(Lit (Qmvommt SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 Editorial and Doings in Realm of Society VOL. XL. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2. 121 NO. 1 SEE ALSO SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 9, THIS SECTION Charge Customers Will Receive Double Trading Stamps on January 1st Bills if Paid in Full by January 10th. Stamp Books Redeemed 3d Floor mmm Creme Oil Soap 4 for 25c Main Floor We reserve the right to limit quantity to each customer. Sold only with other purchases in Oft Drug Dept. Special, 4 cakes at JU The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Fur Trimmings V2 Price Main Floor Clearance Sale of our en tire stock of Fur Trimmings and Fur Collars at regular prices. Good as sortment of wanted kinds to select from. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE FirDV A TTTrT T7 T?TT TrTTFl Except Groceries and a j V rJV I iJV 1 lllr !vrU U VlU Very Few Contract Lines A wonderful opportunity to buy Wearing Apparel and home supplies at extremely low prices. The Clearance Sale involves our entire stock of high-grade, dependable merchandise (groceries and contract lines alone excepted). Quality considered, you will find our prices as low as the lowest. S. & H. Trading Stamps given with purchases of 10c or more an additional cash saving on the money you spend. J Clearance of Women's Apparel HALF PRICE Women's Suits 0nf ILspiwsTest styles. Made up in Silvertone, Broadcloth, Velour, Tricotine, Serge and Peachbloom. Suits selling here tofore at $35 to $285, now $17.50 to $142.50 -Women's Goats S Draped, dolman and ruffled effects. Chiffon VeU . vet, Duvetyn, Satin and Taffeta materials. $70.00 to $2l'5.00 Coats now on sale at $35 to .$112.50 Women's Dresses SS afternoon wear. Made up in Tricolette, Satin, Silk Poplin and Taffeta. Beautiful models to select from. $37.50 to $135.00 Dresses at $18.75 to $67.50 TJi -vl-i 1 DlMlfiAf xxigii-iaao utuuaca ette CrePe, Satin and Tricolette materials. Beaded and em broidered models. Excellent selection of the new est styles in the best colors. Regular $40.00 to $79.50 Blouses. Clearance at $20.00 to $39.75 Miccac' rirccac the PPuIar knft- Mifc&ca ui caaca ted frocks so much the vogue for school wear. Round or sailor collars. Belt, cuffs and band of contrasting colors. Ages 6 to 14. $12.50 to $17.50 Dresses $6.25 to $8.75 -Children's Furs flfi $13.50 to $18.50 values ngw $6.75 to $0.25 Beaver and Natural Coney now $2.25 to $10.25 Women's Neckwear 34 to y2 Price Alain t loor bpecial as sortment of Women's high-grade Neckwear in the Clearance Sale at price. Collars, Sets, Ves tees, etc., in the season's smartest styles and most desirable materials. Make selections early Monday. Fancy Vestings V, Off Novelty Vestings of lace and net. Good assortment to select from. Regu lar $3.50 to $6.95 grades $2.63 to $5.22 Plush and Wool Scarfs V4 Off Silk Girdles Now , Off Main Floor Women's Scarfs of Main Floor Women's Silk Gir plush and wool. Very latest dies in a large assortment of styles. A selected lot from our desirable styles. Black and regular stock priced - for the wanted colors. For dresses, Clearance Sale at one-fourth off. blouses, etc. Priced at off. ONE LOT EMBROIDERED SILK AND WOOL BANDS PRICE SPECIAL LOT OF RIBBON NOVELTIES CLEARANCE PRICE METAL AND CELLULOID BAG FRAMES AT TO 'As OFF. Clearance of Linens and Domestics Extraordinary reductions on Table Linens, Towels, Sheets, Sheetings, Pillow Cases, Outing Flannels, Wash Goods, etc. It will pay you to. get our prices. Linen Pattern Cloths Richardson's double dam ask Pattern Cloths. Size 2x2 yards at $9.00, $13.50 and $1 7.5 5. Richardson's Pattern Cloths, size 2x2 yards, $16.65, $17.10. $18.05. No napkins to match above cloths. Clearance Sale of Sheets, Sheetings, Pillow Cases and Towels BLEACHED SHEETING of splendid weight and qual- AQn ity; 72 in. wide; special, yd. 81-inch Bleached Sheeting 53 90-inch Bleached Sheeting 58c PILLOW CASES on sale-at less than manufacturers' cost. 500 dozen offered at 25c, 20c. 34e 65c OUTING FLANNELS in bluebird design; 36 inches OQf wide. Special a yard OOC BLEACHED SHEETS of extra good grade. Size 2x2 Af yard's. Clearance Sale Bleached Sheets, size rJQ 2Ux3 yards. Clearance DllO 75c Bath Towels, special 50c $1.00 Bath Towels, special 75 $1.25 Bath Towels, special $1 $5 Longcloth, 10-yd. bolt $3.50 $7 Longcloth, 10-yd. bolt $5.00 $7.50 Longcloth, 10 yards $5.50 Package Goods 12 Price Second Floor This applies to our entire stock of Art Needle Pack age Goods. Hundreds of differ ent articles to select from. At yz Off Women's made and stamped Bath Robes of best grade velour. Children's stamped' and made Capes, Coats, Hats Scarfs, Piano Covers, etc., now at off 3000 Yards Wash Goods 25c Main Floor Sensational Clear ance Sale of Wash' Goods. Now is the time to lay in a good sup ply for Spring sewing. Great variety of different fabrics suit able for dresses, waists, etc. Lines selling formerly up 9f to $1.00; Clearance price Ostrich Fans At 14 Off Main Floor Choose any Os trich Feather Fan in our stock Monday at just half the regular price. Many beautiful styles to select from and all the de sirable colors. Very suitable for graduation gifts. $13.50 to $25 Fans $10.13 to $18.75 Men's and Women's Shoes Clearance V Price Women's Shoes of dark tan calfskin. Laced pattern, with Cuban heel and walking sole. Neat pointed toe and .-traight tip. All sizes Regular $16.00 Boots a ;t $8.00 Men's Shoes of gunmetal leather. Blucher cut with high full toe and double half sole. Very comfortable and durable. All sizes. jn ff Regular $12.00 Shoes, pr. NJ. UU Women's Bath Robes $5.98 and $6.98 Second Floor Women's Bath Robes of good warm blanket material. In dian, floral and conventional de signs. Roll collars. Values PJT QQ up to $7.50. Clearance Sale DOVO Bath Robes of splendid quality ma terial. Choice assortment of the new est designs and colors. Roll or square collars. Robes selling for- P? QQ merly to $10.75; Clearance WmW Muslin Underwear At V2 Price Bargain and Center Circles, First Floor Hundreds of pieces of Women's Muslin Underwear in the greatest Clearance Sale we have ever announced. Night Gowns, Chemise, Pajamas, Corset Covers-. Skirts, Combination Suits and Drawers in a large assortment of dainty styles. Odd lines from our"regular stock. Some of these gar ments are slightly soiled and mussed, but a tubbing will make them good as new. 65c Undergarments at 33c $7.98 Undergarments $3.99 Groceries --4th Floor Experienced telephone clerks at your service 8 A. M. to 5:45. Dew Drop Washing 0T Powder, special, p'kage Borax Soap, 14 cakes for $1 Lenox Soap, 20 cakes for $1 White Flyer Soap, 20 c'k's$l Borax Chips, per pkg., 10 Sunbrite Cleanser, doz. 750 Metz Waterless Soap for autoists; special 3 tins for 25? Ivory Soap Flakes, pkg. 10c We give S. & H. Stamps. Clearance Sale of Women's and Children's Knit Underwear All women's and children's Knit Underwear enters the Clear ance Sale at reductions ranging up to 50. Carter, Royal Mills, Honor, Kayser and other well-known makes. Cotton, lisle, wool, silk and cotton, silk and wool. All styles and weights. Carter's Knit Underwear Yz Off Regular Prices Main Floor Carter's Knit Union Suits for women in the most desirable styles. These garments are sold as "seconds" on ac count of slight imperfections. All are of superior quality $3.75 Union Suits at $2.50 $4.50 Union Suits at $3.00 $5.00 Union Suits at $3.34 -$6.00 Union Suits "at $4.00 $6.25 Union Suits at $4.17 $6.50 Union Suits at $-1.34 Kayser's Knit Union Suits Kayser Union Suits in me dium weight, low neck, no sleeves, knee or ankle length. Also wide and shell knee. Shown in pink or white. $1.25 Union Suits at 980 Children's Fleeced Underwear Main Floor Children's fleece lined Pants and Vests in best makes on sale at big savings. 75c Underwear, special 500 85c Underwear, special 570 95c Underwear, special 630 $1 Underwear, special 670 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length. Full bleach and me dium weight. Reg- P" ?Q ular $2.50 values $2.25 Union Suits at $1.60 $2.79 Union Suits at $1.80 $3.50 Union Suits at $2.00 $3.75 Union Suits at $2.89 $2.50 Union Suits at $1.79 We give S. & H. Stamps. Children's Knit Underwear Reduced x to l2 Main Floor Children's silk and wool Vests, Pants and Union Suits in the Clearance Sale at half price. Dis continued numbers and irregulars. Famous Carter and Globe makes.' $4.50 Union Suits, special $2.25 S5.00 Union Suits special $2.50 $5.50 Union Suits special $2.75 $6.00 Union Suits special $3.00 -$8.00 Union Suits special $4.0O $9.00 Union Suits $10.00 Union Suits $11.00 Union Suits CHILDREN'S and Union Suits at $1.75 $1.90 $2.05 $2.35 $2.50 Union Union Union Union Union off Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits special special special Misses' regular special special special special special $4.50 $5.00 $5.56 Cotton prices. $1.17 $1.20 81.37 $1.57 $1.67 Regular $1.00 Undergarments, Cf priced for the Clearance Sale at Regular $1.50 Undergarments, tJtZg priced for the Clearance Sale at Regular $1.98 Undergarments, QQ priced for the Clearance Sale at W' Regular $2.50 Undergarments. OC priced for the Clearance Sale tDA.Arf'J Regular $2.98 Undergarments, priced for the Clearance Sale Regular $3.50 Undergarments, I- HK priced for the Clearance Sale DAIJ $1.49 Regular $3 priced for Regular $4 priced for Regular $5 priced for Regular $6 priced for Regular $6 priced for Regular $7 priced for .98 Undergarments, the Clearance Sale .50 Undergarments, the Clearance Sale .98 Undergarments, the Clearance Sale .50 Undergarments, the Clearance Sale .98 Undergarments Clearance Sale, at .50 Undergarments, the Clearance Sale $1.99 $2.25 $2.99 $3.25 $3.49 $3.75 Outing Flannel Night Gowns Clearance V2 Price Our entire stock of Women's and Children's Outing Flannel Night Gowns and Pa jamas go white and all means Regular Garments. Regular Garments. Regular Garments. on sale beginning Monday morning at just half regular selling prices. Plain fancy stripes. Every garment is well made and cut in standard size. By take advantage of this chance $2.49 Flannelette OF CUnrnnr Sal at UJA.iiti $2.98 Flannelette Clearance Sal $3.50 Flannelette Clearance Sale at srs $1.49 s $1.75 to buy Flannel Wear at HALF PRICE. Regular $3.98 Flannelette QQ Clearance Sale at V U $4.50 Flarmelette PO Or C.learanc Sale at. miitj $4.98 Flannelette Clearance Sale at Garments. Regular Garments. Regular Garment. $2.49 Gossard Corsets at 98c Corset Dept. Sizes 19 and 20 Formerly $6.50 Second Floor If you wear size IS or 20 you will want to buy twe o three of these splendid Corsets. Gossard front-laced model made up in the very QQ best materials and beautifully finished. Formerly sold at $6.50. Clearance 6aie JOj Clearance Sale of Dress Goods and Silks Extraordinary Savings! f Here is a sale that will create a sensation! Thousands of dollars worth of this season's best fabrics go out on the bargain tables at phenomenal reductions to cut down the stocks at once. Cost and replacement prices have been ignored in this, our greatest Clearance of Silks and Dress Goods. Buy now for present and future needs. $6, $7 Dress Goods $1.98 Main Floor Beautiful imported silk-mixed Suitings and Coatings in a splendid assortment of the most desirable colors. About 1000 yards "in this lot. Regular $6 and $7 values; per ji rard $198 $5, $6 Dress Goods $2.98 Velours, Epmgles, Plaids, Broadcloths and Bengalines. Strictly high-grade fab rics in a good assortment of the wanted colors. Materials selling heretofore at $5.00- and $6.00 the yard. PO QQ Clearance Sale price, per yard Diut0 Velvets and Plushes xi Price Black Silks Reduced! Main Floor High-grade Velours and Plushes. Clearance at hk price. $8.00 Seal Plush In (IJO Kfi gray and tan; per yard uJO.tlvf $12.00 Seal Plush, a yard $6.00 -16 Black Lyons Silk Velvet $10 $17.50 Seal Plush, yard $8.75 $4.00 Black Duchesse, yd. $2.75 $4.00 Palette de Sole, yd. $2.48 $5.50 Satin Duchesse, yd. $3.48 $3.50 Chiffon Taffeta, yd. $2.48 $4.50 Chiffon Taffeta, yd. $2.08 $6.50 Bonnets, Imported French Taffeta; Clearance, yard $3.08 $7 to $10Suitings Now$3.98 $9 to $10 Suitings $5.90 Main Floor High-grade Mixed Suitings, Wool Duvetyn and Golf Coatings, In the new high colors. Regular $7.00 to $10.00 PO QQ ....... -, , .... - x Cream Suitings and Skirtings. Herringbone, Diagonal and Basket Weaves. Strictly all pure wool. Regular $9.00 and $10 dr QA values: special a yard vttJJv $1.65 Printed Lining Sateen 36-in. yd. 98c a