The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 30, 1921, Section One, Image 1

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    84 Pages
Eight Sections
Pages 1 to 18
VOTj. In H Entered at Portland (Oregon)
GALE OP 132 T0 150
Outright Dismissal of 7
Patrolmen Announced.
Clark Replaces Circle as De
lective Bureau Head.
5 Inspectors switched
luiform of Hegular Scrric to Be
Donned; Sweeping Changes Made
by Jenkins and Mayor.
Tn a shake-up which strikes at
practically every department of the
police bureau. Mayor Baker and Chief
of Police Jenkins last night Issued
prders which remove five Inspectors
0 to unuorm, piace i.apiain jiuui o as
assistant to the chief; replace tap-
tain Circle by Chief of Inspectors
Clark as commanding officer of the
detective bureau, dismiss seven pa
trolmen outright and make other
changes of patrolmen, sergeants and
In addition to serving as assistant
to the chief. Captain Moore will re
main in command of the day relief of
uniform -officers. He will be the su
perior officer of all other members of
the police bureau.
('KM Effective Monday.
Chief of Inspectors Clark is In
structed to remove his office to the
detective bureau on the third floor
of police headquarters and take im
mediate charge of that division. Cap
tain Circle Is to be In command of
the first night relief of detectives.
All changes as ordered by the
mayor and chief last night become
effective Monday morning.
Inspectors Tackaberry, Schulpus,
Hyde and LaSalle have been instruct
ed to return to uniform and report
Monday to Captain Moore of the day
relief. Inspector Tlchenor will report
1 Lieutenant Wade of the east aide
ttation to take command M the first
night relief of east side officers.
KliBseaamltk la Promoted.
The one promotion announced in
the extensive orders was that of C.
E. Klingensmlth. who has been ad
vanced from patrolman to inspector
and detailed to the office of Chief
Jenkins. Klingensmlth has been serv
ing as the chiefs chauffeur. He will
oe succeeded in that capacity by Pa
trolman Inskeep. who has been a desk
clerk on the day relief under Captain
Lieutenant Van Overn, who has
been In charge of the first night re
lief of the east side station, has
been ordered to report to Captain
Lewis of the traffic bureau, as has
Sergeant Keegan, who has been serv
ing as assistant to the chief.
To relieve Captain Moore of much
of the detail work in connection with
the day relief and give him more
time to assist Chief Jenkins, the chief
places Lieutenant Robson as Captain
Moore's office assistant, and Lieu
tenant West as the outside assistant'
to the day captain.
Fear Betirements Asked.
Retirement of three sergeants and
one patrolman on pensions was rec
ommended by Chief Jenkins in a let
ter written by him last night to the
board of trustees of the relief and
'pension fdnd. . Those recommended
for pensions were Sergeants Roberts.
Crate and Carlson and Patrolman
Those dismissed outright from the
force for the good of the service were
Patrolmen Hinds, Melansdn, Payne,
Rizor, Watts. McFarlane and Nelson.
As a means of improving Jhe effi
ciency of the police bureau. Chief
Jenkins has recommended to Mayor
Baker that two additional motor-
( Concluded on Page 11, Column 3.)
I. W. W. Attorney Gets Restraining
Order to Prevent Interfer
ence by Police Today.
George F-. Vanderveer, an I. W. W.
attorney, will address a meeting in
Christensen's hall this afternoon un
molested by the police as long as the
meeting is not disorderly and sedition
and violence are not preached. This
is by order of Presiding Circuit Judge
Kavanaugh, mho granted Vanderveer
a temporary restraining order yester
day preventing Mayor Baker or Chief
of Police Jenkins from interference
with the gathering. .
In the complaint filed In the circuit
court, through H. M. Esterly, attor
ney, Vanderveer avers that he has
rented the ball at Eleventh and Tarn
hill streets, paying a deposit of J25;
that J25 more is to be paid; that the
meeting has been advertised at some
cost, and that he intended to charge
admission, "and unless unlawfully In
terfered with, as threatened, will
make a profit therefrom." . .
As the time intervening did not
permit showing to be made by the
mayor as to why the temporary order
should not be made permanent. Judge
Kavanaugh gave the temporary In
junction the effect of permanent
one, but added in ink on the order
prepared for him by Mr. Esterly.
"But this order is not intended to
prevent the defendants or either of
them" (Mayor Baker -or Chief Jenk
ins) "or the police officers of the city
of Portland from being present at
such a lecture or from preventing
any violation of law thereat, if any
there be."
Vanderveer declared that other
steps were being taken to prevent
official interference with a lecture by
Lincoln Steffens In Portland, though
conceding that Mayor Baker was
within his rights In denying Steffens
the use of the city auditorium.
Oregon, Washington and Michigan
Lead ia European Relief Work.
SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 29. Wash
ington has gone "over the top" in Its
campaign for the relief of the starv
ing children of Europe.
L. H. Burnett of Tacoma. state
chairman of the European relief coun
cil, announced today that he had Just
been notified by Herbert Koover that
the state had raised Its share of the
$33,000,000 sought in the national
campaign, being one of the- first three
states in the natron to reach its goaL
"Hearty congratulations and thanks
to you and your committee," said a
telegram from Hoover. "Washington,
Oregon and Michigan are the first
three states in the. union to go over
the top. I recognize the wonderful
organization you have perfected.
Hearty appreciation to you and your
colleagues for your successful cam
paign." .
Xeptunia Reported Destroyed With
Probable Loss of Life.
NEWPORT NEWS. Va.. Jan. 29.
Wireless advices received tonight
were that the Italian steamship Nep
tunia was burned at sea today with
a probable loss of life. The Belgian
steamship Klimmar, bound Jor Hamp
ton Roads, was reported to be bring
ing the survivors of the crew, sev
eral of whom were said to have been
badly burned.
Quarantine officials at Old Point
Comfort have been asked to meet
the ship with doctors and nurses.
Lasker, Noted Player, Cannot Visit
United Slates, Is Ruling.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 29.-r-Emmanuel
Lasker, noted chess player, cannot
visit this country en route to Havana
for a world's championship with
It was said that Lasker's applica
tion for passport to permit him to
visit this country had been refused
under the ruling denying permission
to German nationals to enter the
country unless a showing was made
justifying waiving the restrictions.
Wind Wrecks Worth Head
Weather Instruments.
Exact Maximum Not Regis
tered, Says Message.
Destructive Storm Said to Be En
dangering Shipping' Reports
of Damage Are Awaited.
, A destructive storm, driving with
a wind velocity of more than 132
miles an hour possibly as high as
130 miles struck the Un'.ted States
weather bureau station at North
Head. Wash., shortly after 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, according to a
wireless message which reached Ed
ward L. Wells, head of the local
weather bureau, last night.
Exact maximum velocity of the
wind was not registered, because' of
the fact thaf the anemometer the
velocity-registaring instrument was
swept from its moorings. The mes
sage from the North Head observer.
Perry R. Hill, gave estimates that the
"blow" attained a record of 150 miles
at Us height.
Dnratloa la Only Short.
Fortunately It was In the nature
of a squall and was of short duration.
During this time, however, all out
side equipment at the station was
destroyed and the telegraph line to
Fort Canby was demolished.
The radio message to Mr. Wells
was evidently caught at Seattle and
relayed 1iere, he said, though a direct
message from the navy radio station
at North Head was received in Port
land during the evening. This told of
unusual damage, but estimated the
wind velocity at 75 miles.
The message from the North Head
observer to Mr. Wells was this:
"Very destructive storm began at
3:23 P. M. Maximum wind 132 miles
when anemometer tower destroyed by
guy-wire of wireless mast. Conserv
ative estimate of wind 150 miles. All
outside equipment destroyed. Dam
age to buildings slight. Telegraph
line to FortCanby completely de
stroyed." Rreorda Believed Smaahed.
For evident ferocity and "wind ve
locity this storm would seem to have
smashed north coast records, Mr
Wells said. velocity of 132 miles
constitutes a record at North Head,
so far as Mr. Wells could ascertain
Inst night. That the storm surpassed
this recorded velocity seemed borne
out by the reported destruction of the
registering mechanism and other
Though the tewific squall was of
short duration, Mr. Wells said there
wa9 still a storm of some proportions
off the northwest coast, with storm
signals ordered out. Though not
given in the wireless message, it was
thought the afternoon storm swooped
in front the south or southwest.
Damage Reports Awaited.
The barometer at the Portland
eutlier bureau station acted up yes
terday. 'According to Mr. Wells It
dropped a quarter" inch between 10
A. M. and 3 P. M. and then climbed up
the same distance by nightfall.
Detailed reports of damage at the
North Head station and of possible
damage to shipping were eagerly
awaited here last night. That the
short duration of the squall undoubt
edly served to prevent great damage
to vessels was the 'opinion expressed
by the weather men.
Southeast storm warnings were
ordered at 12:30 o'clock for all north
Pacific coast stations.
' The highest wind velocity recorded
(oCncluded on Page 10, Column 1.)
Yachts to Begin Contest July 4 at
Sandy Hook and End on
Arrival at Ostend.
NEW YORK, Jan. 29. King Albert
of Belgium has offered ia cup for an
ocean race from Sandy Hook to Os
tend. Belgium, open to sailing yachts.
Baron de Cartier, 'Belgian ambas
sador, announced today. The race is
to start July 4. '
. The race will be without handicap,
the baron announced, as the king de
sires an open contest for the champ
ionship of the high seas. All sizes
and types of sailing yachts with any
rig and from all nations are eligible
s are also auxiliary yachts, provided
the propelling machinery Is properly
sealed or neutralized.
The start la to be at noon, regard
less of wind or weather, and the
starting .point is to be between Am
brose lightship and the committee
yacht. A warning, signal is to be
given at 10 minutes before noon and
the starting signal will be given at
noon. . . .
Yachts unable to reach the starting
line will be. penalized by the time
lost. , - '
"King Albert's cup will become the
permanent property of the victor, and
a suitable commemorative medal "will
be presented to each contestant," the
baron said. '
The duty of the starting committee
will be to conduct the start and con
sider all protests or fouls that may
arise up to the starting signal, when
its duties will cease.
Entries are to be received by the
Belgian consul-general in New York,
Pierre Mall, at 25 Madison avenue.
Tbe Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 54
degrees; minimum, ill) degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; southeasterly winds.
N Department.
Editorial. Section 3, page 8.
Dramatic. Section 4, page 4.
Moving picture news. Section V page
ui.K and building news, b'ectlon 4,
page 3.
Music. Section 3. page 10.
Churches. Section 5. page 2.
Books. Section 5, page 3.
Schools. Section 5, page 6.
Automobiles. Section 6.
Women's l-'ratures.
Society. Section 3. page 2. ,
Women's activity. Section 3. page 7.
Fashions. Section 5, page 4.
Miss Tingle's column. Section 5, page 3.
Ruction bridge. Section 5, page 3.
Madame Richefs column. Section - 5
- page . . .-in .
Care of children. Section 3, page 4.
Special Features.
Nirht schools foster ambitions. Magazine
section, pare 1.
c-ntoinini. th mvstery of the movie
double. Magazine section, page 2.
nn'nres Cav. fiction feature. Magazine
. i ..
News of the world, as seen by camera
Magazine section, page 4. N
Mrs. McSwIney'a memories of her late hus
band. Magazine section, page 5.
Model husband by day. thug by night.
Magazine section, page 6.
rh. iirhiwrlrht family mystery of the
heavyweight champion. Magazine sec
- tlon. page 7.
Hill's cartoons. "Among Us Mortals." Mag
azine section, page- 8.-
Onorge Ade fable. Section 4, page 2.
Ding's cartoons on topics of the day. Sec
tion 5, page 7. .
Montague story. Section 5. page 7.
Plans for home arrangement. Section 5,
page 8.
Foreign. ' '
imsrln nnlv hope of making Versailles
treaty workable. Section 1. page 4.
World co-operation only hope, nays ex
member of British war cabinet. Sec
tion 1. page . ' -
Fate of Premier Briand will depend upon
results obtained. Section 1, page 11.
Rerman citizenship papers ready for
Bergdpll.. Section 1. page 2.
German hope put In moderate indemnity.
Section 1, page 1.
Jealousy causes riddling of diplomatic
bill. Section 1. page 2.
Farmers of country demand financial re
lief of congress. Section 1. page 12.
Naming of woman on president's cabinet
remote possibility. Section 1. page 3.
Johnson attacks Japan's overtures on alien
land laws. Section 1. page 4.
Senator Fall of New Mexico appointed
secretary of Interior and has accepted
Section 1, page 7.
Republican senators will invoke cloture
rTile iq save emergency tariff bill. Sec
tion 1. page 9.
President-elect Harding expected to offer
cabinet post of attorney-general" to
Harry M. Daugherty of Ohio. Section
1, page 8.
Pre-avar price basis held key to return of
prosperity. Section J, page l.'l.
Food cut but other essentials remain high.
Section 1. page 1.
Furniture and Furnishings De
cline but Little From Xeariy 3 '
Times Pre-War Level.
(Copyright, 1921, by The Oregoiiian.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. 29. (Special.)
Living costs tn the United States
have declined barely 7.5 per cent
from their peak last June. They still
are considerably above a pre-war
basis. The drop In food Is much
greater than" the drop in living costs
as a whole, because on the whole
these items are on the downgrade,
while others of practically equal im
portance, . though not so noticeable,
are continuing to go up.
Food costs went down only about
10 per .cent 'during the period from
December, 1919, to December, 1920.
Clothing costs also are definitely on
the downgrade about four per cent
since December, 1919, and nearly 1
per cent since last June. .Most of the
other items In the household budget
are rising, or show only small re
Rent, for example, is constantly in
creasing in the family budget. The
increase has been 12 per cent for
December over last June, for the
country as a whole. Furniture and
furnishings have decline'd slightly
from the peak but are nearly three
times their pre-war figures. Miscel
laneous items as a whole continue
to advance.
How these items overshadow re
ductions In food prices is only evi
dent by study of the figures. The
average family's food budget is
(Concluded on Page 10, Column 4.)
t . Legislatures.
J Defeat of Idaho educational
bill In hnusp
looms. Section 1, page 13.
Many state officers In Washington held
unessential. Section 1, page 1.
Explosions about to dissipate serenity of
legislature. Section 1, page 10.
How to lop $4."0.000 from budget puzzles
ways and means committee. Section 1,
page 8.
Opposing port bill camps line up for fight
today at Salem. Section 1, page 8.
Members of legislature spend busy day in
specting University of Oregon. Section
1. page 11.
Oregon-Washington conference on fish leg
islation begins in Olympla. Section 1,
page 10.
Xew Tork governor takes women at their
word and gets into trouble. Section 1,
page 14.
Belgian king plaiia transatlantic race.
Section 1, page J.
Three American girls protect American
v orphanages from Turkish lootars. Section
1, page 12.
Pacific Northwest.
Alaskans propose memorial to Great Brit
ain to intervene with Washington for
Lviiuuiitti rciiKi. oecilUR i, page li.
woman who saw Lincoln shot dies at
110. Section 1, page 1.
Sports. - -
Anna Morgan loses bout with Gibson.
Section 2, page, 2.
Three Portland youths rank high in tennis.
section 2. page 2.-
Good card signed for armory Friday. Sec-
Section 2. page 3.
Dick Stlnson star in Stanford game. Sec
Section 2, page 3.
Inter-college pug plans face bumps. Sec-
Section 2, page 3. ,
-Life-saving show to be held Tuesdtfy. Sec
tion 2. page 2.
Dempsey-Wlllard bout is in danger. Sec
tion 2,pagc 1.
Commercial and Marine.
Full decline In hides not reflected in fin
ished article. Section 2, page 21.
Argentina undersells American wheat ship
pers. Section 2, page 21.
Special issues featured in Wall-street
market. Section 2, page 21.
American seamen developing into best of
ficers and sailors in world. Section 2.
page 2u.
Three Atlantic-Gulf and Taclflc liners ex
pected here In February. Section 2.
page 20.
Week's dealings in stock beat expecta
tions. Section 2, page 20.
Portland and Vicinity.
Mayor and police restrained from stopping
Vanderveer lecture as long as he obeys
law. Section 1, page 1.
Police hard hit by drastic shake-up. Sec
tion 1, page 1.
Articles of incorporation for big fair o?
1025 ready for signatures. Section 1.
page ltt. ,
Hospital benefit seat sale $25,000.- Section
1, page lti.
Tax law exempts business expenses. Sec
tion 1, page 17.
Oregon Association of Underwriters to hold
annual session, bectian 1, page li.
BenefitM of uniting city and county gov
ernment shown. Section 1, page 11.
Big real estate deals completed. Section
2. page 22. ,
Wolf pack leader of 1000 raids in city or
way to wasnington, u. u.f parK. sec
tion 2. page 22.
Gale of 132 to l."0 miles an hour reported
at North Head. Section 1. page 1.
IT ftepotTS fxw. Tje:
Washington Offices
Face Abolition.
Fat of Paternalism to Be Cut
Away Without Harm.
Work ot Several Departments Said
to Overlap at, Present Ore
gon Not as Bad Off.
OLYMP1A, Wash.. Jan. 29. (Staff
Correspondence.) In a preceding ar
ticle it was said that the administra
tive code, now in course of adoption in
Olympia, while sweeping in scope,
was designed almost wholly to reduce
the fat of paternalism accumulated in
the last 20 years without surrender
ing any of the weight of state gov
ernment. It is the main idea that by
making state government a little less
gross it will be more agile and con
sume less tax provender.
The history of Washington's crea
tion of a more or less top-heavy and
extravagant government is probably
not greatly different from the history
of Oreron or of any other western
state in the same oarticular.
Original Plan Simple One.
All our state founders had about
the same idea of what should consti
tute a state government. It was ex
tremely simple. There were required
a legislature to make the laws, a gov
ernor to execute them, a secretary of
state to keep track of them, an au
ditor to do the bookkeeping, a treas
urer to take care of the money, a
superintendent' to manage the public
schools, courts to interpret the laws.
n attorney to advise state officials
on legal points and that was about
all, except tiiat provision was made
for the penal, charitable, eleemosy
nary, reformatory and educational in
stitutions that are necessary to all
good government, and for a print
ing department to turn ou nece .
sary forms and documents.
. Other Office Created.
State boards of health were gen
erally a later but still early develop
ment and it was conceived that a
physician, whose knowledge er lack
of knowlege might mean life or death
to his patients, ought ts be examined
and licensed by a competent borly.
Then came examination of dentists
and their licensing.
There arose the proper theory that
government ought to have some sort
of supervision over hazardous, occu
pations, and in Washington a mine
inspector was one of the officials
added in the early history of the
state. Growth of the fishing indus
try and its close connection with the
industrial well-being of the commu
nity called for. supervision and the
office of fish commissioner was
Certain matters pertaining to the
welfare of labor demanded attention
and a labor commissioner was estab
lished. Agriculture obtained its representa
tion first in a state fair and later in
horticultural commissions and a dairy
and food commission, bo it went in
Washington and elsewhere.'.
tout In 1001 Recalled.
It is not professed that these enter
prises and activities have been enu
merated in the chronological order of
their establishment, but 20 years ago
the idea of government which ob
tained among the founders of western
states had already grown, yet not to
an extent that caused comment or ap
prehension. The institutions and of
fices given in the foregoing comprised
-(Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.)
Sou ot Survives; Housework
Done t'p to Day of Death; fu
neral to Be at Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 29.
(Special.) Mrs. .Margarete McLough
I i ii, 110 years old, believed to be the
oldest woman in the state and who
caw President Lincoln shot by Booth,
died at her home near Hockinson, to
Mrs. McLoughlin was born in 1811
in County Kerry, Ireland. She came
to this country when a girl and had
lived in this county for nearly 60
years. Her youngest son, Mike Mc
Loughlin, 76 years old. survives, his
older brc'hers having died of old age
many years ago.
She was unusually active and was
well and strong on Thursday. She
peeled potatoes and cooked the meals
for her son and even fed the pig. She
did her own work, worked in the gar
den and cared for the chickens and
The funeral will be held at 9
o'clock Monday morning from St.
James" Catholic church and burial
will be in the Catholic cemetery in
this city.
Mrs. McLoughlin came to the north
west before the civil war. Her hus
band, i Michael McLoughlin, was a
civil war veteran and was advanced in
years when he joined the colors.
Mrs. McLoughlin was at the theater
the night Lincoln was shot.
Father and Daughters Wed, Each
Ignorant of Others' Plans.
ATLANTIC C1T1, X. J.. Jan. 23; A
triple elopement, involving three
members of one household, none of
whom knew of the others' intentions,
was disclosed today with the an
nouncement that William M. Chase,
retired Xew York manufacturer, and
his daughters, Edith and Evelyn, had
marriedtheir respective mates withiu
21 hours.
Miss Edith Chase started the matri
monial race yesterday by slipping
away from home, ostensibly for a
shopping trip. She married Robert
Crofts. Mr. Chase quietly left home
to marry Mrs. Elizabeth Obergfelt. On
returning home they were greeted by
Mr. Chase's other daughter, Evelyn,
who had become the bride the day
before of Donald Kiddle, eldest son of
former Mayor William Riddle.
l ire Breaks Out in Buildin:
Gambler's Stronghold.
XEW YORK. Jan. 29. Fire today
partly destroyed the building at No. 5
East Forty-fourth street, once the
stronghold of Richard A. Canfield,
gambler. Firemen had to uso a bat
tering ram to break the mahogany
Much of the antique furniture and
art treasures once owned by Canfield.
and the carved ceiling, said to havc
cost $lu0,O00, were destroyed.
Lawmakers Vole to Accept Offer
of J. P. Morgan.
WASHIXGTOX, Jan. 29. The house
voted today to authorize the secretary
of state to accept the offer of the
residence of J. 1. Morgan in London
as an American embassy. Acceptance
of the gift was proposed by Repre
sentative Walsh, republican, Massa
chusetts. The house also, voted to appropri
ate $150,000 for the purchase of an
American embassy in Paris.
Sentry's Conviction by 'Court-Mar-
tial Is Not Confirmed.
TOKIO, Jan. 29. A report was
printed in a Tokio newspaper that the
courtmartlal hearing the case of the
Japanese sentry who shot and killed
Lieutenant Warren II. Langdon of the
United States cruiser Albany at Vladi
vostok had found him guilty.
It could not be confirmed at the
war department today.
Suffering Declared Under
Apparent Prosperity.
Harden Says Indemnity That
CanBe Paid Is Needed.
Frenchman Said ( Realize Tou
lon's Terrible Position Dc-pilo
l'nct Productiveness Is Intact.
ftjermany's Foremost Publicist.)
(Copyright, 1121,- by Tho Urcgonlnn.)
BERLIN, Jan. 29. (Special Cable.)
Just as the teeth of a petson suf
fering from a violent toothache are,
set on edge at the sisht of someone
biting hard toast or candied fruit, so
public opinion in Germany was set on
edge by the opening speech to the
allied meeting on German reparation
by Alistido Briand of France.
Briand compared the ceo. oniic
conditions of France and Germany,
pointing out that Germany's techni
cal industrial apparatus remained In
tact and exclaiming emphatically that
it was unendurable that the con
quered should be suffering less tlmrt
the conquerors. However, the rea
sonable tone and deliberate substanc
of lys speech cannot be criticized.
I'ulilir Kiiaily Prrxundrd.
Public opinion is ortcn the result
of private indolence, wittily said
Xietschc, the lyric philosopher. Pub
lic opinion was easily persuaded that
a very unjust Aristlde pictured Ger
many as a most desirable land, wal
lowing in riches, flowing with milk
and honey. Rut he did not.
This statesman. celebrated for
adroitness, with ideals carefully liiuden
behind his favorite "realization. " is
not so impudent as some newspaper
correspondents, who. after three days
in Berlin In the luxury of a hotel, a
few walks through the principal
streets, and meals taken n the most
elegant restaurants, related that all
reports ot German misery are Boche
If so it would bo easy for our cred
itors to force Germany to pay and
the rulers in the Quai d'Oreuy
would not be crushed under their
burdens Briand knows Germany's
distress through the terrible statis
tics of poverty of- city children and
the unbearable sufferings of the mid
dle classes who formerly lived com
fortably on a salary or income and
who now. on account of the depre
ciated money, are gradually obliged
to sell all their possessions, bought
and inherited.
l-'rnnee AIho In A Irued.
But he also knows what the de
vastated regions of France look like,
where thousands still have no roofs,
and the statement that Germany's
productive powers are still intact Is
unquestionably correct.
It is an extraordinary fact that
bthose who finally were vanquished,
never had, during the 'our years of
war. the enemy on their soil and had
to endure only after peaco tho hard
ships and sufferings which the con
querors bore during the war. It is
just this paradox which makes the.
settlement more difficult. Dangerous
mistakes have been made on both
sides. France considers reparation
the substitution of very comfortable
houses for old dilapidated ones; mod
ern manufacturing machinery for
old-fashioned appliances, and thus
the reconstruction cost which May-iii-rd
Keynes estimated at 16.000,
000.000 gold marks. Louclieur at 60,
0110,000.000 and Klotz at. 106 000.000,-
tConeluded on Page 2. Column tt. )
5A-v HAS
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