The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 26, 1920, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 50

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Many Pastors Have Chosen Day Also to Deliver Special Yuletide Sermons Collections for Relief Funds in Foreign Lands to Be Taken Up by Many.
THE GREAT majority of churches
of the city will id special fea
tures to services today in cele
bration of Christmas. Appropriate
musical programmes will be present
ed by choirs and organists, and most
pastors have chosen this date to, of the Church of Our Father (First
were unable to get in. Sixty children
take part in this cantata, which Is
directed by Miss Stella Higgins. lira.
C. W. Reams and Mrs. E. Evans.
Special Christmas anthems and
carols wtlT be rendered by the choir
deliver Christmas sermons.
The Catholic churches held special
mass yesterday, and holy commun-
Unltarlan) on Sunday morning, De
cember 26. And on Sunday, January
2. at 4:30 the choir will give an in
formal musicale in the chapel of the
ollcctions will be turned over to re- n""i uuiauu, juuyicuo
ief funds in foreign lands, although j contralto and director; J Ross
, , . Fargo, tenor; W alter Hardwick, basso;
he needy of Portland will not be jp Hoyt orEanist.
ion was observed by me .episcopal , church. Friends invited. The per
congreatlons. In many churches , sonnel of the choir is Mrs. H. J.
collections will h turned over to re- '. Hucke, soprano; Mitylene Fraker
The following Christmas musical
programmes have been announced for
today's services:
At First Congregational church the
morning ana evening programmes
have been selected as follows:
11 A. M. Orirean. "Caravan of the MskI"
(Maunder), "The Holy Nifrht" (Dudley
Buck), venite. "Come Ye Faithful (Port
UKallo): auurtet and chorus. "Sine O Heav
ns" jours;; quartet, "The Birthday of
a King" (Neldllngeri; carol, "Hark, the
Herald Angels sins' (Mendelpsonn) ; eoio,
There Were Shepherds" (Scott). Way
Dearborn Schwab; organ, "Hallelujah
7:30 P. M. Organ. Variations on an
Ancient Christmas Carol" (Detheir)
"Christmas Pastorale" from the "Messiah"
The Christmas musical service will
consist of the following four great
choruses and four great boIos from
Handel's "Messiah
Organ, "Overture" from the oratorio;
tenor solo. "Comfort Ye Every Valley,
Warren A. Erwin: chorus, "And the Glo
ry"; chorus. "O Thou That Tellest Good
Tidings"; baritone solo, "The People That
Walked In Darkness," W. E. Hoblnson;
chorus. "For Unto L's a Child Is Born ;
recitatives. "There Were Shepherds," "Lo,
the Angel of the Lord." "And the Angel
Eaid." "And Suddenly There Was With
the Ancels." "1'raif.lng God and Saying."
May Dearborn Schwab; contralto Eolo, "He
Shall Feed His Flock." Mrs. Pcets; cho
rus, "Hallelujah CMorus," by chorus of 35
elected voices and quartet; Joseph A. Fin-
ley, conductor; Ethel Lyna i'.oss, organist.
First Presbyterian Plans
Special Services.
A Christmas concert will be held
t Mount Tabor Presbyterian church
this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The pro
gramme wilMncluds:
Organ prelude; carols, "Come All Te
Faithful," the choir, and "Joy to the
World." choir and congregation: male
quartet. "O Little Town of Bethlehem"
(Kedner). Messrs. Downing. Wiley, Man
ring ead Steinmetz: anthem. "The Birth
day of a King" (Keidllnger). Miss Augusta
Tarker and choir; instrumental quartet,
pipe organ, piano, violin and viollncello,
Jlrs. Evelyn Ewart llcXary, Miss Erma
Ewart. Cyril Crockett and Duane Lawrence.
Carols, "llarlt, the Heraia Angels Bing.
"It Came Upon the Midnight Clear." led
by C. A. Muir; solo, "There Were Shep
herds" (John Prindle Scott). Mrs. Blanche
L. Myers; offertory, instrumental trio, pipe
organ, piano and violin; anthem, "Sleep,
Holy Bahe" (Plckellsl, with viollncello
ohligato by Dunne Lawrence; ladies' cho
rus, "yuiet Night" (V. H. Neidlinger) ;
male quartet. "Holy Night" (Gruber);
mln "X'azareth" (Gounod). Harold L.
Graham: mixed ouartet. "O Holy Night"
(Adam). Mr. Downing, Mrs. Ireland. Mls
Parker and Mr. Manning; anthem. "Shout
the Glad Tidings" (Brackett): organ post
lude; Mrs. W. L.. Ireland, director; Miss
Erma G. Ewart. organist.
Morning. Christmas sermon, "Did You
Receive the Best at Christmas?"
Westminster Presbyterian church
will give over all it's services today
to the spirit of Christmas. Its ser
mons, music, Bible school and young
people's exercises will have this one
central thought.
The church quartet, directed by
Professor Hutchison and composed of
Mrs. J. B. Ettingrer, Mrs. Alice P.
Moore, J. T. Mulder and Dom Zan
will sing a solo in the morning, and
Mrs. Ettinerer, one in the evening.
Gene Whitten, attending University
of Oregon, will lead the young peo
ple's society at 6:30 o'clock and talk
on "Christmas Gifts."
The following is the programme to
be given by the Bible school at 12:10
Processional, classes 6, 22 and 23.
singing in gallery as beginners and
primary departments enter; song, by
primary department; responsive
Scripture reading; prayer, by Dr.
Pence; solo and carol. "All Through
the Night," Marjorie Shane and class
No. 6; recitation, "Santa's Fright,"
Barbara Reed and primary depart
ment: exercise and son?. "The Holy
Word." "Joy to the World," from
class No. 16; recitation, John Porter
and beginners department; dramati
zation of carol, "Good King Wen
celas." class 23; recitation, Martha
Hamilton and beginners department;
exercise, class in primary department.
Miss Marjorie Reed, teacher; offer
ing; song, "Long Years Ago in Bethle
hem Town," class No. 5; 'recitation.
Billy Morrison, class No. 14; song, "Oh
Little Town of Bethlehem." class No.
7; recitation, Cynthia Louise Cornell
and beginners department; recitation.
"Our Happiest Holiday," Elizabeth
Fletcher and class No. 35; carol, class
No. 22; recitation, "To the Fir Tree."
Harriet Lockhart and class No. 26;
recitation, Evan Whitlock and class
No. 32; carol. "Silent Night, Holy
Night," class No. 25; song, by school
from Hymnal No. 134.
At Rose City Park: Presbyterian
church in the evening the quartet,!
assisted by Mrs. Roxanna Waldorf,
will give the following programme of I
Christmas music:
Prelude. "Oh Little Town of Bethle-I
hem," (Kaulkes); anthem, "Calm on the!
Listening Ear of Night," (Staughton);
soprano solo, "Mary a Manger Song,
(Adams); duet, tenor and baritone, "A
Christmas Song," (Henchel); quartet, I
Come to the Manger." (Lemont): violin I
solo. Old Christmas Hymn. by Mrs.
Roxanna Waldorf. (Louis Kron): baritone I
solo, "Gesu' Bondlno," (Pletro Ayon);
antnem, "rue Day spring from on High,"
(Foster): postlude. "Glory to God in the I
wcaesv iJdozarl).
Christmas music at White Temple I
this morning will be:
treiude. "Bethlehem." (Mailing) : on&r- I
tet, - it um8 upon tne Miamgnt Clear, l
(Bartlett); offertory solo, "Silent Night," j
t.vir. uiu); postlude, "Alleluia Chorus. I
(Handel) Evening: Prelude. "Christmas I
Night." (Qoller): quartet. "Calm on the
Listening Ear of Night." (Marzo); offer-1
xory. mere were SftfiDBerda." Hvleal:l
pusuuae, "j.Noei, - la Aquln).
Mr. and Mrs. George Hotchklss
Street, assisted by Miss Ruth Agnew
ana three of their students. Miss
Helen Levoff. Paul Gelvin and Arthur
Strickland will furnish special music
for both services at the Fourth Pres
byterian church today. Mrs. Street
will sing "The Virgin's Lullaby." from
me coming of the Kiner" (Dudley
Buck); Miss Agnew. "Noel" (Adams);
a Christmas song. Miss Levoff. The
following anthems will also be used
"Sing, O Heavens" (Alfred R. Gaul),
Sing Alleluia Forth" (Dudley Buck),
Jubilate Deo" (George A, Mietzke)
and "Angels, From the Realms of
Glory" (A. TV. Lansing). Miss Alice
Johnson and Mrs. Arthur Strickland
will be the accompanists, on organ
ana piano respectively.
A sacred concert of Christmas music
will be given by thj choir of the
Central Methodist church, Vancouver
avenue and Fartro street, at 7:30
P. M. A number of the traditionally
favorite Christmas anthems and solos
will be found in the Drotrramme.
'.taking a prominent part in the con
cert will be Mrs. Fay (Wentz) Welch
or Seattle and Mrs. Gertrude Sharp,
sopranos; Miss Lois Oakes, accom
plished pianist; Ferris W. Abbett.
well-known younger Portland bari
tone, and Alfred Keller, boy violinist.
The choir is in the fourth year of its I Christians from Rome came part way
organization and has gained a well- nut of the citv alone the Appian way
deserved reputation for the standard I and met Paul at a place called the
of music used and the quality of its Three Taverns. This welcome to Paul
work. Announcement of its pro- n.-oa mi nf erreat comfort and
as accompanist. The mid-week meet
Ins: Is Thursday at ( V. M.
The Bible study league meeting In
th church parlors at White Temple
Tuesday evenings at 7:45 o'clock has
Just Issued an attractive booklet con
taining rules for most profitable
study of the Bible and declaration of
faith, with scriptural references.
Copies may be had upon application
to Dr. F. W. Thompson, executive
The Church of Modern Spiritualism,
Eleventh and Alder streets, holde
services at 3 P. M. and 8 P. M., with
messages each Sunday. W. B. Aber Is
Baptist Churches to Hold
Special Yule Services.
Seasonal Sermon and Special
Manic Order of Day.
Left Rev. J. C. Hug-hea of St. Lawrence parish, la South Portland, who on December 21 celebrated the 25th anniversary of hi ordination.
Rlffht Boya Tested choir of 40 voices, directed by George Hennessy, which participated yesterday In high maaaea at St. Patrick's church.
Christmas Celebration to Be Con
tinued With Musical Features..
THE First Presbyterian cnurcn.
Twelfth and Alder streets, will
continue Its Christmas celebration to
day. The special service will be held
In the evening, with musical features.
The quartet, assisted by a chorus of
mixed voices, wlii give a Christmas
cantata, Dudley Buck's "The Coming
of the King." This will be preceded
at 7:15 o'clock by an organ recital
given by Edgar E. Coursen. The Sun
day school also will have its Christ
mas exercises today at noon. Each
department will have its own serv
ices, with songs and a Christmas
story. The Christmas ottering win
be brought by the Sunday . scnooi.
This Is for near east relief.
At 10:30 A. M. the pastor. Rev. Har
old Leonard Bowman, will give a
message suitable for the New Tear.
The subject will be "The Three Tav
erns." The text will be taken from
the account of Paul's visit to Rome,
dealing with the fact that some of the
gramme is sutficlent to Insure a
crowded church of music lovers. Fol
lowing is the programme:
Violin solo, "Elegle-Melodle" (Masse
Joy to him as he began his work in
The First Presbyterian church will
follow its usual custom and have a
net). Alfred Keller; chorus, "The Great prayer service early on the morning
Day of the Lord Is Near" (Martin); so- . i Year's dav to welcome in the
prano solo. "A Voice In the Wilderness" 01 "ew L?. y ? k '. ..
(Scott), Mrs. Gertrude Sharp; chorus.
"Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Is Come" (El
vey); baritone solo, "Holy Night" (Adam),
Mr. Ferris W. Abbett; organ solo, "Pas
toral Symphony" (Handel), Miss Eileen
Sprague: quartet and chorus, "There Were
Shepherds" (Vincent), Mr. Carl Sakrison,
Mrs. Fay Welch, Miss Lois Oakes, Mr.
Ferris W. Abbett; sopcano solo. "Song of
the Chimes" (Worrell), Mrs. Fay Welch;
chorus, "It Came Upon the Midnight
Clear" (Sullivan); piano solo, "Rhapsodie
No. 12" (Liszt). Miss Ldis Oakes; chorus.
" Sing, O Heavens" (Tours).
The concert will be given under the
direction of J. A. C. Oakes. Miss
Eileen Sprague will preside at the
organ. The personnel of the choir
will be: Sopranos, Mesdames Fay
Welch, Gertrude Sharp, Clara Shaw,
Misses Rheamae Martin, Gertrude Ost,
Cecelia Robinson, Frances Hutchin
son, Mary "Hutchinson, Helen Rogers,
Ruth Hughes, Margaret Alexander;
new year. This win be neia at a:m
Saturday, January 1.
The regular meeting of the San
Grael Christian Endeavor society of
the First Presbyterian church today
will be led by Clive M. Saiz, a student
at Albany college, who was formerly
an active member of the society. The
topic will be "Purpose." All former
members and others interested are
cordially invited.
Dr. Harold L. Bowman, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, will be
the speaker at the men's resort meet-
ng today at 4 P. M. There will also
be special music and a song service
led by R. Desmond. In the evening
the Rev. Levi Johnson will give an
illustrated Bible talk, and Thursday
the young people from the East Side
"Building Silently," and the Masonic
quartet will sing.
The Christian Endeavor society
meets at 6:30 In the evening. The
preparatory services will be held
Thursday evening. Communion and
public welcome will be made next
Sunday. Tickets for a dinner to be
served by the women of the church
New Year's day are now being sold.
Services at the Vernon Presbyte
rlan church, East Nineteenth and Wy
gant, will be conducted by Rev. J. C,
Mergler, pastor. The morning ser
mon will be "The Last Call. of th
Old Tear." Special chorus and eong
service will be held at the evening
services, with stereopticon pictures.
Rev. D. A. Thompson, having' re
covered from an illness of over two
months, will occupy the pulpit of the
Mizpah Presbyterian church at the
morning service at 11 o'clock. 'His
theme will be "The Joy of Christmas
to All and to the Christian in Par
The evening service will be given
over to the Sabbath school under di
rection of the superintendent, A. M
Howell, assisted by the teachers and
scholars of the school.
There will be special music by the
choir at both morning and evening
The members of the Intermediate
Christian Endeavor society were busy
Friday evening with the distribution
of several Christmas baskets in the
neighborhood and the singing of
Christmas carols.
- The week of prayer will be ob
served the first week In January, fol
lowed by the regular communion
service on the second Sabbath of
Rev. Donald McCleur will preach
a Christmas sermon this morning at
the Rose City Park Presbyterian
cnurcn, "The Gifts of a wise Fool
being the topic. A Christmas musical
programme will be rendered tonight.
altos. Misses Lois Oakes, Constance I Baptist churph will hold their month-
Maclean, Pauline Maclean; tenors,
Messrs. John Wentz, Carl Sakrison,
Oliver H. Home, Clyde Roberts, 'Wil
fred Emmel; basses, Messrs. Ferris W.
Abbett, Stanley Emmel, Gustave Wal
ter, Royal Emmel.
"The Necessity of Christ,"
Yule Sermon Subject.
Christian Chnrehea Will Observe
Sacred Spirit of Christmas.
The programme of the Christmas
concert at the Highland Congrega
tional church tonight, 'under the di
rection of Mrs. W. Caldwell, will in
clude the following:
Prelude. "Festival March" (Gounod),
eontralto solo. "Come Unto Me" (Mendels
sohn). Mrs. Vote!; chorus. "Chris-tmas at
Sea," young women's choir; trio for cello,
violin and piano (Offenbach), Stanley
Wentz and M'soe Wentz; solo. "Hail, Holv
Child" (Neidlinger). Mr. H Dirksen: of
fortory. "Intermezzo" (Ferrata), Mrs.
Caldwell: solo, "The Heavenly Star"
(Stewart). Mrs. o3re! carol. "Silent
Nirht (Wavdn), young women's choir:
cello solo, "larceuse' (Goddard). Mr. S.
Wentz: solo, "Plains of Peace" (Bernard).
lr. Dirksen: talk. "The Christmas Hose."
ltev. cawara constant.
The morning service in celebration
of the Nativity will consist of Christ
mas music and hymns with sermon
entitled Paying Homage to the
Christ Child."
Westminster Presbyterian church
will feature a programme of appro
priate carols and anthems as follows:
10:30 Motet. "Come Hither. Ye Faltlr
ful" (erwa:d); anthem. "Behold, a Star
Appeareth" ( Loard-Seloy) ; offertory solo.
"Nazareth" (Gounod); Fiemlsh Noel, "Of
the Father's Love Begotten."
7:3) Carol. anthem. "The Angels'
Hymn" (West): two old French carols.
"Carol of the Flowers" and "The Sleep of
the Chiid Jesus"; motet. "The Shepherd's
Farewell to the Holy Family" (Bertioz):
rTfera:ory solo. "Noel of the Bresean
Walts' (Old French): quartet, Mrs. J. B.
Ettlnger. soprano: Mrs. A. P. Moore, con
tralto; Joseph Mulder, tenor; Dom Zan.
baritone; director and orgaoit, J. Hutch
ison. At the Church of Our Father (Uni
tarian). Broadway and Tamhill streets,
the choir, consisting of Mitylene
Fraker Stites, director, and Mrs. H.
Hucke, Ross Fargo, Walter Hardwlck
and Organist Ralph W. Hoyt, will
sing: "Oh, Zion, That Bringest Good
Tidings" (Lansing); "The Heralds of
the King" (Bartlett); carols, "A Joy
ful Christmas Song" and "The Mag:
Kings" (Gevaert); anthem, "Hark,
Hark, With the Harps of Gold" (Hans,
com). The organ numbers are as fol
lows: "Voluntary" (James H. Rogers);
offertory, "Cantique d' Amour" (S. Tu
dor Strang); recessional, "Shepherd's
Tidings" pastorale (H. W. Harris.)
The cantata "Miss Christmas" given
Thursday night will be repeated to
night by special request owing to the
part that the Kenllworth. Presbyte- j
rlan church at East Thirty-fourth and
Gladstone streets, was crowded to the
Christmas Carols - Feature
of Unitarian Service.
Paator Will Deliver Brief Sermon
in Morning. ,
THE Christmas service today at the
Church of Our Father. Unitarian.
Broadway and Tamhill street, will be
mainly a musical service, with a brief
sermon by the pastor. Rev. William
G. Eliot Jr., on the subject, "Im
manuel." Following a custom of 53 years
standing, the young people of the
congregation have met in the old
chapel room and mingled the singing
of carols with the making of ever
green garlands for the decoration of
pulpit and church walls.
The children of the church school
will have an elaborate service at 9:45
o'clock, with carols and lantern
slides. The pupils of the school have
been carefully trained and are ex
pecting their parents and as many
of the congregation as enjoy good
carol singing to attend. The church
school will also have part at the
opening of the church service.
A considerable group, composed of
pupils of the church school and mem
bers of the Toung People's fraternity,
after gome weeks of careful practice,
sang carols on the streets Christmas
eve. They have been assigned the
district on the west side of the city,
south of the church and east of West
Park street, and will sing wherever
there is a candle in the window.
The Christmas party forHhe church
school, with Christmas tree and
Santa Claus, will be held on Decem
ber 27 at 2 P. M. The Church of Our
Father bulletin for the month of
January will be a New Tear's number,
and treat especially of some of the
Important measures about to be un
dertaken for the fuller development
of the church membership and its
The annual meeting of the First
Unitarian Society of Portland will be
held at the church (in the old chapelt
on Tuesday night, January 11. The
supper at 6:30 o'clock will be fol
Jo wed by a' business meeting, at which
will be elected three trustees. Other
important business will be transacted.
The Independent Bible Spiritualis
tic society and church will hold serv
ices at 7:45 o'clock tonight at 441
East Twelth street, corner Sherman.
The subject Is "The Passover." Week
day meetings are held every Tuesday
and Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock.
Rev. John M. Schorl is pastor.
Christmas will be observed today
at Our Savior's Lutheran church by a
morning service at 11. Rev. M. A.
Christensen will preach In English,
The Christmas Message Today." The
choir, with Miss Tlllie Knutsen as
soloist, will assist In the service. This
service Is especially Intended for the
young people of the church and others
doors and a laxjre number of people who prefer the English language.
ly meeting at 8 P. M.
Marguerite Flower dinger, so
prano, and Frank a. sanaers, pianist,
two talented blind musicians, gave a
concert at the men's resort Monday
night. Nearly 500 men attended, be
ing the record crowd of the season.
Mrs. Olinger had to respond nine
times and Mr. Sanders had to give
six piano selections besides playing
Mrs. Olinger's accompaniments. Mrs.
Olinger kept the audience in good
humor by her witty readings. At
the close the men all stood up and
gave them an ovation.
"The Sorrows of Santa Claus" is the
title of a Christmas play to be given
by the Holt Chinese church in the
Sunday school auditorium of the First
Presbyterian church Tuesday evening
at 7:30 o'clock. The play will be un
der the direction of Miss Mae Pol
lock, one of the teachers In the Holt
Chinese Sunday echool. Not only
Presbyterian Chinese but many Chi
nese of other communions of the city
and their friends will be in attend
ance. The members of "the American
Presbyterian churches will also be
most welcome on this occasion.
At the Central Presbyterian church.
East Thirteenth and Pine streets,
Christmas services will be held at
both the morning and evening hour.
Dr. Nugent will preach this morning
from the topic "The Birthday of the
King," and in the evening, "The Magic
Name." There will be appropriate
music -by the large chorus directed
by Mr. Belcher.
The pageant given last Sunday eve
ning by the Sunday school of Central
entitled "The Nativity" was beauti
ful; In fact, it was considered by all
the best ever given at Central. In
stead of giving presents to the chil
dren, the children have been saving
their pennies for the near east relief
fund. The collection received at this
service was about $400. This was very
gratifying tb the officers and teach
ers of the school.
Thursday afternoon officers and
teachers had a Christmas tree for the
beginners, primary and Junior de
partments. Each child present was
given candy and nuts. - The Sunday
school is growing so rapidly, espe
cially the classes for the young ladies
and young men. The race between
these two divisions was won by the
ladies, their class being three larger
than that for the young men. The
young men's class began with three
in September, and last Sunday they
had 45 enrolled. .
The second of a series of sermons
entitled "The Claims of Jesus" - will
be preached this morning at 11 o'clock
at the Forbes Presbyterian church by
the minister. Ward Willis Long. "The
New Life and the New Year" will be
the sermon following a live song
service at 7:30 P. M. -
Rev. John Francis Morgan will
preach at, the Piedmont Presbyterian
church this morning at 11 o'clock.
The subject will be "A Searching
Question and Its Answer." At 7:30
P. M. the Mount Hood lodge of Ma
sons will join in the worship. All
brethren of the fraternity and friends
ax invited. Tho subject wlU bo day evening
iCyHE Necessity of Christ" will be
tne subject of the sermon by
the Rev. Harold H. Griffis this morn
ing at 11 o'clock at the First Christian
church. The morning music will In
clude the soprano and contralto duet,
"Hark, Hark, My Soul" (Shelley), by
Mrs. O. B. Riddle and Miss Beatrice
At the evening service at 7:45
o'clock, the Sunday school will pre
sent the Chfistmas pageant, "Love's
Conquest," followed by an offering
that has been planned for several
weeks In behalf of European and Near
East Relief. Last Christmas this
school contributed more than.J1200 to
Armenian sufferers and It is expected
that the offering at this time will at
least equal last year's amount. The
pageant will be in costume by 40 In
termediate and senior girls and will
contain five episodes. The leading
parts will be as follows: "The Spirit
of Christmas," by Marjorie Crittenden:
"Conscience," by Mary Wassell; "Wis
dom," by Ethel Olson; "The Pilgrim,"
by Veldine Piatt. Mrs. C. M. Kiggins
is director of the pageant and the mu
sic will be furnished by the thurch
quartet with accompaniment by the
Bible school orchestra led by Miss
Vivianne DeLory, violinist.
The choir of the Church of Christ
under the director of Guy E. Curtis
will give the cantata, "The Christ
Child," by Miller, at the evening serv
ice. .
First Methodist Plans
Christmas Anthems.
Dr. Stansfield to Deliver Holiday
Sermon at White Temple.
TT THE First Methodist Church.
Twelfth and Taylor streets, to
day Rev. Joshua Stansfield, pastor,
public worship will be held at 10:30
A, M. and 7:45 P. M. In the morning
there will be Christmas anthems and
a Christmas sermon and in the eve
ning the quartet and choral choir un
der the direction of E. T. Jones will
give the oratorio, "The Messiah," by
HandeL At 12:15 P. M. the Sunday
school will have a great Christmas
service, 'Gifts for the King.' Gifts
and offerings will be given by every
department and class of the school
for the starving children of the war
countries'. Last year the Christmas
offering for Armenian children was
$500. This year the children of First
church Sunday school hope to make
it more. The popular young people's
service of the Epworth league will be
in the evening at 6:30. All young
people are invited.
CHRISTMAS Sunday will be ob-
aervea at tne r irst Baptist cnurcn
(White Temple) today. Rev. a J,
Reld, D. D., state evangelist for Ore
gon for the Baptist demnomlnatlon.
will preach at both services.
In the morning his topic will be
"Shepherds, Angels and Wise Men"
and the temple quartet will sing "It
Came Upon the Midnight Clear," with
an offertory solo by Mr. Gill, "Silent
Night." At 7:45 Dr. Reid will preach
on the subject, "Was, Is, and Is to
I l v,uiiie, Willi special nuuiuera vy ine
City Park Methodist Episcopal church I quartet, "Calm on the Listening Ear
I will be commemorative of Christmas of Night" and "There Were Shep-
- - 7 I , ... . . I .... 1.. .1, .. . 1 I i 1 1 . . , ..
uviu special music win Da rennerea uwiuo. vn a, a tuiumu mviic-u
by the choir. In connection with the Watch-night services will be held
service the choir will sina- th an- at 8:30 next Friday evening. Dr. F
them, "Consider and Hear Mo." by w- ii-arr ot Los Angeles will address
Pfluger, and a solo by R. T. Jacob, the meeting.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled," 1
arranged by Speaks. The pastor will This morning In the East Side Bap
preach a Christmas sermon, taking tlst church, East Twentieth and lutst
as a theme "No Room in the Inn." Salmon streets, there will be special
In the evening the Sunday school will I Christmas -music byvthe quartet and
give a Christmas programme in the chorus choir.
form of tableaux representing differ- Tn pastor. Dr. W.
ent scenes ii. the life of Jesus and
tho Christian life.
The church has been beautifully
uecorated for the occasion with
greens and potted plants and flowers
St. Stephen's Is to Repeat
Christmas Music;
Dean Hicks to Preach at Morning
and Evening Services.
THE Christmas music will be re
peated at St. Stephen's pro
cathedral . this morning at the 11
o clock service (Feaat of St. Stephen).
The dean, R, T. T. Hicks, will preach
at both services. At the morning
service the subject of the sermon will
be "The Word Made Flesh."' In the
evening the subject will be "St.
Stephen the First Christian Martyr."
The annual parish meeting will be
held Monday evening, January 10. All
reports should be handed to the dean
the week previous.
The Young People's society of St.
Stephen's pro-cathedral will meet this
afternoon at re main entrance of
the Good Samaritan hospital. Twenty
third and Marshall streets, at 3
o'clock. The regular weekly meeting
will be held in the parish house. Thir
teenth and Clay streets, at 6:30 P. M.
The meeting will be in charge of
Theodore E. Dlttehrandt with Lester
Norell as the principal speaker of the
evening. '
The parents and pupils of the
church school will meet in the parish
house at 3 P. M. Tuesday to partic
ipate in the annual Christmas church
school party.
"A Point Within a Circle" will be
the theme of Rev. R. H. Sawyer's eve
ning sermon at the East Side Chris
tian church. East Twelfth and Taylor
streets. The occasion will be the ob
servance jjf St, John's day and Sunny
side lodge, A. F. and A. M., will at
tend in a body. The subject of the
morning sermon will be, "The First
and Second Coming of Jesus." The
class in Prophecy will meet on Thurs-
Centenary-Wilbur Methodist Epis
copal church, East Ninth .and East
Pine streets, will observe t he-going
out of the old year and the coming
in of the new Friday night at a
service to which everyone is welcome
and at which Bishop Shepard will
preach. Another feature will be the
farewell to Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Hick
man. Dr. Hickman has been associate
pastor of the church since the mer
ger with Wilbur, but was recently
dhosen as president of the Kimball
School of Theology at Salem, and he
and Mrs. Hickman will be leaving
soon for their new field of work.
New Year's day, the men of the
church will make calls upon every
family on the roll, under the direction
of W. C. Foertsch, C. W. Miller and
M. L. Merritt. It is expected that
sufficient men ami automobiles will
be on hand to enable this unique
feature to be executed in two hours.
says Dr Frank L. Wemett pastor.
Dr. Hickman will preach at the
regular services this morning and Dr.
Wemett will occupy the pulpit to-
nieht. The congregation today will
contribute to the famine sufferers of
China and this morning the Sunday
school will bring in its contnbutio
J.o the Armenia relief. It is expected
that for Armenia the fund will reach
$500. At 6:15 P. M.. Wesley chapter,
Epworth league, will give an illus'
trated lecture on China.
At Epworth Methodist, Twenty
sixth and Savier streets, Frank L.
Moore, minister, will speak at 11 A,
M. on "Inspiration for the Common
Task," and at 7:30 P. M., "The Joy of
a New Beginning.
m w w
At the Sellwood Methodist church
today will be "Gideon's day." The
Dastor. W. S. Gordon, will speak thi
morning at 11 o'clock on "The Call of
Gideon," discussing the principles for
which he stood as applied to modern
life, and at 7:30 P. M. the topic will
be "Gideon's Victory." This tragic
encounter was on the field of a thou
sand battles since made more famous
by Napoleon Bonaparte.
The choir has been asKea to repeat
ome of its Christmas music. ine
Sunday school will meet at 9:45, the
Junior league at 2:30 and the Epworth
league at 6:30. -
New Years eve there win be
union watchnicht service, in" which
at least four churches will partici
pate. The young peoples societies
will have a social during the early
part of. the evening and all unite in
a stirring service about 10 o clock.
Refreshments will be served, and the
final plans will be made for the union
revival meetings, which will begin
on Sunday, with Frederick Suffield
and Mrs. Suffield as leaders.
The church is located at East Fif
teenth and Tacoma avenue, one block
east of the Sellwood car line.
B. Hlnson, will
preach at 11 o'clock from the subject,
"The Birth of the King." At the close
of the service the ordinance of be
liever's baptism will be administered,
which will be followed by the Lord's
and the entire day's programme will "PPer. nen all new members will
prove of surpassing interest. The of
fering will go to the Armenian relief
fund and as very careful preparation
has been made for It In both Sunday
school and church a confident hope
is entertained that a substantial sum
will be realized.
Miss Morrow, returned missionary
from South India, will speak this
receive the hand of fellowship.
At night Dr. Hinson again will
preach at 7:30, when his theme will
be "Your Last Sermon."
At 3 o'clock the young people of
this church will hold a special Christ
mas service at the Mann home, and
at their regular meeting at the church
at 6:30 Dr. Hinson will deliver a spe
cial message.
Seven were received Into the church
A-Anlno. . n.en -. . u ' ,, I oeven were rwceiveu iiiiu me i-iiuiv.ii
Memr.rfi , mI IL ? '" k".?' ht Wednesday night. The year just
em051ai5,e'h,d,t Episcopal church, c,osing hug be'en ? ,,CBt ear thg
Sunday school will be held at 9:30
above aea level. To add to thtir
hardships there have been numerous
early blizzards and the snow Is knee
To met the emerirency rrmltln
from the number thit have ninnsned
to cross the border and been snipped
to Batoum, the near rait relief has
sent 200,000 pounds of beans. UXO.uuO
pounds of flour, lSo.ono rant of milk
and SOS tons of old clntlilni."
Many of these lives will l.e svrd
through the Chrltm offerings from
the Sunday schools of Orfirnn. Mount
Home Kvanaellcal has sent th monry
from their birthday box The Chris
tian Bible school of Cresweil sends
$15, one collection, others In f,,llow.
Thurston Sunday n-hool win feed ore
child for almost two werka. Ladles'
Missionary society of First fnllfd
Presbytcrlsn at Albany. $:.0; First
Presbyterian Humlsy school at Falrm,
$1456; First spiritual Science church
of Portland. $27; Central Kree-Miiho-dist
of Portland. $41 Si.
Mrs. Clara Van Ktton, Just returned
from the near east, where she wse
In charge of a large boy- orphunane
for the Armenian government si.d the
near east relief, will speak at Trinity
Episcopal church Sunday morning.
'The Gifts of God" Is the theme of
Rev. K. O. Shepherd, pastor of the
Third United Hrethren church, Sixty
seventh street and Thirty-second ave
nue southeast. This mornlnn The
chorus will render special selectlnna
appropriate to the ocras-ion. At nlg-ht
he will speak on "Who Is at the Feast
Rev. Leila Liiekey, pastor of the
Fourth United Brethren church. Tre
mont station, will preach both morn.
Ing and nlcht.
Congregational Church Has
Music Programme Ready.
Handel's Oratorio to Be Itradrrrd
hy fiprrlal Bonn-
o'clock this morning and preaching
at li o clock, the theme being "How
Old Art Thou?"
Sunday school will be held at the
Westmoreland Methodist Episcopal
cnurcn, Milwaukie and South avenue,
this morning at 9 o'clock. Children's
church is at 11 A. M. and preaching
at ':3U jf. m.
There will be a watch night service
at the Clinton Kelly Memorial Meth
oaist episcopal church, Powell and
Cast Fortieth streets, Friday evening,
ueEinning at a r. m. with a commu
nity "pot luck" dinner. The first
hours will be spent In social ameni
ties singing, reading, tramea. etc.
church has ever had financially
Increase of membership, spiritually
and in every way.
The mid-week service next ednes
day night at 7:30 will be the Inst on
of the year and a large attendance
is expected. Dr. Hansons topic will
be "The Last Prayer Meeting."
The Sunday school bruins with
song service at 9:30 A. M. and there
are classes for all ages.
Sunday morning at the Third Bap
tlst church Rev. R. E. Close will dc
liver a Christmas message and Christ
mas music will be siven by the choir,
At the evening service Drs. li. L.
and Dora Underwood, who have trav
eled extensively in the Ottoman em
pire, will speak briefly on "l're-wa
Conditions in Turkey" and a new se
Rev. B. J. Hoadly will preach about of stereopticon slides, mude from ac
980 P. M., after which will be tual photographs taken in the neu
luncheon, "life feast," prayer and the east, will be shown in connection with
midnight bell.
At the First Norwegian-Danish
Methodist Episcopal church, Eigh
teenth and Hoyt, Rev. C. August
Peterson, the pastor, will preach to
day at 11:00 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. The
morning subject will be. In the Full
ness of Time" and the evening topic,
i "The Visit of the Wise Men From
the East to the Manger."
At Woodlawn Methodist Episcopal
church the morning, subject is the
pastor's annual plea for the children,
as suggested in the story of the
Christ child. '
Also a Christmas message In the
evening, "A Little Child Shall Lead
A revival In music, as In every
thing else, gladdens this church.
A watch night service will be held
New Years eve.
Services at the Lincoln Methodist
church. East Lincoln and Fifty-second
streets, today will be: 11 A. M.,
"The Hard Sayings of Jesus," and
7:30 P. M., "A Man's Recreation." At
the morning service Mrs. Sylvester
will sing "Virgin's Lullaby," from
"The Crowning of the King," by Dud
ley Buck.
Christmas srevlces were held In
the Vancouver - avenue Methodist
Episcopal church at 11 A. M.
The Sunday school will give its
programme today at 8 P. M. The
I-ageant. "The Three Wise Men," will
be one of the features of the evening:.
All friends are cordially invited.
Bishop Sellew will conduct a series
of revival serviqes at Central Free
Methodist church. East Fifty-fifth
and Flanders streets, beginning Jan
uary 2.
Services this morning at the Ross 1
"Christian Science" to Be
Subject of Sermon.
Several Churches Are to Hold Serv
ices at AccUHtomed Hours.
lecture on "Present Conditions In
the Near East" by J. J. Handsakcr,
state director of near east relief.
Every Baptist Sunday school in tin
United States has been asked off
daily to give a generous contribution
to near east relief at the Christina
Morning services at Glcncoe Bap
tlst church. Fust Fortv-fifth and
T'HE subject of ths'Iesson-sermon I Main streets, at 11 A. M. l'reacliln!
X In Christian Krlen rhPrk.. nr by the pastor Rev. W. B. Stewart
t.o i. ..t..-.,. .. I topic, "His Star." Miss Runyon, of
vm iBiiaii ocience. I ,k urki n,.nin,a .in i , i, -
regular services are held In Chris- .,nlnir at 7:30 o'clock the Sunday
nan science churches this morning at school and church choir will present
11 o'clock and in all the churches this by way of Christmas entertainment
evening at 8 o'clock exceDt the Fifth The Bethlehem lageant.
and Seventh churches.
Regular meetings are held Wednes
day evening in all the churches at 8
o'clock. These meetings include tes
timonies of Christian Science healing.
Sunday scnooi is held for dudIIs to
tne age or 30 in all churches at 9:45
and 11 o'clock, except Third and
Fifth, where the sessions convene at
9:30 and 11 o'clock.
The churches are located as fol
lows: First, Nineteenth and Everett I
ttrtets; Second. East Sixth and Hol-
laoay avenue; Third, East Twelfth
and Salmon streets; Fourth, Vancou
ver avenue and Emerson street:
nth, bixty-second avenue and Forty- I
Professor O. R. Schlauoh of Mr
Minnvllle college will preach at morn
ng and evening: services today at the
University Park Baptist church. Ills
topics will be "The Influence of the
Holy Spirit" and "What About the
At Arleta Baptist church. Forty-
eighth avenue and Sixty-fourth street
Southeast, at 11 o'clock this morning,
Rev. Owen T. Day, pastor,'' will speak
on the theme, f ollowing me wise
Men." The chorus choir, under the
direction of J. D. McFall, will sing
Arise. Shine, for Thy Light Is Come."
In the eveninn at 7:30 the interme-
second street Southeast; Sixth, Pyth- diate department of the Sunday school
an xempie, ass lamnm street: Sev
enth, 403 Smith avenue, St. Johns.
At First Nazarene church. East Tenth
and Weidler streets, Rev. Alpin M.
will give Christmas exercises. The
choir will sing "Holy Nijiht." An
them, solo and chorus, Mr. Day sing
Ing obligato: "Apeal Thou Light 1I
vine" (Morrison), "O Mornlnn Land
Bowes, pastor, today will be observed I duet (Phelps), Mr. Day and Mr. Mao
a Christmas Sunday. There will be
a Christmas love feast at 9 A. M
conducted by Mrs. Edith Whltesides.
Special singing by the male quartet
will be given in the Sunday school at
Fall; "The Christmas Song (Will
lams), male quartet and chorus.
Mr. Day will give a short address
on "A Singing ltenion.
Large and Interested conrrerntlons
9:45 A. M. The pastor's message for I have greeted Mr. Day at the popular
the morninST will be "The Relation of Sunday night services this fall. The
the Birth of Christ to Foreign Mis- practical messages, combined with the
sions." The choir will sing "All Hall
Imroanuel. ' '
At 6:30 o'clock the Young People's
society will give a special pro
gramme. The New Year's service will
begin at 8:30 P. M. There will be a
special programme for the enttro
The First Spiritual Science church
will hold special Christmas services
today at 3 P. M. and 8 P. M. In Man
chester hall, 85 Fifth street. Lec
tures will be given by Rev. Max Hoff
man and L. E. Phillips. The subjects
will be "The Real Christmas Spirit"
and "Charity for All."
The Church of Divine Truth holds
services in room 412 Central building
every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.
J. M. Paige will speak today on "Cor
naro, the Venetian."
helpful service of song, have been
greatly appreciated. Mr. MucFall Is
organizing a children's chorus, which
will soon take part In the services
and add greatly to the meetligs.
Sunday Schools Here Aid
in Near-East Relief.
Congestion of Itefnsrers In Con-
stantlnople Br Ins; Relieved.
O RELIEVE the congestion In
Constantinople caused by the
heavy Influx or Russian rerugees
from the Crimea, these refugees are
hastily being loaded on vessels for
transportation to Tunis, according to
a cablegram received at national
headquarters of the near east relief
Jaqullh, assistant general
from H. C.
Services will be held at First Splr- secretary of the organization and Its
Itualist church. East Seventh and
1 tlonary Force," will be Dr. W.
T. McEIvccn'a theme at the elaborate
Christmas service that he has nr..
pared for this morning. The quartet
ill be augmentuj by a chorus of IS
selected singers, many of them mem
bers of the Portland Oratorio society.
of which Joseph A. Finlcy, the con
ductor of the Congregational church
music. Is also the Ieadr. At the
night service, which begins at 7:30
o'clock, the bem and blKK'Ot part of
Handle's great oratorio. "The Mes
siah." will be given by a still Inruer
chorus and the Consnuaiioiial church
Thursday nlcht. December 30. Dr.
McElvoen will have as the topic of
nis current events lecture The Re
view of the Oustanding Events of
the Year m0." He will show what
calns and lossvs civilization has sus
tained in the year that is hastening
to a close
Friday night there will bo a watch
night sociable ami service. This
watclling - the - old year out sorvlVe
will begin at o'clock with a series
of gumes and contests. This will be
followed by an entertainment, in
which Mrs. Florence Crawford will be
Die leader, and Mis. lone Tow imi nil
Wells will be the soloist. This will
he followed by refreshments. At
11 o'clock the CoiiKifKHtlonnl chun h
pastor will take chniKe un! conduct
a worshipful and invpiratloiial serv
ice. Last week the Intermediate Chris
tian Endeavor society, wlilih Is grow
Init rapidly, elected the following of
ficers: Helen l'arrisli. pr-siilent; Alton
Eton, vice-president; Dorothy Kami
Strom, treasurer; Albert Ar:o, record
ing secretary; Katherine Amo, cor
responding secretary; Donald Rub
er! m chairman of missionary commit
lee; Robert Moll, chairman or (lis
lookout committee; (Veil Cook, clinir
mnu of tliH social coinin , t tee, and
l.indsey (iflitcn, rhuirtmiii of the mu
sic committee, who Is plann nt lo or
Kannce un orrlictia of 111" members
of the society. There Is ronsnleiabie
rivalry between the Intermedial! ami
the senior. Alton Dion will lend
the meeting Sunday mclit at 6. 30
Thursday nlitlit the new constitu
tion of the church that has oTKam"'id
tiu work on a departmental basis
was lurther revised In the Interests
of efficiency. The First Conmeca
tional chinch Is growing raoloiy in
attendance. nietnberili ip arid eflect-
ivenehs. it will have double the
bllilxet for 19.1 It had in lO.
Lutheran Services to Ob
servo Yuletide.
Children nf Wunday ftchonl in Hea
der Programme of Merit.
Hassalo streets, at 3 and 8 P. M., fol
lowed with messages. Short ad
dresses by Mrs. Anna Snyder and
C. W. Shaw will be made in the eve
ning. Lester Davis and Mrs. Snyder
will sing.
"Until Christ Be Born in You," by
representative In Constantinople.
The facilities of the near east re
lief and other American organizations
of similar nature are being utilized
to clean, feed and clothe the refugees,
who are reported to be In a pitiful
condition. Ships arriving from the
Crimea are beng emptied hastily, fu
migated and reloaded rapidly, Mr.
Jaqulth reports. In order that the ex
Easter Harvey, will be the subject n.nn t th. ottom.n o.n.
for Sunday evening at the Theosoph .... " b relieved without delay.
lea! hall, 301 Central building. A I ... r..ui, i. y, .,,.,1,.
Christmas tree was enjoyed by both portl, the gerious plight of women
young and old Wednesday evening. and chndren who are seeking to es-
The entertainment was furnished by cape from Armenia Into Georgia,
th Lotus circle and the Good Man- .,.,, neorerian government." he ssvs
ners club.
At the new church. Divine Science,
"Is refusing to allow tbem to enter
Its terrtory. More than 100.000 refu
gees have already concentrated In
818 East Clay street, near East Tlflls, having fled from the advanc
Twenty-fifth, Kev. T. M. Minard, pas- lng Turkish nationalists. Vast num
tor, services will be held at 11 A- M., I berg more, because of the decision of
the subject being "Christmas." Mrs. I the Georgians, are now caught In the
Bunt will sing, with Frank Bichtsr 1 mountain pass at Saaaln, 7800 fast
HltlSTMAS services will be held In
James' English Lutheran
church at 11 A. M. today. The Sunday
school will hold lis regular aiuUon
at 9:50 in the church chapel.
The Young People's Lulher league
will omit holding their Stimlny eve
ning devotional meeting this riinliiy.
The Sunday school programme will
be Klven by the children at 7:SU this
evening. A programme of merit will
be rendered ' consisting of choice
hrlhtnuis music together with Inter
esting recitations. There will also be
peclal musical numbers lo be sung
by tho choir. Two handsomu Christ
mas trees will be installed In the
hurch chancel and the chun h audi
torium will be most tastefully ucc
orated In keeping with the great fes
tival. A special offering will be made
t the children's service this evening.
in behalf of the distressed and Uestl
tude children of Europe.
This afternoon at 2:30 the deaf will
celebrate the anniversary of the birth
f the Savior Jtsus la Trinity l.uther
n church, Rodney avenue and Ivy
treet. Rev. Mr. Beyer will preacn
n the Christmas story as related by
St. Luke, stressing the ortts of the
ngel'a message: "unto you Is born
this day a savior.
Miss Hulria Isaacson or this city win
ive a visual presentation of "While
Shepherds .Watched Their Plucks by
laht." The Misses Lois l'aliner ana
Olga Olhus of Kalem will render a
ueL "Sweet Fields ol lietlilclicn.
and Miss Blanda Alseth of Vancou
ver, Wash., will sing 'silent jsignt.
Holy Night."
All who are deaf are most cordially
Invited to attend this service, which
will be conducted In the sign language.
The Sunday school of the Clay Street
Evangelical church at Tenth and Clay
streets will meet at 9:30 and will be
In charge of the superintendent, E. J.
Keller. At 10:45 the pastor will
preach another Christmas sermon on
"The Incarnation of the Son of God."
The Young People's Alliance will meet
at S:30 and at 7:30 the pastor. Rev.
Jacob Stocker, will preach on "Les
sons From the Story of the Magi."
At Kern Tark Chrlstlsn church.
Forty-sixth avenue end Sixty-ninth
street, at 11 A. M , Dr. J. F. Ghnrm
lev will speak to the question:
"Watchman, What of the Night?" At
7:30 P. M., under the direction of the
Sunday school. "White Olfte for the
(CesiUmd ea Face f )