THE SUNDAY OREGON! AX, .PORTLAND, JANUARY 9, 1921 IT KlHINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel and Booming Hawses, 85 ROOMS S3. Corner brick bid.. eim beat, hoi and coid water in everr room, very well furnished, good lease and c earing $SO per mo. over all ex penses. $7000 cash down, balance monthly payments. For more par ticulars call at office. 73-ROOM HOTSL. On ot the beat tracsaent loca tion in Portland, completely and well furnished modern brick bldg., splendid lobby, good lease. This place la netting $1000 per mo. $i2,U0u required. 55 ROOMS 55. Very well furnished neat and clean. 2-year leaae at $150 per mo. Pr.ce $300u. same terms, SWELL APT. HOUSE. One of the best in Portland, 2. 3 and 4-room apts., strictly mod ern brick bldg.. elegant furniture, net income of about $1200 per mo. $1.4.000 to handle this. 40 ROOMS 0. This ta a neat little brick, steam heat, running water In each room, several private baths, food leas. Price $7700. 10 ROOMS 10. Very neat little place In Nob Hill district, extra well furnished, rent $50; lease. Price $2000. IS ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. Very nicely furnished, electric lights, furnace heat, rent $75 per mo. Pries $2000. some terms. WE WRITE ALT. KINDS OF INSURANCE. F RIERDOX. FITTER. LOWE A CO., 301-3 0-7 Board of Trade bid. SI ROOMS, hot water heat, running water in rooms; rent $00. lease; housekeeping apartmenta; clears $200; price $340, $10oo handles. 14 rooms. While Temple location, rent ' $J60; good furniture and you tan make $100 over apartment clear; furnace, elec tricity; $1800. eome terms. A REAL BUY. IS rooms, rent $00; Nob Hill location ear Washington at., excellent furniture and rugs, nice appearing house; will 1 easily dear $110 and give you lovely 2 room apt; the beet buy on the market; price $2100, $1000 handles. ANOTHER. 9 rooms, rent $.10, stove heat, spotlesslv Clean, nets $0o and fine 2-room apart ment, good furniture, high -class west aide location; a pick-up at $1000. some terms. Main MS. C E. BO WD EN CO.. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY THE BEST OK ALL INVESTMENTS. Thr- -story brick apartment house and furniture. Income 13 per cent not. Price $85,000. Down-town apartment house. Income 10 per cent net. Price $30,000 Two-story brick store building. In come 8 per cent net. Price $15,000. Will take smaller clear properties as part payment on these pieces. Do you remember the opportunities you mlased before Portland's 1005 fair? Remember 1025. The time to gel inoney niaktng investment? is NOW. Get particulars Call on us. If. H. URDAHL CO. (Inc.) 822 AMngton Bldg. Main 6252. UNION AVENUE CORNER. 60x90. $3000 $650 cash. $25 and 7 per cent monthly, 8-room bouse, all con veniences, newly painted, out and inside and papered throughout. Neat and ready to occupy; ar ranged for renting rooms for v hich there is great demand, sufficient to pay Itself out, if de sired. There is greater value In this corner than the prica asked. Evenings Sell. 1060. GEO. BNGLEH ART CO.. Bdwy, 5173 624 Henry Bldg. APARTMENTS AND ROOMING HOCSE8. We have many calls for apartments, rooming houses, hotels and housekeep ing rooms. If you wish to sell, list with us. We guarantee service and satisfaction. Mr. Freeman. BlHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Streets, MAIN 7487. 10 ROOMS, ... 'keeping suites, running water in most all rooms, modem; $1600. 9 rooms, east side, very attractive home with Income enough to more than pay expenses. 10 rooms on east side, close to good car and easy walking distance to town. Sirs. Albaugh. with John Ferguson, Ger Imger bldg. $875 CASH. NETS OVER $80 PER MONTH. In heart of west side apt. dist., large fine home furnished for H. K. ; large net bvsides home for self. Make an offer. Must have $875 as first payment. Call today or Monday. Main 511W. O II SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exch. Bldg. FTfWT TIME ON MARKET. Apartment house. 03 rooms, rent $200, lease. 23 apts., mostly 2 and 3 room apartments, two 4-rooms. cream of lo cations, if-am heat, net profit atut VNI Price $12,000. easy terms This Is good. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO T. MOOKE CO., 1007 Teon bldg. Corner, walking distance, nets $130. $1850. easy tbrms. t7 rooms. H. K.. recently redecorated; elect, and gaa; ranges all apts. except one; running water all apts.; lease; low rent; $1SOO; best rental location. Call today or Monday. Main $199. O. H SKOTHEIM t'OMPAVT ! : 1 1 ;-3 1 3 Railway Exch. Bldg. 17 ROOMS 17. Close to Washington at.. Nob Hill dis trict: furnace heat, running water most rooms; swell furniture; always full, peo ple on watting list; Income $208. rent $6or dandy home, nice yard; price $2105; pay small payment down. bal. as you make it Peters. 15 N. 5th st. VERY mcely located 10-room home on W"7 Park st., giving nice modern home on first floor and more than the rent out of second floor; reasonable rent for the location: a choice place to live. For a short time only at $1150 cash. Call 164 West Park st. FOR QUICK SALE List your hotel, apartment and rooming houses with us Your interest! will al ways be protected. SEE MUS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. IF TOU WISH TO BUT OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rlerdon. HITTER. LOWE CO 201-3-5.7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. ANOTHER ONE. Fins location. 15 apts.. 2 and 3 mm. 17 single room, housekeeping, net profit llT. mnnlh ITAlh) . -. ...Ill k n. SEE MRS KELLER GEO. T. MOORE CO . 1007 Yeon bldg. S3 APARTMENTS, fine modern " wesPslde brick corner; automatic elevator, private ba'conles; elegantly furnished through- rut: .ong lease at ssbnj; income over $1300.' Price $17,000. Terms. Yates, MS Fourth M. Hi 'TEL and apartments, 73 rooms, mostly H. K.. low rent, attractive income, fair furniture, lease. This is not the Benson only $nsoo half cash. T UUGKNK HEDGES. 201 W. PARK m 1 5-ROOM HOTEL. Hot and cold water In every room good el an place; price $2000. terms. SEE JOHN BROWN CO.. 322 Railway Exch. Bldg. Marshal; 3331. A REAL home and Income from this II rooms. Nob Mill, as good furniture as you can buy; clean as a pin; $2450. terms. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 TV. PARK. YOUR REAL ESTATE BOND Your bond should be fifed before yo'J transact any real estate business ANYTHING TN THE BONDING LINE. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. SOMETHING different. 10 rooms, classlly furnished, furnace hat. In fact modern: lease, finest furnishings; $1650. terms, west side, close In. J EUGENE HEDGES. ?01 W PARK. ATTRACTIVE 7-room flat, close In. on most active business street on east side. Three rooms rented will more, than pay a : expanses Alhaugh. frith John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg. READ MT RULLUTIN BOARDS STEP INSIDE FOR FACTS T HAVE SEVERAL REAL BUYS. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. LA RGE. attractive apartment houte, net tlr.g $800 monthly: S0000 cash will handle. Mr. Walter. 509 McKay bldg. Main 1300 SINE room, clots n. now bringing in $100 s mcnth a raa.1 bargain. Benny B Bloom, with COBB BROS. Main 9052 263 Oak St KICK little homey place. c!ose !n7 east side; furnace heat: this mod. solid, clean furniture, fair r nt. $900 J EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. SIX-ROOM FLAT, walking distance east side, all H. K.. rent $37.50. income $100 onlv S5o. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W PARK. is ROi'MS. c:oae n Income $263 a month snap for a quick sale Benny B. Bloom, with COxwB Alain $HXU. 263 Oak St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Bouses. SOME APAREMENT HOUSES. 61 -room apartment hotel, fine place, good lease, btg money maker. $5000 cash handles. List 204. 25 apartments, modern brick, fine location, clears $700 mouth. $17,500, easy terms. 1.1st 222. 15 apartn.nts, brick, good lo cation, rent $110 month, $4000, hair cash. List 223. 60 -room apartment house, good Income property, building, ground an d furnish 1 ngs. $30. uuO. som cash, some trade. List 214. Mt-room fine modern apartment bouse, swell location; 3-year leaae, $11,000 cash, no terms. List 221. COUNTRY HOTEL PROPOSI TIONS. 93 -room fine modern commer cial hotel, doing large business, clearing over $10,000 per year, good town central Oregon, 3500 people, on highway at depot, fine vl"w ColumblM river, building, grounds and furnishings $6O.0O0. one-third cash. High-class proposition. List Ml 30 -room hotel, new building, near largest mill in the west, opens full blast in few days; does large business, building, grounds and furnishings. $7500; attractive terms: sickness compels sale. List 57. SOME GOOD PORTLAND HOTELS. 78-room modern hotel, fine loca tion, clearing over $1000 month, lease at $300 month, snap $11,000 cash, so terms. List 141. , 70 -room fine modern hotel, cor ner brick, 3-year lease, new lobby, bar and card room, dandy place, doing large business, big money maker, best proposition In Port land. $20,000. terms. List 139. 60 -room comer brick hotel, nicely furnished, cheerful rooms, modern, $11,500, terms. List 119. 80-room modern brick, good cor ner, rent $150, $7000, terms. List 136. We haTe large listing of fine apartment houses and city and country hotels. If you wish to buy or sell see us. NORTHWEST HOTET, NEWS COMPANY, INC.. 714 COUCH BLDG. TRY-US REALTT CO., 169 West Park st. Auto. 513-48. Over 100-room spartment house, 45 2 and 3 room apts., water in all apts., electric lights, Rteam heat, gas ranges, etc.; $13,000, $5000 cash: netting $630; close-in west side location. 30-room transient hotel. low rent with lease; electric lights, H. W. heat, good furniture; $5700, $3700 cash; netting $300 month. 25 rooms, all H. K. ; $2000, $1000 cash; netting $165 month. 15 rooms, all H. K.; low rent; netting $164 per month; electric lights, good went side location ; $1800. $1000 cash. 14 rooms, mostly H. K. : low rent; good income; extra good fur niture; nice, homey place; every thing goes for $2500, $1500 caah. 16 rooms, all H. K. ; very low rent with lease; fair furniture, good income, for $1500. $050 cash; good west side location. It rooms, 3 kitchenettes, low rent, good Income, nicely fur nished, all for $1300, $10O0 han dles; White temple district. 12 rooms, $1500; low rent with lease; good income; White temple district. TRY-US REALTY CO.. 169 West Park st. Auto. 513-48. 20 H K. SPLENDID location, netting good Income, pius 3-room suite for self. Thli place is modern, with hot and cold -u n -nlng water in nearly all apartments, with regular kitchens, with gas ranges and sinks, not light Hu K.. but real throughout. Will give good terms to responsible peopie 10 H. K. right close in, low rent, mak ing $90 to $100 per month. $1330. 17 3-room apartment house, steam heat, reasonable rent, good money-maker, all bullt-lns. right up to the min ute in Its appointments, a Bnap at $5500, with attractive terms. 8 H. K., very close in. rent only $35, will sell at the low price of $700. WE HAVE OTHERS WEST SIDE REALTY CO.. 164 West Park street. LITTLH MONET-MAKER. 52 rooms mostly housekeeping, clean ss wax. never have an idle room, clears over all expenses about $500 month. Fine place for man to run, no work. Price $500. liberal terms SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO T. MOORE CO , 1007 Yeon bldg. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 53 ROOMS. PART H. K. APTS. AND SLEEPING ROOMS; 10 MINUTES WALK FROM CENTER OF CITY; GOOD LEASE: LOW RENT; CLEARS $530 PER MONTH; $3000 will handle. See Mr. Hicks. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 OAK ST. NIFTY HOTEL 34 rooms, white pressed brick, cor. bldg.. hot and cold water In all rooms, steam heat, private baths, elevator, ground floor lobby, net profit $800 month. For further pb rtlculars SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 90-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Well arranged, large apartments, baths and phones, elevator, brick bldg., 4-yr. lease : clearing $800 a month ; $8000 bundles. A. J. DE FOREST A CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Broadway 5590, 35-ROOM APT. HOUSE. BRICK BUILDING: 3 YEARS' LEASE RENT $150 PER MONTH: CLEARING $47.'. Per month; this is the best buy in Portland; $3500 will handle. See Mr. Hicks. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. 1 48 TWO. THREE and four-room apart ments: cheapest rent In town. 5-year lease: fireproof building: equipped with automatic elevator, private baiconies and aH modern convenience?; best west side district : walking distance; clears ove' $1200 pr month: $12,000 will handle, balance to suit. Yates. ff Fourth st. INVESTIGATE THIS SNAP. ONE OF THE BEST MODERN APT. HOUSES IN THE CITY: CLOSE IN: N. W STEW HEAT FOR PARTICU LARS SEE MR. HICKS. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 OAK ST. WASHINGTON-ST LOCATION. 24 rooms, rent $1 1 0. all In 2-roorri apts. except 5 sleeping rooms, clears over all expenses $240. Price $4000. $2000 down. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. COZY ONE. Fine little cor. apartment honse, 9 apts,. mostly 2 rooms, one 4-room apt., rent only $35. a!! outside rooms, steam heat. Price $2oo. SEE MRS KELLER GEO T. MOORE CO . 1007 Teon bldg. POWNTOW" MUTKl, NETTING $1000 MONTH. 121 rooms, rent $4 a room under ltase; modern brick bldg.: heart of cltv; $18 000, $13 000 cash C.ill Main 51. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY 332-333 Railway Exch. Bldg SMALL boarding house in splendid loca tion; 13 rooms, kitchen and dining room equipment to accommodate 20 to 24 boa-ders. Fine net Income. Mrs. Al baugh. with John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg. 18 ROOMS. WHITE TEMPLE DIST. 9 2-room apts.. a beautiful home with a good Income. lots of furniture. Includ ing piano; price $2Rnfl. terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 OAK ST BY OWNER A 15-room rooming house, west side, close In. near 3 schools, low rent, stove heat. gas. electric light; a money maker: sacrifice on account of sickness. AH 237. Oregonian. 24 H. K. ROOMS .downtown corns- &V light, airy rooms: well furnished and can; electric lights, stove heat; wate In all suites: big money-maker. Price $300, easy terms Yates. 343 Fourth st. 13 H KEEPING ROOMS. Good location, always full, low rent and a good income; price $10OO. terms RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 OAK ST. W A NTED-s-20 or ".0 housekeeping rooms or hotel la city or some live town. Aut. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hsteis and Rooming Houses. THOMSON & THOMSON, 620 HENRY BLDG. BROADWAY 4880. 150 ROOMS 150. Modern apartment house, all apts. 2s and 3.-. completely furnished with hard wood furniture, 3 years' lease, low rent; oil burner, very good location, big in come; $10,000 will handle, 36 MODERN -APARTMENTS. Splendid brick building, all completely furnished (2 and 3-room apts.), 3 years' lease, low rent; pric $10,000, part terms. CORNER BRICK BUIIJ3ING. 40 rooms, ail modern apts., everything years lease, rent Is very low, hardwood floors, good income; price $9000. 27 APARTMENTS. All 2s and 3s, all well and completely furnished, house is in excellent condi tion inside and out. good lease, rent $350. Price $14,000, terms. LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE. Nearly 200 rooms, long lease to good tenant, right rent, every apartment fur nished and with the very best, large income; must have $20,000 to handle this. 43 ROOMS 43. Brick apartment house, all furnished, leaxe, rent $130, steam heat, nets over $300; $750u. will take $5000 down. 104 ROOMS 104. Modern brick apartments, all furnished, S years' lease, rent $600, clears over $13(HJ, good location; price $lG,uuo, part 15 MODERN APARTMENTS. 54 room, all completely furnished, 3 years' Jeac, rent $225; $b000. terms. MODERN BRICK BLDG. 17 apartments, all furnished. 5 years lease. This is a real bargain; $8000, half uash. GOOD MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. Clearing $luOO; will sell on terms; will conMder good modern bungalow or first class business in part trade. 21 ROOMS 21. 0 apartments, all furnished, rent very low, lease, clears $150 and dandy 4-room apartment lor own use, steam heat; $-000. STRICTLY MODERN 32-ROOM HOTEL 100 per cent fireproof building. 5 years' 1 rent $50u, central location, good furniture, always full, net income over $000; will take $12,000 down, balance t per cent. . REAL BARGAIN FOR CASH. 20-room hotel, one floor, 4 years' lease, low rent, brick building, steam heat, hot ana com water, gross over $500; J450O cajh. DO-ROOM HOTEL. Strictly modern brick building. N W heat, lots of private baths, automatic elevator, daudy lease, rent $000. income will surprise, price $20,500, some terms. 54-ROOM HOTEL. Strictly modern brick building, 3-year leaje, rent $400. some private baths, au tomatic elevator, lots of good linen new curtains, clears over $05o price $12,500 best of terms. 44-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. Good brick building, new lease, rent $301. net Income over $000; price $sT5o terms. 14 ROOMS, H. K. Good corner, close-in iocation. rent $75, elec. furnaee ajid gas heat, extra well furnished, good home and $130 clear; price $2bj0, 415O0 down. 15 ROOMS, MOSTLY H. K. Finest location, rent $00, including wa ter; 2 bath.-., elec, net income $13U; owner leaving city; $1000, bargain. We have many others, all sizes, prices and locations. If what we have adver tised does not meet your requirements, call and look over our lists. MRS. THOMSON, 620 HENRY BLDG. CRESCENT REALTY CO., LABBE BLDG.. 2D AND WASH, STS. ROOM 311-313. THESE ARB ALL WEST-SIDE BARGAINS: APT. HOUSE, 140 ROOMS $50,000 HOTEL, 2 RMS., GOOD LEASE. 15,000 HOTEL, 54 ROOMS, LEASE, GOOD FURNITURE 9,000 APT. HOUSE, 42 ROOMS, FIRST CLASS FURNITURE 7,000 A NUMBER OF SMALL ROOMING HOUbES, HANGING FROM 5 TO 51 ROOMS AND VERY CLOSE IN. PRICES ARE ALL THE WAY FROM UN TO $4000. THESE BARGAINS CAN ONLY BE HAD AT OUR OFFICE. TERMS ON SOME OF THESE. LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WITH US IF YOU WANT QUICK RETURNS. VVE HAVE CLIENTS WITH CASH. 42 H. K. ROOMS, close in, modern; clears $250. good terms; 20 H. K. rooms, close in. $1Mhj, terms; clears $130, good buy; four years since changed bands; OH. K rooms nice home, btst of furniture, nice income; 15 H. K. rooms, one of Port land's best, clears $125, good terms; 8 rrti. flat, sleeping, clean, modern, terms; 25 H. K., down-town, terms; 4-room modern flat, east side near dental col lege can rent 2 or 3 rooms, only $300 cash. BARNEY JOHNSON, J 70 10th st. Main 3100. REAL SNAPS. 9 rooms, west side, rent $15; income $67: $650 handles. 10 room, nice place with large vard. Just right for famliy; rent $50; good in come and home; price $950. terms. 11 rooms, west side, near Washington; rent $35; clears $78 net; $950, terms. WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., Kg Henry bldg. Broadway 5590. COUNTRY HOTEL Only hotel and restaurant In town that enjoys big tourist trade from all over the country ; 33 sleeping rooms, dining room, kitchen, billiard rooms large lobby, 2-story brick bldg., weli furnished throughout, rent $150, 5 to 7 year lease. Price $5000, some terms SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bide INCOME PROPERTY. 24-room hotel, fine location, handy to factories, best car service, all furniture goes with place; price $10,000. Might consider vacant property to $3000 or house to $3500 in exchange; $3500 cash, balance eaay terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N w. Bank bldg. Main 3787. PORTLAND'S FtKKT 96-room hotel, 5-year lease, beautiful white pressed brick, cor. bldg., wonder ful ground floor lobby, bath connection to every room. Northwestern heat, ele vator, exceptionally well furnished, net profit about S2500 month. Call at our office and talk this over. SEE MRS. KELLER GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. EXTRA GOOD 13 rooms, right in White Temple dis trict, exceptionally well furnished, all housekeeping, 2 bath rooms, good fur nsce but using stoves, net profit $175 Price $2500. liberal terms. SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg BAKliAJN HUNTERS. Here it is; see the rent; 14 rooms, rent $15; right at the entrance where over 6000 men are employed; always full: all outside rooms; fair furniture; all for $730; pay $300 down, bal. as you make it. Peters Of Course. 13 N. Mb. st GOOD PLACE TO FIX UP. 107-room apartment house, rent $300. fine lease, cor. bldg., 46 apts., tj -'-room, 14 3-room. steam beat, completely fur nished. For further particulars SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 44-ROOM hotel, excellent west side loca tion, brick bldg., some private baths ; clears $500 a month; 2-year lease; $6000 handles. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry bldg. ' Broadway 5590. $1000 NET PROFIT. 42-room modern brick building with private baths and phones, completely furnished, wonderful downtown loca tion. $SO00 cash will handle. SEE MRS. HENRY. 3!2 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. MR7. '4-ROOM modern hotel, one of the best bargains ever offered. This place hus elevator, ground floor lobby, lots .of pri vate baths. 4-year lease, clearing $1200 a month profit; $10.00) handles it A. J. DE FOREST & CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Broadway 5530 24 BU K. ROuMJ?, downtown corner: all fine grounds, electric lights, furnace heat; water In most rooms; unusually clean and well furnished; clears $270 per month. Price $3000, no terms Yates. 245 Fourth street. 14 ROOMS, splendid house, west side, nicely furnished: rent $60; clears $160 net; $1200 handles. WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry bldg. Broadway 5590, 10 ROOMS NOB HILL. A nicely furnished 10-ROOM HOUSE. In Nob Hill dist.. good income, close to hospitals; price $1800. terms. RELIABLE INVDSTMBNT CO.. 305 OAK ST. JUST the right place for home, with garage, near Washington high, rooms aiwavs fir.ed: good income. $800 handles. East 4304. 124 E. 15th. YOUNG man will put In half money with party to bny small north end rooming house. $750 each needed. Address D 344. Oregonian- FOR SALE by owner, 11-roora apt. house. good west stde location, r or informa tion cail Bdwy. 1722. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. M. E. LENT COMPANY. Hotels, Rooming and Apartment Housea 523-4-5 N. W. Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8530 for Appointment. It you wish to buy or sell come In and .talk It over with us; 14 years In this business enables us to give you satisfactory service. APARTMENT HOUSES. 34 APARTMENTS, Here Is your opportunity to get a place uneqoaled In location. Ideally ar ranged for renting to desirable tenants, close In on west side, requires $11,000 cash ; price on application. 0C-ROOsf APARTMENT HOUSE. Corner building. hardwood floors, automatic elevators, clearing over $650 per month, can be had on terms; $10,000 first payment, price $17,000. 50 ROOMS. Small apartment, brick building, close In. west side, good for $600 per month the year around ; fine for man and wife; special price for quick sale, $10, 000. 24 APARTMENTS 2-ROOM APTS. Beautifully furnished corner brick, very clean, clearing $500 per month, $SOOO cash required; price $11,500. 52 APARTMENTS. Close In, white pressed brick, corner building, rent $700 per mo.; long lease, requires $15,000 caah to handle; this place is netting over $1200 per month; don't miss this opportunftv. 30 APARTMENTS. Rent $400. close In. automatic eleva tor, clearing $000 per mouth, $12,000 cash, balance eay terms. 46 APARTMENTS. Rent $500. close in on west side, will sell furniture for $13,U00. requires $5000 cash, balance as you make it. 36-ROOM HOTEL. White pressed brick, corner building, steam heat, hot and cold water and large closet in each room; clearing $40O per month, rented by month, price $7500. 60-ROOM HOTEL. Large airy rooms, private bath, ele vator, downstairs lobby. Northwestern heat, long lease, clearing $700 per month. Price $14,000. ROOMING HOUSES. This department Is under the personal management of MRS. McCLAIN. 18-room boarding house, high -class patronage. Nob Hill district, beautifully furnished, $4000 cash to handle this. This is something ntce. 11 rooms, near 12th and Jefferson, elec tricity, furnace. Price $1500, only $600 cash. Nice little home and Income, B rooms. Nob Hill location, clears $70 above ex pense, $800 cash required. 14 APARTMENTS. Brick building, west side. Private baths. Price $7500. rent $175. WEST SIDE SNAP 9 rooms, completely furnished for 4 high-class h. k. suites; incrme $105; rent only $35; free rent for yourself and over $50 net profit every mouth; what more do you want? Lo cated on 23d St.. in high-class district. Price for furnishings, fuel and every thing only $1600. Hurry, here's a real snap. See McCormic, 242 Washington st. Main 8220. ROOMING house, west side, good loca tion; hardwood floors, high-grade fur niture, genuine leather-covered chairs, davenports, etc.. Rogers' silverware, cut glass. Fischer piano, fine rugs and lin ens, everything complete, in fine shape. A bargain. Smithpetei, 248 Stark st. Main. D4Z8 SWELL 5-room flat, completely furnished, almost ned. price only $050; no agents. Aut. 522-71. 1 BUY CHATTEL MTGS., hotels, apt. houses, etc. Call mornings, Bdwy. 1429. IOST AND FOUNB. LOST Frldav. MM with $120 In bills one $-0 gold piece and five checks on different banks of Portland. Finder will receive large reward. The purse was my dead husband's, whose r.ame was on a card on Inside pocket. Return to Kearney st. and receive reward. LIBERAL REWARD for return of con tents of portfolio taken from lobby of Weinhard hotel, Astoria, on or about January L No questions asked; contents of no value to others than self. H. E. Potter. Weinhard hotel. Astoria THE LADY who took the parasol at the O -W R. & N. Employes' club party at Hiberian hall Thursday evening Is known and is requested to return same Return at once to avoid trouble to Mra F. A. Erlckson. 87 Russell st. $10 REWARD, no questions asked .for re turn of watch bearing inscription. "Pre sented to Susanna Gould by O. P. Mor ton Sewing Society. Minneapolis," taken Nov. 8 from S0O East 66th st. N. B longed to mother. Tabor 3147. WILL the party seen taking gold handle umbrella at Meier & Frank's rest room Tuesday evening leave same at Meier & Frank's and avoid further trouble? Otherwise will be prosecuted TAN GRIP, between Hawthorne bridge and Union depot. Tuesday evening-. Will psrty who phoned East 675J regarding this grip please call again and receive reward H. E. Johnson, 246 Hawthorne. LOST From missionary. 1 old straw suit case, clothing, 2 bath robes and kodak. fiease reiarii ior uauij inrutu w WhIIs Western Oregon Missionary so ciety. SOS E. Everett st. 1.1 1'.KKTV bonds lost Dec. 24; all a poor man's savings; between U. S. National bank and courthouse, business district. Finder please return to 384 Benton st nd receive libera i rwwarg LOST Thursday night, small patent leath er coin purse between 17th and Wash ington and 18th and Couch, containing money. Reward. Main 2.'27. LOnT Near Oregon City, on Salem-Port-lann stage, man's suitcase and contents. Kiuder notify owner and receive suitable reward. Phone East 6004. Portland. LOST Friday morning, on Mt. Scott car, Alder or 5th st., string red cut beads, valued as keepsake. Phone 624-78. Re ward LOST Solitaire diamond, between Mult nomah hotel and 3d and Washington or on Rose City car. Phone Tabor 76X1. Reward. Lust One ring of keys on 12th at. be tween Hawthorne avenue and Benson Tech. Finder please call Tabor 1127. Reward. LOUT Check and deposit book on Port land bank, calling cards. $5 bill, etc Finder please phone Tabor 3157. Re ward. LOST On Montavilla car or at Union de pot. Sunday, lady's Waltham watch, initialed "E. G." Finder address 144 E. 7Md st North. Reward. Tabor 4862. LOST in public market Saturday, pocket- book; keep change ana leave purse ana key at Behnke-Walker Bus. College and no questions asked. M 35S, Oregonian. WILL the lady who picked up a purse at the savings window. U. S. Nat. bank. Sat, 11:30, please return It to the bank nr phone East 7417? LOST Between Pittock block and 2 2d and Iiovejoy streets, god Eversharp pencil with black rihbon attached. Phone Main LOST Saturday In the Meier & Frank store, a brown neckpiece, two fur but tons; please call cashier's office. Meier A Frank Company. Marshall 4600. LOST Package georgette crepe. 7 yards lace 6 yards yellow ribbon, between 2'd and'E. Ankeny and Pine sts. Please call Ea st 794L ; LOST On New Year's day or night, a fraternity pin In the form of an arrow Finder will receive reward by phoning Main 1654. LOST Bav horse, wt- 1100; wnite mark on forehead. John Garcia. Linnton. Or. Rt. 2. box 30. LOST In or near Orpheum theater Sun day night, bronze beaded bag. Reward. 7-JT. LOST Dcc. 24, gold brooch for watch. Jan 3 or 6. coral stickpin. Reward Woodlawn 133.". AMBER BEADS LOST Saturday or Sun day; valued as keepsake. Find- r please phone Aut. 819-18. Generous reward. LOST Boston brown bulldog, white breast, one white front foot. Finder p! ease can Tabor tiajo, STRAYED Gray horse. 800 lbs Please report presence of same to 1138 East 24th st. North. V LOST Child's white fur neckpiece, tweeen 12th and Morrison, 'loth Davis. Mrs. GllUs. Nortonia hotel. be and FOUND A lady's purse with money Tues day evening on Yamhill. Call 756 Min nesota ave. LOST Diamond bsr pin of white gold, after 4:30 Friday. Phone 1513 Sher wood. Reward. LOST Sunday night, large brown fox neckpiece. Mrs. Sheffield. Marshall 1622. Reward. FOUND White bird dog; owner may have same on identifying same and pay ing for ad. T. A Easton, Mjlwaukle. LOST Brlndle bulldog, female, last seen on Sandy blvd. Please notify Main 2656. Reward. LOST Lady's gold watch on black rib bon chain, between Dec. 27 and Jan. 3. Phone East 4164. Reward. LOST Thursday. ladys gold wrist watch. gold race. Pnone Tabor 2464: reward. LOST An or an ge Pe rsia n cat- Rew ard. Marshall 4266. LOST Lady's mesh purse In Pantages theater Phone Tabor 1220. Reward. LOST Fraternity charm. Lee. Reward. 227 Hall engraved Grace LOST Bjy's white sailor town district. East 6204. suit in down- LITTLE white and tan fox terrier dog. Reward. 366 E. 10th st. LOST Pair nose-pinch turauoli glaases. Woodlawn 526. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on cars of the P. R.. L. A P. Co.: Jan. 7 i nurses. 1 kevs nin. whistle. Deads, money bank, bank book, tassei. B pairs gloves, 4 single gloves, pair glasses, 3 books, can of paint, fur. 1 pair shoes. 1 pair rubbers, calendar, 4 packages, 2 lunch boxes, 2 suit cases. 2 traveling bags, axe handle, axe, 14 um brellas. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder sts. LOST December 21. black purse, velvet ribbon Handle, containing lady's watch, $5 bllL change and house key: left in last Xllwaukie car going to the barn that evening or dropped between car and east crossing at MUwaukie. Finder please keep money and return watch, key. etc. Address Mrs. D. M. Moffitt, MUwaukie, Or. WILL lady who called my office during my absence concerning grip lost Tues day evening call again? Office employes did not have full information; very anx ious to recover grip; suitable reward. H. E. Johnson. 246 Hawthorne ave, Phone East 6752. LOST Red leather note book on way to Lincoln high school on DM car or neax 11th and Morrison sts. Return to Ore gonian. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. the 15Ui day of January, 1921, by the undersigned, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Jefferson County. Oregon, at the office of said Court in the County Courthouse In J Madras, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said County issued for the 1 building of permanent roads therein in the sum of $30,000, same being a por- -tion of any authorized issue ot $100.ovO. same being in aenomlnations of S10O0 each, numbered from 1 upwards, dated Januau 1, 1921, and maturing January L 194T (without option of prior re demption), said bonds to bear Interest at six per cent (6) per annum, pay able semi-annually on January and July first, principal and interest pay able in United States gold' coin at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon in New York city. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount bid and must be unconditional. The approved legal opinion of Messrs. Teal. Minor & Winfree of Portland. Oregon, will be furnished any successful bid d era The Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bida S. D. PEBCIVAL, Clerk. WE WTLL accept sealed bids for stock of hardware and fixtures approximating $60,000. either In buik or in parcels; certified check of 10 per cent of amoun of bid must accompany each bid; right is reserved to accept or reject any and ml bids. Inventory may be Inspected at these offices on and after Wednesday, January 12. Bids will be closed Wednes day. January 26. The Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Association of Credit Men, 641 Prttock block, Port land, Or. ARTESIAN WELLS. Bids desired for drilling two wells near Seattle ; for Information, write Swenson &, Co., 4090 Arcade bjdg., Se attle. " ' . Miscellaneous. HEIRS LEVE RICH-CLARKE In the mat ter of the estate of Delia Ann Leverlch. deceased, late of the Town of Port Hope. Canada: Take notice that all persons claiming to be heirs of the said DELIA ANN LEVERICH, daughter of ELIJAH CLARKE, late of Syracuse, New York, U. S. A., arc required on or before the 2Sth day of January, 1921. to send, by rftrlstered oost nreoald to the Local Mas ter of the Supreme Court of Ontario, at his office in the courthouse, at Cobourg. their Christian names and surnames addresses and descriptions, the full par ticulars of their claims and of their re lationship to the said Delia Ann Leverlch. and in default thereof they will be per emptorily excluded from all share In the estate of the said Del ia An n Leverich. The underaigrtVd referee will, on Sat urday, the 20th day of January. 1020. at 11:30 o'clock In the forenoon, at his chambers at the courthouse at Cobourg. or so oon thereafter as the matter can be heard, hear the claims of all those alleged to be heirs of the said Delia Ann Leverich submitted to him. pur suant to this notice, and let all parties then attend. Dated this 24th day of December. 1320. (Signed) GEO. M. ROGER. Official Referee at Cobourg. Ontario, Canada. NOTffK Notice is hereby given that I wll' ot bo responsible for any debts contrted by my wife, Grayce Cosine, after Jan. 1. 1321. E. W Cozine. FINANCIAL. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7 per cent, five-year period. Tou may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 7 per cent. You pay of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example, $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthlv and interest; you have priv ilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ac cordingly NO COMMISSION. -BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6 per cent. Excellent repayment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 308. 407 Yeon Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS. ACCEPTED AT PAR VALUE. In exchange for first mortgage loan of $15,000 on $120,000 property, 8 per cent interest. $8000 first mortgage, 8 per cent, on $40,000 property vaJue; both payable this year; responsible parties; bank refer ences. Call 932 Chamber of Commerce bu-ildtng. LIBERTY BONDS. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND 4 MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. MORTGAGES. Real estate mortgages after all are by far the best paying and safest place In the world to Invest your funds for safe-keeping. Mortgages secured by Or egon real estate. Help home industries by accepting home securities. Amounts $1000 up to $14,000 at current rate of interest. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO., 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. INCOME TAX PAYERS. Have you complied with the law? Do you need Information? Former treaa ury department officer answers all ques tions promptly, courteously. Forms filled out. See us now before the rush. INCOME TAX ADVISORY CO.. 205 Artisans Bldg. WB OFKER to serious thinking investors 500 shares common stock at $100 par. new Issue, in an established company, shipping and commission, ship agents, operators, charterers, now operating in world trade service. Thoroughly organ ized. All foreign agencies anoV connec tions established. We invite investiga tion to those who mean business. Tri flers keep away. Call at 414 Henry building after 10 A. M. including Sun day. Splendid opportunity for sound in vestment and comparatively quick turn overs. Ask for first vice-president. A REPRESENTATIVE of an established out-of-town financial house who is now in Portland, will consider applications of established companies desiring additional capital for expansion or development. All replies treated confidential. K 32S. Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Corbett bldg. Main 6915. MEP.IToRIOUS enterprises developed and promoted, stock and bond issues under written, consolidations effected, suita ble corporations organized to meet your financial requirements. Address K 329. Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed in storage wi th ua Phone Broadway $713. Security Storage A Transfer Co.. 38 4th street, corner of Pine. $3000 FIRST MORTGAGE, drawing 8 per v cent interest, good security; am leaving state, make me an offer. G 344, Orego nian. . CASH paid ior mortgages and sellers' eon tracts on real estate In Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Nvble, 316 Lumbermen bldg. BUY BONDS, notes, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 302 Lewis bldg., 4th A Oak. HIGH-GRADE -ecuritles wanted, to yield 8 per cent. BP 215. Oregonian. $3000 SELLER'S contract on residence close in. Owner. 351 6;h st. Mar. 3774. PRIVATE party will buy contracts of sale on real estate. Tabor 1350. Money to Loan on Real Estate. $300J OK $30tHI TO LOAN on improved city property. Room 1, 2454 Wash st $1500 AT 7 TO loan on improved real estate. AK 201. Oregonian. $1500 TO LOAN on Improved property at 1. Call Tabor 6419. FINANCIAL. Money t toss I f!ITT TOAVS NO COMMISSIONS. On improved property or ior improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32-26 per month for 60 months, or $2124 per month for 60 months or $15.17 per month for SMS months, pays a loan of $100w aad interest, Ioans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 24a Stark SL orttand. Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estste; no commission, 0 and 7 per cent on choice loans, long time, short time: monthly payments, pay as you can; sums to suit, contracts. 2d mortgages; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bldg.. 5th and Alder. Cellara-Murton Co. MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS No Commission. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4th ST. HENRY BLDG. $500, $1000. $1500. $2000 AND UP. NO DELAY. QUICK ACTION REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. ON IMP. CITY PROPERTY OR WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. F H. PESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. MO BTG AG E LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and heipful service. Liberal repayment privileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND 4 MORTGAGE CO.. SO Fourth st.. Portland. Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette al ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. $60,000 TO LOAN in sura." to suit on city, suburban and farms Building loans a specialty WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property, favorable repaying ' privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD.. 309 Piatt bldg Main 537T MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low ratey. promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H BIRRELL-GJLL CO. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. $300 $400 $7i00. $600. $800. $1000. $1200. $1300, $2000 and up. lowest rates quick action; pay off $100 or more at any In terest date. Gordon Mortrage Ct 631 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 13"0. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. I HAVE $0000 to loan for 3 years at 7 per cent, will divide in any amount to suit: send description of your property. H 254. Oregonian. $200 TO LOAN, city property. Call East 7504. Security must be good. S 361, Oregonian. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate ol mierei. uiio uarason Realty Co.. 413 Cham, of Com. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low ratea quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. TO LOAN $1400 at 7 per cent: payable In monthly Installments. N 261, Orego nian. WANTED To loan $3200. 3 to J S cars, at 6 &er cent: good security. S 2W. Ore- gonlan. ' PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 if security la ample. Edw. P Mail. 30f) Chamber of Com MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Saloman &. Co., 40S Selling bldg. IfAwn in irtin in rt eti T MH SEfc OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. Money to Loan Chattel and Salar i ea. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT ? PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 334 STARK ST. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? TOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FUKNITUiiE. PIANOS. V1CTKOLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity In your posssslon, And you can repay us In small monthly payments WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 3286. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY! On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments; each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED.) 218 FAILING BLDQ. MONEY TO LOAN, on doamonds, wstches. Jewelry and bonds, legal rutes; all goods held 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-116 Third St. Corner Washington Main 6613. MONEY TO LOAN on goods placed in storage with us. We can save you money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3713. Security Storage A. Transfer Co., 3 4th street, corner of Pine. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry, legal ratts, articles held a year; estab llshed 1888. Dan Marx & Co.. 283 Wash. QUICK money Lo salaried peopie on unse cured note. Confidential Investigation. 316 Cham, of Com, bldg. Licensed. HATHAWAY -Loans on pianos and furnl turet legal ratt-s. 28 Way hint; ton bldg. Ixians Wanted. ONE LOAN $12,300, another of $13,000 on ciose-ln west side, property worth over double of loan wanted. Will pay 7 per ctnt interest. AH 236, Oregonian. WANT $SOO at 8 per cent, and $830 at 8 par cent on improved Portland prop erty. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. I WANT to get a loan of $1230 on my improved place of -3 acres on Oregon City carline: no agents, want money dl rect from lender. A 22tf. Oregonian. WANT $11,000 for 1 to $ years, will give as securitu first mortgage on real estate worth $123.0i0. Address E 2SL, Ore gonian. $10,000 WANTED on $25,000 brick busi ness building; gilt-ed.?e loan. Beck, 525 Henry bldg. Broadway 5858. $4500 FIRST real estate city mortgage for sale at 10 per cent discount. Charles Houck. 93:i Chamber of Commerce. LOAN of $1800 for a private party; new bungalow as security. ' Wdln. 6247. Ill E. Russet. WANTED To borrow $30U on real estate In Cowlitz, county. Wash. AP 284, Ore gonian $20O0 CONTRACT. 8 per cent. Gilt-edge on $6500 Rose City bungalow. Will dis count. Phone 323-27. WANT to borrow $12,000 or $15,000 from private party (no agents) on excellent security. Address AH 248. Oregonian. FARMER wants $1000 from private party, 1 or 1 years at 8 per cent Interest. E 228, Oregonian. j WANT to borrow $7500 on security Laurel hurst home, market value more than double. Address AN 206, Oregonian. WANT $4000, 8J, per cent. 160 acres, value $16,000; income property. R 291, Ore gonian. WAjNT $2000 on block of improved, close In on west side, will pay good in terest, V 336. Oregonian. WANT $2000 on residence, 7 per cent, no commission; give address and phone No. AV 887, Oregonian. $2J5l LOAN wanted for 3 yrs., S- net to me, on my S-rcom house on Multnomah St.. west of 26th. A 230. Oregonian $1600. $4000 security, 1 to 3 years. 8 per cent. BD 227. Oregonian. Pay WANT $2000 on 4 block, unimproved, west side, close In. C 23". Oregonian. $12 000. Tper cent, on improved city prop erty, value $50.000. East 6329. SEE OREGON INV. 222 Cham, of Com., A MORTGAGE CO.. Fourth and Stark. WANTED Installment contract or mort gage for cash and clear lot. Eat 632U. WANT $1000, 2 or 3 years; best security. M 343. Oregonian. WANTED $11 mont C. Xi 250 on a fine home in Pied Johnson. 313 Henry bldg. $1000 8 per cent on improved acre bungalow; Lenta. Eat 632s. FINANCIAL. Loser- HuntrO. $600 On bungalow in Wood lawn. $1,300 On bungalow In Woodlan. $1.700 On modern 5 -room cottage. $2.500 On modern home Rose City Pk. $2.510 On dwelling 26th As Caruthers. $3.500 on Mt. Tabor home. $3.750 On mod. Rossmere bungalow. $5,500 2-story brick, clos la. $5.000 Sell wood business property. $11.000 Broadway apartment house, $13,000 Apartment house, east side. F. H. DESHON. 615 Chamber of Commerce B'dg. $1000 WANTED. 1 acre, modern home. gas. cltv water, electric lights, plumbing. 4-room cot tage: chicken house, garage, macad amised street, H acre loganberries, lots of other fruits. Ought to be selling at $2500, Good moral risk. Will pay 3 per cent semi-annually. John Ferguson. . ieriinger bidg FRANK L, McOUlHE. witn ins years ol experience aad expert knowledge of val ues, is in a position to safeguard your every interest in loaning your money. Hundreds of applications tor .oana Of flee of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Ldgie Richardson, manager of loan department. Abiugtun bidg Main 1063. HAVE first-class bungalow home, excellent security, for loan of $1200 at 7 per cent to run $ years. No agents. Also want loan of $1500 on dandy good 6-room home in Sunnyside, near Belmont. 7 per cent. 3 yeara We can placa your money on good homes Always see us for good Inana J. A. Wlckman Co.. 264 Stark sU Main 1094 and 183. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES YOUR MONEY IS PERFECTLY SAFE. $-500 Irviagton, 7 per cent. $-'500 Irvingtun, 7 per cent. $1000 Woodtawn, 7 per cent. $7uo Sunnyside, 8 per cent. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. WANTED $5000 for 3 years at 7 per cent, on 160 acres located in central Oregon and valued at $16,000. This is s flrst c!ats risk and an excellent alfalfa and stock ranch. Inquire Oregon Invest ment St Mortgage Co., 222 Chsmber of Commerce bldg. WE HAVE some good real estate con tracts and mortgages in amounts of $50O and above. Payable in monthly installments and bearing 7 per cent In terest, which we will discount 6 per cent. F. E. Bowman ft Co., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. INCOME property on west side, as $16.UOO: wsh to borrow $6250. assessed at 250. 3 yrs ; want money direct from principal and will pay expense of examination of title, but no other expenses. A 212. Oreo nian. FOUR loans of $1500 each, 7 per cent, i years secured by mortgage on modern bungalow In good district ; good morul risk. No agents or commission. Phone Main 8308 or Auto. 219-84. $1100 WANTED at 8, 3-room cottage, fine condition, modern plumbing, elec tric lights, etc.; 50x100 lot; 1 block south Willamette blvd. 193 W. Emer son St. W A XT to borrow $luOO fur one year at T' int., payable quarterly; have ample first-class security and satisfactory ref erence as to morsl risk. AM 230, Ore gonian. , WANTED To borrow $1500 on good resi dence property at 7 per cent; no broker need apply. Woodlawn 2092. WANT $12,000. t per cent, 8 years, on high-class improved Portland property, value $40,000. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. j FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgage! HB S Sfti c.oncern Lon lD' vealment & Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber j g commerce bldg. I W ANTED $1200 to $1500 for 3 yrs at 7$. 1 Jyi ""'- 9vu va.'ue. aee Mr. tiicaman. w- 1 1 " v " ' ern bungalow three years 7. NORTHWEST MORTGAGE CO., S3i Chamber of Commerce. A-l FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALMON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY F. H DESHON, 'ilS Cham, of Com. Bldg Long Established. Reliable Service $18iKJ WANTED for 3 yrs. on bungalow near Sandy Road. Rose City Park dis trict; want to borrow money direct; no agents need answer. A 211, Oregonian. WILL pay S for $iuoo loan on Haw thorne bungalow to lender direct ; will po.y expanses of examination of title, bul no commission. Y 250. Oregonian. fsflttl) ON 130 acres land In Clatsop coun ty: assessed value $2820. R. L. Yoke, lirt6 Northwestern Bank bldg., Port land. Or. PERSONAL. K 1 DXEY THU I ' B ' . K C C RE D. Kansas City, 1909. In 130J I was given up by physicians as Incurable from kidney trouble. Was night miller for the Blen's Milling company; had to give up work as miller and company gave me a job of oiling; went home one morning all in: told niv wife, no use. would have to give up, but my mother and my wife called Professor Peasley, as he had cured my mother and a good many others, she knew; so Professor Peasley came to my home at 6 P. M.; my mother and wife did not te'.l me he was coming. When he came In I was sitting on edge of bed, could neither .stand up nor lay down. I said. "Professor, you are too late." He said, "Not on your lire. I will cure you!" WeM, that night I went to work and never had a pain until after midnight. After 3 treatments had no more pains. 11 weeks from that day I passed a medical examination with a chemical test of urine for $3000 life In surance In the New York Life Insurance company. Since that time. 4 years ago, never had the slightest trouhie Harry Brown. Professor Peasley Is located at 430 Morrifon st., Marshall 260, Portland. Hours 7:30 to 3:30 A. M., 12 to 5:30 P. M. It costs you nothing to find out if you can be cured. HERE are a few of the many diseases of which I can remove the cause: Nervous debility, neuralgia, paralysis, lung trou ble, rheumatism, sciatica, spinal menin gitis, spinal trouble, St. Vitus' dance, fevers, gallstones, heart trouble, hay fe ver. Insanity, indigestion, jaundice, liver trouble, la grippe, locomotor ataxia, asthma, appendicitis, Brlght's disease, bladder trouble, bronchitis, bowel trou ble, constipation, catarrh, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, lumbago, headache; no drugs, no surgery. Dr. J. Smith. D. T.. drug less physician. 207 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Office hours 0 to 12 A. M., 1 to 3, 7 to 9 P. M., by appointment. I WANT TO SEND FREE TO EVERY chronic pipe smoker In the country a good big. generous sample of my pure, sun-cured, nature flavored Old Green River pipe tobacco. No money to pay. If you are a tobacco crank, all the better Try the pure stuff. No syrup, flavoring or dope. After you try It FREE. I'll show you how to cut your smoking bill one-half and get mor pipe Joy. Just send name and address, and say whether you want mild, medium or strong. PETE MOBERLY, box 830, Owensboro, Kentucky ANY READER of this paper suffering from goitre (big neck) can get positive information on how to cure It at home without the least trouble or discomfort. There Is a pleasant surprise in store for you If you will write, ao cnarge what soever. Tell others, it will help us all. Dr. Rook, Box X-T.TT. Milwaukee. Wis. NEW SHIPMENT VIT-O-NET ELECT R I C BLANKETS; VIT-O-NET PADS FOR SALE. DR GENEVIEVE LOCKE, FAC TORY REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE STATE OF OREGON. 447 OREGON BLDG., MAIN 395. SWEATS IN OF FICE. BUY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S Remember, we sell you any model of Vlctrola. Edison, Columbia or Brunswick up to $125 on payments of $3 per month. ' Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 330 Alder sL FEET SORE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacry. pedicuring and manicuring; open eve nings and Sundays by appointment. Mar. 3376. 605 Raleigh bldg. MOTHER Please call at restaurant as soon as possible; I have given up the house and must see you; everything is all right. Love. AL. VOCATIONS. prof. Griffith enables you to know your best vocation. Don't guess, be cer tain. See him. 406 Hawthorne ave. WANT the address of Sarah Clark Bell. Last address Veneable hotel, this cltv. Mother, Emma E. Burke. Pacific hotel. city. BUY A PACK or these wonderful fortune picture cards, tell your own fortune. Send $1 to Metor Hesse, 6916 Hswthorne ave.. Hollywood. Cad. YOUNG physician wishes engagement wltr gentleman of means, beneficial com panion and traveler. AB 264, Orego nian. DR CORA YALE BELL, CHIROPODIST. 506-7 8wetland bldg, 5th and Washington streets. Phone Main 1445. POSTAGE stamps for collectors, bought and sold. Columbia Stamp Co., 84 N. 16th st. Broadway 2019. BRIGHT, healthy girl. 12 years, or boy, 10 may be had for adoption by respon sible party. D 345. Oregonian. OPALINE, for diseases of woman; positive relief, consultation free. Mrs. Jungea 246 Lincoln. Main 0470. YOUVG couple, good home, want to adopt baby; boy preferred. Write details to BD 247. Orirg WM H LAWRENCE write Jonn uatee concerning cranberries. 61U 41st at. p. E. ccaI.P TREATMENT, shampooing and 5cla! at your residence. Call Mar. 312. RFLIABLE party will adopt a baby boy. M u s t he healthy. Woodlawn 5326. LDOW I sm the son of Henry J. Father Is dead. Henry Junior. SHADOW Yes. I am willing, but can W not reduce the amount? J. W. J PERSONAL, GET WELL. FREE. FREE. FREE Every day, from 10 A. M, to 6 P M and evenings from I to 8, and Sundayn from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief In any other war are Invitei' to investigate Chiropractic method wblcb are permanently curing hundred eve ry day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS w l : ! t horo ug b l y examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and dl rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO TOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is th safe. same, sure and modern scisuce of curing an preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure io per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns The above service is all free to yon at the college building and may be had In private tr desired PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be oau In college bulluing by members et tne faculty, by either lady o men prae titlonera 9AUtKl CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and YamhilL Tai. Main 1014. HOSPITAL in connection with college. Will handle u -of-towi patients at a most reason able rate in order to show what Cbtro practlo can do. DB. O W. ELLIOTT. President. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. Camouflage and adjuncts foreign to tbis prtncip; only add time and uniat Oiatw expense to later despair.) , "f- slcMahoQ. Macleay bldg., Port land, a chiropractor ol experience, a past amateur, 100 per cent chiropractic speciatist, with highest testimonials troui patients from eastern states. tauulUr with the best; alito from western and local patients having unfortunately had ieas than loo per cent chiropractic else where, with, of course, corresponding tlisarpointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my loo per cent chiroprsctiu pbiiosohj. long experience and superior sail! demons t rated in consultation, ex aminations, easy, careful adjustments, rates, and finally resulta Eleventh year In this city Chronic cases, one or two. taking time, 31 adjustments, $25. Patient improving, but slowly, ex tended time, 31 adjustments. $13. Acute cases. fever. lumbago. any doubting Thomases, etc.. less time, less expense. Phons, call, wire, writs Main Office. 4th and Wash New Home. 6J7 Bast Salmon st DR. GEO. KING, DRUG LESS PHYSICIAN. Consult me on any case that sveiu.i incurable. I treat all kinds of nervous and chronic diseases, atso tumors with out knife or drugs. Keep this ad for your future use or hand It to a sicx friend One treatment will com , in you. Consultation free. 308-9 Aliskv bldg.. Sd and Morrison. Main 3277. Hours ! A M to ."1 P. M. and by appointment. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAS? Painless deutlstry. by the nvrve-block-Ing method, without after effects. I make X-ray examinations of teeth. I specialise in first-class dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 320$. DK. A. W KEEN E, Majestic Theater Bldg. 33 1 H Wash. BATHS AND MAS.iauS Graduate uurse gives body massage steam hatha, vibratory and electric massage Second floor Shetland b!ug room 213. Main 17SA Open evening. Hit 8 Phone for evening appointments Chiropractic or spinal adjustments If desired t AiN.MC n AD3r.risA.. aiKO Kuuivn as e lie Wtlion. 33 years of age, dark plexlon, formerly proprietor of Hote Everett, last beard9of In 1318: re war given for Information as to her where abouts. Communicate with Samuel Sales. 23 South frth ave. Mount Vernon. N. Y NETTIE M. U VINSON. D P. .Naturopath Methods used on NERVOUS an! CHRONIC diseases: traction cures was . backs; mineral steam baths, electrl I violet ray and scientific masaages clea i the syhtern and build It up: both sest i treated. Main 7780, 304 Dakum bldg. SATISFACTION and eye-oomfort. My tun Is given exclusively to the examimu , of wyes and the fitting glaases. Reason able prices. Uroken lenses quickly du plicated. Dr. Oeo. Rubeustein, 226 Mor rison st. JENNIE don't throw away your old fur?, take them to the Setril Fur Co. on Mor riaon St., between 10th and 11th, and have them remodeled Into one of tht latest styles They do excellent work at remarkubly low prices. U. C. I. M. WRIGHT. GOITRE and enlarged glands; cure yourself at home ; unique process; references fur nished. Durid M Fahrer, successor t A. R Strachan. 317 Chamber of Com meres bldg. IF YOU are tired and nervous you can rejuvenate your nervous canters and poor circulation by having a sclentlfiu body massage. Dr. Ovidlu Larsn. for merly at 427 Morgan bldg., now lo-rat-d at 634 Morgan bldg Main Ifll'l' WHY NEGLECT yuur health and appeal -ance when you csn have your fats teeth repaired and save the cost of new .' Prompt delivery. Mai! parcel to 71 E. 16th st. N. Mr. H. Kunlholm, Portlanu, Or. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED witl modern Instruments; glasses fitted at -t saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Out t-C the high rent district. No overhead exn. A. E. HUKWITZ, uplometrltft. 15 1st tl. GALLSTONES Free book tells of im proved method of treating Inf le.mmatln of gall bladder and bile ducts. Wrlto today. Dr. Paddock, box 00,201, Kansat City. Ma. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is S cleansing, healing germicide and Invig orating douche, a great aid in femal t disorders; 30c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. ALL the latest remedies sold at the Clem enson Drug Co.. U0 Morrison st.. Sr. Charles hotel corner. At this drug store you get Just what you call for. We have no substitutes. . $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton j the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST., who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; rxim. free. Globe bldg., 11th and Washington Broadway 2824. WRITE song, poem. love, mother, home, comic or any subject. I compose musia and guarantee publication. Send words. Edward Trent. 702 Reaper blk Chicago. AN'V PERSON knowing the present ad dress of Mrs. Ka the rice Mcliale, for merly of Portland and Salem, Or., wilt be rewarded by addressing P. O. box S8 Portland. Or. DR ETHEL A. GRIFFITH. D P. Expert niatsseust:, steam baths, vlbratidn, facial and se.alp treatments. Ladies' patronav pre ferrctT 417-418 3wet land bldg. VIT-O-NET sweat hatha for colds; vlcleC ray treatments for neuritis; body max 1U A. M. to 0 tr. M. dally. Morgan bldg. Main 73i9. GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, su perfluous hair permanently removed, face, scalp specialist; ladies and gentle men 2034 Aliakybldg., 3d and Morrison. FEB VET A HANKBUT. leading wig and toupc makers; finest stock human hair Koods- permanent and marcel waving. Scalp treatment. 3IH Aldr. Main 546. lNullOWlNO NAILS or chilblains cured; remedle.- oid on trial ; quick rUet. Write Eugene Eaton, dept. 22, Bandun, Oregon. DE LUXE MASSAGES 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN 8366 SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, remove! by 10-needles metrod; trial free. Jos Flnley 514 Bush A Line bldg. Msln 631 . WANTED 125 men and women to has ham and eggs and potatoes for 25c a: Cosy Dairy LuncI oth and Wash at. SULPHUR steam bath manage, violet ra t and vibratory treatment. 426 Clay. Mai 8339. lu A. M to 8 P. M. YOUNG refined woman will accompai child or elderly lady to San Frauds for expenses. Wdln. 4010. Pil ES e;in be permant-niiy curea wunui c noeration. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. MASSAGE BATHS. Kidney, conatlpatlo: , rheumatism. Dr. EIna Sorensen, druy lens uhK., 308 Panama bldg. Main 00 . NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruf ; hair grown on bald heads; ladles tr gents. 314 Macleay bldg. ToiiCCO or snuff habit curea or no p $1 if cured. Remedy sent on trial. Su Serba Co. W. 314. Baltimore. Md. Gl' AD i "ATE nurss treats lumbago, tc Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Pnon Main 1040. Office 3U8-C Third st. WANT to adept boy or girl; will have kind ca're. age 2 to 7. BD 202, Oregonian. PRIMED A BALM, formerly called Balm ( t Figs. 844 E 33d. Sell 2213 mornings LIDA JA'KSON. manicuring, facial, icaii treatment 21 4 Morrison st., room . DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you ' See Vlereck. collections. Dekum bldg. Ti i-'CTHir CABINET MATHS. Dr. Ironside. 309-14 Broader ay bulldlnv SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever b m u 1 1 1 pie-needle method. 504 Swetland bi .. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without" a "l oDcration Free booklet. P. O. box lie JLNICIDE will cure rheumatism or mon back. 408 Dekum bldg. MASSAGE treatments, phone the massat i school. Main 7T86. 711 Swetland bldi FILES CAN BE CURED without operate.. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105. VIOLET ray. scalp treatments, massaging ssftd hair dressiug. Cail Miu 17K,