The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 02, 1921, SECTION TWO, Image 23

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    Classified Advertising and
Sporting News
Pages 1 to 14
NO. 1
There isn't an item mentioned in this announcement that isn't priced ONE-THIRD UNDER VALUE many articles are
offered at A FULL HALF under regular price. You can gain an excellent idea of the amount GADSBYS CAN SAVE you
on your complete home outfit by comparing the splendid values here shown with the best offerings of any other store in Oregon.
Whether on single articles or on COMPLETE HOME OUTFITS, we undersell them all undersell them BY A BIG MARGIN,
too. DON'T SPEND A CENT for anything in the line of HOME FURNISHINGS until you've visited GADSBYS.
The very rage of popularity this season are Cane Suites. This is not just a fad. The cane suite has
come into its own because it possesses beauty, strength, comfort and light weight. This suite is
woven of the choicest cane and is upholstered in line silk damask. Frame is finished in ma- 9 I 07 OC
hogany. Queen Anne period. Regular price $394.50. Gadsbys' Clearance Price
Thi Kitchen Cabinet wo are offering at half price U same as
Stctured above. The top is especially convenient. Three cup
oarris, three drawers and tiltinjr sugar bin. Rase is fitted with
two bins, two drawers and breadboards. Finished golden 0 I 0 flfl
oak. Regular ?36 value. Gadsbys Clearance Sale Price . . V I OiUU
Princess Dresser
jgj WL
The Princess Dresser we are clos
ing out is similar to cut. Finished
quartered golden oak. Platte mir
ror 30xlS. Wood knobs. Regular
$30.00 value. Gadsbys' I 7 CfT
Sale Price ' ' Ju
Dining Chairs on
Quality Built Chair, with full-size
removable slip seat. Built of solid
oak. full box construction. CKM'
Finish golden oak. Regular 19.00
Ivory Dresser
Spring seat 19x10. back 27 inches high above the seat, broad
padded back with flaring side, head rests, upholstered in high
grade brown Spanish leatherette. Regular S3j value, f In En
Child's Crib or Rocking Cradle $3.85
Made of selected maple, finished in natural light color. Has
woven-wire spring bottom. Very inexpensive, but strong and
durable, and can be depended on for service. Regular Q DC
J 6 value. GADSm (LKARAME PRICK 00. OJ
Rugs and Linoleum
on Sale
Pretty Ivory Dresser with mir
ror, 24x16, two small top drawers,
two large deep drawers.
Hard to Beat for Solid Comfort
This Solid Oak Rocker is the biggest value in Oregon. Spring
seat with upholstered, adjustable back; has disappearing foot rest.
It rocks on a base instead of floor. Broad, comfortable arms.
The upholstering is a dependable grade of brown, artificial Spanish
leather. Regular JIB value. GADSBYS' CLEARANCE SALE 7 CQ
" a
We are offering a
Buffet similar to
cut. made of - solid
oak. golden oak fin
ish. Plank top 44x20,
w 1 1 1. French plate
mirror back. 8 x 26.
Two top drawers
for silver. Double
d o o r cabinet and
large linen drawer
below. Regular H9
value. Gadsb ys'
Clearance 527,95
Sale Price..."
Guaranteed Iron Bed. strong and durable, head 44 inches high,
foot 33 inches, main posts -inch. thickness of top rods 14-inch,
angle-iron foot and head ends, complete with rails and ffO 7g
Of course you- want a Bed Davenport in your nome and it is only
a matter of time, no doubt, until you expect to buy one. Here is a
Bed Davenport of very popular design which we bought in large
enough quantities to sell at a big saving to you. Take ad
vantage of this opportunity. There may not be another tfgg gg
like It 1
If you have furniture that doesn't suit want something mora
up to date and better phone us and we'll send a competent man
to sea it and arrange to take it as part payment on the kind you
want the Gadsby kind. We'll make you a liberal allowance for
your goods and we'll send you new furniture at low prices. The
new furniture will be promptly delivered. Exchange goods can
be bought at our First and Washington store.
Superiority of Westerners in Every Branch of Game Shown in Play-by-Play
Description of Football Classic.
Cal., Jan. L California's unbeat
en football eleven outplayed Ohio
State in the annual Tournament of
Roses game here today and won, 28
to 0.
The Blue and Gold, champions of
the Pacific coast conference, proved
their superiority in every branch of
the game and at no time did Ohio
threaten the California line.
The game, play by play, follows:
Flrt period California won the toss and
chose to defend, the south Mi. Hose
Workman kicked off. Niabet took the
ball and returned it a ahort distance to
the 30-yard line, made two yards around,
rljh. end, but on the next play was nailed
behind the line. Xisbet then kicked to
SUn-chcomb, who was downed by Mullei
with no gains. Stinchcomb. starting- the
Ohio offensive, gained three yards through
the line. Two attempts at line plays
failed. Workman punted to California's 30-
yard line. Sprott took four yards throueh
the line, but California was held on the
next line place and kicked. Stephens re
covered the ball for California, when Ohio
State fumbled on the Buckeye 90-yard
me. a lor ward pass, Sprott to Muller
gained 15 yard for California and put
me cauromia team on Ohio s 10-yard line.
apron circiea tne unio right end in
surprise play to the Ohio 4-yard line and
a line buck took It to the middle western
ers six-inch line. Sprott took the bail
In another line play for California's first
touchdown. Toomey kicked the goal, mak
ing the score 7 to 0 In favor of California.
Workman again kicked off for Ohio.
Erb returned five yards to the 30-yard
line, but California was penalized 15 yards
ior noiaing. ioomey lost on an attempted
end run and Xisbet punted. Ohio state.
In its first forward pass, H. Workman to
N. Workman, gained 20 yards, but fumbled.
Stinchcomb recovered. Two Ohio line
plays took the ball fo California's 20-yard
line and Blair went through the blue and
gold right tackle to the eight-yard line,
where "Hoge" Workman fumbled, Toomey
recovering for California. Niabet kicked.
Stinchcomb misjudged the ball and it
rolled to Ohio's 30-yard line. California's
line held a smash by Blair and Workman
kicked about 55 yards to Toomey. On the
next play Toomey fumbled, but Miller re
covered. . Xisbet punted to Stinchcomb,
who ran back 13 yards.
California's Line Holds.
California's line held three Ohio plunges
to small gains and a forward pass by the
two W'orkmans failed to make yardage.
Xisbet then punted to the Ohio 47-yard
line as the period ended.
Second period Play opened with a nine-
yard gain around left end by H. Workman.
Stinchcomb got away and gained 20 yards
around the other end, Blair took three
yards through the line and the Workmans,
in a forward pass, put the ball on Cali
fornia's eight-yard line.
The California line stiffened and held
on line plunges. An intercepted Ohio for
ward pass to the goal line gave the ball
camornia and on a criss-cross play
Toomey made 40 yards around left end.
Thirteen more California yards were made
in a forward pass, Sprott to Muller. Xis
bet went six yards more. California lost
the ball on an intercepted forward pass
anr! Ohio kicked 42 yards to the middle
I of the field. Two piunges by Xisbet
through center made yardage for Cali
fornia. Toomey then tried two bucks in
vain and Muller threw a 50-yard forward
pats to Stephens, who dashed across the
; line for the second touchdown. Toomey
kicked goal, making the score California
14, Ohio 0.
Nisbet kicked off to Stinchcomb and
Ohio attempted charges against the Cali
fornia line, but failed and then kicked.
Sprott took 15 yards through center. Bliss
was substituted for Blair. Sprott forward
passed eight yards to Erb and Xisbet
completed the yardage in a line buck.
Forward ras Gains.
Another forward pass for 30 yards,
Toomey to Mulltr, put the ball on Ohio's
ten-yard line. Xisbet went through cen
ter to the five-yard line and Sprott took
the ball around right eod for a touch
down. Toomey kicked goal, making the
score 21 to 0.
Xisbet kicked off and Sprott Intercepted
a long forward pass, and Xisbet kicked to
"Hoge" Workman, who was downed on
his 25-yard line. A forward pass. Work
man to Bliss, put the ball on the center
line, and another pass. Workman to
Stinchcomb, gained 15 yards as the half
Third period Play opened with Nlibet
kicking to Stinchcomb, who returned to
the 25-yard line. Two Ohio bucks by
Bliss were stopped by Cranmer and Ohio
kicked to Xisbet.
Ten yards were taken off left end by
Toomey, but California lost the gain when
penalized 15 yards for holding. Xisbet
then punted. Ohio made two incompleted
forward passes and then lost the ball
when Xisbet Intercepted a third pass.
"Duke" Morrison replaced Xisbet. Sprott
circled his right end for eight yards.
Toomey tried to repeat, but lost yardage.
Sprott bucked, but failed to gain, and
Ohio State took the ball on the fourth
down. The Workman-Stinchcomb forward
pass combination failed to gain for Ohio
and Workman punted 40 yards.
Morrison returned the punt. Bliss hit
the line lor no gain and Ohio tried two
forward passes, both of which they failed
to complete. Workman punted to Toomey,
who was injured when tackled and was
replaced by Deeds. Stinchcomb was taken
out to reet and his place was taken by
Cott. Deeds, in his first play, went 20
yards around left end and Morrison bucked
center for four yards. Fifteen yards came
to California when Sprott forward passed
to Erb, putting the ball on Ohio State's
33-ymrd line. Two bucks by Morrison
added five yards and the Sprott-Erb aerial
play gave California 10 more, putting the
ball on Ohio's 14-yard line as tho period
Pete Stinchcomb Returns.
Fourth period Pete Stinchcomb went
back Into the game when the last period
opened. Sprott, in the first play, circled
right end 10 yards to Ohio's four-yard
line. Deeds took the ball to the one-foot
line and then plunged over for California's
fourth touchdown. Erb kicked tho goal,
making the score 28 to 0.
Morrison kicked off 48 yards and Stlnch
conrb circled his right end for 15 yards.
California gained the ball when Myers
fumbled a forward pass and Deeds made
nine yards on a left end run and Sprott
and Morrison went 11 yards more through
the line.
Sprott added seven yards around right
end and Morrison followed with seven
yards around"the other end. Two yards
by Morrison on a center buck put the
ball on Ohio's 20-yard line, fcprott carnea
it to the 15-yard line on a buck ana li:s,
who went in for Deeds, got away for 10
yards around right end.
On their five-yam line tne ducrm
stiffened and held Sprott and Morrison to
nnp-vard m two attacKs ami noppou
an atUmnlul f' f P r. li ril n bv EellS.
Sprott tried an end run oul ran uui oi
hmt-iriB Tin font rroin tne kdkl um
took the ball on downs and forward passed
Workman to Slyker, who repiacea a
Wn-kman 20 V.irda
Another forward, pass maae eignt yru
for Ohio. As third pass was intercepted Dy
Erb on California s 3o-yard line.
After trying a forward pass witn no
nrrsss Morrison punted, unio maae -
vardft on two forward passes but lost
the ball on an intercepted pass. It was
California's ball on tho 40-yard line as
the period closed.
Technical Knockout Scored
by Tacoma Veteran, 1
Herman Defeats Roso After II. in!
10 -Hound Battle in Arena,
at Mihvaukie.
Frank Farmer of Tacoma
won technical knockout over
Harlan Bunker of San Fran
cisco, second round.
Alex Trambitas of Portland
and Frankie Murphy of Denver
fought a 10-round draw.
Babe Herman of Sacramento
won 10-round decision over Ray
Rose of Denver.
Roy Sutherland of Los Ange
les and Charley Dawson of Eu
gene fought a six-round draw.
Johnny Flsk of Portland and
Al Nelson of Boise fought a six
round draw.
EMM, 16 TO 7
Western Champions Prove Superior
to Easterners in Prep
School Contest.
EVERETT, Wash.. Jan. 1. Everett
high school football team, western
prep school champions, defeated East
Tech high school of Cleveland. O.,
claimants of the eastern champion
ship, by a score of 16 to 7 here today.
The visitors excelled in tricK play
ing-, scoring on a forward pass. Ever
ett's strong line was Cleveland s
stumbling block, both offensively and
defensively. The home team s touch
downs were the result of steady, con
sistent gains. It was Everett's ball
on Cleveland's one-yard line when the
whistle blew.
A crowd estimated at 10,000 wit
nessed the contest.
The lineup:
Everett (16). Cleveland (7).
Westrom L.E Karaus
Britt LT biock
Ingham Hi r rato
Walters C ttaray
Wltham BO raui
Tonteeon KT irice
nivnn RE N. Behm
Carlson QB Berkowltx
Michel LHB J. aenm
I Wilson RHB McFadden
I Sherman FB Carlson
Everett 0 16 0 01
Cleveland 0 0 0 7
Everett scoring Touchdowns, Sherman,
Ti,-hrl: coals from toucnaowns, finer-
Cleveland Touchdowns. N. Behm: goal
from touchdown, McFadden; safety, JIc
I Fadden.
Referee, Coyle, Seattle: umpire, dojk
Seattle; head linesman, Gottsteln, beattie
tiTno nf tt nds lo minutes eacn.
Stubstitutes For Cleveiana, onenng ior
Damns: Hakket for ram; nroa ior
Block; Lariche for McFadden.
Seattle Trap Championship Won
From Searle by Doctor.
skattlE. Wash.. Jan. 1. Dr. C. I...
Tompleton is the champion gunner
of Seattle. Dr. Templeton nosed out
R. S. Searle for the high season aver
age at the Seattle CJun club by two
targets He took this lead at the last
shoot of the season, being tied with
Searle at that time.
R. W. Kinzer was the tnird best
hnf nf the club, iinisning wun an
average of .9333 per cent, and Dr. E.
i W. Kerr fourth, wun .auj per cbul.
These averages are based on me
regular 50-bird programmes eaca
I Sunday between May 30 and Septem
hr 26 and include only those having
shot at 150 targets during that time.
iBlue and Gold Five Win Laurels
on Coos Bay Trip.
Jefferson high school's basketball
team brought its series of games
with the Coos county interscholastic
leaeue quintets to a close Friday
night at Bandon, Or., where the high
school team of that place was de
feated 19 to 6.
According to a telegram from WU-
j Ham Price Sullivan, manager of the
team, the game with Bandon was the
hardest and fastest game of the en
tire series. Bandon checked splen
didly, with Panter, Smith, De Long
and Tucker putting up a great guard
ing game. Jeflersoa had but few
chances at the basket and was forced
to make points by long spectacular
The guarding of the Jefferson
hoopers was the feature of the sec
ond half when the opposing team was
not allowed a single field basket
Jefferson played steadily throughout
the game and was not in danger once
during the contest.
North Bend, Marshfield, Myrtle
Point and Coquille were the other
high school teams defeated by the
blue and gold while on the trip.
Len Tendler, Philadelphia Light
weight, Wins in Fourth Bound.
Tendler, Philadelphia lightweight, so
far outclassed Otto Wallace of Kan
sas City here this afternoon in a
scheduled eight-round bout that the
western fighter's seconds threw a
towel into the ring in the fourth
Whitey Fitzgerald, Philadelphia,
won from Stanley Meeghlan, Atlanta,
Ga., the referee stopping the bout in
the third round.
Fight Prelims Good.
Charley Dawson, 14--pound boxing
instructor at the University of Ore
gon, is no slouch with the padded
mitts. He gave the rugged Roy Suth
erland, whom he outweighed six
pounds, a give-and-take argument
for six rounds that ended in a draw.
Sutherland had a shade the best of
four of the rounds, but Dawson made
such a good showing most of the time
that Referee Loutitt evidently fig
ured that he earned a draw. Al Nel
son and Johnny ! isKe rought a six
round slugging match to a draw in
the first bout of the afternoon. A
small but select crowd greeted the
boxers. Too much rain had Its ef
fect In keeping the regulars home.
Trapshooting Classic Dated.
CHICAGO. Jan. 1. The Grand
American handicap, the premier clas
sic of the trapshooting season, will
be awarded at a meeting of the gen
eral committee of the American Trap
shooting association to be held here
January 7 and 8, It was announced
tonitrht The general committee also
will discuss changes in the rules for
Xow Ball League Planned.
BUTTE, Mont., Jan. 1. Establish
ment of a baseball league to include
teams representing Butte, Spokane,
Great Falls, Helena and two other
cities not yet named, is being planned
for the coming year by Cliff Blanken- . riod. The next three rounds were nlo
ship, manager of the Spokane club in ; and tuck, Herman outboxlng Rose,
the Pacific International league last I but the latter kept rushing and try
ing valiantly.
The Denver boxer electrified tho
Harlan Bunker, young San Fran
cisco heavyweight, will need som
more experience before he is ready to
tackle the men in Frank Farmer's
class. The bald-topped Tacoma vet
eran scored a technical knockout over
Bunker in the second round of their
scheduled ten-round clash in tho
windup of yesterday afternoon's card
at the Milwaukie arena, when Har
lan's seconds threw in the sponge.
Farmer was administering a ter
rific lacing to the defenseless and
groggy Bunker. The action of throw
ing in the water-laden sea weed
saved him from taking a few more on
he chin which eventually would.
have put him down for keeps. Gamo
to the end. Bunker was ready to
The Tacoma light-heavyweight tors
after Bunker in the first canto in &
businesslike manner, sending in
punches from every angle, which
found Bunker a target that couldn t
evade his fists. A regular barrago
of blows put Bunker down for the
count of nine, and he arose In bad
shape. He couldn't even hold his
hands up. and it was a marvel that
Bunker weathered the first stanza.
Only a great measure of gamenesa
enabled him to stick to his guns.
When the bell rang Bunker was sag
ging at the knees and about ready to
drop. His seconds jumped into tha
ring the second the gong rang and
pulled him to his corner.
Bunker came out for the second
round in fairly good shape, and led
with a left which caught Farmer in
the face. This only tended to arouse
Frank's anger, and he ripped in
swings that soon had Bunker out on
his feet.
Frankie Murphy, aggressive Denver
welterweight, and Alex Trambitas of
Portland fought a torrid ten-round
draw in the semi-final. The first six
rounds could have been faster, but
the last four we're sizzlers from gong
to gong.
Murphy was in to beat Trambitas,
and used every bit of energy and
strength coupled with his ring knowl
edge to put over a victory. Only
Trambitas' willingness to mix saved
him from going down to defeat. Alex
has been criticised a good deal for hla
lack of aggressiveness and mixing
qualities, but no one could make any
comment as to those lacks yesterday.
Alex fought too hard. He butted
Murphy, wanted to fight after true
bell, in the clinches and on the floor,
all of which was perfectly agreeabks
to the sturdy Denver battier with the
exception of the butting part. Mur
phy suffered a cut over his left eyio
in tne iirst round and over his riclrt
eye in the seventh. Murphy said that
Trambitas butted him on both occaa
sions. and stopped fighting for a seo-
ond to tell Referee Tom Loutitt that
Trambitas was using his head all tha
t was a slambang scrap, with
both boys determined to win the de
cision, and by a knockout if possible.
To the writer it looked as though
each boy either won or had a shado
in four rounds each, and two wcr
dead even.
In the ninth canto Murphy thretr
Trambitas through the ropes and eert-
cialiy mussed Alex up. Murohv fell
dewn a minute later and both boys
were trying to scrap arter the bell
rang, with Trambitas refusing to let
The referee had trouble breaking
them, as both wanted to fight in tho
clinches, with Murphy using an up
percut with either hand to good ef
fect. Trambitas wouldn't step back,
so .Murphy wouldn't either. It was
one gram! setto, and provided some)
real thrills.
Babe Herman, flashy Sacramento
122-pounder. found that Ray Rose of
Denver was a tough little customer
in their ten-round tussle and manacsed
to cop the verdict only after a strenu
ous session of hard fighting. Many
expected Herman to win hands down,
but Rose proved a stocky tartar and
battled from start to finish.
Herman, who is a pretty piece of
fighting machinery, started off at a
fast pace in the first round and took:
the honors without much trouble.
Rose got his flying attack under way
in the second session and managed to
connect often enough to even the pe-
season, according to announcement
here last night.
Press Names Coogan as Best Man.
fans in the fifth round when he
caught Herman with a swinging right
mat aet rtaue aown on tne cajiva
PITTSBURG. Jan. 1. "Mel" Coogan I Herman was un Immertiof.l K..I
of New York won the newspaper de- 80mewhat ruffled.
cislon over Lnar.ey u on.ieu ot rtoge took advantage of his flash,
aevj ta . Un-rnd lxln, bout I , the s,xth and geventh f
,il 1 . !r. " ' t hA irninev
afternoon. "Kid Roberts of Wheel
ing, W. Va., was declared defeated by
Mike Moran of Pittsburg in a six
round bout by the same authority.
Tenino Tossers Win.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Jan. 1. (Spe
cial.) The Tenino high school bas
ketball team won its fifth straight
game Wednesday night, defeating
Roy hy a score of 39 to 19. Morgan.
Tenino forward, scored 18 of bis
team's points.
Herman was fully bacs?
in form by the eighth and took the
lead. He nearly put tose out in that
round. He won the ninth by a wldo
margin. Rose was tired and had
lost bis punch. The final round wasj
about even.
Princeton Quintet Victor. 1
CINCINNATI, O.. Jan. 1. Prince
ton's basketball five defeated tha
University of Cincinnati team, 30 tot
16. last Bight. .