The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 02, 1921, SECTION FOUR, Page 6, Image 54

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The Silent Drcvmcx.
Honor and Behavf."
Columbia Marc MacDermott.
"While .Vfw York Sleeps."
Rivoli David Butler. "Fickle
Peoples Bryant Washburn.
"Rurglar Proof."
Majestic Constance Talmadge,
"Dangerous Blaine."
Star Neal Hart. -Skvfire."
Circle William Chriaty Ca-
banne'g "The Stealers."
Globe Alice Lake, "Body and
Hippodrome Bert Lytell, "The
Misleading Lady."
Today's Music Feature.
Rivoll Orchestra concert un
der Salvatore Santaella. at
12:10 o'clock.
Liberty Organ concert by Henri
Keates at 12:30 o'clock.
Majestic Organ concert by Ce
cil Teague at 1:30 o'clock.
WHAT docs the new year hold
for the motion picture enthu
siast? Prom the realms of literature,
painting, sculpture, music and poetry
are com In recruits to blend 'their
talents into the pictures that flash
on the screen of your favorite play
house. The literary lights of both England
and America have taken to writing
for the screen original stories such
as they previously prepared for books
and magazines. Sir Jamea M. Barrie.
Sir Gilbert Parker. Arnold Bennett.
Henry Arthur Jones, H. G. Wells. Ed
ward Knoblock, E. Phillips Oppen
hsim. Elinor Glyn. Avery HopwooJ.
Elmer Harris, Ben Ames Williams
are iacluded in the list. All of these
writers have been recruited to the
ranks of Paramount pictures through
the efforts of Jesse L. Lasky, who
saw that the screen's weakest point
had been in story material.
From painting has come Penrhyn
Stanlaws, creator of the feminine
beauties who adorned the magazine
covers; from sculpture, Paul Iribe,
who is also a designer of clothing,
fans and jewelry.
Cecil B. DeMIIle, William DeMIlle,
George Fitxmauriee. John S. Robert
son. Charles Maigne, George Melford.
William Desmond Taylor and Robert
Z Leonard have made special pro
ductions which will be released dur
ing the new year. Host of the pic
tures have already been filmed and
are now either ready or being cut
and titled.
Work on "The Affairs of Anatol."
by Arthur Schnitzler, the great
Viennese dramatist, has begun under
the direction of Cecil B. DeMille. In
this photoplay wijl be seen tight
stars: Wallace Reid. Gloria Swanson,
Elliott Dexter, Wanda Hawley, Bebe
Daniels. Agnes Ayers, Theodore Rob
arts and Theodore Kosloff.
Other outstanding productions
which already nave been filmed and
will be seen early this year are Wal
lace Reid in "The Charm School,"
Blllie Burke in "The Education of
Elizabeth"; "Midsummer Madness." a
William DeMille production: Enid
Bennett in "Silk Hosiery." a Thomas
H Incu production: "Paying the
Piper," a George Fitzmaurice pro
duction. Ethel Clayton In "Sham";
Fatty Arbuckle in "The Traveling
Salesman"; "Forbidden Fruit." a Cecil
B. DeMille production; Dorothy Dal
ton in "The Teaser"; Thomas Meighan
In "Tht Frontier of the Stars"; Lois
Weber's production of "What Do Men
Want;" Douglas MacLean in "The
Rookie's Return"; Ethel Clayton in
"The Trice of Possession"; Thomas
Meighan in "The Easy Road"; George
Melford'. production of "The Faith
HeaUr"; 'Buried Treasure," with
Marion Davles: Mae Murray In "The
Gilded Lily' ; Sir James M. Barrie s
"Sentimental Tommy": Wallace Reid
in "The Daughter of a Magnate":
Thomas Meighan in "The Quarry"; a
Gaorge Melford production, "You
Can't Fool Your Wife"; a George
Ixane Tucker production, "Ladies
Must Live"; "The Witching Hour."
and Sydney Chaplin in "King, Queen
and Joker."
Work is either under way or soon
to begin on the following productions
ia the California studios.
Wallace Reid In "Free Air": El6ie
Ferguson In "Sacred and Profane
Love"; Gloria Swanson in "Every
thing for Sale"; Dorothy Dalton in a
George Melford production of "The
Money Master," by Sir Gilbert Parker;
Wallace Reid-in "Watch My Smoke."
and Gloria Swanson in a new original
lory by Elinor Glyn.
The studio in Bombay. India, Is
Bearing completion and production is
Boon to be launched there under the
direction of Tarkington Baker.
In Paris a special fashion shop had
been established by Paramount in
which styles are created for Para
mount actresses so that even though
a year elapsed between the filming
of a picture and the showing of the
film, the styles will still be .model
newer than are shewn in the shops.
That the high quality of Paramount
picture is generally appreciated was
videnced during Paramount week
last September when more than 6000
American theaters showed nothing
but Paramount pictures.
Attendance at the theaters showing
Paramount pictures today shows that
' . , ' ;
one person out of every 20 in this city support must be correspondingly ex
sees a Paramount picture every day. ceptional. Story value comes next in
I Mr. Raleigh's mind, which also rates
The pUrOll theater orchestra, un
der direction of Salvatore Santaella,
will play its usual Sunday concert at
12:30 o'clock today. The following
selections will make .up the pro
gramme: MafVh, "Pp Conrerto" E. Blear
Czardas from "Ballet Coppelia" . .. Delibes
Piano solu, "Hug irhin Rtu-jMody Mo. 12."
played by Salvatore Santaella. . .F. Lint
Selection from "Babes in Toy land" ....
, Victor .Herbert
"Valae Blu"". A. Margis
"Raymond" overture Thomas
Cecil Teague will play the follow
ing programme at the regular Sunday
organ concert today at 1:30 o'clock at
the Majestic theater:
Raymond overture Thomas
Gems from "The Belle of New Tork"
and "Klorodura."
"Andantino" Lrmar
Some jrypsy anna-
"C.ypsy Lovf Sons" Herbert
"Tell Me. Little Gypsy" Irving Berlin
"Just Like a Gyp-y" Baye
In response to numerous requests
from music lovers, Salvatore Santael
la. conductor of the Rivoli orchestra,
will play Liszt's "Hungarian Rhap
sody No. 12" at today s concert and
every day during this week. This Is
admitted to be one of the most dif
ficult compositions for pianists. Mr.
Santaella invites all musical instruc
tors of Portland to hear him play the
piece, as It is one to which he has
devoted years of practice study.
In the cast of "Fickle Women,"
present feature at the Rivoli, Is a
Portland girl. Miss Peggie Black
wood. Miss Blackwood is now visit
ing in the city, resting from her ac
tivities in the California film colony.
She has appeared in pictures with
May Allison and Alice Lake.
Popularity of the motion picture
star versus that of the cast as the
chief requisite for a "good picture"
was the verbal contest waged along
the local Rialto last week following
the request of an eastern film manu
facturing company. Associated First
National Pictures, Inc., to state what
constitutes from their angles the most
desirable elements contained in a
perfect photoplay.
"The perfect picture Is that pro
duction which features the most pop
ular of all actors or actresses," was
the opinion of Paul E. Noble, man
ager of the Liberty. "I am con
vinced the public does not care what
kind of a vehicle Its star rides in.
Constance Talmadge plays in nothing
but light comedy drama real plot is
entirely lacking in any of her late
pictures. Tet her popularity in Port
land houses has grown noticeably'
with each picture announced here.
"Star and story share honors, of
course, in the perfect picture, but an
exhibitor is far better off with a big
stellar name to feature than if h
a most marvelous sUry told or p
by men and women wnose names
mean nothing to the public.
"Children, animals and little inci
dents technically known as 'high
lights' have a big bearing on a pic
ture's success. It must, however, have
heart appeal and it muct be a story
and a story in this surrounding of
heart interest and human nature that
will catch the fancy of 'milady.' The
director of a production is an all
important person. He can do won
ders with a poor plot, although usual
ly after the wonders are acrorn
pllshed by tricks of the trade the crir
ics are apt to change their opinion
of the plot value."
A. C. Raleigh, manager of the
Columbia theater, puts first tti his
list of requisite for a "good" picture
thg necessity for exceptional leads.
H does not, however, use the word
siar. and his second point is Lhat the
imDortant "the eouBf not dl-
vulged before the end; a first reel
'kick,' a happy ending and an exqui
site love theme."
F. W. TeufeL manager of the Peo
ples theater, put his ideas as follows:
"Josh Billings said he liked a
rqoster for two reasons. One was the
crow that was in him and the other
th spurs to back up the crow. The
same philosophy applies to pictures.
A good star cannot make a good pic
ture from a weak story and a fine
story must be backed up by a capable
cast of players."
Title satisfaction, which Implies in
terpretation, Is of vast importance,
according to Ralph Winsor, Star the
ater manager.
"A picture which has a title coined
to attract attention, with a good star
or all-star cast, an interesting and
true-to-life story, full of punch and
dramatic climaxes, with photography
beyond Reproach and devoid of di
rectoral errors, which carries with it
advertising accessories enabling the
exhibitor to get the best results with
the least effort, is a combination we
hope to find some day. It will not be
a 'good' picture. It will be a super
excellent production.
"A good picture is a picture which
has a good box office title, a fairly
good picture to back it up and not
only well cast, but well directed.
Then people will not only be thor
oughly satisfied, but they will tell
their friends it was good and will fail
to pick the usual flaws.'
"The public knows what is a good
picture without being told," declares
J. J. Parker of the Majestic the Law" to prominent Se
Theater men have their judgment
of a good picture vindicated when the
programmes they buy and announce
succeed In attracting capacity houses.
The taste of the average public is
sane. It can be trusted."
Gus A. Metsger, owner of the Riv
oli theater, received word from Wash
ington, D. C, recently that his cousin,
Rear-Admiral Joseph Strauss, had re
ceived the appointment of commander
of the Asiatic fleet with the rank of
admiral. The appointment came, ac
cording to the message from Wash
ington, In recognition of his services
to the navy in tfce North sea during
thf war. Mr. Metsger has not seen
3 Aape
to European waWrs early in the war.
Miss Alice I. Stanley, a member of
the Thomas I nee studios of Culver
City, Ca!., visited iiim row last week.
Miss Stanley is a former Portland
girl who after more than three years'
Adolph Zuknr, president, and Jesse I.
1'layera-L.aaky corporation, which
f feature pictures for the aaw 7
mtammmmmmmMMBBumMBammmmwmBm. ammmawmm
IsaHaaSaaf OBaaBSB3z3HBBWtHrzl
IsBBaaaaaaaat '" WmWL&LWESSBfflm SaHii
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aaawAcaaF " jaawaafaafc? " v viiW,'i- .aftSs
jHPCAt ' alaal aaaBauaaSaanWawSafxa 'aaaaanis
$H t,,lMfamB - aaffty
saw sjS.iT v " ' v
absence has returned to visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L.
Stanley for the holidays. She is em
ployed as a reader and critic of
scenarios sent to the studios by am
bitious writers. Her department han
dles from 300 to 500 scenarios daily,
she declares. After Miss Stanley fin
ished her school work in Portland she
went to Honolulu for a year, return
ing to San Francisco, where she was
for a time secretary to Hugh Wiley,
author of Saturday Evening Post ne-
gro stories.
Fred Normand has succeeded Mel
vin G. Winstock as manager of the
local Pathe branch exchange, now in
new offices at 8, 10 and 12 North
Ninth street.
Mr. Normand comes to Portland
from the Pathe offices In Seattle
where he was special feature repre
sentative. Prior to this he repre
sented the Fox Film corporation for
about three years in the Denver ter
ritory. After leaving his Denver po
sition he cam 2 to the north wes: as
manager for the American Film com
pany interests In the Portland. Se
attle and Spokane districts, and there
fore is familiar with local conditions.
Mr. Winstock, -whose resignation
came as a distinct surprise recently.
made a remarkable sales record as
head of the local exchange. Regret
that Mr. Winstock is leaving the or
ganization here was expressed by
W. S. Wessling. western district man
ager for Pathe.
David Brill, manager of the local
Universal exchange, made a short
trip to Seattle during the week to
superintend the private showing of
attle film men. This picture, which
is said to be one of the big plays of
the season, may be shown soon in
Portland, if proper arrangements can
be completed by Mr. Brill. C. S. Jen
sen and several of his associates wit
nessed a preview showing of the pic
ture at the Liberty theater last
J. R. Kelts, representing American
productions released through Pathe,
has been transferred to the north
west and will have charge of their
product in the Portland. Seattle, Spo
kane and Butte offices. Mr. Keitr,
alter visiting these branch cities, de
cided to make his headquarters and
home in Portland
A. B. Cleland resigned last week as
Portland representative for W W
Hodkinson. His successor has not
been announced.
The firm of Bronson & Evans has
. Lank vice-president of the Famona
ia planning aa elaborate programme
bought the Portsmouth theater of
Portland from J. C. Allmon, who will
open a new house at Kewberg, Or.
Kenneth Laughlin. formerly of the
Portland Pathe office, has bought" the
Rex theater at Tillamook.
The Pacific theater at Bcaverton.
Or., opened last Wednesday night,
giving the picture enthusiasts of the
town their first theater in morr than
a year. X. G. Freeman, former organ
ist of the Bly and liberty theaters
of Salem, is the new manager of the
Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips visited Port
land during the week, making ar
rangements for the opening of the
Grand .theater at Union, Or.
r ...
Bert Hall. Columbia theater door
man, failed to be at his post of duty
last Thursday for the first time in
more than a year. Illness kept him
at home.
Simply Maying all day is not al
ways fun, according to Henri Keates,
organist at the Liberty theater. Mr.
Keates was doing the Ofiristmas holi
day shift last week, which forced him
to report for Service 'at 9:30 o'clock
each morning and stay at his organ
until 2 o'clock of the following morn
ing. Rehearsals and extra practice
for the special New Year's matinee
were the cause of his extra hours of
Bryant Washburn Has Terrible
Time With Tightwad Ideas.
Dancing as a means to restore
jangled nerves is prescribed John
Harlow In "Burglar Proof." starring
Bryant Washburn at the People's the
ater today and Monday. But, oh,
what grief that order meant! Bryant
Washburn as "John" has a terrible
(and amusing!) time reconciling his
tightwad ideas with the spendthrift
crowd among whom he is thrown.
John lost his sweetheart one day
when he was unable to take her on
an excursion. His uncle had refused
to lend him $5 and when his girl in
dignantly jilted him, he vowed he
never would be broka again. So he
went to the city, made money and
.clung to it. He hated the tipping
system and as a result of his penur
iousness, he was dubbed "Burglar
Proof," meaning' that he was so tight
a charge of dynamite was needed to
separate him from his money. -But
one day, the real girl came and his
nature underwent a radical change.
Lois Wilson heads a capable sup
porting cast. The picture was di
rected by Major Maurice Campbell,
the story was written by William
Slavens McNutt. while the adaptation
was the work of Tom Geraghty.
"Love, Honor and Behave" Is Tan
gle of Domestic Affairs.
Hack Sennett's latest big picture,
"Love, Honor and Behave," is the
present attraction at the Liberty
Marie Prevost appears as a young
bride. The bridegroom is George
O'Hara. and the tangle that Is woven
in their domestic affa'rs- provides this
picture with its plot. The bridegroom
is held in the mesh of circumstantial
evidence and the bride is too will'ng
to believe the worst. They take their
case to the Judge, whose nature par
takes of the wisdom of Solomon and
the wit of Portia. He settles their
differences. In order to do this
Muflte" Murray tells the Daira storv 1
purporting to be the narrative, of hia
2. 1921
own experiences whenhe too was
i bridegroom and his bride was like
wise over-jealous.
Miss Prevost began her career
with the Sennett forces as a bathing
beauty. Her success as comedienne
is now a confirmed fact in the mo
tion picture world, and her gradua
tion from the ranks of t-e Sennett
bathing girls is permanent.
George O'Hara' is the youngest
juvenile on the screen, and, in the
opinion of Mr. Sennett, the most
promising, which fact is attested by
the contract he has just signed with
the young man. providing for five
years of his service in the Sennett
A prologue called "A Niglil In a
Harem." in 'which appear six danc
ing girls, and The Manhattan Trip
is also on the Liberty programme.
"While N'ew York Sleeps" Portrays
Life in Underworld.
A thrilling pistol battle on East
river within the shadow of the cele
brated Brooklyn bridge between the
N'ew York Police Doat and a band of
dock thieves, is one of the sensation
al incidents in "While New York
Sleeps," present feature at the Co
lumbia. Charles J. Brabin, the director, was
successful in enlisting the assistance
of the New,!fork police deppartment
for the big fight scene. The police
also rendered invaluable aid to the
director by providing him with ac
curate detail for portrayal of the un
derworld scenes and in the slum dis
trict of New York's East side.
The picture is divided into three
acts, which depict in turn a thrill
ing incident in the lives of the ui.per
middle and lower classes of New
York's people. A feature which
makes the picture of Interest is an
entire dancing number from Florenz
Zlegfeld's famjus show, "The Mid
night Frolic." Gorgeous scenes taken
in the Cafe Palais Royal are includ
ed in the picture.
The players were confined to 1
very small cast, which includes Marc
MacDermott. Estelie Taylor, Harry
Sothern, Earl Metcalfe and William
Locke. m
A new "Toonerville Trolley" com
edy Is included on the Columbia pro
gramme. Music Is furnishod by the
Columbia picture players.
South African Village Constructed
for Filming of Picture.
A South African village was con
structed for the screen version of
"The Misleading Lady," the success
ful stage comedy by Charles Goddard
and Paul Dickey, In which Bert Lytell
is the star. This picture will be seen
at the Hippodrome theater the first
half of this week. This novel outdoor
setting represented a native encamp
ment on the shore of a lake in South
Africa in which more than 150 blacks
reveled in barbaric freedom.
Extensive search was made for
suitable location for the village, and
the wilds" of New Jersey explored
in an effort to ebtaln surroundings
entirely appropriate for such a set
ting for "The Misleading Lady." The
village is an exact reproduction of
similar settlements In South Africa,
from thatched huts and tom-toms to
the rings in the noses of the breech
clouted savages. No pains were spared
to make the South African vlllag.
realistic In every detail. "
"The Misleading Lady" Is the story
of a girl who met a caveman, and the
South African village portrays the
methods of wooing prevailing amon
the more primitive folk contrasted
with those employed by the character
played by Bert Lytell. The stage play
was adapted by ;Lois Zellner. Lucy
Cotton Is the girl in the case, playing
opposite Mr. Lytell; and the produc
tion was directed by George Irving.
Only Girl Trifles While Only Mun
Is Away to War.
The feature of the Rivoli theater
this week is "Fickle Women," star
ring David Butier.
This photoplay, which Is an adapta
tion of the Saturday Evening Post
story, "Sitting on the World," by
Sophie Kerr, is very similar in Its
humor and human touches to "David
Harum" and "The Old Homestead."
It is an up-to-the-minute tale of
young fellow who thinks he has lost
all he possesses in the world when
his girl makes up with another fel
low while he is away to the war.
But it is the face with the smile
that wins!" This picture shows that
it is as hard to keep a good man down
as it is to get a telephone number
nowadays. We have heard so much
about grim determination that it may
sound strange to hear of smiling de
termination, but that is the moral of
this picture.
Americans have long been known
in all parts of the world as a nation
that smiles. Calvin Price, the young
hero of this story, smiled his way
through war, and smiled himself out
of the clutches of one woman and
into the heart of another. With this
same smile, plus a good Yankee wal
lop, he restored his good name and
started out in real earnest on the road
of life
A comedy, called "Mr. Fatima," and
a concert by the Rivoli orchestra, di
rected by Salvatore Santaella, com
plete the Rivoli programme.
Constance Talmadge in "Danger
ous Business" Is Madcap Girl.
The Majestic theater has as its fea
ture attraction this week Constance
Talmadge in "Dangerous Business,
adapted by John Emerson and Anita
Loos from Madeiaine feharp Buchan-n-an's
story, "The Chessboard." It is
directed by William Xeill.
The atory tells of Nancy rlavell, a
madcap society girl who is always
falling in and out or. Jove ana is about
to marry one man when at the very
altar, in order to escape a distasteful
marriage, she declares she is already
a married woman and the wedding is
Cecil Teague at the organ furnishes
the usual musical programme.
Skjfire," Story of Great North
west, Full of Thrills.
Neal Hart's latest picture. "Skyfire."
at the Star theater, is said to be the
best he has ever made.
It Is a story of the great northwest,
replete with thrills and excitement.
The story dates back to the days of
the Chippewa Indians and their myth
ical belief in the spirit of the aurora
borealis, which led them from dark
ness to light, from hunger to plenty.
The picture is unique for the reason
that it shows what very few persons
have ever seen the glow of the
Northern Lights In the sky. This was
accomplished by means of special elec
trical equipment.
Hart takes the part of Barr Con
roy, an officer of the Northwest
Mounted Police.
Hart was born in New Tork state.
mt is a, graduate of Bucknell uni-
versity, where he was a star halfback
on his college football team. After
graduation, he went west and began
the career that eventually lured him
before tlte motion picture camera.
An added feature of the Star bill Is
Oullin's dog and monkey circus, com
posed of eight dogs and two monkeys,
who perform difficult tricks in a
clever manner.
Story Deals With Blasphemous
Conduct of Minister.
"The Stealers," a powerful drama
of crooks and religion, will be the
feature of the Circle theater today
and Monday.
The stoiy deals with the blasphem
ous conduct of a minister of the gos
pel who turned- crook to spite God
for the sufferings he considered the
Lord had visited upon him. His wife
stolen from him by a former rival, he
gives up his church and becomes a
wandering evangelist, speaking wher
ever he is permitted to pitch his tent.
While he holds the audience through
ihe sheer power of his eloquence, men
and women cenfederates move amon
the worshippers, setaratlng them
from their cash and jewelry.
The minister regarded his plan of
revenge as a great joke on God. How
he came to learn that to defy God
was beyond the puny power of one
of his earthly vassals and how hia
faith was restored is the dramatic and
sensational climax of the story.
The picture represents the fruits or
Mr. Cabanne's years of experience as
a director who began his career under
the tutelage of D. W. Griffith. Mr.
Cabanne wrote, directed and produced
the film. The cast includes William
H. Tooker, a well known actor, as
the minister. Ruth Dwyer, Norma
Shearer, Jack Crosby, Walter Miller
and Matthew L. Betz.
Irish Emigration Decreases. '
DUBLIN, Jan. 1. The emigration
from Ireland during the first ten
months of this year is about half
what It was for the average of the
corresponding ten months of the five
vears preceding the war. There wera
altogether 12.752 emigrants of whom
7S08 were women. There were 431
emigrants from Ulster. Seventy-eight
per cent of the emigrants went to the
United States.
A drama to tense,
powerful and realis
tice that it is impos
sible to erase its
story from your
in a dizzy, skiddy
whirl of merriment.
Open from 9 o'clock
in the morning until
4 o'clock the follow
ing morning.