THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN. PORTLAND, JANUARY 2, 1921 13. BCSFNESS OPPORTUNITIES. HAVE TOU $500 $1000 OR MORE? That you would like to Invest in an establish-: rt business certain to Day you 10 per cent practically ruarantad with excellent prospects of making aa hitch as 30 per cent or 35 per cent? A locai business found d on the necessities of life and managed by men who raffle high In the finanrial and bMlMH affair of th rttv whirh wilt always do a Drufit- able business during both prosperous and dull years. Tou can invest any amount you like in multiples of $1(M. Tour services are not required : your money will earn you dividends without you having to put In your time. For full particulars, address AN 213, Oregonian OPPORTUNITIES. Severn: vu.i-anizinr shows, best equip tnent. $1300 to $3000, can arrange good terms. Grocery, good location, fine business Awner from clfv. l.;7'H. Several confectioneries, $1200 to $3000. Co"'l ierm: utart lor yourself. Transfer and fuel businesa, $1000 be your own boss; make money here. Good terms. owiiar cai.ea east. jww. A. Gordon Ross, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry bldg CLAY MANUFACTURING PLANT. 28 miles from Portland; acres of Clay land. The plant occupies 1 acres an S-room residence and acres (in fruit, etc. t making llk acres. Good stock on hand, fully equipped, track our The uries of a I I15.0U". or $10. 010 for the plant and $5000 for the Zz acres with ihr. modern home. Wl : on terms. Modern bungalow areund i' "" wtii be considered n part traue MRS THOMSON. 620 HENRY BLPG- OPENING with old-established company for reliable -man who can invest $500 to $1500 cash to carry supplies to open office and organize sales rorce in ure aron and coast states) for new machine that v y-v merchant and factory needs. Coats $6. reialls $15. Big proposition for right man; we pay expenses oi trip i Chicago to Investigate and close dea. General Manager, 171 N. Dearborn st. Chicago ESTABLISHED corporation manufacturing article or sreat merit, inapenuie w motor trucks will open amies agency and will give exclusive territory to party who Will give line their undivided attention and are able financially to carry stock. Prospective customers, accessory dealers, truck owners and garage; $300 to $500 necessary ; sure money maker. Sales manager. 318 West 15th St., Cincinnati. Ohio. DRUG STORE. Tn one of the best locations in the city, tong lease, low rent, high grade oak fixtures; the only Eastman Kodak agency In 14 blocks. Owner la not a druggist and has other business that must have his full time. Do not answer unless you mean business. AC 300, Ore- go mar, MAM' F A C TU RING corporation wants capable men to open branch office and manage salesmen; $300 to $2000 neces sary; handle your own money; exclusive rights; patented article ; money making possibilities unlimited: witl pay expenses to Baltimore if you qualify. Mr. Clem mer, Saleamanager, o03 N. Eutaw SL, Baltimore. Md. CONFECTION ERT. B.VKBRT AND LUNCH. Old-established busy east side corner, ioing big business; under present owner ship for years; good lease, reasonable rent. Fixtures alone worth price; big stock, all goes for $3000. SIMMS. 610 Henry bldg SWELL LOCATION FINE CONFECTIONERY. DOING AVERAGE CASH BUSINESS OF $00 PER DAY. IN SUMMER TIME OVER $100 per day; trial given; price $33011. some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BIG GROCER" SACRIFICE. Doing $150 to $200 dally business now. Ifakir.c money SURE; good 5-room mod ern flat above. If sold this week will invoice stock at discount, about $4000. SIMMS. 610 Henry bldg. SUBURBAN CASH GROCERY. On corner with mail route which pays $900 per year, this place is doing over $60 per day rash: 2 living rooms; will Invoice; cheap fixtures, all about $1500; trial given. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. WEST SIDE CAFETERIA SNAP. $1000 cash will handle busy downtown cafeteria; a high-class place goes this week for about half its value; good lease. SIMMS. 610 Henry bldg. W ANTKl A bond salesman of ability for special work who has had experience handling high-grade bonds. Answers strictly confidential. The advertiser is not in the security business. Professional Mock sellers are requested not to reply. AK 251, Oregon Ian. CANDY SHOP. $800 for this dandy little candy store, right next door to one of busiest west side picture shows. Clean as a pin, fine business, very low rent. Slmms, G10 Henry bldg. THE DAYTON Airless Tire Co. want cap able man as manager. Multnomah county to succeed one Just promoted to district manager Pacific coast. $500 to $800 stock of tires must be -carried. See Mr. Mills at Hotel Franklin. 13th and Wash sts. Mondav 9 to 12 A. M. WEST SIDE CONFECTIONERY and light groceriss. established steady trade. $75 per day and up; rent $45 and long lease. One of best on west side and a bargain at $3500. some terms. SIMMS. 610 Henry bldg. WANTED Dealers, garages or welders in each county to act as distributors for rest live proposition. This is an excep tional opportunity which would require a small Investment. Western KelM-Meta! corporation. 721 Grant. Denver. Colo. I AVE good location, west side, near Union depot or on Washington st., or near North Bank depot; will build building for your purpose; garage, ware house, etc. See party, 301 Railway Ex. Main TiUl, Res East 7504. FOR SALE Vulcanising plant, Akron, Williams and Western retread moulds : doing fine business in town of 7000, will sell home furnished, just step tn and go to work. BJ 2S5, Oregonlan. tlGAR STORE CENTER CITY. LONG LEASE. FAIR RENT. GOOD UTOCK AND FIXTURES; OWNER 6ICK: MAKE US FAIR OFFER. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. . 905 OAK ST. CLOSING OUT Fixtures and stock of a pool hall, soft drink and confectionery, going at half price; make me an offer. Store for rent. Call Sunday and Mon day 1129 Alblna tve GARAGE FOR SALE. Best location tn Portland, full of re pair work and storage, or will sell half interest; personal reason for selling. D 231, Oregonlan. HAKE a fortune giving electric shower baths, patented Nov. 30. 1920; for ex clusive rights and proposition for Port land write Earle Littlefield, Pioneer bldg . Seattle. CLEARSIGHTED party wanted to Invest a few thousand dollars In a sure money making proposition; only progressive party need call. Wm Nacel. 342 Victoria at., cor. Weldier. East 7603. fiOOO paying restaurant. blocks from Wash. St., 8 stools. 4 tables; just the place for man and wife. Deal direct with owner. $625. 22H N 10th st. Basin s Opportunities Wanted. CASH CLIENT WANTS GROCERY, about $3000; mtght consider $5000 if good value; write foil details to secure at tention BRECK. THE LOGAN BERRT MAN. 3S4 E. 4 2d N. CHEF would Invest $500 with services in going restaurant business; must be bonaf ide and bear strict investigation. AV ftg 7. Oregonlan. HV ANTED Light lunch and confectionery or restaurant; will piy $500 cash, bal ance monthly; must be good. BC 210, iTtgv-r.lan. EASTKRN druggis! with the coin wants good store (with living apts. preferred). State best price and particulars. R 127. Oregonlan. 'WANTED Working partnership In grocery store or restaurant: am thoroughly com petent in both lines. Address 4300 56th are. S. E. Phone Sell. 3255. WANTED Half interest In a small, well paying restaurant, must stand strictest investigation; can take charge of front part. BJ 235, Oregonlan. WANT theater, live town 200O upward. Writs Wltwer. Box S4. Great Falls, Mont. fJTUDEBA KER six. new. $T00. terms; trade for barber hop or other business; license paid. 903 Albina ave. WANTED Sawmill q- shingle mill by the thousand. Address L L Canon. Mc- Kfr.-.s. ash. WANTED Mercantile business up to $100.- 2'2 000. retail or wholesale, for cash and clear property. Call at 006 Corbet I bldg. WANT small woodworking piant. box facto.-', or planing mill. P. O. Box 32, Portland VO TRADE $100 equity tn lot and two houses for interest tn restaurant. Phone Tabor 5779. JOB PRINTING platens; cash; s gonian. plant wanted. 1 ate price. BD 214. Wanted to buy 345, Oregonlan. a meal market. AR WANT large body asbestos. rrbar. W 74. Ortyoiritn. Must be long WANT a grocery with living rooms; pries t&UAl hft 001. Own; Main BUSYNESS OPPORTUNITIES. nuinesa Opportunities Wanted. WANTED Country hotels. Oregon. Wasn- icgron and jaano; give run parucui" w hav reliabr buyers waiting and more enmtnfc- hurr fi ur listings to U. NOH6THW EST HOTEL NEWS CO.. INC.. , 714 OOtTH BLDG. imtlVlei I n-n mmr a .Kr, f T T 1 e P. CC auto mechanic and motor boat builder with some capital to build a combtna tion aifto and motor boat For furthe particulars BD 212, Oregonian. A CASH BITTER. To sell your business quickly, quietly andawlthout publicity, see or write f ALLISON & BILLINGS. 401-2 Dekum bldg. Established 1904 LADY desires position as helping partner for someone in business. Must be relia ble. For further information. Marshall 313. Apt. 4. Address O 210, Oregonlan. Hotel and skuoming Houses. THOMSON THOMSON. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDW1. 4SS0. STRICTLY MODERN 52-ROOM HOTEL, 30055. fireproof building; 5-year lease rent 3500: central location; well fur- nuhi: always full: net income over $IM0; will take $12,000 down, balance at 1. Anrnv Hi"TT!T. In finest location: furnished with the very best; clean and in perfect con ditlon; the net income will surprise you $15,000 will handle. 75 ROOMS. Modern hotel, Northwest heat; rent $iK0O: can have lease; best transient lo cation , gooo looDy ; automatic mm $12,000 will shandle. 31 -ROOM TRANSIENT HOTEL. Tn ht Inratlnn' r1fan. Well furnished steam beat: brick building; can have lease; low rent; good income; $4500 cash. m GOOD, MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. Best west side location; all 2 and 3 room apartments: good lease; low rent; furniture and carpets very good; every thing in perfect shape; clears big money, $10,000 cash will handle. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT HOUSE. 15 apartmentsi in best location; private baths, hardwood floors, hot-water heat; everything in fine condition; brick build ing: 3-year lease; fine income; $WW cash. 18-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. 2 -room suites; stove or furnace heat; water In nearly every room: good car pets; plenty of linen; everything clean and In good shape; rent low, will not be raised; price right, terms. GOOD. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. Clearing $1000; will sell on terms, will consider good, modern bungalow or first-class business in part trade. 12 ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. Steam heat, electricity; rAt $o; good furniture and ruga; good income; price $1250 cash. 24 ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. Good corner house in best west side location; rent $90: electricity: stove heat; water In some rooms; good in come; price $3800. terms. We have many others, all sizes, prices and locations. If what we have adver tised does not meet your requirement, call and look over our lists. MRS. THOMSON. 20 HENRY BLDG. TRY-US REALTY CO. 109 West Park St. 44-room modern "brick hotel, close In, corner location. low rant, long lease, good furniture, clean and attractive, clearing $450 a month. A picKup for $6800; good terms. 25 rooms, all H. K.. good furniture. White Temple district, netting $100 above all expenses for $3800; $2000 cash. 11 rooms, all H. K. ; low rent; good net income for $900; $550 cash. Private hospital or oeas ai a. iwi i sacrifice, fully equipped for all kinds of surgical work, for $2500; $2000 cash. 6-room lower flat, finely furnished ; nice homey place for $1000; west side location. . 25 rooms, all H. K-. good furniture; running water in most rooms; netting $165; all for $2500; $1000 cash. 15 rooms, all H. K.. electric light, fair furniture; White Temple district; clear ing $160 a month, for $1800; $1000 han. lies. ' m , 10 rooms, mostly H. K.. good furni ture, clearing $75 a month, for $1250; $800 cash. a m 21 rooms, all H. K.; good furniture. White Temple district, clearing $200 a month for $2700: $1800 cash. TRT-US .REALTY CO., 169 West -Park Street. GOOD APARTMENT HOUSE PROPERTY. Modern apartment house, fins location, good Income, nice apart ments: building, ground and fur nishings. $30,000. one-third cash. Good proposition: List 214. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg. HIGH-CLASS 44 rooms, modern, white pressed brtck. corner bldg.. rent $300, with 2-year lease; well furnished tnroughout; won derful downtown location ; net $500 a month. Price $10,000; $0000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5487. SWELL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 43 rooms. 5-yr. lease, beautiful ground floor lobbv, well furnished throughout; wonderful town location ; net $800 a month. $8000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG, 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 54S7. A COSY ONE. 58-room. 7 4-room apts.. 10 " arts., all with private baths, exceptionally- well furnished; fine corner, brick building; $5000 will handle it. SEE MRS. HAUG. M2 Henry Bldg Bdwy. 7,47. A GOOD BUY. Swell furniture of a 7-room flat, lovely home, with income, close in; $900 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5487. 1 4-ROOM HOTEL. With dining room: a fine little place; rent $40. Price $1000. $600 will handle, bal- easy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. 1 5-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING. Close in on 10th st. ; house all full, making money; rent only $40; price $2100 $120) cafh. bal. easy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. APARTMENT BARGAIN. 4 1 rooms. I and " rooms, lease, w. side, a fine place. $5O0O. and the heat bu in the city. See Bristow, 401 Stock Exch. bldg IS ROOMS, rent $70: furnace neat; gooa furniture and rugs: h. and c. water In rooms: price $3100. $2000 down, bal ance $50 month. WOODCOCK, "27 Henry Bldg. MODERN, clean hotel, 44 rooms, by own er. If vou haven't $3700 cash don't waste vour time nor mine. This place is worth the price sake... Tho Royal, corner East $d and Morrison. SN AT' A homey place, excellent furni ture. Strictly modern. Clean. Income $130 50. besides lower flat to one's self. Fuel in for the winter. Main 2330. HOTEL 44 rooms, net Income 1450. Fine brick bldg., good location, steam heat, lease. You should see It. It is a bar gain. $3700 will handle. See Bristow, 401 Stock Exch. bldg. VO-ROOsI hotel, one floor. Northwestern heat, cheap rent; always full, beet tran sient location in city; $5700. $3700 will handle. Bdwy. 1822. In-ROOM K04MML well furnished : furnace heat; rent $60: lease; clears JSO. Price $1000. $1400 down. WOODCOCK, 32" Henry Bldg. IS-ROOM, rent $55. lease 2 years, clearing about 930O; good w. side location; $2000 will Handle. See Bristow, 401 Stock Exchange bldg. 11 ROOMS in Nob Hill diet., best of fur n!lure; rnt $40; net $30 and 3 rooms f.r owner. See Bristow, 401 Stock Exch. b'dr. 10 HOUSEKEEPING rooms with piano and fuel; rent $45: all full; good in come; alt for $1300. 540 6tb st. No agents. Owner. I HAVE a client who wants a hotel or apartment house. 50 to 100 rooms; no in flaied prirs Main 53S.V HAVE three buyers for apartment houses and rooming houses. 1 need your llst ings. Heridr. Brow d way 387. FOR SALE by owner, 10 rooms, cheap for cash. 403 Broadwsy, Mar. 7S0 h. k.. Phone FOR B5T bargain In apartment houss ses members of the Renlty Board Yates Realty Co 245 Fourth st. 10 ROOMS, good furniture, hot and cold watr in apts.. furnace heat: $900 cash or 1050 terms, with T6QQ Call East 558 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, house an property. Alblna. to exchange. BD 215, Oregonian. ' ZZ ROOMS housekeeping, rent $40: clears $160 $2250. $1800 cash. 71 E. 11th t. N. East 53S3. ROOMS, close in Broadway, nets $50. $550. Realty Sales Co., 331 Ry. Exch. bldg. S1400 WILL handle 15 h. k. house. White Temple, dist. Clears $125. 331 Ry. Ecb, bldg. KtCENTLY papered 10 h. k. rooms, $1275. Xets $7S. 531 Ry. Exch. bldg. I BUY chattel mtgs.. tstels. apt. houses, etc. Call mornings- Bdwy. 1429. WANT from owner, 10 to IS rooms, price b rjiU. 1UA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Honses. T2-ROOM HOTEL 72. Elegant location, fine corner, modern brick building, large lobby and elevator. This place is running about half transient and clearing $1000 per month ; good lease. It requires $16,000. , x 45 ROOMS1 $5. Modem corner brick building, well and completely furnished, three-year lease at $250 per month. If you have $3300 to invest, here is an opportunity.' LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE. One of the best in the city, strictly modern and up-to-date. This house is clearing $1100 over all expenses : has gool tease and can be bandied with $10,000 SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE. 25 beautiful apartments, good lease, fine modern brick building, west side. This will net you $800 " per month and can be handled 'with $10,000. 40 ROOMS 40. Fine down-town location, steam heat, hot and cold water, several private baths, furniture and car pets are good. Lease at $225 per month. Price $8000. F. RIERDON. RITTER. LOWE & CO., JOl-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES, APART MENT HOUSES. 85-room apartment house, modern brick, $12,000. 50-room hotel, modern brick. $15,000. 27-room H. K. house, frame, $3800. 22-room H. K. house, frame, $2500. 17-room rooming house, frame, $2000. 12-room H. K. house, frame, $1300. These are all good buys and close-in locations. Call 163 West Park st. We will place you right. Anderson & Clark. '4 APARTMENTS, containing 2. 3 and 4 room apartments, steam heat and hot and cold water in every apartment; near Montgomery Ward A Co. and American Can Co.; known as Upshur apartments; all apartments fuTk Will give five-yea-lease on building; price for the furniture IH5.O0O. Party buying this must have executive ability and references; no trades. See Mr. Ballis or Mr. Hodsoa WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth Street. DON'T MISS THIS! WV-room modern pressed brick corner building, all 2 and 3-room apts.. with private baths and phones, completely furnished, including all gas ranges and refrigerators, clearing over all expenses $800 month, besides your own 3-room apt. This Is the best buy on the market See Mrs. KeUer. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldy 73-ROOM HOTEL AND APARTMENT. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Steam heat in part ; mostly house keeping; good furniture, attractive building, low rent, long lease; worth at least $6500, but it is offered for only $3800. half cash. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. EAST SIDE BARGAINS. 17 rooms, close m on east side, all on oiie floor, 2-room h. k. suites: $400 cash will handle. 9 rooms, good residence district, nfee yard. Very attractive heme- , Mrs. Albaugh. with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. GREETINGS! Look what 1 have in store for you. Furniture in a 90-room apt. house, all rooms completely furnished in fine oak farniture, gas stove, refgs., 2 beds In each room; netting over $800 a month; lease at $350 a month; nly $10,000, with $8000 cash. Marshall 3352. J. B. ROCK CO. $1000 NET PROFIT 72-room hotel, one of the best loca tions, mostly transient, well furnished, private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, splendid ground-floor lobby; $15,000 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg FIRST TIME ON MARKET. Apartment house, 53 rooms, rent $200. lease, 23 apts,. mostly 2 and 3-room apts.. 2 4-rooms, cream of locations, team heat, net profit about $500. Price $12,000, easy terms. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg APARTMENTS AND ROOMING HOUSES. If vou wish to sell and want QUICK ACTION, list with us; phone and I will call and talk It over. Benny B. Bloom, with COBB BROS, 263 Oak st. Main 9052. !3 ROOMS, good lease, elevator, private baths, beautiful ground floor lobby, well furnished throughout, making a net profit $1500 month. This is worth in vestigating. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. 54 -ROOM HOTEL. EAST SIDE. Brick building, all sleeping rooms: 5 years' lease with 3 stores downstairs; now rented, rent for all $150; price for all $6000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St NEAR WASHINGTON HIGH. 8 rooms, very nicely furnished, includ ing a high-grade piano, all housekeep ing, fine garage. $134 Income: $1575 with piano, $1275 without; $800 down; lease. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. COZY LITTLE HOME. We have a beautiful 5-room flat and sleeping porch. Just lots of furniture, must he seen to be appreciated; lovely location. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg BEST HOTEL BUY IN TOWN. T3 rooms, fireproof bldg., strictly modern, ground floor lobby, elevator; manv private batis: long lease; clears $1200 a month. Price $15,000, terms. A. J. De FOREST & CO. 320 Henry Bldg. 53-ROOM HOTEL, BRICK. Center city, good furniture; rent only $150 per month, clears $450 per month; a sure snap. Owner has other business; $3500 will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of Insurance. 02-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Concrete building, hot and cold water in all rooms; a real buy, price $6500. $450o will handle; 5 years' lease. Japs can buy this, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak SU FOR QUICK SALE. List your hote:, apartment and room ing houses with us. your interests will always be protected. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1O07 Yeon BMg AJ A SACRIFICE 10 furnished house keeping apartments in White Temple district; nets better than $150 month; must be sold immediately as sickness necessitates change of climate. Phone Marshal! 1079 . SWELL 11-room house, brand new furni ture rooms rented all the time, clean $100 month. Price $2100. some terms. Se-e Mrs. Keller. GEO. T MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon BM 4S-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Good furniture, swell location, house always full. Price $4000, some terms. Japs can handle this place: good lease. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 Oak St. 16 ROOMS, all convplete'y and weil fur nished for housekeeping, net profit. $100 a month, can be more. : ' v. will give you possession. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 107 Yeon PMc IS ROOMS on Yamhill, sacrifice $950; net Income $S5; rent $35; must sell Monday. Grab this. A. J. DeFOREST & CO. 320 Henry Bldg. 15 BOOMS H. K. Steam heat, elec. lights: house making monev; snap: all for $2800, some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. 45-ROOM modern hotel, lease. Income $450 a trm: best buy in city west side, good month; $9500; A. J. DeFOREST & CO 320 Henry Bldg. 10 ROOMS. FURNACE HEAT. Very good furniture, bouse always full, fine location. Price $2000. some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. TERMS OR PART TRADE. 60-room hotel and housekeeping, brick bldg . lease. $200 month, clears $450. CH S RTNGLER & Co.. --' Henry bid. OR s"a t .Sa Rooming house furnished (24 rooms') centrally located on main busi ness street of Astoria, D. H. Welch. As toria. Or. ' l' ROOMS, west side. $050. snap; cash. bal. terms ; cheap rent. A- J. DeFOREST & CO. 320 Henry Bldg. $M 20-ROOM hotel, nice, modern bldg . good location, rent only $50, good oak and maple furniture: snap for $1200. H. W. garland. SOU 4 t ... BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel- and Rsoxotng Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Cldg. Corner Fifth and Washington. HOTEL SPECIAL-55-room brick building; well fur nished; in the heart of the city; cheap rent, long lease; $3500 will handle. THE CRKAM OF SMALL APARTMENTS. This surely is a beautiful place--15 rooms, 3 sleeping porches, good fur niture and carpets a home that any woman would be proud-0f being the landiadv; large yard with largo nut and pear trees; price $200, terms. APARTMENT HOUSE. This Is one of the best 15 S-room apartments in the city,; modern, up-to-the-mlnuie; automatic elevator; best of furniture ; fine location ; can be seen bv appointment only; this apartment is netting $500 a month; $5000 cash will handle. 50-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Net income over $300 per month; long lease, at a very low rent: will sacrifice on account of health; $4250 full price. Eight rooms on west side. This is firrt-class furniture, very clean; in good district; Income $167 per month; price $1300. . ... 16 rooms near Ladd school, rent $40. very good furniture, and a money maker; price $1700.- EAST SIDE. 10 rooms, good building, nice yard ; $600 cash will handle. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Corner Fifth and Washington. MAGOON & ffPEXCER. HOTEL AND APT. HOUSE BROKERS 026 Cham, of Com. BAg. Main 6127. SPECIAL MENTION. 91-room, ajl modern apt., rent $4 per room, with a 4-year Tease. NET in come now about $900. ALL MODERN HOTEL. 30 rooms, very classy, close in, rent $150, with 2-year leae. HOUSEKEEPING APTS. 30 rooms, steam heat, rent $75. Lease. (We have what you wanL), HIGH-CLASS COUNTRY HOTEL. 93-room, fine modern brick hotel, good eastern Oregon town, 3500 population, lots of private baths, doing large busi ness, right on highway at depot, clears over siu.uuu per eti , uuhuiub. and furnishings, $60,000, one-third cash; fine proposition, beautiful view Columbia river; move quickly if you want this. Inc., 714 Couch bldg. ; APARTMENTS and ROOMINO HOUSES. We have many calls for apartments, rooming houses, hotols and housekeep ing rooms If you wish to selL list with us. We guarantee service and satisfac tion. Mr. Freeman. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Streets, MAIN 7487. SIX H. K. rooms. $550, modem. $20 handles, close in, rent S-'V. 6-room us, sleeping, modern, close in, good furni ture. 3 acres. 1 acres In prunes, good, new, 8-room modern house on Oregon electric, terms. 15-room H. K.. modern, close In. terms. Barney Johnson, 170 10th at. Alain saws 27 ROOMS, east side, housekeeping, mod ern rent S2,. nru- 51..lii some terms. 16 rooms, housekeeping, running wa ter, price $1650. 29 rooms, west side, not entirely mod ern but low rent and good income; $1600, terms. - Mrs. Albaugh, with JOHN FERGU SON, Gerlinger oidg. I WISH t my friends, clients, and stramgers as well, a prosperous 1921. May it be the best year of our activities. Try to be satisfied with the present profits and conditions. They could be better; they - i'-'. be worse. This city is worthy of a booster. Don't knock! J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. CLASSY APARTMENT. Extremely classy, modern in every respect; about 90 rooms, each with pri vate bath; shown only by appointment; no phone information; $8000 building. Do you want something worth while and different? See this, then. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 023-4-5 NORTH WESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 15 ROOMS, no housekeeping, large, bright rcoms, exceptionally good furniture and rugs, twin beds, oak dressers, etc. Very attractive outside appearance, lovely yard with shrubs and flowers. A home you would be proud of anda good in come. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. LITTLE MONEY-MAKER. 52 rooms, mostly housekeeping, cleaa as wax, never have an idle room-, clears over all expenses about $500 month. Fins place for man to run, no work. Price $5500, liberal terms.' See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon BMg GOOD PLACE TO FIX UP. 107-room apt. house, rent $500. Tine lease, corner bid-g., 46 apts., 32 2-room, 14 3-room. steam heat., completely fur nished. For further particulars See Mrs. KeWer. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bld HOTEL. 62 rooms, hot and cold water in all rooms, ground floor lobby, elevator, fine downtown location, good lease, not prof it about $600. Price $15,000. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon B!d-g ROOMING HOUSE OWNERS. If you have a chattel mortgage and want to cash It we pay the most. If you have a buyer for your house who has not monev enough we will finance Lhera If you want to sell for cash. Call Broad way 402. PETERS, 15 N. 15th St. 10 ROOMS, housekeeping, running water, very desirable location on east side. 8 rooms, modern east side place, total price $400. 5-room flat, high-class furniture. Mrs. Albaugh. with JOHN FERGU SON, Gerlinger bldg. ANOTHER ONE. Fine location. 15 apts., 2 and 3 rooms. 17 single room housekeeping, net profit $475 month. $7000 cash will handle. - See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T MOORE CO. 1007 Teon B!dg IN BUSINESS DISTRICT. 48 rooms, right down town, clears over $400 monthly, best bargain on our big list; $3000 cash will handle. SIMMS. 610 Henry bldg. 66-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Right downtown, N. W, steam heat, elevator; 3 years' lease; a swell place, clearing over $400 per month; $6000 will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. 27 ROOMS housekeeping; rent $05; in come $300 net ! S45O0, terms. 10 rooms. Nob Hill; $1500: rent $60. 25 rooms housekeeping: rent $50, lease; income $207.50; $1100; $1000 down. FRED LAWSOK & CO.. Main 867. 410 of Com. St ROOMS Compelled to sacrifice, good place, housekeeping, pays $160 month profit: price $2250. part time; act quick. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 820 Hnry bldg. . HAVE several nicely furnished flats rang ing In price from $900 to $1650; some can be bought on easy terms; glad to show them. I have an auto. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. 67-ROOM apartment hcuse. steam heat, fireproof blug., 3-year lease, automatic elevator, net profit about $400 month. Price $7500. $500 down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bld-g PRETTY, PRETTY. PRETTY Is fhis 11 rooms, all H. K.. nothing any nicer In the way of a little rooming house; $2450, terms in reason. Nob hilL J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. 13 ROOMS 13, Hotel with dining room, cheap rent, alwavs full, dandy location; if sold at once. $1195. Your own terms. PETERS. 15 N. 15th St. PHONE ME TOUR LISTINGS. SEE ME FOR BARGAINS. (Except Sunday.) v J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. 7-ROOM flat, rent only $30. all outside rooms, exceptionally well furnished, a real home. Price $110O See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldy. 10 ROOMS, north of Wash.; part H. K. ; needs cleaning up:$950. half cash; you can make good with this one. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. WANTED Rooming houses. 12 to 25 rooms, also 30 to 40 rooms: I have cash buyers. Main 3669. H W. GARLAND. 201 3d. FOR SALE Near N. W. shipyards, furni ture of 14-room rooming house over cafe teria; reasonable rent 6"27 Hood st. HAVE $10O0 to Invest, balance terms, h. k. roams, no less than 20. Owners only. C urrg'T.tan E LE;ANTLY furnished front room In a swell private home, suitable for 2 young men. 71 Trinity-Place. READ MY BULLETIN BOARDS. STEP IN FOR PARTICULARS. J EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. - WILL build apartment house to suit ten ant. flose In, west aids. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbcit BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotefe and Rooming Honses. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS COMPANY. INC. HOTEL AND APT. HOUSE BROKERS. 714 COUCH BLDG. y HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL. We hare a large and- carefully selected listing of attractive buys In hotels and apartment houses, large and smsn, that can be bandied with reasonable amount of cash on first payment We handle onlv legiti mate and bona fide propositions, and protect our clients, at all times. Our paper is published and mailed weekly from this office to our subscrlbars all over the country, you may have a copy on request. We handle business opportunities of all kinds, also city and country hotel and apartment house property. Buy snd sell your place of business through this office. HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couh Bldg. Apartment house, 37 apart ments, fine location, big Income property; $50,000. one-third cash, building, ground and furnishings. List 217. Apartment house, 30 apart ments, fine location, good lease. $350 month; $9000 cash handles. List 219. Apartment house, 15 apart ments, good lease, clears $300 month; $5000 cash handles. List 205. Apartment house. 62 rooms, a winner; rent $250. clears about $550: dandy place. $10,500; snap; $7000 handles. List 204. 30-room brick hotel, good lease, $150 month, clears $300: nice place; $5000 handles. List 130. 70-room hotel, fine transient location, dandy lease, clears J1000; fine proposition; $12,000 bandies. List 134. 60-room hotel, all outside rooms, nicely furnished. $10,500; good lease; $6000 handles. List 119: We have some of the best resi dential and transient hotels In Portland on our list, can be handled on easy terms. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS. 714 COUCH BLDG. THE BEST furnished rooming house in Portland, filled with the best people; rent $60; furnace heat, elec. light and gas; $1800 will handle. WOODCOCK. 327 Henry Bldg. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE. OF BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A. Mv the 15th day of January, 1921, by the undersigned, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Jefferson County, Oregon, at the office of said Court in the County Courthouse in Madras, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said County issued for the building of permanent roads therein in the sum of $50,000, same being a por tion of any; authorized Issue of $100,000. same being in denominations of $1000 each, numbered from 1 upwards, dated January 1, 1921, and maturing January 1, 1941 (without option of prior re demption), said bonds to .bear interest at six per cent (6) per annum, pay able semi-annually on January and July first, principal and interest pay able In United States gold coin at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon in New York city. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount bid and must be unconditional. The approved legal opinion of Messrs Teal, Minor & Winfree of Portland. Oregon, will be furnished any successful bidders. The Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. S. D. PERCIVAL, Clerk. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice Is hereby given that The Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph company, a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Columbia river at a point hi mile north of Coffin rock, on the Oregon side, and also at approximately 1300 feet north of the mouth of the Kalama river on the Washington side, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts in plain view, bearing the words 'Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone & Tele graph Company," which said signs mark the landing place on the shores of the Columbia river of an additional sub aqueous telephone and telegraph cable, approximately 2418 feet in length, which on October 15, 1020. was laid across said river in a general easterly direction from the said landing as the Oregon side of said Columbia river and between the termini above described: said cable being laid at the same approximate location as two formerly existing sub aqueous cables which cross the said Columbia river between the same ter mini and the landing places of which are marked by the same signboards as above described. This notice Is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tinkham. Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice Is hereby given that The Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph company, a corporation. Ita erected on the shores of the Yaquina bay at a point 100 ft. west of the government's rear range sign on the north side and also at the county road dock on the south side of the said Yaquina bay, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts in plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone & Tele graph Company," which said signs mark the landing places on the shores of the Yaquina bay of a certain subaqueous telephone and telegraph cable. 2250 ft. In length, which on November 23. 1920. was laid across said bay In a general southerly direction from the said land ing on the north side to. the said landing on the south side of the said Yaaulna bay and between the termini above described. This notice Is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cab!e aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tinkham. Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE Supplementing our ad in Novem- Der we neg to . h mat v w -antee all purchasers of instruments car ried by us against any reduction in price until March L 1921. Hvatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder street. LOjATJplNTJL HEW A RD Lost from train in Portland, Nov. S, black shepherd dog. brown feet, black eyes, name Pete. License from Billings, Mont. Phone Main S153J LOST Boston bull pet. white markings, answers to name Rowdy. Lost Satur day morning from Douglas kennels. Liberal reward. Call Hoyt hotel, room 14. LOST -Small roll of sheet pictures, Friday, between 3 and- 4 o'clock on Morrison st. or Olds, Wortman fit King. Please return to Western Picture Frame Co.. 170 First St.. or 3S4 .Morrison. LOST Dec. 27, Baker theater, purse with $16 and gold wrist watch. Finder please return the watch: valued keepsake. 1045 Glencoe road, Hlllsboro. Or. LOST Gray fox fur, Wednesday morning about 8:30, on N. and S. Portland car or Morrison street between 3d and 5th. Reward. Phone Marshall 1136. LOST Dec. 27. on Oregon City car leav ing Portland 7 A. M.. old-fashioned closed-face gold watch and chain. Tele phone Auto. 519-90- Reward. LOST Diamond stickpin. December 30. in Yeon bldg. Finder please return to F. L Teft, Standard Oil Co.. 2d floor Yeon bldg. Reward. LoT -V fox fur on Columbia river high way late Friday night. Liberal reward. Pleasp phone woomawn jwji. Vt ILL the person who picked up lady's umbrella on Rose City car on Dec. 30, In tne morning, can eimuuq .x-a.i: LOST Lady's fancy comb. New Years eve. between Multnomah hotel and East 37th st. Phone Tabor 6981. LOST Parcel containing five articles of ladles' underwear and one crepe de chine klmona. Main 4532: reward. LOST 36x4 H Mason cord tire on rim. Reward. Northwestern Transfer Co., 64 Front LOST Diamond ring on Lovejoy st. be tween 16th and 17th. Call Broadway 4337. Reward. LOST One fisher fur; reward. Marshall LOST On Sunday morning, lady's carved white ivory brooch. Reward. Masn 5683. LOST Past-matron Eastern Star pin. Re ward. Call East 802S. LobT Eastern Star pin on New Year's ve. CaU at 800. Reward. LOST AND FOUND. LOST. LIBERAL REWARD will be paid to anyone giving Information which will lead to the recovery of a suitcase an" contents left by Merton D. Sackett in some hotel or lodging house in PbrtlaaSJ during the month of August. 1920. No tify B. F. llanley. attorney -at-law. Har vard. Illinois STOLEN Zenith bicycle No. 0195. green frame trimmed in biue; new front wheel rim and spokes; large box handle bars taped; double frame; double forks on front wheel. Taken from entrance of Peninsula Park community house. sjJtl P M., December 20. Finder notify police dept.. or Enlberg. 1142 Missouri ave. WOOL 4T'J1 : reward LOST From auto, between E 35th and Alder. Jacobs' garage and 2d and Co lumbia sts.. west side, between 7 and 7:30 A. M.. 1 black leather case con taining 2 receipt books. 1 loose-leaf memo. 1 loose-leaf record book. Call Tabor 2ft55 or T. H. Vaughan. Main 6431 Imperial hotel. REWARD for return of gray suede bag. lost Monday night; parties being traced who picked up same on Stark street, between 2d and 3d- Communicate or return to P. O. box 1115: no Questions asked. LOST Peacock-green sweater, somewhere between 20th and 23d and Hoyt and Marshall sts.. Xmas Finder return to 141 N. 2Cd St. or 'call Main S322. Re ward. WILL party in auto who picked up suit case full of Christmas presents, on Linn ton road between 12 and 1 o'clock, be tween ferry and rocknlle, please call Co lumbia 1 1U T KeasonaDie rewara. LOST 1 black fur. Saturday night. Dee 18. between W. O. W. hall at East Oth and Alder sts. and East Morrison and Grand ave. As it was a gift will pay re- LOST Will the party who was taken in town from Canyon road early New Year's morning kindly return the um brella he took by mistake from the car? Phone Broadway 655. LOST Persian cat, tiger markings: was seen Christmas day in vicinity of corner 2Sth and Glisan. Reward for return or information leading return. 909 E. 30th st. N. Phone VVoodlawn 24S9. LOST Elk's charm with chain attached, In shape of Maltese cross, between Alder and Jefefrson, on Bdwy. Call Cordova Hotel; reward. Arle Van Nerynen. FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG, 2D FLOOR. FOR SALE 167 shares of Oregon Portland Cement company preferred stock, having five years' accumulated dividends at the rate of 7 per cent per annum; desire to realise at least $80 per share for this stock. AV 854, Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed In storage with us. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. 58 4th street, corner of Pine. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. I HAVE two good installment 2d mort gages which I will sell at a liberal dts count. AM 252, Oregonlan. WANT to sell $1500 sellers contract on house and lot in Portland; will discount o' , . AM J54. Oregonian. BUY BONDS, notes, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 302 Lewis bldg., 4th & Oak. Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $5000. v INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 7 per cent. You pay of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example, $2000 loan, you pay $10 month ly and Interest; you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 6 per cent. Excellent repayment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, Main 8303. 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On improved property or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan Is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 60 months, or $2124 per month for 60 months or $15.17 per month for 96 months, pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St., Portland, Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate; no commission, 6 and 7 per cent on choice loans, long time, short time; monthly payments, pay as you can: sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder. Cellars-Murton Co. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett Bldg. 'Main 6915 A 2815. NO DELAY QUICK ACTION. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. On imp. city property or Willamette Vaflley farms or for imp. purposes. All amounts, $1000. $1500. $2000 and up. Sellers' contracts purchased. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Cam bldg. $750 to $7500 on Improved Portland real estate. In amounts to suit. LOWEST RATES. QUICK ACTION. HERMAN MOELER. 1025 Gasco Bldg. Main 1480. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette al ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth st., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. No Commission. UNION ABSTRACT4CO.. S3 4th ST.. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment privileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. SO Fourth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK 215-216 FAILING BLDG THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MONEY TO LOAN on good Improved real estate in city of Portland. WEBSTER KINCAID. !K3$ Henry blrlg. Phone Broadway 4735. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property, favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD.. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 3371. 330O $400 $500. $T0, $S00. $1000. $1200. $1500, $2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any in terest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 1370. HAVE party with $9000 to loan in about 2 weeks; will divide In $2000 amounts or over. Write A. A. Epton, 627 Han cock st., or phone East 7504. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of Interest. Otto fit Harkson Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Com. IBVINGTON Want $4500. 3 years, 7 per cent; new $10,000 colonial; center of Irvington. K. l. mkci, agent. 5o $400, $500. $750. $000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Saloman & Co., 40S Selling bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate. 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent, 714 Corbett bldg SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. $400 TO $700 TO LOAN; 8 per ceirt on im- provec property. mcs1"" Money to Loan Chattel-, snd Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN. " on diamonds, watches, jewelry and bonds, legal rates: all goods held 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORE, 314-116 Third St., corner Washington. Main 664 It. MONEY TO LOAN on goods placed in storage with as. We can save you money Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storags & Transfer Co.. 53 4th street, corner of Fine. QUICK niony to salaried people on un serur?d note. Confidential Investigation. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Li censed. MOrfEY TO LOAN on diamonda. Jewelry, legal rates, artlclea held a year; estab lished 18sB. Dan Marx & Co.. 283 Wash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furnl. lure; legal caUa. 206 Washington bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loup Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MpNEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRT. VT.C TROLAS, PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS, VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and. advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty or tnese loans ana leave (. mmwj curlty in your possesion, and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall'3286. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY! On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments; each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, Dlanos, etc. V CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 218 FAILING BLDG. Loans Wanted. $700 ON BUNGALOW In Woodlawn dis trict. $ 1,300 on modern bdngalow on Holland street. , $ 1,700 on modern house on Font, and Heights. $ 2.000 modern home in Alameda Park. $ 2.50O modern home in Rose City Park. $ 3,000 on 2-story house on Schuyler St., In Irvington. $5,500 on 2-story brick on Schuyler St.. near Union ave. $ 6,000 on large business property In Sellwood. , $11,000 on modern apartment house on west side. $13,000 on modem apartment house, close in. east side. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. HELP! HELP! HELP! I must have financial assistance to ex ist I have -a fast-growing, high-class business with Portland's best wholesale and retail trade, but am financially un able to handle these Al accounU and will give a liberal discount to a respon sible party assuming this responsibility. V -iy, uregonian FRANK L.' MfGUIRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues. Is In a position to safeguard your every interest in loaning your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logic Richardson, manager of loan department. Abtngtqn bldg. Main 1068. WE HAVE some good real estate contracts and mortgages in amounts of $5uo and above, payable in monthly installments and bearing 't per cent Interest, which we will discount 5 per cent. F. E. Cow an St t;0.. Z1U mam, oi i-uin. um. NEED $2000 to have enough to build Irv ington home; will pay Jjk per cent net except examination of title and wane the money aa building progresses. AN 215, Oregonian $20. (HW LOAN wanted by the owner of a fine ranch In high state of cultivation and worth over n times amount of loan. S per cent interest. AR -2o, Ore gonian. MUST raise money, will discjunt $15,000 first mortgage, well secured on improved farm worth. about three times the amount of mortgage. Address AP 271. Oregon ian. W VNT $1000 to $1200 In about 30 days to take up present mortgage; 8 per cent. If you want your interest from this time will pay it but absolutely no commis sion. AL 240, Oregonian $750 WANTED on house and acre near Multnomah station from lender direct. Will pay 8 per cent and expenses of loan only. AM 229. Oregonian. EXCELLENT Multnomah county farm loan wanted from principal only; no agents; $3500 for 3 years, 8 per cent AN 214. Oregonlan. WILL pay bonus for loan of $6000 on Improved industrial property facing Llnnton road; will accept liberty bonds at par; do not answer unless you mean business. W 274, Oregonian. $4000 ON IRVINGTON S-room modern home; lot 50x100. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. 4th and Stark. 12000 ON 4-ROOM new bungalow. Rose City Park district. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Com merce bldg., 4th and Stark gts. -OR GILT-EDGE 7 and $ mortgas bonds in local concerns see Oregon In vestment & Mortgage Co.. 222 Chambw of Commerce bldg. WANTED To purchase stock In Pacific States Fire Insurance company; give number of shares and price in first let ter. AG 253, Oregonian MUST have $1500 In a few days and will discount good mortgage bearing i per cent. AM 213. Oregonian. I WILL take a loan of $15,000 on im proved business property worth $jO,uoo; will pay 7 per cent. AC 299. Oregonian. FOR SALE First mortgage for $2125, on 73-acre ranch; rate of Interest, 8 per cent. H. W. Manning. 60 6th sL WANT $4000 at 8 per cent, good Improved Portland property. No agents. AP 270. OregonianJ GILD-EDGE FIRST MORTGAGES. MADE AND SOLD. F H DESHON, 615 CHA. OF COM. BO $2300 MORTGAGE for sate at 5 discount, paying $70 a month and interest at 7 W. 266. Oregonlan. WANTED To borrow $15,000 for 3 yrs. at 7 per cent on good improved farm valued at $51,000. AC 298. Oregonlan. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO. 222 Cham, of Com., Fourth and Stark. $4fi--,SELLER'S contract. 15 per cent dis count BJ 236. Oregoniaiv WANT $2000 on residence, 7 per cent, no commission. A uregonian. WANT fi200, 7 per cent, rm house and lot. 621 Gasco bldg. Main 66. PERSONAL. HERE are a few of the many diseases of whichJl can remove the cause: Nervous debility, neuralgia, paralysis, lung trou ble rheumatism, sciatica, spinal menin gitis, spinal trouble, St. Vitus' dance, fevers, gallstones, heart trouble, hay fe ver, insanity, indigestion, jaundice, liver trouble, la grippe, locomotor ataxia, asthma, appendicitis, Bright's disease, bladder trouble, bronchitis, bowel trou ble, constipation, catarrh, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, lumbago, headache. I use no drugs, no surgery. Dr. J. Smith, D. T.. drugleae physician, 207 Alfsky bldg. 3d and Morrison. Office hours, 9 to 12 A- M.. 1 to 5. 7 to 0 P. M.. by appoint ment. TUMORS HKMoVED. NO KNIFE, NO DRUGS. ThoifSands of deaths from tumors oc cur each year by knife or drugs. Dr. King's kinesitherapy treatment removes tumors without padn or inconveniences to patient. Hundreds have been cured by this wonderful treatment. Testimonials from those absolutely healed. Consulta tion free; 31 years" experience. I treat acute and chronic diseases; j-estores man hood cause the blood to vlBrate through the veins and makes the sick well. Dr. King D. R.. M6-t Alfsky bldg.. Third and Morrison. Main 3277. Hours 9 A. M, to I P. M.. and by appointment. ANNIE WASSERMAN, also known as Nel lie Wilson. M years of age. dark com plexion, formerly proprietor of Hotel Everett, last heard of in 1918; reward given for information as to her where about. Communicate with Samuel Sales, 2." South 6th ave.. Mount Vernon, N. Y. STISFACTION and eye-comfort. My time is given exclusively to the examining of eyes and the fitting glasses. Reason able prices. Broken lenses quickly du plicated. Dr. Geo. Rubenstein, 226 Mor rison st. GRADUATE ehlropodst. manicurist, su perfluous hair permanently removed, hM sralD specialist: ladies and gontle- men. 205H AliPky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. WKITE Song, poem, mother, home, comic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee publication, send words. Ed ward Trent. 792 Reaper block. Chicago. MOTHER Please forgive me and come back I need you so bad. Everything will be all right. I am very sick. Al. LID JACKSON, manicuring, facial, scalp treatments. 291 Sk Morrison St.. room 8. JU.MCIDE will cure rheumatism or money back. 408 Dekum bldg. WANTED By drugless physician. lady as sistant. 100 required. P 237, Oregonlan. MASSAGE treatments, phone the maseaga school. Ualn 7786. 711 Swetlaod bid. PERSONAL. GET WELL. FREE. FREE. FREH Every day, from 10 A. M. to $ P. M., and evenings from 6 to 8, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are Invited to Investigate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curing hundred every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and di rect your treatments WITHOUT ANT COST TO TOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is th- saf. ure and modern science of curing preventing dtseass. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure 95 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes ths cause health returns The above service ts all free to you at the college building and may be had In private If desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or man prac titioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE! Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most reason able rate In order to show what Chiro practic can da DR. O. W. ELLIOT. President. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflage and adjuncts foreign to thi principle only add time and imme diate expense to later" despair. Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg., Port land, chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 per cent chiropractic specialist, with highest testimonials from patients from - eastern states familiar with the best; also from western and local patients having unfortunately had less than 100 per cent chiropractic else where, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 per cent chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior kill demonstrated in consultation, ex aminations, easy, careful adjustments. raLes. and finally results. Eleventh year In this city Chronic cases, one or two. taking tlm 31 adjustments. $25. Patients improving, but slowly, ex tended time. 31 adjustments, $15. Acute cases. Sever, lumbago, any doubting Thomases, etc., less tlms, less expense. Phone, call. wire, write Main Office. 4th and Waab. New Home, 647 East Salmon st. PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do you know that tartar scales. Im perfect fitting crowns and bridge over hanging fillings, irritating gums, all contribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums. In flammation of gums, loosening of teeth and finally loss of teeth? I specialise In first-class dentistry; X-ray examinations. DR. A. W. KEENE. Majestic Theater Bldg.. 351H Wash St. BATHS AND MASSAGE. Graduate nurse gives body msssage. steam baths, vibratory and electric: massage. Second floor Swetland bldg.. room 215. Main 1T65. Open evenings till 8. Phone for evening appointments Chiropractic or spinal adjustments if desired. NETTIE M. BENSON, D. P. Naturopathy Methods used on NERVOUS and CHRONIC diseases; tracttnn cures weak backs; mineral steam baths, electric violet ray and scientific massages clean the system and build It up; both sexes treated. Main 77tt( 304 Dekum bldg. CHARACTER analyist and specialist la color harmony; guide to mothers. One's best work is done when surrounded, by the right color vibrations. Appoint ment made for your office or home. Main 2454 Cherle H Dupu. character analyist, interior decorator. . BUY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S. Remember, we sell you any model of Vlctrola, Edison, Columbia or Bruns wick up to $125 on payments of $5 per Hyatt Talking Machine C , 5Q Alder street. f IF YOl are tired and nervous you can rejuvt nate your nervous centers and poor circulation by having a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovldia Larsen. for merly at 427 Morgan bldg.. Is now lo cal ed at634liornCgCajn9s POSTAGE stamps for collectors, bougnt and sold. We carry a fine line of albums, hinges, packets, sets, etc. Open evenings; Saturdays and Sundays all day. Co lumbia Stamp Co.. 4 North 16th st Phone Broadway 2010. GOITRJE and enlarged glands; cure yourself at home ' unique process ; references tur nlshed David M. Fanner, successor to A R Strachan, 517 Chamber ot Com merce bldg. GALLSTONES Free book tells of im proved method of treating Inflammation of gall biadder and bile ducts. Write today. Dr. Paddock, box 9Q201. Kansas J?ltv. Mo. TELL your friends who haven't electrlo lights in their homes about my reduced prices on wiring and get 10 commission for vour efforts. For further informa tion call Woodlawn 3,01. NEW SHIPMENT VIT-O-NET electric bankets; Vit-o-Net pads for sale. Dr ' Genevieve Locke, factory representative for the state of Oregon. 447 Morgan bldg. Main 395. Sweats In office MOS1 National Detective Service, commer ciai Anti-Automobile Thieves associa tion, civil investigation, eolation and adjustments. Phone E. MUO 2 to 4 P. l 7 to S P- M. Ask for Mr. gam T7i the latest remedies so, a at tne turn enon Drug Co.. 200 Morrison St.. St. Charles hotel corner. At this drug .tor. vou get Just what you call for. We fa v no substitutes POWDER Is a ,B douche. rrt id In fcm.l. disorders. 50c nd tl per box. Portland Hotel rnarnt..i , VKBV ET & HANBBUT, leading wig and tnuoe maker.; finest stock human hajr .roods- permanent and marcel waving. rp' treatment S48 Alder. Main MS. WANTED The address of Mr. Herbert Wilbur Hansen, commonly known as Burr" Hansen. I have news of In ,,, for him. Write AC 2. Oregonlan . i naihs with shower and massage at reasonable rate. Price reduction on course tickets. Open evenings and bun- days. 1H Swetland Bldg. DB LUXE MASSAGES. ... niTi-HANAN BLDG. MAIN 0366. 10 M. lJ v r. ... v. c. si-XDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. WANT to know wnereauoui. ui n ru.Miu K Klfleld. last heard of in Portland; fomething to his "ntere to answer. A. C. r mem. " , , ..otc both feet fld up at Dr. Baton's ' the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST. v.ho doesn t hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam fre? Glow bldg.. lltb and Wash. Bdy. DanrnS cures fibroid tumora and goitre R painlessly See D. B. Colcord. M. D.. 1ST7 e- Davis st.. cor. euth. Montavllla cars. Phone Tabor MO. VIT-O-NET sweai oains lor cuius, tivivi r.v treatments for neuritis; body ma-aiie- 10 A. M. to 8 P. It. dally. 450 KfiWa bldg. Main 7579. ingrowing- nails or chilblains curad; ,med!ex sold on trial; quick relief. Write Eugena Eaton, dept. 22. Bandoa. TnrnCCO or snuff habit curad or no pay. i if cured Remedy sent on trial. Su- p..-". ( o. W. an. Baltimore. Md. -,, ik-e SUMMERS' remedies for d(s i.Vof women: positive relief: evenings or write 246 Lincoln. Main 1)470. - .p. get either your Canadian bonds or moneys returned. See Viercck. collac- moneys lions. Dekum Diug: Str RESIDENTAL shampoo, scalp treat ment and massage, call Marshall 630 or iit-RK cure Jot dandruff scalp treatment. Parshall-Slns. 50 Macleay bldg.. phane Main loo- cm uHlTR steam bath massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 426 Clay. Main in A. M. io o r. as. on ri can be permanently cured without operation Call or wrlta Dr. Dean, See- nnd an" -"" . r-i-'Nl'lNE Kversharp pencils postpaid any where 97c each. Eversharp Forwarders. Ty 278 Oregonlan. TTVca a GB bathe, Sidneys, constipation. Vheuroatism. Dr. Elna Sorensen. drug uhY.. 50H Pan'"a Milg. Main 5080. icf-i rCRE. no pay; falling hair, dandruff; NO S-u".: V,n h.lil heart. l.rtl.. l SSgJjtU Macleay bldg. h,.ir - ... " d-PERFLUOUS hair, molea, wart removed hv 10-needles method: trial free. Josts flnley 415 Hush ft Lane bldg Main MM. ',, VOUR EYES TKUI BI.S VOU7 IF BO. HFE DR. E. L. CREAR. EYE .SPECIAL. jgf; 427 MORGAN BLDG MAIN .1701) GHADL'ATE nurse treat lumuago. etc Hours 2 to C or by appointment. Ption 2l D 1049 Office 308-C Third t. itpkrFLUOUS hair removed forever by iaainme-p" -- "- PRIMED A BALM, formerly called Balm of . , IT QQrt t.ll VOlU mnn.lH Hffs. e- mm. iioESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? See Vlereck. collections. Dekum bldg. BUICTlUC CABINET BATHS. Dr. Ironside, 309-14 Broadway building. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation r rw nwwfa rros iio.t PILES CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105.