14 THE SUNDAY. OREGOXTAX, TORTLAXD, JANTJATIY 23, 1921 FOR SALE. Machinery. FOB 8A1.E. FOR S ALB FOR 8 ALE. FOR SALE. FOR SAI.K ron SATE r.R SM B. M iscfllunconM. V iK-bmerj'. Michhiery. M:Hchiner'. Machinery. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. NOW 13 THB TIME TO PUT TOUR JIIUH-l'RESSLllB UOH.ER3. IT. P. Lbs. 8 H.lnl. cod hollers.... " 'J Sterling boilers H terlln boilem 2 sterling boil". 6 B. A W. boiler. 4 Kdcemorft boilers ...... .10110 i'lKl I'm mo 20 . 4i0 . r.o r.'M) 20(1 10 1U 130 8 II. & W. boilem 2 Rrie City tuiiers . 3' 1 1 irehux ljO 1 Firebox 1 Ki redox 3" 1 Firebox IS 1 I'O.'ci') I.yoni combination 4 7L'xlH bull-strap 2 lirtxl.i buu-alritp 1 tittxlti buit-ntrttp 2 fftixltf hutt-strHP 4 MVI lap-strum ENGINES. 1 Sylvester enfrtne. 26x32. lLxift Kne center crank engine, fexlu Kr-e center crank engine. MISCELLANEOUS. I'll-in ben mm 20 ft. lone. t 4c lb. IH) flt.. 3U-ln. PUCK. -l valve, from Ji-ln. to 6-io. 1 Hit) 100 . i:.o . lr.o .l.'.t) .1 M) EXTRA SPECIAL. Have Just purchased at a prlco that ennblea us to sell at pre-war prices: 6 7J-ln. butt-etrap boilers, hiKh prajFsure. as follows: 1 bo.ler tlsuu, 2 for J34U0, 3 for O-uu. 6 for (7000. ALSO MA NT OTHER SMALLER SIZES Of HOIL.EK3 AND EN GINES. W do all kinds of brazing and welding-. Kussell Co.' 1 No. 5R5S slncle cylin der luu r.p.m, 75 h. p. steam en gine. Simple liuriz. cylinder, 14-in.x-'O-ln.xl'O-in. stroke, X:y ball Bovernor. fly wheel ti ft. diura. by 20ia-in. faee steam pile, 0-in. ex haust pipe, 6-ln. shaft tiVa-in. diam. Crunk pin 3, pistoa rod 1-1'U, 1 3-!n. clium. 1 1000 11. P. Engine and Condenser. Emilh Morgan Co. 1 Turbine water wheel, 110 11. P., 47-11. head, li-in. inele runner, steel encased horia. cylinder gate, oaa r.p.m. .Mccor mick tVDe with uullev. G. B. Co. 2 transformers, type A. B.. 400 K. W. i2.'.0. 230O volt., ttO cycle, air pressure ounce. 1 but) K. Yv", a. t;. generator belted exciter awitcn- uoaru panel, com D ete in every respect. G. B. Co. 1 transformer, form "H, 22U0-2200, WJj; liiiO. 273, IS K. W. sinale phase. AUls-Chalmers Co. I generator panel, 2:;oy volts, 75 K. W., equipped with 3 ammeter, voltmeter, ex. citer and generator rheoatata, non- automatic oil switch. Thomson-Houston 1 1. C. generator. 7 hompaon-Houston. cla?s l, Ssa; 2 cole .100 r.p.m.. Ill) volts, K. W. Included iron pulley, 6i4 by 4-tn. face. Ttumnon-Houston 1 A. C. generator, class A-lou, horizontal 10,0 r.p.m single phase, 11' cycles, 2J00 volts, 100 K. W. belted type. Main drive pulley missing, exciter pulley 11- in. diam. by Jta-in. face. leid pheostat attached. O. B. Co. 1 type A. T. B.. form M.. 400 K. W., class 20-400, A-3."0, 2300 volt, 101 amperoa, 300 r.p.m., A. C. generator. O. E. Co. 1 type A. T. B., form P, 200 K. V,"., class 12-2O0, A-li-'ti, 2300 von, bo ampere, boo r.p.m., A. generator. James Leifel &. Co. 1 size 17 A, 03 II. P., vertical, Sampson water tur bine. 23-It nead. Liu r.D.m. James Leffel it Co. 1 size 17 II. 68 H. t'.t vertical hampson water tur bine, 2s-ft; head, 670 r.p.m. Lane & llodley Co. 1 125 11. P., J00 r.p.m. 12-ln.x36-ln. stroke horiz. Corliss engine. AUis Chalmers 1 liullock type, 60 cycle, -jw volt, in. is amp., woo r.p.m., s-pnase genera: i Piatt Iron Wks. 1 4m-,u. Victor verti cal water wheel with vertical bearings, vokes and rears Note. .Switchboard panels for these Iteneraiors can be had if so desired. James Ieffel A Co. 1 6tJ-ln. tiamson vertical water wheel with extend ed wheel and gate shafts, vertical bearings, yokes asd gears. Q. E. Co. Type A TI., class 12-inO-BOO from X 38 ampere, 2300 volt, tluo r.p.m., a. c. generator. Tjiomson-Uouston Elec. Co. 1 class A auo. now voit. 1070 r.p.m., A. C. generator, adjusted for lo per cent loss. Thomson-Houston Elec Co. 1 class t) avs. no volt, 2400 r.p.m.. A. C. generator, adjusted for & per cent C T. load. 8. llorgan Smith 1 200 H. P. 18-ln. Mc Cormick horiaontal type water wneei. Q. E. Co. 1 type A T B. class 12-ir.O, a ovo. lurm oouu volts, 13 aiD pere, eou r.p.m., generator. 21 Never Creep anchors Complete. l0le A Co. 1 crude oil ras irenem rnp and superheater, both 4 ft., S In. In uiaiueier. li n., 6-in. high fire box, IL, 0 In. diameter. 7 fL 0 in. long, wash box. 5 ft.. 0 in. diameter, 6 ft., 0 in. higbcom- 1 bturlevant No. 5 blower, belt connected to 1-GE induction mo tor, type 1 Q 4 7.4 A 1. boo, from h. 220 volt, complete In place. rote. Switchboard panels for these fccuciBiura can oe nad u so desired. 1 bturtevant No. 6 blower, belt w.,UBuu ig x verucal ft-ln.xi-in. BLeaiu engine. 1 Sturtevant No. 8 blower, belt connected to 1-i-in.xO-ln. vertical iwim engine. 1 Ieane. i-ln.xtti-ln.xia-io. du plex steam pump. airoanKs-Aiorse 1 4ttx3x4-in. du- viuam pump. vorth;ngton I 8x2x3-in. duplex boiler . imu water pump. worthlngton a 4 i, x2 x4-ln. duplex oil 1IUUI1U. Buffalo Meter Co. 2 -ln. oil meters. G. R. MACHINERY CO., 603 UerlinBcr lllds., Purtlaud, Or. BHIXGLB 3ffTLI MACHTNERT. S Sumner upriffht hlnrle ma chines 1 CbaUoner double block ehinsle machine. 1 Herkma single block ahingle machine. 1 Hand jihlnyle repre!r 0 feet riiler beariug amnffle con veyor. 1 3-in, stroke heavy, friction drafp eaw. 2 heavyv geared log- hauls. 1 No. 35 covel shingle saw auto matic gummer. Hand gammers. 60 6-ft 0-in. roUer bearing dry kiln trucks. 3 Kne bolter arbors. SAWMILL MACHINERY. Sets of blocks 7C-inch crew bead- 3 Set of 60-In. ecrew headbliclis. 1 t of 44 -in, rack and pinion headbhcks. 1 Complete sawmill husk with top saw rig", carriage track, etc. -.No. 1 Curtis mills. 2 No. 3 Curt;s hnlis. 1 (!.30 S-saw etier. 14x42 It-saw eder.- " 1 .sx.10 3-saw edper. ' 1 Hill steam nUrer. 1 S steam teed. 1 6x12 twin engine feed. WOODWORKING MACHINERY. 1 American slnple end tenoner. 1 Hertrert Baker combination rip and cutnfC saw tabe. California tumbling box board cutofO. 1 -J-in. circular resaw. Sx2i Graves & Kiushman single sun ace r. V 0-in. 4-fI( sticker. 1 S-in. American 4-side sticker. 12-in. American iV-head sticker. 1 No. American double spin dle Fhaper. 4 Hound-head jointers. 1 Chisel-moriiser with boring at- t hment W-v"-in. i-resvent bandsair. 1 Srt-tn. Berlin It-drum lander. 3 4--in. Berlin 3-drum 5ander. 1 H. IS. tmith combination drum, disc and spindle sander. ' MOTORS. About 100 motors. 1. 2 and 3 phaiie, both new and necond-hand, bvad for our list ot same. STAR MACHINERY COMPANY. sKAnxa. wash. OFFICE A.N1 SALtlSROOMS, 173S Firrt Ave. S. SHOP AND YARI3, .SG7 Horton St, 4-BOTTOM tractor plow. 14-inch steel, P. & O. make, automatic lift with roll ing coulters, used very short time.. 1 No. 2 Aultman & Taylor clover hull er. used very little, drive belt for same. 1 12x2.1 International gas tractor. Who hus this- rig will steal U for JiUOO f. o. h Albany. Or. See or write VICK BROS. Albany. Or. 3iCt SALE on wir cable, rubber belting, all kinds of tools end supplies at lowest prices in the city. J, Leva, 1S0 Front L FOR C nrE. riPE. pipe. - We have parchas'd sll the pipe from one of the leading fhipyar-ln of thin city and from most of the shipyards at Astoria, Or. Sixes ranging from -inrh to 8-inch, black and galvanized, new and slightly us'-d. In order to maka room for incoming stock we are golntc to it at prictn that cannot be competed with by any other house In this city. Special for this wtek only inU pairs hot and cold watr faucets for lava tin lea. BELTING. v BELTING. BELTINO. Buy your belting needs from a housa thtit makes a fp-'fia'Uy of it. We rarry m fitocK at all times new and seconl hand leather and rubber hitting from 1 Inch to SO inches in width, all piles. Our prices are the lowest, and we buy nirert rroin the factory. We have about oo.oou feet rubber bolting in remnants from, lilt to no fet at greatly redun-d prices. IT WILL PAY YOLT TO RKK VS FIRST. Get the benefit of the middle man b profit, SAWS. SAWS. SAWS. About 4000 crosscut saws, nw and second-hand, fi5 a nd 7.T cents pr foot. Xur price on the band saws is Very low, as we must make room. LOGGERS AXD MILLilEN. ATTENTION! W have a large assortment of CO LOMBIA SKOOKLM and PACIFIC LOG GING ItLiX'KH; also a lartre. Htock of Tommy Moorp blocks; ali -hoker and fine hook.s and loKgimr eiuipment. We if in a position to sell thebe at.a great discount. H0,out) feet cable from H to IS Inches, new and second-hand, at a very low ijgure. All kinds shnfting, pulleys, boxings drums, gear sprockets, chain and all kinds of miscellaneous castings. MACHINERY. All kinds used machinery, boilers. tanks, concrete mixers, pumps, shears. punches, blowers, motors, hoists and air compressors. , CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION I PtructWHl Iron T-beams, anglps, 'flat Iron, refnforcing irons, square, channel , and round iron, far below market price. I WE MAKE A SPECI ALTY OF RENT ING TOOLrf AM) EOLIPMKNT OF ALL KINDd. Chain blocks from 1 to 3 tons, all makes, at reasonable prices. 100 screr jacks for sale or rent. We bought a large lob lnt of roofing. This enables us to SrM for less than any other store in the city. f TENTS. TENTS. TENTS. From all the fif0 tnts that we have purchased from the U. S. navy we only! have about Iimi u.! tna left. We s?soj have about tent flies and wagon covprs. A s the season is nearing the end, we will close these out at a close- out price. BLACKSMITHS AND ROAD CONTRACTORS' TOOLS. Anvils, blowers, hammers, sledges. wedges, picks, maftockrt, tongues, flat ters, bardies and shape rs. We are overstocked with vises. Wei bnve on hflnd a Inrge stock of TROJAN I AND REK1J MANCF. bench vts.-s, new! and second-hand, at a great discount. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. We have purrhnsed a In rg stock of copper wire nnd copper cable. 4T!I g.iug-s, I from the STA Mm ! RR nnd COLUMBIA RIVER SHTI'TARIiS. We alo huvnA larpe lot of conduit pipe from H ipchl to 4 Inches. Buy from us and save I money. FIRE PROTECTION. Fire extinguishers. hose, nozzles. I etc. Must mnvf at once; 100 sets 14-Inch I ear wheels for dump cars, with axles. o0 gauge, complete with boxings. 1 10-H. I, firebox locomotive type Doner, in nrst-ciHss condition. I 3 8-IL P. upright boilers, in first-class anape, st a great bargain. We have on hand several thousand second-hand firebrick. ALASKA JUNK COMPANY, Largest on the Coast. 201 Front St. - Main 4110. LOGGERS' AND CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY CO., LOGGING AND HOISTING . , ENGINES. NEW. REBUILT AND USED LOGGING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 4 11x13 Tseoma new compound geared yarder. 1 llJix!3 Tscoma yarder, complete with sd and lin-: 1 12x12 Tacoma roader. complete with new sle.l and lines. 1 12x14 Tscoma roader, 72-lnch round holler. 1 32x12 Washington yarder. 1 lOHtxlOU Washington yarder and roader, new sled and com plete with lines. 1 12x12 Washington yarder with sled and lines. , 1 lflxloy Washington compound geared yarder. 1 lixlO Willamette hoisting en gine. 1 loxl3 Willamette crack-n-lnck 1 10x13 Willamette road sled and line. 1 10x13 Munrty mader. 2 SM;il0 Willamette loaders. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT. 1 Sfi-ton Shay standard gauge lo comotive, splendid condition. 1 45-ton Climax locomotive. 1 42-ton Climaj locomotive. 1 S.Vton Ciimax locomotive. 1 S.Vton Baldwin locomotive. 4 sets truck with iron work for C9 M. at cars. 3 "Wwts of 70-M. second-band log ging trucks. 1 Rodgers standard ballnst car. 2 20-yd. center dump ballast Cfirs. One-Tialf nM 3"-lb. relay rails. 1 144-yard Bafey grader. Contractors equipment. 1 2o-on Brown hoist locomotive crane. 1 i-yd. type B Erie steam shovel. 5 No. 4s R-x coticrete mlxrs, new. 2 No. 7 R"x concrete mixers, new. I . -r Williams Favorite bucket without teeth. LOGGERS AND CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY CO., Office. No. 7 Fourth St. Shop. 17th and Sherlock Avenue, PORTLAND. OREGON. Manufacturers of Russell All-Sfel Logclrig Trucks. Eagle-Brand Wedges and Sledges. Representatives for Porter Locomotives. Rex Concrete Mixers. Erie Steam Shovels, WfH iams C!amshU Buckets. Insley Concrete Equipment, MOTORS. GENERATORS. GAS ENGINES. AIR COMPRESSORS. TV's carry both new and used equip ment for rent or sale. Specialize in motor rewinding and installations. B, E. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO., 75 Front St., Cor. Oak. Phone Auto. S2.J-49. WERNER - PFLETDERER Unl-eranl kneading ajid mixing machtde; capacity 75 pounds: suitable for bakers nr any on requiring a powerful mixer for wet or dry substance; also a 3 and . 1-borsepower motor, D. C. Phone Sell wood S5o. TWO SEWING machines, shafting and tools complete; reasonable. 546 Wash ington hb'g. SALE Three fi-inch gate valves. Stealer. 800 Oregon U ATTENTION. LOOK OVER THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT. BOILERS. 1 1 00 H. P, F. B. with stack and fittings. IJ.-i-Ib. 1 H. P. F. B. with stack and fi:tings, -'j-lb. 1 IS H. P. vertical. 12.V1H 11 H. P. 12.Vlb. 19 H. P. lBMb. 1 S H. P. 150-ib. vertical, vertical vertical, 80"xS4" ENGINE?. 1 nn H. P. Naeg engine. 1 tx 1 2 Atlas, center crank. 1 !1S side crank. 1 .S sirie crank. 1 .x7 sirle crank. 1 x7 Blake vertlca.1. 1 107 B!ake vertioal. V GAS ENCINES. 1 CO H. P. Fa'rhanks-Morse, type Y s-miDe!sel en gine. 1 M. P. Fairbankj-Morse type grtst eneTne. 1 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse type gas engine. 2 15 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse type vertical gas engines. HOISTS. 1 7x10 American D. D. hoisting eniriwi, pmr-tlcallv new. 1 7x1 OH Washington D. D. hoisting engine. 1 r V; xS American single drum wUhout boiler.' 1 4x." double cvVn'ler cargo winch. 1 D. D. belt driven hoist, steel frame; capacity imm lbs. 1 D. D. belt drive:r hoi.-t. steel frame; cspaclty 'M) lbs. 1 Single drum belt driven hoist, wood frame. CRUSHERS AND SCREENS. manganese manganese manganese ' manganese manganese manganese manganese manganese 1 24" Pvmons disc crnaher. 3 ItV'xl 4" crusher rolls. 1 Stunl'vant ropt mill. 1 No. 1 Fort Wayne crusher. 1 4S"x2n-ft. Standard Gates screen complete. 2 4S'iil2-font Standard Gates 5CT-eTi complete. 4 i(V'xl2-font P-andard Austin (terpens complete. 1 ?2"x-ft. Frroen complete with ;:0-fnot elevator. 1 :Wx9-ft. screen complete with 30-foot elevator. DRAG BUCKETS. 1 lA-yard flrag line btirket. 1 -i-yard flrag line bucket. 1 1 -yard drag line bucket. 1 lli-yard drag line bucket. KETTLES AND TANKS. 4 10-bbl. street kettle, S. steel whee's. 1 Ifi-bbl. street kettle, S steel wheels. 1 10-hhi. firebox melting kettle. 1 Pa t eh -pan mounted on wheels. 2 2ot0-pnl. Mora it tanks. 1 flon-gal. tank wagon. 1 (0-gal. melting kettle on whee!s. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 42-ton Btes locomotive. 1 Type O Thew steam shovel. 1 2-afk Aus-tin paver with boom flnrt bucket. 1 l.V-cu. rt. Smith mixer, steam, 1 WtHtern Jr. elevating grader. 1 Cns elevating conveyor loader. 1 20 H. P. Crocker Wheeler, 220- voR D. O. motor. 1 7VAH. P. Wagner single phase motor. G No. 0 Gould rotary pumps (new.) Steel cots and camp equipment. S. & P. oil burner. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 617-1 9-10-20 GASO BLDG., PORTLAND, OREGON. MAIN 5S13. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY. NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT . ON HAND FOR IMME DIATE DELIVERY. CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT. 22 12-yard Western air dump crrs. , T fiO-M 34-ft. flat car. 1 Model (0 Bucyrus track shovel. 1 70-tnn Burrrtis trark shovel. 1 Mod. 40 Marion track shovel. 3 i -yd. Erie revolving shovel on traction wheels, used two ye-, rs. I isb Bucyrus caterpillar shovel. 1 20-ton locomotive crane. 1 Sx12:3 drum M unity hoisting engine. 1 MxS DD Washington hoist log engine. 1 3-vd. clamshell. 1 7x10 DD hoist. 6 No. 2'i western wheel scrapers. ,S Tons it -in. drill steel. 1 Smith Chicago paver, capac ity 20 Teet. 1 Ransom concrete mixer, gas engine driven. 50; l1. cubic yard dump cars, 24-In. gauge. 75 4 cuMe yard dump cars, 36 In. gauge. 1 r;ut No. 5 gyratory rock crusher. , 1 '24-in. gauge dinkey locomo tive. j 30-in, gauge dinkey locomo tive. LOGGERS' EQUIPMENT. 1 j ?.9-ton HetsW. built 1918. 2 11 V, xl3-in. Tacoma y ardors, used 3 months. 1 12x12 Washington1 yarder, steel frame. 1 r4x10 Smith & Watson load er. 6ti-ln. boiler. 22 Sets SO-M all-steel Russell logging trucks. 2 10x12 Washington halfbreds. 3 10x15 Tacoma broad face yarder. 2W) Tons 50-lb. rlay rails. 100 Tons 20-lb. rails. BOILERS AND ENGINES. 1 50-it. p. 220-volt motor com plete. 1 non-K. V. A. 4S0-volt West inghonse steam turbo gener ating pet. v 1 320-K. W. engine-driven A. C. generator. 1 1.0-H. P. firebox boiler, 110 lh. pressure. o-Tf. V. marine tvpe boiler. 1 so-H. P. firebox boiler, 125 lb. pressure. 1 V20-H. P. Ball American Cor liss engine. I oo H. P. Lane & Bodley Cor liss engine. 1 Oarage air compressor. 1 T.n-H. P. upright marine en gine. " 1 24xR Corliss engine. PiledHver hammers, gas en gines, pumps, tools, etc. SPECIALS. l4a-toTT stiff-leg derrick, com plete with engine and swing ing engine. 1 Altman-Taylor 5-M cut mill, complete. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY. Main 1212. 524-23. Main 2019. WE WTLL MOVE ABOUT FEBRUARY 1 to our new building, 225 Stark st.. cor ner First, where we will have the largest ttrictly electrical repair shop In the northwest. In the meantime we are making spe cial prices on new nr.a usea motors. R. R. POPPLETON". .Marshall 410. .71 Front st FOR SALE One Winstln No. IT drum type stump puller with cluster cable and root hook, all In good shape and factory ' guarantee run for 2 years; will sacrifice ror a quick vale. Address Beaton KilUn, ICoui 1. fc tier wood. Or, 1 No. lK, Gates equlpp'vi. 1 No. 7M-K Gates en. ulpped. 1 No. en Gates equipped. 2 No. K Gates equipped. 2 No. 5 Austin equipped. 1 No. 5C Sjmons cti ulpf-ird. 1 No. ,tl Gata f ulpprd. 1 No. 2D Gates evmlfiped. ENGINES. 1 18x20 Frst engine, right hand. 1 pair 14x20 twins. 1 14x27x18 McEwen", center crank. 1 ISxlS Buckeye, right hand. 1 ItixlMi Brownrll. left hand. 1 14xi'0 Atlas, left hand. 1 Hxl'2-Lane & Bodiev Corliss. 1 ISxlH Chandler & Taylor, right hand 1 14x14 Ide.il automatic, center crank. 1 ltixlfl Russell, right hand, side crank. 1 10x13 Russell, side crank. 2 0x10 Ames, center crank. 1 SxtL Russell. 1 74x0 Clarke, center crank. 1 12-horaepower upright, 1 S-hf-raepower upright. 1 13x18 Ames R. H.. side crank. 1 No. 4 Jewel automatic. 1 9x12 Sampson, self-contained, side crank. BOILERS. 1 2Vh. p. Hawks combination water tube and tubular boiler. 130 pounds working pressure", all steel setting. 1 R0xl6 standard tubulir. 1 80-h. p. locomotive type, firebox, 125 pounds' prt-ssure. 1 C0-h p. open-bottom firebox. 1 44x14 tubular. 1 4'-h. P- Ruseell firebox boiler. 1 40-h. p. Ames, firebox. 1 40-h. p. Russell, firebox. 1 25-h. p. Russell firebox. 1 20-h. p. Russell firebox boiler with en gine mounted on top. 1 fio-h. p. upright. ' 1 2"i-h. p. K"wanee firebox. J. l.i-h. jr. fjrbox. 1 12-h. p. firebox, submer-red tubes. 2 fxlft Amis tubular boilers. a 1 54x16 Ames tubular boiler. RESAW" 1 H-ln. Mershon band resaw. . horizontal. i -in. ray hjan, upright band resaw. i -in. jiujtnomah steam drag saw. EDOEP.P 1 Sx6U Portland--Ii on Works make. HEAD BLOCKS. 1 st of three 00-ln. double I-besm. 1 st of three flS-Inr single T-beam. 1 set of three R2-ln. Allis-Chalmers, all steel ra'-k anri pinfnn. 1 spt of three 52-tn. Portland Iron Wks. niBKP. 1 set of three 54-ln. Albee cast-Iron I- oeam. 1 st t of three 7?-ln. I-beam. 1 B.'t of three fil-in. T-hpHm 1 sit of three 54-ln. Albee cast-Iron I- nparn, 1 sot of throe 4S-ln. Portland Iron Wks. mane, nouoie I-beam. 1 Pt of two 60-!n slntytA T-hnm 1 set of two Allis-Chalmers? rack and 1 set of two 4S-ln. H. C. Albee, single PT.A VTTP .Q 1 Stetson Ross ready sizer. Iflx20, No. 1 24-24 t?mber planer. 1 Rv24 TToyt nlnnr and mntrher 2 xr No. 01 Berlin fast-fed planers. j x.in f it ftp;in single surracer. 1 x24 Sweepstakes four-side. 2 R-inch Houston stick 1 flxla Amc'can planer nnd matcher. i im.t ao, jr ueriin planer. 1 7-Inch sticker. 1 2-spindle shaper. , ' STEAM FEEDS. 1 11x14 Pawling. 1 Pxl2 Wheland. 1 14x18 steanf feed. MISCELLANEOUS. I vower shenr. 1 No. 43 Phoenix hog.' 1 45-inch Sturtevant fan. 1 cyclone to match. THE .T. E. MARTIN CO., 11 First Street. Portland, Oregon. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY FOR SALE OR RENT AGENTS FOn SMITH K- WTSON LOG CI NO EOITPMEVT PACTFTP COAST AGENTS FOR WTLL- uaai'OKT AVI RE ROPE LARGE STOCK ON HAND. USED DONKEY ENGINES 7Mx10 Munday logger. 12x12 Wash. comn. yarder. 10x12 W ish, half-breed yarder. 0x11 Willamette yarder. 7Hx10 rew Munday hoist. 6'-ix10 new Munday hoist 6x8 Lambert hoist. GAS ENGINES , . m h. p., Stat. Rite. 2H h. p. ' International. 4U h. p. Olds. 5 h. p. Stover. 25 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse. STEAM ENGINES. 12x15 center crank Erie City Two 5x7 vertical. 7x.S vertical. 10x12 Wheland C. C. SHOP TOOLS. 13xff Chsmplnn lathe, 1x10 Lahman. 0-foot. ISxS foot L. A: D. plain change, geared i'-iooi oomn jsfnn iatne 18x12 American D. B. G. Q. C. lathe. 20x10 Hsmllton plain change lathe. 15Ux7 South Bend. l.-.UxS South Bend G. A. P. lathe, llxfi Myers lathe. 15x National D. B. G. Q. C. lathe. 24-Inch Ohio una per. 2i--fnoh bnck-geared drfll. 4-ft. American radial drill. Three sizs power shears. Stock cold-roiled shafting. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT fiOxlfi horizontal tubular boiler. One CO h. p. Scotch marine hotter. One 40 h. p. Scotch marine boiler. fne boilers .2xlS, with stack and nrppenrngp. 2ft-Af siwmlll. complete. One lath machine. One Tath bolter. Stock cf Milburn lights. Ma chin 'sts' vises. i wo portable gasoline air compressors o r-tci. pRujf i;a tears 200 tons 50-Ih rails. 2 gasoline speeders. 2-tnn Baldwin locomotive. 35-ton Std. gauge locomotive. MOTORS ' Slr.g!e-phnfr , 1-IC. M, U, K. I 3. 5 and 1ft h. p. Three-phae i. . K. 1. 2. 3 5 7i 10. 15, 20. 40. 50. 75. 100, and 20O h 6 DC l.2, 3. 5. 7, 10. i.f, 20 h.' P: steam and gasoline - driven electric generator sets. COAST STEEL' AND MACHINERY CO., w r irst street, fnone uroauway 1G1. FOR SALE. MACHINERY. WE HAVE A LARGE LOT OP NEW AND USED CIRCULAR AND BAND SAWS. JUST PUR CHASED FROM THE CUT-UP PLANE OF THE SPRUCE DIVI SION AT VANCOUVER. WASH. THE MAKES ARE ATKINS, SI MONDS, DISSTON, BURTON, AS WELL AS SEVERAL OTHER MAKES. THESE SAWS CONSIST OF CUT-OFFS, TRIMMERS, MITRE. ROCK AND RIPSAWS. IN ADDITION THERE ARE ABOUT 30 BOXES OF ATKINS SAW BITS, SAW SWAGES. AND PRIBNO SHAPERS. THERE IS A VERY SUBSTANTIAL DIS COUNT OVER THE NEW PRICE OX THESE SAWS. THEREFORE COME IN AND TAKE ADVAN- ' TAGS OF THIS CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY IN EQUIPMENT. ZIDELL-BERENSON COMPANY, 209-211 FRONT STREET. MARSHALL 1332. I 1 72xlS BUTT STRAP, h!gh-pres?ure return tubular boiler, complete with suspension, bricks, stack, front, all fittings, including oil burning set and feed water pump, passes 125-lb. city inspection. A bargain if taken trx once, STAR MACHINERY COMPANY. SEATTLE, WASH. 1736 First Ave. So. 6-1 1. P. FAIRBANKS gasoline engine; horizontal, heavy duty, good condition, burns distillate; snap at $100. Owner, WaJ n 5534. 705 Board of Trade bldg. DRAG saws, second hand rebuilt. Wade drag saws at a big saving. Fully guar anteed. R. AL Wade c Co. 824 Haw thorns avenue. USED MACHINERY FOR SALE.. ' 1 40 h. p. firebox boiler and Nagle en gine; 1 8x43 HiH steam drag saw; 5 54 inch AIlis rack and pinion head blocks; 1 set of S life rolls; 1 center firebox. 2 oven camp range; 1 No. 1100 Berlin cir cular resaw; l small com p. geared gas hoist. ; One pr. 11x16 H. S. & G. twin engines thoroughly overhauled and in first-class conaition. uonkeys, engines, pumps, boiiers. sawmill, shingle mi'! and box factory machinery; logging equipment. anytmng in maemnery- R. H. SWEET. Phone 10.19. - 220 Finch bids Aberdeen, Wash. Dnats. Lnunlies and Marine Lt;ui.nent. HOUSEBOAT, completely furnished, has all modern built-in effects, the best of furniture, telephone, gas, combination .gas and wood A. B. range; heather, solid-oak dining room set. wicker fur niture In sitting room, walnut bedroom 6et and ivory set, brass beds, new rugs; consists of 5 rooms and bath, large front porcn, also built-in back poroh, porch swing and grass rug; too many items to mention; muxt be seen to be appreciated, will give terms to responsible party. Here is the best that floats in the Wil lfamette river. Cail Sell wood 1367 or Main tiSCG for appointment. (Leaving c i t y. ) LOl'SEBOAT of 4 rooms, bail, and sleep ing porcn, new:y decorated, ana in gooo condition. 15 minutes out. ttc fare. with j3fH) cash. Also an 18-fL launch at a sacrifice price. Terms. O. A, Pearce 201 Oregon bids. Bdwy 4 S3. 7 H. P. FRISCO STANDARD GAS MA RINH ENGINE. GOOD FOR TROLL 1 V. RfliT Ot T-IADT. .TOM'IVn PITH. J-EOT CONDITION; WILL SKL&, FOR ilAl.f I'KICK, S300. FULTON UOAi i A H I , f f. VIRGINIA. MAR. 2005. FOR SAi-E Troll boat Captor, 3G ft. by w it. o in. Dy 4 it. howerea witn 10 hor?t power Atlas Imperial heavy duty marine engine. Phone Tahor 6i3S or nildres.T It. W. Ward, 027 Belmont FOit SALE A large houseboat, exeelient. nnisneu. parouetrv iloors. every con venience, and 7-pasaeuger motor boat. WANTED A canoe : must be a bargain. Call Marshall 700 week days only. Ask lor c.d Mfdcaii. D1-.S1UE to. rent immediately, furnished or paruy zurnisiieci houseooat, yacht club moorage. B 333, Oregonian. WANTED F"ish boat, must have western engine and be very reasonable. V 344 oregonian. 20xS-FT. FLAT bottom boat, with ton tAt-t. -., cozier engine in running orucr. fommnia eiougn at ienton hnnge. MOTOR canoe. IS ft. Sponsnn. Evlnruue, too: terms 40 tiown ; excellent con ait ion. bee at a ill Ln:on ave., north $40 BU VS complete etjuipm.-nt of motor DOHt, including o ti. j engine. In first ciajis cona uion. ) 34.(, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or C-rOom unfut nislied house boat; good lot in Errol Heights as first payment, tall Moil wiind l'.H)4. LOUSE BO AT, furnished, three rooms and bath. Cail ilam 2t.il Monday for ap pointmeru. WANTED 17-ft. Morris or uiatown canoe, reasonable lor cu&n. AK o41, Oregu nan. NEW 3-UOOM housebojit, only been built one month, must sell at once; price $oo0. .vr. nnnry, rtM ua Street. TWO NEW 70' H. P. tow-boats. $4 per hout. v-a:i Lo;umn:a city postorrtce FOR SALE New 3-room modern house boat, 4.0; terms. A F 346, Oregonian. NEW SCOW, 24x80x5 feet, built for real work, i-or price phone Bdwy. 101. I v.lasm houseboat, mostly furnished, fin isncd in ivry; gas, etc. Co 1 1 I'M 7-3 1 . ON E 45-65 H. P. reverse gear, also one hra3 stearing wheel. Sellwood 2604. t uii.MwHi'.u tioumtoat for ia!e. i rjrin una hatlv: modern. Inquire Seilwood ThiI WAN TlvD 3 or 4-room unfurnished house Dnat; terms if any. AC ell. Oregonan MiM-ellancous. AUTO camping outfit complete, or sell pieces separately, spring steel bed, tent, handy table, stools and utensils. Cost LiJl- Sc" v1- Main 826. SAWED timbers and board wood. 10-inch lengths, $0 per lond; also 3x12 planks, per tiiousana. Phone n,ast 0724. SAVE YOU 50V SH01Jl"NS AND RIFLES NEWMAN, 128 1ST, NEAR ALDER 4175 VICTKOLA for $100 cash: uair of in aeatructiDie pearl Deads, value lo, trade ior anytmng same value, rnone ti. M.titti. LICENSED intltpendent electrician wires i rooms ror o lor ji'u; guaranteed to pass inspection. Wood. 3 VI. FOR SALE I'.lickeuadcrfer typewriter, 10. xo 14th at., aiternoon and eve ning, i ONLY J 12. 50. HOT WATER TANK HOLDS 30 GALLONS; GUARANTEED, NEWMAN. 12S FIRST, NEAR WASH. FOR SALE New bug body, 14 leather seat and oacK opera chairs, and Incubator, 370 East Morrison st. Phone East 2 lu5. CHICK EN house to accommodate f0 chickens, with several compartments, ior saie. woouiawn rti.u. CASH register, scales, showcases, soda fountain, root beer bottles; must sacri fice this week. 113 Second St. ' SWELL Alcazar range, combination wood and gas, seir-llghter, only used 2 months. 5 less t h an price. Cail 71 T rinlty pi ace. FOR SALE Filet net curtains and light blue and yellow cretonne draperies. Mar. 3 ... TWO THINGS I do, and do well jewelry repairing, watcn repairing. .Miller, next (Ivor to Majestic theater. SLIGHTLY used dictaphone complete with dictating and transcribing machines and stanns. au B4, oregonian. STEAMER trunk for sale; one Rusian pony cart, one good brass bed. Telephone Alarsnali lu:.. -o rarK, FOR SALE OR TRADE ButterKist pod corn aud peanut machine. P3io, Ore- gonifin. BEAUTIFUL black panne velvet one-piece dress and coat, bargain if sold today; also baby corral. Broadway 5770. FOR SALE One double set of heavy work ing harness. Main Poo7. SELF-HOCKING child's bed; will run 4 hours. ? 12.50; cost $25. Sellwood 3 :,!. BAR AND bar fixtures, reasonable. 4! !. 710 Union ave. I NEW, large iiidestructo wardrobe trunk; nf-en once. lanor nun. FoR SALE Two diamond rings; very chca. Call 520-13. FOR FiliST ciass electrical repair vork and wiring c.i.I Kast Hbio. WOOD heater, oil heater, both like new. Tabor !t:iiM. HOOS1ER kitchen cabinet, like new. 5y0 Clinton street. bellwood ay,s. 50 SHARES American Llfeograph stock. Make ctsh oner. Taoor tU7. BEAUTIFUL set of Alaska furs. 331. COMBINATION range, mailable steel, al most new. Tabor COLLAPSIBLE Sturgis buggy, in good conditio. 12. Call sen. 1'403. GOOD PRACTICE MANDOLIN, only $5.00. Hatt 'KUKing Machine CO., 350 Alder st. FOR SALE All-metal drop-aide baby bed. . CmII Tabor OOOli. 045 Belmont st. ICY CLE for sale, excellent condition; cheap. Mam 1 ij 1 DOUBLE bed with springs. Call Mar. 500S. BICYCLE. $12, also girl's and boy's bicy- cle. Chapman bur-day or forenoons. LADY'S black suit, size 38. Phone East 3-' 4. MEDIUM-SIZE crayon picture, "The Vio- Umst ; fine oak rrame. H1 Kearney st. FOIt SALE Keeves baby bUsTy. excellent condition. Tabor 553. REED perambulator with reversible, body. same as new, cheap. Marshall iUS'2. FOR SALE Sturgis reed baby buggy; goon condition, f enwooa 200 CORDS of fir wood, $4 on the car. flilaon, w ash. FOR SALE 0x12 rug and heater. 834 Missouri ave. A SOLITAIRE ring and diamond ear- screws. BJ 3.i4, Oregonian. DROP HEAD serving .machine, good as new. e l i woou jom. GAS RANGE with canopy, nearly new. ' Phone Kast 4utj. or can to a. Couch st. FOR SALE Large "Western sink. . Main 10-7 Monday. BABY'S layette. $15, or will trade for bull pup. w oodiawn Qe4. DINING table, heating stove, books, etc., for wale cheap, ti. Morrison. FOR SALE One Iron bed and spring and mattress, a-x wasco sc FOR SALE Lady's dress form, one large mirror, ft a iut n St., nea r stara st. MAN'S suit, size 42, $15, navy blue, 553 Ms A asningtoa, DIAMONDS Have lk porfect blue steel; also k, pargams. av fto, uregonlan. 1 NEW ESTATE Novel combination range. Ai condition, oa-i r. uan st. r,. ftua. 2 STORAGE batteries and 50 electric bell- ringers, cneap .nam 04d. FOR SALE Cheap, one bed Fox light auto trucK. -o nusseu st. FOR SALE Larse millinery counter, large drawers. Call Sellwood 1747 Sunday. STOCK and dies for pipe; also stocks, dies and taps at sacrifice. Main 82J. OAK BED, davenport with tapestry cov ering practically new. 31 College 6u BURGLARY by breaking and entering your back, door will disappear as dew before the sparkling rays of the sum if you rest your ey.es on this 100 per cent reduction In the high est giy.de hardware obtainable. COUSIN NIGHT LATCHES. Perhaps the best buy of the year Is our offering of these new Cor bln night latches, in the best grade obtainable on today's market at a 100 per cent reduction. A large purchase of these high quality -locks, slightly tarnished, but hardly discernable from boxed stock. In the better grades, three solid brass keys. Just consider: $1.50 grade, now $ .75 $3.00 grade, now 1.50 $3.50 grade, cow... 1.75 IF ITS ANYTHING IN HARD WARE. LEVIN CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. SHIP CARPENTER TOOLS. Ship auger bits, without worm. SNELL BRAND. . tt.75 grade, now... $ 1 .85 grade, now. . . $3.15 grade, now... $5 50 grade, now . . . $0 50 grade, now... $7-50 grade, now... .$1.25 . 1.30 2.10 3 50 3.00 Ship adze, Campbell, regular $1, row $3.25. If It's anything In the bridge carpenter's line, we can give you reliable merchandise In the best made. White. Banton. Camp boll, Manx, and save you consider able. DRAG SAWS An unusually good buy on n new demonstrator macKm-e, with c'Aitch, which our close purchase erables us to sell at $114.50 GET IN ON THIS BUY. Drag 9.1 w blades. 6-foot guar anteed dras saw blades, now priced at $il.&0 MR. WOODCUTTER. From wedges which we sell you at Iflc a pound to the usd cross cut saw for $3.75. we handle a complete line cf all kinds of tools, peavfes, wedges, springboard irons, drag saws, falling saws. In used , merchandise that means in most instances a saving of over 5 per cent. Steel splitting bars In the octa-v gon pattern. A real bar. wfth a three-Inch flared bit. good strong size and a medium length bar. at the venr low price of $1.75 Heavy double-bitted axes. In a good make, regular to $3.25. row priced at $1.75 The same ax in lighter size, just consider $1.45 CARPENTERS EQUIPMENT. Anything you need In this line will be found in our complete line of high-grade, low-priced hard ' ware, whether It 19 a high-grade Atkins saw, that sells regularly for $4.20. slightly rusted, and now priced at $2.45. or if It's a Goodell combina tlon square, regularly $.', now priced at $I.t5, or our high grade fully guaranteed hand axs in a $3 value, now priced at $I.t5; or our Henry Diss ton level with plumb for $1.C5. For yon. Mr. Skilled Carpenter, you will find just whatever I?? ob tainable on the market In high grade merchandise, whether it is the Stanley. Dlpston, Atkins. Si monds. Diamond Edge or any other reliable make of goods that yon have been using for the last 15 years, and you will be arsured of a real saving. PATRONIZE THE HARDWARE SPECIALTY FIRM. THEY HAVE THE PRICE. BLACKSMITH TOOLS. Portable forge. In reliable mer chandise, for general use, regu larly $17.50, now $14.20. Blacksmith "Silver" post drilT. just the thing for light repair work, $10.25. AnvHs for general usage, good weight, $8.75. Stocks and dies at a real saving. A full lino of balipein and swede ing hammers, nipping and bolt tongs, .hot and cold chisels, fullers, f-atters, blacksmith and machinist vises, a line complete and at the old price. 60-pound, all-steM, guaranteed blacksmith vise, $15.50. Let us figure with you if you need used blowers, forees or any thing in the blacksmith line. We can save you money. Carpenters clamps, used, all Iron, good goods and a real price. Marine engine. 5-horsepower, complete with reverse gear, a real buy for the man w ho needs one. Cost new, $1-1 j. It Is out of our line and we will sell it at $79.50. AN HONEST DEAL AND SERV ICE IS LEVIN'S GUARANTEE. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNI TURE COMPANY. 221-23-23 Front st.eet. Corner Salmon. Main 9072. WILL TAKE $75 in kalsomlnlng and papering toward purchase price of fl50 pnenograpn. isaiance can oe paid on easy payments. Hyatt Talking Machine to., .t-o Alder st. LET US sell your slightly worn party gowns, suns iurs anu children s cloth ing. Selling-Hirsch bldg., 360'yi AVash- In g ton st. id am ln04. DRIED pruiies, FetiLes or Italians, pre paid, tc to 1-c pound, according to graiie. Roy V. Ohmart, Salem, or. SAFES Two Usht filing sa:es, also satal. fireproof safe, cheap IX taken at once F l4, Oregonian. REGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer; alo vac uum cleaning done. Eayt 4045. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange Ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington street. PILLS can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, bec ood and Morrison. - ADDING machine, practical, simple, addi $i9,yita.yy; more convenient than 13-00 machine, price 910. 010 tjproett blcg. GASOLINE tanks. 120 to 5U0 gallons. For restal & MacQuaid. 19th and Reserve sts.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 5i'7. FOP. SALE, cheap, Va-ton capacity Har ris Ice machine, good condition. Tigard meat market, Tigard, Or. OLD-GKOWTH fir cordwood, stove lensth. $11 cord; 4-foot cord wood. $10; 4-foot drv slab. 5S.au. uroaaway 4110, ABOUT 40d pounds cooled miik for tale on paved roaa. ciose ia, 10 reiiaoie parties AR 344. oregonian. DRY 1C-1N. fir wood, best In town; prices rignt, piuiiiHt- ucosij uu y.v,u streets, Col. U S SPRINGFIELD RIFLE, model '03 'calibre 30. BJ 377. Oregonian. FOR SALE Furniture, piano or Ford truck. After 1 P. M.. Broadway Z2U1 . SORTED upland potatoes, $l.5o sack; STORAGE battery, in first class condition. Q-VQlt, eu-ampeio, uum. lauor L'Poit. FOR SALE First-growth, cordwood, $'X:,q pr cora aeuvereu. r-none WQin. 6.11 BI.ODGET gas oven. .no. 21j, like new, SS5. F. S. Lang Mfg. Co., 101 4Va st. FOR RENT Electrlo vacuum cieaners. 24 bour day, 65c delivered. Wdln. 125tf. FOUR gas lamps and chandelier. Mon day. East 7140. POPCORN "Crispetie" machine, plete outfit. Phone East 7150. FOR SALL Shoemaker's stitching ma chine, late model. Call Woodlawn 5275. BROWN Axminster rug. $25. Size jQxlZ. 1'racucany uow. itivur 010a. j WRECKING VANCOUVER BARRACKS BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS FOR SALSL S50 Vltrous China Toilets. - Aialv. Range Boilers, sizes 30, 40, 60. fcO-gallon. Steel Tanks, SO to 500-gallon. I'ipe. Valve, Fittings. Gasoline, Storage Tanks. Pressure Tanks. 4 Steam-heating Boilers. 10,000 ft. Steam Radiators. American Ideal Heater, sizes TsO. 80, 22, A-3D. Junior Ideal Heating- Boilers. Xewanee Tank Heater Wo. 27. Drinking Fountain. J. B. L:p Urinals and Tanks. Buildings for sale. FOIiREriTAL-MACQUAID & CO.. 19th and Reserve Sts., Vancouver, Wash. P. O. Box 24. Phone 527. GOOD BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE. Five columns, in first-class con dition, complete with metal stand, $lo0. Easy terms if desired. GEVCBT55 FURNITURE COM PAN V, THE BIG STORE. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. NO BRANCH STOKES. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill. CHILD S folding cot, $4; 5-year girl's vimn.es, matting shirtwaist box. s,i; child's desk. $3 50; toy piano, $2; kiddie car, $2; fern ina lis. large, $2 ; coin-h s;rsd, $1; En. roadster, $3; W. cake mixer. $; stepladder. 2.5 and 3-gal. crocks,' $1.5414- other utensils and misc. articles; fine paintings and other pic tures, private home. Call Sun.. Hon.. Tues or Wed. Take Kenton car to 15UG Minnesota ave. .iiOb l foika any diamonds are high, but one would h;trdlv think mo if thev would stop, long enough to compare my prices with regular prices. Miller's Clearing jiouse ior Diamonds, next door to Ma jestic, theater. ALEXANDER HAMILTON business cour.. set consists of 24 leather bound text books and complete set of problems, lec tures, etc. This feet has never been Ufed and is in original packing. $i5. AF 30S, Oregonian. HEMSTITCHING and picoting atlachnu.it works on any sewing machine; easily ad justed. Price $2.50 with full instructions Gem Novelty Co., box 1UU1, Corpus Christ!. Texas. t MILTON PIANO. Exceptionally fine toned Milton pinno, like new wlih fine bench. Cost about $00. Price $325. Terms. Hvatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 350 Abler stn-er. 1 HOC RLSSIV K everbearing straw In ny Plants, asparagus plants and grape vines: state prices per 'dozen, hundred and thousand. BD ;:i4. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL NKW cabinet grand Emerson phonograph? for immediate jaIo, $75 Regular retail price $175. Will piav any record. Phone Main :-tii2fl. Monday. ADDING and calculating machines. "lal- ton Adding nd listing. $ mo ; "Mer chant" calculating, $100; "Million;) IiV calculating, $50. Cash or terms. Main 4illi0. ELL'CTRIC coffee roaster, (".0 lbs. capacity. - horse powr motor, all in fine condi tion, $500, not half original cost. 1555 I'd vision. Tnbor i!20L ONE ,Ty 0-FOOT steel pressure tank, two Ka.o;ine engines. L' hf h. p. air pumps. 2 pumps with jacks, ail complete. Main 21N2. Wm. Borsch 2-GA. SHOTGUN W. W. Civener (Lon don) special order, gold plated jocks, $450 gun for $100 cash or terms. Main BEST varieties currants, gooseberries, rp- uernes, one ana t wo-year plants ; sta to prices, per dozen, hundred and thousand. B TIM. Pro g n v. i a n . CK( CH ET t:nds for table runners, et.;.. yoke, size 35; 17U-ln. center piece: rea sonable; orders taken emb. nnd crochet work. Call or write. 10sl Eaf Wash, st FILST-CLAS3 E ii.son cylinder hroti inn- t-nine nnd mo records, $1.50; 7 50 down. $3 per month. Hyatt Talking M K-hine Co., S5H Alder st. ELECTRIC Sew-KZ motor, almost M,.w. fits any sewing machine; price $15. Ca.11 Sun. or after u o'clock on wk. days. Mar. Ho7. KNCYCL(PEDIA LIMTTANICA Prac tically new, calf binding, 30 volumes. Cah or terms; $20 cash, or terms. Main 4000. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE USED APPAREL Coats, suites, dresses, furs. hats. shoe. 11.12 E. Olisan, near 30th. Tabor I'Si'.i LAAVSON gray enamel finish gas heater. oniy 5-lf; unol l month; cost $27 new. J-' none Automatic f-Jl-l7. .LECTuIC sign, reading "Drugji ; fine condition: a bargain. See it at 3 m rin Ft., or pnnnp ism wy. L'l 70. Ic II .S a diamond bargain you're looking for. think of Miller's Clearing House for n;amrnos. vxt dnr to VriK-sUn tnenter INK Scotch hea ther plants : s'n te price: per cozen ana hundred. k B.u, Orego nian. KN'I'INR leather music bag. hand carved never uscn. wriu noia music without iiiKl'TiT. h.nsi t .iir. uh Aiji',-Mne pair crocneiea luce eur- talnn; will saenf ice for .S2.t if sold at once-. i:;!i n noyt sr., w."t sin-. KhiaAm-h u.-t iirt.swr, rei lect siiape Ave. FUlt SALE 1-hole gas ranu'e w Uh oven Ktiii boiler, in good condition. 4i)T E. iTtn st. Full SALE Ladic writing d-sk, adjust able dres lurm, bewinK machine. Main -1 .C'u.NU-H AM) galvanized water tank. gooa condition; state capacity and lowest price. - ti, L'regonian. FOR SALE New and second-hand show cases, bank and office fixtures. Jaa. ti Marshall Mfg. Co.. 452 Hoyt st. RADIAXTFJRE, cost $0S.50, 35 takes It. Practically new. Today. 10 to '2. 5SI 1 47th ave. S. E. MS c:t r tn Myrt le Park. FOR SALE Library table. baby bed, electric cleaner, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 1 s4 Mixter at., n ear 3. t hst. IF Yull appreciate accurate time, have your watch repaired by Miller, next door to Majestic theater. W E PA If HIGHEST I'iilCEa Folt ALL KINDS OF LIFLES, SliuTGCNd, tic iiiuS S. BACKMAX. 110 3D ST. FIRST-CLASS L. C. . Smith typewriter. $3.50; fit down, a month. Hjatt Talking Mac hine Co.. 3.'-0 AUb-r street. WALNUT trees, runes, filberts, peaches, pears. Apply Woodsuck Nursery. Phone Sellwood :tl.2. KOLL-TuP oak d.-sk and chair, id. The Heat Sr.op. -75 Salmon st. FoX FL'K N ACE lur sale, exce.leiit coiimJ t;nn. 5 12 I'anaina bldg. LOGANBERRY tips for sale. Write or phone C. A. Piers, Hubbard, Or. WAXED f .gurse for sale. Call Bon, Tod IE 1 1 i n cry. 3d nt M orrison. INVALID'S adjustablo J.j wheel chair. fino condition, tv Mat .i. ;:.' LICENSED electrician will save you money On Wiring anu oci.-. q3. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, exchanged, bought. Bentiey, Majajiiu7. NAVY pea coat, in good condition, size 42, ii. A V 7:147 4 Oil K 11th of M plione E. OVERCOATS, used Utt'cv for sale; nitf M, leCllOn, H'W n-o. uu '-a.i o. POTATOES, first class, guaranteed, SI. three sacks, ueiivcred. se.il. .is7. FOR SALE Cash refbuer. aale, adding macnmBij"""-30- eu near au. NO. 2 OLD GKOWTH CuKDWOOD. $10, Partly mien, mwu Met. n Jiu. lUZ. VaCUUM cleu.neia tor rent. tjc por day. delivereti uj"'fi c oum:twp j-iua. 4 SUITS, oxfords and black fur, reasonable. Eat 01-? Ki-'.coND-HAMb test and covers for a: Pacific Tent A Awning Co., l No. Idt - FERTILIZER, Cdw or hor.se uianure. Tabor 2704. 1 b 5 N EW uit-AJi-c'ULUKEU concrete bricks tor urepiace. i.n arth st. ELECTRICAL re-pairin; livered. Tabor 30. called for and de- STOCK saddle, new and up to date, $00. Call Tabor 2U23. ti-VOLT lighting battery in guod condition. Aut. 613 -0. FOR SALE Lumber, doers and brkk 105 W. 10th at. 8 A. M. to 4:3Q P. M. A GRAY wicker sulky, in good condition, for sale at S12.5". Call K. 370". axt. 4. STEEL range, wood or coal, good ad new, less than half price. Auto. 013-52. FOR SALE New compete set Alexander Hamilton hooka. Phone East 5:i:t. PLUMBING and repairing of all kinds, reasonable rates. Tabor 70SS. CHILD'S bed for sale, reasonable. Call 114 E. 4Sth st. FOR SALE Majestic heaLer, 5U4 0, No. 54. FOR SALE Monarch ranee, almost new; IS-lnch oven. 1573 Union ave. North. WICKER sulky, practically new; No. 1 Martin auto matlc reel. Tabor 1009. DIAMOND stickpin, value $225; must sell. AC 345, uregoniaii; OAK DAVENPORT, almost new. sacrifice. $ 2 0. QQ-0 o.'t n ave. a. r. BOOKS of formulas, hair tonic, face creams, etc. reasonable. ETst 324. SANITARY COUCH, $1& Sellwood 3104, D0LAN WRECKING A CONST. CO. East tilh and Belmont Sts. GOVERNMENT BUILDING MATERIAL FOR 6ALE. Don't go ahead with that build ing until you get a figure of jour Material cost from us. Let us send you a nifty, ready made gara.ee at a price vnu can't compete with. Come in and bee a sample already put up. Wo have on hand over l.OM.OPO feet of lumber In the rou-h r finish, both new and used, for any kind of corijiirucLiuu work, aiui.g with Shingles, Star "A" Star. Rooting paper, 1, 2 and :j-p!y. Batli tubd, to. lets, high aud low tank. Lavatories, sinks. I'aiuts. Windows, large and small. Barn eah. 4 it. ,to SO ll. Doors VC all description. Pipe and Lums. In fact we cirry everything in the building line, so per cent of our tiioek being sligtitly ui,ed ma terial purchased from the govern ment and now kcliiiitf far b.iov the new coat. 4x12s to 12x123. $15 per M. Country shipments a specialty. Mail ord-Ts solicited, liuiidiuss bought aud add, DO LAN "WRECKING A- CONST. CO. East fci.U and Belmont. 62, Jw-FT. OAK j;ak and counter with iJ fctouls; bar has 22 it. of plate minors; 2 r ui rigera tors, drawers.- bin., eiectrio light, etc., uij complete; Lipplcot 1 0 ft. svtid marble soda, fountain, 14 yrup and t crushed fruit containers, refnger atuis. etc.; mahogany buck with mirrors and 4 suitd onyx columns, 12 e.c-Ula lignts, cabinets. ,tc, ail complete. M i:iiFOl;u 1I. KKHY, MKPFOKD, 0ft-, ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painitsa dentistry, by the nerve-blocking met bod, without after effects. I make N-ray examination of tyeth. I specialize in f ir.-.t-cia;-d dentistrv at rea soiiabU fees. Lady attendant, ilar. 205. Dlt. A. W. KKENE. M a j est I cT i u. a m rloT s .'.1 u Wn.h. POSTAGE ST A. Mi'S for collectors. Ws carr a fine line of stamps of all na tions, complete .ots. pack els, a bums, hllics. etc. Stamps and collections boiixh t; open evenings, Saturda s and Suncays all dav. Columbia Stamp Co., Bit nsi. I 'h one Mdw u j V, 0 FF I C E Vx:l : N ITU UK. Ai" I) I NO M A -CHINES From the most modern sani tary type of deska, files, etc.. to the old style swiid oak construction at prices that save you money. Wax offlco Equip ment liouse, 31 N. 5th St. Broadway 27::t, 1 HAVE two cei tillt ates. loo snares each, original iuh of .lolmson s Auto S.kh.U sto.k; wlu-n transicircd to the new Mock wili equal 2o o fiiarrs, par a iuo H per snare : would like ou tit n.auo me an oiler for one. i both ccrtUicates. S :!i5. trogoiu:iii. W'K WILL niiow ou lou on our $lv0 (interim ccrulic ac) toward purch'is. pries of new Sirailiaia. Col un. i:. or He wood-Wakeiicid phonouraidi. j!al- anee easy terms. llyaU Tailing ..Ma- chine Co., ,V,o Alder. LODUE & SHIPLEY LA 'I HE. air com pleter and tank complete, one ;t II. P. motor complete, iine shafting, belts p:il leM, eiueiy wheel ajd porter Ur..l set with about 4l d:il!?, nuit.ibie for Kara a a. Call J. C. Dia ke. vv s-V Jjn-a du a UEKKING-ilA I.L-MA N S.i KES. Jjuhung A: Coinpany. Sab-n A Men is. New and S'-coiMi-han-i fire and bnr glcr proof f.ifvH and vault doors. i:. changes. Terms. sitf,. department. No. 70 bth st. C, u. K.cld in chai-Ke. SE W 1 NG mnch ines. and r:d-band oiti ior it3, lio PSenis emp.oy, tom p ete lints of parts lur ail iciHts; ma chine? repaired and rented M.. in ll ll. SE WING M AO i 1 N E E A! i '(" HI C M. H" Third st.. n-nr Tavlnr. bAhl.b i-iie jiiul Lmry ar-piocf safes, new arid second-hand, at ntu prices, boutit. so.d and eichaned; tey tti ms if uu B'.red. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK. CO.. B'5.e.-t,fui Ftret-t Alain 2015. SIN. EHS, V h'lts. iNtw Ho in a. most every make and M:e. fietn Jli to , ail la test new hinders, cash or time, reuta.w. $;t pt-r motufi. SJNGEH SEUUN'l MACHINE TO RE, H'3 Fourth street. Ma:n Z5 DROI'li E. D sewing mac nines, com piete wltli attach men is, in good sewintf order, SS to -'5; tewing machines rented $U per mouth, machines c caned and re paired. E. It, Sie.n. I-C urMUd ave. B toad way "307. Ka.st ?35l. TWO WAYS If you have a diamond h:oI wiiii t the. cash, or if ju have the cnsli and want a diamond, call in and talk it over. Millers dealing ILms.) for iia monds, ii'Jt to Aia.it. iic theater. SCI I'S pressed. 4.". cents; r rench dry cleaned. $1.25. We do not cail und de liver, that's the r.a.s-oi. Joy the Tailor, lot 4th near .Staik. lt Grand ave. iOli Belmont. 217 N. Jers-y st. K OT-WAT E HTanks""."' 30-gai57; 40-au1. JU; tested and guaranteed; stoe and, lurnace coiia. ta, It eaters ius tailed, ex perl plumbiiifc!, repairing. Kat Sd Weldii:g Mjup, 203 Adams st l'ia;t fcOlll. NOTICE. The Fur Shop is cosing for this sea son February 1, ad cuai-umary. Ail tuis oc on the dollar. 6U Swetiand Bldg., Fifth and Wash. LADIES. The Vogr.e w7irTeIT"y ou r t Mt: h t : y used or misfit garments at 1U per tent commission ; w on d erf ul bargains m SUStH, CoHtri, drea.-es. 4n.'J A 1 1. iky bldfi., Tlijid and Morrison. Ma in 3 1 W ii V a.N ever 1 i.-iing ai,Ki'a vation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent ami co m f ort.-ible roof ? Wo repair, rubber Oond and reju venate nil kin da uf b-aKjf ror Wrjrii tru:tr..nt.-ed. M un 5. 00. FOR SALE. A DIAMOND. $ 100O PA K T F A Y M N T, W I LL CONSIDER pi:o.or;nAiii ok .motorcycle. AK 35S, OREGmNIAN. ONE KDU'llu.VK d clai-n machine. 3 transcribing machines and 11 shaving ma cules; f u , pin en t Ji;i s bit ti u.-ed t 1 7 iittie an l is 111 Lrst-cla.-s condition; will feU ae;ar!i tely. F 1 o), Orennia a. GENUINE LOT SNA I Fine lot. lucated mar K. n'tth nnl Powi II. Cnt P titV 4-o0. Trie Bya tt T.i'.king M c nine Ct. , 3-'. Aide rs t. WILL TRADE S300 mahogany 1 hono- graph, plays ril records, fur a Font roadster in A-l condition. Moody, H,lv 4'.'. FLiCt; J KJC fixtures who;e-a:e, 1 Lpjit main fixture, $1.35; 3-liKb t. 14-inch plate, 45; electric heater, 5 11. R--!.abi Eiectr'e. I'nion at I'.u-sc 1. F;:i-t :o".sii WOOD COl'NTK Y SLA U. $7 5o; .'it growth fir, $11; deuuvvood 'ro.n lari; siandii:i? trus, ?10 A. C. Martin, Sandy, Or., or Sc. 1 wood Hind. N E W "S INGl'-Ro," 55 now 11, moiiLhiy. 1. xpevt S'-wmg mac nine repairing. Molt R I SON-.'' 1 KELT INGEH STORE. :' Mtrrl,on. Ma FLOrilsatks. loo-lb. size, washed, iromd, $l.NO doz . $13.50 per 1 fto : 1:1a II orders filled. Hodes Bros., 2U0 Union ave., near H a w t horj n e. CuMPUTING (.caies, catti rei.-itur. co(fe millb, mi at cnnppern and general i tor fixtures at 220 iitark bt., btwetn rirat and Second Ms. WiLJj SAiivIFlCE my U-j-u ii i ui ma hoi,', any Columuia, 3 immthj obi, for $M)0. No agents. 410 Mil ft., Westl'al aiild. Apt, 4. from 12 to 5 )'L A I. S'lnd :.v. HCNOliEUS ' uf people uie (:h;i UK") tr r-'c .Tdii and rolls u t ITic. IN ''cni.i and rolls sold at :.5c to $1. 427 Wash. ( irien Tin: rsdn y and S:; tnr-l-i y ev en 1 ri i; LOGAN L E RK Y Ti I'S, 5 10 per mjU:t nl7 year-old p'antp, $2o0 per thonha nd ; ord -r now, limit d n'pplj. II. W, Reynold., Route 2. It.jT 17-B. Oregon CMv. fir 0-1 i 'LE ra n eoal or v uu-.i ; bj'.eioLd baker. $10: also one heating btove liirow 11 In. t"M! O. F. Harpko's grocery or rear !tl Divisinn Pt. Siif;iay. LET US wash your ru-s with the Hami; ton Beach electric carpet washer without removing from floor; work guaranteed C'fnn and fa n 1 1 a ry W u o ii awn l'J.'U FC R SALE Sm a .! n faster, t'.uur cas. s. ail sizom, card tat'iey, cnurs, wall cat--.1, electric coffee grinder, marble sab, cash or credit. Salmon ?t. WILL EXCHANGE r-'w phouograjih for tpcwriter. Hyatt Ta lit lug Machine Co., 3."0 AUI.T Street. A L'TuM A TlC mj per Do Kas heater, hIjuo.-C r,ew. Rav Graaaai, 7ol Va Washington l. Main 45'.:l. GOi D limelow Wit ton carpet tor sale; about 110 yds., used only short time, it 3'W. Orconian. CEMENT LAUNDRY TRAYS. Factory prices, guaranteed; we shlA 314 East V a Ik GuOI 'liEKRl ES. ci.rraniM, loganberr-7 plan is, strawberries, blackcais. 'v"irt 3 1 01 k Nnrsery. I'hon eSeIIwo J ?'t;.' FOR SAL1-3 Waslimg macblno (Apex maker. slIr-Thtly usc.i, t'-'od condition. Price f75. Bdwy. 4:'7.". CHERRY tiee.i. Lamberts, Kentish, Mont morency, Dings. ooustock Isurscry, BSo:t Woodst"ck ave. ROUND guidon oa k table for bale; good condition. 340 E. 4:id st. Co R D rt ti'.'L), oid-KrowtU fir. l hone Wona- lawn 023:V i7 S'l ENOTYl'l-; machine, used two wck. bp-jinner's books, $4t. 1C 3''.'. Oretroninn. FIRST-GROWTU diy ouL i0 per toid. Tabor