8 THE SUNDAY OltEGOMAX,- PORTLAND, JANUARY 23, 1021 REM, ESTATE. ALAMEDA DRIVE HOME. By Ow ner. My completely moiVrn 7-room home, the finest location on Ala lued Drive, si I u a ted corner 5itll st.. large lot with fruit and fir trees, reception room, living room, dining room kitchen and lavatory. SECOND FLOuH 3 bedrooms, large sleeping porch and bath, full cemtnt basement. Gas o automatic furnace and trays, etc.. large cob blestone fireplace with radian t fjre installed, iceless cookr In kitchen. large front porch and rear porch, short block to Rose City Park car. grocery, meat mar ket, drug stores; only 2 blocks to public mid Catholic schools and churches; street improvements nil in and paid. T rms $loo0 cash easier terms if desired to respon sible party, balnnce like rent and will give Immediate possession. Tabor 0:77 for appointment. 15ol Alameda Drive, just off Sandy blvd. IRVINGTON. fl-room colonial, center entrance, larjre Jiving room with sun room, ivory finish, tapestry walls, best of oak floors; you will like this and the price will interest you. bttkgat rW. 7 rooms, onk floors throughout, tile oath room, a so shower bath, hot wati-r neai one of Irvlngton's best locations; I want to show you this; garage in keeping with bungalow. rOPVTTT? BTTNGALOW. 5 of the dandiest rooms, ivory finish oak floors, iimpln.ee, furnace; this is a very atractive place and the price is my $oouu. rLOPE-IV ROSE CITY. 7 rooms in best of condition, hot water heat and beautiful lot with fir trees, two blocks to car, $5500. For good buys on Homes, see me. C. M. PERR, COE A. McKEXXA & CO.. 82 4th street. Main 4522. ROSE CITY BUXOALOW, ' EASY TERMS. Our aim in building this new 5-room bun tea low was to make a home that combined every convenience for the housewiie with comfort ana gooa xasie; plenty of window space, making the Lome cheerful; oak floors in every room, asv to care for: fireplace with book cases on each side; large buffet In din ing room, plenty of closets In kitchen w ith breakfast nook; two lovely bed rooms with bath between; attic is floored : cement basement with furnace end trays; on a corner lot with all im provements in and paid; first-class ma teriai and workmanship. The price we kept down to $5.oo. Pay $..0 cash and move right in. Balance .like rent. Glad to show it. Bdwy. 105S or Tabor 4502 Sunday. FOR SALE. Broadway, N. "V. cor. of E. I7th st. N the heart of Irvington : modern 7-rm. house and corner lot....$ 8.500 Inside lot a.uoo Total Terms, cash. $11,500 baL monthly payments. R. J. O'NEIL. 717 Board of Trade Bldff. HOSE CITY BUNGALOW. A VIEW HOME. fltrlct'y modern -room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 1 a combination bedroom and keeping porch, ii rep. ace. largo living and dining room, hardwood tioors. every onceivable built-in feature, large view porch, glassed in, opening luto dining room through French doors; full con crete basem-nt; Gasco furnace, grounds OOxlOti; located on E. 4.th N. Ju.-t un oer edge of hill and voslly sheltered ma & magnificent view. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 2A1 -:-.-7 Hoard of Trade Bid? Jo050 WITH FURNITURE. MISSISSIPPI CAR. A!l carpet bees, gas range, gas heat er, sewing macmne, everything goes witn this pretty 6-room home. There are 4 Tooms and bath down and 2 rooms on upper floor; all rooms beautifully fin ished in white enamel; 3 French doors, food basement. We forgot to mention '$75 worth of fuel In the basement that -i you can have. If you can pay $lo0 "m down you can move In tomorrow. Hurry and see tuis: it a one or our oest listings. COM T E & KOHLMAN, 2S Cham, of Com. b!dg. Main 6"Q. 8-RM. BUNGALOW. . f 4500 Garage. 1 blk. Richmond car, near E. SSth st. ; 8 large rms., fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrms., two on first floor, full cement basement, laundry trays, 40x100 lot, garage, paved sts., and iwer in and paid. Fine home for large family; $2000 cash down. Let us Hhow you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1UU7 Yeon Bldg. LAURELH URST Bungalow $tUo0. Let us phow you this splendid bungalow, you'll agree you've seen noth ing like it short of $7000. Everything one could possibly expect Is here. As to construction, we cannot over-emphasize; let us show you. A. U. TEEPE CO.. 70 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 3002. Branch Office, 50th & Sandy. Open Sunday. iEAL'Tl EL'L modern 8-room bungalow on hard surfaced Ktrect in good resi dence section of the city, every con venience; built by the owner for a permanent residence; he is now leaving for tho east and will sell at the ex ceedingly low figure of $0000 on very easy terms, with 0 per cent interest on d'ferred payments. For particulars see BKN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. .MOI'KKX HOME ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS WALKING DISTANCE. 10 rooms, good basement and furnace, fireplace, large living room, in fact all of the rooms are large; the interior finishing is out of the ordinary and is very attractive; lot is irregular in shape and contains about 5500 square feet; garage; price $looo, easy terms. BROWN & GRANT. S01-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. ELEGANT 10-rm. home on Nob Jlili : modern in every respect ; 11. W. floors, fine large rooms; lot Soxloo; all improvements in and paid: price only Jmmio. Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 3ota. .No agents. NICE LITTLE ONE-ACRE HOME $2:;oo. Neat little 2-R. cottage and extra large sleeping porcn, witn city water. young fruit trees, strawberries and grapes," good r hick en hou?e nr.d woodshed, between Jit. Scott and Hawthorne avenue ctrs; $;:o0 cash. ?20 monthly. Fred W. Ger rrtn n Co.. 7"2 Cha m. of Com. WEST SIDE. Two-story and attic. S-room house on Overton street ; furnace, fireplace, bui it Ins, full busement. garage, could be changed to two flats iit lemall expense; $7ooi), terms. See llardwick. with Frank McCrillis. financial agent. 24 Henry bldg. Pdwy 770. I it V ING Tl t V M HER N HOME ON 100x100 CI R.VEK LOT. The house i modern in every respect wii h garage, beautiful st reets. steam heated. Ittvt part of Irvington. Imme diate posfrssittiL PRICE $i::.onWITH GOOD TERMS. SM1TH-W AGO V K It C O . , S T fW " K EX. $200 CASH. 5-room house. 1 block to hard surface street and a r; near school ; ga and electricity. Only $1200. Payments like rent. JfHNSrN-TOrSOX CO., X W. Rank Birlg. Main 377. . 2-ROOM HOUSE, MT. SCOTT, ftoxllrt int. garage, berri s and fruit; SlOOO, $50 cash. It H. COVFREY. RITTER. LOWE CO 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bid J: -ROi;M .VohKKN bungalow, living room, dining room, bedroom and ki tt-hen in very good condition: sireet paved; $2750, $750 cash, bnl.mce $:ft a month. A. J. I'E FOREST & Co.. 320 Henry Bldg. Hroadway S.'.fW. BUNGALOW. New S-room bungalow, fireplace, ga rage, lot fii.xlOO, 1031 Killingsworth ave. $3000, terms. DONALD G. WOODWARD, 101 Second St. Main FOR SALE by owner, modern 8-room house, north of Br o ad way. near east approach of Broadway bridge, nice place, walking distance; fi5oo, terms on $2."hmj. Full information. Phone Wdln 0101. J ITH. NEAR AINSWORTH AVE" Seven-rot-m houi-e in good condition, n-w:y painted; cment walks in. Rent $27.r.o per mo. Ji'Mto. $itm ca-h HENRY W (iOIiDVKD, v; Stark St. IRVINGTON home, st.ijoo. 7 rooms, fur nished full lot. East loth near Thomp son. Telephone E.i.t ."741. FOR SALE Modern 4-room hou.w and bath, good outhouse. Call at 73 East Stafford t.. Kenton car. 2-ROOM houfe. lot. short walk from car line; price $.oo, $150 crt?h. balance to suit you. L. J. Lamb,J3 Corbett bldg. AT LENTS Nice 3-room cottage andcor ner 3 lots: for cash. $1150. Owner, 4010 Hist st. S. E. L GOOD corner home in Irvington. Owner, East 070U. KEAl ESTATE. I-or Sale Hound. S UN n Y s I D E, J ar.no. A 5-room cottage home, full basement, wash trays. line kitchen, large butlt-ln pantry, bath, jtS.; 5oxlo0 earner. All kinds of bearing fru;t ; city improve ments in and paid. $i50 cash will han dle; baL terms. $3SfK $:tsoo tssoo. A 7-room (jueen Anne bungalow, fire place, paneled u.ning room, eok1 base ment, w ash trays, etc. AH kinds of bearing fruit and walnuts; 5oxloo curtiur lot. Sidewalks and sewer in and paid. Terms. $,-,2.-0 ROSE CITY SNAP. A 5-room strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, every built-in feature, oak floors, cabinet kitchen-, floored attic, full cement basement, wash trays, block N. Sandy bld.; hard-surface st. and sewer in and paid. 50x100 lot; garage. Your terms can be arranged. This is a real buy. INVESTIGATE. $0000 NEAR IRVINGTON. A 6-room strictly modern house, sleep ing porch, furnace, fireplace, all built-in features, cabinet kitchen, sunroom, etc.; full cement fakement, wash tj ays, city Improvements all in and paid. Price is foooo; terms. House is all finished in ivory and white enamel. ANOTHER DANDY BUY. A 6-room house, glassed-in sleeping porch, hardwood floors, ail built-ins, fur nace, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, large fruit room, N. W. cor. 4 2d, and Thompson st., corner lot, 5uxlUU fu Trice $US0u. Easiest kind of terms. $7000 ALAMEDA DRIVE. A 7-room strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, all built lns, breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen, every imaginable built-in feature, fin ished in ivory and white enamel; tapes trv ianer: 50x100 corner; garage. Owner leaving city. Must sell. Terms right., i RUMMELL & RLMMJSLL, U74 Stark St. i Acre and cottage. 2 ELKS. TO OREGON CITY LINE. 4 -room cottage and sleeping porch, dutch kitchen, gas and elec tricity, fine gas radio heating sys tem, rock road, good chicken house, some fruit, most of this ground can be cultivated; here is a remarkable buy, as you have -00 feet of frontage that can be sold In 50-fl. lots at $750 per lot; close In, good cur servide, $1530 cash. X 1. HARTMAN COMPANY. 6 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 20S. ROSE CITY I'ARK. Bungalow Corner Lot. $54uu. Folks, you certainly w ould expect to pay much mure. Here truly is a ciassy bung alow with an exceptionally large liv ing room extending entire width of In. use. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, etc. All aa in'ts paid. k A. G. TEEPE CO., 70 Stark st., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th & Sandy. Open Sunday. HOMEY ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 50U0. Seven-room semi-bungalow, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, bedroom and den downstairs; 5o.loo lot. paved et. $-500 down; bal. $25 per inoiuh with, interest at t per cent. RICHARD V. MAST. RITTEK, LOWE & CO., 201-3-.V7 Hoard of Trade Eldg. $3300 5 RMS. 90x100 l.oT PAVED STS. Attractive. ell built. 6-rm. bungalow, good plumbing, full basement, 1)0x100 lot, naved sis. and sewer; north tdope M t. Tabor, close school and car; $1700 handles. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. OWNER WILL SHOW YOU THIS HOME. A special Irvington bargain: 7 fine large rooms; si. porch and attractive central hall, two fireplaces, large closets, full cement basement, furnace, garage; extra large lot. No agents. Ask owner for appointment. East 4u21. Location 413 East -nth St. N. O. II. PKOTHEIM CO., ' S32-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. STRICTLY modern bungalow of 0 rms. and den; II. W. floors, fireplace, built in bookcases, buffet, full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays, in Beau mont district, below hill, among beauti ful homes; street Improvements all in and paid; price $5000, on very easy terms or will sell furnished. For ap pointment to see call Mr. Jesse. Maiu 7141. WEST SIDE COTTAGE $3000. Has 5 rooms, is plastered, has con crete foundation, full basement with cement floor, lot o4xlOO, located oo Sherman street, between 0th and Broad way, walking distance; $750 cash, $25 monthly with interest; a very decided snap. Fred. W. German Co., 72 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Brand new 5 rooms all on one floor, attic floored, hardwood floors, all built ins, fireplace, furnace, cement basement. 50x100 lot; this is a nifty little home and will please you. $5375, $120O cash, bal. $50 month. See Hard wick, with Frank McCrillis, financial agent, 324 Henry bid gJ Bdwy. 779. DO YOU know my lots at 25th and East Madison sis. are the best buy in the city? For $5000 I will build for you on these lots as classy a double-constructed 5-room bungalow as any you might de sire; $looo down, balance like rent. O. W. TARIt, 703 E. Main st. Ore block north of lots. East O'.'IS. STOP paying reut, live in a tent house. You wouiu save enougn auring me sum mer to buy material to build a home We have some beautiful new tracts, west Side, nice fir trees on the tracts; will sell at $10 cash, balance $5 pei month; price $o0. M. E. Lee, 605 Cor bett bldg. fi-ROOM BUNGALOW. East front; fireplace, nice lUrht kitch en. 3 bedrooms; usual plumbing, gas and electricity; corner lot. Price only $3000. Verv easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. REAL SNAP. Modern 4-room bungalow, in the best of repair, pood plumbing, ntat aud clean, only $1050, good terms. R. H. CONFRKY. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM HOUS E -lOOxlUO. PRICE ONLY $3500. Located block from Willamette blvd., near KULngsworth ave. $500 cash and easy terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama bldg. Main 0104. $H50 BL'YS a 3-room house near Kill ingsworth ave. car barn with 8 bearing fruit trees, loganberries and other r;mnll fruit, 2 walnut trees. It takes cash to buy this but it is a bargain. For particulars call on BEN RIES LAND. 44 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. 5-ROOM MODERN bungalmv in Pdmont; full bastni'-nt, garage, cement driveway; Dutch kitchen, attic floored, house very well built; $3100 with only $O0 down and $25 a month. A. J. I'E FOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. GOOD HOUSE, CORNER LOT. This is one of the best housos for the money on our list. The price is JUL' 50. See It Monday. N EI LAN & PARKHILL Sift Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark. 5-RM. BUNGALOW for J45O0. $100 cash; H. W. floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, china closet. Dutch kitchen basement with laundry trays; nice lot with fruit and berries; I block from car. Mrs. Hall, 1155 Williams ave. Wdln. 351. $;ob DOWN, $130 a month, modern eight- room house, 82 East Davis st.. corner 21th. Newly papered, one block to cars and school. Price $4300; bearing fruit trees. Call afternoons, or will rent for ?:;5. Auto. oii-fl.-. HAWTHORNE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $looo will handle this nice $3500 home. Al location on car line; corner 50x100; street improved. SMITH-WAGOXER CO. STOCK EX. BY OWNER -One of the best constructed houses in Irvington, colonial, hardwood floors, hot water heat, beveled mirrors, tled bath, strictly modern; leaving city. Ca ! 1 East fi KUi. FURNISHED BUNGALOW for $3150; fire place, Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases aud buffet; basement, laundry trays, ga rage; located on 32d St., in good neigh borhood. Mr. Smith. Wdln. SM1. FOR SALE South Portland, 1091 Kelly st.. 4-room bungalow with bath, gas, electric light, - ne block from car. East 713. - $2 5oo BUYS 7-room house, west side, walk ing distance. If you are looking for ft bargain let me show you this place. L. J. Lamb, GOB Corbett bldg. NICE 3-room cottage, 3 corner lots at Dents; the price is $I3J0 with 200 cash; worth seeing. Owner, 4010 Ulst st. S. E. "-ROOMED modern house, garage, good corner lot. on Hancock, nar Westmin ster church, attractive proposition, no a gents. East 5fe 78. ELEGANT Rose City Park home. 8 rooms, hot water heat, tiled-in plumbing, cor ner lot.-double garage; must sell at sac rifice. A mo. 313-45 DANDV homes that can be bought for $500 to $1200 down. In Hawthorne, Rose City and Sunnyside. 320 Artisans bids;. Bdwy. 387. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE fi-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED OR UNFUR NISHED. 1025 .E. BROADWAY, EAST CS71 EVENINGS. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Houses. ON ONE OF IRVINGTON'S LOVELY CORNERS. The very simpMeity of Us archi tecture lends character to this home. Completed during this last year and now offered for sale. SPECIAL FEATURES. - Central entrance, cheerful break fast room, finest hardwood floors, old ivory finish, 2 baths. 2 fire places. Appointment for inspec tion arranged. MRS. HARRY PRTCE PALMER, EAST 7070. 40 E. 2lBt St. N. IRVINGTON BUNGALOWS. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. 1. Ivory finish and oak firs, through out, three fine bedrooms and tile bath on first floor; thoroughly modern; in direct electric lighting, beautifully pa- pe-t; garage. Owner moving to ,a iforma. 2. Large bungalow, bathroom com plete, each floor; several bedrooms on each floor; full basement ; hardwood floors, furnace, fireniace: parage; sleep Inc. porch. Half way between Irvington scnooi ana oiub. aioktuauji runi. closure: below Smioo. OTHERS In Irvington, Laurelhurst, Alameda; $7000 to $V0oO. some of them absolutely new and excellent nuys. R. T. STREET. GOOD HOMES REALTOR. Irvington Headquarters, 00b East Hroadway. East 804; Residence, East 4280. ONE OF LAURELIIURST'S FINEST. $15,000. This distinctive English home Is most beautiful and is always the target of a fusillade of compliments from its many admirers. On first floor: extra large living room, with charming fireplace, French doors, built-ins, pretty dining room with French doors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, inside entrance to ga rag. Second floor: 4 large, handsome tml rooms, bath and sleeping porcn. Third floor: maids room with bath, hardwood floors, white enamel and old ivery finish, steam heating plant, large inclosed back yard for the kiddies. If you want a f l.r,oo0 home, you can't beat this for the money. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME. Attractive and strictly modern Irving ton home of 12 rooms, first floor has large, sunny living rooms with fireplace, den, muic room, etained glass windows, lurge dining room, attractive sewing room, modern kitchen, with every built in feature, toilet and lavatory, hardwood floors throughout, large porches, second floor has 4 corner bedrooms. 2 with fire places, roomy uled bath with every ton- enience, large sleeping porch, 2 bed rooms', large central hallway and toilet on Ud f itior, full concrete basement. American radiator hot water lieuting stem, fruit closets, fuel bins, etc.; this borne was built by present owner and occupant and is offered for sale fur first lime; price $1 l.ouO RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOW E & &CO.. 01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTdN" HOM ES- N E W LISTINGS. $ 0,500 Modern, 0 roqma, garage, near -'un ana Jiroauway. 9 5,750 Alameda Park bungalow. Ivory finish, 5 rooms and sleeping porch. . 7,000 $1000 , cash, balance like rent. modern, 7 rooms, large parlor. 7,850 Bungalow, fi rooms, S. P. ivory finish, center hall, garage. $ $.850 Colonial style, attractive, well built, all ivory finish. I 8.000 6-room, S. P., colonial style, double garage. , $ 0,500 A perfect gem, original design, 0 large rooms, garage. $ 9,250 7 rooms, all ivory, art paper, garage, unusual good buy. flO.ROO to $20.000 Beautiful colonials. THE ABOVE LIST AND MANY OTHERS. T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO., 830 K. W. Bank BMg. HOLLADAY HOME. On quarter block, spacious resi dence, with large living, room, din ing, room, music room, library, butler's pantry and kitchen, 0 or 10 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch for- 8 beds, 2 baths second floor, extra lavatories first and third- floors, double garage, hot water heat. Ideal for exclusive family hotel, fraternity house, etc. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 71)70. ALAMEDA. . New 5-room bungalow and breakfast nook $750 down. This new bungalow has everything that one might be able to get in the line of construction, attractivenes, appoint ments. Fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, garage. We should like to show it to you takes too many words to de scribe it. j' BIHR-CAREY, v 11 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third Sts. Main 74S7. OPEN SUNDAY. $500 WILL HANDLE THIS $500 BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR BUNGALOW, MODERN, NEW AND NIFTY. 4750 STOP RENTING NOW $4750. 5-room new bungalow, strictly mod ern except furnace, full basement, fire place, built-ins, hardwood floors, break fast nook, large lot. all improvements in and paid, on west slope of Mt. Tabor. This is a mighty nifty little place and is worth the money. Sunday, Marshall 5!ic:i; weekdays. Main 7l07. Mariels & nitnms. wjo Chamber of Com, bldg. COLONIALS AND DUTCH COLONIALS. Half a dozen of the best buys in Port land, same as new; large living room across one end. ivory finish and hard wood floors throughout ; beautifullv pa pered, tile bath. Price $tJ50, $0500, $10,000 (this is one of Irvlngton's choice corners); auother at $10,000. Shall we show you? R. T. STREET. GOOD HOMES REALTOR. East Sf4; Residence, East 42S0. ROSE CITY BUNCALOW. 5 rooms, modern In every respect, at tractively designed; breakfast nock, buf fet, fireplace, full basement; furnace beat: double constructed; on paved street. Tiear car line. Good community. Price $0300. $2000 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. fi-'.-l N. W. Bank Rldg. Main 37S7. $2475 SMALL PAYMENT DOWN $2475. C-ROOM BUNGALOW-TYPE. 6 rooms, 4 rooms first floor, one bed room and bath downstairs, good base ment, plumbing, 'electric lights, gas. house in fine condition, corner, 50x100, near car; a real buy at less than house would cost to build: Sunday. Mar. 5!Ut;l; weekdays. Main 7007. Mariels & Will iams, 820 Chamber of Com, bldg. $50 DOWN $15 "MONTHLY Splendid corner. loOxlOO, Wood stock, wonderful garden soil, large 2 room shack. 2x24, with gable roof. In very poor condition. 3 blocks from car, cement walks In and included in the price; sioit. .Here is a chance for man able to do his own repairs. Fred w. uerman . o.. 1 i: t nam. of Com. 5-ROOM modern bununlow in nnrts Ipu ingtnn; brand-new Vorner, both streets . pav qj jjutch kitchen, laundry tra vs very neat, attractive lit the place; only $3300, and will take $400 down, bal ance .j a montn. A. J. DEFOREST A CO., 320 Henry Bid g. ?I?j?d way 5590. WILL TAKE CLEAR LOT-AS FIRST" PAYMENT. 7-room well-constructed house In Mt. Scott district, good plumbing, electric lights, gas. ground 00x100; lots of fruit and berries; price juoo; will take lot up to $900 first payment, bal. monthly. H 315, Oregonian. $2310 E. ALDER ST.. NEAR 30TH. S R. MODERN COTTAGE. $3200 Sunnyside. 6 R. house. $3S00 Near Franklin high school, 6 R. house, 100x100 front, garden. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. VACANT AND CLEAN, ready to move into; modern 7-room Irvington home; full lot; hardwood f'oors: sleeping porch: everything In first-class -condition. Price $0100; $19o0 cash. THOMSON. 020 HENRY BLDG. I HAVE a 7-room semi-bungalow on Cleve'and ave., near Alberta ; very handily arranged, 50x100 lot, 7 fruit trees, paved street: $3500, $1000 down. Geo. F. Crow, 793 H Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 1201, or Res., Wood lawn 27S5. ; IRVINGTON BUNGALOW-STYLE HOUSE. $1500, terms: large living room, fire place, very cosy and attract Ive. oak floors, cabinet kitchen, two toilets, ga rage, immediate possession. Neuhausen. Main S078, East 304. ALAMEDA PARK VIEW HOME Owner leaving for Seattle. Will sell at cost. IT'S A BEAUTY. TOO. Original design and the only one. Built of the best. Could not be duplicated for price asked. MEUHAUSEN. Main feOTS. East 394. REAL ESTATE. For (ule Houses. WANT TO BUY A HOME? If you do, call at our oftice, 527 Corbett bldg., Monday, and let us show you these places. Eight autos at your service. HAWTHORNE. Strictly modern 5-room bunga low; white brick fireplace: Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook; hard wood floors; full cement base ment; laundry trays; tapestry pa per; garage with cement drive way; $45tio, $5oO down; located between Hawthorne and Richmond cars. No. 887-R. If this doesn't suit we have 4J other homes to enow you in the Hawthorne dis trlcL IRVINGTON. $4500 buys 6-room furnished home in Irvington district; only tlOtto down; 1 block from car; full cement basement with furnace, fireplace. Dirt-cheap at this price. e have 34 other Irvington homes for sale. ROSE CITY. Strictly modern 5-room bunga ovf: . Tnis home has all of the built-in features, beautiful fire place, hardwood floors, full ce ment basement with furnace, v ery attractive looking; 50x100 lot, garage; located on 45th St., only 1 block from R. C. car. Price $0.00; very reasonable terms. We have S5 other listings in the R. C. district. PIEDMONT, u-room bungalow in west Pied mont, near Peninsula park; 50x i lot' parage, fireplace with Radiantflre, built-in conveniences: $."o00, terms. . We can show you 2 other homes ranging from $o000 to $7500 in Piedmont and Valnut Park. These are two of the nicest home districts in the city. ALBERTA. C-room exceptionally well-built bungalow, with sleeping porch; built-in china closet and other features; cement basement, laun dry trays; $o'ti50, $5uo down, $2fi per month. Better see this one. We also have about 45 other good homes in this district. KENTON. 5-room modern bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors, cement basement, garage. 1 block from business district; $4500, easy term. No. We have SH other homes for sale in the Ken ton and St. Johns district. MT. SCOTT, fl-room cottage for $2500 $400 down; OOxloo lot; 0 fruit trees; house well built and only 1 block from car. We have about 4i other Mt. Scott homes. Don't fail to see them before you buy. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 527 Corbett Bldg. Main 7141. Sunday, Tabor 0o4. $3800. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, FULL CE MENT BASEMENT, SCREENED 1N BACK PORCH; GARAGE.' 50x100 LOT. Living and dining rooms in nat ural finish, bedrooms, kitchen, bath iu ivory and white enamel. You've no doubt looked! and looked! and looked ! . . You'll look at a lot more, too, for a bel ter one at this price, 3 blocks from Irvington car, sec ond, door .south of Prescott on E. IStll N., No. 1130. . . Owner . . at home today. OAK GROVE Hi ACRES. High-class, double constructed plastered house, 4 rms. downstairs, more to be finished upstairs, Dutch kitchen, built-in effects, good furnace; ground all in fruit, berries, grapes and garden, only 10 minutes walk to station. Price $5000, half cash. X L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 208. IIAWTIIORNE-AVE. BUNGALOW SNAP. 5 rooms $500 down. To be able to get a .bungalow like this in an outlying, unimproved dis trict would be a bargain to get it in the Hawthorne district, with pavement and sewer in and paid, makes it a real snau. Attractive, wen duiil, an ouiiL-tns, lur1 uace, garage. The price is only $3200. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Stark and Third Sts. Main 74S7. OPEN SUNDAY. V A CA N T V A C A NT. $1S0 DOWN PAYMENT--l0. $1050 TOTAL PRICE $1050. Isn't this better than renting? Ah 8 room comfortable house, lust off Wil liamette blvd., near Peninsula Lumber Co. 'a mills. House is now vacant, is in very good condition, has plumbing, etc.. and is really a dandy good buy; terms are very easy, giving you a chance to own your own home aud not pay rent all your lue. found ay, Marshall 5003 week diiys Main 7007. MARIELS & WILLIAMS, S20 Chambt-r of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON bungalow style home, large living room in gray finish, old blue dining room, sun room, large Dutch kitchen ; also 1 bed- room and bath first floor, 3 bed rooms 2d floor; garage; full ce ment basement. VERY LIVABLE HOME. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. 440 E. 21st St. N. East 7007. OAK GROVE bungalow, of stone construction, nestled in loveliest grove of trees, large living room, finest tile bath, gas furnace, hard wood floors, beautiful shrubbery and flowers, close to car. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7 If 70. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Exceptionally well built 7-rm. house and sleeping porch; large attic, fire place, furnace, full cement basement, 2 toilets, spacious bath, hardwood floors in main rooms, corner lot 4tixl20; walk ing distance, on East Salmon ; line neighborhood. Might consider 5 or 6 room bungalow in exchange. Price $000, terms. Call East 2010 evenings or Main 6229 days. $3150 MODERN HAWTHORNE $3150 ARE YOU STILL RENTING? Six rooms, bungalow type, 4 rooms and bath first floor, 2 bedrooms upstairs, good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas, lot -40x100, hard-surfaced et. and sewer bonded, most all paid. This is a well-constructed house, nicely ar ranged and is considerably below value; easy terms. Sunday, Marshal 5903; weekdays, Main 7967. Mariels & Will Inms, 820 Chamher of Commerce bldg. HAWTHORNE RESIDENCE $3500 $500 CASH. Balance like rent, modern fl-room resi dence, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, large living and dining room, concrete basement, 50x100 lot, paved street close to school and carline ; house is newly painted and in good repair. RICHARD W. M AST, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg $2350 VACANT VACANT $2350. A WONDERFUL BUY, ALL KINDS OF FRUIT. 7-room double-constructed house, good plummng, eiecxric ngnts. gas. built-in kitchen, small basement; ground 95x100; one lot covered with berries and fruit, chicken house and runs. This is cer tainly a snap and terms are easy. Sun day, Mar. 5903; weekdays. Main 7007. Mariels & Williams, S20 Cham, of Com. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. $250 WILL HANDLE. Furnished. 2 stoves. 2 beds. dining set. rugs, chairs, etc. :' 4 rooms, cozy and conveniently arranged: north a-nd east front; lot 50x100; 100 feet off paved street and car line. Priced for quick sale at only $1700. Payments like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank BMg. Alain 3787. EXCHANGE YOUR PROPERTY $550o, look this over, in Hawthorne district, modern in every detail, clear of 'incumbrance. 8 bearing fruit trees. H. W. floors and lots of buiit-ins; wiij exchange for small dairy farm close to Portland, not over $snM). This Is a real place. See Mr. Stephens. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY PARK, beautiful new 5 or 6- room nungatow, garage, rurnace, full basement, near school ; $750 down. 058 E. iO.h et. N. JLE f' ESTATE. For huh limine. A TRINITY OF BARGAINS. Every one desirable, modern home in the best home districts. IRVINGTON. 1 4-story modern bungalow on 13th street, fine homo surround ings, living room with fireiaco. nice dining room, all hard wood floors, ideal kitchen, reception hall with mirror door; splendid, big, cheerful giassed-ln sun room (or sitting room) off dining room, full ' cement basement, furnace, wash trays, etc. 50x lt0 lot. Look all over IRVINGTON and you won't find a bargain like this. I'rico only $0000, half cash. WEST SIDE. Dandy modern nearly new five room bungalow with large in closed sleeping porch, room for 2 beds; living room with fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors, new Gasco furnace, new electric range, electric automatic hot water heat ing system, ALL GOES. Then there's a large floored attic up stairs. In which 2 more rooms may be built. This "nifty" little home located on Willamette Heights, at fosds a beautiful view of city, river and mountains; big lot, paved st. Price $0500. $2000 cash will han dle. ANOTHER WILLAMETTE HTS. It -story modern bungalow, dan- dy big living room with fireplace, pretty dining room, hardwood floors, Dutcn kitchen, four nice bedrooms and bath, splendid view, 50x100 lot, best borne environment. Each of the above is a very de sirable modern home, every one a culled bargain. Ask for J. W. Crossley, Mgr. Hich-Class Home Dept. (Sunday call Main 5073J, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1003. LAURELHURST. 7 rooma $7000. f $9000 would not duplicate this house today. It is of very attractive appear ance, has two large bedrooms and sleep ing porch upstairs, one bedroom down, den, large living room with massive fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, hardwood floors, full cement basement, laundry room, tapestry paper, mahogany woodwork, street improvements all paid. Very reasonable terms. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Third and Stark Sts. Main 7187. OPEN SUNDAY. CLOW REALTY CO.. 1101 Belmont, Corner 3Mh St. Phone Auto. 223-31. $2100 G-room home on Glisan; good basement, improvements all in, garage 24x28; $S00 cash or trade. 1 $2o00 $375 will handle this cozy b 9 room house; on both St.; lot 50x100; berries and fruit. $3050 Real 5-room bungalow; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; Haw thorne district, 1 block to car. J4S0O $500 cash, 7 rooms; furnace, fire place, full basement, trays, lot 54x100; 1 biock Sunnyside car. ;j500 $400 cash, balance $15 monthly and Interest; cozy 5-room, full basement; lot goxloo. ONLY $1200 $150 CASH. You'll have to look this one up vourself. Go to No. 4404 70th st. S. E., a corner 80x100 and 4-room cottage. If you need a small hou.se on easy terms, you'll be at our office early Monday and make yuur deposit on thU. Monthly payments, $15 and interest. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 210 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. SELLWOOD. 5-room bungalow $3250. On a paved street, with sewer all In and paid, in good district, near carline, double constructed and good looking, two large bedrooms, cement basement, all built-ins; $500 will handle this. BIHR-CAREY, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. Main 74S7. OPEN SUNDAY. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. . Built within the year and very complete, large living room and dining room, two bedrooms, with fine kitchen and breakfast nook, every built-in convenience. Must be fcen to be a ppreciated . FURNISHED F SO DESIRED. MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER. 440 E. 21st St. N. East 7070. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Choico of 1 or 2 lots on corner, large living room, dining room, very fine kitchen. 3 bedrooms and bath, old ivory finish, hardwood floors, full cement basement, ga rage. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7U70. SMALL FARM IN CITY. . 1 ti ACRES. LOTS FRUIT. CHICKENS AND GARDEN. $5250 DON'T THIS BEAT RENT? .55250. H-room comfortable house on Penin sular, near car; house has basement, fireplace, good plumbing, electric lights, gas, lots of fruit and chicken yard. This is an ideal place for large family; can raise half your living and the property will greatly increase in value. Small payment down, balance like rent. Sun day, Mar. 5903, weekdays Main 7907. Mariels & Williams, b20 Cham, of Com. FURNISHED ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Here is an opportunity to step into a modern home, completely furnished; furniture includes a Stetnway piano, Vlctrola with 100 records, set of Havi land dishes, etc. The bungalow has hardwood floors, fireplace, buiit-ins, full cement basement and furnace. It is a real bargain Price, including every thing, only 5C750, terms. ' LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main GfC7. KENTON. New Bungalow $300 Down. This now bungalow is on a full lot two blocks from the carline. It has five rooms, two of them being bedrooms. Best of modern plumbing. An excellent buy. Price only $31j0. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. Main 7487. OPEN SUNDAY. . IRVINGTON PARK, on 31st, below Kil- lingsworth, strictly moaern u-roorn oun- galow, lot 00x100, line lawn anu snrun bery, garage, large living room and din ing room, 2 bedrooms and bath, Dutch kitchen and extra built-ins, full-floored attic, full basement, half cement, fur nace, stationary tub and everything that makes a real homo ; not forced to sell and not leaving town, but need a larger place; if you want this at $4suo and can make a substantial dowu payment, call own r. Woodlawn 3313. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? If you intend building see u. If you own your own lot, we can arrange for the construction of a home for you. Bring in your suggestions, tell us your requirements, what you want to pay, etc. You'll be given prompt attention. Right now is a favorable time to build. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 70 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th & Sandy. Open Sunday. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Six rooms, located near Hawthorne ave. on 34th St.; street paving and ce nient walks all In and paid for; has cement basement and furnace; one bed room is on the first floor; price $45o0, reasonable terms. See WEBSTER L. KINCAID, Owner. B roa d way 4735. 52 G Henry Bldg. $5000 LI KE-NE W BUNGALOW. East of Laurelhurst; ivory finish and hardwood floors, three bedrooms or two and sleeping porch on first floor; sleep ing porch finished in attic; owner mov ing away. Real class to this most beau tiful bungalow; view over the city. R. T. Street. East M4; res. East 42S0. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME. 6-rm. mod. bungalow, best part Laurel hurst, finished in old ivory, oak floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, full plumb ing, full basement; price $7750, $2500 cash will handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ROOMS, full basement, bath, gas, elec tric lights, well built. 6 years old, street improvements all in and paid, at 821 Minnesota ave.; $2600, $500 down. Satis fy yourself, then see Geo. F. Crow, 713 Mississippi ave. Phone Wood lawn 1201, or Res., Woodlawn 27S5. ONLY $3750. Modern 5 rooms and sleeping porch, all on one floor; has fireplace, hardwood floors and all the late built-ins. Only $3750, $1500 down Balance like rent. East 061 or East fe03S. REAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY BUYERS. $8750 Lovely 7-room bungalow, ard wood floors throughout, fireplace, bookcase, large dining room, with beautiiul buffet. French doors leading to sun veranda, tile bathroom do wdsi airs, two lovely bedrooms, sewing room and bath upstairs: cement basement, fur nace, 50x100 cor. lot. garage, lo cated right on Sandy blvd., below the hill. This is without doubt one of the finest homes in Lie district. $5500 5 - room bungalow. hardwood floors. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, 5ox 100 lot. garage; lo cated on 50th st.. below the hill; good terms. $7300 Lovely bungalow home of six rooms, ali in white enamel, mod ern to tin minute; must be sold to close an estate; is a wonderful buy; located on 40th st., below the hill; good terms. REVERM AN INVESTMENT CO.. 20H-210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2934. "THE NEWEST IDEA!" ! I $3000 TO $12,000 I We are headquarters for PORT LAND'S NEWEST. MOST UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOWS, fresh from the hearl and hand of THE ROSE CITY'S MASTER BUILDERS ! The LATEST DESIGNS. the F R ES H EisT. BEST MA T E R I A L and a TKLE CONCEPTION OF BEAUTY, make these HOMES a source of NEVER ENDING DE LIGHT! MR. J. It. HAIGHT, Mgr.. of our "New" Home Dt-pt.. is a recognized expert in NEW HOMK3 and he can show you WONDER FUL "GEM BUNGALOWS' in every part of the city, ee FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your New Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1008. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS! ONLY $350 DOWN. ROSE CITY PARK. COME SEE IT TODAY between 2 and 3 o'clock, a brand new 0-ini. bungalow, old ivory finish through out, hardwood floors in main rms., corner lot 5oxlo5 ft. We are going to sell tins place today on the pay ment of only $350 down ami $45 a month 011 a straight monthly contract and no mm Lage to as sume. Price also includes electro fixtures and shades. Location S. E. corner 5ih and Klickitat sts. Take Rose City Park car to 5iHli street, walk north 3 Liocks. Ask lor Mr. Boone. ROSE CITY PARK. 50TH ST. NEAR SAN D V BLVD. $1000 CASH WILL HANDLE. 7-rm. semi -bungalow, built a year ago. has all the modern fea tures, 1 bedroom downstairs, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 lurge airy bedrooms and bath upstairs, lull cement basement, furnace, ga rage. Piaces m this location are hard to find at this price. Ouly $0750. ' Terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, .No. i Cnamber of Com. Bids. Main 2u8. $S750. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. In finest location between the loop of Broadway car, near 3d and Thompson; large living room, din ing room, den. 2 bedrooms with connecting bath, kitchen, maid's room un second floor, tivo fire places, hardwood floors, garage. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, last 't'Jiii. TWO IN ONE. Two real attractive little 4-room bungalows, built duplex. On a cor ner 5o.05. es, it beats that small apt. in every way. i ou can oc cupy one and have an annual in come of $300 from the other. PRICE $4250. A. II. BIRRELL-GILL CO. 21ti N. W. Bunk Bldg. Mar. 4114. ROSE CITY PARK. I am giving a ridiculously low price on this modern 5-room bungiiow in or der to move it quickly. Accoi ding to surrounding prices it is 10oo below pres ent market value. My price fi.r cash is $5500. Located on large corner lot, be low hi II, in the choicest part of t his beautl ul residence district. Has hard wood Looi s Hi vplai c. bookcases, at tractive buf iet, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, furnace, living room, finished in old ivory. If you have the ca.-sh, you had better see this. For fur ther information CALL WOODLAWN 4 Hi. PENINSULA BUNGALOW. 5 Rooms $220. On Wilbur street, two blocks from car, on a fuli lot, good-looking 5-room bun galow witti two large bedrooms. All kinds of built-ins. 1 his- house is in good condition and well worth the money. $50U will handle. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Excnange Bldg., Third aud Stark Sts. Main 74S7. OPEN SUNDAY. EAST BROADWAY. Fine corner lot, loox loo, with 2-story modern !)-ronm house ; entrance hall, living room, library, (lining room, kitch en, fireplace first floor; 5 bedrooms second floor and bath: large attic; fine apartment or garage site;) present house will bring in good income, or can easily be changed into fiais and show good returns on price asked. PO 1 N D ENTER, 20S Selling Bldg. Main lMfO. Res., East 0771. LAURELHURST home, with largo grounds, on a corner, central hall, finest hardwood floors throughout, old ivory finish, French doors, glass knobs, cement porch, com plete in ail re h pec 1 3. MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7D7G. LAURELHURST. California bungalow, strictly modern : tt rooms, all on one floor. 3 bedrooms; hardwood floors, large living room, fire jdace, furnace, garage; lot 05x 1 00. Owner unxious to go south, will make special price if soid aL ouce. Call Mayson. with POINDEXTER, 20S Selling Bldg. Main 1S0. Rep.. Tabor !M'tL STOP! LOOK! listen: 3 7.-o. Corner 75x100. Lombard ?t., nea r Portsmouth school. Fine G-rooni house. Fruit, berries, chicken house. Reasons Me. terms, SALOMON & CO., ' Es-tablL-ihtfd ISs.S. 307 Railway Exchange- Bid e , IRVINGTON. East 10th st. N., between Knott and Stanton, strict ly modern residence ; 5 bedrooms, besides maid's room ; 1 bed room first . floor; practically two tiled bath rooms; furnace; hardwood floors; fireplnje ; garage. POINDEXTER, 20S Selling Bldg. Main ISoO. Res.. East (1771. CLOSE TO 2tTH AND SANDY BLVD. Modern 5-room cottage, all on one floor, lot 50x100, fruit and berries ; hot water heating system. Improvements all in and paid. Price $35oo. $5110 down, balance like rent. East 001 or East Sorts. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow In Haw thorno district, close to car, all con veniences ; $5500, terms. Call Sellwood 275 after 10 A. M. Sunday. IRVINGTON Owner leaving city, will tell reasonably a beautiful modern home; good terms. Zimmerman. Hla Chamber of Commerce. Main Htt5. ROSE CITY J6OO0. including furniture; 5 rooms and sleeping porch on one floor, living room 12x24 ; S35O0 cash. BF 323. Trogonian. A GOOD 5-room uungaiovv. dose in, 1 thape, no Junk; $3000; terms. Artisans bldg. Bdwy. 3-S7. No. NEAT 0-room bungalow, fine tract 70y1I0. 12 bearing fruit trees; Lents; $2150. terms. Owner, Thomson, Mohawk bldg. $:,:tv $150 DOWN. $12.50 monthly buys 3-room shack, lot 50x100. berries and few fruit trees. 1 025 E. 30th st. S. E . LAURELHURST $8000, new colonial, 6 large rooms. Owner and builder. Tabor "452. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE NEUHAUSEN CO.. K. W. BANK BLDG. REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Houses. L A U R E I J I U R S T B U N G A L O W . Modern 5-rooni bungalow with space In attic fur 2 fine bedrooms; hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch ki tcli en, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays. This bungalow is only 2 blocks to car and can be purchased at a very low figure; only $luuo casa re quired. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW GARAGE. $475tV EASY TERMS. Modern 5-room bungalow, less than 2 years old. The rooms are exceptionally large; fireplace and all built-in conven iences; 2 more fine bedrooms can be fin ished upstairs; plate glass windows in living room. This classy bungalow is built on a corner lot with paved sts. and sewer in and paid; only 2 blocks (o Hawthorne car. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW GARAGE. $3700 $Stm CASH. 5 rooms and breakfast nook, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, an exceptionally f:r.i Dutch kitchen, cement basement, 50x100 lot, wfth all s:r-et improvements in mid paid, large garage. This is a real buy on easy terms. JFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL DIST. $3500 $10011 CASH. Modern 0-room bungalow, fireplace, full cement basement, 50x 100 lot; ga rage, fruit trees; 2 blocks to car and only 4 blocks to high school. NORTH MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. GA R AGE. $3200 $1000 CASH. Modern 0-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, a Woll-huilt bungalow iu first class condition; paved sts. and sewer in and paid; 4 blocks to Glisan-st. car. H E X D ERSO .V -B A N KL'5 CO . 420 Henry Bldg. Bdwv. 4754. 5-RM. BUNGALOW FURNISHED. $350 WILL HANDLE. Almost new fl-rm. bungalow, nil modern conveniences, full base ment, kitchen and bath with in laid linoleum, dandy wood and gas range, front bedrm. set, living room, rug and sanitary couch, all the wood and coal goes for $30(0 at the terms above mentioned. This beats renting. Opportunities like this are scarce. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. S Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 2('S. IRRESISTIBLE? YES. INDEED! Is this ROSE CITY double con-Ftruci-,1 r NEW! Vacant! 5 airy, ozy rooms. EVERY WANT ED BUILT-IN C O N V U N I E N C E ; hardwood floors. 1'11'ELESS FUR NACE, sleeping porch. E. 50th st. JUST let Mr. .1. R. Haiglit, Mgr. of our New Home Dept.. show you this! and the dozens of others nt a'l price, in ever:' section of the citv. This one very reasonably priced at $5300, with easy terms. See F R A N K L. M t-G U J R E To Biiv Your New Home. Abington Bldg. Main IOCS. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-room house on acre with Km chicken house. This place is U suited for poultry raising.- 1)515 43d ave. S. E. $2500, leruia. 5-room house with 1i acre, ave. S. E. $1250, terms. Doll 43d Large 7-room 0233 43J ave. S. house with X2500, terms. 3-room 45th ave. shack S. E. with 'i ui re. $05o, terms. For Information after TO A. M. call Sellwood 2n7 PENINSULA. C-Room Bungalow Type. 3000 $.'j00 Down, On a full lot. one block from the car. a doublo-constructed house of very at tractive appearance; three bodrooms, two of them being upsta irs. built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cenumt basement, laundry trays seven bearing fruit trees. This piace is worth very much more. BIHR-CAREY, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. Maui 7187. OPEN SUNDAY. ROSE CITY PARK $0500. Lovely small house ftook prize for its architecture in House and GardetO, large living room ami sun porch, central hall, fine kitch en. 2 bedrooms and f.nest glass in closed sleeping porch, beautiful yard. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7070. WEST SIDE. Walking distance, select neighborhood, fine corner lot and shrubbery; 2-story modern residence, entrance hall, large living room, dining room, kitchen, hard wood floors first floor; 3 nice bedrooms. bath, sleeping porch second floor; two fireplaces, furnace heat, garage. The house is elegantly f urn is tied. Will sell f u mi bed or unfurnished, . Call Mr. Mavson. with POiNDEXTEU, 20S SelHnc- Bldg. ' Main isoo. 'labor iHPl. HlTTTwATER HEAT. DISTINCTIVE HOME. JoOOO. .lust like new nnd better. I ory finish and 0.1 k floors 1 b rough out : tile bath, costly fixtures; la rue living room, beautifully papered; garage, own er leaving city and leaving best buy in cit v. We have several other hot-water heat ed homes listed. $!mhio to si 3,000 and up. K. T. STREET. coon homes realtor. East MM ; Residence. East 420. $U00 LAURELHURST S R. modern home with garage, library, pass pantry, bkf. room. 4 largo bedrooms, sleeping porch, tile bath; sell furniture if desired. $7500 Irvington 7 R. home. 75x100. $1S,000 Laurelhurst elegant home, 4 lots. $7500. Mount Tibor, west-siopo view 7 It., strictly moiiern home. CHAS. RINGLER CO., 225 Il-tity Bldg. S25MU HI' VS 0-room 2 -story bouse on corner lot. all st reet I111 pro Vemetil s it! and nab I. at SoS Minnesota ave. Co ji nil see. vourself, 1 hen See Ceo. F. Crow, 7:31" Mississippi ave. Phon Woodlawn 1 201 . or Res.. Woodlawn 27 v' 4-ROOM SNAP. Cozy lit t'e homo -f 4 rooms, bal full basement, garage; w e believe ou will a-ree with us that this if a yplend buy for S2ooo; $pnt rash. Phone Alain 5i;'4 from 1 1 to 3 today, a:id ail uay Mon (hi y. HOME SEEKERS, Portland Heights. f 50O to J3000; Irvington. Rose City, Hawthorne, close in west bid'', suburban homes; furnished and unfurnished. Let lis show you. Sellwood 25it.f Sunday morning. Main 5 1. 30. 1 1 25 Ga sco bid g. IRVINGTON FIN K 1 1 OM E Seve n le-au t i ful rooms, ail oa k floors, the b-t of crvthing. convenient to car ami M hool, ideal kitchen, two toilets, rtne oa.-tenn'iti ga rage ; terms, will consider good lot 070 E. Ht.li, near Siskiyou. N E U HAUSEN.Mai n s 0 7 S , E a a t 3 It 1 W EST SIDE S-room modern h:is on Thnrnian St.. foot of Willamette Heights lot ."oxloO; price. JSium). half cash ; now rented for f 75 per month. Oregon In vestment Mortgage Co., 222 Ch.inibei nf i 'oinmerce bldg, 5-ROOM buncalow, Dutch kitchen, two beil rooms w:th ba til between, large lot 75x135. with fruit and berries; !ai poultry house. This is going to .e'.l riav Priiv S202.'. 300 cash, t-ee owner at 5517 OMh S. E. No a?"nts. TTl "vVv r, T O N Elegant colonial honi'1. Cor. n-T. built for home, nil largo rooms, hot water hat. fine plumbing, oa k floors, choice location. SACRIFICE, $13,000. Neuhausen. Main So7S,East 301. "ONLY $350 DOWN. w 4-room bungalow, electric light. p,-ts and bath. Lot pMxloil. Price J.s5o, $350 down, bafance like rent. East OfJl or Enst sorts. SEE THIS TODAY. Grovela nd Park, five-room bungalow, modern in every way; garage, fruit and berries; $5250. Sellwood L'5o0 Sunday morning. Main 515tJ, 1125 Gasco bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Modern 0-room bungalow, corner lot. "ox loo; have east front. This is ab solutely modern throughout. Price .51oo; part terms. East O'H or E -ist NP3S. 4-ROOM modern, large attic room, full basement, garage, lots, finest garden ground; 'i'1 S,'!I furnished; without fur niture $2100. $1 2oo cash. bal. $25 a month. Pnnno Ct2-fS. SIX-ROOM modern home, furnished or un furnished, by owner; very reasona ble. Inquire 427 E. Broadway or phone East B335. A BA RGAIN. NICE HOME. 10TH AND E. COUCH: $1000 DOWN. BALANCE LIKE RENT. OWNER. SELLWOOD I'lO!). 7-ROOM home. close in, east side, at your own price. Go look at it. make me an offer. 342 Fargo pt. See owner. 3ol Railway Exchange. Main 7!'3L NEW BUNGALOW, Alameda Park, just finished, garage, $5500. terms. Phone 020-53. NEW ROSE CITY PARK strictly modern 5-room bungalow ; tapestry paper. Ivory and white LiUah. Ottiicr. Tabor 0732. REAL ESTATE. For Siil 1 1 nunc. EVERY ONE A BARGAlN, FARGO STREET. $2750 Modern 6-room cottage on Fargo st.. near Vancouver ave., l:irje and airy rooms, f.ne plumbing, large b-isemmt with w.ifch tr-os and cement floor; th:s is a spUn did hou-st ; sm.t 11 lot. Cuu be had 011 verv eav terms. BEECJI STREET. 12000 Old S-room houe and corn r lot on lle.th St.. the lot alone is v orth the money ; terms, $:'50 cash, b.t iance like rcuu interest 0 per oul WILLIAMS AVENUE. $2750 Modern 5-room cottage on Will iams ave., near Skid more, fctrcet improvements In and paid , a migh ty nice ;tc home 11 r.d should pleaso you. Terms, $751 lush, bal. like rent. G ANT END E IN AVENUE. $3000 0 morns, all on ground floor, on tlantenbein ave.. n:tr Graham ave., this properly is located m-ar the bus.tii ss section nd is witb:n walking diHtance uf the wst id". . spii-lul nt opportunity fi.r some one looking fur a bargain. 1 any terms. WILLIAMS AVENUE. $4000 MniVrn 7-room hnue on Will iam ave.. near LVerh st., 'let 5oxl:0 with large all.-y; a good house nnd a lot which will rap idly enhance in value; very easy terms. J. F. HILL. COG WILLIAMS AVE. E-1ST 2GS. $11,500. A REAL SUBURBAN HOME. Stone Willi around place (f-ft. wide 1 and covered with Vins. beaut iuf I shrubbery In yard ; on I v '-00 ft. from Stl er Springs sta tion, on ruck road, nnd only half niile, to good bathing beach; ex cellent ne!,'hborho..d, 1 1 -siorv bU!:B.l!o. .s rms. (iill good s.zei. lots of closets, modem plumbing (2 toilets), furnace, Hull Run wa ter, as and electricity and phone; lime mciose. l back porch, built-in buLet. Dutch kitchen; workman ship of the best t hmuuliout ; 1 a re, 2-r.om servants' house, Kara ge, chicken house, 1'5 fruit trees, large garden tract, water-pressure s-t-Mii for irrigation; house alone ould not be built today for the total price asked. Place shown by uppo:iUin-nt otilv. .1. L. HARTMAN" COMPANY. No. !s Ulur'i'her of Cum. Bid-,. Main 20S. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 0-rnom cottage, furnished, near avenue on 57th st. Terms. $2250. 4- room cottage, bungalow, on "1st and E. Emerson. acant. Terms. $17uo. 5- room bungalow, close to school nnd car. To see tins is to bu. Al plumbing All built-ins; furuuee, Marajie; imp. paid: clear of incumbrance. .5no cash; S3u pr month on balance, 0 pec cent interest. $3-00. 5-room bf a u t y. Now vaca n t. La 1 -ge living room; good size lot; 1 block lo car. Terms. $ IO0O. We have s venil spb-ndid buys, ers leaving city; must sacrifice, and see our extensive list inns HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor " Ow ii Ca 1 1 ! ! FRANKLIN HIGH ! $375o 4750 down 1 NEW ! VA CANT! Daintv 4-room Dutch co lonial bunraJovv. with hardwood Moors buiit-ins, Radiant nas fire place: SUCH EASY TERMS! 47ih st. We have many others in this distrfct that a re wait ing ! Ask tor Mr. J. R. Haight. Mgr. "New'' Home Dept.. will FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your New Home. Abington Bldg. Main IOCS. 3d st.. bet. Wash, and jStark. COLONIAL HOME of 11 rooms, hardwood fin Nit downstairs, central hall, hot water heat, lot 75x100, verandas from ' fit-or. Mle.-tl local I tin. ga T": ge, finest shrubbery; at sacrifice price. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. Lust 7H70. $t:nn. A SKIViTl.Y HOME. Mod pi n 1 0-roMiii house on lower Port -land heights. Hardwood floors, fireplace. A magnificent view, close to ca r line and only 15 minutes' walk to business. We consider this splendid aluu lor a tew home. Let us pi o it. STRONG t CO. OOii f hamb'-r of Commerce Bldg: LEA I TIE UL 0-romn bunga'ow, a M room on cr-'und f.oor, with i.net fir fin:-h, beanud ceiliir.-.t, paneled din'ng room, large ti replace, convenient kin-hen : a beautiful home in fVtry particular, wil It fu.l cimiu ba.-eitietit ; double con ; met i t nroughont : the lot is I00 J no; p-iee J 37' i, with SImio casX balance fjiiv. Pi:otie Main ."i;"'i from J 1 to 3 today and a ! da v Monday. LAUKELHUIIST HUNGAD iW. 0 huge r'omn on one floor, very at tractively arrantu-d, oak floors, fireplace. 3 charming bednoms, full basement and a furnace t li.it he Us : garage. I 111 ust pell t h !. we, k. Come out today and lo' k it over. 1115 Wasco street, buyers only. 1 iiVlNiIToN. Strictly modern, 7 rmiii s; 4 hedroom; living room full k net h of h'uee; h.i id . wood floors both up and down; tiled ba t ti. furnace, gara e ; terms. FOlNHEXTEi:. 2os Selling Bldg. Specie Hat High -CI a .ts H miu-s. Main 1 vio. Ibr.. East 0771. P( jRTLA'ND HEIGHTS. Two-story inoilern ,7-ronm houpt; t bed I'liDiuh: ha ni v oud 1 i'lors, f , rv' ! a v, funiine; 2 blocks car, 5 blocks Aius worth school; $0101, terms $lt;o0 mffii, balance Call Mavs-oi, with POINDEXTER. 2!)S idling Biilg ' Main jsoo. Res., Tab..r 0J0D 5-RGoM bungalow with floored attic, larg-j li irg room. Dutch kit'-h. n fu w hite, breakfast room, buffet, fin ;ace, bard woo. I floors;, all of Hie rooms an- of g'.i.d si:'.-; full ld, near -ar. Price S 130'. $mih cash, ba la r.co ea sv term. C. E. dam.s. .."H I hamh-T "t ommene. .Main r.i Woodlaw 11 3 133. EOli ONE week only. nff'T my residonce. ancouver. Was!)., f"r j-.i.e $7100. Modern, on paved Mr-, t. one acre ground, fine frui: tre.s and in heart of city. Might consider trade Pendle ton or Wa I !.i Wai!.i sm 1 !1 bung a !o w if moCern. Mrs. M. M. Johns. Addr""t J . W. S hft w. post tna . : r. Va n ( nii er. W n. mCd iTT J R33 PKrtCKNT'"l XV E.T.M KNT too Rented $J5 Mo. or $:;Mt Year. Furn!.h-d cosy 5 U. houseboat. 1 ire f-rreened porfhes. located on garden lot view of river, it. Nevada St.. uppo.-dt-: Ouks i'ark CHA?. RINGLER CO.. 225 Henry Hldg. WONDERFUL VIEW PORTLAND H EIGHTS. Larue grounds, beautiful modern hni't-e. 3 baths, 3 f i r- places, hot waG r and gas heat iit plant.: la r::- g las- iu-eVs-d heated pon-h; fl2.0o hand;n Ximn: -ro-an. sis Chamber of Ctmin.crec bldg. Jv'ain WW. 32nO BUYS 0-room 2-torv hows.', modern conveniences, 5oloi corner lot, a I street im prove in e n :s In a nd pa id. on Mason Htreet. walking dis'atice from Jefferson hie h f Ik'oI ; half down. Ge". F. Crow, 7:3 Mississippi a ve. P iomi Woodlawn 12"i, or R.s.. Woodlawn 2 7 XL! J E RT AD 1ST It JOT. Modern 5-rontn bunt-alow; has hard wood floor? ; 5t r.-et paving and ce?r. ru walks all In h nd paid lor; price $l"oo. reasnn a Me terms. S-o W E H S T E K L. KINCAID, O w n f -. BroaiLvay 47:'.5. 520 1nryI,f" lI7u "RE V. II ! ' RST U K A'l . HUN?LVLO . One block to ear. b. aut iful si l h t 'y lot. strictly modern: 5 large rooms, breakfast nook, largo attic; un idal home You look and ycu buy. Owner, M.i r ih2jJLr or Auto . 02." 1-1 . C-KOOM bun ca low in Overlook add it inn ; hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitch en, full ceinepT basement, all modern e.itivenU nces; 5oxU-l'oot lot. Woodlaw n " ?.L t T-TiooM hoi:s- modern; farna. e. ti r o a '. built-lns; luoli0; all kinds fruit, $42"o. S 1 00O cath. ba 1. like rent. Jones, w i; h ! r. tQState Land Co. 'Ji s Stark .-t 7-HjiOM ' 011.se on pnvpd n.. lar- corner lot. $2!50; $T.OO rash, hud. like nut. Jones, with Interstate Laud Co., 24S Stark bu A