TTTF STTXPAT OKEGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JAVTAUT 9. 1921 13 FOR SIE ArTOMOBIUM. Cin.WTir SALE OF CARS, TRICKS, MOTORCYCLES AND ACCESSORJi5 DURING AtJTOMOn.E SHOW WEEK. PRICES AT 20 TO 50 PER CENT LESS THAN TODAY'S MARKET PRICE. Mae Beth lens, all lUti, regular $o.S0. SjaJe Price, set $2.89. Overland 5-passenger touring car. food rubber, regular 150. at $278. Genuine Boyce raotometers at $5.85. Reo speed wagon, mechanically per fect, late mode:, worth $1400. at $073. Highest quality heary red rubber tourist inner tubes, ail sixes, at leas 60 per cent. Late model 5-Dassenger Maxwell, new tires, new top, new paint, regular $650. now $m-j7. Violet Ray lenses, regular $3.75. nr price per set $1 . "Late model Cadillac, -y, toTinr. erfect shape, new paint, worth $2150. ur price $1289. Genuine 8. M. No. SO irpot lights, regular $12.50, our price $7.65. Late model Cole 8 touring car. was $1500. now at $94 Hudson Super, overhauled, repainted, food Urea, was $1750. now at $93. Republic 1-ton truck with body and cab. A-l shape, was $1500. now $757 Bumpers, spotlights, tubea tool kits, lis, grease and other accessories at reductions from 20 per cent to 50 per cent off regular prioe. Other ears to he sold, new Diamond T . lt, 2 and 2"4-ton trucks at less than factory costs. Also Bulck. Dodge, Chevrolet. Chandler. Pan-American, Forda, Wlnton. Maxwells. Kissell with combination winter and summer top. at prices nearly less than half regular marxet values. TERMS on any ear to suit. Trades accepted. Sale now rotng on at salesroom, RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway at Hoyt Street. Opp. New Postoffice. TOT TTRE MARKET, 830 Bumslde sC OFFERS TOU GOOD TIRES FOR LESS PERFECTION SALE NOW ON. A written guaranty with each tire. Regular Special Price. Six. Price. $23 .50 30x3.....-$13.:.0 $27 45 32x3 1600 $32.8081x4 18.50 $3740 32x4 21.00 $39.2033x4 22.00 $4Q0 34x4 23.00 (Includes tax.) TUBE FREE WITH EACH PERFECTION. TO OLDS TOURING. This car Is suitable for any purpose and will give you service any place you put It; has cord tires and one extra, and is reflnished and looks as though It Just left the factory. Come and try it. We are open Sundays all day. Low price of $1100, with $450 down. bal. easy; take Victory bonds full value. 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. tVt -TON Ger-SIx that we eralra to he the best buy In the state for the money, liberal terms. William L. Hughson Co.. 60 K. .Broadway at Davis. Phone Bdwy. ?21. 18 BUICK FOUR ROADSTER. This light dependable four is all you ould ask for in a car. It has been reflnished and gone over and we will show you we have the real goods, has some extras. Low price and we will take $275 down, bal. monthly payments, no brokerage charge. Open Sundays all day. 514 Alder street. MURPHY MOTOR CAP. COMPANY, OAKLAND TOURING. Late model touring car and Is re fin I he d and looks and runs fine. Come and try It, Low price, and we will take bonds or car in trade. If you have higher priced one, wfH pay cash dif ference. Open Sundas at 514 Alder. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. OAKLAND 112I touring: almost new, good paint and tires. Motor in fine condition and at a price that you cannot afford to overlook. C. L. STOVER. Bdwy. 4184. Bdwy. at Flanders. 1919 OVERLAND "90." Been privately owned; am leaving town will trade for diamonds or Jew elry or anything I can carry; must dispose of car Monday. Call East SI 5. N K W FORD bod its includ i n g top. cu r tains, cushions and mats, but not wind shield. William L. Hughson Co, Ford dealers, 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Phone Bdwy. 321. AN HONEST SACRIFICE. A high powered 8-cylinder 4-passenrer coupe, never been run a mile. Has beautiful blue plush upholstering. Will sell $100 below cost. D 339. Oregonian, CHEVROLET touring -car, in good shape, new cord tires on rear. 2 good fabric tires and one spare; will sell for $250. 163 W. Park. Phone Main 6529. STUDEBAKER special six. 1920 model, good as new; must have cash: rock bot tom snap at $1450. Call 92 North 10th st. Broadway 175S. BIG BARGAIN In a 1918 Chandler chum my. TliU car looks like new and Is in an excellent condition; 5 good tires: will give terms. Phone Tabor 80'4. 191S CHANDLER chummy in Al con dition; $1000; sacrifice for quick sale. Speedwell garage, $5 N. 14th st. Phone Broadway 3974. 1621 FORD roadster. $525; $200 cash, bal ance monthly; run less than 4000 miles; SlrtO tn extraa Slmonton Garage, Tenth and 1920 FORD r.nipe for tU. has been used as demonstrator and is one of the finest performing coupes In town. Call Wdln. .73 Sunday. 1920 LIBERTY TOURING CAR Looks and runs like new. good Urea easy terms, chean. East 4385. -PASS. OVERLAND, self starter, fine tires, good top, good running order. $300 caKh. 1555 Division st. $ BUYS big 6, 7-pass. Mitchell. We are selling It for balance due on It. Cook c GUI Co. Ask for Mr Argo. Bdwy. 32S1. 1916 DOD. touring car with sedan ton. good cord tires, very good condition: terms. East 43S.V OR SALE New model small six Stude naker touring car, just broke in; good 'discount for cash. M 347. Oregonian. ONE-TON Ford truck for sale, express body, 1918. reasonable price, 8ee the owner at 275 Burnxlde st. Cheotakea, OVERLAND touring. Just overhauled and painted. In fine running order; private owner, cheap forciih. Halght ave. 920 FORD coupe, shock absorbers, snot light, $625. Call A. Bellknap. Main 76S4, 12 to 2 P. M. Sunday. FORD roadster, good mechanical condi tion. 1918 model: $225 cash. Speedwell garage. S5 N. 14 th st HAVE a light Studebaker 6 for sale cheap or trade for Ford or runabout. 963 Al- bin. FORD roadster, 1919. Al hape, 5 tires, 3 new. 1921 license, new paint. $45 extras, $300. Owner, Marshall 41 74. FORD touring, good tires, a bargain at $200. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. 1917 HUP BIG 4 sedan, overhauled and repainted, new tires: $1100; will take touring In trade. E. 4376. LATEST model 190 Dodge touring, lots of extras: desire to sell at once. Phone owner, apt. 405. Main 6641. FOR SALE Overland 90. touring car; good condition 8H" or Marshall 3'.'H6. $600. Main FORD roadster, fine motor, spotlight throttle. $300. E 42d st. North. FORD coupe demonstrator; $750. terms if desired. Marsha I 130. Ford, must be sold Monday, uiys it D .133. Oregonian ODG cash as. best buy Oregonian. in town, $776 TKAPE 1920 Ford for liberty bonds or Ford coupe. Owner, automatic 642-54. fiOD modern piano for sale cheap. Phons Main 1969. CH ER YKOL 1919; price $4S5. terms. Phone Dunn Sell wood 1393. BS3 FORD touring, sacrifice for quick . terma 274 S Holtaday, room 26. 1917 DODGE touring. $650. Wood lawn 87. in good condition; FOR QUICK sale, J 920 Bulck coupe with all aciessories. Phone Broadway 5517. 1919 OAKLAND 6 touring, like new, E. 4376. $&-0. 191 ' $47.' p 1917 VF LET. ' sold look new, gdajr Sell. runa fine. Overland to house. East rcer cheap ny aaxi mm for cash DSH Fu k ri a : K or Al condition. 7 -pass, car, Ray. East 5 til FORD touring, thoroughly overhauled, new block E. 6316. MUX iiriscoo, 4-paaaaasor, $250, Tabor 8179. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE!. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO, Washington at 19th. We are In need of all our space for storing new cars and have priced our used cars at big redact ions. Every car listed below is ready for service and Is absolutely guaranteed as represented. This list does not Include our entire stock, but includes cars that have been through our shop, some for complete overhauling' and rebuilding. BUICK COUPE. 1918 model, rn first-class condition throughout; oversize Goodyear cord tires with extra. Gabriel snubbers, spot light, xnotometer; will take small car In trade. Price $1400. 1020 Chevrolet touring. lOre oversize tires with extra... new, .$675 1918 Chevrolet touring, fine condl tion food tires 600 lfli7 rtiPvmUt tnnrin. rood condi tion, good tires 875 Maxwell touring, reouiii. rw nninff1 fnnd tt-en. a find at. . . . 1916 Oakland touring-, a snap at... 375 1916 Overland 5-pass. touring, first class mechanical condition, good tires, nearly new top, repainted. a pickup at 191 7 Studebaker 4. 7-pass. touting, perfect mechanical condition, near ly new tires, with extra 375 55G 1917 2 -pas. Saxon roadster, starter and lights 200 CHANDLERS. 1920 Dispatch model, newly paint ed, equipped with Gabriel snub bers oversized cord tires, v. "ft extra, regular service and 90 day guarantee same aa factory . .$180$ 1920 touring, 7-pass., had only 4000 miles of service, just sufficient to break in, new cord tires with extra, service and guarantee. . . . 1750 1918 7-pasa touring, first-class me chanical condition, wire wheels, cord tires, new top repainted, service and guarantee 1250 1918 4-pasa chummy roadster, a beauty. first-class mechanical condition, cord tires, guaranteed. 1150 1916 7-pasa touring, good condi tion, overhauled, repainted, good tires; a find at 700 1915 5-pass. touring, Al mechanical condition, repainted; good tires. Look at this and you will buy it. 600 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. Washington at 19th. Open Sunday and Evenings. . Broadway 494. 1 A-l AUTO WORKS. 622 Alder Street. Corner Sixteenth St. We have moved to our new headquar ter a, we have over 20,000 square feet of floor space, where we have over 50 Used Cars of standard makes and a large assortment of light-weight cars to select from. Don't fail to look over this lot of cars before buying. A small payment down lets you drive a car of your own choice. We are the oldest leading USED CAR DEALERS In Portland. Every car guaranteed as represented. A-l AUTO WORKS, 622 Alder Street, Corner Sixteenth St. 1920 HUDSON 7-passenger touring .car for sale by owner. Car has had excellent care and is remark ably well preserved, five nearly new cord tires nd other equip ment. Price $2'i00. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO-, Washington St. at 2 Lit. Main 6244. 1918 BRISCOE touring, looks good, runs fine. In fact, is In A-l shape, and the price Is very low, $425. Will take a Ford in trade. See Warde. East 8118. TALBOT ft CASEY. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny Sta 19 LIBERTY ROADSTER. At the first look at this car you would think it was brand new, it Is In such fine condition, every way. shape, form and manner; it has non-Aid tiaea all around and one extra, and runs fine. Come and try It. Very few of these popular cars for sale on the used-car market. Take $325 down, bal. monthly. Open today, 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MPToK CAR COMPANY. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1 1917 Saxon 6 chassis, 1 1915 Twin M"rkel motorcycle, 1 6-cyl. Dixie mag- aeto. 1 Bosch a. coil, 1 M3 Rayfield carburetor, 1 Colts .38 revolver. WANT furniture, Luger automatic 32-4 Hawk wire wheel, 6-cyl. magneto or 32x4 tires. Apply 389 Oak st. Monday; 1026 Belmont st. Sunday; or Broadway 1T64 Monday. Walt KrafL i ' J 19 HUDSON SPEEDSTER This car has never bean off the city streets and looks and is as good as new; has eight cord tires and two rims; spot light, mirror, bumpers, back and" front; full set tools and side curtains, open with all four doors. Low price and will take late model popular car In trade as part payment. Open Suodaya 514 Alder street. " -TPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1-TON model M Federal, one of the most popular and serviceable motor trucks ever built; In fine condition and an exceptional buy; fir iced low with easy terma Will am L. Hughson Co.. 60 N. Broad way at Davis. Phone Bdwy. 32L SAXON SIX TOURING. Late model tourint car and Is re flnished and looks and runs fine. Come and try tt. Low price, and we will take bonds or car in trade. If you have higher priced one. will pay cash differ ence. Open Sundays at 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1918 MAXWELL touring, all brand-new Mlchelin tires and Just reflnished like new and a real bargain at $550, terms it so desired. This is the best model Maxwell we have had In for a long time. See It at 522 Alder st, Al Auto Worka . BUICK FOUR TOURING. This light four is reflnished and looks and runs like new one. Come and try it. as it will please you. Has some extras. Open Sundays. Low price and will take $300 down, bat easy. 514 Alder st. MT'RPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. FORD TOURING. Late 1917. good condition, demountable rims, shock absorber, good tires: leaving cltv and must make quick sale; price $395 cash. Owner. 992 EL Madison. Tabor 191H VELIE touring, fins appearing, good mechanical condition, with spot light and other extras, at a very attractive price for quick sale. 528 Railway Ex change. 1917 FORD touring in perfect condition, tires almost brand new, has shock ab sorbers, spot light, an' everything, only $300. easy terms. Broadway 3411. 523 Alder st - FOUR-PASSENGER Pierce-Arrow body, seat covers, rear fenders, good top, wind shield; sell or trade. What have you? G. G. GERBER, Bdwy 4331. 431 Da via 1920 OAKLAND. Will sell my $900 equity for $300. car ha full list of extras. Including1 new snare tire, spotlight, bumper and motor meter: driven less than 4000 mi. H 257. Orej;onian. 1920 FORD with lot of extras to be sold today at a sacrifice. Coma and see 1L Car in Al condition. Nathan Enkeles, 550 2d st. Phone Main 5065. CHANDLER Big sacrifice; latest model, 4-passenger. tv.'.'.y equipped; new paint; Just overhsuled: 7 tires; leaving city; must sell quick. Phone Automatic 644-65. 6-36 PIERCE ARROW ROADSTER. 5 cord tlrea fine mechanical condi tion, good performer, $750 cash or terma 574 Spokane ave. Phone Sell wood 2554. BRAND-NEW FO RD 1 - ton truck, 1920 model.-used only 3 months; price $600, or trade for good touring car. Wood lawn 1006. FOR SALE Hudson. 7-pasaenger tour;ng, must sell at once, will aacrifioe. Y 247, Oregonian. DEAD storage $4 per month; lots of room. Al AUTO WORKS. 522 Alder st.. corner 16th. DEAD storage $4 per month; lots of room Al AUTO WORKS, 522 Alder st, corner 16th. , LTK 1920 PAIGE, 5-paa. S1450. See this car for a real buy: run 800 miles 181 Laurelhurst ave. Owner, Tabor 9116. OAKLAND s'.x In fine condition; good tires; will sacrifice at $S50. with terma 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. FORD runabout, good condition, good Urea. A bargain at $279. 30 Grand ave North, near Bumside FORD bug. good condition, $200. Broadway 4775 JL to P. L FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. AIR COMPRESSORS. 1 12x10 Ingersoll-Rand. belt driven, complete with 50-H. P., 440-volt, 3 -phase motor, tank, belt and un loader. 1 10x10x10 Peerless, steam driven. 1 8x7x8 Westlnghouse, steam. 1 4&x5 Incersoll-Rand. belt driven. 1 Sfex3tt Clayton, belt driven. BOILERS (Horizontal) 1 new 72x18. but strap. 1 second-hand 72x18. butt strap. 2 72x18. lap seam. 1 72x16, lap seam. 2 66x16, lap seam. 3 54x16, butt strap. 1 54x12, lap seam. 2 48x14, lap seam. 1 42x14, lap seam. - CFireboxO locomotive locomotive 40 FL 35 H. 30 H. 30-H. strap. type, type. locomotive type. P. Scotch marine, bott fTJprighL) 1 66x120 vertical, butt strap. 1 $teH lap seam. 1 44x78, lap seam. 1 42x90, lap seam. 2 new 36x7. lap seam. 1 30x6, butt etrap. 2 30x6. lap seam. 1 24x5, lap seam. PLANING MILL BLOWERS. 1 pair 45-inch Sturtevant twina 1 60-lnch Xh'ower, direct con nected to 50 H, P., H0--.O t. 3-phase motor. 1 40-lnch National. 1 32-lnch American. 1 24-inch American. ENGINES. (Horizontal.) 1 1x20 Rldgeway automatic, cen ter " i air 1 20x40 W hi hlttier, left-hand side crank. 1 18x18 Rldgeway horizontal, cen ter crank. ft pair 16x24 Ottumwa, center crank mine engine. 1 14x16 Brownell, right-hand, self contained. 1 13x12 Bail automatic center crank. 1 12x16 Erie City, side crank. 1 10x12 Brownell. side crank. 1 8x10 Wheeiand. right-hand side crank. STAR MACHINERY CO.. Seattle. Wash. Office and Salesrooms, 1735 1st st. Shop and yards, 207 Horton st. SALE WEEK. During this sale make us offer on the following models; WALK IN, RTDE OUT. Chevrolet sedan, new 1921. Maxwell, 1918 model. Chevrolet touring. 1915 modeL Oakland roadster, 1;,1S model. Overland touring, 1916 model. MANY OTHER MAKES. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE. CALL JENSEN, WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO., Corner Broadway and Davis. Broadway 320. Eve'a East 8089. NEW AND USED CARS. AT VERY LOW PRICES. Some new light sixes at whole sale. Used cars: Overland. Oakland. Ft ude bakers, Stutz (Just the thins; for a bug), Dort sedan, like new. and some used Case cars, 1919 and older models, in good shape. SHARP WAREHOUSE CO.. SS-00 Tenth Street, Near Stark. SCRIBBS-BOOTH CHUMMY ROADSTER '18. This fine, light dependable car la all class; It has five wire wheels and Good year non-skid tires, and full set tools, and the finest top and side curtains that money couid buy; It has been re finished dark Packard blue, with black fenders and maroon wheels. Runs and looks ready for the auto show. Low price and take $250 down, balance easy Open Sundays. 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1920 LIBERTY sport model four passenger, in good condition. Own er will take $1500 net to him for this classy light six. We believe this car will appeal to you if you want something unusually nice. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. 13 CHUMMY ROADSTER. This one has five wire wheels and new tires and tubea and Is refinished. looks and runs as fine as any car you ever saw of this make. Low price and we will take $250 down. bal. easy. Take Victory bonds full value. Open Sunday, at 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. HAYNES. . Light six, 4 p - sport model: owner going away and says sell. Can give terma If you want a bargain look at this. 531 Wash. Bdwy. 1614. OAKLAND TOURING. Late model touring car and is re flnished and looks and runs flue. Conic and try it. Low price, and we will take bonds or car in trade. If you have higher priced one. will pay cash differ ence. Open Sundays, at 514 Alder at. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COM PA XY. LATE-MODEL Chalmers roadster, every thing complete, wire wheels, spotlight, bumper, motometer and all you would expect In a hlgh-grsde automobile. This car is In Al mechanical shape and a real bargain at $725, terms to suit. Al Aute unrks, 522 Aider t. IS FORD TOURING. At the low price of $345. with $150 down. bal. easy. We will .take bonds or trade. Open Sundays Ml day. This Ford has some extras on it. Come and tn- It. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMTANT. FIVE-TON Packard truck radiator: t ton Packard truck radiator; new Freeze proof Ford radiators; 2 hi -ton Nash truck radiator; Mitchell touring car radiator. Gerber stands behind his radiators. GERBER The Radiator Man. 431 Davis. Bdwy. 4331. 1920 FORD TOURING CAR. Strictly first-class .1920 Ford touring car. splendid mechanical condition, de mountable rims, 6 first-class tlrea Price only $475, $150 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st FORD sedan, 1920. run 2000 miles, looks like new; new spare tire, rubber pedals and coll box protector; axcellent me chanical condition; have 1921 license bought; can give terms on part. J 243, Oregonian 1916 HUDSON 7-pass. touring car, fine running shape, all new tires; will sell cheap or trade for late model car and pay cash difference. See Dressier. gELIVTOOD OARAGE, rH14 E 17h St. STUDEBAKER 6 touring car. In fine con dition, new rubber; will sell cheap or trade for heavy team, harness and wago.n Call at 630 E. 24th st. Phone Sell. 717. 191S STUDEBAKER 4. touring, good me chanical condition, five good tires, top and original paint like new. This is a bargain at $500; terms If desired. Phone Tabor 1041 Sunday morning. FORD COUPE, latest model, run only 8 months, chance to get car as good as new at a real bargain. Call Main 4226. room 111. ' OVERLAND, model 90. chummy, newly painted, five wire woeela fine mechan ical condition; price $675. No dealers. Phone Broaiw-av 1719. WE TUT steel teeth in your old flywheels, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chine shop. 584 Alder st. Bdwy. 2681. HAYNES, sacrifice, a late 1919 7-passen-ger. 85 per cent new, $1500. Phone owner. $50 CASH takes late Dodge touring, first class shape. Just as good as new. 387 Water at. W S. FORD touring, extras, best of condftion; a lot in restricted district accepted. Ta bor 2454. .. DEAD storage $4 per month; lots of room. Al AUTO WORKS, 522 Alder st, corner 16th. 1920 OLISMOBILE 6. runs and looks like new. lots of extras, including 1921 II . cease: will sell cheap. Phone Col. 786. 1920 BUICK 5-pass.. excellent condition, 6 tlrea spotlight, tire cover, etc, $1500, Main 722. 35 FORD sedan, first -da wire wheels. Tabor 112, FOR SALIC A r TOMO BILES. BUT A USED FORD. Largest stock In the west Look them over before you buy. Some of them are listed herewith: 1914 Ford touring $13 1914 Ford light delivery 175 1913 Ford light delivery 165 1913 Ford light delivery i 185 1915 Ford roadster lOf 1016 Ford light delivery 173 1916 Ford roadster delivery 225 1916 Ford touring 235 '1917 Ford lfght delivery 165 1917 Ford roadster, delivery box 193 1917 Ford touring; 235 1917 Ford roadster 263 1918 Ford Ug-ht delivery 165 1918 Ford light delivery 225 1918, Ford roadster 1918 IS Ford tourinir 350 1918 Ford roadster 385 1918 Ford touring 395 1918 Ford worm truck chassis.... 460 1919 Ford touring 290 1919 Ford roadster 325 1919 Ford light delivery 335 1919 Ford touring, starter, eta .. 425 1919 Ford touring 425 1919 Ford touring, starter, eta 400 1919 Ford chassis 275 1919 Ford worm truck, Exp. body 45 1920 Fdrd worm truck with cab . . 490 1920 Ford light delivery 875 1920 Ford touring SOS 1920 Ford touring 495 1920 Ford roadster, starter, eta . 525 J 920 Ford touring, starter, eta . 550 1919 Ford sedan, starter, etc 585 192 Ford coupe, starter, etc. .... 685 1920 Ford coupe, starter, etc .... 736 1920 Ford sedan, starter, etc 825 6everal Ford bugs, $250 to $475. EASY TERMS. St o re O pen Sun day. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and East YamhilL Large Stock Genuine Ford Parta VRANSONS USED-CAR EXCHANGE. 1915 Ford touring, extras $ 175 1917 Ford touring, extras 275 lMx Ford tourinc dem. rims. .... 3 2919 Ford touring, starter type... 400 1920 Ford touring, starter 485 3919 Ford express 425 1920 Ford ton truck 4 191S Ford coupe, starter 650 1916 Overland Danel del 250 1915 Overland S3 touring 250 1916 Overland 83 touring- 275 191S Overland 85 touring 550 1918 Overland country club W. W. 550 191C Oakland 6 touring 475 1916 Oakland 6 touring 800 1918 Wiley 6, 7-passenger 630 1918 Velie 6. touring 850 1919 Page 8, 7-passenger 1350 1914 Mitchel 6, touring 159 1913 Chalmera new tires ,. 175 1913 Frar.klln 4. 1 1917 Maxwell touring 350 1920 Maxwell roadster. 675 1P17 Buick 4, roadster 650 1919 Briscoe, repainted 650 1917 Hup Big 4. sedan 1100 Three Ford bugs.... $275 to $350 VRANSON-S USED CAR EXCHANGE, E. 4376. 150 Union, Ave., Corner Belmont CARS AND TRUCKS AT MORTGAGE PRICES. EXTRA LIBERAL TERMS IF YOU WANT THEM We have about 100 cars of different makes on our sample floor. Premier, limy am. Moon, Dixie, Liberty, Skelton Maxwell, new cars; Moon. Dixie, Max well, Overland, Ford, used cars; Gary, Old Hickory, new Trucks; Sterling. Gary, Atterbury. used trucks. All taken in from dealers and users on unpaid loans by financing companies. All on our sample floor on Supples dock at the east end of Morrison bridge, foot of Belmont st. Call and see them. Get our pricps and terms. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE AND SALES COMPANY. . Phone East 3S71. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR, 18 BUICK TOURING. This one has cord tires and-one extra. full set tools and side curtains, and has been gone over, and runs and looks rt wt tor the auto show. You cjin hal the pleasure of trying this one out any way yuu LUKOj li will OO Uie JOD. W have low price and will take $:I50 down bal. easy; take Victory bonds or late model touring car in trade. Open Sun days au aay. 14 Aiaer st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. A THOROUGHTBRED car for a red-Wooded man, in perfect mechanical condition. throttle down on high to one mile per hour, runs faster than you dare noe. i nis Apperspn o cnummy road ster, at a rare sacrifice. See J. A. Bradt, duo Hi. ku, or cau xaDor t rou. BUICK SIX ROADSTER. Here is the light six that Is the best value you can put your money into for service; long wear, easy riding, small upkeep and one that you can sell or trade to anybody anytime. This car has cord tires and one extra, seat covers and spotlight, refinished. looks and runs as good as new. Low price and we will take $350 down. bal. easy; take bonds. Open Sundays. 514 Alder sL MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. A BEAUTIFUL Case srlx-cyllnder car for only $1350l Car looks just as good as new, cord tiresT one extra. This 1918 fleven-passenger car is unusually attractive and an excel lent buy at this figure. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. Washington St. at 21sL Main 6244. -M9 OVERLAND 90. 4 This touring car is the most popular car of this brand that is used In this city; they are real good, honest, sturdy, light fours; always run. and they will hold up under the hardest kind of work This one has factory finish and non skid tires all around, and we have low price and will take $250 down, bal monthly: take car In trade or Victory bonds full value. 16th and Alder sta MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. HAYNES. Light six, 5-pass.t renewed and re flnished. $1000. $400 cash, bal 10 monthly paymeuta 631 Wash. Bdwy. MR. FARMER. ' MR. GARAGE MAN. I have a White chassis in good con dition with new tiros, Firestone rims, new that will make a dandy knock around car or service car or light truck, no reasonable offer refused. G. G. GERBER, Bdwy. 4331. 431 Davis. 19 CHEVROLET TOURING. At the low price of $525. with $175 down. bal. monthly. Car has non-skid tires ail over, one extra. Is refinished and looks and runs first-olasa Take bonds. Open Sundaya at 16th and Aider streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. FOR SALE BY OWNER, COLE -; $450 GRAND 6 $425 BR1SCO $450 COLE 8 $900 STUDEBAKER 6 $450 Good mechanical condition. Can be seen at 168 King st. 1919 DODGE touring car, driven 11.000 miles, first-class shape, private owner selling car instead of putting through dealer: every accessory, brand new tires on front oversize cords on rear, guaran teed battery. Phone Wdln, 4049. 1918 OVERLAND 00 touring. This Is the best model Overland that has ever been built and this one Is just like new in every way but the price, and that is half of the original cost. See It today at Al Auto Worka 522 Alder st. 101 H U Dei ON 7-pass. touring car, fine running shape, all new tires; will sell cheap or trade for late model car and pv cash difference. See Dressier SELLWOOD GARAGE. 1614 E. lTth St. OVERLAND touring, model 81. good rub ber, new battery, good mechanical shape, $315. Will take a Ford In trade. See Hampton. Talbot & Casey, Inc., Grand ave. and East Ankeny st. East 8118. OVERLAND "90" Late 4919 model; best cash offer takes It; am leaving town: car is In good condition; only run 7000 miles: new battery. Can be seen at 462 Rodney ave. LATE 1920 Chevrolet.-first-class condition mechanically and finish, new over-sixe tiree on rear, two spare tires, tire cover, bumper, wind deflectors, other extras, 1675 400 Monroe, E. 8006. CLASSIC bus; body, also Ford delivery body. 500 Union ava N, FOK SALT: AUTOMOBILES. COMPARE OUR PRICES AND CARS WITH OTHERS. WE KNOW THEN YOU WILL BUY HERE. 1913 OLDSMOBILE light 6.. $1050 1918 PAIGE Hght . new tires, reflnished and over hauled 1050 1017 HAYNES chummy road ster, wire wheels, etc 750 1000 1918 CHANDLER touring1- 1910 MAXWELL, cord tlrea new battery 650 1918 MAXWELL. ber good rub- 450 600 1019 CHEVROLET OTHER CARS FROM $100 UP. NO BROKERAGE FOR TIME SALES. OPE: SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. OLD SMO BILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway at Couch, Broadway 2270. WHY CAN we give you better" values for your money purchasing a used auto mobile? The answer; Our rent Is lees, our general overhead Is less, we charge no brokerage. Mr. Buyer, these items play an Important part In cost, our prices are right, our cars &ro just as good. Figure with us and save money. Some of our offerings Dodge touring. $6O0; 1918 Saxon. $350; 1017 Overland. $350; 918 Oidsmobile 8, $1175; 1917 Velie. $750; 1918 Studebaker. $750; 1918 Velta, $1025; 1919 Velie, $1275; 1919 Ve lie chummy, $1050. The truth told about all used oara Remember, no brokex- dT C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 68 23d St. North. idain 780. Open evening and fundays. SHOW WEEK SALE Of Used Cars, at Sacrifice Pricea 1920 Chandler $l?O0 1919 Chandler 11O0 1920 Studebaker special sedan 2250 1018 Oakland ;. 4O0 1918 Cole 8 650 1916 Franklin 450 1916 Reo 4 278 1917 Overland self-starter 125 1918 Worm drive Ford truck 300 1918 2-ton Standard truck 1290 1918 1)4 -ton Bethlehem truck 700 415 Glisan St.. cor. 10th. Bd. 4502. 18 BUICK TOURING. This one has cord tires and one extra, full set tools and side curtains, and has been gone ' over, and runs and looks ready for the auto show. Y'ou can have the pleasure of trying this one out any way you like; it will do the job. We have low price and will take $350 down, bal. easy; take Victory- bonds or late model touring car in trade. Ooen Sun days all day. 514 Alder street. mi nrHl .MOTOR CAR COMPANY. UfaED cars of merit at sacrifice prices. Oaklands from $500 to $1350; all In good condition and our firm stands behind them; also several other makes such as Pierce-Arrow limousine, Cadillac 7-passenger. Premier 7-passenger. Locomobile 7-pasenger. These 7-passenger cars are Just the thing for stage or for hire. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., Broadway 4184. Bdwy. at Flanders. "19 OLDS TOURING. ' This car is suitable for anv niirnnxe and will give you senvice any place yuu put it; aas cora tires ana on) extra, and is reflnished and looks as though it just left the factory. Come and try iu we are open t-unaays all day. Low price of $1100 with $450 down, balance eaey ; iane victory Donas run value MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 16th and Alder Sts. OVERLAND ROADSTRR. Late model, refinished dark maroon and cream wheels, black fenders: looks ready for the show. This week. Runs une, new tires and two extras, side cur tains and full set tools. Low Drice and will take $250 down. bal. easy. Take Donas ruii vame. Open Sundays. 514 Aider street. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. PIERCE-ARROW LIMOUSINE. This is positively the best high-class used car for sale in Portland. Is me- cnanically pertect. enameling and ap polntments are in fine shape. This cai will serve a private family with the ocst; it will make a rent car worth riding in. See it at 100 N. Broadway Phune Broadway 4184. PREMIER . SEVEN-PASSENGER TOURING CAR, This car will be sacrified for $1500 new ones sell for about $5000. this car Is a downright sacrifice and will make tno very best ram:y ur stage car. Term will be given. See car at 100 N. 1 way or pnong prpaoway siga MAXWELL 1-ton trucks, with body and cab; electric lights; very low price. William L. Hughson Co.. 60 N. Broadway. Phono Bdwy. 321. LEXINGTON SPOUT MODEL. Four-passenger sport car in wonderful condition; will be sold at a bargain price Cash or terms. If you want a good car t a very low ngure. see mis one. ca, Bdwy. 4184. OAKLAND sedan demonstsator, latest model, slightly used and fully guaran teed. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., Broadway at Flanders, Broadway 41S4. . 80 ACRES In north end Clarke county to trade for auto: land Is covered with good growth of young timber, is near holdings of large timber companies. Is sure to advance In value. What have you to offpr? AV 349Qrcgonlan. HUDSON TOURING CAR. 1920 model in fine condition, mechani cally good as how A ecsnnes conip.ete making it a wonderful value; will sell at a price to save buyer $1000. Cash or terms. Call Bdwy. 4184. DODGE touring. IrT pood shaDO. new bat- tery. good tires, 2 brand new, price $600. about half cash. bal. to suit. Would like to have Ford light delivery in part pay ment. Home Dye Works. See car at 101 N. 11th st. 1920 BUICK roadster, looks like new, and. car In fine mechanical aondttion; run on by 4000 miles. This car has 5-good tlrea and other extras. Will give terms. Phone Tabor 8064. OAKLAND touring car, late model, new tires, many extras, motor in best or shapa Will be glad to demonstrate it. W. C. MONTGOMERY, Broadway 4184. Bdwy. at Flanders. LATE 1918 Overland country club chum my. In fine condition, overhauled and refinished; price $450, need $150 cash, terms on balance. Snap. Mr. Argo, Broadway 32SL Automobiles Wanted. 100x100 CORNER lot, cost $1800 ten years ago, clear oi debts, to trade ror a good automobile. See Mr. Marandas, 424 Washington st. FORD WANTED as part payment on my Dodge touring car. Phone Main 5484 evenings. EXCHANGE largo lot In Maplewood for a roadster, w nat nave you: i-ast ajiaz. AF 296. Oregonian. THE BEST buy !n late Ford or Chevro let for cash, that I can get. Tabor SO40 all day Sunday, after 5 on Week days. LATE model Dodge touring, good condi tion, from owner; must be bargain, give full particulars, AN 294, Oregonian. $100 CASH for Ford roadster; give de scription; no agenta AC 257, Orego- WANTED Automobile Cannot make lash p&vment. nut win give two reuaoe sign ers on note monthly. C 343. Oregonian. AUTO WANTED. Must be bargain for cash; no junk considered. Rigg. 963 Alblna ave. FORD SEDAN WANTED 3est Ford se dan that a 1017 Oakland and $100 cash will buy. Tabor 4414. WANT FORD truck, have passenger car. perfect order. Main 579. 427 Harri- ?on st. WILL trade 10 head of good, young, fresh cows for horses or automobile. Call at 896 Powell valley road, corner 29th at. WILL trade a good piano for a Ford ear; roadster preferred; must be nearly new. G. F. Johnson. Main 3106. ALBINA, 6-room residence, now racated, 3500; want good auto to $1000. balance terms. P. O. box 392. Portland. UPRIGHT, standard made fine piano to trade for a small car. 130 Third st. Main 7688 CASH for all makes of cars;, condition no object. 415 Gllsan. cor. 10th. WILL trade new phonograph for uaed machine. Bdwy. 2555. 148 13th st. WILL discount equity 1920 Ford coupe, 3 months old. Seliwood 2549. GOOD building lots exchanged for- late model toarinir car. Owner. Wdln. 5325. W VNT good Ford cheap for cash. Broadway 4695 bet. 11 and 2 P. Phone M. WILL pay cash fur secondhand JTord body. Pboas Wdln. 61 Si. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wan ten. Hni";p vrR A I "TO 7 -room double constructed, plastered house, in Mt. Scott district, sman oase inf rnnd nlumblne. electric Hcius. m hnilfin kitchen. large lot. 95x1 iK), all kinds of berries and fruit, house now vacant: nrice -?iK. will take car in up to about $1000; ditch your car ana get a nome. au --v. urrt"...... HOUSE FOR A CAR. 119AO FOR MY HOUSE $1900. 8-room house, near Portsmouth. Just off Willamette blvd.. plumbing, etc.; house now vacant; mortgage $1000. bal ance payable on contract. $25 per month. Total Incumbrance. $1475: will trade equity for cheap gar. N 297. Oregonian. WTT.T. TRiniQ 80 acres of flrst-ClaSS tl STr in Pnnpl M.. Valued at H0O$L clear of incumbrance, for a first-class auto. J. D. GORDON. Newberg. Or. WANT light roadster or touring car. not tn exceed $500: must be barrain. Have rflomnnrt which would cost $300 to dup licate to offer as first payment, balance monthly. K 345. Oregonjar. HAVE 20 acres of splendid fruit land to tra for mrhlnA nr Portland property Na agents. Auto. 522-36. Call Sunday afternoon and evening. FRANKLIN 5-pass., must be Al condition; no earlier model than 1918 considered $1000 cash. Speedwell garage, 35 N 14th st. WANT car a part payment on pretty ne bungalow, owner. laoor ,o FORD roadster wanted ; must be cheap for cash. Phone Tabor o9G4. Motorcyt le. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. 1919 Excelsior, repainted, over hauled $275 1919 Henderson, elec. over hauled 310 1020 Cleveland, like new .... 195 1919 Cleveland, guaranteed... 140 1918 Indian, overhauled 195 1914 Excelsior, lights, tandem 65 EASY TERMS. STRING CYCLE CO., 4Xh and Taylor. Main 111. Excelsior, Henderson. Cleveland dealera See our exhibit at Jmto show. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES NEW AND REBUILT. Second -hand parts for all makes of machlnea Mail orders' tilled same daj received MOTORCYCLE A SUPPLY CO., INC 200 3D ST. MAIN 7S89. FOR SALE! 1920 big valve power plus Indian motorcycle with sidecar tandem, speedometer, 2 spotlights and big air A No. 1 condition, driven 500 miles, worth $700; will sell cheap. See party at 01 Grand ave.. Brooks apt., room 3. between 5:30 and 7 o'clock in the even ing. USED MOTORCYCLES. ALL MAKES. ON EASY TERMS. Used Parta Motors. Magnetos, Carbure tors, Generators, etc. 10 to 75 per cent Discount. HDTORCYCLE3 BOUGHT FOR PARTS. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Grand Ave. WILL trade for car. 0 beautifully situated acres of land. 3 miles east of Gresham: inning water, close to station, near school, on road, easy to clear, south slope; write owner. Geo. Wilder, Hood River, or. 1919 INDIAN motorcycle . powerpieus, -spotlights, dream tandem, speedometer, excellent condition, both mechanically and in appearance; $225, liberty bonds taken at full value. Call Mr. Liifls, Bast 5543. - LATE 1917 Indian Powerplus - motorcycle In A-l condition; will sell for $1S5 cash. Tabor 430, or call at 967 E. Salmon, evenings 425 1921 HARLEY-DAV 1DJ. in peneci cond;t:on ; run aoout wiw, uiuat sel'.; 1921 license; $300. East 849. CLFVELAND motorcycle for sale, cheap. Take Mt. Scott car to Firland. 4944 TSd street S. E. A. Monne. FOR .MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES THY US. 204-206 3D ST MAIN 6139. 1918 HA It LEY -DAVIDSON, elec, with side car: good condition. uir.t .au m. j. i.. Auto Tires'-and Accessories. NEW 6-VOLT car battery, yours for $40 cash. M. D. Spencer. 371 E. Morrison. Phone E. 8319. FACTORY new Pennsylvania vacuum cup, straight side tire. 34x4. $27.50. E. 1904. FORD magneto charger Complete, bargain. East 1705 or 404 Vt East Morri---on. 2 DIAMOND SQUEEGEE non-skid Urea 39x4. $31 apiece. Auto. 325-98. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE; with or with drKera Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 3696, Remember our number.- Bdwy. 3696. "NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOW.NSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY li408. 15 AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable ratea 132 12th sL, between Washington and Aider. Broadway 84Q. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L I SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A1236. ALTHoF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND 1 AX LOR. SXAj 1UO i"0 5-PASS. BUlua r ou niitn., wnn DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. WORK for lj-ton truck or hauling for wholesale house. Phone automatic 217-14. FOR SALE TRUCKS ANT) TRACTORS. OUR RESOLUTION is the same every year: The best used-truck for the money. -After looking over ail other used trucks, come in and inspect our list and If you are in the market at all you wi.l drive one out. Republic. 2-ton, good rubber, overhauled. $1000. Federal, 3-ton, in excellent shape, good rubber. $1000. Standard, 2-ton. good rubber, good cab. $1000. Gary. 2-tcn. good shape and good bargain. $950. Republic. 2-ton, with body. cab. Presto lights; overhauled. $1000. MACK -INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. Tenth and Davis streets. Broadway 690. ONE 10-18 CASE tractor, been used one season. $950; one 4-cyI. Moline tractor with Eelf-starter and pWWl complete run one season. $1000; one Bui tractor run one season, $500; one ,12-24 Russell tractor run one season. $800; one 12x24 Case tractor, run 60 daya pulling hay baler. $U0O; one 22-40 Case tractor, 4, rvilnder run 2 days, cost $2350. for Sulck le will take ISSOft: al.o 2-28 Rumely eparator. one 32-in. Kumelj Kparator. one 17-22 Sandwich hay baler, one 11x22 Cue hay baler, one 12 h p Advance steam engine. Thia machinery Is all In Al condition and the price is riffht on all of it. Will sell on terms to suit buyer; will take some trade In the line of livestock. Inquire of H. R. Kuehna, Tigard, Oregon WE ARE CL.EA.Mlsu nurai. a few used trucits ioil. ivu .uwun. D them if you need a truck. 'i..-;on Denby with cab, windshield and flat body; guaranteed for 90 days; 11400. 2-ton long wheelbase Federal with cab windshield, also a new ooay anu top that cost J175. We will guarantee this truck to be In A-l mechanical con dition, and the price Is 1200. We have 2 chain-drive Ford trucks with body, cab and windshield. Make us an offer on them. v . DE.VBT MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF K. W.. 10th and Davis. Broadway 8848. FOR SALE Sand and gravel truck on good paving Job; all winter sTnd sum- .... r'tt work. can oetween ,..u anu o' c lock. Bdwy. 33S5. apartment 10. FORD delivery, run 200 miles; must be sold, see owner "i1?"-, "s E 3d, near Oak., Sat. P.- M. and Sunday morning. FOR SALE One 3-ton Packard truck with lumoer rons, kuuu cuiiuiiiun. iw 11500. Write J. tl. lone, yjrrsnam. jr. 114. TON Republic truck, almost new, J1500. C. A. .Mills, Vancouver, Wn. Phone 14F3 MUST sacrifice m-ton truck, good as new. no reasonable offer refused. T. C. Hansen. Hotel mii'iio. 1-TON Ford truck, 1920. run 8 months; this year's license; $550. 285 1st sr. Crown Stable. FOKD ONE-TON TRUCK (500, terms; equipped with furniture body and cab. Phone Dunn. SeUwood 193. x.TON DUMP. new. with contract for stesdy city work. $2000 will handle. 92 Nortn nitn ex. x.uw . SOME special snaprln used trucks from o 6 tons. See them at 92 North 10th street ALMOST new Cleveland tractor. 1705 or 404 H East Morrison. TWO-TON Kelly Springfield truck, $400. East 1705 or 404 H East Morrion. FORD truck, 1 ton, Al condition, cab and atak body. $460. Wl Bawtfconus. FOR SALE TBICRS AND TRACTORS. THE LAW OF " SUPPLY AND DEMAND will force the price of used trucks up 25 per cent within the next 60 daya The best year we ever had is ahead of us and you know that faint heart never filled a spade flush, so get la and get busy. Five-ton Standard. cab and body, this truck looks and runs so good that you can hardly be lieve It is a used machine. $3450. 3 -ton G. M. C, used less than six months, has been in warehouse since armistice, $3250. Two-ton G. M. GL long frama another one that Charlie Beck overhauled, and Its appearance Is in keeping with its mechanical condition. $2250. Two-ton G. M. C, chain drive, cab and wood body, this Is not dolled up much but Is a bear for work. $750. 1-ton Reo, good tlrea good general condition, you can't beat It for any kind of work a 14 -ton truck can do. at $550. One-ten pnenmstie-tired O. M. C. this is the famous model 16, a wonderful buy at $1475. One-ton pneumatic-tired Re public, panel body, $750. Ford light delivery, has dandy eovered body, good engine and tires, it can't be beat for farm use. at $225. WJffNTWORTH A IRWIN. INC. 200 Second Street, Corner Taylor. IT WTLL PAY YOU TO INVEST!- . GATE THE USED TRUCK BAR GAINS WE ARE OFFERING TWO-TON WHITE. Overhauled In our shop; new tires and good paint job and ready for real hard work. V-TON GMC. Completely overhauled motor, runssjike new; better look it over. The price is right. ONE-TON REPUBLIC . Goodyear cushipn tires; a real snap if taken at once. -TON TRUCK With Continental motor. TImken rear axle; a good truck to do hurry-up hauling at the farm. DODGE DELIVERY MAKE US AN OFFER TERMS. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch. Portland. Or. TRUCKS! TRUCKS ! TRUCKS ! ALL SIZES AND MAKES. THE FOLLOWING ARE TYPICAL OF OUR STOCK: 1-ton Ford. 1919 cab and body complete; In perfect condition $ 5T6 1919 1-ton Ford complete, has covered body and cab 575 1- ton Republic, complete ex press body, condition guar anteed 1 1250 Chevrolet delivery. 1019, thor oughly overhauled 475 2- ton G. M. C, spte idid for a wood haul 1000 These are only part of our stock. We have a truck for every possi ble purpose. It will pay you to in vestigate before buying. GRANNINO & TREECE, 542 Alder St., Corner 17th. Broadway 1723. QUALITY TRUCKS, LOW PRICES. New 1920 2-ton truck. Is equipped with elec. lights, cab, pneumatics on front.. $2350 Republic 2H-ton. good rub- ber, new engine block 1750 Terms if desired. SHARP WAREHOUSE CO., 88-90 Tenth Street, Near Stark. 1920 LIGHT 6. run only 2200 miles. 1 new 14 -tor. truck witn stocK ooay; any reasonable offer will be accepted. Call at 630 E. 24th st. Phone Belt 717. FOR SALE 2-ton 1919 4-speed Republic truck; Just overhauled; Al condition, llfloO; some terms. East 4592. GARAGES, PORTABLE garages for rent, $6 per mo. E. 15th St., between East Oak and Pine. Phone East 1689. FOR RENT Private garage. $7 mo.; also parking space. J8 mo. 349 Salmon. FOR RENT PRIVATE GARAGE. 44tj uaiti bi. FOR RENT My garage at 308 E. Sdth St.. south of Hawthorne. Phone Tahor jgjfc FOR RENT One garage. $8 per month. 197 E. 50th st. Tabor 8504. , GARAGE for rent. 861 Mississippi ave. cor. Shaver. Wdln. 5. FOR RENT Shed, suitable for garage. C a;;4. Oregonian. ' GARAGE for rent, west side. Main 7136. WANTED MITELI-WEOrg. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD Jewelry for cash; name your price. Bring or mail. 323 Wash., bet, tith and Iidwy WANT library table, medium lre, good condition, give phone number. X 24b, Oregonian WANTED A good second-hand fuel de livery wagon for team, with pole, no shafts. Ratcllffe & Co., Woodburn. Or. FOR CASH, good lathe and tools, about 14-in.x8-ft. Winner-Makers Co., 853 E. BurnMde, vri'ViCEi REPAIRED. make vour furnace heat. Alder Street Metal Works. Broadway 2039 WANTED Phonograph records, must OS in good condition, state price and par ticulars B.I 300. Oregonian. DI VMOND wanted. 1 k.. thereabout; cash consideration; must be bargain. AB 300, Oregonian. WANT to get in touch with ranchers who have hay and wood for sale. Creston Warehouse, 5009 Powell valley road. WANTED pool table, good condition, for fire station; must be bargain. Phone lidwy. 3114- SAI'E Want small office and lowest cash price. safe. Give else AM 2S7. Ore gnnian. a vt team, ill mi and larm wagon. must be reasonable, no Junk. Roy Thompson. 446 Taylor st. WANTED Bear, good frisky cub, about one year oia; give irui;ui., .u. N -Jo WANTED 1000 or less cords of wood to Mt state terms and distance from Portland. M 346. Oregonian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx & Co.. 2S3 Wash. sL WANT 88-note player piano rolls; stats price. M 267, Oregonian. CESSPOOLS, sewers connected and dug, cement work. Phone Main lSlS.iMllier. DIAMONDS bought at highest market prices. E. Deeds, 340 Wathlngton st WANTED Guinea pigs. Write Dr.' J. A. - Roberts la Doratorips. iio.iyvsuuu. vai. WANTED; To buy good second-hand trunk. AV 877. Oregonian. WANT to buy a second-nanu portaDie ga raere for cash. Tabor S2;i3. WANTED Canoe, give description and best casn price. -i. I'-ft 'u.,, WANTED to buy. second-hand wheel chair. Phone Woodlawn 2025. WANTED td buy 4-poster mahogany bed. Main 2mi. GOOD SUI":ASE or handbag: give full nrt!rularS"and price. H 260. Oregonian. STUKE front wanted, with glass and door. East 3S60. WANT to buy ho use-moving jacas. 5s'th St. S. E. 4021 WANTED To buy boy's bicycle, a mirror for tailor. Tabor 4229. W 1NTED Cordwood or cordwood timber, sift Board of Trade. Main 4154 W NT ED Second-growth fir, sho. ,j8 Board of Trade. Main 415. rt loga WANTED A small post card stand. Bdwy. 3971 WE PAY CA?H FOR USED PHONO GRAPHS. PHONE BP1 Y. 2052. SUITCASE, state price. X 330. Oregonian, WANT large icebox. 35i, Oregoniasv WANTF.Is MISCELLANEOUS. 112.50 TO 5S. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND - OVERCOATS. CALL MKYER. THE TATfcOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison st, near 3d st. Will call day or evening. OFFICE FURNITURE WANTED. OAK DESK (SWIVELS AND 4 OR (I OAK OFFICE CHAIRS; M;UST BE GOOD AND CHEAP: Al..-" CITY MAP AND GOOD 7x RCO. ADDRESS PATTiSON. MAIN 1136. $8.50 UP TO $25. OOLDSTBIN, THE TAILOR. PATS HIGHEST CASH PRICKS FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932 . 24.-.S lllRNSIDK. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. BETWEEN 2D AND SD. WE MUST have 500 men's suits and top coats to ship out of town;. we are in big demand for used clothing, we are still paying the highest prices for hlgh-psiced clothing. Call at 167 First St.. near Morrison. Tailor establishment. Phone Main 738. UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S UITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. QRU. Wanted to buy a loading coil ,a long wave coupler, several variable condens era. what else have youT Give com plete description first letter. M 272. Ore- gonlan. WANTED Men to have their suits pressed for 45 cents; French dry cleaned and pressed for $1.25, about half what other, charge. We do not call and deliver, that's the reason. Joy the Tailor, 104 4ih. near Stark. Four storea TO HEAR from parties interested In grow ing gladiolus bulbs on shares. Do not reply unless you have fair amount of ground and are willing to give proper at ' tentton to crop. Gladiolus Farm, Boring, Oregon. . UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I pay the highest prices for second hand furniture, toola rags, old ehtnkng and all kinds of Junk. Call Main 734 and I WILL CLEAN UP YOUR HOME. WANTED 1 TO 10 STANDS BEES. Kind of bees or condition of hives makes no difference; must be cheap. Addreat. stating numoer you have and price. 715 Wayne st.. Portland. Or. FURS. FURS. FURS. Low Rent and Low Priees. Remodeling and Repairing. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., Main. 6529. 163 W. Park. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3223. 209 Madison. BILLIARD rails wanted, will trade 4H by 9 pool table rails in good condition, covered: for good set of billiard rails. Elbert Smith, Cottage Grove, Or. WANTED to buy, Shetland pony, reply giving full information in first letter, state color, age, weight, height, price, etc. Box BD 208. Oregonian. WANTED Used tires for retreading; will take in on new tires or pay cash; sizes 83x4, 33x4H, 32x4. Speedwell Garage, 35 N. 14lh sL WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaka Hochfeld. 83 3d st. Main 3581. DIAMOND wanted; will pay cash for 1H- carat or larger; ran also use smaller size; must be good value; no dealers. G 359. Oregonian. GENT'S Howard watch to exchange for tmall motor; A. c prererrea. l-J 2d st- WANTED Second-hand typewriter In good condition; will consider Corona. East 5717. PARLOR HEATING stove, valued at $10. It is In very good condition: a plain out pleasing design. Phone Tabor 107. WANTED Butcher's ice box and blocks. jonnson. it ii rj. outn st. w. .Vurniturc Wanted. FURNITURE WANTED. BEFORE YOU 6ELL YOUR FURNI TURE. BE SURE AND CALL MAR SHALL 587. YOUR CALL WILL BRING OUR BUYER AT ONCE. WB - PAY THE TOP PRICE FOR USED FURNITURE. CARPETS. RI'GS, ETC.: EVERYTHING IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS. WE ALSO BUY OFFICE FUR NITURE. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO THE SAME DAY. CALL MARSHALL 587. A S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205-207 FIRST STREET. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. MARSHALL BDSl. gevurtz furniture co. we but your household fur niture for spot cash. all calls attended to same dat. highest prices paid. we are the oldest, most reliable house of our kind in Portland: gevurtz furniture co., The Big Store. All under one roof. No branch storea 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill. CALL MAIN 31W IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASK PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IJf THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN SOD. i CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealers. Call us up for one article or a house full; and a courteous, competent buyer will call Main 7714. Rosenberg's Furnlturs Exchange. Hl'HR AN'Il LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be lore you sell. We are In the market fo same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 FIRST 8T. MAIN 7728. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE 41TORE. MAIN 8878. IF YOU WANT to sell your furniture at a good price call us, as we pay th highest price for household goods by tiie piece or lot, main tivt. T OLDELACK"walnut dresser. 2 or 8 draw ers, with or without mirror. L 2-0, Oregonian. WE NEED SECOND-HAND I LRNITURS of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First st. . IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell your furniture to us. Call Mar shall 2693. Crown Pnrnlture Co. SELL us your furniture and ruKs. Reliable Furniture Co., 203 2d st. Main 78"8. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAJfc.CA.SH. MAIN 3332. YE BUY used (urnlture. For best result call Ea,t 2405. WtXI oak buffet and 9x12 rug. Phone Sell. 2027. 1783 E. 12th. Maclilnerv Wanted. WANTED To buy or rent 1 H or H-lncH portable electric universal drill- Max well Motor Sales corporation. SMALL Iron bench lathe: state price, else, tools' and whether screw cutting or not. AV 878. oregonian. WANTED Machinery. 7. 10, 15-h. p.. a. c. elec. motors. M 364, Oregonian. EDUCATIONAL. QUALIFY AS A TRAFFIC MANAGER. EARN $50 TO $250 A WEEK. Competent traffic managers or experts, and foreign shipping managers; men who know routing, tracing, expediting, rates, classifications, tariffs, bills of lading, maritime shipping, port regulations and lnttrstate commerce law can save busi ness firms thousands of dollars annually, and so are In urgent demand. If you have brains, ambition, real American gumption and backbone, and time, you can gain success In the traffic field. Our staff of dozens of the country", leading Industrial and railroad traffic and shipping men will guide you In your training. Unless you are satisfied with your present position, and sre sure this year's salary will be big enough to be """voS'oWE IT TO YOURSELF TO INVESTIGATE. Call. Phone or Write LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, P G. Strom. Traffic Advisor. 403 Plttock Block. Broadway 1033, or Wood lawn 4S92. Office Hours 12 M. to 1:30 P. M. AM iT'-CilS wanted who wish to prepare for th stsge. We teach you and glva you professional experience as soon as ntiaMfied Company now or- eatilzlng for road. Call 510 Eiiers bldg. MRS HA.NNUM'S School Shorthand. Type writing 230 Tillamook St.. cor. Oanten- beln. East 3860. sr"!SH classes; dictation to stenogra phers Mrs. Vejar, 418 Piatt bldg.. 12T Park sL FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching position, free reg- IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizlog business call 158 B. Broadway. LEARN vulcanizing business; we teach Ue best eUtod known. 433 suck.