The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 23, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 38

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MIDDLE AC ED LAI) V w ishes position
as housekeeper In hotel or private fam
ily. No launrirv. Best references. Can
take charge a matron in hospital or
Institution. Applv at Catholic Ladies
Lea rue, fillers Rldg.
MIDDLE-AtiED woman ucinuergartner
wishes care of ehiluren and mending by
the day or permanent position in good
I family; reference. Telephone Seilwood
YOUNG oman, with small child, want
to do houMwork; no men that are alone
need answer. 247 H 5th, at. auuth.
YOCXG lady, experienced fle clerk end
switchboard operator, warns p-jiuon at
once: also with general office
work. O 3-, Oregonian.
WoMAN warns kitchen work, hotel
reataursnt; experienced, quick worker;
hours from 4 P. M. to 12 M. : wages
f 12.50 per week. 35S, Oregonlan.
YOUNG lady attending bus-lnese college
wtsnes nouftewortc morninra ace ven
Jns tor room and board and reasonable
Wftgn. Ai o i . Oregonian.
REFINED and educated middle-aged
woman desires position as companion
or light house Keeping; reierences ex
rhangd. O 320, Oregonlan. fc
LaIV, stranger," would like sewing. Iron
in, mending, children's clothes a spe
cialty; 40 n-nta hour and carfare. Call
FHIWOOrl 6!H).
MIDDLE-AOED w.dow wihes to take full
charge of small rooming house: have had
plentv of experience. Address P. O. box
MM. Portland. .
Mil DLE-AOKD lady will care for chil
dren afternoons and evenings while
mother Is absent; best references. Ta
bor 1530.
EDUCATED widow would give light serv
ices few hours daily la exchange for
boarC and room In home of refinement
S K7, Oreconian.
LADY war.ts hous
other work, good
Woodswn 62 00.
cleaning, washing
work guaranteed
expkrie.WKD ladv wants washing,
cleaning and Ironing by the hour; city
reference. Woodlawn 4S05.
fcLI'ERLY lady wlshc-s light work, com
panion or H. K.. one or two persons. AM
3. 1 7. oregonian.
FRENCH hemming, embroidery. InTants
weAr, lingerie, plain sewing; reasonable.
Seilwood 2:151.
QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new
Will call. Kast gnu.
Vu.L ajMint mothers by caring for chi
. dren In my home during day or evening,
35 21st st. . ai a r. .'m.
LADY wishes to be matron of institution
or take apt. or rooming nouse io man
age: must be modern. U 3v3. Oregonlan
vaxtku- Experienced girl wishes posi
tion tn confectionery or clerk in store.
BJ aPi), Oregonlan.
COPY work, short stories and scenarios
typewritten at jiome; reasunauie. nuuu
lawn oo.w. ,
HE LI ABLE middle-aged woman; good
plain cook or housekeeping; L. S. pre
Terrea. tj .no. uremuimii.
EDUCATED, experienced nursery gover
ned desires position: prefer children, S
to 6. A 2'i. uregonian.
iilDDLK-AGED woman wants postllon as
Housekeeper ior one or iwu icmwuwu.
HD 337. oregonian.
COLORED woman wishes few hours work
washing. Ironing, or catering. Auto,
LAUNDRY work, cleaning, helping with
dinners, taking care children; ref. Mar.
iX PERI ENCED woman cook wants posi
tion in boarding house, hotel or restau
rant. AO 304, Oregonlan.
WANTED Management of apartment
house, by capaoie young womau. ov
Vtmv u-jiT hrtme-tr.akinif Christian woman
wishes position widower's home of 1 or
2 children. Tabor 3034. 1'to E. i3d N.
iIRL wishes work between 10 A. M. and
P. M. ; anything considered. B 333, Or-
BCHOOLGIRL, 13, wants in refined home
as mother's helper, experienced with care
of babies. U 3M, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED exchange operator desires
position; wiii uo
Mar. 22SS.
EXPERIENCED woman cook, small
restaurant or cafeteria. BD 3J0, Orego
nlan .
WORKING girl wishes to exchange serv
ices for room and board. Phone Broad-
way 3117 from it to o.
EAST 6196.
GIRL wishes light office work or switch
board operator, experienctu..
mUNG colored woman wants work, assist
. . .1.11 .11 1, XT" B-flO
nousewora. an mi t-iv. ' '
GIRL desires Immediate employment, can
do anything. I) Oregonlan.
WANTED By experienced woman, gener
al housework by hour. Auto. 621-67.
WOMAN wants position as head cook in
camp. Marshall ill 37.
V ANTED Day work any kind, expe
rienced woman. Bdwy. 1642. room 67.
t-JRL wants work a few hours each after
noon. Marshall ."21Q.
RELIABLE caterers would serve dinners.
Call all week Broadway 5072. apt. 42.
LAUNDERING done beautifully at tome;
prices reasonable. Main 9132.
EXPERIENCED demonstrator wishes po
sition. Marshall 1M. room 222.
YOUNG lady wishes position as assistant
to physician. Marshall li"0, room 222.
WANTED Housework by the hour. Call
East R7U.1.
WOMAN wishes day work.
620 -3rt.
LXPERIEXCKlf chambermaid wants work.
Hroadway 2lll. room 442.
EXPERIENCED second maid wants work.
Broad a y room n-.
WOMAN wants few hours & day for few
d a ys a week. East tmo.
MEN'S and family washing; hand laun
d e red; moderate charges. 42-4th st
'EAT. competent woman
work, any kind. E. 1614.
wants day
LAY WORK, house cleaning, for Monday.
Call East 20ti4. Sunday.
EXPERIENCED switchboard operator, filer
nnd general office worn, uroauway
HIGH School of Commerce girl wishes to
work In office after school. rM Hood
-EXPERIENCED colored laundress wants
day work. all an weeK, r.a hum.
HOUSEWORK mornings on Rose City car
line. 4c hour. A r jij. uregonian.
Bookkeepers. Stenographer, Office.
EXPERIENCED general insurance clerk,
stenographer and bookkeeper, capable
taking entire charge of offU-e; best of
rcWnces. t 3ns. Prrgonian.
YOUNG lady would like position as stenog
rapher or assistant bookkeeper; also has
bad billing experience; small office pre
ferred; references. AN 310, Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY desires general office posi
tion; can take dictation and use type
writer although not expert. Call Mur
rhall 410, after 12 o'clock Monday.
'OUNG lady stenographer wants position
In law office; will begin on very mod
erate salary; out-of-town position con
sidered. F 3S5, Oregonian.
VTOMAN with 10 years' business experi
ence wishes position in or out of city,
abstract or real estate office preferred.
East 2310 or AP 316, Oregonlan.
Experienced young la.ty wants posi
tion as file clerk, ledger poster, general
office work. C II Tabor 25$.
WANTED Position in office by young lady
who has some knowledge of stenography
and typewriting all 522-3:'.
LADY with several years' office experi
ence wants clerical position; can assist
with bookg: references. Tabor 5Hi.
WANTEb, position in office by stenog
rapher; have had 1 fr years' experience.
Call Woodlawn 2640.
TENOGRAPHER, with some experience,
desires position; willing to iearn. Phone
East 450.
YOUNG lady wants office work; expert
typist and bill clerk ; fair steno. and
bookkeeper. X 822, Oregonian.
A HSi (LL'TELY competent, reliable stenog
rapher; available Feb. 1. Phone Main
LEU A L sienoKr.i pher, thoroughly compe
tent; years of experience. AC 317, Ore-
BANK bookkeeper and clerk, experienced,
A-l references. Tabor 141.
fcTKNOGRAPHKR, absolutely first class,
dealra permanent position. Wdln. 3 1 20.
KXPKRl ENCED bookkeeper, mornings
only; Al references. Tabor 103.
STENOGRAPH ER. five years' experience;
ref erencej. Tabor 1067.
I'.EGINNER wishes stenographic position.
Please call East 3M0O.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position, can
give good references. Seilwood 417.
EXPERIENCED tirplst, general office work
and switchboard ar. Main 3175.
EXPEKIENCKD stenographer desires posi
tion for half d.iy. Phone East 1010.
Pre makers.
DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed.
East 2310
EXPERT dressmaker. 400 Morrison at.,
near 14th. Marshal! 200.
dren's clothes: work reasonable. E.
53H7. DRESSMAKING, alterations. Call 3-4 --5
SWEATERS knitted to order. East 2JoO.
AFTERNOON and evening gowns de
signed, cut and fitted or remodeled at
your home, finished ff desired; $7 per
nay Mjss Coitreil. Hotel Capies.
DRESSMA KING Those desiring firs:
class dressmaking call Mrs Owen, East
47u. I absolutely guarantee to please
me moat exacting
LET ME make your new dres or make
ovor your others. Prices right and work
wen done, .Mrs. W. t. Hates, 'J a Dor
e t z.
REFINED, capable lady, past middle age,
would like housekeeping for elderly
gentleman In modern apts. or home, or
auuit family. AR 30 Oregonian
HEMSTITCHING. 8c per yard; we do
dress-making and make buttons. 206
Alisky bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison sta.
LATEST spring styles in suits, dresses, etc,
Old suits remodeled and made into
dresses. Mrs. Kelly, Auto. 810-06.
THRE3 years east associated with artists
or fashion, will make old suits new in
homes; embroidered. Main 30
WANTED Sewing alterations, children
ciomes ana m ending, iz.t per aay.
wooaiawn ussy.
FIN K need. e work, emoroi derma, crochet
ing, tatting, plain sewing; reasonable
mi Dia si. t: m. . car.
DRESSMAKER Good sewing; will take
home or go out. Phone Tabor 14j9. Apt.
1 1.
MADAME BEECH Y. fancy gowns an
dressmaking. 501 Everett st., corner
17th. Phone Automatic 520-01.
ENGAOK.M ENTS by day by thoroughly
expenencea aressinaKer, remoaeung rea
Bonable. Broadway 1307.
COATS, suits, gowns, remodeling, design-
in g in la mill ea. Mai n isiU, room 4 J.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $3 50 a day.
lau liioor ojm Minaayi or evenings.
ALL KINDS of dressmaking, alterations
a specialty, S4 per day. 318-33.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
py uay. Automatic 223-5. "J.
GOWNS, suits, coats made to oruer.
Morgan bldg.
GOOD nurse, practical, without home,
wishes care of patients; nervous or in
valid preferred. Phone Edison hotel,
Main 4-sS. Room 3.
PRACTICAL nurse will care for Invalid or
child who is going to California, all or
part fare, il-ss Know el. Seilwood
4tS Tacoma avenue.
WANTED by graduate nurse, K. N., med
ical or surgical cuses; rates in hospital
16.50 per day, private homes $5 per day.
Phone Main HMO, Room 4.
EXPERIENCED nurse wants care of
elderly gentleman or mental patient in
her home. Eight years' experience. Wdln.
AS NURSE companion to convalescent or
Invalid by agreeable eldeny graduate
nurse. Seilwood 2S33.
GRADUATE nurse, going to California,
would care for child or Invalid for ex
penaes. Wdln. MO.
LADY going to California would care for
Invalid or children for part expenses.
References. BJ 344, oregonlan.
ANTED By practical nurse, any kind
of nursing; prefer maternity. Woodiswn
GRADUATE nurse wishes institutional po
sition, massage, hydrotherapy, etc. East
HAVE ROOM for an invalid or bed pa
rient. wain. 3776.
GOOD practical nurse, confinement pre
i'rrea. i aDor
C'A.i'c.Ki.L.NLLD nurse wishes engage
ments; best references. Marshall 232-S.
GIRL w Lshes to do cooking jor general
nouseworK. tall Tabor U7L
PRACTICAL nurse, best references.
i 1 i !t.
DEPENDABLE nurse cares for sick through
tne oay, children evenings. Mar. 34
Yul'NU woman with girl 24 years wants
w or a as Housekeeper in respect a Die
nome ; competent, rennea ana trustwor
thy; good cook and housekeeper; best
of references; must have full particulars
in nrst tetter, stating wages. Box 2u,
i oppeniFn, asn.
t'Ubi i jo. as housekeeper by young
woman with, a little Kirl or : cooa ea
ucation and has made, a study of and
practiced domestic science; references
exchanged. Box 133 College Sta., Pull
man. asn.
YOUNG widow with baby wishes house
keeping position in Portland with re
spectable gentleman; no triflers. Phone
?-iiwooa oiut.
WIDOW with daughter. 18. employed, de
sires position in modern home as house
keeper for widower or bachelor. AF 339,
WANTED position on a farm as house
Keept-r ior a widower, by a mmdie-affed
unincumbered American widow. J 3i4
REFINED middle-aged woman wishes po
sition as nurse and companion or house-
Keeper anu companion. AU 301, Orego
V OL'NG woman with two Dojs 7 and
wants housekeeping for w. dower or
bachelor out of town. AK 3U1, Orego
WANTED Ity respectable widow position
us nouseneeper tor gentleman between
bi and ou with good home. AV Vi2, ore
DEPENDABLE middle-aged woman seeks
position as housekeeper to one or two
business women. Good cook and man
ager. S 350. Oregonian.
WANTED Widow wishes Pom tion
housekeeper in apartment house; best of hhone Alain 2v.
All DL'LE-AGED w idow, experienced cook
ana housekeeper, wants position. AU
32. Oregonia n . .
YOUNG WIDOW with 8-year-old boy
wishes position as housekeeper for I or
2 refined men; no out of town places
accept ea. An aov, uregonian.
A REFINED, mlddie-aged woman wishes
a place ai housekeeper for widower in or
near Portland; no objection to one child.
Address 1215 E. 33d et. N.
EXI'LKl ENCED housekeeper wants posi
tion wit h old coup.e or widower. Call
TaboroiO between 9 apd 12 A. M,
WOMAN, with child 2 years, wishes posi
tion as housekeeper in town. Auto,
REFINED young lady wishes housekeep
ing in city or country for reliable people.
AV !!, Oregonian.
RELIABLE lady, good principles, wishes
housekeeping in elderly gentleman s
home. N 301, Oregonian
RELIABLE woman wants position as
housekeeper to lady living alone. Good
cook. S 346. Oregonlan.
CAPABLE iady withes position a house
keeper in refined gentleman's home; no
trlfiers. 44S Yamhill st., apt. 11.
EXPERIENCED Judy wishes housekeeping,
people employed or widower's borne. Ad
d ress A R 34 7. Oregonlan.
CAPABLE young woman with 5-y ear-old
girl wants housekeeping r cooking, re-ypt-c
table place. Phone Wood:a wn 3120.
WIDOW, middle-aged, wishes housekeep
ing for widower; would not mind care of
1 or 2 children. D 351, Oregonian.
WANTED To keep house for 2 or 3 men:
good plain cook, suburbs preferred. AF
337, Oregonlan.
RELIABLE lady, with small boy. wishes
housekeeping tor respectable gentleman;
will leave city, call Auto. o-4.i.
WIDOW wants housework or plain sew
ing; go home nights. East 4bu.
HOUSEKEEPER for aumts employed or
widower. Phone Woodlawn 016.
COMPETENT, refined, trustworthy w idow
wishes housekeeping; best or reterences;
good coo; neat ' worker. F 352, Ore
g o nian.
WOMAN wants position doing gen. house
work or housekeeping in small family
BJ 307 Ore gonian.
LADY, with boy 8, wishes light housework
or care of one child, with homelike, re
s p ectable people. J5 Russell, apt. 4.
GIRL wishes position general housework;
good wages. Ait 42. oregonian.
House cleaning, window washing
carpet cleaning by expert workmen
f.oora waxed, furniture polished.
ISS Chapmsn t Phone Main 1157.
VERY exprienced woman wants ali-aroimd
dtiv work. Expert laundress. East
' 2034
WANTED Furnished modern bungalow or
apartment, J adults; references fur
nished. Phone Main 27G2 bet., 9 and 5.
BUSINESS man and wife wish 6 or 0-
room bungalow, east side. M0 Sandy
bivd. Phor.e 233-28. e
BY FEB. 1, by responsible party. 4 or 5-
room furnisned or partly furnished
house." AN 302, Oregonlan.
WANT to rent a small furnished cottage
or bungalow by t eb. l. Call Marshall
10", room 32, Byron hotel.
FEBRUARY 1, 5 or 6-room modern house
with garage; wnnng to lease; aouita
only. Phune Tabor 2l3S.
FIVE or 6-room furnished house or bun
g-slow, select neisn pornood. labor 07.
WANTED TO or, 4 or 5 room
house. 2 lots or more, wooniawn 33S4.
WANTED 10 to 15-room house, modern.
Close-in. cast ii.
5 OR 6-KOU.M hou.e at V. Piedmont
FURNISHED house for a short period by
three b'iuit. van .Tiaranaii won.
ft OR 7-HOOM modern unfurnished resi
dence; wui tease, rnone laoor 0130.
Information and
Renta.1 Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flats
with definite information pertaining to
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value in helping them
get properly and Quickly locateo.
Sixth Floor.
you'd rather your furnished house be
well cared for than earn a high rent
call Marshall 5644.
MODERN beautiful large "-room bungalow
for rent reasonable, and furniture for
sale very reasonable. Nearly new with
2 ranges connected, aiso good garden
and chicken yard ; near Union ave. car
service. 419 E. Sacramento st.
WANTED to sublet, for month of Febru
ary, completely furnished modern bun
galow, phonograph and piano preferred;
fashionable locality; by naval officer and
wife: no children. BJ 326, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent for 3 months by re
sponsible party, large, well-furnished
home' In desirable location; references
given. Call room C26 Multnomah hotel,
RESPONSIBLE couple desire furnished or
partly rurnLshert four to six-room nouse
in any of the first-class residential dis
tricts; wanted not later than March 1st.
V 202, Oregonian
RESPONSIBLE couple wish to rent fur
nished modern home not exceeding $o0.
Including piano, fireplace and garage,
w ould give references and iease. Post-offit-e
box 414.
TO RENT Small modern unfurnished
house by Fee. tenth. Steady reliable
couple; no children. State rent. T 3u6
WANTED To rent, small unfurnished
house, clean and comfortable, not more
than 113 per month and 5 blocks of car;
neat elderly couple AH 350. Oregonian,
APRIL 1 by party of adults,, strictly
modern house; four bedrooms and
sleeping porch; Rose City Park pre
ferred. C 322. Oreeonian.
WANTED 5 or 6-room unfurnished house.
by steady tenants; 3 adults in family
and no children; references given. Tabor
WANT to rent well-f urnlehed 5 or 6-rra,
bungalow, good location, by young cou
ple, no children, permanent; will fur
nish references. East 3072.
TO RENT 4 or 5 unfurnished house or
flat, in Sunnyslde diet, by young couple;
references; no children. Aut. 622-36.
FAMILY of adults want modern home by
Feb. 1; might consider buying; 6 to V
rooms. J 331. Oregonian.
PERMANENT tenant wants to rent 5 or
6-room modern, unfurnished house ol
bunga low. Bdwy. 3502.
RELIABLE couple would like to rent Rose
Jity far home lor z raontns or more.
N 304. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished 5-room modern bun
galow In Hyland school district by let).
1st. Call Woodlawn 1526.
FOUR or five room modern house . unfur-
niphed. Palace Hotel, room 524.
MARRIED man, employed in day time,
wants 3-room furnished apt. or fiat; will
do janitor work morninjr and evening in
exchange for rent. P 313, Oregonian.
YOUNG married couple desire 3-room
apartment or f lat ; will consider fur
nished bungalow; can furnish best of ref
erences. East 178S.
WANTED February 1. 2 or 3-room apt
must be first class. Phone Mr, Peck,
Broadway 40S. Ki 4th St.
YOUNG LADY employed wishes 1 o
room apt. by Feb. 1. West side only,
close in. L 3S?. Oregonlan.
R ESPONSI RLE couple desires reasonable
board; t rencn, Italian, r-panisn lan-
guage preferred. Main B4 it.
WW N T one-room furnished upanment by
rer. i. .i oregonian.
FURNISHED apartmeut for a short per
tod by reliable party. Call Marshall -00S,
REFINED girl wishes to share apartment.
Broadway 3117 f ror 2 to 0 1'. M.
ELDERLY, quiet gentleman desires light
housekeeping room, private r ninny, rea
sonable rent; 10 or 12 blocks E. Morrison
and Grand ave. BJ 317, Oregonian
Y. W. C. A. secretary wants nice, quiet
warm room with breakfast. In strictly
private home, or room with kitchenette,
west side. A P 3.m. Uregonian.
3, 4. 5 fur. or unfur. H. K. rooms,
flat or house; must be reasona
East 408S.
WANTED Home for girl 12 years o!d. to
be cared for as one of family and take
music. A nswer. T 323 Oregonian.
ART STUDENT wishes to rent two attic
or basement rooms for studio; must be
cheap. B 33s, Oregonlan.
GENTLEMAN employed wishes rearfoiiftbl
room in private family, west fciae. BJ
32.t. Oresronian.
MAN WANTS H. K. or sleeping room in
exchange for work. B 350, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman desires room with private
fnml ly. J him, Oregonlan.
Rooms With Board.
ROOM with board wanted in modern
private home, with home privileges, by
young employed couple with girl of 5
that has to have good care: reasonable
and close in; state rate. AH 32to. Orego
nian. '
YOUNG couple employed desire room and
board, with home privileges, in private
family; about eb. l; reierences. J no,
BY REFINED slneln gentleman, heated
room and board. Must nave piano. m
consider sharing home or apartment,
State full particulars. A 315, Oregonian.
WANTED Clean II. K. or room and board
in refined private house with furnace
heat, west of Union ave. between Shaver
a nd Page. BJ 3-r2. Oregonlan
ELDERLY lady and son want room and
board with parage in enmrortame east
side home. M 303, Oregonlan
LADY employed would like comfortable
room with hoard close to pusiness center,
J S24 Oregoninn.
A YOUNG lady wishes board and room In
p r i va t e fan i i I y, west ame. u a wy. i v i a.
WANTED Room for. invalid lady. Tabor
ROOM and board by woman employed
C 324 Urpgoniaru
Housekeeping Rooms.
AN ELDERLY lady would like house
keeping rooms in lamnv. niu assist
with work. Call between 10 A. M
and 2 P. M. Tabor 121 i.
KM PLOY ED mother and daughter, 8.
wishes houseKeetunK room in wnoiesome
home. BrdV. 3.t-'J.
rv Bi 'SIN ESS woman, one good-sized
room, close in, must oe ngnt ana com
fortable. AL 335, Oregonian.
WANTED by neat, refined woman. 2 h. k.
rooms, rurnisnea, parity or uniurnianea.
Cull evenings or Sun., Auto. 236-02.
YOUNG couple wish H. K. room, with
quiet people, west siue. isr am, ure-
BunincHH Place.
WANTED To rent small space, display
demonstrate, sen userui nouseuoia
article. AB 322. Oregonian.
WANTED Location for cash-and-carry
grocery Call East ai44 ionaayA. 41.
SPACE wanted In garage for repair
work. Seilwood 1 244.
WANTED By young couple, .Feb. 1, mod
ern, small riat or n. i. rooms, partly
furnished; walking distance, west side
preferred ; reasonable; references. Ad
dress P 308, Oregonian:
WANTED Unfurnished flat. 3 or 4 rooms,
on Sunnyside carline. Phone East 5534.
Mrs. Miller.
LEAUT1FULLY furnishv d room, steam
heat, everything modern, close-in. Main
ONE SLEEPING room. Steam heated.
Jeanette apartments. 4fiQi Jefferson.
Furnished Rooms.
A SUITE of rooms with bath, suitable for
two gentlemen. In high-class apartment
Louse. Marshall 5S34.
Transient and permanent rooms; pri
vate phones and baths.
FURNISHED rooms, transient and perma
nent rats. 074 Johnson st. Bdwy.
3445. Walking distance.
ST. PAUL .JOT EL. 13U Fourth st. C,an
respectable, modern . transient- $1 up
Rates to permanent gue. ts.
LARGE front room, heated, suitable for
two: walking distance. '410 Second, near
lURl-MlED 3-room apt $S5. 6S0 Irving
st, apt. No. 1. No children; can be seen
Sunday 2 to 5.
fl DAY $250 WEEK, up; clean: baths
free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson
EXTRA large, very nicely furnished, suit
able for 2 or 3 men. 414 Mill st.
GARLAND hotel. 25 Trinity, $4,50 per week
and up Modern outside rooms.
NICELY furnished room for gentleman,
353 Sixth st
WANTED Gentleman to share warm
room, two beds, 33.50 wk. 50 N. 20th.
LIGHT, pleasant front room
home, walking distance. 315.
in modern
East lhoW
VERY desirable furnished room downtown
apt, nouse: rent i?nt. .-viar.
FRONT room with running water.
Trinity place. The Kings ley.
Furnished Roonn.
irfclltKED; RATE 45. M A1N 1CTS.
ANGELA HOTEL. Wanhlnirton il. un
der new management; rates $o.50 week
up; iree puone each room; hot ana coia
water each room; attractive lobby; auto
matic elevator; excellent home-cooked
meais in connection.
Broadwav and Ankenv St.
TRANSIENT ROOMS, all new and
"modern, single or en suite, with or with
out private bath; rates to permanent
East Morrison st at East Sixth.
The principal east side hotel, dlgnl
fied and refined; $1.23 per day and up
so per weeK and up.
132 X. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot
$1 per day, $5 per week and up.
Hot and cold water, steam heat.
Free phone and bath
Corner Twelfth and Stark Sts.
Modern, clean, all outside rooms ; $6-112
week. People of good character aesirea
Morrison and Park streets.
New, fireproof and modern.
Special rates to permanent guests.
LARGE, pleasant front room for 1 or
ftentlemen: furnace neat. Also sin
gle beds f n pleasant sunny room. Phone
East 5560.
ATTRACTIVE suite of rooms; hardwood
f oors, fireplace ; also large single room
with sleeping porch. Aadress oOa unsan
fnone Broadway lMJCi.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth
Rates $1 day up; weekly, $5.50 up; free
pnone and Datns; steam neat.
FURNISHED room, heat, hot water; $15
mo.; in fine location. 64 N. loth, cor,
Davts. Gentlemen.
FURNISH ED room in apartment, $2.50
per weeK. i3ft gav leret.
I'nfu rn N h ed Rooms.
STUDIO FOR KENT To piano or vocal
teacher. Phone 22H-41.
ONE sleeping room, close in; $10 month,
4 1 it .second, near Harrison.
FfirnMied Rooms In Private Family.
PLEASANT furnished front room for em
ployed lady; Cedar Hill apts. 3. 1S7
Green ave., near 23d and Washington.
Phone Mar. 25fiS, between 1:30 and 5:30.
ROOM in steam-heated ant. (for lady)
Call between 2:30 and 5 P. M.. M.Tin
7757, apt. 43, Sheffield apartments, 272
TWO FURNISHED If. K. rooms with use
of parlor; tJO month, gas. liirht. phone
and heat; furnished; choice location tbQ
E. Taylor. Auto 211-57.
CLEAN, warm room, cooking privileges,
nam: to ta. Mara st. : sis per moiun,
Call SaL. Sundays or evenings, phone
E. 3310.
IRVINGTO'N district, larga single room for
rent and nreaktast with home privileges
for a gentleman at $22.0 per month
references. AB 323 Oregonlan.
LARGE front room, weil furnished ; with
piano; in modern flat, ior lor 2 gentle
men; reasonable; near library. 228 10th
st. near Salmon, fnone 51 a. n i on.
TWO LARGE newly furnished rooms, ad
joining bath, suitable for 2 young men.
3il Holladay ave,, near steel bridge.
East 130,
LARGE front room with Kitchenette and
porch, electricity and gas. Phone Tabor
1107. Belmont.
FURNISH ED room, suitable for one or
two ladles; kitchen privileges for break
fast if desired. East 333.
NICELY furnifhed room where there are
no others roonfers; lady only; reason-able
rent. 700 Longview ave., near Failing st.
NICE sleeping room, heat and running wa
tT, SlOaiso garage for low-top car, $4.
303 W. Park.
FURNISHED steam heated front room,
with bath. $20 month, close In. BD 324,
COMFORTABLE furnished room, conven
ient to bath; use of phone. 200 N. 10th
st. Broadway 1500.
LIGHT pl&asant room, one block from 12th
and Hawthorne on Ladd ave. References.
East 0309.
NICE warm room for 1 or 2 persons; bath
and phone privileges; close to down
town. 3011 11th st.
IRVINGTON Large, well- heated room.
every mouern convenience, one diock
Broadway car. Phone East 5150.
FURNISHED room, walking distance
heat, bath and phone; very desirable
and reasonable. 301 14th. Auto. 521-04.
FRO.N T rdom, private home. ail conven
ienc-s; west side; gentleman only,
N. 21st.
NIC EL furnished room, modern cc n
veniences; $ IS er in.nth; board op
tional. 113 E. 43d gt., cor. Aldir
LARGE furnished front bedroom, sultab;
for 2, with privilege of ph tV3 and Lath.
inn,) r.. saimon. j joor ;-uj,
LADY alone in nice home would rent
or 2 rooms to ladies employed. Give
breakfast. Marshall 444W.
ELEGANTLY furnished room in a sw
private home, suitable for young man.
71 Trinity piace.
LARGE front room, light and clean; plenty
of heat; furnished; $5 per week, 3
Vancouver. .
IRVINGTON Fine location, well heated,
corner room, very modern conveniences.
Phone FJast 5006.
FURNISHED room m modern home; one
block from two canines. Price very rea
sonabie. Call warn. 75.
LARGE clean room, good heat, fireplace
Nob Hill district: U men. $25; small
room. $10. Mar. 507.
TWO ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms in
exclusive family; delightful spot. Council
Crest ; suit retined ladies. Main Toi'a.
ROOM in a pleffsant home for one or more
gentlemen. Pleasant surroundings.
East Burn side. Phone East 4477.
FOR RENT A furnished room for a gen
tleman, close in. rurnac neat and
large room; rent reasonable. East 106:
LARGE front room suitable for 2 or 3 men
with board; bath and telephone. Auto,
225-74. No. 3 E. 14th St. No.
LARGE front room for two, business peo
ple preferred; would serve breakfast,
Main 4254. .
DESIRABLE room, modern steam-heated
apartment, walking distance, west side.
Mar. 2402.
FRONT room wtih furnace heat, bath and
phone, suitable lor working person.
Main 12J, Til Johnson.
VACANT Feb. 1, cozy front room In mod
ern home, suitable Ior z gentlemen ;
with garage; close in. East 7P".
LOVELY large warm room, fine bed
walking distance; gentlemen only. East
NICE front room for oue or two persons;
disappearing bed ; see at apartment 2.
41S Uth fit.
NICELY furnished front room suitable for
1 or 2 gentlemen; centrally located, do 7
Mill st.
NEWLY decorated furnished sleeping
room suitable for l or 2; every conven
ience. 7S1 Glisan st. Main 5SS4.
CLEAN, comfortable room for working
man, close In; $12 a month. 5H6 Couch st.
NICELY furnished clean rooms, close in
reasonable. Marshall 3402. 701 j Hoyt.
WHOLE floor, 3 large rooms, modern.
walking distance. 3M2 k. 1st .x.
LARGE or single convenient sleeping
rooms to people employed. 341 nth,
Main 2041.
very reasonable. 781 Hoyt.
LARGE room, suitable for one or two
gentlemen ; conveniences. 2H 13th st.
ROOM for
rent, board if desired.
6th st.
NICE, clean, steam-heated room. 5 blocks
from down town. Mar. il.i.
FOR RENT Room, hot and cold water,
steam heat. 212 Caruthers. apt. 4.
FRONT room, lov.ely home, west side. Mar.
;ty y .
PLEAS VNT roam for gent.eman. with
privilege of pnone ann oatn. ia tayior.
SINGLE room, pleasant surroundings. Nob
Hill, walking distance. Marshall 4761.
SLEEPING room for 1 or a gentlemen in
refined home. 3Q4 j Park st.
FOR RENT One nice sleeping room, very
reasonable. Marshall j&tJ. ,
MODERN sleeping rooms, private home.
3 Findrs st.
SMALL sleeping room, waiking distance.
Phone East 3l.
NICELY furnished front room.
East 727.
474 E. Ash st.
FOUR furnished rooms for rent.
44th ave. S. E. Auto. 020-20.
LARGE front room with fireplace, for
young men. 160 N. zist st.
ROOM for gentleman In strictly private
Jewish ramuy; reierences. iiawy. 17S2.
NICELY furnished room, 5 minutes' walk
from postofiice. 404 Clay st. .
LRGE, beautifully furnished room, heat;
bath and phone; I'jq st. car. Main HWi.
ROOM for gentleman in good nome; ref-
erehce. obo K. Maiison st. rnone 2i'J-u.
FURNISHED room n homo with mother
and naugnter. auto. i -47.
NICE l:ght front room, pleaeant location;
gentlemen preierred. 1'none Mar. 422.
STEAM-HEATED large front sleeping
room. 3.i4 Montgomery, cor, rark st.
FURNISHED room for business man or
woman; references. .Tjqffr nun st.
5 OR 6-ROOM house by adults.
520-20. .
NICE furnished room.
360 Benton at
Phone Kast 7Ul.
SMALL, cozy room In modern home with
privilege or living room. Marshall 738.
NICE large pleasant room, suitable for
one or two,.ciose to car. laoor V7B. -
Furnibhed Rooms In Private Family.
MODERN room, newly furnished and
decorated; walking distance; west side;
suitable for 1 or 2 business mem mag
nificent view. Phone Auto 520-58. 303
10th st. 16th and Montgomery sts.;
ena or jjtn st. carline.
PLEASANT, furnished. rooms, suitable for
one or two or room mate to reduce your
rent; good beds, furnace heat; bath, elec- 1
trie lights, piano; close in; breakfast if!
oes;red. 703 Northrup. Auto. 524-3o.
LARGE liirht room, verv ouiet location.
strictly private family, all modern, pri
vate lavatory, etc; price moderate. Phone
FOR RENT Two nice sleeping rooms, or
wouiq tawe two children to room ana
Doara. rail at 405 E. Emerson st. ood-
iawn car.
BUSINESS man or woman to rent lovely
front bedroom in new home, east side;
' car 1 block. Phone Aut. 323-54. after .
6 P. M.
ONE CLEAN, cozy, partly furnished room.
sui tab-is also for housekeeping purposes.
Good location block to car. Will rent
very reasonable to one or two ladies or
couple employed. 025 Powell val. rd.
Montgomery W ard. comfortable room.
furnace heat, bath, telephone; reason-
aoie. rnone Mam 4U4u.
WEST side, newly furnished, extra nice
rooms, plenty or neat, light, phone, elec
tric grill privilege for breakfast; to re-
iinea people, iitsu ntn st.
IRVINGTON Comfortable room with
sleeping porch for gentleman, references
required. jall Monday after 0 P. AL
East 3006. .
NEWLY furnished, large room, twin beds.
oeauuiui nome. parlor, nrepiace, piano,
home conveniences. Alao young man
wishes roommate. 01 N. 18th st.
CLOSE IN A desirable room and break-
last for 2 men ; also single room ; ail
the comforts of a real home. 400 Clay
st. Main 222s.
YOUNG or middle aged man to share 3-
room apartment, close in on east side;
singer or musician preferred; reasonable.
w jt, oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
Two of the best-known residentla.
noteis on the Pacific coast.
American p:an, with or without bath.
i-'.oy a oay up; rates hy day or month
ilea is served to transients.
JEANNE D ARC fcurniHtted rooms witO
or without board for buaine.-w girls ana
lady tourists, permanent or traitsieot
Special features wahln the limitation
of the minimum wage earner; $2. pe.
week and up. 2r5 14th st. Main 411U.
NORTON! A HOTEL, Portland's downtown
nign -ciass ramuy hotel; rooms en suite
or single, with or without board for
iamines ana nusiness men and women.
vve give you an the comforts of a home.
reasonable rates.
WILL BOARD child 0 yours or under, girl
preierrea; prst care. Jull mornings, 0G8
r,. rmimon st.
ROOM and board for business girls; all
uiuurru conveniences, walking distance.
so per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7r.h st.
A LITTLE schoolgirl to board, 1 block to
scnooi, wnere mother can stay nisrhta.
oi vista ave. Mrs. Taylor. Main 7017.
hiiu uoaru i.i.t uer mo and 11 n
good home and excellent cooking. Mar.
2 MORRISON, corner 13th. choice rooms
ana ooara; modern conveniences; walk-
ins aistance.
LARGE front room for 2 ladies, board If
urireu. utarsnail 410.
Room With Bonn! in Private Family.
ROOMS and board for husband and wifeT
uvin empioyeu; or rooms and kitchen
privilesres; or board and room for lady or I
gentleman. 1113 E. 13th N., phone !
nuvumnn 0-00.
LARGE, comfortable, well furnished room
with board, suitable for two. people. In
private nome; no other boarders; all
nome privileges given. Phone 213-79.
LARGE room, suitable for two; hot and
cold water, steam heat
Also 1 single room with hot nnd cold
water; good table; close in. 332 10th
Main G3M.
ROOM and buard fur 5 nr A n,i.tii i-.
furnished home; rooms well, heated; near
.ioiugoiiiery ara s. 1 1 1 v augiin st
Main 542.
CLOSE IN A desirable room and break
fast for 2 men; also single room; all
the comforts of a real home. 400 Clay
st. Main 2228.
LADY having large handsomely furnished
home, with all modern conveniences,
would like one or two business people
to room nd board. Woodlawn 3031.
ROOM and board, modern home, for young
man willing to share room with con
genial young man; reasonable rates.
Phone Mnr. 27S1.
1 VolLU accommodate 2 or 4 nice, cjean
men who would apprVrlate a good home
and home cooking. E. 7070. Call Sun-
nay morning to 12 A. M. and Monday.
WIDOW with two children wishes 2 men
to board and room, or married couole
employed. 458 East 37th st. Phone
Tabor 9060
NEATLY furnished room in a private,
modern Irving ton home for business
w oman ; reierences. E. t422
BOARD and room in modern home. $a3
per luoiun, regular nome. i'hone Wood-
lawn 2231. f2 k. B7th st. N.
ROOM and board In private family ior
iauies or nusoana.-and wire, rront room;
home cooking, near car line. Sell. 3474.
WIDOW with 2 children and homo wants
cnnaren toi board and room. 00 East
ooin st. rsortn.
LARGE front room for two and board,
walking distance, men only. 2b5 14tli st.
corner j enerson.
WANTED For mother and two school
uojjs to oe carea ior wnne mother works;
Christian Science family preferred
x- (ion e .n
BOARD and room for children under
scnooi age, prices reasonable. Phone
Automatic 3i2-yb.
bAi.uni rnt n-mis. t.. 004 5.
FURNACE-HEATED front room with
board for two gentlsmen. 208. East 50th
bi. iaoor -.!.
DEISIRABLE room suitable for on nr - tun
ooara i aesireu; waiKing distance. Mar.
FOR RENT Nice newlv furnished room.
& meai it desired, home privileges, no
children. Tabor tSift'O.
LADY with nice home will give hord and
room 10 two men or two women! rin
in, east side. S 322. Oregonian
l.iw.:t,: .l Mrf..riui.i- hm .
sons, wun ooara. nonie privileges. v'Jti k
Hoyt st. Marshall 42!.
WIFE of traveler wants to caro ior child
in own nome; oau experience. AF 324,
WILL board children near school, reasnn-
aoie; very iona ot children; best refer
ence, fhone oi'4-j-).
NEATLY furnished room and board, gen
iieman; wiinuiig uisiance; private. ut4
noyi fz.
EXCLUSIVE home oilers) room and board;
nome maue pies ana oread; walking
uisiance. nroauway
WILL board und give best of care to
one or two boys or girls; three blocks
from Chapman school. Main 4100.
BOARD and room fur one or two who
want real home in private family. $0
CLEAN heated room, 2 meals dally, free
laundry, $0 week, for business girl. Ta
bor ll)o;.
EXCELLENT room and board. 2d min
utes from Broadway and Wash, JJall
PRIVATE home for children by dn.y or
month. 714 Everett. Marshall 2182.
RoOM and board for working man; home
privileges; ?i per wk. S"4 Commercial st.
WOULD like child to room and: board. Ta
bor 44H.
GOOD home for girl; mother g care; one
block Bucicman scnooj. u :i7, Oregonian.
COUNTRY home for children;
cars. A V i4.i. tregnnian.
ROOM and board in private family.
N. 21st st. .
BOARD and room, modern, close to car.
Call Tabor 3 m.
BOARD and room for gentleman.
332-3 S.
WANTED Child between 3 and 6
wishes m o tneriy care. .Mam 1 71 'J.
CHOICE room. 2 meals If desired, home
privileges, wancing uisiance. n,ast sat.2.
EVERYTHING good ; good eats,
good 1
room, and good ned. iL.ast yiiiS.
FURNISHED room with board for 2.
Clay st. Main 3S34.
Kurnishecl Apartments.
ONE 2-ROOM apartment, large, light
rooms. - The Jeiteraonian, cor. lbtn. and
FURNISHED apt., 70; Phona Bdwy.
THE G ROVER Large 2-room. fur. 1S1
G rover St., aoutn rortiana. Mam o.5.
DRICKSTON apartment, 448 11th St.; 1
modern -room.
ROOMS and bath $70; references. El
bridge apartments, Bdwy. 530.
3 ROOMS and bath, wen furnished; adults;
reasonaDie. in. -ou at.
NICE large room, newly and well fur
nish ert.fiBajiaiigntAjito
FOR RENT 2-room front apt., 20
month ; no cnnaren. zvi xiin st.
HOD ERN 4-room apt. 423 wt Couch u
Furnished Apartment.
Fifth and Columbia streets.
Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank s
store; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern, 2- and 3-room furnished apts., out
side, with French doors and balcony.
Permanent and transient.
FURNISHED apartment in desirable dis
trict. Three rooms, living room, bed
room, bath, buffet kitchen with laun
dry tray, and gas range. Remarkably
clean, light, and well furnished. Open
ior Inspection all day Sunday, Two
adults only will be considered, 1054
Cleveland ave.. cor. Alberta
Beautifully furnished, modern 4-room
apt., suitable for two to four adults, $0o
month; clean and new, nice place. The
Columbian, lllh and Columbia. Main
KAXLUSiyE, attractive, sunny apt. with
lease,, 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette, fire
place, phone; on Park, near Heights;
possession Feb. 1 or sooner; 1000. Main
BEAUTIFUL furnishings of 7-room duplex
apartment In most exclusive apartment
house In city, including choice antiques.
Apartment to sublet if desired. Mar
shall 5010.
$45-$50 LOVELY, clean, newly renovated,
lieht outside 4-o-room apts.. nice nouse,
nice tenants; don't let the address scare
you, come and see. Consider this Is
walking distance. 504 First.
TWO - ROOM apts., electric lights, hot
and cold water, gas range, nortnwesi
heat, close in; price $40. 3S5 Yamhill
street. Marshall ja-.
HIGH-CLASS, lovely outside apartment,
beautifully furnished, lots or neat; ery
desirable; reference requested; also out
side room and bath. Marshall 23Q
2-rnnm furnished ant.. $1 T a month
Cor. Kusseil and Kerb)". Phone East
WEST SIDE, small apartment; want re
fined woman to share same wmi me,
dividing expenses. Main 4103. Separate
CUMBER LAN D A PTS., W est Park an d
Columbia 3-room furnished apt., tu,
reference, adults.
3 rooms.private bath and phone; $54.50.
Mar. 5500. . , ,
WANTED Refined young lady to share an
apartment; teacher preierrea ; reierences
exchanged. Phone Main zsaner
TWO 2-RM. apts. suitable for one or two
persons; working people yrweueu,
l.-7-S, OHsan st. Tabor 725.
THE FLORENCE. 3hS 11th st., 3-room
furnished apt., with sleeping porcn.
Price $75.
A RDM AY TERRACE. 305 12th st.
front 2-room apt., $00.
Free phone.
Mar. SOS.
I ppaTTIFT'LLY furnished 4-room mod
ern a;pt. Close in, east
Wdln. 4071.
side. Pnone
WILL share my 0-ioom flat, w. s., with
one or two nice people, nease, ie
phone. A J 341. Oregonian
A large, very desirable 3 and 4-room
apartments. Main 6)4L .
3 TO 5-ROOM furnished apt., o rooms.
1210 Keily st. Take ruiion car u nuwur
4-ROOM strictly modern front apartment.
Var-n-nt. todav. us anaruneniB. -10
Market st.
A FURNISHED 4-room apt. D-i tu. otu
and Davis; $00.
UNION AVE. and Kllllngsworth. $23 5
complete, concrete punning.
BURNISHED three-room apartment. Main
0520. Idaho Apts.
I nfnrnKneu Apartineiu.
Beautiful view corner, left at the new r"nnrt tms.. 5 rooms and bath
-hardwood floors: w h.te enamel fl ilsh;
French doos. These are the most at
tractive in the city.
JAEGER apartments. 701 Washington; 1
4-room unturnisiied apartment, vacaiik
February 1.
135: LOVELY, cltan, 4-ruoin. kitchenette
and Datn; ouisme rooms, wmui(, mo
tance; this is very, very reasonable,
you'll say so, when you investigate
504 1st.
SI I R ROOMS. OA 1 L lw il r i.vwn.
BDWY. 4030. LMKiUl'A AH.
4-room modern corner apt., vacant on
the first, $05; adults; reference Bdwy.
5-liUUil flat for rent, furniture for sale;
good as new; itose tJity aisiricr. tan
Sunday after 9 A. M. Tabor 03M.
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments.
FURNISHED and unfurnished 4-rooin
apartments. Highland lourt APts.
15 NICE modern 5-ro.m lower tlat. It-
Twenty-tnii u St., nar .mhiumhi. auuiid
only. C. H. Korell, 207 Railway Ex
change ' bldg.
$22.50 :i ROOM-S and bath, close in. good
oak furniture for saie. $105. Nearly
new art carpet used by clean, healthy
people. Cail Seilwood 2750.
UPPER unfurnished 5 or 6 rooms and bath
electricity and gas.
Close in. Adults
only. Call East St
i FOll RENT 5-room flat, furniture for
sale; walking distance. 1'none aasi
60S7. ...
WILL SELL lease 4-room upper flat. In
cluding heat, light, water, telephone, rent
$05. Aut. 311-07. 420 Larrabee.
FIVE-ROOM upper flat, partly furnished
or unfurnished; going away. 1201 E.
Yamhill st.
UPPER unfurnished 5 or 0 rooms and
bath, electricity and gas. close in; aduUs
only. Cail East 72.
LOWER unfurnished flat of 4 rooms and
bath; garage. East Everett ana -utn.
Wdln. 2!t4 7.
UNFURNISHED 4 large rooms, upper fiat.
21rtt and Glisan sta Main S45.
4-ROOM flat, good furniture, walking dis
tance. $2501fsoldto(LiBd
0-ROOM modern fiat.
501 Couch st.; $05
per month.
IF YOU buv furniture will rent 5-room
flat at $20 per month. Main pi.j.
LOWER 5 rooms, modern, clean, all outside
rooms. 602 E. iiaiu, cor. a-nn.
5-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale,
20(1 Mason. w din. ,r.nt.
4 ROOMS, porch and yard. -200 Grand ave.
N. Telephone
Furnished Flats.
TO - ADULTS, furnished 4 rooms, nain
and porch; electric lights and gas. side
entrance' but fine view; west side, walk-
i"K u'i""lc. lv " ' iv
tenants. Aut. &4o-SU or cali at u-o Y-
AloniBOineiy -.
ii j"u"s "uj
again at 451 or 4-3 Sunday or Monday?
Went to wrong door ior Key. can Alain
71 SI, ask for matron.
FLAT for rent to parties buying fur
niture, roomers more than pay rent
downtown district; some cash, rest
terms. Main 7Su7.
FLAT lor rent, b room, west side, walk
ing distance, iurniture ior sa:e; rent
$t7.5t; two rooms rented for J25. 4'J
Harrison St.
FIVE-ROOM flat. Sleeping porch, fire
place, furnace, riaruwood iioors. tiled
bath. Apply -S8 Glenn ave. Hawthorne
1 BLOCK from car, 3 large, light, clean
rooms; phone, ngnt, water anu garoage;
$40" adults oniy; nice iur coupie em
pioved. Wooillawn 42S3. 3 230 Kerby
FIVE-ROOM upper fiat, partly furnished
or unfurn:sheu; going awaj; snap, ubi
K . Y amh:il st.
wi:u viSH ED 2-room flat, lower floor,
Heat, water and pnone; aauns oniy. iu
East Oth .V
MODERN 5-room flat, rent J32.ftO. walking
distance; practically new iurniture ior
Kale: convenient terms. Phone E. 177.
SAVE fare, 27 mln. walk to Morrison. $2S,
4-room furnished i:at. a ear &. r. snip
yards. Call 083 First.
FOR RENT 5-room modern flat: also two
h. k. rooms ior oacocivro. a-o jiuurum
5-ROOMS complete with piano; wr-si side;
warning oisianee. n 1 10 1.
FURNISHED 5-room flat, electric light.
gas. 0-0 Sixth st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
SINGLE housekeeping room. 143i 11th,
cor. 31th ann Aiaer.
WELL-FURNISH ED. clean 2-rm. light n.
k. suite. 1 rvi 11 gi on uiji. i-.ii 1. v
HOUSEKEEPING suite at 131 & 10th -st.
uriuer new management.
LARGE unfurnished housekeeping rooms
5ds E. uavis st.
3 ROOMS and bath, upstairs, close in, $18
month. Call V omnaw 11
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent
1 LARGE single front II. K. room, steam
heat. 394 12th st.
1 BASEMENT room, suitable -for 2 men
for houseaeepuiB. " ck -.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms at , 300
N. 2tbfsL
hpkpg. room,
300 12th st.
everything fur-
ONE OR two light front housekeeping
rooms. 1111. c"r- vuiumum.
FOR RENT 2 rooms for housekeeping ai
173H 2i8t st.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, flrsl
floor. 40 N. 21st st.
2-ROOM furnished h. k. at., St. Johns car.
Woodlawn 4210.
Housekeeping Ifroomw.
r L K. 1SH ED H. K. apts. for rent; one 2
room and 1 single room : modern, hot
and cold water in each apt.; free, bath
ana pnone ; pas ranges; rent 320 and
I5. Phone Bdwy. 4202. 215 N. 17th
keeping. Jlu per month or $7 and
labor. Call Woodlawn 6b36. Call Mon
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, walking
uisiance, neat, iient, bath, pnone, re
sonable rent. 52 N. 23d st. Phone Main
.Marshall S0S0.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, includ
ing elec, gaa, heat and linen; 'right
downtown. 147 Va Broadw ay. Hotel
1, 2 AND 3 ROOMS for housekeetiitie
team heat, hot aud cold water in eaih
room; west side; rent reasonable. Bdwy.
NICELY furnished, very desirable b.efpint;
and Housekeeping room; every conven
ience; walking distance; employed peo
ple. 121 N. 23d.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, completely f ur-
nisneu; not water, electricity, OS JN.
oth st.
FOR RENT 3 h. k. rooms for man and
wire, 441 12th, corner Sherman" tto
2 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping
10 per month 01 $7 and labor. Cail
uoodlawn ..VIP. Call Mnnrtay.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur
nished H. K. rooms, $15 up. including
i 10 1 wa 1 er. eiectric 1 i g h t kt un d r y r o o rn.
TWO FRONT hoiisekeeoinir rooms, f ur
nace heat, walking distance. 05 E. 12th
St. AflUKS.
LAKijh rront, completely furnished 2-room
, housekeeping apt., $35 month. Call 10
to 12 o clock Sunday. 320 MontRomery,
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furniture f.r
saie. suit. call after A. M. 47 4 E,
Washington st., cor 0th.
4 CLEAN, comfortable furnished h. k
rooms; light and water furnished; $1S 50,
1010 Haven st . Col. 473.
Trunks, baggage deliverd downtown
district, 2-c. Sun. nervice, Bdwy. 214
LARGE pleasant room with kitchenette,
, " , "iiMiiR uisium'L. iiv see on (j,
near Harrison.
-ROOM furnished H K Kiiit.-: verv
reasonable for desirable tenants. East
6-KOOM furnished apt., (22. light and
natii free. 2-room apt. $15. 1023 Maca
dam. East 5235. Main tfvl.
THREE single, 1 double 11. K. rooms,
close in, partly furnished; adults. 253
Hancock st.
ONE NK'E large front room furnished
for light housekeeping; no children. 211
11th st., near Ta v lor.
WARM basement suite for couplo or bach
eior ; fue furnished : 2". .".ti'i 1 st st.
HOUSEKEEPING roomti ; reasonable : close
in. 0.1O Couch st.
3-ROOM furnished h. k. apt., with steam
heat. 203 Stanton st. Woodlawn 4s.
k. rooms, neatly furnished,
14U East 34th.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
L'WO OR three housekeeping rooms, neat,
convenient, close in, between E. .Morrison
a rid E. Alder on E. 15th, private fam
ily, fine surroundings, a block SS car
or easy walking distance, furnished and
ready for immediate occupancy. Ref
ornnces exchanged. Telephone Kast 2510.
r L RNISHED housekeeping apartment in
modern home, 2 rooms and bath, every
thing furnished, including light, heat
and gas. Man and wife employed. Rea
sonable rent. 320 E. 1st st. N. Phone
East 2505.
NICELY furnish d rooms with kitchenette;
hot and cold water in room, electric
light, furnace heat, use of bat h and
phone; reasonable rent. 001 Washing
ton st.
4 FURNISHED H. K. rooms in modern
home for 2 or 3 adults only; white
enamel, separate entrance, fine neighbor
hood. 015 E. Taylor. Tabor 55ul.
2 Housekeeping rooms, furnished, $4.30
per week, fli per month; 2 unturn shed
In basement, $s per month; no children
over 1 year. I (i 0 a. 1 ( I th st .
TWO LARGE furnished hous-keeping
rooms, light, water, phone, gas for cook
ing, furnished. J24 per mo. 343 10th St.,
cor. Market.
LltJ HT. clean, nicely furnished t w o-i oom
front uite for light housekeeping,
working couple; talking distunce. 555
Madison ' st.
NICELY furnished front housekeeping
room. $25, Including phone, gas. light
nnd water; west side. M a rshall 3023.
LARCI E front rooms for h.
k. ; steam
heated ; a Isa board aud room.
10th. Bdwy. 4403.
153 N.
CLEAN housekeeping rooms, furnace heat.
electricity ; reasonable to employed people-.
331 14th.
FOR TWO months, comfortable four rooms
and bath, including light, fuel and phone.
Call 520 Yamhill st.
Two large furnished housekeeping
rooms forfamiIy. 50 S Clay st.
NEAT and Usrht room with kitchenette.
$15 per month. Persons employed pre
fered. East 0120.
TH REK furnished housekeeping rooms ;
3o. J47 Grand ave., near Broadway
1'none Last bi4i.
ONE HOUSEKEEPING room, suitnble for
two; walking distance. 35Ci Hasan lo st,
Phone E. 8335.
TWO CLEAN furnished H. K. rooms with
heat, lights, bath, telephone ; w ill ar
range to suit. Mallory avenue.
FOR RENT 3-rjiom suite for lisht house
Keeping, reasonaice. 'lose to Uuousioc
Un e s. 1 Last 2Qt h St. h.
ROOM and board, private family, comfort
ably furn:shed rooms with board; fur
nace hHt. 3H 21st st. N. Mar. 2tiS.
LUJTH, pleasii nt room with heat. 1, 2 or
:i rooms, an 1 mon are. ..
TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
jil'. az iJuciiteu ave.
ONE LIG HT H. K. room, convenient
carlints. per month. 325 E. 7th !t.
SINGLE H. K. batching room, phono.
private residence, hath. Wi . 21st ft
2 CLEAN steam heated single h. k. rooms,
147 13th st.
THREE rooms partially furnished for
housekeeping, b.ift 1 pshur.
LARGE front H
two employed.
room, suitable for
Jefferson st.
ONE FURNISHED housekeeping room
person employed. S30 Rodney oe,
2 SMALL furnished basement rooms, suit
able for 2 men employed. 50 t iay
LA DY w-ishes couple children to board
and room. sen. 2'J.
f . ." O per week. East 331.
H. K. ROOM, good heat. 170 N. 22d s
$;io S-room house, Itrooklyn district.
5' ROOM house or rent, located on S. fc
corner of 54th nnd Washington. Pric
$30. Call at 1173 Hawthorne- ave. afte
HI oVJock.
BU Y FROM the owner. 11 rooms; fine
for home, rooming or boarders; S15no
cash; hardwood floors, tile bath. Main
FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow
Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, sleep
Inch porch, cement basement, garage
2"4 East Baldwin. v oodiawn 40O!i.
Beautiful 7-room strictly modern
residence, close In. Phone owner. East
4 084.
DESIRABLE west side home. $40. tor rent.
7S0 Corbett. near Gibus, ireh. 1. o rooms,
gas, furnace, near sfhoru. Main 5o."d.
5-ItOOM modern cottage, i) assorted fruit
trees and berries, garden space. Broad
way 25 1 7, apartment IK.
MODERN -room unfurnished house, :i;t;i
B. 44th st. ; Koae City car. Sunday
10 tn 5 P. M.
A GOOD place for children. 1 acre and 3
room house, pood mt buildings, o cor da
of wood. Seilwood 3114.
MODERN. new ly decomted five-room
bungalow, r ire-place, china cioset. etc.
S!'l East Morrison. East 4400.
FOR RENT Unfurnished 5-room cot tau
with iraraire. BiocK irom car.
street. 0M Gladstone. Seilwood 10i.".
IRVINGTON new home, 7 rooms, all oak
floors, ivory tinisn, garage; cnoice loca
tion. $7" a month. A 34:i. Oiennlnii.
6 OR 7-RM. house, semi-modern, garage.
vard, close E. b., near car line, reasona
b 1 e: rent for. year or more. Call 41 i 7 -7 :l
FOR RENT 0-room furnished house, cen
trally located; uu per montn. L'iu
Ad jimp st.
4-ROOM bungalow, all modern conven
iences and i acre grounu; 0 per mo.
Phone Marshall 3344
LI-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale,
suitnble for a home, boarding or renting
roms. Main S47H.
BEST equipped for meat and long-distant-,
hauling and moving Green Transfer Co
202 4 Aider st. Main 126X
FoR RENT 1 40 ; 6-room house, on S. S.
car line. Call Sunday, 2 to 4 P. M.. Oil
Belmont st. References.
$,'10 MO.; 8-rm. house, bath. gas. electricity.
Call 4Mi4 4Vh St.. near 41st ave. S. E.
5-ROOM coitace for rent, furniture for
sale, $350 cash. 54S Fifth H.
G HO J.M ho :s ' se-ln, e 1st side, adulta
only. $35. E. S0S1.
OWNER will lease, modern bungalow.
AMli. Mt. Scott car to 55th ave.
MODERN house, rent reasonable, furniture
for sale. Mar. 835.
FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow for rent,
furniture for sale. 1026 E. 15th st. N.
6-ROOM house, 330 Union ave., near
Weldler. to adults. $35. Main 0314.
6-ROOM house and bath, Courtney sta
tion, $20. Phone Oak Grove 15 2 -J.
6-ROOM house and garuge. on j.avej
street. In gud neighbot hood. The h.ue
was just newly renovated and is in tb
best of shape. There is linoleum on th
kitchen, dining room nnd bathroom
floors. This is a beautiful home and
inunt be seen to be appreciated. Will
give a lease for 3 yea is. 1 "or further
particulars call a nd see A. II. York or
R. K. Roles at 514 Shetland bldg. Mar
shall 3!s:t.
NEW, WELL-BUILT cottage. R miles from
Portland, on electric raurud and hard
surface road; Bull Run water, gas, tele
phone; i-j acre fruit trees, berries, flow
ers, large inoiRrn chicken house, t iw ti
ers home and must receive Kind i'ure ;
references required. M.un stii:.
No. 754 EAST ;d St.. half blo k lion h of
Frances ave., m blks north of Wood
stock car line, for rent to resjmtiit.:e
party at $35 a mo. Or will m II at $;;75)
ou easy terms, if taken before wo r. tit
It. BEN JUESLAND, 4tG Plait Bulg.
127 P t? ,
LEASE 1 ear or more, his Whh'u, 0 "aiK"
rooms besides den and lurjie slecjii ;i
porch; furnace, firt-piace. fiarauo Mximi:
berries. Iruit, garden, very larne i:iwn 2
larae fir trees; p. aim iin-'.udfd. J;m per
month. F. Abendiuth, b4 Wa.-co, E.
4'.i I. own'':,
754 E. 33I ST.. t hk. north of Fraiicta
ave.. 1 s Mks. north ol U oodstuck car
line, for rent to responsible ii.trty at J35
a mo.; or will sell at ,17.'.0 ou t-mv
terms if taken beiore we rent It HEN
R1ESLAND, JO I P. n t M 1 -1 u 1 2 7 J 'a r k st,
SoiiUay Bros' Trail.-f r & Sioiage Co.
Bdwv. 4222
Long-Distance Hau ii.g.
Storage, I'ackini? and ."-lupping.
F."lid:.y 'Bros ' T-a-i-fer Morase Co
FlR RENT 7-room liou-e; furn.i k.I
supply i.f wood and fuel; 1 block trm
car. Price $50. Will rent to responsi
ble purty who can put up bond of .'on.
Call .Mhi". 4413.
FOR RMNT Tiw.ird, model ii houvo. 2
ii'-rcs in fruit, near highway and st mon,
$ 15 a month, 3-year lease. Sell equity
$35011. easy tor wis. Address 11. U. Case,
.Tigard, T.
MOVING I'i.-uio. rurnimr hhu lu;g- um-
tance laul;np a specialty. O & W. Trucn
Servire Co.. l' 2d st Phone Hdwy. M2L
l'nrn i-hed ILihck.
FREE rent and J'0 month Income l sid--s;
H rooms and Steeping porch, completely
furnished for 4 high-grade 11. W. suite.;
income 105 mo.; rent onlv $35; iocit-d
on West 23d St., walking distance; i-well
neighbor houd ; sell everything a nd give
i m met) iate posses.-If m for $ l;no rush.
Best bargain in Portland MeCointic,
24 2 Wash i ng t ons t. M n i nS22t i.
- ROOM modern furnished house, lrvmg
ton. 05 p r month. For further infor
mation call East 70 vs ; references; no
linen, dishes or bedding.
LA D Y will share nicely furnished houso
and garago with young couple; or room
with kitchen privileiii's; also ttiiiKlo room
for gentleriien. Tabor 7173.
-ROOM furnished house, with bath, fruit
trees; no objection to babies; J Hi. I 1 ItO
Hawthorne ave., near 4oih. 0 till I Sun-
5-RO't.M cottace, bath. gas. eleitrlcttv;
rent $35. 4 152 4 Lit ave. 'oodstuck ear
to 42d.
ItuuM house with garage for rent to
part v w ho buvs my nea rly new furni
ture at $150 rash. 1135 E. 23d st. N.
Fl KN1S1IED S-itjom or Jl-room apt.
Adults only. First-class. 300 E. 22d tu
S. Hnw I home ea r.
IRV1NHTON Most beaut 1 1 111 7 rooms
garage to Juno 1; no boys; $0i
ni. Jilt M. AC 3.'. Oregonlan.
FOR RENT furnished 4-rom hunga h.w
with garage. Right on the river. $;;5.
Ca.l On k Gro e 120-Y a M rl ' A . -M
FOR RENT 4-room bouse. Furnished, 2
short blocks Woodlawn tar, $30. AL
32, Oregonian.
Foil RENT 5-room house, furnished or
unfurnished ; garage, 1 block to car.
S co M r. I J HI i h a 11. 3Q 5 t u k s t
FURNISHED house nnd $35 per month to
couple who will board eliiidtcu. AU 51.
WILL rent 5 rooms of ft-room limise. -l.sS
East 20th st. Call Auto. 221-3S Suu-
d a y o r a t t 8 P. M ;w e c k jU 1 J .
MODE RN 5 -room f ui-.tished himgii .ou .
niano. No t hihircn, Kent $35. Mil
S2.1 st. S. I. p hone (117-31 .
5-KlioM fin nib lied bouse. 111 M.niiooti
ave. aduits only.
FU R'MSiTeD 0-room modern house. 0u7
(iaiitenhein avenue.
FURNISHED house. 4 or 5 rooms with
garage, until April 1. HIS Milwaukie st.
furnished hou.-c.
5. 1 i;:i Hawthorne
w . t h
furnished. $35. OO.s E.
Stores nnd BiiHinr-.s
Two storeiooms. Third and llurnide;
modern plate plus fronts, one si ore 1
on 3d street, the other 011 Buirisi'le: will
lease eilner or both places tor terms of
1 1 e years.
S1 1 Chamber of (.'otiitneice
Mi'lO lifih. st cam-heat etl Dasc merit space
in Hold Clifford with entrance on Kast
Morrison st.. suitable fr printing, hil
biirds, bowling, storage, baths, etc. Rent
$25. Inquire Fred H. Strons, Hotel
LOFT, 4D5d. second floor biick liclg. ' Tu:a
E. Pine, cor. U n ion ave ; tine for
light manufacturing. Wake lie. J. Fries
A- Co.. S5 4:h st .
in firi proof warn
5. Sccurilv Sloi'-
house phone Bdwy. 3715
a 'e & Tra nsl e r Co., 53
li ne.
FourLli tot., eor.
STOitH with living rooms upstait
t school, in WoodstocK. Phone
way is after 0 A. M. j""''".
FuiTRe'nT Long lease In brick tuildin.
Sixth st., 12x1 feet. 2 Fourth st.
Main 4522. Mr. Tini"y.
l-'oK KENT Storeiouin for $30.
r2t 1-t.
1 n 1 u 1 r
lease for sale
district. T 325
.he.ip, centr.ii nusl-
DUSK room, with tcl pnone inid steno
graphic fervic Phone Ibiwy 3715. Se
tumy Storage & Transfer Co.. 53 Hh
street, corner Pine. .
I'A RT of ground fiMr olfu
telephone, typew riter. b
cclk-nt corner location.
. w indow p.
.at. Relit :
Rdw y. 5H44.
DESK ROOM to contractor. inHuruiiro o
1. ci tor or other responsible Ums. 333
R a 1 1 w a y K X ch hldg.
CALL MAIN or mm; Mr. i-kuthei in .
3a3 Railway fcixch., Ior one or iwo iui
nthed offices.
C l I AIM ' i I v.- Llii 111 r
WANTED--To rent. I largo ni -i nir-
nihhed office or 2 smaller om rooms
t;ood location. AN 3oi.Mre);oiti(i n.
DESK room in large, Mght office .: idiom,
pc-vriter. . eik. itro.t nwa j - - -1
FR 'NT office, mod rn. in It a il way L-
liangp hidg. Apply rrnni .u
DESK room witii phone uerWce. M.uu 2";;.i.
621 Morgan wuiiding.
STUDIO FlR RENT To piano or vocal
teacher. rtione ,
DA.NCH Mtudio for r- nt, p:u t tin --, lo
ration. M a in 1 a ' tcriiM-aiw.
rent. Fl;eilnr bl.R?
OKI' ICES for rent. Qorlmger bldg.
FURNISHED of f:c f. r r-nt. McKay bldg.
HALL to lent fur dancing panics, too eg.
etc, Saturday evmiij-'s. j.Mrvoii J-..T.,.-hig
Academy, 7.15 Miss:ss:ppi. dln.
12M1. .
HAL! FOR LODiiE. cut. or ;anc.s, --1 1 -
trai'.V loflited. 1' -i' Of i-goH..tii.
A C.KoCEitV store, slocii and fixture, h
miles from ine i'-tiot 01 ui cnj , m -eraue
business ?:cim a month. Pi ico
about Mat"). 1 4-"i. On gonian.
i-'J ItST -CLASS loca lion for cwndy luaU- r.
ft u.t stand, grocery, pooi or vn ri room.
Stock and fixtorres inventory. 430 Wash.
st. Mdwy. 25t3.
A FINE real estate office, centrally located
on west side. line mouern up-io-n.tie iur
niture. at a bargain ; other business,
p !M5. Oregonian.
WELL established insurance agemy. an l-
u. -nt and hea.tli; flisi. agency, msitn;
Wash. This is a great opp.ntuiiity for
some one to invest in a pay ing prop
osition. Address box 301. Yakima. h.
LIVE commercial mfg. corporation, wants
reliable man ior owsincss ma ua Kenieiu ;
some Investment required; full security
212 Railway Exch. Bldg.
REAL estate business for sale; established
12 years, best or reierences, mie opi-or-tunity,
large listings, city and country.
A 0-1S, Oregonian.
ONE OF the Inst automobile repair ship-.
plenty of tools anil macninerj, oniy ? '.
some terms. Broadway 3.V0. .'l7
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
ULCANlZINt plant complet-'.
and tire accessories. Will invo
$550 cash will buy It. TbW Is
F" ':. t'reconlfiTV
a:i to
II 1( H - CLASS restaurant for sm !e. i
business district, good lease, 0111 v - iuoo
This Is a genuine bargain for huh k ac
tion. Address W 35J, on goniaii.
WA IT IN 1 room, grocery aii'l confect ion-
ery. transfer station. cn a p rem ; pi ic
$iiinid; fixtures alone cost ovr $1000.
Jioi R a 11 w a y Exch aj 1 g e . Main "iWL
"ANTED Small job printing plant; will
pay cash. N 3S3. Oregonian.
A"RTNER wanted In auto radiutor repair
ghnp, $ Mt; can iearn o .wi. wrenoniaii;
LUNCH, bakery goods, etc.. all ready ti
start, cue up rem, u-- v asuuii.oa su