THE SUNDAY OREGONTAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 9. 1931 EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ' ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY Article REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED Store Hours 9:15 A. M. to 5:45 P. M. 22. EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED The Tremendous Movement Set in Progress V by the Meier & Frank Store when, on that memorable Sunday two weeks ago, it announced its determination to throw its entire stocks of the world's best merchandise on the market forthwith at substantially -lower prices than the lowest obtainable up to the launching of this sale, has been the biggest individual contribution to the cause of lower prices yet made on the Pacific coast. We are glad to record that our example has been followed by some other stores to the best of their ability we knew that we were doing the right thing at the right time and nothing but good could come of it. We are sensible of the recognition accorded our efforts by the shopping public and we shall bend every effort to make the benefits of this movement available to the largest num ber of people as long as it will be possible for us to keep it up. This Then Is Notice that tomorrow we shall begin the third week of the wonderful value-giving which has made this sale the most talked of, as it has been the most eagerly availed of distribution of merchandise Jn years. 32 BROADSIDES OF BARGAINS Not the least of the wonderful features of this wonder ful sale is the filling of every one of our 32 show windows with "bargains" in the best sense of the word old-fashioned bargains in everyday wanted merchandise GOOD merchandise at astoundingly low prices. No wonder that so many Portlanders make it a point to look in our windows every time' they pass, for their contents are changing in kaleidoscopic fashion to keep up with the demand, which is the most remarkable we have ever experienced for mer chandise thus displayed. You know that this window mer chandise is not advertised. It does not need to be, for as quickly as people see the goods and the price they lose no time in buying. See our windows today they've all been freshly changed. (CONTRACT LINES AND GROCERIES EXCEPTED) That is it "Every Article Reduced" the first, last and the best word the wonderful thing that has come to pass at Meier & Frank's and that brings back all the best buying opportunities of the old time January Clearance Sales BIG Surprise which we have planned to start off this third week like its two predecessors, in whirlwind fashion, is one that will ap peal to every home, being nothing less than a Grocery Surprise As you know, groceries have been and will continue to be excepted from the general reductions in price, but we are going to give our grocery patrons extra good values in cer tain standard lines of the staple commodities mentioned be low (while present quantities last). As before, we are not going to advertise individual items and prices, for we want this to be a surprise, indeed, so We Have Literally "Filled" Three Big Windows at our Fifth and Alder corner with good, staple, everyday wanted groceries such as Ham Flour Bacon Lard Butter Coffee Canned Fruits and Vegetables Milk Jams and Jellies Syrup Walnuts Soaps Cereals Baking Powder Chocolate We promise you and everyone interested in cutting the cost on these commodities that the prices will be so astonishingly LOW that it will pay you to see these windows today and come down town early tomor row prepared to make the most liberal provision for your needs While the Present Quantities Last of Items Displayed in Our Windows We have tried to provide reasonably large quantities of these surprise specials in groceries, but early shoppers will be SURE to get their share. We reserve the right to limit quantities and, to give everyone an equal chance, we must say: No telephone orders. Think what that means Every Article Reduced at this store. Think of the magnitude of the Meier & Frank stocks far and away the largest in the northwest. Think of being able to choose from these stocks, what you will, anywhere in the store, at substantially lower prices than the already low prices at which they had been marked prior to this sale. Everything. EVERYTHING. Yes, everything in the Meier & Frank stocks from end to end and from top to bottom everything from the base ment to the great Furniture floors everything from a paper of pins to a whole house full of furniture everything on our 11 great retail floors everything that we sell everything for person and home EVERYTHING (contract lines and groceries ex cepted) now at a lower, much lower, price. Why, If This Were a Furniture Sale alone, or a sale of apparel alone to mention these among the nearly a hundred departments affected this would still be one of the greatest sales imaginable, but it is more, many times more it is a sale of every article in every department of the Meier & Frank store (contract lines and groceries excepted). In Addition to the General Reductions which are in every instance considerable and worth-while, there are in every department also many lots priced down to the vanishing point priced without regard to cost or profit which are in themselves reasons enough why so many keen judges of values make it a point to walk through the store every day they are down town. And As We Said Before In all our 63 years of store-keeping we have never had such a volume of business, never been so. strongly equipped from every point of view as we are today to conduct such an enterprise as this for the public benefit. EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE. REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED