger). The Congregational pastor is de livering two sets of midweek lectures! ne on "Dante, the 600th anni versary of whose birth is being cele brated this year, and the other on The Life and Teachings of Jesus." I his wife's healtn. Many of his friends I The "Dante" lectures win ne giaa ot mis opportunity oi hearing him and his messages. At the morning service at 11 o'clock he will speak on "That Worthy iame, p and at 7:4a P. 21. his theme will be "What Is the Matter With the World?" The temple quartet will furnish music. The celebration of the Lord's supper will take Place at the close of the morning service. are given Dr. S. J. Reld. superintendent of evangelism, will preach both this morning and tonight in the East Side Baptist church. East Twentieth and Salmon streets. This morning his subject will be "A Habit That Pays." At the close of the service the ordi nance of the Lord's Supper will be observed, and all new members will receive t ie hand of fellowship. Tonight Dr. Reld will take for his theme "A Wonder in Heaven." This pulpit will be filled by Dr. Reld throughout the month of February. Twenty-one new members were re ceived into the church the Past month and others are awaiting baptism. The mid-week service, which Is held on Wednesday night at 7:30, is In charge of the deacons. Dr. Reid will speak on the subject "A Stolen Blessing." - "The Mountain Feast" will be the theme of the morning sermon at the I year. Third Baptist church today. Follow ing the morning sermon the ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be observed. A baptismal service will open the worship at night. This will be fol lowed by a congregational song serv ice led by Mrs. Lou Gray. The or chestra, which recently has -been or ganized, will assist. The pastor. Rev. TL E. Close, will deliver the last In Wednesday afternoons to the women's association. This feature has added to the numbers who attend the weekly meetings of that association. The special topic for next Wednesday is Dante's 'Inferno. The lectures on The Life of Christ" are gWen Thurs day evenings. The topic for next Thursday evening is "Christ's Idea of Man." TheAlumni Christian Endeavor Fel lowship will hold a dinner tomorrow evening in the Sunday school room. E P. Gates, general secretary of the Lnited Society of Christian Endeavor, will deliver the principal address. Tickets for this dinner can be had from Miss Mattie Cleland or Allyn Reid. Next Friday evening the Intermedi ate Christian Endeavor society will hold a St. Valentine's party in the parlors of the church. C Jay Walker, who has been carrying on the pub lic'ty campaign for the Christian En deavor convention at Corvallis, Feb- bruary 11, 12 and 13. plans to take a -w - . -... . ;.. i I i? Above Chinese peasants doing the work of animals eaten In Chinese fam ine. Right John D. Rockefeller Jr., generous contributor to the famine fund, partaking of a typical famine district meal of bark, roots and leaves at the China famine fund luncheon at the. Hotel Blltmore, New York scholar, with special ability along! piophetic lines. In the evening, in harmony with the national Boy Scout week observ ance, Dr. Staub will have for his topic: "Knighthood of Christian Character." The church troop, 67 ' j.i ' .i , .'v,. -i will be in attendance, under Scout- of First churcn to uorvains. Last Thursday evening the officers and chairmen of the many commit tees of the Young People s association enjoyed dinner together at the church and planned the work for the new Next Wednesday evening Mrs. H. A. Roberts' class for business young women will hold a dinner at the church. At the brotherhood dinner Monday evening, February 14, Dr. Basset, the new professor of psychology at Reed college, and John E. Gratke, secre tary of the 1925 exposition, will De the speakers. Charles Diamond, the a series of New Tear talks to young Hawaiian musician, will give a pro- people on "The Flower of Youth and the Sua of Righteousness." Rev. Oren T. Dav will epeak this morning on "Jesus' Loyalty to His Followers." This sermon will be par ticularly to Christian people. At 7:30 P. M. there will be a service of song. led by J. D. MacFall and the chorus choir. Rev. Mr. Day will preach. He will answer the question, "Is a Chris tian Life Worth a Struggle?" The subject of the midweek meet ing will be "Faith." The chorus meets for rehearsal every Thursday at 8 P. M. Anyone who wishes to be come a member will be welcomed at any rehearsal. Rev. Mr. Day s Bible class recently was entertained at the home of Mrs. Hartmus. Forty-five yourog people enjoyed a sooial hour and refresh ments. The class is being reorganized and will be heard from In the future. Baptist mass meetings and confer ences will be held at White Temple February 14 and 15. The principal speakers will be Dr. C. A. Brooks of New York, superintendent of city and foreign-speaking Baptist churches of America; Mrs. H. W. Peabody of Bos ton, first vice-president of the Wom en's Baptist Foreign Missionary so ciety, and Rev. W. H. Bowler of the department of promotion. Dr. Brooks and Mrs. Peabody will address a special mass meeting at East Side Baptist church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ABERDEEN, Wash., Feb. 5. (Spe cial.) A large delegation of Bap tists will attend the missionary con ference of that church, February 10, in Chehalls. Reservations for the event are being made for the Aber deen people by Rev. Mumper of this city. The Portland Bible ieague will hold Its regular monthly meeting in the parlor of the Sunnyside Congrega tional church tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Dr. J. J. Staub -will speak cn The Divine Programme for the Present Age." A cordial Invitation to attend is extended to all lovers of HiM studr gramme of music. Judge George Ross- man will preside. Friday evening, February 18, the Pacific university alumni will hold a rsllv in the Congregational church parlors. A special train will bring 150 students from Forest Grove and many residents of the town to boost for the $2,000,000 endowment fund. the campaign for which will begin on March 1. Walter S. Bakgr is the leader of the senior tinaeavor meeting ana iee Inmsn Is the leader of the intermedi ate Endeavor meeting tonight. Rev. Elbert E. Flint, pastor of At kinson Memorial Congregational church, will give St. Paul's message this morning at 11 o clock, on safety first, or "Poise in Radicalism." Tonight the Boy Scouts of the church, troop 84, will participate In the services as part of the programme of the national Boy Scout anniversary week. The parents are invited to at tend with the boys, and the pastor will speak to them on the topic, "Christian Boyhood" as exemplified in the Scout oath. The sermon will be Illustrated with a fine set of slides on the Boy Scout work and with moving pictures. . The men's organization, known as the Forum, will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday evening with a dinner at 6:45 o'clock. Addresses and a good programme have been pro vided. see Friends and members of the Sunny side Congregational church. East Thirty-second and Taylor streets, will have a special treat this morning in the presence of Rev. R, M. Stevenson-, S. R. G. S., pastor of the First Con gregational church of Port Angeles, Wash., who will speak on "Among the Head-Hunters of the South Seas." Mr. Stevenson is a cousin of the late Robert Louis Stevenson, the writer, and comes under the auspices of the British Royal Geographic society. He has done a large amount of exploring and research work in Africa, In South America and the South Sea islands. Besides being a missionary of much, experience and wide travel, Mr. Stev enson is a great linguist and Bible master John A. Read, as well as troop 40, under Scoutmaster W. W. Knight The Ladies' Relief corps of Sunnyside will present troop 67 with a Scout flag, the first of its kind in the city. Some of the features of the service will be given by the scouts them selves, such as declaration of the scout laws, ecout-song, and soma of the scout bustle calls. The interdenominational Bible class vlll meet as usual Wednesday at 7:45 P. M. Study will be the first chapter cf Daniel, led by Dr. Staub. Monday evening the monthly social of the men's league will be held. Dagna Berg will have charge of the programme. May Lou'se Wilson will be the reader of the evening and Mar garet Hyatt and Mrs. R. B. Bull winkle will be the instrumentalists. One of Portland's prominent citizens will give the address of the evening on a live topic. All friends and mem bers of the church are invited, both men and women. Before Easter the men's league is planning to present the famous new pictures on the life of Christ. Unitarians Announce Plans for Busy Week. Time of Mornins; Service and Also - School Is Changed. 'Spirit" Will Be Subject in Science Churches Today. Testimonies of Healing Will De Given Wednesday Night. "S THE bulletin of the Church of Our Father (Unitar'an), Broadway at Yamhill street, contains' announce ments for a very active week, - The most important announcement, how eer. Is the change of hour for the morning service and the church school. The former will be at 10:80 o'clock, beginning today, and the lat ter at 12 o'clock, after the morning service. The subject of the morning sermon will be "Heresy Toward Christ, and Heresy Toward Man." In the afternoon at 4:39 o'clock there will - be an informal reception and musicale held injthe chapel. The general pudhc is coraiaiiy inviLeu: and will enjoy a fine musical pro gramme prepared by the quartet choir, May Dearborn Sohwab (who tskes Mrs. Hucke's place today, on account of Mrs. Hucke's illness). Myt ilene Fraker Stites, J. Robs' Farero and Walter Hardwick. Ralph W. Hoyt and Mrs. Walter Hardwick will accompany at the piano. Mr. Fargo and Mrs. Stites will each sing solos. At the morning service the choir will sing "Be Still. Then, and Know," Buck. The offertory solo will be sung by May Dearborn Schwab. The morning subject of Rev. J. C. Mergler, pastor of Vernon Presby terian church, will be "Kingdom In terests," and the evening topic "The Solution to the World's Problem of Sia" PIRIT" will be the subject of the lesson in churches of Christ Scientist today;. All Christian Science churches will hold regular services this morning at II o'clock, and all but the Fim and Seventh tonight at 8 o'clock. The Wednesday night meetings, which include testimonies of Chris tian Science healing, will be held at 8 o'clock. Free public reading rooms are maintained at 1133 Northwestern Bank building and at 266 Burnside street, to which the public is invited. Sunday school is held in all the churches at 9:45 and 11 o'clock ex cept Third and Fifth, which hold sessions at 9:30 and 11. The churches are as follows: - First Nineteenth and Everett streets. Second East Sixth street and Hoiladay avenue. Third East Twelfth and Salmon streets. Fourth Vancouver avenue and Emerson street. Fifth Sixty-second avenue and Forty. second street Southeast. sixtn pythlan temple. 3S8. Yamhill street. Seventh 10$ Smith avenue, St. Johns, Rev. G. W. Gaertner of Seattle will occupy the pulpit in the service for the deaf at Rodney avenue and Ivy street tnis aiternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The sermon topic will be: "The Chris tians' Duties as to God, the World and Their Brethren." All who are deaf are most cordially invitea to auena. W. W. Aber. pastor of the First Church of Psychic Science, Eleventh and Alder streets, will deliver a lec ture upon the subject "The Seen and the Unseen Worlds" and followed by messages. The Psychical Research center meets Sunday at 7:45 P. M. In the Portland hotel assembly room. Lec ture and demonstrations will be given by Robert Schmus and others. There will be special music. All are wel come. At the Realization league H. Ed ward Mills will address the meeting at 11 o'clock on "What the Compto meter Teaches." The First Spiritualist church. East Seventh and Hassalo streets, will hold regular Sunday meetings at S and 8 P. M. Short addresses will be made by C. W. Shaw, followed with messages by Mrs. Downes and Mr. Shaw, and solos by Mrs. Schneider and Miss Fishburn. ' The First Spiritual Science church will hold services Sunday at 3 P. M. and 8 P. M. in Manchester hall, 85 Fifth street. Lectures will be made j by Rev. Max Hoffman and Mrs. L. E. Philips. The subject will be "Thel Value of Prayer." The public Is cor dially Invited to all meetings. The lecture topic at the Independ ent Bible Spiritualistic society and church,- for tonight at 8 o'clock, will be "The Harmony of All Church Creeds." The success and health circle meets Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. A publio demonstration meeting will be held Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. C. and Ida M. Schorl are the pastors. "Know Thyself" will be the sub ject of a lecture by Chas R. Miller, at the Scientific Christian Spiritualist church at Alisky hall on Morrison street eiwn and an address at 7:30 P. M. streets. This Is the third of a series . of lectures on spirit development. At aenver Young People's society will present a farce in two acts entitled "The Fascinating Fanny Brown" at the Lincoln high school auditorium with the following cast: Misses M. Louise Hays, Edna D. Moore. L. Claire Wil son, Edith Burke, Mabelle McLay, Hilda McLay. William F. Robertson, Theo. E. Dittebrandt and Stephen D. Claghorn. "The Symbolism of the Cross" will be this morning's sermon theme at St. Andrew's Episcopal church, Ports mouth. Rev. John D. Rice is vicar. The Ash Wednesday services will consist of a celebration of the Holy communion at 9 A. M. and the litany 3 P. M the mediums will spirit messages and the pastor. Rev. R. M. Singleton, will preach the ser mon. Test circles will be held at 5 P. M. for messages and divine heal ing. The evening services will be held at 8 o'clock and a sermon on Christ's healing and his promise to those who believe, will be delivered by Rev. R. M. Singleton. Service for Boy Scouts Will Be Conducted. First MetbodiMt Church Troops to Attend Exercises. AT THE First Methodist church today, at the evening service hour, 7:45 o'clock, there will be a Boy Scout service. Besides an address by E. T. Gruwell and a special ser mon to boys by Dr. Stansfield, mem bers of scout troops 49 and 85, both In First church, will give the fol lowing exercises. Bugle call Troop 49. Flag salute Congregation stand ing. Scout laws By a scout. American Boy Scout yell Both troops. There also, w'll be special patriotic music by the quartet and large choral choir. At the morning service at 10:30 o'clock. Dr. Stansfield, by request. will preach on "Such Is Life. The text will be from Deut. ii:ll "The land whither ye go to possess it is a land of hills and of valleys. Rev. W. S. Gordon, pastor of the Sellwood Methodist church, will speak this morning at 11 o'clock on The Guide of My Youth," a special address to young folk and boys and girls. At 7:30 o'clock the subject will be "The Life of Love. Among the singers recently added to the choir is Mrs. Bessie Carson, a mezzo soprano. Professor F. C. Streyfeller is director. There will be a reception of members at the close of the morning service. The Sunday school will meet at 8:45 A. M, the Junior league at 2:30 P. M. and the Epworth league at 6:30 P. M. Mrs. Alice Alexander will have charge of the Epworth meetng for a few weeks, and in a very real- lstio way will make a tour of the world, visiting different mission sta tions and studying conditions there. The use of large charts adds much to the interest of these studies. All are Invited to join the class. A mid-week service is held every Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The church is located at East Fif teenth street and Tacoma avenue. The community surrounding Ep worth Methodist church is appreciat ing the service being given in a mu sical way by O. F. Herse, who Is conducting the chorus choir. The pastor of the Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal church, Powell and East Fortieth streets, has been speaking about "The Man In side" and "The Unfinished Man. This morning he will speak on man's assets and obligations or "Am I in Debt?" The Epworth league will hold its young people's service at 6:45 P. M. There will be no evening preaching service. At the First Norwegian Danish Methodist Episcopal church. Eigh teenth and Hoyt streets, C. Aug. Peterson, the pastor, will preach at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. His subject will be "Waters From the Old' Wells" and "What Must We Do to Be Lost? Nothing." i The birthday of Mrs. Cranston, widow of Bishop Cranston, will be honored by the Methodist Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Portland district in services of prayer and short addresses on missions at the First Methodist church tomorrow. Services will be at 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. At the Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal church today Dr. C. W. Huett, the pastor, will speak In the morning at 11 o clock, taking as his ubject '"Conscription." JJr. Huett will show the relation that conscription has to the religious life, as revealed in both the Old and New Testaments. In the evening Rev. Abel Eklund, soon to go as a missionary to Singa pore, will speak. It will be worth Mr. .tJKiuna ana nis At Central Presbyterian, church, East Thirteenth and Pine streets. Dr. Nugent will preach this morning from the topic, "The Treasure Unsur passed," this being the fourth sermon in a series on the kingdom of heaven, and in the evening the subject of the discourse will be, "Asleep in a Storm." The evening sermons during the month of February will be taken from the book of John. At the morning service there will be a reception of new members; also the sacrament of baptism will be ad ministered. There will be special music at both services by the chorus choir, con ducted by William Belcher. The choir and the Sohubert, which is also directed by Mr. BelcbeT, went to Forest Grove last Thursday eve-nJng- anj gave a sacred concert at the First Congregational church. They were enthusiastically received by a large audience. Revival services conducted at the church of the Brethren, corner Borth- wick and Brainard streets, are still In progress. with interest growing. Baptismal services are being held at the close of the evening services. evangelistic talks by discussing "The Heed Versus Heart in the Experience of Religion." The quartet under Professor Hutchi son's direction will have special music. In the morning J. p. Mulder and lom Zan will sing a duet, "Come Unto Him" (Faure), while in the evening Mrs. F. Beagles will sing a contralto solo, '"The Evening Prayer" (Costa). The Woman's association through it's industrial branch will meet Tues day from 10 A. M. to 5 1". M. to rush their sewing for the lted Cross. At the last meeting there was a splendid attendance and the work accom plished was very gratifying. . Pastor to Speak on Divine Occulist Today. Rrv. William . K. llrlnkmnn Will lie Speaker at Sit. James' t surra. HE DIVINE OCULIST" will be 'Education," Topic Today at Brethren Churches. Flrtlntc Sen-Ices Arranged for AU Congrearatlons in City. "HE United Brethren churches of A the city will observe denomina tional education day with appropriate services today. At 11 A. M. Dr. Byron J. Clark will speak on "Education, a Blessing or a Curse," In the First church, at Fifteenth and East Morri son streets. Special music will add to the interest. At 7:30 P. M. the Whitney boys' chorus will give a con cert. At the 11 A. M. service In Second United Brethren church. Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets, of which Rev. Ira Hawley Is pastor. Dr. L. L. Epley, president of the denomina tional college at Philomath, Or., will give an address on "Religious Educa tion." The service at 7:30 P. M. will mark the beginning of a special series of meetings to be conducted every evening. Rev. E. O. Shepherd will as sist the pastor. The Sunday evening service will be a union meeting of three troops of Boy Scouts and a spe cial address by Kev. Mr. Shepherd. The chorus will assist by rendering special music At 11 A. M. Rev. E. O. Shepherd, pastor of the Third United Brethren church. Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-second avenue Southeast, will. speak on "God, the Greater Power." The chorus will sing an anthem. In the evening at 8 o'clock Dr. L. L Epley of Philomath United Brethren college will speak on "Religious Edu cation.". A special solo will be ren dered., A Bible class has been organ ized in the Sunday school and all in terested in Bible study are asked to come. Rev. Leila Luckley, pastor of the Fourth United Brethren church, Tre- mont station, will preach at 11 A. M. op "Preparedness. At s P. M. tne brotherhood will hold Its regular monthly meeting and a special speak er will give an address. At 7:30 P. M. the pastor will speak on "The Tal ents." The choir will sing at all services. 1 James English Lutheran church. West Park and Jefferson streets, at 11 A. M by Rev. William K. Brlnkman, pastor. This sermon will deal with the proper outlook the Christian wrld should have in anticipation of the coming lenten season, which opens Ash Wednesday, February 9. Tonight at 7:45 the address will be "Is the Christian Church Merely a Humanly Organized and Directed In stitution?" The Sunday school will hold It session In the church chapel at 9:50 A. M. The Young Peoples' Luther league will hold its Sunday night de votions at 6:43. "Want and Plenty" will be the topio for discussion. The meeting will be led by Foster Blake. Lenten services will be conducted Ash Wednesday night at 7:45 in the church chapel. The pastor will give a Lenten so.rmon on the subject "Companionship in Sorrow." The Sunday school of the Clay Street Evangelical church at Tenth and Clay streets, west side, will be-N e.m o-i ana win oe in cnarge ot i the superintendent. E. J. Keller. Atl 10:45 the pastor will preach a mis sionary sermon on the subject "What Is the Purpose of This Dlsvensatloii?" At 3 o'clock the pastor will conduct a service at the Altenheim at Division street. E.ra Graher will condm-t the Young People's meeting at ti:30 and at 7:30 the pastor will preach an other missionary sermon on the sub ject "The Church of God." Revival meetings will be held at the Swedish Tabernacle, Gllsan and North Seventeenth street, beginning Tuesday, February S, at 7:30 P. M. nd continuing every da-y, except Saturday, over February 20. The Rev. Frank Lindblad, evangelist of the Young People's Covenant, of the Northwest, a popular revival preach er, will speak in English every even ing and Sundays at 3:30 and 7:30 P. M. At 11 A. M. Kev. C. J. Ledin will preach in Swedish Sundays. There will be good powerful singing at all the meetings. Everybody who understands English is cordially in vited to attend. Sacrament to Be Observed at Presbyterian Church. Brief Address This Morning: by Dr. Rowman Uuartet to Sing; and Contralto Solo to He Given. First Christian Church Elects New Officers. Mr. C riff l Will I'rrarh Mornlnir and Mlibt. whilA tn hear plans and ideals for his new field of , a Bpeciai musical feature of a gospel AT the First Presbyterian church, corner of Twelfth and Alder streets, the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed at the morn ing service with reception of new members. A brief address will be given by the pastor. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman, in connection with this service. In the evening at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Bowman will preach on "The Glory of the Commonplace." The quartet will sing at both serv ices and there will be a contralto solo at the morning service by Mrs. Virginia Spencer Hutchinson, "Be fore the Crucifix" (La Forge). Also at the evening service there will be labor. Ash Wednesday Services to Be Held at Trinity. Dr. A. A. Morrison to Deliver Short Sermon at 11 A. 31. T ENTEN services at Trinity church as announced will be Interesting. On Ash Wednesday there will be a service at 11 o'clock with a short ser- on by the rector. Dr. A. A. Morri son. On Monday. W ednesday and Friday at 4:30 o'clock in the chapel there will be a short service with a brief talk bv the rector. Trinity Women's guild meets each week on Wednesdays from 10 until 4 o'clock to sew for the Good Samaritan hosnital. Persons interested are cor dially Invited to "assist in this work and will be most welcome. The Mission guild of Trinity church meets each Monday from 2 until 5 o'clock and Is busy this Lent sewing for several of the charitable organ izations of the city. Old English traditions of Shrove Tuesday will be revived at the parish hall of St. Andrew's Episcopal church, Portsmouth, next Tuesday night. A pancake supper will be served by the women of the guild to the guests who line the festive board. The follow ing will serve: Mesdames S. D. Niles,' Earl Hoyt. Forest L. Dille, Howard Smith, H. B. Allen, Mary Hawkins. Mary I. Allen, R. Huston, Jane Otter stedt, E. C. Fazaackerly, George A. Thomas, Paul Thyng and Alfred Hutchinson. They will be assisted by members of the Girls' Friendly so ciety. The Young People's society of St. I Stephen's pro-cathedral will hold their regular meeting today at 6:30 P. M. In the parish house at the cor ner of xmrteentn ana uiay streets. Miss Edith Burke will lead, and Mrs. T. W. Kirby will be the principal speaker. Special muslo has been ar ranged. On Monday evening the song service led by Walter Jenkins. The Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church is held at noon. Immediately after the morning church service. This school has a variety of Bible classes and departments which are suitable to all and a cordial wel come is given to all who wish to engage In serious Bible study. The Warren Bible class for young women and the vesper class of the First Presbyterian church will wel come 19 of their members who are to unite with the church at the morning communion. At 12 o'clock the War ren Bible class will hear a lesson especially adapted to new church members. The 4 o'clock vesper service has a mixed audience of more than 100 anJ the lesson will be "The Life of Joseph," which will be discussed after the presentation in lecture form. Young people away from home will find, this service attractive. The or chestra will give two overtures ani Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Curtis will sing several numbers. The doors will be open to the public. A song service, led by Clinton O. Bay, will begin promply at 4:15 o'clock. Entrance ll to the lecture room at 454 Alder street Westminster Presbyterian church. East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets, will be the mecca for the Christian endeavorers of this city Monday evening. At 6:15 the Inter mediates will have a banquet and about 200 will be there. At 8 In the church auditorium will be the rally for all endeavorers of the city. The main speakers will be national lead ers, Paul Brown and E. P. Gates. This Is a "pep" rally preceding the great state convention at Corvallis, Febru ary 11-13. Next Sunday the renowned mis sionary and statesman of India, Sam Higginbottom. is expected. He has revolutionized agricultural conditions in certain sections of that country as well as bringing the people the gospel of Christianity. Today Dr. Pence will speak in the morning on "The Delights of God," while in the evening he continues his AT THE annual election of officers held recently at the First Chris tian church, the following members were chosen for the leadership uf the congregation during the ensuing year: Elders J. F. Faust, M. D. Owens, W. L. McFarling, Dr. A. Skip pen, O. M. Murphey and J. M. Wells; deacons, George F. Alexander, A IL Averill, G. Billingsley, Carl 11. Prown, B. C. Darnell, F. A. Douty, L D. Fer guson, F. A. Grldley, HiiKh Hall. A. S. Hawk. F. G. King and C. O. McKeyn olds. The pastor, the Rev. Harold H. Griffis. will have for his sermon t-ub-ject this morning at 11 o'clock, "The Supreme Spiritual Dynamic." The evening worship at 7:45 o'clock will begin with the administration of the ordinance of baptism, following which the pastor will speak on "The Gospel in Nature." Appropriate music for these serv ices will be given by the church quar tet under the direction of Mrs. Fred h. Newton, the musical programme including the contralto solo, "Beyond the Dawn" (Sanderson), by Beatrice rainier, and the duet, "Bethel" (I'ro theroe), by W. G. Mannan and Miss Palmer. The young people of the church will have entire charge of the evening programme at the Church of Christ. Four Christian Endeavdrers will sneak on the Keneral theme of "Fel lowship." Music will be furnished by an intermediate and senior endeavor , choir, with a special number by the J Junior endeavorers. r The laymen committee of the Chris tian churches, consisting of two mem bers from each congregation, will meet next Wednesday in the churi-h building at Rodney and Knott streets. Today is the day of prayer or all the churches of the Evangelical asso ciation in America, where the entire membership is urged to especially pray for home and for foreign mis sions and for the forward movement. Conference on Unification of Churches Begins. Prominent Churchmen of I'nlted States at Gatbrrlnic In St. I.ouls. Other Meetings to lie Held. s1. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 5. The first of conferences, looking toward unifica tion of all Christian denominations, opened here Thursday, with promi nent churchmen present from various sections of the country. Similar conferences are scheduled to be held at Dallas. Tex., February 5 to 7. and at Cleveland and Balti more, respectively, in Easter week. Methods of effecting harmony and co-operation among the Christian sects will be the paramount lssne be fore all the conferences, according to Rt. Rev. F. F. Johnson of this city, coadjutor bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Missouri, chairman of the arrangements committee. "It is expected," Bishop Johnson ex plained, "that the conference will is sue a strong appeal to the churches of America for co-operation and unity of fellowship, with ultimate union ot all denominations as the end to be desired and rained." The conferences were called by the Association for the Promotion of Christian Unity, the president ot which is Rev. Peter Ainslie of Balti more. The local conference continued Jhrough Friday. Among the speakers. were: Bishop Ethelbert Talbot of V Bethlehem, Ta., of the commission on 1 i ..:., n Ka 1.'..!.. ...1 church; Rev. Francis K. Clark of Boston, founder of the Christian En deavor society; Robert H. Gardiner of (Concluded on rage 6.)