THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, JANUARY 2, 1921 Nexirk of Ubrld Slo ' jcew jjr v- tn the November election the young Chapultepec, Mexico. In the illustra tion Mrs. Obregon is second from the right. Xest congressman on record was chosen in the 13th distr'ct of Michigan. He ie Clarence J. MclJeod a i stroit -ttorney, who became 26 years old July J. 1920. Ho 13 to serve After having lived as a monk for 20 years, James Connell Biddle, merdber of a prominent Philadelphia family, has taken a bride. She was Miss Lena out the terra or the iate congressman C. E. Nichols. The republican nomina tion for this seat was won August 31 less than two months after Mr. Mc- Gaines of Warrenton. Va. They were wedded in Washington, D. C. after he gave up life in a monastery at Geth samane, Ky. Leod became eligible to make the race. He is owner and editor of the Wasn I 1 nBaM? fX9i ill- I ! ington Post. He is said to be in favor ; I RJBflRl . WSR " I I I f?! WRl W of reviving the inaugural balL I H g M 1- j XH' 1 Ji - . .. .... . . i isBCsacT -!-.' m. I :3Si-v w ; rsm-f mm. wwm in tne ruture it is sajo, most oiri hh VH3m " Ok'tV l t m . It 5 Uncle Sam's big field guns will be.-1 . r "K ijStgWBl MSt' 'Ml -fW - 'IS' mounted on caterpillar tractors. The! I IBBBBM 2lW ' I vmBgk tdr' .SL f MM - J I tractor recently tested out easily car-f I IBbH M. ' , ' 1 -A I' j ' H Mf X Marshal Foch. who commanded the allied forces in the world war. Is a clever marksman and enthusiastic hunter. A picture presented here chows him in civilian clothes as he was waiting for a shot at a pheasant, in a recent hunt. Shortly after the inauguration of her husband as president of Mexico, lira Alvara Obregon was hostess at a tea party to American men and women, at the presidential palace in Contained in pne of the thousands which short-circuited witn a nasn i Jm&ttr JBSL. TJ' ..aaHg3MWWIMWf of bags of mall which arrived in New and fired the oil covered waters under I .. . vHHbBSHHHHV York on the liner Aquitanla was one the Jancke drydc-cks at New Orleans, i BBHk :WM,- i nt ;S ?fv '.-BjfiiHHBBJBJf swSkaSvJLaH live parcel which has not been ac- La... caused a conflagration which? nHK ImEBm' V jHHSVI BBBh ! counted for a little blue kitten. In destroyed' property valued at $8.000.- k :W ' BwBBVJBV s 1 Ifi coming from England the kitten spent t00 to $10,000,000. includ'ng three I BBBBk '' 'fSk mSBKMM . "vfl : B i? eight 'days, without food or water. , vessels. V 'W S fift ' jHHHHk" Edward Eeale McLean of Washing- Motorcycles with side-cars are be-f M Zjt&f'' I JHk .' g ton, D. C, has been selected by Presl- coming popular in London as taxi- IBflHlliP jfiVaBnL JBBBHHnVAVAl dent-Elect Harding as chairman of cabs, it is reported. Speed and low KJ HHSRAB BJBJP flH Mk PPWM the committee to arrange details of cost of operation make them popular. flJBHBSJHHJHJ '1111" HJ HflHBW B 'iwHBBwSS the ceremonies-next March. In some Instances girls operate them. BBKBBl ,aaBH fl Iff W BBJ ' je lf oLl "- 1 i ' .. "r-"-v -V ( -i'" iBWW.ailiySsW'- ' - r if fc i j yydf ?S-J&&rS' sSfes Py(- SJ-J'? . dPf"ztrK'"?0 f fvr?'rz.