11 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY WILL HAVE ATTRACTIVE AUTO MEANS THIRD EXHIBIT AT AUTO SHOW. FOR STREET WORK New York Now Employs Whole Fleet of Holts. National Auto Chamber of Commerce Reports. HANDY TO REMOVE SNOW BIG BUSINESS IS AIDED Trucks Equipped With Pnh Plows Called Hot Successful to Capable Executive Is Enabled to Handle More Business With Aid of Motor Car. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Clear Streets. THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX. PORTLAND. JANUARY 9. 1921 MORE MUM POWER NEW YORK. Jan. 8 Tractors are to be ued by the department of street cleaning for clearing snow from streets in the congested dis tricts of lower Manhattan, and the entire project marks a novel and very distinctive advance in tractor usage. Heavy blizzards last winter brought traffic to a standstill in New York and throughout the eastern and northern states; heavy snowfalls tied up business completely for days. Man power, shovelers. teams, wagons and trucks were all tried, but these methods proved inadequate to clear the streets. The city of New YorkJ alone Rpent over $.000,000 trying to keep the streets clear, not only for jrrneral traffic, but for the general safety. Officials realized the extreme danger from fire, particularly in the congested business district, because the accumulated snow and ice on the Streets practlcaly rendered helpless the city fire-fighting equipment. By rood fortune no great fires occurred during this period, but the city fire department, street cleaning depart ment and other officials appreciated as they had never done before the extreme importance of being equipped and prepared to quickly dispose of snowfalls before the snow became packed and frozen into solid ice, as was the case last winter. Reallzin-g that a fleet o "caterpillar" tractors, equipped with proper snow plows, would solve this problem, the Holt Manufacturing company brought these machines immediately before the serious consideration of New York city officials. The project was thor oughly investigated by engineers connected with the department of atreet cleaning, fire department, also the mayor and other city officials, etc., and appropriations were made for extensive purchases of this cass of equipment. AH makes and types of tractors were considered, and while preliminary tests with snow were impossible the street cleaning department during the summer con ducted official tests with various tractors equipped with snow plows, pushing sand, which was in fact more difficult to handle than snow. The five-ton "caterpillar' tractor, artil lery model, met every requirement In these tests, and even exceeded the city's expectations. ' iiiiiii'il AboTe Handsome Chandler touring c ar, one of several Chandler models to he ihoim at the Twin State boo t h. Below The "Little Chandler' the Cleveland nix, one of the most pop ular ears of Its class. PROSPEROUS YEAR AHEAD MOOCK IX NEW YEAR MESSAGE SEES GOOD BUSINESS. General Manager of National Auto mobile Dealers' Association Issuts Statement. 1 vril tO RfttOT, Snow. Bids were called for covering trac tors of this size for the severe snow removal work. Smaller equipment was suitable for limited secondary operations. Although the "caterpil lar" tractor wa necessarily higher In price than other machines pro- rosed for this work, the city engi neers unanimously selected the 'cat erpillar" on the basis of Its particu lar fitness for this work. Its military nd commercial record for perform since, as well as the stability and the facilities of the manufacturers. Since the war "caterpillar" trac tors have been put into every class of commercial and industrial work. They have brought about new mo torized methods in logging, both in the southern swamps and In the frozen northern woods. During the recent great oil-field developments "cater pillar" tractors pioneered in trans porting materials and machinery into roadless country and then built roads for other traffic. These tractors have gone into .farm work, road building and maintenance, mining, etc.. so have been playing a big part in the period of industrial reconstruction. Push riona Fall. While attempts had been made to Use trucks equipped with push plows for removing snow, the results -had not been satisfactory, due to a lack of traction in snow and ice. It ac cordingly remained for the "cater pillar" to solve this, as it had pre Tiously solved many other problems In farm, road and military work. Xany "caterpillars" had been pre viously used for snow removal in various northern districts, but the problem in New York City was dis tinctly different, as it Involved the organization of a complete battery of now removal and blizzard-fighting equipment, fitted with all necessary protection to drivers, so equipped that no damage would be done to the streets and capable of operating con stantly, no matter how low the temperature. The following message for the- new year has been sent out to the auto mobile trade by Harry G. Moock, gen eral manager of the National Auto mobile Dealers' association. Chicago: "The daily press and the trade journals of all industries are publish ing the thoughts of these who have been weighing the present and future of business. Prophecy, warning, hope fulness and optimism have all been discussed. "The National Automobile Dealers' association, in bringing to a close the past year's activities, has much for which to bo grateful. Although busi ness depression reflects itself In no uncertain manner upon association work, the third year of our existence finds the association strong and in the knowledge that it has been able to protect the dealer industry and show great progress. It has been able to render service not only to its members, but to the industry at large. which has earned for the association the reputation that it is an active and virile Institution with a principle and ideal that commands respect. "To those who. in spite of personal difficulties, have realized that the association needed their support, we credit with the attribute and virtue of faith. To those who still feel that the 'X. A. D.' A.'s' future is up to their fellow dealers, we have hope. To those who stand oi the side lines and heave rocks and who offer nothing but destructive criticisms, we have only charity. "Relative to the outlook for the coming year and the years to follow: There exists that Incontrovertible fact that Just as su,re as two and two make four individual transportation will be sold in the future in propor tion to the ability of those selling it to realize that it Is a business of merchandising and as such will gain the public good will and patronage by the service the seller and the com modify renders. The public be pleased' should at all times be the underlying policy of every establishment, whether it has been a policy in the past has nothing to do with the present and future. To the extnt that this simple formula Is exemplified by everyone selling and distributing motor vehicles, substan tial business will be built and main tained. In former years It ofttimes was stated that the speed of the factory was the speed of the dealer. Hence forth It is the success of the dealer that will determine the success of the factory. Just as the dealer sells and serves, so will the factory reap. As the factory co-operates with ttfe dealer-so will the dealer succeed. Recog nizing in the past that room for im provement could be made by all in terested in successfully promoting the industry, it surely will be to the mutual advantage of all that the rights and privileges of others are at all times taken into consideration with as strict adherence to the Golden Rule as Is humanly possible. "There were many dealers who did not waver for a foment when all seemed darkness. These men with well balanced, financially solid organ izations determined to secure their share of business. By clear thought and by constant intelligent applica tion, they will be much stronger as the result of their experience. A homely philosophy telfe us that pros perity tries men, but that adversity makes them, "From the spoken and from the printed word and by observation, the motor vehicle dealer has every rea son to be hopeful and reassured that the business of selling motor vehicles will continue to function as a most necessary part of the industrial and social life of the country. There will be a. steady demand fof honest merchandise, honestly sold, which will yield an honest profit to those who conduct their establishments In ac cordance with accepted ethics of good business. "Honesty of purpose, high ideals, fair treatment for all concerned with faith In God, government and in dustry, there is. indeed, much to be grateful for, past, present and future, for those who will." G BRUTE STRENGTH BIIIB1IIS1E B Complete Line IV: -ton 22 -too 32-too o-ton, 6-ton s 5 Trucks Only Truck Built With 3 Final Drives TimkercWorm Internal Gear Double Reduction Rain Vision Windshields. It is a simple matter to give any tourist car a clear vision windshield, which is not generally included in the equipment of the open car. The upper section of the windshield is simply mounted on the top by means of brackets that hold the part out at the desired angle. In this way the upper half of the shield keeps off the rain, while the lower half protects the driver from the wind. Rust Preventers. Vaseline in which a little powdered gum camphor has been added, the whole being heated over a slow fire, will prevent the formation of rust on tools. A mixture of one pound of lard, an ounce of gum camphor and a little lampblack will protect bright metal work from rust. Don't draw out of line other vehicles at Intersecting to pass streets. One-third more brain power Is made available for the business world by automobile usage. This is the tes timony of manufacturers in many lines in reply to a questionnaire sent out by the National Automobile Cham ber of Commerce. The equivalent of 37,491 men of ex ecutive caliber has been added to the business world through motor trans portation, a gain In saiary values of $562,365,000. These figures are ar rived at by applying the one-third increase from car. use to the number of men receiving $10,000 to $25,000 in the United States as reported in the latest internal revenue figures. The number of men in this class is reported to be 112,473. averaging in the neighborhood of $15,000 per year. This gain to the individual official and the saving in salary costs to man ufacturing! establishments tells but part of the story. The actual pro ductivity of these men is presumably in excess of their salary figure or it would ot pay to hire them. Their creative value is something which can not be closely measured. Ther.e is. however, a dearth of $25,000-a-year men in the view of noted financiers, such as Vanderlip. Consequently the car, in extending the usefulness of ex ecutives, is filling a sharply felt need In business. Every industry Aided. The benefit from this service well distributed. The automobile I not only a large customer for a va ritty of goods, but also car usage i so w-idesDread that almost every lire of industry receives creative aid from time-saving of cars. The makers fiom whose testimony these facts are compiled reported from a variety businesses, including the following Packing, gloves, canning, furniture paper, wire, wagons, clay, shirt waists pipe organs, electric goods, chemicals farm UnnlUnents. Doners, cereai never ages, shoes, silks, iron foundry snrines oil refining, steamships, te e phones, potash, sugar refining, wool ens and cotton goods. The amount of aid which a manu facturer gains from his car naturally varies according to the circumstances and his own inclinations. Many ex ecutlves reported that their automo biles aided them very little, if any in a business way. On the other hand, a manufacturer of ladies' waists in Cleveland reports: "Enables me to give two hours more time daily to business." The head of an electric plant In Saratoga, Wyoming, states: "It saves the salary of a man." The executive of a factory in Lakewood Ohio, reports a 500 per cent increase in efficiency from car use. Hume SnrrounfiingB Improved. The improvement of home surround ines resulting from automobile use is stressed by these witnesses: "Gives me more time at home, says a plant supervisor in Clarendon. Va. "Live in healthier locality further out and can get back, and forth read ily." reports a Utica, N. Y. executive. "Used every day going 13 miles to town." writes the head of a leather house from Lexington, Mass. The use of cars instead of trolley or rail connection is higher in the manufacturing class than in most groups using cars. Forty-two per cent of their mileage is employed in this way. The cause for this is that many plants are located in outlying; districts of the city, served by crowded trolleys running in half-hour sched ules. The executive has his home sev eral miles from the plant in another section of the city and It is much Ford Cars at the Show On the main floor of the auditorium, you will find the Ford enclosed car exhibit. Downstairs you will find the ever-popular Ford touring and Ford roadster. Oregon is buying more Ford cars now than ever before. Ford sales for 1921 will exceed any previous year. An automobile means quick transportation and the Fori car is the most economical trans portation possible. The Ford car is a universal necessity. Lowest in first cost, with the retail price fixed by Mr. Ford him self the same price everywhere except for freight; lowest in de preciation cost; lowest in tire cost; lowest in cost of upkeep, main tenance and repairs; every family in Oregon can afford to own and drive a Ford car in 1921. Place your order with the Ford salesman in the Ford exhibits at the Auditorium Autpmobile Show. Chassis . :...$360 Runabout Regular $395 Runabout Starter $465 Touring Regular $440 Touring Starter $510 Goupe With starter $745 Sedan With starter $795 Truck Pneumatic $545 The prices listed above are F. 0. B. Detroit. For sale by the following authorized Ford dealers: Francis Motor Car Co. Grand Ave. at Hawthorne Palace Garage Twelfth at Stark Wm. L. Hughson Co. Broadway at Davis Rushlight & Penney East 3d at Broadway Talbot & Casey, Inc. East Ankeny at Grand Robinson-Smith Co. Sixth at Madison "THE WEATHER IS ALWAYS GOOD IN A FORD SEDAN." shorter for him to use his car in go ing to the plant. Yutos Would Make Some Parade. You like statistics here's some of them. If all the automobiles of Bos ton, New York, Chicago and Phila delphia were placed in a road nine feet apart, a parade would be formed which would reach from the At lantic ocean to the Mississippi river, 000 miles away. The number of cars registered In these four cities now totals 282,235, so figure it out for yourself. Dm of Power Tire Pump. In using the power tire pump if the rear wheel is jacked up, but not firm ly held by the brake, the wheel will pin and twist off the air tube from the pump. Better let the wheel down the ground before starting to ump up the tire. Also moderate en gine speed gives better results than igh speed. Notice to Dealers: Write, your territory may be open. 5 W. C. Gar be, Inc. 5 DISTRIBUTORS BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE Phone Broadway 616 PORTLAND SEATTLE PENDLETON The 1922 Haynes seven-fia-tsenger Suburban is shown in the foreground and the fee-passenger Brougham, in the background Nowf when the buyer at last is asking: rfWhat am I getting for what I pay?" the advantage of the Haynes principle of building for the future is evident. Enthu siastic Haynes owners have told us all along that the Haynes is.$i,ooo under priced far and away beyond anything in its price class. A. C. Stevens, Distributor Sixteenth and Washington HAYNE C H A RA C T E R "Beauty - Strength Power CARS -- Comfort HQS THE HAYNES IS AMERICA'S CAB. tQU Announcing "Hasslers" for the Dodge Car! YOU can now obtain Hassler Shock Absorbers for all models of Dodge Brothers Cars. The new "Hassler" embodies all the characteristic Hassler principles of design and coos trac tion possessing all the advantages and attractiveness that caused one million car owners to buy Hasslers in the past. With a set of Hasslers on your Dodge, you will have hrxurious comfort, even while driving over roads that once seemed rough Long trips will no longer fatigue the driver. The soft, resilient action of Hassler Shock Absorbers will give increased tire mile age, and will materially reduce depreciation. A set of Hasslers consists of two front and two rear absorbers as shown in illustration. They are installed quickly and easily without changing any part of car. They are neat and smart in appearance and decidedly unobstrusive. Most Dodge dealers have them. As factory distributors for this territory we carry, at all times, a complete stock of Hassler Shock Absorbers. If your particular dealer cannot supply you phone or write us. Hassler Pacific Company Formerly Went Coast Distributor Corporation, 4:t5 Stark M Portland. San Francisco. Seattle. Lo Anarelea. fiSSLE TRADE MARK REGISTERED Shack Absorbers PATENTED 4