TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 30, 1921 18 FOR KENT. Office. OFFICE, mimabla for chiropractor, includ ing use ot joint reception room, very reasonable: some office furniture for laie. Apply Dr. Herbert B. Mallett. 310 Buah & I.anft bids. fHYSlCIAN doing- diaanoia. Internal medicine, vaccine, therapy. e:c, ant a private office and uie of reception room. Phone Woodlawn 366. or Automatic 313-65. , 2IOE office room with utse of consulta tion and reception rooms, telephone and office Kirl If desired: good location. Of fice. Mam 6K73; residence. Alain 1170. DKSK room, with tclepnone and steno graphic nervlci Phone Bdwy. 3715. SSe curuy totorAire A Transfer Co.. uJ 4th street, corner Pine. , 1'Olt RENT Desk room in good down town office. Apply -04 or 21 Henry bids. 'WANTED Uesk room with telephone service, might take pne room later. L '!!. Oreconian. 1.KASE or sell two years in 3oni&n complete real estate ortlce. J. of C. bldg. AF ol3. Oie- WE HAVE a lew vacant offices, reasona ble rent. Apply Shetland bldg.. Filth and Washington. OFFUriCS FOIl KENT. FUliUXKIl BLD'J. FRONT office, modern, in Hallway tl change bldg. Apply room 312. OKKTOES I-'OU RENT. lEKLlNOEU BJ.LH". .MiM-ellaiieoii.. HALL to rent for dancing parties lodges, etc. Jackson dancing academy. 7U5 Mis sissippi ave. w illn. l-'t'l. FOR KENT Basement corner. Cnuin and Second sts... about t0u square feet. Phone East M:::l. iiOOM lti.Jl lion j town, i ings: 3L' chairs. ("all iblo tor meet in -'"ilS. BUSINESS Ori'OKTI NITIKS. A SUBSTANTIAL automohlle corporation of eastern Oregon, which owns sporting goods and accessories store in connection with its garage, offers an exceptional opportunity to responsible party who will take over Its store: will sell this busi ness, which invoiced at li,."Mi for $5hn cash: corporation will arrauige to fi nance balance of the deal; we own prop erty and will furnish any reasonable leasing privilege: store lias been estab lished for a number of years anil shows handsome profit during that period; located in town of 7i"". on Columbia Kiver highway, and the only one of lis kind in this section. Representative in town Monday and Tuesday. Room fCi.'i Multnomah hotel. lUflt OPPORTUNITY OWN UOINL. CONi'EKN. Covering Oregon-Washington terri tory. Articles cost $12. 8 and $4-and ell Tor $30. $20 and $10, respectively, to professional and business men. Pur chasers create additional profits of 33 l-3""i which is handled by mail. Salesmen easily make $100 weekly be sides good profit for owner. Requires $1."00 which pays for business on books, office equipment and stock. , NO BROKERS WANTED. Address P. O. Box 114. Portland. GROCERY STORES. $4.00 will handle an up-to-date gro cery stock and fixtures; good location: no competition. Average $100 per day. Here is a dandy. Rent only $30' with 5-ear lease. Stock J2M0O or Invoice. Fixtures $0000. Average daily income $"; 3 living rooms. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRK. 20."i Abington Itldg. Main 100. HALF Interest in a good paving butcher shop and market, wholesale and retail trade: too much work for the present owner. Purchaser can have choice of inside or outside work. This is a fine chance for the right party to make money, party must li-ave $2000. Don't fall to investigate this. See S. B. Woostcr. Estacada. Or. POOL HALL IK WE HAVE it: CiW ' 4 pool tables. I billiard table and Other fixtures; rent only $22. aO. good lease: clearing about $::t0 per month; ran be mada do more. Listen ! All lor $l.'.oo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., ::o.-. OAK ST. RESTAURANT. $2a00 40-seat capacity, one year lease and can be renewed. Rent $00. Daily income, $00: employs 2 girls and 2 cooks. Very good location. See F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRTC. SO." Abington Bids. Main loot. POOL HALL, transfer point, rignt down town: brick building, good lease 4 pool tables, 1 billiard table; back and front bar; lots of other fine fixtures; about $500 worth of stock: can make a fine irult stand and confectionery In front. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., :;o5 OAK ST. UE.VL MDSE. STOCK. Large- payroll town. No competition: Close to Portland. Stock and fixtures will Invoice $1n.ooO; $100,000 business was done in 102o; $17,000 will buy. Terms to right party. See F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRK. 205 Abington Bidn. Main 10l. HEADQUARTERS FOR STORES fl.",0 Good corner grocery, rent $23. $tooo Good corner grocery, rent $20. $125o Apt. house ilist, rent $22. $2000 Apt. house dlst.. rent $45. $1350 No fixtures to buy, rent $30. $1650 No fixtures to buy. rent $25. Bushue. 518 Cham, of Com. FEED BUSINESS Building ami machin ery, well equipped for feed grinding, do ing a good feed and custom grinding business: good location in Willamette valley and good little town to live in. May consider good country home or farm. Address AV 37. Oregonian. A LIVE GROCERY, PROSPEROUS TOWN. Best business we know of for the money: Invoice around $4oo0: rent of store $33. including good living rooms and fixtures. Let us take you out today. COBB B ROS,. 203 Oak St. FOR SALE Store building, hard surface, 25-ft. front; storeroom, basement and 5 room flat, modern, $3500: would take auto as part payment; $1500 can stand on mortgage at-7 per cent interest. Call at 403 South Jersey at., or phone Co lumbla 1282. MACHINE SHOP OWNERS. ATTENTION' Have a call for a fairly well equipped metal working machine shop. If you have a milling machine and small lathe wo can offer you something attractive. Broadway 3596. 837 Chamber of Com merce. fijlt SALE Daylight bakery, in the best city in Oregon, employs six persons, one of the best equipped bukeriea on the roast; a $12,000 bargain. Owner's health demands sale. P. O. box 20 Portland. CARD ROOM. Income $175 per day. downtown loca tion: $3000 will handle. See this Mon day only. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg., Third and Yamhill. WOULD like to get in touch with party who has $1000 to $1200 in cash to invest in the most-sought-for Invention in the automobile world at the present time; will give partnership interest to right party; for appointment, .vtarsnau 00. 7U0 RESTAURANT. Just the place for man and wife 1 additional help needed. Tbia is worth the money and is a money-maker; $400 down, balance terms. ' See W. H. COLE, With COBB BROS.. 2'i3 Oak. Cor. 3d. RE YOU MARRIED? Are you a garage man? Have garage and hotel on new highwav; man and wife can handle nicely $1000; will lease and start you in business. Owner. A 240, Oregonian. $15,000 STOCK Furniture department do ing $40,000 business last year: half cash down, balance on liberal terms. Arcade Dept. Store. Toppenisn. asn. m-sIM-ISs OPPORTUNITY. Vulcanizing and tire shop In heart of city" an exceptional opportunity: $1000 will handle 11 ,:iw Board of Trade ' WANTED A parly w ith some capital woo can take part lease or finance 8 placer claims. H 373, Oregonian. WANTED Partner tor radiator and len der repair shop: must have some cap ital. I have tools. AR 31S. Or-onian. WANTED Good man to join me on stock ranch in eastern Oregon. $5000 or, more required. R 33S, Oregonian. FOR SALE A small grocery and con fectionery, cheap. At i'.t" Alberta st. open Sunday. Owner. WIDOW wants respectable partner in real estate; have my own car. BD 32, Ore- gonian. POOL HALL, best-paying place in city for Investment. Call Smilhpcter, Main 5429. GROCERY $350 for fixtures, will invoice stock. Smithpeter, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. F.ADIATOR, fender and body man to 'take over that end of shop; some money needed. AG 312. Oregonian. EXCHANGE grocery for house and lot. 5215. stock value and fixtures $1000. East 1 11 in GROCERY store, wit with 3 living rooms, rent 30. good location. rooms. CHAS. RINGLER i CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. WILL BUY small printing outfit, card press or Interest in country newspaper. Postfofice Box 4K2, Portland. GARAGE. 11X1x50. west shop: sell for invoice. side, equipped 101 N. 11th st.. corner r lanoers. NIGHT SCHOOL, 4O0 Dekum t Learn beauty culture. Marsha building. 1702 :oO CASH will hand i-teauing 2-t"N4th si. pressing l'u'o--". STAUBANX tor sale. ApBiy 350 Giuian. BISJNESS Orl"ORTl'MTIK. DO TOL' WANT TO SELL YOL'R BL'SINESF? ITS SOLD IF LISTED WITH HS. We are in daily touch with HUNDREDS C'F LIVE BUYERS for everything In the business line rooming house, res taurants, oarber shops, garages, gro cery stores, etc TOU'LL save and make money by calling F C. Marshall, with FRANK L AKKJU1KE, Abington bldg. Main 106S 8d 5t.. between Washingion and Stark. FOR SALE The best established and equipped auto electric business between I'ortland and Sacramento, doing a gen eral electric business on automobiles, trucks and tractors; carry several agencies for different electric systems, coxering large territory. Must sell at once on account of heaitli Pay enough down to prutect stock, balance monthly payment? An opportunity to get into a Rood paying business. Address AV .13. Oregonian. FOIl SALE Garage in small country town, in rich farming district. 45 min utes to center of Portland by auto; good train service. Two-year lease on house and garage. Oxy-acetylene welding out fit; battery recharging and repair out fit; good line of shop equipment; small line of tires and accessories. Agency of popular light car. Invoice, stock and equipment, $2,100. If interested write, AV e'.7, Oregonian. POOL KALu WEST SIDE, PRICE ONLY 1-1.00. Loca cd right downtown, cheap rent and lease, on account of sickness must sell quickly; six pool tables, one snooker table, nice showcases and other fixtures, good stuck of tobacco, cigars and soft drinks. This is the best buy In Port land. Hurry if you want it. WOHOR INVESTMENT CO., 4".-i P-mania Bldg. Main 9404. A MONEY-MAKER. I want a man to take hail interest established manufacturing business, your investment absolutely secured Dy actual assets. - .No inflations. Price jl00. Will consider any reasonable cash payment. You can clear 3u0 to K'OO per month, with opportunity for better. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 47al. $l.-.0(i will give a live automobile man, either salesman or mechanic,' half interest in an established business that will make money for both of us; I am not looking for a second Jesse James, but have a legitimate proposition to offer someone that is not dead from the neck ' both ways; -must be familiar with the auto game and know values, especially used oars. Marshall 2137 for interview. FOR gAlK JKO.nno stock of general mer chandise; large brick store and fixtures; $.0,'iin; for sale or rent; net profit in is years over $;;7."i,0u0. Yearly sales $22.,(too. This store Is located In the best farming section of Idaho, where the resources consist of hay, grain, seed peas, sugar beels and livestock. May trade for good farm land and notes In the west. Address AV 873. oregonian. BARBER SHOP. Four chairs, located In a good college town, 7000 population, paying $150 per week; must be sold at once; price $1300. HUGHSONT & TAYLOR, 132 S. Second St., Corvallje. Oregon. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants caiable men open branch office, manage salesmen; $:;oo to $2oo necessary; handle your own money; exclusive rights; pat ented article, money-making possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to Balti more if you qualify. Mr. Clemmer, sales timnagr. tiUo N. Eutaw St., BaltJnore, M a o 1 a n ij . WANTED Married man preferred, with mini clerical experience to Invest about $25t'0 in an Al woodworking factory and mill: good reasons for giving this opportunity will be explained; this is a going proposition, but man must be a live wire1 and furnish best of reference; investigate. AP 23. Oregonian $5000 "Best Grocery Buy In Portland." Says Jobber's credit man. Fine estab trade, no "cut-ihroat prices." If you have ability, reliability and cash, let me Bhow this, or some other good store. BRECK, The Loganberry Man. 384 E. 42d North, labor -tS7S. except Sunday. AN EXPERIENCED photographer wants a partner with a littlo money to go into the photographic business in Portland or Vancouver. Experience not necessary; good opportunity for the right party. Krilier man or woman. 1 have lenses, cameras and backgrounds. Write or call at 15511 East (ith st. North, Portland, Or. STOCK SALESMAN. , I have an exclusive selling contract on $400,000 stock issue of substantial go ing corporation. Want associate expe rienced in preparing literature and hand ling salesmen. Real opportunity for the right man. P 122. Oregonian STOP. LOOK AND LIS 1 EN. For sale, a nrst-ciaas new restaurant with up-to-date kitchen and seating c pacitv of 72; doing a line business, in the heart of the district surrounded by 5 or the largest rooming houses In city: 405 Slark st. Phone Broadway 13i3. WE PROPERLY organize, you. prepare bond issues, negotiate loans. Write pros pectuses, furnis-h stock salesmen or list of satisfied investors. Booklet free. Na tional Organization Co., 123 Madison sl. Chicago. WANTED Every man or woman looking for an opportunity to belter their pres ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." Address THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and V ai u 1 1 ill. P ortlurui. Or. FOR S.M-E Garage and repair shop, fully equipped, building 32x84 feet, lot 70x!ij feet, and a good business; price $2.,00 cash, or s.toou ICl I11B- ms6 cola, Oregon. BLACKSMITH shop, full set of tools. 2 forges motors to run machinery, build ing 50x40; all material goes for $2100. Take the Willamette Valley Southern to Monitor. Or., or write E. Dewey. Moni tor. Or. . A LIVE ONE. Grocery $3000, average sales better than $150 per day; rent $65 including 5 rooms partly furnished and warehouse. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4i51. A ONE-HALF Interest in a good, clean legitimate business offering unusual op portunity for large profits can be se cured for $2500. This will stand ciosest investigation. Address AP 20, Orego n;.an. ACCESSORY business which will net owner $3000 or better a year, new, clean stock, about $2000 at invoice; 3-year lease at $40 a month; two businesses, must sell one. Address Hull s TOP anop, aaieni. ur. DISTRIBUTOR wanted in Portland terri tory for an exclusive auto necessity; selling fast on the coast; chance to get in a big business. A, J. Granbers. 552 Polk st., San Francisco. Cal. FOR SALE Carpenter and cabinet shop, with machinery and fixtures; work for 2 to 3 men; cheap for cash. Box 14 Cas tle rocltVNash o-TON' DUMP job, only run 1 month, with vear around job, ready to start within 2 weeks $2000 handles. Bdwy. 175. Mr. Shepard. FOR SLE First-class blacksmith and shoeing shop; enough work for two men; established 16 years: 32 mi. from Port land. Owner ill, av iim. ortsuiii.ii. FOR SALE First-class grocery store, do ing over $100 business per day; rent $40, with living rooms; direct from owner; investigation invited. Main 1375. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS REMEMBER SIMMS SELLS STORES BDWY "S72. 610 HENRY BLDG. MINES '.4 interest in 5 quarts Md o placer claims. Josephine Co.; good cab ins and tools, lots of water; $500 or trade. 4 o pv-. FOR SALE Three white chairs barber shop baths, fine electric equipment: best fishing and hunting. Address box 18. Wallowa. Oregon, GROCERY across street from school: 4 liv ing room; rent. $12; a money-maker. ll.soO. Y 317. Oregonian FOR SALE Blacksmltn snop; electric equipped: good trade. Doherty Bros. Roseburg. Oregon. STATE manager lor paying Dusiness, est '0 vears; $250 required for staple mdse W. 'F. A. Co.. 1008 Spreckels bldg.. S. F FOR SALE 10 shares of Western Finance Corporation; dividends guaranteed. Ad dress E 31'J, Oregonian. GROCERY for sale; 744 i Lombard st. See owner 0 A. M. to 11:30 A. M.; Sunday. 3 to 5 P M. FOR SALE A good paying bakery, locat ed in Sheridan. Or. For information w rite to Richard Sydlinger. Prlneville. Or. ADVERTISE rate book mailed free. Stand ard Advertising Agency, wo Victoria, St. Louis. Mo. A-SMALL business with big future, safety razor grind shop, cheap; cash ir terms. 'K Nortn iniru t. PILFS can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. ACCOUNT poor health will sacrifice busi ness, shoes, furnishing goods. 407 East Morrison st. FOU SALE SOFT DK1AIV A IS LI -CARD ROOM doing good business, located In heart of city. T 840. Oregonian. WOOD SAW ouilit, Waterloo SH-h. p. en gine on l'.u-ton truck, cheap for cash. W 348, Oregonian. WE GRIND everything; razors, shears, etc. Portland Cutlery Co.. 80 0th .St.. nr.'Stark. ESTABLISHED tailor shop for sale, sonable, at 432 Alder st. 2-t HAIR barber shop for Jcff'-rson St. ale cheap. 203 CONFECTIONERY store for sale; corner location. 38 N.2d. at. FOFt" SALE Bakery. For further Infor mation Inquire 641 Pillock bJt , BCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. , 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Corner Fifth and Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GARAGE AND FILLING STATION. Concrete building. lOOxlOO-ft: rent $225: clears $475 a month; price $ti250. Small garage and repair shop, filling station, rent only $40, lease, accessories; all for $2350. Wood and coal yardi stork will invoice about $4800: trucks and equipment about $4773; will re duce stock if wanted; rent only $40. Shoe shine, pa-rlor, best In city., two-year lease; price $6000. CigaVs and confectionery in of fice building, low rent, three year lease; doing $50 to $73 a day. Barber shops, one for $1000. 5 chirs: one for $1150, 3 chairs; on for $750, 6 chairs. GROCERY. Market location, clean stock, do ing $175 per day: good reasons for selling; will lump at f38CO, or will invoice; rent only $100. Grocery and confectionery, good corner location, brick building, rent $35; fixtures and stock $1575, terms.. RESTAURANT AND CAFATER1A. ( Restaurant doing from $120 to , $175 per day, fine place; $2500 will handle. Large cafeteria, well equipped, seating capacity 250, rent ouiy $150; will sacrifice at $7500. Small cafeteria. 16 tables. 4 chairs, everything new. corner location; cost over $4500; on ac count of trouble, will sacrifice at $2200. Lunch counter, two pcoplo handle, takes in $30 to $40 per day; rent $32.50; price $850. Bakerv, a dandy little bakery, established 7 years, doing nice business: rent only $30; 3 living rooms; price $850. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Corner Fifth and Washington. HARDWARE STOCK. AND STORE BUILDINGS. Near Portland, all clean stock. In a good locality; a going and profitable business: invoices about $15,500. 30 per cent discount on stock if taken at once. Parties forced to ralsJ money. If you mean business call at 513 Couch bldg., Portland. i ATTT n TJs-.PATFt BUSINESS. Want business man or hard worker to buy half Interest in the best paying ana eniilnned renair ihnn on west side. $5000; must have at least $4000 cash, balance terms. We do a cash business ana naw all the work we can do all the time. You are sure of success, because you will be In with the best mechanic in the city, with a large following. You need not be an automobile man. If you are the man I want I will teach you the business: do not answer unless you can put your time and hard work to the business. W 3o7. Oregonian. FIFTY PER CENT SACRIFICE. To save rn- business I will sacrifice one-half the value of the stock I own in another corporation. The stock Is all rignt. tne companv is operating at i nroflt land v.111 slund tha strictest in vestigation. I am desperately in need of money and will sell for 50 cents on the dollar. This is the Btock of the western Rubber company of Tacoma. manutactur- et-M nf "nltna Urns The Atock is Sell ing for $10 per share. Offer me $5. Ad dress AV 18, Oregonian. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED FOR OREGON. A big opportunity for the right man In each eitv in Oregon to act as dis tributor for MILLERS MINUTE TIRE REMOVER; this tool is a necessity anu a sure seller to car owners. This ex ceptional opportunity will be given to only one man in each district and only requires a small Investment to start. A live wire should easily make $0 per day. For full information write or call C. W. West Sales Co., 846 iiea. Ave., Portland, Oregon. BOX FACTORY FOR SALE. Building 40x40, 1 resaw, 1 ripsaw, 1 cutoff saw, 1 4-horse gas engine, 1 12 horse SUjver engine. 1 surfacer, pump and Jack, car of lumber, 5 hand trucks 1 wire tie machine, pulleys and belting, and all small tools. . This is a $5000 factory, but can sell everything for $1600; evervthing new and up-to-date. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 403 First National Bank Bldg. Albany, Or. PATENTS Write lor free guide book and evidence of conception blank; send model or sketch and description of invention for our free opinion of its patentable nature, highest references, prompt at tention, reasonable terms. VICTOrt J. EVANS & CO.. Hobart bldg., San Fran oisco. Ca'i. Main offices, 642 tfth St., Washington, D. C FOR SALE Eight complete bowling alleys in strictly No. 1 condition, four racks, balls, pins, cash register, benches and full equipment, at Seaside. Or.; $3000 cash, cheap lease, all ready to start in doing business. DONNYBROOK FAIR AMUSEMENT CO. 810 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG., CITY. GAS AND OIL STATION. Complete in every detail, in valley town of 4000, only station In town. 50 miles Portland, center of 5 highways: price $2650, $1000 cash or will sell half interest: this Is worth investigation. R M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165'a 4th St. ESTABLISHED company wants slate dis tributor to open office, manage salesmen for article needed by every merchant and factory; big proposition for right man. $5O0 to $1000 required. Contract manager, 171 N Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. FOR SALE Formulas for the manufac ture of a complete line of shoe black ings and dressings. Will give full in formation In letter or arrange for per sonal interview any day after 8 P. M. C 372, Oregonian. $2000 BUYS one of the best restaurants in the city, 2-year lease; doing $75 to $104 per day, good terms. See JOHN BROWN & CO., 322 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. MAR. 3331. EXPERIENCED shirt cutter and manu facturer wants business man with capi tal as partner to establish shirt factory. Splendid .enlns here. Will invest up to $5000 myself If corporation is formed. N 358. Oregonian. - A PLACE to make big money, groceries, confectionery and school supplies, price $2500. $2000 down, 5 nice living rooms, transfer corner, rent $40. Call Wdln. 2448. No agents. CAUTION. BUYERS Betore Closing a deal of so-called Interest In established ' real estate business, get advice of Port land Realty Board. 421 Oregon build- in g.Broadwa1902. FOR SALE Half interest In good paying barber shop and cigar stand. AppiN 0'Brlen--Shold Barber's Supply Co.. 86 BnoadwayJ WHY INVENTION'S FAIL Free booklet interesting to inventors. Address Walter A. Thum, SOS Wainwright bldg., St. Louis. Mo. GENERAL merchandise store In valley for $10,000; building, fixtures, stock in cluded In the price, part terms. AV 19, Oregonian. WANTED -To get in touch with someone who wants to go out farming on a large scale; capital or equipment required. Ove Olsen. care C. W. Inn, West Linn, Or. NEW STEAM-HEATED store room, size 16 by 60, in center of Bend business district. Good opening for retail business. AV 16. Oregonian FOR BILLIARD, pool tables, card tables bar fixtures, showcases, cash registers and store fixtures, see W. J. Quisley. 8S6 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 123 "$000 GROCERY, CONFECTIONERY. Nice fountain, attractive store, good location; owner says tell. See us today. COBB BROS.. 263 Oak St. FOR SALE Hair dressing parlor, out of ciry. well equipped, splendid location. Bargain if taken at once. AV 24, Ore- gonian. FOR SAIJ: A bargain, best in country, a confectionery store; nothing belter; can't be beat. Call at Pacific Agency, Inc., 514 Swetland bldg., Portland U - BUSINESS OrPORTUNITIES. GO INTO BUSINESS. BE READY FOR THE GOOD TIMES THIS SUMMER. nnwntnwn rTufeteria Sacrifice. Seating capacity 100, one of best equipped places in downtown district. ThA locution in dndv. good lease, good business. The owner leaves town this week: save $1500 by buying before he goes. Price $2750. . Busy West Side Restaurant. Doinir IRO to $oo ner day. rent only $18: fine busy corner: good building: 4 people handle nicely; $800 cash will han dle this. Confectioners r and T.unch A classy iittle store on Wash. st.. doing average of $70 right now, good for $100 to $125 in summer: fine fixtures, big clean stock. This is $500 under value; $iuoo cash will handle. Surburban Picture Show. $1200 buvs this little dandv: you can clean up $300 a month here if you're an operator; some terms. GROCERY SALES $3000 MONTH and $2000 buys it; a nice clean store. good fixtures, priced right at $500, stock at invoice. Busy? Stock turns every two weeks. Busy Grocery. Dally cash receipts $175 to $225; in voice about $3500; rent only $35; good 5-room flat above. If you want ft reaI money-maker, this is it. Nice -Little Grocery. $600 cash will put you in this fine little store, close-in east side district: cheap rent; good brick building; 1 large living room. N Painting and Decorating Business. Old established business, did $40,000 last year, many contracts now on hand: owner wants to retire, will sell stock and equipment at real value,-$2500 and throw in contracts and use of name Tailor Shop. Old established Wash. St. location: this place makes $60 to $75 week; $1200 buys stock of cloth and complete equip ment. Shoe Shop. $650 buys well stocked and equipped shop in dandy Wash. St. location; clears $50 a week. .Downtown Cigar Store. Irge office building, fine, stock and fixtures; $2500. Candy Shop. West side, nice stock, good fixtures, a fine location; rent $20; $850 buys it. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. IF YOU have $2000 or $3000 and you want to advance it and help nandie one of the best business propositions ever offered you, can take you on. You handle your own money and you get it back. Absolutely no room lor you i you are full of excuses, that's out of my line; talk don t go. Anything nones is in any mans line. This oTIer l made from a money-making business standpoint and there's no jokes or may be-sos in It. The man that advances the money to head the organization and help handle; there will be but 3 men Interested. If you feel that you are the right man, would like to mee you. AL 301. Oregonian. MODERN BUTCHER SHOP FOR SALE. To settle an estate, one of best equipped shops in the country, up to date and doing good business, $4000 a month. In fine lo cation, concrete building; rent for shop, slaughter house and barn and 50 acres of land at slaughter house. $80 a month a vears' lease: shoo and equipment. $5000; in town of 2500, good payroll and in good country. Address AV Id, Oregonian. FOR SALE High -class confectionery more, in good town: nice fixtures. loun tain and location; this is a proposition that will make you money. Will stand a close investigation; invoice $4500. or will exchange for farm. pnone owner, Woodlawn 1308. or write M 386, Ore- gonlan. SMALL GROCERY WITH EXCELLENT r LIU nr.. rin ap UnA and hard street. In grow Ing residence district; big demand for meat shop; no competition; five living rooms, garage; $3000 will nanoie. or will trade for residence in good district. Tabor S5S6. T.nii'r n,9Tnf9,inrli)2 niant for sale: tn business has tne most wonuenui miu, as its produce competes successfully in -it m.rliat, and ! universally used: good stock and complete equipment. $2000 will nanriiA halnnce as you make It. -u .'t'i.'i. Oregonian. CANDY kitchen, chance to clear $300 to $4O0 per montn: oniy one in nve to near Portland; will teach you the candy making business; best location, cheap rent; only $900. Snap. A. J. De FOREST & CO.. 320 HENRY BLDG. BROADWAY 5590. 1 pibts-CB WANTED i crnraire In fond ValleV tOffH Shd O" paved highway; guod sale of .gas, oils, tires, auto repairing and popular car otrenev. You buv equal nail interest o-itn o trnnA mechanic. $850 will han- die it. Call room 401 Dekum bldg for SALE A soft drink and confection ery located al vaaima. vvasii., uijs co,o, lot. a frame store building wtih living rooms In back; would take car on iirsi payment. 426 ',i Burnside St., city. W. Qutgleyv COUNTRY store, doing a good business. stock at invoice, sj.mu lets you m, win lease property for $200 a tjear or trade for Portland property. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., S"0 HENRY BLDG. BROADWAY 5590. WANTED. DON'T PASS THIS UP 7.-. PKR CF.VT PROFIT. Partner to invest in an absolutely 75 per cent profit business; Investigate now. al, oo., wip'i.na,.. A 13 j TJ TVER WANTED. A concrete garage; 53 cars, steady storage, gas. oils, tires, auto repairing, etc ; will sell equal half interest; price only $900; $000 cash, balance, monthly pavments. 'Room 401 Dekum bldg. COMPLETELY furnished furniture fac . ! i. ri i ' r.r Kest location ir lory, now in ui,c .,.,., r-cnn- electricity and gas in building switching facilities; price for quick sale $5500 including stock of hardwood. 3o CorBett bldg. WRITE song poem, love, mother, nome. comic or any suojeci. i compose musi and guarantee publication. Send words. Edward Trent, 792 Reaper Block, ChU cago. MANUFACTURING. We have a splendid opening for ener getic man in a manufacturing business: verr large profits can be made. $oO00 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. EAST SIDE, close in, corner, occupied 12 years as grocery and coniecuonery, wnu store, flat and 2 cottages; means for independent living: bedrock price, $7500. Owner. O 301. Oregonian. , PARTNER WANTED Lady or gentleman financially m position 10 iinance artistic motion picture production, and who will take active interest in furthering its success. P 361. Oregonian. HARDWARE and implement business In good live town in center ot ricn larming district. This store turns Its stock be tween 4 and 5 times a year. If wanting a location, write AV 884, Oregonian. OR SALE Grocery store: owner leaving city; will sell at invoice or lump; good location, near school. Price about $4.00. Rent $23 month. No agents. F 76, Ore gonian. GROCERY STORE at invoice; good fix tures; 4-room apartment ovei lho biuic, rent $35 per month; will invoice about $2300; will consider trading for room ing house. Main 3469 MANUFACTURING proposition paying 100 per cent: up to oo.uoo casn n exception ally good; principals only: no answer without details. G 304. Oregonian. ii-TO TRUCK HAULING. An established route' on paved road; profits are large: $3000 required, fully secured. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER WANTED for active interest in manufacturing business. Can make big profits. $1500 handles It. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WOOD AND COAL. Opening for active man In wood and coal business: good location; $1750 re quired. Room 401 Dekum bldg FOR SALE A good paying business; win stand the closest investigation ; wuw win handle. 432 Worcester bldg. A GOOD paying business that will inter est you; will stana investigation. twu will handle. AF 338, Oregonian. FOR SALE Wood saw or interest; Sunday afternoon, itaieign si., Dei. lam and 16th sts 'OR SALE Marine machine shop on river; also launcn moorings; water iront, between Ivon and Ellsworth sts. FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery doing good ousiness in stoca aDoui auv. Phone Bowy. j A CASH grocery and confectionery store witn living room; boou pronto. rrmc $ 1 3 50. Room 401, Dekum bldg. FINE opening In real estate, gentleman or ladv; give your aaaress anu reierences when you answer this. S 305. Oregonian. FOR SALE 3-chair barber shop. H -A. t.osney. -tsenn, ur. BAKERY for sale or rent. Phone Tabor 5013. POOL HALL, 4 tables, good location, lease, tT 1 o-.O Fnstur roarl 1G INTEREST to contractor or engineer i REM ABLE parties to invest in safe prop who win buiid Sly.oon structure out of I os-ition. Investigate, ftooia v0 Coucfl City. S10 Board or Trade bid. 1 bldg. BCSrNESS OPPORTUNITIES. COUNTRY STORE. Fixtures, rent with bids., stock will invoice about $2600; now do ing $50 per day business, call and get particulars. RESTAURANT. One of Portland's best, elegant location, 5-yr. lease, doing a good business and increasing every day; price $12,000. It cost every cent to install it. Call for particulars. F. RTERDON. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. MR. MAN Ours js a progressive city near Portland and a college town. Many stu dents and others cannot get proper ac commodations, so you see we need an apartment house. Now if you are finan cially able you can make 10 or 15 per cent on the investment. If not able can make a good fee promoting the same. We have an attractive sire near the main part of the city and have many people you can interest financially if necessary. Y 368, Oregonian. $2500 CASH. Buy $2500 worth of merchandise at wholesale price, and with it secure the EXCLUSIVE sale of the line in San Francisco and Oakland, Cal. This is a merchandise proposition for a busi ness man with limited ' capital. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 40S Panama Bldg. Main 9404. FAFCTORY SITE TO LEASE. 50x100 corner. East 3d near Burnslde on trackage; 20-year lease at $o0 per month: ont on to buv at S12.0W. Also 00x100 at East 7th end Burnside; will build 2-story garage; long lease, i us for garages. J. ROBBINS. 301 Ry. F.xch. Main 7"3t BIG SACRIFICE. 27 a., all in cultivation, 2 houses, also store and grocery goods: postofflce and creamery: no opposition: rich farming district: stock and farm implements; must be sold at once; $5000, cash, bal. terms. EASTERN EXCHANGE. 227' Washington, room 3Q2. A WHIRLWIND SELLER An article for w-hich there is a universal demand; 9a per cent of calls result in sales: exclu sive territory assigned; $500 starts you In hiislness: something abso uelv new and hitherto unheard of.' Positive proof sent UDon' request. Write at once. Atlan tic Chemical company. 11S6 South Grove street. Irvington. New Jersey. A FEW BARGAINS. West side grocery West side restaurant West side pool hall East side confectionery And many others. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405 Panama Bldg. Main $ RO0 SoOO 4200 2500 9404. A GARAGE SPECIAL. A concrete garage in a live country town; gas, oils, tires, etc.. and a fully eooinned renair shon: has big local trade and being on a paved highway the transient business is extra good. For sale at actual invoice. Call room 401 Dek um bldg. FOR SALE An unusual investment: 960 acres oil shale land, central Utah, miles -down grade to railroad; govern ment engineers' report shows 36.000 tons shale per acre: adjoining properties now being operated by big producers; price only $25 per acre. Investors and brokers please investigate. AL 367. Oregonian. A PARTNER WANTED for an established auto top and auto painting business; a clean business and a money-maker: lots ot work and profits extra good. Will sell equal half inter est to a reliable man who can take charge of the office. $1500 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg FOR SALE Dragsaw and splitting tools 20(10 cords of wood to cut, $2.23 per cord good eronnd. cabin, stove, etc. Take Ore gon electric, get oft at Grecnburg. go west on right-hand road 1 mile, thence nArih U mile tlienee west 1 mile to P. Olson's mail box. thence south i mile and inquire for Geo. Thompson. TIAIIiYMA.W LISTEN. Over $000 income monthly from this little dairy, .iust outside the city limits; 1 xfz acres, 4-room house, good well, gas erie-inn for pumping water. 12 cows, milk vnia- H-jnriv little business for One man nriee onlv $3750: some terms: must be sold by Monday. Sell wood 476. ,'ri-NTT?V IURDWARK ma- ver sl:!. ooo last vear: compelled tn wacritice on account of health; this is the only hardware in town; carries tires e-,ori nnening for auto agency: on Pa ciiic highway: will be paved next year from Portland, t all 4"-i t.oucu oio. SUBURBAN SPECIAL. Grocerv doing a crackerjack business, clearing $400 a month, stock at Invoice: $2000. fixtures $400; 3 dandy living rooms; will sell or rent property. See it. A J. DeFOREST. A CO.. 3"0 HENRY BLDG. BROADWAY 5590. GARAGE WEST SIDE. 100x100 building; fine shop equip ment; about 80-car storage; price only $6700- $35oo cash and terms on balance. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 40? Panama Bldg. Main 9404. FAMILY man wanted to cut ana eu cordwood, family to occupy wen-i-o"-i. house in McMinnville: other work also on farm for a competent cow and poul try. man: 4 interest to right party. Box 1051 Raymond, Wash 100x100 GARAGE. Cement building: rent $150; storage $300 steady; has good equipment, large repair and accessory trade investigation: price $3750. stand fu Room 511, Ftallw-av r.xcnunge. GROCERY, confectionery, postofflce; Dus iness for aaie; goou locaw.,.. business cannot be beat: will not take much money to get In; will take terms; my partner is sick, I am unable to run It myself. V 326. Oregonian. INCORPORATION in Arizona completed in . :,.ll..llnn least Cost. one day; anj i-ttimi.". createst advantages: transaci business anywnere; laws. oV-i -7 Stoddard Incorporating Company. D-i4, Phoenix. Arizona. A MODERN UAKAiiti. Extra good location ; has fully equipped repair shop, lathe, drill, etc.; net profits $500 month. $2500 handles it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE A BUSINESS ANY KIND, ANYWHERE, SEE .MEMBERS OF REALTY BOARD. A J. DeFOREST & CO.. ton TTEVRY BLDG. BROADWAY 5o90. FOR SALE Gen .mdse. store, fine loca tion, country town, i"i' " building; did $46,000 business last, year, $6500 stock; terms. J. C. Marquam, Marquam. or. RESTAURANT. 2 blocks from Wash. St., center oi automoone . in tmnrove A s snring advances: $fi5 terms to reliable party. Deal with owner. 22 '4 N. 10th st. , vrT,MY171i: RITSINESS. Fine opportunity as partner in this i.r tire and accessory business; $12. '0 cash will handle it- Particulars 51 ; Railway Exchange, vaptFTY FTORE for sale in town of 1200, Address "sprouse. Ritz & Co.. Wholesale House, Portland. Or.. East Third ana Belmont streets. FOR SALE or rent, blacksmith and wagon anop. nest igunuuu n --- P, Illaley, Hermiston, Or, a r.iRiftE PARTNER WANTED. Owner old-established garage wants active man as partner; low rent and a money-maker, to right party will make "WE WILL start you in m ui-nniiis . u . . 1 1 1 dye ng Dusiness, utut? tatmai ",1, " WT-,t fnr booklet. The Ben- Vonde System, Dept. 154. Charlotte. X. C, JO?. SALE A dandy little cash-and-carry grocery, clean siock. i.lu.--. - fiv.ne- rooms: deal direct with owner. siive agencies. 1230 Hawthorne ave. CASH-AN D-CARRV grocery on - busy mreet: has living ruo.u. rent MO day business. Kooom ill Railway Exchange. . AUTO filling station located on a very busv corner; sens uita, mtcMui.rt., c-., small repair shop; a great bargain at invoice. Room :H Kainvay cxL-iiiiri CAFETERIA, first-class equipment, seaui 80 people; very cenudi iw,.iv.. , . years' lease; receipts over J100 daily. Price $3000. 231 Morrison St., room in WANT to incorporate ana enlarge gooa, going office business, oig oFuiiuim . right man of means; inquiry from others not desired. 40 Stock Exchange bldg. PARTNER wanted in west siue garage. owner is nne meuauii;. v,c;, $450 month; must be reliable. Kooji o Railway mxcnanne GEN. STOKE which did $2,000 of busi ness in ih-u; ivvw - in auick Owner must change climate. Phone Main 0517 or AV fH.. Oregonian. FOR SALE Ogar stanu netir ci imi n. doing nice B u" v-u""1'1 a"-""V must sell. HI Killingsworth ave. iNo agents. WANT someone to back me in the poultry business; nave . ' voune married man. K 312, Oregonian. STORE, splendid location ror employment office. -u jriivii- - or East 8433. WANTED Partner in good paying Dusi ness; .UW required; eAyenriice umiet-a- sary; references required. Marshall 1310. POSITION as hotel manager, or apart ment house, Ciuropeau or auici hjlu ymu. AR 30., oregonian. REAL ESTATE business, a rooms, tor sale cost or lurmsiiius. uuwi wuilo building. R 334. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SMALL INVESTMENT (JS000, HALF CASH) SECURES LARGE INTEREST IN AN OPERATIVE GOLD MINE. "A MINE NOW" (WE HAVE THE ORE), NEED A LITTLE CASH FOR SPECIAL WORK BEFORE WE OFFER SAME FOR SALE AT A HIGHLY PROFIT ABLE FIGURE (CAN MEASURE UP OVER 100.000 TONS VALUABLE ORE). LOCATION NORTHERN CALIFOR NIA: WATER POWER AND ALL CON DITIONS SPECIALLY GOOD FOR ECONOMIC PROFITABLE OPERA TION. ADDRESS AB 334, OREGONIAN. ROTARY bakery for sale or trade, or will consider partnership with a first-class practical baker on profit basis; good trade already established and making money; situated in payroll town which disburses $22,000 a day in wages; fine chance for a practical man, or man and wife with a little capital: terms given If wanted: everything modern and up-to-date. Owner, no commission. Inquire either 603 Title & Trust bldg., or Tabor 1913. APARTMENT HOUSES. '$ 750 9 rooms, furnished, close in. $3800 24 rooms, furnished, west side, close in. $1500 12 rooms, furnished, west side, close in, , $1600 9 rooms, nicely furnished, west side, hospital district.' See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg! Main 1068. $8000 CAFETERIA located in heart ot business district, up-to-date restaurant, table service in connection; doing a big business now and increasing daily; equipment and furnishings will invoice in advance of price asked; liberal, long time lease at $150 per month. This is more than a bargain and a high-class proposition; some terms can be ar ranged. ' See W. H. COLE. With COBB BROS.. 203 Oak. Cor. 3d. SUBURBAN GROCERY AND 5-ROOM HOUSE. All fixtures go with building except showcases and scales; good stock; all furniture, canned fruit, wood, garden, and a real buy, all for $1500. Vou can not beat this buy in Portland. No trouble to show this place. If ou mean business RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. ROTTl.lNll WORKS. Located in good city of S0O0 popula tion, close to Portland; 3-year lease, rent $30. Largeincome. evening price in cludes all equipment, bottles, machinery, 2 trucks. Mc will hear your closest in vestigation. Price $10,500. - Terms to riirht Dartv. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. WANTED Party with few thousand do! luro t take an interest in the manufac ture of a new auto headlight device that nnaitlvelv RA VCS VnllP light OR the TOad. and protects the on-comirg driver bct- ,- than thft ao-calWd dimmers; best thing yet; a fortune awaits you and the inventor, can ai --io ncniy tout,., .t land. ONE OF the finesl suburban groceries out of the city; rent $2a per montn two nice living rooms, all furnished i-nod set fixtures: stock will invoice --.oo. oil fine live stock: no com netltlon: business $50 per day and. bet ter all cash. Price $2500. some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. T W 1VT a elenn-Ckt live W i TO With pTC vlous business or salesmanship ability as nartner who can Invest a few thousand In established state Or tWO-StRte diStTlbU lion of middle-priced automobile; can double money in year. Don t answer unless you have requirements: give phone and addrens and name, previous experience. AN 339. Oregonian, cnOT. vn CARD ROOM $4200 buys pool hall with 6 pool tables, one snooker table, cigars, soft drinks, candv: 3-chair bariier shop ,,iment Rent $150 per month. Bar ber shoo "pavs $42.50 of rent. Owner leaving city; must sell. See F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Ma.in 106-". RKlh THINK AND INVESTIGATE A limite'd amount of stock for sale in a good little manufacturing establish mcnt In good location: will pay 20 per cent annually. inis naa nmuy tages. Better investigate. CALL IMPERIAL HOTEL FOR JACOB. Feb. 1, 2 to S P. il. KT JOHNS FOR BUSINESS. Come and Investigate this beautiful confectionery and short-order cafe for yourself; must sell, and sell at once, nuriv has other business to attend Come quick, will not last long. - See W. T. Hartford. 403 N. Jersey, opposite postoffice. Columbia 4oO. FURNITURE stock, mostly new, rent $25. Pr ce siuuo: some traae consiaereu. Small grocery stock in good center near car barns; rent $18.a0. Good bakery and grocery in good lo cation; rent with -room nouse .u. Price $1600. L. .1. LAMB. 605 Corbett Bldg. A SNAP. $3200 cash will buy equity in nrwl renovated building; growing town near Portland: rent Income. $000 per year owners forced to sell; $1800 Incum brance. Call 513 Couch bldg., Portland stTiiil GROCERY business, with 2 livin rooms, very cneap rent, aisq low muic with 5 living rooms, rent -a montn See Schaeffer or Jackson, with J. P. McKenna Realty Co., Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. PARTNER who can devote two liou daily taking care ot corresponnence from agents and mail orders; should net $3000 apiece this year; $500 cash, or will take Ford car at market value. For interview write J 316. Oregonian. $2000 CAFETERIA, good I.,..- rent S75: doing 1 location, good fine business. Don't overlook this. See W. H. COLE, With COBB BROS.. 263 Oak, Cor. 3d HAVE dandy Income property. 60x100 cor ner 2 store rooms - anu o-rooin nai $7(100. half cash. See Sirhaeffer. with McKenna Realty Co.. Belmont at Stub. Tabor 6493; PICTURE THEATER. Were is a good one in Portland sub urb, good equipment, long lease; $2000 cash balance easy. Weston & Co., 1213 N. W. Bank Biog. BOARDING HOUSE, furniture for sale; 10-room house, low rent, close in on east side: price $725. For particulars see ' J. J. OEDER. 4 Grand Ave. N.. Near East Ankeny. FOR SALE Tinning ana piumning ousi ness; price iooo; goou oppoi mini. Write owner, Fred Brunner, Winlock. Wash. CONTRACTORS and builaers. attention trict. in exchange for construction of business building. 3t, oregonian. CONFECTIONERY. wet side, doing $100 per day; owner going to Europe; sacri fice Smiihpeter, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. FI RST-CLASS location for candy maker, fruit stand, grocery, pool or card room; fountain arwi stock at Inventory. 436 Washington st. UP-TO-DATE restaurant, doing $1-5 a day. on Wash. St.; rent reasonable; lease with option; large space; $5500. 308 Board of Trade HALF interest in grocery business, west side, on main business street; will in voice; must be experienced and willing. 308 Board of Trade. GROCERY and confectionery doing good business must be sold; owner has other business. Priced at $900 for quick sale; living rooms. Tabor 3019. WE HAVE a fine line of groceries for sale Call and see us, if In the market. ltWH West Park street. Anderson St Clark. A FORTUNE in it; $11000 will secure whole sale soft-drink business, exclusive sale in Oregon, big se.ier. 300 customers; 30 days O 316. Oregonian. HAVE several good bargains from $1000 to $6000; we list nothing but money makers. Johnson & Rouk, 406 Broad way bldg. ABSOLUTELY the best grocery opportu nity in the city; located on prominent corner in exclusive residence district, dt- t over $150 per day. Tabor 3919. FOR SALE On account of poor health, well established boathouse. Phone Ta bor R'IS. - INTEREST in woou mm tie uuciiicss. "phone 614-44. Business Opportunities Wanted. WIH to purchase working interest in established business, any kind, state particulars and price. AV 31, Orego nian. IF YOU really want to sen your notei will buy it; price talks; give full par ticulars; not an agent. Address F 367, Oregonian. WANTED To buy moving picture theater "Qn nsn. elose to Portland. L 393. in small town, close to Portland. Oregonian. 2 EXPERT machanlcs want to rent shop in' close-in east side garage, equipped or unequipped. Tabor 1292. WISH to purchase working interest in established restaurant. AV" 30. Orego nian. --------- WANTED Cash grocery; must be a bar gain for casn; not. over iv, oj, Oregonian, WANTED A garage or repair shop or a tire vulcanizing shop; will pay cash. S 313. Oregonian. WANTED To buy beauty parlors in good . location, reasonable terms. AV 25,' Ore gonian. WANTED To rent furnished dining room in hotel or mill boarding house. S. 302. Oregonian, HAVE a buyer for pool hall or confec tionery. HVE a buyer for a cigar Artisans bids, Bdwy, 2&t store, f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS. We have a waiting list of customers with cash for apartment houses and hotels from 12 to 50 rooms. See F. C. Marshall at once, witli FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1liS. WANTED Location tor a storage battery service station in Oregon or Washit.gton. State number of service stations in town, number of garages, number of cars in territory; would buy shop now in op eration: give full particulars. B 317, Oregonian. HAVE good farm near Oregon Agricultural college: good improvements, tine lund: to trade "for good business, hardware pre ferred. Write George E. Cooper, Mc Minnville. or sn (jcr WANTED Automobile repair shop to run on commission basis; will ussume re sponsibility for all come-backs. Call Auto. 024-38. or write W. H. Rock, 6905 Whitman ave, Portland. Or. IF YOUR business reuires additional cap ital, or if you are preparing to float - stocks or bonds, you require our service. Replies treated confidentially. Address W 145, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED business man. 34. lias a few thousand for a business; might con sider good partnership; give full par ticuiars, income, etc. P 354, Orego nian. WANTED Billiard hall and confection ery in live town that is doing good and priced right: information in first letter. O 319, Oregonian. WANTED U. S. selling rights on any labor-saving tool or device with large sales possibility; will make manufac turing arrangements and finance sales campaign. F 30. Orego n inn. PLACER MIXING Ex-service man wants opportunity as working partner: what nave you? Tabor 3375. Wm. Stcnnett, 90 East 09th st. N'., Portland. PARTY wishes to purchase established good-paying business: prefer picture the ater, hotel or apartment house. P 342. Oregonian. 1 HAVE the money and would like to get a good restaurant or partnership in good down-town location. Write me what you have AF 320. Oregonian. ACREAGE, near good Michigan town, value $4(i00. exchange for grocery or gen. siore in Oregon or Wash. Owner, 4I0 64th st. S. E. TO TRADE Good S-rooni hou.o in col lege town for a small cash grocery and crnfcnionerv anvwliei e. Address Box 104. Monmouth. Or. WANTED To buy weil-paylng subur ban nictuie theater or one In good country town; will pay cash. AV yu6, Oregonian. , WAXTE D Working in to rest or partner ship in furnihlied ranch on cariinc. near Portland, or will rent. 11 309, Orego nian. HAVE c lion is for restaurant, pool ball aad barber shop. EASTERN" EXCHANGE. --T 'j; Washington St. A CASH BUYER. To sell your Itnsincss quickly, quietly and without publtrilv, boo or write ALLISON & BILLINGS. 401-40. Di-kum Bldg. Established 1001. WA NT conrnL'tioiiery in good town. 195, route 5. Vancouver, Wash. Box Stocks and Bonds. A SMALL block of fioi:k in a ioea! cor poration is being offered for sale. This Is a paying business, with better profits in sight. If you have a small amount of capital to invest in a bona fide propo sition, which will stand ekti-e investiga tion, we invite you to invettigate this. A M 3l'5, Oropon ia n. ARTHUR L. SMITH. shares motor stock. $50 MARSHALL 303.. a share. Full SA LIS 1 1. 00H Woi Lil of stock Jantzen's Knitting Mills. Call Mr. T. Albert. ti X. 9th st. Bdwy 5t;l. Jlo('lw and Rooming IIouspk. TKY-US REALTY CO.. lt9 West Park. Aut. 51.1-4$. S rooms, all housekeeping, cheap rout, good furniture, clean and homelike, nice income, lor $7."o. $4im cash. 5 rooms, all housekeeping, rent $25. income $56. fairly furnished. White Tem ple district, for $0.".O; J., rash. 7 rooms, all housekeeping, low rent, nicely furnished, nice, homey place, for $S50; west side. VI rooms, nicely furnished, low rent, good locution, for $13oo; $5on rash. Nicely furnished, fully equipped pri vate hospital of L'5 beds cheap for quick sale; price $U00M; lovely west side loca tion. J6 rooms. goI furniture. White Tem ple district, cheap rent with leuse and net income of $175 a month.' for $3m0; $50U cash. :0 rooms, all housekeeping, good fur niture, west side location, netting $J50 a month: $150 handles. 4 rooms, all housekeeping, low rent, good income, close-in location, for $4000; $:7M cash. 44 rooms. clas.y little west side hotel, nicely furnished and strictly modern, clearing $500 a month, for $10,000; $0000 cash. Five rooms, nil housekeeping, cheap rent .. income ?; iiuriy lurnisheii White Temple district, for $050. half cash. 1U rooms, nicely furnished, low rent; good location, for yi.fin, $.oo ra.-m. 16 rooms, good furniture. White Tern pie district, chen p rent, with lease and not income of $l4. a month, for $:uioo, $250 cash. 30 rooms, all housekeeping. good furniture, west side location, net ting $50 a mouth. $2400. terms. 11 rooms, 5 rooms housekeeping with water in 6 sleeping rooms, gas heater In rooms; good furniture: 1 bath and 2 toi lets; ail newly painted; good location rent $42: $10on. 14 rooms, ai! housekeeping, rent only $Ij; electric lights, gas heat, 2 2-room L K. ; io i-morn H. K., fair furniture hath. '2 toilets, stfi ttoimry tubs. . gas ranges: hasement; $1000 cash; net in come, $i.t. 21 rooms, all IT. K.. low rent, good lease, steam heat, nicely furnished; ail for s:;7O0; $-,vo cash. 6-room cottage, cheap rent, good fur niture, nice clean homey place, for $475. TKY-US REALTY CO.. 109 W. Park st. Automatic 513-4S, HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES MY SPECIALTY. 20 housekeeping rooms, close fn west side; good furniture; rent $100 per month: will clear $200 per month; full price $26 iu, good terms. 11 housekeeping rooms, close in oi the west sid; rent $10; good furniture will give landlady 2 rooms and clear $64) per month; some buy at $050, some terms. l.S-room ' transient hotel; north of Burnside st. : best location ; always full rent $S0 with good lease; full price $2350. Call SIMMS. 41 Lownsdnle St. Broadway 2937 $22,000. TERMS. One of the best furnished 90-room ho tels in the city; moderate rent: a won derful investment for an experienced ho tel man. COOYER HOLM A N. 322-3-4 Failing bldg.. 3d and Wash. "We do not misrepresent." A GOOD BUY. tU rooms: 10 ;t-room apts.. 7 4-room apt., al! with private bath; fine corner, brick building; net $350 a month, $4000 cash. PEE MRS. HAITC. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. MfiT. APARTMENT HOUSES. 70 Rooms. Modern. W. side location, very best furniture. Income $550, good lease, low rent; $7000 will handle. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg.. 3d-Yamhill. $750 NET PROFIT. 30-room hotel, one of the best transient locations, well furnished, private baths; Northwestern heat. $6W0 cash. SEE MRS. H AUG. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 54S7. 11 H. K. ROOM S. Two blocks from .city hall; good fur niture and a nice cMean place: net in come $1)0- terms. $1300. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg.. 3d-Yamhill. $ 1 2 50 N E T PR O FIT. 72-room hotel, one of the be.st transient locations, well furnished, private bath; Northwest heat; $12,000 cash. X4 lfZ U A I Til M KS. H AUG. Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 54 R 7. 50 ROOMS. Two and three rooms, good location ; lease, very low rent: will net about $400." Sale price $5oo0. 4ol Stock Exchange Bldg., 3d-YamhllI. J.-1000 $2000 DOWN. 22 rooms, housekeeping apartments, close in-west side. Well furnished. Call Marshall 3993. 44 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Downtown location.' rent $100. lease; net $400. Price $5500. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg.. 3d-TamhilI. $1500 DOWN. A nice west side home with a good in come; exceptional furnishing?: Al loca tion to rent rooms. Call Marshall 3993. 12 ROOMS in white enamel on Park st., close in. Rent $42.50; good income; rea sonable. 191 Park st. $ IS. 000 HOTEL. 124 rooms; downtown; clears over $700. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. ROOMS FOR $3250. Rent $150; a good monev-maker. . L. J. LAMB. 605 Corbett Bidg. WANTED Booming house, 10 to 20 rooms, from owner; must be reasonable. Y 365, Oregonian. HAVE client waiting for rooming house, not over 15 rooms. Bushue. 51S Cham. of Com. SMALL rooming house. M'n; income $92; west side. Bushue. 518 Cham, of Com. SM rooming nouse Tor sale cheap, phone Bdwy. 3008. 7-ROOM furnished flat, teruia, - street. 11',. 10 th iu'sinks orroKTi'xmrs. iltli mid Kunming l.ni--. PACIFIC AGENCY. IXC. 514-20 Swetland Bidg. Corner Fifth and Washinglon. HOTEIS AND APARTMENTS. Eight apartments and 19 sleep ing ; best close-in location ; g-uss income. $550 to $600; rent $15, price S525U. 5 rooms, rent $50, net $94; priee $10o0; $600 cash. Modern apartment, choice loca tion, nearly 50 apartments, gross income $2232 a niotnh; rent $75o; price $2!S,000. Large, but very good invest ment. 58 aprtrtnients. modern, well-furnished, splendid brick build ing, largo lot. very best loca tion; gross income $3125 a month; expense, including taxes, about $5oo a month; price $210,000. Boathouse. 5 rooms, furnished; rent of ground $1 a month ; ime garden ; can get wood free; price for a. I, $950; will Uke sma.l house if prico is right. 30-room hotel, a swell corner location, strictiy modern, ahvajs full and a moneymaker; price $7000. 32 rooms, brick bunding, sfrm heat, hot and cold water in every room; price $5500. 65 rooms, well furnished, good lease, one of the best locations in the city; steam hct. water in every' room, several baths; f'ii price $0000, cash. A commercial hotel, right down town, good ground-floor lohOv, very attractive rent, long lease ; netting $1100 per month; $15,ok) will handle. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514-20 Swetland Bidg. Corner Fifth and Washington. HIGH-CLASS COMMERCIAL HUTbrL. We have very attractive buy In high -ciass commercial hotel of over 0O rooms, doing large busi ness, in one ot the best towns on highway, beautifully located, clears $15,000 per year, fine home; Bui Ming, ground and furnishing!. $60vOK, onc-tlrtrd cash. List 69. FINE BEACH HOTEL PROPERTY 2S rooms attractive hotel on beach, open a i year round, nowy furnished, does large business, fine home., funding. Kround and furnishings. $10,0m half each: can also buv 5 nice cottages adjoining this property for $34ioo. wonderful income property tor right man. List "3. GOOD HOTEL SPECIAL. 70 rooms, corner brick hotel, do !nt? la rue business, new lobby, dears $1,200 per month, attractive leane, special price if sold hy Tues day, account owner going on farm. List 139. We have exclusive listing on some very fine commercial and residential hotel propositions, also some fine apartment hoi..-e prop erty: we are in close touch with the best buis in Portland. If you w lidi to buy or sell your place of business, ee us, we only handle legitimate and bona fide proposi tions, anil protect our clients at a!l times. Consult our brokerage department. NORTHWEST NEWS HOTEL COMPANY. J Nf.. 714. COUCH. BLlKi. 8 2 AND 3-RM. apartments; rent $350; lease; most desirable west side corner brick bldg.; all light and airy rooms; completely furnished and in very beat of condition; in a class by itself; price $15,000. terms. 96-rm. modern brick apartment: on of the finest looking bldgs. in town; very close-in. west side ; automatic ele vator, private balconies, and modern to smallest "detail; wonderfully well fur nished; price $2l.0iM, terms. ti5-rm. auartment; very c!or-in on west side ; good lease ; reasonable rent; extra good furniture; Northwest bent, elevator, etc.; modern throughout; price $1 1 .000. terms. 36-r m. hotel ; modern brick bldg.. in fine west side district ; some private baths; verv good furniture; clears $5oi ytr mo.; price $7900, terms. 27 H. K. nni; fine west side corner; 2 blocks from Morrison si. ; electric lights, hot and cold water, etc.. in rooms; furnace; good furniture; clears $270 per mo.; price $5000. 23 H. K. rnis. ; rent $00: in heart of town; all licht. airy robins; clean and well furnished; clears $225 per mo.; price $44M. terms. YATEiS RKAUTY CO., 245 4Tlf ST. 42 ROOMS II. K., $4400. clears $250 ptr month; $2600 will handle. 5o-room brick hotel, lease; $10,000 handles. 25 rooms H. K., $2300; $1200 handles; clears $105; always full. 21 rooms li. K., $2S50; $1800 handles Clears $200. 1 5 sleeping rooms, beautifully fur nished, clearing $160 per mouth besides a beautiful home for owner; $3500; $2000 handles. 13 II. K. rooms, garage and sleeping porch: hplendid carpets and furniture throughout; clears $130 per mo. besides lovely home; $2250; $1200 handles. A splendid buy. 12 H. K. rooms, fine carpAts and fur niture, clean, and good income and nie home ; $ 1500 handles. Have several nice flats, also plenty of other good buys. BARNEY J 'HXSO.-J. 170 10th st. $4000 DOWN PAYMENT. BltK'K W. S. APARTMENTS. Nearly 50 rooms; long lease; complete v furnished. Gross income will run about $9000 annually. Will tal;e $4o00 cash down. Bal. monthly. O. H. SKOTBEIM COMPANY. 40S-411 Couch Bldg. 4th St. Bet. Wash and Stark. Main 1575. , SAVE COMMISSION. 40-room hotel with 4 lots, cleared S 1 00 last month; no competition; have other business that compels me to ell; $7ooD handles this; no dealers. V 316, Orego nian. 10 ROOMiS. H. K., $1500, int-luding p;ano; $126 without; neU $75, leaving 3 ruonu for landlady. , 15 11. K. rooms, White Temple district, newly renovated and clean, nets $126, $1000 handles. REALTY SALES CO.. 331 Railway V. RESPONSIBLE party wants 5 to 10-year lease on modern hotel building, 40 l 200 rooms considered; will pay good rent. Please state in first letter name and lo cation of building, number of rooms an 4 rent wanted. T 341. Oregonian. IF YOU are looking for an apt. house I have It wttn as goou a iphhp t found In Portland. It takes $8600 casa to handle and is some buy! See Mr. Herlder, 326 Artisans bids. FOR SALE 9 rooms and basement fur nished apartments ana sieep;ng rooms, Income $120 and owner's apartment, rent $50; modern, fine condition, line loca tion, $1100 bandies, balance eat-y. Mam l;56, to X CHEAP R' sold today, on account of fckk- ness; 10 rooms, n. k.. nets over iuu per month, right do .vntown : will tase car and small amount ca.sh. Broad way 5779. A Gi KJD BL V rooms, I urnuure aoove average; near unite lempie; goo-i nome and income; $1300 cash for quick sale. Call owner. Marshall lOOV SAVE COMMISSION. Buv from owner, furniture of 9 rooms; rent $37.50; price $750. 741 Hood t., west side I WANT to buy an apartmejU house build ing, furnished or unfurnished, price mui-l be right and it must be close in; value $KQ00 to $12. 0". G 375. Oregon. an. ELEVEN rooms for tian-ient and house keeping; tine furniture. Elec, gas heat; nifty down-town location. Clears $125, $I4u0 6S X 0th at. BY O W N E R u r U u re of I roo m, i n -come $92; $H00 cash, $900 terms. 17 North 22d st. Phone Main 3771. FOR SALE iS-room apt. Price $ 1OO0, no terms. 22-d street. houe tor sale. Owner. 71 E. ROOMING HOUSE wanted; have S.'w seller's contract, part payment. AK 302, Oregonian. FOR SALE Tailor bhop, 2 rooms fur nished for living. G. Amarata, 2Slh and E. Ankeny. GENTLEMAN with $"00 invested In h. k. rooms, would consider lady partner. W ;i 6 1 . Or eg onian. FOR BEST bargain In apartment house see members of the Realtv Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 Fourth st 11 ROOMS, all housekeeping, ripht down town ; $"50 will handle; a snap. Call Main 3637 after 12 M. . BY OWNER. 22 H. K. rooms, stovs heat water 1a, 3o2ft Hawthorne ave. A 4