13 YOUTHFUL CITIZEN'S OF OREGON, NOW IN GERMANY, FOR WHOM DAVID STARR JORDAN 5IAKES APPEAL. 1921 BEVEL Stanton - Street Residences Ransacked by Burglar. PRECAUTIONS ARE DEFIED Don C. Jaxtheimer House Turned "Topsr-TnrTjr" by Prowler, Who Gets Considerable Plunder. THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND, JANUARY 2, 1921 TWO HOIS LOOTED Ill Uffutenant Goltz's Instructions for kepins burplars away need 1921 Te nsions, according; to Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Jaxtheimer, 705 Stanton street, who entertained the first burslar of the new year in Portland. After leaving their house securely locked, bolted, all blinds drawn, a light In one of the rooms and the garage doors locked, they returned from a .New Years party at 1:30 A. M. yes terday to find a burglar had ran sacked the house from attic to base ment and made away with loot val ued at $220. The same man also entered the home of V. L. Hamlin, 701 Stanton street, but left many valu ables untouched. Entrance to the Jaxtheimer home was gained by Jimmying a securely fastened guest room window. The prowler then turned off the light, and with candle and matches made hU way through every room in the bouse. Everything Is Ransacked. Every drawer and every shelf bore marks of his Inspection, and even the clothes and belongings of the baby had been sorted and moved about. On his rounds about the house the burglar evidently had carried Jax theimer's ax. It was found In the namiin nuuse next auor, wnere mo robber was evidently at work when Jaxtheimer returned. The Hamlins were also away from home. Some indications of a woman . prowler were found, but the general type of work Indicated a man's meth ods and strength. Of three party dresses packed side by side in a dresser drawer the one of latest style alone was taken. Cigarettes and cigars were in the house, but the robber took none of them. A glass of Jelly in the kitchen was opened and tasted and the epoon left beside it on the table. Tracks outside the window were almost ob literated by the rain and mud stains on the bed and floor, where the rob ber entered, gave Uttle clue to the size of the footprints. Loot Includes Sundry Articles. On leaving the house the robber took all the keys and securely locked the inside basement door. Loot taken from the Jaxtheimer home in cluded a diamond lavalliere. string of gold beads, gold barpln. Elks pin, a man's garnet ring, gold fountain pen, liver pencil, gold locket, kodak, party dress, rubber raincoat and brown cloth overcoat. A few dollars In silver, three razors Son and daughter of the late Professor Tauaeh of Willamette university, who wish to return to their country. OREeomnNS ask for i YOCXG PKOPLE IX GERMANY WOULD KETCRX HOME. David Starr Jorclon, Seeks Loan That Will Assist Children of Late Professor Tausch. Residents of Oregon, or any other state for that matter, are appealed to by David Starr Jordan, chancellor of Stanford university, in a case that he says is not charity that of lending sufficient funds to enable two Oregon-born citizens, now in Germany, to return to this country and state. They are son and daughter, re spectively 21 and IS years old, of Pro fessor Tausch, who taught in Portland high schools IS years ago and Jater held the chair of philosophy In Wil lamette university. The death of Dr. Tausch left his widow and small chil dren without means and Dr. Jordan solicited the funds that enabled them to return to Germany, where their mother found a position as teacher of English at Erfurt. "The mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Tausch, Reinhardsbrunner, Str. 2, Gotha, Is very anxious that the young people should return to their native land, to Oregon, In fact," says Dr. Jordan In a recent letter to The Oregonian, "and would like to borrow, not beg, the money to make this possible. This purpose should appeal to the heart of some friend in Oregon, in spite of the heavy demands that world wreckage makes on all of us this season. usual, both for his native ability and for the fact that without money he had paid his way through a German university by the winning of prizes." Communications relative to the matter should be addressed to David Starr Jordan, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CaL LODGE PLANS ACTIVITIES "Both have been educated, the bov and a half dozen gold athletic medals as an engineer. As Dr. Tausch was were taken from the Hamlin home. an American citizen, the family re Valuable Jewelry, including a dia mond ring, were in close proximity to some of the articlos taken, but the robber evidently had takon fright be fore discovering them. OLD IMAGEAT BANQUET Sophomores-Have Strong Guard for "Boxer" at Alumni Affair. The appearance of "Boxer," the 300-year-old Chinese image now the official "college spirit" of Pacific university added interest and en thusiasm to the holiday dinner of the Pacific University Associate alumni t the Haaelwood. Thursuay evening He was present under the protection of a strong guard from the present sophomore class, his present owners The possession of this college mascot Is the ambition of every class, ana many and varied have been his ad ventures for the past 20 years and his appearance is always greeted with cheers. After the dinner an informal busi ness meeting was held and H. K Wltham. '09, reported the progress of the plans for the financial cam palgn soon to be launched for the university. Rev. Phillip E. Bauer, 7, Seattle, spoke for the Seattle Pacific university alumni and told of their recently organized branch of the alumni association. gards itself as American, but lack of money and passport difficulties held them In Germany throughout the war. "Their father. Dr. Tausch, was a remarkable young man, a graduate of a German university and a scholar of marked originality, who had written an admirable review of the philosophy of William James. His case was un- Masons Will Give Dance in Latter Part of Months. A year of activity is being planned for Portland lodge No. 56. Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, following Edgar H. Sensenich's installation last week as master of the lodge. Mr. Sensenich is vice-president of the Northwestern National bank. In ad dition to lodge activities there will be a number of social events during the year. The first of these will be a dance to be held the latter part of this month.. The officers of the lodge are: Edgar Sensenich, worshipful master; William H. Bishop, senior warden; George W. Mettler, Junior warden; Don H. Rowe, senior deacon; (Jharles P. Little. Junior deacon; Aioerr nuusiuuu, ocuiu. steward; Louis D. Ferguson, Junior steward; Joseph F. Reisch, marshal; Merwin Rankin, chaplain; Arthur O. Jones, treasurer; and Herbert Hough ton, secretary. The officers were installed by H. E. Cowgill Jr. There was a large num ber of visitors present Including L. C. Hecrichsen. 82 years old, who is the only surviving charter member of the lodge, which was founded in 1872. It now has a membership of 950. Read The Oregonian classified ads. 11th and Washington GLOBE Alice Lake Body and Soul Medford Banks Gain. MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 1. (Special.) The four banks of Medford for the period ending November 15. 1920, show an increase of S312.558.62 over 1919. The deposits of the four banks on November 15, 1920, were S3.S29, 748.78, and the last report of the state bank examiners' board gives l,.fn.J .i.kll. nl... tmnner t V, a 1 ft Oregon cities with more than SU000, 000 deposits. Federal Tax Expert Takes New Post GUY It. HARPER. Guy R. Harper has resigned as chief of Portland division, internal revenue department, to Join the staff of Whit field. Whitcomb A Company, certified public accountants, as assistant man ager of their Income tax company, traintalnlng offices In Portland. Astoria, Seattle and Spokane. Mr. Harper entered the internal revenue department In 191 and shortly there after was appointed general deputy for district of Oregon. In the reorga nisation of the field division he was assigned as chief of Portland division. Before coming to Portland he was ch.et deputy tax collector of Jackson County, Oregon. Adv. MEN AND WOMEN OF PORTLAND The End of This Great Shoe Sale Is Near! Soon Rosenthal's Portland's Best Shoe Store will be only a Memory. We are Retiring from Business. Every Pair of Shoes in our Store is Offered Regardless of Cost! Buy Shoes Here Now for Less than You Can Buy Them Next Spring ! Don't Delay We are Selling Shoes by the Hundreds of Pairs ! America's Best Makes of Shoes at Memorable Price Reductions Laird, Schober & Co.'s. Women's Shoes In beaver, in gray, and in patent kid ; lace or button ; French heels ; absolutely the finest; regularly sold by us up to $20 the pair $9.95 Women's Brown Calf or Black Kid Lace Shoes Welt soles, Cuban heels ; regularly $12.50 the pair $7.95 Ziegler's Women's. Tongue Pumps In brown, patent, and gunmetal; hand-turned soles; Louis XIV heels; regularly sold at $14 the pair $7.95 Utz and Dunn's Women's Lace Shoes In brown or black kid ; welt soles ; leather heels. Regu larly sold up to $16.50 the pair: $9.95, $10.95, $11.95 Men's Boyden's or Banis ter's Shoes In black or brown kid or calf; large sizes only, 10 to 12. Regu larly sold from $19 to $22 the pair $11.95 Mi Len s onoes In black or brown calf or kid. Values to $15 the pair. $7.95, $8.95, $9.95 AH Sales Cash No Refunds None on Approval. 129 TENTH ST., BET. WASHINGTON AND ALDER. We Give S. & H. Green Stamps. (greeting: I shall be glad, indeed, to see new faces and to make new friends glad, yes, thrice glad to see the faces of the old friends who bought at Fried lander's in the days when my father was here to give them welcome while I was yet a boy. Welcome to this House! Striking Reductions in Fine Clocks Seth Thomas Chime Clock; reg ular price $80; now $56.50 Seth Thomas Mantel Clock; regular price $45; now... $31.50 Chelsea Clock, a very fine move ment; regular price $60.. $47.50 Seth Thomas Glass and Brass Mantel Clock; regular price $48.50; now $3-1.50 Seth Thomas Mahogany Mantel Clock; regular price $25. .$16.50 fHE HOUSE OF FRIEDLANDER'S has just completed its fiftieth year of Ltlj service to the people of Portland and the Pacific Northwest. It has seen Portland grow from little more than a village to a great metro politan city one of the greatest of the country. As the city has growri, so has the House of Friedlander's grown, and we deem this a fitting tiine to yield public recognition of the" loyal patronage of three generations, and, to make that recognition substantial and noteworthy, we shall inaugurate a Golden Anniversary Jubilee and Diamond Sale Beginning Tomorrow (Monday) January 3 During this sale the House of Freidlander's offers all of its treasures of silver and gold, all its diamonds and rare gems, all its watchesclocks, all its jewelry and leather goods in fact, every article in its entire storeroom at Unrivalled Price Reductions! We have set a High standard for this great Jubilee Sale. We have made reductions cer tain to yield a large volume of business for this, the first month of our second half -century. We have set a mark that we may exceed, but one that we shall not fail to attain: To Sell Seventy -five Thousand Dollars Worth of Diamonds and Jewelry Before February First, 1921 In this advertisement we name only a vecy few of the compelling bargains. These are named only that you may judge of the extent of the reductions, which, as we have said, apply to every article in the store. To appreciate the overwhelming extent of the oppor tunities here presented, you must come and see ! Many Wonderful Bargains in Sterling Silver Flower Vase; regular price $225; now $160 Fine Fruit Basket; regular price $175; now ..$118 Beautiful Bowl; regular price $35; now $34.50 Comfort; regular price $45; now $29.50 Fine Tray; regular price $40; now - $27.50 Bread Tray; regular price $25; now $16.75 Sandwich Plate; regular price $37.50; now $26.50 Water Pitcher; regular price $90; now $59.00 Dainty Diamond RINGS Lower Priced $25.00 Diamond Rings $18.50 $50.00 Diamond Rings $38.50 $75.00 Diamond Rings $59.50 $100.00 Diamond Rings $79.50 Diamonds! All-platinum and Diamond Wedding Ring; P"I Of regular price $250; now tDAOl) Ali-platinum Wedding Rings; regular (CO1 CA price $50; now D04r.tV Very fine Black Opal Ring, platinum and (PI OA gold mounting; regular price $250; now. . . D XOl All-platinum Dinner Ring; 11 blue dia- (P" r7(T monds; regular price $265; now ' Perfect Blue Diamond and Sapphire Ring; dJOfTfT all platinum mounting; regular $1250; now 'fO I O Three-Blue-Diamond Ring, white gold (P"f "I P mounting; regular price $175; now tDXXtl Platinum-top Dinner Ring; 7 diamonds; (PQK regular price $150; now )UO All-platinum Ring, 3 diamonds, 2 sap- (PI "I ft phires; regular price $175; now tDXXU Diamond Earrings, blue stones; regular (JJJCK price $665; now iDlOO Diamond Earrings, blue stones; regular (PI rjft price $250; now DX I U Perfect Blue Diamond, 2-karat a gem; P"I JCft regular price $2000; now tDX'ttJU Perfect Blue Diamond, all-platinum and diamond mounting; weight 1 karats; (11 1 OK regular price $1500; now DXXti Perfect Blue Diamond a gem; regular (JMQK price $675; now tDUO Steel-blue Diamond; all-platinum and dia mond mounting; weight 1.1 karats; regu- Qf7tZ lar price $1000; now Our Special $100 Diamond Rings, priced PJQ Exceptional Jewelry Temptingly Priced Cameo Pin inlaid gold mounting surrounded with rope of pearls; invisible pendant loop can be worn (POO A on chain; regular price $31; now Dfttt3U Cameo Pin; platinum front, green gold back, pearls on side; invisible pendant loop can be worn on (jJlO Cft chain; regular price $60; now vrxitJ Strand of Richelieu Pearls the popular 24- (JJOC CO inch length; regular price $40; now tDO.tlvf Vanity Case; sterling silver, gold-plated; t'7 CA enamel front and side; regular price $72; now f .til Tourmaline Lavalliere with drop pearls; reg- (JJOQ CA ular price $36.50; now tD&0,0J Black Cameo Ring with white head; filigree (PO Pft mounting; regular price $40; now DAi I mOJ Coral Cameo Ring, beautiful color; filigree (POO CTft mounting; regular price $50; now DOdaOt Sardonyx Cameo Ring, filigree mounting; P- Q r ft regular price $30; now iDLUtOV Platinum-front Cuff Links, 14-k green gold (PO"l Kft back; regular price $32; now tDUL.OJ Gold Vanity Case, 14-k; sapphire and dia- (EOQC ftft mond settings; regular price $500; now w&VOJt Gentleman's Inlaid Gold Pocket Knife, very j- A FA heavy; regular price $24; now tDX'x.tlU Strand of Gold and Jade Beads; regular price (PQC ftft $145.00; now HVd.JJ 310-312 Washington St, FRIEDLANDER'S 310-312 Washington St. See the Wonderful Bargains on the Six Bargain Tables in the Aisles! $2.50 to $5 (Pi AA $5.t0 to $10 fl0 Eft . Articles.... .JU $7.50 to $15 flF Aft Articles.... dO.W $12 to $20 fl7 r A I $15 to $25 1 A AA I $30 to $50 (j?Oft Aft Articles.... W I Articles.. DxU.UU Articles.. DIMJU miiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiimiHiiiMiiimHiiiimmiiiimiiMimiimniiiiimiinM New Year's Oregonian Order Now Single Copy 10c Postage 6 cents in United States and Possessions; Foreign 12 cents