4 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 9, 1921 SMMMIHG SEASON OCCUPIESMIOW, Training for Series of Meets, I Starts This Week. FAST MEN IN COLLEGES Interest Centers ,on Entries for Slate Championship to Be Staged in Near Future. Portland swimmers are now center ing attention on the 1921 swimming ftuason. which will get under way this week with all the uwimmers iroing InLc ;raining for the series of meets to be staged in '.he next several months. First on tho rtcgrarame wili be the Orrfon state swimming and diviLg championship. This will take place in the near future, though no date has yet been set by Multnomah club Officials. Interest centers in the college en tries in this meet, as both Oregon and the Aggies have better swimmers than ever before. Oregon ha Myron Wilsey and Bus Douglas, among the fastest men in the state and title holders in several of the events to be staged. Oregon Agricultural college haa Happy Kuehn and Clarence Pink ton, the worlds' champion divers both of whom will be entered In the aaet. Multnomah club will show for the first time the latest additions to its 6 w homing team. Feathers Bushnell and Reggie Harri, who r-ct-n;Iy have Joined the club Ar.d are com.-n Along in wonderful style. While both the boys have been seen in action tefure, it will be their first mix witn the senior watermen. "Water polo still is holding the cen ter of the tank with the coming na tional tournament in Chicago sched uled for April 7. Illinois Atheltic club, under whose colors the event Will be staged, has guaranteed $1000 for expenses of the Olympic club of .Ban Francisco, present title holders. The invasion of the east by this team Of swimmers wili be the first in many years aside from the several trips the Hawaiians have made to the Atlantic coast. Last year at the games in San Francisco many unfortunate collisions took place between the Olympic and the boys of the Illinois Athletic club. The coming games will bring these factions together again and a hot time Is loked for. No decision has ben reached as tc whether the San Francisco polo play era will be seen in Portland. Seattle will have its pool open the first of April and the southerners can count on either a game' or an exhibition in the sound city. Should they stop off In the northwest cities water polo will take a big jump and rivalry for the coast title would bs a big event tor years to come. High Individual game, Goodwin, 214, and nigh Individual three cameo, Roberts, 59s. Silver Fox Konx got four In a row on the tall end of his second same, .giving him 200 even, which was Just enough to win the game from Marshall Wells. The "200" class for last week was: Konx 200. 8hs.nk1a.nd 211. Roberts 204, Good win 214, Campbell 202. Huxtable was the only bowler to so through his series without an error, al though he had the large total of six puts, four of which were in his last came. He picked up two of them. Tom Perry was the champion cherry picker tor the evening, getting four in all. "Snooks" Flavin ran a close second, with three of 'em. "Silver Fox" Konz was high for his team, with a total of 570. His old time smile is coining back again. Blaney used to be a good bowler, but It I -r what you used to be. Its what you are today. Speaking of cherries, we might not overlook that Franklin and Wilkinson aleo had three apiece. It seamed to have been a good night for fruit. Marty Flavin's team of bowlers seem to be the -cause of added expense to the alleys, for if it were not for them a foul line man Would not be needed. Walter Wood was the only league mem ber to get into the select 600 circle wib a total of 031. "Ole Sarg" Hcffron is gradually work ing his average up around the slickers. SPOKJHE BOWLERS JIBE STRONG TEAM Veteran Quintet to Compete With Portland Men. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS GIVEN First I'ive Games of Tourney to Be Played on Alleys of Inland Kmpire City. SPOKAXE. Wash.. Jan. 8. (Spe cial.) When Portland's premier bowl ers come to Spokane January 16 to roll the first five games in the 10- efame series for a purse of $1000, they I Strom is the only Spokane bowler who will compete with a quintet of veter- I has"" taken part in every northwest rolling 194 in the City league at the present time Frank Croix Back In 1900, Croix began bowling In Chicago with the Muzzy team. He was the star bowler on the old Dutch Jake Goetz team in Spokane in 1906. He finished with the high average of 193 In the City league season of 1919-1920 and is now second hieh with 19fc He has been bowling in Spokane since 1902. He has shot 300 three times, once in Min neapolis, once in Indianapolis and the last time in Spokane. J. Fred Head Portland bowlers are familiar with the record of Fred Head He started bowling in 1898. He was formerly manager of the old Oregon alleys at Portland, and later manager of the Davenport alleys at Spokane before they were purchased by Cliff Blankenship. He has been setting top-notch bowling scores in Spokane for years and his present average in the City league is 193. Because of his activities in the game on the coast ne is well known among Oregon bowlers. Sten.traa. Is Star. Joe Stenstrom As captain of the championship Fogelquist Clothing company . team, Joe Stenstrom has been a factor in winning laurels. The Fogelquists won the City league championship last year and later grabbed the northwest championship at the northwestern international bowling tournament at Seattle. Sten- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. AUTOS WANTED. TRADE EDISON" PHONOGRAPH, MAHOGANY (PLAYS ANY RECORD) AND ABOUT SO RECORDS. NEARLY NSW, FIRST-CLASS ORDER: WORTH 8225: A LITTLE CASB AND WATER WORKS PREFERRED STOCK FOR A GOOD AUTO UNDER $1000: NO JUNK: DON'T WASTE TIME UNLESS IT'S A BARGAIN. ADDRESS E 382. ORE-GONIAN. OFFICE FURNITURE WANTED. OAK DESK (SWIVEL) AND 4 OR 8 OAK OFFICE CHAIRS; M :VST BE GOOD AND CHEAP: ALSO CITY MAP AND GOOD 7x9 RUG. ADDRESS PATTISON. MAIN 11S8. WANTED- A good cook tnd laundress for faniiay of three: comfortable quarters, kitchen and laundry fitted with every modern cunvenunce: give references, ex perience, telephone number and state waaea desired. V' aS. Oregonlan, WE HAVE a pare In a refined private family with children.' Vancouver, Wash , for young woman who is neat and witl ing to be 'goneralVy useful: good home, wages moderate. Women's Protective Division. r14 Worcester bl&g. TEAM OF VETERAN BASKETBALL PLAYERS OF WALLA WALLA. WASH. The Amateur Athletic Union 400 yard relay swim will be staged In Chicago at the same time as the pole games. The Olympic club will repre sent the coast with its four-man team Ernie Smith, Jimmy Carson, Toots Gardner and Lester Smith. All the boys except Lester Smith are water polo players. The national 440-yard breast stroke will be staged In Detroit on March 18 Jack Howell, another water polo player of the Olympic, will enter this vent. This will require stopping of polo practice. Howell will go to the Ford town, then return to Chicago tc await his team mates. Jantzen unit of the Red Cross, the oldest women's life-saving corps in the city, has obtained the B'nai B'rith club for practice one night a week. ' The national fancy diving cham pionships for men to be held at the Multnomah club in the early spring will call for some sort of water car nival to fill up the programme. As yet it has not been decided whether to hold the city swimming events, a water polo game or to put on an ex hibition swim. The Pacific northwest swimming and diving titles are also scheduled for the club, but no date has been set. On the Alleys. ? - 5 Sa 'MbbbbebW Bbi stsmsL wB asanas, sBsx8 Br laWMaBMflH l&MsS? MP -MBS NfjBri wMf .Hjl .' HgwBB JhBHhBbI JsKk iflamB B-!LaammmmmmmmamL-jL mWm&KKiBKBi M BasaaaBBBBBBsBsBsasi NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. G rooms, tile bath, French doors, tapestry-papered walls, an up-to-tbe minute home in the best part of Irvington. Of course there la a ffarage. 490 B. 23rd bt. Phone owner. Bant 7!Vfl. . FOR SAL.K by owner, artistic fl-room bun i: i v. all b-utlt-iae. fireplace, rurnace Dutch kitchen. 2 blocks to church and school, $1500 cash, $15 peT month. Sell wod car. 3!! woo1 321 o. MEETING NOTICES. SCOUT YOUNG AUXILIARY. U. S N. V., will hold a card party Tuesday afternoon at the courthouse, room 525. DIED. RTTTBR At his home at 5th and Wash ington. January 8. Ludwig Ritter. ag-ed 95 years. Three daughters and five sons survive, Carolyn Lutke. Julia Marks and Pauline Batke, and Mike, William. Fred. John and Adolph Ritter. Remains are at A. R. Zellar Co., 592 Williams ave. Funeral notice later. BLUMAUER In this cky. Saturday. Janu ary 8, Fannie, beloved wife of Benjamin Biumauer, sister of Mrs. I. H. Frank of San Francisco and the lae Mrs. Levi White of this city. Notice of funeral later. JOHNSON January 8. at the family resi dence, 1145 Concord street. Carolina, aged 64 years, wife of S. P. Johnson. The remains are at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. HAGBLIN In San Francisco. Cal.. Mr. Christopher Hagelin. aged 68 years, for merly of this city, notice of funeral later, remains at Holman'a parlors. Third and Salmon streets. FRaXZEL January 6, Ignatius Franzel. aged T5 years, fmther of Rudy Franzel. Remains are at McBntee & Eilers par lors. Sixteenth and Everett sts. Funeral notice later. SMITH In thla city. January 8. E. W. Smith, aged 48 years, late of Albany, Or. The remains are at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax service. Concord bids., 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. ADDING MACHINE. $13 Bl'YS adding machine, adds 7 ligurea. S18 Corbett bid. Marshall 57. ALTERATIONS. LADIES' tailoring, perfect fitting: work guar. I. Reubin, 40o Bush & Lane Plug AgMjOgg AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second- Gold. silver and platinum bought. . Al'TO PAINTING AND ENAMELING. AUTO PAINTINO AND ENAMELING. "High-class" service; right price: 8 years same place. "Do it now." Phone Main 1136 or Broadway 4408. N. V. . cor ner 14th and Couch. NOTE. WE CAN ASSIST TOU to sell your car (at right price). Fl.MTRII I. Kt:iIKIV; H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO., 1 N. 1st st.. Portland, or. Re winding and electric repairing a specialty. New or used mo tors. Broadway 1045. A 1U48. ELECTRIC MOTOR8. Bought, sold, rented and repaired, walker Electric Works, 4 IS BurnMde. corner Teuth st. Bday. r.74. IKON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, hollar makers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of flee and works. Hawthorn, ava. and East Third at. MI Mf TEACHER. FOR KILE 14-ln. Oliver chilled plow No. 40, steel shear and jointer, good as new: must be a a bv Monday price --'. 700 E. Burnalde. Phone E.' 4734. Mr. Fullerton. MACHINIST - going east to manufacture patent would undertake similar work for otner parties, or aiiena to o-jier uuai ness. M S65. Oregonlan. WHLL EDUCATED und experienced sales man wishes position with a firm u represent it In South American coun tries E MS. Oregonlan. A 3-ROOM house, rented for HO per mo. In the best Dart of city: will take live stock or diamonds in exchange, 302 Front st. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Will take lot or automobile up to $1200 a first payment. Go and see at 40th ajid Stanton at., or cal! Marshall 2340 THE W A-Y FIVE, LEFT TO RIGHT DEWEY URl'MHELLER. EDDIE COPELAXD, FRANK B. DEMENT, CARL, BECK AKD'F. D. APL'LEu'ATE. Team Standings for City league. 22 17 .004 kX 17 19 .564 .SI 3 .438 ' .308 Hadley M td!2 871 i High indlvic 1 High Indlvu ! High indlvldt ' High Individ tiailant Kons Ileftron Freer . WiUcn Sholin . Neilscn Blair . Blaney Bank . Menson Johnson House . Kneyse lieary . Svness Hardy D.-W.tt Sheets A: t uala Wilkinson Pins. 7432 7371 7354 6171 tteixi 7106 7ISII 70S2 5S18 7ol 4VM 7o::2 7020 01 436 MM MM 64 28 2131 4701 0316 :. :27 0621 5747 1040 1038 .'..127 5029 lJ 403 Ave. 101 19 18V 181 180 185 183 182 182 ISt 1S1 ISO ISO 170 179 170 178 178 178 171 173 17o 174 178 173 173 171 160 108 167 164 ., Won. Lost Pet. Ave. Had Icy It Silver, tailors 24 15 .015 004 c.iieroarn taper Co... Board 0f Trade barber shop U Toke Point Oyster Grlllo 20 s?t. Nicholas cafteria.. 17 oooa Kiver uiue Dia monds 12 : High teamr three-games. High team, single game, Iladley & Sil ver. 10S3. illgh individual game, Wood. 206 High Individual, 3 gamETAOINETAO Idtial. chree-came Aiurrv .-ldual, three-game. Anstey, 064. vldual. average. Perrv 101 Second high individual average. Cood- avin. 1M. Third high individual average, Kruse. 180. Individual averages for City league, in cluding a;ames of January 3. Name. Games. Berry 30 Ooodwln 39 Kruse ., 3 Haymond 53 Bell 36 Wood S 'rank:in 31) Flavin 39 Kaik 32 .Anstey 30 VI 30 30 13 27 13 39 36 12 27 34 19 38 S3 33 6 6 S3 30 6 a Bv taking two out of threw games from the Hood River Blue Diamond team, the Iladley ft Stiver Tailor ftva continued to lead In the City league. The Zeiler bach Paper company team worked them selves into a tie for second place with the Board of Trade Harbor Shop team by defeating that team two games out of i Pundstrom tnree. rn iokc roint oyster Grille Metsler team twice bowed to defeat at the hands Hoch f ths St. -Nicholas Cafeteria team. , BV9 ... In the Automotive league last week the Foriison Tractors again went into the lead by taking the odd game from the Edwards Tire shop quintet. Th U. S. bank had a slump and lost two to the Robinson fimlths. while the Goodyear Tire's pep pery buach stepped up another notch from the basement by taking two from Marsha. 1 We! la. He is getting old, and more time is needed fur the soupbone to respond. House and Kruse, the top and the bottom for the Hood River team, atre there with 607 and 500. as Paul, a southpaw, was a new member on the Hood River squad. . Blair, with roanta of 102. 104 and 190, was the most consistent shooter of the evening. Charley Bell had a total that will bo charged up as a bad night 481. "Bugs" Raymond was high for the a Clam Diggers, with 566. ... A free-for-all sweepstakes tournament will be rolled at the Oregon Alleys this evening at 8:30 o'clock. . . a Last week's honors: High team, single game. Hood River 062: high team, three games, iladley Ac silver nin iuui- vldual single game. Kruse 257: high individual, three games, Wood 631: two hundred club, Kneyse 212. Raymond 245. Konz 223, Terry 202. Flavin 211. William son 200, Heffron 201, Woods 211 201 219 House 201 217, ivruse aw, uanii 218224. . . . Mercantile League Team Standings. Bergman Shoe Co Budweiaer Fl Roi Tan Webfoot Camp W. O. lilllirouer-Frank Co... Eastern Outfitting Co. ... The Fasteai Outfitting team, which was organized to take the place of the Standard Oil team, celebrated Its entry l.i the leaaue bv taking two out oi inree gnmes from the Bluroauer-Frank team, and also shot high single team game for the league with 985. W. L. Pet. 29 16 644 30 IS .625 23 2.1 .521 20 25 .444 20 28 .417 17 SI .354 Leo Krause. a veteran Portland bowler. Is back again this season and can be relied upon to get his share of pins for his team. "Duke" Goodwin didn't feel very well Tuesday night and only got 606 pina The Blaumauer-Frank team signed up a new player by the name of Nordstrom. Elliott, of El Roi Tans, nearly estab lished a league record w hen he went eight frames without a mark. Dlller Is shooting in fine form for the Eastern Outfitters, turning in 542 pins for three games. Pan Sholin continues to top th list with a 201 average, with Walter Woods second with 193, and Duke Coodwln third with 1SS. The Budweisers climbed a notch closer to the top by trimming the Bergman Shoe team two out of three. Only about half a gam separates the two leading team with El Roi Tana only six games behind. Mercantile League individual Averages. p. aver. Sholin ... Woods . . . Goodwin Woodman Merrick . Banks ... Mahunev Geary . . Roydston Elasser . . Mlms .... Flavin . . . Orth Krause ... Chapin Egan .... Nordstrom Craig .... Campbell Roberts . . Voelker . . Dlller Woodward L'.nd. Frank Robert's "funeral" ball did much Samag to the bank. Rob missed getting into the "600'' club by two pins. His total was 508. . Swanson, the new addition to the Rob-tmson-Smith team, got by his first game Without a miss, but after that the "splits" ssst him. Righ gam last week went to the Ford ten Tractors, with 924, and high three 19 ilPflinnw-fmum company, .a,. Games. Pins. Ave. . .. 6 .1205 201 . . . 19 3676 193 .. 33 6209 1R8 , .. S 557 186 ...IS S267 18! ..42 7469 178 ,.. 43 7876 175 .. 42 7363 17S .. 45 7811 174 . . 45 7768 173 ..48 8239 172 .. 45 774S 172 .. 43 7782 172 .. 8 517 172 .. 45 7698 171 .. 102 171 .. . 8 514 171 .. 43 765 170 .. 15 2547 170 . . 45 7..S7 169 .. 42 7038 160 .. SO 5055 160 .. 8 506 1 60 . . 8 503 168 .. 21 8511 167 .. 48 7835 163 .. 48 7843 13 .. 48 7352 163 .. 30 4869 12 .. 48 7749 161 . . M 5758 10 . . 48 76.11 lfi .. 30 4667 15 .. 42 6435 153 . . 48 7211 130 ..8 417 139 .. 18 2051 137 ana whose skill with the mineralite ball haa won them top-notch posi tions among Spokane devotees of the game. Six men have been selected by H. L. Patterson from among the hun dreds interested in the sport. Five of these men will represent Spokane in the matches at the Davenport al ley). They will play the return five games at Portand January 23. W. Bert Price has O. K.d the selection of Patterson. The club has been given the title "Upstairs Price." Individual records of the men who will make up the Spokane team fol low: Clarence H. Barton The youngest man on the team in point of experi ence, yet the top bowler of the or ganization is Clarence Barton. .He started bowling in 1916 with the Home Telephone company league. He finished high average man of the Business House league in 1917 and had an average of 191 In the City league during the season of 1919. His present City league average is 195. He averaged 203 in the recent all-star 12-gfime match between the Daven port and Spokane alley teams. ( unit y la Veteran. George Qualey Few men who have ever pushed a ball down the alleys in Spokane but know George Qualey. He has a Job a right bower to Cliff Blankenship at the Davenport alleys and a position as the bulwark of his City league team. Qualey started bowling In 1898 at the Fairview Heights alleys in Cincinnati. He bowled in Kansas City from 1900 to 1905. and in St. Louis with tne famous Duffy team from 1905 to 1914. He has been in Spokane since, with the exception of two years, in Oakland. He led the Cltv league in individual averages in 1915 with 193 and in 1916 with 194. He topped all bowlers in the East Bay league at Oakland In 1918 with an average of 199, and is tournament since 1914. In the spring of 1917 he was a member of the Cres cent alley teart, which won first prize at the northwest tournament at Port land. Last year he rolled an average of 192 in the City league and was two games short of the individual honors when stricken with pneumonia. His present City league average is 185. Stenstrom has been bowling since 1911. J. Walter Gehr;ng Fifteen years ago. back in 1905, Walt Gehring started bowling with the B. & M. smelter team at Great Falls, Mont., and he has been topping high scores ever since. He came to Spokane In 1909 and has rolled an annual average of 185 to 190. He is a member of the United Clothes team, leaders in the Class A league and boss of t' e Luzon cafet team in the City league. He is shooting 187 in the City league and 188 in the Class A league. Mr .Gehr ing is proprietor of the Luzon cafe and one of the best known exponents of the game In the city. 5'NAV 10-rooni apartment for sacrifice $700 cash, balance terms: sell today. 215 Broad-way. Marshall 1079. WILL trade late model Shaler vulcanizing machine for roll-top desk and swivel chair. Cal! Main ZjST. ni'SINESS college student to assist with housework: no washing, no furnace; pay arranged. fc.ast r.'S''. FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell sport roadster. In Al shape: a bargain for cash. Call Main 2597. 1020 REAL speed wagon, run very little, any reasonable Offer accepted. Terms. 316-34. 634 Wygant st FOR SALE Al combination gas and wood range, fine condition, $60. Call 1035"i Rodney ave. . TO. LOAN $4000 on city, first mortgage, 7 per cent, for 3 to 5 years. See Lombard 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall :02-r ALL KINDS of horses, wagons, buggies and harness, also 2 fine aaddles. cheap. 302 Front St. . MAN AND WIFE want work; experienced in all, kinds of work in or out of town. Phone Marshall 3262. P 347. Oregonlan. FILET sweaters made to order, all pat terns: wool furnished If desired. 5o6 First st. Phone Marshall 741. WANTED To buy a greenhouse; to removed; state size, location, price. Knowles. inilsdale. Or.. Main 5203. FOR EXCHANGE 42 acres, 20 cleared, large bam and house, good spring. Price S4200. AC 243. Oregonlan. WOOD Dry. old growth, 4 ft fir, $11 per cord; special rates on 2V4 cord lots. Phone Auto. 523-40. MUST be sold Monday. Blodget gas oven No. 215, good as new. tile trays. 700 E. Burnslde. Phone E. 4734 Mr. Fullerton. WANTED To borrow $15181, no brokers; good security. gonian. 7 per cent; B 202. Ore- WANTED Roll-top desk Call Main gag in good shape. NICF. 4-room apt.: adailts only. Bdwy. WANTEO shoemaker, patchman, first clasa. 76 6th st. Portland. MEETING NOTICES. SPECIAL COMING NATL PRESIDENT J. M. KIRKPATRICK KIRKPATRICK COUN CIU 2227, SECURITY BENEFIT A S S O C I A TION, all members are hereby notified that out president. Bro. Kirkpat rick, expects to be here on or about January 25th, only 2 weeks for us to get 100 new members. Now let every member do his duty. Our council haa always made good. We are famous because of our determination to be progressive. Our fraternal spirit, beautiful ceremonies of Initiation, splendid degree staff, financial standing and large membership all speak for tho . working members of this councij. Get your candi date and do it now. FRED C. KING, President. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY HALFBACK ELECTED FOOTBALL CAPTAIN. Keesey Springer Ve'.sburg t Hull Brown B. Miller Elliott Bergman rlroriv ...... High team. 8 games. Bergman Shoe Co 2T3 High team. 1 game. Eastern Outfitting Co 9M Righ Individual 8 games. Mahoney... 654 High Individual game. Elaaser 23S Hood Ri-ver Beats The Dalles. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Jan. 8. (Spe cial.) The Hood River Junior high school defeated The Dalles junior high school last night In a basket ball game by threw points, lh core being 12 to la. JsaBI?1'- JaKe 1 MM 4Mfe MaMaMsatAal Wat. '& 'SSBIKk -ajaSrgr jHBMjJB ML.. raBBB Waldo Xeller. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Salem, Or., Jan. 8. (Special.) Waldo Zeller. stellar halfback from Sunnyside. Wash., today was elected captain of the 1921 Bearcat football squad. Zeller has been a spectacular per former, being especially known for his open field runing Be ing a sophomore, he is eligible for two more years of varsity football and will captain the first Willamette team to play an extension conference sched ule. Three northwest conference games have been signed up, against the Oregon Aggies, University of Oregon and Whit man. With the loss of only three letter men through graduation Rarey, Basler and Lyman Coach Mathews expects to as semble another fast eleven for his 1921 schedule. GAME CONSERVATION; URGED Montana Gun Club Members Advo cate Closed Season. GREAT FALLS, Mont., Jan. 8. The Power City Gun club of Great Falls plans to recommend to the Montana legislature closine of the bird season ntor four years, beginning In 1921. Grouse, prairie chickens, sage hens, partridges and other fowl will be in cluded. The club also would close the deer season in several counties. Officers of the club declare drastic measures toward conservation of birds and animals are necessary. $50,000 A 1.1, KILBAXE WANTS Rickard Asks and Finds Out Price of Madison Square Garden Fight. CLEVELAND. O., Jan. 8. Johnny Kilbane, champion featherweight boxer, was asked by Tex Rickard, New York promoter, in a telegram today to name his terms for a bout at Madison-Square Garden with either Andy Chaney or Charley Beecher, Kilbane announced tonight. "I w'ill put my terms at $50,000," he said. V BEN'EF o T I O N. 11 tlon. C January Silver Cup Awarded by Lot. EUGENE, Or., Jan. 8. (Special.) Clyde Fisk, one of the four local motorcyclists who tied in the endur ance run Nw Year's day, was awarded the silver eup when the four men drew for it at a meeting of the motor cycle association last night. The other three finishing with perfect score were Roy Fellows, William Davis and Earl Humphrey. The merchandise prizes were divided among the four. Migratory Fowl Season "ear End. VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan. 8. (Spe. cial.) The season on migratory fowl In the state of Washington west of the Cascades will close January 15. according to an announcement today by William Thompson, county game warden. The state law provides that the season shall close January 16, while the federal law provides for a January 15 closing. Coach Signs 3-Year Contract. MOSCOW, Idaho, Jan. 8. (Special.) Coach Thomas Kelley last night signed a three-year contract for coaching football and track and as sisting in baseball and basketball. PUBLIC M BETING. KIRKPATRICK COUK CIK 2227. SECURITY BENEFIT -ASSOC1A- General Invtta- Come next Friday. nuary 14. 8:30 P. 51. Swiss hall, 3rd and Jeffer son. Cards "500," good prizes. Dancing, Hock's famous union music. Fine floor, large hall. Admission 25c, Come and enjoy yourselves with the most progressive coun cil, t t - A. & A. S. RITE. The forty-third semi-annual reunion of the bodies In the valley of Portland, will be held in our Cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale streets, Thursday, Friday and Saturday next January 13. 14 and 15. Candidates should report at my office inursuay morning at 8:30 o clock. BRYDON H. NICOLL, 33d Peg. Hon. Secretary. MASONIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Employers needing hem of any description telephone Main rl2e. Only HaSOSTMC help fur nlshed from this office. No charge to employer or em ploye, w. H. Atchison, Mgr., 410 Abington building. PALESTINE LODGE NO. 141, A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication Monday. January 10. 7 o'clock. E. A. degree. Visiting brethren wel come. Archer Place. Mt. Scott oraer of w. M FUNERAL NOTICES. DIELSCHNEIDER At the residence. Jan uary S. Louis Dielschneider. aged 78 years, beloved father of Arnold. Phllix. George. Louis, Joseph. Mrs. Owen Jonea. Mrs. Walter Bollam, all of this city. William of Oakland, Cal.. brother of Mrs. C. W. Shlvely of Portland and Mrs. Louis Schafer of Gervai. Or. The funeral cortege will leave the chapel of Miller & Tracey Tuesday. January 11. at 8:30 A. M.. thet.ee to Sacred Heart church. 784 East Efovenub street, where requiem mass will be offered Hi HA. M. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. HASELTINE January 8, at the family residence. 247 Stout St.. James E. Hasel- tine. aged 87 years, father of J. A. and H. A. Haseltine. Mrs. G. H&selton and Mrs. M. H. Schmeer of Portland and W. C. Haseltine of San Francisco. Cal.. and grandfather of Elizabeth Haseltine of Chicago. IN. The funeral service arill be held Monday. January 10, at 1 o'cloclt P. M . at the First Methodist Episcopal church, Twelfth and Taylor sts. Friends Invited. Concluding service at River view cemetery. J. P. Finley t Son, directors. WILLIAMS In this city. Jan. 5. James, Earl Williams, aged 34 years. 1 ne funeral services will be conducted from the conservatory chapel of the East elide Funeral directors, 414 E. Alder. Sunday, Jan. 9, at 2:30 P. M. under the auspices or the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Veterans and friends invited. Concluding services at Mount Scott Park cemetery. WALTMAX At the residence. 1093 Gay street, January I, Francis M. waltman, aged 75 years, beloved father of C F. Waltman, Battle Mountain, Nev., J. R. Waltman of Portland, Ida M, Waltman of Akron. O., and Mrs. H. E. Holcomb of Medina, O. Th remain will be for warded under the direction of Miller & Tracey to Wadsworth. O.. where aerv ices and interment will take place. WALKER January 7, at the famiry rest .lenre. 353 E. 46th St.. UCtlU assur, agec 50 years, wife of George J. Walker, mother of Elizabeth M. Walker and sis ter of Mrs. J. K. Locke of Portland. The funeral aervice will be held Monday, January 10. at 10 o ciock a. -u. at rin lav. Monteomerv at Fifth. Friends fn vlted. Concluding service. Rivervlew cemetery, private. FIELDHOUSE In this city. January 8 Chart Fleldhouse. aged 4o years, hus band of Jessie Fleldhouse and brother of Mrs. B. G. Dewitt and Samuel Rowe. Funeral will be held from McEntee & Kllers' parlors. 10th and Everett sts.. Monday, January 10. at 11 A. M. Friend Invited, interment nose -uji cemcierj DERR Jan. 7. 1020. at the family resi dence. S00 Grand ave. N .. Wallace terr aged 5 mo., beioved son of Mr. and Mrs .I.,hn IJerr. Funeral services Monday Jan. 10. from above residence at 2 P. M. Friends invited, Pearson Co.. undcrtak ers. Russell st. at Union ave. BOW1.1S In this city. Jan. 6. Joseph Bowlln, aged iO years, runerai services M.-II he held at the residential funera parlors of Dunning & McEntee. Morrison .t of t-'th MnndaV. Jan. 10. at 10 A. M. Friends invited to attend. Interment Rose City cemetery. LAMBERSON The funeral service for the late Robert A. Lamberson late of 1223 But :tlxt st N.. will be held Monday Jan. 10. at 1 o'clock P. M. at Finley', Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited Concluding aervice Rlverview cemetery MUNGER The funeral service for the late Ned R. Munger. late of 566 Raleigh St.. will be held Monday. Jan. 10. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Concluding service Rose City cemetery. SCHMIDT The funeral services of the late Susan Schmidt will be held Sun day (today), January 0. at 10:30 A. M. at Sandy Catholic church. Interment Sandy, ' Or. Arrangements in care Miller & Tracey. WINESETT The funeral service for the late Nettie Winesett will be neio aion day, Jan. 10. at 11 o'clock A. M.. at Fin ley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends in vited. Concluding service Lone Fir cemetery. BATHS. Steam Fourth and Washington DR. McMABGN'S baths. Portland showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c. Tell your menus CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage. 10th floor. Broadway bldg. Mar shall 8187. Dr. Laure E. Downing. BOMNu AND bHll'l'INO. EXPERT boxing and shipping automobiles James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. 452 Hot st CARPENTER. P. W. BENNETT, carpenter, contractor; firt-claas mechanic; repair, etc. Phone 315-21. I EI.I.I I.OIIl HI TTONS. THE lRWIN-HoDSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. T, 1251 ( HIROPKACTIC. DR. McM AHON'S chiropractic speak for Itself. Portland. 11th year. Phones. CHIROPODISTS. IF YOUR FEET HURTrtan6!'. Dr. Corm Yale Bell, chiropodist, fifth floor Swetland bldr- rooms 506-7; third year in this building; many years' prac tice in Chicago. Phone Main 1445. 9:30 A. M. to 6 K M. Cor. 5th and Wash sts. OREGON Conservatory (school) of ftfusio 2d floor Ruse! bldf. otr tha Xiob'i. tntrar.c 18.iH 4h st cor of Morrison 1 CARROLL DAY. 'teacher of piano voice. Broadway 2555. 148 18th st. Ml sic m IlilHI v VIOL.1N, piano, classic instructor. a 1 strings. 1'rof. Kul. Kenbeck. 409 Yam- rINTIN. AM DKI ilK TIM.. HfHUocf Painters EXPERT ROOPB fM RESHINGLING AM) REPAIRIMO 1445 E. Gllson St. Phone Tabor fttrST. Residence Phone Tabor 7514. C. H. TERRIL.1,. house and sign painting, papering, tinting. 407 E. S7lh. Tab M 1. im i i n r .11 i'okn 1:1 . cprr UlipT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot ILLl nUll I specialist; corns, bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland hldg.. Fifth and Washington Main ItgL DR. O. O. FLETCHER -Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assistant. 312 Morgan bldg. Main 87C2. CHIROPODISTS ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Eatelle and Fiorello De Veny. The only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger linger bldg., S. W. corner Second and Alder. I'none Mam uot CUCAN1NG AND DVEIXti. SOI.LIERS" overcoats altered Into civilian style, dyed blue or black, new buttons, complete, 7 .50. Regal Cleaners, tailors. 127 N 6th st. Portland. Or. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES ACTO LIVERY, MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUNNING & McENTEE Now located in their new residential funeral hame. Morrison at Twelfth, west aide. Phone Broadway 430. Auto. M, The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Xote We have no branches nor any connection whatever with any other un dertaking firm. car. By Browns Get Catcher Eiffert. SIOUX CITY, la.. Jan. 8. Paul Turn" Eiffert, catcher for the Sioux City Western league team for the last two seasons, has been sold to the St. Louis Nationals. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WTI-L Five 1JMS MwwpII, good condition, as first payment on iot in gooo district. Marshall 2M0 BARGArN BY OWNER. 22 rooms, always fuU, fine location. . 5th at., near Staric. $13 PER ACRE. 10 acres Tiiiamooic .and; $3i0 cash 4 McKay. FOR R EN T 3 - room turn ;vhiM a.partmeat S. TOWNSEND, Secretary. WASHINGTON COM MANDER)', No. 15. K. T. A stated conclave of Wash ington Commandery will be held Tuesday evenine. Jan uary 11, 192 in Washing-ton Masonic hall. East Eighth and Burnside streets, at 7:30 o'clock. At thla meeting: the members will vote or an amendment reducing the stated meeting's to one stated conclave per month instead of two. A larg-e attendance Is de sired. - G. P. EISMAN. Recorder. DANCE FOR THE PUBLIC. Tuesday nig-ht. Everybody and their friends are invited. A dance where strang-ers are made to feel at home. We have the larg-est cromds, dandy floor and dandy music Given by the liveat frater nal council in the west Anchor Council, No. 746. Security Benefit Association. Tuesday nig-ht, January 11. W. O. W. hall. 1-8 Eleventh street. Admission 35c CUT DOWN THE HIGH COST OF LIVING Attend tint cam party given oy tne On.pn Elizabeth Revie-w. No. 24. W. B. A O. T. M., Monday evening. January 10. at Oddfellow' hall, Hixtn ana &&s t Aiaer. Eiffht grocery prizes, also prise for high est score of veriee. Admission -5c. Every body welcome. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD. NO. 42. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN "VfiKM AN Business meetinfr Thursday. January 13. in the Turn Vereln hall. 255 Thirteenth street- Dancing- for members and their friends after meeting. Yetta Haines, correspondent, zvo Aiisay huiidins. Phone Main 6356. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES OF MT. HOOD, No. 17 You are requested to attend the funeral of our late sir knig-ht, Ned Munger. at Flnley's undertaking- par lors at 2 :30 P. M. tomorrow Monday ) . January 10. Services at cemetery con ducted by Mt. Hood Tent. No. 17. WALTER ANDERSON, C. 51. rVANHOE HOtfBSTEAD NO. 5038. B Y A. Regular dance and card party W'ednesday. January 12. Women of Wood craft hail. Tenth and Taylor streets. Cards 8:30; danelng- at 10. PEARL OWENS. Correspondent. 212 Railway Exchange Building. Phone Main 967. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designa Jaeger Bros., 131-3 Sixth st FRJEDLANDER'S for lodge emblema, flaaa pins uid metis Is, 10 Washing tun. at. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON FTJNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon streets. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Puneral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st streets Wast side. Lady assistant. Main 26U1. Auto. 578-85. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17l6. No collections, no charges Estab. HW. DANCING. SUMMERS' Dancing Academy, ballroom nnd Mn ire danclnc: urfvate lessons day and eve.; club dance Tuesday and class dance every Thursday ana public aance every Saturday. S5Vi 5th st,, near Stark. Ffcone Broadway 3590 PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communi cations strictly confidential ; prompt ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. Ml'NN A CO.. patnt attorneys. San Francisco offices, Hobart Bldg., 5SJ Market st; Chicago office, room 810 Tower Bldg.; Washington of fice, room 103. 625 F st. : New York office. Woolworth Bldg. PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. Booklet . free. Highest refcrwH-es. best results; prompt ness assured. Watsou E. Coleman. Pat ent Lawyer. 624 F sU. Washington. D. C. R, C. WRIGHT, Z9 years' experience U. S, and foreign paten t s. 6H Dekum Mdg. fllYMCI NS. DR. R. A PHILLIPS, Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rental, provtute, female, disorders, skin affection, blood pres sure, enlarged tonsils, molfw, hirthmark. DR DE MURALT. 047 Morgan bldg. Dr. Gustav Baars former associate, I'l l MHINO. THE PATTERSON -DOWNEY DANCING ACADEMY, 3S6H Wash. st.. over Hazelwood. For mer instructors Cotillion hall. Private lessons daily, .class. Wed. and Sat. even ings. Phone Main r5' MISS DOROTHY RASMUSSEN Ballroom and stage dancing. 610 Eilers building. Wasb., between 4th and 5th. Msjn 1123. DENTISTS. DR. B E. WRIGHT, Zd Floor RaleiTh Bldg.. Cor. 6h and Washington Sts. Main 2119. A 2119. DENTISTRY. nCIITICTDY DR A- w KEENE, 351 M: UCPI MO I n f Washington st. Without pain. Latest nervt - blocking methud. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL East 7th and Grant sts. Both phones; day and night service; 3 veterinarians. EXCAVATING. ALL KINDS of team work and excavating. 1029 E. Yamhill at OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS I GLASSES AT A SAVING. l-w I solicit your patronage on ..he tyytj' baeii of capable .service Thou sandH of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man. optometrist. 209 Morrison. Mr. -1-4 DR. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN. the veteran optician; eyes tested, glasses fitted, brok en lenses duplicated at reasonable prices. H26 Morrison street. . ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND , and Ropaired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS KLECTRIC WORKS, Phone 527-27. 226 Main St. PLI'MBINU D. & W. service W do not charge fur time coming or coin-. Our autos so anywhere, night or day. Day, Udvy. 1804; night. Tabor 206, FI.LMBIM. l PPMKS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., lbs 4th. Main 7U7. PRINTING. PRINTING W. W.BALTES & COM V ANY First and Oak. Main l& M1-6S. .KB RH I ONNECTIONa COLUMBIA CONSTRUCTION CO. MAIN 1. 8TOVKN AM 11 K.NAt'KB. ROSK CITY PATTERN WORKS. Stoves and furnace patterns, orna mental and experimental patterna. 567 K. 52d st. North. Phone Aut. .H-VlM). STOVE REPAIRING. WHY BtrT a ni'r stove? We r.-pair.all kinds of stove. gas ranges, furncca B. E. IuWn. Kqyt .V.i3I. TR A I1C MARK. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 60t Dckum bldg. U. S. foreign trademarks. T K A NSFEK AMI STOKAI.K. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney GENERAL HAULING. Ten thousand squiirH feet warehouse storage space now available. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE si TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Reduced Freight Rates. Money loaned on Warehouse Receipt. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. 53 FOURTH ST.. COR. OF PINK. PHONE BROADWAY 1281. OREGON TRANSFER CO. 474 Gllsan Street. FIVE WAREHOUSES. STORAGE CARTAGB. PHONE BROADWAY 1281. WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS KNf i IN KKRS AND MII.T. SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-80 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. HinKS. WOOL AND i'ASCABA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS, 1115 Front St. PACIFIC GRAIN CO. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANH A USER HAT CO.. 53-15 Front at PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. -VV. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. K AMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. ROPE AND BINDING THINK Portland Cordage Co PU M 111 M 14th and Northrup. -I 1 rl.ll AND P. PL. THE M. L. KLINE Co.. 84-b-87-SO Front PRODUCE COMMISSION Mt:n( HANTS. EVEUD1NG ft FAHRKLL. 140 Front St. HASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W 1'. i-'uilt-r Co.. Front and Murrison. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 266 4th St., opp. City Hall. 4NEU BROS. e'BlAESING GRANITE CO. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. HJth and Everett streets. Phoiu Broadway 11133. Automatic 521-33 J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St.. Irvington dist. Eant 54. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (F. S. Dunning, Inc.) The family eats the price." 414 E. Alder. LERCH, UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. A. R. ZELLER CO. Phone Bast ms Ave. 1088. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO. Third and Clay. Main 4152. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases or aiiegen cruelty to animals. Offices, room luO courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charpre of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up free of charge. NKW TODAY. APARTMENT HOUSE SPLENDID UP-TO-OATEAPARTMENT IS Close Id, M eat Side, OFFERED ON EASY TERMS TO CLOSE AN ESTATE NEW TODAY. BREEZE & SNOOK 'SSS A. D. KEN-WORTHY 4 CO., 5S02-04 92d at., Lenta. Tabor 5267 FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist We spe cialise In funeral designa. 141 Sixth opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation ' Phone Sellwood 967 Portland Crematorium East 1 4th and Bybee W. H ROSS iioo ORTHvn;vn;R bank m.iu.. Ladies Save yenr old carpets, rugs mmd woolen clothing. Let us make new rug's for you. Tho oldest and bet-equlppd factory K!ufT and rag rugs woven ajt sizes; carpets refitted;. 9x12 rugs 3t earn cleaned, $1.50. We call and deliver IBS E. Eighth si. Phone Kant .'.".no. 100 x 200 IV WILLIAMS AVE. NEAR RUSSELL Lot 50x100 MARTIN & FORBES CO. Plorlsta, 354 Washirrjrton. Main 269. Flowers for all occafloas arUatlcally arranged. CLARKE BROS., florlsta. 287 Morrison st. Main 7709. Fine flow era and floral de signa. No branch atorea. rO.S'SBTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington t bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A-1101. Phone your want ada to The Ore Eoniao. Wain 7070, Automatic S6u-5. THIS PROPERTY IS CERTAINLY A GOOO INVESTMENT. Maddox & Burch 315 COUCH BLDfi. SNAP, $8700 TWO SIX-ROOM HOISES ON LOT 50 x 100. Choice part of Nob Hill. In fine con dition; modern improvements. Can be inspected by appointment. Must sell Phone Rdwy. 115. WEST SI1TE TRACKAGE, CLOSE IN, FOl'R-STOIIV BHK K HI ILDING ON tl CARTER BLOCK. WITH ROOM FOR ADDITION BIG SAVING ON BUILDING COST BY PI RCHASK c THIS PROPEaVrY. R. J. O'NEIL 717 BOARD OF TRADE BVUVDDrG. KIO.OOO FARM FOIl 7(K)0 If sold this month. Immediate posses sion. New, five rooms, pantry and bath. sink, two eight-foot porches, firll cement basement, electric lights; good well; all fenced; two minutes to elec tric car CYpolc runs throuirh Place. Insured for two years. 35 minutes from courthouse. Half cash. Buy r r o m owner, save commission. 354 Moni gomery st. Main 1331. Edward E.Goudey Co. ' MORTGAGE LOANS United States Bank Bulldlns.