The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 09, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 40

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Plot to Unite and Rule Social
ists Denounced.
Fourth Internationale Is Proposed
to Break Moscow Autocracy
and Set Vp "ew Party.
P4.RIS Jan. t. Lenlne's attempt to
rule and unite the socialists of the
world and control their policies
through the third Internationale of
Moscow is to be contested by the
.n. nr faction, of socialists.
This party occupies a middle position
between the extreme nsin., m
erate faction, of socialists and the
extreme left, or radical faction. It
was in order to organise their forces
Into a fourth Internationale that a
meeting- of the centrist socialise i
the world has been called in Vienna
cn FeBruary 22. next.
The center aocialista are dissatis
fied with both the second Internation
ale and the third Internationale of
Lenine. leaders of that faction say.
Lenlne Splitting Force
Joseph Gollomb. who claims to have
represented the socialist party of
America at a meeting in Berne. Switx
erland, December 6, which called a
meeting at Vienna next February to
form the proposed fourth Interna
tionale, declares that the socialists of
the world have become Impatient at
the conduct of Lenlne's third Inter
nationale of Moscow. The Russian
organization, he declares, "is devoting
itself chiefly to splitting the forces
of socialism and of the workers."
"Dominated by the chiefs of the
communist party of Itussla," Gollomb
alleges, "th third internatlonale is
trying to force on other countries a
programme, temper and tactics which,
whether good for Russia or not, takes
no account of differences of condi
tions throughout the world.
Hatred I Being Planted.
"Those socialists who do not accept
to the letter their ukases are de
nounced as traitors. The third in
ternatlonale is splitting socialist par
ties in every country, discarding
whole masses of -workers whose fi
and by dividing the trade union move
ment sows hatred between worker
delity to socialism has been proved
and worker."
Gollomb contends that both the
second Internationale, which existed
before the world war, and the third
Internationale are "mainly negative
In character and effect." The mem
bers of the second internatlonale, he
says, "have so limited, compromised
and forgotten the principles of so
cialism that there is nothing left of
them. As the conference at Berne
pointed out, they abandoned the work
ers during the war and by partici
pating in capitalist cabinets and
coalitions they have bent all their
energies toward patching the present
system instead of building a new one.
socialists want an aaequate inter
national organization to marshal ail
their forces and carry out a positive
upbuilding programme. At present
there is no satisfactory organiza
tion." Socialism Held Constructive.
Gollomb declares that fundament
ally socialism is a constructive move
ment and that the negative attitude
of the second and third Internationale
does not meet their need today and
the result has been general dissatis
faction with both of them. He asserts
that more than 8.500.000 voting so
cialists were represented at the Berne
conference which has called the meet
ing in Vienna and that most of the
delegates at Berne have been repre
sentative figures in international so
cialism for years.
The delegates of the socialist party
Of America were delayed in arriving,
but Gollomb says the party had de
clared itself officially in favor of the
action taken at Berne. The German
independents were represented by
Ledebour, Crispien and others, while
Jean Longuet and Paul Faure repre
sented the socialists of France. So
cialists of Austria and Switzerland
slso were represented at Berne.
'The possible formation of a fourth
Internationale is a matter for the
Vienna congress to decide." adds
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Two Naval Officers Accused
as Troublemakers.
Representation of Indian Drinking
From Stream to Adorn Park
at Saratoga Springs.
News to the effect that his latest
work, an Indian statue, will soon be
erected at Saratoga park, in the vicin
ity of Saratoga Springs. N. T., was re
ceived recently by A. Phimlster Proc
tor, famous sculptor and delineator
of western types, who is staying a
short time In the city. The statue
will be given the state of New York
by George D. Pratt, conservation com
missioner of that state, and will be
erected near the mineral springs of
Saratoga, which were much frequent
ed by eastern tribes in early New
York history.
Big Beaver, chief of one or the
Blackfoot tribes of northwestern
Montana, served as Mr. Proctor's
model for the statue. The statue will
be placed against a hillside, near a
pool of water, and the Indian is seen
in the" position of slaking his thirst,
one hand extended, and in a kneel
ing posture.
A mountain streamlet has been di
verted from Its course, and. runnfng
through the statue and down a tube
in the arm, eventually drips from the
Indian's hand.
It was necessary, according to Mr.
lands are located in Malheur and Har
ney counties and are being placed on
the market under an agreement en
tered into between the state and the
At the expiration of the 90-day
period the unsold lands will be of
fered to actual settlers at prices aver
aging about $75 an acre. The opin
ion was asked by G. G. Brown, clerk
of the state land board, following re
ceipt of a letter from Edmond L.
Humphreys of Portland, who sought
to ascertain If Spanish-American war
veterans had the same rights under
the preference ruling as persons who
served in the more recent conflict.
Gollomb. "but the outlook is that this Proctor, in order to gain a clear un-
ffathering will become the center of
gravity for the socialists and work
ing class movement throughout the
All Plays Are Modern and Works
of Parisian Sprightllness and
Good Humor,
derstanding of the study, to go to
Glacier National park in 1919. where,
after obtaining the services of Big
Beaver as model, work on the statue
was begun. Throughout the summer
of that year the sculptor labored dili
gently, and late in September left
Montana for his studio at Palo Alto,
Cal., accompanied by Big Beaver. Th
Journey south was made by automo
bile through Colorado, Utah and Ne
vada. VArrived in California. Big Beaver
posed for the equestrian statue "Co
the Wtr Trail," which was subse
quently given the city of Denver by
Stephen Knight. The New York In
dian statue was later in the year com
pleted in New York City.
Welcome Putnam, Graduate Stu
dent and ex-Service Man. Weds
High School Teacher.
Tliree modern one-act comedies in
Fn nch will be staged at the Little
theater on January 22, as a variation
In the series of diversions planned
for the coming season by the Drama
The plays selected for presentation
re the work of well-known writers
and are typical in their Parisiai
sprightllness and good humor.
"Don't Sneak to Me of Allah." in
Which are cast Dr. F. A. Kiehle. Miss i
Dorothea Nash. David Campbell, Par
ish Williams, Folger Johnson. Mrs
Ferdinand Smith. Mrs. Charles Edwin
Sears and Miss Marjorie Forbis,
shows the contract between an ebul
lient hotelkeeper of Gallic tempera
ment and the imperturbable Arab who
is his guest, and whose oriental com
posure and numerous retinue of wives
furnish the basis for a series of in
tense situations.
"Don't Marry Me" Is played by
Aeneas Mackenzie and Miss Elizabeth
Haley, and shows what might happen
to a young man who is invited to a
party, but goes one day too soon.
The contemporary Hamlet of light
comedy is portrayed in the third play.
"You Can't Catch Flies With Vine
ear." The conversion of a melancholy
and misunderstood young man to a
mrre agreeable attitude is the motive
of the piece. The cast includes Miss
Louise Linthicum. Mrs. Kenneth
Beebe, Edgar Piper Jr.. Henri Labbe.
Mi Susie Smith and Miss Irene
The coaching of the plays Is in
Charge of Madame J. Mercier and the
Etage settings are to be done by Mrs.
David Campbell. Two groups of
French songs will be sung between
sets by the Ellison-White and the
Valair conservatories.
Successful experiments are being
made by scientists with the produc
tion of potash from South African
School District Clerk Is Held Re
sponsible for All Funds.
SALEM Or.. Jan. 8 (Special.) A
.school district clerk s not relieved
fiom liability fcr the safe-keep ng of
money of a pciiool district. by placl is
the same in a bank, notwithstanding
that the school district board or
tori attempted to direct him
sc oiul excused him from liability, ac
cording to I. H. Van Winkle, attorney-general,
In an opinion given here
The opinion was asked by J. A.
Churchill, state superintendent of
public instruction, following receipt
of letter from Albert Howard Gam
mons, clerk of school district No. 1
of Jackson county. In his letter Mr.
Churchill also asked the attorney
general to examine a surety bond
issued by the National Surety com
pany in the sum of 15000 for the pro
tection of Mr. Gammons against fi
nancial loss. This bond was declared
to be regular.
It was said here today that the
opinion was sought in connection
with the failure of the state bunk of
Jacksonville, in which some of the
school unds of District No. 1 were
lem, Jan. 8. (Special.) One mar
riage and five engagements represent
Cupid's record on the Willamette
campus for the closing days of 1920.
according to announcements which
are regarded as incomplete.
Welcome Putnam, a graduate stu
dent at the university, was married
to Marie Luthy, '18, of Salem during
.the holiday season. The bride has
been teaching in the Eugene higli
school for two years. Putnam Is an
ex-service man, having served In
France with Company M. His wife,
while In the university, held several
offices In class and society organi
The engagement of Charlotte Crol
san of Salem to Russell Rarey of Ta
coma. Wash., has just been announced.
Rafey has played three years of var
sity football, having captained the
1920 eleven. He is also a basketball
letterman. playing a guard position.
Rein Jackson of Emmett, Idaho.
and center on the varsity basketball
five, is engaged to Elsie Gilbert, a
junior of Salem.
Another engagement Is that of
Ethel Mocroft of Forest Grove and
Frank Bennett of Gooding, Idaho.
The latter is a member of the varsity
debate team.
Other recent engagements are:
Mildred Clark, junior, of Salem and
Howard George, sophomore, of We
nachee. Wash; Rhoda Persons, senior,
of Salem and William Baker, sopho
more, of Spokane. Wash. Howard
George also was a varsity debater
last season.
Five Months of Turmoil Ended by
Findings of Committee In
vestigating Plaints.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 8. American
Samoa, far out in the south Pacific,
is settling down to equatorial -peace-fulness,
its bubble of "committee"
government having burst after sev
eral months of inflation, according to
mail advices received here from
The United States steamship Kan
sas, with Admiral Charles Hughes,
has left Tutuila for Hilo, Hawaii, car
rying two naval officers who were
adjudged responsible for instilling
unrest among Samoans and encourag
ing formation of an organization of
native chiefs to supplant the rule of
the late Governor Terhune.
Five months of turmoil ended No
vember 30, when Arthur A. Greene,
American citizen, was deported
and left for Honolulu; Lieutenant
Commander Creed H. Boucher court
martialed and placed under arrest on
the battleship Kansas: Commander A.
Kail, acting governor, adjudged
guilty of misdirected zeal and taken
aboard the battleship, and Captain
Waldo Evans, a new governor, in
stalled and started conferences with
the native leaders to restore the old
time harmony.
Memorial Fund Started.
The tragedy of the affair was the
suicide of Commander Warren J.
Terhune, governor, against whom the
conspiracy was directed and who
ended his life just before the start
of the inquiry which absolved him.
Tribute to his administration is paid
by the enlisted men of the naval sta
tion who have presented a fund to the
widow to build a memorial for their
unjustly accused commander.
Testimony of the court of inquiry
received here reveals the strange
course of affairs in the mid-Pacific
group of islands. Lieutenant-Commander
Boucher reached American
Samoa May 3 After 85 days' service.
of which were spent in suspension
for three . offenses, he was detached
by Governor Terhune, on approval
from Washington, and proceeded to
Mare island. California. Boucher filed
charges with the navy department
against Governor Terhune and offi
cers, naval and civil, of the island's
administration, citing maladministra
tion. Incompetence, misappropriation
funds and abuse of the natives.
Arthur A. Greene arrived in Samoa
last April. Commander A. C. Kail ar
rived there In September. Both we're
instrumental, with Boucher, In press
ing charges against Terhune. Com
mander Kail, captain of the yard
under Terhune, sought to have the
medical officer of the station declare
the governor insane. Kail attempted
to send a wireless to the navy de
partment that Governor Terhune was
Insane, and a copy of this message
was found in the room in which the
commander ended his life.
Unrest Gnlns Footing.
Conditions in July revealed unrest
of the natives, in frequent stone-
fights with the sailors. This unrest.
with the charges by'Boucher and the
counter charges by Terhune. resulted
in the sending of the battleship Kan
sas to Samoa, with a board of inquiry
under Admiral Hughes and Captain
Waldo Evans, the latter designated as
new governor.
Two days before the arrival of the
battleship, November 3, Governor
Tgrhune shot himself. Commander
Kail, assuming the position of acting
governor, started a sweeping chantre
of administration, suspending the
courts, closing the medical institu
tions and suspending medical officers
Five days later the Inquiry opened
It proved all statements and charges
by Boucher and Kaii without founda
tion, and indicated Boucher had sought
to become governor and name Greene
secretary for native affairs. Boucher
from the midst of the inquiry was
changed from the status of an in
terested party to defendant, and upon
its close held for courtmartial on 26
charges by order of Secretary Daniels.
Governor Evans, at the close of the
inquiry, called the discontented native
governors and chiefs together, and
as the steamer and battleship were
carrying away the deported citizen
and the naval officers responsible for
the unrest, started undoing the "com
mitte form of government," which
Greene and Boucher were charged
with having sought to educate the
natives up to.
Plsgah home for the aged yesterday
concluded a most successful drive for
funds. about $6000 being raised
through the sale of tags. Headquar
ters of the campaign were estab
lished at the Portland hotel, and
throughout the day reports from
workers were being received by Mrs.
Robert L. Russel, chairman of the
campaign committee of the home.
About 60 aged men and women
are residents of the home, said Mrs.
Russel, and they are supported
through the charity of Portland cit
izens. The place is situated at vsood
mere, a station on the Mount Scott
This is the second drive for funds
within the last year, the first having
been held a few days before the hol
iday season. However, because of
the heavy rains prevailing the tag
sale' was stopped within an hour and
drive leaders waited for a more
auspicious occasion.
Members of the Girls' Reserve of
the Glencoe school, selling tags at the
courthouse, were very successful.
Mrs. Walter D. McWalters is treas
urer of all funds collected.
Revival of Brilliant Event
Strikes Popular Chord.
90 Per Cent of 1920 Washington
Clip Reported Still in Hands
of State Producers.
SPOKANE. Wash., Jan. 8. Yakima
was chosen the 1922 convention city
of the Washington Wool Growers'
association, at the closing session of
the 1921 association meeting here
today. The vote in favor of Yakima
was practically unanimous.
Many problems affecting the sheep
raising industry of the state and
nation were discussed today. Chief
among these were plans for market
ing mutton. No action was taken
on proposals that the growers them
selves establish retail markets, but
the convention went on record in
favor of a proposal that all sheep
be killed in the west and shipped to
eastern markets as "cniliea lamo
in the interest of saving for the
growers. At present most or tne
mutton shipped east is on the hoof,
it was explained.
Resolutions adopted by the conven
tion indorsed the principles of farm
bureau organization and pledged
support to them; favored enactment
of a law for general land exchanges
within the national forests of the
state, and indorsed the Fordney
emergency tariff bill now before
congress and the "Truth in Fabric"
bill to require marking of cloth with
Its wool content.
A budget of $4000 for association
expenses during the coming year
was approved. It will De leviea on
the basis of one cent for each sheep
owned by association members.
The convention, which opened here
last Thursday, closed tonight. At
elections held the opening day
Thomas J. Drumheller of Walla
Walla, was re-elected president and
G. F. Sears of Prosser, was named
secretary. In the opening convention
speech last Thursday, President
Drumheller declared wool growers of
the state had approximately 6,000,000
pounds of wool on their hands from
the 1920 crop which cannot De Dis
posed of at any price." He said
approximately 90 per cent of the 1920
clip was still unsold.
editorial staff that it edit a special
issue of the college newspaper on
January 19, responded with the elec
tion of Easton Rothweil of Butte.
Mont., recently a winner of a journal
istic contest among his class, with
full powers to appoint his staff. The
issue will be financed as are the reg
ular issues of the Quest, but will re
lieve the freshmen from advertise
ment soliciting and employ the regu
lar reporter on alumni news. Haw
ever, the writing news, headlines, edi
torials, literary material and other
departments will be left In the hands
of the first-year students.
Rothweil has promised a paper
somewhat unique In Quest issues, and
nas appointed several members to his
staff. Harold King, a graduate of
Lincoln high school, will be news edi
tor; Anabel Kennedy of Seattle,
Wash., and John Piper of this city
Few Presidents Have Abandoned
Big Social Feature, but It Has
Come Back Without Trouble.
Small Son Puts In Word in De
fense of Mother and Bitterly
Denounces Home-Breaker.
to do
Man Who Was Broke and Jobless
Happy; Thought Insane.
Mike Domorovich was not worry
ing because the police picked him up
yesterday without a cent in his pock
ets and also without a job. He ap
peared before Judge Rossman with
a smile on his face and a ready
"A little thing like being broke
doesn't worry me a bit, your honor."
he said. 'Tomorrow I am to have a
fortune. Just let me go and I will
come back tomorrow with more
money than you -ever saw before."
The court was a bit dubious. After
a careful examination of Mlke he
ordered him held for examination by
a sanity commission.
Opinion on Preferential Purchase
of Lands Is Given. '
SALEM. Or.. Jan. 8 (Special.) All
honorably discharged soldiers, re
gardless of the war in which they
served, are entitled to preference
rights for a period of S days In pur
chasing lands belonging to the Pa
cific Livestock company, according to
a legal opinion given by Attorney-
General VanWinkle today. These the president-elect.
Itinerary Will Include Paris, Ver
sailles, Lake Geneva, Genoa,
Rome, Florence, Venice.
Senator's Cruiser Preparing to
Visit Florida Waters.
CHARLESTON, S. C Jan. 8. Sena
tor Frelinghuysen's yacht, the Vic
toria, on which President-elect Hard
ing and Mrs. Harding are expected to
crutse In Florida waters soon, was In
port today preparing for the "trip.
The Harding party probably will
board the yacht at St. Augustine.
Fla.. and a full golfing equipment has
been placed on board for the use of
Jan. 8. (Special.) Plans for a two
months' tour of Europe by a number
of university girls, conducted by Miss
Elizabeth Fox, dean of women, and
Miss Julia Burgess, professor of
rhetoric, are almost completed. Origi
nal plans were for 16 to make the
tour, but if more of the university
girls can go they will not be disap
pointed. The itinerary has been planned to
begin with a week's sight-seeing In
Paris and an excursion to Versailles,
and will include a sail on Lake
Geneva, visits i Genoa, Rome, Flor
ence and Venice. In England trips
wi.l be made to Oxford, Eton, Wind
sor Castle and Stratford-on-Avon.
Dean Fox and Miss Burgess have
both had experience in European
travel. Mies Fox spent a year and a
half in Europe during the war as a
Y. W. C. A. secretary in charge of
work which took her into all the
countries included in the itinerary.
Miss Burgess has also spent some
time in each of these countries.
The date of sailing from New York
will be July 2. Eacn girl will be
allowed transportation for two pieces
of hand baggage. Any girls who are
interested may obtain details from
Dean Fox or Miss Burgess.
When Mrs. M. Clark appeared in
police court yesterday as prosecuting
witness against C. A. Murphy she was
wearing a neat-appearing street suit
and a handsome plush coat, which
Murphy fad given to he- after she
had left her husband ar a r-ma'l son
anl lnkn up with the man who SLiod
before Judge Rossman as defendant.
A s'Tti'd story of how Murphy "a
lured tne woman lrom her husband
and eon by buying her expensive
doming was told to Judge ltorsm:-.n.
Dur'.i.g tlie entire recital of events
the S-ytar old son stood by Clerk of
thj Court Crounse crying and at times
putting .n a word in defense of ns
mother and against Murp ir.
The eternal triangular affair
reached police court when Murphy
was unable to see the woman he had
won return to her own husband. In
company with a companion he went
to the Clark home late Friday and
spilled acid on the clothes he had
given Mrs. Clark. The Clarks then
caused his arrest.
In committing Murphy to jail for
a month. Judge Rossman took occa
sion to give Clark a severe arraign
ment for permitting his wife, to ap
pear in police court in clothing which
another man had given her.
"It's all she's got," protested the
ffusband, but Judge Rossman suggest
ed that If he wanted to keep his wife
away from the other man he would
be compelled to give her better
At the hearing Mrs. Clark faintei
and was not revived for several minutes.
Oregon Boy and Girl, Under Age,
Wed at Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Jan. 8. (Spe
cial.) Two minors were married here
Saturday afternoon. Miss Frances
Stopper, 17-year-old daughter of Mrs.
Frances Stopper of Portland, was
married to Sergeant Frank M. Hager,
25. also of Portland. M. Nudelmann.
225 Eleventh street, Poftland, attend
ed the couple as witness, and the
written consent of the bride's mother
was obtained.
Jesse 7. Shannon,-20-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon of Ore
gon City, was married to Miss Eve
lene Boettcher, 20. The boy's parents
gave their written consent, but did
not attend tne marriage, urea uins
bell of Oregon City acting as wit
3 00 Workers Successful in Spite of
Bad Weather Conditions.
Despite the inclemency
I weather the 300 workers
Silver Production Also Below That
or 19f9.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. A reduction
of 810,824,000 in the gold output of
the country and of 117,941 ounces in
.he silver output during the last year
a3 compared with 1919, was announceQ
today by the bureau of the mint.
Gold production for 1920 totaled
2,395.017 ounces, valued at 849.509.400,
while the silver output aggregated
56,564,504 ounces, worth 857.420,325.
California led in gold production for
the year, w'th 692,019 ounces, and
Alaska was second with 380.034
junees Montana was first in silver
Washington, Jan. 8. Advocates of an
inaugural ball have been digging
deep into .the history of such oc
casions, and perhaps they have found
sufficient justification for the revival
of this historic event in the lesson
of what happened when Andrew
Jackson undertook to substitute a
reception for the ball. "Old Hickory"
was fond of upsetting state customs
and he banned the Inaugural ball. A
reception after the inauguration was
the alternative, with a near-riot as
the result
And it begins to look like the his
toric ball In all of Its splendor, Is
to signalize the inauguration ' of
President Harding and Vice-President
Coolidge, notwithstanding the
well-known inclinations of the next
president and vice-president toward
the simplicity of other days. It is an
nounced that letters have been re
ceived from all parts of the United
States at the headquarters of the in
augural committee, requesting that
tickets be reserved.
Automobiles Replace Hacks,
Washington people are manifesting
the keenest interest in the plans for
an event abandoned at the last two
Inaugurations. Citizens' committees
are arranging the details so that all
the new president and "first lady"
will have to do will be to appear at
the state! hour and lead the grand
march. The mile-long string of
hacks will be missing and automo
biles in large numbers will supplant
the old horse-drawn vehicles, wnich
always have been a feature of other
similar occasions.
The possibility of the revival of the
inaugural bail has set the historians
to work, with the result of produc
ing some interesting reminiscences of
other inaugurations. It is found that
perhaps the most striking incident oc
curred in connection with the inaug
uration of Zachary Taylor in 1849.
President Taylor was a whig and
whig leaders, acting on the theory
that "to the victors belong the
spoils," decided on an all-whig in
augural ball. A whig committee of
managers was appointed and this
committee named a committee to
have charge of the ball. An ad
vertisement printed in the National
Intelligencer and signed by "one of
the Managers," explained that the
whigs" believed that as the whigs
elected Taylor, the whigs should have
the honor of managing the inaugural
Lincoln on Both Committees.
Another board of managers was
formed and announced a "National
inaugural ball, irrespective of party,"
and also advertised a committee. The
advertisements of the rival "man
agers" appeared side by side, but tho
singular fact was that both commit
tees contained the names of A. Lin
coln, afterward martyr president of
the United States; Colonel Robert E
Lee and Colonel Joseph E. Johnston,
later known In history as Confed
erate leaders who fought against
Lincoln and the Union.
Three balls were held inauguration
night. The whigs held forth !i
special dancing pavilion erected at
the city hall. The national inaugural
ball was held at Jackson hall, and
third ball, arranged in honor of the
visiting military companies, was held
at carusi s.
On the occasion of George Wash
ington's inauguration in New York
the president's levee was held, which
was the forerunner of the inaugural
ball. This was on May 7. 1789. From
a feminine point of view, the real
levee was that held by Mrs. Wash
ington on Friday, May 29. which may
be said to marK tne actual founding
of society.
Adams Bnll Magnificent.
John Adams' inauguration in 1797
was marked by a magnificent inaug
ural ball, hsld in the amphitheater at
Philadelphia on the night of March 4.
Jefferson refused to permit an in
augural ball. There was. then no
mistress of the White House. Mrs.
Doljy Madison, wife of the future
president of the United States, acted
as the hostess when there was need
of such a figure in offical entertain
ments. The Inaugural ball was revived at
the inauguration of James Madison,
at which time Dolly Madison became
"first lady" in her own right. It was
she who really began the making of
social history in the national capi
tal. As a result, her name lives in
history with the names of the pres
idents. Inaugural balls also were
held at both inaugurations of Pres
ident Monroe.
John Quincy Adams' inauguration
was marked by most brilliant festiv
ities. Mrs. Adams' many residences
in foreign capitals had equipped her
to take the leadership of society in
"Old Hickory" Jackson, as has been
noted, barred the inaugural ball, but
held a reception which almost re
sulted In a riot. The crowd filled
the White House and practically
wrecked several rooms.
Death Blights Two Events.
The brilliant Taylor inaugural was
followed by more simple ceremonies
for President Millard Fillmore, called
to the presidency by death. The
shadow of death also prevented an in
augural ball when Franklin Pierce
took office, but the event came back
again when James Buchanan was In
augurated .
A "union ball" with the south un
represented, marked Lincoln's first
inauguration, but the inaugural ball
returned in all its glory at the first
Grant inaugural. Civil war heroes
in their uniform were the feature of
the occasion.
The Hayes inaugural ball was
brilliant. After the assassination of
President Garfield, President Arthur
assumed office quietly. The Inaug
ural balls of both Cleveland admini
strations were splendid affairs, his
sister. Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, pre
siding at the first, and his wife, a
White House bride, at the second.
The Benjamin Harrison, McKinley
and Roosevelt inaugural balls were
notable events, as was that of Presi
dent Taft. -Several innovations are
promised for the Harding inaugural.
It is probable that a marine band of
80 pieces will alternate with a string
orchestra of 125 pieces, and several
concert numbers are planned with a
chorift of several hundred of the best
voices in the country.
i; - &i- i
Mrs. Emily Jane Windom ( line.
Funeral services for Mrs.
Emily Jane Windom Cline,
member of a pioneer Oregon
family, who died Wednesday as
a result of a stroke of apo
plexy, were held Friday at the
parlors of the East Side
Funeral Directors. Interment
was made in the Mount Scott
Mrs. Cline was born at Hal
sey. Or., May 24, 1861, her par
ents .being pioneers. She moved
to PrineviiJe In 1S84 and three
years later was married to the
late George Cline. She was a
member of the Artisans lodge
at Culver. She is survived by
three daughters Mrs. George
W. Root and Olga Cline of Port
land, and Mrs. John Brosman
of Ontario, Or. There is also a
brother J. L Windom of Gold
endale. Wash., and a sister, Mrs.
Cairie Cunningham of New
Westminster, B. C.
Determined Effort to Be Made to
Obtain Amendments to Ex
isting haws.
At a meeting of the executive board
of the Oregon chapter of American
Association of Engineers, held In
the Tilford building headquarters
yesterday afternoon. engineering
features and their relation to the
session of the Oregon legislature
formed the principal topic for dis
cussion. The services of the engi
neers in technical matters regarding
so-called antiquated statutes which
they wish revised and brought down
to date, were offered and it was an
nounced that a determined effort will
be made to obtain amendments to
some existing laws.
Percy Cupper, state engineer and
chairman of the legislative com
mittee of the Portland chapter, was
the chief speaker. He presented data
concerning proposed amendments
The secretary was Instructed to
send word to the promoters of the
1925 exposition, to be held in Port
land, offering the services of the
engineers and calling attention to the
fact that there are engineers in Ore
gon thoroughly capable of serving
the board in the engineering problems
that will come before the members.
President-Elect Hardihg will be
notified at once of the adoption of a
resolution, urging him to appoint
some western man to the position of
secretary of the Inte.-ior. A special
committee was named to investigate
Panama canal tolls, with the idea of
exempting coastwise shipping from
payment of tolls or coastwise ship
ping for an equal amount.
A resolution was adopted, favoring
the appointment of an engineer oo
the Interstate commerce commission
and the name of J. P. Newell of Port
land was mentioned In this connec
tion. W. A. Hanscomb, assistant
engineer of the port of Astoria, was
present in the interest of the engi
neers of Clatsop county.
will be assistant editors, and Miss
Elizabeth M. Rankin, also of this city,
will be literary editor. Mr. Rothweil
has not appointed his reporters ns
yet, but every member of the class
will be asked to contribute or receive
Irrigation of 60,000 Acres of Priest
Rapids District in Abeyance
While Legislation Pends.
PROSSER, Wash., Jan. 8. (Spe
cial.) Irrigation of approximately
60,000 acres, embraced in the Priest
rapids irrigation district, will be held
in abeyance pending a suit that has
been filed in the Benton county court
by the Northeon Pacific railway,
which is resisting assessments levied
by th district against railway land.
Involving a total tax of about J4000.
Attorneys representing the plaintiff
ask the court to restrain the county
treasurer from collecting the assess
ment and to compel the officials of
the Irrigation district to come into
court and explain the various steps
incident to the organization of the
district. Particular complaint is di
rected against a fee of $4000 for legal
services by Moulton & Jeffrey of
Kennewick and $6000 for engineering
services during the year 1920.
Plaintiff charges that the pro
ceedings followed by the district
have not complied with the law. It
alleges that it understands it is the
purpose of the irrigation district to
enlarge and line the canal of the
Hanford Irrigation & Power company
and then to construct a higher, or
"first level." canal, from which it is
proposed ultimately to pump water
to a third canal to water a third unit.
Those who are in touch with the
project, which would follow the
Columbia river across the entire
north boundary of Benton county, ex
tending from Priest rapids through
to White Bluffs and Hanford toward
Richland, allege that the irrigation
district has been formed in the ex
pectation that the General Electric
company, which Is said to own the
power right and dam site at Priest
rapids, will be compelled by the court
to construct serviceable canals and
deliver an adequate supply of water
to the old Hanford irrigation district,
on account of prior obligations that
were assumed by the General Electric
company w.hen it obtained the Priest
rapids rigl)ts.
Complete Abolishment to Commis
sion of Appeals Never Favored,
Board Member Says.
That he had never been in favor of
a complete abolishment of the teach
ers' commission of appeals, but that
he had been driven to the support of
the present proposed change in the
teachers' tenure law by the uncom
promising attitude of the teachers
themselves, was the declaration of
George B. Thomas, member of the
school board, in outlining his position
He said that he wished to avoid
the unpleasantness and expense of
trials and for that reason favored do
ing away with the use of the com
mission of appeals except in cases
where a teacher was discharged by
less than a unanimous vote of the
five members of the board.
Tt Is inconsistent," he declared,
"that three men selected by a pre
siding judge should pass on what
five men elected by the people have
agreed upon.
"It has never been my idea entirely
to abolish the teachers' commission of
appeals." he said, "but rather to re
strict its jurisdiction to the cases of
those teachers dismissed by less than
unanimous vote of the five mem
bers of the school board. It is my
opinion that when five members of
the school board are unanimous in
their judgment that for the good of
the service a teacher should bo dis
charged and so state in an offlclul
vote while the board is in session
that no appeal should lie to the teach
ers' commission of appeals, but that
in case the board Is not unanimous
when the five members are in session,
then an appeal might be taken by the
discharged teacher."
O. A. C. Cadets Accept Invitation
of Alabama Team.
LEGE, Corvallls, Jan. S. (Special.)
A challenge from the Alabama Poly
technic institute -:f!s team to a match
with the college reserve officers'
training corp team has been accepted
and the shoot will be held soon. Each
team will fire on its own range, and
i official scorers will record the data
to be compared.
The Oregon Agricultural college
team nas issued challenges to teams
from the Universities of Washington,
Oregon and California, and It is ex
pected that matches will be scheduled
with these squads. A first-class
range has been fitted up in the ar
mory, and practice with the latest
model gallery rifles is to start soon.
University ol Oregon and Mon
mouth Co-ordinate in Work.
Jan. 8. (Special.) Co-ordination of
the work of the University of Oregon
and the state normal school has bcrn
effected and university students wish
ing to teach in the elementary schools
of Oregon will now be required lo
take only 12 weeks' work in the nor
mal school.
Formerly university students wish
ing elementary certificates had to at
tend normal school one-half or two
thirds of a year. The normal work
will be accepted by the university
upon graduation. The normal scho!
has also abolished its two-year resi
dence rule in regard to the University
of Oregon students.
the ' output, totaling 13,!tS3,161 ounces
Reed College Freshman Class to
Get Out Edition of Quest.
The Reed college freshmen class.
i accepting the challenge of the Quest
Police Captain's San Robbed.
Thieves who broke into the Renson
Polytechnic school appropriated a
slide trombone belonging to Glenn
Harms, son of Captain Harms of the
second night relief of the police bu
reau, according to a report made at
dofectlve headquarters yesterday by
Captain Harms. The same thieves
stole an overcoat belonging to an
other student. The police captain's
son will be compelled to forego his
musical education temporarily until
his father gets trace of the stolen
"ew Firm Incorporates.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. . (Special.)
The Golden Rule Mercantile company,
with headquarters at Medford, has
been Incorporated by C. W., G. A. and
W. H. Whillock. The capital stock ta
175,000. S'otice of dissolution has been
filed by the Coqullle Valley Land &
Development company, with head
quarters In Coos county.
Traps Handicap Awarded.
CHICAGO, Jan. 8. The Grand Amer
ican handicap, premier event of Amer
ican trapshooters today was awarded
to the South Shore Country ctub of
Chicago at the annual meeting of the
American Trapshooting association.
The tournament, in connection with
the chief event, will take place Au
gust 22-r7j
Tillamook Cheese Stocks Sold.
TILLAMOOK, Or., Jan. 8. (Special.)
At the monthly meeting of the
Tillamook County Creamery associa
tion Carl Haberlack reported that all
cheese made to December 2 had been
sold, and that two 400-case orders
had been turned down, there being
no cheese in storage. The marked
wi-s firm at SO cents.
Playground Equipment Desired.
EUGENE, Or., Jan. 8. (Special.)
The pupils of the Condon school of
this city will gather up old papers
ami magazines next week and sell
them, the proceeds to go toward buy
ing playground equipment for the
school grounds. Teachers and pa
trons of the school have the campaign
in charge.
Riot Troops Leave Butte.
BUTTE. Mont., Jan. 8. Federal
troops stationed here since last April
departed this morning for Fort
George Wright, Wash., to Join their
reaiment. The troops were ordered
here following rioting in connection
with labor troubles.
Read The Oregonian classified adj.