18 TITE STJXDAT OliEGOXIAN, TORTLAXD, FEBRUARY G, 1921 JJFTPJVAVTKT) MA I.K. EMPLOYERS: NVed help and our business Is to furnish it. You aro needing jnen now. You may not find in xthis column tit man you want for Jur iianu ular work, our service gets the men as they arn needed lr the particular need. We know where to itet' ens;I- -cesm, firtmon, mill hanus, book keepers, stenographers, cooks, t akers, auto iu lianics. strain srtovel men, married help, ramp cooks and waiters, fallers, elr-iut-n, lawyers, wovwi-men, planer mfu, earpen lers, blacksmiths, me (.hunlt mill foremen, road heip, kmmis.;iry men. fruit farm heip, hopard Iii in, etc., etc, because we make employment a business. You tnay never have used the employment service of an employ ment office and do not know how to order heip from us. Write ui your wants and we will send you our publication. "EA1 I'LUl'MtNT SERVICE," which teila you all about ordering help anil the laws governing litti employment of help. There fa no charge ty our office to you for getting you heip. Your obligation is to take the help we tend you and you must toll uj the p -irtJtiuiari of the place to be filled and It must be as you rep resenL We du the rest. The spring season Is coming on and U is now time for you to make you r connec lions for the com t n g season and we urge you to take up your employment needs with, us now w hiie the labor market la Portland Is fcood. THE riONEKR EMPLOYMENT t'OMPA-N i'- Tne- Oldest In Oregon. 11 Tears in Service. Thone Broadway 227 14 X. 2d X, Portland, Oregon. AM THE uwner of a garage located in one of the best east side close-la resi dential districts In Portland; have brick building, s me equipment and tools; we hav 35 cars steady storace; I want a mrclunic and trouble-chootwr who will take the -hop end on a perce ntage. See the owner at oJO Chamber of Com rnrrt bid?. HEf.P WANTKD-MALE. Help Wanted Su teamen. EXCELLENT POSITION OPEN. An unusual opportunity for a hlgh grade fctlesmnn to make a permanent connimn with a latere companv. close ly arniiated with prominent Portland financial institution; only first-class man wanted, one capable of earning not less ;" j--"' vr mo.; prerer man with some . -j-,. c , innjr bonds, stocks or life Insurance, but not absolutely essentia I; give complete information of your ex perience and your preeent eftrninff ca- A , ., W'U oe treaua conff dentiully. AB 340. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. SALE.vMAN wanted. We want to pet in touch with an experienced. high-class salesman f ur the city of Portland. Or.. un a clean, successful record and forceful personality, who can sell Wayne seT-measuring oil tank to automobile fill in stations, grocers, general etorea, hardware and paint dealers, public and private garages, mires, miils, etc.; un limited field; splendid opportunity ir Offered real Salesman nf Bhii,iu stabilltT . I iKiro i . ' ... y f Luiii.iii!njn contract. in writing state past experienre giving references, or call at Wayne Oil Tank uup o., iki toward St., San Fran AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Repair lor tires and tubej; supercedes vulcani zation at a ravins of ovr mw per cent put It on coid. it vulcanizes in two min utes, is guaranteed to last the lite ot tne tire or tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For particulars how to make big money ana rree sample. Amazon Rubber Co., Fhiiadelpnia, Pa Dept. 79. " AOK.VTR Pell Oasonbonea for Fords end ohevro'ets; wonderful invention ; rinss bell when gas gets low; adjustable, saws long walks for gas; no labor: no attachments; replaces tank cap: quick seller; :V.Vt; three for $0.75; giiaran teed. Liberal agents' discount; exclusive territory. Write today. Gasophone Mfg. ro., lent. O. Toledo. O. SALESMEN WANTED. Y v-i i ursi-ciaps salesmen who are ot satisfied to make less than 3u0 per month il. .v ,i nil opNnunny to make much more. Permanent connection with .... uinncmi institution of high stand w in Portland. Men expen.nced in iiccKs. bonds or insurance pre ferred. but if you are a real pruducei m otner high-grade lines, we will waive quamicuttons and tench you to uur ne. call 10 to 12. 3 to 4:, 10, floor tiordon bldg., 4th aud Sturk sts. -nrtv iw jit. jta J n e V. WE RECOGNIZE no ino unique anu most essential natu and u. b. protected article, exclusively owned and controlled by us; govern ment created demand; a business that runs itself on repeat orders from the biime customers In the same territory; if you cannot sell this specialty you will fail selling life preservers on a einking chip; curiosity seekers, hands oit, aennite co-operation. Jerome LaaIt, in'-.-mt-rn. o . je,irtorn St.. i'nicng'X I II. HAVE positifm p-n fur fairly experi enced cloak and suit buyer, male; must b acquainted w:th the eastern and lor.il market: must know how to mer iliandi.-e and be tactful in handling tales people: only a man who has ami lty to phow results need app.y; answer tn own handwriting. T 3--i. 1'reonian, 'A.NTi-IJ Married man without children fr clearing land and general farm work, one w ho can ml'k if necessary. tiniaM house, running wuter, wood and frarden spot free. Good chance for something batter fr rltfht man, Ad- drsH itox 1. Moh!tr, tr. WiNL'OvV TRIMAIElt for permanent po- Fitlon, one who can write a neat card, rr.uke attractive w indow displays and Know how to make interior trims. Ap ply Hkaiierud Ary Goods Co., Astoria, I.L-AK" t'CSU f irit-ciiji cook wanted 1 .r titejdy position ; dinners, short r filers and pastry; comiuerrial hotel. A nvriran Plan : eastern Washington. Further particulars T. Jr Lambert, it'2'2 linKh st. VANTtl 7 aiiiiile awers. -oc a thou-i-.i nd ; 7 puckers, 1 4o a thousand, for mill south of Portland. Apyiy iv.m h st. 1.i.TKD lie makeiH wi'.h tools, good timber, 1'oc tj it.'io per tie; board $1.50 P.r dav ; m Lmnk ts. Apply today. l-or(ind Labor Agncy. ll N. 2d st. Y WANTED for ueaery work. loyer 1 r:r:in? t'o., S7j fitll ft. AN for Hood Kiver ranch, good gen et il farmer. Wdln. 5los. CaU Monday. V A NT rarpeiit' r to contract labor. matl 1 N. W. Hank bl d x. IdA. W A N TKu to learn shoemaker's ?n; litt nmny riLired. 'I'M First. ATTENTION. An organisation hirlling the fastest oeuing security ever oifered to the peo ple of Portland and the northwest is desirous of securing the services of five energetic, ambitious men to act as rep representatives; large earnings nsrured to the right men; even if employed it win pay to investigate; call between 10 and L 702 Title & Trust bldg. SALfcMKX wanted for Portland I terrl tories in Oregon end Washington, selling the r ord trouaer creaser. Lvpry man and high school boy needs one; can be folded in traveling grip: pood money made; sells on sitht. Send 1.50 for Mmple and wholesale price. The Ford Trouser Creaser. P. O. Box 10tH. Port ing d. Or. SALESMEN!.- POCKET CHECK I'UO TKCT0 li. perforates and Inks equnl to hih-priced machine; should be sold to every owner of a check book; we want distributer for each county; must e capable of organizing sales force: smatt working capital sufficient. Cockrell CoJ o o. uraj-uorn St., t nicaKO. WANTED SALESMEN for city, towns and rural districts in Oregon and Clarke county, Washington, to sell one of the best automobile accessories on the mar ket ; adapted to any size or make of car; a splendid proposition for the line salesman. Inquire 4o4 Burnsl? st,, Portland, Or. SALESMEN We have an Investment which appeals to every merchant, doc tor, dentist and business man. Clever invention. World-wide demand. Sam ple and particulars free. H. E. Graham lo., Wi JJroadway, New York. SALESMAN wanted to sell high-grade line or iaces, embroideries, dress goods, hand kerchiefs; liberal commission paid week ly, on.y experiences live wire men need apply. Address THE A. SCOTT CO.. i.M .. do r.ast imfi st.. iVptv l ors. AGENTS salesmen-dealers, handle fastest selling automobile accessory ever in- ented : new. absolute, burn-proof timer for Fords Manufactured by J. W. John eon, inventor of the well-known U. & J. carburetor. Timrr guaranteed ten years. Exclusive territory. Johnson Automatic 1 imer Corporation, lo ievon ave cm capo. Ll. QL'l r worrying over labor unrest; relinish brass beds, nutos. chandeliers; nev method; light work; no losses; no cap ital, no experience requirea; vast bihuumi of work ready In your city; you h-ire others, profit on their work: free par ticulars and pronfa Gunmetal Co., 33 , Elm. Decatur, 11! HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. requires the services of an experienced stamper for hemstitching department. Apply Em ployment Bureau, Sixth Floor, .Meier & Frank Co, AN OPPORTUNITY for intelligent, neat appearing woman to employ whole or part time in healthful, well-paid work; do not apply unless you mean business and are willing to work if well paid; no pin-money workers wanted. Call be tween 9 and 11:80, 2u7 Central bldg., cor. 10th and Alder. TIKT.P WANTED FEMALB. Wanted Domestic WANTED Girl for general housework. new home, every modern convenience. no furnace, good room with bath. children, 11 and 14, permanent place right girl. 12.0 Shenandoah Place, take Westover " car to end of line. &&K cou-ductor- for Taylor residence. Phone AJilin 76v7. IRL wanted for general housework. Mrs. R. M. Radding, Silverlake, Wash. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. PIA"NO player to play with violin for practice ana pastime. AB 34a, Urego nian. Tun? trotpD r. t -twtt r uniiiri the services or an experiencea nemguinis " -" " .n macnine operator. Apply trapwyHieui i iiav & Bureau, Sixth Floor, ileier &. Tan l,o LADIES between 25 and 40 to take up nHueutionni ihIhi work T.tberai commis sion and bonus. Also -good future for those making good. Experience preierreu but not required. Call from 0 to 12 Monday morning. Mrs. Milligan, Athens notei. patent on an automobile SDrini? now oemg usea oy tne government ana several truck and touring car com panies; want party with $3000- to go in with me and manufacture same; money to be invested in the business; can show you that this will soon be a f 1,000, 000 proposition as there is a big demand for springs; bank references. This is an opportunity seldom offered. For Interview write W 3!3, Oregonlan. WANTED Sales lady, one that wants to make good money. This is an outside job. calling on apartment and rooming houses. Experience not necessary, but must be a worker. , PEAKLMAN'S, YELLOW FRONT. ai:kxt Autumuhil owners everywhere j 4-.mi urana Avenue. wild with enthusiasm; marvelous inven- g HAV E an opening for two wen euu Hon doubles uower. mileage. enicien.j. Ravaa liu rn.-f 1rat n V : nensational -verv where: territory going like wild fire: 5-tl sample outfit and Ford car free. WritA auick. uvea CO.. Jtpu v. Loulvrie. Ky. ! ANY man wanting to engage in good paying business, where you can make money and handle your own money will find the best proposition ever offered you. $2000 to $3000. No need to answer th!s unless you are ready to do business and mean business. O 3ti2, Oregonian. to InlrntiiiRA hur 4Librn.rV of ilUSiC T.ot-Pa. lnnma fun ho rntiZed OnlV eX perlenccd agents wanted. Monday 12 to 3 P. M Chas Scribner'e Sons, 20i Lumber Exchange bldg. WORLD'S GREATEST AUTO INVENTION COOK for emall hotel, out, $60; waitress cated ladies for Portland and vicinity WE HAVE added a new department to . . ... 1 1 m ll..i 1 OUr bU.mnPM th:lt will DnAn .lAiralAn Inln Vn mnra .nrm.hlnrrH(l WindshielH S, MysUc Felt works wonders: one rub keeps g'ass clear 24 hours; steel mount ings; fits pocket. Vottor made $73 first day. Security Mfg. Co.,,Dep( 340. Toledo. trnm. WANTED Live repre&eniative to call on , wholesale and retail auto trade. Ketan ers make 50 per cent profit. Only man who can produce results wanted. Musi be able to stand own expenses for one month. Permanent business proposition. Route A. liox 835, Portland, Or. STEADY work, hie nav. introducing nt article: removes stains irom. ciotmnK, bleaches clothes; also other fast-Belling household necessitiws. Postal brings free demonstrating equipment so you can start work Immediately. Christy, Linlon, Newark. New York. for restaurant, out, $15; housekeeper, city; glrla for general housework; ex perienced nursegirl, $30. room and board; a German lady to cook for 1 lady, $33. SOl Raleigh bid., 327 Wash- i mgton st. WANTED 3 or 4 ladies of education and culture to interview motners on moral training of children; will pav $10 a week to those who qualify; preference given to ladies over SO. Apply 301 vor- bett bldg. : WANTED For position in Marshfield, Or., sales Voman for ladles ready-to-wew-r; one who can alter garments; state ex ' nerienca and salary expected, in first our business that will soon develop into one of the best paying businesses in the city; we want a party with $2000. young man preferred, who can devote all his time to learning and looking after same ; this Is a gilt-edge proposition. For interview write W 3-t9, Oregonlan. AiAN WANTED, with experience in manu- iact unrig Dusiness, to make and handle greateet household necessity of the time; sells everywhere on sight; big returns assured; small capital necessary; will stand investigation. Apply 432 Worcester bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SALES AND ADVERTISING MANAGER. Do you need a man with 16 years' suc cessful experience in the northwest, who is well acquainted with the automobile accessory, farm implement and other lines? I can handle your sales from start to finish as 1 understand advertising, han dling road salesmen and credits as well as selling. My record is open. An Interview will cost us nothing; make an appointment by answering. T S00. OREGONLAN. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Young man. age '2. technical education, desires to locate in Portland to obtain milder climate for his wile; will accept position with engineering or manufacturing concern that offers an opportunity; three years' foundry ex perience, analytical and physical testing iron and steel, coal and cement ; has bad some experience along mining and metallurgical lines ; moderate salary to start. Address A V 87, Oregon ian. CREDIT MAN-OFFICE MANAGER. These are strenuous times, needing good management in credits as well as elsewhere. Credits can be too lax or vice versa. I can handle your credits intelligently because I am a salesman as well as a credit man; I can get the money and save the customer as well. - Along with plenty of pep I con bring good business Judgment, initiative and stick-to-it-iveness. let's .tnlk It over. H OREGONIAN. YOUNG married man, 30, 3 years' railroad experience, 3 years Inland Emplru mill, 6 years' retail yard experience; first class acountant with audit experience; fair traffic maa. Want connection with an old established lumber and shipping firm where a real day's work will bring a reward in confidence and promotion; . A-l ruferences; bond. AV bO, Oregonian. YOUNG man attending window trlmmfng senooi desires position as assistant. Have had enough experience to handle ordinary trimming alone. Salary to start no object.- W 64, Oregonian. S ITU ATIONS A N T F. I F KM A I.E. BXI'KItlE.MCKD lady and daughter want cooking and dinin room work or help ers in camp or hoarding houe, or other suitable employment ; references. Mrs. W.. 207 East Mh ft., Ttie ltllesOr. RESPECTABLE, mitidle-itt.-d huiy wishes housekeeping for two or three r-vreit-able men, or would consider h u Mower with one small child. CiCI af.er V A. M. M oridny. Tabor 1251. 7 U K. ittd Ft. N. SOl'TH tiiJN uulow. experienced house keeper, seamstress, desires position with wealthy elderly pei son or couple, or similar, with good living quarters and ffa V-i s. A M n:.4. Oregon i ;i n . WANTED By young .high school student, dependable, competent and well return mended, suitable work after school hours. 2:3(1 till K. or on any arraiiKe ment desirable. Tabor "!H'0 WOMAN with large listing of Portland ho tels and rooming h noses. v:slns puidtlon in that dept. of large r a I i-t.i te com pany as partner or with salary guarantee. AL .'i"7. Urcjfotihin. ADVERTISERS! I see a sad lack of hon esty in the work of house-to-houe dis- WHO WANTS a competent, reliable, elder tribution of advertising matter; honesty puts quality ot work rirst, then quantity; honest work requires honest wages. I have license, badge, bag and experience in honest work; prefer piece work basis, one or more firms regulariy. J. L. Bun nell, phone East t735. Address 371 H East iiurnsiue. ly single man as working partner, on wage or share basis, or both, on poultry ranch or on small place to be improved for poultry and fruits? Can use carpenter tools. Could take charge oi worK ir desired. AP 3o0. Ureg o n lan. MAN WHO would like to become salesman. man at present employed preferred : 2 necessary; give phone. BC 3S4, Oregonlan. DON'T PASS THIS UP. Wanted Partner with means to In vest in paying busines; BIG PROFITS. w r.i, Oregonian, FARM work wanted, married man wants run farm, salary or part salary and di vision crop under 3 to 5 years' contract; If you contemplate placing someone on your farm see ms before making deli- r.ite arrangements. AC 373. Oregonlan. .NEAT, reliable colored man. clean worker. experienced in every detail of family oeivice. wants position; is an excellent, dainty cook, can serve table nicely, good houseman and will tend furnace; wages u xo s,ju; city references. Call Bdwy. &D4, ask for George Davis. REGISTERED electrical engineer, familiar witn industrial equipment anu mainte nance, desires position with firm that appreciates loyaay arm aouity. au- drtasa Electrlcan Engineer, 100 Court St., Saiem. WANT contract to lot', saw and load on cars, ties or timber; have portable mill and trucks; will take in partner or ac cept job at very reasonable figure from party who can finance a little to start; will go anywhere. Automatic 614-4. AiAN, TRAINED to courteous treatment toward the Dublie. wants position; ex perienced in hotel, restaurant, commis sary, ordinary accounting, cooking, can Main bti30, room 30, or address C. L. G. room 50. '2GS Third St. YOUNG man. restless, neslr fravoi vaiet or anything; have left everything; willing to go anywhere, sign up for any length of time; no scruples or ties what ever; strictly confidential. AF 400, Oregonlan. letter; permanent position to the rights SALESMEN who think they can sell ad vertising, can at su in. w. nana Diag. Saturday between 3 and 4 P. M. SELL, tobacco sauce, the wonderful new riavoring for cmioklnir tobacco. mana new. nothing like it In the United State. Every smoker wants it. Good commis sions and wonderful opportunity for agents. Write quick for full information. J oharco Sauce to.. Dept. H. Dayton, u. WS HAVE an opening for two well edu cated ladles for Portland and vicinity to introduce our "Library of Music." Large party. AV 74. Oregonian. WANTED Two second maids with city references; 2 upstairs maids, must be good seamstresses; 3 nouseKeepers, oui, f-ooir chnmhprmtid and Eeneral maid. Mrs. Scott Employment Bureau, 329 Henry bldg. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located t room 303 Poiice Headquarters. 2d and Oak ta will furnish information, give protection and assistance frcj to women ana gin, interviews comment mi. INVESTMENT of about $l30u"ly man with iruca. or competent pianerman or retail lumnerman. A(i au, oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MA LIS. A COUPLE with wide experience with the puunc, win accept desirable manage ment or hotel or any legitimate business; w-jjl go anywhere. AH 337. Oregonlan V I - " TT . , . l ! income can be realized. Only experi- n- v.scoi :t. iorraeny V'" 'TJ faThAU1 ouns man. enced agents wanted. Monday 12 to 5 P. M. Chas. Scribner's Sons, 208 Lum ber Exchange bldg. iWA PROFIT, afreu.13 clearing hundreds weekly, new washing compound, wonder ful seller, big repeater, nature's mightiest cieanser, 100 uses in every home ; iree sample. Mitchell, C-H, 1314 E. Gist st., en tea go. H. S. education. petent- office women; also women for all! eery, notions. Ford driver, wllliner to do other lines of employment. 32'J Henry anything. AE 3S4. Oregonian. T bldg. Broadway 433 1. ,u:x(i KtH , P.. n.n.r. -,nta work ; has excellent references; will ac cept anything. Call Main 400 between 4 and 5 P. M. Ask for Grant. NEW IN ENTloNOil" gauge for Forus; sells on sight; big1 profits; small invest ment; exclusive territory; unusual op portunity for agents and salemmen. Ad dress Sabs Manager, 131 S. 20th St., Omaha. Neb. HOW TO START IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF A little book sent free to men and women anxious to make money by working part or full time. Clows Co.. Philadelphia, Pa GENTS New patented curtain rod. neces sity in every home; big profits: 4 to iu , salts at every hou?e: write for free sam- p.e. Home Curtain Rod Co., Providence. Rhode Island. AGENTS Sell Kno-Blo Inner tires: dou ble mileage; prevent punctures and blow outs. Every car owner interested. Show one, sell - four. Big profits. Kno-Blo Inner Tire Co., Grand Rapids. Mich. CHEWINO GUM 4e!l to dealers. Profit able business built up Quickly. Spear mint and popular flavors in novel pack ages. Write today. Helmet Co.. Cin cinnati. Ohio. PORTLAND FACTORY. MA K 1NG SPECIALTY LINE AL F EADV INTRODUCED IV ALL COAST STATES WITH ALL JoitDEKS cakkyixg; has opportunity for high-grade man to cover cali fornia; commission with guar antee ha ms ; p k ksent volum e can p.e doubled rkjht kind of e i- fc nr. white f l ll y, g i v - J.N' J AGE, EXPERIENCE, REFER ENCES. EDUCATION, WHETHER AiAjtUUED. AM 372, OREGONIAN. WE WANT real salesmen who war oe tn a permanent, high-class, well- paid organisation. If- you are looking for a temporary job or haven't sales ability, don t take up your time and nurj. --o' Artisnns bldg.. 10-12. 2-4. Ul.TAIb grafonola salesman wanted by hith-clnss Portland houses selling stand ard line; will pay high commission or guarantee and commission to right man. GIRL for cooking and general housework. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Woman "of middle age to keep set of books, take dictation and know general office work In dye house; bring references. vri Sandy boulevard. AN AUTOMOIIILE SALESMAN WANTED. Wanted By large financial house, a f!rst-c!:iss man who has bwn success ful soiling automobiles. An opportunity to make much more money than is pos sible In the automobile business. We want a man who X.ants to make a per manent connection. To such a man with energy and ability we can offer one of the best opportunities in the snate. Mate your quu.iticatious in you rply, w hich will be treated confiden liauy. AF SSI, Oregonian. Call after 10 Monday, 420 Spalding bldg. OUR SIDE LINE assortment of advertis ing tans bring liwwfre salesmen bia money monthly: samples light--a:l mer chants projects; easily told; season negun ; liberal commissions. Fan Dept., i nitea ivaie i :upnn;ir lo . incinr.atl. o a if.H.M r.;s .s(( our quality auleshoani premium assortments: regular line aide line. Commlsjsion weekly. Full re- , pear commifsions. investigate our prop osition. Columbia Novelty Co.. 307 N. AUTOMOBILE saieiuan wanted to sell Ford cars, tru-'k and tractors; experi ence nm necesAary. out must own 1 car. Robinson Smith Co., 0th at Madi- - son. small family; wages $30 per month. Ap ply 4M East 22d sL N-ortn, Phone East 6320. WANTED Responsible JewiHh family which would board and supervise young high school girl In return for assistance In home. P 337. Oregonian. WQMAN for house-to-house canvas, get ting information for salesman; dignmea wotk and good salary, state gualiflca tions In flrt letter. S 31 fl. Oregonian. W A N TE D E LDERLY LAD Y FOR HOUSEKEEPER. MUST UNDER- , MAM) CARE OF CHICKENS AND A COW. BC 31)3, OREGONIAN. REFINED womn to identify heeself with, the largest and best custom made corset company in the world. Exceptional re muneration to one of ability. Experi- ence unnecessary. AE 300. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED operator on fclind stftch machine for overcoats. Apply at Alt. Hood factory, 233 Couch street. WANTED Waitress, $33 per month, room ana Doara ; eastern Oregon notei. bauy housekeeper for family of two in eastern Oregon, 30 per month, room and board. Pioneer himpioyment Co., 14 N. st. AT ONCE, two neat-appearing ladies to demonstrate high-class article, house to house; salary; must be willing to leave city tn a snort time. ei (Joucn Diug, aiternoon 2 to 4. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED CORSET I ERE. Answer stating experience and quali- iiuuiuns. tv a-i, oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl or young woman for general nouseworK gooa home; call mornings.- Phone Marshall 4iflti. 7b0 Jiarshau st. v an I ED Girl or woman for noust work; no washing, email wages and uuu uume. iuo si. ioa st. call Sun- qay. i tuu Laay to sell photo oraers; kuou proposition. Apply 14 Plttock block Sunday. 10 to 12; weekdays 8:30 vv a a j. iirsst-cla&d oifice girl and one that can take shorthand, also make out legal papers; call between and 3 Sun- day. Rellahle investment Co., 303 Oak. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to me caivauon Army rescue home. Aiay- falr and Alexander streets. Phone Main aiw. um car. RESPECTABLE widower wishes a middle- ADVERTISING MA N. Open for engagement, permanent or temporary, whole or part time, BF 370, Orogonian. JANITOR work wanted in apartment house by steady, reliable, middle-aged man; has had some experience ; wages reaa oriahle. BJ 312, Oregonian. MARRIED man, age 32, wants position lumber bookkeeper and general o?f ice work; 8 years wholesale and manufac turing experience. AL 304, Oregonian. ELDERLY man needs work, watchman, care taker or light work; reference if desired; wages not an object. Address 55en., North Bank hotel. MECHANIC, now employed, wishes open ing witn nrm doing v lcixoia repairing; steady, reliable; reasonable wages to start. Bdwv. 71fi. SALESMAN 15 years' experience; mar ried; have car; desire city or road prop- osition; wide acquaintance lumber com panies, bldg. material, contractors, auto dealers; ore.. Wash, or Cal. Phone Bdwy 395, or AL 32fl, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED railroad clerk wants posi- oiiiuiB or snipping clerk with wholesale or manufacturing concern. Has knowledge bookkeeping and ste nography. F 318. Oregonian. WE REPAIR and paint ail kinds of roofs, gutters and fire escapes. Roof Security, ,lnc.,fenfrs. Webfoot paint, 220 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main atl; residence, Columbia bo. AIA.N WITH family wants position driv- iiis auto ior oaKery or laundry ;, experi enced; or truck driving. Can drive most any make of truck. BD 3b5, Oregonlan. COOK, first-class, economical and reliable, MAN AND wife, lady good cook, man .juuu j nun iooib, experiencea with gas or steam or anything. Call 2O0 Union ve. a. after 4 P. M, Phone East 1941), Ja 'clto S11- V ffroraedwaU; P?. "BLK man as salesman in gro- 1717 or write Brown. Couch hotel, room ut.urb"tm position of 3,'jI Port! mri Or ' rusl references well acquainted a.)L rortiand. Or. m la c ty 404 E ,7th An ( u n RETAIL lumberman, long experience, de sires uosition as vard manager or place in mill where knowledge of lumber cuuuu Phone 79X4 Gresham. box. 14t, uresnam, YOUNG married man. experienced farmer. wishes position as manager, or a ill run ranch on shaves; any reasonable propo si t ion considered : best references. A J 325 Oregonian. ANYTHING clerical; high school graduate, use una married, operate typewriter and adding machine; six months complete-chaj-ge set of books. R. E. Staples, 2117 J. Stark st. Main 1375. liOoFS repaired at. anv time, rain fthinp! nil work ciiaranteed : eave troughs cleaned and repaired. Portland Roof Repair & Paint Co. Alain 632U. HANDY man, 35 years old, married, wants work of any kind; can do most anything. Wright. Main 7257, or AE 310, Orego-nian. BY REGISTERED pharmacist, good li- arounu man. Am a Portland man and n taxpayer. Phone Oak Grove, LOW, or oreguntan. PRCNIN.; of trees and shrubs. Kardi work of all kinds; fertilizing; now is the proper time to do It. Call up vvooaiaun 2141. - Y O I ' O lady hauls poM! inn in hoiel, or Miking; country preferred. Woodiawn RELIABLE young man wishes position us YOUNG WOMAN LADY eui pi -.yed afternoon.- uants t work forenoons for room and board, close in. See eleiator operator t'ouvl: bldg. a:ter 4 P .M. to W ANTED Hy a young lad v. potdtiun a j helper in photo studio where I c:m learn the trade. Phone Auto. 515-20. Ask for Mies Wilson. 17-YEAU-OI.D H." of C. girl wants posi tion as office girl or waitress, nfternoons. Can do both, cau furnish ret'eiencea, Favt 77 IS. YOUNG lacy wtsne.s posit. on in diicior's office or as clerk in drug store. 2 ye.irs' experience. Phone Bdwy. Ull. Miss W'llson. M I D DLE-AGED ;udy will care ior rli . ; -dren afternoons and eveinncs while mother is absent; be;t reierciices. Ta bor l.v'.O " A N TUD By w Ido w. small rooming house to manage, in exchange ur a living apart men t ; must be clean and s.initury. H a j:i, Oi i-i.-iinian. YOUNG Itehuke-Waiker gfrl desires work in small C. S. family. Further informa tion relative to t-iiuutJun call Tabor 'Jt or 14L'5 Hawthorne ave. after 1 1. M. ELDERLY lady would like a room wiier she can care for children afternoons and evenings; west side only. AP 307, Ore-goniitn. CARE of children or nurse work, suorg, capable, energetic, refined young Indy, eleven years' experience. Phone Tubor nr.:; 9. BEFIXLD ctmple Wiint houhekeepiii rooms or small furnished apartment; exchange for woman's services; clone in. Main -vl.l. EXPERIENCED laundress wish, a to Like fine laundry home; will call for and deliver: all work guaranteed. ttll wnod ;;twi. COOK, clea n, camp. Stout woman, excellent, eeouomiral, would like from 15 to L'o-iiui ri Phone Alar. 1133, apt. U. 117 LACK AND S;Liv SItlM ANJ MAh g'JlSErTE f'Uli I AINS dons up itke u w i!1 Cl 1 : K -st M 1$. EXPERIENCED cook, ranch preferred or insi itution. employes or lolng camp W ace jvb so n at e A V 4i. or-rton i.m REFINED. quSot lady wishes homo in pri vate family in exchange for ltht ser-U-es or cnnipnnlon. S :tH. orepop':in LAI'i w.mij noue oiher work; good Win r,.:tp-, lieanliig. wu.-lutiK., work fcuaranietd. auto stage driver, capable of driving any macnine. r'iione bell. S3i7 between 11 and 1 A. Af. ELECTRICIAN, thoroughly experienced, esneciallv in repairing, installing mo tors and power equipment, open for en gagement. .East bij t . $3.00 KALSOMINING $3.00. Call me up and be satisfied: painting and papering cheap; no charge for esti mating. Bdwy. 3523. POSITION wanted ia general merchandise EXPERIENCED cook wants work EX-SKRVTCE married man, railroad ma chinist, wants work in garage or any kind of work; no objections to wages. Marshall 367. IF YOU have an jtut-oi'-the-orddinary position for nn out-of-the-ordinnry cou ple, address "Millerd," 830 Tribune bldg., Chicago. A-l TRUCK DRIVER, auto mechanic. wants position, steady, no objections leaving citv. Phone .bast 5o9, case. Write 550 Union ave. N. W. E. Case. store, out of town preferred. Plenty of experience. Permanent place ueauu. AV 73. Oregonian. EXPERT landscape gardening done, trees and shrubs trimmed and treateu; lawns put &a: aiso concrete work. Call tai camp sawmill, email hotel or restau rant. Address loj E, Sumner or phone Automatic 317-00. HAULING contract wanted for 3- Packard truck, lumber, rock, sand or anything. Call for stenscrom, zih xroau- way. Phone Mam lioi. CONTRACTOR and will figure uny kind ot repairs or very cneap by the day ; concrete basements, garages, anything I know how. Box lStl. Woodstock, city. 2 YOUNG Artisans desire shingling, car penter work or painting; very moderate wages; io mne ramus oi city; nave ma chine. BC 337, Oregonlan. BAND or circular filer wants job; cap able of operating mill; also good sawyer, references. AJ 317, Oregonian. WANTED Hauling. 3-ton truck, by hour or contract, r on, xot J E. Everett, la bor i594. aged widow, unincumbered, to care for PHYSICIAN wants position or good loca children, 3 girls; must furnish good ref- tion; Oregon license; any service. AP erencea. W. L. Permenter, Gladstone. Or H53, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED house canvassers and CARPENTER contracts building or re- CAN YOU SEI-L SECriilTIES? Then don't look further until you have investigated the merits of our company, liberal commission fcnd ac tive co-ope ration with our salesmen have enabled us to sell faster than any organization in the city. Address AG o 1 1, oregonian. i-A-PUiLl ENCED set urity salesman with au'omomie w no is w illing to have ca equipped with nw automatic electric Drawing device. e are about to piare a limited block of stoeK. of our company on the market and oifer attractive con tract to reliable salesman. BD, 400. k 'regonmn. lb lou are a firsi-cias farm salesman ana nave gooa auto we have lots 1 stings and are one of the largest real estate firms in Portland. If you are a me wire can ana see me. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. BOS Qnk St. C-V N i his a live experienced business cnance man witn auto. e are on the ground floor and bu.-y all the time. t Dont take up my time unless you are a KELJABLR INVESTMENT CO. . 3rt!V ink St. Iho lirst-cias specialty sales men to sell electrical household neces ewties; exceptional opportunity for the Tignt Kina oi men; references required ; t'PJj aionuuy between 5 ana v. l'Jbii tl J..K.NDID opportunity for experienced r.'il estate saiesrnan. largo comfortable oinces, lots ot business. Ak for Mr. Dye. sales manager, fc37 Chamber of ornmerco. bALESBOAKD SALESMAN Write for our new selling proposition. Iowa Novelty lompauy, iuuiiin jjiug., cedar Rapids, JO VI tt. ijt-oJi a.n ir Oregon, exclusive terri tory; commission basis; good proposition ior i.ve wire iiiue Lap Co.. St. Louis, Mo. fcALKSMAN to ecil Ford cars; must have a Ford or be able to buy one on easv terms. Talbot & Casey, E. Ankeny AiAN oti WOMAN wanted to sell guaran teed hosiery to wearer: exnerienee un necessary. International Mills. Norris- ion. i'a. bA LijS.d h. Eaces, embroideries; only men now steadily traveling smaller tnwrfl nee.1 answer; l'J1 per cent com- mivion. samples iig.it. Merk & Co. 4?n Itrrft-'wiy. New York. bALESAlAN WANTED una that can fur nish bnd and a Ford car, preferably a roaster, uuou proposition. Apply 40; WHshingtnn st. Ai EN WITH roiti) CARS in every fruit ui-trict or Oregon, w asfhington, Idaho; very liberal pay. American Fruit grower. ;nn i:oarq or Trade, I'ortland. -AI.KSMK.V Se!I territorial rights on B!urbir-1 Cream soap. In tube; used bv BiHoniobllisis. Big repeater. IT." per cent r-imm's-.on. Rlnrhirri -.. Cllntnm. Iowa WANTED S-iieduian for Brunswick phono graphs, young man preferred. ' Apply to .Mr. Matney at Edwards Furniture Co., .Vn nnd Oak. WAN VP. D First-cias salejmen. King Mud Hole Defier, 420 Fiitock blk; hours 9 A. AL to 4 P. M. ASUILDI NO material salesman ; state age, experience and salary expected. AN S&7, Prxgonian. 1'RlNTINii saitrnan. s.eady position, with responsible local firm. AE 3uC, Orego iX PERI ENCED subdivision mieimta to . sell residence property in Portland. Cad fiol Piatt buHd in z 1 YPE WHITER supply salesman; liberal commission; city territory: old and reli al firm. AM 334, Oregonian. YuUNG mn to act as salesman and do general off ice work : give age and ex t'orirnee. K 73. Oregonian. HAVE gotel sidft-iine for man calling on furniture and hardware trade in eastern Oregon. AV 7:. Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted to road; good territory "oil trees oa the CsM Tahor 204. WANTED Experienced used car salesman. D. C. Wtrren Motor Car Co., 5S NT, rttfi. J. NKAT-APPEARINO hou-e-to-house so Uciiors. Cull 2ii istock Ex. bid. , bALKSMAj w anted to sell well known make of talking machine; previous ex perience In this line not necessary tf i you nae m- aoimy to sell. AF 3S5. oregonian. tVLiii merchant using string will gladly ouy irummea fine printed with his ad vertisement; $...; sale ,nets you $10.50 commission. Au-iee oveity Co.. Dept. AiH bKAK K. for autornohilos. trucks. , trailers; manes your car modern: driv ing1 a pleasure. Distributors wanted. Write Air Brake Co.. manufacturers. tun ifTTiooga. i enn. bALLSili.N Inexperienced or exoeri- enced, city, or traveling; write for list of lines and particulars. National Salesmen's Traveliirg Assn., Dept. 74 iiir.iK". J 1 1. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, 604, E-paMinjc DUig. i-or high-clase office and clerical positions call and see us. Wei can poace you: positions coming in daily. WANTED A middle-aged woman as nurse and companion for an aged In valid woman. Address Sidney AHHer, Wood burn. Or., route 1. WIDoWER with 3 children, aged 4, ti and f wants rename woman to keep house, living with mother at present, expect to movo to own home later. Auto. 042-55. COMPETENT foreiady for dress and apron laciory; must oe conversant in that line. 1 Kaufman Alig. Co., 1541 Broadway, Ta- EX PERI ENCED weavers wanted for day ana nignt worn, oooa price list. Steady work. Apply Matzen Woolen Mills, KIrkland, Wash.. 4 miles from Seattle. YOUNG women desiring employment as , telephone operators call at room 001 Tel- epnone punning, jrnrK and Oak sts. saleswomen to aell new .fruit product xo KTocers ana nouse wives, spohn & fenton. Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak sts. WANTED Experienced filing clerk who can also relieve a switchboard; answer, stating experience, aj?e, references and salary expected. 11- 400, Oregonlan. pairs; save wood 241 you money. Manny, Sell- FA IN TING, tinting, for reasonable wage. East 74 1 4 until 3: Auto. o2-i9 evenings. EXPERIENCED pastry and cake baker, Swiss, wants Dositlon m Dastrv baker: WANTED Private teacher to teach a I European experience. Alain 3421. Japanese American dances; evenings irirKrtr.Y man nart time: hantiv. in- oeorge. 041 Delay Street, City. teliicent. .trustworthy. AF 370, Ore- Wanted Domestic. gonlan. GOOD cook and general houseworker for I AIAN AND wife want management' of family living on farm near Portland : must be absolutely respectable and have references from othx homes; may not oring cnua; wages you; no- laundry. vrne r -aor. oregonian. WANTED Girl for housework and to as sist with lipht cookine. 2 in fa mil v. sal ary $35; references required. Call after 10 A. M. Telephone Tabor 4-J74 Address fiOG E. 53d st. 2s, between Alameda and AN HONEST Japanese schoolboy, aire IS, apartment house or small hotel, beat of references. AE 308, Oregonlan. TRUCK driver wants work, ex-service man, can drive and repair any make ot car or truck. Tabor 7025, apt. 19. PRUNING. SPRAYING TREES. ROSES, SHRUUS, ETC. G1LROY, FORMERLY; U. S. GOVT. ORCHAKD1ST. BROAD WAY 1037. AN EXPERT on Packard. Hudson and Buick desires to overhaul either of same in exchange for services as pseuse. aj tfj'j. oregonian. EXPERT accountant ; ystem installation. cost accounting and federal tax reports; small manufacturing concerns a spe cialty Call Tabor 4571. PAINTING and tinting, new work or old. give good results nna reliable, reasonable prices. jjowy. watiUs nusit. on u ;tt ant In general housework; wages $M pi month. BF 39, tiretronisn. WOKKING girl wiil asMst in hu.iM'iih as part Payment for Mum, board and use of p.aiio Call M. ihl 4 JJ UlSlos I Kj:I'1ED younu 1 rhllihen by hour; some experience, shall 4 7'ii'i forenontis Mar- AN 1'ED Apai tineiit huse to nil woman aim brother. It, t; e s t city ere nee. Phone lid a y. -ll5o. RE LI A IhTe chambermaid ' In nmall or plain seu iug by day. N 3 '5, gonlan. re:'- COMPETENT - w here second THwy. Hl-iU. WJMli . eli.l- girl :s a so i :n PAINTING, tinting matic 821-2S. paperhangiug. Auto- E ASTERN OREGON. Young man. truck and tractor expert, would like place in garage or on ranch.. A13 33S, Oregonian. - YOUNG man. not afraid of work, will tackle anything, can make good If given a trial; permanent place ir possible UK oit.i, oregonia n. Bookkeepers, Stenograpiiers, Office. EXPERT CORRESPONDENT, DOAIEPTIC AND FOREIGN, GENERAL OFFICE EXPERIENCE, SYMPATHETIC AP PRECIATION OF LA TIN-A AI ERIC AN PSYCHO LOG Y; THO ROU( ! H K NO W L- EDGE OF SPANISH AND FRENCH ABROAD. BJ 327, OREGONIAN. WANTED By young man with business ability. 3 or 4 hours' work mornings clerical or otherwise. Call Sellwood 2tui between 8 and 10:30. LETA1E audit, open or close your books. Hate $-0 per month, one hour per work ing day, more time if desired. Satis faction guaranteed. Auditor, P. O. Box 374. EX TE UI K N C E D ca? ti i er w i h es p- sii .! good references; call Miss Depew, Soi. wood ys lNjSITioN de-.red, uaur .i i t'r maid, experienced, bet re-;, renres. A 3it, or snniiin. 1'OSJTION coolt for aiim 1st housekeeper for ma more than 1 1 men. apt. 3. HEMSTITCHING, white cotton, ll -eiim; silk, 10 cents yd. Airs. James, 352 ain- li i M st. CLE RICA L or general ol f i:e t.rk. lime five years' business experience. Wdln. Bi2. FIRST-CLASS carpenter will draw your pians, do your carpenter and repair work. V. 1. oairympie, box ii, ienis, Oregon. WANTED Contract to cut IG-Iuch wood. 1'5 to 200 cords; prices, reasonable. Ad dress 1183 East Main or phone Tabor l78. EXPERIENCED traeling salesman wants connections with jobber or manufacturer, experienced In dry goods, notions; sta tionery or grocery specialties: pre-war salary and expenses. Main 4ik. SINGLE man, 30 years, 12 years wholesale experience, desires position, will consider country merchandise store. AC 400, Ore gonian. , WANTED Four hours' work for board and room and $1 day, restaurant pre ferred, experienced. AR 339, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED auditor and . credit man desires connection with responsible firm. East 6758. Stanton sts. WANTED SalesTixin soli new $1ix article EXPERIENCED millinery makers, good that sells on sight to every office and wages. Apply Elsie Hat Co.. Artisans jaetory; Die money ana permanent con- niig neotions for rieht man. LpmifiM. Kupfer. Polk and Dearborn sts., Chicago. AL.s.Mh.N We have a wonderful side line ior you ir you are calling on gro cery or hardware stores, etc. r A- V Specialty Mfg. Co., 220 N. 10th St.. Cor- v;i::i5, or. wanild Country girl or woman to work on convenient modern country farm. Good plain cook. Wages $35. Call Airs. Erwtn, Main 75.S4, between 10 and 'Z, or any time Monday morning. Artisans GIRL wanted for light housework in lamuy oi iwo aauits ana two children; one who understands children preferred; work very light; 477 E, 56th st. N. t Kose ouy 1'arK). 1'hone Tabor 7777. wants position; speaks English. Phone Tabor 1474. ALL-AROUND cook wants position, hotel or restaurant, in or out ot town ; can give reference. Phone Alain 202, room 5. YOUNG man employed by large corpora tion during day wants employment eve nlngs. AM 391. Oregonlan. PRODUCING tailoring salesmen wanted. Alen's made-to-order suits: finest ma terial., prices cut to the bone. . Snring FWHien une reauy. jueeua woolen .Mills. OLD AND well established concern wants salesman rr in citv to sell a well known article for which the demand Is uiiDManiij increasing. All S02, Orego- T girl for genefafhousework; miwt EXPEB115NCED chtufteur ,fesi;e? able to cook plain and good. Willing nonJ cit reference. Call Alain 42i8 uuuunj AbhML. i -iniddrcn a dresses: state otner lines you carry and territory. j-.iseman 3irg. Co., 120 S. Alarket St., SALESM EN Sell new pa ten red Caroline vaporiser, 61 miles per gallon made with Ford; one sample free. Stransky Va porizer on., ri niKwana, m. it. A ANTED An experienced city truck salesman for one of the old established hlgh-crade trucks; a good proposition. a 3i ;a, urejronian. WANT salesmen for going subdivision proposition. Hig Inducements. leads and good territory open. Johnson, 218 Stark street. SA LESMEN Exceptional opportunity for i w wipfmen wno write at once. Mc- Cleery Calendar Factory, Washington. lowa. SALESMAN who can sell advertising no- eines, ppeciHJTies. caiennars or other ad vertising mema. nne proposition; inves tfgate. Third street. EXPERIENCED salesmen who think they -an pen iiiiii; ifMiince JOIS OD tne ln- sra:;mni pian. oan rni Piutt bldg. WANTED Middle-aged, woman; must be experienced and good worker; for gen eral worK. cooKing ana laundry: two adults; references. Airs. Becker, 380 E. 14th sr. N.( corner Schuyler. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to keep house ior l or a men on farm ; permanent place for woman about GO years of age; would not object to 1 child; wages $10 per monm. ay rnt uregonian, NEAT be able to cook plain and good, willing to assist witn cnuaren ; gooa wages, Apply at 525 Multnomah hotel. WANTED Competent lady as" house keeper for gentleman with small family on rancn; state wages witn application. Address p. v. Munna, Redmond, Or. COMPETENT maid for cooking auid some housework for one month; no laundry; good wages; city references. 741 Irv- - lng street. Main 70;i. KIND, middle-aged or elderly woman for litrht housework, small flat, srood home. wages $12 a month. 94 College St., cor. fth. BUSINESS AIAN, eastern Oregon town, wants housekeeper, 25-35 of age, neat ana gooa cooic; state salary expected. a q oress j v ;f, urpgoniiin. GIRL or woman for cooking and down stairs housework, for small private ma ternity home. Sleep home if desired. t an arter i, tu. i amnui. K. 2091. Competent office helo furnished hv BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE, mi Mam t wn. in in u ucot Hidg. COAiPETENT girl for downstairs work ana conaing; no wasning, small family; good wages. Main 4050. flOO Flanders. ELDERLY man wants light inside work .and some wages. References. AJ 302, Oregonian. x OUNG married- man wants job driving truck; knows city well and drives any size truck. Phone East b08. CARPENTER wants new work or repairing. hour, day or job, contract reasonable. E st i m a tea. Broadway 1106. WANTED Work 4 or 5 hours In the afternoon, by a young man. What have o u to offer? AN 37. Oregonian. $144 AND COMMISSION, at home. Dode tai-uum vieaer o., ait LaKe. lOUNG gir; for office with fair education. one in eione. uisiance preieraDie.- Phone Auto. n-M-tn. u.t.'b Koster road. m WANTED A nurse for institutional work. must nave run knowledge of obstetrical work AP S39. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced chambermaid; no otner need apply; no phone calls. Norton! a Hotel, llth and Stark. FHVSICIAN desires office attendant: state aire, references and sniurv a. ported. E H7, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young woman to cook in small exclusive boarding house; must tie a gooa cook. oB7 Mi GUsan st. WANTED Oood experienced restaurant or caietena cook; give age and experience. R 303. Oregonlan. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTGN home ts reaay to neip any grri in distress. 953 East Ohsan. MV car. East 316. ' WANTED Woman to make her homo here and take care of invalid Indy, light work, permanent. Phone 323-55. AN EXPERIENCED lady ciera in con- iccuonery ana arug store, call Tabor 2204. EXPERIENCED hand sewers and finish- erf, ai."o power macnine operators. Lurie Mfg. Co., 73 'fr 6th st. WANTED An experienced woman to take ciiarge ot an apartment nouse. Call 3S9 0th ft. HIGH school or business college eirl to assist in light work; small family; room, board and wages. L 351, Oregoolan. YOUNG lady stenographer who can assist i on books, one witn some lire insurance experience preferred. BF 339. Oregonian. I A'OUXO LADY stenographer and assist ant bookkeeper, $S0 per month to com mence, w d.( , oregonian. WOMAN to assist with general housework EXPERIENCED woman to do cooking and rooms tinted. $!-$."; painting, papering. iu Biiwii lai.mjr m kuuiuj. main Til Jirio ' w --j" carpentering, anytning, ana rooi iixmg; "'mr" tai. - ' ' nil rensnnnn e. wain. ti. CARPENTER, contracting, repaiis and re modeling ; rellaoie mechanic, liroadway 2IS7. EXPERIENCED accountant desires posi tion; fast and accurate; college educa tion; fair stenographer. AJ 3U9, ore gonlan. YOUNG man, htudyln higher accountancy. desires position with well-established concern witn chance for advancement. J Bigg! n., E. 4477. or P. O box HHP YOUNG AIAN, age 23. wants position in clerical work; can keep Iwoks and op erate typewriter: 4 months' experience: can give best references. East 7902. PRINTER Dependable, all round man good on ads or Job; haa family, needs wont; state wages. iJ ja-t. uregonian MARRIED man wishes position as watch man, best of references. Phone East 22iHi, E. H. Kiggins. AUTO mechanic, iu aviation .during war, wants place In garage; expert mechanic; reierencet". iv 3-. oregonian. GARDNER, middle age. handy with tools. willing to board se.i, wants steady place. . br 3-o. Oregonian. BAKER, all around man. alo pastry cook, watiLs work, city or country. BF 379, Oregonian. YOUNG married man would like perma nent job on either dairy or general farm, References. J 304, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED railroad clerk, timekeeper and telegraph operator, some experience as stenographer. F 320. Oregonian. , COOK Young man wants work, city or country. Bdwy. l-it, or write Ac joj, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener, willing to do some housework, . wants stcauy piace. H 397, Oregonlan. COMPETENT carpenter wants carpenter work of any Kina; sausiactioa guaran- tced. Aut. 519-30. LOGGING truck driver wants work, can keep truck in gooa running snape, la bor 7025, apt. 19. BOY 15, attending Franklin high school. wants work for room and board. Call A 01K-60. A?k for Baker. BJlICivIA 1'1'JR Furnaces, boilers, fire places; anything in brickwork. East i2S2. POSITION wanted by man and wile on stuck ranch ; references lurnished. Main 7717. HANDY" young man wants work: does all kinds of repairing, furniture lini&her and the like. Al 32N, oregonian. MACHINIST-OPERATOR desirous of mak ing change wants position under good working conditions. AK Ma, Oregonian. HANDY man wants position as janitor, housecleauing, etc. Address AM 320, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, all-rcund butcher, just from east, .wisnes position, iteierences. AB 319, Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter wont and repairing by the hour day or job; reasonable pricea. Main 4122 evenings. WAATii By exp. kitchen man, work as cook or baker helper, or general kitchen - work. BD 300, Oregonian. GARDEN, lawn or tree work, anywhere, reasonable.AutO. o-o-ii. A. Uacuener. bl Thurman st. MALE nurse aud experienced masseur; all cases taken; specialize in mental ana nervous troubles. Room ai9. fcaton hotel. YOUNG, married, experienced farmer wants wont; gooa muaer. a Jul, ore gonian VANTFD A fi TINTS. A HUSJNESS OF YOUR O W N AI a k e soar Kims; glass name plates, numbers. cnecker hoards, medallion, signs; big iiiBmneu uuuk iree. i. aiiner, 201 f RACTlCAL baby nurse tu care for in- SCHOOL girl to assist wlt housework: for pLUMBINQ done very reasonably by the jam, iuusi ue vunipeient ana nave ref- 1." . v usau jOD or by tne nour. Aut. 40-lf. FILIPINO ft ants work on poultry farm raising chicks for board and room. L 3 lo, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by middle-aged man as packer or watchman ;. references and bonds. A 329, Oregonian. WANTED Janitor work nights; will fur nish references. AI. A. Kanisay, 10204 4uth ave. S. E., city. CONCRETE garage,, sidewalks, basement ai:d runways done on contract. 314-20. Tabor 9031. YOUNG man desires position as helper to mechanical draughtsman or architect. 1 ho n e Tabor 1520. ; i-ii., . . j .. L : . ccHnni r.tcr hnD(nr ; i j. ....... - - ... . nj.ui4 wameu jor uuugnnuL counter; must ; . . X i , v-,",rr7 East 7sin. give light services in exchange for Applv 324 Stark at., Fundav home. 729 Northrup st. Marshall 571. LEVANTED contract cutting coru woou; :ill I. t, accicl -itK a-i 1 U - ,. . I "- " " - - AGENTS to advertise and distribute sam ples to consumer; write quick for ter ritory and particular. Albert Mills general manager. 2943 American bldg.! Cincinnati. O. WANTED-Housekeeper; I have no chil- OAJl '!? 8SJ" n"rk: rvp, trvrn norter wanra Virion: nrt'n. .X j i . ( nenn rcicieutw. j-uuiia x-iwi iiuj. dja n.ast . 1 " . xihi Pireet. xoriu. n,AJt,iu.i!.NUjiJ maid for familv or 2 "o" ntc cim noon wanes. laoor DUI. GIRLS wanted- Pennv Arrarin o xr 3d st. well recommended. Phone E. 3270. BIG PROFITS selling Duplex Transform ers; every auto owner needs them; saves ga. oanisn spara pimr irouoie: exclusive v.ke monev YOUNG Kir! to assist tn the home, small family, easy work. East 4344. WOMAN for general housework, middle age or elderly preferred. Good wages. Call 755 Morgan bldg. Main 643. ! WANTED Competent girl for general housework; wages $3u; 3 adults, 791 overton. SHINGLERS When you want reshingllng or repairing done, call Wain. 0200. EXPERT pruner. Jerry Hubert care pub lic employment purcau. rnone .Main Zioo. territory. Write quickly. Jubilee. Mfg. 0.. ciation v . umanii, .eb. BIG 1 FROFITS selling Duplex Transform ers. jb.ve.ry auto owner needs them. Saves Kif. Banish snark-nluir trnnh?e v.. cluslve territory. Write quickly, jubilee Mfg. 00.. f.ss sta. . Omaha. Neb. IOLXO girl for general housework and help with care of 4-year-old child. No cooKing. i.j mm, near lamnui. SCHOOL girl or middle-aged woman for ngnt nouseworK; gooa home and wages. H 399. Oregonian. 150 PROFIT Fast-sollina- liniutMmi.i store and office necessity; repeater; free sample. Chapman Company, 1009 I'wirnt mag., Kansas oity, io. AUr.MS to take orders for guarantwd hosiery; n delivering; pay In adxance; experience unnecessary, llox i. Darby Pa. OSt eXiCellent onnortnnitv! ior v omen goi icnors. poj worbett bldg. FARA1ER wants housekeeper. AN 342, 1 jregpnian. FIRST-CLASS helper on men's coats; must be experienced. Apply to S. Fanner, Piatt bldg. CAPABLE girl some afternoons each week, or after school, to take care of -year-oin ooy. .Main 1433. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower with goon nome. aaa, urrgonian. WANTED A housekeeper by widower WANTED A young girl WANTED Girl for house wont; no fires. Mrs. Fred Polsky, Grace apt, 797 North rup st. VV1LL13 0. clean girl or woman to assist witn nouseworK, ana cnuaren. Woodiawn i.t. v a. 1 ciu tiepreeeniatives to handle ap pliances men mix ana Durn coal oil and air for cooking and heating. Oxo Oas iieavng to. ialem. Or. W AN i ED An agent to sell burglar aiarms. (wnevi protection. nxj 3i, UrPif'mian, SEND for free tol.et soap sample and $10 rasn reiuna oroer. lacassia to., Dept 610. St. Lou's, Mo. LIVE AGENT, handle big line household nru.nes. gooa com. i'reston, Alco apts., E. rnuch and Union ave. AGENTS Dandv :de line. houe-to-hous canvassers. tv., 1-ou.s. with family of four. Wdln. 5T12. WANTED A girl for housekeeping; no washing. Call 801 Westover Rd. WILL Opal Green send her plioue and ad dress to AH 3'i7. Oregonlan. JAPANESE girl lor housework; husband may mom wjth her. 850 Northrup st. WAITRESS, at A-B pide nt. WANTED Lady to utay with baby nights Phone Auto. 234-30. 11 p. M. to 4 P. M. : WANTED Woman to keep house. M .ion, Trfiron ian. WANTED A girl to answer telephone in or rice. si a in TOUCH liplsu 403 Artisan bldg. to helo wfth nouseworK, small larntiy; no washing Tabor 5899. WANTED Girl- or general housework, iamny or two, pan Automatic 326-07. WANTED Girl for general housework, no wasning; gooa wages, pan Wdln. 4 124. restaurant, 306 Burn- GIRL for general housework, small fum Ily. 67 Davis St.. near 21st and Wash. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Fj m. Kiinger. West Linn, Or. $1 per day. GIRL wanted for general housework; for- eign-r preierreu. rast ttn. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Inquire J. E. Simpson, W est Linn ave. GOOD plain cook, four in family. Alajor Currier, Vancouver barracks, i YOUNG man 23 desires work of any kind. Phone Tabor lui. A GOOD janitor, single, wishes a position. Address AP 323. oregonian. JANITOR, night janitor, hall man or ele vat or operator. AG 400. Oregonian. PAINTING- and tlntiiiff: interior work specialty; reasonable juices. Alain 3799. ROOMS tinted, $3 and $4; good work and satisfaction. i-none 31 am o-i. PLUMBING work of any kind done rea sonable. East 4852. PAINTING, papering and calcimining; all worK guarantoea. cast ii", LUMBERMAN with Pacific coast ex peri -ence, any line, BF 300, Oregonian. YOUNG colored woman wants house clean in g-CaHaBweek1JJAjitoJ2 JANITOR of experience, best of refer ences. AH 375, Oregonian. PAPER HANGING, painting and tinting. Paper hanging, 30 cts. roll. Mar. 2493. 8ALESAIEN for city and country terrl tory. Suite 1029 Chamber of Commerce. COLORED man wishes position as porter or janitor. Phone East 6571. FOR AUTO driving instructions call Auto matic 332-03. WHAT have you to haul; with zue. Tabor 635. Kct in touch YOUNG man. 20 years old, wisnes position evenings, to cover school expenses. AL 31S. Oregonian. WANTED Pook keeping work to do at home evenings; also handle freight claims; experienced in both. It 30a, Ore-poninn. OLD RAILROAD agent wants clerical work, timekeeping, payroll, checking commissary, take anything to start. City references. AL Sail. Oregonlan. A DENTAL assistant, with 1 S ears ex perience, wishes position In dental or physician's office. Call Alain 9.'!7o. WIDOW. w it'll child. wishes wa.-Oiing, ironing, cleaning. Mondn n. Saturday; good reference. V1ll11. 3'"'0. A1ARRIKI Indy would like mami gemetit of apartment or rooming bnuse; ex perience, best of references. Jl :i 1 11 7 77. . GRADUATE kindergarten -primary teach er, experienced, wishes afternoon work. AG 350, Oregrtn Ian. i A 1 .S and Jaun rienced laundress. 4 P. M. ilei nig done by ie Wuodlnwn 3719 alter WANTED Housework, family or I ml el ; prefer gning home nlrrhtw. Phono Wood ' aw n -u ?LK J aT lrB- Ne'son. GlitL wuuis pusition in phyfticiun's of t ire, nose and t hi oat specia it pn f erred , K on d re lerence. Phon t i'jlh 2'.'0 RELIABLE young lady wishes pn-dtlon as switchboard operator or as office gir.. F. i 1 s t7 5 - 7. EXPERIENCED woman wants day w ork. washing. Ironing and cleaning. .Main r237. apt, 3. LET AIE HELP with your bookkeeplnp; rensonab'e charges by hour or contract. East 2M9 BANK work or office work by married man with 10 years of bank experience. L 312. Oregonian. YOUNG man. lumber stenographer, tlme keeper, wishes position. Woodiawn 1572 Salesmen. AN EXPERIENCED furniture salesman desires position in the city. I am mar ried and Portland Is my home. Can glvo best of references S 884, Oregonlan. YOUNG married man desires position traveling or retail shoe salesman; expe rienced in both. Can give references. Call Marshal! H8I. No, 508. WaNTIII' Good homo and tmiail w.tge.-t for light housework by elderly woman, Sellwood 3741. POSiTlON by all-around ladv conk, capa ble of fry or pastry work; rt'fcreiices, t 3'4, n ecunian. EX I'KIUKNCKD laundress v anis riav woik; washing and ironing. Phone Alar shall 8o:i. NEAT reliable girl to care lor. ihlid or children; Ohrisiian homo preferred, AH N '.S, ( iregon:an. CA LL East 22:mJ, ti. 20. lor iN'liable woman to do cleaning und laundeilng work. SALES 51 AN witjj broad and special experi ence, i- years witn one nouse; prefer C S. firm with future. Room 209, Hotel Eaton. SITUATIONS WANTKD FKMA LK. EXPERIENCED woman wants to rent or manage an apartment house. 952 Will iams ave. Broadway 4010. WOMAN wants housework where she can Keep o-year-om uoy witn ner. Auto matic 014-li. L'O YolJ want a dependable servant for washintr, ironing or cleaning ? Phone Sellwood S20K CA PA ELE young w it ma 11 will care for children in their noun s by hour. Ca H Main 03flo be f o re 2 P. M . . m k f or '. Bookkeeper. Stenograpberw. Office. YOUNG lady In genernl nil around office experience, wislus position ; ex pe rienced In bookkeeping, t line keeping ur.d pny roll work; uu typewriter. AL 37u, ore gonlnn. iOl"NG lady with bet reiereiices deMii petition ; familiar with railroad work, filing, real estate lire iriMiruncn aud general office work. Bp'adway 3752. EXPERIENCED woman cook wants posi non in ianii"s iiouBo, notei or restau rant. tit ati, oregonian. WOULD remain with children an. pare dinner; from 1 -to s P. M. 94. 1 pre Tabor GIRL wants piace as children s nurse or secona gir4. lauor ou. ion IS. Wash ington st. WOULD help mother with new baby fiom 8 A. to noon; capaote or taKinp full charge or infant, rnone lannr 114. WOMAN with 2 children to support, wishes tt hours work a nay. Tabor 9M0O. DAY WORK, house cleaning. CaiL East 2964 Sunday - ' DAY -WORK, house cleaning. Call Sun day. Tabor bow 7. FIRST-CLASS washing, ironing and house denning. Call aeiiwooa 2430. TABLE waiting, bus work or other work, Saturdays and Sundays. East 9.9. MAN, willing worker, work for board room. H 333, Oregonian. REPAIRING in your garage reasonable. Phone East K323. EXPERIENCED vuicaniEer wants work, in or out of city. P 314. Oregonlan. 1 RUCK driver wants position, kntrwa tire chy. Alarghall 3953. EXPERIENCED in real estate business. M ;il, oreifonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. any Kina. rnone rast una. WANTED Position answering telephone in office, a 3S., oregonian. BOY 19, wishes wr on farm, can milk. AP 342. Oregonian. HAULING for 8Vi-ton flatbed truck; con tract or odd jobs, aast 2022. EXPERIENCED pruning of all kinds, landscaping. Main 1692. Res. Main 013. HAULING Ior a 3-to a truck. Phone Main PAINTING, papering, kalsomining; pre war prices. moor o-o. PAINTING, PAPER HANGING. TINTING WOODLA WN 2497 MARRIED man wants job Janitor. Broadway 4224. MAN WITH drag saw wants work; give particulars. iil-q r.ast uta North. ELECTRICIAN must have employment at once. X 338, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 30, desires work of any kind willing and obliging. J 2o3H First at PAINTING, tintinK reaaonab.e; estimates Main 4691. apt. 22. REGISTERED, druggist, married. position, cast, iui a. WANT work of any kind. What have you? ;otKS HiAi-WUHTEKS AND KITCH EN HELP 293H STARK ST. M 154( I WANT job driving light truck; am expert and Know city. Tabor 6573. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging for rea sonable day s wage. Auto. 522-71. EXPERIENCED n urse will board and sew for Kiddies: $- rr.ontn. auto. 0111-77. REPINED girl would like to take care of children. Ail ovt, oregonian. WILL take good care of children all day or evenmss. wam vxis. LAUNDRY done beautifully at my home prices very reasonable. Main 9Ki2. WOMAN wishes day work; reasona-bie wages. AUto. n:'n-sn. TRUSTWORTHY woman wishes half 01 whole day work. Call Woodiawn 2640, COLORED girl wishes position as cham bermaid or maiq apt, cast K57L MEN'S washing and sewing wanted, moder ate charges. 4ij 4tn st. Mar. 6059. - EXPERIENCED chambermaid would like w-ork. Call Bdwy. 44:13. room 1 .". COLORED woman wants maid or laundry work few hours. Automatic 525-2S. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants chambermaid work. Broadway 2417. COLORED girl wants position as cham bermaid. Marshall 17X9. A' OUNG lady wishes position as cashier; 2 years experience. Alain 4540. RELIAItLE woman wants work by day or hour. Phone Sellwood 12i2 Sunday. WORK wanted by school girl. 9 A. M. East 1171. WANTED Position as elevator operator evenings, ( all Alain 24 No after 4 o clock. BEGINNER wishes stenographic position. pieaso can jast asou. Pt. SITION w anted, clerical or a.sititH 1: t bookkeeping; two yearn' experidiee life insura-nce preferred, willing to stirt witii a mndera te a';i ry. P ' 314. f iresnn :an YO I NG lady wishes posit ion as stenogra pher or assistant bookkeeper ; alM has had billing expe rience; htna.l ofliee pn -ferred, references. AN HUi. K .regoii nt 11. MARCH 1 or later, by thoroughly co-ti-pe tent Monographer and of 1 U e woman. Especially experienced in insurancy and commerciat If lies. BF 8!'0, (r"ponian. 111- LADY with 2 years' experience in die surance office wiuhcn clerical work; ex perienced In photostatic Work. Call Marshall C9L EX PERI ENCED s: t-iiogra pliet . best references, desires ball -dav pojiitin employed at present. Aduicss Ai 3' iregonin n. of HIGH school K.rl would Ilk.- Ker.ei.il of fice work after scbool and on i-.ituiCo; can do stenographic work. Call 324-1 0 after 4 o'clock. REFINED you 11 lady with ki.o o-dte of nursing, wishes position in due tor's oi fice. Phono M rirxlui !l 1520. STENOGRAPH EU s y. ars' -x 4 li years lgal, desires i-Mtioii; reference! furnished. M run I l' COAIPETENT slenujirapner u.-sim pern. a - nent position; four ears eui arm dm mercial experience. K 3 1 !. if i. iiii m n. YOUNG woman with ten t in general oirice m."K poji tion ; referenccf. Tab) i-xjn r.ence ints clerical El' LU I LN l ' KD M'-ni.gi apl.ei bookkeeper, temporarily sires p'-rmanent position. ed. nr. GIRL. 20 years old. exp ru iue-i in work, must na ik'imi hi T'lease phone Automatic 527-21. A.sTKlJ Hall -day iork duhy. stenog rapher; Competent ; nesi reierencet ; ..o per month. Phone E-tt S'MI. EXPERIENCED young Woman tirsuew po sition as tiooKKeeper, cii , reierences. AH 30. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist dt - sires position; wuiiiik 10 leave city, a it 372, Oregonian. WANTED Typewriting to do at my home. Rates reasonable; no snort nana. Mar shall JL STENOGRAPH Ell with ability, expeib-nco and a coiiee education, aesiri-s posi tion. Eat03L LADY wants light office Broadway nl."u work. Phone COMPTOMETER operator wishes pcMtlon; has had 3 ears exporienee. Auto. S27-MO. WANTED Typing .to do at hoiiie, reason able ratey, KHft l.i. EXPERIENCED stenographer wls-hes po sition in office, t an woo'iiawn 2,4-o TOUNG lady, experienced. wants led posting, iiuDfi, ouice work, labor