; r . , "j FSTTF BEAT, ESTATE. f IjLKST ATK; '. 1 1 . rc-rare KEAT. ESTATE. 1 i KEAL EST AT h. i'r s1U,wllm,., . For Sale Lot . .or IS lou near 3d ami Halsey. Rose City oistrlct. wment walks, grading ,fe pa, and water In. clear of In?"1''?"" except city liens and taxes. HI sell tor $75 per lot and assume ll-na. These lots did sell for $o50 to $700 plus l'.."0" nlv considered. Phone owner. Mtrw BUILDER'S opportunity VnS Vcal'io!! ave.. near Peninsula Park, fine lnfat'n for mud. rate priced horn. s. Pd no reas-mable offer refused; dun t Ian .l " WTTER, IOWI i CO " "01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. iRVINGToN. improved lot . -..'j bearing fruit and shade treea. .! Improvements m and paid, cnoice l"oS 1 iTk. to Broadway car; a snap for quick aotlojv J.OWE CO onl-!l-'.-7 Board of Trade Bldg. bwNr.R must sell looxlOO S VnV' for i-h Killinesworth, no liens lor .: ;.1;'m . d.vide. cement walkj. curbj. street graded, water; look this over. lhQ "wTTElt. LOWE ft CO "n1.t-.v7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. A few cholo lots at less than auction trices frcm 30 up; some very choice s for $1000. See 'Mr. Del.hnnty t i.v t Laureihurst tract office ast 5'.lth end Glisan sts. Phone Tabor 34.1.1. evenfnc-s h:i5tlni. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. 100x100. on F. 21st 150 ft. S. of Hawthorne, no I'ens-,."s,t $V.: if sold by February 1, price $-700. Wi" ""rI'tTER. LOOT-CO-. onl-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Wig. Tor Sale Houw. MEDIT'M TRICED HOMES. Small Payment. Easy Terms. $r.0n first payment, typical California r,u, salnw of romS, 5 ye an, , old. eplon 5,d condition: massive built-in buffet French doors between living and dining rTom bedroom with large closet, very nice huilt-ln kitchen, full plumbing, bath, basement; 50x100 lot. lawn and shrub bery, garage; nice district, close to car, $2500, $500 cash. TtriT.T FOR A BRIDE. A nretty Pullman bungalow, large liv ing rm with fireplace. Ivory enamel tapestry paper: a wonderful built-in kitchen, white enamel with pretty break fast nook: Bd size bedroom with large loet full plumbing bath, linen closets ' " V, chutes, cabin-t, etc.; cement has. mnt? laundry tray,, full lot. close To car. This doll house Is about a year eld. Photo at our office. Price $-'800. about $T0t) cash. HAWTHORNE. The prettiest 5-roum bungalow we h.T5'l nfpe'eted at this price. You',, y th- same when you see it. Most elab orate built-in features yo ever saw fully modern throughout. Photo at our office. Price reduced from $4500 to $4200. Must have $1500 cash. KENTON fl rooms ani bath, base ment.' trays, corner let. Close to car. near Lombard st. You cannot go wrong on Kentori property. Photo at office. $2450, wltn auu casa. WOODLAWN 5-ronm bungalow type, bath exceptionally fine cement base ment good 50x100 lot with fruit, close to car and Union ave. A f ine place for i a man wording in Vancouver. Price $2300, with $1001) cash. O A. TEARCE. 201 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 4S3o. r.Y OWNER. . Det'ghtftil 4-ror.m bungalow In choice location: beautiful, large living room, ivorv finish, real fireplace-, furnace, lovely rustic porch, etc. : on valuable corner, paved streets, near I,aurelhurst park; convent. -ft to Sunnysi de-M t. Tabor curs: best service In eitv. Sacrifice for quick deal- about $1000 cash, balance easy. Ple.iso call after H A. M.. Tabor 51. weekdays, call Broadway 421. Iso p gents. JC.T.-0. TN I.AVRHI.TIURST. petter see it tediy. 7 rooms, all hard wood floors, fine location, now vacant Pest bargain In Laurelhurst. Key at I.nurelhurst Tract office. -E. 30fh and npsan ts. Phone Tabor 3433. Evenings B-,st 77SS. ' $-on. $S500. dandy 5-room house; full con crele basement, trays: all In white enamel; 'J toilets: 2 large bedrooms; on K. 17th St., NEAR S. I'. SHOPS. R. Somervl.le, Bdwy. Marshall 5StiS. SACRIFICE IS RIf:HT. j-irvruy $1000 Down. StrlctTy modern 6-rootu bungo!ow. large sunnv rooms, ideal floor plan, close to car; $1000 below real value. Coover & Holmn. realtors, 3-2 Failing birig. Mr-rsha n :;;r. LAUREL HURST. , $1111111. $R010. verv attractive r-room bunga low, largo firing room, fireplace, hard wood Honrs, built-lns. Fov furnace. fnM concrete basement and trays. R. Pomer-e-vi!ln. Broadway 3S38, Marshall 5S1H. $2000 $3n0 CASH. Balance like rent. 9 rooms, bath, lights, gas. water, bath, toilet, 87x100, fruit, berries, chicken house, parage. 417 Spalding bldg. Main HISS Sunday or Monday. A HAR;.1N S-room concrete, all mod ern finish, latest style; tako Liberty or Victory bonds or small house part pay ment R01S 9th st. Seen daily 2 to 4. I hone owner, E. 6753. Must sell, easy t'nns. $3."im FOR 5-room bungalow on large lot. paved street. House Is modern except furnace, all 'built-in effects, newly pa pered. Will accept auto, vacant lots and some ca'h first payment. Balance like rent. Call Broadway FOH SAI.ri per month, steady Ill come, 7-room house, 311 Larrabee St., 2 blocks from east end Broadway bridge. High speculative value for future busi ness. Will sell to yield 10 per cent on Investment. AV fiOii. Oregnniaru Eiril.DEKS' ATTENTION! An unfinished house on corner lor. easily worth $1750; will take $s."0 and you assume street For informaitun address S 318, Orego- nian. CITY CHICKEN RANCH. $2orn Easy Terms. H aero with nifty It-room bungalow, fruit trees, berries, chicken houses and runs. Oarage. Marshall PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. About that home on Portland Heights, better call Mrs. Brooke. Marshall 4827. She has someth'ng to suit yon, MARSHALL 4S27. CALL MORNTNOS, PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. About that home on Portland Heights, better call Mrs, Brooke. Marshall 4827. She has something to suit you. MAT-SHALL 4S27. CALL MORNINGS. ' ROSE CITY PARK. For sale, strictly modern !i-room bun galow. Just completed, $GtK); terms. Address oiS E. 'nith st. X. Open today. Phone Tabor "'. FOR SALE New S-room modern bunga low. Rose City, double constructed: H. W. floors, finished in oid ivory throughout: strictly up to date; will pay you to in vestigate this. Phone 3JO-55. . ilT. TABuK'S classiest new home, large t-ounds, beautifullv landscaped: cost 40 000. Sell for $-'S.500 for quick action. Reasonable tcrm3. R 300. Orcgonlan. X-KOOM HOUSE AND LOT. Well located on Michigan ave. Price mtlv $12."x. This Is an A-l Investment .Tnhrson Each. Broadnyay bldg. $2.". xi 5-liOOM bung, in Suunyside. 2 b.ks. from school: room for auto runway; liberal terms. See J. P. McKenna. Bel mont at 30th. Tabor 0401. witvivt! niSTANTE. 6 ROOMS. Modem East Ankeny at 17th st The price ought tn Sell this; $3350, half cash. E:!St l:'.C4. evenings 6 miosis, wiih 3 lots, 50x100 each, $:'.4o0. SodO cash. bal. or can agree: 50 young baring fruit trees, gr? pes and berries. ii;r perr-r'.e Kirtrnin. Tahor P40t. $S"rtl. ROSE CITY. $1000 cash. Modern 7-room home, excellent location, below te hill, r.ear car, sure sacrifice. Owner, T 32. Orogor.iam Jliiuit iTiOO down, ba.ance like rent. 4-ro.-m modern house, lot and parage, by own.r. Automatic 1S-2T. House num- . r m ftUiO fit. S. K. CLOSK I.N". EAST MDE. " fi-room furnished bungalow, trade In vtiir lijrM car on th'. Price U right. FOR sal1 by owner, new 5-room bunga low, full cement b.TseTnent, lot ftUxiUU; no acnts. 17S6 Stanton. jnv HAWTHORNE bungalow. 5 rooms, furnare. fireplace, very nobby, block rar. Main 4fn3. I isiiO S-IiO M cottage on one lot, four blocks to Sit. Scott car and H block to pi'.-rd rtrt; e.-gy t-rms, Seiiwood 2342. 8-T-Oi t.M modern home for sale by owner, part cash. Full cement b.iwment H72 Cc'Ip a v.. Overlook ftdiitloH. SACRIF1CK, only $o.".ai; fine, modern. C room kon-e. water, heat, close In, terms. Dubois. S-i4 Spalding g FOR PALE My suburban home on Oregon eiectrie, 0 minutes' rid from Portland: c.tJih or terms; a snap. Phone Main $400. BRiXlN Sandy ulvd. and ISth Bt. ; fi rnnm pood house and lot. fruit ; only $ ,T ;ro. term". Owner. Margin II 1. .0. 4 HOUSI- ia the Hawthorne district; some are gni?i CaTT MirshaTl Ij.-jOO 7-ROOM furnidhed houe, good con dition. Woodlawn, easy terms. K. WHO. S-ROOM house. 4 sleeping; beautiful Rose Citv Park: 75il. Talior litoO. LAUltKI.HLRST Sirictly modrn S-room hunsalow. near car, Owner.Ta.borC78a. 4-HOOM, plastered, plumbing. lights, cas, !H2il. Et'-. Qo Cham. Commerce. AJ.BfclKTA Small, modern, 7-room houiiaj Barai; tawO. lorma, AV'-tUa 14800. 1 KEAT, ESTATE. TTiiTTXrrri.- For .Sate K ause. - - . .-- -.7r. - For Sale Houses. I , I ONLY $3300. The bank offers this property free and clear of all licna fur less than its claim as good as new a 7-room plastered house with a full cement basement; every room newly papered and tinted. All of the plumbing new, city water, gas, and the house wired for electricity with new f.xtures in. There are i big lota wnich go with the house at the price. The house alone could not be replaced for $500U, say nothing of the three lots With cement sidewalks and curbs and street duwn to grade. The location of this place is on E. Stith street, 2 blocks from car line, 2 blocks from one of the best im proved parka on the east side. The bank, oilers it at. a sacntice to clean up its claim. Liberal terms J.'cLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $3300. right in the heart of the city on the west side, on Mar ket st A very comfortable, nice appearing, &-room cottage w.th all of the city conveniences in this cottage. Only 4 blocks from the Park blocks, 0 min. walk, to Morri son at. A tfood sized lot goes with the house; everything goes for $:tJ00. All of the improvements in and paid fur. A cloe-in, valu able city home, down-town prop erty. The lot alone is worth more than the price asked in this loca t.on, il. J. CLOHESST, ABINGTON BLDG. 'only $3000 for a good 5-room house, a lot on E. USih 'st, the paved street in central east Port land. The siae of the lol is 50x75 ft. This property is in a lino lo cation, being only one bloo. from the tandy boulevard. $luoo cash is all you need. II. J. CLOHiijil'. ABINGTON ELDG. Only $1350 and this Is down town cose iuside property on the west side, un Montgomery St., 3 blocks from the park blocks, close in, walking distance to the business center. A very substan tial 7-room house, not new, but in first-class condition. A lull base ment, cement Hours with new lur r.ace. The house is so arranged that a small lamily can rent 'a large part of It but In rooms as well us having a place to live themsuivej. $20UO cash wll, M.CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. A corner. 100x100 feet, on Rod ney avenue and Shaver street, a new flat buiiding, 2 flats of 3 rooms each, with another kirge house ot 7 rooms. Present inEvtne $IU0 per month. The owner de sires to sell immediately, therefore, wiii ofer a great bargain to any person ues.nng to purchase this valuable properly. He neeus money. Ca.l at tne office and ascertain the particulars. 2d. J. CLOilESS. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $2100 for a full corner lot, 2 blocks from the cafline and . main atreet in Woodstock. There Is a 5-room cottage, attractive appear ance. All tne cash you need is 5cH. The ba.ance may be paid in easy monthly installments II. J. CLOHE3SY-. AlilNGTUN BLDG. Only $4000 buys a good C-room house, cioe in, on Wiiliams ave. The house has full cement base ment, sleeping porch. Dutch Ultcii en. fine furnace, laundry trays and full porcelain plumbing. All of the improvements in and paid for. $10oi cash will handle it M. J. CLOUESSl-, AB1NGTO.N BLDG. $35o0 'KVLNGTON. , We have a fine brick bungalow That we are pleased and proud to show; Eight rooms-r-two baths and den or two, Mosiac f,oors and such for you. Fireplace to drive away th gloom Two closets in each sleeping room. You ought to ciaim this rare good chance. Home ill Impressive elegance. Thl. is a buy to bring no f"ars- Substantial home for a hundred years. lns-ect the p'.ace soon as you can See I.reck. the Loganberry Man ,y.t K 4-M N. Taoor -'078 (ex. Sunday). HAWTHORNE. Dandv modem bungalow, built-lns, fireplace, full cement basement, gas, water heater, laundry trays, garase, closa in; $3700; $400 cash to hand,e. SOR EX PETERSON. 1102 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3i3L iV.-.o fi-ROOM COTTAGE 2B50. cfoseln on E; nth st. 0 nice large rooms, living and dining room, wo bed rooms with bath between: large ''h on ground flool, electric lights, full base ment cement; 1 bedroom upstairs, with floored aitic. This place is a bar- gain'VAKEFTEI,n. FRIES &. CO.. o. r ourm : AX EXCEPTIONAL SNAP. 5 rooms. P astfred. with cosets. bath room not equipped, all in n'n with 190x100 corner lot. on ra. line a variety of large fruit trees and excellent garderl spot, . street ?""en' um Paid, faces south on lith a"n,Uek"'" ave. See owner at same number. Price J220O. on terms. "i-u.T VACAX'T LOT Why not turn burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga r"e residences, anything; furnish nians'and finance. Establisned 10 years We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L R- Bailey Co.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. -.T,,-T r -v- nrvr.il.OW BLIlUli"-1'' ' ' T orated on 7llth St.. one block to pavement; hardwood floors full cement basement. 3 full lots, beautiful snrubl.ery o shade trees: fine neighborhood; 1000 '$1700 cash. bal. $35 per mo.. 7 '0O, LAWRENCE CO.. Olo ror'be-t r.ldg. Main ml. ROSE CITY BARGAIN, leaving city, will sacrifice strlctlv bungalow of 5 large rooms, base Sent: attTc and garage. 550 E. 4lith K JVii-n cna MY 7-room Mt. Tabor home on ,3Belmont and 60th.: double constructed, hardwood floors. French doors, rt-cep-.,o.. hall all bnilt-ins. full cement base ment . furnace and fireplace laundry toilet and bath upstairs, toilet garage and fruit trees; this is a bargain. labor faSOH. KVV! IrvTSgTON bungalow large, "i?y rocins and breakfast alcove: fin fshed in old ivory, papered and decorat ed, throughout; garage; come out and see Tt th price 15 right; open from 2 to 4 p M 651 Fremont st . near 18th. Turner & Winsnip. .- 7. -.e.e.T? J TIAVI,: Ftghtrooms? iplace- furnace, full basement, well constructed, corner un. Improvements made and - paid. eas TASGRTaB.ol,J.102S"aldlng Hldg. PRICE J1S00. If taken before Monday night the big ges bargain In Alberta: 3 large rooms, tne batnroom wi'h Ruud heater. I:njt can try, large clothes closet; 7 bearing tdlltlj. ".on Conner at fruit trees. HlCl-lJl'. V- ... ... w., . Owner leaving city; nice large rooms. h.Vdwocd floors, handy Dutch kitchen; fepace; ear S4lh st. $!t0 cash. T O Bird. Marshall 1022. Seiiwood 27o3 -.en .f:n e. ir-ti unvti even in gs. "' . -...t-t.' tT 1A 1 "M CAR. jiixiuu lot. fruit trees and berries. S14UU. cood terms. ' R H. CONFRET. R ITT EH, LOWE & CO.. 01-S-5-7 Hoard of Trad Pldg. T. , -! - 7 , , -r- v- n:cTWli,T Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, all on on floor: h. w. floors. f.rt-iaee and all the late buiU-ins. corner lot Suxioo! Price IS7541. I.;50 down. bal. tO JUlt. r-n.Hl ! a-a. v SUVBN-HOOil house. f:ve plantttred, hot and cold water, gas. electricity anJ Bireet improvements paid for; Iwo luta; ha" block to lit TiiboT car; as ia lot "'TOO terms. M K Bin S. I-.OSK CITY PAliiv. BV L'WXKJi; Modern bungaio of nix rooms, fire oace hardwood Uoor. usual bujlt-ius, navt-d street, near car line, immedia'.e nn.sMf. - " ; - rlion X ART PSU Good 7-room home w tii basement. Mt Tabor, near More and school. Coine. ,ot- .rutit Kast 7US- FOR SAl-B o-roora cottage on East l'5tb t near car and school; hard surface st Price 2luo. on eay terms B. S Cook. C01 fftock Kxrhange B!dg. ETILT for a home. mut pell ni-w modern -.room bunsaiow. double cons: m.-ted. garage. ' 2: K. 3:ld street. Hawthorne. .:ome Sunday F, M.. owner will t-e there BTrOOM hnuse and 2-HxlnO rround for sale. $:'.SU0; bet. Iljtli and :llh en E. Madison: house No. 1057. Phone Tabor 7703: ovner. rORTI.AND'S peerless suburb; 7-room. 1S.o0 10 per cent off fc caBh; like rent, di ove' right In. 1371 E Eth t X. G-KOOM strictly modern I.aurelhurst houses many bullt-lns: fine location; 1 block to car. Tabor sr.:.."i. I3L"T FROM owr.er at a bargain. 2 good ti-room houses, close In un tith si. C 374. Orcgrmian. - - 7-KOOM house. 3 lots, lull bt-ar:ng orchard. fjtii wuer. plioaa 8XO-I7. iiwxa). Urilll, i i BEAUTIFUL NEW LAURELHURST HOME, Modern l'A-story bungalow, two blocks from Laureihurst park, bui.t for owner, well constructed ana beautifully finished, with expen sive lighting fixtures, shades snd wallpaper; best linoleum in kltcn a and bathroom. high-grade plumbing, hardwood I.oora throughout beveied plate Sa5S mirror door, plate gass window French doors, attractive fireplace and bookcases, screens on doors and windows, large cement base ment laundry trays, best furnace and every modern convenience, garage, solid cement drive; beau tiful lawn, shrubbery and snacie trees, lot 50x100; will sell on reasonable terms and will furniture if desired. a Call 1233 EAST PINE ST. EAST OF FORTY-FIRST ST. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 60x100 LOT. Do you want a neat, attractive bun galow, double constructed throughout with heavy building paper between, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, hard-surfaced street in and paid? Living and I dining rooms extend -across the front and are finished In old Ivory and tap estry paper. Price $4200, terms. J. A. HI" BR ELL, OWNER. IPS!) HAWTHORNE AVE. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW FOR SALE BV OWNER. Five rooms and reception hau downstairs, two rooms and store room upstairs: modern In every way; full cement basement, waan trays, dandy furnace, 60x100 lot alley; paved at. Terms. No, agents. J317 Rodney ave. Wdin. Ui-. 1RVIXGTON MODERN HUKE. 7 lovely rooms; hardwood floors, elec tric light fixtures are beautiful: Dutch kitchen; a fireplaces; full lot: full ce ment basement; $0700, good terms. UNIVERSITY PARK. 8-room modern home in very good condition: paved street: lot lorxl. two garages; fruit; $0000, good terms. THOMSON. 020 HJCXR Y JiEITG. SUNNYSIDE CORNER For sale! Are you looking for a nice comfortable modern home and an in come? If so I have medern 6-rootn houses on choice corner lot. that could not be built today for twice the price 1 am asking Need the money In my business and must tell at once: no brokers or agents. Phone owner. Tabor $7500. R. C. PK. BUNG A LOW of distinction 02 modern to last ueiiu, " too. To see it is to want it Its H"- GRADE .like Breck's Loganberry Juice Live In one and drink the other and be happy. No kick In either one. Let me demonstrate either or both propositions. I! RECK THE LOGANBERRY MAM 384 East Forty-second Street North. t Tabor 2I17H (except Sunday). S P. K. It. MEN". J30O0 C-room bungalow near Brook lyn R R shops; oak floors, fu'l cetrieut .basement best plumbing. payed St., sewer, all paid, this is one of the best built bungalows in this c.ty nd a de cided bar?ain; it's vacant and furnished; furniture $20d; all for $."!S00, easy terms. t'none r..ifi. nan Modern R rooms and sleeping porcn, fireplace, bookcases, hardwood floors beautiful bufret, Dutch kitchen, full cement bassment, 8 bearing fruit trees lots of ropes, an all around be&utlful home. Price $".000 cash or may con sider exchange for dairy farm. Call owner 227-02 IRVING TON REAL HOME JS2..0. Half bik. to Bdwy. car, 3 blocks to Irvington club. Beautiful home, central entrance, French doors, hardwood floors, breakfast room. Puliman kitchen, large bedrooms and sleeping porch; wide ce ment driveway and garage. Bargain, East 4 11 S4o.,() ?OM3 terms, at 1154 Milwaukle st, corner Reedway. easy walking distance to Reed college and public school; good 8-room house, finished throughout. . lots with large shade and fruit trees, berries roses, shrubs, etc. An inspec tion will convince anyone who desires . large home with plenty of elbow room and shade: the above Is a bargain. I K V I N G TO N S O M E TH . X I CHOICE. Ideal small home for particular people. . Original design, extra well-built. 2 years old beautiful lariie moms, art'stic fin lh. all oak floors, tile bathroom 'ire place, garage: In fact. JLST AFOIj r - PERFECT Never before advertised X e u h a usen. Ma I n WI7S. East 31)4. 77S E 27TH STREET SOUTH. Six-room modern house. hardwood floors, plenty- built-lns, fireplace, full basement, street made; easy terms: now vacant; open today; Woodstock car to I own an acre on East 40th U free and clear. I will permit you to build a house on it or I will build one for you and sell on easy payments. 1100 XorthweternBankBlg, SUVNYSIDBr 1 BLOCK FROM LALREL HURST PARK. $2-.0; DOWN ; 5 - ROOMS. WAS, ELECTRICITY. IM PROVEMENTS IN AND PAID; BEST I OC T10N IN CITY. CALL 111 E. X-mi ST. AFTERNOON OR EVE NING. NEW BFNaALOW -SJ1..0. 4 rooms, bath, breakfast room- Cfll. model: cement porch, Frencn door. Dutch kitchen: an unuai:y attictive mall home S-e It. Woodlaun car to IMn, waTk four blocks south. 005 Highland I, nwner. Main SidlS. 172 Parn. EH1-U 1 i rt .t .. ......... I own several lots in go-l locations. I will permit you to build a house on any one of them and help you finance it if necessary. -7-. T.-.TiZ Tnirn nllfV 11 f , AT l.. tnn Northwest Rank Bldg - . . , - T T V U T1 II 6-ronm modern home in the best or condition; priced at $3000. tut really v.-orth more, tf-rms. P. H CONFRET. RITTBR. I.OWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 liuard of Trade Bldg. iri-BT sml! T"VKi5TliaXT. cozv cottages. 5 and 0 rooms, modeen plumbing, electric lights, lot oiwclOii: Sherman street west of utn. ea'sv waikins distance; always rented; wiii net Hi per cent on price ol JoUO. Owner. ti''. u-"" ""ilodern 5:room cottase. ail on one . .... ..... .iCTll 1V11 Kl I f. L, V U floor; .has. a., cement w - rreesr snd berries: sireet Improvements an in and paid. Price 3-.00. S7.o down, bal like rent. Kast r.'.I l- hft .mw. srVE'-80oM modern hou;. all improve " me.i'ts in and paid, eood V. . location iiiockn irom cardan. , $iW00, or mierht exehanire for o-room house In S",'-- f-V f , tv r-n TALJ.M VLK3K Rk.ll. TV CO., cm Ilenrv lid. 4-KOOM bungalow of wonderful l"""! bedrooms, cement basement, lot 01.115 with Kara?e. See this today; must sell at or.ee; Montavilla car. or drive out ('ian st to ooth, down 60th to Halsey, .k"; ,tn K. 841 E. 73d st. N. P.lrfT Mv enulty n beautiful 5-room fur- on home and furniture $1!14: will take eas y p a y me n is. tan j ummd i ic q. - jMODEKN ALT3ERTA HOME. wood floors, 'furnace, fireplace, full ce-n-ei't basement with laundry trays: 2 r.Mit "Telephone Auto, 3.2-0. Distinctive Homes," illustrated iook of over 100 designs, fl; blueprints. J10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. M4xa0 corner lot; good car service, cioso in. ea-1 siuc, ' Vll. S. BELIA. East 70S ' A HAKGAl.X, Lot on corner of 0:td and Hancock; 3 room house, basement. Call before 9 A. M. and after 4 P. M. and Sunday ail day. Ueo. .-11. JK.sun, IRVINGTON REAL. SNAP. JIO00 CASH. JiO PER MONTH. In heart of best district. 1 block from Irvington car, 3 blocks from IrvinKton school. 6 per cent Interest. East 413. ' IK VINO TON' BARGAIN! HURRT. Owner moving to country, must sell. artistic nome, rooius uuwu, up, rvory .... W. or.U - . i Kpst S'4, Main o,s. New. modern. 7-roum bungalow for sale by A. C. Malrnquist. owner and buiider. ai'u c. -in ?.i.. .-m. casi 1'; WEST SIDE, $4300. T ROOMS, BATH. GAS. ELECTRICITY. CEMENT BASE MENT 2 FIREPLACES. FULL LOT. J.u-vro JK7 TESTH ST. H YE modern five-room buntraluw for saie furnishea; 50x100 lot: impiovements In and pain. v.au lauor o.i-m. IRVINGTON $43o0, 7 targe moms, bed room downstairs: worth $0500. Owntr, F.!l Sli J4050. ' ROPE CITY. SEVEN" ROOMS. ALL MODERN. COKNEJJ. .WDLX. 44S. SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rOKTLAXP, JANUARY ELMER P. BENNETT CO.. Successors to Grussi & Bennett. Main 7402. . ?1S50 $630 down. C-r. cottage. Glenn ave.; garage; SOxlOO. lots of fruit. J2C0O J.100 oown. 6-r. cottage. 43xl3o, Graham, near Williams ave. J2750 lluoo down. 4-r. bungalow. East 2iith, 50x100, paved, modern. $3000 KM down. 5-r. bungalow. East Madison: additional lot if desired. J3000 Juoo.down, 6-r. cottage. Cleve land ave.. corner; garages paved. $3230 f.'rtnl down, ti-r. semi-modern 52100. lva et., near school and car. - J3323 liooO down, 6-r. semi-modern 7G2(1; garage; room for chick ens and garuen. J3500 $730 down, 6-r. modern bunga low, paved. E. 79th, near Glisan. J3S50 flOVO down. -r. house. E. Main, corner, paved, west of 23th. 4000 Half cash, 3-r. bungalow, mod ern. 431100, basement, furnace, paved. $4250 Half cash. -r. bungalow, mod ern. 50x!.-. Rose City, 14730 Jl.ju0 down, modern 5-r. bunga low, full lot; garage, paved. Rose City. , , . J5009 J2isJ0 down, 6-r. house, full lot, Holladay; garage ar.d modern IJJIIV tuini uuwu, u-t. - ly modern, full ljt. paved, near car. fc.ast -Jin jAiae.c J0000 $1300 down, 6-room bungalow; full lot, strictly modern, paved. Garase. cement runway, Rosa City 10300 $130 down. 6-r. modern, I.add's addition; garase; paved, imtneul ate possession. Every house priced above has the O. K. of our appraiser. Salesmen and autos at your service. Office open Sunday il to i. EL.M ER V. BENNETT (p.. 3'1-S21 Hoard of Trade Main it.i., IRVINGTON. . Beautiful modern colonial home. Jus. i..: a-ficfl.. front tjjrCh Wi.n ton I'letiua . " -....v. -- - scats and turned columns, cen.er recep tion ha 1, ovciy siairam, --v lirge living-room, tiled I,reyU.. damp er" bookcases, dining room with buffet, real Dutch kitchen, breaklast room, in closed back porch, lavatory toilet cool closet inlaid linoleum in kitchen and tack ron'h. fine light basement, fruit closet Universal farnaao, lour large bed rooms, small sewing roora upstairs; tile bathroom with ".l-in cupboards and mirrors, har d o i-l I.oor beautifully papered and -",nerir' ivory throughout: the very best work-mansliip-and rnaieriais: garatro to match homo ceiled lnide. light connections: i,.e"l location, heart of 1-a-t 17th North, near BrazeaJ gcoJ terms given by ovvner-buii'l-ir. ROBERT B. EUi, Fat 1S73 Open for Inspection today. Graham ave. aCpmmerclal st : fine house of . rooms, thoroughly modern furnace, tun oaseineuv -;.""-,-. fruit room, sleeping Porch. f'reP'?i ahrobhery and lawn. lok the 'city over, you can't find better buy. Terms R. E. J1ENEFEB & CO., 416-417 Railway Exchange bids. Alain 4035. ROSE CITT PARK. We iave some very choice homes. This one is a snap, only J3300 A new anodern 5-room bungalow, ii $750 cash, bal. terms. A. X. MIKKKLPHV CO., 52 Sandy Blvd. phone Tebor 25S0. Open 'inuays. " THE CREAM OF TODAY'S ADS. Without a doubt this splendid o-room home on paved street as no superior at the price of $1200 or even more It is within 5 minutes' walk of Keen college, surrounded by lovely homes, has full basement, furnace; rooms large and well proportioned, lovely built-ins; lot luOxlOD with fine fruit trees; one block to Woodstock rar. RALPH HARRIS CO.. S1 Cham, of Com. Main 50.4. ..... . . 77T. - ,, r.r -it w m-v Dinnli Ul tltlA'Ulv I . Splendid, modem home on finest cor ner in Overlook, 7 rooms and sleeping porch; full cement basement, laundry, furnace, firepiace, garage, city Improve ments in and paid, $3500 on quick sale; $luoi cash. There is not a better buy R. F. FEKMSTER, 417 Ab!n;ton Bldg. iiODEUN bungalow, 6 rooms and sleep ing porcn, iiieyiavc, o-;--?-- 31st St. N.. ens block froc car di.o. Six rooms, bungalow style, modern ex cept furnace, large lot, garage and lots of fruit: paved st. and a bargain at $5000, terms on these. TALLMADGIO REALTY CO., tun iienry omb. I WILL sell this week my cos,v modern bungalow at a sac.iio-c. -or 3 people; 4 rooms, leepvifr porch; completely furnished; built-ins; gas heat svstem; siat. tubs, etc.. garage, looxloo' cor.; lawn, flowers, fruit. di.ar title $2300 cash, small bal., terms. Call Sun. lion., lue.. Wed.. 1508 Minnesota avenue. Kenton car. VERY; ATTRACTIVE new bungalow; five rooms; large uwhb iuv..., fioor; fireplace; breakfast nook; large attic; wiii build this to suit buyer; SoiiO down and $80 per month; paved sireet; any good district: let us show you houses we have built. J. GORDH, 203 San Rafael St. ROSE CITY PARK Weil-Duilt. cozy, mod ' ern 5-room bungalow in this beautiiui section; cement basement: an Ideal place for a email famil-y; $4800. casas bal. terms; furnished or unfurnished; must be seen to be appreciated. Call Sunday or evenings after 7:30. 655 E. ?-'d st. N. MUST SELL THIS TODAY and the first man with- $350 cash gets it. It is a swell 5-room bungalow with all conveniences, pretty corner lot with both streets paved and paid. Price $3200. 5iil Miaver st. OX- A K Small farm in town, right In Oregon City; 6-room house. 4 lots, barn, chick en house, all fenced. 16 bearing fruit trees, electric lights and water. Pries $2uy0, $700 down, balance to suit. East (H.i. . COUCH ADDITION. House of 13 rooms, lot 50x100, now rented as well as paying lodging house. 2 baths, 2 toilets, no Incumbrance; will sell on monthly payments or terms to suit. Price $7000. House in good con dition. No agents, a ;;m. ureoi.ian $750 5-ROOM modern cottage near East iilii and Prescott St. lias hot-water heating system, modern plumbing, hard wood floors, full cement basement, street improvements in and paid; $1150 cash, terms on balance. Call Main 27. TAGOAHT BROS.. 3102 Spalding Bldg. REAL UARGAIN. Six-room modern bungalow, corner lot 50x100. east front. This Is absolutely modern, ail improvements In and paid, $5100 $2000 down, balance to suit. East BKl or Kast HU3S. FOR SALE By owner, a real home, strlctry modern, 6 rooms, in best of con dition; Ivory enamel throughout, hard wood floors, nice lawa with fruit and flowers, location 524 East Tenth at. North, near Brazee. Price $S500: ONLY $3750. Five rooms and sleeping porch; all on one floor; h. w. floors, fireplace: ai! the late built-ins; lot 50x10". Price $3750, $1500 down, bal. to suit. East Hl or tart 03-). ROSE CITI PARK Five-room bur.dalow, enameled throughout, nreptaee, Ga.-co furnace, hardwood floor, garage; lot 60x 1U0- will sell furniture, liy owner. 5isl F, 53u st. N! $3000 ONLY $3000, A BARGAIN, CJose in. east side, a 5-room bungalow, on a 50x116 lot; get busy; it can t last. 326 Artisan bldg. Broadway 3S7. 4-ROOM plastered cottage on one floor, two bedrooms, porch, full lot, near car line on Gay street, a good buy at $1500. $230 cash, balance easy; now vacant Call 12 to 3 P. M.. M Kiillngsworth ave. SOUTH PORTLAND. Five rooms, bath, electricity, 'gas, paved street and sewer in; lot 110 feet deep; blocks to 2 cars; price $1800; good terms, uwner. juu i rum bi. ROSE CITV 5 rooms, modem in eveu respect; garage, gaa range, fuei, sunfaat draperies included; $5300. with terms. Afsfsinicnu paid. Call owner. Tabor eoofl. .t onnn i.rni:KP tisiill. St, Johns car line; $700 cash. R. II. CONFREY. - , riliicin, u v-v. 101-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. J40O0 NEATLY FURNISHED 5 ROOMS, mod. con., high-class, low price. You'd better snap this up QUICKLY. BRECK. THE LOGANBERRY MAX. 3S4 E. j2d St. N. Tahor 2678 except Sun. ' EASY TO UUY new modern home from owner on terms Or will taivw ivi. av.,...., modern house, car or liberty bonus as part payment, uwner, iau-jr HOME BUILDERS; will buiid you home on- your lots or ours and finance on pay ments like rent. Fabricated Construc tion company. 616 McKay bldg. mmnis BY OWNER -rnnm" hnue. lot 50100 feet, on paved street, near Hawthorne, en 46th. Call Sunday, Auto. 2iu-t- SUNNYSIDE Owner,- 8-room house; some b'uiu-iiu 1000 E, Balmoa U . . J. A. WICKMAJf CO. "Shortest Way Home." Homes well worth the money only submitted by us to prospective pur chasers. See Our Photos. . Seven salesmen with autos to show you. It places you under no obligations. ONLY $250 CASH REQUIRED $2750 A 5-room home in fine condition. Newly decorated; macadam r st. and sewer in and pd. ,'ett.r M.ss. ave. car and Jefferson hign. K&sy monthly payments. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME. $2S5t Four rooms and bath down, i rooms up; full cement basement, wash trays, sewer in and paid. Not a paved st., but in fine con dition; no mud. This house is worth the price asked; furniture and lot are throw u la gratis. NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR. $3930 Bungalow home of 5 rooms ana bath down, 1 and sleeping porch on with attic for storage. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, bufiet, Dutch . kitchen with breakfast nook; lull cement basement, wash trays. - ONLY $300 DOWN. $3100 Let us show you this home or 5 rooms and sleeping porch wltn full cement basement, wash trays, fireplace. Full ioxlOO lot- ONLY $300 DOWN. Si2d0 Irvington Park bungalow .style home of 4 rooms and bath oown, 2 nice roomsup; furnace, fire piacei hdwd. floors, Dutch kitchen; garage. loOxloO lot with alley. HtWTHOUXE HUNG ALOW HOME. $4250 Hawthorne's Biggest Home bar gain. 6 rooms all on one floor, r.lce attic. Hdwd. floors, fire place buffet,- Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays; ga ' rage. St. - imp. in and pd. Re quires $1500 cash. LATJRELHTJRST! L ATJRELHURST! 18000 Let us show you this new modern home: 5 rooms and large attic, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; full cement basement, wash trays. Finished in enamel ana tapesuj iia.v-.. Liberal terms. ' I ROSE CITY PARK. V0NT MOVE RIGHT IN. $3500-Hot-water heating plant, 4 rooms and bath down. 3 rooms up. Hdw. floors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, bt. imp. in and pd. Terms. Have you considered buying a new h0Then see our new "home cr"";"'; As a sample of w hat w e can Oiler J ou read the following carefully. HIWTHORNE BUNGALOW SJ300 Five rooms and bath, hardwood floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, tiled bath with one piece built in tub; also shower. only $jO0 rash down required. IMPORTANT If you own a lot we can build for you on easy terms. Call and Inspect our photos. Tell us frankly the kind of a home - you wish to buy and how much you are wU'inf pa? and wo will send you out wit ha salesman, a man who specializes in just the class of home you warn and who knows most of the homes of the kind that you desire that are for sale. 11 will place you absolutely under no ob ligations. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 264 Stark st. Main 101I4. . Sunday call Auto. 324-14. ' ROSE CITY 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Large living and dining rooms, library, firepiace, hardwood floors, bedroom and bath downstairs, 2 bedrooms and sleep ing porch upstairs, every built-in con venience French doors, all finisned in old ivory throughout, full concrete base ment, furnace, garage with concrete floor and driveway, located on E. 40th st.. bet. Sandy and the hill, easy walking dis tance to Fernwood school. For price and terms see , RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 1 - WANTED REAL ESTATE. We are turning cash buyers for farms and acreage away from our office ' because we cannot supply their wants. Why not let us sell your farms and acreage for you? We are the oldest and one of the most reliable firms in Portland. SEE SAM HEWEY. No. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Ground Floor. GROVE LAND PARIC Near Franklin High. BUNGALOW AND GARAGE $4730. This is an exceptional bungalow lo cated on one of the most beautiful cor ners in Groveland Park; you would ex pect to pay nearly $0000. It isn't nec essary for us to go into details. If you want an exceptional buy in one of Port land's nicest restricted residential dis tricts, see this It Is a good buy. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark- st., near. 4th. Main S092. Branch Office, 50th & Sandy. Open P'inday. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $0300. This is an ideal 5-room bungalow near rar and school, every bulit-in conven ience, breakfast nook, fireplace,, hard wood floors. large attic, full concrete basement, plpeless furnace, garage with concrete driveway and floor. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $300 CASH will handle this good 8-room house, only 5-min. walk from Broadway bridge: hard surface, sewer, all paid; house is old but in good condition, well built and the lot alone worth $5000. Balance of price, $3IXH, just like rent. SIDNEY G. LATHSOP, 516 Abington Bldg. (Sign of the Horseshoe). $M0 CASH buys a modern new bungalow In Rose City Park district. A beautjful little home: has fireplace, breakfast n'k and half basement; ready to move into. A real bargain at $3230, $.100 cash, bal. $35. Including Interest, per montn. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4751. ... i-i:-t. , T-r--v(. s T i-r Double- constructed and entirely mod ern finished in old ivory throughout; . '. n.-t nnn.-i;,inn. o"l iLtt Viii i! r-Inc HI UicllCUL tvu.,. l.ui. . Mt. . ..... garage, paved street, near car and scnooi; price oniy jictw, t-wv 1.0..1, ua, ance easy. .inuVKON-TlODSON' CO.. 63.1 X W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. NEAR CATHOLIC CHURCH AND Large modern home, very attractive in goon repau, jjtvt-u rancc, ........ from car; price $1000, very easy terms. -R tt rONK-REY. BITTER'. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid? n a 1I.VH..U ... . , , . . $1000 cash. $25 and int. per month buys 10S7 E. Grant, ail street improve ments in; 45x05; a 2-story house, ce ment basement. built-in buffet; only $31100, and you can move rleht In. INTERSTATE 1"VESTME."T CO.. ,1 iri'uri.OVC nin-DTPT 9 o nenrv mo:-. ju ti.it NEW IRVINGTON bungalow. 6 large, airy rooms and breakfast alcove: fin ished in old ivory, papered and decorated throughout; garage: come out and see if the price is right: open from 2 to 4 p. M "'l Fremont st.. near Kith. Turner & msnip. ouiuiers 6-ROOM Queen Anne bungalow, vory best of construction, elegant Mt. Tabor view lot good as new house-, half block to car; $3000, $750 cash, rent terms on bal- "Ce- INTERSTATE LAND CO, Main 5420. 24S Stark St l.Hl,L'iaiQ wj. -- Very attractive six-room home with large sleeping porch, fine large living and dining rooms, hdw. floors, 2 fire places: garage. You'll have to see It to appreciate the bargain it Is. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. HERE IS A REAL BUY. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, full cement basement, paved street, plenty fruit trees chicken house that cost $.0, lot 60x100 corner; price $3700. terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. LOW PRICED COTTAGE.' A dandy little home of 4 rooms, paved street, cozy and roomy, for quick action $1500. good terms. B R. H. CONFREY. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg, r..-. . . r. . r C T7v- n vt v- c w :t.-.no ilUll. D.VUt, A, 1 v.... T 6-room bungaiow, furnished complete, piano electricity, gas. cement basement, one block to car: all improvemeatj in and paid; $1000 cash: Immediate posses sion 250 Fargo st. Woodlawn 1022. , , c to 1--VT-PC3 lr-rvre 1S7.1 S-room house with electricity, gas, water- lot 40x00; 5 blks. from Mississippi car" only $375. See F. C. Marshall, with car. n'y. AN.K Tj McGUIRE. mt ihlnuton Blrlg. Main IOCS. Six rooms with large sleeping porch, hdw floors, 3 bedrooms and large bath "d floor; large lot with a variety of fruits: good garage. Terms. HKN'hl W. GODDARD, 213 Stark st. svAl AT $3750; Modern 6-room house with bath; two lavatorys; full concrete basement; walking distance: 833 East Caruthers st, and 26th; 1 block N. of CivfcUoa st. Terms, Phono Sell, 1223. 3, 193t . BARGAIN COUNTER IN HOMES BUNGALOW SNAPS NEW AND . PREWAR. i PERSONALLY INSPECTED AND PHOTOGRAPHED. $3500 Large Sunnslde Bargain. A comfortable home for good-s;zed family; near 53d and Salmon streets; 2 car'liiies; near church and school; re ception. 3 larue rooms, pantry, closets, screened porch; cement basement; piped for furnace; 3 large bedrooms, closets and bathroom upstairs; good as houses costing $3000; prewar price; our sac rifice price $3500, $1000 casn- SHINGLBD 5-room bungalow; 1 blocki. 30th and Belmont; $3iiiU. terms. Two nifty modern bungalows: five rooms; hardwood floors; near car; $3500, terms. - Still cheaper; 5 Tooms; 50x100 lot; modern; has garage; $2050, ?0i5 cash; $25 a month- . Seiiwood 4 rooms; near street car terminal; $1050, easy terms. IF YOUR HOMES CAN BE LISTED AT PREWAR PRICES. WS HAVE IMMEDIATE BUYERS. O. II. SKOT11E1.M COMPANY. 332 333 Kailwav Exchange Bldg. Main 5100; evenings E. O'JIS. or E. 23 il. ATTENTION! ROSE CITY PARK .AND .' LAURELHURST BUYERS. We make a specialty of these two poruiar districts. Our salesmen- all live in those districts; wj; maintain a branch office at 50th and Sandy blvd. Those who want to sell naturally list their property with us. knowing full well that -we can serve them best. No reasonable person would think of bnying there without first inspecting our listings. Get in touch with us. Tell us frankly what you want to pav the payments you want and wo will do the rest. Some can be had for as little as jou caia Let us ahow you A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Jtaln o092. Branch Office, 50th & Sandy. I'pen aunoay. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. A strictly modern bungalow of five rooms, ideally located on 4Mb St.. bet. Sandy blvd. and the hill: hardwood floors, beautiful built-in conveniences, buffet, bookcases.- writing, desk, etc., large living room, full length mirror, cosy breakfast nook, large attic, full concrete basement, good furnace, large garage with concrete fioor and drive way, 4islied In old ivory throughout. This bungalow cannot be built today for the price asked, and the location is the best; price $'kS00. For tt-rms see RICHARD W. MAST, SITTER, LOWE ,fc CO.. 201-3-5-T Hoard of Trade HIdg. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. N,t'ty Bungalow. $1500 This bouse will please you; spa cious living room and fireplace, buffet in dining room, hail to both bedrooms and bath: all dain tily decorated, kitchen with built ins; large attic, floored, neat large basement, wash trays, lights, gas, garage; 1 block to car: Investi gate. Slight discount for cash. CEO. E. EXGLEHART CO.. Bdwy. 5173. 024 Henry Bids.. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW AND GARAGE $6250. If you want a real home a bungalow of class and distinction in one of Laurelhurst's choicest locations, then let us show you this distinctive home: re markably easy -rina for such a home; hard-.vood floors; fireplace; buffet: Duti h kitchen; breakfast nook; cement base ment, etc: full lot: as'm'ts paid. A. G. TKEl'U CO.. 270 Stark st., near 4th. Main 3092. Branrjl Office. 50th & Sandy. Open S-jnday COME OUT TODAY. $4150 buya 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, easy terms. Take Haw-thort-.e car to end ot line, one block north or by auto Division st. to 74ih St.. two blocks sauth. Owner on property Sun. Call Ta bor 7030. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Stark st. Main 1001. ft TNGA T.O W DE LIXS. 7 rooms. 5 on first floor, with bath tiled, with shower and child's bath; 2 large bedrooms on second floor and sleeping porch with a complete bath: oak floors downstairs, enameled throughout,! cut and plate glass; very best of plumb ing; hot water heat, cor. lot, double ga rage; r.ear Catholic and grade schools. Going in other business: have price for quick sale. Mar. 3352. Eve., Tabor 3000. Sunday call 217-15. J. B. ROCK. FINE SCHUYLER ST. HOOvIE. CHOICE 100x100. -Living a-nd dining rooms finished In heavy oak throughout, breakfast room with beautiful built-in bufiet, Dutch kkfiien; oak floors in all S rooms: 2 beautifully furnished bath rooms, laun dry and fruit rooms in basement: dou ble constructed: furnace heat: paved street; poo J garage. Price $8050. JOHNSON-DCDSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank Blilg. Main 3717. IRVINGTON HOME. This Is a modern 8-room residence, large living and dining room, hardwood floors, attractive built-in biiC-t,' book case, etc.; fireplace, 4 corner bedrooms, sleeping porch, old ivory finish, through out; luil concrete bafeini-nt; g.rage on 57rxll5,lot; sunny west front, $3'u at 6 per cent, good terms. Price JS0U0. RICHARD W. MAST, FITTER. LC-WE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Tr.nle Bldg $500 CASH HAWTHORNE. This prettv bungalow has 5 nice rooms, white enamel finish, hardwood fioor fireplace, all built-ins. full. cement base ment, paved str-'et aii paid; tl-e price is $4300; modern bungalows on -?500 down payments are mighty scarce. Better see this one tomorrow. COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. 6550. 20S Chamber of Commerce. GO LOOK $3000. Pandv 5 rooms and bath, white enamel plumbing, fireplace, big cement basement with laundry trays, walls all nicely tint ed. 740 E. 2Sth St., close in, right on Woodstock car. SIDNEY A. LATHROP. 516 Abington Bldg. (Sign of the Horseshoe) 5 ROOMS, bath and floored attic, full lot, good garare, large chicken house, near car and paved street. This Is an ideal place; available lots adjoining for gar don purposes; $2200, $300 cash, rent terms on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO. " Main 5420. 2IS Stark St. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, ail built-is. lor 5UV-100. caved street: JlbOO. terms, will take lot in part payment. RE LIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 Oak street. U'A-1 A .All.l.U r l.r-.r iv l a for 114 feet on E. Stark st.. T03 feet on E. 21Kh st., and bungalow-type house; price SOftOO. Owner wants property in Tacoma. RITTETt. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ' BRAND-NEW BUNGALOW, modern In every way: front R. and din ing R. in combine, with fireplace. Dutch kitchen, cement front porch and base ment: 50x150 lot on Killingswortll ave., bet. 13th and 14th sts. Deal with owner. a:n. 10 rV. 1.- !,V TM'VCII OU' Piedmont district; 4 rtni., basement, furnace and all modern conveniences, garage, etc. Price $3100, 0M down, bal. $25 per mo. A. H. SCHMIDT. 410 Her.rv Bldg. Bdwy? 47.11 5-ROOM HOUSE In Alberta, upstairs un rnlshed; full basement, corner lot. built in buffet, Dutch kitchen; $27o; will ' take $150 down arid balance $2.1 a month. A. J. DEFOREST & CO.. a( Henrv Bids. Bdwy. SliPO. n r-.v i- r-lT V TJ A 1 IV Splendidly buiit 5-room house with basement a'nd space for 2 rooms In at tic Price, including furniture and piano. $120(1: without. $3f-00. Terms. -H i. I " m-'i'i-'. - .y WILL pay cash difference up to $4000 on my house in S. Portland, 5 rooms, lot 100x100. corner, chicken houre, rabbit house fruit and berries, hard street; this is Oerlook property, what have you ti otrcr f i'i'. ' '' WHY PAY RENT? Furnished house of live rooms, lot 100x50: electricity, gas: lot alone worth price asked: will sacri fice at $300, balance of $1310 like rct. no agents. Phone Auto. 514-73. ProOM plastered bungalow, roughed-ln bath, small basement, nice lawn, near car and school, walks in. and paid; $1000, half cash. Michael with Interi. state l.ana to. at.-uo u--.. . . z n i- i. ptv 60x100, Montgomery near 16th, 7-rm. house and 2-flat building; income $s5 per mo. Price 7r'O0. HE N It I OOL'U.-inL., Ji.un i IF YOU WANT a place to live, see this tent house. 16x24, wrth basement, water, lights, toilet, gas range, gas furnace, extra tent. 10x10. lot 50x100; all for J SOfl, terms. Mrr Hcr.ry, 30.1 Oak street. WILL build modern cottage to suit pur chaser; terms; on good level lot, close to school, car line and paved St., Penin sula district. Phone Woodlawn SI 1. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." IT IS BOBBING UP EVERYWHERE. 6-ROO.M house. 883 E. Aulieay, ius iiblU iriut Owner E. 836. S-M 11 ri - - A'j'. i.iv !.-..-.- DEKX-m: & JORDAN. BUY YOUR HOME NOW. $13.000 LAURELHURST Beautiful home; S room.-, modern in ev ery respect: splendid v.ew of park; lot 75x1110 ft. Garage.-. All improvements in and pa.d for; must be seen to appre ciate this IDEAL home. Terms can be arranged. $3300 ROSE CITY PARK 6 rooms, sun parlor, fireplace, furnace, etc. Rooms finished in wnile enamel. Modern home. $-aoo cash. Bal. to suit. $5500 WALNUT PARK 7 rooms and sleeping porch, living rm., dining room, kitchen and bed room on 1st floor and 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch on 2d fioor Fuil cemeut base ment, furnace, bath and -toiiets; 50xiu0 lot. Garage. $1500 cash. $2250 NOT FAR FROM PIED-. MONT OA It BARNS 3 rooms and sleeping porch. Excep - tionally well built bungalow. Cement basement, laundry trays; .lOxltiO lot; fine bear ing fruit trees, grapes and berries; chicken house, i b.k. from carhnc. Terms. $lC5f) WOODSTOCK 5 rooms and 3 lot; 2 bearing fruit trees. Chicken house. On hard-surfaced street. $350 cash. $1200 FULTON PARK Four-room plastered house. Bath, toilet, lights, hot and cold water. On paved street; only one block- from car. Terms. SEE TIIEil. DEKTJM & JORDAM. 323-1 Cham, of Com. Bids. Fourth and Stark S'.s. Main 2253. IRVINGTON HOMT:, GROU.-iDS 200x100. Beautifully landscaped and all kinds of fine shrubbery and tree, southeast cor. E. 21st and Weidler sts. Hie sur rounding homes are in keeping w..n this most attractive one. The house its.- f is built along colonial lines and It s ot tn.. verv best construction. liwns. dmlnt, room on left of central hall and music or party room to right, nice kitchen, above stairs there are 5 large, airy bed rooms and bath. This House, will be solil at a real o-.ioai', i-....... -- - don't want ail the ground, win Kt.p tl'rxioo east ot ine ui'nonc e,... - - -by today and look it over, then call at house and Inspect it. Some one Is go ing to got a bargain. Owner, 35- Last 21st N Phone Alain 507. ti .1.1, ... i i ,ivtr Cn 2 0 1 -3 -5-7 Board of Trade Bldg DISTINCTIVE LAURKL1IUK.ST COLO- On a large, sightly corner with a fine view of the cltv and park, consisting ot .1 commodious tuoms. double rarage. large billiard room, fine reception room, extra lnrge living ro.rm. dining room, sun room and breakfast room: fine convenient Dutch kitchen, four large bedrooms, solid tik-d bathroom, with beautiful na tures: built by dav labor: Its a beauty, come out and see this. .Open lor your in spection afternoons. Corner of 1' lorai ave. and Couch st. TURNER & WINSH1P. Buliders. LAURELHURST. Mt- Home Buyer, you owe it to your self to come out and see this new uun gaiow. It is without question the best Imy in tins autwu. - - -- The worKinansnip i oi ....... .... - ; the arrangement is the very latest. In home building and the materials are the I.-.-. .V,... ni,.n..v can buv. - I I'll'" l-'ern place. Owner and builder on prem ises. CLASSY ROSS CITY HOME. . . . . ... - r.r,CTQlnnr ffltll This IS a love:y ,,-ii..,in -- hardwood floors, every built-in 'ure imaginable, iirepiacc mn ,.,7., , ment. Fox furnace, fine garage 1--"; all paving liens paid: this is a beaut i ul home, almost ne-.v. The price is $...io0, with only $IOOO down. We have 2 Rose t Ity I ant il u mc ioi f"' - -- - - yCOMTEe& KOHLMAN. M. 0.150. 20S Chamber of CominerceBl'-g. HOLLADAY ADDITION b Rooms S4joo. ...... . . - - - i hovini, a mooern can you iik'- . fl.,. hno.se on asro st., near J st for $42oo? Complete with l'urnare. fireplace; full 50x100 lot; as'm'ts paid; if you ever expect m - buy this; a real opportunrty. A. G. TElil'K CO.. 70 Stark st.. near 4th. Main S00. Branch Office, 50th & Sandy. tpon ronioaj A LAUREI.HUltST HOME, In the heart of . I.aurelhurst. near the Park, a sirictly modern. S-room r'"s'- t.ence, naruwoou ...k...-. in buffet, bookcas-s, etc., 4 large bed rooms and bath upstairs. Full concrete basement, good furnace, . garage wltn concrete rnt.u, RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. I.OWE K CO.. 01 -3-5-7 Board of Trat'e Bjdgj " OWNER f.KKT TOWN. Will sacrifice dandy Rose City lurk home of 6 rooms, big living room wltn open fireplace, beamed and paneled din ing room, hardwood floors, cxira toilet on first floor, 2 bedrooms and bath ..,, .it snlctolid above; iu:i iciuriu ........ --. - - furnace, half block to car;' hard-surface ail paid. Price M-100. easy t.rnis. MO NEY G. LATHROP. 516 Ablligton bldg. (Pica of tl,e Horseshoe). ,il:i r i.'iv i Brand-new modern bungalow. I-rench doors, side lights. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, full plumbing, this is a classv place: 4 blks. from car. urid on buch easy terms: price ?:iHo: $750 cash. II. II. rONFKHV. RITTER, I.U1VE & CO.. "01-S-.1-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. vi...- i.-i-1 v l s;lt i-'.l ) 4-ROOM BUNG ALi 'W. . MT. TABOR CAR J.IK 15 Attractive, cozy, cic-an home, double constructed ; bis.-ment. good furniture in excellent condition: 1 block to car. Price only $22'. terms JoHNSON-DuDSON CO., r.-.t V v.". Bank 1IM g. Main S7T. S-room modern cottage, hot-water heating plant, full cement basement, onx 1O0 lot. fine shrubbery, bearing fruit trees, improvements in and paid. Low urice easv terms. $.100 cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO. nr.. In 5120. 21 Htnrk St. Close-in flat building, west side 4th and Hall; prica lO.mo; will take lots or acreage as part payment, bauince terms. See F. '. Mirs.ha',1, wi'h FRANK L. -McGUIRE. on-. AMntnn It'll Main In'.S. ,1 IV. IVOUM..'. You can buy this 7-room house for jf3H0 down, lots of fruit trees and grape vines, the price is rielit. Investigate. R. it. CONFREY. RITTF.it. I.OWa & CO.. 00-1-3-5-7 Bonrd of Trade Bldg. KENTON CORNER. f2oQ0 S5'K cash, 6 rooms. light, gas. basement, concrete walks, terms very eas-v. GEO. E. ENGLEFTART CO.. wv 5173. 02 t Henry Bldg. ...... 7. -M-T-v- t'll't.- t.YSOll llOJll . Fine 7-room bungalow with sleeping porch hdw. floors, all modern conven iences" 2 bedrooms 1st flour; a f,ne home attractively priceu. 53d, near Stan- 'llPNTiY W. COnPAnn, 243 Stark st. Vi ACRE modern 4-roonl bungalow, full cement basement, all kinds bearing fruit garage, chicken house, 2 blocks to car. buildings Al condition; $3000, or $3100 furnished complete; 'i cash. In terstate lmio v". "JU6T whnf. you have been looking for." One of those convenient and nicely ar ranged 7-room bungalows, close to car, stores and school, with full lot. 50x100 feet and only 53700. J. B. Hp'ibrook, 214- 2 1 P anama o qk. 1 t. .-,11. w.--.-. Have large 4-room cottage, gas. e'ec trlc lights, bath, toilet, lot 50x100. tnke car up to $6'0 as part payment. Mr. - . r. . i oii-vs-pt HenryiJPJoajSiiir.t Lot 100x100. in Montavilla district. Price $3700; $500 cash. bal. $25 a month at 7 per cent. Sea John Brown & Co., 322 Ry. Exchbldg Marshall 3331. 1AGOOB INVESTMENT. Two 6-room houses or, one .lot. 1 block from Laureihurst. live in one and rent the other: will sacrifice for $31.10 cash. HENRY W. GODDARD. 213 Stark ft. IIOMFS DESIGN ED. PUILT ANLl Uii MODELED. WOOD .& J OLE. BUILD- EK3. ivooii'.' IF YOU want a modern bungalow for half cash from owner see 427 E. 43th st N Ta nor C-ROOM house, bas.ment, furnace, sleep ing porch, lpt 50x125; $3000. 337 Ivy street. v.a;i - $41nO FOR a good home and chicken farm adjoining city limits, by owner; terms. Call auto. '" MODERN 9-room house, garage, beautiful corner on Hawthorne-" ave. : $75 month. E. J. GEISEB. 1T Chamber Com, East 14th. st.. near Yamhill. WORTH $10.5"0. Here's positlvelv the BIGGEST SNAP IN POi'.TI.AND TODAY. 7 large rooms on first 2 floors. 2 finished rooms In, attic; lull cement bs,-ment and every convenience you will find In best mod ern homes; double constructed through out -and only 7 years old; lot 4-'xl0".j onlv two blocks from SS car. within i blocks of both public and high choo.s; street iniprovcm.-r.is all In and Paul. LISTEN, this wonderful home is locate'l cn LAST FOURTEENTH eTllttl. NEAR YAMHILL and will be shown by appointment only. Drive by and look for our sign. tiM-n phone us quickly. ';'',u . bargains are f.-w and this one is a KB.AU UAK' ".A IN. Half cash will bandie A-NO 1'llER HAWTHORNE. SNAP. 42d and Belmont J.I'HiO. 6 large rooms, w.th full finished b'-mt-nt. l,ardwod floors, fireplace: lot S1h,1; street imp. all in and pa.d; less than blocK from car; just as good others ask $'i.1o0 for; our price only $5000, on good terms. R..SE CITY PARK. We can show sou some wonderful bun galows ia Rose C.ty 1 ark. t.et busy and select your homo now wnlle ,?' the loiest; don t wait lor the spuui rush; you'll surely pay more. G l.. .McCORMlG CO.. . ' 212 Washington bt.. near -d-Mn'n .s.'2'b MainP3K. -.ooo. 8-RAI. ST' IKY ANT) HALF BUNGALOW. ONE-THIRD A. Hi:. AT OAIx. GROVE. A dandy place for a large fnm iiv that wishes a good euburbnn home, has gas, electricity. A No 1 well, gaiag. , good barn and Chi. K en house, also a good wusli ''u'lso and store room s. i.ar.ito lrom the bouse, 8 young fruit tr. es and b'.r-n.-s of nil kinds. 3 blocks from Or egon city car. $1.1 J. I.. HAlfi'MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 20S. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. Dandy modern bungalow with whole ijuartor block, ,4uih und III lamook sire-is, just north ot f-au-dv blvd. Must be told quickly to settle eslalo tpicturo of tb.s b.au tnul home in tins paper). Ask lor J. W. i:rossle, 11 sr. High-'-lasS Home D.-parlinent, with FRANK L. MeGUirtE, To Buy Your Diitiuctive Home. Abinjjtua Lii iaiu iw, $4l"0. NEW BUNGALOW. Beautiful 5-rni. buitgulow. cement porch, hardwood floors, lirepl.ice, built ins, Dutch kilt-lion, 2 lino bedrms., iin ished old ivory throughout: cement base-n-ent, fine cor. lot, p.tve.l and paid, J blks. Jllssi.ss;prk car, 4 bli.3. .lellerson High. 10 minutes to city; $1500 down. Appointment only. A bargain. Lot us sliow you. GEO. T. HoOHE CO., 1007 Yeon Bids. CLAusV BIWG Al.ilW FOR EXCHANGE. A moilern 5-louiu bungalow wltll floored attic, 2 bo.cks Depot-Morrison, car, with 5oxl30 ground, paved street, in first-class eundr.loii, this is a we.l biiilt bungalow and a very attractive p.ace,' clear of any incumbrance; price. $Uoo; will excluinge lor 20 to 50 acres) with small set ol iin plcio en Is Up tc $iloo0. ace Mr. Stephens, Fred w. Gcr ni.iil Co.. 732Chaio.of Com. , VALNUT PA'i.tl BUNGALOW, $4s.".o. One of the classiest 5-room bunga lows in this choice district, all extra large rooms, liieplai-e, furnace, beaux -. l.mg. lino light fixture, g Huge, iurg- lot with lota of fruit. $1000 cash will handle this. lit fore buying see this. FRANK MAHUNEY. CUE A. AIc-Kl-.NNA CO., S2 4th St. Main 4122. o ROOMS AND OA It AGE. $ 1 TOO- TERAiS. Here you are tolas; a dandy net buimalow of 5 rooms; h-irdwood floors, tir.-poico. buffet. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, etc; ii.s-m'ls p:iid. A. G. TEliPE CO.. 27tt Stark st.. near 4th. .Main 3092. Branch office, 50th & Sandy. . ( 'pen Mini!..".. FOll JUt. HANDYMAN. 4-i-ooiu ui.fui nished bungalow oa . splendid coiner lot iuxlOu; Rose City) ParK line; 2 rooms ami c.oset iiuished, f root all on, shingled all or outside, 0 bearing iruit ti.es, some grapes, good garage; price $1750, pins bunded street assessments. I30 caH, K0 monthly, l-'red W. German Co., 732 Cham, ol Com. 1'OiU'LAND HE IIGUTS KO-Y1E. (- .. K,,n ,", ,, i.- H hedroomS and bth fireplace, concrete basement, good, furnace, large vi.-w porch. ilfcUt.Jt lo caiiuii, cxcellct.t terms. i:h:i;aud w. mast, RJ'lTfll. Lull E At CO.. ;ol-;,-1;JanoJ'ra'lcldg: i FINE S-rJoin irviiigto" turner Lome, mod ern throughout, hardwood floors, three bedrooms, one extra !.u.-e, lots ot closets, bull with shower, bil.l.ud, washing ma chine and i.upcrles included. Property fro and clear, l r.ee $0300. $2000 down, balance like r.-T.t. nwn.-r going to Ca.l f.nliia. Call 173 Muitnoiuah St. Last OO'.M,. tlihl CASH Uil-1, HA.M'I.I $20 PER -MONTH AND INTI-IRl-.sT 5-room house on iiaved street; furl plumbing: small basement: convenient to car und school. Price ouly $-00iA. wltll str.-.t and s- wer .1"'.'!. Ji)ilN.su-lJlA-!U.S tO. , 6 ".3 N. W. Bank Hblg. .Main 3iS7. a iTTooo lllVlM. I'l.'N BUNGALOW. Cioso in, 7 rooms, hardwood f.oors, fir. piucea Dutch kitchen, bufiet, book ta full ci ment basement, furnace, Uouo.e plumbing. 2 bath rooms, a. real homo iu good district. Tonus. CLL i-il.AND. Bdwy. 11.10. ;is Board ofTrade, KING'S COCIIT I'looo Immediate possess. on ol i autiful slT- cin culive I. hardwood Hours, sleeping porch. glassed in. fireplace, close In. west J'"?: .s-.ii-roiiuded by beautiiui lioiucs. Lut bj kHl' Nl'-.V W, GOnDARJXg 13 S'ark St. ONLY 2't DOWN. HALF AGUE NICK l-I J"! I.i, UOAll-,. . two BLOCKS Or UK. Plastered, electricity, water gas, 3 ;i.i ,.Mlel, ii bi.uses: la cii.tivation. amail Hint trees, berries. M'-ht accept riear lot us lir.-t payinent. CvT-"lljGUNr:R .. STOCK h.V am 'I-ill.: oWNI-.U l about an acie ui ground on improved higliwn In the .-itv. all covered with bearing fruit lino family vari-ty; also 4-rooia house, which 1 win sou on ' '" . responsible buyer. For purtiruini see me at my office. 401 PL ATT BLDG, 127 Park st. "TV.Ti voir l i i il sill HUNTING! Let us show you this one. 7 roomj and sleeping porch, all modern, .good condition. Concrete garaKe. lrvlngtoa district. Owner moved to spokane. it a bargain at 0.1u0 N El LAN & l'ARKHILL 210 I,n n i beriTLi-ns I '! 1 g; 5 ill and Stark. g T0 NE W ON MS. Oak floors, tllo baths, double plumh. ing. fireplaces, splendid kitchen, break fust room, absolutely modern garages, cement runway, etc. See them at Last 3i;Ui and Fremont. Mr. Cleveland, Last 4:1113, or Bd ivy. 11.10. . . rain, cottoea in Fulton; lot 50xlo0; hai d-surl str- b.i lidy ma n can re- snii.ll I'XIlCns . into nice bomo; lumb'-r and lot cos: more man, our ii'"- of iaM. $30O cash. $2U month A J. DK FOREST oi CO.. 2 -0 Henryjildg. .'.roadway 5500. FUR KALE BY OWNEIt. New' six-room bungalow. Lose City Paik. 0..1 East 5.1th st. N. street im-p-o einents, .ciiient basement. wash, trays, ail built-ins, bulfet. fireplace, liaidivood f.oors. light fixtures, etc. Terms if d. slre.i, Call Aut. 2H2-"3. 1 L"NJ VEli-SlTY PARK. Larre house, fruit tr.-es and garden, 2 lo's,' near Columbia university; prica $3000. . R. II. CONFREY. HITTER. LoWI-1 .v. CO.. 201-3-3-7 B'dof jrra'ieBldg. Ir VTNGTON. NEW MODERN BUNG LOW. 3 rooms and oath, classy little home, beautiful lawn, lot .10x114, paved street. Improvements all paid; a snap; owner. Call at house 071 Knott st. 3-KoOM house, 1 block off Uno.n ave., handy to Vancouver shipyards. also Portland; gas. water, lights, chicken, house, woodshed, lot 5'lxlnii. $130(1 cash, $1400 terms. Own-T on place. 4113 East H t . i f ford st. T .1 ko Van couver c.-i r G-R.M. BUNGALOW on "211 1 il st. This is a weii built attractive looking home; mod ern conveniences; located oniy bloclc from car; base nice lot. fruit, berries and chicken house; JI'.O.IO, $V0 cash, $1:5 per month. .Mr. Smith. AVdin. 3Sol. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Complete and modem 5-room, sltiiatrd ' in restricted district and two blocks to car line; large rooms and fine neigh biirhooij . 5 70 East 2'i th X. WILL take auto as part payment on 6 room house, bard. vend floors, fireplace, furnace, enrage: f.'.noo JOHNcii'N-JMiDSON CO., C33 N. W. DankBhlg. Majn 37S7;; CI,I,3LV5ll for terms and location. I'avcil street, 5 rooms, strictly modern, fire place, furnace, gar.-ige. IRVINGTON W-room, 1 '4-story, modern choice loualion.- bungalow, garag-o, tcriuj; owner. riione East 1S15.