20 v THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 23, 1921 BPSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel and Rooming IIoumh. MARY E. LENT COMPANY. Hotels. Rooming and Apartment Houses. 524 N. W. Rank Huildtng. Phone Main K3R0 for AnDotntment. If you wish to buy or sell, coma In and talk it over: 14 years in tnis dusi ness enables us to give you satisfactory service. APARTMENT HOUSES. 34 APARTMENTS. Here Is your opportunity to Ret a place unequaled In location. Ideally ar ranged for renting to desirable tenants: close In on west side; requifes 1 11,000 cash ; price upon application. OS-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Corner building, hardwood floors, au tomatic elevators; clearing: over $630 pr mouih; can be had on terms; $10,000 first payment; price $17,000. r0 ROOMS. Small apartment, brick building, close In. west side; Rood for $000 per month the year around; fine for man and wile; special price for quick sale, $10,000. 24 APARTMENTS, TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS. Beautifully furnished corner brick, very clean, clearing $300 per month; $i000 cash required; price $11,500. 32 APARTMENTS. Close- In, white pressed brick, corner buildinR; rent $700 per month; long lease; requires $ 15.000 cash to handle; this place is netting over $1200 per month; don't miss thN opportunity. 30 APARTMENTS. Rent $4(it; close in; automatic eleva tor, clearing $: per month; $12,000 cash, balance easy terms. 54-ROOM HOTEL White pressed brick, 13 baths, close In, business corner, all light, airy rooms; Income $1000, rent only $400; price $13,000. 37-ROOM HOTEL. y Rent $275 west-side location, steam heat, hot and cold water In room, very clean, 3-year I"ase; some privatffiths; price $.S00-t, terms. - 3-ROOM HOTEL White pressed brick corner, large, light rooms, steam heat, closet In every room; netting over $4mi per month, can clear over $500 with little work; price $7500, requires $."tou cnsh to handle. S0-KOOM HOTEL. West side, white pressed brick, large lobby, long lease, income $2300 pvr month; run by owner; requires $14,000 casn. 60-ROOM HOTEL. Large, airy rooms, private bath, ele vator, downstairs lobby. Northwestern heat. long lease: clearing $700 per month; price $14,000. The following are samples of smaller places. This department is under the personal management of Mrs. McCIain: Sleeping rooms, clean and fine loca tion ; clears $70 besides homelike place to live; we have a quick sale price on this; $51450, terms. Housekeeping rooms exceptionally ftood, silk-floss mattresses, brass beds, extra-good rugs;, makes a fine home and a profit each month of $100; price $1600, easy terms. 12 housekeeping rooms, clean and a money-maker; corner home. Nob Hill; rent only $40; beautiful yard: Fox fur nace, electricity, net income $140; price $2000, terms. A beautiful residence of 15 rooms. White Temple district; hot-water heat, oak woodwork, extra amount of good furniture; clearing $10o, can increase income by finishing off three more mnms. Just listed. BEST ON THE MARKET. 14 rooms, WhitqTempie location, good furniture, all large, light rooms; all H. K., 2 baths. Rent $00; house has e.ee' nt appearance. Price only $1&00, lid-handles. 13 rooms, best Nob Hill location. All H. K. lient $50. Will clear better than 1 mi and lovely 2-room apartment. Price noo, terms. 10 rooms, near rity hall. Ttent $3; Ktove heat. Nets $50. Price $1200, $o0 handles, t 8 rooms, not an ordinary rooming nouse. but lovely home with best rurni ture and rugs, with income over ex penses; $lla0 terms. Nob Hill location. SPECIAL. 20 rooms, Pert $'0 ; 2 years leas close in. west side: excellent furniture. nets $105 over expenses; steam heat, hot and cold water all rooms. Ail H. K. $;1SoO, $25O0 handles. Main 30'IS. C. E. BOWPEN CO S15Chamber of Commerce bldg. ft ROOMS -0. 6 sleeping moms with front room dining room and kitchen; nice, basement good Income, low rent. Price $1200,, w est siue. 50-ROOM APT3. Two and three-room npts., modern, pood location. Rent $HK, lease; net in come $:;r.o; r;s(M will nuv this. TRA1NSENT HOTEL. 33 rooms, hot and cold water In all rooms, downtown location, rent $140, lone lease. Gross income $i00 mouth $700(1 will h.indte. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. Main Sob 3. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT. 42 strictly modern apartments, each 3 rooms and bath, best of fur nishings, very complete, one of best steam-heating plants In city, automatic elevator, over $1100 net profit monthly; about $10,000 will handle this. SIMMS, 610 Henry Bldg. REAL SNAPS. 9 rooms, west side; rent $15. Income Si : so..o handles. 11 rooms, wtst side, on Yamhill; rent s.t.: clears : swu handles. 10 rooms, large yard, fruit trees. Just fine for family; rent $50. good income and home, $uoo handles. A. J. DEFOREST ft CO.. Hen ry bldg. Proa dway 55ft0, ROOMING house, near 14th and Washing ton, west side. 10 rooms. Rent $.TI. Income $130. Price $looo. 14 cash, bal ance easy. Hotel, west side. 44 rooms. Hot and cold water In each room. 2- year lease. Income over $10H per month. Price $10,000. $0Oim down. . balance monthly. Inquire 123 14th st. Broad way 2 -o. . 4 o-ROOM apartment house ; steam heat, private baths. Rent only $175, including heat and water. Clears over 2.o month ; $:ooo cash required. See this Monnay, it 3 a real bargain. A. J. IteFOKEST A CO.. 320 I Tenrvblrig . B ro a d w ay 5 50 0. 61-ROOM BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE Right downtown, private bath in each apartment. A modern place. House all full. 3-year lease. $8000 will handle this place. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. MXiJ 2-ROOM APARTMENTS AND 6 SLEEPING ROOMS. On Washington, swell furniture, rent only $110; a real buy. Ask the price tor these 24 rooms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. 53-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING. Steam heat, clears $550 per month, good lease; will take $3oo0 down, bal ance easy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. 66-ROOM APARTMENTS. Elevator service, all modern, right downtown, -a sure snap; good lease. Ask lor price and location. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3o5 Oak St. BARGAIN NO. 1 30 rooms, rent S40. all light outside rooms, located right where 6000 men are employed; a nmney-mnlwr. You can not lose with that rent all for f 1305, terms. peters. 15 N. 5th st. 7-ROoM hotel, corner brick building, all lint rooms, steam heat. Rent only $150. with base. Clears $400 a month; $5000 cash handles. A. J. PeFOREST A CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Broadway 5590. 16 ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. Walking distance; w ill take $650 down, bain me $30 per month. Price $i:t50. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. SO- RO 'M part ment house, brick building. Clears ov r $230 a month. Price $4u00. some terms. A. J. De FOREST A CO.. "20Henry bldg. Broadway 5500. 15-ROOM apartment house, water In ali suit s. furnace, good west side location. Clears $150 a month. Price $10oO. A. J. JVKOIiEST CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Broadway o500. BARGAIN NO. 5 Nicest, neatest, cleanest place in city; hardwood floor, swell furniture ; always full: dandy hyme. White Temple district. All for $1105, terms. 12 rooms. Peters, 1 N r.th s'. $ls.oon HOTEL, downtown, 124 t rooms, clears over $700 month. ' ' $ $750 Hotel, 60 rooms, brick, long lease, low rent, clears over $ loo. ( HAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. SvROOM house, near 1st and Madison sis., rent only $00; can get lease; a good buy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. v 305 Oak St. 9 MOOMS. CLOSE TO BROADWAY. Right downtewn; rent $15; price $1200; $700 will handie. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. lv ROOMS housekeeping. Good furniture. Running water in apartments, furnace beat, fi'OO cash.; $!50 terms. $000 down. East 5- s 2. BARGAIN NO. 2 11 rooms in heart of west side. 1 block from Wash, st., always full; all for $705, terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. BARGAIN NO. 3 10 rooms on corner. light outside rooms, alwnys full, clean and neat, all ' lor $75. teiou. 1' tiers, 15 N. 5Lh st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming nouses. THOMSON & THOMSON. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4830. 25 MODERN APARTMENTS. 91 rooms; long lease; rent $350; fire proof building; all outside rooms; no wall beds; automatic elevator; gross income over $iaoo; uoou Handles. OVER 150 ROOMS. Good modern apartment house In best location; long lease to good tenant; oil burner; everything In first-claaa condi tion; pncea rigat; nail cash. 43 MODERN APARTMENTS. Good lease; rent $400; $1200 and bet ter; $7000 will handle this; price $13,000. 10 MODERN APARTMENTS. Fireproof building; lease, rent $115; all 2-room apis; completely furnished with dressing room and bath; $4,buo. 27 APARTMENTS. All 2s and 3a; all well and completely furnished; house In excellent condition; Inside and out; good lease, rent $350; price, $14,000, terms, 104 ROOM S 1 04. Modern brick apartments: all fur nished; 3-year lease, rent $600; clears over $1300; good location; price $16,000. terms. - MODERN APARTMENT. j 54r rooms; all completely furnished; 3-year lease, rent $225; $5000, terms. MODERN BRICK BUILDING. 17 apartments all furnished; 5-year lease; inis is a real bargain; bouu. GOOD MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE Clearimr $1000: will sell on terms: will consider good modern bungalow or - first-class business in part trade. 36 MODERN APARTMENTS. Brick buildinc : all completely fur nished: 2 and 3-room apis.; 3-year j lease, low rent; price $iu,ouu; nail casn. I REAL BARGAIN FOR CASH. 20-room hotel; one floor; 4-year lease; low rent; brick building; steam heat; gross over $o00; $4u00 cush. MODERN BRICK HOTEL. 75 rooms; lease, very low rent; best transient location; large income; wilt surprise you; $14,ooo. MODERN HOTEL. In finest location; furnished with the very best; everything clean and in I perfect condition : the net income will surprise you; fla.000 flandles this. 74-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. Well located : with irruund-f loor lob by: N. W. heat; good lease, right rent;! price s,3uu, some terms. 70-ROOM HOTEL. Best west side location; rent $550; lease; each room can be rented sep arately ; call bells; hall phones; price 1 $la,uuo, terms. -STRICTLY MODERN, 52-ROOM HOTEL. 100 fireproof building; 5-yeAr lease, rent $50O ; - central location ; good fur niture; always full; net income over $:00; will take $12,000 down, balance per cent. D0-ROOM HOTEL. Strictly modern brick building; N. W. heat ; lots nf private baths; automatic elevator; dantly lease, rent $oi0; in come will surprise; price 2V6.000. some terms. 62-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. Located in heart of city; 5-year lease. rent $300; N. W. heat; furniture and carpets in best condition; dandy big Income; always full; price $15,000 cash. 54-ROOM HOTEL. Strictly modern brick building; S-year tease, rent 4uu; some private batns; automatic elevator; lots or good linen; new curtains'; clears over $650; price tJ.,ouu; oust 01 terms. 44-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. Good brick building; new lease, rent! $300; net Income over $600; price $8750, terms. 72-ROOM MODERN HOTEL Finest transient location; N. W. heat; some private baths; good lease, rent $550; clears $I4oO over all expenses; i,uuu, terms. 14 ROOMS, H. K. Good corner; close-in location; rent 1 $ 4.; electric furnace and gas heat : extra well furnished; good home and i4u ciear; price tuao, iooo down. 40 ROOMS. All H. K. ; rent $75; lease ;falrly good rurniture; taKes in besides 3-room I apt. for own use; $1600 will handle I this money-maker. 25 ROOMS, BRICK BLDG. Good lease, rent is right; water In 1 all rooms; stove and gas heat; clears $200 beside a good home; price $3200. 12 ROOMS, MODERN. Lease, rent $60; furnace, electricity. gas; chicken park and good garden; lovely corner; well furnished; good home and nice income; price $iyoo; win iaae iuvu aown. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT. Close downtown location; rent $45; rurnace, iirepiace, also neater if pre- ierreu ; a Deus ; nice income besides good home; $775 cash. 17 ROOMS, MOSTLY H. K. Steam heat: low rent: verv well furnished: dandy location; clears $180 besides nice apt.; priced right; good j terms. 22 ROOMS. ALL H. K. Rent $100.; steam heat, electricity; ciose-in location; iairiy welt lurnished: large apartment for own use: $3500. very convenient; clears $200 and gootf terms. 24 ROOMS. ALL H. K. White Temple district; rent $60; clears $275: besides nice ant? clean nnri everything in good shape; $3500, part terms. MRS. THOMSON. C20 HENRY B LDG. TRY-US REALTY CO., 169 West Park. Aut. 513-48. 8 rooms, all housekeeping, cheao rent. good furniture, clean and homelike, nice 1 income, for I1.1U. 14(H) cash. 5 rooms, all housekeeping, rent $25, income au, iainy lurnished. White Tem ple district, for S6.0: cash. 7 rooms, all housekeeping, low rent. nicely furniied, nice, homey place, for $850; west side. II rooms, all housekeeping, good fur niture, central west side location, at a aacrnice lor ?iou; some terms. 12 rooms, nicely furnished, low rent. good location, for S1300: S500 cash 23-room apartment, nicely furnished. cheap rent, good income, for $1800; $1350 &ish; a good buy. . Nicely furnished, fully equipped prl- I vate hospital of 25 beds cheap for quick saie; price uuo; lovely west side loca tion. 10 rooms, good furnitura. White Tem ple district, cheap rent with lease and net income of $175 a month, for $3000; v $2500 cash. 30 rooms, all housekeeping, good fur- ' niture, west side location, netting $250 a montn; nanuies. 42 rooms, all housekeeping, low rent. good income, close-in location, for $4000; $2700 cash. 44 rooms, classy little west side hotel. niciy furnished and strict I v modern. clearing $500 a month, for $10,000; $6000 casn. TRY-US REALTY CO., 169 W. Park St. Aut. 513-48. HEADQUARTER FOR HOTELS, ROOM ING HOLSKS AND APART MENT HOUSES. 50-room hotel, modern brick, $10,000 win nanaie. 76-room hotel, modern brick, $12,000 1 wilt nanuie.' 27-room housekeeping house, frame," $2i00 will handle. 14-room 'housekeeping house, frame, iil'uu wiii nanaie. 1 2-room housekeeping house; priced ngnt. S-room housekeeping house; priced right. We have others, all sizes. Call 1634 West farK m. ANDERSON ft CLARK. THREE GOOD" BUYS 24 rooms, all h. k., rent $60: dandy corner location; always full; clears over , $275, besides nice front apt. for own use: in good shape and very clean. Price $.1500. Terms. 26 rooms, all apts., rent $125; stove or furnace heat; water in all rooms: elec. very well furnished; clears $220 besides own apt. $4.i00, part terms. 16 sleeping rooms, good modern house. rent is right; narowooa uoors. every thing very nice: gross income :ioo, could be more: good home Price $2N5ii. Terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620 Henry Bldg. ;t ROtMS with a o-vear lease at 'ft at nominal rent. This rooming house Is right down town in the heart of the city and always lull, bringing a irood income on' the investment. Price S.VioO. Some trms METZER-PARKER CO. 2rt? Oak St. Br o a d w a v ?. .". . ROOMING house, east side. 8 rooms, rent $30. Extra goou furniture. Furnace. electric lights. Large garden, nice lawn. Price oo. terms. Furnished flat on I4t n st. o rooms. electric lights. Rent .. Income $s.". with room for otvner. Price JdoO. J. H. E v. VlH 14th wt. 18 ROOMS CLOSE IN. All sleeping rooms, rent only $30. real snap. Good reasons for selling. Fnce $ laim. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 30S Oak St. BY OWNER ILL HEALTH. 22 rooms, always full. Northwest heat, hot and cold water in every room. 00 Oth at., near Stark. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and. Rooming Houses. BIHR-CAREY, MAIN 74S7. OPEN SUNDAY. We have personally Inspected these places, and can recommend them as being very desirable buys. SMALL APARTMENT. CLOSE IN. One of the finest locations In city, clearing $215 per month; $3000 cash will handle, small balance payable easy installments. 32-ROOM BRICK HOTEL. Business district, steam heat, fine furnishings, long leree, $3o net Income per month, $4oo0 cash, balance $1250. A-l condition. TWENTY-ONE ROOMS. Housekeeping apartments; excel lent place, near White Temple, iwts $150 per month, $2200 cash; small balance payable monthly. FINE SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE. One of the finest In the city; entire property, including furnish ings, can be had very cheap. Easy terms. Let us show this to you. 11 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Fine little place, in good district with good Income, $1100. $750 will handle. TWENTY-THREE ROOMS. In ship-yard district; always full and a money-maker; owner leav ing town and will sacrifice. Price $1700. $1230 cash. SMALL ROOMING HOUSE. Most excellent location, fine fur nismngs; net income (loo per month. Sacrifice price $1060 cash. MR. FREEMAN. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 Ky. Exch. bldg.. 3d and Stark. Main 7487.. OPEN SUNDAY. HOTELS AND, ROOMING HOUSES SPECIALTY. 44-R. transient brick -hotel, modern in every way: one of the best west side lo cations, income close to $1000 mo.; rent omy 2.tO; price $soO0; good terms. 37-room transient hotel, right down town ; very good furniture; rent $1 good lease; will clear $600 mo.; price Sb.tOU: some terms. IS-room transient hotel, north of Burn sideVt.: the best location in North Port' land; rent f Ml. with leae; lull price S23.KJ: some terms. 20 H. K. rooms, close In on west side fair furnituse; rent $100; you can clear 2o0 in this place by cleaning ana nx ing up a little; full price $2750; -good terms. 11 H. K. rooms, close in in White . Temple district; fair furniture; the Best location; rent only $35; will give you 3 rooms and clear $60 mo.: see this before buying, full price only $!i50; some terms. 6 extra well furnished rooms in White Temple district; rent only $30; a real snap at $.7.i. Til (. HhNT RITV IV THK CITY. 32-room transient hotel ifl center of Dusiness uist. ; rent oniy ruuu will ciear $400 mo.; price only $3100 Call Si ranis,' 141 Lownsdale. Phone Bdwy. 2!3i. Open Sundays. THKSR ARE REAL BARGAINS. 11A.HIUIM STRICTLY MODERN APTS. Verv beautiful v furnisneu, in nue Temple district; best lease in Portland fleers ss.-.n month above every expense $!000 will handle tiiis. It can't be beat fnr Iha nrlr-A H sited. 42 rooms, $4400; terms; clears $250 month; it's good. 14 rooms. Nob Hill; 51200 Is what you need; clears $130 month aoove every ex nense. 12 rooms, $1300; terms; modern, run ning water. 12 " rooms, hardwood floors; price $1250; terms; hurry. 10 transient rooms. Wash. St. I was too busy to write my ads, so please come in and I will tell you what I have and see that you get a square deal. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. THE BEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. Modern apartment building. Pressed brick, on lot loOxloo. On main business st. of city. Contains 41 apartments. 126 rooms, basement and sub-basement. Beautifully furnished all through. Build ing, lot, furniture and business to go at unheard of price. This property was taken in on mortgage and parties wish to dispose of it as thsv are not In the hotel business. $25,000 down, balance on the very easiest of terms. Marshall 5504. - MAGOON &. SPENCER. 626 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 6127. APARTMENT HOUSES. 65 rooms, very modern apartments, close in; N. W. heat; $oou cash to nanuie. THIS ONE. 100 apts.. with a net Income; $1500. TRANSIENT HOTEL. 56 rooms, rent $225; income Is $1200. 44 rooms, 8 private baths; net $450. Ask us about others. 0 H. K. ROOMS, very good and dean; walking distance, $1300, terms; clears au. 42-room apt. house, $4300, terms; clears $225. 26 h. k. rooms, price $3750. terms; first-c!as furniture; clears $2iM). 44-room brick hotel; good lease. $3700 handles: clears $500; modern. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 70th st. Main 3160. 12 ROOMS Housekeeping, well furnished; rent $40; income --uu; corner nouse, large lot. NOB HILL DISTRTCT. 11 rnma housekeeoina and sleeping; rent $56; garage; swell furnishings; in come about $215. 626 Chamber 01 yommerre rmg- ACOZY INCOME. 54 rooms, 7, 4. 10, 3 apt., all with private bath, well furnished through out; rent $37S, witn 3-year iea.se, cash will handle It. 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5487. $1250 NET PROFIT. 7-.room hotel, one of the best loca tions; mostly transient; well furnished; private baths. Northwestern heat, $12,000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG, 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5487. NORTHWESTERN HEAT. 84 rooms,' 24 apts., all with private bath, well furnished throughout, won derful downtown iocatio. Northwest ern heat; price $12,000. s,.iu casn. SIS' hi M K3. HAUU. 512 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5487. ROOMING house, 25 rooms, all outside rooms, rent only $4 montn; mostly H. K maklnff s:ood money; place needs some fixing up; price $1200; located on west side. H. W. GARLAND. 201 3d. cor. Taylor. THE BEST furnished 26-room (12 apart- ments house in city; rent ioo; lease; net income $225; sickness compels im mediate sale. Inquire 626 Chamber of Commerce blcg. WANTED From owner, 12 to l.-room unartment. nouseKeeping. goou conui lion, reasonable, first payment $H00. Give particulars; wmte rempie uisirici pre f erred. BF Oregonian. zs-uoo.n ; o 1 c-i-. Close in, brick bftilding, 2-year lease; price $26o0. 305 Oak St. 42-ROOM MODERN BRICK APT. Rent only $150 per month. Price 5500. This is a snap. Wont last, so get busy. Johnson & Bach. 406 Broad- w a y bldg. ' 52-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. All outside rooms. Hot and cold water, phone in each room. 4-year lease. $13,000 - terms. Johnson & Bach. 406 Broadway bldg. HOTEL, snap, 21 rooms, nice bldg.. steams! heat, nice oaK ana mapie lurnuure, une location, keeps boarders, plain cooking; real bargain lor jiwu. H. W. GARLAND, 201 3d st. BARGAIN NO. 4 14 rooms on corner, light outside rooms, newly cleaned up: rent only $15; ittl for $005. Peters. 15 X. 5th st. ELEVEN H. K. rooms, right down town; good furniture, electricity, gas neat. This is a money-maker, $1400; terms. 6S North Ninth st. WHITE TEMPLE BUY. 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Fine furniture. Clean and In good condition. Good income. $1050. Marshall 5504. SEVEN -ROOM FLAT Right downtown; rent $40; furniture good; price $1100; terms. 626 chamber of Commerce bldg. MAtiOO.N & Hl'K.wr.K. 11 ROOMS, all housekeeping, good furni ture, electric ucnts, siove neat, clears $S0 per month, close in on west side; price $ I2.)ii, terms, can at ast layior. H v OWNER, rooming house, '11 rooms. stsam heat; lease; ciose-in; atru witn terms. Call after Sunday. Mar. nSl. JEFFERSON and lith; clears $110; all h. k.. elec. lightR; price iinj; terms, 11 desired. Main 751 1. $i."0 HP YS a 7-rr.i. furnished house, in come rent noufti goou looaing. Main 7511. FI P.ST CLASS furnished f la t. ." rooms. $liai0; teinis; this may s.-und high but 't is HOT. Mil K . CjXin. omg. ROOMING HOWES Am in the market for rooming house, IH ta-J.t rooms, west side.. AutV.. 234-3!. IF YOU want to sell your rooming house. phone Main 3bo0. IL W. Garland, 2ol Third si. WANTED From 10 to 10 modern H. K. room., cheap for cash. AO 31 1, oregonian-; FOR QUICK sale list it with J. Bruce Goduarn, Main 4-i.w. 30 ROOMS Steam heat"; rent 75: lease; nets $100: .price $27.V. Main H127. 18 ROOMS Downtown, transient location; rent ftio; lease; price $2500. Alain Gil 7. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. PORT LA NTVS REST 96-room hotel. 5-year lease, beautiful white pressed brick cor. bldg., wonder ful ground floor lobhy. bath connection to every room. Northwestern heat, el vator, exceptionally well furnished, net profit about $2500 month. Call at our oiiice and talk this over. See Mis. Keller. GEO. T. MOOR a CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. NIFTY HOTEL. "4 rooms, white m-essed hrlclc. COT. bldg., hot. and cold water in all rooms. steam n at. or vale baths. elevator, ground floor lobhy. net profit $S00 uiomu. or runner particulars- See Mis. Keller. GEO T. VOORE CO. lot 17 Ye n bldg. FIRST TIME ON MARKET Apartment house. 53 rooms, rent $200 lease. 23 apts. mostly 2 and 3-room apts.. two 4-room. cream of locations, steam heat, net profit about $500. This is gooa. t or particuiais SEE MRS. KELLER. fc -GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. COZY ONE. Fine little cor. apt. house. 9 apts. mostly 2 rooms, 14-room apt., rent only . an outside rooms, steam heat. Price See Mrs. Keller. GKfXJT. MOORE CO , 1007 Yeon bldg. ETRA GOOD. 15 rooms, right in White Temple dis trict, exceptionally well furnished, house keeping, 2 bathrooms, good furnace, but using stoves, net profit $173; $1500 down. Jee Airs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. WASHINGTON-ST. LOCATION. 24 rooms, rent $110. all in 2-room apts., except 5 sleeping room's, clears oyer all expenses $240. Price $31)00, down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10Q7 Yeon bldg. 93 rooms, good lease, elevator, private oains, beautiful ground floor lobby, well furnished throughout, nrnklng net profit $1500 month. This is worth investigating. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. PW7 Yeon hid: 16 ROOMS, all comnlefelv and wMl fur nished -for housekeeping, net profit $lo0 montn, can be more; $1 1 00 wiii givi you possession. , See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon hldpr. ANOTHER ONE. Fine location. 15 ants.. 2 and R rooms. 17 single-room housekeeping, net profit 4u month; fTooo cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. IO07 Yeon bide. LOVELY HOME. 9-room house. beautiful hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, furnace heat, rooms all rented: no housekeeping: price $1100. GEO. T. MOORE COf. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment and room ing houses with us; your interrsts will always be protected. SEE MRS KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Blflg. APARTMENT HOUSE. 42 rooms, rent $140. mostly 2-room apts., making splendid money; price $44tK), $2650 c;ish will har.flle. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bids 5 housekeeping rooms Real furni ture: clears over $200 per month; sick ness cnuse nf selling. ( a'l 117 N. 1Mb. I WANT to buy furniture that has to be moved. I want furniture for 45 rooms. Call Main 4557. Storks and Bonds. OLD PROSPECTOR of 50 years' experi ence in quartz mi nine, is here from Ari zona; will trnde stock rich mines that he took for 30 mining claims from Sil ver Peak Copper company of Pima county. Ore assays $ I HO to the ton. Wont to go back and locate more claims. I am sick with rheumatism. Parties call at 108 U Union ave., room 34. . See pros pectus and map and ore. The company has permit from county officers to sell treasury stock. HOSNER ft HOSNER OFFER 2000 Alaska Pet. & Coal. 14 ' 4 Cremona Phonograph 7-. bid. 20.000 Unit U. S. Oil & Gas. pfd. Certificate receipt, bid. Wanted. Pacific States Five, offer. Western Rubber. Taroma. offer. U. S. Oil and Gas. offer. Mil In 4S23. 611S McKay Bldg. WILL buy Pac. States Fire Ins. stock or Rea.ty A-socIates bonds; vlve price and numb r 01 shares. H 2SO. Oregoman. LOST AND FOUND. LOST LADY'S HAT IN SHATTUCK ROAD OR TERWILLIGER BOULE VARD. FINDER RETURN TO BEN SON HOTEL OFFICE AND RECEIVE LIBERAL REWARD. LOST Between 65S Clackamas and Irvlns- ton school, sterling silver Everaharp pen cil with "Evelyn" engraved. Please call East 6033. Reward. LOST Young pointer dog, heavily marked. black, white and ticKea, name on collar C. R. Parsons, license No. 1631). Call East 2648 or Main 2110. FOUND Pawn ticket for diamond ring. ge name of broker, where loci ted, date pawned, amount obtained. T 326 Ore gonfnn. LOST Friday, elk's tooth, plain silver mounting, engraved "B. McD.. 142, Port land. Ore."" Return Elks' club, reward. S. B. McDonald. LOST Dec. 30 or 31, black satin handbag. containing baby gold ring, door key, purse, some money and trunk key. East 6034. -OST Orange Aneora cat with amDer eyes. Strayed from 20 1 Fifth street Tuesday night. Reward will be paid for return or information leading to return. FOR SALE Paint and hardware store; excellent location; good store; also paint ing contract; good established business. Enst 53S. LOST Past matron's (Eastern Star) Pin. Small diamond in center 01 star. i"inaer ploase phone Tabor 3201. Lost about January . LOST A, gold wrist watch (Elgin), I th:nk on Washington or 4th sts. Kinder please notify Mrs. J. Baldwin. Stevenson, Wash. Reward, LOST A silver locket with initial.- M M. N., 18!!), April 2; Fnme time Wednes day. No value to anvhody hut owner. Call Mar. 2772 or call East 4S35. LOST Tuesday, In or between. Pittoek block and Brondwny, j memo book. Please notify Miss M. Carlson. Tel: Bdwv. 100. - LOST The nisht of the l!tth. a black lynx fur between St. Jonns a no Port land. Finder please call Marshall 6173 or Main, 6207. Liberal reword. LOST Jan. 13. a Shrine pin. Yeldaz Isis. between auditorium and .lerrerson depot. Mrs. N. S. Simpkins. Garden Home, Or. LOST In Lipman. Wolfe & Co.. Fridav. a brown silk umbrella. amrer ring and tins. Call Sel: wood 17T2. Reward. LOST Bank book and $40, two $20 bills, in or near Meier & r nnk to.; reward. 505 E. Market. East 0640. LOST Boston hull, between Taylor and Yamhill on 11th. nursing 5 pmall pups. Call Main 6002 at once. Reward. LOST Last week from 620 E. 15th st. N.. young female cat. gray striped. Call East 1280. LOST Insicnia sver ring. Pi Delta Kappa. Finder please call Auto. 311-03; rew-ard. LOST Sunday night, hidy's gold mesh purse, with smu 11 turquoise cbtsp; re ward. Phone Florence Rire. Bdwy. ,i 1ST Fountain pen without cap, Ross to Hroanway via uroaowwy car 10 Aia moda school. Cnll E 0042. LOST Umbrella from checkroom at auflU torium Thursday night: old one left In its place. Finder call Marshall 15."l. LOST Gold engraved cuff link with the letter C in center; valued as gifL Thone E. 7480. IXST Brown cabin sample grip on Kirby st. between Vancouver. W'aeh.. and Lom bard st. Reward. Phone MnrshaM .".'1. I,OST A gold bracelet, Jan. 10, on Clay or 3d st. or in the auditorium. Finder please call East 14.io. LOST Saturdav afternoon, a wrist watch; initials M. i. Liberal reward. Call Woo1 la. n 1140 LOST White Scotch terrier dog. answers to name of "Scotty," valued as pet; re ward. Aut. o35-Sl. LOST PL A T I NT1 M PENDANT SET WITH 3 DIAMONDS; KJSWAKIJ. rHlLMi EAST 741. LOST Large brindle bulldogs with short tail, no coIIp r on and well undershot jaw. Phone Dr. Earl Smith. Mar. -1111. LOST t'hamo:a vest. Finder .call Main 3m Reward. LOST On buckskin flannej-l:nri driving glove. Owner. L. M. St:irk. Hdwy. SQoH. LOST l.atiy'5 beaded hand bag near Lake Grove Reward I'all Marili.i l I'.tJQ FOVN1 Sum of immey mi currency er writ- 1'S'i. OrC'it;i:in Own- FOUND English polnterbitch. ov call Main "o4. ' LOST Thursday evening, topaz brooch, i CbM East 70O1. LOST Gold wrist vteh. Reward. Initial S. J. C. Call S II wood 103O. LOST Friday, two $10 bills. Reward. Ta bor S008. L 1ST -Link chain and elk tooth. Reward. Phone East 079. . - LOST Green silk dress skfrt bet. Fifth and Third on Hall. Marshall 5332. LOST Re be, between p ne and E. Stark. 2Sth and 32d, B. E st 240it. LADY'S black knitted wool sweater with white lace collar. Call E. 574. Reward. LOST Check in Mt. Scott car, payment on same stopped. Phone Cia-."S7. LOST--On Friday, -gold diamond t--e.t link cuff buttons. - Phono Main 4192. LOST AND FOUNDS PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT POWER CO. Losty Article Department. 1st and aiu'-t 5is. r-oriiana, or. i ne loiiowmg articles were found on the cars of the Port land Railway. Liicht & Power Co. Jan. 2t 7 umbrellas. 5 purses. 2 pairs gloves.3 single gloves, watch crystal. 2 lavelliers. 2 keys, glasses case. belt, commutation iicaets, cransier punch, doll, o pacKages, gas fixtures. 2 pieces of pipe. Owners may obtain same upon proper fdentiwca tion at 1st and Alder st. fetation." $15 REWARD for recovery of team. brown mare foretoo cut. branded C. B. on !eft shoulder; also 1 light sorrel horse, strio in face. weiehL 1400 ibs. iiranued S. Brands on both dim. Fore tops on both cut Notify Tom E, Ew nig Brothers, Or. LoST A black leather handbaa between Laurelhtirst. Washington and West Park, along Sandy, Burnside and Broad way, some change, pair gloves, a pair glasses and a Key; reward $2.50. la bor oo::o. THE PERSON who took a watch, fob and lady's purse from 1178 Hassalo between January 1 and 5. return the U. S. gov ernment medal to Ben Selling clothing score, you can keep the money LOST Beagle hound dog, male, white with bis black soul on side and Ur.w spot on head; long body and tal.. short iesrs: license No. t-u. Phone bellwood 10 Reward. Or Sellwood 1556. 1211 Hoigate street. LOST During the Shrine convention. Scottish Rite. 32d -degree, heavy band ring with double eagle; inshie of ring has Nelson Steele. Auaust O. Is. v it finder communicate with Nelson Steele, Sheriff b office. V ancouver. W ash. T LOST M :iie Main 6277. lox terrier. Reward. -j:;4 Clay st, SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. U'E WILL accepL healed bids lor stock ol hardware and fixtures approximating So,uH. ..either in bu.K or in parcels, certified check of 10 per cent of amoun-t of bid must accompany each bid; right is reserved to acceDt or reject any and al. bids. Inventory may be inspected a thepe bf rices on and after w ednesday, January 12. Bius will be closed W ednes day. January 26 The Adjustment Bureau of the Portland At-sociation of Credit Men. 641 Prttock block, Port land, Or. MiM-ellaiieou. HEIRS LEVERICH-CLA RKE In the mat ter of the estate of Delia Ann Levench deceased, late of the Town of Port Hope. Canada: Take notice that all persons1 claiming to be heirs of the said DELIA A.. LEVERICH, daughter of ELIJAH C'LAKKE, iMte of Syracuse. New Ttork, U. S. A., are required on or before the 25th day of' January. 1021. to send, by rt lettered post prepaid to the Local Mas ter of the Supreme Court of Ontario, at his office in the courthouse, at Cobourg, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full par ticulars of their ciairrs and of their re lationship to the said Delia Ann Leverich. and in default thereof they will be per emptorily excluded from an snare the estate of the gaid Delia Ann Leverich. The undersigned referee will, on Sat urday. the 20th day of Juauary. 1020, at 11:30 o'clock in, the forenoon, at his chambers at the courthouse at Cobourg, or 50 soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, hear the claims of ali those alleged to be heirs of tjie said Delia Ann Leverich submitted to mm. pur suant to this notice, and let all parties then attend. iated this 24th day of December. 1020. (Signed) GEO. M. ROGER. Official Referee at Cobourg, Ontario, Canada. CITY OF PORTLAND will sell at auction to the highest bidder at 2 P. M., Jat 27, at City Hall, old engine house at Kenton and one at Sellwood. They must be wrecked and removed from grounds. For particulars call at room 208. City Hall. - NOTICE is hereby given that Coe has pur- cnased the Sing Sing restaurant at N 5th St.. fnrmerlv conducted by Jung I Yan, and that he will not be responsible ior any oius contracted prior to January 22, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that the foun dry heretofore known as the Marne Iron Works will hereafter be known as Northwestern Stove Works, 260 E. 6th st. J. B. Stokes, prop ri e tor. WILL NOT oe responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Ethel Coleman Jacobson. , J. C. JACOBSON W1I.L party who purchased old barn on tnattucK roaa communica te with E. J. Grahs, Hillsdale. Phone Main 317. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU Bt Y OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY, OCR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. E ARE .in position to immediately un dertake the further financing of an established manufacturing business or industry where increased working capi tal will add substantially to profits and output; company must be at least two years old. pMst experimpntal stage; fi nancial statement, references required. W .i.ij. . regonian. WELL-KNOWN Portland establishment desires to borrow from a private party at 8 per cent from $5000 to $10,000. secured by note and, sales contracts; this will stand investigation and will Interest you; the firm has $100,000 paid capital. AE 327, Oregoman. THOROUGHLY .experienced stock and bond salesman capable of taking full charge of promotion campaign and or ganizing selling Hgents will consider floating desirable local issue. E 1, Ore gonian. AN ESTABLISHED local investment firm wit h wide financial connections and a trained force ,of experienced security salesmen will sonsider application of firni uesiring to raise capital. Address AN, It". AJregonian. WELL ESTABLISHED. succefSfuV Port land firm has a tew thousand dollars of its 7 per cent flock yet unsold; shares $100 each: only 50 shares remain unsold: if you wiih a sale 7 per cent investment address AE 330. Oregonian. HAVE Information about-the oil companies of standing, various ell fields and en eral data about the justness which may be of na.ue to anyone havi-ng r - :on siderir an oil Investment; no fees F F Lichke. room 401. r ailway E.f'.'an 't. MONEY TO LOAN on surplu. stocks of merchandise p:aced in storage" with us Ph me Broadway 3715 Securif Storage & Trant-fe Co ,"S 4;h street, cor r of Pine FOR SALE: Al contract. $3MM. at 7 per cent: will discount $200. Tabor 4477 or L 3S1, Oregonian. J IF YOU w'sh assistance' 1 m? "'ng out vour neome ia. icyoit M"ur iu.ij . WANT to borrow $1500 one year, interest payable quarterly, ample security. All 325, Oregonian. WANTED -Financial .assistance to patent and finance an auto accessory or merit. W .Ho, oregonian. CASH p.T. id for mortgages and sellers' -n 'racts on real estate Washing on. Ore gon H. E Noble. 316 Lumbermen r, dg RCY notes, contract, mortgages. F Lewis. 301 Lewis bidg.. 4ih and Oak FIRST-CLASS luyestments; 7 and 10 per cent. X :110. Oregonian. Money to Loun on Real Rotate. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD., 300 p;tt hldg Mnin S37L MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment -privileges, A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 217 x. W. Trn. PI'-g. Mar. 4114. $300. 1400. $500. O0. SbOO, J1000. $1200. $Lr.00, $2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action ;-pay off $100 or more at any in terest Rate. Gordoii Mortgage Co., 631 Chim. of Com. rldc. M;iin 1370. S 1O0.OO0 TO LEND at 0 V 'A. on central re tail business property. Could increase this amount a little if necessary. BF 314 Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED v REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 'OS SELLING HLDG. MAIN 1 S00. PRIVATE praty has ?30O0 to loan, good security wanted, mortgages will be con s'dered. Call Main 4473. a $;t00. MOO. $."00. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates. quick action. Fred W. Gt mm Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Mnln 044r. PLLNTY of nomey to loan on real estate at 7 pr cent if security Is ample. Edw. P Mali. ::! rhnm. of Com. ij iREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO.. 212 m f Cum.. 4th and S'ark. $sonn PRIVATE money ; will divide delay: nenry ojog. rtroaov Mt mltgag: Nalomnn i .OA NS. 0 and per cent. Co.. 307 Ry. Exoh. bldg. MONEY io loan on real estate, 1 per cent. Geo. P. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. TO LOAN, $1000, 3 years. 7 per cent. K M. Oatewood & Co.. 163 First st. $roo TO LOAN. 1r'r . on good city Im proved. Akerson. 420 Henry bldg. V TO LOAN, $10O0, 8 yrs.. 7 per cent. H. M. Gatewood &. Co.. 103 4th st. $100 TO LOAN for 8, on good security. East 013. WILL HAVE $2o00 to loan. 704. . $3OO-$5OO0 ON IMPROVED city or sub urban property, current rates, K. 6320. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan r,r. &cn Estate. WE HAVE funds on hand for large loans on central improved real estate. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY 91 Fourth Street. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi -annually ana reauce i terest on loans under J-iOUU. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 er cent value house and lot at 7 npr pflnl. You nav of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example, $2000 loan you pay $10 month lv and interest: you have priv Ilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reuucea accoru tngly. NO COMMISSION. RUSI. ESS LOANS. Five-year period. 6 per cent. Excellent Repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland Mortgage corre;pondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Main 8308. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS On improved property or for improve ment Durnoses. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment pian. $32.26 per month for 60 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 06 months, pays loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Renavment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN stars: st., foruanu, r. FORS A LE. A first mortgage for $4625 which has about 62 years to run, interest 6 per cent per annum, payable annually, on 3f acres or highly improved iana in Yamhill county, which sold for $15,000, all cash except this mortgage. PENINSULA SECURITY CO., Agent, Col. 161. B. LEJ PAGET, MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amounts, at lowest rates, on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service B. LEE PAGET. 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. IF YOU WANT to borrow money and give first mortgage on house or farm, see us. we have considerable funds on hand and can make loans in any amount at going rate of interest; no red tape or unneces sary .expense. McClure & Schmauch Co.. 300 Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On residences and improved farms at lowest rates of interest. WHITMER, KELLY CO.. 414 Pittock Block. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate: no commission, ti ana t per cent on choice loans, long time. Short time monthly payments, pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages: liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco blag., otn ana Alder. Cellars-Murton to. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans, also Insurance money ior business property, at lowest avaiiaoie rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2S31. Wilcox Bldg. $60,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Bunaing loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 Failing bldg. Third and Washington. MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. No commission. UNION ABSTRACT CO., S3 4th ST., HENRY BLDG. $5011, $10110, $loOO. J201I0 AND UP. NO DELAY. QUICK ACTION. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMP. CITY PROPERTY OR WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. F H DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment privileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., '80 Fourth st.. --Portland. Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth st.. Portland. Or. - " MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 212 Corbett bldg. Main 6015, MOLVGAGE money through my office. bldg MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest, otto & naricaon Realty Co.. 413 Cham, of Com. JUoney to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN MONEV AT 2 PER CENT 1 ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TG PROTECT BOH ROWERSN LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS WATCHES JEWELRY VIC TROLAS PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST YEAR I0TH CARRIE MYEFS HERMANN MGR PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES QUICK SERVICE" YOU CAN GET IT TODAY LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FCRNITURB. PIANOS V1CTKOLAS REAL ESTATE BONDS. ETC If your pay in en is are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance vou more money :f needed. We make a spe cialty of these o;ins ar.d leave the ?e cialty in your possets ion, and you can repay us In smal. aontniy payments WE ALSO MAKE SALARY -OANS t.j sa.ared ueoole on their own noUs T.atei reavonabie private offices A I. busi PORTLAND LOAN 'COMP ANY ( LICEN' ''-. ) 300-307 Dekum Bldg .1ai .all .S6 S W Cor Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY! On short notice to sa.aried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments; each transaction strict 'y confidential NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also ioan on household goods pianos, etc CALL AND IN V EST I G ATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 1 21S FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. watches, jewelry and bonds. legal rates; all goods held 1 year VINES JEWELRY STORE 114-110 Third St Corner Washington. Main 0640. MONEY TO LOAN, on goods placed in storage with us. We can save yu money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. 53 4 th st., corner of Pine. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds Jewelry lecal rates, articles held a year; esab Msned 1WSH. D;in Marx St Co.. 313 Wash QUICK money to salaried people o un secured note. Confidential investigation. 310 Cham, of Com, hldg. Licensed. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni- ture ; legal rates.loS Washington bidg Loans Wanted. ,-,000 7 P.ER CENT, on income or busi ness property, Vancouver; value $33,000. East 0320., WANTED Loan of $I20O on improved property twice the value; pay oniy 7 per c ent. AN 301. tr'mian. VA NTH M I0.1.1 n a piano (prir-e Phono EaMt 2370, $730). liberal interest. Sunday (tod-.'.v only. WANTED Loan of mortgage on vtty Henrv bld-T. $soo. will property. gi'e first Call LOANS on Irvingtoii homes. J23"H) to $4010. 3 yrs., 7 per cent. Phone R. T. Street if you h ave id I e more y lor choic el 0 $3o00 WANTED on improved real estate vorth $23,000, interest 7 per cent. BF 313, Or --gonian. $1100 on 3-room residence and ImixlOO ground. Worth $3tnwi. Herman Moeller, If3 Gaso bids.. Main 1 4 so. FARMER wants $1mmi lor" 1 year or mort at Mr. AV 001 Oregonian. . SEE ORJCGON 1NV MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham of .om F.iurtn .nd Srnrk WANTED Loan $1000. east side property, rent $40 month. BP 320. Oregon -a n . WANTED Loan $300. six months, good security. BJ 330, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Loan W aiilcfl. 1250 DWELLING. 1114 Gatenbein. $2500 Modern house. Piedmont. $25ou Modem Hose City fark home. 2SO0 7 acres, &2d St. inoii Modern house. Alameda Park. $3750 Modern house. East 4oth st. N. j; .Vh mi 2-storv brirk near Union ave. $5000 Elusinecs property. brick and frame buildinns; rented tor 4oUU month. $11,000 3-story concrete apt. house. F. H. DESHON, 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. UNUSUAL INVESTMENT OPPORTU NITY $5000, $10,000 TO $15,000. VROP1T ARSTTTIEO TWO FOR ONE PLUS PROPORTION OK EARNINGS. ESTIMATED AT NOT LESS THAN rt 1RT( CUVT THIS IS AN INDUSTRIAL PROPOSI TION IN OPERATION A.M) wii-Ij STAND MOST RIGID INVESTIGATION. ADDRESS PRINCIPAL, O 321, OREGOMAN LOAN FROM PRIVATE PARTY. 1 went ?3750 on Kilt edge corner, cen ter city, four lots bungalow and large garage wortn $uuu. in teres 1. uwimit.) or oiiHrterlv. I want $8000 on 12 acres, close in. on Base Line road, highly cultivated sev eral buildings worth $10,000. Interest mrn I h lv r ouarteriv. Single or a double loan will reduce loan in one year 11 rejuesteu. Call Merrill Raymond Auto Co., Bdwy. 5711. 60 Broadway at Ankeny. $7000 (SECURITY APPRAISED AT $17,000). ONE OF THE "BEST HOMES" IN "BEST PART" OF ul'Ki'.i.hl'IW i'; W ILL PAY 74 PER C E N T SEMI ANNUALLY. OWNER, 0 331, ORE GONIAN. . FRANK L McGL'lRE. witn nis years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues, is In a position to safeguard your every interest In loaning your money. Hundreds of applications for it-atia O' fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. LoKie Richardson, manager of loan department. Abmgioa b.dg Main 1068. . HAVE sold modern S-room residence on paved street, close in tor $4500: first mortgage given for $2300: wiii sell sec ond mortgage $N50; payable $00 quar terly and 7 per cent interest for $ i.o. Call northwest corner of East 26ih and Ash. Mar. 76. W E tlAVE some good reai oj.aitr o in fracts and mortgages' in amounts of S-jOo and above, payable in monthly ins ail ments and bearing 7 per c.nfc tnte-e-;. hch we will discount 5 per tent. b. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, u !. TWO LOANS J5U0 each. 7 per cent. 3 or o years, no uru er-t , iw . . n lots Address or "call 675 Syracuse at-, after 10 A. M.. St. Johns to Fisk. four blocks south. WE HAVE applicatio for residence leans, $1500, $45on, $5000. at t .per cent. They are all good safe loans and we recommend them. Strong t Co., 606 Chamber of Commerce Ridge. 1 WANT to borrow $15,000 on my ranch. which contains 2000 acres, and is con servatively worth $50,000. Will p.iy 7 4 per cent interest semi-a..nually and make loan for five years. D 340, Oregonian. TWO LOANS of $1500 each, 7 per cent. secured by mortgage on modern oun gaiows In good district; a good moral risk; no agents or commission. Phune M al n 8308. SELLER'S CONTRACT. $1300, payable monthly, 7 per cent ; well locateu resi dence, paved St., all improvements paid. This is Al; discount reasonable amount. S 140. Oregonian. J1J.0OO CHATTEL mortgage for sale at liberal discount, payaoie in largu muniu ly Installments at 7 per cent, runs l!0 months; security i ample, high class and well indorsed. Main 4:i8s. $3500 FIRST mortgage loan wanted on farm To acres near ewocrs, n'u buildings, highly improved ; no apents, no commission ; lender answer direct. 1H 310, Oregonian. IS THERE a citizen m Portland who would "lend an ex-service man enougn money to go on a homestead? Can she security. Corporal Bob. oisS UmaiiUa ave.. city. , tlo.Ooi) l WANT to borrow ten thousand dollars irom private pariy on nouse " very large lot on Portland Heights; value fj.'i.uou. Weston &. Co., liHO N. W . Hun bldK. FOR GILT-EDGE Vo and mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon in vestment & Mortgage Co., Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED From private party. JJ.'.oo on Rose City bungalow; also $uou on mou ern 6-room suburban home. Gibson, I'OS Stark. Marshall 12. WANTED Will pay $1000 for the use 01 sj.MJO ior years; your money iuhj jji in fected and secured; investiaaie. Box li)u, Oregon City, Or. A-l FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IMPRO EU v. 1 I I ruurLin F. H DESHON. 015 Cham of Com BIdj Long Established Reliable Service WANTED liuildmg loan. VMu. on new bungalow near nawtnorne ave. , o pet cent. No agents, no commission. Ad dress AG 300. Oregonian. WANTED $700, first mortgage, .-room house, 4 lots, S per cent, will pay ex penses but no commission. Mum 0074, Mon day. $1000 WANTED from principal direct; modern uungaiow, o uuru, .(. way, near Multnomah station. HD 301, Oregonian. $1400 WANTED, 7 per cent, modern .- room, aouoie consirueieu icsiuciilc, .-.v-.w for h."0. 47o E. Killingswurth. Mar. 7 l. LOAN wanted on double ilats, west siue. $3M)0; 1 per cent, no cuiuiuimmuu. 300. Oregonian. WANT 0000, o years, per cent, on Portland income, value io,uuo. r, oj Oregonian. WILL PAY 10 per cent for loan of ipi.-O; 1 yr. on email house aim 101. 00 ouo, Oregonian. . . WANT to borrow $3200 on security Irving- ton new name, mantel vaiue ?ijw. l'hone Tabor .i04. J110O MORTGAGE;. payaoie mommy. will discount 1- per uem, ii Owner, East 4110. WANTED 1700 loan on improved 40 acres out irom Oregon Cit. a 10 o j rs. 1151 E. Lincoln Ft. Tabor --' . $10oi (iOOl) security, pay S. AJ 311 Oregonian. . PERSONAL. WHAT MAGNETIC OR DRUGLESS HEALING WILL DO. Tsn weeks ago I was called to treat "Mr. Meeker of llH'fc 13th st., west Port land, for lumbago anu nieumauMu, by permission refer any one with any chronic disease to Mrs. Meeker as to what I can do. I cured her brother-in-law Wm. Douglas, of rheumatism; his won George of nervous indigestion, anu her sister. Mrs. Peck, of female trouble and nervous prostration, bordering on in sanitv. All are of Kansas. Their cures were made over 20 years ago. Mr. and Mrs Meeker have been residents of Port land 7 or S yearb. Their phone number is Broadway 3324. residence 12MU 13th st. I treat ail chronic diseases, will take no case unless postive of a cure. I practice the Veltmr method of healing, no drug, no knife. Can refer to other Poftland people. prof. Peasley, apt. G-I0. Heyland apts., 4!0 Morrison st.. Marshall 100, Portland. HERE are a few of the fnaiiy. diseases of which I can remove the cause: Nervous debility, neuralgia, paralys.s. lung trou ble rheumatism, seiatica, spinal menin gitis, spinal trouble. St. Vitus' dance, fevers, gallstones, heart trouble, hay fe ver, insanity, indigestion, jaundice, liver trouble, la grippe, locomotor ataxia, asthma, appendicitis. Bright "s disease, bladder trouble, bronchitis, bowel trou ble, constipation. catarrh, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, lumbago, headache; no drugs, no surgery. Dr. .1. Smith. D. T., drug less physician. 207 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Office hours 0 to 12 A. M., -. t u t f hv unni.infmenf ATTENTION, YOI'M't MAN. I am looking for a young mnir who Is employed during the day and has a desire to study law. Must he ambitious and want to better his condition, for sueh a man I have a proposition that 'will be of great interest and more than worth his time. Arrange for interview. Give phone if possible for appointment. BF 343. oregoman. ANY RE A DHR of this paper HUffering from goiter (big necm can positive informa tion on how to cure it at hmne without the least trouble or discomfort. There a plea.-jant surprise in store for you If yuu will write. No charge what yt.ever " Tell other, ft i ill help us all. I r. Pock, box -737. Milv. auke.-. Wis. WOULD Hk'1 to know tin- w hereabout" of Mis Win R:c:iara.-or.. 1 ne jast neara 01 wa;-. in Mar?hf;eid. Or., but think she itf aioiii'd Portland new. Afnobe knowing where su-e Is kind; wrj.v to H. T. Hoyt. 31 You Ml' ntn. The LAURiiLHURST BEAUTY PALLORS. Violet ray, scalp treatment, shampoo, factal mass nc ha ;rdr.-.-..-".n ; special work Sunday and evenings. A u i omai le 2:t4-17 for app.d:: ment. 1 WILL help you reu rilo and h.-dp e I rejected scenarios: no commission nn lf ss 1 make pa le; only small vli.u gc for first (M'i ijcis in. Kas: 31S3. "TJl7 A PA'K of these wonderful FOR TUNE PH'Tl'RE CARDS, tell your own fortune ; send ?l lo M.-ta Ifcst-e, tilt 1 fi Hawthorne avtv. l'00' - MAR V J . BO BIER: P ' f a c communicate with Mrs Van Seoy. Wdln. 134 GRADUATE nur.-e. niass.-use. massage i n patient' hom e . gives body East ;)S31. V I T -O - N ET BLANK T-71 FOR SALi-J. EAST Tt'Sl. POS1T1 VK cure for rheumatism. Dr. Chybki, D. P., 4.17 and 418 weilaml bldg. PERSONAL. GET WELL FREE FREE. FRKB. Every day. from 10 A. M. to 5 P M., and evenings from 6 to 6. and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO II AVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are invited to investigate Chiropractic methods, wblcb are permanently cuim hundred every day THE REST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thorouKhi examine you. m.tKe complete dlutfiiosis ni MV .oa anJ t rect your treatments WITHOUT AN Y C "ST P ' WHA TEYEK CHIROPRACTIC Is tU- i. sure nd modern scieoc 0 ' prevt-..:inK disease CHlRoPRAC'llC wil. p cure 15 prr cent ,i an di .. CHIROPRACTIC rem - n health returns The above bL-rvice Is all tr.-e i" the college building and nia Oe "i private if desired PRIVATE TREATMENTS m.o . h8u tn colieKe bull. Una by menur -the facility, oy eAiicr lady or men c titioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC Cw Llr -Coiner of park and VauiaiU Tel M.tln HIM HOSPITAL In connection with cuiiet Will nao-iu out-of-towt patients al a imt rcn able rate to order to auow wUa. Chiro practic can do. - DR. O W. ELLIOTT. President. lOOTc CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflage and adjuncts lorein to this princip.e only add time and imme diate expense io later despair.) Dr. M eMail on, Macicay bldg., Port land, a chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 per Cent chiropractic fcpeciuiidt, with hiKiiest teminiouiati t rum patients irom eastern states, familiar with the best ; alt, from western and local patien ta having unfortunately had leh than lui per cent chiropractic else where, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief." Men and women aro fully satisfied with my loo per cent chiropractic philosophy, lunic experience and superior skii! demonstrated m consultation, ex aminations. eas . careful adjustment, ia;es, ami fnia-Iy results. Eleventh year In Has city Chronic cases, one or two. taking time. Hi adjustments. $-0. Patients improving, but slowly, ex tended time, ifl adjustments, $ii. Acute cases, fever. lumbago. any dcubi.ng Tuomases, etc.. lesa liuie, le4 expense. m Phon. call. wire, write Main office. 4ih and Wash. New Home, 017 East Salmon st I WANT TO SEND FREE TO EVERY chronic pipe smoker in the country a good big, generous paniple of my pure, sun -cured, nat ure flavored Old G :'eeo River pipe tobacco. No money to pay. If you are a tobacco ci .ink, all tho Setter Try the pure stuff. No syrup, voring or dope. A fter you try it FREE. I'll show you how to cut your smoking bill one-ha !f and get mora pipe Joy. Just send name and address, and say whether you want niiid, medium or strong. PETE MoliERLV, box Jtttfc Owensboro. Kentucky. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painleps dentistry, by the nerve-blocking iih thod. w ithuut after effects I make .-ray examination of teeh I siMtia!ize m firsi-cla.-s dentistry at rea sonable fees Ladv attendant Mar e-"5 DR. A W. KEEN E. Majestic Theater Uldg ,V1 li Wash. BATHS AND MASSAGE" Graduate nuie Klves bod v massage, steam ba'.ha. vibratory and ertrie ma.-sage. Svvetlnmi bliig., rnom L'lA Main 110,". open .evenings till 7 Plione fnr evening appointments. Chimp: aetir or spinal adjustments it desired ile.isniia U'.ti rates on louws, HL' Y VOl lt l'l I T 1 N0 GRAPH AT li YATTS. Rt tin 111 her we sell yuu any mod " if Victrola, KMson, Co! 11 in Ida or Hrui.. wiek up tn S U on pa meats of per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Cm., ;i..o Aid, r sir e SATISFACTION mid eye comfort. My time given exctusiv ly of eyes and the itllilg gl;ss Ili'.iMin- able prices IiroU qtilCivO du- plicated. Dr liubeiibUin. JJii Mttt - risoti st. TAKAK XS ANT I S E I ' FIG IMU'UKH is .i cieailtflng. hi-allng gerinb ld- .ml i ti v 1 oratinj, douehe, u grv.a aid 111 .ni.i.e disorders; ."'t'c and l per box i'iotiallii Hotel Pharmacy- 1 A R Y ELIZA. iE i li S J 1 1 ' P . P i-JN L'.:. 1NOS: facial ti ea i men l a. fc alp treat -metits, sii.imiJOoing. mauicui nig. t u Portia lid liotcl. Court entrance. ftlal'i '30I. G A LLS'I'ON KS Free oook tells r 1111 proved method ot treaiing in f lamina t on of gall bjadder and bile ducts. Write today Dr. 1'addock, box 00,101. Kansas City. Ma. $$$$ FOR IDEAS Pfftotoplny plots ac cept' l. any form ; r vised, published, copyrighted, mUl. Advice free. I'niver sal Scenario Corp., l.v.t Western Mutual Life bldg., Los Angeles. ALL the Idlest remetl fs sm d at Ibe Cie.n enson Drug Co.. luo Morrison St., St. Charles hotel corner. At this drug etore you get just what oU call for. W have no substitutes. li." YOU ARE tired and nervous you cfc -re i u v e n a te you r n e rvo u s ce 11 1 e rs and poor circ ilat ion by ha virig body masMige. Dr Ovdia a cjent ii k. Large n. 034 Morgan b ug ij un r.':e.. FOR CORNS, ingiuwing nails, pedicuring and manicuring see Dr. Ethel A Saciy. fib."; Raleigh bldg. 10 A. M. tf P. M. Ap pointments evenings and Sundays Mar shal! 3370. il itETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the ClURi'PODIST and ARCH Sl'I-ST , who doesn't hurt vou; H yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg., 11th & Wash. Hdy. 1M. D4WETHEL A. GRlFJ';ifH.DrP.Expe7t masseuse, f tea 111 baths, vibration, facial nd scalp treat ments. La ides' patronagu prefered. 41 7-4 1 S Swftlnnd bldg. GOITRE and enlarge. 1 glands. Cure your self at home. I'll utile Process. re liable references. David M. Fahner. successor to A R. St rachan, f 1 7 Chain, of Com. WRITE a song, poem; fc've. mother, home, comic or any subject; I compose inutdc, guarantee- puhlira lion ; scud words. Ed ward Trent, 701 Reaper blk., Chicngo. VIT-O-N ET sweat baths for colds; violet ray treatments for neuritis; body mas HrtKe; 10 A. M. to S P. M. daily. 430 M 1 1 r it a n 1 tldg. M a i n 7370. GK A DC ATE chiropodist, manleurist. su perfluous hair permanently removed, face sealp speeialist; ladies and gentle men.' 103 s Alisky bldg.jl! mi4i'P'wn: FE liV E'T" H AN E B I " T. leading wig and loupe makers; finest sto k human hair goods; permanent and marcel waving. Scalp treatment 340 Alder Main MO. "ELECT It 10 CAB! NET HAT 1 1 S. Scientific massage, sun lamps. etc. Dr. Ironside, 300-14 Broadway building G rn d u a t e nurse assi stant. -Main 30. TOiA"CO ot snufi baoit curco or no pay. $1 If cured Remedy sent on trial, tiiif perbajCo. W. 314. lialtimore.hr r H 1 LBLA INS or ingrowiffg mil s cured without knife or pain, quick relief rita E u g c ne Eaton, dept. 1 2.Ba n ri ( n, O r "TC;SGES FOR RHEUMATISM. ETC. 413 BUCHANAN BLDG MAIN K.lo.i. OPE NSL'NDAJSA N D EVENINGS. SUPEIti'LU 'US hair. mole, warts, removed bv 10-necdles method; trial free. Jot Fin ley. nil Bush Lane bid? Malnii:tOS. W A NT E D 1 23 iii i and w omen to have ham and eggs a. id potatoes for 23c at Cory Dairy Lunch. 0th ami U ash sij SULI 'I I U RBiea 1 11 bath massage, violet ray and vibratoi treatment. 41tf Clay. Main s ' ; 30 10 A. M to S P M pTTl'S can be perniant-iul v cured without operation Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison POSTAGE stamps fir cd lectors. botif; lit and sold. C'lluinbia S'anip Co., 01 N. Kith st. Broad way in (ii'il.lMi. for d;.-'-a-e( of Woman; positive relief, consul la t inn f r e. Mrs. J ungoa 2 Hi Lincoln Main 1M7Q. STasSA ! E BATHS, kid ne s. enn si i pa tb"i, rheumatism. Dr Elna Snrcr.si-n. drug less phys . 3QS Panama bMg Mairi 3"oi UK VO LV K KS a..d p..tois boUgliL. o.d .1 if. ex eh a nged. 1 i-auri y a:u'i. 7"l Mam 'anc4uerJ Wash. NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff, hair grown on bald heads; ladies or genll :'.14 Mac'.eay bldg A N T I-. L To .ui.ij-t Kill be ; w e n .1 Hid lo ear. oid: btt references. ii'e Ln S3. Wash 1 wen a. Wash. G R A DC ATE nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours 2 to 0 ur .v appointment Phone M iin lo4!. Off:ce rui.C Third ft iJOV 3 YEARS IllUflt give be: gimiail. fur lopt fci.'.d hoiio B 310. on t reference li KES1DKNTIAL shampooing and II SCALP T RE ATM ENT. sha 111 u.oi ng and facial, ut y.oiir n sidencc. Oil Mar. .'til. LS TlS h.V I.t. Harry oiler, 2-'4 A . - h ) t d . TM!td ar:d Morrison. Man '.:.; PR'PXrEDA I.M. formerly t ailed p.iiin ut Figs Ml E. ;:ld S1 llUi mnrninicw dTu-.SN7!" Tom. D.ck or Harrv pay yoii? Se--' Viereik. collcctinns. D-kuni bl'le SI PE f ; i"LU 'US hair r' in o ed forever hy muitiiie-needie method 3o4 Swetland h1 PILE S( "AN P. E CURED wRhout opt. a I ion.' Free booklet P. t' V.ax 1HT vlfO -X ET e! pot 1 o sweat massage. 417 M 01 vxji hldg M a lnjt:3. RUPTURE CAN HE CURED without nn p c r a t i fin Frc e boo klet. p Q. Hnx 1 103 WANTED Ladies' cniiii'iiixs to IiiaHti Up. P h o n e Wood.: 1 v n 3 P.'O. V A NTH D k r.id u.t .e mil ise by .iotlor; good - money pi opusilioii. AP 323, Oicgoniau.