The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 02, 1921, Magazine Section, Page 4, Image 76

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r rorcfD-v YCkcor- 1 .aT-OVT
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AsSeen By C&jnero.
TX the November election the young-
Iest congressman on- record was
chosen in the 13th distr'ct of
Michigan. He is Clarence J. MclJeod,
a i Jtroit attorney, who became 26
years old July 3. 1920. He 13 to serve
out the term of the late Congressman
C. E. Nichols. The republican nomina
tion for this seat was won August 31.
less than two months after Mr. Mc
Leod became eligible to make the
Marshal Foch. who commanded the
allied forces in the world war. Is a
rlever marksman and enthusiastic
hunter. A picture presented here
shows him in civilian clothes as he
was waiting for a shot at a, pheasant.
recent hunt.
Shortly after the Inauguration of
her husband aa president of Mexico.
Mrs1. Alvara Obregon was hostess at
a tea party to American men and
women, at the presidential palace in
Cbapultepec. Mexico. In the illustra
tion Mrs. Obregon is second from the
After having lived as a monk for 20
years. James Connell BiddJe, meniber
of a prominent Philadelphia family,
has taken a bride. She waa Miss Lena
Gaines of Warrenton. Va. They were
wedded in Washington, D. C after he
gave up life in a monastery at Geth
samane, Ky.
oirs of world BrMBHfe.
v ci nxr jx 77ifv Am m i
mm ; imz ;i
He is owner and editor of the Wasu I MH9 '" aHk; . '' :HP
ington Post. He is said to be in favor j 1 S t r 'lBS
oi reviving the inaugural ball. X?&tQB 'tW&&"&- SiiSK- : ?: MHH
In the future it Is said, most oft 'Sl' 'BBlSSiSi -"' Sr" I Si -
Uncle Sam's big field guns will be- M 1ft fSBm '9E&' III
tractor recently tested out easily car-f B 'SBr i 4PHBBBV?: W8
ries a big 115-mm. gun 14 miles an j BS KM ' ' Xr - ijt'5 'JBBBKHBflBir
hour, and can negotiate 45-degree j jfejg'
Contained in one of the thousands which short-circuited with a flash i ' B .HL. r j feC WBjjK "
of bags of mail which arrived in New and fired the oil covered waters under ! BBBB& A MSBBkBIEnHHBBBW
York on the liner Aquitania was one the Jancke drydocks at New Orleans. J BBBk JMVg-...''' I BjHBHflBBBBf s& fli -1 jKy
llve parcel which has not been ae- La... caused a cor.f'.agration which! HflBBBk JBBf.3B BBBBaBB JBsW ,v
counted for a little blue kitten. In destroyed property valued at 8.uu0.- BBBBBm BHIF' .jHif BjHBB '. H'
coming from England the kitten spent t00 to JIO.000,000. includ'ng threef. BflBflBk MBjBM'j'''; fflflTOT BpK JMBflVBfl
eight 'days, without food or water. . vessels. KhBkBBS S ' Kf . f! ' $1. - "-
Edward Beale McLean of Washing- Motorcycles with side-cars are be-f BIBB ."'.' -1'A; jjBKku. 9BHflBflK
ton, D. C, has been selected by Presl- coming popular In London as taxi- ' -ilal Rql SjBMBH
dent-Elect Harding as chairman of cabs, it is reported. Speed and low H RflBs BBjBP BflHk MPWil!SB
the committee to arrange details operation make them popular. BjBjBBBflBflBM 'BP BflBflflHBflk. BflBflBsEl WB Bll" HBBflHHHBflH
the inaugural ceremonies next March. In some instances girls operate them. BBjKHflBK9H8 .jmMhMWWMBBWI JSmjlmBSKSEHBS MB
' '
; u 1 ' . MHByBflHBBfln - 9SSsSB HfB
iW L MwMCBillSFnHf : ' wBWBBBafe
-a. v -' '-ifi 1;- 'B9aBBM if ' rgaSS-