The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 02, 1921, SECTION SIX, Page 3, Image 69

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Uniform Regulations in Four
States Proposed.
Draft to Go Before Four Legisla
tures Outcome of Meeting of
Secretaries of State.
The most important meeting ever
held in the Pacific northwest looking
to unification of traffic regulations
of the states of Oreeon. Washington
Idaho and Montana, was that of
December 20 and 21 in this city, when
the secretaries of state of the four
states, together with traffic officer
of Portland, Seattle and other points,
met to discuss the drawing up of a
uniform code.
Proposed regulations, together with
an explanatory statement, nave Deen
prepared by Sam Kozer, secretary of
state for Oregon, who was instru
mental in calling the meeting here
and has taJcen tne leaoersnip in. me
effort toward uniform traffic laws.
The DroDOsed regulations, it is under
stood, are to be presented to the
legislatures of the four states for
consideration at fortncoming sessions.
The regulations prepared are as
(a) Kvery motor vehicle operated or
driven upon the public highway of this
state shall be provided with two sets of
Independently operated brakes, either of
which shall be capable of stopping; the car
in accordance with the following table:
20 miles per hour 30 feet
15 miles per hour 21 feet
20 miles per hour W feet
25 miles per hour 58 feet
SO miles per hour 84 feet
Kxcept motorcycles, which shall have at
kut one brake capable of complying with
"th ithAvi nrovlsions.
f (b) Erery motor vehicle, shall be pro
vided with a suitable bell, horn or other
signal device, which shall be rung or blown
as a signal or warning to any person or
whenever there is danger of collision or ac
cident, White Headlight Required,
tcS Every motor vehicle operated or
driven upon the public highways of the
state shall exhibit, during the period from
one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour
before sunrise and at all times when fog
or other atmospheric conditions render the
operation of aald motor vehicle dangerous
to traffic or the ose of the highways, at
leait two headlamps, one on each side of
said vehicle, showing white lights visible
st least 500 feet or more in advance of
said ssJlhlTSi Such Lights shall be o de
signed, deflected or arranged as to pro
duce sufficient light to reveal objects at IBS ft ahead thereof and 10 feet
on either side of the center line of said
chicle, measured at a distance of 10 feet
In front thereof, and In such manner that
the beam of light therefrom, when meas
ured 75 feet or more ahead of the lamp,
shall not rise above 42 inches from the
level surface on which the vehicle stands
under all conditions of load
Such motor vehicle or any trailer at
tached thereto shall have attached to the
rear not less than one lamp showing a red
light, visible at least 200 feet in the rear
ct such vehicle, and the same light or
additional light casting white ray of suf
ficient strength on the rear number plate
thereof so that such number plate may be
easily read at a distance of at least 60
feet; provided, that motorcycles shall be
required to carry only one light in the
front thereof which shall comply as to II
Inminatlon and deflection with the forego
ing section, and shall carry a red light to
the rear or In lieu of a red light the motor
cyclees may use red reflex mirrors In the
rear; provided further, that It shall be un
lawul to display other than white lights
at the front of any vehicle,
Trucks Width Restricted.
Every motor truck, the body of which
exceed fix feet in width, shall exhibit,
Auna-g the hours of darkness, in addition
to the above required lights, a white light
en the loft side of the machine defining
the limit c-f the body of the machine or
the overhanging load, if any there be. and
beyond the outside thereof: the said light
shsll be so fixed or carried that the said
light .halt be seen both from the front
nd rear of said motor truck; provided,
thst no vehicle shall be operated on the
bighwavs of this state whose width over
sll. including load, exceeds eight feet.
fcHery vehicle carrying a load which pro
jects over the resr end three feet or more
shall be required to display a red flag
by dav and a light by night on tbe rear
end of ouch overhanging load. (Special
width ksd ) ,
All vehicles, other thsn motor
when operated upon the hlghwas between
one-hart hour after sunset and one-ha;f
hour before sunrisv and at all times when
fog or other atmospnenc conoiiions rewaej
- .J. 'rHsSSBSSSSBSsBsSSBBBSSsBBiH '' ' ' " V ' V V
- ' JhC7 jyigdassssssssssssssSB'mssrsstt
We have the personal word of Edward S. Jordan, president of the Jordan Motor Car company, who won a
warm place for himself in the regard of the local automobile men during his visit here last fall, that the
new Jordan shown above "seats two and three if they are friendly." The car is finished in South
ampton tape, which appears green in the morning and gray in the twilight, Jordan says. The body Is .custom
built along unusually distinctive lines. Unfortunately. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver will be unable to get one of
the cars here in time for the auto show, although they will receive one shortly after that and put it on display
in their showrooms. . ,
right side of the vehicle shall indicate a
turn to the left.
(d) Arm extended upward from thr
left side of the vehicle shall indicate a
turn to the right.
Open Passage Necessary.
10. The person in charge of any vehicle
moving slowly along And upon any street,
road or hichwav shall keeD such vehicle
as closely as practicable to the right hand
boundary of such street, roail or hignwuj
so as to allow more swiftly moving vehicles
reasonably free DMMSsTS to the lett.
1 1. J' h o janitor of a motor vehicle
shall, on signal, by raising the hand
from a person riding, leading or driving
In the opposite direction a horse or horses
or other animals, bring such motor vehicle
immediately to a storp, and remain sta
tionary so Ions; as may be reasonable to
allow such animal or animals to pass, and
if traveling in the same direction, shall
use reasonable caution In passing such
animal or animals; provided, that in case
such animal or animals appear badly
frightened or the person operating such
motor vehicle is so signaled to do, such
person shall cause the motor of such
vehicle to cease running so long as shall
be reasonably necessary to prevent acci
dent and insure the safety of others.
12. When overtaking or passing a street
or interurban car on its right nand side, a
driver of a vehicle shall bring such vehicle
to a full stop before passing over or by
any place where a street or Interurban car
is stopping or stopped, and shall not pro
ceed when persons are getting on or off.
or about to get on or off, of said street
or interurban car, unless said driver can
maintain a distance of at least six feet
between said vehicle and the running
board or lower step of uch street or .In
terurban car.
Clear View Necessary.
13. Every vehicle shall be kept on the
right half of the road, street or highway
traveled and no vehicle shell overtake and
pass any other moving vehicle when the
view ahead is not clear for at least 100
14. Every motor vehicle when moving In
defiles, canyons or mountain passes where
curvature of the road or highway prevent
a clear view for a distance of 100 yards,
shall be held under control and shall In
approaching all curves give signals with
reovsm oiasts or strones oi norn, oeu.
whistle, gong or other signaling device of
Its approach, and upon all curves to the
right shall keep to the inside or said
curves, and upon all curves to the left
shall keep to the outside of said curves.
1CV No race or contest for speed shall
be held upon any road, street or highway
in this state without the permission of the
authorities of the state, county or mu
nicipality having jurisdiction of said road,
street or highway, and unless the same
is fully snd efficiently patrolled for the
entire distance over which' said race or
contest for speed Is to be held.
14L I&very person operating a motoi
vehicle on the public highways of this
slat shall drive the same in a careful
and prudent manner, not to exceed 30
miie per hour, and in no case at a rate
of speed that will endanger the property
of another, or the life and limb of any
Park Drivers Cautioned.
IT. Upon all narrow ways in parks,
passes and defiles, not otherwise herein
provided for, all vehicles shsll proceed In
one direction only as the signboards and
conspicuously displayed regulations upon
such narrow ways In parks. and
defiles so located shall then define. The
direction in which all vehicles ehall o
proceed may be declared by park com
missioner in parks and by the county
coirunlwionen or other legally constituted
authorities with respect to narrow passes
and defiles within their respective Jurls-
of its occurrence without complying with
this section, and if this complying with
this section, however, is not done, it shall
be a violation of this act, and punished
accordingly as herein provided, and in
civil action for damages, as in this act
elsewhere provided, shall be construed as
an evidence of fault.
Mishap to Be Reported.
24. The dri vers of all ve h icles shal 1
within 12 hours after causing Injury to any
person or damage to any vehicle or prop
erty, report the same to tbe constituted
police power of the locality in which the
accident or collision occurred, giving the
information obtained as hereinbefore pro
vided. 25. Bocal authorities shall have no
power to pass, enforce or maintain any
ordinance, rule or regulation, affecting a
slower rate of speed than herein specified
at if- such vehicles may be operated,
or the uss of the roads, streets and high
ways of this state, contrary to or incon
sistent with the provisions of this act; and
all such ordinances, rules and regulations
now In force are hereby declared to be of
no validity or effect; provided, however,
that the local authorities may limit by or
dinance, rule or regulation hereafter
adopted, the speed of vehicles on the
streets within their respective corporate
limits, on condition that such ordinance,
rule or regulation shall also fix the speed
limitation for all vehicles, not to be in any
case less than one mile in six minutes, and
on further condition that all local authori
ties' shall also have placed conspicuously
on each main street, road or highway of
this state where the boundary of such local
authority crosses the same, and on every
main street where the rate of speed
changes, signs of sufficient size to be easily
readable by persons us'ng the same, bear
ing the words, "Dowi to miles"
(the rate being Inserted , an with
AetlsAs: and when so dsclarftd shall be eo
shall mpta? on the left side or taia
vehicle a white light which must be visible
from the front and rear Tor a distance noi
Ifee than 200 feet In either direction.
The term "beam of light" shall be con
strued to mean the reflected rays of light
which are projected approximately parallel
to the optical axis of the reflector.
The above provisions of this act shall
not apply to spotlights, but all spotlights
shall, while in use upon the highways of
this state, bo so directed that tbe beam
of light shall strike the roadway at least
six ieet to the right and not more than
76 feet In front thereof.
Kemr View Kasenflal.
d Evfiy owner or operator of any
b snot or vehicle constructed or loaded as to
prevent au unobstructed view directly to
the rear, used on the public highways of
this state, shall equip such motor vehicle
with a mirror or other device to enable
the driver thereof to have such a clear
and unobstructed view of the rear as will
enable him to obey the ' rules of the road"
when overtaken by any other vehicle.
e) All vehicles operated on- the high
ways of this state which are so constructed
that hand and arm signals given by the
driver are not visible to the rear of said
vehicle must be equipped with a suitable
mechanical or electrical device capable of
giving unmistakable signals as to the In
tention of the driver to fctop or turn such
1. Vehicles proceeding In the opposite
direction shall pass to the right, giving
one-half of the road to each.
vehicles proceeding In the same di
rection in overtaking each other shsll pass
to the left.
The overtaking vehicle shall main
tain it kwrd until clear of the overtaken
vehicle and for uch distance thereafter
MS Shall pre r.t dust Sr 1 mua inryw in
nnn th overtaken vehicle.
4. The signal to pass shall be given
by ens blast or stroke or the horn, oeu,
whistle, gong or other signaling device,
ft. Should the overtaken vehicle then
not give way. three such blasts or sig
nals shall be given, and upon the failure
to comply therewith, the overtaking ve
hicle may at the next suitable place safe
for both vehicles go by without further
a. It shall be the duty of the operator
of every overtaken vehicle to turn to the
right and give one-half the road to the
overtaking vehicle, and shall not increase
his speed while being passed.
Crossing Rules laid Down.
7. Drivers, when approaching highway
Intersections, shall look out for and give
right-of-way to vehicles on their right,
simultaneously approaching a given point,
provided, however, that atreet and inter
urban cars and emergency vehicles shall
have the right-of-way at all times at such
higbwav Intersections.
8. All vehicles approaching an Inter
section of a street, road or highway with
the intention of turning thereat, shall, in
turning to the right, keep closely to the
right, and in turning to the left, shall run
to snd beyond the center of the intersec
tion. 0. The driver of anyt vehicle about to
turn, either from a standstill or while in
motion, shall give timely signal by hand
or w-hip, or in some other unmistakable
manner. Indicate the direction of the turn
as follows:
a) Arm extended horisonally from
aitber the right or left side of the vehicle
shall Indicate a turn In the direction io
Which the arm Is extended.
(b) Arm extended downward from
either the right or left side of the vehicle a collision or consequence resulting from a
ahull indicate a stop, mistake in Judgment or arising from ac-
Ifi Arm extended upward from the ' cidont shall move away from, tan slas
gard thereto and the direction in which
all vehicles shall so travel.
Is. No vehicle shall be moved, run or
operated on the roads, streets or highways
of this state by any person unable or
incapable to control and properly operate
the same' with due regard to the safety
of the public and other vehicles; provided,
that in all cases any person In a state
of Intoxication Is deemed conclusively in
capable and unable to control and operate
the same.
19. No person having control or charge
of a motor vehicle shall allow such ve
hicle to stand Jn any public street or
nubile highway unattended without first
effectively setting the brakes thereon and
stopping the motor of said vehicle. No
vehicle shall be stopped or parked upon
the main traveled portion or any hignvvav
In this state; provided, that this shall not
apply to any vehicle so disabled as to
prevent the moving of the same.
Smoke Exhaust Regulated.
20. No vehicle shall be operated with
an excessive smoking exhaust upon any
road, street or highway in this state
Gongs and siren whistles shall not be used
on any vehicle other than ambulances or
vehicles operated by a police department
fire department, sheriff or other police of
ficer, or upon any such vehicles only when
moving in response to emergency rails.
21. Patrol wagons, police ambulances.
fire patrols, fire engines and fire apparatus
shsll In all cases, with due regard to the
safety of the public, have right-of-way,
all provisions of this act to the contrary
notwithstanding; but this act shall not
protect the driver of any such vehicle
from consequence In the arbitrary exercise
of this right or ror injuries wurmiy in
flicted. 22. In all localities where an author
lxed officer, marshal!, constable or police
man, conspicuously displaying his star or
badge and then discharging the duty of
regulating and directing traffic In this
locality, shall signal any vehicle to take
any direction or to stop or otherwise pro
ceed for the safety of the public. It shall
be the duty of the driver of such vehicle
to obey said directions and to comply with
the orders of said officer.
Injured Most Be Aided.
2.1. Should any pedestrian, vehicle or
other object from any cause come In con
tact with a moving vehicle in the roads.
streets or highways of this state. It shall
be the duty of the driver of said vehicle
to stop and render such aid and assist
ance as may bb required and In case of
injury to persons or damage to any vehicle
or property, it shall be the duty of the
driver of either vehicle, or any occupant
thereof to furnish the driver of the other
vehicle or to any occupant of such vehicle
or witness of the accident, or in case of
sn Injured pedestrian to such pedestrian
or witness, the license number of his
vehicle, the true name and address of
the owner, the name and address of the
driver and of each occupant of said vehi
cle, and it shall likewise be the duty of
any witness of the accident to furnish to
the driver or occupant of said vehicles, his
or her true name and address, and the
drivers of said vehicles, or any other
Dartiee concerned In said accident, shall
make a written notation of the time, plaee.
date and other data, togetner witn tne
names and addresses of witnesses pres
ent. "Each and all of said Information, how
ever, shall not be construed or determined
as fixing liability In either case for fault
or negligence of either party, but shall be
a means of Identification of the facts and
circumstances only, and neither party to
arrow pointing in the direction where the
speed Is to be reduced or changed; and,
provided further, that such an ordinance,
rule or regulation shall fix the penalties
for violation thereof similar to and no
greater than those proscribed In this act
for violation of speed limitation by ve
hicles; and provided further, that on any
portion of any road, street or highway
where, on account of sharp curvature or
other causes, it Is deemed unsafe for ve
hicles to operate at the maximum speed
allowed In this act, or to be parked on
such portion of said highway, the county
court or other Jurisdictional body may
regulate such speed or parking pjrivllege,
by ordinance, rule or regulation hereafter
adopted, on condition that said ordinance,
rule or regulation shall regulate all ve
hicles alike, said speed limit not to be In
any case less than one mile in six minutes,
and on further consideration that said
Jurisdictional body shall cause to be posted
at either end of such portion of said high
way, signs of sufficient size to be easily
readable, setting forth the speed and park
ing privileges allowed, and stating by
whose order said regulations are made,
and thereafter any violations of said order
shall be deemed unlawful and shall be
punishable as set out in this act : pro
vided further, that nothing in this act
contained shall be construed as limiting
the power of local authorities of incor
porated cities and towns to make and en
force further ordinances prescribing fees,
rules and regulations affecting motor o
other vehicles."
Radical Changes Made,
One of the most radical changes, at lea.
radical to this section of the country, sug
gested by the conference of secretaries of
state held at Portland, December 20 and
21, was perhaps that of permitting motor
vehicles to proceed where there is room
for certain safety zones, where street or
Interurban cars are Mopped and in the
act of taking on or discharging passengers
The traffic regulations In all north
western cities require that motor vehicle
'drivers must bring their machines to a
full stop when proceeding in the same
direction as a street or interurban car,
when such car Is taking on or discharging
Its load of passengers regardless of the
fact that there may be 20 feet or more of
wasted space between such car and the
curb line of the street or road. If a little
thought Is given to the subject it will be
readily seen that this Is an ancient and
antiquated cue torn and retards rather
than assists congested traffic.
The whole scheme of traffic regulation
Is to keep traffic moving and moving
safely, not to stop it. Starting and stop
ping traffic Is where the danger to the,
pedestrian is most likely to be. for he
cannot know if the approaching vehoile Is
always a perfect plfce of mechanism or If
Its driver's mind Is expertly trained to
meet any emergency. Therefore the ped
estrian does not know just what he should
do or where he should be in order to en
joy the greatest possible decree of safety,
nor can the average country driver, who
must of necessity be in the city occasion
ally, know at what minute he may go
wrong and be hailed before some stern
magistrate. As it has become absolutely
necessary that many people travel in
motor vehicles, some large cities have es
tablished one-way traffic regulations on
congested streets, simply to keep traffic
moving. Take a motor vehicle upon any
street, having street car service, where
the traffic regulations permit of a 20-miis
rate or speed, and do compeuea to stow
every t;me the street car does to accommo
date its Dfl.-seniT'Ts: continue under suet.
conditions for fifteen or twenty blocks and
one is soon convinced of the inconvenience
of such a regulation, and the folly of it if
sufficient space existed in which to provide
saiety zones.
Safety Zone Is Urged.
Wherever It Is possible to do so a six
foot safety zone ehoul be provided for
the use of those In getting on or off street
or interurban cars. In such a zone ex
tending the length of a street car more
pedestrians can be accommodated than
oan bo conveniently seated in iuch a car.
When mw-h nrovlsion is made the pedes
trian knows his rights, feels confident of
hie personal satety ana tne motor rausss
driver Is permitted to go on about his
business and with less fear of some pedes
trian aimlessly getting in his way. and
traffic is thus renewed instead of retarded.
Uniform hand or arm signals will be a
great relief to the traveling publlo if sim
plified as suggested by the meeting. A
complicated set of signals in one city and
a more elaborate set in another confuses
the driver. As driving is only secondary
In his consideration and simply his means
of getting from one place to another, he
should not be compelled to digest a lot
of complicated signals. The signals sug
gested by the secretaries are practicable
and as truly applicable to the country vil
lage as to the congested city and as easily
understood by the country driver as the
city traffic officer.
The use of the arm signal was considered
of sufficient importance that where motor
vehicles were so constructed that such
signals could not be visible from the rear,
such vehicles should be equipped with a
suitable mechanical or electrical device
capable of giving unmistakable signals to
Indicate the intention of the driver.
, Road Markers Important.
In recommending appropriate and uni
form signs and road markers for the con
venience of the traveling puduc, ine sec
retaries took another big forward step
Who has not driven on a strange highway
and been confused by one sign readin
such a distance to a given point, whil
someone else's sign gives it a mile o
two nearer or farther, as the case may be
Such signs should be placed by authority
of the state and contain tne speea iaw
the states party to the agreement, correct
distances between towns or cities and
where laws relative to traffic might be
obtained. Markers designating dangerous
mipvm erades. directions for turning, etc,
will save time for the motorist and keep
the farmer from answering a lot of fool
n npstions.
With reference to who shall have the
rieht of wav. the secretaries used the sim
plest and plainest wording possible when
said. Drivers, wnen approacomi imaw
Intersections, shall look out for and give
right of way to vehicles on their ngnt.
tTnrfr such a common sense ruling no
other than a blind man need have an
accident at a road Intersection. Just to
lonk is the only requirement imposed on
the driver, and together with the common
sense advice given in the motor vehicle
law to "drive In a careful and prudent
manner, not to exceed 30 miles an hour,
and in no case at a rate of speed that will
endanger the property of another, or the
life and limb of any person," should be
miffifipnt rules of the road for all.
The suggestion that vehicles be prohib
ited from parking upon the main traveled
nnrtinn of any highway should be incor
porated in the law as another safeguard
against accidents. It is anticipated that
Rnme obiections will be encountered here
however it should be remembered that
itirisHictional bodies may regulate speed
or parking privileges by ordinance or order
and the posting oi apprepnaie signs sot
ting forth such privileges.
Useless Rules .Eliminated.
The practice now In force in some sec
tions of the country, of compeiing motor
vehicle operators to give, upon crossing
the imaginary line of a state boundary.
his name, age. color or hair, larnuy his
tory, make and motor number of his car
und where he got the wherewithal! to ac
quire such a vehicle smacks considerable
of European methods, the very methods
which recently cost this country billions
nf dollars and thousands of lives that such
a sVstem should not fasten its clutches
unon this democratic country of ours.
Thr business man or respected private clti
zi-n should not be unnecessarily molested in
going about his affairs and the visitor
from other sections should be made
feel he Is welcome In any community so
long as he keeps within the limits of rea
sonable laws which were provided for his
personal safety and consideration of the
other man a rights. The recommendation
of the secretaries that such courteous con
siderations as were possible be extended to
all and the exchange of state motor ve
hicle registration lists to assist in the
apprehension of violators of any criminal
law is commendable indeed. With such
365 Happy
Days in the
New Year
You owe it to yourself to your wife and to your children
to get away from the work and wTorries of each day into the
glorious Oregon country which lies all around you.
You might as well be a hermit in the midst of abundance as
live in Oregon without quick transportation to the beauty spots
so close to your home.
iake a New Year's resolution now. Get a Ford Sedan. Bring happiness for your
self and for every member of your family into every day of the New Year. No other
investment can bring so much pleasure and satisfaction or save so much time at so
small a cost as a Ford Sedan.
Henry Ford fixes the price himself . It is the same everywhere except for freight.
And that price is now lower than before the war. It has been cut below actual cost of
production. This present low price may be increased soon. So decide today. Resolve
to have a new Ford Sedan delivered at once and have 365 happy days in the coming
Chassis $360.00
Runabout (Regular) $395.00
Runabout (With Starter) $465.00
Touring (Regular) $440.00
Touring (With Starter). . . .$510.00
Coupe (With Starter) $745.00
Sedan (With Starter) $795.00
Truck (Pneumatic Tires) . .$545.00
The Prices Listed Above Are F. 0. B. Detroit.
For Sale by the Following Authorized Ford Dealers
Francis Motor Car Co.
Grand Avenue
at Hawthorne
Palace Garage Co.
12th Street at Stark
Wm. L. Hughson Co.
Broadway at Davis
Rushlight & Penney, Inc.
East Third at Broadway
Talbot & Casey Inc.
East Ankeny at Grand
Robinson-Smith Co.
Sixth at Madison
'The Weather Is Always Good in a Ford Sedan'
lists available at the office of the secre
tary of state, officers throughout the state
can conveniently, by telegraph or other
wise, soon determine the legal ownership
of any motor vehicle held under suspicion.
That registered chauffeurs should be
bonded is purely a business suggestion. It
protects the skilled driver from the un
skilled competitor and brings to the skilled
driver the confidence of the business world
and fixes responsibility.
A uniform license year to correspond
with the calendar year in all states Is of
vital interest to the law enforcing officer.
As an example of the difficulties besetting
this officer, attention is directed to the
Washington and the Oregon license plates
both to be in use after January 1. Both
plates are of green color with numerals of
white, of practically the same size and
design. It is easily understood how con
fusing this will be until March I, 1921,
when the Washington license will be of a
different color. If the calendar year was
the same in both states the new license
plates of the state of Washington, being
oi a dirrerent color, would be applied
January l, thereby eliminating all such
Emphasis Laid on Lights.
In the matter of equipment, the secre
taries have placed particular emphasis
upon the matter of light anid have re
quired that two (not one) ivead lamps,
showing white lights on the front of motor
vehicles shall be necessary w hen operating
at night It is betlileved, however, that to
operate a motor vehicle at any time with
out such equipment should be primafacle
evidence cf the violation of this act. In
providing for the deflection of such head
lamps tnat tnp Deam or light snail not
rise above a given distance in the road
will eliminate some of the danger now
experienced upon the highways from glar
ing lam-ps where no effort ia made to
comply with the law which requires the
operator of a motor vehicle to dim his
light when meeting an approaching vehicle.
To require ngnts on venicies opera tea
upon the public highways', by muscular
power is "both a protection to the horse
drawn vehicle and the motogist. Argu
ment in favor of such a provTion is pro
vidfed on most any main' highway where
one can find here ami there a borse-drawn
vehicle wrecked as the result of not being
equipped with a light, and more often
than otherwise personal injury 1 the re
sult of such weglect.
To com oel a lisrht to be D'aceti on the
left side of motor trucks whose body ex-
ceeds s4x feet in width, defining the limits
of the body or load, will be an aid to the
driver of an approaching vehicle. fo on
account of reflection of the lights ne is
facing can only Judge the width of such
approaching motor truck by imaginary
measurements from the position of the
two head lamps, or lights. Considerable
damage to property results from over
hanging widths of load and the danger
therefrom to a great .degree will be reme
died by this provision.
Most Pavements Narrow.
For the reasons evident herein, it was
deemed advisable to limit the w idth of
the load to eight feet over all, as most
ptaved highways In this and other states
do not eiceed 16 or 18 feet and where
such Loads of equal width should meet
more or less danger is encountered in
passing, while to permit loads of extreme
width to hold up other lighter and swifter
moving vehicles Is manifestly an Injustice
to such vehicles.
In recommending that a red nag by day
and a light by night be displayed on all
loads projecting three feet or more to
the rear, the secretaries were guided large
ly by the experience and benefits obianied
from city ordinances which require such
protective measures. In practically all the
western states the lumber industry must
use, to a greater or less extent, the de
signed highways of the States to bring to
the transportation lines the product or tne
mills, which product Is more frequently
than otherwise long timbers e.jeeding in
length by considerable distances, the vehi
cle or equipment upon which it may be
loaded, and la so doing endanger other
traffic. It Is only a wise provision to
extend this protection to outlying sections
Of the states where police protection is
The spotlight Is acknowledged as a
great convenience, but the abuse of such
a convenience as Is now the practice of
many drivers, convinced the secretaries
some action should be taken to control its
use, and by directing that its beam of light
shall strike the roadway at least six leet
to the right from its position upon the
vehicle (always assuming it Is to be at
tached to the left hand side of the vehi
cle) and not more than 75 feet In front
thereof, such abuse would be overcome to
so mo degree at least.
Common Complaint Met.
The most common complaint, other than
that of improper lights or the abuse there
of, coming from the general driving public
Is directed against the drivers of heavy
trucks, who, it is claimed, persist in hold
ing to the center of the road and refusing
to give the right-of-way to lighter and
more swiftly moving vehicles, approach
ing from the rear. In many instances in
the past, such complaint justifiable,
snd Is yet to a certain degree, as a few
truck drivers will take advantage of the
heavy machine under their control, regard
less of the rights of others. On the other
hand, the necessity for transporting bulky
loads by motor vehicles, does, in many in
stances, obstruct the view of the rear and
the noise attendant to the operation of
heavy motor trucks prevents the driver
having knowledge of approaching vehicles
or their desire to pass. It was therefore,
deemed advisable to require thst motor
vehicle: so constructed or loaded to ob
struct a clear view of the rear, shall bs
(Concluded on Page 4.)
(jjjj wfllte. the
Aato Show OWT
Complete Lini
22 -ton
3! 4 -ton
5- ton
6- ton
Trucks I
Only Truck Built With
3 Final Drives
Timken Worm
Internal Gear
Double Reduction
Notice to Dealers: Write, your territory may be open.
a W. C. Garbe, Inc. a
ft; m
Phone Broadway 616
Start 1921 Right
and You'll
End Right
Make it your New Year pledge that you
will equip your business for 1921 progress
with the best transportation medium there
is to be had.
That means you will put a MACK truck
on the job. Quickly you will realize that
a MACK works for you as an asset not
a liability. You can increase the radius of
your business. By providing a positive
transportation system so that you are en
tirely independent you will grow in favor
among old customers and add new ones.
MACK trucks are the most reliable mo
bile transportation units known. They
make the Business Man independent of all
other methods. That is because MACK
trucks have attained the degree of perfec
tion that, at this time, is unequaled. We
do not mean there are not other "good"
trucks, but we can Prove by Their Per
formance MACKS Are Best.
You Need a MACK.
A MACK Will Help
Your Business.
Tenth and Davis Streets
Broadway 691