rrnE srxDAT oregoxtax. Portland, January 2. 1921 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION WILL HOLD TWO CONVENTIONS Delegates Will Assemble at La Grande February 4, 5 and 6 and at Corvallis on 11th, 12th and 13th of Same Month. 2. THE annual conventions of the Oregon Chriatian EDdeavor un ion will be bld this year at La Grande, Or., on February 4, i and t. and at Corvallis, Or., on February IX, 13 and 1. It ha been the custom in the Lord Jesus Christ at East Twen recent year to ho'd two conventions, ' ty-nlnth and Stark streets will held . . . ... . , ,h. statu services at 10:30 A. M. today. Sun- one m " . and the other In the Willamette val- ley. This permits the attendance, of a larger number of delegates, and has been found more satisfactory than a ingle convention. The 40th anniversary of Christian v i -tli K nm m Amnra TmI with SifCCtl V VS. WJit . .- suitable ceremonies at both conven tions. This movement had Its birth In a little Congregational church in Willlston. Mass.. Feoruary S. 1881, and j " "K meeting will De neio inurs- is now a world-wide organization, ltsiay founder. Kev. Francis L.- Clark, has . been president of the United society The Church of Divine Truth will since 1886, and Is still a very active hold services in room 412, Central worker.. The theme of the convention will be Fellowship." and the principal speak ers will be: E. P. Gates of Boston, Mass., Paul Brown, of Los Angeles. Cal., and George L. Clark of Pendle ton, Or. These men have been prom inently identified with Christian En deavor work for many years, and a strong convention Is assured under their leadership. Miss Faye Stein metz. president of the Oregon union, has charge of arrangement and will be heard at the conventions also. Reports from Corvallis give prom ise of a most enthusiastic convention there. The Oregon Agricultural col lege is co-operating with the commit tee in every possible way. The La Grande committee is determined to how the delegates a royal welcome, and also guarantees a successful con vention. Uood progress is oe.ng maue In both places Rev. H. S. Shangle Leader. The Christian education movement of the Methodlat Episcopal Church, South, is headed in the northwest by Rev. H. S. Shangle, president of Co lumbia college, at Milton. Or. Dr. Shangle served during the centenary as missionary secretary, and has now beep appointed executive secretary of the Christian education movement for the four northwestern states, Oregon. Washington. Idaho and Montana. He will represent the movement in every pastoral charge In these four states In the next few months. Associated with him In the work re: Rev. E. J. Harper, Corvallis, Or.; Mrs. J. S. Avey, Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. P. D. Hartman. Stevensville. Mont.; Rev. C. A. Kexroad, Milton. Or.; Rev. Coy R. Sims. Spokane. Wash, and Mrs. H. S. Shangle, Milton, Or. These are the speakers at large for the movement, and others will be appoint ed later. A chairman for the minute men In each pastoral charge has been ap pointed, also a chairman for each dis trict, and a chairman for the confer ence as a whole. Judge V. P. Moses, Corvallis. Or., is conference chairman; Professor W. C. Howard, dean of Co lumbia college, is executive head of the alumni association of the col lege, and Miss Gladys Duthie Troy. Idaho. Is alumni secretary. The month of January will be the prayer month, February the live service month and March Christian stewardship month. Rryrf FundjGrows. Colonel Wlltiam N. Haskell, former ly allied high commissioner to Ar menia, and director of relief activities In the Caucasus, in an appeal for the thousands of Armenian orphans being cared for In near east relief orphan agea said: "American aid unquestionably has aved hundreds of thousands of lives In the near cast. I may conservative ly say that the Armenian people, as a nation, would have ceased to exist If American food, supplies, clothing and medicines had not been provided during the past two years. The pres ent problem In the near east, from a relief standpoint, is one of saving hu man lives. "I am glad to have had the priv ilege of doing my bit in relieving the distress in one section of the near east, namely Transcaucasia, and espe cially In Russian Armenia, where, upon my departure, I left an enthu iiastic group of near east relief work ers to carry on the activities in Transcaucasia." The first Christian Sunday school Of Portland has led the state for two years In tne saving oi uvea m i" near east. There is every indication that they may do the same this year. Their offering now amounts to (1458.47. Another offering was given by the Portland Realization league. 843.80. A newsboy gave all his wages for one week to help swell this contribution. Beaverton Congregational church sent 8129.36; East Side Baptist church. Portland. J300; Albany United Presby-. terkin church. $83.29; seventh grade. Chemawa Indian school, 815; Walter vllle union. J64.75; McMinnville Meth odist church. J211; and Lincoln Metho dist church of Portland, $129.53. Christian Scientists Will Preach on God. Trutlmony RricardlnK; Hrnllnica to Be Made Vednedny Mshl. THE SUBJECT of the lesson-sermon Christian Science churches today Is "God." Regular services will be held In the- Christian Science churches this morning at 11 and in all the churches tonight at 8. except in Fifth and Seventh churches. Regular meetings will be held Wednesday night in all the churches at 8 o'clock. These meetings will include testi monies of Christian Science healing. Free public reading rooms are maintained at 1133 Northwestern Bank building, and at 268 Burnside street. Sunday school is held for pupils to the age of 20 In all churches at 9:45 and 11 o'clock, except In Third and Fifth churches, where sessions convene at 9:$0 and 11 o'clock. The churches are as follows: First church. Nineteenth and Everett streets: Second church. East S'xth street and Holladay avenue; Third church. East Twelfth and Salmdn streets; Fourth church, Vancouver avenue and Emerson street: Fifth church. Sixty-second avenue and Forty-second street, southeast; Sixth church, Pythian temple. 3S8 Yamhill street; Seventh church. 403 Smith avenue, St. Johns. Evangelist L K. Dickson, will speak In Women of Woodcraft hall, corner Tenth and Taylor streets, to night oti the subject. "Balancing Protestantism on a Knife Edge; the More jtodern Healing of the 'Deadly Wound.' " The public are invited to these special Sunday night services. Professor I. C. Colcord will direct the music, which will Include a public song service preceding the lecture, rfnd also a male quartet composed of Messrs Colcord, first tenor; Dick son, second tenor; Randall, first bass; Magnusun, second bass. First Church of Psychic Science, Eleventh snd Alder streets, will hold services at 8 o'clock tonight, led by W. W. Aber, pastor. The topic of discourse at, the re cently Incorporated Independent B'bie Spiritualistic society and church, for today, is "Ancient and -Modern .vies- sages from Spiritual Realms," by ths . pastor. Hev. Mrs. Ida M. Schorl. Mid- i week meetings Tuesday and TBurs- I day. at 7 o'clock at 441 East Twelth street, corner of Sherman. Christians gathered to the name of j day school will meet at 12:15 o'clock. . ' ., . . , .... A gospel meeting will be held at 7:45 o'clock this evening in the Oregon Book and Tract depot. 266 H Alder street. The regular prayer meeting Will be Tuesday at 8 P. M. At the new church. 816 East Clay street. Rev. T. M. Minard. pastor, will ' 1- T V r.aw&un oi x.ngiana will conduct services ' t . on the subject. "I today at 11 A. M. Divine Healing." a bu'ldlng, conducted. by Nettle Taylor iv,v,ii, muay at 11 .A. SS vl O 1 . m., J. M. Paige will speak. At the First Spiritual church. East Seventh and Hassalo streets, today, there will be an election of officers at 3 P. M. All members requested to be present. The evening services will be at 8 . o'clock. With the address by C. W. Shaw, followed with mes sages. The mid-week message serv ices will be held Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. The public is Invited. "When do We Live," by Rex Bar- neit. will be the subject at Theo sophical hall, J01 Central building. The new programmes for the quarter are ready for distribution. ABERDEEN, Wash..' Jan. 1. (Spe cial.) The fund for the construction of the new Swedish Mission church is growing rapidly, according to Rev. John J. Huleen. This is- the fifth church building enterprise for Mr. Huleen. The present church Is crowd ed to capacity and the new building is a real need. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Jan. 1. (Spe cial.) Lumber is being hauled for the new Swedish ,misslon church to be erected at the corner of Market aad H streets. The Psychical Research center will meet In the assembly room of the Portland hotel at 7:45 P. M. A lec ture and demonstrations will be given by Robert Schmus. Minister From Southland Wijl Occupy Pulpit. Dr. Dodd of Shreveport, La., Will Preach at White Temple. A T THE First Baptist church (White temple), Rev. M. E. Dodd, D. D., pastor of First Baptist church of Shreveport, La., will con duct the services. In the morning at 11 o'clock he will preach on ht topic, "Cherish tne Wonderful Word," and at the close of the morning service he will administer the Lord's supper. The evening service begins at 7:45, at which time Dr. Dodd will speak on "The Spirit-Filled Life." The tem ple quartet will furnish appropriate music at both services. At 3 P. M. there will be a Baptist union mass meeting In the White temple, with Frederick W. Farr of Los Angeles, Cal., as speaker. His subject will be "The Relation of Creed to Character and Conduct." During the coming week a Baptist union conference on Christian funda , . ,,, . : . r " 7 . .... . mentals will be held at the White t,e?nP'e:eeSSr,Onl,atJ1?,::!0 " ! 3:30 and 8 P. M.. daily, except Sat urday. Speakers are Rev. M. E. Dodd, D. D.. Pastor First Baptist church, Shreveport, La.; Rev. Frederick W. Farr. D. D., pastor Calvary Baptst church, Los Angeles, Cal.. and' Rev W. B. Hinson. pastor East Side Bap tist church, Portland. The general public is invited. In the East Side Baptist church, East Twentieth and Salmon streets, believers' baptism will be adminis tered at the morning service at 11 o clock, and at the close of the serv ice the ordinance of the Lord's sup per will be observed, at which time all new members will be welcomed into the church by the pastor, Dr. W. B. Hinson. A large attendance is expected. Dr. Hinson will preach this morn ing from the subject, "A New Trail." and tonight his topic will be "A Good Resolve." A consecration meeting will be held by the Baptist Young People's union, which meets at 6:30 P. M. A gracious "watch night service was held in this church on New Year's eve. Dr. Hinson having charge of the last hour of the old year. The Pathfinders' club has arranged to have the musicale. which was to have been given December 17, Friday night, January 14. Beginning today. Rev. R. E. Close will deliver a series of Sunday eve ning addresses to young folk at the Third Baptist church. The general theme will be "The Safest and Hap piest Paths." The subjects are as follows: To day. "A Right Start"; January 9. "What You Are in the Dark"; Jan uary 16. "That Chum of Yours"; Jan uary 23. "The Slippery Way"; Jan uary 30, "Choosing a Life-Partner"; February 6. "The Flower of Youth and the Sun of Righteousness." This morning Rev. Mr. Close will deliver a New Year's message, which will be followed by the observance' of the Lord's supper. The evening wor ship will open with a baptismal serv ice. United Brethren to Hear New Year's Sermons. Pulpit Topics In Four Churches Are Interesting- Themes. THE theme for Dr. Byron J. Clark's sermon this morning at the First United Brethren church, Fifteenth and East Morrison streets. Is "A Liv ing Sacrifice." This will be a com?- munion service. Professor Moore and his chorus choir will add interest to the service. The evening subject for Dr. Clark Is "Ideals and Activi ties." Rev. Ira Hawley. pastor of the Sec ond United Brethren church. Twenty seventh and Sumner streets, an nounces for his morning subject,'"One Beast to Be Feared; Not Four." In the evening he will preach on the following theme: "He Is Called the Lion of the Tribe of Juda." A communion service will be held at the Third United Brethren church. Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-second avenue Southeast, this morning, when the pastor. Rev. E. O. Shepherd, will preach on "The Chariot of God's Word." His subject for the evening Is. "Seeking the Will of God." "Reaching Forward" is the subject for discussion by Rev. Leila I.uckey. 'pastor of the Fourth United Brethren church. Tremont station, this morn ing. The subject for the evening will be "Perseverance In Christian Work." j ;m&e h MK ssssKM- Will Whl l ll in . dfcaa jgg. -mam .'ww - f wwhhi sm bk Prominent Baptists to speak at conference on Christian fundamentals! Left to riht Dr. M. E. Dodd. Dr. W. B. Hlnson and Rev. Henry White. Dr. Dodd. pastor of the First Baptist church of Shreveport, La., and Dr. Hlnson. pastor of the East Side Baptist church, will be two of the principal speakers at the conference on Christian fundamentals to be held at the White Temple January 2-9. , . . Rev. Mr. White will preach his first sermon today as the new pastor of Mlllard-avenue Presbyterian church. He succeeds Rev. John H. Gardner. "The new pastor comes to Portland from Clyde, N. T., and has a record of 17 years' service as a missionary and teacher In Slam. Life of Jesus Christ to Be Sermon Subject. Paator of Presbyterian Church to Give Series of Lectares. I terian church. Twelfth and Alder streets, Rev. Harold Leonard Bowman, D. D., will preach this morning the first of a series of two sermons deal ing with the qualities of the life of Jesus Christ. The first one of this series will be? on "The Humanity of Jesus Christ," and the second, which will be given on January, will be on The Divinity of Jesus Christ." These sermons will not be theological In nature, but simple and practical and helpful for men and women in every day life. The special music for the morning service today will be a tenor solo, "The Holy City,'' sung by John D. Treharne. At the night c-rvice Dr. Bowman will preach on "Christianity, an Aladdin's Lamp." taking his text from the sermon on the mount, "Ask and it shall be given you." The Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church will meet at noon, and a cordial Invitation is given to all to join this school. .There are carefully graded departments for all ages oT children and young people, and also a number of Bible classes for adults and older young people. A new course of study will be en t.i.i-i,- in c.-i.li nf th, (IP. partments and classes. The offering taken last Sunday by the Sunday school for near east relief amounted to about $877. The nursery estab- service will proceed the communion lished by this church is growing In service. There will also be reception popularity. This Is provided during j to new members into fellowship with the morning service for those what church at this service. The vested wish to leave their children whileat- Choir will sing. The pastor will tending church. The nursery Is in jPeak on the subject "Why Should a charge of a registered nurse, and haS!l many facilities for the care and en tertainment of the children. At Central Presbyterian church, East Thirteenth and East Pine streets, communion service will be held this morning, and also the reception of new memoers. nr. iugeni win pre: the topic beinK A Mo"tlo for the , Year." ' At night the topic will new members. Dr. Nugent will preach. New "is Lire worm Living.- mere win Rev w K Brinkmann, will go to be two selections by the chorus, dl- Vancouver. Wash., where he will as reeted by Mr. Belcher, at the morn- I sjst in ,he installation service of th, lng service. Rev. Luther B. Deck as pastor of the Monday night the officers and St Pauis English Lutheran church teachers of the Sunday school will there. meet. Dinner will be served at 6:30 . The St. James' church council will o'clock. A business meeting will be I hold its regular monthly business held at 7, when reports for the year ' meeting at the parsonage Monday will be made and plans tor the new , evening. year outlined. At 8 o'clock a Bible The Pastors' Aid society of , the study session will be held under the j church will meet with Mrs. W. E. leadership of Mrs. L. P. Hewitt. The Brinkmann, z87 West Park, Thursday large chorus at Central church is pre paring to give the cantata, "Son of the Highest," by Berge. next Sunday night. Rev. Donald W. M. MacCluer's top ics for today at Rose City Park Pres byterian church will be: Morning, "A Man to Keep," and night, "The Con-1 and Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Dls venlent Season." The first week of j trict league matters will be consld the new year will be observed as a ered at a special meeting of the young "week of prayer." The nature of the people January 4. services will be largely in the form of a personal workers' class.' The gen eral topic will be "How to'Win," under which will be considered the follow ing related subjects: "The Intellec tual Doubter," "The Person Facing Problems of Conduct." "Persons Seek ing Reality," and "The Person Fight ing Besetting Sin." New Year services will be observed at the Mizpah Presbyterian church to day. The pastor. Rev. D. A. Thompson, will preach both morning and night. The morning theme at 11 o'clock will be "The Law of Increase." or "Seed Thoughts for the New Year." The night theme at 7:45 will be- "The First Page in the New Book." The week of prayer will be observed at the Mizpah church beginning- on Monday night and will be continued on each night through the week. Com munionservice will be held on Jan uary 9 at the hour of the morning service. At Vernon Presbyterian church. East Nineteenth and Wygant streets, the regular services will be held to day both morning and night, by Rev. J. C. Mergler. pastor. The week of prayer will be observed by cottage prayer meetings each night during this week. At the Millard avenue Presbyterian church this morning at 11 o'clock, the Rev Henry White, recently of Clyde, N. Y., will preach the Initial sermon of his pastorate with the Millard Ave nue congregation. His subject will be "The Pre-eminence of Jesus Christ." At 7:80 P. M. ho will speak on "Christian Steadfastness." Mr. White is a returned missionary from Siam. Unity Presbyterian church will ob serve the coming week of prayer with cottage prayer meetings and services at the church. In the morning serv ices today there will be a reception of new members and Communion services. Rev. S. W. Seemann, pastor, will speak on "Our 1921 Year Text" at services tonight. Rev. Levi Johnson will be the speaker at the Men's Resort meeting today at 4 P. M. The music will be directed by Ella Hoberg Tripp. The Men's Resort orchestra will furnish special music for this occasion. At 7:30 P. M. Rev. Mr. Johnson will con tinue his Bible lectures. On Wednes day night at 8 o'clock the young people of San Grael society of First Presly- tenan cnurcn in noiu tneir mommy meeting. . . . Rev. L K. Grimes, pastor of Kenll- worth Presbyterian church, will take as his subject tonight "The Man Who Wili Win Out In the New Tear." At services this morning communion will be held and new members received. The Sunday school will .meet at 9:45 o'clock this morning. Westminster Presbyterian will be gin the new year with two sermons by Its pastor, E. H. Pence, which will deal with the thought of the season In the morning, "The Permanent and the Fleeting in Time" and in the eve ning, 'Forks in the Road Ahead There will be appropriate music for both services. Last Sunday's Bible school pro gramme was a marked success and showed those, of the congregation who remained for the exercises the real size of the school. Tliey little realized what it means to house and properly conduct a school numbering 700. but when compared with a day school of that size the problem is un derstood. Never before has there been the enthusiastic support as now manifest and if the plan of new facil ities can be carried a great year is expected. The men's club IS planning inter esting meetings for each Sunday at 12:10 o'clock. Dr. Pence will speak Sunday on "The History of the Bible" I. e., "How We Got Our Bible." St. James' to Administer Holy Communion. Service of Worship to Be Omitted in Pastor's Absence. HE holy communion will be ad- ministered at 11 o'clock this morning at the St. James English j Lutheran church. The preparatory - ""n rariaite oi me ioras sup per? The Sunday school will hold its regular session at 9:50 in the chapel. Miss Celeste Albin is superintendent. The Stj, James' Young People'6 Luther lewgue will hold its evening devotional meeting at 6:45 in the chapel, to which all young folks are invited. The service of worship will be at 2 P. M. At Grace Lutheran church. East Broadway and Twenty-fourth street, C. H. Bernhard, pastor, speaks this morning. Service at 11 o'clock, theme, "A New Year Sign In the Prophet Jonas." Evening services are at 7:30 Three services will be held Sunday at St. Paul's Lutheran church. East Twelfth and Clinton streets. Rev. A. Krause, pastor. The subject for the morning sermon (German) at 10:30 will be: Three Pictures Which the Sunday's Gospel Places Before Our Eyes," and the topic for the 7:30 P. M. sermon (English) is: "Looking With Cheerfulness to the New Year." The choirs sing both morning and evening. Devotional service and Bible study 5 P. M. All are invited. Trinity Lutheran church. Rev. J. A. Rinebach, pastor, will worship at its new location, Rodney avenue and Ivy street, at 10:15 o'clock In German, and at 7:30 o'clock in English. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock the annual business meeting will be held. Unitarians Plan an Active Church Year for 1921. Musicale and Social Hour Are Big Feature for Today. THE Church of Our Father (Uni tarian) in the bulletin for Jan uary, just Issued? has a full pro gramme for the month and especially for the first week. Besides the usual appointments, the items of outstand ing interest are the musicale and social hour at 4:30 o'clock this after noon and the annual supper and busi ness meeting Tuesday evening, Jan uary 11, at 6:30 o'clock. For the musicale the choir of the church has prepared an elaborate programme. The occasion will be entirely informal, with tea served by the Women's alliance and the Young People's fraternity. The choir, be sides the organist, Ralph W. Hoyt, consists of Mitylene Fraker Stltes. Mrs H Hacke. J. Ross Fargo and Walter Hardwick. Next Wednesday aternoon at 3 o'clock W'lllard A. Eliot will give an illustrated lecture on birds under the auspices of the -Women's alliance, to which the public Is invited. The regular morning service today will be a New Year's service with an appropriate sermon, "Whether We Live or Die," by the pastor. Rev. William G. Eliot Jrt At the young people's meeting in the evening the subject will be "Early Forms of Wor ship." Professor G. R. Schlauch of Mc Minnville college will occupy the pul pit of the University Park Baptist church this morning; the subject will be. "The Influence of the Holy Scrip ture." He will also speak in tne eve nlng. the subject beins, "Redeeming the Time. Bond House President to Be Topic of Sermon. Dr. McElveen to Speak on Culpa bility of Self-Called Financier. HE Culpability of the Self- Called Financier. Who Made an Ex -Convict the President of a Bond House," is to be the topic of Dr. Mc Elveen's sermon prelude at the First Congregational church tonight. For seven minutes he will talk on the ethics of selling bonds, and on the morality of playing the role of friendly financier for thousands of small Investors. The Congregational minister is going to institute a new kind of Sunday evening service very soon. It is to be called A wuestlon Service." The people are sending him all manner of questions; questions on economics and politics, as well morals and religion. He will spend the 30 minutes that he usually de votes to his sermon to answering these queries. Tonight his sermon-lecture topic is, "A Happy New Year's Wish." At the morning service he will welcome group of new members and speak on ' Beginnings;" The new Sunday school superlnten dent will 'enjoy his initial service to day. He is Arthur E. Larimer, who for nine years was the efficient su perintendent of the very large Sun day school at the Central Congrega tional church of Hawaii at Honolulu. Mr. Larimer Is the new executive sec- cretary of the Portland Y. M. C. A. He is an expert Sunday-school man. While he has not yet stated his plans, it is understood that he will organize a church school of the First church on a departmental basis. Mrs. C. H. Farrington Is superintendent of the kindergarten. Miss Ruth Harding Is superintendent of the Primary depart ment, Mr. Alva Patton. the associate superintendent, is superintendent of the intermediate department. Other departments are being organzed. There are three very flourishing and rapidly growing young people's classes. These will form the nu cleus of a large . work among the young people. Mr. Larimer is on the lookout for a professional educator who will give all his time to being the director of religious instruction at the First church. The church will major in educational and social work among boys and girls and young peo ple during 1921. Thursday evening Dr. W. T. Mc Elveen begins a series of four lec tures on "The Teachings of Jesus." He has recently made a brand new study of the gospels in the light of the economic, social and religious revolution through which we are passing. He gave a series of lectures on this topic at the training school that was held at the First Methodist church during the autumn. The course that he will give in his own church will introduce an immense amount of material that he had not time to give to the class of teachers he was training. Each week ah out line of the thoughts to be presented will be chalked upon an immense blackboard and if the interest de mands, multigraph copies of his notes will be distributed. Some years ago Dr. McElveen taught a class of about 900 that assembled every Saturday afternoon in the large auditorium of Tremont temple. Dr. McElveen has also taught large teacher training classes In Providence. R. I., and Salem, Mass. All teachers are wel come to this course of study. ' Miss Phyllis Wolfe, a soprano so loist well- known in musical circles of Portland, is the most recent addi tion to the great quartet and chorus that Is being built up at the First church. Ernest Crosby, a rising tenor, is to take the place of Mr. Erwin, who has been compelled to resign on account of illness. A vprv nnnnlarJ organ recitals- by Miss Lthel Lynn Ross prior to every one of the church services. Miss Nina Dressel. who has been 'convalescing because of an op eration, wILf return to her place as contralto soloist today. The chorus is now 35 voices strong. It Is well or ganized and -will hold Its first so ciable Friday evening in the church parlors. The Portland Oratorio so ciety is making Its headquarters In the spacious rooms of the church, where its rehearsals are held every Tuesday night. - This evening at 6:30 the Senior Christian Endeavor society will hold A "welcome home" meeting to greet members of the society who have been away to college. Gertrude Lan ning, student at Pacific university, will lead the meeting. Robert Mott is to be the leader of the Intermediate Christian Endeavor that meets In an other room at the same hour. The Junior Christian Endeavor Is now 40 strong and holds a miniature church service while the big church service Is going on upstairs. The 26th anniversary of the occu pancy of the spacious church build ing on Park and Madison is to be celebrated Sunday morning, January 23. Friday noon the new officers of the Womenls association meet to make plans for the work of the com ing year. The themes to be discussed at the Sunnyside Coagregatlonal church to day will be particularly appropriate to the opening of a new year. At 11 o'clock Dr. J. J. Staub will speak on "A Challenge to Our Faith." The Lord's supper will be celebrated and new members will be received Into fellowship at this service. The subject in the evening will be ""Who Will Be Your Leader for 1921?" Special selections will be ren dered by the chorus choir. The pub lic is cordially invited to at' end. New Year services are to be con- j,i.tBj tnriav at th. ttfo-hi.M rn s;regational church. In th morning there will be holy communion and sermon by Rev. Edward Constant on "Counting Life's Steps." In. the evening- there will be a New Year song service and an address on "Whither Goest ThouT" The Waverly Heights Congregi- tional church begins the new year's services with a communion service at 11 A. M The subject on which the pastor will speak Is "Divine Guidance for the Coming Year." The church has been the recipient of a large oil painting from the brush of the Ore gon artls Mrs. Eliza R. Barchus and will have it unveiled at the Sunday evening service. Dr. Stansfield to Preach New Year's Sermon. Ten Days' Special Meeting; Will Be Inaugurated Tonig-at. AT THE First Methodist church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, to day the opening of the new year will be a great event. In the morning the pastor. Dr. Stansfield. will give the New Year's sermon on "The Best Be fore," followed by ths New Year cove nant service. In the evening there will be the opening service of a ten days' special meeting January 2 to 9, Inclusive "the week of prayer" meetings. Bishop Shepard will preach Monday and Thursday evenings. The following is the programme: Sunday. 10:30 A.' M. New Year! ier mon and covenant; sacrament. 7:45 P. M. Decision service!)- Epworlh league and pastor. Monday. 7:43 P. M. Sermon by Bishop W. O. Shepard. Tuesday. 7:43 P. M. Men of the church. 'service: speakers: three of the brethren; choir, male voices. Wednesday, 7:13 P. M. Women of the church, service; two of the elect women: choir, women's voices. Thursday, 7:45 P. M. Sermon by Bishop W. O. 8hepard. Friday, 7:43 P. M. Children ana youtns special; children's choir. The pastor. Rev. F. M. Jasper and E. T. Oruwell. Sunday. 10:30 A. M. Sermon by the pastor. 7:43 P. M. Men of the church, service; Dr. Cantril, Dr. Pruddin. Dr. Kelly, G. F. Johnson and F. W. Gates. The Sunday school at 12:15 o'clock today will complete its fjhristmas offering of .last week for the starving children of the war lands. A total of 81214 was received last Sunday and additional sums to be paid in today will bring the great relief gift up to $1320 the largest offering for relief work the Sunday school ever had. To the Epworth league, which meets at 6:30 P. M all young folk are cordially invited. Rev. W S. Gordon, pastor of the Sellwood Methodist church, will speak at 11 o'clock this morning on "sus Calming the Storm" and will point out the pathway of peace for these turbulent times. Professor F. C. Streyffler will conduct the music. In the evening at 7:30 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Fred Suffield of Seattle. Wash., will begin a series of union revival meetings. Mrs. Suffield Is an accomplished musician and Mr. Suf field also sings. The participating churches will be the Presbyterian, Baptist, Nazarene and Methodist, with other denominations co-operating un officially. - The Sunday school will meet at 9:45 A. M. and the Epworth league at 6:30 P.M. The Rose City Park Methodist Epis copal church observed Christmas on December 26, the pastor preaching an appropriate sermon in the morn ing, and In' the evening a series of tableaux representing various phases of the nativity of Jesus was put on by the Sunday school, assisted by the choir and some of the older members of the church. A collection was taken at the eve ning service for Armenian relief. which netted $200. The day proved good one and all seemed pleased and profited by the services. At Epworth Methodist church, Twenty-sixth and Savier streets. Rev. Frank L. Moore will speak at 11 A. M. on "Weighed but Not Wanting" and at 7:30 P. M. on "Vantage Ground for I Bright Outlook." The Women's Foreign Missionary society of Rose City Park Methodist church will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. G. H. Pierce, 645 East Ninth street North. " 'Old Foes in New Masks" will be the topic of the morning sermon to day at Clinton Kelly Memorial Meth odist Episcopal church. There will be no sermon at the evening service. Rev. E. Sutton Mace will preach the sermon at 7:30 o'clock this eve ning at Westmoreland Methodist Episcopal church. The Sunday school session will begin at 10 A. M. and children's church at 11 A. M. At the First Norwegian-Danish Methodist Episcopal church, corner of Eighteenth and Hoyt streets, Rev.T C. August Peterson, the pastor, will preach at 11 A. M. today on the sub ject, "Jesus, the Same Yesterday, To day and Forever." At 7:4o f. M. tne text will be "Thou Shadl Call His Jesus." The Epworth league has open house from 5:45 to 7:4Q P. M. Sermon topics at the Lincoln Meth odist church, corner East Lincoln and Fifty-second streets, today will be at 11 A. M.. "It Is Finished." and at 7:30 P. M., "Look to Yourselves." Rev. W. X. Byars, the pastor, will speak at both services. "A Kej-note Message for the New Year" will be given by the pastor. Rev. J. H. Irvine, at the morning service at Woodlawn Methodist Epis copal church. "Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out." a warning to young people, will be the evening message. The Irvine quartet, composed of the pastor and three sons, assisted in the Christmas song feast last Sunday morning. The New Year" to Be the Topic at St. Stephen's. Church School Institute to Meet Tuesday at St. David's. NEW YEAR'S services will be held at St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral today. Dean Hicks will preach at both services, taking as his subject, "The New Year." The young people's society will hold their regular meeting Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock in the parish house at the corner of Thirteenth and Clay streets. Theodore E. Dittebrandt will preside, and Stephen Claghorn will be the principal speaker. The society will be the guests of the young peo ple's society of St. Michael and All Angels on Thursday, January 6. The final arrangements for this affair will be made at regular meeting on Sunday. There will be a corporate com munion of St. Stephen's chapter of the brotherhood of St. Andrews at 7:45 A. M. today, to which all com municants are invited; brotherhood members who have failed to co municate during the Christmas sea-1 son are urged to do so oa this oc-1 new campus, we expect to have our casion. ' self-help department so organized as The regular monthly meeting of the 1 to provide remunerative employment officers and' teachers of the St. j for at least 100 students. Trustees Stephen's church school will be held have already authorized their self In the dean's study Friday, January help committee to lay out gardens. 7, at 8 P. M. This will be anlm- I berry culture and a green house, portant meeting, and all officers and "Training for church lead-rnin if teachers are urged to be present. one of the elective courses being fea- tured here It offers no: oniy In- Ph ft.., - nf 'io fhiirch . ... i , . ... . . . ,' . wlI, b. held Tuesday at St. David's parish house, East Twelfth and Morrison streets, at 8 P. M. The Rev. C. H L. Chandler of Oregon City will give the first ! lecture on "The American Prayer ! Book" and Miss Millard of the public library will Indicate methods of sue- , cess in "Telling Religious Stories." Th institute will meet weekly 'until , the beginning of Lent. At Kem Park Christian church, i Forty-sixth avenue and Sixty-ninth street, at ll A. at., win De neia tne regular merger service, and Dr. J. F Ghormley will take for his theme: "Pressing Toward the Mark for the Prize." Evangelistic services will be held at 7:30 P. M. Appropriate musi cal programmes will be given at both services, ay the chorus choir. T Dr. E. C. Hickman, who has been associate pastor of Centenary-Wilbur Methodist Episcopal church since the two congregations were merged, will preach his farewell sermon tonight at 7:30 o'clock. He has been elected president of the Kimball School of Theology at Salem and will leave with his family this week to take up his new duties. Bishop Walter A. Sellew will con duct a revival meeting at Central Free Methodist church. East Fifty fifth and East Flanders streets, be ginning today. Albany College to Double Its Resources. Dr. A. M. Williams Coca East to Confer With Presbyterian Gen eral Board of Education. ALBANY COI Jn. 1. (S COLLEGE, Albany. Or.. Special.) Dr. A. M. Williams, president of Albany college, left this week for the east in interest of the campaign to double the assets and resources of tne Presbyterian college of the state during the next five years. He will spend a day In St. Paul conferring with the trust company that has invested for the college the "850,000 left by the late James J. Hill. The trustees report annually to this company concerning their investment of the $200,000 se cured to meet the' condition of Mr. Hill. President Williams will visit sev eral eastern colleges In study of build ing plans and the post-war reorgani zation authorized by the trustees. H will go as far as NTew York where final agreements will be effected with the general board of education, which board has offered Albany col lege $70,000 on condition that the college gets subscriptions tor $280, 000 by March 31, 1923. Asked for a statement at the end of his first year as president of the college, Dr. Williams said: , "The progress of Albany college this year is due to two facts: First, the promise of the Presbyterian gen eral board of education to include Al bany in the list of colleges to which it will distribute $2,000,000 In the year 1923, and second, the practically solid line-up of the Presbyterian min isters and leading laymen for re suming the programme for the col lege's expansion which was post poned by the war. "The first of the above facts Is due largely to the activity in the east of Dr. Edgar P. Hill, formerly of Portland, who now heads the educa tional work of the Presbyterian church. Dr. Hill came out to the Oregon synod two years ago and told the leaders that the trustees of Al bany college should proceed to elect a president to succeed Dr. H. M. Crooks who had left Oregon during the war: that they should double the current expense budget of the col lege; and that a period of expansion should be arranged, including the erection of new buildings and a sub stantial additon to the endowment tf the college. The first two steps have been taken by the trustees, co operating with the synod of Oregon and the general board of education. The third step is now being planned, a campaign for $300,000 to meet the offer of tjie eastern board to give us $70,000. "The trustees have in mind, as soon as money can be secured, the erec tion of three new buildings on the campus recently purchased south west of the city. These buildings are, it is expected, all to be made memorials to the pioneers who set tled the state and who laid founda tions of our worthiest Institutions. The names of the hails to be built will, it is thought, appeal to the best historic sentiment of the pioneers and their descendants. "An interesting possibility In the prospect for United Presbyterian co operation at Albany college. Leaders of tha denomination have, from the earliest days, been loyal to Albany college. As a matter of fact, as recently discovered by C. H. Stewart, postmaster at Albany and historian for the United Presbyterians on the coast, Albany college Is the direct successor of old Union academy, erected on the banks of the Calapooia river near Brownsville early In the fifties. 'Union' was suggested by the fact that its trustees were principally associate Presbyterians and associate Reformed Presbyterians, the two psalm singing bodies that came to gether a few years later to form the United Presbyterian church of North America and whose missionaries here in Oregon formed the union before the union, the first U. P. presbytery in existence. This fist union took place in Linn county and contained an equal number from the two hitherto separated bodies. Union academy failed. Theh came Rev. H. H. Spalding, famous as the missionary to the Nez Perces. and who escaping from the Whitman massacre came to Linn county and founded the Pres byterian church at Brownsville. Dr. E. P. Geary, who was sent to Oregon I by President Buchanan as Indian j commission and by the Presbyterian i church to found a college in the northwest, and Rev. W. J. Montelth who settled Albany. These three j -Presbyterians and two United Pres byterians Dr. S. G. Irvine and Rev. Wilson Blain were among those whose labors culminated In 1866 In the organization of Albany college. Seven of the nine original trustees were United Presbyterians, though the cbllege was placed under the control of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the U. S. A." Commenting on new features of , Albany college's expansion, Presi- dent Williams said: "Albany college will continue to be a full fledged cultural college, but will increasingly add vocational courses as we may be able. We be lieve that technical education should usually follow a full cultural course; but for those whose preparation must be crowded into four years, courses are being arranged for two and three years and that will articulate with work being done in schools of engi neering, agriculture, domestic science, journalism, etc. "Before we are ready to occupy the i lti , Z ! religious leadership In the churches I of Albany and nearby communities." Church Responds to Plea for Hungry Ones. First Christian t'onarraatloa Con tributes SI45U for Relief. i THE Christmas offering for Euro pean and near east relief made last Sunday evening by the Sunday school of the First Christian church amounted to $1450. The pageant. "Love's Conquest." by 40 Loyal Daughters under the direction of Mrs. C. N. Kigglns, was witnessed by an audience that taxed the capacity of the auditorium. Tne pageant proved to be one of the most impressive ex ercises ever presented In the church. This morning at 11 o'clock the pas tor. Rev. Harold H. Griffls. will lead his congregation in a meditation for the new year, having for his special theme "A Confession and a Dedica tion." In keeping with the occasion Miss Beatrice Palmer will render the contralto selection. "He Leadeth Me" (Wolc'ott). The evening worship at 7:4o will include a praise service by the church quartet, followed by a discourse by the pastor on "The Re ligious Value of Dally Life." YULE MAIL SETS RECORD No Packages in Oregon City Office on Chrislnias. OREGON CITY, Or., Jan. 1. (Spe cial.) With the holidays nearing Close, rosimasier toone says greatest amount of business that has. been done during any holiday season since he has been in office was for the year of 1920. Mr. Cooke and his efficient" corps of helpers have worked diligently, without extra as sistance, in delivering the holiday mail. Christmas night-there was not a Christmas package in'the postoffice undelivered, except a few that ar rived in the afternoon. They were delivered Monday morning. A number of the postal carriers were well remembered by ome of the big-hearted patrons, one receiving a handsome gold pencil on his route for the excellent service he had given. This was Ralph Niles. and the gift was frgrn the Oregon City hospital nurses. Cake, candies, nuts and handkerchiefs were among the gifts appreciated by tiie mail carriers. FAMILIES HOLD REUNION Three Sets of Four Generations Kuch Gather ut Dajlon. DAYTON, Or.. Jan. 1. (Special.) A reunion of the Chapman, 'Horde, Snyder, Baxter, Sams. Melllnger, Spangle, Seitter, Pine, Berry, Hole, Martin, Hogle and McDonald families, all related, was held In Artisan hall Christmas day. There were three sets of four generations each. The total number present was is and the feast was headed by Mr. .and Mrs. Henry Chapman of this. place. Mr. Chapman Is SI years old. while the youngest person was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kay Baxter, 1 year old. The entertainment consisted of a large Christmas tree, from which many gifts for all were harvested and a sumptuous dinner. LOST HAIR VALUED HIGH Irish Girls Claim as High as 500 for Malicious Injury. DUBLIN. The young women who in several Irish districts have had their hair cut off by Sinn Feiners for as sociating with the police and soldiers have, in most cases, lodged claims for compensation for malicious injury. The price they place on the lost hair varies from 1300 to 500. So far none of the girls who have been similary punished by the police. In retaliation for the acts of their Sinn Fein relatives, have lodged any claims. Belgian Industry Restored. BRUSSELS. Jan. 1. The pre-war coal output of Belgium was exceeded by the Belgian miners during tne month of October. The net extraction for the month totaled 1.1156.580 tons. LETTER OF THE POPE OF ROME AGAINST THE Y. M. C. A. Hear the Answer Sunday After noon Y.M.C.A.,3.30P.M. by H. W. STONE General Secretary. Coene and Hear This Matter Fairly and Squarely Presented. ALL MEN INVITED The Oregon Book & Tract Depot Now Located at 266 't Alder St. Bibles, Tracts and Christian Literature on Sale FREE READING ROOM, Gospel Meetings Every Sunday night at 7:45 P. M. Week nights by announcement. Phone Aut. 520-45.