The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 02, 1921, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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i -
Unlimited Light and Energy
Released by Atoms.
Process of Disintegration of Minute
Jfertiolcs Said to Turn Loose
Tremendous Electrical force.
(Copyright by the New fork World
llfthed by Arrangement.)
BERLIN, Jan. 1. (Special Wire
less.) Whether Doe of the greatest
practical discoveries and inventions
has been made In Germany is the
question that is beginning to attract
serious attention among sceptical
scientists, technologists and industrial
The object of this interest is the
claim of a well known Berlin civil
engineer, Willy von Unruh. that he
has discovered a "new source of
energy" and that he has succeeded in
"liberating light and power in un
limited quantities through the dis
integration of atoms." Professor E.
A. Krause is collaborating with Herr
von L'nruh in his researches.
Both men are still at work perfect
ing the alleged invention for the
disintegration of atoms and harness
ing the resultant energy. Certain
basic patent claims have been filed
by a patent engineer. Dr. Mintz of
As the inventor and his collaborator
are professional men of high stand
ing, there seems to be no valid
ground for the belief of sceptics that
..We reported revolutionary invention
ts a scientific hoax or fraud.
Demonstration Amazes Expert.
A small group of experts and scien
tists who recently witnessed a prac
tical demonstration of a working
model of the Unruh invention were
amazed and greatly Impressed. The
apparatus they saw was a medium
sized square box with no detectable
electric current supply, but yet it
generated sufficient current to keep
five 1000-candle power electric lights
burning for hours.
The visitors were not permitted to
satisfy their curiosity as to the de
tails of the apparatus, however. Herr
Unruh later said:
"I have demonstrated my apparatus,
which was completely transparent,
before various scientists and experts
who proved to their own satisfaction
that the machine was not fed by in
ternal storage batteries or an outside
supply of energy during an eight
hour test."
According io both Herr Unruh and
Professor Krause, the reason for their
secretiveness about the details of
their Invention is due to the fact that
it la still only in the successful ex
perimental stage. Improvements are
being worked out and the mystery
will continue to be closely guarded
until full patent claims have been
filed covering all phases and details
of the invention, as well as the po
tentialities of the atomic generator.
Mould l.rrnii Are Destroyed.
No questions are asked, however,
shout two other recent remarkable
discoveries. Professor Dulsberg of
the Bayer Aniline works recently told
a gathering of friends and fellow
scientists that his company had suc
ceeded in making a product whifch
would destroy the harmful mould
germs In seeds and at the same time
Increase their sprouting vitality.
He also announced that the Bayer
works would shortly place upon the
market a newly discovered product
which makes woolens absolutely and
permanently mothproof.
A discovery of great Importance
for the automobile Industry la also
claimed in another end-of-the-year
invention announcement. Count von
Soden. an engineer and director of
the gear factory of the Zeppelin
works at Fricdriehshafen. has Invent
ed an automatic gear shifting sys
tem for automobiles, wnicn it is
claimed can be worked by a slight
pressure of the foot on a pedal and
functions noiselessly, smoothly and
The titled inventor believes his de
vice Is destined to replace the pres
ent noisy, jerky hand and foot op
erated gear shift. Feellna; Intensified.
The anti-French feeling in German
Semitic circles has been brought to
a head by the recent award of the
Nobel prize to Dr. Bordet of the Pas
teur institute, instead of to his Ger
man rival. Professor Albert von Was
sermann. for his discovery of the
Wassermann "reaction" test for a
social disease.
The Germans claim that the French
have sought to rob Von Wassermann
of credit by renaming his test the
"Bordet reaction." The French assert
that Von Wassermann's discovery
was based on merely one special case
of the albumen reactions discovered
by Dr. Bordet.
This caused the German claimant
to make known before the last meet
ing of the Berlin academy of medi
cine the crowning result of his six
years' work. He announced his dis
covery of the exact nature and scien
tific explanation of the reaction
Nnmi d after him which, though' a
practical success in 90 per cent of the
cscs on which it has been employed,
has heretofore been a complete mys
tery, baffling Its original discoverer
as well as the medical scientists
using it.
J might, without serious inaccuracy, be
J called an unusually determined man.
Toward the end of the campaign.
when leader after leader showed
signs of the nervous strain, and when
not a few of them more or less "blew
up," Harding himself, except In a few
sentences in one or two of his rear
platform speeches on the closing day.
never showed any sign of emotional
disturbances. During all the sup
pressed commotion that accompanied
the subterranean scandal, and in the
final explosion attending it, Hard
ing was the least disturbed of all the
campaign managers. He had the air
of taking the position that there are
some things a gentleman ignores, and
assuming that a falsehood cannot in
the end do harm to its victim.
Harding's relation to the country,
and the relation of our country to the
rest of the world, contain possibili-
1 ties that are almost literally beyon
an ordinary Imagination. Any ade
I quate observer, looking at Hardin
with the intentness that his positio
invites, is likely to find iustificatio
for confident hopefulness that Hard
ing has it in him to rise to th
greatest of these possibilities and liv
up to the opportunities.
Initiative Not Great.
1 say "has it in him" to do so. Th
only doubt implied is whether th'
potentialities that are within him
will flow out as abundantly as the
might from a man of less stati
temperament. Harding is not a per
son of great Initiative. There are
two types of executive. One keeps
the outgoing telephone wires busy
The other occupies himself more ex
clusively with the incoming calls.
One Is active in starting things an
putting them through. The other at
tends conscientiously to what is laid
before him for decision and action.
Harding is of the latter type.
Being the sort of man who func
tlons best in deciding among th
things that are laid before him, 1
follows that much importance Is at
tached to the channels through which
things will come up to Harding, in
the persons who will have access to
him. This is one reason why the
choice of his cabinet is important.
Cabinet Choice Painful.
Right now, I suspect. Harding
involved in the probably painful busi
ness of choosing between a cabinet
made up of old politicial friends and
associates, and one made up of men
of high character and proved ability
regardless of whether or not they
are sympathetic and comfortable to
his personality. Hc sees that he can
pick men who superficiallv will seem
to promise the ease and comfort of
an old shoe, or he call pick men who
at first may prats upon him pain
fully, but In the end will carry him
further, last him longer, and give
him a distinguished administration
In that choice Harding's destiny lies
This Is ihe Judgment of the same
men who believe that Harding has
in nim latently the possibility of ris
ing to any heights that may be ade
quately demanded of him. The men
who express this belief and hope fre
quently add:
"If he will surround himself with
the right men, if in choosing his cab
inct. Harding has the good fortune
to see the alternative In a clear light.
he can be depended on infallibly to
cnoose tne higher one.
1500 Millions Decline to 1141
Millions, Says Report.
Stair Superintendent of Scboola
Return From Conclave.
SAI.K.M. Or.. Jan. 1. (Special.)
J. A. Churchill, Htate superintendent
of schools, returned last night from
ban Francisco where he attended
thrift conference of all state super
intendents west of th,e Rocky moun
tains. Imports at the conference
showed that the thrift campaign had
produced results and that one bank
in the city of San Francisco held de
posits of school children aggregating
Oregon, although uot at the head
of the iist with relation to thrift
work, has the distinction of being
first among all the states with re
gard to per capita sales of war sav
ings securities.
(Continued From First Page.
possibility. Hc has proved to be the
surprise of the list, and for several
days telegrams in his behalf have
been flooding the governor, and have
come from many parts of the state,
both eastern and western Oregon. He
has the support, among others, of E. J
Adams of Kugene, former member of
the commission. PoIIman also nan
very strong support.
Two new names placed before thr
governor in telegrams today were
P. D. McCully of Joseph and Mars
Mayer of Mosier.
C-nt in ued From First Page.
sesators who are supposed to com
pose "the senatorial oligarchy" de
plore the decision which they fear
Harding is gqing to make. They
would like to sec the decision go a
different way. They would like to
advise Harding against it. But none
of them is sufficiently sure of his
footing to do so.
I Is I nique.
This particular decision, to be sure.
Is mniue snd not typical. To tell it
m if it were typical would give a
false view of Harding. On ordinary
aubjecas the republican senators will
always have easy access to the new
president's mind. The particular In
stance is a cabinet matter, and has
other aspects that make it Intimate
and personal.
But while not typical, the incident
will serve to illustrate what is un
questionably the fact as it exists to
day, namely, that Harding is the
leader and that the republican sen
ators know he is the leader. Harding
Is confident in his leadership, and
the senator are deferential in the
role of advisers.
The truth Is that Harding, with all
his genuine courtesy, with his almost
tender consideration for others, and
with his very marked personal un
selfishness, nevertheless has a decid
ed mind of his own. and in essential
ma.iirs kewa, s follows iu Harding t
McNury Back Bonus Bill.
SALEM. Or., Jan. 1. (Special.)
Allan Carson adjutant of Capitol post
No. 9, American Legion, last night re
ceived a telegram from Senator Mc
N'ary pledging continued support of
the soldiers' bonus bill. Senator Me
Nary's telegram was in reply to mes
sages sent to Washington by local
ex-service men urging Oregon's dele
gation in congress to stand by the
bonus bill.
Read The Orogonian classified ads.
Combined in Hood's Sarsaparills,
Blood Medicine.
Tn spite of the increased costs and
great scarcity of important roots,
herbs, etc., the standard of quality
and the quantity of Hood's Sarsapa
rtlla have been faithfully maintained
and are today the bame as hen this
medicine was first perfected and of
fered to the public.
A bottle of Hood's Sarsaparflla will
average to last three or four weeks,
while others last but a week or two.
and some even less time.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is effective as a
blood purifying and tonic medicine
and also after the Flu. Grip, fevers
atid other debilitating, blood-poisoning
diseases. It purifies the blood,
creates an appetite, and makes food
taste good. Adv.
Increases in Capitalization of Mem
bers .Responsible for Jump From
87.4 to 99.8 Millions.
WASHINGTON', Jan. 1. Holdings
by federal reserve banks of paper
secured by government war obliga
tions declined from nearly 1500 mil
Jions at tne opening of the year to
1141 millions on December 31, said
the annual review issued tonight by
the federal reserve board. At the
end of the year, out of a total of
-(19.1 millions of discounted bills.
about 42 per cent was composed of
paper secured by united States war
obligations, against 67 per cent of a
total of 2231.2 millions held on the
first Friday of the year.
The .gold reserve, according to the
review, shows little change at the
end of the year, as compared with
the condition 12 months earlier. Al
though considerable gold was ex
ported to South America and to the
orient early in the year, it is ex
plained, gold shipment from England
In anticipation of the maturity of the
Anglo-French bonds on October 15
were responsible in a measure for a
subsequent recovery, so that on
December 30 the amount was only
3 millions below the total shown
on January 2.
Banks Incrrae Capital.
Increases in capitalization of exist
ng member banks and accessions of
new mem serb were responsible in
part for an increase In the paid-up
capital of the federal reserve banks
during the year from 87.4 to 99.8
millions. This corresponded to an
increase of over 411.0 millions In cap
ital and surplus of member banks.
Changes in the condition of the fed
eral reserve banks during 1920, ac
cording to the review, reflect to a
large extent the changes in the credit
policy originated about the last of
"Preferential rates on paper se
cured by liberty bonds and victory
notes." the review continued, "were
abrogated by some reserve banks and
raised by others to a level more
nearly approximating the rate level
for ordinary commercial paper. In
the case of paper secured by treasury
certificates the rates adopted were.
in most cases identical with the higher
upon rates ftxeu by the govern
ment, thus holding out no induce
ment to the member banks to carry
these securities among their own in-
stments and use them as collateral
for loans at the federal reserve banks,
but rarher providing a stimulus to
place them in the hands of ultimate
investors. The results are seen in the
gradual decrease of the amounts of
war paper held during the year by
the reserve banks.
High Kate slow Borrowing.
"Early in the year the federal re
serve banks ra ised tneir aiscoun'.
rates -on commercial paper, but the
influence of the higher rates is seen
in retarding the progress of borrow -
ngs rather than in restricting them.
In fact, total federal reserve bank
holdings of discounted bills on Decern
ber 30 of 27191 millions is 487.9 mil-
ions larger than at the beginning of
the year.
Holdings of bills purchased in
open market show an almost uninter
rupted decline for the period under
view. From a total of in4.t BUI-
ions at the beginning or. me year,
decline of 255.7 millions on Decern- j
ber 30 is shown, the decrease of 31S.9
illions being due largely to the In- :
creased demand for this class of bills .
bv savings banks, trust companies. ,
also corporate and individual invest-
ors. So appreciable ohanges are
hown in the amounts and classes of ,
United States bonds held.
"Net deposits of the reserve banks I
show a general downward tendency
for the year, the December 30 total
of 1604.2 millions being 246.9 millions
below the corresponding total at tne
beginning of the year, decreases In
reserve and net deposits reflecting
reductions in demand deposits of
member banks, especially during the
latter part of the year.
Expansion Almost Uninterrupted.
"Federal reserve net circulation
after the usual contraction at the
beginning of the year, when a return
flow of notes issued during the noil
day season occurs, shows an almost
uninterrupted expansion from the
minimum amount of 2844 millions on
January 23 to a maximum of $3404.9
millions on December 23. The total of
3344.7 millions on December 30 marks
a reduction of 60.2 millions for the
week, but an expansion of 34o.t mil
lions from the beginning of January
note expansion rather than growth of
deposits accompanying the increase in
the borrowings of r.ember banKs
Federal reserve bank notes circula
tion shows a practically steady de
cline from 259. millions on January
2 to 177 millions on May 14, but since
that date an increase to 217 millions
on December 30 is noted.
"During the early part of the year
the federal reserve banks lost gold
largely through export to South
America and to the orient, and on
March 26 total aold holdings were
1935 millions, marking a reduction of
128 millions from January 2. Since
that time, partly as a result of gold
shipments from England in anticipa
tion of the maturity of the Anglo
French bonds on October 15, there has
been an Increase in gold reserves, the
total of 2051.3 millions on December
30 being only 3.3 mill ions below the
total shown on January 2.
Kducator Dies on Train.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. Dr. Henry
A. Bumstad, professor of physics at
Yale university, who had been on
leave serving as chairman of the Na
tional Research council, died on
ttain last night. comitK here from
Chicago. He wa 50 years of age.
Every large city has one newspaper
which, by universal consent. Is the
Want-Ad mediuTn of the community.
tn Portland it's The Oregonlan.
Jht -Superfine 5lmJ Car
The riht tilt of
steering wheel; the
right height of shift
lever; the right pitch
of seat-
dations everyone
appreciates in the
Hth and Couch Sts.
Phone: Broadway 3247
Cleveland, Ohio
See Page 13.
This Section.
1 ni
-. . !
guaranteed In 8 three-hour lecsons. Ladles
S3, gent I em fn $5 DeHoney beautiful
academy, 23d and Washington. Beginners'
c'.asg starts Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Advanced class Tuesday evenings 8 to
1 1 30. Plenty of desirable partners no
embarrassment. You can never learn danc
ing in private !von from inferior teach
ers you must have practice. LEARN IN"
A REAL SCHOOL. Classes are large and
select the social feature alone is worth
double the price the only teacher in Port
iand capable of appearing before the pub
lic in stage and exhibition dancing. We
teach more people to dance than all other
schools combined. One iesson from ui Is
worth six fn the average school
rbone Mala 6M. Private lemon ail hoars.
The employment of modern grinding machinery
in the Thompson Shop means more than an in
creased output. It means a degree of accuracy
and precision in grinding lenses that is reflected
After we have fitted your eyes correctly we
then grind the lenses to a standard of perfec
tion right here in our own workshop. Frames
designed to "compliment" your appearance com
plete the job
J Complete lens-grinding factory on premises.
Thompson Optical Institute
Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped,
Exclusive Optical Establishment.
209-10-11 Corbett Building. Fifth and Morrison
mill" hi
I SIXCE 190S. 1 1
With Values Most Astounding!
Mahogany With Cane
Tapestry and Velour
In Suites and Single Pieces, at Prices to Give
This Sale Mammoth Momentum the First
Day See the Windows
J44S.50 Mahogany-With-Cane Three-Piece Daven
port Chair and Rocker Suite, upholstered with &1QQ EA
tapestry. Clearance Price P IfOtJV
$470 Mahoganv-With-Cane Threr-rieoe Davenport.
Chair and Rocker Suite, upholstered with velour. 4jO 1 Q AA
Marked down to WlffiUU
$120 Settee, Chair and Rocker Suite, with auto cush
ion seats covered with tapestry, cane-panel backs.
mahogany finish. The three pieces O
$125 Mahogany-With-Cane Chair or Rocker, full
spring base and spring-filled cushions, loose pillow 4
back, covered with blue and gold velour D
$38.50 Solid Mahogany. Cane Wing-Back Chair or
Rocker, mulberry velour covered, loose cushion,
now at
$67.50 Charmingly Delightful Queen Anno Period
Mahogany Library Table, 28x45 - inch top, now at J J yg
$72.50 Massive Colonial Mahogany Library Table,
with 2Sxl6 plank top and plank underneath shelf. J gg
$385 Exquisite and Charmingly Beautiful Silk Mul-
berry Velour Overstuffed Davenport. A raro bit 0"7C Aft
of luxury at ' O.UU
$125 Tapestry Overstuffed Davenports, with three
loose cushions, full spring construction; choice of QC Cft
three designs at UO.OU
$175.00 Overstuffed Fireside Chair arms, wings,
sides and back covered with two-tone blue velour fl QQ AA
seat and back of tapestry. Now it's only H Oir.VVT
J Easy Terms No Interest
$98,50 Elegant Blue Velour Over
stuffed Easv Chairs, luxurious button
hack and loose cushion. AA
The January price is IKJJ.V
jffgsy Terms No Interest
$304.00 Lustered Old Ivory Suite
of Rare Charm
Furniture with everv detail In construction looked after and
finished to where it will pass critical inspection. Very similar
to the Illustration, but the chiffonier, which was replaced with
a chiffonette.
$72.00 Dressing Table f48.25
$74.00 Chiffonette. . S4B.75
$68.00 Bed (full size) S4..0
$90.00 Dresser (a beauty, too) WI4.50
$S9.50 Mahogany - Finished Vanity Dresser (Ic"t)Q
from a suite). Clearance price WUi,uu
$72.00 Lustered Old Ivory Chiffonier, with brown CA
fluted mirror frame, now "V '
$69.50 Four - Poster Mahogany - Finished Bed with A Q OC
iron sanitary side rails, at
$56.50 Two-Inch Continuous-Post Highly Polished J1 grt
Ribbon-Striped Brass Bed at '
$50.00 Kronlund Tuftless, Spring-Built and Staple tfjoy CA
Cotton-Filled Mattresses
$4S.15 Continuous-Post Steel Bed, interlink spring QA
and all-cotton mattress, complete now....,
Striking Cuts on
Wicker Furniture!
A piece or two of charming, airy Wicker will tone up your home.
It will be very easv to select at Edwards, for there are over
samples of chairs, rockers, stands, desks, tables, sets and bric-a-bra
pieces. Many have been given striking cuts.
$78.50 Ivory Chai3e Lounge, with full spring ha?e and Itfi 75
cretonne covered cushions IT.
$49.50 Genuine Reed Ivory-Finish Settee, with "re"tQ2 50
tonne upholstered back and seat. 9J iJJ
$45.00 fvory-Finish Fireside Arm Chair, with reading tOQ QC
pocket on left side l'''0a
$36.50 Baronial Brown-Finish Fireside Arm Chair, 94 ftS
cretonne back and cushion
$26.50 Ladies' Genuine Reed Ivory-Finish Afternoon 1A 7ti
Sewing Rocker with arms fj L S 9 J
$21.50 Baronial Brown-Finish W'oven-Back-and-Seat 1 C Jtt
Arm Chair or Rocker P 1 VI. f
For Your Dining Room
$525 William and Mary Period Mahogany Suite
Table, Exquisite Buffet and Set of Chairs the eight 398 00
pieces now at
$216 William and Mary Period Suite Solid Walnut
Top Table and Set of Six Chairs, with genuine leather -1 jn ft
slip seats. The seven pieces 9 M. i s JJ
$78.00 Jacobean Oak Set William and Mary Period
Table and Six Straight-Post Chairs, all solid oak. CO OE
A remarkable buy at JO,dt
$36.50 Wood and
Coal Heaters
$3U0 Straight
Wood Heaters
$21.50 Straight Coal
Heaters $13.95
Terms on any one of them $1
week, even at these prices.
If in need of a new heater,
can you possibly pass up these
9x12 Rugs!!
Without Restriction. Your Choice of All Hfghtatown and Danube
Axminnterx, as Well an Bine Ribbon Wool Velvet. Regular .4..0,
$77.50 and $79.50. Take Your Unrestricted Choice of Pattern.
$98.50 Linen Fringed Wilton Velvets 9.73
$46.50 Seamless Brussels 34.TS
$24.00 Wool and Fiber Arts 1.7S
$22.50 Seamless Willow Grass Rugs $13.95
AU Are SUe 9x13 Feet.
Terras to lit Your Requirement.
fcyjggjlj?--! Terms - No Interest
11 tiiimt . II II
ftjin naai rtJT-rrii ' ' '"Ji.
25 Off
Terms $2 Week
The entire line of Peninsu
lars go now at one-fourth off
set up and connected In your
home ready for use.
' $86.50 Peninsular t!(!A QA
now ww ..ww
$96.00 Peninsular "Jfg
$116.50 Penlnsularjgg QQ
$121.00 Peninsular Jgg gQ
$123.00 Peninsular Jgg gQ
$127.50 PeninsularQ2 gQ