10 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PCVRTT.AXD, JAXFARY 9, 1921 to Kxmwr.T keal estate. -ACRE apple orchard, near Hlllo boro, rood ho up. will trad my equity. $4500 on home or rooming: house. Lost 26. 60-room apartment house, fine location, nice place, take nice homo la trad and some cash. LUrt 214, 10-room hotel, rood pay roll town, new building, furnished 17500; some cash, some trade. List 07. S3-roam hotel, food Washington town on highway, big" map, trade far Portland property, hotel fur ntshed and rented for J 150 per aswaih. Good proposition tor right man. List 52. 42-room commercial hotel, rood town near Pendleton, furnishings and lease $5500; will take some trade. List 02. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg. ON PAVED HIOHWAT. 490 acres alone Columbia river. 50 ft. rrom station : also Doai iransponauon SK (rea ct hnttum land. 40 acres dyked, balance not subject to overflow ; fine creek : f -room house, nnt, barn, Ahicken hnui and other buildinirs. In eluded with place, 7 cows, 30 hogs, 50 goats, rood team, harness, complete line of machinery. H .'.( mile to school. Wire fencing Good stock or dairy ranch, with lota of outrange- Price $42 per acre for everything. S5000 cash, aiignt consider smaller farm or city property to $10,000. John Ferguson. Gerllnger pwg. . FuR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Well-Improved 10 acrea, 4 miles from bualiie?s center of county seat town; acres In orchard, consisting of appl pears, prunes and walnuts, all In bear ing; a modern 7 -room house, full cement basemen t, la un dry trays, f urn ace, lire place, bath and two toilets, city water, completely wired for electric lights, poles et to within V, mile of place; modern barn, fair chicken house; good roads part way. Pacific hirhway; will exchange for maJi xarm or equal value, might as sume aome or will take town or city property up to $3500, price $9000, clear of incumbrance. ror further particulars address ah -o. ore soman. TO TRADE for home, 19 rooms, flrat-cleaa location; rent j&u with lease, steam heat, extra good furniture. Income $376 or l - J I. c. TO TRADE for land. SO rooms, mostly TT. K . low rent, rood Income, brick ujag.. rooa west side location; J-J00 $1850 cash. FOB TRADE 20 acrea rood land half ciearea in Clackamas county. TRT-TJ3 REALTY CO. , 169 West Park. Auto. 518-48. TO EXCHANGE. Beautiful little ranch of IS acrea all In bearing olives and oranges In choicest part of Sacramento valley, California, 5-room modem bungalow, good barn, large lawn with beautiful palms and other trees, private electrical Irrigation plant and fine water; located on paved highway & mile from a prosperous Utile city of 2500; this la a beautiful home and rood money maker, clear of Incumbrance; will accept Alberta wheat ranch of 320 acres within 70 miles north, or, east of Calgary. PERFECTION TIRE CO., Phone 16T. Sd and Washington wts. Vancouver. Wn. WA N'TED Loa Angeles, Seattle or San Francisco properties. Olve you best of trade for choice Income business proper ties here, $00,000 to $150,000. for sundry unimproved but very desirable business and other offerings or for residences in Portland's best residence sections. Rep resent many clients who reside In these cities, hence the logic of a food trade xor you. K. T. STREET, Realtor, Portland. Or. lliiJH-CLAS.s, in Wild Col Culo rado; the choice half section of that part of the county, fenced and some crop. All can be cultivated and ir rl rated ; land Is now under Irrigation project ana expect water soon, email nouse, n. j l ana telephone, 1 mil to graded hiuhwav. Want small lm proved farm in Oreron or Washington. Would consider Income property In l Qtiaaq ; nwner, F.J 219. Oregonlan 2 2d ACHES NEAR McMiNNV 1 1 -f.K. FOR IXCuME PROPERTY In any good town in Oreron; this Is eae or tne best farms in Yamhill county. improved with lu-room modern house large barn, silo and all necessary out buildings, water system, family orchard. Willamette VALLET LAND COh 403 First National Bank blda, Albany, Or. CONSIDER VACANT LOTS, 10 acres 3 miles from rood town, mile to school. 8 acres under cultiva tlon and in 7-year Italian prunes. In fine condition ; - acres umber; all can be cultivated. County road. A fine In come property. Price $3500; $540 cash, balance 1300 per year 6. Will con sider vscant lots for clear equity of jo on fr erg-son. Gerllnger bldg. SMALL FARM FOR HOTT8E. JO acres, located 2H miles from Ore ron city, an level land, excellent soli 12 acres cultivated, 3 acres more ready to plow, balance pasture; rood 5-room plastered bungalow, barn and outbuild ings, rrico svoo; wants house in Port land. ,LUXr D EM CO MP A NT. 013 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE business building paying good in vestment, fine opportunity to increase Income. Want small farm worth $10,000 and cash. This property Is clear of encumbrance and Is worth $12,500. Bee Air. rarnsrworth, with H. A. DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN. Rrw-o Lewis hide ntr r,ne-i 7-ROOM house, modem. Nob Hill, west aiae; iwuu equity, income sou per mo.; o-room nouse, moaern, close in, near Handy boulevard, equity $1000, Income $50 per month ; will trade for close-in acreage or farm not far from Portland. A.u. uustair. 400 Henry bldr., Bdwy. INCOME PROPERTY TO TRADE. Fort land Income property on west side, rood Income. Price $6(1.000. Will xaae some trade, some cash and mort rase for balance. LUEDDEM ANTN COMPANT, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 9-KOO.V HOUSE AND $0x120. Will exchange for 100 acres; prefer aome equipment; old bulldlnrs satisfac tory; will consider Tillamook county or Lewis river district; will assume up to SMITH-WAQONER CO.. STOCK EXCTT, PORTLAND PROPERTY. iwnw, ciose-in on east side, near iirand ave., improved with 4 small houses. Price $12,500. Will take prop erty to 7500. balance mortgage. LUEPPEMANN COMPANY. f13 Chamber of Commerce. t ACRES. l's miles from city limits; 4 acres In strawberries. 00 bearing fruit trees, balance brush; fenced. Price J2800. eqnity $1500. Want Beach or Portland Home. MaclNNES. 2T0 OREOON BLDO. TOR SALE OR TRADE for Portland prop, erty. HW-acre farm in Alberta, Canada. 30 acres under plow, 30 acres clear, rood building, plenty of water, fences; 7 miles from 1L I town. Call Tabor 7030 ONE ACRE. 40 fruit trees and smal! fruit, 0-room modern house, full length base xrent. fruit cellar, wood shed, chicken house and fenced yard. Will trade for property In Sunnyslde or Hawthorne district Tabor 5i4. DL'LIGHTFUL home and 5 ACRES in the CITY OF PORTLAND. Excellent soil, fru;t and shade trees, fine for poultry, garden and berries. Want Improved farm. A City Home for a Good Farm. MacINNES. 210 OREGON BLDG. 152 ACRES of wheat land In North Da kota, all under cultivation; price $4000, or will exchange for house In Portland r for acreage near Portland WOODCOCK. 327 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE as first pay ment on Portland house and lot. my $900 equity n 40 acres Irrigated Idaho land at $75 acre 10 years, balance. E. Baarstad, 43 Front st ENCU A Nil K !0-,icre farm near La Grande. 23 acres cleared, old buildings, spring, good road, as first psynaent on 1 rtiand property or suburban home V Que 1'hone Sll'-OB. BUNNTIDE house. 7 rooms, modern, good condition ; will consider smaller house la suburbs. Call Tabor 5319. or Monday nearly $1200 perty to 120.000. 00. R. W. Cary. IAVU hotii arid :uartnient house on west aioo. value $au,noO; want larger apart mt bouse; will pay some cash and as j rai K 99, Oreronlan. Have stock In Colorado gold mine and aome cash to exchange lor Oregon prop erty; this stock gilt edge; best of bank references. J ?:, Orea:onian. ATE apartment house; 76 rooms, onth; close-in; price $76,500; ex for large stock farm. 318 Piatt HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 00 equity In $2800 modern 6-room liow on one floor; will accept $700 auto. E 232, Oregonlan. AN IMPROVED FARM. 99 ACRES. Fully equipped. In Clackamas Co.; value $3300; want Portland home. MaclNNKS. IMP ORE'N BLDO. $$nn, WEST SIDE Some cash aud will assume $5000; property must be a sac rifice. Main 7931 or East 7504, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. PACT FTC AGENCY. INC 514-20 Swetland Bldr-. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. FARM FOR BALE. PART EX CHANGE. 1-320. 208 acre farm, located t miles from Carver station, near Oregon City; 100 acres In cultivation, 100 acres easy to put Into cultivation, balance pasture; improvements, S bams, 2 houses, numerous out buildloga Personal property, cows, horses, chickens, wagons, harness, complete line of farmlnr imple ments, 125 tons of hay, 9O0 bushela of grain, 200 sacks of spuds; price $ 1 75 per acre, including personal property. Terms $15,000 cash, balance terms at low Interest. Would consider desirable home In Portland up to $0000. Inquire of Thornton, with PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg.. Marshall 39S9 or Marshall 1205. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 3099 or Marshall 1265. EXCHANGE MODERN HOME. 1-822. 5-room modern house, plastered, leeptnr porch, full concrete base ment, wash trays, bath, toilet, bnllt ln effects; kitchen and bath white enameled; bouse recently built and In excellent condition. Oarage, chicken house, nice garden spot, berries and fruit. Price $4000. Clear of Incumbrance. Wants close In acreare. 10 acres or more not over 20 miles out and on electrlo line. Will not assume. Inquire of Thornton, with PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldr. Marshall 39S9 or Marshall 1205. PACTFTC AGENCY. INC 614-20 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. EXCHANGE CRANBERRY LAND. 1-328. 0 acres cranberry land, 1 acre fully developed, balance cleared and ready to be put Into berries. Interest in buildings and equip ment. Near Seaside. Price $3500, clear of incumbrance; wants Port land city property, merchandise or nearby acreage. Inquire of Thornton, with PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1205. PACTFTC AGENCY. INC 514-20 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1204. EXCHANGE EAGLE CREEK FARM. 1-259. 105 acres, about 80 acres cul tivated, 5-room house, bam, chick en house and other outbuildings, 4 mile from Eagle Creek on graveled highway. Price $13,323 with all equipment and stock. Wants Income property or busi ness of equal value. Inquire of Thornton, with pacific agency, ma M4-20 Swetland Bldg.. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1205. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC 614-20-SwetUnd Bldg.. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1205. EXCHANGE TILLAMOOK FARM. 1-302. 109 acres, 5 acres under cultiva tion, old house and barn, creek near house, 25 miles from Tilla mook; price $1600; wants close-in acreao-e and will assume up to $2000 on payments. Inquire of Thornton, with PACTFTC AGENCY. INC 014-20 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 8989 or Marshall 1265. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC 514-20 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1263. EXCHANGE INCOME PROPERTY. 1-268. Concrete building, two-story, f room house, 2 lota, located on one of the suburban streets In Port land, value $45,000; Income $13, 000. Wants farm In valley, stock ranch preferred. Inquire uf Thorn ton, with PACIFIC AGENCY, INC, 514-20 Swetland Bldg.. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC 514-20 Swetland Bldg.. Marshall 8989 or Marshall 1265. EXCHANGE CRANBERRY LAND. 1-300. 8 acres cranberry land, 2 acres In berries, located on rood road, m miles of good town. Price $3000, clear of Incumbrance. Will exchange for acreare or house and lot In Portland. Inquire of Thorn ton, with PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. PACTFTC AGENCY. INC 514-20 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. EXCHANGE HOUSE AND LOT AT WHITE SALMON, WN. 1-334. 5-room house, lot 50x100, price $1000. Wants city lots or will trade as first payment on house and lot. Inquire of Thornton, -with PACIFIC AGWNCY, INC 614-20 Swetland Bldg.. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. BARGAIN IN CANADIAN FARM. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 160 acres, 2 miles from postof flee at Home Glen, Alberta. Canada; mail route runnlnr past door, good roads, rood neighbors. Excellent soil, slightly rolling, no hills, no rravel, no rock; 40 acres fenced and has been cropped, 15 acres In timber, balance partly cleared and partly popple brush; two small streams on place Low ing year round. New S-room bungalow with 2 porches and pantry, lor barn, holds 14 head of stock, corral and chicken house. Price $6000. $1000 cash, with rood terms on balance, or will trade for city or suburban property near Portland. Address Postoffice box 741. Grants Pass, Oregon. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC 514-20 Swetland Bldr-, Marshall 39S9 or Marshall 1263. EXCHANGE CITY LOTS. 1-333. 3 lots. 40x100, located on Mont roraery drive. Will take automo bile or house. Price $2500. In quire of Thornton, with PACIFIC AGENCY. INC 014-20 Swetland Bldg.. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1203. WHAT have you to trade for a $1200 res. lot Spokane, vt aah. ; win consider an auto; owner. 201 West Park, Main 2590. WILL TAKE good lot as first payment on 7-roum bouse on car.ine or ee.i, $31.', $750 down, balance like rent. Jones. Main 5429. 248 Stark st. WILL TRADE 320 acres 20 miles north of Miles City, Mont., oil iu neighborhood, for Willamette valley property. Sellwood 31B0 or P. R.. 795 E. Tacoma ave. city. GOOD 100-acre Dakota wheat ranch and some cash to exchange for equi ty In auburban home. Value of home not to exceed $MH). W 20f). Oree-pnlan. 4MVACRE wheat and stock farm eastern Washington for Portland vacant lots or California property. Geo. A. Kigga, 212 Ral lw a y Excharrge bids;. ALEIN A. 6-room residence, now vacated. $3500; want good auto to $1000. balance terms. P. O. Box WL Portland. WANT 4 or 5-room modern house for known Industrial stock. Mar. 5454. even Inga W.Hn. 29T7 W ILL trade late model Maxwell sedan for Improved property. BJ 283. Oregonian. AUTO to exchange for house eqmiy. Jocs. Main 513. 2iS Stark L TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. VERY FINE 75 ACRES REAL FARM and REAL HOME Located only about 30 minutes' ride from Portland, on good road. In fine farming district, splendid neighborhood and not far from good station on eiectric line. All in high state of cultivation, best shot soil, nice family Orchard, in cluding nice lot of Engiiab wfenuis, berriea. etc Land is well drained, lies high and sightly, affording spiendtd view of surrounding coun try, and possesses about all the at tractive teatures oi an ideal coun try home aud go.ng farm, and few, If any, real objections. - Complete set of extra rood bulld Ings in rood condition; fine pri vate water system, extra well fenced and cross-fenced and is especially well stocked and equipped. This is positively one of the best Improved, most highly developed and desirable farms close to Port land aa4 wnich 1 can offer at at tractive price and terms, and might consider good Portland prop arty as part payment. Nothing bet ter. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. S-7.. . ....... .i . HOME. FOR EXCHANGE SaLE OR RENT Select, elose In residential district paved road, car service at door; consists of 2Va acres of landscaped lawn, garden and natural park highly improved with iiowers. shrubs, . fruits, berries, grapes, windinr paths, pretty fountain, etc. Fine large moucrn nouw contains ail con veniences iound In the best city boniua. Complete water system with water piped to hj. parts of tne property; mo-em garage, model poultry nouse, etc. beautiful borne at a bargain; will con' aider exchange in any city or state. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry bldg. Broadway 5S5S. 4U-ACRE EWt'il'PED RANCH NEAR PACIFIC HIGHWAY. 65 MILLS FROM PORTLAND. $4751). 3 good cows, 2 heifers, rood team, wagon, harness, 3 hogs, 50 chickens. cream separator, hay rake, mower, plow, narrow, uuw a-norsepower woou saw 20 tons h.tv in barn: ood soil, no rock, 16 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, timber, stream through place; new home, 3 rooms s'lniahed downstairs. hie attic, cood barn, chicken nouo, woodshed, water at house. Exchange for good Portland home. See SAM HEWEY at . J. L. HART MAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TO TRADE for home, 19 rooms, first- class location, rent $80. with lease. steam heat, extra good furniture; in come $370, or $250 net. To trade for land. 30 rooms, mostly h. k.. low rent, good income, brick bldg., good west aide location. $2500. $1850 cash. For trade, 20 acres good land, half cleared, in Clackamas county. TRY US REALTY CO, 169 W. Park. Auto. 513-43. BECAUSE ovwir lives in Portland and cannot slve It his attention, he will ac cept a piece of property in or near Port land as part payment on nts utu rancn close to a good town in southern Oregon and will include with his ranch all of his neraonai property, sheep, cows, hofrs. horses, feed, machinery, household srooda. Peraoual property alone la esti mated worth at least $10,000. Here la a good deal for someone. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. COS Yeon Bldg 50-AXJRE FA.RM FOR HOUSE LN TOWN. 50 acrea Orchard Grove, YamhlU coun ty, near store, church, school, on high way, 20 acres In crop or orchards ; 2 living springs; some valuable oak Um ber; residence and. bam; sneiterea ioc& Uon; Ideal for poultry, berries or fruit aW land can be tilled. $0000. Will u.e house or merchandise as first payment. Caii Sunday or evenings. East G91. O. H. SKOTHELM COMPANY. 332-333 Ral.aay Exchange Blor- HAVE you land to trade? 1 need some, will give you bargain with Interest In my Invention, Just patented. It Is valuable and badly needed. Write for full de tails, rive description of your land. F. x J. Covert, Estacada, Or. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOt'S AUTOS WANTED. TRADE EDISON PHONOGRAPH, MAHOGANY (PLAYS ANY RECORD) AND ABOUT $0 RECORDS, NEARLY NEW, FIRST-CLASS ORDER; WORTH $225. A LITTLE CASH AND WATER WORKS PREFERRED STOCK FOR A GOOD AUTO UNDER $1000; NO JUNK; DON'T WASTE TIME UNLESS IT'S A BARGAIN. ADDRESS E 3S2. ORE GONLAN. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1 1917 Saxon 6 chassis. 1 1915 Twin Merkel motorcycle. 1 tt-cyL Dixie mag neto, 1 Bosch "A" coil, 1 M-3 Bayfield carburetor, 1 Colts .3a revolver, WANT furniture, Lurer automatic, 32-4 Hawk wire wbee . Et-CTL masneto or tires. Apply 389 Oak st. Monday; 1020 Belmont st. Sunday; or troauway iio-i aionuay. Walt Kraft. TRADE OR SALE Good as new. one 2Vj horsepower stovee gas engine, i aieyer pump; will consider 2i-m. farm wason and double harifess. John Ulson, box 902 R, R. No. 1, Portland, Or. Phone Tabor 3313. TO EXCHANGE for rifle or what have vou? Larae camera witn -moriiwa:u anastigmat lens, tripod, plates, printing frames, plate holders, etc. call or write Sl5 E. 43d at. N-. city. SET OF Nelson's Encyclopedia, like new. 24 vol, value eo; win iraae lor ar ticles at furniture or what? Main 2510, 201 W. Park. A HOME combination pool and billiard sh o w cases. A V table, exchange tor 24. Oregonlan. LOT. ROSE CITY district, and caab for 1120 or UBJJ moaei rora seuan or tour ing car. rhone Main 2250. MILLINERY stock exchanged for a dia mond or other vaiuaoiea. ijj -oa ore gonlan. HOUSEBOAT for good touring car, a good ford ana little casn cousiuereu. Sell. 199 or Auto. 014-72. EXCHANGE for amali grocery or restau rant, good roadster, $iw. iv. ao, ure- ron an. SOR TllAUh. Lot 50x100, in North Portland, for car. Phone East 2444 BEAUTIFUL gray chenille ruga xl2 feet; to exchange for small Persian rug. East 7244. WANTED To exchange work en repairing suto for bath tun, wotn. swta. GOOD cow to trade for wood or what have you" Automatic . -4'-a- FOR SALE. 1 lories. Vehicle. Livestock. FOR SALE A few more of our transfer horses at most any price; come quicK u you want a good young horse; trucks are taking their place. 1029 E. Yamhill street W2LL trade 10 hetd of good, young, fresh cows for horses or automobile, tan ai S90 Powell valley road, corner 2'Jth st. WANTED Team of horses, 1200 to 1300 lbs. used to all kinds or worK, must be bargain. AN 292. Oregonlan. ; FRESH cows, 3 to 5 gallons; sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd.. go 1 block north FOR SALE; My herd of rallch goats; 7 does. 1 buck; DM taKos tne neru. Henry Achey, Creswell. Or. SACRIFICE Sale young Jersey cow. fresh In 3 weesa. 4 laiioos mux uaiiy aia.n 7811. vi h s a LE Cheap. H o let etn-Jersey, from regiitered stocK. iren a.pr;i i. v.j oist avenue. FULL-BLOODED Guernsey bull for serv ice. 70tn ana uivision sis., ena oi iaw thorne car line. FR E6 H Ml LK goat for sale. Portland Goat Dairy Co.. tane nose UQ car to 82d st., 82 d and Fremont. FOR SALE Three registered Scotch Phortuorn heirers at oern ast etn ana Ivon sts. Hoiman Fuel Co. 10 DRAFT HORSES for sale, prices $35 to $200 per norae. uoenran oarn. io a. Syracuse at.. SL Johns. SPAN of mules, weight 2900, for sale or trade. CIO reasonao.e oiier retuseu. 4M at- E. TEAM we.ghing aoout 2100 lbs., harness and farm wagon, 913.. euiu Citn street. Mt- Scott car. WANTED Good team and harness, pos sibly wsrgon; must oe reaaona.oe wiui terms BP 224. Oregonian. DEAD horses taken quickly, cash for dead cows Automatic rt---oi t;.RL.Y new harness snd wagon; no offer refused. Jack McCormick. Hotel Oregon. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away fre Phone M.-wauaie bm-j ior service. 4-INCH wagon with wood rack, all Al condition. 351 Russei! st. VETERINARIAN. DR HOWES TABOR 656 W ANTED Two brooders. Slow, route 1. Clackatnaa A COuD Jersey cow for lawn 4413. ale. Phone Wood- FOR SALE; 3 waff one. cheap, ave.. N.. Monday. FOUR goats cheap, 2-43, Oregonian. one registered. AH FOR SALE Team, wagon and harnesa, 339 t Sacramento mu FOR ALE Horses, Vehicles, Livestock AUCTION. On account of farm havinr been sold, the undersigned will sell at public auc tion on the farm, known as the BENSON HOTEL FARM, two miles northeast of Grcsham. two milea south of Troutdale, two miles east of 12-Mile House on Base Line road. TUESDAY. JANUARY II, sale to begin at 10 o'clock A. M. sharp, the folowing property, to-wit: LIVESTOCK. Twenty extra rood milch cows, most ly hirb-grade Holsteins, six Just fresh and four coming fresh by date of sale, balance to freshen in February or March; Hoistein bull, 2 years old; 5 calves from 3 to 5 months old; heifer. 14 months old. bred; all cows tuberculin tested; good work team, 8 and V years old, weight 1400 pounds each; one pony ; 6 head aheep; Chester White boar and three brood sows. FARM MACHINERY. International tractor with two-bottom plow and disc, flour mill and grist mill combined, manure spreader, Deering mower, cood as new. McCorrnick mower. hay rake, potato digger, gas engine, l'-j- x. f.; steel lever soctiou narrow, two feed cutters, cider press, two cream sep arators, 20 three, five and ten-gallon milk cans, milk cooler, grindstone, gar den and grain drill, cultivator, harpoon fork, ropes and pulleys; Reo truck, tons. good as new; two uO-gallon gas tanks, two 13-gallon oil drums, 15 tona clover hay, two tons wheat, cleaned for seed; 600 bushels oats, 100 bushels spelt, ton of barley, 20 bushela vetch, some baled straw, four rolls fence wire, 200 fence posts, household furniture and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS uF SALE All suras under $20 cash. Sums over $20, eight months' time With interest at 8 per cent per annum on bankable notes. No property to be re moved until settlement is made. Free lunch at noon. NICK SCHNLLL, Mana rer. J. C. KURATLL Auctioneer. K. A. MILLER, Clerk. TEAM mares, 4 and 5 years old, weight 9-oo0 pounds -io Team bay raarest welrht 2500 pounda, 7 and 8 years old $225 Team black mares, 5 and 6 years old, weight 2700 pounds $300 Brown mare, 6 years old, weight 1600 pounds $165 Bay mare, 7 years old. weight 120U pounds $100 Sorrel reldinr, 5 years old, welrht 1400 pounds $150 One pony. 7 years old, rides or drives $25 These horses are all well broke to do any kind of farm work. Inquire of H. R. KUEHNE, TIGARD,- OR. MILK GOATS, nice young does bred to aid in five . weeks to pure registered Saanen buck of very heavy milking strain, $30 to $60. Does all bred, will aell the buck, no further need for him. splendid big fellow and very sure breed er; only $150. Might sell fresh doe also. L. E. Wornom, 37th and R. Phone 26 F25. Vancouvo r. Wash. ONE REGISTERED 1'ercheron stallion. 4 years old, weight 1680 pounds, $ 00; this Is a very fine younr horse and is well bred and will furnish all papers required for a rer'-stered horse; will sell on terms to suit buyer or will take anything you have to offer In trade. Inquire H. R. KUEHNE. TIGARD. OR. U. S. STABLES. We have 20 head of horses and mares from 5 to 8 years old, weighing 13u0 to 1300 pounds, all first-class stock, some well-matched teams. All horses guar anteed as represented or money re funded. 365 Union Ave. S., corner Ste vens Et G, D. Williamson & Glass. FOR .'.a: Nice Jersey cow giving 3 gal. per day: or would trade for Hoistein cow. must be heavy milker, either fresh or coming fresh: might pay Borne cash difference. I also have a fairly good single bug-jry to trade for cow. might pay some caRh difference. Write or Dhone. T E. Biedsoe. Beaverton. Or. 1 SPAN of gray horses, weigh 3200; 1 span of bay mares, weigh 2800. 5 and 7 years old; 1 span of 5-year-olds, weish 2G00; 1 black mare. 4 years old. weighs 1200: 1 black hor?e, 5 years, weighs 1100: 1 span of mules: 1 light farm wagon. 2 dump wagons. 427 E. Clay, between 6th and 7th fta BARGAIN Span small mules, both young, ounu ana aeaa true; aieo periectiy gen tle. A real little team, broke to all farm work; also their harness; sacrifice quick cash sale. Call 343 Russell sU, near Union ave. J L" T arrived, a carload of valley horses ana mares irom 4 to o years oia, weign from 1000 to 1900 lbs.; some teams well matched; aM horses sold with guarantee as represented. 420 Hawthorne ave. WO TEAMS of young maruM writhing 2400 and 2l00 lbs., harness and wagon; have no further use for them. Will sell reasonable. 4301 07th street. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE Will arrive today from Steel ranch In eastern wash., a carload of good ranch horses. 1 000 to 1 000 lbs. Creston Warehouse. 50th and Powell valley road. Mt Scott car. WO HOLSTEINS, one roan Durham fresh, four heavy springers, large cows, heavy producers. Take Vancouver car to Columbia Blvd., then west to first house. WANTED A good, strong horse with har ness; also ten-inch plow ; state age, weight and price, L. F. Lunelburg, Huber, Oregon. NINE good young cows. 2 of them Just fresh, with young calves; others to freshen from 2 to 4 weeks; price from $55 and up. Call at 6:30 E. 24th st. Take Woodstock car. 2000-POUND team, bamesa and farm wag ons. Just come from the ranch and used to any kind of work; chunky built, easy to keep and always fat. 203 Russel st near w ... FOR SALE Three registered, hornless, perfectly marked real milk Toggenburg goats at the right price. AC 261, Ore gonian. 250U-LB. TEAM, about 7 and 8 years old, harness and 34-inch wide tire farm wagon, $175. 1394 Hawthorne ave., cor ner 50th st. . WANT to hire by the month. Hi or 2-ton truck for city freight hauling. Call at 14 E. Union -St., Jan. lt. 10 A. M. Aak for Lansdon. mnt to get in touch with those Having guernsey cattle for sale. good foundation stock. u l t., care new perkins hotel. FOR SALE 1200-Ib. bay mare, a true worker anywhere; harness, spring wagon and single plow, all for $83. Address 1708 East 8th St. Sellwood 3437 FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, reason able price, fresh two months; owner leaving right away. 2S3 E. 60th st. N. Tabor 5666; 10 HEAD of Jewel Tea Co. horses for sale, good, sound, young, heavy horses. Apply at No. 20 Grand ave., stable. W. J. Sui 1 i van. FOR SALE 2 lots with fruit trees which I will sell very cheap if sold this week. Small payment down, balance easy. Phone Auto. ti23-72. TOGGENBERG milk goat, fresh in few days. 1153 57th ave. S. E.. near E. 39th sL KEYSTONE FEEU STABLE, horses for sale or hire, stalls for rent. 331 water St.. foot Montgomery. Mar. 8515. must aell 1 brown eeldinc. 5 years old 1 bay gelding, U years, fortiana unmaa- CUS Mils UP.. K1 St.. a. w. cor, noyi. FRE3H Jersey and Durham-Jersey calves by sloe, 3j to 4O-J0. cows; trial aiioweo. 923 Belmont. Sunnyslde car. FOR SALE Full-blood Jersey heifer calf, 5 days old; mother gives 5 gal. milk a day. 473 Patton road. Mar. 2203. WILL BE in Portland Saturday from my ranch, with fresh cows and coming fresh soon, all heavy milkers. 753 East Ash 3000-LB. TEAM, harness and wide-tire farm wagon, cheap. Woodyard, corner 50th and Hawthorne ave. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. COLUMBIA phonograph, like new, cabl' net model, $95, with records; terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st.. near Washington st. WONDERFUL bargains in used pianos and phonographs, perfect condition, guaranteed like new. Soule Bros., 10G 10th st., near Morrison. VICTOR IX. mahogany. In excellent condi tion, together with an assortment of records; no reasonable offer refused. Call Main 895 before 7 P. M. $600 PIANO, almost brand new, latest style plain mahogany; only $285; terms. 311 Worcester bldg. PIANO for sale. Upright, hi good condi tion. 246 Shorman st. No dealers need npt'lv. I MUST SELL MY PHONOGRAPH, USED 30 DAYS. YOU CAN SEE IT AT 62 BDWY. PHONE BDWY. 2052. BEAUTIFUL $200 Edison Diamond Disc phonograph, $150, $25 down, $10 month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. WANTED USED PHONOGRAPH; WILL PAY CASH TO PRIVATE PARTY. PHONE BDWY. 2052. FOH SALE A piano, good Schuman Phone East 846 or Main 626. GENUINE cowhide music bag. made to or der. East 7S39. WILL store piano free for use of same ; best referencea East 1011. FOR SALE Violin and case, st. 6. EL . FOR SALE Upright piano In excellent condition. Phone E. 480 $78 CASH buys a late 1 bia $150 Grafonola. type cabinet Colum Sell. Dm LF.AVIXG city: very fine old violin. Mr. Robinson, Russell bldg.. rm. 15. WILL trade Ford delivery car for a good piano. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 0th. SWEET-TONED piano for sale; splendid practice Instrument. F 3 Oregonlan. USED grand piano for sale; bargain. Mar. PLAYER piano wanted; cash If bargain; late A4. FOR SALE. Piano , Organ and Musical Instruments. OUTFIT BARGAINS. VICTROLA 31 X and cabinet to match In fumed oak finish, also 14 double-faced Victor and Columbia records 10 and 12-Inch slzel. used but very little; cannot be teld from new mach:ne; complete outfit (If iew, (135; ; now. $10. Handsome mahogany cabinet Columbia GrafonoLa with 5 doable faced Columbia records, now $95. D-2 COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA In golden oak: wfth it you get 10 doutle-faced Columbia records aad the price is only $05. Mahogany cabinet Minola with 20 doub.e-faced Columbia records at only $50. Large size fumed oak cabinet Vita Nola (in perfect condition), with 10 douole-faced records of your own oboice at much lees than actual value of the instrument Itself; $150. EAST TERMS (NO INTEREST. Arranged to fit your own In dividual requirement regardless of which ono is selected. NEW BRUNSWICK RECORDS. Stop in and Hear Them. 'TDo-wn the Trail to Home. Sweet Home" and "Dar ling." No. 5024 $1.00 "Dreamy P a r a d 1 e," and "Sweet Woman" fox trot; a blr hit No. 5028 1.00 'Cuban Moon," and "The Love Boat." from the 2iey feld Follies- of 1020." No. 204 85 "Auld Lang Syne," and "All Thro the Night." No. 5034 1.00 "The Night Before Christ mas," and "De Sandman." A very good one. No 5032. . 1.00 EDWARDS FURNITURE, Fifth and Oak, A Good Place to Trade. EASY TERMS NO INTEREST. USED PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Ali in Good Condition. Small phonograph. 6 used records.. $ 15 Victor, used. 6 used records 60 Victor, used. 12 used records 100 NEW GRAFONOLAS AND RECORDS. Columbia with 10 selections $ 80 lommDia cabinet, iu selections i-- Columbia cabinet, 10 selections 155 Terms $5 to $10 down, $3 to $6 mommy . SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 lOtn st., cor. Stark. WEBER upright, San Domingo ma hogany, Louis XV art model, la effered at an exceptionally low price for quick sale. Don't phone, but see this personally. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO., 7th Floor. KIMBALL PIANOS. Playera Uprlghta. Grands. Kimball pianos are reasonable. Tou also know the reputation -of Kimball pianos. Let us show you the Kimball. Easy trems. SE1BLRLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 12" Fourth st.. near Washington st. KODAK BARGAIN. Fine Premo postcard kodak, with Zeiss F 6.3 lens and compound lens; also Adon Telephoto lens, leather car rying casu, brand new printer, tripod, frames and extras. Outfit would cost new $200. Price $125, $25 down, $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder sL SALE OF MASTERPIECE PHONO GRAPHS FOR CREDITORS OF THE DEFUNCT LOCAL MASTERPIECE PHONOGRAPH CO. New machines at 50 cents on the dollar; good pborr graphs at $25, $50; ths best style at $75, $S5 and Terms may be arranged. FOLEY & VAN DYKE, 106 Fifth Street, SECURITY STORAGE CO., closing out small upright pianos ....$ 65 and $ 75 Modern upright pianos $195 to $345 Modern player pianos $395 to $695 Parlor organs.. $20. $25, $38, $45 and $58 Pianos stored for 75c monthly. 103 TENTH ST.. COR. STARK. FOR SALE MAHOGANY PLAYER PIANO AND ROLLS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION; NO REASONABLE OF FER REFUSED. AFTER 10 A, M. SUNDAY. 2o.Sk E. 30T1I ST., NEAR HAWTHORNE. FOR SALE B-flat tenor saxophone and case. Conn finish II, silver plate. Ivory keya, gold bell -complete outfit, . includ ing Instruction book, cost $160; almost new. best oner accepted. Oittlngs. . l V Hum in 1,1 1 at j h,pp V nnil hi mtti ,'7...i $120 COLUMBIA pnonograph (40 fine records). $100: $120 Columbia phono graph, new. $10S; $600 Chlckering (up right), $238; $750 Weber upright (small, like new). $450. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. Phonographs Repaired. Any Make by experts: work guaranteed. SE1BERLING-LUCAS M'SIC CO.. 125 Fourth St., near Washington st. Main 8586. FOUR MEMBERS of the Portland Sym phony orchestra have recently purchased the Orpheus, the phonograph with the wonderful glass resonator. Made and demonstrated at 108 & Grand ave. East 7209. BUESCHER -C MELODY SAXOPHONE. Elegant Buescher saxophone, low pitch, gold plated, burnished bell, just like new, perfect condition. Cost $222.50. Price only $166, $35 down. $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. STOP. LOOK. READ. ONLY $98. BEAUTIFUL CABINET GRAFONO LA, INCLUDING 40 FINE SELEC TIONS, $175 VALUE. NEWMAN, 128 FIRST, NEAR ALDER. FOR SALE PLAYER PIANO, FIRST CLASS CONDITION. BEAUTIFUL CASE, TONE AND QUALITY. INQUIRE 847 MULTNOMAH HOTEL. BEFORE 9 MORNINGS OR AFTER 6 EVENINGS. OUR demonstration Mandel phonographs will be sold at cost; reg. $150 machine, $4 . $175 machine, $120; $200 machine, $108. Central Record Exch., 4th and Yamhill sta BUY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S Remember, we sell you any model o! Vlctrola, Edison, Columbia or Brunswick up to $125 on payments of $5 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder at. MASON-HAMLIN piano, mahogany, plain case, almost new ; sell at half price ; terms given. SEE IT. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st., near Washington. REMOVAL sale of musical instruments, 1-5 to off; nothing reserved. Free terms given. MacDougall Music Co.. 325 Alder. SOHMER PIANO, almost new. a very good bargain; SEE IT; terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th sL, near Washington st. $650 GENUINE Jacob Doll piano, only 265; wonderful bargain, 311 Worcester bldg. ' STROUD pianola, mahogany case. In fine condition, and 165 rolla Owner leaving town. Taor 4348. HIGH-GRADE p!ano, practically new, great reduction ; owner, Sellwood 2836. No dealers. WANTED Phonograph records, must be In good condition, state price and par t leu ! ars. B J 300. Oregonian. OWNER will sell beautiful Websk piano, mahogany case, for $400. Woodlawn 8308. KIMBALL piano, $250; a snap; terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st., near Washington st. GEO. STECK CAB. GRAND, beautiful tone, aso pianola player, all .:. fine condi tion. AF 219. Oregonlan. ' HEAR t- Orpheus, the phonograph with the wonderful glass resonator. Made in Portland. lQS'A Grand ave. East 7209. PIANO and bench, bungalow style, plain dull oak, cash or bonds. 648 Thurman st., apt WILL trade new phonograph for used piano, give or take differenca Bdwy. 2555. 148 13th St. ttM A H LY new $140 Columbia grafonola a.nd records; golden oak, less than half price Bdwy. 4872 LATEST type $125 Cremona, $75, $20 down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder st. PIANO WANTED from private partiea; PAY CASH for snap; can he old. Mar shall 1532. FOR SALE? Nearly new Packard piano, will sacrifice my equity for $200. bal. due $180. Including bench. East 3305 FOR RENT Grafonola with iate mus:c Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway Bdwy 155 ivlNTED Good piano, nice tone, consider player. Main 4434. J 17 5 BUYS $500 good toned piano, walnut -as-, terms. 311 Worcester bldg. isj PIANO, almost brand-new, with be n ch. sell cheap. 311 Worcester bid g. WANTED Used piano for cash. Marshall 5709; no dealers. WANT 8S-note player piano rolls; state rUe. M 267. Oregonian. CLARINET with caac1 good condition. price J""Jua" LIKE new. for 150. $50 Victrola and $20 records East S3 a t . - KIMBALL piano for sale. In perfect con dliion. Price $300. Wdln. 977. MUST m late etyle beautifui burr walnut piano. hjif price. Mar. 24S3, FOR SALE Pianos, Organs and M oalcsd iMtroaaoaita . vrr.ii V DPDltll T AVn TTSED PIANOS. $1000 Steinway & Sons 60i Kranich A Bach, golden oak., obo 700 Conover. golden oaa .-- 900 Steinway & Sons, rosewood.. 1800 Aeolian orchestrelle 50 Thompson play er - 050 Thompson player, poL mah.. 450 Hallett & Davis, rosewood... 250 Collard & Collard. walnut... 275 H. Bord, rosewood 1750 Harrywood orchestrion V V n -, . i", . : - :.. ar $15 to $60 cash, $6, $10 to $15 month ly. Parlor organs. $25, $38, $45. $48 to 58. KfnnrN piano CO 101 10th St.. at Wash, and Park sts WELL-TO-DO home wanted for the finest genuine Weber-made art mouei swaui' nv nnrirhr nifinn. cof when ntw J.'"1 present-Oay price $1450; no reasonable orrer rerusea oy owner . - -barrassed; need not be all cash, but pay must k it t least S50 a month Also a smaller size Weber, very beautiful mahogany case, well worth $S-5. now only $335. A still older model, beauti ful glossy ebonised case, only $22o. See exchange and resale dept.. Eilers Mnslc bldg. ; 7 floors devoted to music and musiclana Take elevator and second floor, 287 Washington St., between otn and 4th. SOME OF OUR SPECIAL PIANO BAR GAINS, Mahogany "Kimball" piano $300 Mahogany "Foster" piano $300 Walnut "Shonlnger" piano 3350 Rosewood "Mackle" piano $250 "Kroeger" piano - $325 "Knabe" piano, beautiful walnut case, at one-half Its value. Can arrange reasonable terms of pay ment SOULE BROS.. 166 10th St., Near Morrison. KINGSBURY In excellent condition, only $285. In golden oak case, handsomely carved. Convenient Terms. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO.. . 7th Floor. A CHICKERING. genuine magnificent ma hogany, cost when new $585; now only $270. Also still later model, very fine, like new Checkering, only $4G0. These Instruments for sale. $100 cash or liberty bond as first payment, balance very easy payments. See exchange and resale dept., Eilers Music bldg.. 7 floors de voted to music and musicians. Take ele vator and second floor. 287 Washington st., between 5th and 4th. WE HAVE the finest Story A Clark art model mahogany upright we ever saw for only $4:t0. Any home may be proud of this piano. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO., 7th Floor. BEAUTIFUL mahogany, large slse, like new. Decker upright, can be had for $335. A somewhat older model. $025 style, now only $270. These instruments guaranteed as to performance and con dition the same as our brand-new pianos. Terms $50 or liberty bond, balance $10 a month. See exchange and resale dept., Eilers Music bldg., 7 floors devoted to music and musicians. Take elevator to second floor. 287 Washington St., be tween 5th and 4th. GOOD AS NEW A fine Smith A Barnes upright, in fancy walnut, specially priced at $320. Will last a lifetime Small payments. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO., 7th Floor. WE HAVF a nice upright Hallet & Davis in dark case, good condition, for $16i. on terma LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO.. 7 th Floor. A FINE-TONED Mathusek upright piano, nicely polisnea case, nui iimijcu. $.,V5 now $265; at least half cash, bal ance during this year with 8 per cent in terest: this is a snap sure; call exchange dept Eilers Music bldg. ; 7 floors devoted to music and musicians; take elevator to second floor, 2S7 Washington St.. bet. 5th and 4th AN EMERSON, very fancy, genuine wal nut case very fine toned; cost new four years ago $475, now only $295. Also a smaller model mahogany case only $180. Don't fail to see these fine Instruments to be sold for people who are leaving town. Oregon tilers axusic quum;, cm Was hington st. NEW WICKER PHONOGRAPHS. See the newest thing in phonographs. Wicker cabinets to match your furni ture. Beautiful models from $150. Spe cial terma Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder st. WE WILL allow you $100 on your $100 (interim certificate) toward purchase price of new $200 Stradlvara, Columbia or Heywood phonograph. Balance easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder sL FINE PIANOS UPRIGHTS. tJU' $175, ETC. TERMS. Fischer, Eilers. Gaylord. MoCannon, Lndermann, Jacob Doll, others. 311 Worcester bldg. WILL take $75 in kalsominlng and paper ing toward purchase price of $150 pho nograph. Balance can be paid on easy " payments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder vst n a nrv'lRA HARGAIN. Latest type, brand-new $200 Stradl yara In beautiful mahogany case; price $125. Call 461 E. 60th st., near Di vision. Phone 228-40. $115 BRUNSWICK, taken in exchange for large Brunswick, and $15 worth of rec orda Cost $140. Price $100, $15 down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine CO., 3PU Aiuer au WE HAVE soveral slightly used Bruns wick and Stradivara phonographs in mahogany and oak cases at greatly re duced prlcea" Soule Bros.. lGtf lOtlFsL, near Morrison. COMPTOMETER. Very latest type 10 bank apmptometer. Cost $350. Price $225, $25 down. $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st BEAUTIFUL NEW cabinet grand Emerson phonograph for Immediate sale, $75. Regular retail price $175. Will play any record. Phone Main 3026 Monday. WANTED Uood used piano for cash. Mar shall 5700. No dealers. PIANO WANTED; pay cash. Main SoSfi. PIANO for gale. Auo. 317-112. Furniture for Sale. USED WALNUT PERIOD DIN ING ROOM SET. This Is a wonderful set and con sists of a 54-lnch massive Queen Anne dining table and 6 Queen Anne chairs to match, uphol stered in first-class genuine leath er. The set was originally priced at $225 and Is Just like new. We will how sell It at $130.50. Easy terms. We charge no Interest. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE CO., THE BIG STORE. All under 1 roof; no branch stores. 185 FIRST STREET. Remember, 2 doors from YamhllL LEATHER-COVERED MASSIVE, office table $16.50 Fiat-top desk 19.50 Office safe, firs ad water proof 30 00 Large-size roll-top desk 40.00 OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. IO6-I08 FIRST STREET. 70 Feet South of Morrison Street. FOR SALE by owner, furnishings for ten rooms, fine home, good location on west side. Phone Main 4337. BOX TOP Domestic sewing machine, kitch en table, cheap. Bdwy. 4-J'm. OAK BUFFET, oak Victrola and records, East OAK EUFFET for sale or trade for bed rooom furniture. East 83S". LEATHER davenport, cost $113. will sell for less than half. Phone 327-81. ONE DKESSER, library table, gas beater, rd. Tabor 3660. BOX COUCH and solid oak library table. Tabor 8723. . FOR SALE Dining table, leather couch. Inquire 8 East llh st. .Nortn. MATTKE6S and springs, good condition; laree rug. partly worn. Tabor 3764.' WOOD heater, $10; good condition. 23; heater. $5. E. 44th S. BRASS bed with spring. 44th S. full size. 232 E. SIDE oven Acorn gas range almost new. Lower apartment, 721 Multnomah ft. 6-ROOM house, furnished, piano, on busi ness lot for sale reasonably Ma:n 3f ftl. DAVENPORT, solid oak, real leather back and cushion; a bargain at $55. Mar. 2043. A 42-IN'CH oak extension table for sale, reasonable. Call Tabor 8259. SOLID oak dining room set for sale, cheap. Call Tabor 5070. FORFEIT sale, furniture of 5-room house, cheap for cash. Wdln. U&2. FOR SALE. Furniture for 8uJe. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES EM NEW AND EXCHANGED FURNITURE DURING THIS J ANT: ART SALE. $ 17.75 0-tb felted cotton tresses, new mat- .$11.75 74.50 Wool velvet seamless 9x1- ruga, new 49.50 20.00 Wool and fiber 9x12 ruga, new 16.73 1.50 Oak costumers, new 1.76 fl.OO Mahogany finished piano stool, exchanged LOO 0.00 Leatherette upholstered Morris chair, exchanged.. 12.50 OA Wrkr trir.r rocker, ex changed 2.50 -0.00 Plate racks, new $5.00 Quartered oak sideboard in Ttrff h a n e. ex changed 29.50 110.00 A-n i ere mahoranv and ve lour parlor set, exchanged 47.50 Q0i Genuine leather spring edge couch, exchanged 29.50 AS 00 Vlour unholstered couch exchanged 11.50 J M Ml nrm e covered box couch, exchanged 14.50 2 .SO Ivorv enameled bedroom commode, exchanged. . . . 9.50 ) as OA Round-ton dinlns table. 4 2-la. diameter, exchanged 14.00 6.45 Oil heater, exchanged .... 75.00 Buck's 6-lid wood and ena! rantre with reservoir. exchanged -S9.50 fiS oAmrldcre-iBoach fl-lid wood- coal range, exchanged.... 4-4.50 W OA- TftninMil ft-ltd wood and coal range, exchanged 20.50 EDWARDS FURNITURE, Fifth and Oak, A Good Place to Trade. Easy Terms. No Intereat. VERY SPECIAL Every overstuffed davenport la the house reduced as below ; and remember, all are spring arms, spring cushions, spring back and spring edges; also another Important Item: backs and sides are covered In same ma terial, so you can put them in the center of room. $450 davenport In wonderful silk brocade, now $325.00 $300 davenport in magnif icent tapestry now.... 225.00 $250 davenport in figured blue velour now 195.00 $150 davenport In figured denim now 99.50 And don't forget, these are not the cheap, hard-arm davenports usualy sold at these prices, but real comfy and luxurious daven porta Easy terms. We charge no Interest GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE CO., THE BIG STORE. All under 1 roof: no branch storea 185 FIRST STREET. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill. $55 DAVENPORT. with mattress. This daven port is upholstered In brown Imitation Spanish leather, eolid oak frame new, at $39.00 Coal and wood Buck range, slightly used; you will save money when you buy this range at 19.50 We have about 20 yards of good grade Axmlnster stair carpet of blue pattern, Is eilghtiy used, at only, yard .60 Aleo Axmlnster rug, 8 ft 3 In by 10 ft. 6 In.; only 19.50 OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 106-163 FIRflT STREET. 75 Feet South of Morrison Street. CLOSING OUT SALE. MEIER A FRANK STOCK of furniture and draperies, slightly damaged in warehouse and re moved to 349-351 OAK STREET. between Broadway and Park st (across from Telephone Co. bldg.) Complete line of mahoganv and wainut bedroom, dining room and living room furniture at less than half price; a chance of a lifetime to buy high-grade furniture and draperies at your own price. Come and be convinced. 349-351 OAK STREET. Across from Telephone bldg. MAGNIFICENT "RED WING' BEDROOM SET. This la an eastern set In Queen Anne design, made of beau tiful gumrood. The most wonder ful grain we have ever peen; far more beautiful than Circassian walnut. This set was originally priced at $450 and well worth It. Consists of fine bed, triple mirror dreaslng table, chlffonette and great big dresser. We have cut over $150 off the price of this one set; $200.50 buys It; very easy terms. No Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 1&5 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill. BEDS. EXTRA SPECIAL. BEDS. 2-inch continuous post Iron beds, Circassian walnut finish, for only $10.50. One to a customer. Regu lar price $22.50. Come early, as they will not last long. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 10-18 FIRST STREET, 79 Feet South of Morrison Street. OAK CHIFFONIER with 5 largo drawers, special price $14.75. s White enameled dresser with extra large beveled French plate mirror; special price $10.75. Solid oak genuine leather foot tools, special price $1.75. STAR FURNITURE CO., 100-102 First St., Cor. Morrison. ROUND extension table, heavy pedestal, extends 6 feet, Mon day. $12.50. OWL FURNITURE CO SELLS FOR LESS. 166-108 First street 75 Feet South of Morrison. BEAUTIFUL HIGJI-GRADB rvory trlple-morror dressing table with snapped legs and beveled top; this table is slightly used; our clearance sale price $22.50. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 160-162 First SL. Cor. Morrison. FOR SALE 1 Morris chair with leather cushions: i arm cnair. learner, i uorary table; 1 brass bed; 1 hair mattress and spring; 1 dress form, other furniture. 85 10th st.. near Furns;d FOR SALE1 Sanitary eteei couch, $7.50; wood heater, $10. Call before noon or Monday, 904 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 606. ; BEAUTIFUL electric $235 range, hardly used, at JflO discount; terms. 174 Haxel- fern, corner Buna Vista, back porch, or phone Tabor 03-5. FOR RAUL Furniture for Hale, BUT FURNITURE DURING OUR CLEARANCE SALE. BIG REDUCTIONS ON NEW AND SLIGHTLY -USED GOODS, WM. GADSBY A SON& First and Washington Streets. "A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE' Cosy overstuffed high-back rocker, value $20, $0.05. Massive mission library table, top 50x48 inches, special value. U Solid oak buffet, good French plate mirror, value $50. 927.95. Several good iron beds, priced special, as low as $2.73. 1.00 Good couch. Spanish leatherette, worth twice this price, $18.75. Large kitchen cupboard with, glass doors, value $30, S14.S5. Liberty Axmlnster rug. 9xlx. lightly used, value $67.50; $55. Folding breakfast table, top &Gx:ift. special. $5.95. Solid oak dining table, round top, pedestal base, $23.75. Slightly used Axmlnster rugs, 8Cx03, good as new, $5.-5. Masai v e si de boa r d, good bevel mirror, $19.50. Mahogany gateleg table, value $47.40; $23.75. Child's Iron crib and good cot ton mattress, $16.35. Steel ranges, a big variety to choose from, as low as $22.50. TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. WM. GADSBY A 80X3, First and Washington Street-. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Iron beds .....$ LTV Chairs ....... 125 Cook stovo 9.00 Rockers 2 50 Oas plate ft?TI Bed springs L&O Extension table " Mattress 2.50 Kitchen treasure 4.00 Solid oak dining chairs, with leather seat 4.50 Fo'-ir-burnor gas stove 12.50 Hotel dresaer. ivory 9.00 &mU-ized library table.... 6 M) Coal or wood range 17.50 9x12 grass rug 6.00 OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 100-168 FIRST STREET, 75 Feet South of Morrison Street. ONCE AGAIN WE WILL SELL OUR BUCK'S DEMONSTRATOR COM BINATION RANGE. The one wo hnve connected up In the store to show how It worka Brand new and only used a few weeks in tha store. This is the famous Cast Iron Lifetime pat tern. Bakes In $he oven with coal, wood or gas, $157.50. We take your old range or gas range In exchange; balance very easy terms. Wo charge no interest GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., THE BIG STORE. All under 1 root; no branch storea 185 FIRST STREET. Remember, 2 doors from YamhllL FOUR-PIECE BEDROOM SET. Someone Is going to get this 4-pIece Ivory bedroom set at a bargain, set is composed of dress er. dressing table, chiffonier and bed, has been slightly marred in transit, but does not show It. In order to turn It quickly will sell for $95. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-108 FIRST STREET, 75 Feet South of Morrison Street. ALL NEW and used heaters re duced to as low as wnoiesaie cost; this will give you an opportunity to purchase your heaters at a great saving; new combination coal or wood heater, all cast, has an open mica front; clearance ale price $21.50. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 100-162 First St.. Cor. Morrison.. SPECIAL PRICES ON RUGS. Congoleums, 9x12 rug Pat- terna $11 so Gra--s rugs. 9x12, up from... 6.00 Fiber rugs, 9x12; special.... 1450 Brussels rug, 9x12; special.. 18.00 Axminster 30x72; special.... 7.50 OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOH LESS. 106-108 FIRST STREET, 75 Feet South of Morrison Street. HIGH-GRADE tapestry duofold fin ished in golden osk; mis is a oeau tlful piece of furniture and makes a very comfortable bed; clearance sale price $5'J.50. STAR FURNITURE CO., 160-162 FlratxSt.. Cor. Morrison. ACORN gas range with high side oven. aelx-llffnter. iirat-c iaia conumon , pi iv- $40; Acorn gas water heater, good as new, i 'i. aii wow a. uwiJi l. .. Rose City car north of Sandy. FOR SALE 2 Ivory, 1 antique walnut and 1 mahoganv bedroom suite, an same as new; oak dining room set. wuton ruca, combination Monarch range. Call Sunday Monday, bV Savior st. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California, we can savs you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M Olson Transfer A Storage Co, 248 Pino st. FUHNHTL'HE of b-room fiat for sale; close In on west sid. cati aner oan- day, between iu a. at. ana r. al. Ph-ofie Bdwy 2466. MUST leave town; would like to sell out l seven-room uat. cunipieieiy furnished, very reasonable. Bdwy ;riJ, 11U N. 10th st. FOR SALE Furniture hospital, equipped with combination wooaworKing macnino. Main ggfc I FOR SALE A full bedroom suite of black walnut. Sou; many oiacr pifuc ui put and mahogany. East 5253. GOLDEN oak davenport and mattress. first-Class conamon. a. imrgain ui davenport alone worth that. Tabor fijJ90. SIX NEW breakfast tables together or separately. 726 E. 2Sth st. Woodstock car. GOLDEN oak buffet, with mirror, like new, i - '' 1 u . w oouiawn 4651. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale, flat for rent, i. -u per urionin; gas, eiectrio light, bath. By owner, 887 H 21 st st. N. FOR SALE Bed davenport, also mattress. first-class conuiuou; price w m Bochtl aTO. , FURNITURE for sale. Including beds. drp-j-sers, eta aner m a- m, w wi- laday avenue. lUKAL tireless cooker, baby Corral elne- dish wasner ana eiectric m ogia . Tabor U2H. FOR SALE 3 Axminster rugs, 9x12, In ,i a ,.n V-iit TIM A-, FCacr 15 th L NortlK FOR SALE CHEAP Sanitary couches and Iron beds. .n A SIMMONS brass bed. nearly new 1 his is SOLID OAK divan, like new, complete with mattrese, reasonable. Tabor 4.124. ONE EXTENSION dining table. rocker. Taior 6-ROOM house, furnished; piano; on busi ness lot for sale, reasonable. Main 800 1. 10th No"th '. WE ' un V, : ; i HOT WATER heater spring and mattress, Pbno Automatic 21-2a.