The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 06, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 37

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Bookkeeper. M enographerft. Office.
TENMRAPHER and office assistant. 5
ear experience, desires to make per
manent connection, 2 years' experience
jjcai worit: best ol reference, pnoae
Hoodiawn ."146.
MR. BUSJNESS MAX If your office work
requires someone only part or eacn nay.
I would like to do It: handle hook-
keeping, correspondence and miacel-
laneous. AL :w.t, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, competent stenographer.
wishes position as secretary or stenogra
pher; have had thorough training as con
fidential secretary to executive. Sell-
wood 1 55.
ICE FIN KD. educated young iady desires I
secretarial or clerical position with sat- I
urdays off; experienced, a svi. orego
YOL'XG lady typist wouid like work fori
afternoons. Phone Tabor boQJ.
House cleaning, window washing,
carpet cleaning by expert workmen,
tioors waxed, furniture polished.
Chapman st. Phone Main 1157.
WANTED Day work by Swedish woman.
rnone Uroadway I42S.
MISS COTTRELIi of Hotel Caples. 350
Taylor St., specialises in street, evening
frown, suits ana rmoaciing ior duki
ness girls. Dresses finished In a day at
your home. Rate 17. rnone -Mar, -.'2' hi.
LADIES' hits r-modeled, retrimnied and
all kinds millinery work done by ex
perienced milliner; will can ior worn
- or come to home; price much less than
tore pries. Phor.e r;ist .'-.
"WIDOW, unincumbered, wishes housekeep.
Ing position: neat, clean, (rood, cook;
must hive work. 400 fan ins si. is.
Phnno Wood lawn MiW.
KK Li A RLE dressmaking and remodeling
sh nt .'.75 Taylor at., or call Tabor
M;2. nfrer 6 P. M.
tX JA'jKMKXTS hy day by thorough')'
experienced dressmaker, remodeling, re-
s.'-iah.-. P.!w I.ViT.
v it it )V a m.E lireAsmaking. reasonable
4siii, Beiinont. corner Uth, 1 block from
l!nrri.ort. Ap.irimen'. .'
HVPrRIK,i,KI) drfMKinker will Sew
through Feb. at $3 per day. Expert In
making over. WKdlawn 42H.
RKV.jl.Hi.lNi; embroidering. suits
homes reasonable. Airs. Walker, Mar.
44 1 Ma?n 3Q-7.
LKKSSlIAKIXi; and ladies' tailoring.
mwni Special price made on all work
before Feb. 15. Phone Main TMM.
DP KSSM A K E it from Maison de Paris.
Frisco, moderate price per day to in
troduce. 22.-to.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and fiats
wua ueiinite information pertaining to
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value In helping them
Sl vivyKfiy ana quickly located.
Sixth Floor.
wuji KlHlXu.
- Portland business man wants
rent 5 or tt-room furnished home by or
KRTY. Tahor 7i12.
vtA.Mu to rent for at least a year, small
lurnisnea cottage With garden ulot and
chicken house: must be rcaynnnhU and
. nrr car line, unjy party des r ng re
sponsible tenant w ith best references
pit-af answer, istr 31.7. Oregonian.
MAX AND WIFE, no children, want to
mil o or o-room lurnished house; must
be modern and in good locality; can
furnish gilt-edge references and will
leas for one year if satisfactory. Phone
RESPONSIBLE adults desire to rent mod
trn lurnisnea a or S-room house with
Urge !ot. corner preferred, months or
longer, mjgnt DUV If satisfae tnrv : nt.
session wanted quickly. Inquire AF 350,
MOVING to Portland, want to rent .
i-room turnished or unfurnished house
m nrignnornoou oi Kote City or Laurel
nursi. Mnan lamily. References. R. E.
i.o en. rv., .n. tark St., West Portland
r!nth-s done reasonable. Phone "Auto. I --.-o"i. ounoess man wants 5 or
"'uutti,! lurnisnea nooit; tnree
in family; will rent or lras4 for vear
from March 1 and will assura bes: of
vaie. nu .i.HJ. O re iron an
GoWNe". suits, coats made to order.
Mnrran hid 5.
j li KSSM AKl.X'i), my home or yours. ' 302
Margin st. Kant S1"7.
KXl'KhlKM'KD dressmaker. $3 5i a aay.
'all Taior Hjn.'t Sundays or evenings.
KI KST-t'LASS dressmaking by day; i
ttrttt'nnn: reasonable: rfs. East j !,.
TAHOR 7::7 Smart frocks a specialty out ;
of your old gowns.
CXi'U'SlVK designing and dressmaking.
Tabor 7t'37. Roferenres.
EXPERIENCED drsmaker wants itwing
hy day. Auto. LMJB-.V
COMPETENT dressmaker will sew in your
home. Marshall
DRKSSMAKING and plain sewing. Auto-
matic HIS-7S.
DRKSS.M A KING. Mrs. Itarnard. East wll
t'NDER graduate nurse wants maternity
cae or institutional worn. wooui;
4 1 TO.
WANTED 3v practical nurse, and kind
of nursing: prefer maternit) Wood-
lawn i."s.
vv ax I to lease west side vacant lot.
walking distance, no objection to oid
house, for S to 0 years. Phone Main
" ax "-d Hy married couple w ithout
cnuuren. fman tiiree or four-room fur-
iiiaueu nuuse. not later than March 1;
ipiritnrra given. t'linne Womilawn
WANTED Furnished house; 4 or o rooms.
reo. -rerer south of Hawthorne,
close to Sellw'ood: references. Tabor
nr. i mi wTepneng st
lot couple withes to rent 2 of 3-rooin
lurnished house; fruit and garden pre-
irrea; must oe close to car and mod
ern, ah ,m. tr'gon:an.
WANT To rent or lease 1 acre with 5
or O-room modern house on Oregon c'itv
Electric line. Woodtawn 041 or AJ 3;;s
WANTED To lease. 1 year or more. 1
n nuren, tf-ruoin nouae. write AM
:;, Oregnntan.
r". hos;7k be.i kbfinbd c...uP.e,
references. East 21.
WANT modern three of four-room house
ny rebruary iz; must be clean. Phone
Main law. Phillips.
mother and daughter-
want furnished house on west side; ref
erences. Marshall 3!Wt3.
except contagious;" also maternity. East 5 t01!,?;10?1 hu " ?,r !,,out Larch
ili-a with irarden. fruit. C. K, Gillson. 77u'i
nii ' . . t Union avp.
MI DDLE-AG ED practical nurse w ishes
nursing, invalid or confinement cases;
best of references. Tahor 7772.
MATERNITY nurse would like a case right I
awav; will do the jiousewortt in a smaii
f aiir? i I y. Phorre room Blfl.
PRACTlA L nurse wishes case, mental or
otherw ise. Marshall 44 TO.
NL'RSE wants office or Institutional posi-
tion; massage, hydrotherapy. East avi.
M'iiSE take ni'itertiity cases in her home,
best of care, reasonable. East HfiS.
UNDERGRADUATE wishes case ; invalid;
tprms reasonable. AE U4. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT nurse wants patient, pre-
ferahly mental. In her home. Wdln. 3s:U
PATIENTS cared for in private home. ,
E;ist 4;7.
Union ave. N
rent a 5 -room hmiM in
Sunny side or Hawthorne district pr-
WANTED To rt-nt, with privilege of buy-
ins, u or o-room nou&e in good district.
Automatic ai-W(.
WANTED 1 or 5 room furnished house.
t-iusc in, reasonable: adults. Phone
Marshall 4i;3.
WANTED 3 or 4-room cottage, unfut-
n Is tied, light, nice; suburbs: adults.
Seilwood til4.
or (-room
East tilt!.
FA M I L Y u d u 1 1 s with good 0
unfurnished house; close in.
SMALL modern bungalow, furnace or fiie
piace; lease for 1 or 2 years. Col. fii'li.
BY FEU. 4-." rra. house or apt., partly
furniahed; adults; references. Tabor 407l
Furnished Rooms.
FOR RENT Modern parlor bedroom in
oTfice building, $20 per with privileges;
furnishings of room the beat and new,
for sale, l0" cash and equity. 3o7
Buchanan bldg., between 4th and 5th
on Washington. 1U-12 Sundays
Brnadwav and Ankenv St.
TRANSIENT ROOMS, all new and
modern, single or en suite, with o
without private bath; rates to perman
ent guests.
GENTLEMAN Large front bay window
room, bath connecting;, in modern steam-
neaiea private apt., 3 mocks rrom oia
P. O. Apt. 30, Glen Court, Park and
i ay ior.
East Morrison St., at East Sixth.
The nrinciM.1 east side hotel, dlgnl
fled and refined; $1.25 per day and up;
" per weex ana up.
112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot.
II per day. (5 per week and up.
Hot and cold water, steam heat.
Free phone and hath.
Corner Twelfth and stark Sts.
Modern, clean, all outside rooms. $ft-12
weeK. Heopie of good character tuesireq
Morrison and Park streets.
New. fireproof and modern.
Special rates to permanent guests.
East 3d and Morrison, outside sleep
ing rooms, stesm heat, hot and cold wa
ter. suitable for 2 gentlemen.
STRICTLY first-class steam-healed, newiy
furnished room for 1 or 2 particular
gentlemen. The Chetopa apta.. SU N. 18th
st.. apt. 41.
MAKE The Bush mark your home; clean.
modern, respectable. Wasnington st..
corner 17th.
COMFORTABLE room in modern apt. for
i or a gentlemen. Home privileges,
walking distance. Main it 3 a 7.
OR 2 gentlemen in a strictly private
family, large, nicely furnished room,
modern conveniences. 71 2 East Taylor
SMALL single room, best downtown loca
tion, suitable for bachelor apartment.
2..V(. M.iin ."4!4.
yyrnlhhedKoom In Private Family.
lakijE, airy front room, beaulifulliv fur
ULdhed. large Closet nhnn hath anil
toilet, home privileges; suitable for one
iu u sin ess men; centrally located
to many east aide industries; good walk-
,st.u:o lo w't sine; modern price,
. 7"- Ji.ereit. near corner stri
,An.Katu air ironi room, fine location,
beautifully furnished, everything at
tractive and new; electricity, gas and
t mi uieiieu, s-f u.
equally desirable, but smaller, room, 30.
Auto. S'4 v1
LOV ELY furnished corner front room, good
beds, furnace heat. bath, piano, quiet
Place, home privileges, near 23d Sst. car
on Depot-Morrison car; suitable for one
or t li'n - Kwcn brn. i .i . i . . . T7 ...
' , as- 11 uesirea. tua 4onn
rup. Phone 524-35.
BEAUTIFUL, large, airy room and sleep-
yuiLH, uatn. pnone. large cioet,
SUltabie tor OHM or tun o ! -a In
east side home, garage if desired. Pnone
"tye"iu tiaa tor appointment.
FINE large front room furnished attrac-
ii e. moaern new nouse. p.ano; fine lo
cation. IO-minute ride Hawthorne car.
aaii toaay. 304 E. 22d near Hawthorne,
"'hone East BBB.
T v O t-UXUbAlAL voune' men wish room
niMitr, nun oeas, neautiiul home; piano,
fireplace and so on, also beautifully
fufrninhed apartment for rent. 61 N.
ttn sc.
3 PARTLY lurnished outside rooms for
light housekeeping, in private refined
home, absolutely clean; lights, gas. wa
ter and phone; $27 per month; no chil
dren. 13n5 E. 5th st. N. 1
NICELY turnished rooms, excellent
board next door, use of parlor, fireplace,
piano. phonograph, pleasant porch ;
walking distance; reasonable. 74S E.
Burnside. E. 272U.
VOL WILL feel at home here; 1 or 2
attractive rooms. large closet. heal,
bath, phone. Close in; pretty bungalow
home. 411 Cook ave.. In block east of
Union ave.
NICE, light, comfortable room with closet
anu nam tor gentleman. 2i)i Glenn
ave. - Phone Tabor 6o(2. v
WILL SHARE pleasant room with board.
residential no tel. congenial young iady.
AR 3:t. Oregonian.
NICELY furnished room in beautiful home,
steam heat, walking distance. 21o 14th
residential hotel, ratvs for hoard and
room ?4.- per month and up. Main 37s:.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in Glen
court apartments, one block from Hel
lig theater, private entrance to room.
Call Sunday or evenings. Apt. 3. Phone
Main 323S.
TWO NICE furbished rooms for rent with
breakfast and dinner; just fine for two
working girls. See J. P. McKenna, Bel-
in nt at :i!th. Tabor (ii:i.
FUR RENT Delightful loi-atiun. walking
distance, fine home, large double rooms;
price $ 12 for one. S il for two; gentle
mm only; references. East MtKi.
LARG E comfortable room in modern
home, lour windows, lurnace heat, home
privileges, breakfast if desired; man or
woman emp 1 oyed . Main 730 .
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
IR IXGTOX home, nicely furnisned room,
glass-enclosed sunny sleeping porch ad
joining; excellent table board; aii con
1.7 55es of a bome. rerinement. AE
a-I. oregonian.
0:E. .LARGE room irj exclusive familv
hotel available Feb. 15; not a hotel, but
a house with all conveniences; good
home-cooked meals Shown by appoint
mnt only. East S0SO
iu R rooms, steam heat, electric
lights full privileges of a big. com
lortable home; especially suitable for
couples or students. 4t0 HoIIaday ave.
East NO.VJ.
ROOM and board for 2 refined voung gen
tlemen private family; large front room,
separate beds; modern conveniences:
hojrie privileges; walking distance. 710
Furnihl 1 e d Apartments.
A very beautiful outside front apart
ment with sleeping porch, white ennmel
woodwork, blue rugs, willow and ma
hogany furniture, very clean and lots
or heat, lovely for refined bachelor, can
furnish service, also single room and
natn; references required. Mar. 2.tu.
Fifth and Columbia streets
Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's
tore; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern. 2 and 3-room furnished ants., out
side, with French doors and balcony.
rermanem and transient.
BOARD and room, modern accommoda
tions, heat, hot and cold water, bath. 2
blocks from Broadway bridge; $11.50 per
,1lo rtoys gi. rnone East 2oti0.
isAKKstL iront room with small adjoining
room, suitable for ' or 3. with board,
nome-made bread and pies. 243 Adams
AX OPPORTUNITY for a child to have
excellent care and happy memories of
ntry hfe In a home, near school; no
other children. Phone Orchards 3F -3
1 lady deirin companion-
X' j liwrig- aione will give room and
board reasonable to business girl or
woman. Phone Tabor .-.!tT
Elegantly furnished 2-room, 3-room
and sleeping porch, in exclusive apart
ment house; very clean and lots of heat;
also room and bath for gentleman or
aiy employed; reterences required. Mar
shall 2 S 30.
4-rm. furnished apartment with sieep
ing porrh. 200 E. 13th st. Adults onN
1 nrurnisiied .ipartmentn.
nwM and beard, in good locality for nn
iT, Rnillt'men willing to pav rea
sonable prices for home comforts. W'dln
Wit t :.. r :
rt1 - e "ome nd best of care to giri
' . V. , " - new. modern home
Winer ooaraers; "monerute rate; ref-
"tltira "Men. lij 3N0. LTeffon:au.
lai'iTe (rnn! rn..n i-.-iY.
wup' employed or two men. Walk-
nit, uiiiunte. . rine lm-arinn- t if
desired. Easf 5715.
EAST SIDE large, modern home offers to
"""" cwupie or two girls employed all
home privileges; 3 blks. from car. Ta
bor 1442.
r.T. 11 E.ALt,riiUAAL HOARD, 1, 2. 3
EAsT tid45.
WILL board children near Shattuck school
ieaonaoie ny people verv fond of chii
dien; best of reference. Phone 524-55.
HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at Tenth
Rates $1 day up; weekly. So. 50 up; free
phone and baths; steam heat.
r. PAUL HOTEL 130 Fourth st Clean
respectable, modern ; transient. $1 up.
Ratt.s to permanent guests.
CLEAN, warm sleeping rooms. Quiet
piace. west side,, walking distance to
business center. 20 17th st.
ROOM for rent. 731 E. Yamhill st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
UNFURNISHED rooms, lor business or
H. K., $20. 200 3d st. Inquire at
Plummer Drug Co.
Furnished Rooms in Priviito Family.
OR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, $15
per month; also garage. $5 per month;
two d locks- from Mississippi canine. 55
Morris street.
LARGE furnished room, modern conv.. in
owner's home, 1 block library; adults.
215 11th, corner Salmon. Phone Main
CUAirUkXAULl' furnished room in sttam
heatcd apL. ; walking distance. Nob Hill
district. No .other roomers. Call Mar
shall 3152
DKSIRA BLE Irving ton corner room, well
heated, shower bath, homelike, every
modern convenience, near car line. East
5000. .
TWO CONGENIAL young men wish looiu-
mates. tw:ii beds, parloi piano. ;:onie
conveniences. $4.50 week auo up ui X
1Mb.. Broadway 2721.
KlXX'Y ir,nt room with clothes closet and
lurnace heat, use ot piano and every
thing. Walking distance, west side. Men
only. Main 4!-lMi.
BOARD for gentleman in fnt ion 1
home. $;m mo. Apply apt. 42, Ionian
iourt. iHth and Couth.
ROO.W ,md board for two. with congenial
youns people. Home privileges. 1o:j2 E.
r landers. Auto 22;;-23.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished Sroom apart
ment and dressing room. Overlook atidi
tion. Nlw 1'atton ave., cor. Failing. $5.
oUAHUhna WAX TED Homo cooking
i..0 per weea. no meals Saturday eve-
. ning ur Sunday, ua North 15th si.
NICELY furnished rooms with board, near
Hroadway bridge; private home. 40S
GORDON COURT Apt.. 530 Montgomery
urive. ve nave left a beautiful new
ii-room corner unfurnished apt., 2 bed
rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen
and tile bath room, white enamel fin
ished, hardwood floors. French d'ors, on high elevation, has view of
entire city and mountains. This build
ing is equipped w ith the new automatic
heating system. Price of apt, $125 per
4-room modern outside apt., first floor;
hard wood floors. gas range, electric
washing machine, steam heat and lani
tor service: $75. East Lttio
4-ROOM unfurnished apt. with private
ba th, heat and gas range. The Guild
apts., 304 Cuild st.. between :23d and
24th sts., off Thurman.
LORENZO APTS.. 427 Sainton St., phone
Main Hi7S Unfurnished 2-room apt., wa
tertight, phone: aaults.
AMERICAN' apartment. 5 rooms, unfur
nished, every convenience. Broadway
1 HH EE-ROOM unfurniied apartment
with balcony; rent $o. Hanover apts..
17 Kin? street. Main 4S42.
U XIAX COURT, lis Couch St., 4-roorn
modern front apt.. - adults. $57.50; ref-erc-nces
Brow o way 2701.
FOR RENT 7-ruom flat, close to car" line.
Call In person any day from ! lo (i P. M.
or write JUS Minnesota ave.
IInuf keeping Koom.
li)3 ST. CLAIR ST. $40.
To permanent tenant only, 1st floor,
apt 2 rooms, kitchenette and d-essing
room ; new paper and white enamel
wood work, hot-water heat and le
pnone Included, privilege of parking car
in yarn, inn -i a 1 n m o.
II on .
LARGE fur. front h. k. room. I. sleeping
poicn, Kitcnenette. ngnt. neat, not wain
clean linen free: $30 month: no chil
dren; w. s. Inquire Monday after 12.
54 X. Hith Ft.
LAKGK. nevvlv furnished front housekcep
ing room; furnace heat; 10 per wk.; also
a large attic room nicely furnished; 2
nedf. suitable for small family, per
wek. Bdwy. 2005.
FOR PLAIN, working people who can't
aiford high rent, not modern nut ciean
ana comtortahie, lights, gaa ana water.
3 rooms furnished $1S mo., 2 rooms $15.
Cor. Fiske and Harvard. Columbia 5'.H.
FURNISHED housekeeping apts. Call 10
to 0. 320 Montgomery.
FURNISHED h. k. rooms. 204 12th st.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family .
2 LARGE, furnished H. K. rooms, fight.
water, phone and gas for cooking bur
nished to people employed; $24 per mo.
343 10th st, corner Market.
VERY desirable H. K. room and kitchen
ette, also large extra well rurnishea
sleeping room, walking distance. 121 X.
WANTED A girl to share beautifully
furnished hous keeping rooms, on west
side, walking distance; piano. Call Main
CLEAN nicely furnished H. K. rooms
with sleeping porch, first floor, hot and
cold water, good furnace heat, w-alking
distanre. 024 Flanders, near l-th.
NICE LARGE ROOM with kitchenette and
running water; ulso basement room, d-i
Clnckamas st. Williams ave. car; walk-
ing distance.
2 OLTSIDE housekeeping rqoms; 2 beds;
cook stove, good hitkor; warning dis
tance; wood furnished. 41 Union ave. N.
2 LARGE front h. k. rooms, water, gas.
phone and lichts furnished ; close m.
double car service: adults. Sell. 3073.
ONE SINGLE H. K. ROOM, one 2-mom
apartment ; everything new. 4oJ Last
Courh St.. near Nth.
I OR RENT 3 comfortable furnished
housekeeping rooms (only 2 people), ln
qnirc 1Q27 Belmont St.; C-20.
CLEAN sleeping room with use of kitchen,
iuo v. Mai lory ave.. 2 piocks 10 i nion,
3 blocks to St. Johns car.
Foil LEASE My beautiful 7-room niod iii
bungalow, double gar.ige. cor. looxioo.
on carline, to rcsponsiblo party. ln
quire 3iQ Hth sr. Auto. 525-00.
I urnUheil llotihct.
EIGHT-ROOM house, desirable location,
for rent ; his h -grade furniture, aim-t
new for s,ile. iim ludlng Freni'h print
pictures, collage p.uiio pler and rolls,
complete set Harvard das ten. sewing
niachtno. gas raimc. water uater,
bed linen, thlua. t;t.-w are. etc.; must
be neen to be- a pprecia U .1 : west side,
walk ing d is t a nee. un i-ji line ; l'.'X lur-
nace. uwner Bomg east Mutl l27 5.
AT SEASI1-E, 5-room, nearly new, mod
ern, furnished house; $ls."o per month,
tl-room modem furnishtd, tuariy new,
with garage; $25.
7-room modern furnished; $25; all
clost-in, wilh ocean view.
"Pine Lodge." Sua side. Or
FOR REN P AIoU. hi bungaiow, .'.
and sleeping pon h ; compleieiy furtuhd
including piano ; f ui nat e and f u p..u e ;
Rope City Park; rent $7" per nu.tH h
with lease for 1 war; r fi t-nces re
quired. 435 4f. h st. N.
FOR RENT To small family w no an
give satisfactory references; a strl ( y
modern, wt U-furnished house, in e
cellent resident la 1 rl 1st rid. S M :'.
Ballis. care Wakefield. Fries & t'o..
4th st.
1150 Rodney a e. . cor K Ulinswot t h
Up 4 rooms, strictly moiieru. privaie:
radiaht gus heater, autona'.le hot-vmei
service ; reasonable rent. No phuiu
WOULD sharo my home with reliab'e
couple, ti rooms, well furnished, an
board or house keep ; reiomia hie. 54u4
37th ave. S. E.. only 2 in family; 2 blis.
car line on Foster road, 'lane Mt. Siuit
;ir to 5 Ith st.
rt rooms. iiHnl i n. 2 blocks to car ; 011
paved St.; lot 5i1mo; dandy little plate,
$5no down: lot of fruit and berries;
$:5iio. 401 Stock Exchange bldrf.. oJ uud
Yamhill sis. Main
75 FU 11 N IS M EI Or n btiuga low , f.r
place, hardvood flouts. l.i:ilt-in bi.ll'
ami bookcases, dose ui. 111 ir 2 cur line!
garage ; adults ; rets. ech 1 11 god. Sdl
wood 3031. (Ill E. 13:h si. S.
r ivI.SilUV Kalsoiiinu-d coin I or 1 a 1 i ' lui -
nished six-rMm cottage, small ard, n
car linn; wulking distance ; pruo $ 15.
East MSI.
Entire floor, porch, yard, all conveni
ences ; also 3-roum, semi-basement :
prefer to rent all to one partv. Ho:
water heat. Phone today. Tabor 5Ivi,
or call 120 E. 34th.
MODERN 7-room fiat to parties bu'. ins
lurniture. Nob Hill district; rooms more
than pay exnenpes. Phone Main 4S1S
COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, one
front downstairs, furnace heat, close to
garages on Wash. 35i 21st X. Mar.
TWO OR 3 well furnished sleeping rooms,
with use of kitctien, plenty of hot water,
with heat; walking distance; near t ga-'
ragti. 520 E. Ash. E. 7032.
FOR REXT One pleasant front room
for two, private family, with or with
out board ; west side, walking distance.
r'none .Main f2iJ.
WANTED Lady employed for company
for young lady alone nights; room and
board. Phone Tabor 1)10 or write W.,
5237 33d ave. S. K.
iAiwGcj ironi room witu magnificent view,
walking distance, west slue; suitable
lor man employed; 313 10th st. and
Montgomery. Auto. 520-5S.
FU 1 NISHED rooms, quiet ; plenty heat;
close in. 3K) 12th st. 80.. west bide.
M a rs h a i 1 302.
URN LSH ED room, moacr n home, single
or double, gentlemen preferred ; block
from two car lines. Phone East 72S7.
010 Weidler st.
NICE front steam-heated sleeping room,
private family, refined gentleman, walk
ing distance. BG 3.S0, oregonian.
DESiR.AliLE second -floor rooms, perma
nent; gentleman only; walking distance.
553 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 2472.
FOR GENTLEMAN Pleasant sleeping rin.
in private home. Laurel hurst, garage ;
reasonable; references required. East
101 .
IRVTNtlTOTST uioPlv furniahftrf mnm In
modern home, suitable for gentleman or
lady employed. Phone East 4 1 3.
IRNLStl 13 1 sleeping room in pri va te
family suitable for two ; walking dis
tance. 44 Montgomery st.
WANTED by a widow lady, unincumbered.
permanent position as housekeeper for
apartment house; have had some expe
rience in the same ; can give re-Terence
aa to character. Bdwy. 474 from :30
to 12 M.
WANTED By a reijned middle-aged lady
a position as housekeeper In a nice mod
ern home, a widower's or bachelor's
home, or a club or apartment house;
address with full part culaa-s. C 31 1,
WANTED Furnished apt, by two men;
must have two sleeping rooms, close In.
M 327. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want furnished apartment
or housekeeping rooms at moderate
rental. AP 310. Oregonian. '
FURNISHED apartment, flat or house, by
widow witn one child; state price, a
.'!". Oregonian.
LARGE desirable - front room, fireplace-
furnace heal; also one smail room. 327
0th Ft.
SLEEPING room, private home. 1 or 2
gentlemen preferred, close in. 304 '4
lar k s t
FRONT room with home privileges, near
h spit 1 in North Port.und; $3 per week.
7.7 Jch.istm st. Main 7 12a.
TvVO LARGE front rooms, well furnished,
use of phone, piano, furnace neat, walk-
ing distance. East 5534.
front rooms, one room
young men. Call East
REFINED couple will care for children. 5
10 10 years; plenty 01 milk, near school
1 anor ai.'tj.
L, EST wl care give.i lo little boy between
years, .uain i00s.
CHILDREN cared for in suburban home
ny responsible party. Scllwood 27U3.
o-itOOM nice clean apt.; back and iront
porch. $:0; 3-room. $25; free phone and
water, and store LSx25 for rent, and will lease, on aii house. 2u-room apart
ment and store, one to three yenrs. 1200
iveuy st. lane t ulton car to rlower st,
17th and Everett sts.
Desirable 5-room corner apartment
' hardwood floors, oriental rugs, mauog-
any furniture, shower bath, etc. Phone
AiLt. nghL tnree-room apartment
with bath and one, five-room lurnished
apartment with bath, telephone in
eluded ; both outside apartments. East
suitable for 2
e L RNiSli e.L) room in modern home,
strictly first-class, $20. 411 10th. Main
A nicely funnelled 3-room apartment,
with two disappearing beds and an out
side balconj ; adults only. Price $.so.
Call Main 3,s.s3. Ni-I be acant Feb. 0
ATTRACTIVE personally furnished apart
ment; 3 large rooms, bath and dressing
room, will sublet to refined couple y&u
AUonia apartments, Hith and Marshall.
Hroadway 1157.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes housekeep
ing, eldwrly man or woman; have no
incumbrance; easterner; good cook; city
preferred or country : good home and
small wagn. Mrs. Xellie Williams, Aber
deen. Wash.
REFINED, respectable widow w ould like
to keep house for widower, with small
child, or to care for child all or part
of time, in modern home or apartment.
A a rs h all 3035.
P'NITIOX as small apartment house man
-er or housekeeper for business woman,
anything that mother can do to keep
2-year-old boy with her. O 3G0, Ore-conian.
i M I DDLE-AGED lady, who has good
references, wishes t position as house
keeper In widower's home: no objection
to one child. Phone 322-24. or address
1215 East 3"d st. N.
KIND, motherly, middle-aged woman who
appreciates a good home, would care for
home of respectable widower or manage
apartment house; triflers please do not
an-wer. AR 3-V.i, Oregonian.
WIDOW Middle-agci- with daughter 13
wants housekeeping in bachelor or wid
ower s home (no children) ; looking for
h home more tlian wages. C 3ul), Orego
WANTED An apartment, close in; $55 or
a monin. E "".42. Oregonian.
WAN I" ED Room and boaru tn private
family; not more than three blocks from
car nor 20 minutes' ride from town.
AE 3Sl). Oregonian.
COUPLE would share modern Dome or
apartment; west side preferred. AE 36a.
REFINED young lady desires room with
use of piano for practicing evenings;
west side. BF 33S. Oregonian.
MAN wants h. k. or sleeping room in ex
change for services. AE 33. Oregon:an.
Rooms Witu Board.
ROOM and board in refined private fam
ily, by widower with boy to S, near
good school, in Portland; home for 1oy
main object. (Jive phone and address.
BF 373. Oregonian.
-57 12TH ST. Large. strictly modern
water in room. large enough for 3: men
on 1 y ; walking distance.
CHEERFUL room in modern home; gen
tlemen preferred. Phone Auto. 310-1)5,
4n E. Oth st. N.
DESIRABLE room, eteam heat, close in,
reasonable; one or two gentlemen. Auto.
305-1 1 .
MODERN, convenient, no other roomers,
kitchen privilege. 351 6th st. Main
N 1CELY furnished room In modern home
on Nob Hill; walking distance; all con
veniences. Mar. JOSH
ELEGANTLY furnished robin in a swell
private home, suitable for two young
men. 71 Trinity Piace.
EM PLOYED mother and high school
daughter wish two well-heated rooms,
with board, in small private family;
will pay liberally for home comforts
and privileges. E ,i;3. Oregonian.
Mi DDLE-AG ED Christian w idow with
small son desires position as housekeep
er for gentleman in good respectable
nome. or win care ior elderly person.
w ('reconmn.
HOUSEKEEPER A lady past middle age
wants housekeeping in modern home for
widowar; no children, country preferred
woul invest half interest ; home more
than wages. A.N 3m. Oregonian.
A YOUNG widow, with small child, would
like a place of housekeeping or general
Housework, country or city. AR 3
AN ELDERLY lady wants position as
housekeeper In widower's home; no
fakers need apply. Esmond Annex, 140
Front st.
M 1 DDLE-Ai "ED American woman would
like a housekeeping position in some re
fined widower's home; would go out. of
ViPOW wishes position as housekeeper in
.anwer s or bachelor s home; refer
ences; give full particulars in first let
ter. H.. box 13. Oregon City. Or :
ft EAT reliable housekeeper, good plain
vok. wishes posRion. good home in pref
erence 10 nign wages, au oO , oregonian.
KEFINED middle-aged widow w ith two
smalt children wants position as house
keeper; no triflers. Address box 4J1,
Carlton. Or.
KXPERI ENCED young woman with 5-year-old
girl, wishes housekeeping or
cooking for crew. Address Mrs, her
man, Aurora. Or.. R. 4. Box 40.
litlFIXED m'ddle-atjed woman wisnes po
sition as practical nurse and companion
or house-keeper and companion; C. S.
P re ferred. Main 27'V .
EXPERIENCED, re.iaoie married woman
without children wants position as
housekeeper for rooming house or hotel
Mrs Rowley. 154 E. 2Mh st. N.
VI DOW with one child will keep house
for man with one or more children; ref
erences. W. 313. Oregonian.
KEFINED lady wishes position as house-
keeper, apartment house or widower's
family, P 3oi. Oregonian.
ELDERLY widow wishes pluce to keep
house for gentleman in country; no
triflers. Sell. 3122.
WANTED Housekeeping; woman, child 2.
wages $30. Automatic 221-30. bu Belmont.
WI DOW w ith child wishes position as
housekeeper for gentleman. AN 300,
STRANGER, little income, wants house
keeping, city or country- AE 382, Oregonian.
BY' MAX and wife and 10-year-oy son, in
quiet, refined home, where are no other
boarders; 2 rooms required, east side
preferred. AF 370, Oregonian.
WANT someone to care for Invalid middie
aged gentleman in their own home;
m 11st have well heated room ; not bed
ridden. Phone East 77;
PROMINENT young pianist will teach
children in exclusive family, piano, in
exchange for home. Call Main 702 Mon
day morning.
WANTED Board anil room by w orkins
girl, not far out. rates reasonable. AB
.in 1. oregonian.
1RVINGTON Large, nicely -furnished rm.,
every convenience; blk to BW car. East
LA RG E w arm room. 2 beds, a iso si 1 1 1 n g
room and sleeping porch. 50 Xorth 20ih
ATTRACTIVE warm room, home privi
leges, l'hone Marshall S35. 000 Love
Joy st.
CLEAN, furnish d room, modern conven
iences, east side near 2 carliues. Phone
Woodlawn 4123.
COSY room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, in
modern home, close in ; garage. East
7000. '
r e.u- iniu room suitable tor 1 or 2
ladies; kitchen privileges for breakfast
ir uesirea. ,ast
PLEASANT, clean room. 551 Wash, st..
apt. C. Phone Broadway 2.".3.1.
NICE large front sleeping room; 2 men
preferred. 351 13th.
J PLEASANT front, 1 large, 1 small, price
. reasonable. 435 11th.
ROOM In private family, bath and phone;
gentlemen onli .Mar. 105.
NICE, clean furnished room, reasonable,
close in. Mar. 34 J2.
Main 5SH0.
room, steam
heat, $20.
1 OR 2 furnished rooms in ant. with
kitchen privileges. AN 375. Oregonian.
'PLEASANT, warm room to employed lady,
exenange ior ngnt services. Tabor Son 2.
ONE SMALL sleeping room, walking dis
Unce. East 3HMI.
Rooms With Board.
Two of the best-known residential
hotels on the Pacific coast
American plan, with o- without bath
$2.50 a day up; rales by day or month
Meals served to transients.
LA RGE. airy, well furnished room, suita
ble for 2 adults, use of bath and phone,
C. S. preferred. Marshall 370.
XI ('ELY furnished room, plenty heat- and
hot water; 1 block to Mississippi car
3 per week. S70 Alblna ave.
YOUXG MAN. ltt years- of age. attending
ar-nooi, wants room and board by
private family. Call at 124 Broadway st
AX l D tsy woman emptoyed, room
and board by Feb. 12; state price. K
344, Oregonian.
WANT board and room for girl 7.
fined home, close in. X 3-03.
in re
WANTED Hy mother employed, good
nome ror nine 4-year-oia aaugnter.
Phone Main man.
KEFINED. quiet lady wislws home In pri
vate family in exchange for light serv
ices or companion, s as, oregonian.
REF1XED young lady wishes room and
board, no objections to other boarders
west side preferred. AB 30S. Oregonian,
YOUNG man and elderly lady desire room
and board in good district, east side, near
garage. A 32a. oregonian.
WANTED A place to board and room
near Jefferson high school; will pay $0
a weea. al ain, oregoniap.
REFINED young couple want to board or
share home wun widow or sin aii lumiiy,
BJ ;'!2, Oregonian
WANTED 3 or 4 rooms, furnished, flat
or lurnisnea nouse wun s or 4 rooms,
close In, not to exceed $25 rent. X 340,
Housekeeping Room.
WANTED One or two housekeeping
rooms, close in; permanent. Phone
Main 948 11 A. M. to 12 noon Sunday
and ail day aionnay.
Business PI ares.
WANTED To rent warehouse, shed
barn, suitable for storing contractors
tools, etc., with adjacent space for lum
ber and machinery; state location and
rent. BJ 42, Oregonian.
NORTHERN representative for a Califor
nia company desires UesK room in down
town of ace. AJ 34 1 , Oregonian.
REALTOR w anu desk room ; prefer at
torney s 01 nee. laoor ia:
UNINCUMBERED American widow wishes
housekeeping; will go anywhere. Phone
Tabor 7tl.
1A DY desires position as housekeeper for
widower with home or work in rooming
house. References. AE 322. Oregonian.
"WILL contractor that wanted housekeeper
Call Broadway 4010 again; have changed
POSITION as housekeeper or care of chil
dren, have girl 13 years old. 3S2 E. 1st
WANTED Position as housekeeper.
359. Oregonian.
KEFINED middie-aged lady would iike to
kee5 hou.e for emp'oyed adults or for
elderly iady or couple: no heavy clean
Ing or washing. Phone East N77.
EXPERIENCED maid wisnes place Tn
small fainiiy, good wages. AR 305, Ore
goninn. WANTED General housework by experi
enced woman by hour. Phone 621-67.
EXPERIENCED girl for second work or.
general work. O 3ti7t Orefioolan.
DESIRABLE room, walking distance, west
side, ior business man or woman; all
conveniences, modern apt., with smail
family. Phone Marshall 2411.
Furnished Rooms.
MODERN sleeping rooms for rent. New
hall hotel. 402 E. Wash. st. Phone E.
LARGE pleasant room, steam heat. walk-T
ing distance. .Main 4015.
THE ALEX AX DDR, 13m 10ih st. Clean
H. K. and sleeping rooms: steam heat.
$1 DAY. 2.5u WEEK up; clean; baths
free, rtotei laaniac. aa near Jefferson.
XICELY" furnished front room, good loca
tion; waiKing nisiance. miwr. 7,N
ROOM for rent, close in. 34)6 Monttfom
ery st.
EITHER large or small unfurnished room
at 14im 1st st. See Wiseman.
EXCELLENT .furnished rooms.
4th st. Marshall 2072.
PLEASANT sleeping room, steam heat.
Jeonette apts,, 4U) Jefferson st.
PLEAS AX T room in high-class steam
heated apartment for one or two young
ladies employed. .Mars nan la'.m.
LOVELY" furnished rooms In modern home,
west side; close to business center, $12
per month up. 4H7 Harrison, near 14th.
NICE large room for two ladies employed,
with or without board; two car line.
Marshall 410.
FRONT bedroom with alcove; private
phone; west side; gentlemen; reference.
Marshall 3613.
FU R X I SB ED f ron t room for business
woman : every convenience. 434 loth.
M a i 11 3206.
FURNISHED room in apartment, all con
veniences; gentleman only. 06 Flanders
pt.. apartment 2.
LARGE front room, suitable two; quiet, re
fined home, west aide, close in, 927.
Marshall 3735.
NICE front room, close in, use of piano ;
board if desired; gentlemen preferred.
East 5818.
DANDY front sleeping room, heat, bath
and phone. 1 blk. to 23d at. car. 100 22d
X. Main 2Sfii.
ROOM with board and conveniences in
private family for Portland business man
and wife, no children, C. S. preferred ;
would like to locate with family having
vacant garage; can furnish best of ref
erences and will only consider cheerful
surroundings. To an established family
this is an opportunity worth considering,
("all Marshall 2738.
PAIGE APTS. E. 8th and Burnside; fiist-
ciass 2 and 3-room and bath, telephone
$42.50 and $55; finished oak floors and
old ivory ; adults; rets. ; new manage-
non 1.
CLEAN, cosy h. k. suite for respectable
working people; 2 rooms. $15 and JIS; 3
roomy, $22 lo $24; near Willamette
hteel and American Can Co. : a.ngle
rouri!. uio i-. .n . i;n n st.
410 Haw thorite, near Grand ave .
beautifully ciean and strictly modern
furnished 3-room apts.. $40 and up East
8M. .
4-ROOM furnished apt., including phono
graph, private bat 11 and heat. Apt. li.
Guild apt., 304 Ouild si., between 23d
and 24th St.
Have small apt., want refined womnn
to share same with me ; separate beds.
Y'our rent. $30. Main 4103.
WILL sell nice furniture 4-room apart
ment; $ PM; close in ; very desirable;
rent reasonable. Phune Bdwy. 2UU1 Sun
day 12 to 3.
$50 DANDY", new ly renovated, pleasant
4-r. apt., kitchenette, bath. If you'll in
vestigate you will like it. Hawthorne
apts.. 504 1st. All outside rooms.
VAXTED Young laily to share small
modern apt., walking distance, ref. ex
changed. Phone E. 370", Apt. I). 422
E. Burnside.
MODERN corner upper Hat of
adults only. 187 Whittaker st.
5-ROOM UPPER FLAT, partly furnished.
Snap. 1201 K. Yamhill st.
3-ROOM modern unfurnished Hat, 007
lath st. N. Automatic 320-34.
Furnished Flats.
FURNISHED Mats, 3-room suitable for
family of 3 ; no smn 11 children : refer
ences. Call between 11 A. M. and 5 P. M.
1070 E. Morrison st.
rooms, housekeeping ; electricity, gas,
H.'2'. Thurman st.
FURNISHED 2-room h. k. suite,
only. AH conveniences. 13 East
East 102!).
7th st.
THKEE housekeeping rooms, couple em
ployed, gas, lights and water lurnisnea,
T.tbur 1-L57.
4 FURNISHED H. K. rooms near E. 35th
Sunnyside car; desirnhle location; adults
only; $30. Tahor 4200.
ONE FURNISHED H. K. room with kitch
enette; $45, including gas, light, heat
and telephone. Bdwy. 1504.
SINGLE housekeeping room, well fur
nished, steam heat. hot. cold water in
room. Close In. 372 Sixth st.
N ICE LY furnished (f-room uppf r flat,
sightly, modern sleeping porch, fireplace,
furnace ; garage; Hawthorne district:
$55; adults only. "01 E. Main.
FRONT su.tes of rooms, light house
kefping, light and clean, reasonable. 555
M idison st.
ONE VERY large modern front room, first
floor, housekeeping with kitchenette. 211
l.itn st.
FOR RENT Furnishtd lower 5-room II at
with piano; adults only; $50. Call after
4 P. M. Sunday or anv time Mondav.
JMK. tith and Alder.
FOR RENT 4-room flat, partly furnished.
2 porches, wood lift, bath, toilet, gas,
'lights, 3 blocks north St. Johns car. 853
Harvard st.
for sale at
5-room flat and furniture
a sacrifice ; must leave for
5414 Fifth st.
ALMOST new furniture of 5-room flat for
sale cheap, flat Ior rent. Call 533 Everett
"OR RENT Furnished 5-room modern
flat; walking distance. 784 Glisan St.,
flat C.
FOR RENT 2 H. K. rooms. 2 beds, priv
ilege of the kitchen, heat, light and
phone. East 4101.
THREE unfurnished H. K. rooms witn
sunrooin. tel.. tights and water fur
nlsbed. Phone East 2200. 234 E. 20th st.
1 AND 2 H. K. rooms, turnished, walking
distance; adults. 253 Hancock st.
Auto. 325-28.
heat, light, bath, phone; close in. 2S
14th st.
FOR RENT 3 downstairs furnished rms
for housekeeping, $20 per month. 173
East Eighth st.
NICELY furnished front room with kitch
enette. 71 N. 22d st.
ROSE CITY PARK neatly furnished 4-
room upper rial suitable for couple.
Tabor 7033.
FURNISH ED light housekeeping rooms.
$10: adults only. 827 Kelly st.. west sid
5-ROOM enmph'teiy t urn is in u house, all
new f urnittinv, I tuiml ing Brunswick
Grafnnola, $40. 3o7 Tillamook st., be
tween Williams and Rodney aves.
4-RooM HOUSE, 15 pt r m'nlh. Furni
ture for sale, $300 casli. Call between
H) A. M. and 3 1'. M., 01 E. 31st st., cast
FURNISHED 8-room bouse, luriiishod x
cept bedding and dislus, for 2 families.
Must have referenees. 3.. I Ross st. Sun
day between 10 and 12. Rent $!".
FOR RENT Partly furnished houc; largo
lot with fruit trees, vines, chicken run.
garage, two car Iito s. 50 East 8Ma, near
Stark. Tabor 1 s 13. .
FOR RENT Moueni li e-room 1 unnsbed
cottage; lawn, roses and K.mlin space;
no cmldren. $ 15. 1 tvi Multury ace. in-
quiro 14S7 M a llor yav .
5-KOOM completely furnished homo and
garago lor rent to responsible parties;
walking distance, east side. Call East
5501 alter 3 P. M. Sunday.
FOR RENT Modern furnished 5-room
house with all bulll-Ins; fireplace, hard
wood floors, buffet. 1332 Division K.
Call 230-20.
LEAVING city, will eel furniture, piano.
etc.; 8-room house, rent $30, west mil";
have upstairs rented; price $300. 30
14th st.. call Monday. .
I'JIITIVW III I.I. iti-res 3-rooiil hiiUMfw
gas. all kinds of fruit and berries. , Sell-
WO..d I J 112. '
PALATINE HILL 2 acres, 3-room 1ouh;
gas; all kinds of fruit and berries. Sell
wood 1BI2.
FOR RENT Fur nis bed until July 1st, at
tractive G-room home. mi per month;
references requested. Ma in V- 5.
6-ROOM f urn is tod ho us1 for rent. 1 'bone
Tabor 4. betw ten 10 and 11 Sunday
ROOMS furnished for housekeeping,
cheap, near 2 car lines. 5S h. 20th st
MODERN 7-room flat to parties buying I 3 MODERN housekeeping rooms, furnished
furniture, rsiou hill district; rooms more
than pay expenses. l'hone Main 48 is.
W I L L R E N T 3-roo m f U t ;
adults only. East 22o0.
MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT for rent and
furniture for sale. Main 7SU7.
three-room ft knished flat,
modern .-.o mill st.
lurnished : $30.
kitchenette ; everything
3O0 12th st.
FLAT for rent, furniture for sale cheap;
aauus oniy. ist mu.
4-ROOM furnished Hat for rent. 575 '-j E.
riurnsiae si.
MODERN 4-room turnished flat. 610
Commercial st. Automatic 310-01.
or unfurnished.
H. K. ROOMS Heat furnished. $0 per
week and up. East 833 1. 203 ted
ROOMS lor IL. K. at 1171 Minnesota av
Wdjn. 1488.
TWO SUNNY front rooms and gar
view of Mt. Hood. East 2010.
DESIRABLE room In modern home suit
able for employed person. Last A
FURNISHED h. k. rooms; adults.
12th ft.
GIRL employed to share flat; walking dis-
ta nee ; references. Main 30 1 S.
Housekeeping Rooms.
FURNISHED housekeeping apt., private
hath, ngnt downtown. Hotel Stewart.
147 '"i Broadway, between Morrison and
LIGHT h. k. room with hot and cold wa
ter, steam heat, electricity, new ly dec
orated ; 3.30 per wk. 5nl Harrison. 2
blocks from 14th and Montgomery.
CLEAN, well -furnished 2-room apt., an
conveniences. 22S E. 20th St., bet.
Hawthorne and Sunnyside car lines.
East 7207.
ROOM with board and conveniences in
private family for Portland, business
man and wife, no children; C. S. pre
ferred. Would like to iocate with fam
ily having vacant garage; can furnish
best of references and will only consider
cheerful surroundings. To an estab
lished family this is an opportunity
worth considering. Call Marshall 273S.
JEANNE D'ARC Furnished rooms with
or without board for business giris ana
lady tourists. permanent or transient.
Special features with 1(1 the limitation
of the minimum wage earner; $2 pe-
week and up. 205 14th gt. Main 41i'J.
Furnished 4-room corner apt., fire
place, hardwood floors; all outside rooms,
575. 353 Harrison. Mar. 133.
Furnished 4-room corner apt., fire
place, hardwood floors; all outside
rooms. $75. 353 Harrison. Mar. 133.
LARGE room and board for 1 or 2 young
men ; modern, walking distance. Mar.
COSY 3-room apt., private bath and phone.
Steam heat. 45 per month. Codd apts..
a 1-t n St.. cor. Stark.
THE STANSFIELD, 204 Porter st., mod
ern 2-i 00m apt.. light, heat, phone and
laundry facilities, $25. Main 7302.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for cou
ple months, 4 comfortable rooms, 10 min.
from business section, including light,
fuel, phone. 52!) Y'amhill st.
I-GK REN T One nicely furnished h. k.
room; phone, light, water, gas and heat;
$27.50. Call after ti P. M.. 412 East !ith
st. North.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking dis
tanee. on three car lines. 511 E. Grant
FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping
rooms, $20; 1 single. $1.i. 4QQ Ciay st
2-KOoM furnished apt., adults only.
4th street.
3 FURNISHED H. K rooms, close in
lower floor. 48 E. Wash. M.
1 FURNISHED housekeeping room,
Including g:t 544 4th st.
5-ROOM BUNGALOW with half -acre
irround. choice, sightlv location, about
mile south of Multnomah station, near
the highway, for rent at $20 a month
to desirable tenant, who will take care
of the premises. ror particulars on
Sunday call Main 072: on weekdays Main
8 SO. 4114 PI, ATI tll.lMr., l-t 1 rn st
1. 2 AND 3 ROOMS for housekeeping;
steam heat, hot and cold water in each
room; weat side; rent reasonable. Bdwy.
SANDY BLVD. Beautiful furnished rms,
fine home, garage, everything furnished,
$75 "per mo. Zimmerman. SIS Chamber
IIOUSEK HEP ING room, furnished or
partly furnished, east side, close in to
S. P. shop l'hone Sell. 3103 for par
ticubi rs.
NICELY' -furnished, well-heated suite of
light H. K. rooms; also sleeping room,
walking distance. 715 Everett, cor. 22d.
two blks. from Wash.
NORTONI A HOTEL, Portland s downtown
high-class family hotel ; rooms en suite
or single, with or without board, for
families and business men and women
We give you ail the comforts of a home,
reasonable rates.
ROOM and board for business girls; al
modern conveniences, walking distance;
$5 43er week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7 in st
FURNISHED room, breakfast and supper
If desired ; heat, light and bath. 455
Montgomery st.
ROOM with steam heat, hot and cold
water, good table, close in. 332-10.
Main B3S.1.
ROOMS and board. 2 meals a day, $3 a
week and up. 207 Sherman st.
FINELY furnished 2-room. front apt., sit
ting room, bedroom; all conveniences.
Nob Hill dist. Main 5S55.
LA RGE. clean room suitable for 1 or 2
persons, plenty heat and hot water. 30J
1 un st.
ROOMS Near shipyard, two car lines at
door, walking distance. Main 4300.
E. Sth S.
COMPLETE furnished apartment in high
class residence; references expected. 1034
WilHama av e n u e.
NICELY furnished modern 3-4'oom apt., ail
outside rooms; $00 per month, Including
ph. i ne. Call B road w ay 3 s 5 1 .
NICELY furnished 2-room apartment for
rent by Feb. ; $3S month; first floor;
no children. 600 E. Belmont st.
TWO-HOOM apartment; range, gas. sink,
light; and one single housekeeping
room. 125 N. 16th; call before 4 P. M.
ONE 2-ROOM apartment, large light rms.
The Jefferson ian, cor. 10th and Jeffer
son sts.
HIGH-CLASS 3-room apartment for rent
to parties purchasing furniture in same,
very reasonable. Phone 271-10.
NEATLY furnished and unfurnished H. K.
apartments for rent. Call at loo North
isth street.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur
nished H. K. rooms, $ 15 up, including
hot water, electric lights, laundry room.
Trunks, baggage delivered downtown
district. 25c. Sun, service. Bdwy. 2445.
DON'T pay board, take a h. k. room. $S to
$12 per month; bath and lobby privileges.
412 N. 10th st.
Soiiday Bros' Transfer & Storage Co.
Edw v. 4222.
Long Distance Hauling.
Ptorace. Packing and Shipping.
So id a v Bros. Transfer & Shipping Co.
FO"lt H. K. suites, income $105; rent only
$35 besides FREE RENT Tor yourseT,
T.ocatPil nn W. 23d st.. walking distance,
Sell furniture and everything for $ldoo
cash. See McCORMIC, 242 Washington
st. Main S22Q. or Main H31S.
FOR LEASE Up-to-date modern resi
rienep furnisher up-in-uate styie
rooms and 2 attic rooms; will rent for
nhout 6 months to strictly reliable peo
pie; located between Hoyt and Lovejoy,
21st and 23d sts. T 300, oregonian.
6-ROOM modern bungalow, furnace, ga
rage, lot 100x100, fir trees, roses, grapes,
raspberries, 3 bioCKa irom car, in re
stricted Woodmen district. $35 per mo,
or will sell for $500 down, balance $25
per month. Call Sunday at i02S a(th ave
FREE rent, modern furnished house, close
in on east side to couple who will care
for two exceptionally good children, age
It mo. and 3 yrs. ; reierences.
ONE 3-ROOM suite furnished. private
bath., gas. electricity; also 2-room suite.
East 6003.
THREE furnished h. k. rooms. 2 beds,
stove heat, running water; conveniences.
63 N. 2" t h st. .
FIVE unfurnished rooms, breakfast room
sleeping porch, modern, Dutch kitchen
all white and new. Apply to owner,
440 Roto st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single
and 2-room apts., at 16' 21st st X.,
cor. Johnson
LARGE front room and kitchenette, fur
nace heat and phone; $32.50 month.
175 X. 17th st.
1 men to room and board. 349
East 16M.
FIRST-CLASS room and boaru 304 Co
lumbia. Corner of loth. Main CS04.
FURNISHED sleeping room, walking dis
tance; $2.50 per weea. 301 i4tn. Auto
matic 521-61.
FOR REXT US 6 Everett, to lady era
.ployed, nice front room, . board if de-
s i red. - ear j. a. cn u re n.
1 LARGE pleasant room, lower floor,
also small room in attic. Both clean,
light and airy. 225 loth st.
FURNISHED sleeping room with bath In
apartment with private lamily, on west
sid e. gentleman preierrea. Jlain 4a75.
NICE room for lady employed, private
home, meals, piano. -Marshall 4440.
LARGE front room, quiet, refined home,
west side waiKtug distance, with garage.
350 Clifton, bet. Broadway and Park,
OUTSIDE room, all conveniences, heat and
bath, housekeeping privileges; walking
distance. Main 4005.
TWO YOUNG ladies to share furnished
house. .VIM K. Oak Ht K. 7001.
FURNISHED rooms for rent; gentlemen
preferred; west side, 328 6th st.
LARGE, clean warm room for 1 or 2 clean
men. .'11 i-un st.. cor. Jerierson.
COSY warm room, walking distance. Main
CLEAN, comfortable room, private family,
ecu Hill. Jim, ii'Hl .Willll. "
FRONT room In home for gentleman, near
ja mpueu nui noiei. aiain 1 .
NICELY furnished front room tor rent in
respectable coiorea iamiiy. Main 2224.
EMPLOYED party, attic room, conveni-
enoes: on carline: reasonable. East 324.
ATTRACTIVE room with fireplace, for
young men, ino w. 2iat st. Bdwy. 20S7.
EXCEPTIONALLY well-turnished room
suitable for two 561 Couch st. Apt. 6
DESIRABLE room, all conveniences; west
wide: gen fl em en only. 63 N. 21st.
OUTSIDE steam-heated sleeping room
In private apartment. Broadway 4630.
SINGLE furnished, steam-heated room:
reference. 1S3 Kearney st.
BOARDING place lor younger girls, two
meals. $30 month East 6436
Rooms With Hoard m Private Famfh.
ROOM and board, private lamily; gentle
man; walking distance. 504 Hoyt. Bdwy
1 0SH.
ROOM and board in modern home; refer
ences. 326 E. 32d st; H tlock from
Hawthorne car. Tabor Slid.
LADY having a large and attractive home
would like 1 or 2 pleasant people for
room and board. Wdjn. 3031.
LARGE good room, furnace heat, for a
gentleman; conveniences, reasonable. 2Sa
13th st. 9
XICELY furnished front room with board;
furnace heat and bath; $40 per month.
5S4 E. Taylor st.
WANTED a few children to board, ages
from 2 to 7 preferred; will give them
mother s care. 11 faherman st.
$45 THREE rooms, two closets, bath,
furnace heat, lights, newly furnished:
walking distance. 615 E. Couch st.
ROOMS and kitchenette, completely fur
nished, including light, heat and water.
1!S1 Kerby st.
NEWLY renovated, airy, nicely furnished
3 rooms and porch. Steam heat ; $45.
20S4 Tillamook. Phone Easi 4766.
YOUNG lady wishes congenial business
girl to share nice apt. BF 309, Oregonian.
COMPLETE furnished 2-room modern apt.;
high-class home; vest side, $27.5-0. Main
PATTON HALL 414 11th eu
ro ent apartments for rent.
ONE nice clean H. K.
wk.. or $25 per mo. S
Bdwy. 5557.
room, $0.50 per
74 Glisan. Phone
TWO LARGE SUITES, furnished or unfur
nished; running water. 103 First street,
corner Morrison.
LARGE FRONT ROOM with kitchenette;
heated; walking distance. 410 2d St.,
near Harrison.
ONE 2-ROOM suite. H. K.. steam heat,
electric lights, gas range; close in. 3s5
Yamhill st.
1 ROOM house furnished for housekeeping,
$10 per month; men only. 402 Flint si.,
near Williams ave. and Russell. E. 5571,
FURXISHEID rooms for . housekeeping,
heat, light and phone: $35. 745 Hoyt.
NICELY' furnishtd H. K. room for em
ploy erlpeordToSair
4 ROOMS of good furniture, rugs, heater
and range for sale; a-room nouce, mou
ern except furnace, for rent, $30. 71'
East Taylor.
ALAMEDA PARK, 002 E. 20th street, N. ;
6 rooms; fireplace; all bunt-ins; lurnace;
garage ; this house is in fine condition.
Rent $60 monthly. Phone Main 6550.
FOR RENT 5-room house, furniture for
sale cheap: 2 rooms upwtaira now renting
for $10 over - rent of house. Call alter
3 P. M.. 'J.2 w unams ave.
8-ROOM bungalow, one of best locations
in Portland; garage; good furniture for
sale. Main 1 laa.
-ROOM cottage, bath, lights and gas,
basement, flowers, fruit trees, garden,
chicken yard; rent $35. Tabor 0276.
ti ROOMS, prime condition, hardwood firs.,
newly polished, sleeping porch, furnace,
fine location, $60. 502 Deknm bldg.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
Electricity. $4 up. 100 Park st.
rent, reasonable. 715 First st.
FOR RENT 1 furnished 4-room apt.,
a month; 1 single and kitchenette,
a month. 564 Flanders street.
WHITNEY apartments, 14th and Market,
li ce 2-room apartment. Mam 33S4.
A LARGE pleasant room, steam heat,
housr keeping privilege. Main 4015.
MODERN Ji-room house, garage, beautiful
corner on Hawthorne ave., $75 month.
E. J. Gelser. 417 Chamber of Com.
FURNISHED rooms for light h. k.. every
thing furntsherid. 103j 2d st.
BOARD and room ior cniidren under 1 3-ROOM furnished apt. with bath. Arline
school age. prices reasonable.
Automatic 312-0b.
Phone ! Apts.. 17th and Lovejoy.
WANTED 2 young men to room and
board; just like home. Phone East 824S
or call 50 E. 12th st. X.
BOARD and nicely furnished double room.
Hawthorne and S. S. car, private family
East S403.
WILL room and board 2 small children
under school age. in good home;'refer
ycea. Phone Tabor 1457.
KKFiNT woman will gne room and
board and best of care to two babies
Marshall 15S2.
ROOM and board, all modern conven
iences, for 2 or 3 men. close to SS car.
4SQ Montgomery. Ajar. 1;
TABLE board only for young lady at 46S
iuarKct. main uu.j.
UNION AVE and Kiilmgsworth. $23.50.
all complete , concrete building
FURNISH ED 2 and 3-room apartments,
157S 't East Glisan. Tabor 7025.
NEW YORK apartments. 7 th and Bel
mont 1 and 2 rooms. East 238.
ROOIS FurnlslVed. apt., first-ciass home:
re te re nces- 300 E. 22d. Hawthorne car.
2-ROOM completely furnished apartment
in Irvlngton. $35. East 4S52.
MODERN front room with kitchenette,
fireplace, use of piano. 327 Sixth st.
i-KOOM clean, modern furnished api.
Call 35 N. 10th st. Plumbing shop.
WAN T to room and board
Call Scllwood' 25S0.
a young lady.
ROOM and board for employed couple in
private ramny. Automatic 332-18.
CHILDREN given best of care by day or
hour. 726 Everett st. Aut. 520-02.
KOOM and board for 2 ladies employed;
no 111 p pi ivnegea. cast um .
FOR RENT Two newiy furnished sleep
ing rooms. 302 E. 15th North
FRONT letpins room, liail mu
ROOM and board In private family; Irv
lngton. East 2SiXi.
ROOM, board1, private home,
st.. Ladd add. East 5002.
371 Larch
KOOM, and board, reasonable. Tabor 4337.
BUSLNESS women to share apartment,
walking distance. Main 6SS5.
MODERN 3-room front apt., well fur
nished, adults, reasonable. 140 N. 23d.
5-ROOM, furnished apt. with piano, close
in. Call Bdwy. 4046.
NICE single h. k. room; heat, water, lights
and cooking gas.600 Everett st.
DESIRABLE H. K. uora for girl employed,
wa 1 k in g distance; refs. Main 3018.
TWO FURNISHED h k. rooms: no chll
dren. $6 weekly. Hawthorne av?. E. si. S3
NICE ATTIC light H. K. room ti weekly
730 Hoyt st. Call Mar. 2750
2 LARGE ch an housekeeping rooms, mod
ern. adtHtsJ22110tIri8L
FURNISHED H. K. rooms for rent,
y. 22d t.
ONE LARGE housekeeping room. 2 beds.
3. Hi 14th st.
ATTRACTIVE NOB HILL furnished light
housr keeping rooms. Main 1 131.
TWO FURNISHED light housekeeping
rooms. HI42 E. Taylor.
5-ROOM bungalow, comfortably furnished,
garden and berries, 3 blocks to car. Call
after 10 A. M. 6'J W. Jtrrett st.
4 ACRES, 7-room house, good chicken
houses. An ideal chick n ranch, bam,
fruit trees and berries. 163 N. 10th.
FURNISHED 5-ioom horte.
erences; on premises after
210 E. 3th.
li 111 1 1 al. ref
MH P. M.
FOR RENT 1 - rot on I urn is to 1 1 bun mi lew ,
$100 a month. Call after 1 o'clock Sun
clay. A ut 011111 1 le 223 -OS.
modern improved
w a 1 k i n g d is t .1 11 1
couple, after Feb. 1
phone Tahor 4672
v furnished 4-rotoii
ftitage. M Hood si.;
M am 6216. It e fs.
ith t.unu married
For pai'tu. ulurs
GOOD lurnished six-rotun iiouo uUat
for 2 couples ; nu children. 54 j i'.dnt
T7th It. M.
I ui niture for s;t I
modern houseboat ior s
Seltwood 21 II.
i.ihiw lor rent.
,lin ,
lui ulMn d.
4-ROOM mode r 11. i iii Ms lit -d duple, limi-e.
417 Russell, near T iilou : ' E.'St o.'.io.
Mliik'c 410
nios.. no boys.
1. rn. f urnihed
ur U nj n ; t o . 1 . . 1 ;
7 r oins, $:o monthly, 1
K. T. Sf eet. HKellt.
HOUSE for nut, furniture for sab. Cull
In the afternoon- P'O V 17th .-.t.
FURNISHED 4-mom houh.
5oMi. 1 I W. Humboldt
FURNISHED 5-i". .111 hHi.-.. n.(,r station.
C. E. Apple, ph-oic 113-W. oak Grow.
rent. Phone
in. ol. 1 u houe
4 I-V
S-Ri h M furnished bungalow.
athms In I'drtluii'l . r;i g
Summer Report.
For rent. The
one of be
Main 715
I'htful nr.all furnished
i tittage.
a de
lta w y
More and Hiisiin'M liner.
X ICE liKht, steam-heat d b.ii-m nt staee
in Hotel ( llllor.i witu eiitiaiie on i-,uti
Morrison St., suitable for i in tiny, ln.
liarda, bowling, storage, baths, etc. Kent
$25 Inquire Fled H. Strong. Hotel
TO LEASE Term ol ea;s. nuMlios Mic
tion e-asl sine, U-siory narau JI,,IXM"
corner, being compi t,-,i no ; ; nci .y
modern. See Mci r.eke. J. Unburns, .Jul
1 ty. Ex. ' -v':ii n Jl'
Good Syl'ALE i.-. t, s. .-ond t,m.r. wuh .n-
vate stairway; imor win Maim any
weight: well liKht-d. steam ru
in location. S e
Broadway 3" 13.
choll, 31t Couch i.L
FOR RENT Store, 202 Mori iu ; good
for meat market or inner mings; ai -
room basement flat. Wakefield-Fri.-s.
s 5 Foil rt h st .
FOR RENT Room 2o leet, in Concrete
building, on Alain mrv.-i. nuu.nne i..r
grocery or dry goods buMiieps. Address
D C Crider. Dallas. Or., box 6S2.
FOR DESIRABLE space la fireproof ware
house phone Bdwy. 'cuniy cior
age Transler Co.. 53 Fourth st.. cor.
Pine. ' . .
me STuKK for rent, very desirable lo-
' cation on Morrison street, fine windows.
Inquire 300 Morrison st.
TWO LARGE unfurnished basement room-'.
suitable for real emuic or omui out
ness. 160 Park street.
WANTED To rent blacksmith shop. i.r
information write ie ii.nnaou. o,i
2d st., Portland. Or.
C O 5 IM KKl h.
M A 1 N303 S.
M R. SMALL Bt'Sl N K S S .M A ."S . com pete
Office equipment at jnui servo- it. 1 m.
very small charpe; adding machine. tpe
w riter. mimeogiaph. etc. iiiuuc Broad-
w ay 4 1
0x12 OFFICE with d r.k, cloth, a rack, hot
and cold water, anu pnviieite 01 iihmiu
and typewriter; $16 per month; in lnre.
Central office build. ng- M 14. Ore
gon t a n.
DESK room, with telephone an-i steno
graphic service, l'lione imwj .i.i-t .se
curity Storage Tranaler Co . 53 4( h
street, corner Pine.
FRONT office iu Lew u buildii.. with tel
ephone service. Ainernau nenerai iusui
ante Co . Proadwav 3303,
ILL SELL or reiil well furm-hed it-:
estate office in C. nf C. bldg. Ma, 11
6 1 2 7. 7 lo H P. M .. or W s 1 1 e e : on . a t l
N TED TO RENT A small office, c tt
trl location, nut over $25 per 1110. . s dc
AP 366. Pre con:;ui.
7-ROOM good house, $25. 264 Porter,
near 4th. west side. Call 318 Board of
BEST equipped for local and long-distance
hauling and moving. Green Transfer Co.,
2o2 !fc Alder st. Main 1261.
FOR RENT Seven -room bun rain w with
sleeping porch, on Willamette Heights.
Call 1005 Vaughn st.
NICE modern upstairs for rent, unfur
nished; no objection to children. 766
Cnrbett st.
ART of ground floor offic
cation, use or ifpnini
desks snd typewriter, etc
DESIR RLE private -u!
Northwestern Pa nk I
excellent lo
, lii-ht. h-i.t,
Bdwy. .Mill.
Ill suite. 1216
FRONT office, modern, in t:alwu Ex
change b.dg. Apply room 3
OFFICE room for rent In Lafawu. i,i
Washington and Oth st. Room 14.
5-ROOM cottage, newly papered, rewired
for electricity, bathroom, cement base
ment. 430 North 26th st.
2 ROOMS for light housekeeping, every
thlng furnished. 167 N. 22d. Main 3771.
BY OWNER. 22 H. K., water in all rooms,
stove heat. 3S24 Hawthorne ave.
FURNISHED 2-room apt. ana sleeping
room. 535 Couch.
J-ROOil furnished apartment,
court. 314 5th st.
NICELY furnished 2 or 3-room' apartment.
1043 Gantenbein, cor. Alberta.
4-ROOM apartment, completely furnished.
Apt. B. 304 Guild st.
3-ROOM apartment.
Market st.
2-ROOM apL for rent, 405 W. jParlt,
3 UNFURNISHED rooms. G per month
rent; modern, lower: Albina. Tabor 671.
ONE FURNISHED H. K. room, steam
heat. 735 Everett st. Main 3509.
FOR RENT 7-room house, tea room and
sleeping porch. 1424 Multnomah St.. near
5 2d.
MOVING Piano, furnituru and long-dis-ta
nee hauling a specialty. O. W. Truck
Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121.
FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow for rent,
-furniture for sale. 1026 E. 15th si. N.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite. also
sleeping room. 763 Thurman. Mar. 1070.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms for
man and wife. 473 Alder st.
UNFURNISHED H. K. room with toilet
and bath. G68 E. 11 Lh st. Sell. iUL
FOR RENT 6-room house, yi4 Belmonf
st. Owner there 0 to 5.
5-ROOM modern house, walking distance,
close to car, rent $30. Call 172 Porter st.
WEST SIDE Modern 7-room house, with
or without garage. 216 X. 21st.
G-ROOM house and two lots, 1524 Olym
pia, $ 20. Wood i a w n 20 6 .
WAXTED Man or woman with seine id-.i
of business to go into partnership with
me; this is a wonderful opportunity to
make good profits ; urtb l-s sold a 1 .
needed by every woman, man n ml child;
party must have from 2o0ti 10 :tmu
and give references; very starching In
vest igation Invited ; answer In detail
N 3os. Oregon iHn.
SPLENDID opportunity, man or;iii
with $500, to g"t big interest 1 11 photo
play com pa ny. ii'w ready to f I'm num
ber of powerful stories. AJ 30S, Orego
nian. .
Doing $125 a day; rent $00; busy cor
ner; Invoice; a money-maker. li'ishire,
51H Cham, of Com.
5-ROOM house.
626 Pettygrove st., near
8-ROOM. 450 E. Sherman between 7th and
btb; large family or roomers. Ease 4174.
PARTNER, lady or gent., phot
lery with 10 extra rooms :
rents; Inrxp'Tienced ta u
cheap. J. M
Ryan, 2M3I E.
Liaph Bui.
i anng all
I'iT'-j l.-t
v for h 1
Star1! st.,
$1200 HALF interest used ;
paying well. 51S Ch. Com.
1' nUsl 1 less ;
Sw auk.