7 SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 1G, 1921 the ; ; " " I sfii fstitf " I wfm, fstatb. keal estate. .1. "Ei'Iil'-i - RFAt KST.VTK. BKAL ESTATE. EEMiKTATE. BE.,ESTATR Kii55Si: ' ruTEaie-Hou,.,,. For S,.,-!. . h'ur ule llunMM. IXIIEKE 13 A MANSION WITH A THOUSAND DELIGHTS. Only the discriminating and critical will fully appreciate this wonder-home In Irving'on s best district. lOoxloO corner. THE HuME-yU rooms, with predominating finishing details of Cir cassian v. alnut and oak, ma kin g a nijirvplnu fr'ect of harmunv and beauty. Porcelain bath" fixtures. Dlaie glass. vacuum svttem. hot water heat, two f Iri-n.jirps and rarnte tome of essen tial features. T e take the same pride in shown. g this home as an artist would in dip:a ing his masterpiece. Call Main 511-i fur appointment, or evenings Au;o. 322-IX tJLy tern. a aau euur moiiAly und-rprlr.-d at $15.tH"t. O. H. rftvuTHEIM C'u.M fAN Y, 332-333 Hallway Exehan ge bldg. DKKVM & JORDAN. WALNUT PARK. HOME. S.ViiML Povcn rooms and sleeping porch, buneaiow; splendid location, n paved street, improvements paid for; first floor haw reception hall, living room, lininr room. bedroom and kitchen ; second f.oor has it bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath room; full cement base ment, wa.ih tray a, furnace anil two toilets. Will take $2500 in each, bal ance can bw paid in yearly payments. 1hia is a bargain, fere it. DUKLM A JORDAN, 323-4 Chtmner of Commerce bide Fourth and Stark. Main 2-33. $0750. IRVINGTuN FLATS. Upper flat. 6 room. Lower fiat. 5 rooms. 2 furnaces, 2 nets plumbing, hardwood floors, modern in every way. Corner lot, with hard surface afreets, all paid. Pandy to 2 enr line. $3700 cash, balance G per cent. Aii exceptional') good TnvestmeoL SALOilON dc CO., Established 1S.$. 3"T Railway Exchange BWg. EAST 7th st. North, 5 rooms, 3 lots, on corner; fine bearing orchard, beat of soil; 3 blocks to street car; a, line home. Price $45oo. terms. A .W. LAMBERT & SON, 120 Grand" Avenue, KiLSt O40. ;40oO WONDERFUL BUNGALOW, CLOSE J., LIKK N.W A.NU I Jj.-m.-jjl. 1V.HLI., HAS FI REPLACE SLPG PCU., -l"1;0.1 KITCHEN. FULL RAS'T EN AM PLLMLUNG: 1 BED CHAMBER DOW N STAIKS: THIS PLA'"E WOULD COST 55mi TO DCI'LiCA TE; COR. LOT: $Ih5 CAH; NEAR 32I AND L'l . Itlo.V MAIN 4So3. G. C. GOLDEXBERG. Abinrtnn Bid. Vrs. in Portland. i'J ROOMS INCLUDING (.LASS EN'CLObLU About 2 blocks from Union avenue In the Piedmont district: lms hardwood floors, plate gasa windows, fireplace, tint u.nti hont find a number of buUt-in features, lot box 122. garage, several hearing fruit and nut trees. Price $3000 cash, balance easy terms. BRuWX & GRANT. ?m-2 Fent.-n hldtf. IMw-y. fcifLKNilD MDERN HDIMS J TV 1 1 A IVTHi i R V I TTR1CT. Full lot. Improvements in ana paia, tip-to-date 7-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, garage, etc. It la a splendid well-kept property; owners moving out tf city, desire to sell at once. Price Sj.aO. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 'ith rt. Broadway 4381, KOSE CITY ECNGALOW. 5 rooiud, modern in every raspect. t tractiveiy designed. breakfast nook, bullet, firepiac, full-siztd basement, fur nane heat, double constructed, on paved street, near carline. Good community. Price $uAA, JUuu cash, balance like ri"Dt JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. m 1S V. W. Rink b!dir. Main 377. Buys a modern, new, 4-room bunga low in north Piedmont district; a beau tiful iitt.e home, r.'ady to move into; real barpain at jIHH, cash, bal. JJu and int. per month. A. Gordon Koss. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4751. IXIEDIATE POSSESION 1RVINGTON, K-room house in Heart or lrvinaum. large sleeping porch and very large ltv- Jng rooms, hardwood floors, iurnace anu to fireplaces, garage; owner must leave city and has reduced price from $7&K to $70(d; was a bargain at former price mri n excellent one at $7000. HENRY W. CUDDARD. 2L'i Stark Pt. l iiAVE a Kood C-room J-story house on corner loi, run oaaniieiii, u veniences, garage, street improvements Jn and paid, at boS Minnesota ave. Price -r0t. can arrange terms. George y. Crow, 7l3 lii MissLs.-ippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 1-Oi or residence, Woodlawa ONLY $l-"0 DOWN. HALF ACRE NICE LITTLE HOMB. TWO BLOCKS OF CAR. Plastered, eiectrieity, water, gas, two snlendid chicken liouses.land ail in cul tivation. small fruit trees, berries; might accept clear lot as first payment. M I I m - W A ' i O N K K CO.. y A UV,ft. c a"- LAR(;E MODERN 8-rm. bungalow with every convenience, in cnoice resiaencta feci ion; hard-surface street, on exceed ingly low terms: to be sold within the tiext ten days. Owner-leaving the city. This home must be investigated to be appreciated. For particulars call at 404 IMntt lildg., l-T I'arK st. ClilCKENS, BERRIES AND FRUIT. . down, U.ou ninuiiy uuj s o p!fnd!d tract of 2.47 acres, located 1 -i m;Us from Portland city limits; splen did cre-k. some bottom land; totat price LVVk Fred'W. German Co., 7 Cham CLOSE IN $4750. God substantial 7-room home in Hol lad.kv's Add., convenient to Bdwy. and O.-W. Ily. bridges: lot 33x100; a good tuy at our prio. Full particulars apply A, IL BIRRELL-GILL CO., r Iff N. W. Ha nk btdg. Marshall 4114. , ROSE CITS' PARK. B-morft bungalow, modern In eerry detail, Pullman breakfast room, hard wood floors, old ivory finish, full con crete basement, large attic, close to Roe Citv canine: terms. 4t tat -i-a si. -rv FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow, fuli pasment, iurnace, wasn ir., lainv front porch, 40 feet frrgi Albert car; this Is a bargain; only f2r00. $500 down, tenrfe on baianre. 1007 E. 20th fit. North. Phone East 8U0. LAURELHUKST. Hefnre you buy your new home, see 2i Hazel Fern place, ahe smartest planned and most elegantly finished bungalow in the city. Owner and builder will show you. BETTER, CHEAPER. EASIER. To you want an opportunity to get home on easier terms and lower cost than offered anywhere else? Writ us. E o 9. O re gonian. FOR SALE by owner, fine modern Roso 1 ity bungalow, o laree rooms, narowuou fifutn. furnace. fireplace. linoleum. I, shades, shower bath; lioO will handlo. fcL'NNYMDE special bargain, $:i500. t220 down, very gooa, moaern. i-room nouse, lot 4SxlO0, cloe In; this Is a chance buy and worth much more. H. 1L Staub. 3027 Belmont. Tabor 219 k.FTEil you have looked at them all, call Tabor Wl-"3 for appointment; 6-room modern home and cement garage; $AuoQ for quick sale. Hawthorne district. OwTtr. No agf-nt. i JJiM.O BUYS 5-room beautiful- bungalow then see George F. Crow, 7h3 Missis sippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 1201 or ;!dpnce, vtonniawn llooo. EASY terms." Completely furnished H-room cottage, corner lot COxlOO, fruit nd bArrfes. Hawthorne ave.. near ft-d 3 st. INTERSTATE LAND CO. llain 5429. 24S Stark St. ' VACANT 5-room modern cottage, hot wa tT hat, full lot, improvements paid, lose in on 2th: $3500, $rn)0 cash, $30 j.r moaih. lnte --state Land Co. Main 5 420. fult SALE Modern 4-routn conage, luO feet square, friT.t and berries, cnlckcn tun; just Inside city limits. 2224 E. Afeh st Tabor 2U61. FOR SALE Built for a home, must sell, upw, mMlern 5-room bunpalow, parage, 2:i E. 83d at., Hawthorne. Come Sunday P. M., owner will be there. WILL exchange good lot in Medford, Ore gon, for automobile fn giod condltluh. What have you? Mam 6244.- Monday, l o 1 m es. 7-ROOM house with sleeping porch, qaM ntt kitchen, full-siae basement, lot 50 bv 100, street improvemems paid for. Write or call 200 Church st. 6-KOGM hoxise, fuil-ize basement, pavtd street, sewer, near car; if you want a home, make an oiler; am moving. Owner. T p rir. s 3' Maiden ave. Sen wood car. FOR SALE 8 roouia, Urepiuee. splendid home; lOx2X). tan, fruit, chicken park, garase; $5500; small payment d-own Ciisv terrn. Owner Taor i-P.OOM, new, mouein Rose- City Park, hard surface, moving to California, sac rifice, $5000. Call for owner? Tabor Mil. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room house, strict ly modern: furnace, paved street p,id. Bargain. a: . --m ei. faUNNJSlDE 5-rom house, corner, com pelled to sell, $2o50. Call for owner, 1 3""r , 7V iUKBOAT, mostly furnished. In good Lcon d i t i on, 4 rms.. 2 beds. Aut, 23-37. A-ROOM house. 8SS East 29th and Ankeny . , . Dvnr Kat 8.1(1. cttnnySIDE Owner tt-roora house, soma tm 1 orfi F Salmon. 6-ROOM rottasre, t0xll5, 2 bika. to tar; only $1400. Phone Mar. 4114, I I nr Kn limit- KoP Snip Ilonse. - f 1 "r -ui- I ,.- I ; 1 I J. A. WICKMAN CO. Tears of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, famil iarity with Values and a snlendid or ganization enable u to give you the maximum service In HOME BUYING. SEE OUR PHOTOS. SALE St M EN with autos at your serv ice at ail times. - ROSE CITY PARK. $4250 Dandy bungalow home o 5 rooms ant bth, large attic, built-lns, fireplace, , garage; terms. $3300 This Is near the Rose City car; 6 nice rooms,-bath, gas heat, ce ment basement, wash trays, new ly painted and in fine shape; easy terms. I $6100 buys an attractive bungalow home of 5 rooms and bath, dandy fine attic, furnace, fireplace, nice built-lns, fine hardwood floors. garage; close to school ana car $2000 cash. $6000 Let us t show you this attractive bungalo'w home of 5 rooms and bath, with full floored piaster! at tic. hardwood floors, out ret, Dutch kitchen, flrenlare: maple floors In bedrooiri., which are exceptionally large; 2wi ca--n will handle; garage, -Vi block to car: street imDrovements paid. We have a large number of homes in this district. ALBERTA DISTRICT. $2C50 buys 7-room home, close In on Vernon ave. ; macadam street, cement basement, laundry trays, 1 bedroom first floor, 3 up; easy terms. J2S00 5 rooms and sleeping porch on corner lot; bullt-ins; only 5 years old; must be sold, no reasonable offer refused; terms. HOT.T. A T A Y TR VTNGTON. $5750 This home has been substantially reduced in price; corner, 6 rooms and den, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays. Let us show you. VACANT MOVE R TO TIT IH. $3550 You should see this fine bunga low hom, 6 rooms and bath, large light fl-vred attic, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays; $500 cash. ONLY $2SO CASH DOWN. $2750 Near J'-fferson High; 5 rooms ; "d bath, in perfect condition ; fuil basement; street Improve ments fn and paid; near Missls-sippi-ave. car. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW7 HOME. $4250 Hawthorne's bigg1 home bar gain; 5 rooms and music room, all on 1 floor; fireplace, 'buffet. Dutch kitchen,' hardwood floors, a large floored attic, full cement basement, wash trays, parage ; street linpts. all In and paid. ANOTHER HAWTHORNE BtrNO AL'OW. $3950 THIS DEFIES COMPETITION at the price. Just think! 5 rooms and bath down, 1 and 'sleeping porch up. with attic room for storage; fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash trays and a good furnace all for $3'.50. Look the paper over; you will find nothing like it for the money; requires $2000 cash. NEW. NEW. NEW. NEV. Are you considering buying a new home-? See our new-hqme department. We are a cents for several of Portland's best builders, and can show you some wonderfully good values in a new home. REMEMBER If you own & lot we can build for you; easy terms. TRVTNGTON PARK BTTNGALOW. $4250 buys new home of 4 rooms and bath down. 2 rooms up; hard wood floors, fireplace, bullt-ins, Dutch kitchen, furnace, garage, lt0xJ00. with alley; terms can be arranged. Call and Inspect our photos, tell os frankly the kind of a home you wish to buy and how much you are willing to pay and we will snd you out with a salesman, a man who specializes In just the class of home you wtsh and who knows most of the, houses, the kind that you desire, that are for sale. It will place you ABSOLUTELY under no ob ligations. J. A WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 264 Ptark st. Main 1094 and BS3. Sunday call Automatic 324-14. MADDOX & BURCH. -Automatic 520-19. $2100 with $700 down buy 0-room house in Brooklvrt. full basement. $:t500 with $500 down buys 8 -room House, paved street, on Minnesota ave. $4200 with $looo down buys 5-room bungalow, full basement, concrete ga rage. Alberta. $3200 with $1200 down buys 7-room modern house on West Sumner st. $3400 with $Gio down buys 6-room house, large chicken house, garage, on Iloiman st. $3400 with $1500 down hnvn 5-room house, just refinished, and $S0O worth of new fnrniture goes with bouse, on Commercial st. $2500 with $500 down buys 5-room one-story house, close In on 15th st. We have good buys In all parts of the city. Opn Sundays. MADDOX & BURCH, 315 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. . , Owner leaving; for California, must sell quick ; very attractive ft-room bungalow, has hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet. Dutch kitchen, fine furnace,' ' full basement, attic, garage: this bungalow la below the hill In ft very choicest part of th!s choice residence district; price JOOOO. easy . term a Gas range, draperies and garden Implements are Included In this price. For further particu lars call WOODLAWN 4468. , FURNISHED HOME SNAP. - Quick sale required. Neat little 5-room 2-story house furnished neatly, ready for housekeeping, located clo.se in on good car line; it has new modern bath, toilet and electric lighta, all city im provements in and paid. Only $2450 for complete layout; $00 cash, balance like rent; immed iate possession. Do not hesitate, come right in and see E. W. HUGHES, SO 7 Journal bldg. Main 358. 12500 FrTE-ROOM house and ono acre of ground, fruit, fine gar den, close to school and Port land, on good hard road; this place Is Ciose In on went side, and can be had on reasonable terms. ' WAKEFIELD. FRTES ft CO., 65 Fourth Street. LET US SHOW YOU. $5750 Rose City Park, lovely R-room bungalow, all In white enamel, hardwood flonrs, beautiful fireplace Iwlth book cases, large buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, 50x100, cor. lot. located on 4tth st., below the hill; terms, can be bought furnished. $1SOO 7-room plastered house with bath and toilet, 15x100 lot; best buy In the cltv. See this. REVERM AN INVESTMENT CO., 210 Lewis BKig. Broadway C!)M. SNAP. S750. Two ft-room houses in fine condition, modern improvements, on 50-foot lo, west side: will sell one or both. K Schwab. H North, Fifth st. NEW BUNGALOW ST.K) CASH. Beautiful California bungalow, a real home; lota of built-ins: 4 blocks to car line; will suit the most exacting. Be sure to see it. Price 31fi0. R. H. CONFREY.. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I IRVINGTON. New. modern. 7-room bungalow, a large living room, 4 large bedrooms, tile bath and shower. hardwood floors throughout, best of electric fixtures: built by day labor: opened all day. 682 E 25th N. A. C. Malmqulst, owner and builder. East 22. MAPLE STREET S7000, Beautiful 6-room residence,, large sleeping porch, hdw. floors, furnace and firep'.ace; good garage: house newly decorated and painted; plenty ot fruit, large lot HENRY Vji GODDARD. 243 Stark ,-ROOll modern cottage bungalow, Jihjii. ilcFARLA.NL. Failing Bids. Alain 3 (Hi. RALPH HARRIS CX, 816 Chamber of Commerce. Mais 5024. YOU WILL KNOW -AT A GLANCE that this is a real bar- gain; 7-room bungalow on paved street, for S10i cash down; total pri-.e ony JfiiS.IO: has nice larg-e rooms, full cement basement; two bed rooms on first floor. Call us early Monday. GARDEN TIME IS NEARLY HERE : see this fine 100x100 with fine fruit trees and 7-room house; price oniy $2100 with $200 cash. ANOTHER BIG GARDEN; lot' 100x115 with fine fruit trees and -terries, Just a few feet from pave- men t ; 5-room good house; price $2500, $400 cash. A DEAR LITTLE BUNGALOW of four rooms and den, with dainty Dutch kitchen. street paved, just an ideal little place; price $225 with good terms. AT OSWEGO A lovely little home of four rooms with fine lot 5oxl20; a regular beauty spot In the summertime. This if worth -Investigating. Price only $1500, with excellent terms. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. ty.0 Chamber of Commerce. . ' Main 5624. Residence phone Oswego 6S4. ONE OF IRVIVGTON'S CHOICEST HOMES. Ocrunvinir a beautifully parked cor. IfWWinil ttP t In heart of Irvington, strictly modern colonial building of 12 rooms; first floor has large living room. 40x13, finished In quarter-sawed oak with fireplace, large central hallway, wide stairway divided at landing, dining room 1ST 25 feet, Itnisnea in manosauy vArf hiint.fn convenience, sunny break fast room, music room opening Into liv ing and- music rooms, moaern aneiiou with built-in refrigerator, etc.; seconu finnr a iflrtft corner bedrooms, each with a private tiled bath, large cedar closets, central hallway, smooking and lounging room, and an attractive sew ing room, basement nas large recreanun and billiard room with - lavatory, etc.: a modern laundry, hot-water heating plant and vacuum cleaning system. mrH fimf wlfh com Diet e 2-room apartment with hath for chauffeur or servants: included are new awnings for all windows, stair ana ra;i carpeia, draperies and hangings are included with this magnificent home. For price and terms see RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. &0xl00 LOT." This co!v, new, modern 5-room bungalow will appeal to you with Its built-lns and special features; double constructed throughout end built by one of the city's best builders; hardwood floors in living and dining rooms, fireplace, buf fet. Dutch, kitchen, with break fast nook, tiled bathroom, ex pensive plumbin. cement base ment; price $4300, easy terms. J. A.'HTJEBEI.L. 10S9 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S0JL "Stucco Office." 91175 3 rooms and pantry, porches, hot-water tank, lot 0,Sxl45. fruit trees, near .Woodstock car and school; terms, tirwv- -rnom house and eraraee. ce ment walk. COth, near Poweil street, and good school; terms. x?7rui .-room nTnstered house. com plete plumbin?. large lot, outefde city limits, W'oodstock; this is an excellent ouy ior someone; Rood neighborhood: terms, bven Logs and Sundays, Sellwood l'Jtio. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Broadway 5173. C24 Henry Bids. FOR SALE. Broadway, N, W. cor. of B. 17th st. N. the heart of Irvington; modern 7-rm. house and coraer lot..,.) Inside lot 8,500 3.U00 Total $11,500 Terms, cash, bal. monthly payments. R. J. O'NETL, 717 Board of Trade Bids. FIVE-ROOM bungalow and acre of ground on Oregon City car line, and one of the prettiest places to be found anywhere electric lights, running water, all built-ins, fireplace and fur nace, cement basement, garage; lots of fruit and nice garden, WAKEFIELD, FRIES ft CO., fe5 Fourth Street. MULTNOMAH PROPERTY Is our specialty. We handle everything in building sites, business sites and homes. On Sundays tall Mr. Newman at Multnomah, Main 072, and make date with him to be shown the property, un weeauays can onr office at 4i4 Piatt bids.. Main 8S0. We are here to serve you. Let us take you out in our machine and show Nyou the most beautiful residence suburb WU IUB Tt sol otut;. BEX KIESL.AVD, Denier In Multnomah Property Exclusively. AM LEAVING CITY AND MUST SELL my attractive-, new, 5-room bungalow .at 5rtl Shaver Btreet: beautiful corner lot, botli streets aved and all paid; house has nice bullt-ins. two bedrooms with bath be'tween: closed to ffrad and Catholic schools: two blocks from Irv Inuton car. Pries $325t. Will accept $360 cash. Se this today. ONLY $:UK CASH 6-RM. MODERN HOME, GARAGE. lOHt EAST YAMHILL. NEAR SaTil. CONVENIENT TO AND SUITABLE FOR MERCHANT OR BUSINESS MAN IN SUNNYSIDE. VACANT NOW. G. C. GOLDEBERG, AMnirton Bids. Main ' $2.V)0 BARGAIN. House on fractional lot. In every way desirable, south of Grant st., west ot 3d sL K. Schwab, SI West 0th st. WELL-FURNISHED 3-room cottage and bath., newly decorated, new plumbing, gas Ad electricity, small basement, lot 2."x100. garden and fruit trees, 1 blk. from 4 lines of cars; cheap; small pay ment down, balance like rent; all as sessments paid. Owner. S40 Grand ave. North. . WEST SIDE. Two stories and attic. 8-room house on Overton street: furnace, fireplace, bullt-ins, full basement, garage; could be changed to two flats at small expense. J7IKI0, terms. Hardwick, with FRANK McCRlLLlS, Financial Agent, S2I Henry Bldg. Broadway 779. PP.ETTY AND CONVENTEKT HOME on paved street, with full cement base ment and good furnace; biHH-ins, daint ily papered and decorated: 5 rooms and den; price $JIO and all assessments taid. Good terms. Call today If you want a first-c!ts s home. Wtfodlawn 50KIV FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SALE. 6-room, house, in fine repair, good plumbing, gas, electric light, full base menL built-in features; price $33o0, fur niture J500: $S00 down, balance to suit. ' Clinton st. at 30th. East 21X7, owner. LOVELY BUNGALOW OF 4 ROOMS AND DEN Pretty Dutch kitchen, two large bedrooms bjiA large living room; the street Is paved and all improvemepts paid; we will sell for $2S25 with terms. Call Main 5024. 11 to 2. : INCOME PROPERTY. Two 6-room houses on one lot, one block from Laureihurst; live in one and rent the other for $25 per month. We will sacrifice for $3150 cash. . HERY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER. 10-room modern residence, 21et and "Washington, west side, lot alone worth . $15,000: total price, $10,500, terms. Mr. Smth. Main 3854. Need money. yit.no YOUR lot and $500 cash as first payment on two small houses on one lot. Hi, good district, now 1 rented for $30 a month. P. Pearson, K. No. L box 560. 6 ROOMS AND SLEWING PORCH, HOSE CITY. $4!50. TERMS SAME AS RENT. NO AGENTS. AUTOMATIC BiS-BO. 5-ROOM modern house, $1350. $400 cash. $J5 a month, 6 per cent. 6402 S9ta st. Southeast. IN IRVINGTON 75-loot lot, six-room strictly modern house: large living room,, two nrepiaces. Inquire owner. East 50. $050, $200 DOWN, $12.50 month,- buys 3 room house, lot 5'lxloO, fruit and ber res: 1025 East 3i'th st. 9. E. XEW BUNGALOW IN LAURELHUKST. BARGAIN. SH350. NO AGENTS. 'AU TOMATIC 328-51', HOME bargain, C-room house, doss, in, sast side, walking distance; owner needs c a s h. L. J. Lamb. 005 Corbett bldg. 4-ROOM HOUSE, two fine lots, $S30. alain 3072. ilcFARL-AND, Falling Bids. N ROOMS $500 CASH. 3 blocks from carline. close In; price $2700. 4 ROOMS $750 CASH. Dandy little house on paved street for $1500. 4 ROOMS $G50 CASH. In the best of condition: good plumbing: just been refinished in side; very attractive; $20oo. ' 'NEAR COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. 6-room house, lot. $3000. 5 ROOMS $1000 CASH. House modern and in splendid condition: large, beautiful grounds with lots of fruit; on carline; price $3000. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Modern, as good as new; paved street; $2000. SELLWOOD. 6-room modern home. In good repair: paved street; 3 blocks from carline: $3050. 2 ROOMS 504;ASH. Large lot. fruit and berries; price $1000. , NEAR CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL. Substantial, well-constructed, at tractive 8-roora house with large rooms and plenty of closets, splen didly lighted -and ventilated, cheerful fireplace, sidewalks and paved streets: 3 blocks from car. $4000; good terms. WE WRTTE ALL KINDS OF , INSURANCE. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER. LQVVB. & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bide. LADD ADDITION H01IE. . $6500. This well-keot home Is only one- lalf block from Haji'thorne. on lot . 40x11:5, pavea aiiey at oac. nice iarsre light rooms, fireplace. all furnace, al carpets, $170 auto matic F.uud hot water neater, wood and gas range is included in Lrice; owner Is anxious to sell, et us show you. Any reasonabie offer will be seriously considered, J. A. HUB E ELL. " 1059 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S92. -'Stucco Office." CHEAPER THAN KENT. Best buy in the city for $3000, only $700 cash and $30 a month, fuH 50x100 lot, concrete retaining wall and side walk, seven big rooms, basement, com plete plumbing ; recently decorated, ready to live In; close to car, grade and high schooL I am offered $35 a month rent, butjmist selL .,wner on premises today from 10 until 2. No. 055 Minne sota ave., corner Prescott. I SMALL HOUSE AND 3 LOTS. Located at No. 015 Prescott st. will be found this neat little house with modern conveniences and 3 extra good lota, includnig fruit, berries, grapes, etc., and extra good garden. Owner has Instructed- me to cut the price and tell the property, and if you are Interested in. good email, attractive proposition at right price and easy .terms see this at once. Good car service. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank: Bldg. EAST BIDS HOMES. Two, six rooms each, fall base ment, cement floors, bath and electric lights, close in on East 11th street, nice walking distance; we have orders to sell for $2-ooO each for a quick sa le and they are certainly worth the money. WAKEFIELD, FRTES & CO S5 Fourth Street. IRVINGTON HOilE. This Is a modern 8-room residence, iriTA llvfni? and dinintr room, hard wood floors, attractive built-in buffet, bookcases, etc,, fireplace, 4 corner bed rooms, sleeping porch, old ivory finish throughout, full concrete Dasement, ga race. on 50x115 lot. sunny west front; $::io0, .at 0 per cent, good terms; price RICHARD W. MAST, n RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD HOME. CLOSR IN, CHEAP. Right here In walking distance we have a splendid 6-room house with Kioonin? mm'h full cement basement, furnace heat, laundry- trays, Dutch kitchen, modern bath, light and gas, oaved street, city sewer, all liens paid. handy to school, stores and ail other conveniences and a real pickup for $4000, $1000 cash, balnnce easily arranged. See E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal B!dg Main 2858. fftnon TrtVTXGTON BUNGALOW. CLOSE IN, 7 ROOMS, HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE. DUTCH KITCH EN, BUFFET, BOOKCASES. FULL BAP EM E N T, FURNACE, HIGH -CLA S S DISTRICT; TERMS. CLEVELAND, MAIN 0CS7. 3uti BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. 1 . SELLWOOD, $2300, $s30'cash. balance $10 and Interest per monin ii aesirea, moa ern double-constructed bungalow, 50x 100 lot, large kitchen, white enamel plumbing, gas, electricity, cement foun dation, basement, 1 year's supply of fuel, including 2 tons briquets; not an old house, but a good, clean home for small family. Sell 3574. 1031 East 8th Bt South. STRICTLY MODERN ROSE CTTT 6-ROOiI BUNGALOW, Corner lot, $5050, furnished or unfurnished ; immediate posses sion. 553 E. 4dth N. Owner. THIS home is located 90 feet from pave ment: has line iuuxii.- lot witn excei Jent fruit trees and lots of berries; the house is verj comfortable, bas five rooms and bath, chicken house and run; price $J500, with $400 cash. Phone Main 11 to 2. . FOR QUICK SALE. 7-room house, modern, double garage, near car line white enamel interior fin iuh; $:SJ0 $16u0 handles, balance $25 & month. A. J. DeFOREST A CO.,., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway firo. ALEERTA, half block from car line, J modern nome, story ana mwi, a rooms and bath downstairs. 2 rooms and large hall upstairs, lot and a half, fruit trees, basement, $3500, only $1450 down, bal ance $50 a month. Phone owner, Wdln. 4 r. as, . FOR SALE BY OWNER, $3500. Furnished 6-room bungalow complete; piano, elec;, gas; close in, one block to car.-school; all assessments paid; hard surface street; immediate possesion, $ HiOQ will handle this. tidO Fargo st. UP-TO-DATE S-HOOM BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFULLY SI rUATaU ON W 11 LAMETTE HEIGHTS, 3 LOTS, FINE GARAGE, READY TO OCCUPY. WITH PHONE, GAS. ELECTRICITY. PHONE MARSHALL 1684. MRS. BERRY ROSE CITY PARK HOME $0500. . 53A near Sandy blvd. Up-to-date mod ern 6-room bungalow, two fireplaces, white enamel finish, large and small fruits. HENRY W. GODDARD. 2J3 Stark St. BEAT THE HIGH RENT. Make your rent money buy a home; I show you how to get comfortable home atlow' cost; easy payments. S 363. Ore- gor.ian. 1500, EAST SIDE, 2 flats, 5 rooms each, lot 80x100 to alley. 3 blocks to car, live In one and rent the other; out-of-town owner wants' quick sale; $500 down. O. Y. EDWARDS & CO.. 610 Henry bldg. SUNNYS'IDE, close to Belmont. $4750, with $1500 down, very gooa moaern. t-room house, hardwood floors, garage, corner, 5OX100. H. H. Staub, 102.7 Belmont. Tabor 219, ' -ROOM bungalow on paved street, only $2S"i0, with 100 cash, two Dearooms downstairs: full basement; close to Jef ferson high; the biggest snap in Port land Phone Main 5624, 11 to 2. ROOM house, modern, wash trays, wood lift, corner location, Sunnyside, $2400, part cash; can arrange terms; 1 block to car. E 318. Oregonian. . ROOM modern house and garage, on E. 27th st., cor. lot. OoxlOO, Imp. all in, 1 blk. to- car, 2 blks. to school and gro-. cerv. Call owner, Sellwood 1031. ROOM house, m acres, ideal for chicken ranch, price suuu, ju casn, oaiance to suit you. L. J. LAMB, 005 Corbett bldg. LAURELHUKST, 0 rooms, modern, hard surface, one oiock to enr, near j.a.urei hurst ave. Call East 7504. WILLIAMS AVE., - 2 five-room cottages. $54.00, yJV-'U down, owner, iast 1 1--, HERE'S SOMETHLXG NEW. It Is with a sense of utter satia . faction and happiness that you start life In a N EV HOMtf. No ' ""skeletons in your closet'-'! Every thing just as you want it! DaUMy, fresh, delightful; And so cozy and substantial are these "New" ofter Ingra from our New Home depart ment. These bungalows range from' JJ15U tO $57 jO CUXXIXG COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. $3150 FORCED SALJ! $00 down! NEW, vacant. Immediate pos session ! 4 -room bungalow, built-ins, garage. Highland ave. ALBERTA'S NEWEST! Vacant! $3CS0 EVER SO INVITING! Clever new ALbERTA! Combination . living and dining room; lire place, 'bookcases, white Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. Killings worth ave. Terms. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. $4150- THE $750 down will go far toward helping you realize . your cherished ambition! Don't wait! yOU WON'T HAVE AN i" SPRING HOOSE CLEAN1NG TO DO HERE! It's so epick and span! 5-rooma- with hardwood iioors, built-ins. E. 74th. ! ross err ! $5500 Artistic, new, vacant, ready-to-be-loved ROSE CITY; 5 . rooms; every modern built in labor-saving convenience; fireplace, PI PEL ESS FUR- . NACE ! Terms. E. 57th sU- N - ! IRVINGTON I $5900 5-rdom lovely ultra modern -Irvington bungalow; hard - wood floors.' Ivory finish, tap estry paper, fireplace, fur ' nace massive buitt-in. ga rage; double constructed. "Weldler at. Terms. "" PIEDMONT, JEFFERSON HIGH, $G5G0 HAPPINESS was put in the cornerstone of this newest sunny Piedmont bungalow. Loving hearts and willing fingers will convert It into 7 rooms of Paradise! Every thing you want is here! TRY IT! Albert a st. LOVELY IRVINGTON-. $S750 DOULL9 CONSTRUCTED and replete with modern built-lns: furnace, fireplace, HARDWOOD FLOORS -THROUGHOUT. Fleepinjff porch, garage. Fremont. Terms. ! ! r NOTICE ! ! 1 Mr J. R. Haight, mgr. of -our "New" Home Dept.. is thoroughly acquainted with every angle of the bungalow question and is pra i pared to meet your every require ment. "We have dozens of radiant new bungalows in every part of Portland. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE To Buy Your "New" Home. Abington Birtg. .Main 1008. 3d sL, Bet. Wash, and Stark. IRVINGTON bungalow style home, large living room in gray finish, old blue otning room, sun room, large Dutch kitchen; also 1 bed room and bath first floor, 3 bed rooms 2d floor; garage; full ce ment basement. VERY LIVABLE HOME. MRS. HARRY PRICE FALSER. ,440 E. 21st st. N. - East 7907. If you aro looking for a well-built nome, let us snow juu um m-iuuiu low. Full basement, all concrete; large iiooreu atiu w iuc unn,, ti ...v, and fireplace. Window seat and beamed Ceiling in U1IIH15 ijm. an" kitchen in white enamel: new llnoleuir i UtUrUUUia aliu uaui) " - Z screened. 50x100 lot; fruit, flowers and -lawn, on pavea street, x , I--a sewer, walk and curb paid; $3bo0; Slbau Cftsn. auio. $2300. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW. rAV:n STREETS. Neat four-room plastered bungalow. two bedrooms, good bath, basement: one ' block Union ave. N.. three blocks school; paved street aTid sewer; 5650 down, bal ance 6 rar cent mieresu Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Ycon Bldg, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. We have ahome that Is one of the best buys ever put on the market; 7 spa cious rooms, with the finest built-lns; owner leaving state; this has east fac ing and is near car line; west of 3-tth . i ... i l.h rinmo- tUtm.H. St.; p.rayerie 6" $5000. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Corner 3t-th and Hawtborae- Tabor 74i3. $5u0 CASH, balance $25 per mo., including 6 per cent interest, buys modern o-room home Alberta district; bath, gas and electric lights. Interior of house is tViMn nnd neaL Lot 40x100, Alley In rear. This Is a good buy at $2000. i Mr. Farnsworth, with H. A. DRYER, AT RK AGE MAN. ?;n;-fl T.ewls Bide. Broadway nosi. $300 CASH. BOOMING HOUSE. Nice 5-room bungalow and garage, .itr.i-nof Int 1 OOv1 00. lotS Of flUit, OUt Giisan st.: $:1050. or can buy without extra lot for.$:nr0. rroaclrav 338 or Marshall 530S. ttisiHl ROSH CITY SGS00. A fi-room houso. elassed-in sleeping porch, hardwood Iioors, large living room; furnace, fireplace, full concrc-te base ment, wash trays, built-in features, 50x iftO lot. corner: hard-sairfaee st. and sewer In and paid. Terms to suit. RUMMELL R UM M ELL, 74 Stark Street " A REAL BU Y. 5 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. PAY ED ST. ; I' LENT Y F RUI T TREF5S; C HICK E N HOUSE THAT COST $500: LOT oOxlUO, ON COR. ; PRICE $370(: TERMS RELIABLE INVESTMENT CU., 305 OAK FT- " PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Two-story modern 7-room house, four Thedrooms. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, two blpcka car, five blocks Ainsworth school; $6100, terms $1600 cash, balance easy. Call Mayson. with POIND ENTER, 208 Selling bldg. Main 1S00. Residence Tabor 9101. HERE is something good, 8-room house, all on one floor, corner lot. 75x00, sev eral lartre nut and fruit trees, garage, streets, sewers all paid: few blocks of Sunnyslde school: ,$4250, very liberal terms. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont st 3tth. Tabor 6403. IRVINGTON BARGAIN Leaving for country, must sell at once, attractive home, 7 rooms. 2 fireplaces, ivory finish, oak floors. Iarsre living room, balcony den, garage. 4S3 E. 27th. near Thomp son. East 304. Main 8078. ROSE CITY PARK, new, vacant, 5-room bungalow ; music room with French doors; breakfast nook, built-in dresser In bath; old ivory and white finish throughout; tapestry paper; beautiful corner. Owner Tabor C732. BEAUTIFUL six-room modern bungalow, furnace, itrepiace, Duux-ins. snuu pan eled dining room, beamed ceiling, ex ceptionally fine fixtures, improved St., $47H): must be seen to be appreciated. louO Vernon ave. Woodlawn 3114. $345 1 -FU RMSHED BUNGALOW. $1500 CASH SOUTH HAWTHORNE. Modern 5-room bungalow with fire place, bu ff e t, cem er. t bas em en t . 50x 1 00 lot; going away; $1500 cash. 620 C.of C. Main 612". Eart ISnM. VVE ARE live hustlers, ii you want to sell your property, n wim u. wu will bring you a buyer any part of the Mtv etve us a trial, 'laoor w.-a. ntii mont at 3Uth. Almost 14 years. J. P McKenna. - $2750 S "'OO DOWX. Near Walnut Park, on Garfield ave.; a good place to invest your money; 5 room bungalow with sleeping porch. Marshall 3003. tUifW, CASH REQUIRED. Five rooms, fireplace, full cement base ment, built-ins, Dutch kitchen; lot 60s 105 garage; paved street; block to Alberta car. 1079 Vernon. j90) FIVE-ROOM house. 2 lots, cow barn, chicken house, 36 fruit trees, e rapes, berries; $1000 down, balance small monthly payments. 720 Bldwell ave. Sellwood 1012. 5-ROOM cottage on paved street. Alberta car, 3-car garage nets $15 month, $500, bal' easy terms, $2500. JOHNSON & BACH. 406 Broadway tldg. HAWTHORNE. Six-room modern bouse. In bert of condition; my price is $3:160, which Is a snap. Call at 463 E. 37th st. - trsno 9- 500 DO WX. Sunnyside cottage,' 6 rooms, in fine condition, close to school, 2 blocks to car, near Laureihurst park. Mar. 3003. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW SNAP $7850; terms; near club; very attractive: 6 rooms, s eeDing porcn, ivory imiMi, oa .floors, garage. NejiUnupon. Main PQ7 FOR SALE By owner. 0-room modern house near school and car: price $1800: will accept Ford car as part payment: easv terms. Inquire 3."7 W. Lombard. MODERN 6-room bungalow on Willamette Heights, jviain oi-.n. cf 4 t t . hn-ma St. Jnhns. oaved st.. SDjOO. terms. Marshall 243a or Sellwood 3052. J A. G. TEEPE CO. ATTENTION! ROSS CITY PARK BUYERS. WE HAVE ANY NUMBER OF GOOD BUS'S IX THIS POPULAR DISTRTCT. r ADDITION TO OCR DOWNTOWN OFFICE WE MAINTAIN A BRANCH OFFICH AT 00th AND SANDY BLVD. MOST OF OUR SALESMEN LI H THERE. WE KNOW THE HIS TORY OF NEARLY EVERY HOUSE IN THE DISTRICT. WE ARB IN A POSITION TO SERVE YOU BEST. -IF YOU WANT TO BUY IN THIS POPULAR DIS TRICT, SEE US. SOME ON TERMS AS LITTLE AS ?3j0 IjOWN. LET US SHOW YOU. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Bungalow-t-$3075. $350 cash will handle, balance ftasy. Located near Sandy, facing .east. New; never been lived in. , Sue it today. ROSE CIHY PARK DISTRICT. Bungalow Garage $4b50. Here's one that will appeal to you. Hard wood floors through- ' out. Expensive plumbing. Located below hill. Assts. paid. Terms. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2S.rjQ 7 rooms, near cnr. Modern plumbing. Lociitel just beyond Laureihurst. $500 cash will han dle. Positively a bargain. - HAWTHORNE. S-room Bungalow $4200. New, double constructed bunga low with hard wood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, furnace, etc. Con crete porch. Full lot. See it to day. HAWTHORNE. 5-Room Bungalow and Garage. $4400 you would never expect to buy such a home in- as good a location for this money. NEAR MT. TABOR CAR. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $1500. Now, folkH. we pre ofr'ering here positively the niftiest, the best planned and built bftniralow in Portland for the money. Tilo bath, expensive plumbing, hard wood floors. tapestry paper. If you ever expect to get a bargain, here it is. Probably never again an opportunity like" this one. $800 cash . will handle. "WE IDLER ST. S Rooms and Garage S4"S0O. Here, folks, is a nifty 5-room bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, etc. You'll be surprised to find such a home for $4500. Terms. GROVE LAND PARK. Near 'Frankling Hiph: 5-Room Bungalow and Ga-rage. ' $47.ri0 Terms. You would expect to pay at least $1000 more. This positively is one of our big gest bargains and should be snapped up quickly. Not in months have we bcii able to offer su h , an attractive hyme for this money. Let us show you. "WEST MORT3LAND. 5 Rooms and Den $4050. A real nifty, exceptionally well built bungalow. Hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, iur nace, etc Full lot. Paving paid. HAWTHORNE. 6 Rooms $53.r0. Folks, hare, is a wonderful buy. Located 011 Glenn Ave., just off Hawthorne. Owner forced to seti. Modern every- way. LAURELHURST." Bungalow 6300. You can be justly proud of this splendid home. Located near car." Hard wood floors, fireplace, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, furnace, etc. See it today. LAURELHURST.' NEW. NIFTY BUNGALOW. $100. NEW NIFTY BUNGALOW. It is simply Impossible to over desoribo the beauties of this won derful bungalow. Truly the very ; acme of perfection. Nothing could be added to make it better. Hard wood floors throughout. Tile bath. Imagine the home you want draw on your imagination as strong as you like and here you will find your bungalow home. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? We can arrange for the build ing of your bungalow. Bungalows can be built for you, in Rose City for as little as $."00 cash. Our ex perience, our knowledge of values, of construction, etc., is yours. Come in, talk things over. Get ac quainted. A. G. TEEPE CO., . 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 5oih and Sandy. Tabor 05S6. Open Sunday. Let us write your fire and auto mobile insurance. ALAMEDA DRIVE HOME By Owner. My completely modern 7-rm. hme, the finest location on A la meda drive, situated cor. 56th st., lare lot with fruit and fir trees; reception room, living room, din ing rm Ji itch en and lavatory; second floor, 3 bedrooms, large sleeping porch and bath, full en men t basement, Gasco automatic furnace and Ruud automatic water heating system. laundry trays, ' etc.; larcre cobblestone fireplace with Radiant fire installed, iceless cooler in kitchen, large front porch and rear porch ; short block to Rose City Park car; grocery, meat market and drug stores; on ly 2 blocks to public a nd Catholic S'.-hools and churches; street im provements all innd paid. Terms $1000 cash, balance Hk rent, in terest only 6 per cencT and will give immediate possession. Tabor 677 for appointment. 1 501 Ala meda drive, juat off Sandy blvd. WEST SIDE HOME FOR $7300. 8-roora home, hardwood floors throughout, glassed-in sleeping porch, bath with shower, music mid reading rooms, two fireplaces, attic with two finished rooms, large cement basement with laundry trays, furnace. Ivory woodwork, fine light fixtures; in good district, double constructed. Must be seen to be appreciated. For appointment cail Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 30iU. No agents. EIGHT-ROOM BUNGALOW. 45O0 GARAGE. One block Richmond car, near E. 38th St.; eight largo rooms, fireplace, built in buffet, Dutch kitchen, four bedroom two on first floor, full cement basement, laundry trays; 40x100 lot, with garage; paved streets, sewer in and paid; fine home for large family; $2000 cash down Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern residence, large living room, dining room, den. kitchen, four bed rooms, bath, maid's room, hardwood floors, furnace, largo grounds, level lot, beautiful shrubs, on paved street and two blocks to car; owner going east and anxious to sell; shown only by appoint nvnti POINDEXTER. 208 Sol lip bid. Main IStiO. : Residence East 6771. $,-IMi0 LIKE-NEW BUNGALOW. Fast of Laureihurst; ivory finish and hardwood floors, three bedrooms or two and sleeping por-h on first floor, sleep ing porch finished in attic. Owner mov ing away forces this price to turn the property at once. Real c!as to this most comfortable and beautiful bungalow. View over the city. R. T. Street, East S94, res. East 4280 5-ROOM bungalow, near Hawthorne car, pavud St., good district, 50x 100 lot, fireplace, in good condi tion. Price only $3500, $j00 cash. Tabor6oL OWNER LEAVING CITY. Typical brown bungalow; artistic in every sense of the word; large sunny rooms, fireplace. , built-in features, fur nace, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, pass pantry, 50 by 100 lot, fruit trees, ber ries, fine neighborhood, 2 blocks to car. Marshall 3003. Fi-VE-EOOM BUNGALOW $5000. . 50x100 corner lot. right on the car; big cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, walls newly tinted. 740 E. smh st. WW car. Go look, then see SIDNEY G. LATH ROP, 516 Ablngtcn Bldg. LSicn of the Horse&hoe.) FOR SALE. Modern 5-room bungalow, basement. Call Sunday only, 44 East 7SUi st. N., Mouta villa. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. REALTORS. MAIN 74M. OPEN SUNDAY. We have a large and very care fully chosen list of desirable homes for ale at every price in every section of the city, at prices and on terms v. hich make them ery attractive buys. See our photo graphs before you buy. ALAMEDA. NEW BUNGALOW $730 DOWN. New, vacant, 5 rooms and break fast nook.. Large living room, f ireplare. hardwood floors, built in buffet. Dutch kitchen, plate gla?s windows in front, enamel woodwork, tapestry paper, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, garage, "full lot wi'.h pavement and sewer in and paid. Price $7300. LAURELHURST. - 7 ROOMS 470O0. $0000 would rot duplicate this house today. Two larse bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs. One bedroom, dm. large living room, Dutch kitchen downstairs; full cement basement, laundry room, hardwood floors, fireplace, f urT nace. tapestry pnper. Pavement and sewer in and paid. This is an unusual buy., Very convenient terms. PIEDMONT. 7 ROOMS $0500. Well-built 2-story 7-room "house with three large upstairs bed rooms. Music room, large living room with fireplace,, built-in buf fet, Dutrh kitchen. hardwood floors, full cement basement, fur nace, garage. Pavement and sewer in and paid. Close to Jefferson high. A rare buy. , SELLWOOD. 5 ROOMS $3230. Very substantial 5-room bunga low on paved street w ith sewer, close to car line. Two larqe bed rooms, full cerm-nt basement, laun dry trays. This bungalow is in a very good neighborhood and may be had for $500 down. ALBERTA. 8 ROOMS $2650. $300 down will buy this six years old, well -built house on a lot 65x100. three blocks from car. Four large upstairs bedrooms, full ceupe-nt basement, best of plumbing. gas and electricity. "Walking distance from Jeift-rson High. NEAR EAST MOP ELAND. 17-20 OF ACRE 6 ROOM S $2S50. Good six-room bouse on large piece of ground, three blocks from Sellwood car. Three large bed rooms. It takes $600 to handle this place. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $2100 300 DOWN. One block from the car. a very attractive and substantially built bungalow with two lare bed rooms, combination living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, gas and electricity. A real bargain. KENTON. . NEW BUNGALOW $3100. New 5-room bungalow on full lot two blocks from car line. Two targe bedrooms, living room, d in ing room, Dutch kitchen. Full and modern plumbing; gas and electricity; ?3'J0 will handle this. BIHR-CAREY COROPOR ATTON. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third Sts. Main 74S7. OPEN SUNDAY. BE SURE AND READ TniS. TERMS. SELLWOOD GARDEN STATION. 6c Fare. BUNGALOW AND ACRE TRATCT. Modern' bungalow with plumb ing, bath, gas, electricity, fire place, .bookcases and Dutch kitch en, enameled finish, grounds all fenced, 21 fruit trees, all kinds of berries, feed cutter, 50 chickens, 2 cows, 3 pi srs, barn 24x14. shod 12 xlO, woodshed, chicken house, lo rn ted only 2 blocks to carline ; $3000 takes all. only $500 down, balance $25 per monLh, J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MAIN 208. J2G50. RAISE POULTRY ONE -HA J .V ACRE. FOUTi-ROOM COTTAGE. If you want to go into the poultry business, don't fa il to se this dandy one-half acre with chicken houso 35x60 feet: will accommodate 2000 chickens would cost $1500 to build , today; laft-e woven wire chicken run; bearing fruit; dandy four-room house, electricity, pts. city t. at-r. two bedrooms: located n-ar 82d st., aiontavilla car; full price $2650; $1 150 cash, balance $25 month end 6 per cnt Interest. See this at tonce by appointment; a sure narga.n. Let us show you. - GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. LAURELHURST. Beautiful rasader-R bungalow, 3 blocks from the park ; hardwood floors fine buii t-ins, inverted lighting system, front and sido porch with French doors, music room, garage. For appointment to see mil Mrs. Lucius, Tabor No agpnts. 5-ROOM cottage on 37th st. be tween Sunnyside car and Laurei hurst park; corner Int. paved streets ; in Al condition, just been painted; 53 GOO on terms. Call at 1101 E. Morrison tt. Tabor G04. THREE ROOMS FURNISHED. $1100 CASH. Located one block Mt. Scott car. Arleta. sfHtion: neat and clean, city water and electricity; j.ist the place. f.r couple; a bargain for cash; $1100 full price; free of debt. . Let1 us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. LITTLE HOME S60 CASH. Two fine lots with choice fruit, ber ries and roses: good 3-room plastered oi tSKo; gas, elect 1 icity : p'ltent tnflnt ; parage; " paved street. Balance of 51700 , at $20 vt month.. - SIDNEY G. LA TIT ROT?. 516 Abingtnn bid?. (Sfrn of the Horseho 5-ROOM bungalow, 2 blocks north Irvington car line; very well built, paved sts. Prico only S37S0, $600 cah, $30 per month. To see this today call Woodlawn S-S01. LAURELHURST. California bungalow, strictly modem: 6 rooms, all on one floor, three bed rooms, hardwood floors, large living room, fireplace, furnace, garage, lot 65x100. Owner anxious to go south, will make special price If sold at ouco. Ca'l Mavson, with POINDEXTER. 20S Selling bldg. Main 1SM0. Rsld-nrp T.tbor 0101. ROSE CITY HOME $0500. Sriffy 6 rooms and bath. 4 down and 2 up. extra toilet, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, built-lns. !ar?e living room. Paved street, paid. Block to car, close In. SIDNEY G. LATH ROP, 516 Abineton Bldg. (Siirn of the Horseshoe.) TM. Main 3126 fn appointment. IF YOU want to find a c our 2 ads In New Today columns ad joining of bungalows; another of colo nials and Dutch colonials; another, of Hot Water Heated Homeg. It is safety first for you to see what good home bus we can offer you. R. T. Street, good homes realtor. East 834, res. East 42S0. ROSE CITY SNAP. $5000 Terms. Strictly modern 7-room bunValow, large, sunny rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrooms, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, large lot. all improvements in, 3 blocks to car. Marshall S'J13. BEAUTIFUL new modern house, breakfast nook, sleeping porcn, lots 01 oui.i ins, living and dintnsr room af-ro-s front of house, garage uneVr houw; will call for you and show you throuch; $3000 cash first payment; 1 blocks carline and school: cTre in. AR 353 Oregenjan. , WONDERFUL VIEW. PORTLAND HEIGHTS , Lovely up-to-date home, 3 baths, large rooms near car. See this and be con vinced; priced reasonable; good terms Zimmerman, S18 Chamber Commerce ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. Successors to Giussi & Bennett. Main 7-152. $1S50 650 down. ti-r. cottage. G'cnn . ave., paiage, M-xloo, lots of fruit. $2600 i.'.OO 004 ii, 6-r. cot Loire. -)5xL3, Graham, near Wiilnirrs avo $2730 $l;-iH down. 4-r. bungalow. East 2ilth, 5".100, paved, modern. I3U00 $750 dow n. R-r. bungalow. East Madison: adii:ional lot If desired. $3000 ?M0 dowuj H-r. cottnc. Civo land ave., corner. tiraie. paved. $3250 .S5oo uown, 6-r. m-mi-modi-rfi, 52x1.00, Ia st.. near school and car. $3325 . 1 -"M) down, 6-r. semi-modern 7f.x2oO. Kiii-Hgo. room for chick ei.s and Kartell. $3300 ?50 down, (i-r. modern hur ga in w. paved. E. 70 th near CI is in. $3S30 JiOHO down, 6-r. bouse. E. Alain, corner, paved, west of 25th. $4000 Half cash. 5-r. bungalow, mod ern, 45x100, La.vii.i;iit, furnace, paved. $1250 Half ensh, 6-r. bungalow, mod ern. 50x;r, Reap City. $4750 $1500 down, modern 5-r. bunga low, full lot, garage, paved. Rose City. $5000 20iK down, 6-r. house, full mi, Holladay : garage and mocem. $5500 $1500 clown. 5-r. bungalow, etrict lv modern, full lot. paved, Ros City. $6000 Si5u0 down. 5-r., new buncra!o, full lot. strictly modern, paved. Roe Citv. $G50O $I5o( down, 6-r. modern. Ladrt's addition, parage, paved, immedi ate po.ses.-:c n. Every house priced above hat the O. K. 1 of our npiva:sr. talestnun and autos at your scrv ice. ELMER F. BENNETT CO., 818-321 Board of Trade. -Main 7152. lKVLSGToN. Beautiful modern colunial home, ju-t completing; artistic front pore a with seats and turned columns, center recep tion hall, lovely atairoiu-e, coat closet, large living room, tiled f, replace, damp er; bookcases, dining room wiiir buffet, real Dutch kitchen, breakfast room. In closed back porch, lavatory, toilet, cool closet, inlaid linoleum in kitchen on A back porch, fine light base ment, fruit cioset. Universal furnace, tour lare bed rooms, small sewing room upstairs; ' tile bathroom with built-in seat, cupboards and mirrors, hardwood floors, beau in ully papered a nd enameled .in ivory tli roti sellout ; the very bt at work manship and materials; parage to match homo ceiled inside, light conn.ctiu'ij l'!eal location. ht,irt of Irvintnou, 5i- East 17th North. n;r Braa-'c; goed. toinijs j;ieu by owner-builder, Robert B. Ben 1, EatiL 1S75. Open ior inspection today. VEU V easy terms on good 5-room and bath ; owner must sell to meet pay ments; $3.1 1 o. SEE HOWARD, Main 8031. 1115 N. W. Bank Bldg. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. $2450 TERMS. 6 ROOMS AND GARAGE. B!G BARGAIN and a real buy, 75xlOO-ft. lot. good 6-rnt. plastered house, modern plumbing fixtures, electric lights and t,p. s, lull cement basement, good g,ir;t ge, chicken house, 13 bearing l'ru.t trees, place is loci ted on car line (.Wood stock ) near Holgate street, th.s is the bist buy at this prico in the , city. J. L. IHRTMAX COMPANY. No. S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MAIN 105. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. $2150 TERMS. Six rooms, well built, plastered house; lull C';nv nt bitsuir.eut. mod ern pluiiiitini" fixtures, lit.Fht- ituii pas. lot 75x1 Oil feet, 13 bearing fruit trees, garage, chicken house. Place faces Woodstock carline near Iluiyate. This price 1-s 'actually one hall" of itrt value. Requires $14."0 cash, balance mortgage at O'.o. Cali E. 4170. ? I odd. NEW BUNGALOW. Beautiful f ive-roorn bu ngalow ; cement porch, ha rdv ood f loors, fireplace, built ins, Dutch kitchen, two 11 im bud rooms; finished old ivory throughout ; cement basement; fine corner lot; paved and paid ; two blocks M issistii.pl car, four blocks Jefferson high; 15ou uuwu; up poiutinuiit only ; a ha rg 11 in. Let us show you. GEO. T. MuoRE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. WEST Sli'E. Walking di.'itanee, select neighborhood, fit; corner lot Hnd shruhhory; two-story modern residency, ent ranee hall, lai i;e living room, dining room, kitchen, hard wood floors, first floor; three nn-e bed rooms, bath, sleeping porch second floor; two fireplaces, furnace hen, garai;o. The house i.n elegantly furnished. Will S'Ml furnished or unfurnished. Call Air. Mav'Miii, wit ii -pOlNDEXTEIt 208 FHHrig bldg. Main M". . T.ibor i'i'H. STRICTLY mndern 5-roo:n bunga low in Hawthorne dbtriet, l5ou, $500 down ; 1 ine briek f irepUi ce, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, dandy breakfatt nook, tapestry paper; full cement Liseruetit, n-'i-raue with cement drive. Tabor 6u4. $.1.100 FIVE ROOMS. fiOxHVl LOT PAVED STREETS. Attractive, eil-buiU, fi vv-rouiu bun galow ; good plumbing, lull b.i.sement, IfOxMO lot. paved Mioeis and sen or: north slope M t. Tabor, close to school und car; 1700 handles. Let ih show yu. GEO. T. MOUlt E CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. NEAR "LA UR EL1I U 11ST. Artistic ti-rooiu bungalow ; Inrge liv ing and dining roomy, massivo fireplace, bookcases, 2 or 3 bedrooms, beautiful lii-ht oak floors, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trajs, all lanre sunny rooms. In Laureihurst tins homo would sell for 37U"u. our price only a littie more than half. $1200, t-Tina. Appoint ments only. Marshall 3'.o:t. C-ROOM bungalow, fireplace with Radiatitfire. Dutch kitchen, built in conveniences, cement ha.-einent, paiage, 5xH0 lot, 1 block to car. ivt.-o onlv S.HUiu. euoy terms. SeO it today, woouianu SSUL IKYING I'ON. E. ICth st. N. between Knott end Stanton, strictly modern residence, five bedrooms, besides maid's room; one bedroom firat f:or, piacUcuIly two tiled bath rooms, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, g:ir:me.. POINDEXTER. 20ft Selling bldg. Main 1 v.i". Residence East n1. t 15 no IX LAl'KELHCRST. Bl BARGAIN. NOW VACANT. $05oi; S-room bouse. Vain. cholc today ; location vodr opportun ity, neo i- ke v at Laureihurst office, E. SOtu 'Mlt. iV':LAITTTNTY. Tabor MX READY U inovo into; IiCal 3-ioom lur-ui-hed house on .75th St., just south of Sandy; nice bath, gas water heater au-l two stovesj on piped for hot wat r; telephone, nice sleeping porch ana screened bach porch, winter's wood in. Price $20uu, some terms. U. J Mielley, owner. Hoard of Trade Cirar Store. ROSE CITY PARK. Five-room house, on Sandy boulevard, best location in Rose Cay Park. V-T1,,XV the hill, modern in every respect. Comer out and look it over. 13u7 Sandy bouio ard, corner 40tb. FINEST PART Ol-' HAWTHORNE. You save $5i0 on this. Six-room colonial typo bungalow; larue living room across the front, buitt , ins. elaborate Dutch kitchen, fuli cement basement, furnace, laundry trays. 3 bed rooms 50 by loo lot, garage, all uuprove- inents paid. Marshall 3'.Kt3. , NEW RCNGALOW $3i50. 4 rooms, bath, breakfast room; Oil. model; cement porch. French door, Dutch kitchen; nn uuuMually nt'ractlve small homo. See It. Wumlbiv car to lsih. walk four blocks south. bua Highland Kt. Owner. Main H'.i'.eX. WI LLIAMS-A V E . BUNGALOW. Typical ban?: alow. 5 rooms, Dutch kitchun, floored attic, all larse sunny rooms, 50 by 100 lot, paruKe, fruit trees berries, etc. ; way below value; price onlySlOOjterms. Marshall SWt.1.t UtUitiiN house'. 7 rooms. iar,;e lot, jm rase paved street.-?, walking dlirtane. exchange for smaller hons acrea?a partly improved or apartintnLs. R 213, ( r 0 - o n ! a n - TTri.- riTV TJ.i:T,Al.(jn'. . Vill take, lot or auto as flrfct pay ment $tou0. Living rni. 20x14. breakfast nook." See at 40th and Stanton or call Marshall 25 to. 0 ROOMS and ba'Ji, lot 50xlot;; nice gar den fruit and berries; attractive house; cot $"-'. to Lui'.d; will take 350Ni; on carline; west sb Johnson Ac Bach, 4 1 1 irBrjnjulhva v bi tit. IRVINGTON Beiiuiiful home, hot water hea't, near car. spacious rooms, splrn did'y built; owners leaving will make pood price and terms Zimmerman, MS Chamber of Commerce