T 18 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXD, JANUARY 10, 1921 BrsrvFss opportunities. Hotels and Rooming Houw. HOTEL MEN. ATTENTION! Here is one of the best com mercial hotels in the city; nearly 200 rooms, beautiful lobby, furni ture and carpets are the very best, strictly modern and up to date, doing a capacity busings: l-year and tan b handled with J.'.U.0H. If Interested call at office fur full particulars. 95-ROOM HOTEL. Here Is the most modern and best furnished hotel in Portland; long- lease at reasonable rent, pood for $lsoo per month over all ex . pensen; $2;S,ooO required. STRICTLY TRANSIENT. Fine comer brick bldg., Iarrre lobby, one of the best transient streets in the city; food lease; can be bandied with $12,000. 42-ROOM BRICK. Now If vou want a well-furnished, modern hotel with pood lease at $225 per month get $7000 and come and see me. APARTMENT HOUSE. The best money maker in Port land; nearly 40 apartments; good leas, strictly modern and nets $1200 per month; required, $17,000. 120.000 APARTMENT HOUSE. Over 00 apts., steam heat. K-year lease, dote in on west side. Call at office and I will send you direct to owner of the bids-., buy from him. and get your lease from him. ROOMING HOUSES. I have several of all prices and locations. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. F. RIERDON. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE HOTEL SPECIAL. 7 O-room modern brick corner, nicely furnished, cheerful room?, 3-year lease, new lobby, bar and card room, doing large business, clears about $12oo per month, special price for three days only, including stork. Terms. i'ine proposition. List 131. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS COM PAN V. INC.. . 71-4 COUCH BLXH2. $1400 CASH. BALANCE TO SUIT. 17 rooms. H. K. near heart of city: modern; all rooms equipped with ranges I and nave running water; lease ana low rent; nets $ 130; best rental district. A real live bargain: owner sick, must sell. We &re exclusive agents. Main O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332-333 Railway Exchange Mdg. . NEAR MONTGOMERY WARD'S. 8 rooms, ail on one floor, very reason able; rent and income can be readily In- I creased; ltt rooms, electric lights, stove I heat; a dandy place: nets 1M) with 4 rooms for owner; good lease. 22 rooms, 12 rented, some sleeping and some housekeeping suites; also nets I 180 and la a good place. Mrs. Aibaugh, with John Ferguson, Oerlinger bldg. REAL SNAPS. 0 roomj, we-t suit; rent $15, Income I-.T; itj.o Handles. 11 rooms, west side, on Yamhill; rent) it. cleats i v SMHt ham! lea. 10 rooms, large yard, fruit trees. Just line lor ramiiy; rn: s.o. good income and home $iim Kind A. J. 1 e FOREST & CO., 320 Henry plug. Buv., 5590. l HooMS. siove heat. nart houtekeeuinc $2Sih ca?h handles. 2ti rooms, very fine I location ana Epienuid income, good fur niture, beds and bedding; leae, $2Hi0 I handle3 this also. Thei-e are both in the I Nob Hill district and are tine buys. In vestigate them at once, as they won't last long. Mrs. Aibaugh, with John rer guyon, Peril ngr bldg. " M. E LEN T COMPANY. 623-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BDO LEADING HOTEL AM) APART MEXT HOUSE AGENCY. IP YOU WISH TO BLY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 J EA RS IN THE BUSINESS IN FORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 114.4U0 INCOME A YEA K from an investment of $13,0H to $20,000 initial payment; west side modern brick. recent construction, completely furnisiied Ana yielding very large revenues; estate to be closed and unusual price ana terms oiierea. Mr. i 'arsons, with O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332-3:13 Railway Exchange bldg. 26 H. K. ROOMS, very close in. west side. 9230u, good terms. 13 H. K. rooms, close In, went aide, $15K). $SU0 will handle, clears 100. 7-room flat, ery close In, fine fur niture, clears $40 besides 3 fine rooms for self; $13m cash. Have others; splen- flia ouys: come in. barney Johnson, ito ioth st. &4-KOOM HUT kl. NEAR uth and WASHINGTON STS. Northwest steam heat, strictly mod ern; clears $7oo per month; price $13, JO; riO,0(MI cash, balance easy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3"S Oak St. ONLY ftiuu HANDLES THIS. ' Not a fancy price, but a good loca- tion; 12 rooms, H. K. ; rent low. A little touching up will double your I money. Total price $:oo. Call Main O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exchange Mdg. . 24 ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEPING. On Washington st., close In; rent $110 per month; making money; $1!MJ will nana i e. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., m 305 Oak St. 30 kooms, rent good lea-e; corner bnt k building, all light oui.fide rooms. ixtra well i urnisned ; running water all rooms Cears $40J a mouth. $5000 cash bandies A. J. DeFOREsT & CO., S2U Henry b,u0'. Bd..y. ooQO. If YOU WISH TO BUY OH SELL business, hotel, room or apartment bouse of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rlerdon. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 101-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bid. We write all kind of insurance. SOME W ELL-F L'RXISHED MODERN PLACES. Classy 6-room ftat, new carpets and I furniture. iO.iO; cios-e in, 7 rooms, in cluding $ioo luel, iio.rO. Ten rooms. I cloe walking. ll.iOO. terms, see MRS. M ARBLE. 5'i McKAT BLDG. &0-ROOM apartment house. Nob Hill dis trict, thoroughly modern, automatic ele vator: rent oniy $:- witn lonir lease. CI far $s"'0 a month; $10."0 cash I bandies. Will ronfd'--r some t-ade. A. J. De FOREST & CO., 320 Henry b.dg. Bd. 5590. 15 ROOMS in Nob Jliil dtrict, housekeep ing, fine basement and yard, large sunny rooms. thorouRhly modem, very attrac tive apt for own.r; exceptionally moder- ate rent; nets $135. Mrs. Aibaugh, with John Ferguson. Oerlinser bldg. TEN ROOMS NOB HILL DISTRICT. i Furnace heat, good furniture: house always full ; price $2oo; mime terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3'5 Oak St. T2-ROOM apartment house. thoroughly I mouern; corner location. nric build ng. Clears $500 a month. Price 112.0 o. A. J. DeFOREST ft CO., S20 Henry bldg JJdw y. 5590. 53 ROOM S H O USEE E E I' 1 N O. . West side, close in, clearing over $550 I per month; $3OO0 will handle; a sure I snap. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 805 oak St. YOUR REL ESTATE BONO. Your bond should be fi 1 before you transact any real e-tat bus nets ANYTHING IN THE BONOlXu LINE. gMlTH-WAUONEU CO.. STOCK E X. $7500, TERMS, or pari trade GO-room ho tei and housekeeping; brick bldg., long lease, cheap rent. New furniture; clears $45i month. CH AS K1NOLER CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. 8ij-l:OOM apartment huus., brick building rent $ 1''5 wi h leas-1, clears $250 a mo. P: ice $40 0. soiii-' trmi. 1 A. J. le FOREST CO.. 3,'Q Henry bl ig. Bd ivj. 5590. I H A E lluo to pay down on nice p;ace OI 1 10 14 B.eepir.ft ro-vs, cose in. West side; must be nice furniture. T 333. oregonian. ilEOILM s.zeci grocery or other small business, with living rooms preferred: ir locaiion ni' rr.ctr sun ui pay cash; no agents. AE 200. Oregonian. ' FOH BEST bargain in apartment house see memoers or tne Keaity Board. Yates Lea'ty Co.. 245 Fourth st. WILL sacrifice for $1225. 10 H. K. rooms. all full, heart or city, worth $2000. $soo cash, bat. n per mo. Call 215 Bd w y . LNCOME $2oO. rent $4o; a. ways full; $1700, Auto 52:; -2" fOR SALE 2 10-room houses, hou.e- keeping rooms, on terms or cash. 211 Third st. ! llY OWNER. 22 h. k. rooms. Move neat. I water in an rooms; net i-uv oa-i h.iw t horns- ave. WILL pay spot cash for 14 to IS h. k. rooms, west side. X S'J'J. Oregonian. I WANTED Rooming house, ten or 12 rooms, from owner. K 374. Oregonian. BTSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. THOMSON & THOMSON, 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. STRICTLY MODERN 52-ROOM HOTEL loo per cent fireproof building, 5-year lease, rent $500. central location; good furniture, always full; net income over floo; will take $12,000 down, balance 7 per cent. REAL BARGAIN FOR CASH. 26-room hotel, one floor, 4-year lease, low rent, brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water; gross over $.oo; $4000 cash. 00-ROOM HOTEL. Strictly modern brick build in sr. N. W. heat, lots of private baths, automatic elevator, dandy lea?e, rent $000; income will surprise; price $20,500, some terms. 54-ROOM HOTEL. Strictly modern brick building, 3-year lease, rent mou; some private natns, automatic elevator, lots ot good linen. new curtains; clears over ItioO; price i-.ouu; Deal oi terms. 44-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. Good brick building, new lease, rent w, net income over $ooo; price $io, terms. MODERN BRICK HOTEL. ! 75 rooms, lease, very low,, rent, best I transient location, Icrge income, will I suiprise you; $14,000. 27 APARTMENTS. All two's and three's, all well and completely furnished : house Is in cellent condition inside and out; good lease, rent $3o0; price $14,000, terms. LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE. Nearly 200 rooms, long leae to good tenant, right rent; every apartment furnished and with the very best; large Income; must have $20,000 to handle this. 104 ROOMS 104. Modern brick apartments, all furnich- I ed, 3-year lease, rent $Ku0, clears over I $1300; good location; price i it. uuu, pari i terms. 15 MODEJN- APARTMENTS. 54 rooms, all completely furnished. 8-year lease, rent $220; $8000, terms. MODERN BRICK BUILDING. 17 apartments, all furnished, 5-year I lease; this is a real bargain; $hOO0, half cash. GOOD MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. Clearing S1000: will se.il on terms; will consider good modern bungalow or I first-class business in part trade. CORNER BRICK BUILDING. 40 rooms, all modern apartments; everything In perfect condition, all furnished; 3-year lease, rent is very low ; hardwood floors, good Income; price $0000. 3 MODERN APARTMENTS. Splendid brick building, all completely furnished. 2 and 3-room apartments, 3-year lease, low rent; price $lu,uuo, part terms. 1 50 ROO M S 1 .SO. Modern apartment house, all apart ments two's and three's: completely, furnished with hardwood furniture; 3 ver lf-nsp low rent, oil burner, very good location, big income; $10,000 will I handle. 'l7 ROOMS. MOSTLY H. K. Steam heat, low rent, very well furnished, dandy location; clears $1M) I besides nice apartment; priceu ngui. good terms. 14 ROOMS. H. K. Good corner, close-in location, rent $75; electricity, furnace and gas neat, extra well furnished; good home and $130 clear; price $20.30, $1000 down. 15 ROOMS. MOSTLY H. K. Finest location, rent $00, including water; two baths, electricity: net in come $130; owner leaving cuy; idu, bargain. 22 ROOMS, ALL H. K. Rent $100, steam heat, electricity, rinsp.in location, fairly well furnibhed. very convenient; clears $200 and pood large apartment lor own use; $35oo. terms. 15 ROOMS 15. All H. K., rent $60, good lease; electricity. furnace, extra well fur nished; good income besides nice home; $2300, terms. We have many others, all sizes, price? and locations. If what we have adver tised does not meet your requirements. call and look over our lists. a MRS. THOMSON. 620 HENRY BLDG. 8 ROOMS, all h. k., cheap rent, good fur niture, clean and homelike, for $7;i0, $100 cash. 10 rooms, 8 single h. k.; low rent, good net income; well furnished and Cler.n. $1250, $-M0 cash. 11 rooms, ail h. k., right In the cen ter of business district; electric lights, good furniture, for $1200, $850 cash. 14 n. k. rooms, ui u ui (t.iiiiuhiuii location; clearing $75 above all expenses, for $1500. 16 rooms $1500. $550 cash; low rent with lease; good income and home for mall investment; west side location. 25-room. $2300, half cash; electric lights, fairly well furnished; clearing $105 above all expenses. White temple district. Nicely furnished and fully equipped private hospital of 25 beds, cheup for quick sale. Price $uuu, terms, i-oveiy west side location and a snap. 42-room corner brick hotel, rent $250, 3 years lease; nicely furnished; scrupu lously clean; clearing about $500 per month; $6500. $4000 cash. 72 rooms, low rent with lease: steam heat in lobby and halls; clean and well furnished; clearing $250 a month on In vestment of $2500. 78 -room corner brick hotel, some rooms have private baths. Reasonable rent with year's lease; comfortably fur nished, steam heat, electric lights and newly gone over, for $16,000; central west side location. TRY US REALTY CO. 169 W. Park St. Automatic B13-48. SUBURBAN HOiEL 15 rooms. with steam heat, hot and cold water In every room; restaurant In connection, making I big money; good tor 4UO montn clear: 111 health forces us to quit; price for furniture, restaurant equipment and everything only $2500. Wonderful op portunity for man and wife: no trades: must have cash or don't bother. Hurry. it's too rood to last. McCormic. 242 Washington st. Main 8220 or PS 18. FINE HOTEL. OS rooms, good lease, elevator, private baths, beautiful ground-floor lobby, well furnished throughout: making a net profit $1500 month. This Is worth in vestigating. SEE MRP. KELLER. CEO. T. MOORS CO.. inT Yeon Plrtg. 00-ROOM modern brick apartment. Fine West side district near business center. Iong lease. Reasonable rent. Wonder fully furnished and In best of condition throughout. Private balconies and all modern conveniences. Big money mak er. Price 121,000. Terms. Yates, 245 Fourth St. ; HOOD PLACE TO FIX UP. 107 rooms, aoartment house, rent $500; fine lea.e, corner bldg., 40 apts., 32 2 rooms. 14 3 rooms, steam heat, com pletely furnished. For further particu lars FEE MRS. KELLER. GEO T. MOORE CO.. U'"7 Yeon Bldg. 10 ROOMS 2 KITCHENETTES. Near Auditorium all H. K., good fur niture; well arranged; owner has nice 2-room sui te ; nt income $ 1 25. Fair rent. Price $1800. only $1200 down. See this. It a nanny. T. ECO ENK HRPOBa, 201 W. PARK. WASIUNGTON-ST. LOCATION. 24 rooms, rent $110. all in 2-room apts.. except o sleeping rooms; clears I over all expenses $240. Price $3000, $00U down. SEE MRS. KELLER. OEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1Q07 Yeon ItMg. APARTMENT house of 40 rooms, corner; brick building. Clears S2.0 a month. Rent only $175. including heat and water. Owner leaving on account of sickness; J.toon cash handles. DE FOREST & CO.. S20 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5"00. EXTRA GOOD. 15 rooms, right In White Temple dis trict, exceptionally well furnished, all housekeeping. 2 hath rooms, good fur nace, net profit ?175. $1500 down. FEE MRS. KELLER. OF.O. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg 25 APARTMENTS Mndern brick corner. West side. Kent 4"0. Lease. Com pletely furnished In best grade of hard wood. Automatic eleva tor. private bal conies, etc. Price $17,000. Terms. Ynto. 245 Fourth St. COPY ONE. Fine little corner apartment house. 0 I ants., mostly a rooms. 1 4-room ant. Rent only $55. All outside rooms, steam heat. Price 2w. FEE MRS. KELLER. CEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Pldc EAST SIlE CLOSE IN. 22 rooms, all housekeeping: very low rent; mostly z-room suites; stove heat. elec. gas. Price $2750, about $2250 handles. Nets $200 per month. Better I Krah ths. T RlT.cyB HEOOKS. 201 W. PARK. 10 k - : MS. all completely and well fur nished for housekeeping. 'net profit $100 month, can be more. $1700 will give you possesion. SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1QQ7 Yeon BTdg, NIC lo-ROOM rooming house; a good home. besides making an income over all ex penses. $1G50. with terms. White Tem ple district. Mala 24G9. BTSINESS OPPORTTNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Hoawt. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC, 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3930 or Marshall 1265. APARTMENT HOUSES.. Modern, up-to-the-minute apart ment house, absolutely fireproof, nearly 50 apartments, clearing over $1200 a month; fine location; price $28,000; terms. $2000 for a 25-room house; 16 sleeping. balance housekeeping; brick building : close in ; always full ; some terms. I I 82-room house, west side, close In; 19 sleeping. 13 housekeeping; rent $150; clearing $3.-0 to $400 a month; price $3250; some terms. 10-roora house, east side; good building, nice yard; price $IK0; terms. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 39S9 or Marshall 1265. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES MY SPECIALTY. 44-room transient brick hotet. all good furniture, well located; rent $250, gross Income close to $1000 montn; tun price $soo, good terms. 83-room transient hotel, well located on west side; rent $150 with gooa lease; will clear over $300 month; full price $.12 j0, some terms. Jl H. K. rooms, well located. In White Temple district; will clear $W month above apartment; full price $!50. some terms. You should see this before buying. 20 H. K. rooms, close in. west side, good furniture; rent $ W0 month, will clear $225 month besides apartment for seir; best buy in the ciiy at -(u, goou terms. 6 extra well furnished rooms, on west side, rent of house only $26 month; some buy at $025. CALL SIMMS AT 141 Lownsdale st.. corner of Alder. Broadway 2137. COUNTRY HOTEL SPECIAL. 3n-room hotel, good payroll town, near lariat mill In west, neatly furnished, mi lis open full blat February 1; will, do large bus! neap, all outside rooms, nice dining room, lobby and kitchen, building, two fine lots, 100x120, and complete furnishings, $7500. easy terms. Beautifully located and nice place to live. Sickness compels sale. List 57. NORTH WEPT HOTEL NEWS COMPANY. INC., 714 COUCH BLDG. CENTRALLY located. 21-room h. k. apts. in one and two-room apts.. taking in nearlv $'tt0 per month, medium rent, modern. Can give attractive terms on this bargain. 10 h. k. with ood furniture and rugs. netting $100 over the rent; this place i mnrtorn anil well located, making icood home with income; $1100 will handle. 9 h. k., Nob Hill, nice little homelike place giving nice, modern home and $50 per mo. net; cash will handle this WE HAVE OTHERS. 'WEST SIDE REALTY CO., 104 West Park St. 45-ROOM brick hotel downtown. All on two floors. Hot and cold water in rooms. Very modern. Three-year lease, moderate r ent. Clears around $500 month. $7'H handles. 25 H. K. rooms. Close In. good terms. Clears $150. 15 H. K. rooms. Very good terms, low rent. 7-room flat. Very best of furniture. We have other nice, clean places, all size. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 10TH ST. Main IIIJUV COUN TRY H OT E L Only hotel and restaurant In town .that enjoys big tourist trade from all over the country. :5 sleeping rooms, dining room, kitchen, billiard rooms, large lobby. 2-story brick bldg., well furnished throughout: rent $150; 5 to 7-year lease. Price $5oVM, some terms. PEE MRS. KELLER, GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg FOR KENT and $60 month income besides. 8 rooms and si. pch.. completely fur nished for 4 hiijh-c'ass h. k suites; in come $105 month; rent only $.V; located on West I! 'Id St.. walking rii?tanc: sell neighborhood ; sell everything and give Immediate possession for $l0O cash. Best bargain in Portland. McCormic 242 Washington st. Main S220. NIFTY HOTEL. 54 rooms, white pressed brick corner bldg.. hot and cold water in au rooms, steam heat, private baths, elevator, ground floor lobby, net profit $SO0 mo. For particulars SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE C.. 10"7 Yeon Bldg. A REAL home. 15 h. k. rooms, netting $115 monthly, besides spacious living rooms for owner, cheap rent, electric lights, furnace, stove heat, running water In apts.; good yard; price $UKn. half rash can handle. Address box 332, Oregonian. FIRST TIME ON MARKET. A Dart men t house. 53 rooms, rent $200, lease, 2.i apts.. mostly 2 and 3-room ants.: 2 4 rooms: cream of locations, steam heat, nf-t profit about $500. This Is good. For particulars FEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 107 Yeon Bldg. A FINE HOME: BIG INCOME. 19 housekeeping rooms, good furniture and rugs: furnace heat, electric lights; nets about $150; not a dump, but clean from top to bottom: fine west side loca Hon: $2750 cash. Marshall 5.VH. 16-ROOM very exclusive hotel, corner lo cation, beautiful manogany ann oan rur niture. netting $350 per month abovi all expenses; beautiful home: snap ai the price; $S04Ni; terms within reason : deal direct with owner. Auto. 12S-ROOM apaitment. Modern West Hide brick bldg. Rent $750. Five-year lease. Automatic elevator, private balconies. Ptn Furni uliine and Interior of bldg, In extra fine condition. Clears $1200 per mo. $12,000 required to handle. Yates. 245 Fourth St. 2:i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Close in on Morrison : cheap rent: furniture and rugs in good condition : nets about $175: can be increased: owner must sell account sickness: $3500 terms. Marshall 5-i!4. ROOMING HOUSE. 34 rooms, rent $1'U per month, 3 venr lease, clears $300 per month. Price $3500. terms. See Mr. Wallace with SWANK & COFFIELD. 212 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. FOR QUICK SALE. T.iat vnur hotel, aoartment and room ing houses with us. your interests 111 always oe proiecieu. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1Q07 Yeon Bldg. 17 ROOMS 17. Nob Hill district, furnace hpat, run ning water, most rooms; aanay mrniture nil full and oeoDle on waiting list; in come $200; rent $ '0 ; all for $2105 on your own terms, reters, 1a . ftn at. SAY Po you want to make $200 to $300 profit ? If so buy this 10-room place and fix it up. Rent $32. Price $050; onlv $550 down. I RlT'r-.rcVR HEROES. 201 W. PARK. 22 ROOMS, In 1 and 2-room apts., all rented ; nets owner $175 besides own apt. Rent $40, with lease; close in, $2200; small expense. Investigate thia G. T. EDWARDS & CO. 610 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, well-furnished 7-rm. flt. close In, winter's fuel Included; $125 lnrnme. rent $40. always full; $850 cash or $U00 terms. 94 10th sL, cor. of Oak, after 1 o'clock Sunday. . 5-YEAR LEASE. 24 modern apartments. All twos and threes; all well and completely fur nished. Good corner brick building tn good repair. $0000 will handle. MRS THOMSON. 020 HENRY BLDQ. 11 ROOMS $K05. 1 block from Washington st., in heart of west side, a place where rooms are always full, well furnished: your own terms. Peters, of course. 15 N. 5th st. SWELL 11 -room hbuse. brand new furni ture, rooms rented all the time, clears $100 month. Price $1350. FEE MRP. KELLER. CEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1QQ7 Yeon Hldg U rJ o-rooin Hat; iurnisnea: low rent. Will ! 11 for $750. only $350 down. Good little income, and home. J. ECGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 30 ROOMS RENT $40. All light outside rooms, every room rented ; clears $135 per month; all for $135. terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. LOST-S0T BEAUTIFUL HOME GOOD INCOME. $1200 will put you in possession. Call Mar. 3D 'J 3 Sunday, bet 1 and 1 F. M. 1 BTSINESS OPPORTrNTTTES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. SEE J. BRUCE GODDARD FOR GENUINE BARGAINS. 60 rooms, steam heat free under the lease. 8 baths, hot and cold water in all rooms, splendid furniture, rugs. drapes, etc, throughout ; piano. This place will clear you $500 month and make you good home besides. Easy to run ana a place you can be proud of. .uno win handle this. First time of fered. 110-room. strirttv mndprn nart merits beautifully furnished; best long lease In Portland. This place is located in White Temple district. Never on market be fore since being finished. Clears $750 per month above every expense, besides providing yoo with a first-class home and all incidental exDenses. J 10. 000 will handle it. Price $18,000. I can guarantee , everything represented concerning this piace, as l have made thorough lnves- ligation. 42 rooms, $4400; terms; clears more than $20 month; rent $140 month, fuel included. This is a good buy. 15 rooms, $1700; $1200 down; close to Broadway and Columbia. 14 modern rooms; Nob Hill district; clearing $130 month above expenses; lovely yard and good building; rent only .$40 per month. 12 modern sleeping rooms, in White Temple district, $14u0. 12 very pretty rooms with hot and cold water In rooms; furnace; rent $45; clears $75 month above expense. Price first time offered. 10 very clean, nicely furnished rooms. This place is exceptionally well located, close in on west side where rooms rent high. Clears $75 month and home. Price $1250 for quick sale. 10 transi&nt rooms on Washington , ii nvi, un one iioor. 22 rooms, one floor, east side, $2750 - terms: clears 200 month. 44 rooms, west side, stores, $3350 ; Clears 2,0 month; lease; rent 7o. 11 rooms, near 14th and Jefferson. 44 rooms, near Broadway and -Mont Eomerv. 8 rooms, near Broadway and market. 7 rooms, near Broadway ana Clay 14 rooms, on Ella street. 16 rooms, on Thurman street. 40 rooms, steam heat, Albina district. l. rooms, lialsey street, nice nome. 12 rooms. Grand avenue, $1250. 10, East 15th street, $1200. 10 rooms, on Broadway. $050. The above are exclusively for sale through this office and we are prepared to comfortably and quickly show you. The business was never better. Get in the beat money-making business there is by buying one of thete. BRUCE GODDARD. 501 Couch Bldg. Oregon's Leading Broker MAOOON & SPENCER, 626 Cham, of Com. Bic Main 6127. MODERN BRICK BUILDING. 42 3-room apts. 4-year lease, $600. Net $i0t per month. 42 rooms, 1 Capts rent $140; net $2"0. 26 rooms. 12 apts.. rent $to0, net $225. MODERN TRANSIENT HOTEL. 45 rooms, rent $250; price $(s5t0. (Others by request. ) 7 rooms, housekeeping and sleeping, rent $40; $000. 11 rooms! housekeeping downtown ; terms, $1100. IS rooms, housekeeping, stove or fur nace. electric lights, rent $00, net $125. BY OWNER. Modern fireproof hotel of 10 rooms and large living quarters. Large fine lobbv. Cash and enrrv arocerv In con nection In two-story building, light and airy all sides. Big tourist trade all last summer. This is in fine location civic center on highway. You can sell thl grocery stock easily and lease the room if you wish. Three people can run the whole place. Offer this for quick sale at a big bargain. Write for full par ticulars and reasons for wanting to sell. Books are open for your inspection. E. A. HALL. 1157 Pnrk street. Chehalis. Wash. WE HAVE 10-room housekeeping house, close In. west side, well furnished, making good money; priced to sell. 12-room ' housekeeping house, fine west side location; make $110 net; priced to sell. 27 -room apartment house, near White Temple; If sold this month price $3800, terms. It-room housekeeping house, west side, well furnished, low rent; price $1100, terms. We have others, all sizes. Call IGShs West Park 'st. Anderson & Clark. PORTLAND'S BEST. 00-room hotel, 5-year lease, beautiful white pressed brick, corner building, wonderful ground-floor lobby, bath-connection to every room. Northwestern heat, elevator, exceptionally well fur nished, net profit itbout $2500 month. Call at our office and talk this over. SEE MRS. KELL3R, GEO T. MOORE CO.. 10Q7 Yeon Bldg. 2T 11. K. ROOMS In he..il of town. Fine looking building and' grounds. Well fur nished and unusually clean. Electric lightM. furnace, hot and cold water in rooms. Clears $270 per month. Price $5000. Yates. 2-15 Fourth St. APARTMENT HOUSE. 42 rooms, rent $140, mostly 2-room apartments. making splendid money. price $44cmi. $-jti-o ca.n will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1Q7 Yeon Bldg. ANOTHER ONE. Fine location, 15 apts., 2 and 3 rooms, 17 single-room housekeeping, net profit M montn. $mu casn win handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1Q07 Yeon Bldg. HOW'S THIS? 30 rooms, steam heat, rent $75. lease. clears $200. If taken this week, price $T.0. Main 0127. LOST AM) FOFND. WILL the party who found eyeglasses be longing to Mrs. Devereaux please phone again, as correct address was not under stood. Sellwood 14SS. LOST near Ockley Green school, toy Bos ton duii, nnnaie, lemaie; answers tfl name "Mickey." White markings. rnone woon:awn ww. ttewara. S.M A i.L bluck su tin handbag Thursday evening on Sellwood car; contained chiefly a fountain pen and glasses. Re turn rewarded. Sel. i;m12. REWARD offered for recovery of white gold brooch with small diamond, lost Thursday near Tenth and Washington or on oouncii crest car. Alain t4K2. LOST Between House's restaurant. 3d st., and the Union depot, black card case with currency and papers of vaiue. Re- ward. AO 14. Oregonian. LOST Purple silk umbrella and rubbers I at waiting room in Meier & Frank s : please return to accommodation desk I Meier r rank s. Reward. FINDER of lady's wrist watcn with T. E. engraved on back will get $10 reward by returning it to u22 Northrup sc. Port land, or. TOPAZ brooch, setting gold with small pearls, on Milwankie St., between Powell ana Kelly, on r riuay evening; reward. 5ea Davis st. Broadway 20IU. LOST Lady's gold watch. Waltham movement, cloned face, engraved. .Find er cil u oo'!l'iw:i ,i H1; revvrrt. LOST Saturday, bottom part of gold fountain pen, at Lipman- olfe or Meier Frank. Call East 833H. Reward. LOST Purple silk umbrella on Alder st.. between Meier & r rank a and 2d Tabor 4024. Reward. LOt-T Nick el -plated cover for automo bile gasoline tanK. call Marshall o378. Lorati. Reward. LOST JAN. 14, BILL FOLDER. CON TAINING CURRENCY. 604 EILERS M I SIC BLDG. REWARD. FOUND Man who found $J0 at Port land Coke A Gas Co. office Wednesday, Jnn. 5, call Marshall 6tHU. Manager. I LOST Large yellow cat with collar on. near L'lst ana t landers. i road way u54. rtewara. LARGE reward for return of cracked handle umbrella left In Meier & Frank's rest mom. E. 14-.!t. LOST Elgin watch, silver case with silver quarter on chain; lost at Mayer s -pool hall. Call East 438S, Reward. LOST One gentleman's gray fur-lined glove near Franklin high; reward. Mar. 1no. Mr. Shaul. LOST Black fox animal scarf. Friday A. M. Reward. East 4U1U c 4410. Mr. ("ammak. - Main LOST Bunch keys In leather pocket 1 case; one Key marKed a. v. o. E. call East 1 1 13. reward. LOST Thurs.. moleskin neckpiece. Cleone sta.r halrview, or. inder pbone Mam fcJSO, Monday. Reward. LOST Necklace, antique jet and metal chain, with square locket cameo set- tin g rewaj-dJTeb?pfmneI LOST Faded blue velvet bag purse with Newcastle on l yne glasses, etc. ; 1 w a rd. Nobby Cleaners, 3."5 Salmon. LOST Friday evening. somewhere downtown districe, lady's goid wrist I watch. Elgin. Call Main 5C5S. LOST Blue silk bag containing pocket book, money, otner small articles. East f 2734. Reward. LOST Large German police dog; answers to name or Jaca. upturn to Tilla mook st., or phone East 6t0. Reward. 1 LOST Siirer mesn purse January 8 on Broadway, betwen lamhill and Stark. M0 Pittock Mock. Liberal reward. RED FOX fur lost on Morrison bridge Friday arternoon. rtewara. Address Clif ford hotel office, Mrs. Cowan. LOST A sunburst with solitaire diamond. Main 54T8. LOST Young male collie pup from 690 Canyon road. Main- JhoJ. LOST Brooch. with yellow stone setting. Wednesday evening, aasi ,-iu.j. Oreen -tilK umbrella. Call Monday, or return fll Third. LOST Six kya on phone East :45. ring; finder please J LOST Small heart-shaped Canadian goio j TO pin; reward. Main J R. LOST AND FOUND. PORTLAND Railway. Licht & Power lost articles department. First and Alder streets, Portland, Oregon. The follow- . ing articles were found on the cars ot the Portland Railway. Light A Power lo., January 14. '21: it umnrenaa. lunch boxes, 2 purses, 1 pin, 3 suitcases, 1 handbag, 5 pro. 1 sgl, gloves, 2 books. ring, fountain pen. pr. glasses. 14 pacK- ages, basket, cap. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First , ana Aiaer street station. WILL lady who called my office during my absence concerning grip lost Tues- . day evening call again? Office employes did not have full information; very anx ious to recover srriu: suitable re warn H. E. Johnson. 240 Hawthorne ave. ynone h,aat 6752. WOULD party with machine who picked up lady and eentleVftan at Broadway and Williams ave. and took them to union denot at 7 o'clock Thursday nlerht call Wood lawn 0144 if they found umbrei:a? alued as a gift. LOST Friday afternoon, bin between Stark and Ankeny, WaHhington, Ma sonic lodge folder with owner's name and identification card, receipts and money; keep money, please return the loiaer. tiast tisoa. LIBERAL REWARD to any person for In- lormation leading- to recovery or smaii species red collie bitch, answers to the name Fang; license No. 12 Ml. AuL 020-20. A dress 0030 87th St. S. E." LtWT. ON PORTLAND HEdGHTS. Will lady with green hat and scarf wno loumi my small biacK purse con taining bank book and currency please call .Marshall 2.178? LOST 1 leatner chair cushion between 1026 E. 28th St. N. and 424 Stanton Route 28th Alberta, down Union Ave. and Ivy. Finder please call Broadway a47. upward. FOUND Blue houseboat. 3 rooms, floating down Willamette slough. ' Owner inquire Harry Weston, f. o. Box b. nouie i. Linnton, Or or S. Ban station on Astoria ranroaa. LOST Monday, shopping district- small wrist watch. Elgin works, link chain at tached, engraved rim on face, plain deck with dent in the center. Phone Tabor 1673, LOST 'i:5 CURRENCY. 11:00 a. SATURDAY ON WASHINGTON ST. BETWEEN COLUMBIA BLDG. AND H I BERN 1 A BANK.; REWARD, TABOR 3lt!. SPECIAL NOTICES. I'bL SAY SO! Ij et the fellow who knows how. E nter your amounts where they belong. T hen the deductions ana statements, S chedules, depreciations and computa tions G et expert attention and wise considera tion: , do it alone, and shorten your life. INCOME TAX ADVISORY, 205 Artisan Building, Broadway 5U!4. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of P. Stein bock, bank- ruDt. Reouest for bids. I will receive staled bids for the fol lowing persona property, formerly the DroDerty of the bankrupt above named. situated at the store room formerly oc cupied by the bankrupt at 87 North Sixth street, Portland. Or., up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, Jan uary 20, 1021, at my office, 74U-747 Mor gan building, Portland, Or.: A stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting of men's furnishings, collars, socks, underwear, shirt's, shoes, gloves, pants, hats, cads. etc.. of the inventoried value of $4,003.04 Fixtures appertaining to the same of the inventoried value of 4SO.0O Total $4,540.04 The hichest bid received will be ac cepted, subject however to the approval of the court. All blda must be in writ ing, sealed and accompanied -by certi fied check for at least ten (10) per cent of tne amount oriereu. Inventory of the above property may be seen at my office, 740-747 Morgan bldg., Portland, Or., and the stock and fixtures inspected upon appointment. " R. L, SABIN. Trustee. 740-747 Morgan Bldg.. Portland. Or. WE WILL accept staled bids for stock ot hardware and fixtures approximating fon.OiH). either in bulk or in parcels. certified check of 10 per cent of amount ot bid mupt accompany ee.cn oia; ngnt it reserved to accept or reject any and ai bids. Inventory may be inspected at these offices on and after Wednesday. January 12. Bids will be closed Wednes day. January 26. The Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Association of Credit Men, 41 PHtock block. Port- land. Or. ARTESIAN WELLS Bids desired for drill ins: two wells near Seattle For informa tion write Swensson Jk Co.. 4ULI9 Arcade bldg.. Seattle. Miscellaneous. HEIRS LE VE RICH-CLA RKE In the mat ter of the estate of Delia Ann Leverich. deceased, late of the Town of Port Hope. Canada: Take notice that all persons claiming to be heirs of the said DELIA ANN LEVERICH, daughter of ELIJAH CLA RK E, late of Syracuse, New York, U. S. A., are required on or before the 28th day of January. 1021. to send, by registered post prepaid to the Local Mas- ter of the Supreme court ot Ontario, at his office in the courthouse, at Cobourg, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full par ticulars of their claims and of their re lationship to the said Delia Ann Leverich. and In default thereof they will be per emptorily excluded from all share in the estate of the eaid Delia Ann Leverich. The undersigned referee will, on Sat urday, the 20th day of January. 1020. at 11:30 o'clock in the forenoon, at his chambers at the courthouse at Cobourg. or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, hear the claims of all those alleged to be heirs of the said Delia Ann Leverich submitted to him. pur suant to this notice, and let all parties then attend. Dated this 24th day of December. 1O20. (Signed) GEO. M. ROGER. Official Referee at Cobourg, Ontario, Canada. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG , 2D FLOOR. WANTED A man of abiii.y to 11 nance and manage the manufacture and tales of a new type of electric fuse that does not have to be reloaded : if you are looking for something that will make you money in the way of a manufacturing and sales business, ' do not fall to get in touch with me. AG 354. Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed In storage with us. Phone Broadway 871.-. Security Storage & Transfer Co. 58 4th street, corner of Pine. - CASH paid for mortgages ana sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble, S16 Lumbermen bldg WOCLD like an offer on 700 shares (par value 91 ) preferred stock or Alameda Mines Co. Marsh. Bdwy. 234L WILL buy Pac. States Fire Ins. stock or Rea Ity Associates bonds; give price ami Money to Loan on Real Kutate. J00.1HM) TO LOAN in sums to suit on city suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. V 1UL1.1.M tlC-llN., 215-216 FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. - . i , r- T : ' Mo RIGA on. lAJAisa on improved farms and city property, ravoraoie repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD 309 Piatt Mdg Main 3371 MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO. 217 N W. Bank Bid-;. Mar. 4114. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. SOS SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. MONEY to loan on real estate security st g'jing rate 01 interest uuo & ttaxason Realty Co.. 413 Cham, of Com. r.00. $400, $500. $75t). $1000 AND UP 1 cw rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger- man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Min B445. PLENT V o. iiiohe lii loan oirrnt, .-a; 7vfc .t security is ample r.ai r vi :S0! Chamber of Con? . $3000 OR PART. 7 per cent, reasonable expense. tu. Aiireuaon. jiain ti, Tabor 1312. I HAVE J250.000 to lend on Portland real estAte, retail section. win mane one or tMo lean or This. rt Orpgonian, PRIVATE mortgage money, ihrough my office, title expense, ward. 41JT Spald Ing b'.dg. SEE OREGON INV MORTGAGE CQ . Cham of Com.. 4tn and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cert bid Saloman ft Co.. 307 Ky b-xen $151)0 TO LOAN on city residence. nans, n-'t vna muer oi oiiiinerce. WILL htve .jn.oii0 to loan h ovt Jn-t Will divide. ""n!T Ksst 1..114. LOAN, $1000. 7 per cent. 3 vears M. GATE WOOD & CO., 1135 4th st. ! I FINANCIAL. Co.. Money toLoai; itrui Inflate. & I WH HAVE funds on hand for large loans on central improved real estate. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY, 01 4th Street, the 1 her I RESIDENCE LOANS. 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 00 per cent value house and lot at 7 per cent. You pay of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan. you pay $10 monthly and interest; you have priv ilege of paying $lu0 or any multiple thereof raon thly, interest reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6 pr cent. Excellent repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland Mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America 1210-17 Yeon Bldg. Main 8308. I CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 60 months, or $2124 per' month for GO months or $15.17 per month for 06 months, pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amcuuts in same pro portions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 14S0. 7?c 1500 'c. On Improved Portland Real Esta te. Attractive Re-pa.yinent privileges. Immediate Action. H Eli M A N M (JELL E It. 1025 Oast-o Bldg. .Main UNO. SEE LS TODAl We :oan money on rea estate; no commission, u ana per on choice loans, long time, short time monthly payments, pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts. 2d morigasejj; libert. bonds bought. . oasco bid;;., oth au Alder. L e; ;ary-.i urton Co. MORTGAGE i.OANS. t'AKM AND C1T1 PROPERTY fl AND 7 PER CENT insIALLMc.a I U)A.a .No Commission UNION ABSTRACT CO.. JS3 4thST. HENftV BLDG $500 $1000. $1500. $2000 AND UP NO DELAY QUICK ACTION REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMP. CITY PROPERTY OR WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS F. H DESHON. 015 CHAM OF COM MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property Prompt and helpful service. Liberal re pay men privileges. Lowest rates WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO eo Fourth St.. Portland. Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance compani money to loan a lowest current rates on Willamette al ley farms; no commission, no delavs DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY 87 Sixth st.. Portland. Or A REPRESENTATIVE of an established out-of-town financial house who is now in Portland, will consider applications of established companies desiring addituma capital for expansion or development Ail replies ireatea coniiaentiai. J dtJ, Oregonian. MERITORIOUS enterprises developed and promoted, stock ami bond Issues under' written, consolidation effected, suit a ble corporations organized to meet your financial requirements. Address J 3s J, Oregonian. $300. $400. $500. $(100. $00. $1000. $120'). $iron, ooo and up, lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any in terest date. Uurdon mortgage .;o.. oji Chajn. of Com, bldg. Main 130. MONEY to loan on real e?taie, i per cent. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett MUg. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN MONEY AT 2 PER CENT ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHE3. JEWELRY. VIC- TROLA3. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYEFS HERMANN. MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. gUICK SERVICE7 YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS VICTKOLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large or your automobile or (urniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se cialty in your possession, and you can repa y us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private oriices. au dusi nets strictlv confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (LICENSED. 30R-307 Dekuin Bldg. Mars'iall 31S6. 3. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY! On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes;- weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments; each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDoRSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 218 FAILING HLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, jewelry and bonds, legal rates; ail goods held 1 year VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-116 Third St Comer Washington. Main 6641). MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $."u0 up on Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Corbett bldg Main 61)15. MONEY TO LOAN on goods placed in storage with us. We can have you money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co., 53 4th street, corner of Pine. QL'ICK money to salaried people on un secured note. Conlidential investigation. 316 Cham, of Cum, bldg. Licensed. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelry, legal rates, articles held a year: estab lished IHsh. Dan Marx & Co.. 2SH Wash. HATHAWAYLoans on pianos and furni ture; legal rates. 208 Washington bldg. I HAVE $:iO'M to loan, good security want ed. Call Main 447:1. Loans Wanted. WANT $500 ror 1 yar from private party, good security; will pay 10 and ex penses of inspection, but nothing to an ag-nt. AP 333, Oregonian. WANT loan of $2000-on 7-room house; alto $4000 on 2u-acre farm, from pri vate partyIvl3Sregfm WANT to borrow from private party $15,000 on beautiful home, conservatively valued at $40.mo. C 381, Oregonian. WANT Immediate loan of $2000 on fine . residence. Give terms, phone number and address. AO 10. Oregonian. I WILL pay Vc f i" loan of l..noi- on a prominent impr-.. I quarter block worth $50 000. R 357. : ui'Mn. WANTED $2500 on a good home in Rose Citv Park. C. -J. Johnson, 313 Henry bldg WANT Jlh.000 at tivi on improved business property. Value $."0,000. A 145, Orego-nn-'ii. WANT to borrow $5000 to $7000, giving fine city residence as securitty. Address J 3S(i, Oregoniun. WANT $3500 on first-class security '' pay big bonus. Principal only. Phone B d w y. ISPs $12,000, 7 PER CENT, on wcli 111. pi. city property, vaiue g-to.oo". r.M-r $400 WILL pay It) per cent inter.-;' gUICK loan. .Amine - n 1 ;i SEE OKE.:- .... 22 Ch.im it ri:m r '. WANT $15o0 for 1 year: national bank stock security. K iirf-?nii?m $:;.-.im) WANTED on 1 oil a ;- mar SCALi s 1;. jf mtg. n .w.t. tjregonian. WANT loan of $4000 on best built house .1 ne:l-.?'nont. Tahor 7N.M FROM private party, $5000. 3 yars 7 pe c-nt. At .security. A oregonian. $4500 ON QUARTER blojk wHh 3 houses. upper Albina; principals. East 0329. . FINANCIAL. Loan Wanted. 1.700 Portland Heichts home. $2,500 on modern Rose City Park home, $2,500 on dwelling 20th and Caruthers, 4.t.imu on i acres on h2d st. $3.5oo on Mt. Tabor home. $5.!MKI on business property, vat. $30,000. $11,000 on west side brick apartment. $13,000 on east side apartment house F. H. DESHO.N, 615 CHAMBER OF COM. BLDG. FRANK L McGL'IRE. witn his years of experience and expert knowleaire of val ties, la In a position to safeguard your every intereit in loaning your money. Hundreds of applications for .oans o fice of personal service. Let us loan your monev. See J. Loele Richardson manager of loan department. Atfingion bldg. .Mam 1003. HAVE first-class bungalow home, excellent security, for loan of $1200 at 7 per cent to run 3 years. No arents. Also want loan of $1500 on dandy good 6-room home in Punnyside, near Belmont. 7 per cent, 3 years. We can place your money on good homes. Always see us for good loans. J. A. Wlrkman Co.. 204 fatark sU Main 10!4 and 5S3. INVESTMENT. Do you want to invest $500 to $5000, absolutely safeguarded, now paying ex ceptional interest and offering you un limited possibilities? Portland bankers reierences; auauea ana supervifeu uy . state of Oregon, f 3ti. oregonian. WANT. $1200 for 1 year, secured by gllt edpe first-mortgage collateral, paying you 10, with an excellent oppor tunity to make asr. same security. Takes quick action and will stand the most rigid investigation, am, ure gonian. $10U0 WANTED from private party who is not satisfied with a small rate of interest. Can give you l0',i or better, secured by first-class mortgage. Money will be paid into a Portland bank and hand'ea by the bank. For interview addrerA AP 352, Oregonian.- REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. WHERE YOUR MONEY IS ABSOLUTE LY SAFE. $3500 Irvington, 7 per cent. $2500 Irvington. 7 per cent. $1000 Woodlawn, 7 ptr cnt. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. WANT $5000 on improved farm ana equip ment at once. Will pay good interest and expenses of inspection. If your money is not Immediately available don't answer. Principals only. AP 331, Oregonian. W 11 A V E some good real estate con tracts and 'mortgages in amounts of $500 and above. Payable in monthly installments and bearing 7 per cent in terest, which we will discount 5 per cent. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANT TO BORROW JS000 FOR A FE RIOO OF 1 TO 5 YEARS, WILL PAY 8 PER CENT. SECURED BY INSIDE BUSINESS LOT. O W X E R REU'USEI $3i,000 FOR ADJOINING LOT. BY OWNER. B 314. oKEGOXIAN. WISH to borrow $lsoo on my farm near Sandy river; highly improved. Would like to borrow dirutt irom u lender, ia 1 ill not pay an agent's commission. AN :tlH, Oregonian. $U.(MO CHATTEL mortgage for ale at liberal discount, payable in large month ly installments at 7 per cent, runs I'O months; security 1 ample and hich claps and not well indorsed. Mam 4oSS, GILT-EDGE loan on Irvington home wort h $ 7."00, want $ LVMKI, 7 ' 3 yea rs ; principals only; do not need an agent to piace sueh a fine loan. AP 33 1, OreKonian. TWO LOAN'S of $l."0o each. 7 per ceiu. : years, secured by mortgage on modern bungalows in Rood district ; Rood moral risk; no agents or co.nmiseion. Phne Main S30.S or ' WANT $l-.000 un real high-class improved Portland property valued at $4.,000. Good moral nk. Will pay 7'T RITTER, LOWE & CO.. IMM-a-.Vi Hoard of Trade Hldg. $mm0 FOR o years at 7 per cent on giit- eiige security, inis is ousiness prtperi and paying 0 per cent net on a $14,000 valuation. Address hox 4.i. Newborn, Or. FOR GILT-EiGE VA and & mortgage bonds m local concerns see Oregon in vestment fc Mortgage Co., Chamber of Commerce bldg. . MCST have loai on Rose City Park home in order to take up present mortgage for $tooo. No ftirents; will pay no com mission. AN 3 1 ."1, Oregonian. t 1 R S T MOKTG A V E2 KuK SALE O N IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY F li DESUON. I3 Cham of Com Bids l.oni? Established Rel:ahle Service W ANTE D -$ - 0 00 at S per cent on -.'14 acres of piling ana saw timber in t ow litz county, on, R. R. station. E. J, Geiser, 417 Chamber of Com. PERSONAL. WANT TO SEND FREE TO EVERY chronic pi ne smoker in the country a good big. generous Fa tuple of my pure, sun-cured, nature flavored Old Green River pipe tobacco. No money to pay. if you are a tobacco crank, ail the better. Try the pure stuff. No syrup, flavoring or dope. After you try It FREE, I'll show you how to cut your smoking bill one-half and get more pipe joy. Just send name and address, and say whether you want mild, medium or strong. PETE MGUEULY, box SU Owensnoro, Kentucky. TO THE PL'MLIC. There are thieves robbing your home: daily. Are you trying 4o prevent it? We are installing a burglar alarm system that makes It impossible for any creature to enter your home, or even grounds, without warning you first, and at the very place he la entering. We in stall in residence oniy. Best of city ref erences Shall we call at your resilience and estimate cost for you and further explain? Or you.-may write for our ref erences. Address P. O. box 473, Port land. DH. GEO. KING, DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN. Consult me on a:iy case mat seems in curable. I treat all kinds of nervous and chronic diseases, also tumors, with out knife or drugs. Keep this ad for your future use or hand it to a sick friend. One treatment will convince you. Consultation free. SOt-M Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Main 3277. Hours 1) A. M. to 6 P. M. and by appointment. PEL VET A HAXKBL'T. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stuck human hair goods: permanent and murcel waving Scalp treatment. 3 il' Alder. Main 64tf FEET S O i i E ? fee Dr. Ethel A Sac!. pediC unrig and manicuring; open eve niiitis and Sundays by appointment. Mar 3:7ti. tin.") Haieigh bldg. G II A IH'ATE chiropodist, manicurist . su perflous hair permanently removed, tace .nculp s-perial.f-t : iud.es and giiuu mer' LMl.".- Alisky bldg. od an.i .Morrison ELECTRIC CA I1N E 1 It A 1 IIS. Scien tif ic manage, J-un lamps, etc " L)r Ironside. 3oit-ll Broadway building ".--A.du:ite nurse a.ssiMant. Mam 5(i. (jM ILLil. 4 INS or ins row.ng nai.s cure;' wi-hout knife or pain, quick relief. Write K iiz e n e Eaton. d-"t Handon, Or. BRIGHT, healthy girl, 12 vears. or boy 10 may be had for adoption by respon sible uarty 1 345. Oregonian. SIjPEK b'LL'oLS hnit. moles, wans, removed by 10-ne-dles metrod ; trial free josie Fin'.ey 514 Bush & Lane bldg Main tt3'-S WANTED 125 men and women to have ham and eggs and potatoes for 25c at Cozy Uairy Lunch. (Uh and Wash sts. MADAME DIE KICK X wi.l irim your hat for 1. UW,1J me latent Paris models. Call A u.to. 5 2 2 -0 N DE LUXE MASSAGES 413 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN S3C6. SPOKANE party wants to ry?ar from Miss Laura Bejl Please write John Zooras. ;en. Del.. Portland. SULPHCR .-team batn massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment 4l'H Clay Alain Sjr,o ;o a. m to b P. m. l'OSTACE stamps lor collectors, bought and sold. Columbia Stamp Co., 14 N. loth 8 1 . Tiroa d w a y 201 0. OPALINE, for diseases of woman; positiv relief, consultation free. Mrs. Junges mi Lincoln. Main 047O. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morri.-on. HOME treatment, shampoo and facial massage- Auto. 2:;4-17. Special work Sundav and evenings. MASSAGE BATHS, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism- Di . Elna Sorensen, drug less phs-, 50S Panama bldg. Alain So.su YOUNG couple wishes to adopt baby gir! or bov. nut over it month? aid. Call Woodlawn 5!H7 after 3 P. M. NO CURE, no pay. (ailing hair, dandruff, hair grown on bald head.-; ladies or gents 314 Macleai bldg. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 5 or b appointment. Phone Main 1U41 Oi'tice 3QS-C Third st. iJ.Til'RV Lr. dairy Seiul -r, 204 AlisKy bid'-.. Tnrd :nd .Mo rison. .Ma.n 7ti. PIlOlEDA BALM, formerly called Halm of Pigs. fcG4 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings. DOESN'T Tom. DicK or Harrj pay you? See ' iereck. collections. Dekuin bldg. SL PEUi 'LL'oUS tiair removed forever by multiple-ncedie method. 504 Swetland bd PILES CAN HE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O box 1105. LIDA JACKSuN. manicuring, facial, scalp treatments. 2l'l Morrison St., room 8 HAIR switches, doll wigs, made trom combines 4i East Tenth st North KEATiiE.VT. thamnooitiK and 312 at your residence. Call Mar VI 1 -.-. E i' UA'i'IiS. mast-age. -147 Morgan bldg. Main 3U5 RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an op. ration- Free oooklet P. O. box 110.1. Wi i-L person owning auto knitter made by Auto-Kuitter Hosiery Co. call 33-21? PERSONAL. GET WELL FREE FREE FREB. Every day, from 10 A M to 8 P M. and evenings from to 8. and Sunday from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get rpllef in any other way are Invited to Investigate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curinit hundred every day THE BF;ST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis ot you- case and di rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER CHIROPRACTIC is th nf. sane, sure ind modern science ot -uring and prve.uing disease CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure 05 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the ca-is health returns. The above service is ail free to you at tne college building and may be had In private it desired PRIVATE TREATMENTS may aluo b ?ifaln ColJe building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men prac titioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COL LEGS. Corner of park and Yamhill. Tel Main 1014,. HOSPITAL in connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most reason aoie rate in order to show what Chiro practic can do. Vli. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camoufiage and adjuncts foreign to this principle only add time and iinina uiate expense to later de&pair.) Dr. AlcMahon, MacUay bldg.. Tort land, a chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 per cent chiropractlo Bpeciaiist, with highest te-stimouia.a trom patients Irom eastern states, familiar with the best; aiso from western and local patients having unfortunately had ieis than loo per cent cluropraetic else where, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fu.iy satisfied with my loo per cent chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill demonstrated in consultation, ex aminations, easy, careful adjustment, rates, and finally results. Eleventh year in this city Chronic cases, one or two. taking time, 31 adjustments, JO. Patients improving, but slowly, ex tended tune. 31 adjustments, $15. Acute cases. fever. lumbago, any doubting Thomases, etc.. leas lime, less expense. Phone, call. wire, write Main Office, 4th and Wash. New Home, C47 East Salmon St. HERE are u few of the many dineases of wn.cn i can remove tne cau.se; Nervous debility, neuralgia, paralysis, lung trou ble. rheumatiMii, sciatica, spinal menin gitis, spinal troubl-, S. Vitus' dance, fi-vers, gallstones, heart trouble, hay fe ver, insanity, indigestion, jaundice, liver trouble. la grippe. locomotor ataxia, asthma, a ppondwii ts. ling lit s disease, bladder trouble, bronchitis, bowel trou ble, constipation, catarrh, diarrhoea, dyspepMa, lumbago, headache; no drugs, no surgery. Dr. J. Mnith, I). T.. drug less physician. 1'07 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. office hours to 11 A. M., 1 to 5. 7 to 0 p. M., by appointment. I CAN PROVE that I sell my own scenarios. While I am awaiting the birth of another hig luea" let me h-dp make yours salable. It was a wipe man who said. "Genius is one-tenth inspiration and nine-ten ths perspiration. Don't consign that ie jeettd manuscript to the limbo of dis appoint, d dreams. It may l.e a dia mond in the rough; If so, i can "jazz it up" and polish It. Will also show how to PROTECT your Ideas. Positively r:ot a school, and will not handle mat. rial that dues not show promise. Adore hs 1"44 North Nuruuiudie ave., Los AiiiieU- Cal. PREVENT DISEAS': OK GUMS" Do you know that t a r tu r sculps, 1 :n -perfect fitting crowns and bruits, ovi hangiiig lii.ings. ur.iann 11,11 . a contribute U p i.rrhea j., ?4 of u.u.-. ... flummation of gums, loosen hip of t. .-t and finally logs ..f teeth? I npedaiifce : firit-cla8 dentistrv; X-rav cxn juiua 1 o. DR. A. W. K E K N v Majcstic Theater B:dg.. a.Mit aan &, MINERAL STEAM HA THS. .-cniti. mu.dRe, violet ray and electric tnrt, inents beautify the coiuideMoii uu.i huiO up the system. NEKVol'S and fllliax. JC diJ.ea-e a siiecia 1 1 y. Until vvi treated. Hours in to 0, tienitiK hv ap pointment. NETTI E HENS )N, j P Main 77M. 3ni Inkum bid. AN V READER ot this paper iu: ferine fiHun goiter (hi;- m-ch) cm get po.-itiv in formation on how to cure it at home without the it a.-t trouble or d it-corn 1 01 1 There i.s a piea.-ant surprise in More for ou il you will write; no charge whatso. ever, t- il others, it wni heip us all. Dr. Koi-h, Uux .-T;G, Milwaukee. Wis. LATHS ANL jiAdiiAtiiw. Graduate nura gives bol mnnsai-e, uteam baths, vibratory and electric massage Second f 'nor Swetland bid., room 15. Main 17l,r Open evening till 6 Phone for evening appointments Chiropractic or spinal adjustments if d aired ANNIE WASHERMAN, also known as Nel lie Wilson. .'13 .ears of uqe, dark com plexion, formerly proprietor of HotM Everett, las-t heard of in 11M8; reward given for information as to her where ahouts. Communicate with Samuel Sulea. 25 South 'lhaveJ Mount Vernon. N. V W A N T E D Hy the a i it i - Saloon J.-ague of Oregon, dejjnUe and accurate informa tion concerning moonshiner, boot h-ggers or any violators of the prohiiluinn law. A; communications tr .tied absolutely cent ideii t ial. Add rt-.s al com in uuica tions to P. O bos ,v. Port'a nd, r. IK ANYONE Kh 011 ill Know of :jie where n bouts of Mrs, J. E. Monroe, who was Mrs. Jesnie M. Itrown. please notify me, as I have good news for her and have not sevn her for eu rs. and oblige Mr I. L Itrown, 11MHJA "Gaty ave.. East St Lou s. I 1. huy yon: phonograph at hyatts. Kem ember we sell you any model of Vict rola. Edison. Columbia or Hruns w h k up to $1-5 on payments of $5 per month. Hya tt Talking Machine Co., X"0a ldcr. SATISFACTION and eye-comfort. My time is given exclusively to the examining of eye and tlu fittinK ghusnes. Reason able price liroken lenses quickly du plicated. Lr Ceo. Kubeitbtein. 2-l Mor rison st. RESPONSIBLE woman whu Im making re turn trip to New York ur Chicago noon can secure portion of expenses by car ing for 5-y ar-oid b-y on trip back to Portland. Phone Mr. Lewis. Main 7t'..tS OA LLSTO.N ES - Free hook '.c.is oi 1111 proved method 01 (rearing ml arumat i n ul Kail tnadder and bile d nets Writ today Dr Caddo. k. box inJoi. Kansas City. Mo. $?$$ FOR IDEAS -Photoplay plots ac cept! d, any form ; r vised. pul'islied. copyrighted, .old. A d vice tree. I'm ver bal Scenario Corp.. 15! Western Mutual LiTe bldg.. Los Angeles. CHIKOl'ltACTiO, (ilUKless, bath. electric" violet -ray, etc. ; 3i ion-hour niirli t course, $20 month; mail course $10 in. nth, $120; residence course to complete, $i'3o. p. O. box 4H2, Portland. ARE YtU SICK ? I'ome to 7o0 iK'kuni bldg. for free exaiiiina ton, consultation and spinal diagnosis. MRS. RAKER OLSEV ALL the latest renieds o(i at Uie Clem en son Drui? Co.. 2110 Morrison St., St. Charles hotel corner At tli; dm 'tors you gel just what ou c.iil for We have no suhstitutes. CHIROPRACTIC, drutrless. baths, electric. violet-ray. etc ; 3C.uo.hour nl-itit conr--, $20 month; mail (ours $10 umnlh. f!20; residem-e course to complete, $2;i0. P. O. Hox 4'!2, Port : a nd. W AN'fED U ide-auake de tiion.-! ra t : K and corsetiers. Splendid Income on llie side, takin occasional add 1 se.-. Write Ad vertiser, suite D-M, 103.J Holystor ave., Seattle, Wash. IF VOL' are tired and nervous you can rejuvenate our nervoun center- and poor circulation by hav n a scb-ntif.c body masa.i Dr. C til in La rsvn. for- merl0Ci Morgan b!d. MMn IH'.ci. VVlilTE fonA. poem, ;(im . niotiu 1. hi m-, comic or an? subject. I com;).- - nit.c and guarantee publication. Send w..r i Ed war d Trent, 7i2 L aper b'ock. Chi- ca?o. CHIROPRACTIC arid other druj-.er-s meth ods, 3l"0-hour course tti,titn. ro:n board, laundry, honi-is, d p!ona. cash, I2-J0 three moiiins $2t:f s.x month p. ij. IU.X 4'2, Port in nil TA K A It A ANTISEPTIC PC V.' I KR is , clCHnMinB, hen ling Kermicule nnd in. : -orating douche, a nrv.it aid in f-in;i: diNorders, f0c and $1 per r.. ('..,-tiami Hotel Pharmacy $1 i.ETS botli feel tixtd up at iTr EaVorT--the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST who doesn't hurt you. ; yrs here, exam iree. tilobe bldg.. Uth and Uahlngtor. Broadway 2MI I. DH. ETHEL A. OlilPKlTil. D i'. EKpcrt masseuse, steam bath.-, vi bra lion, facia and scalp treat me 11 i s. Lad ies patronatje preti terreu. -111-iia swet;ana bldg. GOITRE and enlarged glands. Cure your self at home. Unique Process., reliable references. David M. Kahner, Fuccebor to A. U. Htrachan. .M7 Cham, of Com. VIT-O-NET sweat baths for colds; violet ray treatments for neurit i.-; ; bod v map sane; 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. dully. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7..70. ToliACCO or snuft habit cureu or no pa $1 If cured Kemcdj sent on tria. .l. perba Co. W. 314. Baltimore, Md. WILL Mrs. Zlna Maxwell communloHf with L. Morrison at once? Have some thing to your iute.rc.st. 573 E. Salmon.