10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 2. 1921 rOR PALE. Muwrlianroue. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Let us prove to you that we have the beat prices In town on & full assortment of plumbing sup plies nd fittings of all kind. We carry a complete stock of pipe in all Mres. We also carry gas water heater, with double copper colls; 30-galIon range boiler, guaran teed new, and a good assortment of batb tubs, toilets, sinks, lava tories and wash travs. We will gladly give estimates free of charge and show you that we are here to give best attention acd piicea to your neds. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO.. 18" FRONT ST. MAIN Mtt. FACTORY SAMPLES. We buy and sell out tinea. Our Motto" Quick Sales. Small Profits. bee our prices and gooas iirst. 42-pc. dinner seta, gold band 42 -pc. dinner sets. Blue Bird -u Cut star tumblers, aet j i Blown band tumblers, set 6 2 ; Hotel tumblers. et 6 Percolators, S-cup. aluminum quality l.Sa sVin rd casserole and frame, oven- J glass l- New lins arriving daily; electric bulbs, ! toaster, aluminum, many Items too nu merous) to mention. L. W. Jones Co.. 817 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak Wit EC KING BUILDINGS. BARRACKS. VANCOUVER Vancouver. Wash. builJlngs, lumber windows, doors. 400 toiiets. heating plant, pipe, ateam boilers and radiators Forresta; St Macquaid, 19th and Reserve atreets. Vancouver. Wah. ELECTRIC TRAINS Three electric train sets, just the thing for boys, will close out at wholesale prices. If you received anything elec trical for Christmas you don't need, ex change it for something you want. Hyn swi Electric Co.. fine st, Bd y. 42'... NEW WICKER PHONOGRAPHS. See the newest thing in phonographs. Wirker "cabinets to match your furni ture Beautiful models from $150. Spe cial terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. iwU Alder st. . FURS. AT AFTER XMAS PRICES. Everything mut be -- j ' - regardless of price. THE FUR SHOP. 606 Swctland Bldg.. 5tn and Washington. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete lines of parts for all makes; mi chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St., near Taylor. MOST folks say diamonus are high, but one would hardly think so if they would stop long enough to compare my prices j with regular prices. Miller's Clearing House tor Diamonds, next door to Ma- i jestic theater. SINGERS. Whites. New Homes, m fSCL ' almoM every make and style, from $15 j to $35; all km task new Singers, cash or time; re ma - 3 per month. SINGER SEWING MACHINE STORE 193 Fourth street. Main 6833. M AXW ELL BARGAIN. Dandy 5-passnger 1917 Maxwell, good i mechanical condition; electric lights and 1 starter.; only $25j, $100 donw, $20 ; monthly. Call Lester Heym Company. 149 6th street, near Madison. j S3 DROPHEAD sewtng machines, com- plete with attachments, in good sewing order. Id to 125; sewing machines rerjted $3 per mouth; machines weaned and re paired E. R. Steen. 152 Graud ivi Bioaflway 3307. East 2359. HERRING II ALL-MARVIN SAFES. Bushong & Company, Sales Agents. New and second-hand fire and bur glar proof safes and vault doors. Ex changes. Terms. Sufe department. No. 70 6th st. C. G. Field in charge. BEAUTIFUL, dainty, lacey. white gold mountings; they will make your dia mond much brighter and look larger as well. Miller, next door to Mujestlc theater. SUITS pressed, 45 cents; French dry cleaned. $1.25. We do not call and de liver, that's the reason. Joy the Tailor, 104 4tb near Stark. 151 Grand ave. 1U43 iii-lmout, L'li N, Jersey st. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a 1 leaky loof? Why not a permanent and i comfortable room? We repair, rubber bond and lejuvenate all kinds of leaky , roofs. Work guara nteed. Mait: 556". GENUINE LOT SNAP Fine lot. located near E. 26th and : Powell. Cost party 9800. Price $350. I Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder j street. 2 WAYS. If ou have a diamond and want , the cash, or if you have the cash and want a. diamond. Call In and talk It J . over. Millers Clearing lloune for Dia- mond. next door to thf Majestic tlu-ater. , 'WRECKING WOOD FOR SALE. I ui to stove K ngths. for immediate delivery. $7 per load. Main 6042. Tabor 7313. Elerath Steel. Iron Ac Wrecking Co.. Inc. SHOWCASES. 6 second-hand floor cases. 1 counter case. 3 candy cases, fixtures and show cases mado to order. Western Fixture St Showcase Co.. 16th and Jefferson. FOR SALE one handsome quarter-cul Oak bulfet and dimnx room tubie; also small library table iu good condition; must sell at once. 60 East 2Mh st. S. Phone Easi 43S9. WE WILL allow you $100 on your $100 (interim certificate) towards purchase price of new 9999 Stradivara or Heywood phonograph, balance easy terms. II vatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder street. ADDING machine, practical and .mple. adds $90.999. 99; more convenient than $300 machine: price $15. Marshall 557. 31S Corhett bids. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON -STREET SINGER STORE. 999 Morrison. Marshall 721. fcOLDIERS' overcoats altered :nlo civilian style, dyed blue cr black, new buttons. complete, $7.50. Regal Cleaners, tailors 17 N. tilh t . Portland. Or. LET US wash your rugs with tho HamJl- ton Beach electric carpet washer without n Beach electric carpet washer without moMng from floor; work guaranteed r-an and sanitary Woodlawn l.oO. EDISON cylinder horn 1cm machine and $''fM indestructible records 9T9 ; $10 j duw n, $IU a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 330 Alder street. i SAFES N.w and tCcond -hand. &ome with -burglar chest n, at reasonable prices. . PACIFIC S' ALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadv ay I6. 4S Front ml. FACTORY samples; ji retail; dinner eets. decorated. 4- pieces. $5.95 Get ours: hurry: wonderful bargain. Room (Si 7 , Worcctr bldg . 3d and Oak. CHOICE loganberry tt plants. lor spring delivery. Write tor lowest prictu 10O ' postpaid $& Ward K. Richardson, J377 Front . Salient, Or. LAl'ILS - Lit Vocue Aj'pan-, Exchaajr seH jour Mtttf garments and tura. 403 i Aliaky bid:. Ma n $192. RUGS a.--hcd on our floor with Hamilton ' Be.tch tlectric carpet washer; also uum cleaning don. Ea.-t 404 3 . WOOD $..; Ud-wv. Green slab, siab and 4110. $7 per cord; dry siab. block, stove length. FIRST GROWTH wood; special prices for! cose-in deliveries; --cord lots, sj; 30, ' 'i-cord lots. $3rt..M. Ca'l Bat 6503 LADIKS EXCLUSIVE USED APPAREL j Coat, suit., drvssts, furs, hats, shoes, j I L. O.iran, near svin. l abor KODAKb. " We buy. selt. rent and exchange Ko Sandy. 319 Washington street. WAJ-NLT trws. loganberry plants, cherry. ; LATH Dodge roadster, run L'rtW: $500 peach, prune pear. Woodstock Nursery. down, balance to suit. O X99L Orego aeii sryod ggX m nian. FILBERT trees, gooseberries, curran.s. ( Woodsimk Nursery. b,.ood 2332. WILL exebasw Phonograph for tvpc writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co 3" Alder atrvet. PILES can be permanently cured without oeratioii. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec-! ouu ana iiorriaon. . FiwOUR saefca, loo-lb. lxe. washed, ironed $1.60 dos., mall orders filled. Hodes fcgg . Union axe, near Hawthorne. I'U l A 1 ct.i'". Bwrbsnks L'p.aiids 5 7a,' ka a. $1.60; 1 sack $1.73, unions Si 65 WJ a n 6193. MAHOGANY floor and tabie lamps made M order, borne tor a.e. ilo iawt.iortie Open 7 to II P. M. BABY CARRIAGES Fa:rd. painted and upholstered. We otmil and diiner. Woodiawn 3676. LICKM5L. independent electrician wires $ S rooms fur $12; 3 for $2u. Guaranteed PHEASANTS Klngneck) Cal. oougnt and sold (except Is. J. Fletcher. Livermore. KOK SALE ew and second-hand :.o cases, bank and oiftce fixture. Jaa S MajtsfcaJl Mfa Co.. 452 Hoyt st. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICKS FOR ALL KINDS OF RIFLES. SHOTGUN'S. ETC BEN S BACKMAN. I lo 3D ST LICENCED e.ectrlciari will save you money Vll t., . T3 : 1 on airing and tuppliei Sei. 58 MAXWELL nne condition, good rubber. CUT FLOWERS, p.anu. holly and wreaths Ior 3"'ii: Henr F.e:f:,r. 5th and Yamhill ! FORD MAGNETO charger; bargain. East LICENSED electrit-i POTATOES. pp!e. onions wholesale, price 153 Front, nr Morrison bridge. FOR S VLE Several .arge and 1 ; ihis paintings, very reasonable Wdin. 5 so 4 Huse for diamonds. Next door to Ma -j titic theater. FOR SALE. Mi- - 'i.ii ti. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. by seeing us at once about any thing in the way of new and sec ond hand pipe, pipe fittings', ma chinery, mill furnUhings. pt limb ing supplies and building mater ials. We ha e just received a big lot of Simon ds, Atkins, Diss ton and Burton hand and circular saws. Most of these saws are good as new and the rest are new. With this lot are some ?aw tool., such as teeth setters and straighteners. We are closing out good bar gains m pre-lnventory tales in all kinds of valves, American and Ashcroft sleam gauges, both high and low pressure, belting of all kind?, shafting, pulley, gear and blocks of all kinds. Also in our complete line of Yale and Towne chain blocks, stocks and dies of all kinds, and In fact everything we have in stock. Call in at once or write or wire us. THE ZIDELL-BERENSON CO., 209-211 Front St. Marshall 1332. 1920 FORD TOURING CAR. Strictly first-class 1920 Ford Touring car. splendid mechanical condition, dc monutible rims. 5 first-class tires. Price on!y $475. $150 down, balance month ly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder street. -AUTOMOBILES. A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION. We are resolved that during the year 1921 we will still farther strengthen our reputation ror offering the best used car values- in the city. To carry' uut this , resolution we muM trade carefully and put the cars In such shape that they j will render the buyer the service he i has a right to expect. This has been j our guiding policy for the past year and we have found that it pays, both in ; dollars and cents and in good will on I the part of the buyer. If you would learn j whether we practice what we preach, look over the list below and then come I and inspect the cars. You will find tha: j we are offering a number of excep tional bargains. 1916 Briscoe. 5-pass $40t 1917 Briscoe. 5-pass. 473 1915 Mitchell. 5-pass 330 1919 Elgin. 5-pass. 73$ Willys-Overland. 5-pasi 800 1917 Dodge. 5-pas. $50 1917 Mitchell. 5-pas H30 1917 Mitchell. 7-pasti 700 1918 Mitchell, . 5-pass . lluC And we alo have a few Victory Model Mitchells and two Jordan Silhouettes, on which we give factory guarantees and ter vices. Deal with a house of recognized sta- I biiity. Thirty-eight years in Portland. We handle our own notes and do not charge for brokerage MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO.. Broadway at Everett Phone Broad w ay 4675. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. 19 OVERLAND IK) MODEL. 1 Tnia sturdy light four is ready lor any work. Has non-skid tires and one extra, bumper and spotlight, side curtain?, full set tools and low price of $483 with $15 down, balance easy; take victory bonds, full vaiue. Come and try U. Open to day. 16th and Alder street. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANT. CLUB ROADSTER. IS MODEL. Here Is a car that hat new tires, five wire wheeis, lull et tools and -.do cur tains; run and looks as good as it did the day it leU the factory. We have low price of $650 with $"5o down, balance easy terms, that you can pay. Open today . Come and try it. 16th and Alder Ml'RPHV MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 191'U KURD TOURING CAR. Strictly first -class 19 JO Ford Touring car. splendid mechanical condition, de mountable rims, 5 fir.st-class tires. Frlce Price on I y $475. $ 1 H d ow n bal la nee month ly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 9S0 Alder street. BRAND NEW. Hasn't run a mile, factory guarantee, will sacrifice ut factory cost which Is $40O less than actual cost; bring an ex pert and see this bargain. Automatic 323-71. LATE-MODEI. Ford edan. starter, de mountable risaa, good tires, spotlight, foot feed. etc.. good condition. Price $rt(Wt Will take in part pa y ni e n t good Ford touring not older than '17. Tabor 5603. 13JS6 Division. LATE model touring car: good starter. batterv and lights Value $1000. Must ( sold this week for $400. If you are looking (or good car call and see this one. 100 Musou t.. near Mississippi ve. Phone Wdln. :V2S9. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 1919 Olds, good condition, good tires HPd span': top and pant like new. This car 1! be fold for $950. Owner, Tabor I9T1. ATTENTION CAR OWNERS. Save your money; do your own re pairing under our supervision. Fred Day Motor Co., Ea.-t 7th and Ankcny. East 7107. HUDSON, late 19-0: uaed privately three months: guaranteed in perfect con dition. Five cord tires: lots of extras. MJffttt trade for smaller car. EI55 Haw t home. DO Vol WANT a new Hupmobile, 19L'0. complete camping outfit, large With i inil 7 For nale right. All ready for a long trip. Mrs. Gla, Glenn Aptb. rwossa Tabor 6100. 1919 CHEVROLET touring. This car 1 exceptionally good condition $450 will take: 1..m down, balance monthly payments. Call Sell wood 10 199. 19 1 7 DODGK. A-l condition. Four wi tire, one good s-pare, bumper and lock. A bargain at $S00. Call Duatln. East 9999. 1917 DODGK Brother touring, iu the very best shape, practically all new tires; JUT 5. with Mnatl pay men 1 dow n. Al A u to Wor ks . 325 Alder t . LATE 1918 BRJ8CO touring, ju like will new. perfect conottinn; terms trade, bal. term.. East 5352. or i U K U'HKCK magneto $ ars. all makes: Bosch DU 4 i"o . 299 Union ave. East 7Mi6. STUDEBAKER light delivery tor sale or I trade: would consider Ford or Chevm. ?V ;e' 'omparu st. Loiumon ygj. 1917 BR (SCO chummy roadster. For quick itale will take $250 cash. Good me- hanieal condition. A71 X. 70th. 1919 FORD roadster, like new. $140 worth of equipments, $390, some terms. East 3138. 1919 CHANDLER touring, must sell. For further particulars phone Mar. 1 364. FORI tourins in good hape; $150. 4S-19 OGd St., S. E.. 'Aut. 94-4-64. 1919 CHEVROLET touring car; very fine condition. New tirea. $473. Tabor 3914. 25 BUYS 11S Chevrolet In good con dltion ; new tirea. Termi. East 17S. ; STUDEBAKER touring car. theap East " iron a", v 1 t 101s MAXWELL for sale this week Al condition. t'heap it o!d 'all East 4401 I'EERLESS automobile, make me an of fer. Wdln. 2363 191$ 7-PASSEXGER Buick. bargain sk for Grant at East 490. FORD touring. 1920. perfect condition' eav ifrnu none .1 1 1705 or East Morrison b. : CHEVROLET roadster. $425. 11 274T Will take apt. 106. Uareoad for psrt. S noniiK many extras; license; $850. Main 5503 lyi; SAXt'X $125 takes it; running or- LATE model Ford touring car. fine con der. Wc-od.awn 521. dition. $500 rash Phone liar-hail FOR ALE AUTOMOBILES. BUY A USED FORD. Largest stock in the west Look them over before you buy. Some of them are listed herewith. 1914 Ford touring 1914 Ford light delivery ... 1914 Ford light delivery 1915 Ford roadster delivery . 1915 Ford touring 1913 Ford light delivery 1115 Ford light delivery .. 1915 Ford roadster 1916 Ford chassis; 19V6 Ford light delivery ... 1916 Ford roadster 1916 Ford roadster delivery . 1916 Ford light delivery ... 1916 Ford touring J 165 175 .185 150 165 165 165 165 ItiO 175 225 25 225 235 1917 Ford light delivery 165 117 Ford light delivery 15 1917 Ford roadster delivery.. 195 1917 Ford touring 235 1917 Ford roadster 3 1917 Ford touring 75 1918 Ford light delivery 185 EDM Ford light delivery .... 185 1918 Ford iight delivery .... 225 sl91S Ford touring -65 1918 Ford roadster -73 1918 Ford touring 350 1018 P'ord roadster 385 19!8 Ford touring 395 " 1918 Ford worm truck chassis 450 1919 Ford touring 290 1919 Ford roadster 323 1919 Ford light delivery .... 335 1919 Ford touring, starter, etc. 425 1919 Ford touring 425 1919 Ford touring, starter, etc. 190 1919 Ford chassis 275 1919 Ford worm truck chassis 325 1919 Ford worm truck, ex press body 4S5 192 Ford worm truck, with cab 400 1920 Ford worm chassis, cord tires 192 Ford light delivery 375 1990 Ford touring 395 1920 Ford touring 493 192 Ford roadster, starter. etc 323 192 Ford touring, start r, etc. 5o0 1919 Ford sedan, start' r. etc. 585 1010 Ford coupe, start'r. etc. 673 1910 Ford coupe, starter, etc. 685 1920 Ford ccupe, s;arter. etc. 735 1920 Ford coupe, starter, etc. 750 $998 Ford sedan, starter, etc 825 Several Ford bugs. 250 to $473. EASY TERMS. Store Open Sunday. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand ave. and E- Yamhill. Large Stock Genuine Ford Farts. VRANSON S USED CAR EXCHANGE. We will trade you a good car fo your; old one. 1913 Ford tour.ng. extra- $ 175 I 1915 Ford bus. dandy 250 1915 Ford bug. extras 300 , 1917 Ford touring, extras 2.5 1918 Ford touring, extras .. 3j0 19:9 Ford touring, starter type.... 400; 1920 Ford touring, starter 4SS j 1920 Ford delivery express body... 400 1918 Ford coupe, starter 65J 1990 l ord worm-drive truck 43 1919 Chalmers .new tire 175 1913 Franklin, sioping hood 15 I 1M5 Overland touring 275 j 1916 Overland touring 375 1918 Overland touring 500 i 1920 Overland baby 4 touring i to 1917 Oakland 6 touring 430 1919 Oakland 6 touring, like new... 800 191S Dodge roadster $99 1920 Maxwell Roadster, extras .... 6,5 1917 Buick 4 touring 650 19IS Briscoe, like new 65.1 11MS Hup. big 4 sedan 100 1919 False 7-passenger l-o0 Ford touring body 35 Ford roadster body 40 We have lots o: other cars, 90 good buys. Phone East 4376. Union ave. and Belmont St, Upstairs. OAKLAND TOURING '17. This car Is in fine condition, every way, paint, top, side curtains, tires, mo tor, a.l over like a new one. Low price of $1S3 with $185 down, balance $30 per month until paid. I do not charge any brokerage. Open today. 16th and Alder 1918 BUICK FOUR ROADSTER. Here is the car tney all want; first one we have had in 90 days; they just are not for'sale. They give such perfect satisfaction and such small cost and up keep, people who have them will not part with them; low price on this one. Take $275 down bal. easy; Mctory bonds, full value. Open today. 16th and Alder. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. FOR SALE i-l ton delivery trucks: electric equipped. One complete with 7 foot body ; one chassis only, complete. Make us an offer. Garage, 883 7th st. N. MAXWELL B A R G A IN . Dandy .".-passenger 1917 Maxwell, good mechanical condition; electric lights and starter; only $250, $100 down. $20 monthly. Call Lester Heym Company, 149 6th street, near Madison. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, can": be told from new; wire wheeis and one extra: new OM.'ield cord tire. $493, cost aboul double new les than a year ago. Al .Auto Works, 999 Alder st. 1921 REO SIX touring car. fine cord tires, bumper, spotlight, chains: run 400 miles. Going to Pennsylvania, must sell. Oar at 5611 Foster road. S. E. Fhonc 626-55. $175n-- DODGE coupe. like new. wire wheels, shock absorbers; cot $j94)09 Saw months ago; real classy, at bargain. $700 Dodge. 5-passenger. first-ctafS. C. RINGLER. gg HENRY BLDG. WILLYS SIN. mdel S9T: first class me chanical condition. Bargain for cash. Inquire Rene, Forestry bldg. camp ground HAVE 1919 Chevrolet roadster, run ttOOO miles, will trade for any light touring, pay difference or trade for touring body. Tabor 64-. MOTORS, gears, bearings, whec.e, axles We wreck all makes of cars and set, their parts at hair pric. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept.. 103-7 N. 11th H "TOPS 'EM ALL." Tops recovered, 933 and up. Oregon Auto Top Co.. Hth and Couch sts. Bdwy. 4408. 1920 OLDSMOB1LE; has had wonderful care; 5 good tires. 6 rims, mirror spot light, 1921 license; price 1400. terim. Phone Columbia 7R&. S3 tVKRLAND New top. new battery, new tires. Just overhauled and painted. Looks and runs like new. $375. Call Ea.-t 977 at 7 F. M. tSTf CHALMERS, fine condition, good top, plate ' gla.s window, upholstering A-l, good tires; need money, sell for $6.5. Call Tabor 8152. FORD touring with self-starter, nearly new. cheap, by owner. Call East 3570 after 6 P. M. or Saturday and Sunday. 1020 ENCLOSED Ford, used short time. terms; two new rora tires, one JUx3 private owner. East 6753. GOOD touring car. can have it for cost of repairing, leaving city, need cash, act quick. AP 273. Oreponian. DODGE touring, in good condition, will sacrifice for $430. need $200 cash, balance terms. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3281. 1990 BUYS big 6. 7-pass. Mitchell. We are selling It for balance due on It. Cook & GUI Co. Afk for Mr Argo. Bdwy. :i2M. 1999 VELIE demonstrator at big discount. m ' U'urron Mntttr Car t'rt SS -riH . ' Main 199. MAXWELL roadster. 1920. lik new; 50 Ies th2LJ2fT ?3f trade, rnone 19J7 MAXWELL, renntpneo arm in good !hape throughout: o Al Auto Work. Bgg only J3i.. easy lermb X.der !t. FOR SALE New Buick coupe at a bar gain. Rose City garage. 2d .and Sandy bivd. Taoor 3002 HAVE a 1917 Hudson ftrper s!x. 7-pas-enger. trade for 1020 speedster. Will pay difference. A 206. Oregonian. LATE 1920 PAIGE, 5-pass.. $1450. See this car for a real buy; run 3000 miles. 184 Laurelhurst. Owner. Tabor 9116. 1920 DODGE touring, excellent condition, three new tires, oversiae In rear. 1921 lirense. $1250 rash. East .5SS. Main fS'J. 1916 BL'ICK. light . cord tires all around, extra tire. $575. Main 3055. Call for Ted. 1918 OLDSMOBILE 6, o-pasa., dition. extras. 1999, Term fine con E 4415. FORD coupe, late 1920. price Ms right. Tabor 47 $500 BUYS 1919 Chevrolet. looks and runs like new, terms. East 178. YOU CAN buy a used car for Its mortgage value. 168 King st. BUICK roadster, fine condition for $575. Automatic 328-52. CHANDLER new; terms. touring. 1920. East 2525. practically FOR SALE Buick 4 delivery, soaablc. CS6 Kearney. price rea- FOR SALE Ford touring body, top, wUkel shield and fenders. Tabor 1412 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BARGAIN TIME OF THE YEAR HAS COME. WE OFFER: BARGAINS. . k SAFETY. SATISFACTION We are selling used automobiles with a standard factory warranty, or are giving 10 days' free trial subject to their being returned and full credit given on any other used automobile. During the last four years we have rebuilt Hudson automobiles and resold them with a warranty the same as a factory warranty on a new car. It pays for us to el I and you to buy a used automobiles that you can rely upon. We have opened a new store for the sale of used cars at 40-46 N. Broadway, which Is open until 8 P. M. 3 1918 Maxwell automobiles (to select from), all in first-class condition, $550 and 595 1919 Maxwell, like new $bo0. Model 90 Overland chummy roadster, all in fine condition. Wire wheels, good tires $00. 2 Overland six-cylinder automobiles to select from In nice shape and fine running condition, . . - .$635 and $7'J0 1919 Ford Truck very good condi tion 525 Model 90 Overland sedan, very good condition, with good tires. $800. ESSEX BARGAINS. 1919 Essex touring car, all gone over In our shop, thoroughly overhauled and repainted, sold with a warranty the same as given on new automobiles, now $1275. T.nto BBsaaw mnrfpT like new and with warranty; great buy $1330 CHALMERS BARGAINS. 1919 Chalmers roadster. In fine condi tion $1030. 1919 Chalmers light six. with hot spot, overhauled and repainted, all In fine condition $1250. GOOD BUYS. 1920 Buick roadster, almost new, at 100 Stuts four-passenger (Series S.l. with seven wire wheels and cord tires all in very good conditon, $1650. r handler chummv. in fine condition : runs like new car; has been repaint- ed; $1050. Chandler sedan, overhauled painted; a very good buy ind re . $1500. HUDSON BARGAINS. 1917 Hudson Super Six; has been re built, is beinr repainted, will look and run like new; will sell with a warranty the same as given on new automobiles, price SV200. 1920 Hudson Super Fix. overhauled and now being refinished; will be hard to tell It from the latest new car; will sell with h warranty same as given on new automobiles $1950 Hudson sedan : has been rebuilt by us; now in the paint shop; will be like new and sold with a warranty the same as given on new automobiles; best sedan buy In the town $1750. OUR STORE FOR THESE USED CAR BARGAINS AT 40-46 BROADWAY. WHICH IS BROADWAY AND COUCH STREETS. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED AUTOMOBILES AT CURRENT VALUES AT THE WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Chalmers, 4-cyI., touring, good service car $125 Overland touring, good tires, etc 4 1 25 Ford touring, 1917. new tires... 275 Overland 75. touring, rebuilt. paint 3o0 Overland 90, touring, rebuilt. , 550 new paint . Overland 4, model touring, latest 500 roadster, latest , 850 Overland 4. model The above used cars are sec ond to none. Call and sec for yourself. THE WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway and Davis. REAL BARGAIN'S. THIS MONTH MARKS THE LOW WATER MARK IN THE PRICE OF USED CARS. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY. 1920 Chevrolet, tour. $650 1918 Chevrolet, del 350 1919 Chevrolet, tour 495 1919 Chevrolet, tour 450 1918 Maxwell, tour 425 1917 Maxwell, tour. 375 1919 Maxwell, tour 395 Model S3 Overland 375 1916 Buick 6. tour 675 Oldamobile eight 999 191S Overland, roadster . 375 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. EAST 3770. GRAND AVE. AT HAW THORNE AVE. POSITIVE SACRIFICE. FORECLOSURE PRICE. 7-PASS. "WIXTON LIMOUSINE," FAMILY CAR. HAS HAD SPECIAL CARE (IX GOOD ORDER). NEW JOB "HIGH-CLASS" PAINTING JUST COMPLETED. THIS CAR MORT GAGED AND MUST BE SOLD; LET ME SHOW YOU THIS CAR. PRICE $930. (SOME TERMS). (WOULD BE CHEAP AT $2000. TERMS IF DESIRED. INQUIRE FOR OWNER, 302 SELLING BLDG. AUBURN TOURING. Looks fine, runs good, pew tires, was used privately by "one man; this car must be seen to be appreciated: S295; ask for demon stration ; will consider Ford in trade. See Busch, TALBOT Sh CASEY. Inc., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 118. LIBERTY ROADSTER. I9. This is the first one of these popular cars we have had in six months; this one is like new, has always had city use and will speak for itself; new bat tery, full set tools, side curtains, extra tire mounted, and we will give liberal terms, witn SJl'u flown, balance monthly Take car or victory bonds as payment Open today. 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1919 PAIGE. 7-pasaenger; wire wheels, cord tires; mechanically perfect; will take light car as part payment, terms on balance ; E. 4376. 18 BUICK FOUR TOURING. This Is the most popular car that is cold on this market today at any price. This light dependable car is refinished and has some extras, it runs like new and will please you; low price, and we will take $275 down, balance monthly; take vfctory bonds, full value. Open today. 16th and Alder street. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANT. FORD aedan Just overhauled, new starters, over-size wheels, shock absorb ers, speedometer, seat covers. Zenith carburetor, 1921 license. $650. or will trade in. Bdy. 1208. Monday. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheels, crankshaft turning, H. B. Black, ma chine shop. 584 Alder yt. Bdwy. 2681. AUTO OWNERS' SALES ROOM. You wish to sell your car? Can get quick action at 168 King at. Main 184 FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac for $250. Apply Covey Motor Car Co. FOR SALF AUTOMOBILES. TW1N STATB6 MOTOR CAR CO., Washington at 19th. We are in need of all our space for storing new cars and have priced our used cars at big reductions. Every car listed below is ready for service and is absolutely guaranteed as represented. This list does not include our entire stock but includes cars that have been through our shop, some for complete overnauung and rebuilding. BUICK COUPE. 1918 model, first-class condition throughout, oversize Goodyear cord tires with extra. Gabriel snubbers. spotlight, motometer. will take small car in trade. Price $1450 w-v cnevroiet touring, like new, oversize tires with extra 1918 Chevrolet touring, fine condi tion, good tires 1917 Chevrolet touring, good con dition, good tires 1915 Maxwell touring, rebuilt, re painted, good tires, a find 1916 Oakland touring, a snap 1916 Overland 5-pass. touring, ffrst-class mechanical condition, good tires, nearly new top, re painted, a pick-up 1917 Studebaker 4. 7-Dass. tourine. 675 375 475 375 perfect mechanical condition nearly -new tires, with extra 575 CHANDLERS. 1920 Dispatch model, newly paint ed, equipped with Gabriel snub bers. oversized cord tires, with extra; regular service and 90-day guarantee same as factory $1800 1999 Touring, 7-pass., had only 4000 miles of service, just suf ficient to break in. new cord ires with extra, service and guar antee 1700 1918 7-pass. touring, first-class mechanical condition, wire wheels, cord tires, new ton renaintpd service and guarantee 1918 -pass. chummy roadster, i 1250 beauty, first-class mechanical cona-icion, cord t.res. guaranteed. 191t 7-Dass. tourine- rnnH rnnHI. 1150 tion, overhauled, repainted, good tires, a find at II5 5-pasa. touring, A-l mechan ical condition, repainted, good tires, look at this and you will buy It TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO Washington at 19th. Open Sunday and Evenings.' Broadway 494. 700 500 1917 HUDSON", wire wheels. .$1100 1920 Chevrolet 700 1918 Studebaker. 7-pass. . . 400 1919 Liberty, a real buy 1155 Pierce 36, 5-pass loOO Model D55 Buick, 7-pass. . . 700 Liberty hqo Packard, third series, perfect condition for 3S0O Packard, first series, 7-pass. 3250 Packard, second series, 7-pass 2S0O 1919 Chevrolet 430 1-ton Republic, like new, cash $00 1912 Packard, 7-pass 300 191S Buick roadster. 6 tires. 900 We are selling these cars at the right price. Come in an look them over. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside, Broadway B9X STUDEBAKER BUG This Is a classy little car for some one wishing something good looking and not wishing to pay a big price $150 Overland. 5-passenger, general appearance very good, good tires, mechanical condition O. K 430 Studebaker. 5-pasFenger, a good-looking rig for the man who does not want to invest a lot or money 223 WENT WORTH & IRWIN (Inc.) 200 Second St., Corner oJ Taylor. ford Owners, chevrolet owners. Motors overhaualed Rear axle overhauled Vaives ground, carbon removed. Macntto recharged , .$20 .1 3 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearing etc., which ir-sures a perfect-running mo tor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the Jignis are aim is Decause the MAGNETO -a weak. Have It RECHARGED B EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jerferscn. Main 7644. WE HAYB on hand 9 used automobfies which we will guarantee to be in first- ciaas order. We can save you from 20 to 30 on any car purchased. We sell on easy terms; no brokerage charged. Look 1 hem over. 1920 Chevrolet. 1917 Ford roadster. t 1919 Dodge touring. 19IS Oldamobile louring. 1917 Saxon six. 1919 Velio touring. 1919 Velio chummy. 1918 Velio touring. 1917 Vclie touring. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 23d ?.t. N. Main 7S0 THINK OF IT! 191S Studebaker touring, six good tires, good mechanical con dition, only $425; liberal terms. Consider Ford in trade. Seo Harris, TALBOT & CASEY. Inc.. East Ankcny and Grand Ave. East S11S. 191S MAXWELL TOURING. New tires, car fn first-class fihape. Will demonstrate. See MacFarland, TALBOT & CASEY, Inc.. East Ankrny and Grand Ave. East 8118. USED RADIATORS for all makes of cars. All radiators are carefully gona over and made tight before sold. BURN ESS & MARTIN, 12th and Everett Sta. FORD OWNERS, ATTENTION. The Oregon Vaporizer and Decarbon izer company, 327 Chamber of Com merce bldg., Portland. Oregon, has a new gas saver guaranteed to save 25 to 50 of your gasoline and also remove carbon. Call for one for a 7 days' trial. Money refunded if not satisfactory. OLDS 8 TOURING. !..(! model, and ha. been refinished and looks and rune first-class; low price of $1150 with $350 down, balance month ly and will take late model touring, 5 passenger car In trade. Open today at lGth and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1919 7-PASS BUICK. absolutely In first class shape : this car will stand the closest inspection; driven but very little 5 cord tires, other extras; terms to re liable party. See Mr. Dana, Broadway 240. Fields Molor Car Co., 14th and Alder uts. MUST HAVE $100 AT ONCE. King roadster with lots of power and in perfect condition; 4 new oversize tires (I extra) , new battery, spotlight, etc ; balance $150, terms. Automatic 253-18. 430 Glenn ave., S. of Hawthorne. WE CARRY a full line of auto accesso ries, tires, tubes, rord Darts, nun: clones etc. Also do towing. Open day and nusnt. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 684,0 462 Hawthorne. " SAXON TOUHiXG. 17. At the low price if $450 with $150 down, balance $30 pei month until paid ror; taKe oonas. open toaay at loth and Alder streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANT. STUTZ FOR SALE. On account of sickness am forced to sacrifice my new 4-pasenger Stutz at a big loss. Car only run 1O00 miles. BC 208. Oregonian. NEW 1921 BUICK. 7-PASS., $2000. Factory guarantee, car perfect, all cord tires, spare tire and bumper; car run 500 miles. 184 Laurelhurst ave. Owner, Tabor 9119; 1921 FORD coupe, used just enough to break in right, in splendid condition throughout for sale at big reduction. Mr. Bowes, Hotel Arthur. Main 4226 FRANKLIN SIX. self-starter. 5-paaengtr, in fine shape. Owner will sacrifice for 9450. 415 Glisan, cor. lOio, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. The advent of the new year finds us better equipped and much more firmly established in the used car business than ever. Our efforts to enlarge our business. Increase our turn-over and add to our good will have been rewarded generously. Our experience has been broadened and our Judgment Increased In proportion to our responsibilities. We have learned that to stimu late new car sales to the maximum we must turn over our used car trade-ins with the least possible sales resistance. Therefore, the cars we offer must call forth ab solutely no criticism, i they must appeal to the public at once, they must perform perfectly and look as nearly new as possible. To accomplish such a result we must use good judgment in the selection of the cars we trade and then conscientiously rebuild and reflnlsh them. This is an ex pensive policy and often nets no direct profit; It does, however, ac complish our aim to sell new cars. We give you the most value pos sible for your money. We in crease our new car sales. Mutual satisfaction should be the result. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. "Vie haye a complete line of re bui and refinished 1916-17-1S-19-20 cars in touring, roadster and sedan models. Prices at this time arc unusually attractive. 1920 HUDSON speedster. Grussl shock absorbera. .$2300 1919 HUDSON touring, in ex cellent shape 1T99 1915 HUDSON 6. model 54. wire wheels, cord tires, priced only 600 1920 MAXWELL touring, good condition ' 1918 DODGE BROTHERS panel delivery 1000 1914 OVERLAND delivery, a good one 200 1920 FORD coupe 30 1919 PAIGE touring, a fine car 1300 1915 CHEVROLET touring, excellent shape 00 REBUILT 1914 FORD road ster, rebuilt body 200 1920 FORD one-ton with cab and body 95 The following cars are at the BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 2S-30 North Broadway: 1919 STUDEBAKER. West- inghouse equipped $1000 1914 STUDEBAKER touring. G-cyl., snap -0 1919 FRANKLIN touring, a beauty L00O 1918 CHANDLER touring, new paint, seat covers.. 100O 1919 CHEVROLET delivery.. 550 1915 CHEVROLET roadster, in nice shape 00 1918 FORD sedan, newly oainted 60 1919 Model 90, OVERLAND, reduced to 600 CADILLACS. The majestic dignity of the Cadillac displays its thorough bred qualities far better than mere words can express. Wise, indeed. Is the man whose judg ment leads him to purchase one of these rebuilt and refinished Cadillacs, instead of investing the same amount of money in a new car of less stability. We Are Open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 28-30 N. Broadway. Main 6244. ARE YOU GOING TO DRIVE A CAR THIS SPRING? IF SO XOWS THE TIME ' TO BUY. Prices are sure to be higher next month when everybody will want a car. Come In and select your car and wi will store it for you until you are ready for it. Here's a few of our rock-bottom buys: 1920 Chandler, fine condition $1500 Hudson super-six 05) Oakland six, just repainted 850 Elgin chummy, one of those cozy . kind at 1100 Dodge touring. Just renewed, at.. 723 1919 Overland, model 90, some bargain, at Hupmobile touring Maxwell touring Chevrolet 490 model Spend a little time today with us. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, Washington at 15th Street. 1917 CHALMERS TOURING. $550. original finish, five good tires A-1 mechanically, new bat tery; will demonstrate anywhere. Sea Hcdderly, TALBOT & CASEY, Inc.. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East S11S. 19 CHEVROLET TOURING. This fine light four is in the finest kind of condition and will run and look as though it were new. Lome and tr ?' we will take victory bonds at full value. Price $525. with M0 down bal ance 50 per month until paid for. No extra" charges for brokerage. Open todav 16th and Alder streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. miS DORT touring, in good condi tion Just the kind of a car for you; light and economical Lo op crate. Phone Tabor 83Q& k nnrMiE. S7i5. With $275 down payment, balance monthly. Car has cord tires and some extras and runs and looks a new. Will take late model Ford as first payment. Come and try it. Open today all day. 16th and Alder streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMr.VNY. PIERCE-ARROW. LATE MODEL 48, 7-PASSENGER. NICELY PAINTED. IN PERFECT SHAPE 6 NEW CORD .TIRES AND RIMS- SPECIAL EQUIPMENT. LESS THAN $4000. AR 2G. OREGON"! AN.. 1919 MITCHELL touring, driven less than .1000 miles; tuny equippea wun spare tire spotlight, bumper, tire pump, li cense and chains; will guarantee its me chanical condition and sacrifice. Phone Bdwv. 4747 nt; rcsldr Sellwood 1' T 2 " . AUTOMOBILE RADIATORS. Broken, leaky, bent and wrecked radi ators repaired and made like new at reasonable price; all work guaranteed. Portland Auto Radiator Shop. 535 Alder. Broadway 641. AUTOMOBILE FINANCING CO.. having 3 sedans and 2 touring cars are eelling same at extremely low prices. If you are going to buy a car it will pay you to investigate; terms. Marshall 702. HERE'S YOUR CAR Sport model Paige, run only 7500 miles, cost $2780, sell for $1600, need $600 cash, bal terms. Car in fine condition. Mr. Argo. Bdwv. 32P1. 1999 BUICK roadster in pink or condition, run only 4600 miles, 5 cord tires, motor meter, front spring snubbers; sacrifice for $1350 cash. R 40. Oregonian. 1920 CHANDLER touring, extra equip ment, oversize cord tires, $1200. See H. E. Yambert, Palace Hotel, any day after 1 P. M- LATE 1919 Chevrolet Sedan, many extraa, nice condition throughout; will sacrifice and give terms to responsible party for ouick sale. Phone Brdy. 240. 1918 4-CYLINDER roadster, standard make, good salesman's car, $675; need $275 cash, bal. terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3-Sl. 6-CYLINDER MITCHELL, in excellent condition, run only 16.000 mileer: a real bargain and trood terms. United Mfg. Co., 25th and Holladay ave. East 870. PAIGE light 6 roadster, only used a few weeks, owner must sacrifice: paid $2060, sell for $1650. terms Mr. Bennett. Par ticulars call Mr. Argo Bdwy. 3281. 1920 CHEVROLET light delivery for amis bv only user since purcuweu new. iz you want a real bargain in a delivery, phone Main 5773, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. HUPMOBILE DISTRIBUTOR. UTH AND BURNSIDE STS. Broadway 217. Our stock of used cars are a.l standard makes and at our low prices you will be warranted In purchasing at this time. We will accept a small payment and hold car until you are ready to use It, We charge no brokerage as we finance our owa business. 1919 5-passenger Hup. excep tionally well equipped and guaran teed mechanically. 1919 4-pasoenger Hup coupe, we will consider a car in direct trade. 1918 5-passenger Hup touring, really the best buy we have had In a :ate Hup. $1100. These terms will be accepted. $400 cash, balance 12 monthly payments. 1317 model N Hup. This Is the last heavy model and made to stand the rough roads. 1919 Hup roadster. If It Is a high-grade roadster you have been looking for, se this. You all know the Buick six. wo have one, a late :91s. our price is $1000. You will priced low mechanical vince you. agree these cars arc -the appearance and condition will con- 1919 Chevrolet touring. $700, 1919 Chevrolet roadster, $700. 1913 Chevrolet touring. $500. 19IS Chevrolet roadster. $500. Saxon six touring, $500. Reo four touring, $500. Overland 90, $500. Overland light four. $S50. Studebaker four, $300 Ford touring, 1325. Grant six. $5O0. Maxwell 1918. $500. Maxwell 1919, $750. Two truck snaps. Ford 1-ton, new, $600. Reo speed wagon, $500. SEE MR. MOUNTAIN. MAN LEY AUTO CO.. Burnside St., at 11th. Broadway 217. HERE ARE SOME EXTRA GOOD BUYS Ford Roadster $ 200 Ford Roadster 250 Ford Touring 300 Ford Touring. . . . i 350 Maxwell 325 Hudson 275 Overland Roadater 350 Overland Touring 500 Overland Touring 65 Chevrolet B6 450 Chevrolet BC 550 Reo 4 609 Reo 4 600 Reo 4 723 Dort Touring t!50 Chalmers Roadster 1200 Cole Roadster 1909 Cole Touring 1200 Cole Touring 1400 Cole Touring, Aero S 2200 Cole. 4-pass.. Aero 8 9299 Marmon, 3-pass 2500 Marmon, 4-pass 2730 TRUCKS. Several good buys in light delivery cars and trucks. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. 18th and Alder Sta., Broadway 1460. "WIXTON"' AUTO (LIMOUSINE FOR THE "HIGHWAY"' ; WONDERFUL CAR. PRIVATELY OWNED CITY CAR IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. FINE JOB PAINTING JUST COM PLETED. GREAT CAR FOR HIGH WAY; SOON PAY FOR ITSELF. $1000. $500 CASH (BAL. TERMS). (positive bargain j. see owner, 302 SELLING BLDG. BUICK 4 TOURING. $650. With $200 down, balance long easy payments, take bonds, full value, on this one; it has seat covers, new finish and full set tools and side curtains, extra tire and bumper; motor is first-class; come and try it. Will take late model Ford first payment. Open all day. 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. "10 DODGE TOURING. This one has new tires, one extra tirs mounted with tire cover; has spotlight, full set tools and side curtains, ready for delivery and to take a trip to Chi cago. Low price and will take 1250 down, balance monthly, take victory bond.-, full value. Open today at 16th and Alder streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. LIGHT SIX BUICK ROADSTER. This is early 18. and has lots extras on it, refinished and looks and runs as good as the day It loft tho showroom; fide curtains and full set tools, cord tires and other extras; low price, take $.150 down, balance easy. Open today. 10th and Alder sts. MURPHY" MOTOR CAR COMPATY APPERSON S, Chummy roadster. late model; new paint and In finest con dition. Just the car to make a good impression. Real class in every way. $1250 cash or tcrma. i. A. Bradc. Tabor 7756. CLASSY scven-pasHcnger Peerless, mc chanic ally perfect, fully equipped ; six cord tires and rims; sedan body; looks like new. Worth $2600. Make mc an offer, or what have vou to trade with pome cash? Sellwood tt-t7. $2-5 DOWN buys a dandy light six in perfect condition, 5-pass.. side wind shield. 2 spare tires, motometer. Bal ance $423, easy terms. Owner, lu4 Mill sr. Phone Main 40Io. 1917 CHALMERS roadster, wire wheels, seat covers, plate gtas in side and rear curtains; a first-class up-lo-date car for $675, easy terras. Al Aulo Works. 525 Alder street. FOL SALE Studebaker 4, touring car, new top, new battery, electric light.s and starter, excellent mechanical condi tion. Price $250. Call Marshall 150. Room 41S. HKRE IT IS. 1918 16-valve. 4 pasaenger Stutz. A real automobile. Six wire wheela and 6 cord tires. A bargain at $1650. 40 N. Broadway. 1920 SPEEDSTER TYPE Moon touring in fine condition; nickel radiator, disc steel wheels, wind deflectors, other extras: cost $2450. Sacrifice $1550. Need $500 cash. bal. terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. 1920 FORD coupe with extras, bought in April, new tires. Al mechanically; must sell quickly. Call after 1 P. M. Satur day. Tabor 7370. BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICES RIGHT No MlFrcoresenUtlon. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. WILL trade Maibohm light six touring car, only driven little over 30Q0 miles, cord tires, car like new; will trade for 2 or 2-ton truck. Phone! Milwaukle 91. STORE your automobile with us for safety and low rates of insurance; best storage for the winter, $4 per month. Al Auto Works, 522 Alder st. WILL take piano or phonograph as part pa y m e nt on Overland ear. Wdln. 3058. Automobiles Wanted. IF YOU cannot finish paying for jour :ar I have a 1 -karat genuine Oriental sap phire lady a ring or -karat diamond ring to trade for good equity. Give full details in first letter. AL 222. Orego nian. WILL bnv one second-hand 3-ton truck. 1919 or 1920 model, equipped with dump body and hoisL Price must be reason able and truck In good condition. AR 291, Oregonian WANT to trade 200 phonograph as part payment on good Ford touring or light rtellvttrv. Call Broadway 492 between 2 and 6 P. M. Saturday, Sunday and Mon day, ask for Sternert, 427 Washington. WANTED Will buy one second-hand truck of li19 or 1 520 moaei, prit-e must ue reasonable and truck in good condition. A L 226. Oregonian. WHO WANTS to trade small coupe or roadster In good condition for residence lot in Woodlawn and ready spending money ? Telephone Main 711. WILL PAY" up to $400 cash for Ford road ster; give description and price. AP 267, regonian RESPONSIBLE party wants lato model Ford; starter preferred: $50 down, easy monthly payments. Main 7733. CASH for all makes or cars; condition no objecL 415 Gllaan. cor. 10th. WILL PAT cash for 1920 Ford. 5503- GOOD city lot for Ford coupe. AF 290. Oregonian WANT car ) bungalow. part payment on pretty ntW Owner Tabor 9825. FOR SALE Al TOMOBILES. Automobile Wanted. MAKE OnritJt SMALL CAR AND CASH OV HIGH-CLASS WIXTON (FAMILY PARI 1 ?J PEJt(-EcT fON'DI. J TION. NEW PAINT JOB JUST COM-M PLETED. THIS OA K AN " MtSOLUTH BARGAIN" AT $1500. CONSIDER SMALL CAR FIRST PAYMENT. BALANCE YOUR OWN TERMS. AD DRESS OWNER. AH 282. OREGONIAV. CASH FOR CARS I WILL PAY CASH FOR CERTAIN I MAKES OF CARS THAT ARE 1S-19 or I 2t) models. Want Buick. Fords. Olds Six I 90 Overland tourings. Hupmobiles. larl must be cheap for cash and In icood I running order. Open all dav. Bring I your car we w ill not ask you to leava I It for sale as we pay cash for all our I cars, itsih and Aider sts. pnone au-b.. Murphy Motor Car Company. AUTO WANTED GOOD RUNNING ORDER. ABOUT $200 CASH AND GOOD WATER WORKS "PREFERRED IN COME STOCK," $100 PER SHARE. FOR AUTO IN GOOD. MECHANICAL CONDITION. UNDER $1000. (PAINT DON'T MATTER); NO JUNK. PHONE MAIN 113a WILL exchange one-fourth interest In I patented Invention for late model Ford. I M in 7733. I Motorryrlea. HARLE Y-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES NEW AND REBUILT. Second-hand parts for all makes of I mac nines. Mail orders filled same day I rcueiveu. MOTORCYCLE St SUPPLY CO.. DM 200 3D ST. MAIN 7SS9. I Mil1 MOTORCYCLES. ALL MAKES, ON EASY TERMS. Used Parts. Motors, Magnrtos, Carbura-1 tors, ucnerators, etc. 10 to 73 per cent Discount. MOTORCYCLES BOUOHT FOR PARTS, EAST SIDE -MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Grand Ave. LATE 191$, electrically equipped Marie y I Davidson motorcycle; in line condition; spotlight, dream tandem, speedometer. extra tire and tunc: '.. inn bj tven I at M' J East Broadway or call East 731H. FOR SALE 1917 Harley-Davidson motor cycle, electric, dream tandem. A bar gain. Call Marshall 1950. Room 41S. 1914 ELECTRICALLY equipped Indian mo-l torcycie; best otter takes it. . Lni avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. Oft-SN 3D ST. MAIN 8139. 1U13 INDIAN parts. East 7593. " u Union avenue. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 3699, Bx member our number. Broadwa y 3 0&6. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 13TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. I 132 12th st., between Washington and I Alder. Broadway S4i). I AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGF. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A1L'39 ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE I WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. I THIRD AU TAlLUK. MAUN 10S7. 1920 3-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH I DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. FOR SALE TRICKS AND TRACTORS. 1-9-2-1 surely will be a hummer If our last week's business la a fair Indicator, however, we have some axcellent buys left, w hith we are offering on liberal terms. CMC 2-ton. long-frame, just been thoroughly overhauled, has new tires and Is a truck that we can recommend without reservation $22o0 GMC 2-ton. chain-drive, cord wood body and cab. This truck is not painted and Toli.hed up. bu' is a good, ones t w ork e r 7 SO Reo 1 '. -ton, motor over hauled, tires In good shaps, a very good buy at 650 GMC ;-ton. this has been overhauled by Charlie Beck, and those who know hia work can ask for no more 775 Ford panel delivery, self starter; nearly a new ma chine 500 Ford worm-drivetruckj over hauled, A-l general condl dition 400 W EN TWO RT H & IRWIN (Inc.) 200 Second St., Corner of Taylor. THE NUMBER OF SALES on new truck depends to a certain extent on the salsa in the second-hand department. In order to make room for new business we are putting the price down on second hand trucks so low that price will be a bitr factor in moving them. o If you are in the market for a used truck be . ..- I and look over our list and then call I and inspect them; Dodge roadster, new top, new paint, good tires, new rings and wrist pins and new steer ing gear $100 2-ton Standard, engine over hauled, good tires and new paint 1009J 1-ton GMC, good condition throughout. 3-ton Saurer. Just the thing for the wood hauler or any heavy duty work; completely over hauled. Jf you want 'Yellow Chassis," coma I iff. w have a few loft and the price is cut; 2-ton Republic, good ahapo. . . . $1000 2-ton Republic, good condition. 900 MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR , Tenth and Davi-s Streets. Broadway 690. OUR OWNERS arc our friends. Our I po'icy toward them is uch that the remain inenas. 1 1920 Monroe Touring Car Deinonw strator. Some Buyt J 1 1-Ton Dcnby A bear for work. 1 Chain drive Ford Cab, Windshield Stake body. Nuff Said! 1 2-Ton Federal. Say! This one will take your breath. 1 IU -Ton G. M. C. If this Is your size the prico is astonishing. These trucks are priced to sell and we guarantee satisfaction to each per son who selects one. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF NORTHWEST Broadway 3848. ONi: AND A HALF ton 1919 model truck. nearly good aa new, for salo by private party at a great oig sacriiicc. 11 you want a trucK nere ts your cnance. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Studebaker truck, in pink of condition: panel body, electric lights, starter and I tveryining; musi sen. xr. kj. do lua. Oak (trove. 1918 WORM-DRIVE Ford truck with cov ered-over delivery body, in good shape. must sell. $350 takes P. 415 Gliaan st.. cor. 10th. 1U-TON G. M. C. truck, just overhaulfd, new solid tires, 1921 license. $800. Auto matte phone 512-65. ALMOST NEW CLEVELAND tractor. cheap. East 1705 or 404 Va East Mor rison st. FOR SALE cheap. 1920 1-ton Ford truck. In A-l shape. Call at 361 Jd sL or phone Main 3051. STUDEBAKER -ton truck. A-l condi tion. Owner. 967 Lombard st. Col. 877. -TON Kelly-Sprlngfleld truck $400. 1705 or 404 H East Morrison St. GA9KAGB& GARAGE for rent. Alberta district. Phone 315-So. ACTO REPAIRING. AUTO EXPERTS, Tvt ia repair your car in your own garage. All work gua-an'.eed. Reas- I enable prices. Phone Woodlawn 841,