THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. JANUARY 2. 1921 8 SIMILAR 1 IDEALS Leaders of Organizations Set Forth Principles. AMERICANISM IS FIRST .National Commander of ex-Service Men and President Gonipcrs Clear Cp Hazy Questions. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Jan. 1. Cor respondence between F. W. Galbraith Jr.. national commander of the Amer ican Legion, and Samuel Gompers. president of the American Federatioi. of Labor, has been made public at the national headquarters of the legion. The letters, which continue an exchange begun before Mr. Gal braith took office, reveal the two ex ecutives in accord on the principle that an organisation, as such, scarce ly can be held responsible for acts of individual members, which may not agree with either the letter or the spirit of the body's official pro nouncements. Each of the correspond ents expressed the hope that they might meet and talk over the prob lems confronting them. The first letter was written by Mr. Galbraith November ! in response to one which Mr. Gompers had sent to Franklin D'Olier, former commander of the legion, last August. The labor leader had called attention to reports that 'members of the American Legion were improperly participating in certain political activities in th state of Kansas." and Mr. Galbraith wrote that a reply had been delayed because he needed time to familiarize himself with the situation. Legion Did Not Participate. "As a result of an investigation the officials of the American Legion in Kansas report that the American Legion did not participate as such in the incidents reported to you. If any members of the American Legion did take part in any of these reported incidents, it was entirely upon their own responsibility, without sanction from anv official "f the American Legion and in violation of our ex pressed policy," he added. "As you know, the American Legion is an association of former soldiers, sailors and marines associated for the following purposes: "To uphold and defend the con stitution of the United States of America: to maintain law and order to foster and perpetuate 100 per cent Americanism; to preserve the mem orles and incidents of our association In the great war; to Inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the com munity, state and aatlon; to combat the autocracy of both the cl-sses and the masses; to make right t!ie master of might: to promote peace and good will on earth: to safeguard and trans mit to posterity the principles of jus tice, freedom and democracy; to con secrate anil sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. Nonpartisan in Polities. "The position of the American Legion in political controversies is neutral and nonpartisan. We are on record in favor of policies and are not interested in political differences as they arise in the different sections of the country. "In a great national organisation it is necessary th the individual members retain to themselves the greatest freedom in matters of politi cal affiliation, religion, etc., and that they decide upon their own conduct along these lines strictly In accord ance with their own conscience. "Two successive conventions of ttae American Legion have unqualifiedly upheld and reiterated this policy. The people of the United States have the right to decide for themselves any political question which may come before them. The American Legion does not believe in the abridgement of this right in any respect. The American Legion believes In law and order. It is steadfastly opposed to the use of force or violence in further ance of any doctrine and will oppose such methods through the lawfully constituted authorities wherever they may appear. Alma May Be Miajndired. "No one knows more truly than do you that the aims and attitude of a great national association may often be misjudged by tha irresponsible con duct or statements of individual mem bers of the association or by small groups of members, and that It some times unfortunately occurs that the newspaper reports of such incidents or statements are not strictly ac curate reports of the facts and cir cumstances as they occurred. Inci dents of this nature cannot commit a national organisation to policies or positions in conflict with the policies and positions taken by such an as , sociatlon at its conventions or aa set forth in its constitution." Replying a eek later, Mr. Gom pers wrote: "It is indeed gratifying to know that you have taken the same stand as your predecessor. Franklin D'Ol ier, and are just as much In earnest as was he in conserving the good name of the American Legion. I would ask you if there is anything In the following declaration by the American Federation of Labor con vention in 1910 to whicb the Ameri can Legion can object: Contentions of Labor Shown. "'Organized labor contends for the irarrrovement of the standard of life. to uproot ignorance and foster ed- j ucation. to Instill character and man- , i a I j t anlrlt 1 1IVUU U II U ll (uucijiuii4. among our people, to bring about a recognition of the interdependence of the modern life of man and his fellow-man. It claims to establish a normal workday, take the children from the factory and the workshop and place them in the school, the home and playground. In a word, the unions of labor, recognizing the duty of toll, strive to educate their members, to make their homes more cheerful in every way. to contribute an earnest effort toward making life the better worth living, to avail their members of their rights as cit izens and to bear the duties and re sponsibilities and perform the obli gations they owe to our country and our fellow-men. Labor contends that in every effont to achieve its praise worthy ends all honorable and lawful means are not only commendable but should receive the sympathetic sup port of every right-thinking progres sive man.' "Ton undoubtedly will find that members of the American Legion, outside of a few, are like the mem bers of other organizations; they don't know the real purpose espe cially for which an organization is formed. New organizations especial ly find it difficult to restrain their members from doing those things which are a menace not only to them but to all the people. Trade Union Movement. "I have been helpful in a way in acquainting the members of trade unions with real aims and objects of the American Legion. On several oc casions resolutions that have been presented in meetings of labor or ganizations have been laid on the table or defeated because of the Infor mation they have received through me in relation to the work of the American Legion. Many of your mem bers do not understand the trade union movement and have been mis led as to the work of the American Federation of Labor, and it is my be lief that if they knew the real ob ject of the American Federation of Labor as outlined at the 1910 con vention, it would also be an Influence causjng individuals to cease inter fering in any way with the trade unions. "Permit me to congratulate you in your election as national commander of the American Legion. I hope that some day I shall have the pleasure of meeting you personally and dis cussing the problems faced by both organizations." The reply of Mr. Galbraith, dated November 27, said that it was "with a real sense of pride in the funda mental soundness of our American institutions and as renewed proof thereof that I read again the Ameri can Federation of Labor's declaration of 1910. T Industry Brings Millions to Mills and Camps. LABOR GETS BIG PORTION Problem Appear Identical. "Is there anything in that declara tion to which the American Legion can object you ask. Certainly not. The Legion subscribes to every, word of it. Compare it to the preamble of the constitution of our organization. But, as you and I both must be aware, it is one thing for a great or ganization like the American Legion or the American Federation of Labor to aspire to lofty alms and in con ventions assembled give birth to ex cellent pronouncements; and it is another thing for such organizations to go out and In the dally acts and deliberations of its individual mem bers and small groups always adhere to such declarations "In this respect the problems of the respective organizations we rep resent appear to be the same. We have before us constantly the task of living up to our professed decla rations in letter and spirit. I venture the same may be said of organized labor. "I shall look forward with pleas ure to the time when we may meet and personally discuss some of the phases of our common problem." Tragedy Becomes Comedy Behind Scenes. Othello Strangles Deademona in a Marry So She Can Cateh Her Train. UDAPEST, Jan. 1. The exigency of a commuter desiring to catch the last train for a suburb compelled Othello to stifle Desdemona with ex traordinary dispatch in the presenta tion of Shakespeare's tragedy at the National theater the other night. Emily Markus. the first tragic actress of thiB country, who was playing Desdemona. lives just outside of this city and has to catch the last train home. So when Othello burst into Desde mona's bed chamber to declaim his passionate monologue before he sti fled her, the audience was amazed to see that the Moor of Venice was ap parently so furious that he could find no words to express his passion, and Desdemona was smothered before the spectators had time to shudder. Afterward it was learned that Miss Markus had whispered Into the ear of the outraged Othello: "Please stran gle me quickly. If you are going to cackle your soliloquy I will lose my last train." So the kind-hearted Moor complied with the last wish of the doomed woman. S. H. tfreen Holman Fuel Co Adv stamps ror cash. Main 353. 560-21 FRIEDLANDER'S GOLDEN ANND7ERSARY JUBILEE SALE. See Page 13. This Section. Do You Need Cash? We require reliable merchandise in the follow ing lines for immediate bargain selling: Ready-to-YVear Silks Wash Goods Boys' Clothing Aprons Shoes Hosiery Furnishings Knit Underwear Undermuslins No stock too large or too small if the price is right ! ! Write, Wire or Telephone The Bon Marche Bargain Basement Seattle, Washington Year's Timber Cat of District Has 374.000.000 Feet; More Than 97,000,000 Paid Workers. ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 1. (Special.) The lumber industry is one of the most Important revenue producers In the district of which Astoria ie the commercial center. Especially is this crue in tne amount of money ex pended for labor. During the 12 months, ended Friday night, the mills and logging camps in this immediate district distributed more than 7,000. 000 among the workers employed by them, as well as immense sums among merchants and others for supplies. In the same period the local mills cut 374,000,000 feet of lumber. Some of this product brings only small prices, while the choice grades sell at high rates. A fair average of the price at the mills is $35 a thousand feet, so the cut of the local plants during tne past IS months brought the sum of 113,090,000 into Clatsop county. Lumber Output Big One. The lumber cuts, in feet, by the individual mills during the year were as follows: Astoria Box comranr 20.CO0.00O Astoria Lumber company 5,000.000 Crossett-Western Lumber com pany 67,000.000 Hammond Lumber company. .. .120.000.000 ivnappion Mill & Lumber Co.... I'VWhmhxi Prouty Lumber & Box company. 10.000.000 VWstDort Lumber comD&nv SO.oon rto Warrenton Lumber company . . . 8.000.000 Clatsop Lumber Mills 24.0O0.0Oj tveuy Luraoer company d.ouo.vou Total 874.000.000 During the year the lumber mills expended the sum of $3,600,000 for labor, the payrolls of the individual plants being: Astoria Box company Astoria Lumber company Crosselt-Western Lumber com pany Hammond Lumber company Knappton Mill & Lumber Co Clatsop Lumber Mills Prouty Lvmber company Warrenton Lumber company Westport Lumber company Kelly Lumber company J22S.OOO 40.000 623.000 1,200.000 24O.O0O 300,000 S0.00J 65.000 725.0O0 40.000 Total IS.600.0O0 Camps Get Huge Total. The payrolls of the several log ging camps In the district in 1920 amounted to approximately $4,030,000, and the amounts distributed at the carious camps were: Croseett Timber company $ 350.000 m . mmoer company 4.' ooo Brix Louring company 44XUKW racmc Logging company .North Bank Logging company .. Larkin-Oreen Logging comoanv. Potter 8t Cheater 200,000 Crown-Willamette company 35i'kmi H. E. Noble 100,000 Kinney Timber company 100.000 California Barrel company 200.000 Big Creek Logging company SOO.oOo Prouty Lumber company 80.000 saddle Mountain company ZOO. OOO 150.000 250.001: 4."." Lewis A Malone 15O.000 Smaller camps 200.000 Total $4,030,000 Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. Be Here TOMORROW Phegley & Cavender's Clearance Sale Is at Its Best Now This is not a sale of odd lots, but the reductions quoted here cover our entire stock, which means that you have 2000 Suits and Overcoats to select from at these savings. Buy now while our assortment is complete. $45 $50 $55 $60 SUIT OR overcoat suit or overcoat SUIT OR OVERCOAT SUIT OR OVERCOAT Overcoats Now $30.00 Now $33.35 Now $36.65 Now $40.00 Now $19.50 Now $43.35 Now $46.65 Now $50.00 Now $60.00 $65 $70 $75 SUIT OR OVERCOAT SUIT OR OVERCOAT SUIT OR OVERCOAT $90 SUIT OR OVERCOAT The Phegley & Cavender Label Has Always Stood for Satisfaction and a Guarantee of Best Values Phegley & Cavender CORNER FOURTH AND ALDER STS. BLOW-UP CLEW Harry A. Stroud, special agent of Associated Press he discredited the that, the agent said, the Waupun mente befoie and after his convic -the department of justice, told the I responsibility of Lundblad's word in I prisoner made "many weird state- I lion in Milwaukee last October. ITALIAN BELIEVED TO KXOW ABOUT EXPLO&IOX. Prisoner at Wisconsin Penitentiary Says He Could Throw Light on Gotham Disaster. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jan. L Gio vanni Costello, Italian radical and ex-convict, has been named by Eric Lundblad, prisoner at Waupun peni tentiary, as having possible knowl edge of the Wall-street explosion in which more than 30 persons were killed and many injured a few months ago, federal authorities announced Friday. , i a .pi u m H m fm 00 HAZELWC HAZELWOOD Sunday Dinner $1.25 Cream of Chicken Corn Soup, or Chicken Broth in Cup Celery Ripe Olives Choice of Head Lettuce, Roquefort Dressing:, or Shrimp Salad Choice of Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Roast Prime Ribs au Jus Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce Roast Leg of Veal, Dressing Roast Young Chicken, Giblet Sauce Baked or Mashed Potatoes Choice of Stringless Beans Creamed Cauliflower Lima Beans, Buttered Asparagus on Toast Rolls or Bread and Butter French Pastry, Pudding, Ice Cream or choice of Pie Tea Coffee Hot Chocolate Milk A I I i 9f Hazelwood Plate Dinner 75c Cream of Chicken Com Soup Choice of Salmon, Halibut or Chicken Fricassee with Noodles or , Roast Veal with Dressing Stringless Beans, Creamed Cauliflower Mashed or Baked Potatoes Choice of Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk or Buttermilk Hazelwood Vegetable Dinner 40c Baked Sweet Potatoes Creamed Cauliflower Lima Beans Asparagus on Toast Bread and Butter Tea Coffee or Milk THET(azGlcDOod QJ VcONFECnONERf & RESTAURANT 388 Washington St. 127 Broadway BURGLAR PROOF TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY ALL the girls called him "Burglar Proof" because he wouldn't spend. He was a human thrift stamp! Whenever he got a dollar he taught it to play dead. BUT one night he met a beautiful dancing baby lamb, and she brought a look to his eyes as if someone had put something in his coffee. J ES, that dizzy night he slipped and then it was a shame the way that man spent lucre. He had a wild old time catching up. JOHN R . BRITZ DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Leads his popular oreheatra In another splendid neconipanlment and Intermisalon Concert .Vnmher. Prlml'a "Firefly," Introducing G I a n n I tt a M I a," "A W o m n n ' Smile." Love Is Like Klreflj-.' CHESTER SCENIC: "Adam and Eve in the Andes"- -Comedy THEMA&K ferfEOlOW