The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 09, 1921, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 55

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Boys' Junior Suits Our Entire Stock
Reduced to One Low Price $9.85
One-piece Oliver Twist and Middy Styles are included. All-wool suits ; serges, cheviots,
shepherd checks, cassimeres and knit and tweed materials. White Eton collars and fancy
colored ties. Sizes 2 J2 to 8 years, but not a full range of sizes in each style.
Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe 6 Co.
A Sale of Men's Short Motor Coats
Held During Auto Show, January 1 0 to 15
Men's Leather Reversible Corduroy Coats Belt all around; button up close to
the neck, large pockets, in short lengths only ; sizes 34 to 44 ; reduced to one low price, $25.
Furwove Muskrat Coats, a pile fabric constructed to afford protection in cold
weather ; quilted lining. Now $36. Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
cTMerchandise of cMerit Only"
Our Entire Stock of Blankets and Comforters at HALF PRICE
This sale is for a limited M
No C. O. D.'s, no credits
or exchanges.
SO THAT our readers will better appreciate what
Half Price means in this instance we cite the fact
that after we bought these Blankets and Comforters
there were two wholesale advances. Naturally those
merchants who were compelled to pay those advances
could not begin to meet our regular prices. That was
the situation for more than a year therefore, at
Blankets at $1.75 to $18.50 Pr.
Our Entire Stock of Table Cloths and
Pure Linen Table Cloths, $7.75
i "This is even a bigger cut than our regular 25 per cent reduction,
as we have just 50 of these cloths without napkins to match, hence
this very low price. Also only one'pattem heavy weight damask;
circular design.
Colored Satin Bed Spreads, $7.75
You may choose from our entire stock of colored satin bed spreads,
either three-quarter or full size, with hemmed or scalloped edges; in
blue, pink or yellow.
Full Size Fine Satin Spreads, $6.75
Extra large size in a splendid assortment of designs. Hemmed or
scalloped edges. Size 82x94 inches.
HALF PRICE we are sure these are the BEST
values offered for a long time.
Our ENTIRE STOCK participates none re
served and it consists of All-Cotton Blankets,
Wool-Mixed Blankets and All Pure Wool Blankets
in grays, plaids and white. The Comforters are filled
with cotton, pure down and pure wool.
Comforters at $2.75 to $40.00
Napkins at a 25 Per Cent Reduction
70-in. Imported Damask, $1.69 Yd.
Heavy weight, mercerized imported cotton damask in five different
Irish Linen Pattern Table Cloths,
$9.75 and $12.38
In a beautiful finish and a good heavy weight and a good range of
patterns. Size 70 inches square, $9.75; size 70x88 inches, $12.38.
Napkins to match, 22 inches square, $12.38 dozen.
Toweling, 18c Yd.
Continuing our splendid offering of crash, huck and glass toweling.
Second Floor Lipman, W olfe & Co. -
Women's Full Fashioned
Wool Sports Hose
$275 Pair
These splendid Hose have double soles, toes and heels,
and double garter-proof tops. Made of fine soft yarns in
brown heather. All sizes.
Pure Silk Stockings, 89c
An exceptional value at this price. Made with seam
up the back, double toes and heels and double garter
proof tops. Fine gauge in black, white and gray.
Kayser Silk-Top Union Suits
Reduced to $2.89
Fine ribbed bodies with Italian silk tops in regular and
bodice style, in all sizes.
Women's Mercerized Bloomers
Princess May make, reinforced, with elastic at waist
and knee. In all sizes in pink only.
Our Entire Stock of
"Globe," "Hanro" and "Kayser"
Underwear at One-Third Off
Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
All of Our Walking
Skirts Reduced
- Now $5.00 to $16.50
Every Skirt in stock, consisting of box-pleated
and inverted-pleat skirts made of the finest grade
of plaid and stripes as well as the box checked
and plain skirts.
Every Silk and Flannel Skirt participates in
the Sale. Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
A Great Clearance of Silks
Our Finest Fabrics at Half Price
Here is one of the most interesting and helpful sales of the season. The
values are remarkable. The opportunities to "pick up" a splendid piece
of silk that will make a gorgeous frock will be numerous here Monday.
the finest assemblage ever shown here;
there are patterns for evening wear,
wraps, bags, etc $15.00 Yard
WARP with exquisite floral designs,
at $3.25 Yard
very heavy grade, white or maize grounds,
wide black satin stripes .... $4.00 Yard
ODD PIECES OF SILKS, consisting of
Messaline and Satin in a good range of
medium and light colors, but not many
dark colors; also 42-inch Tricolette and
36-inch Jap Shirting. .$1 to $3.50 Yard
at $7.50 Yard
36-INCH VELVETEEN. .$2.95 Yard
ALL PLUSHES at . . $5 to $1 2.50 Yard
Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co.
Entire Stock of Small Furs
To Be Sold at Cost
We are going to sell these magnificent furs
at exactly the prices we paid for them. The im
portance of this event is greater than ever be
fore, for never have more luxurious Capes,
Stoles, Scarfs and Chokers been offered in a
sale. The individual items are perfect in every
detail and are splendid representatives of the
furrier's skill each one standing pre-eminently
for its individual worth.
Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
A Group of Extraordinary Offerings
of White Petticoats in The White Sale
The second week of this annual January event will have an auspicious
beginning, offering, as it does, hundreds of splendid Petticoat Values, as
well as other serviceable and exquisite Lingerie.
White Petticoats
Lot 1 $1.19
Made of Iongcloth with
daintily embroidered ruffles
in floral designs, eyelet and
dotted patterns finished with
scalloped edge and draw
string at waist.
All Our Novelty
Silk Skirts
Special at
$3.95, $4.95, $6.95
to $17.65
Crepe de Chine and Satin
Skirts in flesh and white,
beautifully trimmed. This
includes the daintiest of
lace -trimmed garments as
well as the plainer tailored
models with hemstitched
and scalloped edges.
White Petticoats
Lot 2 $1.69
Made of soft - finished
Iongcloth with embroidered
flounces. Some in spray
design in eyelet work. Oth
ers in floral patterns com
bined with dots. The ma
jority of these skirts have
dust ruffles.
White Petticoats
Lot 3 $1.95
Lace and embroidery
trimmed petticoats made of
joft-finished Iongcloth ; deep
flounces, some of lace com
bined with daintily em
broidered organdy and in
scrtions. Others have
flounces of dainty embroid
eries. Other White Petticoats,
special at $2.45, $2.95 and
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe tr Co,
Envelope Chemises
Special $1.19
Dainty lingerie-cloth En
velope Chemises with lace
trimmings that come in strap
and armhole effects some
are combined with embroid
ery. Envelope Chemises
Special $1.95.
This lot includes fine
lingerie cloth, pink batiste
in plain or bluebird designs,
also dainty seco silk gar
ments in flesh shade; some
lace trimmed others
smocked. Deep yoke and
empire effects are also
shown. Valenciennes and
cream laces are prettily com
bined in many designs.
Armhole and strap styles.
Some crepes are also in
cluded in this lot.
All of Our Rugs
Reduced 33
Every Rug in our entire stock the Klearfax
and the Linen Rugs excepted at a third off of
our regular low prices, which means you can now
buy here every Rug in this sale at less than the
wh6lesale cost which we paid.
Wilton Rugs $14.00 to $116.34
A large variety the best standard makes
in sizes ranging from 36x63 inches to 9x12 feet.
Axminster Rugs $33.17 to $45
All 9x12 feet.
Seamless Velvet Rugs $28.37-$43.33
Size 9x12 feet.
Scrim and Filet Net Curtains
One-Third Less Than Regular Prices
. 24 and 2j2 yards long. The sale prices
range from $3.97 to $9.84 a pair.
Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe 6" Co,
Every Home Maker Can Benefit
By This Sale Of
Seasonable Housewares
Here are all the best sorts of practical and ef
ficient housewares for the year 'round, and the
savings are so great that you cannot afford to wait
any longer for these needs.
New, revised prices on all of the "Universal"
home needs, including Electric Percolators, Stove
Percolators, Food Choppers and Lunch Boxes.
Staple Items in Crockery and Glassware
at Lower Prices
1200 Plain White, Good Grade Tea Cup A
limit of twelve to a purchaser, at 15c each
1200 Thin Blown Water Glasses Four neat de
signs in needle etchings to choose from; limit twelve to
a purchaser, at 10c each
600 Nippon Tea Cups and Saucers Blue dragon
design; limit one dozen cups and saucers to a pur
chaser, at 20c pair
1000 White and Gold Dinner Plates Good grade
American semi-porcelain Set of 6, 90c
8-Qt. White Enamel
Kettles $129
Complete with cover and
bail handle.
5-Qt. White Enamel
Tea Kettles $1.69
Triple coated white enamel,
full five-quart size.
20-In. Handled Laun
dry Baskets $139
Full willow with strong han
dle and heavy edge.
2-Qt. Alum. Double
Boilers $1.89
Genuine Great Northern
ware; with 20-year service
Black Japanned Bread
Box $1.63
Large size, 12x17 inches,
with cover; well ventilated.
No. 2 Lisk Wash Tubs
Extra heavy galvanized ware
with hook handles and wringer
Perfection Dish
ers $3.19
Simply place the dishes in
the wire racks of the dryer after
washing, then pour scalding
water over them. The pan
catches the hot water, producing
a steam. The "steam" does
the work. Dishes dry bright
and clean, without streaks.
Casserole Frame 85c
Seven-inch and 8-inch sizes;
nickelplated on steel; a num
ber of different designs.
G e n u i n e Weller ware ;
smoothly finished. Yellow
Bowls, 8 inches, 39c; Yellow
Bowls, 7 inches, 23c.
Superior Steam Cook
ers $2.19
Extra heavy tin; three cook
ing compartments, one steam or
water compartment.
All Nickel Tea Pots
and Coffee Pots
25 Discount
All sizes in both teas and
coffees and a number of differ
ent styles and shapes.
All Perfection and
Florence Oil Heaters
20 Per Cent
All sizes in Perfection and Florence
Oil Heaters at 20 per cent discount.
Black enamel, blue and 'nickel trimmed
Sixth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.